The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 19, 1867, Image 3

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    making Isvis-gintre; mak i ng cloth of
very superior titifilitY,"atid of JO t or nine
Important to
.Officers. : . different styles, all on thS same warp,
s laic accialon of the Court of ! the rate or frolwgo to s 5 yard:4 per day..
Claims, oflieer3 engaged in the late AV r - .Teang,!satinets, iweedl . kerseys, rcpps,
are entit'ed to one, two, three or four fencieg„ birds eye, bagging, toweling, la
servants, according to the rail - , or in lieu ble linen, cotton, - wool, hemp cloth, and
of servants to the pay of a private soldier carpetin, arc among the Mendenhair,
for each servant they are entitled to. On scatty iiel g
lieviimenis. thi, majority -of
the Ist of May, 1864, Congress increased these, the change can be made in t tro
t h e pay of a privale soldier to SIG per minutes Irom one stryle of fabric to :moth
month. Ott the 3d of March, 1863, Con- or on the same warp.. The provrietors iif
e xpiained the measure (Ilan offieet'.4 t he.Phiiadelphia "Mendenhall," hate re
allowance for a htl VAhl 10 lie " the pay or cenfis invented k ib uit i o b y which rag
a private soldier, as fixed by In at the • car i ets eati be rapidly woven by self iie
tMte." Sknce which date., hut not befae, lion, in the same nrami, r as :toy 01
officers have been alowt d $l6 per month er cloth. Nu other loom has this ha
f.,r each servant, they were entitled to.— prt vement.
13L1‘ ,.„,„ I hy se date•, May Ist, 1864, arid The farmers, mechanics, and all others
March 3d, 1865, otliJer. are col itied to we::ring "store clothes," actually pay (II
the diff,!renee between $ll and $l6, i'r 63 the material of which they are made ris
per mouth for each servant they are enti- profits, and the tax of six per cent.,
IA to. all of which accrue on the raw material
het Weeli the time of its ;;ping nut I , r far-
ocruirivrilr • • ---
Counterfeiter Arrested.
An individual, ealhing himself Dr. Hen.
ry Corsnur, and living in 'noniron, this
c ounty, wail arrested a few days ago for
plsring counted, it money, and on Friday
Isst huh an oxainin pion before S. li.
Clias, El.. U. S. (2,;
couaiy, a . S t , duohanua por. C uee t,,..
f-it now , to the v.ilue ut *l5O, on the
Fourth National ll'ohk of I'lii!adelphi,,
were found tin hi+ person. Arier a hear
ing he was forwarded by
tail In \\'illiam>-
pert, where ho will remain jiiaged until
June tern) of Court. It iw looli-•%ed
C,,r,ner was vmployid to di•pse or the
bilk as no dies yr tools were luuttd in his
List cf Recent Bank Failures.
Th e f,,Powing of t he r, cent fai '-
tiri.s 13 inks, %%1) ehrl.)//1.
the, into. r 'igiis ut t OM% S
B.t/tk Meredi: 11, N. ,
:141.cii. C A
ause - sin:oda:l.B ul tlu
:\:ational 13 ink of 111141-,m,
Flrral N3./ , . 11 d BAIA!: of Newtonl
twirx capi al. C.ol-e--
rtertilation of ca-bier.
N clonal Batik, Baltimore,
ion of t3CiO,OOO hy book-keeper
payitvz teller.
S att. Nation:,[ Balik, Boston, tirf,lca•
1.011 of 45G00,00'.). CalINC—SpeClll:ll i , )11 , ut
F.,:rman's Nat ional 1; ink of Alo, 11;11,N.
y , %v. nt ninivr on Fi iii iv
1. , ,, 1,;:tt:(1:S and gent: ai aboi,t
,:. - ,:/ca
1.1-1-1,;•,1 Sociely
on Monk ac, )[arch '23, at. I o'ci“.-k,
fo• Ow purpose of :oc..atiii t : hair
All inter,to.,l ivpiestea to
I:l3ciped from Jail
MeGre g ur, nue he persona c Intined
,•1 j county, c'ior.•cd with the
s.Ve r.,Lb t y Ti Ir.adi a s GIVE I.II.XLDIATE LEZILT
• • iltt! iro n j iii 011 Wedl:esti:ty tceililsg t.t For 1..,:0 tt c,;..i.j. 5 . Lathan:, Catarrh, Con7,r_r_;ti7o
, i-t .A . t.ek, in a 11.,1,1 :10,1 (Ills attd Throat Diseasea,
,11 . the a•teiel nits =‘..l , 7Zoc3Ms A= USED NVITU •LWATS GOOD ECCCr.FS
111. , )111 the p.tri.illy SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS
warn Metiregor e:( le,l lit. :11111th ('lt I,i V. T nrcftil in el, aring the voice tt
nilll'l: 111 :11,U Ilt
the di- 1h i ler re :".;•••11 I. ; :, i!,c
11,14.0 t, r . 11111-Lai Or the 10C.1
ately da-lied tatolder lor a mix. e
inne, wlii...key and peppi r sailec 11 hi,
e r Prneyn
f.i cc, bliti.ling at..l bewiloc:ing •ii ,
Ilein;nn if true me rit,
111 , 11 po.sli.tit tile ( 1 .0,,r iiptn, Lilli.acy by n test of many yiar
t'te hall, from there 10 Ilie lannly din Dig cart , y find. them in nen: iocarities in ‘ariciu4 parts
ritotn, and tint into the yard. Th e 1 , 421 .,, of the *world, ni.f.l the Troches turn uLivcrcilly prouunti
in al tend ince, 1......f0re going to the eel), I err! •
In nut t , kc our 11.11:
, ON rr r tl . . nnyrnr.a. and
),"I,d iakell the 1tree31.111 ,, 11 10 lock Illy 11311
rU.DILI:, lie
door, and there. liappeneii nut to 1,) , e (there. 11(/‘ 2: ,in taliil2
u'lc in tiro I Alt
1111111 lint in the
jar;:n-s.= made! , oil lii-
The Sheriff and (I' her officurA were I'l -
we tried in iii it lets ii, and the uI x - t
mot - toot , : into! Ili it, Lr h id I e u reel•
the. nlori:itt il . ntl tI I. 1 luhl
: :1) whence lie I.ri k a cotir-e er 11:e
. tittain in 11. e direction f j, t l; ( v. In
1.11• cYrlllll^ he c. ins Lo Iio:eoulb ern
7.: • it"y, !rd fur ?..tipper, where
it i.uallter
c-capt., aua rcailing the handbill tle
,•:riii:ng kiln and otfering aretrar.l liar his
:,; , preilen , ion. s;ipilw.l ont 0i the
11,)iNe. an , l started Leek down the roa,l
to this &ace; Lot %vas 1.0011 OVerigkVll,
and arrested, and bron . qiit back to j
having enjoyed his liberty but.
The utmost precaution has been tnken
to pr(vent the escape oil those confined
the j.lil, and the,ii•liess with
thu ni - tn,wavre wag exectiled could hardly
have been guardcti against. The at ten
dant was totally blind lor some time from
the effocts of the drourlte wi:li which he was
f4vored but has recovered without perma
nent injury. Barnes, who was c.mfined
in the same cell, made no attempt to es
cape. McGregor, on his rvturn 1.0 his old
quarters, was heavily ironed, and « ill
h irdly have another opportunity to prac
tice such jokes.—Bradford Rep.
Mendenhall's Improved Self Acting
Hand Loom.
We copy the lollowing from the Farm
and Fire.ide, Philadelphia :
A4a practical mechanic and mehrical
expert, v, e hare given close and cotitinu
outs crileal atteutlon , fur wore I halt a year
to the Prtictical pet - romance of the " 1111-
proved Mendehltall," :nal freely confc . :•N ,
we have f o und no feat tire to find tau% wit
—everything to commend.
So entirety simple, disorder of parts is
nearly impossible. With so little friction,
but trifling power is required to operate I
it. It weaves by simply turtling a crank 1
—a perfect autoinaube—swing4 the lathe',
springs the treadle, flings the shuttle, , • --
wintls - the warp, winds up the" wove AOC) ',s4"ll:4l„=,de'uss.*w4ll;ameals"4"l"ig.lM
elotbrund..ratuntains the tecebn, Dever aity e atlatig 31 dod••Blo• truire-
. .
niers' hands anti ret until)" , tit them in t
ILirla of cloth. The Moideill.all Limn)
saes in its proprietors all this, besides
giving, them a better duality of attli, at
an as, etage cif about, one hit the tof
stntelllit erial.
For ;elms and particulars, kith cant
plus I c l oth, addeess IL Ga , es & Co.,
propiietors, J 33 eliesnut.street, Philadel
S.•mplea of e 1 .(4-h woveri.on the " 31rn
loom, mat - >w seen at Ike offioe
of thr Farm and Piresidu 4U2 Prune Si.,
Sc., advertisement in this paper.
—Gov. Bullock of :113 ,, sar1usett . ,
nppoltnt..l a Negro iinmed Get gel ilmtLio
a of Ow peaeo for tlio efflinty
cre two I.4)'dit.r
caw ••• Inr 11,e I) , ,siiimi—cnie minus n It•Lt—
but it. W. 1.. 110 L:0. NV01110 . 11:li Ll , Jid it r had
to take .1 hark seat.
Good News from the G , anite State!
Tho Now Ydrl: Trih•rw vi•-dordav gave
tia• r(torioi
and a•imnt that "the ot.t Denim..? :0h...
no the popular Vol t• in towns thus far
rlLr ):s u 4, 1:287."
The r.t I ml 1 amount
oil) to '29: 4 , wli le dn.! 3.).!inner.ilic
; i lc 11;85, toaLiog, a nut Duinecral it
gain 1,2:-‘7. 'roe :i.setliblv etv(l, so
0%%, :t7 ladicais In 25 Dvion , l•:+l-,
F:111).. I , •%‘' llila , “. year 4G radi
ca's io 1G - ilt. mnerat s.
ntzt:L ro•.l,ita!!y
lelL,._. al.ll )4,11\
'tow 4,11 B , ty w her iti
rir A Couab•, A Cold, or A Sore 'll.lroat,
11 - Tito:lon of the Lung*,
A Poratan.ut Throat Disease,
D It 0 W N'S
!1;I:ONCITTAI, TrtocnEs
D:. EMI:ITOZ2S roLlloNto s - rnur.
Tae gram mod oZ,c :rural Dz.J. IL i a.l ,S a :., -
o Jr. Ce.aeua p lon, lebc 1 at hat 6t ut aid IL
e oa , tot, 13d Arba t rpr l des :1 appa:2i to
b :33C1sIL:v C. a d ea0.,...0 1 b //13:43X.3.3
11!3 t he ra. AIII3 ato o. tS a earn; p bin p .rcor ul
rz.n.c.l - . lT e h.-3. , h r —oral in a var., - en:xt lime, IA
• rc: ant ut tlee d ece....a bee bee.; appza:loaee.l, for 0:1 .he
• t.,p ca'ncl.; erean79.n. - 0 - 3, and 1.1.11,
Hera tha," two bandro.l ! Reseda.
r.l,aeo Wei roorrev.,', be hat derolci h . { WO:IL:01 tr.e/-
fireY to the care Sr, a 1.1
ere nenallicorrp Ica 01 wile wed zb - z cum.; arx ed b: htW
=elk , . 0. hare 1.,:a 'Cr;' a:lnc. - one and 1041, - trot t 0 .
I),e. Sa.raacs. useLkae preft nlonal v.a.t• to save:a:v. II a
c , „e c ha 112., a inre!, Ca-103:13 C of pl_ ca
at le to re...l;p .ar harp
to be lb a 0 r cO. r a en , . a •d la a fo - v in loam
I.s. e, reb.:ze I)a.. .1.1,zi ;V:1 ;
• 8:11.“."_411.) TO::
arc ,c-Or. 1; a., no in :el C - 3.341/ „,.1
ae,p at tbs.: se; oarCa 1 ta'z, the.a
• ,:3eu: ec-2.1.23 bat r - ac lit :3 r)3V3 IC at
• io . v., for a 3331'3
the 9.,:tv0r—J.,0 1111 J-1 At 3 :J i....J.11.13:2.•J0.
61 , 1 lit:: Z.JST 13, .tt
544 t..; a IL:1117;141A D',3 Pr:ott 1.31 7 y l bottic.
0r".".3 ,or - A
ho S ectc.oi to Ltr. &r:to_t.r.e.t N.
6th Alta, pa a, Who PO nro s.t.rlea z C 4.N. Y
S. G. 1.17.1c.c M J. 41.1 D. C. Cony,
0: Ws..l-zr sr. tills:. C:s.cais, Ili.; e+.lln3 Bnr. S:
Ttcrer - ted for the :MONTIIOSE DEMOCRAT. hr Fenton,
Fltrzcrald a: Trace. t Wetly Produce Comml,,lon M.or, 33 Whitehall scr,et, Ne w York. for 'he
Fl.,nr. per 100. ...
lint WI% per lb.
i'''rk • per 1A)1
Lard. pct. lb. •
Efrga. per doz.
Wool. per ......
precced lloge. per
firNotires of Third:was and deaths published free
of charge. Obits iricapabllebed lf raid fur at the rato
Of nay cents per hundred words..
I n Brooklyn, Alarch 80, .Aanoy Dr,
Wrrr, aged 73 yearO !.... , _ - -
. - .
fok . .
TpiTE subscriber will nit or rout bid Store situated in
5. thh b.ruugh of FileacisrUlu. Tvrtns enej,
/larch 17 , ISGT. 4w J. LiOsFORD.
Titsal,icriber will sell at public vendae.fla the La
maul o.lrduer tam, ILL Bridgu water. un
Weduct4day, Ainreil 27, 1867,
11110 n. m : One ID years old Stare. 1 eight fill
uld nurse. 1 Cov‘ • 11hree yearablu kleiref., 1 yegain
11.11,..r. 11 Chiciren•. 1 biro Dues. 1
lumenW,lg./11. I lII,hI Wagott,.l .tulle, a "tt tub
tatter, 2 sult.stagleitairavrA. s dtint.tte
he,a. Griud,tut.e, ilt.r-eitake;gtain Cradle, sett Drag
Teeth, ()I Chilli., Huh'. in ull/11: Stove, 1 &trim Stove,
Pork. Putatuks, t.,taiu, Straw, and uther articles nut
or ConAumpilon
w. iu mo. I yr
.Wch IG. -1847.
,F 10.00 (1, 14.00
2,:.0 ("0 3 " )
1.2 GT, 1.25.
1.10 Q. 1..T . 1
m 3 4 32
. IS
tn.rn 0
12.00 C. 17,00
12 (7 . 4 12
. 11 (74 12
. 20 nj F. 5
8 (3, 10
117.11%15,—A rale onde.r t 0 00 cash ; tr, 00 and over;
OinvntLiuyp ago ei lut«runi•
1111EWnTElt, A uction rer.
March 19, 1.367. 1w JUS.
.2 2 111.11_ , 0tif.:4313..
rpriE.alrh+crib,r wit! Eell at pablie eenatio at lite place
to Brid,ruwatur. about ti.ruu milus Ruth 6109 U -usu.
uwr the Wyalualug Ci, le road. on
March .6, 1867,
at 10 ...cluck. n. m . the tullo win; property, to ail:
Cow , . 3 Yearlin.;,, 11 Sheep. 2 teses, 6 Shoals, I
new I inalwr ld'agt,n. I light Wseru. 2 Plow.. 1 Harrow,
1 1 t I re and I Wort Power. t 11/1111P, Yorks,
It and .dla•r F.tralluL; uastls. Llauseh•dd nun/.
I.lre. I 0•1.,1•1111.J 1111 d IsoCidl/114. Table., Ctl.lirS,
I/1111 Lucca ono alpe. ,00 011. r art icaes.
A the Farm uf 90 acres. uuluss previoanly
,'•I a 11l be 111. It l e.t bidder.
Yr:lg ‘I x 111u1,111.i 1,01,3 it 11/1 Interelgt and op
pto, (ft ri (ali') ITh . FL/111 , - of $lO Had over..ou immortal
pr..pepy ; .1 I trTe iii,llloll of ihirt.1143,3 ',rico of tarot
. II•111.1n1. •, L und quo It.
lIIIENeart.II. Crier. Wll. KELLY.
111 er. Starch 19.12:1. ler•
co-plrtner-lilp het n reu I he untleritigned. under
the tit to of Wll.oe. Gratis 45: \Vanier, in tli i GUI
3.2t0i ell by. /111.11l1:1/ CUL.< la .
Xlontralo, 13C7
Thu burinces of Dry
tiu.l•. l!ardn are, I.rureriro, etC.. at 11,0 .Lckre fur
nn.rly uc,upicd ay Gnats S %Varner. under the
flr,ti of Nilson & uere S. M. WILSON,
th 1'61;7. (194 t) C. M. GULF..
3ElE.Ol.ltac3N , MS 0 M.
In the , e d •v, of Srlopor and priced roods, ev
e..) i“iu:ry it. the mt.& rLould ()Lc.
of c'ot hi np. a family clo bP saved by 1M un. It li alto•
44 LI 1 . 11, I ly tititkrsto..ri. and case to operate,
r, qu:.;•;1 ;0 \‘itli it 'Aloud the simple
ta.1.11:.; (I.IIIZ.
;, --- r'ruin 15 to C 5 ynrill can be woven on It In a day
Oen't. Fell yeti . wool and buy Snouur, when with oiled
yeer bullet the Uri H. , Call MI ktt all the
lot hit;;fur uud much buttcr gnalily, at bull
r r :rcn . n pr:c, !:pr, and en mplcs of cloth woven
04 too Lco w, 44,11,zda ‘s u n Ist un),
t. It. CATE , . S. CO.,
Cliettuut ttitiet,
irs in Cotton \k"mrii, tl - .101 and Flax Filling
TNr.•-. I:•-• •I•. II and Louni gent:rally.
.11.i.r611 11) 1,67. t.I , A •
Y virtiie of write itectLd be the Court of Common
c".te of :',..(eLlollilia I 1111.1 directed,
I t% , I), pi.Lltc tt !due a: the Court
Apiil If. 17. at I u*
p to , the lui:t.At lictelibud liltAlins ur parctite
, ai.d. w silt:
The log di..ct iltrtl piece pnrctl or !rod. fini
al,: 111 ti.c 11•%V. of lsr,ll 11,ott. county or r,t,equu
Ilan a. I•iitit,d, it and itt t•LriLii tolluur, to wit :
tt „,, %l a , -I ry forlllerir
li I hot It t.too ut,d Great Pena tur,plke.) ad
lot It itiode of Dr E.
aott -,.nth. Collfdirlitig about otte•
of Ito 111., anon: ur It e, watt the ap•
on- fr.... d Ldl how,. :Ind ull itn•
pr L 2, in rat, ut...1. At I hr alit of W 111.511.10/.
uftat o t.Ld &ICU 'tit-bard PLI)I.J.
th i rr rain pioc, or puce] of land Pi tua te In the
to • 1.,.1:11 I.: 01 ' 4' 111 Co .ire. "awq•len11111.1. b muded
t.1..r. 1.. it lt. Vu the nottl., It) tut of
.‘ d t t a,,..niv rrp. nn tt.. %.ctt bt it ul humph.
un i.••• ..y I.:lnd on the eat I.t laud
Wm LI PJ-; c0..t..) 14.4tX1 .quar , •l". ci at r iaild,
•ata.. r •••• 'no bnindlng
.1. 14, ; , 11 rho eippurtialance-,
I I;;v.....t•a'y Ironic nod ..1.4 ail impruii-d.
”I It lt. • Int ui Cvu W. Barnett ve.
X i... t t to the szu ui C. S.
1,11, 1 . 111. 11 t.
-/ L'-0-
A:I th it carton pAr el of Lind ...Inate In GP , .
j.„ I ,o, , i,l,—crlhed e. nalows. to wit:
hy hn 11, ~1 Win 1' I • aAt by public hlgb•
I. I/I %\ Ili T. C.II•e, caret by land• of
Ilir I p..11.1 1 ,101/1 :111,411 -II lab of an acre,
r trt, the tppurtup.tuced. 013 C
gOl )/i.• S:Ort• ..i:e Oteri ,11:0 'tore 1,311. e. it b.•inq the
po.;k. rly ou 1,,.d Pati 1, y Taken lu
pt Cat: rut of C. haille)- v.,. ricsu, nen
All that eertnin let ctm lit and lot eland situate In
in,rotigh 01"Yrtelet-villi. county of Suntinetutnna,
ht. anded aid described no fol'ows. In t : Ite#lnnitur ~t
the comer or a lot cows-31:d by John C. nod S. V. lor
ris to A 011311 Cr. Turnpike si reek north
51.• %ref.' v. 5 Id perclus to the corneruf 101 ICU strem.(not
het ; thence 111011 g raid Like rtr•-et Pouth
0 t,t 11, tI a t o ddle 111 Paid Soil 111 t reel;
them t• abate • I.e nudotr „r s. nuT h o re ,' - oa th 52.
e 5-10 pe, I.e- to the 1111 sail paid atm Tierney . *
lot : PPM lot north 38* ea-t percher tn
the p :nen of gin ni c,Ol t ioit C about one nnd a half
acre. io !toil. in• [lnv name more or lea,. %Phil the apper•
tennorer, ~rte dwell in.: hcat•e [Taken In execution at
tuc _nit ut \\*. It. Lu.k cc. 11.14 1141
- -
Ail th ititt•rceitt or Orbit Sal lwrland in nil that certain
or It it eet .i t'ovcrnt he town.hlp of Oak
laud. Ili raid t.ottet honed, chat the north by hind, of
T. t;4iiirize Frazier. oast by blvd.'
.y( T Fr ,zi, r. (*no, nut 'Wood. nod Sam eel lint-O
enntO b, 1,tnr1• , .(t11',,,,d. nod e•nrotn-I Ilene!),
1.1 o 'tut! f.liatit T. Levitt. tou
t tai :vire. or I A : or ihurc tb.atto, with the nppn •
1..",..c,e u from I 11 , atva, i..trn•kaoll about rd nerel
(Taken 1 , 1 Pun UriUll at the tuft of
- - -
F L \ Sheriff.
SnPrac.O rc , Muntrore. M.. I_ laLi.•
N .Th MO, ,:,- hi, in; leil her home
.luh c pro.., ~iluu. 1 Ilerehy C.JIIIIOII 1111
1•1r,111-11,:.‘1/1.1 1r.1.110: L , run wv Acciiillll. an 1 Will
,I,los Epee ih.• link the
t.ll DAVID
sab.ri 11 If ' , ill Plll i.t Alirtigq. tT.II, rntrr
1 It iJ. Itao-al:. H TI tir,,:ay March 28, to Iti full)%ln 14 . 0111 'TY
1 ("lie ul Ii 1.,,1) 1 , 110 IWO s rat r.. 1,1 roll, 1
ir•g L. lI 1. t n,, -.1 isst, old betf,r, 10 rllvt o, 1
Iran 1 lamb. r t4 ,, r0. 1 tuu itorre
.I . :1111. 1 I' lel, h. 1 ,(It thaibla harneso.t: ox
.‘oto•-. 3 lit r hai no. 1 dug pouer and 2 churns. I parlor el one. li•Ju-,0 hull to raiiare, climb o, Ou
r, , and u bar a: tbl,6 7,0 nom roue to man
romr under fru (loll" curb.—slo or over
pint: mouth. ercti.t with ititereet and approved 'retch-
31. C SCrl ON, Auc',olicer
JCFdtlp Mardi, 12,1867 -3w
TIIE sohserthor offt•rs for sale hl. farm In Tirldrowa
ter, two mdaB north of Montrose, containing,
or ta , d, havin^. the/coo a good !lonic, Ilan and Or•
chard. A. good
Grain &' Dairy Farip.•
boat t‘ixtylitvu octal Improved, •
Tiznarnaado itnakFn by =gin APoti Uw 011/./34t
litn it t E r promise. ; •
/.F4 • ruoto
- A -se
LOMB 1111,.12. Cost
R V. WIL' - fiN,
1:. %VARNER.
' 4 2'' CIF Co C.) rf 09
33rE1,320.12. Seit-Ore,
4 t,.. 4r -- ' ce ( . 0 CP
ik7 T V
And It la not probable they can be any LOWER for
the next:ew years, but on the contrary,
13 IL FL CA- A. I TV 1S ,
W. U. C.IWNit
We would improve this opportunity to
retUrio — nde grateful auknowledgments to
the people of Amtrose and vicinity, for
the very liberal manner they have patron
ized us dtuinz our brief stay here. •
I. N. LIIN E •
, • • • . 1 4 Z11.Frir.
14:94' .le . tkit , lo - 67,
, knoi,
.4301 1 141:3.13'30,
!X onnrat TO
Most of oar Goods are
BIT/ 67tilln,
Lately F"lzrohameci,
In consequence et the recent/7 Increased
If eking it Advisable to Secure
'roc , Liette
- PlllllWsialefir. i aL..E`kka--4"-'.-
10CerliCE4hiwohy el Ten Ake ;ImdsAn4.tynA%
I.‘ meet, late of Samuel Taegati, nectared. lilok and
betpg In the township of -.4llodlelown. .ConelY 01 St" -
qauhanna,,nnd Stele pf Peen coulalniug about
uhe handred and sixty one nab:. mere or losh befog
twu separate tutees of hind. together. with the Im
provetneuts,wllThe sold et - !public vendlte citi the 21d
day of March. 180:14 'the Ligheet Islddere Tonne of
pawn :lade known °lathe de yof each sale.. Sale-to Pltvg
it one °troth am said day, at the Mansion - honsu on
'aid premises.
Mareh 4th, 1967
lE, undersigned !wre nth day foritdd - a cooptrtete4
A Ip, ender the drip name 01 Moran • fut
tbo purpose of carryleg on BLackstultblog .1h 011. its
C267,ltrict r etention will ta earn to•TiorsedattipThg.
Ail work will he.dope LustlVlOdprogiktl9.* 2'o.o.Pzt.
ltc ary invited to call.
F 51.014% •
Moutzbact. Minh 4t14 : 1807„ I?. MORAN.
- •
Good Pens Given Away-
SAMPLES of " Adam. c a „ l o we d Golden
Am." will be rent FREE on receipt of • damp for
postage. Address ADAMS Co.. 71 BrossOokl itrerit,
Livotuu, [taa rch 5, 1857. lre•
Manhood: How Lost, How Re-
T 'CST rinblgheci, a new edition of Dr. Ctilver.
sl well's celebrated Essay on ate ,radiptl cuze
(without utddielne) ni erznx.t.ronuney_e„, or 'fletrillni
teeahneee. Sefninal tosses. Unpottocy.
Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar
riage. etc. ; also. Consumption. gni lepsy. and Fits, in
duced by self indulgent:cur actual extravagance ..
pa-Price. In a sealed envelope, only d cent!.
Tile celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly
demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice,
that the alarming consequences of se (-abuse may bsY
radically cured nithnut the dangerous neeig Internal
medicine or the application of the knife—pointlng,out
r mode of c ure at once simple. certain and I &CI toil, by
meaue of which every sufferer, no matt -r tVhattfil. con
ditinn may be. may cure himself cheaply, inlytttaly and
C3 7 r - This Lecture should be In the hands of every
you:h and every man In the land.
Sent.under seal. In a plaiv envelope. to any eddrete,
post paid. on revel pt of elx cents, er two poet sumps.
Address the pnblitthere,
(11 ,1 / 4 S. J. C., LINE & CO.,
127 Bowery, New York, Post Office box 4,t,St
March 19, 1967-Iystup.
deceased, late '
of Auburn tod - uship, Satiquehanna
variety, Pa.
Lettersof a dni Intelsat ion upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been graoted to the nndcrsign•
ed, all persona indebted to said estate are Hereby .nett•
lied to make Immediate payment, and• these having
claims against the same to preach t them duly autheutL
eated for settlement.
R. J. CARTER, Admen
it 5. DAB 19,
Anbnra, March dth, 1367.•
of Apolacon lown6Lip, 8 uecl'a co., deceased.
Letters tegamentary upon the estetsof the ebove
named decedent haVier, been grentkito the fln-deftlgn
ed. all peroona indebted to timid estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and !hone basing
Cult mp agelns t the same toyresent theext 4nipstuthouti
eated for settlement.
Apolnecn, March 12, 1567 •
Auditor's Notice
MITE tindereignenk: having been appointed tin andttor
by tbeOrpline' Court of Susquehanna County to
dit.ri nut c the fund In the hands of tnc administrator of
the e.,tate of Benj. C. Tourgua. dec'd. will attend to the
duties of said appointment at his office iu Jlontrose. on
Fr‘day the 221 day of March. 1867. at one o'clock
p. m., at which Unit:and place all persons having claims
upon said fund will present them or
. tie forever de
Montroee, Feb. 25,1667
Auditor's Notice.
rFUE nodereizned. an auditor nprminted by the Or.
1 phan'a Court of Semple henna I.ounty to make di 4-
tribution of the fund in the hands of the adminit—
trator of theestate of Anti Devine. decd, will attend
to the duties or such appointment at the office of
R. B. G. P. Little, In the hocough of Montrose.
on Monday. the twenty-fifth day of )larch. 1867,
one o'clock In the afternoon. at which titne end place till
persona interept..d i• :said fund will preeent their claims
or be forever barred front comIrVZ In lipqn said fund.
GE.O. P. LITTLE, Am:titer.
Montrose. Feb. 13, 1.9:7. 4w
To all wishing Fruit &
Ornamental Trees.
underr!hzned havintt mado arrawrements with
mie of the Nursery Ilrm. Vork state. will
deliver Fruit and Orlin Ineutal Trees, Grips
And ahrlins nt the groW.lll IaTAIL
Pittcs. All wt.hine to purch toe will dud ii fur their iu
terent to call on or communicate-with .
M. S. Tu\VINL.
Forest Lake Cen tre, Feb. 5, 11117. 2m
INT a - var 3F° iv ixa., i
Baldwin, Allen, &
Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Balite; , Cheese,
Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal
ibut, Candles, Tea, Coffee,Spices,*
Syrup, Molasses, b . agar,
Seed Wheat,
Clover ek Timothy Serd, Flcer-serd, - Beans,
oomr•, Nails, &c. ttc.
Thankful for past patronage. we shall ho bappy to lice
and wait upon nnr old and new customers.
All Goods and flour warranted.
A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. J. 11. !./aCAIN.
Montrose, r.b. 5,19;7.
Ci 33 MI ii3*
Saves Time, Sores Money, Saves Labor,
Saves Clot/es, Saris Women,
And all Grocers sal it..
It is need by cell Int; into mull 8113%4m:a and dlavolv.
Int; In hot water. then %oil: the clotlica five to ten min
t/It a. and a little hand rubhine will make them an clean
ma twin!, of machine rttlthln:t would do. with nrdlttary
enap and the moat delicate fabric recelyo no injury.—
We can refer to thousand,. of ramllica who are tieing It,
and who could not be perenaded to do without •
rff-Sold by all lendlag Groc !Is throughout the State
Manor ,rtnred only by
riCO33 lINT lei db 3r—a CP "TC73EI,
107 South Fifth Stroet, Philad'a.
Nov. 13, Ib6s.—lya&c
H. Burritt, I, 6 ,lln:owpprLieni of
lar g o and
Einbraelo ,, eat, n or Foshlnnablo Dree . e Goods
in ph b. stet peitand Aiinted Delaribirs-f/Decti a i
Lustre's. Mainers, Paramattail. - Altdatt
and ?Aldo, Clotho. Casshneres,
lannels. Brodie and
%Voni _Shawls, - • - - - -
Balmoral sinSrlea tioep Skirts , . Ladies' and Grata'
Fars, DniStja Carpoiing , Floor Oil Cloths , Wail
Papers. Windo Shadeolnt • and Cips..lloots. Shoes.
and Mee other ing3.4lng. Woo* 1 / 43a1 a O uvr . 4l si l s°ll "
.ntent of Dry QiWols. Trisomtnr and Thus.
Grocarios—i4ocsor". - Abruv 3 oro.
.N a lis. E.TOvDc.. Calik-..tatulasatc. Az:which
to will son en theet most llVOrilMosorinadm. aw ls Its ..
Bugs, ors ipwam,...
rev 31111brd, No oikr, 1140. •
J. B. M'COLLUM, Auditor
- -
7R.M.20 1 4•_.. •
IVITYSio tgro ..117Nrotite.r
:••• • - -
T.nafirsn,lb''AVilik74, l 'rd'rtzko w tsi -t i
b,ws to hi. old Customers. and loforls. Alp Qat
Mercantile Department .elf the business *at alionsiter
be carried au 11.0. D. /Sarnia di Cci: talanglinal
capital and tacit/gas. s large a.,ock o 2 XIV 1194011111,nia
,4eparlintbta 2 a thormagbl7iefltted.
. Z's-it teMa 1 2 1Lim4ito •
• The Watch• Making Thspertilkent
s te ietitncd by me, and will receive mrpers., IA :nal eager
Urn. •1 base seenred the servitro of tix. c.II.WOULiv.
a gentleman wit o beetled tretity•tivelyeara hi the
.beat *hops of Europe. and hat no emperiortallittiollio
try. "I Ilia able to do all week. wpia
Ohretl tloye from the to Late&
. The .010elt emisdeceelry Repairing/
uttli bit trit eif by Mr.Steveno.•witd,ollatf
thatliapratolgly t eard , La gut beat 47/0. • v •
1 1 / 4 "vv. In, . ; • - :9. DISMILAA,
will consist of a fall assortment. of tbe tollelaitgio.4*
imitable for this market. wilich s erlll tail% at lo_ a _w
many of th eta lower, 114.101 any 014•61 a l bs at
New York city. . ,
Read the Catalogue.. • ;
A cuarlegn, Ste, and 4biglish, both gold and oar*:
All etylecltichtdlaz tbelr celebrated Cabinda asebi:
which tell (he slay of the month and week, alma the
new uf the mouth. making the changes for *fee
meatbionielly, with au cdre but to wind ttuua imp a
Beaty, solld Gold Chains. Hooks apd Sera. Mos*
Id sets of Jewelry —Ylns, door, Blau. kw
Wogs, 4t , c. &c.
, •
Warniated tollt a kinds *IVOR,.
A neat littlo Charm twitting nigh: small Magtof"pki.
A Ono assortment, with sad Wawa% haklioni. tlll
ones repointed.
Made to order of pure Colo, consisting*?
Forks, Thimble*, Batter Knives, Napkin ILIUM .
liulves, Vest Challis, &c.
The beet In market—stngle, itOttble treble sad pug
rtiplc plate, and vriatuaPTED—from a'full Tea bet dam*.
Including Castors. Cake rind Card Bei/Ada. la Pikeriors.
Waltercilutfer Mabee, Saga? bowls, Caps, Tcs BOW.
&c. &c. &c.
Manufactured by Deetr Brothers, which, with Melt
late-Improvements, Burp as those of any other waken,
Also, Bradbury 's :low S a Planoa—a splendid Ware,
mast. Other Pianos fros3so to $5OO.
T t
From $llO to sl4oo—era kttrd for lire yeerre. They
are the fluent reed Instrument in the world, cad 1 hare
only to say that 1 have. sold nearly $15,000 torte at
theor in the Mat funr year. : and they are all In good or
der and have never coat my castuauers &cent fur repairs,
Vinita, from $ 3 to $5O, Fin tes, Fifes, Clartonsts,Daa.
Jos, Gaiters, Doan, String., Tuning Forks, &e..• •
Supplied with instrumentsofths bat Auserletts SISf
uructure, b 7 the single instrument or fail *at, et the as"
keel price—also music for •cy number of lustruifteuts.
Instruction Books sod Sheet Music en bend, sad mew
'applies received every week. Nano 6404 uetu 66
Perfect Setv;ag Needles.
Wa have the exclusive agency for B. J. natiena . %-
tent Parabola Needles—the best to the world, Try Dna
paper and if not satisfied the money will be refunded.
Fire Arms and Sporliny Mat/Prints.
Allen's, Spencer's. and Henry's Breech loading Ri
all stvle• Revolvers. Fowling Pieces, !that - Belle
and Powder Flasks, cartridges for all the U. S. Army
gnus ; also U. S. and of her Percussion Caps. Cooper
Cartridges. Tit styles and sizes,
0. D. DEMAN.
Montrose, Nov. 27, 1686
Ark PER YEAR We want Arista ea.*.
QI. 9../VIJ where to sell oar I.I.IPROVe.O $L belt
ing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper
feed. Sent on trial. Warranted dye years. Above ea,-
ry or larze eommissions.,pnid. The only machine! cold
In the United States forilesai than PO. which are fully
licensed by Howe. Wheeler s \Vlknn. ()rover S Maker.
Singer Co.. and Bachelder. All other cheap machines
al , - infr in gement., and the seller or user are liable to
arrest. tine nod imprisonment. fll not rated circular* aan%
tree. Adoress. or call upon SHA I:LARK, at !Ude.
turd, Malec, or Chicago, 111. [marl.9llYo
22 ICEIV and oelect 'rock of.Cooktom. Parlor alba.
ta. STOVES. Ind received and fur .ole un th• Ilaeti
Invorablo terms.
Now Milford, Dot 11, ISCS.
.120 1312:111 2 1.13'
rri tingiorsizied. LICENSED A6ENT of Tna GOV
ER*IIENT. will giro prompt attention to all
Claims en t ed to his care. Charger low, and Infer.
motion FREE. 1.. P. vrirvii.
Montrose, Jan. 14. ISCS. ti
Latest Fashions Demand
J. W. BRADIMPS Celebrated Patent
The wonderful flexihllity and greas comfort end
pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt
will be experienced particularly 1 i all crowded AMOY
biter, Operas. carriages, railroad care, church pews.
arm chairs. for promenade and holm dress. as the skin
cat" be folded w hen in use to occupy a small place as
easily'or conveniently as it silk or muslin dress, an in
valuable quality lit erluoilue, Out found in any single
spring skirt.
A lade he elnr, coil yed the pittanre, comfort and groat.
convenience of wearing tha Duplex Elliptic steel rptinj
'kart for a single day will never afterwards 'v1111144
dispense with their use. For chlititeu, misses. a
young ladies they are 'mitotic r to all others.
bey will not bend or break like the single spring.
hat wilt preserve their perfect and graceful shape when
three or four ordinary skirts would have beau throws
away as ueeless. The hoops are cowered with double
and twisted thread. and the bottom rods are . not only
double springs, but twice (or double) covered. prevent
ing them from wear:ni out then dragging down stoops
stairs, &c.
The Dup lex Elliptic is a great favorite with tidie s
end is nitlversaliv recommended by the Fashion Nagel
zinc. as the itrin . dard shirt of the fashionable world.
To enjoy thu followinr, inestimable advantages Is
cr i no ll i , e , vi z superior quality. perfect manafactnre.
stylish shape and finish, tlxibility, durability, comfort
and economy. inquire foss J. W. Bradley's Duple!
er Doable Spring Skirt, and be sure you get tine
CAUTION.—To guard against imposition he parties.
ler to notice that skirts offered as P• Duplex" have the
red ink stamp, via: ••• J. W. tosOlate. 2IIPIIOI
Spring*" upon the waistband—none others arsenal
I no. Also notice that every hoop will 0411311 a s
lug Passed throug,b the 001:11110 , thus revealing t tire
(or donble) spribes braided together therein. whlcb is
the scurct of their flexibility and strength, suds am'
bl nat ton not to be found in any other skirt.
For sale In ell stores where 'trot clap Skistrare
thronboah the rutted States apd elsewhere.
XasUlactuted by tho solo °Was» of the ?Meat.
- West., Bradley 4 Corm
nr CUMber4Al3lllO .641:145de etc. ice Tett. -
Feb. 1,10.81-6 m _ •
T F YOU *Art liVAT:9l,ll•Bpeg .
E ° l ? L lT 3 3l` 4 : 4 "" s " ar ldr4rls4)94 v
(rou 4ribet.)
A. lar.m, !Leo easortaast.