aol2ls2Aikr - iES. Democratic Committee. The Democratic County Committee will meet at Searle's' Hotel in Montrose on Monday, April Bth, 1867, at one o'clock p. m., to elect' delegates to the State Con• vention. ' - „ Postmaster.' -' i - - • - . . - t • . .) - EL J. Webb his' been ebbfirrped bribe Senate as Postmaster at giiiitrose upon the endorsement and request•of the lead ing radicals. . . . Deeds and Notes. We have for sale — a' fresh supply of choice Deeds ; also a revised form of Notes, with instructions as to stamp ditty printed upon each sheet. The Assessorship. The SenatS, as a matter of course, re jected F. M. Williams as assessor, be cause he is a Democrat who would not bargain with the radicals for Senatorial confirmation. This does not prevent him from continuing to hold the office of as sistant assessor and acting assessor.— Should the Senate adjourn without any one being nominated and confirmed, Mr. Williams would be the) assessor for the future; and all, except the radicals, would be well suited with "the situa tion," and content to let well enough alone. Concert. The exercises of Miss Mary Carr's Class in the practice of Dr. Dio Lewis' system of Musical Gymnastics, will be open to the public at Academy Hall on Friday evening next, March 29th. Admittance, 25 cts. Doors open at 7—exercises to .commence at 7. Tickets may' be pro cured at the Post-office. Montrose, March 26, 1867. Zessrs. Weeks & Fanrot, Successors of T. N. Hine dr, Co. in Montrose, will open with an entire New Stock of Dry Goods on tlifi 'first day of April. Body Found. The following notice we published in our issue of Jan. Ist, 1807: MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEAWCE.-Wm. Straney, for several years past a resident f Susquehanna Depot, mysterionslv die appeared about a month ago. le had been with his soil, at Nicholson,for four weeks, and on the 28th day of November to ok,the evening mail train for Susqlte- It ti nna Depot; since which time hisfrieude have no tidings from him. . " He is an Irishman, about 65 years of age, of medium height, and heavy build, ue eves, dark hair and whiskers turning _He wore a grayish sack cont,hlack pants, hat, and cravat; and carried a bun. ole tied up in a red handkerchief with white spots. Any one haring any knowledge of iturit a person, will please give intOl illa tion, by letter or otherwise, to his son, James Stratiey, Nicholson, Wyoming co. Pa.; or John Montgomery, Susq'a Depot, ti•isq'a co. Pa." Tne bundle had been Left at Hopbot tem with the explanation that it was i.itind some distance up the railroad track; and upon the publication of the above no tice, the friends were notified of that tact, but nothing further could be discovered. On the 10th inst., the body of Mr. Sim ney was discovered in Tingley's mill pond, a short distance above Hopbottom, near the railroad, and not far from where his_. bundle was picked up. It now appears that this was the Mall: who was put off the cars for non-payment. of fare, just belOw Oakley's on the night: of Nov. 28th ; and it is probable that attempting to return to Hopbottom in the dark, he fell over the embankment' and was drowned. An impostor. A man by the na'nie of Jack Chamber.. hailing from Montrose, Pa., has been stopping at the city Hotel in this place for a ueek or two past, runping up con biderable of a board bill which he has tail ed to pay. On Saturday last.--he was .ar rebted by Chief of Poliee s 'llicFadden, up on the charge of obtaining - money of our citizens under falsepretences, and confin ed in thelock op': On -Monday ,he had a hearing before Justice Repas3, and corn mitted to prison ip default of 8200 bail. The circumstances 'Of the case are these : It seems that this man Chamberlin was circulating a subscription for the ostensi ble purpose of raising money to defray the funeral expenses of James W. Rook who was killed by the explosion of a lo comotive engine in this city on Frklay last,gand whose sudden and unexpected death created a good deal of sympathy for the widowed mother of the deceased, who is said to be a very worthy Woman and mainly ,dependent on her son's efforts for support. It was soon ascertained, how ever, that Mr; Chamberlin wasnot known to the family of Mrs. Rook, and that-he was raising money under false pretences. He was accordingly taken into custody as above stated, is now .awaiting a legal in vestigation of, his crime. It,tis said he had collected fifteen or, twenty. dollars. Wit/it:m.l4r t Gazette. - The Republican majority for Mazer in Camden is 73. The republican majority last. November was 290. The republicans carried Orange, N. J., last' TuesdaYl by 25 majority. Their majority at the pre vious election was 60. —One third of the nominations rejected by the Senate were " Boys in .Blue."--_- - A:Portland soboOlroasfe - r - edin'plains that the boys hide bottles of liquor_ _UR!. der .their mats-sod get helplessly drunk' in echfi:ol.„ ' ' - - ; Draiii-6.iietve at Teriii'of Court com mencing Ap!il Bth, 1867 : ••;•GrAND JURORS. Auburn—George Low. ' ' -- • Bridgewater—lra Foster,E3F.Hawley. • Clifford—A.S. Stephens. Choconut—D.o: Minkler. ~ ....Dir ri l aek t—,..tiniati Blakeslee. ,Franklin—Mwiri Summers, Gibson—fols7Weilnett, 4d, .E. Guilej J.E. Whitney. Harmony—S; IL•Barnes. Harford=ltY Jeffers, A.W:Greenwood. Lathrop---Vrtimfin - _Bell: • . Montrose—W. L. Allen. NO' Milford—lL• W. Northrop, John Washburn. 'Oakland=—J. G. Raymond. Rush—David Case, W. H. Sherwood. -Springville—Jas. Koons, Orrin Fish. ,Te..s.vra.s.o JURORS—FIRST *REM— ' Auburn : Z. L. Cooley, Davidlackson, Wm. Lee. Apolacon : 0. B. Haight, David Jones. Bridgewater L.-Beach, H.H. Frazier, L. B. Guernsey, IL. Judson, D. Kimber. Choconut: James Donelly. Dimock : Alfred Miles, A. W. Main. Forest Lake : , Judson Burr, J. Stone, 2d s A. Tilden, E: 0. Ball. Gibson : James Bennett. Great Bend: Henry Ackert, G. B. Trowbridge. Harford : J. T. Tiffany. Herrick: H. 11. Ellis. _ • Jackson : L. S. Burritt, Isaac Grant. Jessup : 0. Stone, Wm. Shelf). Liberty : Richard Bailey, Patrick Cor bitt' A. A. Fish, Isaac Hance, J. Marsh. Lathrop : L. W. Kellum, 0. Strickland. Lenox : Wm. Halstead, o.C.Severance. Montrose: A. N. Bullard. - Middletown : 'Jere. Canfield. New Mi!ford : H. Grinnell. Rush : B. 0. Bertholf, John Biotic-. Silver Lake : W. H. Gage, A. B. 'Hill. Springville: D. S. Sheldon, F. Brooks. Sustfa. Depot : D. H. Pope, Henry Day. Thomson : Elias Bryant, V. R. Whit ney. ••• TRAVERSE JURORS-SECOND WERE.. Auburn : Gersham Crawford, Leander Lou, B. A. Pieron, John Tewksburry. Apolaeon : lohnston Foster. Brooklyn : N. C. Benjamin, 11. L. Bai ley. Bridgewater : F. F. Hiekox. Choeonut : Dennis O'Dea. Clifford : Peter Bennett, Elias Stevens Dirneek : George Gates, F. IL Hollis ter. Frientlsvillie : Wrn, Bunn]. Forest Lake: Henry Bolles, James Sla ter. Frank:in : Franklin Smith. Gt. Bend : H. H. Merrill, D. S. Roosa. Gibson : Charles Kennedy. Harmony : D. B. Cook. Harfol d : M. Oakley, Alvin Stivens. Herrick : Sanford Burns, Ezra Tooley. L'ttle Meadows : E. B. Beardsley. Middletown : J. C. Morris. New Milord : A. J. Moss. Spring% ille : A. P. Brown, John Ly mon, A. D. 'Woodhouse.. Susq'a Depot : George Brown, J. C. Cook. Silver Lake: Chester Bliss. Thorns() : CollinA Gelatt, Win. Wit BEL TIDIMEL L is continually receivinz new supplies oflienuine Driws and Medicines, whirl' will be sold as low as at any other Stc-e In Montrose. Dr. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. itc;: are compnol of various roots, having the spot...Tr to re ex the steretiens of the Liver ea promptly sad effectca. , F or rnerzurT, and Witham Invaaciall ens of thin.] dist:7l4lo.o:o or iiiagerons entoent which oftan follow the uoe of the leper. In all bilious disorders these Pills ma; be used with eond dance. as they promotei the d'seharge of vitiated bile, and remove chore ohdractiOna from tha liver and billary ducts, which are the canoe of bilio as affeaions In &encrni. SCHENCK'S MA:MUSE:F. PILLS care Sick Headache, sad nil disorders of the Liver, indicated byaallow skin, coated tongue, conlveacFa, dram:Ana:3 ,end a general tie:lngo( watt /laces and lassitade, &halving that the liver to in a torpid Or obstructed coed tier. In than, thwb *car be used-art& ilia/Ana In all cans when a pargattro Cr ret=sdive tiedlenn 0 reqnlnad, P.eare asl foF.,-t!Pn. lacher.cleaa• ZIA^ and ohm-- e tinning twit : taxman of the Dodor are on the Government stanap..:.Ctie , iihe.a In the lain atafa of Con. a - wapiti:m e , and the cabal , In lUD present health. . /301 d 117 all Dram - 4a and dealer/. Price 23 teat[ per bat. Painepal Offeas, No. 13h:oral 6th Stmt. Phlladolphla, Pa. General linoleasla A4cnts: Dem= Barnet Co., 41 Park !taw, New York; S. S. Ettnee, 153 Brat/mare Et., Mat mare. Johe D. Park, N. E. car. of Fourth sad Wal nut St., Clnetnnath Ohio: Welter G Taylor, 131 and 128 Wabash Avenue, Cblcaro, EL : Collins Brothers, soathyr?st earner of Second and Vine Si., St. Lon:s, :do. [1:31 w. ea. mo. 1 yr. A' EW PE3FLIIE FOIL TUE ELUDEXECIIIEF. PEralonNo Moot:nil:a Cercus.” Phatonho Btooming Phalon , o }.lGight Blooming Cermmo, Phalan', .%Night Blooming .Cereas.” Fission's ?Night Clooicing Chrene.” A mast exquaerte. dentate, and Fragrant Perfume, disci led front. 110 Taro and beautiful sower from which 7t taltea it.ll =MC. iSlannfnetneed only by rift&l,ON AG SON, New tork. BEWARE:OV COUNTERFEITS, ASK POR,PHALOIVS—TAKE IQO OnlE1?- J 1717 ly sznii Z n 2.9 oew Noitilee...—The beautiful Piano Fort 4 of Gwyn- Brew; & Co. are deemed by all &adjudges to' be the Ultima Thule off nattuments of the kind. We cannot suggest what Is wanting to make a must eal. harm:lent more ;perfect. although we are slow to admit that the limitlof improvement can ever he at tained. Befare they had brought their Pianos td their ides 'cut excellence, thei had submitted them to competi. tion-with inatruments'of the best makers of this court• try and Europe, and - received the reward of merit, over all others, of she' celebrated World's Fair. ft lishutjus lice to say that thejtidgmentthus pronouriqed bee not been overrujed by the musical world. • Still. by the improvements lately ,appliedhY thorn t 9 their Planes, it is admitted that a.moropetfectinstru-. meta has been made.. They,havir Accordingly achieved the patador,of !nuking excellence more excellent.— Sure] y, ddif, they are entitildto ; • pane , Orlintspirei WOW , f - , Keviring :Machine/0 are superior to 1111 Oman for Zapaliyantadanafacttirtna. purposes contait itrilitotenkets : " aro . • . f - , S; - - , i ff:7,'.. a A , .........7.717. A , yDafESAVEri , ISiWORTH Inv peudy; noieeim; durable; and easy to Work. Illus. _ CI, ratodnOkookkris. free. Agents wanted. Liberal dla .,ftrnaL..«lNtitw-wfbakmak mittiMPolcd — Ntreonalgninents made. toots and Shoal *EA= Ayipmfgrjr ~,..e . Aprefintium„miwitutematemsalsiras. • i .,,,r4 ;:ii,:sß. ll ...a' -1 ' -. '.-tor ss-- 1 7 - I .4 " • Feb. 20th, at the residence of Col. 04 ney Bailey, in Dimook, by the Rev. John B. Barne4 Misilikate-ELTBAILET and Mr. JACOB S. OSBORN. March 14th, by Rev. John E. Barnes, Miss DENSEY ELVIRA SIr.OATB and Mr. JOHN M. HOSENCRATZ. ITEM -InAJlifroitd r -MAteluthitio.t-tba:house-of the bride's father, by the fey. D. Wi Halsted, Mr. Ons C. SEVERANCE, of Lent 01 Clifford. Iu Liarrishurg, -March - 1 -21-§t, 1887, by Rev. E. L. Bailey, Sparitt, D. Tunair.L, Esq., of Pfauklin, -- and Miss 11AVTIE - E. QUICK, of New Milford, Sesq'a co. Pa. VT - Notices of nuarriattes and (lOW's paillsbed freo of charge. Obttnaries published if paid for at the rate of fifty cents per hundred words. DORCA S CARTER, wife of the late Sam• uel Carter, died of cancer, in South Au burn, Susq'e co. Pa., in the 58th year of her age. She was converted to God some thirty-five years ago, and joined the 111. E. Church. She bore_ her long and„painful sickness of nearly two years,witb patience and Chrirtian •fortittoe, but_ greatly de siring the hour to come when she should depart and be with Christ ; and when the moment came she bid farewell to earth and her weeping children with perfect composure, and exhorted them to meet her in Hem en. When she was asked by the writer what he should say to the friends, for her, she answered, " Prepare to meet me in }leaven." A. J. A. griu - :kbi)trtiscineuts ...ekttezaci T ELE subscriber will sell at public vendue on ITed nesday, April 17, 1867, nt hfa reeldenee, In Montrose, all his Household Goods, coosidtlng of Furniture, Carpets, Stores, Beds, Crockery, Glassware, &c. de.—also, 1 red Cow. . [Sea Small Bills.] And if not disposed of sooner, will be exposed for ssle the .--"-. oust° alb -ILiort on the corner of Po of le square, east of lourt House. Also— on e splendid PIANO. Montrose, March :c. 1567 eCP - r - 19 coma rr _ELIEE.33I 7hl" CO rr X CM' : BY a recent decision of the Court. of Claims. all offl cere holding comml,sions between dates of March IENTA, nntl May are entitled to $.5 per month for each ecryant al.oi‘ed be Tank. For further information, to (.40. P. LITTLE. Licensed Government Agent. Montrose, March 2G, Mi. tf ~icti®na. rimE rindert,i , ned will Bell at auction nt hie rest deuce. in thtsh, oue mile below Elk Lake Mills, ou Friday, March 29th, the following articles : One Horse, I Cow. 1 two-year old Heifer, 6 Yearling., 2 shoats, 1 lumber Wagon. 2 horse Sleigh. 1 two-horse Harness. Wnifiletree., Neck Yoke, 2,0 bushels live, :20 bushels heat. a quantity of rve straw in bundles. revolv,ug llorße lt.ike.and other arUclee not mentioned. TERMS.-All , lIMS under ; $lO or over 9 moa. credit with interest and up roved security. Yl IMMI'STER, Auctioneer. East Rush, 51 . ch 2(s, ISO. W. 21. Annual Statement Of the .4sylam for the Poor for the Boro' of Montrose and township of Bridye t:ater, In the sreond Monday if February, 1867. DIRECTORS OF POOR, DR. To balance of Duplicate, 1845 $lO4 07 .•0.e dupl,cute, 1856 972 37 Bridgewater ' 1715 58 Balance in Director's hands March 12, 1030, Zu 53 Recd fur Stock $lO5 73 '• grain 95 33 " appleb and cider 83 45 " eges and poultry 29 97 " p..rk 41 44 soap 300 " team work 7 20 " huy 45 97 " butte- 985 Oti- 736 GO ',V657 15 • Less exoneration to Collectors, $l2 94 percenLage to ~" 144 to Treasurer. 67 42-- , 214 37 By paid G. V. Bentley on J. W. Young's contract $595 55 •' \V. J. Mulford Interest on mortgage. 133 60-729 05 The following bUla were due and unpaid March 1566: Wm. li. Boyd 188 83 Gilbert Warner 42 60 M. L. Catlin 35 00 R. Benjamin, on salary 622 25 do for sheep 150 17 do interest 22 52 three auditors, 11 00--$1062 Si Flour. groceries, hired help, and other incidentals for carry ing on the farm fit:lo 93 P. Moran, blacksmith 32 75 Taxes. 1866 Physicians Directors compensation. Steward's salary to Feb. 11.1667.... Relief for nine paupers outside of the house. 4 of whom died Expenses or three funerals C. Avery. fees L. F. Fitch, counsel Auditors and Judge of elections, H. IL Frazier, °kinks Recopita lotion Receipts, less commissions Expendltures riaiance in Treasury It will be ob.erved that a debt of $10112.81 incurred In starting. for stock, tools, and furnishing house. has been paid ; also, $5OO paid on the purchase of the real estate, with the interest on the Young contract to May, 184;6. and on the Mulford mortgage to July 1866. The whole debt now on the farm is on the Young contract Mortgage to S. S. Mulford $%OOO 00 With interest on the contract from May. and on the mortgag,e from July, ISC6. There have been 11 paupers admitted to the House du. ring. the lakt year. Two children were bound ea ap prentices in 1845. and one during the last year. Eight person* have been discharged, leaving in the House Feb. 12.. 1887, four paupers. Fersonal property now on the farm : 9 Cows, 2 two year old heifers, 1 yearling,4 calves, 15 Sheep, 9 Swine, I pair of ROUTS, Wagon and IlarnesQ, 80 Chickens, 20 tuna Ray, 15 bushels Rye, 45 bushels Buckwheat, 20 hnshele Oats, 4 bushels Corn, 40 bush ls potatoes, 2 bushels dried apples, 70 the. Batter, sOO lbs. Pork. 200 Ihs• Bed, lvithAtio household Farnham, Varm Tools, Estimated value of personal property on hand $l9OO. v% M. 11. BOYD, 'Directors. S. BARD, S. WATIIOUS, Montrose, March 28, 1837. 31C3M-ES.MIMIC IS . M. C. TYLER CON'TRA, 74 00- 144 73 ... ..... 450 OU 11 31) 24 15 7 (0 2 50- 44 45 • ArrmAIIA Pit • CHOICE FLOWER Sb. GAIIIIEN-SEEDSi NomrStrattnieriliiii Gra - lies - ,7•111/10 . • p IL WATSON'S OLD COLONY NUESERY And LI. Seed Establishment, Plymouth, Alas+ , IS neav eending out by mail prepaid, packed with great care in gotta perchn Bilk, 60.1114 to rotten anypart of the Union in perfect safety, a complete assortment of the arrest Uropei,'Strcizaberries, iiew large Currants, • Gooseberries, Blackberries, Roses, FlaßerinvPlemtsaulbs, &c, &o. Fruit and Ornamental /Trees. Shrttba, Evergreens: Hedge Plants; tee. will be schtbylrergilt 1)W to 194201 . . AlscookLgtrdtkape Cod, cripaorrbfer cultivation in - wet landZor - in r upfand end Gardens, where it lira:laces at tbovate or4oo best:1018bl the ado; with directions for cultivation.' rrieed deperaptive,eitt.. Magna - Will eent to,auy" addesi. Nost Is the hist time,for•planting. Tilubett'vsy to obtain good fruit. flowers And seeds, Is to send tUrect to the grower. Send for a Cataloged. Wholetele Catalogues to ttfe ' tradc, Agents wanted....i. JAl:tech 19-2ra TIEMORESTS - Is , IONDIL Y.; TAG A .ZTNE,unixersally acknowledgmjahe leading Mo. del Parlor gagazine - ca. America ; devoted to Original Stories, Poems., Sketches, A rchl tdctu re and Model Cot tages, Ilonsehold Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Lite ary Gossip (including special departments on Faslaions,)instrtictions-on health, gytrinastic,,equestrl. en 'exercises, mtisle, aincisenuents. etc. all by the best anthers, and prethsely'and rirtiattehlly illustrated with Costly engravings, size, ) useful end , pat einbrei tittles, jervelry, and a cons:twit snycessien of artistic novelties, with other useful iiitrehtertainlng literature. No person of refinement. economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month ly. Single copies, 'BO cents; bhck numbers. as aped- Meng. 10 cents' either Mailed free. Yearly, $3, with' a valuable premium ; two c01:dem...5.5 BO t three copies $7, 30 ; lice copies $l2, and splendid premium's for clubs at $3 each, with the first premiums to each enbf.Lcriber. Address, W. ,lENNEsiOS DE3IOREST. No. 973 Broadway, New York. : Dcmorest's Atonthly 4 anil Young-ArneriN, teigether, $4, with the premiums fur each.• LMarch 19.—lwx 1867. SPRING. 1867 EYRE & LAND ELL, Fourth d• Arch Streets, Phiiiidelphiu, Are 'opening for Spring of IS6 7 Threecases select shades of Silks. Fashionable plaid Stll Bismarck. the new color Silk. best black Silks .in town. Plaid India Silitii---perlect. New Spring Dress Goods. New stylu sprint; Chintzes. Organdies ofnew est Styli's. Steel-colored Poplins for sults. , P. :;.—Mereliants in search of scarce and desirable Goods will find it to their interest to call and examitto our stock. (march f26-4w. MENDENUALL'SIXE!ROVED SELF-ACTING co In those dare of SHODDY and high priced goods, er ery family iu the country should have one. of clothi ng a family can be saved by its nse. It is sim ple and durable, easily understood, and easy to operate. No skill is required to weave with it beyond the simple taming of an easy crank. W - From n to 35 yards can be woven on it in a day. don't sell your wool and buy Suonns', when with one of these Looms iu your house the Girls can make all the clothing for the family, and much better quality, at half price. For eir , •clars. price list, andtampleaof cluth woven ou tho Loom, 1tddr...456 with stamp, A. B. GATES & CO., 313 Chestnut strett, Philadelphia. Also, dealers in Cotton Warp, Wool and Max Filling Ta us. Reeds, Llarnes and Loma tiudiugs generally. 31arch 19, 1567. 6w• SHERIFFS SALES. BY virtne of writs issued by the , Conrt of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County, and to me directed, will expose to tale by public vendue at the Court House, in Montrose, on Friday, Apfil /807,aLJ u'. ctd k, p. - tb — , - the following, describeql pieces or parcels of land, to wit The following described piece or parcel of land, situ ate in the township of Great Bend. county of Susque han..a, hounded and described en follows, to wit: Be iug on the east side of Alain strent, for as formerly known as Choctit cton and Great Bend turnpike.) ad• jclining Barnes' lot on the north, and lands of Dr, E, Patrici: on the east end south, containing about mu:- fourth of an acre, he the samemore or less, with the ap purtenances. one framed dwell:u4 house, and all Im proved. [Taken In execution at the suit of Wm.Sinith, assigned to C. S. Bennett, vs. Edward Richard Playle. All that certain pieeeror parcel of land situate in the township of Oakland, county of Susquehanna. bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lot of David Vanantwerp, on the west by lot of E. A. Barton, on the south by Prospect street,and on the east by land of Wm. M. Post, coataining,m4oo square feet of land, be the same more or less. being two building lots known as lots No. 12 and 11, with the appurtenances, one two story frame dwehing house, and all improved. [Taken in exeention a r the tuft of GM W. Darned VS. Vm.ll. Hoyt and P. Ilanning to the use of C. S. Ben nett, vs. Win. H. Hoyt. An that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Gib. son Hollow, bouneed and described as follows, to wit: North by lands of Wm. T. Case, east by public high way, sonth by lands of Win. T. Case, west by lands of ]!tram Follett, containing nhout one-eighth of an acre, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, one drygoode store, ono Hied. one storehouse, ft beinf, tho . property formerly own ed'hyo4 . D. Hawley. [Taken in executimi at the snit of V. MHawley vs. Pierce., Ren- Co. All that certain tenement and lot of land situate in the borough of Friendsvllle,-eounty of Susquehanna, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the corner of a lot conveyed by John C. and S. T. Mor ris to Ann Tierney. thence along Turnpike street north 52' west 6 5.10 perches to the corner of Lake street.(not yet opened); thence along said Lake street south 33' west 26 perches to the middle of said South street; thence along the middle of said South street south 52' east 65.10 perches to the coiner of said Ann Tierney's lot; thence along said lot north 33' east 23 perches to the place of beginning--containing about one audit half' acres of land. be the same more or less. with the appur tenances, one dwelling house. (Taken In execution ut the suit of W. D. Lusk' vs. Phillip Million. E 3442 18 CD.. All till Interest of Orbit Sutherland In all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Oak land, in said county. bounded ou the north be langs . of Elias T. Leavitt, and George T. Frazier. east by lands or George T. Frazier, Cortland Wood, and Samuel Brush south by lands-of Cortland Wood. and Samuel Brush, west by lands of C. S. Bennett and Elias T. Levitt, con- Wain' , 83 acres of h Ui or thereabouts, with the appur tenances, a framed house, two barns and about 65 acres improved. (Taken to execution at the snit of Miles Prince vs. Orbit Sutherland. S. F. LANE, Sheriff.• Sheriff's °Mee, Montrose, Match 15,1867. '2Ol 43 30 00 Clisaizit:i4coza. I 6303 30 M . Y o w a i t flj t hLin u lt r f e ul o Ta r p r r b o o vo s calToinngllilfetrleitrybc.ornaLwnin persons against misting her an my account, as I will pay no dents of her contracting since the time she left. Jessup, March 12; 1567.*3t ~. DAVID TARBOX. $1412 7s , t 34)3 SO PUBLIC. SALE. MHZ embeCriberowlll sell at Auction on the Farm of M.illanj.Rnssell,in Jeasnp, on .Thursday March 28, 1867. at 10 o'clock ti, the following property : Two Mares (one .with foul) one! two year cold-eolt, 1 yearling celt, 6 Cows, 1 two year old heifer, 10 theep, 1 iron beani plow, 1 lumber Wagon, 1 lir ht two horse spring wagon,- .1 elaigh. 1 "sett double hernessol oz. yokes, 3 o): chains, 1 dog power and 2 churns, 1 parlor stove, kcook stove, house hold furniture. chairs, bu reaus, A:c., and other articles too numerous to-men tion. TEroie--Ali sums under ten donne, cash.—slo or over nine months credit with interest and approved securi ty $lOOO 00 2000 CO M. C.SEITTON, Auctioneer. B. RUSSELL, W. 11. CRONE. Jessup Marcb, 1; JBl —Sw. 17 . z1 7 0ETJ NV ANT TO' SAVE FROM (11.915.perIRiat, on a, pair otilootasn Mom go to FORDEWPS. - i yoloo2.}i , „ • rirDoorntso9 , • Catarrh Treatedt with theatmopt aueerbel by Dr. J. ISAAcs, Oculist ,p,ndWorhst.(ferliterly at Leydoll, tfollamh)Na: NO Pia eStreet, - Teattnionialer farm: the Fr'At tellableisalataierttUbeCliv , and Cotintik,clan lie: 0 IL ist b.teciflro; '3ll(ietnedlisat Istraty -ini:frivlird to theit:ruitlentOalittlarair; tioltneeto•ltilits jpractice.._AnTinefaMlitaltregrtailowittottqpidw o Uktl, Phi lade Iphia , July 1,16 M 'At:ary.^.l".i: HALF THE COST FARMER SI -ALSO -ALSO -ALSO -AL:...0- FOR . SALE 1011 RENT. Y l Tiflrti.dltruthororgiseat'tlatr2t sto ie t t i r t . nated itt March 19, ISO. 4vir , J. liOSFORD..; . • Dissolutiot.. rime, eo-partnerThipbetween the nntlertlgned, under .1. the fine of Wilson, Grifte & Warner, is this day dissolved by mutual consent,- S. M. WILSON N :' JEFF. GRIFFIS, Montrose, March lq,`lE , Fr. • , WARNER. 'art - h_ - — llleuitinne e lawnoas y IT FI G Lt o Ba i a erje , e;a..,ot.the'stoCe to r n. merjz tr o eduile - d r ,by WiltoT ,c arlalit'Warner; !India. the Cal cirWklinin Gate. . S., Id. WILSON, Idontieee,,WeEt:l6oB,s7.4(ll/Ity „ 31..GGRE. 1..1 '1144 " AtiCStlirrktAti ro HE andlirsigned haicithEa'arfortricd co , hartncr. nan36 , oflStamp'&, Moran, for thoirnrpose of carrypg on"Blackrzulthlrig in all lta branckca.: ' - rgr Stridt atienflon will be glien 7 to - Horso-Who dug, All work will bc done - Wally and pyorapTly. Tha pub lin uninvited to call. • --- • • -•- • -: " E.; P. STAMP. Montroao, March 4th, :1807: T.-MORAN% • - - -0-ond'Pens Given Away. AITPL - P24'01'".8:41ti9 Oelettrated "GoldenS Pens'" trio PRET o'h fatetpt of stamp tnr postage. Address ADAMS Co., 21 Bromfield street, Boston, /fuss. (march 6, Mi. 1m • T'STATE OF 5..113ET, CARTER, Alr'ceamed, lake of Aaburn townahlp, Susqn , quanna cowaty, Pa. Lettersof administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign - 1. ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti. Wed for settlement. R. J. CARTER, t Adm . re R. S. DAVIS, Aaburn, March 4th, 15137.• ESTATE OF JOIN;F.ALSEY, late of Apolacon township, Sueq'a co., deceased. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having' beet) gratxte'd to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said egtate arc hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. JOItN. cm'urr, w t TfiCPS..PURCELL, ) •"" Apolacon, March 12, - Auditor's Notice. HE undersigned - haring been appointed an auditor by the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the fund in the hands of the administrator of the estate of 'Spill. C. Toorgie, deed. will attend to the duties of said appointment at hisoffice in Montrose, on Friday the 2 . 5. d" day of March. 1667. at one o'clock p. m., at which time and place allmecaons hayingtlairns upon said fund will present them or- he forever de barred. J. B. IrCOLLMI, Auditor Ifontroro, Feb. 20, ISG7. Auditor's Notice. rrus undersigned, an auditor appointed by the 0r ...L. phau's Court of Sevin( hanna County to make di 3- tribution of the fund in the hands of the adminis trator of the estate of Ami Devine, decd, will attend to the dude , ' of such appointment at the office of it. B. G. P. Little. in rho borough of Montrose, ou .lotiay, the twenty-fifth day of March, 13117, nt one o'clock In the afternoon, at which time and place all person. interested w said fund will present their claims or he forever barred trom coming in upon said fund. GEO. P. LITTLE, Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 19, ISi.a. 4w To all wishing Fruit & Ornamental Trees; r11,713E - lantlersigned haying, made arrangementd with I one of the lar g e Islurrery firms of York State, will deliver Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Flowering Plants and Shrubs at the growers DETAIL Peter. All wishing to purchase will find it for their in terest to call on or communicate with M. S. TUWNE. Forest Lake Centre, Feb. 5,1857. 2m Mkg . OW 3Fti'Z'Xl3.. Baldwin, Allan, & McCain. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, hams, Fish, Smoked Ilal that, Culller, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheal, .Clorer d Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Brooms, Nails, de. ere. • - ° Thankful for past patronage, we shall be happy bite and wait, upon our old and_ new uustomere ? dA thiode and Flout warranted. z , • A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. ItcCAIIII. Montrose, Fab. 3131C332331C113' ELECTRIC SOAP Saves Time, Saves Money, Saves Labor, Saves Clothes, Saves Women, And all Grocers sell it. It 1s used by cutting into small shavings and dissolv ing in hot water, then soak the clothes live to ten min utes. and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours of machine rubbing . would do, with ordinary roan. and the most delicate fabric receive no injury.— We can refer to thousands of families who nre using it, and who could not be persuaded to do without D 0 B BI2VS' ELRCTRIC SOAP. 'Sold by all leading Grocers throughout the State Manufactured only by 71::MCAISMMINTS3 X.01::301C7M1, WHOLESALE OFFICE, 107 South Fifth Street, •Philad'a. Nov. 13, IS66.—ly*a&c RIPORIN Of NEW SIRES! NEW GOODS. . H. Burritt glln:nw„Yeege‘iov;ng largo and 1 r a ., - -s i -7 t . 47 r g . _ l , j)fic d a ti , \l. , , 1 11,114, ir ..; , ...i.,.. , Ntwaiji...r2t:i .6 .c../h ; W:31; , s• - • Va g ''t 4, a‘ 7. J Embracing extra varieties of Fashionable; Drers Goods in plain. striped and figured Delanes, imperial Lustros, Berinoes, Paramattas, Plaids and Prints, Clothe, Caseirneres, Flannels. 'troche and Wool Shawls, Balmoral and Duplex. hoop Skirts, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Buffalo Robes, Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Hat, and Cops, Boots, Shoes, and Clocks ; including also as usual a general assort ment ofother Dry Goods, Dress 'Trimmings, and Yan kee Notions, . Groceries, Crockery, Dardwarc, Iron, Nalbi, STOVES Drugs, Oils, Paints, .c. &c., which he will soil on the moat favorable terms for Cash, Pro dace, or approved credit. New Milford, November, ISM 11111:11,11-i-Siti I nrint ttnica6iiher anis for atilt:llls jhritt Itlßridgewa• ter, two miles north of Slontroso coutointag N E7I UhVDRED IRES ofhtna, haring ,thOro'ott good tfOugo... Barn / and Or.• chard..., good •,. , • ; . &;:Dairy:Tarzcki. Atu l t,ixt r ilye carotin' Tenni filido kiltittm" ti ß t r ls g p e 7 s tnt . tt r eo . t 3farch 6. 185 T. tf 45." THOMAS CASEY. _NEW-i:':Fl.lliNe , :-. , 4.:, - ' M U a " ":•TA W • rinfe'vtetsuriberl) 111 IIinSTFIMIIIt a „.„ STEITSIidr• halo mks. hliebeill bows to hls old Customers,. snit Inform thong that the Mercantile Department of the Misting% Wilt krelbtar be eaniled on by 0. D. Daman With Meg eased capitarand faellitlee, a largo stock of 13ew Goodin at departments, a storo thoroughly ratted, tha IPriciesess xtoctuocieid The . Watch-flaking . Department iiii 4 tainca NI me. and will receive_ my ersonal Atm. Min, I have erenred th e services of N p M 43.. H. WOLIN BYE, a gentleman at% has bad tWetity4lveyears In the beit eltopa of.kurope,:and /Me no superior In thee/is-- try. I shall therefore hostile to do all work irltbie three , days . from the Uwe t Weft. ; „ • . I - Monk end jewelryltepaliing 331.intwowriettyx.r.tutgens,t,ho we; dciViiiink is t4tllnctpromptly, shod In the best styles_ a &it , %GO: — VaileAtts C9li7.Vte SPROCIIiC will doneleCoin filfaestitimeneMej9BOWlMPPlPOPl vslll#llo*lneltrersong many of them lower, than by way .obe else Ws of New York city. , • Read , the Oatalegue. CLOCKS- & WATCHES. • , Airrirloand3wlas and Engpsh, both iold BEIII THOMAS. CLOCKS; • Irhletitel) tho day. or the month; Mid 'week, Also the name tr. the month, making tho changes Tor *tory month correctty. with no care butlariffintifitsm• oasis a wceck. J E WEL R -- Hen r y, Gold ibnia . oe Hooke and Keys; - 712, 1 *- 1a OetlE or JowtirytPlni r ldlcalte Button., Stud,, Mar Ethos, tc:, - - -SP-EOPACLES. "" '• .vrAt*itcsl to it aUkinds oI ii.rod , :S-LID. ao4o- A.L.B•tatS 4 '.*- - i' • , A nest little Cbarm holding eight sisanittotoirtipho. - 60 - frp' ~„ • A fine essortinent, with and without bolder. Oid _ones repointed:l .1 S''QL.ll, SILVER Made in. ordirof • pure Coin, consisting. of Of Qtrid. Forks, Thirobles,l3ntteritnirear Napkin Rings; Fiutt. Knises, V.tzt Chains, 4te. • • PLATED WARE. - • - Phebest in marketsingle, - double, Delta and Cad - mole plate, and wanuaßtm—from a hill Tea Set down including Castors; Cake and Card Baskets, Ice Pitchers, Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sugar bowls, Cups, Tea Bella, &a. ./ac.. 7_ • _AILUSIC. PIANOS. Manufactured by Decker Brothers. which. with their late improvements, surpass those of any ether makers. Alen, Bradbury's New Seale Planos—a splendid Mart. meut. Other Pianos from $350 to WO. CABINET .ORGANS, From SIM to sl2oo—warranted fur five years. They are the finest reed Instrument In the' world, and I have only to gay that I have, s_o4..PearlY .$15,000. *arta_ of thona - In the last far years ; and they are all In good or der and have hover eostzny customers scant fur repairs, VIOLINS, GUITARS, ttc. Violins from $5 to $5O. slute•, Pifee. elatiOrtets.Ban- Jos, Guitar., Bows, Stange, Tuning Forks, Le. BRASS BANDS - - Supplied with instruments of the beat American man ufacture, by the single Inatrutneot or fall art, at the ma lierepricett,eleo mutilator any number of Instruments. lnetruetion Books and Sheet Music on Sand, end new enclitics received every *eck. Ilang Stools Exxon $6 to $15.-- Perfect Sewing Needles. • We have the exclusive agency fort. .1. Roberta' Pa tent Parabola Needles—the - best in the World. Try one paper and if not 'satisfied the money will be'reftutW. Fire Arms and Sporting Materials. Allen's, Sper,cer's, and llenrY's"Breseti loading M lles, all stiles Revolvers, Fowling Pieces, Shot Bolts and Powder Flasks, Cartridges for all the U. S. Army guns ; also U. S. and otherFi,Eczeslon Caps, Cooper Cartridges, all styles and sizes. 0. D' DEMA:kI Montrose. Nov, 27, ISM .81,500 PwfieleLEA.L.TlwPallitlL gents every. $2O Sew. itig Machines. Three • new kinds. Under and tipper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above sal ary or large commissions paid, The only machines gold in the United Stater, fur less than erla. which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson. Grover & Baker. Singer . Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are Infringements,- and the seller or nscr are liable t. crrest, tine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, or call upon SLIAW & CLARK, at Bidde ford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. [maytnly• STOVES! STOVES! NEW and eeleer stock of Coolclnz Peeler STOVES,Jait received and for Bale on the soiree •s -favorable terms, imam Now , 31ilfetd, bee. 11, 1568. • C:) , X.ip3:I•X3EOO PENSIONS, . BOUNTY,. AND BACK PAY,,-- rplIE undersigned, LICENSED AGENT of 1:11R 430 ERNAIENT, will give prompt to aA claims entrusted to his care. Charge' , low, and Infor mation FREE. L. F. PITCH. Xpntrose, Jan. 14, 1863. it Latest Fashicns Demand J. W. BRADLEY'S Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT. The wonderful fieilbllity • and great enmfort mad pleasure to any Lady wearing the... Duplex Elliptic Elkin will be experienced particularly in all crowded !Mem blies, Operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews. arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can bd folded when in use to occupy a small place' es easily or conveniently as a silk or muslin dren, an in valuable quality in crinoline, not found in any- stripe spring skirt. A lady having enjlyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic steel spring Skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly. dispense with their use. For children, misses, an d young•linlies they aro Reporter to all Others. ' Thep wilt not bend or break like the single spring. - but will prrserverheir perfect and graceful shape when throe or four ordinary skirts would have been thrown away as useless. The hoops are covered ,with' double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods ere knot only. double quango, but twice (or dotinle) covered, prevent ing them from wearing ant when drligilang dowriatocipa. Ward, &e. The Duplex Elliptic is q great favorite witliallYedin and hi universally recommended'hy.the Fashion *legs; nines as the standard skirt of the fashionableweirid. To enjoy the following inestimable advantagol in crinoline. viz : superior quality, perfect manifacinn. stylish shape and neigh, fixibility, durability, comfort, and econorgy. insntre for 04 W. Bradley's Duplex El liptic, or Double bpring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. CALITION:—To guard airain t lit impaiiiiiciii be partici.. lcr to notice that sklite offered as tllnplex" have the red ink stelae, viz: " J. W. BradTdre Duplex Steel spring*" uPori the waistband—none others are genu ine: Also notice that every hoop will admit a pia in log passed through the centre, thus revealing Om two (or donble),Spriegs braided together therein, labial* the secret Of their flexibility and , strength. ands oomc bination not to be found in any other skirt. For sale in all stores where first plant Skitte srs 1 1 0141 throughout the rutted States and elsewhere. , Manufactured by the Sole owners of the Patent, • . _ - ea s, Bradley at Corey.. - 97 Cbambers mid 79 ift R•9a etc. 74w Teiat. Feb. 1.1867-4 m TiKtol7 - irAirr ISA , PNr 4f1 " 1" 76441 MYREAVI ( You irWleety - A largo. Ilao ate g. A. wrzysxs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers