Thelttofios4 . lUinoorat " N " -- Pi., tti e:I4O,,ATAL_O2IIZi;VCZ er tag)N, artsl;72agisurn-Ftwisomtes—op 52x /Julio, szan. v•: , 4llttlneits adeertleementd inserted at $1 per eqnare of odd tineei theca time*, and .I.scts tbr nth additional week. I , C.htlilitafertioeia,itb_usualchanges , charged $ l O for roar knoreerqwtrter cOlumn $l5. - bait col.nrew ono coaazsso.lnrdotber sinotinte in exact proportiod. 1 1 114111ce f t,v4de ottbree.linee;s:l; or one dollar* line. ;Ar'<rb> di noticci ot; &tie cuetointry ritei;-41iontAd 'SKr 0 011 V111 addition to business rates. nr.lotitirtntlng executed aaatay. and promptly talc . • • _ Deeds, Mortgagei; ntos."4.sticele. Comtablee. Setiodtaaaattiertgazdartoriale. • Telrikaali Cereas , . 112.c0w5a... '''' iiVkNgsseAii.ijg. strivrox, Auctioneer,='•-Bnd= Insniance Agent, V 141471., Vrlendsvillo, AMES E. CARMALT, ATTORNEY EF= LITAY:' Office - over Stone eb Warner. Monttor.Der-i1t41866. tt 'WE ATTORNEY AT A tt T o "rudiihk .. tia Montrose , P a. nom 0 . el,near nov27 VA DR: E. L. GARDNER, pirYSICIAN and 51M08037, Nentroae, 'Pa. Gives especial attention to diseases et the trent and Lungs and all Surgical diseases. Olio over tho Pott Office. Boards at Saatie'a HMI. (Sept. 4. 1868. EALISWIN, ALLEN, & mrrcHELL, 6~LERBIn Flour. Set, Pork. Fish. Lard. Grain. Peed, Candles; Clover sad Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such asSokars - Mama, Syraps....Too. mid Coffee. Wert side of Patine Arcane. , idootrore,44l 17, ified. - '• ' • • • BURNS 4.7 NICHOLS,' • Tlt"Twtßia in llorno. Medicines clietniesis.f ry e _UP stairs , Paint'. Oils , Varnish. Liquors, Spices. fan cy articles. Patent Medicines. Pernimery and ToiletAr ttotos.: IMP'Prelicriptions eareittliy_ commanded. ' Public Avenue, above Searle' Motel. Mastro's. Pa. A. D. Ekes.. • - • Asses lircunita. dept. 11-, Idda. D. W. SEARLE , A -TiORSZT AT LAW. officeover the Store of Z .1.11. Cobb, oppoilto Scenes Hotel, Montrose. Pa. . May 1, 1666. .- ' DR. E. P. NINES, HAfinermanettly located at Friendsvitle for therm, pose of u . r.ticittp, medicine and vinery in all its - Ile may be found at the Jackson Rouse. 011ie° boars from 8 a. m., to 9 p, m. janlGtf Friendavillc, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1886. ' ROGERS & ELY," Taiaeoruisocl Ati.ladaticoaocres, mylo* Urooklyn t Pa. . . PETER RAY, S. lineazisecl .amacitico=4.4a3r, fobt 04t1 Auburn 4 Corners. Pa. C. S. GILBERT, .uotiosivsr• ser GUI Great. Bend; Pa. STROUD ik BROWN, ' VIEZ AND. LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. All S' business attended to promptly, on fair tornas. Ace first door north of " Montrose Rotel," wott side of Pnblic•Avenne, Montrose, Pa. Van; 1, ISGB. limixraa STI3OI7D. - • CILIBLEB Ennas. • C, 0. FORDHAM, TIo 0 T h STIVEDenler and Manufacturer Montrose, LP Pa. 'Stiop on Main street, one dotir below the Poet °face. All kinds of work uade to order, and repairing done me:trig. Joni C 5 -- Da. E. L. BLAKESLEE, • toriIrBICIAN SVRGEON, has located at Brooc - Saisq'a co., P.a. Will attendpromptly to all calls with which he may be favored. Office at 1..; DI. Bald!. Rill I.lnly 11—ly JOHN SAUTTER, RESPECTFULLY announces that be Is naw pre pared to tot all kinds of Garments In the roost fashionable Style, and warranted to de with elezanee and-easei Shop over LN. Bullard's Store, Montrose. — DIDCT. E. L. IFENDRICK, oarsxcas & SURGEON, respeegnlly tenders his LL professional services to the citizen of Friends vllie and vinintiY• OrOffice Ingle ofaceof Dr. Leet. P.9a;421,at J llostord'S.'; , . • Slyao G3tf . A • - ABEL TURRELL, i i.• nii 7 2.ttlt tnitrags, Itedlcluoa. Citelnicali,TYo Stuffs, Glass Ware, Paints, 011 a, Varntsticmin a'onalassiGroceries,Pancy Goods, Jewelry 'Pearl- tutzv, &C—Auent for. all tto luoat popular PS.MNT 11EIIIPUMS,—"Istontrose, P 4. • . DR. WM. SMITH, .le 6SO MYR NTIST, —"Montrose, Pa. Ofice in Lathriva' ncm building. over le Bank. MI Dental operationa will be • Its/ill pertorm4edin good styje And warranted. JOHN GROVES, , . . I.IASITIck7A.LTAIIOII, Montrose, Pa. Shop on door west of Searle's Hotel. -gra a r, ultra isl.Ned.promptly,in first-rate style. tt inoolioue on short notice, and warranted to fit , WM. W. SMITH, , rittLlNirr AND CHAU! 31ANCTACTDRiftS,—Poot 4:).irdtprktreet.,. liontrote. P. P. LINES, : rASI7TOI7.. O IIIL.STAILOrt.—Ifontrose, Shop 171.11,21.1 s Blocs over store of Bead. Watrons Foster. All work warranted no to fit acd finish. r :suing done oreshort notice, in hest stile. lan'CO H. BURRITT, INZALER In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, 11..1 .Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Draw, Os. and Paints. Boots aud ;ihoes, lints and Caps. Furs, Buffalo Mlles. Grocerles,Pro v talon 4, c;.e.,liew Milford. Pa. - • WM. H. COOPER ez y3ANEEIIB: _Montrose, Pa. Popt,Cooper Y..1..t CO. Office, Latbxop's slew banding, Turnpike-et. coorra fiZfl Daterratt. A. 0. WARRrN, A TTOlrtrrf. ' AT LAW. Bounty i Back Pay, Pension, Ana. and Exemntimi Claims attended to. ' febi 03 - 01tIce arm door below Boyd'a Store,' liontrose,Pa UNION HOTEL, NEW MILFORD, 'Oa. ° Lately kept vi IL C. 17a11. . JOHN FAUROT, Proprietor. LIN ;!thrayl ready. Time to eat, stithont being tonried.-for.peraoas arriving on the age, wishingto take the cmo, 14O tl TIAYTON ROUSE.- CARE AT BE , 31E Att TIIE RAILROAD DEPOT. , 7he Elouee le open at all.hours of tho night for the aceontatoflation of Pallennere. , .4,070 . , • - - 11.9ViD TllollAB,Propelettar. IttRETESY $00T8.& 13110 ES In market I • 1.4 Fahtale:Chrap Store, - INTToPopla kE.333,11,111:="ie Map B e k t jai -1 1 1 4 14006;111111 4 1 r - ; • - 4 "COS:TAR'S" YERMII lITERMINTORS I "10:Tests established In N. Y. City:" •." Otly infallible remedies known!' Woo from all poisons:ft.. "Not dangerous to the Unman Family" " Rats comoirat of *el; bolos to Mo." 'Costar's" Rat.Roach,' to. Extermin's MaPaige—used tor Reis, Mee. VOW^ 'Zack milted Amts. ilzAto. It Costar's"; Beans 'Exterminator Ti slipnidortraAh-turdid deetrovend also 115 a prevaativo for,Bcd-Itaga, AZ, " Costar's" Electric , Powder for Wools Ti for Moth,. Ilforrol toes, Ileac fled-Brigs, /4 / " Ct e OAPs*Li. Yowls. Adma 2 4. „ - Or? ! Ilrysies !! ! °fall worthless isiitstiens. gar See Thai " easwes" sumo is Oil eactakm, pot tle aid Fissic;befars as buy, g2Braildress, =NUT R. COSTAR, 484 Droa4way. N. Y. Sold ia Montrose. Pa.. by ABEL TURREC(.. 4 44 all Drage-04 sad ZtatallanAvacro4/4. . . "COTTAES" CLIMBRATZD BUCKTHORN SALVE, for Cats, Barns. Bruises, Wounds. Boils, Caneers.Bro ken Breasts. Sore Nipple., Bleeding, Blind al d Painfu Plies ; Scrofulous. Putrid and ill condit lent d i4eres Ulcers. Glandular Swellings Friipt lons, Cutnneons of rector's, Ringworm, Itch, earns. Bunions, Chilbi nine. &c. ; Chapped Hands, Llps, &v.; Bites of Spiders in octets, Animals, &c. orßoxes, 23 Vs., Wets., and $1 sizes. •Or Sold by Druggists everywhere. AndorAndDy negair B. COSTAR, Dopot 481 Broad way. N.Y. Fend by ABEL TIMUIELL, Montrose, Pa "COSTAR'S" InnVIMBAL CORN SOLVENT , For Corns, Banton, Warts. ,te. L'lrßoxes, 25 cents, 50 . cents, and $1 sizes. rarSold by all Druggist-a everywhere. 'By Henry It. Costar, Depot 484 Broadway, Y Or And by Abel Tana, Montrose, Pa. "COSTAR,'S" rnzrAltxrum 07 ItTER SWEET 4:ORANGE BLOSSOMS • " Ton ntatrurrizrcorttecoaremsztON. I:2sed to sOft en end beautify the Skin, remove Fret:k ey. Pfraples,--Ernptions. T r, die% ere now using it la preference to all others. C - 4," Bottler, $2. • • - 207rSo1a by all Dreggints everyv hre. tTiy Henry U. Costar. Denot 434 Broadway, N. T. OrAnd by Abel Terrell, Montrose, Pa. • "C OS TA It 'EV COUGH REMEDY, ForCouths, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Hoarse ness, Whooping Cough. Influenza, Asthma. Consump tion. Broncaial Affections, =lntl uiscases of the throat and.lungs. • 'arßottles, 4 2s cents. 50 cents. and gt sizes. OF - Sold by ail Druggists everywhere. a r Ty Cleary R. Costar, Depot 454 Broadway, N. Y. Ahd by Abel 'raga, Montrose, Pa.. "COSTA 8.1.111! - aisatop .PILLS , , 4 ilitheit prm,. For nenotui and sick Headache, 'Costiveness, Indigo. tiOn•HY*.pensinißillionsueie.. Conitlpatton, Diarrea. colic, Fevers, and general derangement of the Dlg_estive Prone. • ' MAW, Wanits, Sad Meet Im r °um .7 DttUlgti ey,erysiltere.. Wnlbrio="l""T. B. 7 - , . ankaosso.■- - • 7,,:" v.. _ zimanft tmartmzu . arzciz Aw4l3:lllD T1:12 HIGHEST PREMIUM'S At tbs State bin of N e w York, Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont., ViriSCOIISIn, Tenneliee, Pennsykvania, lowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, Initiana, Missouri, California. At the Fairs of the dnierfcan tnatlttite. Franklin Institute. Maryland In. &Unita. Massachusetts Muchanics',Assoolatian. fklithillechanics' Institute. St.. Louis ..lipinaltansl anti Mechanics' . diumachtMen. And at nnmerong institute and County Fntn inet adlnt all the, fairs at which they were exhibited the put three yeaW Frotairltes haver aloe been awarded thou machismo at theAltdhitions of. London, Paris, Dublin, Litz, Besancon, - Bayonne, St. Dizier, Chalons, And they have been tarnished by special co=taad to. the Empress of France, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, Empress of Brazil, Queen of Spain, and k, Queen of Bavaria. The Grover & Baker Elastic Stitch Sestina Machines are superior to all others for the following reasons : 1. They sew direct from the spools, and require no re winding of thread. 2. They are more easily understood and need, and less liable to derangement than any other machine*. 8. They are capable of executing perfectly, without change ut adjustment, a much greater rarietj of work than other machines. 4. The stitch made by these machines Is much more Arm. elastic and durable. especially upon articles which require to be washed and ironed, than •auy other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the un- der thread Is inwroughr, is much the most plump and beautiful in use, and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and Ironed until they are worn one. IL The structure of the seam le such that. though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it will neither open, run, or ravel, but remains Arm awl dustible. 17nliire other machines. these fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation. B. With these machine', while silk is used upon the right or face side of the seam, cot•on may be need upon the other side without lessening the strength or dare bilitynf the scam. This can be done on no other ma chine, and le a great saving upon all articles stitched or hitide up with silk. 9. These machines. In addition to their !superior mer its as Instruments for sewing. by a change of adjust ment, easily learned and practiced. execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. GROVTat & BASER. S. M. CO., 4D5 Broadway, New Tork, 780 Chertnut street, Illtra. Oct. 23.-10 m lIURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, the whitest. the most durable, the moat economical. Try itl Manufactured only by al EGI.I3R S 81111T11, Wholesale Drug, Paint end Glee. Deaiere, ian3o ly 137 North ad *tree,. Philaira. fIEL A SVARE, LACKAW WESTERN R. IL Winter Arran; PASSENGER TRAINS LE . WESTWARD. I E) Malll Evening M. train. train. I STATIONS. I In A. M. P. M. P. I I 9.00 a I Now York* ... .. 1 ... i I New 'tampion .., I 12,18 Manunka Chnnk.... ..,F I 12 45 Dolmen re ....Dine ... I S. 4,30 10,10 Scranton tv 5,38 I 11.43 Nicholson 9 5,58 12.0 i I 11opbottorn 8.2.) 12,38 Montrose n 8.41 1.081 New Milford P.M.I 7,00 1,35 Great Bend a, P.M. P. 51 *Foot of Liberty-et. 1 CON NEM - lONS—NV ESTWA RD . The Mail. - train from New York connects at Ma nuaka Cnnnk with the train leaving Philad`a(Eenstng 'ton depot) at 2,30 a. in.. an" at Great Bend with through Millltrairtorahe Erie Hallway. with &leaping, car at. tinted. stopping at'all the principal. etatione on. ihat.. road. and arriving at Einffaloat 0,18 a.m. . • - . I The 1 assenger trait, from Scranton connects at Get Bend with throatzt tra ins going west and can on Erie Railway. arriving at Buffalo at 1,28 a. m., mid at Sala manca at 12 in. CO I , INECTIONS-EAST wAnn The nail train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west; at Manwrka Chunk with a tram for Ph lind'a and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 0,30 p. m.; and at New Hampton with a train for Ea.ton Bethlehem, Allentown. Reading and Harrisburg, arri v at Harrisburg at 8,30 p. m. At Scranton. connections are made with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsbnrg R.R. to and from Pittston Kingaton, Wilkesharre, Berwick. Bloomsburg,Danville, Northumberland, Harrisburg and Intermediate stations, and with train's on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. A. HENRY, J. BRISBIN. nov27 General Ticket Agent. President. VRTE RAILWAY.--On and after Mon day. Novemberl9th, 1800. trains will leave Great Bend at about the following hours, viz.: GOING WEST. 3.00 a. m. Night Express, Mondays excepted, for Ro chester, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk, making di rect connection with trains of the Atlant le and Great Western. Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, fur all points West; also at Binghamton for Syracuse ; at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 3.33 a. to. Night Express. Daily, for Rochester, Buffalo, Salamanca. Dania, k. and the West. Stops at Great Bend on Monday's only. 11.27 a. in. Mail Train. Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. 4.03 p. in. Day Express. Sundays excepted. for Ro chester. Buffalo. Salamanca, Dunkirk. and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Eimirit for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Hallway. and at Buffalo with tho Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail. ways, for sll points West and South. 7. 51 p. m. Express Mail. Sundays excepted, for Buffa lo, Salamanca, andDunklik. connecting with trains for the West ; also at Elmira for Canandaigua. I.oop. tn. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. GOES7O EAST. 8.48 a. in. Night Express. Daily. (weeding at Cray court for Warwick ; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. 7.04 a. m. Cincinnati Exprese. liondays excepted, at Lackawaxen for Bewley, and at Graycourt for New burg and Warwick. 1.53 p. m. bay Expreee. Sundaes excepted. 12 p. m. Accommodation Train Bally. 010 p. in. New York and Baltimore Mail, Buldays ex cepted. 1010 a.m. Way Freight, Sunday. excepted. WM. R,BAIIII. 11. BIDDLE, fob 19 Clenl Passenger Agent. Goal Bisp't. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, Ext,?-aaaaolrb. 3Pitz. alier t iv the GEN= , • IckilWruset nacomal 4 wg , t tr liasiresk 76;011 WIXOM MENWM6EMM CJ ,494. 1.2 At ttso Star© of Guttenburg, , Rosov.banin & 6adlookattbeeVeastTo assortment of NEW GOODS, For Fall & Winter, Ileacivad Oita woek from New Task. STOCK OF GOODS I'ZT TOWN, And prices satisfactory to every one DRESS GOODS, 112XX.IICEICIVIOIR. -1 2 - Cii- CO OM) a COTTON GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS,FUItS,SKIRTS AND FANCY GOODS, too numerous to mcntiou VI CO TEM It p And Galas' Furnishing Goods, Any Quantity and Style Onttenburg,liasertbalun o. K. 8. DE39AIIER, Managing Partner. Itontrose, Sept. Is, like A and , Dee. 3d. Evening train. P. M. 11.S1 4.80 4.0.5 a 9,35 ft.: 3,05 2.49 P D 1 ; GREAT DEPOT mid& or .s., c.a.rx..e., FURS, 3r_. T'..."717C1kg" FURNISHING GOODS, CLOVES I MITTENS, BOOTS & SHOES. In.‘CY 113 niiii, made to order, and Merchants supplied at the lowee New Truk rates. The public 'ars Intlted to fall, inamlne geode, and tot the 14014 It th44hon't the Goods. ; . cp. up= aillitmemos AIM 1/11L: " -FOR ALL BINDS OP FRESH. n"* F R ESH. kVA NEW:VOODS, JUST ARRIVED -1 , 94 , -TuE • 19131.3-11a0 frraClola, Jt . .r#43o,g, 04W7/13 • 110 R AUTY.:—Atibian Gol• ..1.3 don. Flaxen. and Silken CURLS produced by the nee Oita. DzEinzurarßlSEß I.R , OLLEVEM.TX. one• sp. oltcation warrontcd to curl tho most and *tub bora bait , of •-ither sex into wavy ringlets or heavy masttre curls. Iles been used by the fashtauables of Paris and London. with the most gratifying results. Does no In I ury to the hair. Priceby mail, sealed and peat piid. $l. nescrlptive circulars mailed tree. Address BERGER. SHUTT'S & Co., Chem -Ist,. No. 285 Rivet strict, Troy, N., Y. Only agnuts fur the United States. tycfspq Excelsior Excelsior O.232ILIEITMLX.I.II.3EL'ait HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOR REMOVING BIIPEIIPLEOUS HAIR. O the Lidice especially, this invaluable depilatory T recommends iteelf mining an s almost Indispensable article to femalebenuty, is easily applied, and does not burn or Injure tho skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low fcireheads, or from any part of the holy, completely, to- tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the Prenth, and is thronly real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price $1 per package, sent poet paid to any address. on receipt of an order. by lizuona, Stiorrs & Ca., Chemists. myl lycfapq River street, Trot, N.Y. CIXXB6IT=LEX.a.4II-XiL y 03 WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, E .,011 Iniproyln- and Beautifying the complexion. The most et - finable and perfect preparation in use. fot giving the skin a beautiful. pearl-like tint, that is only funud in youth. It quickly remores tan. freckles, pimples. blotches, moth pAtch -P. sallowness; eruptions and all impurities o' the skin. kindly healing the aarne, leaving the Skin white and clear a. alabaster. Its use cannot he detected by the closest scrutiny. and being a vegetable preparation 1r• perfectly harinfees. IT is the only article of the kind used by the French. and is con sidered ifs the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect t nilet. Upwards of 30.151 a bottles were Bold timing rho past year, a sufficient guarantee of Its efficacy, Price only S cts. Nailed. post paid. on receipt of an order by BERGER, SIIUTTS C CO.. Chemists. znyl lyclopq e•l5 Inver stroet, Trey. N. Y. er..ll=lll DiT MWIV" li r C...)3n. -M MINER & COATS Poet's building, below riorrs Corner, is the piece to buy your UR I GROCEMES, AO PROVISIONS, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP: MINER & COATS Would inform the public that tiler are now opening a New and Choice Stock of FA MIN GIIO::ERIES.Imst received from New York. which they will sell cheap ior cash, or , exchange for all Mode of Farmer's produce. We have made arran¢emcnt• with one of the hest COMMW*lollllonres In New York for shipping Butter and Nodnee, and will (umiak Pailefree ofiharae, and make Liberal ilLdvancemeats on consignment'? or Butter. ..Also, CASH paid for But ter, Grain nod Eggs. A fre.b snpply of GARDEN VEGETABLES, by Ex press, always on hand. r.7 — Thankful for the liberal patronasre ft:reidy e ceived. svn hoaa by deaiinir, honorably with our eu,:tdm ers to still further extend our trade. C. G. MINER, • • . . R. COATS Montroee, June 5. I&C6. 3m 1" ENIINGTON SON, ninntifaettlrerF: of REVOLVE . R.S, 'RIFLES, MUSKETS and eAn. 4 BINFA for the 17 P. Service. AI,o Pocket Belt Revnl- vers. Repeating , Pistols. Rifle Cane... Itvv..lvi n 7. Rites. rifle and ' , hot gun barrelr and can aaatettels sold 43 6na ' dealers and the trade generally. In aege day. of ITou.te rea er and robbery, etery s Howe, .`lore,Bar4 47 and c , liee ehodl hare one of REMINGTON'S' REVOLVERS Parties desirinz to avail themselves of the late Im nrovernilit+ in Phzinis. nvd ,npimiur xvorktnam hip and will Mid all corn ntci in Me new REMINGTON REVOLVERS Circulars. containing cuts and de.crlption of our Arms. ‘‘ill be rut nisb,-.1 u p nv ipiO.y) E. REM iNuTo:g SONS, Ilion, N. Y. PIT E . WERTH WHITE -LEAD, nTtEFERIIED by all . practical painters ! Try it; and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLEJt.d SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, jan3o ly 137 North 3d street '.Mad's. ABEL TURRELLCf'i Is continually receiving G D And keeps constantly on' hand a fall and desirable as sortment of genuine, Drugs, medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils. Dlc-stnffs, Teas, Spices and other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa per. Glassware. Lamps, Kerosene, Benzoic, Tanner's Oil. Lubricating Ott, Neatstoot Oil, Refined Whale Gil. Varnish, Whips, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, lilusied Instruments, Tot et Soaps. h air 011 s. Brushes, Pocket Knives. Spectacles, Silver Plated Spoons. Forks, and Ivoryllendled Knives, Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, Ete. ALL TUE • Patent Medicines advertieed In Montrose. and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY IMMAIH In short, nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste, to delight the eye. to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to thereat and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable. as itwould 1111 a newspaper. call at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TIIRRELL, Montrose, Pa. rillHlllElloll OF BOUNTIES! QOT,DIERS : Coucress lin• just passed nn act to equal. r 7 Izo your Tionntles I Tho,nt who have not already done so. shonid mike immediate apolication. Wid ows. heirs or parents of Soldiers who have died In the service. me entitled to the Pima bounty the living , . would receive. linving .already prepared flyer two hundred (drams. those whO,bavo delaved maki ng application wilt find it greatly to their advantage, to give me a call. Invalids and widows entitled to no therms* Of'nen. alma tinder get approved Jana kleat, slionid 'also melte. application. Information free. OEO. P. =Tu. __Moused Ocirertnneut Ase?at. Illantrose, Aug. 7,1135 a. 'tt PPAnir GP dims st tbs Faltdsis Write Ste* ' " at inktklias Coo Noss. S•M + Yi'%a#•N.dXaSS(+-R.F'. - ~'q'~'~^_.w2~:.f"tA.~ .:;.~ ..a.~" +Yq~CR•: :'r ca.+7y,.fi ^..: r:.r».w-k lOOT81:: - 80111::?.',#0,(YR! MEN'S: BOOTS, BOY'S-' -: HOOTS, YOUTH'S BOOTS, THICK BOOTS, ZIP BOOTS, CALF BOOTS. AND BOOTS MADE .TO, - .DEDFIZ. Ala% a good aasortmecit: !4. ffillECC/Ell9; Consisting or tadtea' KW. Litsittitiait Goat Balmer. ate and, Gaiters. Mon's Brogan.. Bora Italporals, Yoattee Coneress Gaiters, Baby Shocii. etc. 'etc. ti[ et which will be sold . - AT SMALL . PROFITS! - r. 11.7-A.lLlnds of work made to order and repairing dono C. o.'iNnwilaikt - Montroaa. Mar e, ISCA. WHISKERS, IitUSTACTIE%„ forced to grow on •the smoo the•t face in from three to S %reeks by using Dr. SEVIG. NE 'S RESVAD KATMAI CAPILAILIE. the must won derfal discolor.) , in modern science. actirg on the Beard. and 'Heir in an almost mime- alone manner. It has been used by theollte of London and Paris with the most . flattering success.' Name. ( ,1 all purchasers are registered, and if e ntire satisfaction is not given in every Instance. the moue:unlit becheer• fully refunded. Price by , mail, scale andpostpaid, el. Descristivecirciiiiirs testimonials mailed dress SIIGER,SIIIITTS Co.. Chemises, N o es street, Troy. N. Y. Only ar„ents for the United State. my I Intend Manhood: How Lost, How Re- stored. TIIST astrieberl. n new edition of Er. Culver el well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without ruediclue) of t-YELNAVOnnuoZa, or tivrikmal Weakness. Involuntary Serninni Losses. Impotency. !dental and Physical Lim:wavily. Impediments to )ler• riagn. etc. ; also. Consumption, Epilep-y, and Fits, in duced by self indulgence or seznal extra% agnnce. Mr Price. In n sealed envelope, only 6 cents. • The celebratedanthorln title arlml rate essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarmins consequences of rel.:those may be radically cored nithont the donrerotir use of it medicine or the application oft he knife—yoittling ont r mode ofcnre at once shrink., certniwand .ffeetual, by meansof which every sufferer, no ukail.„r what his cot, dltion may be. may core himself cheaply, privately and radically. Cirthis Lecture should he fn the hands of every ynn:h and every man In the rand. Sent. under seal. In a plain envelops. to any addreip, no. t'pa I d oni 4 rerei pt of qr. cents, or two poet rtaMpe. Address the publishers. elf AB. J. 0. - KLINF: C CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office box 4,5t6. March 19. 180—lystnp. HUNT BROTHERS , ii3loll..Ll.NrrCkSt7, i t Winilcaale S Retail Dealernln 7EI tra "L'kir STEEL, NAILS, BUILDER'S HARE ARE. lIINE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK TWAIL SPIKES BAILROAD d• MINING SUITLIKS. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BONES, BOLTS. NUTS and ITASIIERS, .A PL TEO BA NDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUBS, SPOKES. FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLE-v. POW S. de. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEIVIES. FILES. &C. fir. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. BOLTING. PACKING TACITLE BLOCKS. PLASTER PARIS CEMEN'T. HAIR ‘2.OIIINDSTONFS. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHERS FINDINGS FA ITHIAN lI'S SCALES. Serantnn. March 24. ISM. Iy, PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD 1 ,-41 ILI, do tnose , nndbet ter work. nt a given coat, than , 1 nor other. Try it! ?tinnufacturert noir by ZIEGLER & Wholetsn le Drug, ralut. and CORA. Itettle72. jan.3o 1y 1:N North 3d street, Phildd's. LADIES' pimps -runs, :1T JOII FAREII? S Old ished Fur 211 ar:ufar tory, No. :LS ARCH STREET, aboic 71b, , Ly AVE now In store of my own monntsatnre ;i d ol '. one, "r the lur;ept nod meet b-notrnt PClertions of FANCY . Ft Titg: for Ladies' And Chlldr,n•t ..veer m lite City. Mao. a due w.ortmeot of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collain. . AZII elllbil..llo di .pnacad my zolde Tr rr renponn -Ide pricer, and l would t'lcrer“re from my frieurin of S-m•gtubvnut com!p and vtdlnlty: Remember the name, number and !med: J II iV FAR:EIR .4, No. 7 A mu. sc. au.- vh. goniu !Liar.; trtl ilaVI• no Partner, nor conneeiciiiiith and oth cr Store in Ph 6:v1,110%1a. Oct. la, 4m,fiv irjroW.lLtD Afgßaciai fott.Pliilne,elrb In. Pa Yil lit,A•aiser of Ow N,r11,1:-.‘ nutVerz nal•4,stvet— ; ,14 fill 4 11l tl the 110WAI:1) AS!,OCIATION. tint II• w nittl er trf t. chn ge. AttdretiDr.J.PallllN 1144V011T44N. 110 44'44 rt: A et*.ociullol7,l\ 0 2:411411'314 etn ct Philud, FAMOUS BARBS." Come and see the lemons Bart:gilt; Famous Barher, late of Ilaytt, Late of Hayti. now at Weeks', Now at F. B. Weeks' Store Room, Find me shaving and shampooing, me eu fling hair to snit yon,' Find me ready et year serviee.i . "At yoitr 'service, CILA4EX monms Montroie,Oct:3s,4B6lk, ti Lackawanna * Rlootastinr — g R. R. ON and :Mar November 2'4 10.1, impenger train , will run as-foltows: --• SOUTIINVADD: • ~:: i' ' •.U. , :A. X.' . 1% g. Leavo Scranton. 5:50 ,10:50. '4:10 " 'Chignon, 0:55 ' ' 11:13 ' CO " Rupert. 9:15 • 0:13 " Danville. 9:50 5:10 Arrive at Northumberland. 10:00 10:15 NORTHWARD. Lean Northumberland, A:00 5:05 Danville, tk:4o . 5:10 " Re pert. 9:15 -A. X. 4:15 Eingeton, 2:35 8:30 r:1.5 Arrive at Scranton, 5:45 9:55 0:10 Paesengers taking train eolith from. Scranton n't 1:10 a. in. via Northumberland. renuh Ilarriebnrg at 11::.0 p. m.; Baltimore 5:30 p. m.: Washington 111:00p. m.; via ;Innen reach Philadelphia at '1:00 • Eingeton, Nov. 25. 11. A. FONDA, Sept. NEW GOODS, WEBB & .BUTTERFIELD Are now receiving their . lgew,,Sl9rk .0( v *piing itt ,mummet ~rbtch will be sold Summer Dress Goods,PreulUiineek, Printedanifiries,,tawns, Diuslins„ Prints, PetaiOes,. • l'otilins, Cap, • 'Groceries, Crockery, .NVEDD b IntiTaBlELD. %trot*, May 20,3800.' . • 7 - RuADIr "M i n** atespmr,. 601110 sisik*rio Pratt Prinertlatikolvilm. for gab • MOM MUM
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