C7otlN i t a le A.3oire.a.,txt.ss. Notice, . Apv. T li. ;Boughton N!ill ,pre4elt. at the Universalist Ohnrelf in 'Brooklyn, on Sun day, April 14th, at /0i a. in. Deeds and Notes. We have for sale a fresh supply o f choice Deeds ; also 'a revised Tyra' of Notes,. with instructions as to stamp duto... printed upon each sheet. A Card. • Rev. S. F. Brown and family return their hearty thanks to their kind friends on Brooklyn charge for their many acts of kindness, and esptcially fur their liber al donations daring: t he past year,atnount ing in all to $370. is more blessed t o give than to receive, they must abound in blessings. Mr. Clark's Concert. Prof. James G. Clark gave a concert it Academy Hall last evening; but, the hour at which we go to press precludes 114 from saying mure than that he had a full house and gave general satis 4 itet ion. gives a concert of Susq'a Depot on Friday evening, April 12, and lovers of good inu.!.ie will do well to attend. - e observe that nur exchanges speak very highly of Mr. Clark's success in oth er places which he visits. Gymnastics . A repetition of the exhibition or Mi , s Mary J. Cared cidss in gymnastics, came off at Academy Hall uti Friday evening Isst. The dada gave such evidenced of skill and accuraoy in the performaneo, as rvilected much credit, upon them elves and teacher. The exhibition was acc qn panied with music, and, towards the c l u s e merged into something very touch resent- Win ! ! what we supposed was caked —Jan. einr . ," but, which w'e now understand to be the pleasantest style or gymnastic:. \\Te learn that Miss Cwr id about to training a c'ass of " chic: folks," and we trust that when their dml is ended they will allow her to invite the public to witness their proficiency in the graceful art. Sad Accident. Gsatos GOODRICH, a young man, an.l son of HART W. CCOITICII, (4 . township, was injured fatally by an ace.- dent upon the railroad in town, near the Slope inineg,, on Wednesday of this week. llis head was so badly crushed as to cau-e his death in a few hours. Hu had a high reputation for character and intelligence, and his death will be much lanieuted.— Curboada te Advance. Your Home Paper, The Cleveland Plainde.aler very jusLly says : It matters not Low many new•zpapers man takes, his list is incomplete withmit his home paper. Every citizen who wish es well far his locality, should give a !2:,ert erous support to his home paps. If that paper is not just as he would wish he should ittl that himself and neighbors are responsible, in a measure, for its short comings. Give a paper a liberal support, an active sympathy, and it will instantty respond to such manifestations. Let editor feel that his efforts are appreciated and he is the most responsive being on earth. Nothing can supply the place of the home paper. It is the mirror in which the town and neighborhood news is reflected; in the social, political and religious cnVe where printed, it fills a place that no oth , er paper can. When a need of economy compels you to curtail your newsp :pet list, strike off every other our,befule nt say to the publis,her of your home journal —"stop my paper." Teachers' meeting. By request of W. W. Watson, a meet ing of the Principaiti of the G?aded Schools of Susquehanna Conniy, was held at the Union Hotel, New Ali the purpose of taking into considerai the subject of bolding a CountyThdgere Association, and of drafiing„,,a . Systepi of Grades to be snbrnittoPto - the Directors of the Graded SchoOls of this county. W. W. Watsoti was appointed chair man, and T. T. S. Hunter Secretary, Af ter softie brief remarks by the Pret , i , lunt statinethe object of the meeting, a text books used in the graded s chouk was presented. On motion, a committee consi-ting of the Soperintgodent and Principals of the graded schaiti, was appointed to draft a system of gra4e4 for graded schools. On 'notion, the committee report at Great liend April 6th, 1667. Moved, that, C. M. Wells be appointed azommittee to writo,to llon. J. T. Came pio for a report of laWs re!ating to school matters. Adjourned to meet at Great Bend A Aril 6, 1867. T. T. S: HUNTER, Sec'ry. Awful Conflagration at CarFondale. Our town 'Was incited last - night with ..he greatest fire that has occurred in i!s +history. Both' sides of South Main street are this morning in ruins, from near the Parade ground to English street, with the south side of seventh street tO church st., and a portion' of the north Side. - Tbe - alaint was given abort . a quarter before eleven o'clock, by thnEnginewhis• tle, and even then, the rear end of the atom °, Post - otErcqpilinc t e the goo- inrmeitt-efD; Prendergast, and new -114:43.:it Grady, was completely eil frelopedfin ilitnes: They night - 'cold, dry and Avi`4, and inn; 'excellent engine, Colunibra 5, Unit bail been Our depen dence in many an emergency, proved lo be oUtlfOrdar, leaving nil completely st the mercy date devouring element. 'lt soon spread tothe adjoining buildings on each side, and crossed. both main and sev enth streets, and swept on unchecked be- I fore a vigoroba wind until about sixty building, besides many barns and ou: buildings not enumerated, were consum ed. On the west side of train street the tire extended north until stopped by the new bank building, which is built of brirk and nearly tiro proof. On the cast side Ithncitided the store of. Michael Mahon, which bounded the so4thwardpro-ress ul the firo last, season, flip space siiif vacant bet webrrtliin'store 111141 ' ()arils tiers stare, yt-t unfinished, coupled with most heroic. exertions, slopped its farther progress. The burnt cat-met embraces inure than half of the bui cress portion of Main street, and at this eir:y hour to ennmerate a 1 the sufferers and their losses will bo possib'e. The most saddening it Election is that the iire.and all its devastation is doubt, lo•N tho wi , rk , of nn ineendi Ccuto dqe 41dv f ol..2ce- 7 eztlro, Mao* 30,/i.. Teachers' Exathinations. Teachers' examinations will be held as fu l t o w s S - w•q'a li•pnt . School House, April 10 Gibmui I.lolloiv - 44 " 11 Chil'ord, City" 14 II 12 iropbott(iln 4 44 II 13 Dimock Corner 3 C 4 44 15 Auburn CV nire 44 46 16 3 eSSIIII, 154jiles' 14 4t 17 Fripis.k% illc “ ,g 18 Fr; illdin, Salt Springs , i 44 10 :\ll/111filSi., Academy, " 20 New Alittprd, •4 " 22 II•1: . o Sch o 1 Frousc " 23 La .k-01 , , Corner.; .4 " 24 Ex..adoatiolis ol , en promptly at 10 o'- clook, v, lit. :l, there Examitintions will be Lehi to hl-i1 Tenci,vr,4 fut. the S:iiiittler wiii Lc ,ranted for the t_ . • 4111/- flier It yin only. Oaly ;h.'s:3 will ex anniJeti who purposo ro te:,011 the Willing term. • Since - ex6alliia•ions were town,Lip 1 tiiuy u iil he spring in such places 61.iy oa w,ll Lest t v. Teachers viii attend- such examivation as wiJ suit. thcua best. Vi. W. WATSoN t April 2, ISG7. Couniy The NOVI Licanse Law, Ti e foi;owin2; suppienient to an act .o re:ti:atu Litt, gr.intiug of licenses to lit,t r ls nr,d pa•zst.. , l 1:0:11 id:lt ches or thu state LegiAature, and is not: a law : S. r. 1. Tl,llt when an application i , M id.: to any Court of Quar.c:r sessionc f this.( 0111111011 wealth fur lio,-nse to 5t. , 11 lox:eating, drink , , it shall 1,0 late:',:; for slid Cott , t to lit. sir petitidn, iu rhh;,.;„ : , Ltt ti,al tihi,app'i an's is ftvor remodi.trances aga:ost tho for such licenso, :13 I in all c.a.ics to I.( sauce wit ( nevi r in the opinion of said Court,havtio_ due regard to the tottni ahtl character of the petithmers f , ran agiin , t such application, such license is hot neeess_try for the accou:litoclation of tho public and entertainment stran: , ers and 11-ave . :lees ; and upon stitlicie»t caltse hying shown, the said Courts shall have power 10 revoke any license o-rantc(i Iry them; acid all laws ihean-i , ient with thi, secliyit arc Le C ' . , y repeal( d. Provided, sureties in the 1,..hd rectuit od of the appl cant fee' licen.so shall be signet to hi , !wt . ]; ion. Sc.,. 2. That aK.:ic.ltions for license to keep an eating house, beer house, or r..s• tat:rant, atitii,,r;Lio t r s.tie d nnuslL. WillPF, I,retred heat after be made in tile same manner :Intl to ti,e smile autlicrry it io n 1:, 1 • li cense to k.-( r, n I'rovi , l-(1, That r.c,ulation ill et.:,,tion to be t ] lowa.: inot y to applicatiptis for an eating house. Leer boast) and res tanrar:t lieens• and tlic,l,enth 'section of Cho net of twentieth of A pril, one t hon4and eight hundred and fitly eight, authorizing couniy treasurdr:s to grant an eating home or retail brewerylicenie, is hereby°pea% ed:• ' 'See. 3. No license to keep an eating house, beer house or restaurant, under tl:e provision.: of the second section of• this aer, shall be granted in ant• ineori,oratctl c:tv tor a less .am than litty nor t•ke w here for a jest; sum titan I w ty Sect. 4. If any pf2rson, after the pas sage of this act,..shall sell spit it onus or lions liquors, , domestic wines, malt et brewed liquors, .without having obtained lieert,.! ntlibOrizing him so to do, I/eft/Oil /in conviction ill the t! , ,ort of Quarter Set/;i011 , , be tined fur the first offeve in any min) not IC-S t bait tif,y nor more than ttvu !toadied dollars. and lOr the sebot d or any sithe(rient (.11*•11.“! Filch person shall he lined not less than one • hundred dollars and in the I li-c-utifin of the raid Court be 1•111/Ci-Iolic/1 IH I V jilt not less than thirty day: nor wore than Linety days. Provided, That hot 'fl ing in this act Plait be construed to r•- peal the pro Vi-ions of the net nf pffs..sed • Dialtii'lliirrOft.6t, one thou sand eight hundred and fitly six, relating to sales by druggists and apothecaries. See. 5. 'Phu the provisiais'of gist section ..fll,4R—net,-Nbali not -apply to the city of eldlatielphia to rl,lp 'clonnty of Altegheriy. ',Provided farther; That 1101 It ing,iq t hismet the srtirkting irf lieenses ,: tp, hotel and. iiin . keepers to venttitinint% spirituous and. 4tililtliquors, and to lieenoe beer houses, °ad* lions 'and restaurants in any lonality, where censing of hotelt, inns, beer houses, eat ing houses or rastaurants is uow —SelmaOr Greorgo Read Ftiliclin, 01157 aware; died on the 20th nlthnoi 91,ptihno. - airy 'oonfinoption. The Assessorship, Hon John Boyle has been nominated for Assessor; but, we fear will be rejected, for the rOicaLtilere-vppose, the confirma tion ofh - nY - tPt&D'entocr7it; and Senator Cameron, also intends to have all nornina tions_,rejented., 09 ijiatf„ wheti the time comes—whether in two weeks or ttvo yeas—that a Republi 7an can he appoin tl,o, i1t19.P.:14 1 Y, 0 .4i 1 11 0 tikeft-i rtAT LW)! J. T. Cameron. J.l l . voted'forSiinon,an ex plained his trcacheiy in a published cal d saying that by so doing he "secured a (*air orpalftinag,e. for Susquehanna," ike . : W e then thouH,t we saw the point, and Grow's-44,1'4s pan seeituaw: selling 44, J.l".*.jped lii nßell p~o!ii gall; but when S imo n Ores Susquehanna a "fair share" in the shape of the Assessor's wild o tie -a nice' with Ilia to *Flip in the cross rails and buildup a C.UllerOn power in the county and dh trict, Divnf/ay-e.re-,--..80y1e rejected. List of Jurors, J. 1)1 . :1 ‘k it to serve nt Term of Court cow- . tot -11611g sth, 18G7 : T -. . - 64031 TD wurrz. 'ilt. ° Tl 7 ;ll7i'm Leatukr Lott, 13 A. PioTson,.),,lin Tewk.sbucxy. : Joiinst OH Fos(er. BrOOkirl; • N. C. I.;voj twin 11. L. Dal 'll,l,l2;e.water : F. F. 111.1:ox. : Clitrori Peter Bennett,•Elins Steven , . Diuto..k : George G ites; F. 11. Ilullis ter. I'riend , %ill e : Wm. IlifFam. Pores:. Like: Iletiry 13uih2s,Jarnes : rOtt,1;11n" Gt. 1.1,:u(1: 11. IL D. S. P.9osa.• (111).411, : (21;:irlt:;•:Ii6InCtry. : 1 ) . B. Cook. 1 farloi if: NI, Ostlili:y: A 1 vi ii •S t ivetot. Ilereick : 5.1116,r,1 Burn., Ezra Tooley.. Isittlo MLquiows : E. 13. Beardsley." : J. C. 11 , rris. N ! ..w.llli.lani; BforFs: .: _ tSpi : A. I'. Brown, 4.ohn Ly- Snski':t Depot : Geor..2,e Brown, J. C. S,iver Lnko: etleter Ti:um.son : C htns GQlatt, %Vru. Wit• I ,er, r • ; CONS - a:a:P=o;i CI - 711A8T.4 331" SCHENCR'3 TO CURE CONSCXPTIONI, 1,121 In - aat b 3 pro. pa,3.1 a that tha 1.11;117.d 11:1". 7, r.; o ,1? .311 0,13, t 13.3 liver !tad 5! , 3,..a:11 mat fir t h. c ca3:-.1 al I ciao:3;33:A° era- Col !or good 3rbo'c,ooll 1022, whlch, them mei:lrina! trill ba d.ac iod P ,7 3,3:11', Lai 1331 113 - a'lbrlr.oxl rna - 13: (btu baldlnc t, tha ra•-.7lltrrio-!. ST,ITEN - ,;);'3 SZiV or.AK S. PILL S lair:am:3S r.ll K.:or-30r 011C013.3 r. 4 . 7111 / 1 . Z.L 10, 1t and. era Six Wea 'l' 0.2:c In C3l tec:lon. tbr r1,33t 1 t3 13 rtror,32l. SC:II. - NCR - .; l';."1.1:jN/C 6111,1:P 14'111000°w Rol trtoTeina' all. b. - u3..lltho!nip irltfel are exN.l'e 1 frJrn 1 . 113 - votrt, and cool, wh3:3lonto b:0-11 ramie. wittch w:l• •: a 1:1433.13. I 7t1i01:9 will tatte Lhalo mal'cinc3 0t.t.:3•,.:. 3 ; to d't•e:tio.,-, C).J13 . 11:3'.130 Veri ii•tontly in ite to 13'3.-e :311 to th:', actioi. Too thori'ita in 31,311!:, to c . to 133 tli, lircnvo.lse3llll3h. 4333" 11;1'. ti.,a ti 3 to b)7l - ..1:4 3.-) not 1 / 1 3.1 too not re ri:r3•l, i.,r 331.:0:-.10; in a:a:l.'s; es thn; aro nocerar7. The stoma:ll matt be : - .3 . ,3113.33.th,•, and an m;i7.1'..t0 create.] to allow tho Pah:lon:a y crop to tot o 7 th 3 ro...,o'rntoc; 000001 prcporly d 00:0, - au; tr:uatlon. T.h3 1 at: thi: to re ut:r.:,.l to por:orzn n 1 3 :73113.1cat C...:33 is, to pro fo ExerclEc about the 0.)37!13 to mach cl ponthle, ca.: all tho r:cluen fowl —oa: inev, ga•no, all, to foot, al .; tat a.?- c34.ltocravc.3 ; Lat lad niatCcite tyL!. Cough, t► Cold, or A Sore Throat, REQCIItES I4IIEDIATE AV:Et:T.ION. e. s qv' Ci.,lEc:3; Jr AI.LCITED TO CONTINUE, rrritallon of the Lungs, A Porman,ot Throat Dimeaso, j 9 OFTEN THE EZEELT. . Bi 0 \ V N ' S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, ELATMO A DMECT MTI.CENCZ TO TEE PARIS, GITE tZ!)L ria.ur For Bronchitis. Asthma, Catar:h, Consnmptivo and- - hroat , Ziggfifith o - .% • • ATX"I-'?tlf \';Td - Atir ATI croon Itc.ctest SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKEE3 ‘via find TroelietAttcf‘t.l . in clyriog r the voice e lire Lt. k i 34 en I entre tingl oz. aid ing the throat atter alt nnu,ttal e,:ettion of the voc .1 orjans 'the Tine:lo.m are r et,inment't tl and prt Phy • ienpi,1 4 1 IbnY.V.l44.l.l4 : ntiatuu!ip,ll..4o , ll, 4 unnan4,t mon tlitnnkinhigirkis ciluary.Ll. tkiii:lll“sitfeiaorirat:merit, n.it u prored cmcacy by a tcot of many years (..:e't find, them in nen. !ota!ities In lartott.t ports ...pfetitr oritl.mtol t 11 , 2 •TVICACII 414 lit tet i gcn ' • ' " On car; 0111 • P.TVYSCIIIAL Tnocar2." cad t .111 y of the lli,rnit'tzlhnifalion, that real 1) 0 0:1, et,t9 KM : it era . ' fikoi c'n p 1 2 , i'f" Not Ice. --Tne I • • e•. Fort, of r:,-, l •t. o on• de-11)1,1 hr Jwigt:B to La the Ulti.,,itt %/tele of II II IIec•e: - ~1 the WA! ~111 .711 iWt IVOttillirtip maker rea.l• cal itiat ru YMI.t ffilsre perfect, ire are tfrm to ,!, c„ the limit Can eVt r be at .I.• y I nl ' , rolizi.t 'heir Pinno. to their pee!. tile hid • Irtini.lo.l .11,•n, v.. cooped e eon.. 1.1- k cr. ”r Th.. E :r....•. titi fl I lif• r(•1‘ Arc' of merit ' , yen I -1,. 11.• r.it 1. hot j. 14 1:c• t.. -.t !h••..j , i , :_ , lnt•h! t pr..o ut m ee d itu. ho t • •I'c•fl 11 . .11- Cal !..(•!' I. • !::'• 1 • 11;1 , ,•^1• I. Ire nf - iniied them to' t It •r adni t n t0..r0 pertect ur P.? is- d • Tit, hie:: an:nu - dingle i• ‘ed t...• nr,r cinn •.1 .•11,• more en•••••:1, Lt.— ...it-oh% 'a et !boy are t•nt i ) ed to the motto, " [ one 19 —ly :Tr — Deal - nem*, 1311ndnesa and catarrh Tr, at ;it) the to ingot ,Alcut•ril 19 Dr J Ir-A AI N. AN! (to. rni.rly it Le den. Ilnllrrnrl.i No, 5:9 rim. SI rect Piiladclphl.l, Tertimpik.;:ll. ir,ni the rel . :lbie*OerCe.le leg City 1)114 . 6111111ry Cell be Nern ae 1 , 4 ,, ft1r-ib Me medical Grulty are inert. in acarinlwnr i1,.•.r tvtit•ft , -. 110 scereh, in hill prit , :t ler. Aif it Plc i A EVES harrtcd vilthaut pain. eVIFTIII,:It fem. , Philadelphia, 160. Baldwin, Allen, & McCain. DEALERS TN _ 1 Flour Fred Soli, Pork, Bailer Cheese, Repo-led for the Mar:range DZ3IOGMAT b 7 I.',•ntoo, 7 ..7 7 Fitzgerald At Truer etrtolr Prod UM` COMMISt•MiI Met!. piled 'Beal, Earns, Fieh, Smoked Ita ,i l. du pc, 3.3 Whitehall Street, Islow York. for the week entlln , ; -- -- April 6, 1667. I : ibut, 'Curd,les t Tia, Coffee, Spices, Flour. per bbl $l O . OO (a, 14.n0 ' Wheat, per bushel, 2.50 a &no i Syrup, 1110 uses, Sugar, Rye, do 1.4 0 16 1.415 Corn, PO 1.20 4 ft 1,40 I 'Seed Wheat, Oato. do T t . p.. 5 ft 713 sa ' Better, por lb Clow ct: 7'imathy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, nicheery..- . ~,.• . _l, , i) , 6 A 16 .., „, , Brooms., Ar(ritg, dx. ev. ,sk . . Ira ef 8 . , ')Ci . fAi. , .. , • • • • ~. • • I ......, ..." n rr 11 0 - Li 00 r Beef, mead. . ' ..' -- ' '''"' 4 " - ` ' ra1:01:0 Cit lat. llo l- nanirtai tor past 71ntrortee, ere shall be bappy to ii!* Lard, per lb. 12, (14 „ 1 „a Vat %vett apon our °Wand new custotuors. To(m. .. , " '.. • ilLGoodo audFloar wanuitutl , meta, verdit. '' " 001. per tb,, • ,---, .9,,,, , rever• ••s. re 4,, 2111 I A: 4141;filrf . . Ii.LLE2.L i. El. if!‘7))3AIL Drouted frofrf,l•ot W. ... ..... WI 1 Xenttiou%Tai 8,1907 NEW YORK MARKETS. [2z.l ma. 1 Tr or Consumption In Gibson, April 2d, by Rev. R. G. ',Nub, Mr. AIicILLEL \VAsaßtjiiN, ef NeW Dtlfiford; and Miss J =SM.& 2 , l4Auinacn, of North Jackson. In Gibson, April 4th, by Rev. R. G: Lamb, MC. GEO. B. MILLIKEN, of the of Sm . '.ley & Milliken, and Miss MAGGIE A. SMILEY, all of Gibson. In Rush, March 23d, by Elder H. H. Gray, Mr. ...17 1. FAthtor, and .11.1iSS I.l.lenr E: bi.ASDELL, bOtil oC Jessup. Xienv cclltrliseincuts. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. riin co-pirtnershlp heretofore existing under the Z. firm name of R. L. Sutphin. & Co. Is this day dia. suiceti by mutual consent. E. P. Smith retiring. The notes a rolUrEoutits of the Late firm will be found at the old ' , Nod of it. L. Sutphin for settlement. All persons Indebted to the late tirut are requested to make settle ment Without delay. H. L. SUTPHIN, E. P. SALMI. kirll.l ; 19137. • The undersirned wIR enr.tiono the mercantile bnAl need at the old .tend in Summerstille, where hn will keep a in!l at-o: f feet all kinds "( mercbandree.— 'l'heakful api,reciat Ing the I, bcral pet ronage of At gee el 4,1 a public Jar 111:1 yyi ar4. he roilhopee , to retain their cnntleencv, and merit a sh4re of their ptgrtutage, by tvt , y2..tetu of prompt and honorable dealing. L. BUTPIIIN. - Summercrille, 'April I, IF.C7-4nr) op, BATE . COWS AND HORSES FOR, SALE. W ir fi l , ...b i o h :t r i: t p .,, oscl o o i r m ti t tit l u En i. l: 4, lo F r ri t wz c , ri m illt e n a east of irozorose on Plank Road. TEUMBULL. Lan Bridgewater April, 0, lir .a..iu.otioxi... TITE undersigned will well at unction nt hip regd. donee. ii. A rurat t. woship, ou Thuredny, April 18th 1907, the nriineriy : 3 Guru, pa irA mnidied two yeni, ni l Stirs. 7 two yearit old Devon Aall. 8 Yettrl'ingii. 7 Sheen. 1 Hog. Fan ning. %WI. pair light Bih Sled. light twodior , a Slelgh:icrii• hor,o Wanti, Plow. Ilarro'w. Cultiv.ttor. Crain ("tidal,. Saddle. erofsd ut Saw. rand Sdraper. 3 :cover and Farming Tools too nurn( rolls to mention. Tangs.— tit ' , UM; nntler .$3. cash : and over. nine month). credit w fib interest and npprovt d seenri i3t. Artirat, Aftril 2, 15G;. , 2 0. L. cArtPt.NTI 11. .4 ,1 1.tt e el 1. T HE icbgcriber will sell at public TCIIdCIO oa 17'r.lnegcl(v, April 17, ISC7, ntl,is recidenee, in Montrose, all his household Goods, coni•istin . i. of Farniztere, Calprts, Stoves, Beds, Crockery, Glayswai.e, etc. ctc.— visit, I red Cow. [See Small 1;11:1.] Ara if not (11 ,- pc,,,e,1 0, w")oncr. ‘C.' Loccposod fur vile 100 M 1 94 - 4=ol-I.SIC , tfli X., CD t oil the corner of Pu ui.c tico,i,e, cast or Court llonee Also— On 0 p1... , ,atie1,P1 A IU . Dlmitroe, March L' , ., 1.g:7 M. C. TYLER. Jai_ 1' JESCLZT C.) M. oe , 71Ca er-a_mr....m NC) 'I" X Cl3O : ticc!i,,n of tl.e CrL,ll',. of (.I..itua. 4;1 c,1,4 bt.t,‘ MarCa 411).:- , 1luy are ,•utit.;ed per month etch Ferva,,i by Inn I:. Fur lurtlier infuraLf.ion, ai,try to LEO. P. LITTLE, I,frenscd (tovernmeut Azent. lik,ntrose, afarch 1n67. (1 To all wishing Fruit & Ornamental Trees. • MEE unden.igned hlving made arranzemente with e 01 Inc larg, Ntireery llrme n( I urk State. will de:iver Fruit et:d Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, and s.hrul.o at the ;(rowers ltrrAtt. V/LsCE. Ail to purth lee will Sad it tur their in- Leri.,t to t:all uu Lot' cummunwate wit M. S. ToWNE. Forest Lake Centre, Feb. 5, ',Si;. 2i HEAR YE ! HEAR YE! 1111 persons who wish to vo MEC)m.ev• _N TIIE Pt r IWITASE OF GROCERIES& PROVISIONS tell! call at the Ste:, of the FllllFcrr. , r, where they will dad a Cood StoiA: of Choke Flour, Fish, Hams (sugar cured), . Coffee and Tea, Sugars, Syrups and Molasses, Tobacco, Snuff; Cigars, etc. etc. Also—A good Stock of "WII.I\7IEr..M.E. ivcagrxcozr, Se'tool unid.Llank Books, and °few . ff iis. Ct'llanennS Books., lirriting Papers and Envelopes of superior qual lilts and in eV, Gent.' and Ladies' Paper Colldrs, Canned and bricd Fruits, Changes & Lemons, Condensed Milk, a choice article, end In tact nlmwt everything neededby nll The .-nod people of Sn-quehanon comity who get hungry auddry, and by itnrcha,,lng them of A. N. BULLARD, Stere south of the Court ilouse and east Ride of the Avenue, you can eavolrcui 10 to al per CeuL. .lloutrose, March oth, 1.937. • Clover & Timothy Seed For Sale Cheap, by , Montrose, Morel!' sth, 1857. , Wevv Pliierka.. ,- :ABEL TURRELL: Is continually receiving 4.E GOODS And keeps constmatly on hand a fall and desirable as sortment of genuine, "Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye-staff. 4, Teas, Spices and' other Groceries, Stoneware-, Wall, and Window Pa per, Glassware, Lamps, Kerosene, Benzoic, Tanner's 011. Lubricating heatsloot 011, helloed Whale OIL Varnish, Whim Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gan Cops. Alms-Ice' /Aairumntlis. Tot et Soaps, Dalt 01Is, Brushes, Pocket En Ives., Spectacles, Slicer Plated Spoons; Forks: and IvorY Handled ICIAVLIS, Articles, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, fke. Patent Medicines. advertised In Montrose. and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY 'MARKET. In short, nearly everything to" restore the •Irk, to please the taste; to delight the eye, to gratify the toncy, and also to conduce to thereal and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as it would fill a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Shan of ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa. ITIE subscriher or rent his Store el tuatedln the huroneh of ..TTE,Lnasville. .T 01711.4 erNy. • .211arcli 19, 186'7. J. Ito ORD. rgini co-partnership between the undersigned. tinder 1. the :inn of Wil.on, GritUs Warner, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, M. WILPON, • • - JEFF. GRIFFIg, Uontrose.ltarchls,l3o7. r. L. watzaiu.. • Co-Partnersbap. mnE undersigned will continue the trustitmelDiy Goods. liardtvare, Liroceries, etc.. at the store fur. manly occupied by Wilson, Grails $. Warner, En ler the firm of Wiiaon & Gore. . S. Id. WILSON, —2dwarubc, 11'4.115, Icil7 ow. C. M. alat.E. BLACKSIVIITHING . - ?11 Jab ii -Ifg e n r dl g ge 4 ve rTr i ne d ) 3 ; r a r a m m e li c S ° l r a a r ir P,fc Chu purpose cr/Cearrylag name Blaciramhoing a ir, all its branches. - ti'3Strict attention n - 41 be given to Horse-shoeing. All work tcfll be Bono gently and promptly. The pub. lie are invited to call. E. P. STAMP. Montrose. March 4th, 1867. t 1 I'. T. 3lOrtAN. STATE OF 1 4 .111.1JEL 'CARTER, deceased, late of Au:arn towashlp, Siliqueliancta county, Pa. Lepers f 'On tuipilha ostate or tbi, 001'0 named decedentimOjrig been araLiell to the nndersign ed. all persons Ii del.ttd to said estate.ate.hereby Loti tied to milk,: Intntedinte payment-, arid thew having claims fraatinPt therreme to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. n. s. VA,RTER, """ Anbrum, MarCl 4th, 1:3C;•• J 'STATE OF JOIIN FALSEY, late of Apo'scan township, Sussra co., deceased. Letters toatarnentdry upon the estate of the abore named ddcedent having been granted to the undersign pers"us. indebted to 9ald estat,, arc hereby noti tied tcr make. It:email/ILI talyznent.,..szit - thus° hating dal ma /nal tug aute to present them duly authenti cated for setilenient. JMIN CATEY, t Ex're TILOS. PURCELL, Apolnc n, 'March 12, 1267.• CHOICE FLOWER GARDEN SEEDS. Drew Strawberries, Grapes, Bulbs, Etc. 1) M. WATSON'S OLD COLONY NUTISiIIY r.nd Seed Plyinunth. Masa . I, row t , en , i;ng eat by wail prepaid, packed with great care In gat.a perclin so as te reach any part of the Union in perfect safety, a cemp:ete ass orunuat of the tine.t Gropes, Strawberries, new large Carrants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Roses, Flowering PLont.s, &e. ,te Fruit nod Ornamental Tree*. Shrnles, Evergreens, Hedge Plante.. fie . will be sent by freight paid to Itosteen. Aleen, the tilt:. Cane Cud Cranherreefor ce - eltivation to rct land. nr to upland and Gardens, tore it produce* at the rate of -WO bushels to the acre; we th dire,then- for cultieatton. rejecd desciiptive t.et• shrines will be sent to any address. Now is the best time for planting. The best way to obtain good fruit, flowers need seeds. is to send direct to the erower. Send fors Catalogue. Wholesale Catalogues to tile trade.— Agents wanted. [March 19e—t2ra ENDZNLIALL'SIMPROVED SELF-ACTDM ' • .. • /Y.& _ In these days of SHODDY and Well priced goodr, - er.. cry felnily in tbo country ebould have one. 11-ALF TELE COST of clothi nu a family can be saved by itituse. It Is sim ple and riiir.tble. easily-understood. and easy to operate. j No skill required to weave Irith - it beyond the simple turninz otian easy crank. - ;`From 15 to 35 yards can be 'woven on it In a day. n sell your wool and buy SHODDT, when with one of these L.mine itlYotlf house the Girl. can make all the 'elothii.g for the family, and much better quality, at half Fhr circulars, prlctiAlst, and samples of cloth woven on the Loom, achiras with stamp, • A. P. OATES k CO., Cheetuut etrect, Philadelphia. • Also. dealers In Cotton Wnrn, Wool end Flax Fllling Yarns. Baum.. and Loom lauding. generally. March 19, pv• • - • 700313.M3CT51P ELECTRIC SO.A,F • Saves Time, tunes Money, Saves Lobo, Saves Clotles, Saves Women, And all Grocers srli It is used by crating Into small shavincrs and dissolv icz in hot water, then soak the clothes give to ten m 1 - tites, and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours of machine rubbing would do. Nt jib ordinary soap and the most del ictito fabric receive nu injury,— We cati refer to thonsands of Camille. w-ho ere orie l : it, and who could not beTersuaded to do without -- I . DOBBINS"EZITTRIC SOAP. I r i ,- CfrSold by all leading 43roc!rs throughout the State -Idanntictnred only by EP C1133 - 1311VEt T-8C2l:1131 t WHOLES ALE OFFICE, 107 South Fifth Stypoti Philad'at .1. , T0v. 13, 1603.-1) 4 .24u. • . . . [ po um.. of ~Ew srt[is l NEW GOODS. T. rearingAvln; Urge and H.,Burrit,t; full supplies of . r 0 .1:4 v akn(4 alVvig'k.4P aNtv Brobraeingestra earletles of Fashilinablei Arms Good, IC plata, striped and Ogured Delanes, Imperial L - astreer, - Stertnoes, Paramattas, Plaids • -1- t-' Clotes,,Casslmerns.i • 7, tali/MOP, ErOdie;;•fitnl. 4 , z Wnol Balmoral and 'Duplex 'loop Skirts. Ladles' and 00100 Furs. DOW° flakes. Carpeting. Floor o.ll , Cloths. Window akadeg, Gat; aild Entlyilooia,Sbose, - A n d otor,, ke te. alsti m1 , 411;031 fl i a n imrra a l n dmein t:aittor , meat of other Dry Gonda, Dress Trimm kve Notions. Groceries. Crockery. ha rdware, hi m NAM.. STOVES. Dross,OUtitlti &a. r au.. takdek; he will sell ou, this most tav tune's to ~,Qmsk.rvo dYfo_ Appr rid uos, esi Were. . , I • A. N. BIILLAIM TOR-SIIE OR MT. Dissolution. EY MAIL, PREPAID. 2EXce,2iii:3■.3Croo2tt. FiRM.EIZS! Nim,,,,Rmm.„ MUSIC & JEWEttLY. rrilE subscriber having formed' a per'sneilbip with A. MR.:. A. STEVEIsti, *ashes ter make- Ms belts ,bowe to his old Customers, and ;off:erre thud that the Mercantile Department of the business will heresaar be carried on by O. D. BOMSO & CO. wills lac:eased eapital and facllittei, a large srockof Sew Goodslaall departments. a etbro thoroughly refftted, and roartimOnsi MiLocals.cteci. The Watch-111)1kb* Department Is retained by me. and will reeeie,e Mypersonal tion. 1 have secured theserviees.of MR. C. H. MrIiLD BYE. a gentleman who bas bad tirenty-fiseimus In the beat .hops of Europe. •andints Arr. rupolor In the coun- try. I shall thereforopeable co du 1111 - 71:Work with's three days from the time It Is Iqt. • , The Clock and Jewelry_ iteigthtsg Will be owned by Mr. Steve:ni t who will di . ittlireirk Ls that line promptly, ebd-in the beatstyle. _ 1866. D: MEWL C:117 EIVICOCIZE ' consist of a full itssorCinent Onto followilpo 4l l suitable for this market, which wi ll itr', 11 , 0 42 _ 11 0 1 . 0 1 1_. many of them loiver, that bi any 9710 else 1,11111 Nag of New York city. - Read the Catalogue.. CLOCKS &- WATCHES. WATCHES, Amp-lean, Sodas and Enllelt boll gold Oa allow. . SETH THOMAS CLOCKS, All styles. iii . cludlng their celebrated Calender Clocks. which tell-the day or tho month and week, also the name of the mouth. making the changes for every month correctly, with 'wean:but to wind them tmee • weed•. JEWELRY. lloftry, solid Gold Milne. Hooke and Keys. Fine wt► Id Sets of Jewelry—Pins, Sleeve Datums, Studs, Ksks Rings, &c. IVEDDLYG RLYGS. SPECTACL Warranted to at ill Lida of eyes. soLrrrG OLD,ALBUMS. In.V..liktly,Charm holding eight small Photo:iv ba. GOLD PENS. A Ana sesortment 4 with wad without Udders. IHd °nen repointcd. -SOLID SILVER WARE. • Made to • orderof pure Coln, consisting of Spoons, Forks, Thimble-a:eater Knives. Napkin id' Inge. Frail. lialvcs, Vest Chalno, &c, PLATED . Tie beet In rilaritet—elagle, double, treble and quad mile plate, and WARIIANTED..-- from a full Tea Scrawliest, incluatig Casters. Cake and Card Baskets, Ice Pitchers, Waiters, Batter Diaries, Sugar Bowls, Cups,, Tea IkUs &c. &c. MUSIC. • . gannfaetered by Decief - Itrothera, which; with their late Ititprorlmbalp,aturpasa time of any other makers. Also.Sradhury's NI:AV Scala Pianos—a splendid haws meal, (After Plinioe from $350 to $5OO. CARLY - ET ORGANS,.... From S,llO to sl4oo—ws rrar tett for Coe years. They arc the'llue,tt re - 4.d instrument in tho world, and I hare only to say Mitt I hues sold neatly 815,tX/0 rorth at them In rhe.ltrst Tour years ; and they are all in good or. der and have Lat:INT cost my customers a Grill for repairs. VIOLINS, GUITARS, cte. Violins from $5 to ta, Flute=, Fifes, Clorionets.B.MS- Jot, Grittars, Bows, Sul opt, Tull - rug Farb, B1?-1SS .11,1XDS • Supplied with instruments of the best American men nfacturo, by the single initrement or full set, at titt cas ket's price—also Music fur any number of lustnuAltnts, Instruction Books arid Sheet, !allele on nsnd, and new supplies received every week_ Piano Stouts from lib to $l5. Perfect Sewing .6"eeetles. We have the exclusive ageocy for B. J. tobertn' tent Parabola Needles—the beet In the world. Try one paper and if not satled the money will be refunded_ Fire Arms and Sporting .3faterials. Allen's, Spencer's. and Benryis Breech loading Rl ees, all style+ Revolvers. Fowling Pieces., Shot. Belts and Powder Flasks, cartridges for all the U. S. Army gnus also U. S. and other Permission Caps, Ct.oper Cartridges, all styles and sizes. Q. D. DEMAN. Montrose, Nov. V, ISGB S"1 ,500 PEII. YEAR! We want Agents every where to sell our IMPROVr.D MI Sea t g lfaehlnes. Three sew kinds. Under and upper fetid. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above sal ary or large COMl.lli,islons pall. The only maclaines sold in the ruited Sratea for less than $4l, which are fully licensed by. Howe. Wheeler it Wilson, drovers Raker, Singer S Co., and Bachelder. Ail o the r cheap machine's are infringements, and the seller or veer are liable to arrest, due and 4 utprison ment. litirstrated circulars tent free. Address. or call upon SIJAW it. CLARK, st Bidde (Jill, Maine, or Chicago, 111. finay29lly• SHERIFF'S SALES. Y virtue of eirits iasned liy the Court of Comoro* .JLP:Pli,as of Sasquelmnun County; and to me dlreetad. .1 will expose to pale by public vendee at the Coart Ilease, - Itt-DiontroSo on Friday, April 13, 1567, at to'• clock, pi ni., the. following described piece* or parcel. of land,lo" wit : • The folibliting described piece or parcel of laud, ann• ate to thu totrosbio of Great Bend, county of Snell:Lo h:ln-a, lionodsd and described al follewe, to wit: Bo tne,ou the east side of Main trot t, (or as formbrly known as C boelheton sad Great' fiend turi,pikej tirl joinintr Barnes' lot en the aorta, and lends of Dr, E. ikarieu tau thc naal. cud south, containing about ono fouri Of an acre; be the Fame In ore or less, with the ap• trained dwellinv house, and all Ira. pruvt d. (1 1 :i2cti in eecution at the suit of Wm.Stnith, assigned to C. S. Bennett, re. Edward Diehard Play 10. - %LSO - MI that cer'aln-pleee or parcel of land situate In 'Ma townshle of klakl.ind, county or Susquehanna, bonaded and described as follows. to wit: On the north by lot of David Wuhan twerp, on the o esrby lot of E. It. Barton, on the POUttr l'roepeet-street,and on thetesslt by land of Win. ltr. pea', contittnlng 14,460 sqnare feet of land, be the stone more or his. being. two building lots known ac let s„Ne. and 14. Ni Oth 'the appartenanoes, one t story frame direPtnr, /10115 C. and all Improved. (Taken In execnitotent .tbe su flour Geo. W. Barnes 're. Win. U.' t and I'. liazinlng to tho.ttae of 0. S. Ben nett, vs. -ALSO AU that certain piece or parcel of land sittuita in Gib. son follow. ballot ed and described as follows, to wit: North by lards'of Writ, 'Pr Nee, east by public high way, south by lauds Of Wm: T. Case, west by bade of Hiram PO let t, coot:dole: about om-chi/tit of an acre, be tile same more t'r ices, a ! th the vppurtenancus, one dry goods Ptqre, one shed. one store house, it being the propvtay forth', rry owned by C. P. llawley. [Taken in curt ntioa sit the suit of C. P. Ilawlvy vs. Pierce, nen dell ..t r Co. . -ALSO.-- All than certain tenement And lot of land sitnata In the borriugh of Friendsvilte.— roomy of Susquehanna, bounded and described as folioxfs. to wit: Beginning at I the corner otelot convered by John C. And S. T. Mor ris t. 9 Tierney thence along Turnpike street berth L:'. west G 540 perches to the corner of Lake atreet,(net , yot opoued).; 4hence nlonn said Loko 'street south sr Av.t. V perches" to the middle of raid south Went lhencolitang , Tic middle of said .Bouth street snetb emit 0 5-19 pt.etboti to the co iner n't Mld Ann Tlerzley's lot ; thence along paid jUt. north 3S! east tbff porches In the place of beginnlnt —containing ern% Un end& half acres ntJand. be - the same inere.nr , les 'Cite the apper tenanter. one direl:ln ; house. rrakSV natationthe suit o'CW. Lusk rs. Phillip Nlififatf. ai •—ALnCI-•t•• • • •All Bi . interest of Orbit tinthertand to all that carte% piece or parcel of laud situate in the township of Oak land, in said county. bounded on thonorth by landeot El bid T,Leavitt. anti George T. neater. can by lands Frazier, Cortland Wed& and Samuel Brash loath hy lands of Cortlat p a Wood , end tiantnel Brash. Wegt 4311 ads clf.C. 8. Bennett and Elias T. Levitt, con taining az /fetes of laabr Met/lab/ants; with the apput tartan Eva. a - framed lonse..tare buns and about 65 acres improved: (Taken In. 4;ccution at the snit of Mika Palaces 6: Orbit' stable/land. • B. Ir. LANE, *Merit, 611.:r iffe,e/ 2 co,4fontroset,3(arc4 10. 1867. 1867. SPRING. ZS ME (?4,LANDELL Fourth' ce:AreA is, Philadelphia, Pa., Aro opoolltg tor Spring 0t1867. Throe emits select ilisdesef Silks. ,Ifessbforsable plaid stu n ,: Div tlin ram color Silk. jlest black Silks to ton d Pl*l4 India PMl's—perfect. Near Spring Tress QemOs. !Pm style spine Chintz**. °talents* Opole. ertStojos. Steel.colorod Poplins for sults. R. Id....Motebanta in'notab of scarce sail doillokap etddrelldiewl It to grit Wares% to eall isit4 I met *aro% 111-4111/ A large, fine assortment. J. A. STEVE NIL 1817.