The Montrose Democrat Mrs= TV DAY MORNING, AT MOVIMOS7I, 817SQVINIANNACOUNTT, PA.,' BY • 14161 N . lI3V IEI R. NIL X "1" RI ZT, ' - 'lll $$ 71122 MINIM tN ADVANCS-011 Pm AT IND or VAIN. "ittraitteas advertisements inserted at $1 per square of Mines, three times, and 2.scta for each additional week. Yeirlfinivertisers; with usual changes, charged pp ibr four squares, quarter column $l5, - half column $3O. ono column andother amounts in exact proportion. Baldness girds of three lines, $3; or ono dollar a line.. rirLegtf notices at the Customary rates,—abont 50 portent addition to business rates. _ , , peDirellasism; executed neatly sad promptly Ildepriees. Deeds; Mortgages, Note!, Magas'. Conitables% Sena ad d other sale. Tievrassi.: Clemsh 31:Icriavata.. BUSINESS CARDS. M. C. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, &VIEW tirtendsville, F. I AIMS E. CARMALT, ATTORNEY itoc , AT:' iAVir. Offen trees Stone a; Warner. litontoyhte, Deco 18, 1888. tt Will. .1:0.. LUSK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose, rt. Office opposite the Praniellu Hotel, near the Court House. nov27 'G4 DR. E. L. GARDNER, - 113UTSICTAN and SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Gives , especial. attention to diseases of the Resat and Longs and all Surgical diseases. Office over the POE 4 Office. Boards at SearWe hotel. (Sept. 4. 1866. 13ALDWIN, ALLEN, & MITCHELL, DEALERS to Floor, Salt, Fork, Fish, Lard, Grain, Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Te 4 sad Co fee. West side of Public Avenue. lloptrose, April :7, 1868. BURNS a: NICHOLS, DEALERS In Prutrs, Medients. Cbotateals, Dye.. .I_l' Muffs. Paiute, 011 v, Varnish. Liquors, Spices. Fan. ef articles. Patent Medicines. Perramery and Toilet Ar. ticlos vir Pr es cr! ptio rut carefully_ compounded. Public Arena.), above boarlo's lintel, Montrose, Pa. b. 11. Buns), Anna Mamma. Sept.. 11, 1994. - D. W. SEARLE, A74=A LLZoice orsaheStore"! ZZ Os es Montrose . Pa. May 1. 1866. Da. E. P. HINES, • Tar Aft permanently located at Priendsvitle for thepnr -1.1.1. pose of practicing medicine and surgery in all its brauct:cs.. He may be found at the Jackson House. Office hours frnuall a. m.. to Sp. txt. lanititf Prtendsvillc, Pd., Jan. 15th, 1E66. ROGERS 45:3 ELY, I.4doetsiscoc3 .416.1acrticbiseenreo, myt cle Brooklyn, Pa. PETER HAY, *r_zieseitls3c,Cl .41.1mait.icatacieer, febl dltf Auburn 4 Corners. Pa. - C. S. GILBERT, X.alc•orLeisecil. Bvicoiltickactear. • eep'l eaf " Great. Bend, Pa. STROUD S BROWN, VIRE AND LIFE INSURANCR AGENTS. All tC bustneis attended to promptly. on Nit terms. Of Iles first door north of " Montrose Hotel," crest side of Pablic-Aronne, Montrose, Pa. (Tan. 1.1668. Drumm &mom - • Clura.r.s L. BROWS. - C. 0. FORDHAM, BOOT d! , SIDE Dealer and Manufacturer 'Montrose, Pa. 'Shoo on Main street, one door below the Poet Office. all kinds of work “ade to order, and repairing donarkeatly.' - Jan 105 _ Dr_ E. L. BLAKESLEE, PIIYSICIAN As SURGEON. bas located at Brooollia, ,Saim'a co., P4l. attmad promptly to all cat with which ho may be favored. °Mae at L. M. Bald whes. [dray JOHN SAUTTER, C.SPECTFULLY announces that be is 0417 pre. IL pared to cat all hinds of Garments in the most Fashion:Oat° Stye, and warranted to ftt with elegance and ease. Shop over I. N. Bullard's Store, Montrose. - DOCT. E. L. lIANDRICK, PITTSICIAN & Sit DEWS, respectrally tenders bit professional Services to tho citizen of Friends vill e. and vicinity. virOtica inthe office of Dr. Leet. Boards at J. llosford's. J 1 3 .2.0 63tf , . ABEL TLTREELL. TNEALEIt in Drags, Madidnee, Chemicals, toys 1 /Stuffs, Glass Ware, Paints, Otis, Varnish, Win *mgt.'s. Groceries. Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perftl-. ntiryate—Anent far all tho mostpopultr PATENT IgE I2I : LOIRS.:-.4l l ont.ribee, Pa. DR. INTAI, SMITH Q17110E071 DENVlST,—Mottrose, Pa. C3oglec in Lathrop.' new building, over t Bank. All Dental operatic= velll be 'a Si a performed In good style and warranted. JOAN GROVES, rfia:Sfflol 4 lAßLE 'PALLOR, Monttose, Pa. Shop I en• door west of Stories llotel. firAd order" filled promptly—in Andante style. Octtini,dona uu short notice, and warranted to tit • • . AVM, OhSTMT . AND clam 2,IIiNITPACTURERI3,—Voce of Main &treat, Montrose. Pa tf P. .ItICES, El" S IrOICABLE —Montrose, Pa. Shop I =Le 7: x Bleck, oyez !tore of Read. Watrone l'n.der. All work warranted as to At and Cat! .21; done nu-short notice, in best style. jan'6o BURRITT, UR In Staple and Fancy Dry Goode, Crockery, Ilardwore, Iron, Stoves, Drage, Of,, and Paints, Roots and Shoes, lints and Cops. Furs,Butialo Robes, OtocerieS, Provisions, New Milford, Pa. _ WII. 11. COOPER & CO., ANKERS. Montrose. Pa. Successorsto Post. Cooper 1.) it Co. Office, Lathrop's new building. Turnplke-st. .011. ITIINTTINO COOP= DIMIRY =MM. A. 0. WARREN, TTORNEY AT LAW. Botwity,, Back Pay. Peneion, and Exemption Claims offended to. febl 0111 cc ftra door below Boyd'a Store,' lgontroee, Pa • UNION HOTEL, NEW MILFORD, Pa. Lately kept by C. Vail. • •JOLIN FA UR 02', Proprietor. xeca• ulsrays ready. Time to eat. without being hurried, for persons arriving on the mgt.; wiablegto tut.* the Car.. At TON HOUSE, GREAT BEND, D V trgArt TUB RAILROAD DRPOT. Tbe Eons, le opeiret - all hours of Um night tot the acoonoupdatiorr of Posen rem *O7 - I)AAV Proprietor. - - TIIOOTS SHOZS In market Tarr.'IIIMI • * 7 at thefairdale Cheap Store, EMI :,.„ •.. TlRT*Cipt fttit 24',i.anctioas, . .L.P-••"•-• ••- — itt`the.Tairthile asap, Stage - —----- 261 - 94obes LadieerArs, tot:vicsal•it4'*344"..ii, "COSTAR'S" 1 1 1:11111All 'lll' 11 11111$1 "10 years establishedin N. T. Mt." " Only infallible remedies known." " Free from all poisons." Not dangerous to the Human VIIM117." " Rata come out of their holes to die. ' " Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ike. Extermin's lb a paste—need for Rats. Mice, Roaches. ;Black and Red Ants, &c, " Costar's" Bed-Rng Exterminator Ts -illiquid or gash—wed to Oestror. and also as a preventive for Bed-Bags, ‘tc. " Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects Is for Moths. Notof toes. Fleas. Bed-Bogs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Antraalk - II I Bsvasst It of all worthless imitations. ogee that " COSTAR'S " AMC le On each Box, Bat tle and Flask, Wore ,on buy. arAddress, EIENItY R. COSTAR, 484 Broadway, N. Y. Sold In Montrose, Pa.. by ABEL TUBBELL--and all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. "COSTARS" cat.sisnATim BUCKTHORN SALVE, for Cuts. Burns. Bruises, Wounds, Boils. Cancer... Jim ken Breasts. Sore Nipples. Bleeding, Blind a. d Painfu Piles ; li•;troftilotio. Putrid and ill condilium d Noes Ulcers, Otandular Swellings. I.7ruplionr, Cntaneoup if 3 , fectons, ingworm, Itch, Corns. Bunions, chilbl Hine. &e. ; Cha ped Bands, Lips, &..e.; Bites of Spiders In seem A male, &c. &e. Orfloses, 23 ete., sDcte.. and $1 slits. tar'Sold by alt Drugglstseverywhcre. ggrAntiby LIENRY B. COSTAR, Dapot 494 Broad way. 'N.Y. tend by ABEL TCUUELL, Montrose. Pa. "COSTAR'S" CORN SOLVENt For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &e. [ST - Bo.tes, 2.5 cents, 50 cents, and $t sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. rgir By henry B. Costar. Depot 484 Broadway, N. T -And by Abel Turrell, Montrose, Pa. " COSTAR'S " rarrinanon or BITTER SWER &, ORANGE BLOSSOMS !CS ElLAVrillquao TIM comerion. tried to gotten and beautify the Skin, remove Freck les. Pimples, Eruptions. &c ladies are now using it in preference to all others. rir Bottles, St. 'Soli by all Dragnists cverys bre. Irgrlty Berwyn.. Poster. Depot 4E4 Broadway, N. T. Or/ad by Abel Tamil, Montrose, Pa. - • "COSTAR'S" • COUGH REMEDY , For Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness. Sore Throat. Hoarse ness, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma. Cons-rap. lion, Stone.' Jai Affections, and all oiseasus of the throat and langs. laf - ltott 1e5.25 cents, 50 cents. and $1 sizes. tMrSold by all Druggists everywhere. 015 — By Henry R. Costar. Depot 484 Broadway, N. T. And by Abel Purrsli, Montrose, Pa. .. ,_... • - • . • • • . 000STAIV8" 01321MIXD .. , . --13110 - 10 P TILLS - PILLS, • a !nirit. Dna= PELL. , For rttsvertsend ea Sestinhe, Costivesees, badtget tiOnatyepeosts.)3lllhrtisiteee, Constipation, DiarrEett. Cults, Chins Fevers istlti - generic Ilerabgement of the DI tee *tout *tout f 01%. 12),Ceni ii, find 10 sins. Amit Id by evaers. kr . , iirrar ja 2l: ll9ll Bramiwair. S. I. -3111‘10111Fige l. ; . GROVER & BAKER'S otwazillt mamaEm Inglo AVAISCOID TAM RIG lIEST PREMIUMS At the State Yaks of New York, Illlinoie , Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, lowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, Missouri, California. At the Fairs of the American Institute, Franklin Institute, Maryland In. statute, Massachusetts Mechanics' Association, Penn. Mechanics' Institute, St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanics' Association, And at numeron* institute and County Fairs, tact lain; all the Fairs at which they wore exhibited the past three years. Fret prizes have also been awarded these machines ai the exhibitions of London-, Paris, Dublin, Litz, BesanCon", Bayonne, St. Dizier, Chalons, Ad they have bosh fornlPhed by special command to tho Empress of il-anee, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, Empress of Brazil, Queen of Spain, and Queen of Bavaria The Grocer & Baker Elastic Stitch Sewinc InchineS are enperior to all others for the following reasons : 1. They sew direct from the spools, and require no re winding of thread. 2. They are more easily understood and tined. and less liable to deraw , ament than any other machines. S. They are capnblo of extent In perfectly. withont change of adjustment, a much gratter rarieti of work than other machines. 4. The stitch made hr these machines is much more firm. elastic and durable. especially npon articles which require to be washed and ironed, than any other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing tothe manner in which the un• der thread is inwrought, is much the most plump end bee nt ifnl In use. and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and ironed until they are worn out. fi. The structure of the seam is such that. though it be rut or broken at interval& of only a few stitches, It will neither open, ran, or ravel, Waren:tains firm and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both ends of the seam by j,heir own operation. 8. With-these machines, while silk is need upon the right or face side of the seam, cotion may he need upon the other side without lessening the strength or dura bility of the seam. This can be done on no other ma chine, and is a great saving upon all articles stitched or made up with silk. 9. These machines, in addition to their superior mer its as instruments for sewing. be a change of adjust ment, easily learned and practiced, execute the most beantaul and permanent embroider,' ar.d ornamental work, ! GB,(OVEB. lIIKEP. S. M. CO., . tho 415 Broadway, New Teri: 1 TU Chestnut street, rhil'e. Oct. M.-13m PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD ? the teh ;lest, the rdost durable, the most cent:Lot:llod. Try in Manufactured ontyby ZIEGLER & SMITH, 15 - nolesale Drug, Paint and Glass Denim , . Jan3o ly 1= North 3d street, rhilad'a. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA and WESTERN R. R. Winter Arrai4zement, Dec. 3d. PASSZSGED. TRAINS LAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. Mail Evening Molll Even train. train. STATIONS. train. tral A. PI. P. at. P. ":71 P. I 0.00 New York•.... ..... I 6,201 111,30 MeW :Hampton ' .I 2,30 1 .... 112,18 Menntka Chunk.... I 1.95 s i• 1 12 45 1 Delaware ....Dine ... I 1.90' .„ 1 4,30 110,10 f Scranton I 9.42 I 0,20 , C I s.'ir, I 1:,43 ; Nicholson 5.33 4.::3: c I 5.58 I 12.C8 rliapbOttottk ' . 8,18 4.05 4 I 6.21 112,3.3 ; 'Montrose 3.55 3,35 6.4:1 1.08 : New Milford 7.34 I 3,05 1 -. 00 1,33 ;Great Bend I 2,15 2.40 a, P.M. P.M 1 *Foot of Ltberty-st. ; A.ll P M CONNECTIONB—WESTWAIIB. The Mail train from Now York connects at Ma nnnka Connk with the train-leaving Philad'a(Kensing ton depot) at 7.3 J a. m.. a mint Greatßend with ii.ron,qh mantrain on the Eric Railway, with sleeping car at tached. stopping at all thoprincipal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6.18 a.m. The I aeveng,er.trair. from Scranton connects at Gr't Bend with thronia trains going- weaVand east on• Brie Rai lway.mrrivingst &Cam at 1,28 a. tn.. taut at Sala manca ar 12 in. CONNECTIONS-EASTWARD The Mail train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Empress on the Erie Railway from the west ; at Matturdm Chunk with n tram for Philtura and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 8.30 p. m.; and at New Hampton with a train for Eaton Bethlehem. Allentown. Reading and Harrisburg, arriv. at if arriaburg at 8.3031. m. At Scranton. conDeetions are made with tmine on the Lackawanna and Bloomsbnrgß.R. to and from Pittston Kingston. Wilkesharre. Berwick. Bloomsburg,Danville, Northumberland, liarri aburg and I n termed late stations. and with trains on the Delaware and Hodson Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. A. r. - DRISSITC ner27 General Ticket Agent. President. IRTE RAILWAY.—On and after Mon day, November 19th, me. trains will leave Great Bend at about the following hours, viz.: GOING WEST 3.00 a m. Night Express, Alondars excepted, for Ro chester. Buffalo. Salamanca and brinkir:,, making di r,ot co .0 eoti on with tral us of the A thin tlo and Groat Western, Lake Shore and Crand Trunk Itat!ways. for al! nointl West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 2.. a. In. Night Rxpregs. Daily, for Rochester, fluff do. Salamanca. Dunk.l.4. end the West. Stops at Great Bend on A:olldays Vhly. 5'27 a. tn. Mull Train. Sundays excepted. for Bainlo and Dunkirk. connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. It a. m. Emig not Traln.Daily, for the West. 4.05 p. tn. Day Express, Sundays excepted. for Ro chester. Bunt°. Salamanca, Dnnlark, and the West. Connects at Binghamton fur Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; nt Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Hallway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail ways, for all points West and South. 7, GI p. tn. Express Mall. Sundays excepted. f‘r Bun lo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk.. connecting with trains for the West ; ale() at Elmira for Canandaigua. I.oop. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. GOING EAST 3.43 a. m. Night Express. Dully, ronnectlng at Cray court for Warwick; and at NetrYork with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New Englac4 cities. 2.01 a. m. Cincinnati Express. lleddays excepted, a' Lackeys:Lieu for llawler, and at Grayconrtlbr New burg and Warwick.- 118 p. m. Day Express, Sundays excepted. 12 p. m. Accommodation Train Daily. 4'lo p. in. New York and Baltimore Ilan, Sundays ex cepted. 10.20 a. m. Way Freight - Swadayrexcepted. W /1. R. BARR. D. BIDDLE. fen 10 Gen"! Passenger Agent. Gen'l Sup't. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS,.- aria 33.11,433 a: Pay". GE nuderei_gned. LICENSED AGENT of the .00V MINNOW. bevies (*deiced the simmers fo • . wlllidteAeromptuttieuttou to an claim tntnatea lone M. No alum isamitra . it. • • riestrose, ;ace OM, Mt -,, CI .aL Ls 3C.a .116 i tllaA, iSitcrareo of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co• And look at the *stoney. morta=l of NEW GOODS, .For Fall & Winter, Iteoeived this week from New York. : I dl' [e STOCK OF GOODS IN TOWN, And pricer soti,,j'oetor . y to every one DRESS GOODS, Ly? Ø 4VtiLd,mT.Dillpis COTTON GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS,FURS,SKIRTS AND FANCY GOODS, too numerous to locution (0,107 'ErtYPCI9 And Gents' Furnishing Goods, ♦ny Qaan4lty and Style 6uttenintrg, M. S. DESSAUBR, Managing Partner Ifontrose, Sept. te, )& GREAT DEPOT -FOR mr.a.rrEi s , C.LL.1:3'3.9, FURS, 4or_.c)erii-xarv - •Q-, FURNISHING GOODS, GLOVES Re, MITTENS, BOOTS & SHOES. ALL -KINDS 07 FIIWA, made to order, and Merchants supplied at the lowest New York rates no public are toTited to call, examine Goode, sod get the grim, II tlisy don't the Goods. 0..11132.31 Pilate kreavo, *tea. Me. it A FRESH LOT OF NEW GOODS , JUST ARRIVED FOR TUB iSI, PIE. g Tracts, At WILSO I, GRIFFIS & WARNER'S. BE AUTY.—Anborn Gel den. Flaxen, and Silken CURLS produced bytko nee of Prof. UnßusttrePßlSEß LE ell EVEAUX. One ap plication warranted to curl the most straight and stab born hair of ..ither sex Into . . wary ri lig:lots or heavy massive curls. lies been used by the fashionables of Paris and London: with the most gratifying results. Does no iniury to the hair. Price by mall. sealed and poet paid. st. nese.riptive circulars milled free. Address BERGER : snurrs .t co .Chem tam No. iMS River street, Troy, N. Y: Only agents fur the United States. myl tycfspq Excelsior I. Excelsior CIS ESTE Le X.a .04.14.' HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. TO the Ladles especially, this invaluable depilatory recommen.dsit_selfasheinganalmostindispensable article to female beauty. 1, , eastly :limbed. and does not burn or injure the skin, but nets directly on th” roots. It is warranted to remove stiperfinons hair from low foreheads. or from any part of t be body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft ..mooth mid natural. This it the only article used by the French. and in the only real etTeettial depil atory powder in existence. Price $t per package, sent poet paid to any address. on receipt of an order. by Batmen, Sarirrs it Co.. Chemists, myl !yew(' 2 .5 River street, Troy, N. Y. C 7 X3C.AOL SI 'r El-s 1-a .A.7EI. 'O3 WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, g i 'oß Improvin - and 13cantlfying the complexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use. for giving the skin a beautiful. pearl-like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes tan, freckles, pimpled, blotches, moth patch- s, sallowness, eruptions and all impurities of the skin. kindly healing the same, leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. its use cannot he detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a rezetahle pit-par:aim) i,. perfectlyharmless. it in the °Mr art :dc of the kind used by the French. and is eon. eid ared by the Pari•iall as inchspendable to a perfect Ito 1-t w.,rild of 30.00,1 bottled were sold (limn the ;i:mq nrv,r, a dottielent guarantee of its rMcm.y. only 75 us. Mailed host paid.on r•ceipt 11;1 order by 111:RGER, ( - TTs t'henti•ls. • myl lycfspq 2 , 4513iver greet, Troy, N. Y. TISCEI IVISW rr Co imi.. 30 MINER & COATS root's building, below Boyd's Corner, is tha plat° to buy your UR, GROCERIES, ND PROVISIONSq CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! MINER & COATS Would Inform the public that they are now opening a New and Choice Stork of FAMILY (.P.U."'E HIES. jn, , t received from New York. which they will •rll cheap for cash, or exchange for all kinds or Farmer e produce. We have made arran;emcnt• with one of the hest Commission lionece in New York fur chipping Butter and Produce, and will itirnish rails free of charge, and make Liberal Advancements on consignment.. of Butts:. Also, CASH paid (or rat ter, Grain and Eggs. A fre-h rnpply of GARDEN VEGET %BUS. by Ex prose. alvrey s on hand. rff - Thsnlaul fnr ton llbnril peronarle already re ceived. w.. hope by dealinz honorably with oar custom err to still further extend our trade. C. 0. MINER., • - W. R. COATS Montrose, Juno 5. IStS. Sin I~ENIINGTON & SON, mannfacturerc of REVOLVERS, RIFLES, MUSKETS a nd CAR BINIS for the U S Service. Also Pocket EL Belt Revol vers, Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolving Rifles. rifle nod shot gnu barrels and gun materials sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In tileee dale of llou.e breaking and Robbery, every !louse, biore, Lank and office , Mould hare one of REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS Parties decirrnt7 to avail themselves of the late ihn itroverncnt. in Pit•tni Pt, :1 ,ttperior workmant hip and turm, \t ill find ail corn dncd in the now REMINGTON REVOLVERS Circular•. eontalnlna cr:tet and description or our Arms. %ill be furniotwd upon nppllcsaion. aplUoy) E. ILEMINuTON it. SONS, Ilion, N. Y. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. PREFERRED 1)3'11111 practical painters I Try it, and you will have nn other. Maonfartured only by ZIEGLER SMITE, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, Jan3o ly 137 North 3d.slreot, Philad'a. ABEL TURRELL - Is continually receiving NEW GODS, And keeps constantly on hind a full and desirable an. sortmcnt of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors. Paints, Oils. Dye-stuff+. Teas. Spices and other Groceries. stoneware. Wall and Window Pa per. Glassware, Lamps, Kerosene. Benzoic, Tanner's Oil. Lubricating Oil. Neatstoot Oil, Refined W hale Oil. Varnish. Whips, Gum , : Pistols, Cartridges. Powder, Shot. Lend. Gun Caps. Musical Instruments, Toi et Soaps, Hair 011*, Brushes. Pocket Knives. Spectacles. Silver Plated Sperms, Forks. and Ivory Handled Knives, Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, Etc. ALL TILE Patent Medicines advertised In Montrose. and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY MARKET. In short. nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste. to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration is I rnpractlenble, as it would fill a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa. EQUALIATION Of BOUNTIES! QOLDTERS: Congress ha- Just panned enact to min:ll- Ire your Bonntle.! Those who have not already done no, should make immediate application. Md. ow., heirs or pnrent. of Soldiers who have died In the. service. nre entitled to the same bounty the soldier. if Grine. would receive. Having already prepared over two hundred claims. those who have delayed making annilattion will find it greatly to their advantage to give men cnll. Invalids and widows emitted to nn increase of pen sion under act anproved,June 6,1866. should also make application. Information tree. GEM P. LITTLE. -- - Licensed Government Agent. Montrose, Aug. 7,1866. Evgny VARIETY OP 000118 . -41,the_Paltdale Cheap Mere ITATP i 47AP11 tbs VIEL11 .14 110Z; ca.ip MORE NEWS FROM MIMI ST BOOTS! BOOTIT BOOM , MEN'S BOOTS, BOY'S BOOTS, YOUTH'S BOOTS, TRICK BOOTS, KIP BOOTS, CALF BOOTS, AND BOOTS MADE TO ORDER. Also, a good assortment of 151317.033151. Consisting of Ladies' Kid. Lasting and Goat Balms,. als and Gaiters, Men's Brogans, Boi's Balmoral', Youth's Congress Gaiters, Baby Shoes, etc. ate., all of which will be sold AT SMALL PEONS! N . D.—A . l kinds of work made to order; and repairing done neatly. C. 0. i:(1110112.11• Montrose, May 8, 1866. IS WHISKERS. MUSTACHES forced to grow on the smoo. the.t face in from three to weeks by using Dr. SHVIG- N 'S 11.F.iTA UItATEDU CAPILAIttE. the must won &Hill discovery In modern science. acting on the Beard and Bair In an almost mime- Wont; manner. It hap heen need by the elite of London and Parte with the most flattering 'fleeces. Nam es n , all purchasers arc registered. and If entire Fa t *fa et lon Is not gl ven In every Instance. the money nlll be cheer. fully refunded. Price by mail. scale I and pin tpaid, $1 Descriptive circulars and tent mon tills mai led free. de.. dress DEWIER, slit & Co. Chemists, No 245 Ri T. or street, Troy. N. F. Only agents for the United State. my I I rasp(' Manhood: How Lost, How Re- stored. TUST pubished, a new edition of Dr. Calver t; well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cord (without medicine) or DPEIUIAIIOIIIIIIOZA, or Setwnal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediment, to Mar. Tinge, etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, ia. duced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. VT - Price. In a scaled envelope, only G ceuts. The celebrated author in this admirable esFay clear'y demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarmin , 4 ,consequences of self-abuse ma 3 h. radically cured without the dangerous use of interrti medicine or the application of the knife—pointing mode ofcure at once simple, certain and •ffertnai, hy means of which every eutTerer. no mattor what his eau dition may be. may cure himself cheaply, priralcly ard radically. (_V — th;s Lecture P boTild he In the hands of evert youth and elm- man In the land. Serit.nnder seal. in a plain envelope, to an i'arldre,l. po.t paid. on receipt of six cents, or two poet stAmps Addreas the publishers. (11 AS. J. C. KLINE k CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Poet Office box 4rarcla 20, 1566-Iystrip. HUNT BROTHERS , /13 FILAL WM CON , Wholesalc.6; WWI Dealers In ztAra D ww , 2r int_ ®N, STEEL, NAILS, miovrAlAs, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE RAIL. COCNTERSUNK d T RAIL SPIZES RAILROAD MINIS° .SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND LOXES. BOLTS. NETS and WASHERS, PLATED RANDS. MALLEABLE I Ross. HUBS. SPOKES. FELL ORS. SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS. do ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOITS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES. A . c. Sc. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. 11FLTING',.PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS. PLASTER PARIS CICMENT. HAIR fi. GRINDSTONES FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER .6, FINDINGS FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton. March 24. ISM. y PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD w ILL do more and better work at a given coat, than VY an y other. Try it ! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER b SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Glass Dealers, jan3o ly 137 North 3d street, Philad'a. LADIES' FANCY FURS, JOH.V FAREIRJ'S Old Es laGlished l'ur Manufactory, No. 719 AP.CII STREET, above 7th PHILADELPHIA lAVE row in Ptore of my own manntactnre and ir7l- ptrrtat;(l. 011 C of the lar;est and most beautiful selections of FANCY FURS. fur Ladies' and Childr , ..'s wear in the City. Also, a fine assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my ,T.orvis at very rca.or,+• ble prices, and I wonld ta erefore s licit a call from my friends of Sutqurhanna county and vicinity. Remember tae name, nntuber' and Street JOHN FAREIRA. No. 71S ah. 7th, south side, PIIILAD'A. Itiri - 1 have no Pnrtner. nor connection with any oth er Store lu P h ladeiphi a. Oct. 16, 41xljn, Two WARD Assoclation,Phlladelphin. Pa EL Diseaeca of tile N ervour. Seminal. tirinarT an d'ses• ualsymem— nen' and reflable Iraqi:Dent—in Pryer?, the DOWARD ASSOCIATION. E'en, by mall a sealed let er en reloper. trce of charge. Addreet. Dr. J. SKILLts flounwroN. Howard Ast , ociation , 2 South Sth !street Philadelphia. Pa -\ "THE FAMOUS BARBER." Come and see the famous Barber, Famous Barber, late of Ilavti. Late of Hart', now at Weeks', Now at C.'S. Weeks• Store Room, Find me ■having and shampooing, Find me cutting hair to suit you, Find me ready at yenr,servlee. lityour service s £IIAItLEY MORRIS Montroee,Oet 15, 15413. tf Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R. ON and after 'November 27, 1863, pumices trains will run as follows: SOUTIIWARD A. It. A. IL T: A. Leave Scranton. 5:50 • 10:50 4:50 •• Kiogoton, 6:55 11:45 6:20 Rupert. 9:15 8:53 " Danville, 9:50 0:20 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:30 10:15 NORTHWARD., Leave Nod humberlrnd, 8:00 2:05 •• Danville, 8:40 3:40 •' Rupert. 9:15 •. X. 4:15 " Kingston, 235 • 8:80 C:55 Arrive at Scranton, 3:45 9:3.5 8:10 Passengers taking train swath from Scranton at 5:50 a. to. via Northumberland. reneh liarripburg at 12:30 p. tn.; Baltimore 5:30 p. m.• Washington 10:00p. to.; Tla 'Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7:05 9,.m. Kingston, Nov. 25. 11..A.FQNDA, Sapt. Nu•.W GOODS• WEBB & BUTTERFIELD Are now receiving their New Stock of ,s,p ring sl;miiter ar co co 3:0 isa , which will be sold CnElrllslL3E 2b Summer Dress Goods, Sillscs, Grenadines Chsllies, Printed Cambiics, , Lawns, Muslins, Prints, Delaines, Poplins, Bats Caps, Groceries, Crockery, Ilardiare, coo. &C. WEAR itUTTERIFLECLD. atrose, May 20, 18611. • READY MADE OLOTUING nt-tha Fnttdala amp Dem G _ LASS and STONSI FItIIIT JAVA. and aluoSpatte Pratt Presortlag Solution, tor Plan Copt. INK -AUL Tutimabl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers