--- - . dissol,44ion" of- the-trujOii. -gat oettonek: ltherty,-egii alee Tty Ow l %ill have pass ed be ond our, resell...lt ie tho beet frame_ of govenitient'lli6 Ifforla, ever Eau? ; well adapted' -jo the g etOlety-liihiis,;or wante'or ;be Arnericatf peotile; todigitiing Ihesttength-ota 'great ,rtnpirc, wit.transpeptiAlorbleissings:a le- 1 cni sell government, :laving a central p W er,xo defenktliege.ner.al in:erests,and recopilxank theauthoritrof the States as h eiparaiittis ofintimitrisi rights. It, is " of our ofety d &open .in mit ?pee at. holile t " It was ordab• •. 1 ft more perfect rnion,eebstßO . j ust e uel iqtureAlomesqtrlautyuittelratoi.. mod-the starers' welfute rovitiefor tint wutinon ifil6t!ce;uxid tasititiii the bles. ot#selatts , ancl, to pos. teny?' •Tiles° great bzve been at. I taint (1 heretofore, and will be 'again by faithful °heal - erica to it , hut they aro t tie Jo Lelost irwo treat with disregard' its 141 area obligations. : It was to punisirthe gopti N .citAtou g kfling" the Constitution, m a' to vitylicato • its supreme authority, t h 4 t..,syp catriid on &bloody war of four y 14'. duration. hall wo:utt w eel:no wlWge t h at. we sac awed a million of lives, and expended Lillioue of treasure, •to enforce a Consti- tatientitatig hat.• worthy of respeot "and preservation 2 Those who advocated the right of secession, alleged in their own justification that we had no regard Ter I ,w . ,•atitl that their rights of properly, sire and liberty, would not ha safe under ihnonstitutiee, as - administered by ns. It we now verify this assertion, we prove thai - they v.-ere in truth and in fact tight- tog . kr their liberty. And instead of branding . their leaders tvith the dishonor ing name of traitors against a righteous governimmt, we elevate them itthietoty _to the' rank of . selfsacrificing p.tt riots ; consecrate them to the admire tem of the meld, and place them by the sill ‘Vishittgton, Hampden and Syd eey; Let us leave to the infamy thiy'.dcierve. Punish the:ilia they should lw punished "according to law, and take Epou ourselves no share of the odium which they should bear alone. , • part' of public history, which can et ver be fo,rgotten, that both houses of Congress, July,.lB-61, declared in the fotert of.a wolemn resolution, that the war bo carried on for no per prsee of s)ittgation, but solely to enforce the Ttistitufioa and and that whop this was yielded by the parties in retellirel; the eantest; .E,ll o tad cease, with, the ctsesCiutional rights of the States and i - 11ri - irep.olrition was' adopted; and sent itil'ATi - fe . A.;:i world, unanimously, by the (*;*hit;i OLli two dissenting voi es by the It was accepted : by tl - .afrepis of the Union, in the South. as • in in the North, As expressing lion ( ley; e n.i truly the objects of the war.— ou the fetl.,l) of it many thousands of per bowie I; e tii sections gave their lives and their.f,ettines to the cause. To repudiate i - I, re flsiy.:.l....o_thealek_Acti,teL. t ague' laws of thci--rii . ion would secure to, them, is a hreaelt of our plighted honor, for which I ena.rtne no excuse, and to which I 4s. tat:A-et-voluntarily become a party. •. - f.he &Nib; which spring from the unset ile'd state of our government will be ac- L;pwledged by alt;, Commercial inter- Nl-76H is impeded ; 'capital is in constant ; 1)0;14: securitiesfluetuate in value; paten itself is not.secure, and the sense of otora.l.stid political duty is impaired.. To avert thea3 calamities from obi country I: is imperatively required that we should immediately decide upon some course of K4sniatistration which can - ,basteadfastly. adhered to. I sine thoroughly convinced that any aettlement,ornompremise; or plan of ac lid/I-iv-Niels is inconsistent with the princi ples Orthe Constitution, will not be oa-smiling but mischievous; that it will but multiply the present evils instead of reta.,ving them. The constitution in its wiaele integrity and vigor throughout the lerigth and breadth of the laud is the best of i all comprontines. Besides, our duty dees•uot, in my judgment, leave us a, e:asice b.:tween that and any other. I be.' sieve tout it contains the remedy that is so Much needed, and that. if the co ordi • e bral.el e s of the government. would Laitcupon its provisione; they would be !emud broad enough and strong enough to sustain, il-tine of peace,' the nation they bore safely through the orde al c:f . a pl'Uir./Cted civil war. Among the • iu re 1 guarantees of that instrument e-e thole whleh declare that "Each state • have at leash one representative," ...Id that, " no state, without its consent, t:Jatt be deprived of its equal suffrage in the :Seeete." Each house is made the " Snag,: the elections, returns, and , lealttieations of its own members," and '• with the concurrence of two thirds ex , ..)e! a member:" Thus, as heretofore urged, in the admission of Senators and lt..presenta:ives from any and all the _ states, there eau be Do just ground:4of op prelieledett that persons who are disloyal clothed with the powers of legis let*J.u. this could net happen wheu the CoiiStituflou and L:11'.3 are enforcedly a vittil6l and faithful Congress. When a ..ienator or Representative presents his eertituate . Oreleeti - on, he may at once be thilhitted or ° rejected; or Fhallij there be r any...question ss. to his crt . .. Jeri:n*4ls riray be referred for luvestigatiou T. Itti appropriate coMmit tee.- Led ; 4 11. Seat, i 4" MECO .be nytal evil - knee sa LLD (MAO c i y .sbe ileule, oT Ythich 03118 beeteneklt manbeff, Idiot he possesses the' r *got .gulifi catl,ouo, Ifiefitsed ittratission tlie—d Mem berOft•ivsnat - 01'4Ma OngjalltifV:MTU,gcli';' ernOttlit44ll,;(et:iitia, bolistltn ents4 tha i t rie,..,adn;tenisite4:-• f+•srtiil2•bu E. pers,M , Witsil.td pe.tritit4 oiutati will be ...I..kpip4 a voLee..i.a• ihelegWeairo ooneeile -oftlmmaticinpuntttlEpulftittlitTiOid moral influence of Congress are thuiefic lively .exerted in . theinierestapfloxatty_to. the goyernirOnt,;anct'fidelitt 10. tho Un 'ion. Rind ,itit= it, • not ;far . beat r Oat : the,' work of reethratiOn', slionhil blieconipliSh;i' ed by +neer: ,comigienee Willi the iiltilii requiretOritii•of - the'Constitution,.V.lan hy : a reconme t ter - meaturesi vvbich; in- effect, Midi :threaten the sub destroy'.the &t a w s , versien.o.f,thegetterat go s vernment ? . . ' All that . iineoessarb- to 'settle this aim pie but inirran • - tpfestibil - 'withoiit 'W i ther , 'ltigitAttotror delay-is a willingness on itlArparttaf all to sustain the Constitution i and narrvltatoratisiontiiiiiii'practiCal op -1 erntiOn:Tlerniorroweitherbranch of Con grilie wialita - deblare that uponliFe presen tation albeit-credentials, members con ; stittitionalty elected : - .and loyal I o thd gen eral..gkwernmen4 would :be admitted to seats in Congress; while all others would be exi:lged, and" their remain va carit until the-selection by the people of loyal, qualified persims, and if at the same time - afianranees were given that the poli . : cy would be continued until all the States were repretieuted. in . Congress, it would send a thrill of joy throughout the entire land, as indicating the 'inauguration of a systein - which must speedily bring tran quility to tho public' mind. While :74-e are legislating npon subjects which are of great importance to the whole people, and which must affect all parts of the country, not only during the life of thelresent generation, but for ages to come,: we should remember that all men are entitled at. least to a hearing in the councils whieb decide upon the desti ny of themselves and their children. At present ten states are denied representa. non, and Wlien the Fortieth Congress as cnibles on . the 4th day of the present anth,sizfeen 'States will be without a voice in the house of representatives. Thts grave fact, with the importnnt ques tions before 116, shOuld induce us to'patise in a career:Of 16gislation which, looking solely to therattainment_ of political ends, fails to consider the rights it. transg resses, the law which it violates, or the Cuusti tution whieb it imperils. A ItEtv Joutcsoar. Washington, Starch 2, 1987. TIIE TENtRE OF CIVIL OFFICCS The message c.f the President vetoing the bill to regulate the tenure of certain civil offices,— is about half the length of the document given above. After selling forth the provisions of the bid, th,t dent, states that in his judgment thev eon aict, with the Constitution of the United States._ The power of the removal is c6it• stivutionally vested in the Presideht of Ole United S ates, is a principle which has been not mOre distinctly declared by Ju dicial zathority , and judicial comment a 'l Cora than it has been uniformly practiced upon by the Legislatlve r.nd executive de -1 partmetits of the guvernment. Reviewim , the legislation en this sub ject, and the , debate consequent unon the the decision of the,house that the power of removal is veste in the executive, the President refers to the decisions of the Supreme dourt, and says : " When the war broke -out, rebel enetnier, trnitor.i, abettors and - sympathizers were found every department of the government, as well in the civil service as in the land and naval and military services. They were found in Congress and among the keepers of-the Capita; in-foreign missions; in eai:ll and all of the eseentive department,-, in the judicial service; in the Post office; and among the agents for connecting Indians affairs. As! upon probable suspicion they were promptly-displaced by rellsredeces ior,-so far as they held their offices imder execntive authority, and their duties Were confined to new and -loyal seccessors, no complaints -against that power, or doubts of its wisdom, - -were -entertained in any Cc:porter. I sincerely trust and believe that no such civil trar is likely to occur again. -I cannot-doubt, however, that in what ever form and on whatever occasion sedi tion can raise an tffurt to hinder or em barrass or defeat the legitimate nation of this governtuebt, 'whether by preventing the collection of revenue, of disturbing the publie - peace, 'or separating the state;. or betrayieg.the Country to a foreign en,. i .enty, the power of removal from office by the executive, as it has heretofore existed and been practiced', will be found indis pensable. Under these circumstances, as a depository of the executive authority of the nation, Ido not feel at liberty to unite with Congress in reversing it by giv ing my approval to the bill." Military - Commanders in the South First District, State of Virginia, to he commanded by Brevet Major General J. M. Schofield. Headquarters, Richmond, Virginia. 1 Second District, consisting of North .Carolina and South Carolina, to he com manded by Major General D. E. Sickles. Headqnartersieolumbia - , South Carc.dirra. Third District, consisting of the states of Georgia IPlorida, and Alabama, to be commanded by Major General G. 11. Thomas, headquarters at Montgomery, Alabama, • Fourth District, consisting of the states of Mississippi and Arkansas, to be on `1 tuandatt by_ greinqt Major General E. 0. C. (Jed; Ilendqiiaillvre, Vicksburg, Mis sissippi.. .. _ Fift-lr*tricts,comprisiin the States or Igiuisiana and Defog, to be eQunnatided by Major General P: H. Sheridan, Head :quartets New o,4eane;Lottisititr.‘,.. th:e.ppivdiak.ordepartaiental eutninatf ,ders ire .fireit;by 44 1 4. 4 gated. to the above pain 4 - _ - dlstriet'aititaimitteis- .: . ' ? AY..gxdllipa.i4l, ig r.ati Cia' Grant. .' ri...1•021.412 - szt, .-: - . X-sir c itiaft:, Cititit'-'.. viatitist peintrat. k; J. GEIIRITSON, • • - - Editor. TUESDAY, MARCIIIO, OM. The President's message. We publish on our first page today the groat message of President .TOlinsiin ve toing the military despotism Lill e . - It is perhaps the ablest, state , - pap.er.which ev er emanated from the . executive depart. ment of the government. • The position it assumes on the grave constitutional ques tions involved in the bill is incontroverti ble, and its masterly )ogic_tmanswerablc- No radical' has yet been found bold -en ough to undertake to deny the ono or an giver the other. This great document should be read and pondered by every American citizen. As an able, earliest, and eloquent protest against the complete demolition of that constitutional form of government which has -heretofore existed in this 'country, it will live in histoit hs the most remarkable state paper connec ted with the annals of this republic). Con gress having annilfiTATed - the civil rights and liberties of ten millions of people and created the most frightful and absolute military despotism of modern times, the commander in chief of the army protests against being converted, by statute, , ittto limitless powers' to murder and pillage the people of ten states. The veto of a bill which transforms an officer, whose powers arc limited by the Consti tution into a iniiitary despot, is the Presi. dent's-refutation-of the charge that he , is seeking to rob Congress of its powers. Congress places the lives and liberties of ten iniliions of people at the feet of An drew Johnson, and ho refuses to exchange his constitutional powers for the unrestric ted authority of a dePpot. We search in vain the pages of ancient, inedieoval, aid modern ldstory for a morn splendid in ! stance of exalted patriotism. 'On Tees. lagt t resolution wag oil-erect in the Senate cf the Unitcd States, ,:c o l a ring, Coe s) mpatlLy of t!,is cott4,try with 1113 Iris:t people in their stritg : _:le against British oppression, but 111 r. cal Stllnfil'i of to it, and it Wits itict considered—a pleasant fact fir the FLA,- ians ! r A .. imilar resolution in the MottBo tnot a like.defeat. -,* Congressional Proceeding. ---sna-noves—r-mr•-raarirn' troduced resolutions to a 441 14.rtrier condi t ione, to reconstruction—asking for :-chools upon negro equality basi., find general system of contiscatcon, the lands to be dkided among the negroes. In the llonsc Mr. Donnelly i fnre.l resolution olsynapathy with Ireland. Mr. Stevens oljected to its introillieii,mF March 13 in the Senate, Mr. Nye intro duccd and asked ititinedi:de corn:el erat ion a preamble and resolution declaring the sympathy of the United States with the Irish people in their struggle against British oppression, Mr.-butnuer übjec• re — An illustration of the depth of de,g tatiation to which liquor used to excess CV di rtd nee . a man, is afforded in : time fitett that a 'son of President Johnson was ro. cently discharged from the Washington [Lowe for Inebriates, located at Boston, Mass., as incurable. Unhappy lather, V. hose pernicious example has destroyed his chid. - The above sc./tidal is copied from rad ical paper. If' there were any truth iu it, either as to the alloged Alec or the in ference, we might ask : Why did the Ite publicnus-uomitta-te and elect an "unhap py faller" with such a " pernicious exam ple," to office IlAnntsnuna, March 15. The election to day passed off quietly, the Democrats have D. majori:T. . . J., March 13. Full returns of the municipal election yesterday give Cox., radical r for Ntay . tor, 73 niajorily over Brown Democrat, a radical loss of 187 since last November. —lt is now believed that the trial of Snrratt will be postponed until the nest (June) term of the Criminal Court. Chief Justice Carter will then preAde. The prisoner continues in good health, and is visited by his sister nearly every day. Ile is said to be cheerful, but speedy must of the time in reading. Shad in the • Suiquehanna. The first, shad caught in the Sustfa since the alteration of the Columbia dam, wei e netted nedr - Fiiiri'ie - W - ; Cumberland Co.— nearly opposite this city—on liriday last. -.lt is now ascertainod Lobe a fact that shad .can come up the rtrcr, - artd•rhe prospect is that numerous fisheries will be estaYished. Pike, ryck and other migrating fish are said to have made their appearance - in great abundance.—Harrisburg Pairiatand Unian. -zthe Logislature. of AV isconsid, it4(11:, sal, has parsed a lair dirobtiortla Stao Treasire . m.psy .. ibi wages of its mer: bfrs sua tfia salary .ot itsG9vernor irk co Usgs for the peoplo• 11614 spit' ITN* fsr tb• ()eel latildsrs. AR YE T. HEAR YE: 411. pert Ons who mesh 'to McP.,V . 6 la.ofrae-s• .0 TUE rUILCII.ISE OF REIMS & PROVISIONS wit. eta at the Sto nd a Good re of thesobserth of er:srbero they will e Stock doicellour; Fisk, Hams . etfgar cured), Coffee 110 Tett: - Sugarti, Syr tfpr - aed Itfolas4es, Tobacco, Snuff, • cigare, etc. etc. Alisc;;LA io - ct.l Stock of 17 426 ZI - 1W.F.3E1 NOTIONS, School and Brunk Books, and ii few mis 014nefit13 BOUkX, WrlliaJ l j t/pers auti:Envt lopes of superior qua l- • ities and perfumed, Gents' (ad Ladies' Paper Collars, Canned and Dried Frail., Changes 41.: Le 1.40,211, . CUMICIISe'I Mta, a choice article, and 4n fact almort everything: needed hy all the good pvopic of Sntqueltanan County who gr,ct hungry and dry, az by giurchaeit; thCill of ___At. N. 3 uzzazaD; Cr.t St-to I , outb of the Court Tromso and east stdo of the tu:b.l4; Aa,uut, yuu can bill 41 /rt. to 10 tc);2o per teat. UOUtrusc, March Stn. Clover & Timothy Seed For Sal, Cheap, by Moctrore, )larch Stli. 1567. MERCA iTie E APPRAISEMENT. L'ALERS in rnerchqndi.o Sr. in Pr!4(1 , 11 . h TfnA a 1,1 , 11(.2 ila pr. , e*.; e of ; scv 41111 act: , (4" Arro•iti 4lv of this (nnnuauty, h iiii to p r ... • Id, eons: mart the deruio4i* neon the. Trea,ury. and for toe riTidvr-igacti. A ~f Ni.e.criottilo Taxi... for raid C'ottnty, has pr.-iiiirrd of mt,chi , tr •Ald coun.y, awl end" merchant in t CiVa which to tifin nipeore lust cud r4;tlt, aecort::uo to ail' a. ts of Asecual::y, to w,t Alen. ‘V;111:.1u 1 , ;h11e, Willwin 11. 1.1.14cr, Lltvy, Al'OL.li.~~r C. Don cUy t Br,,th.•r, 11R.4 )01-i1..1" N. Rogers t Foot, 13; .h.Thsw,sllll. p, rn. C:aet3 4, 1,1 L. B. 14 t':IticONUT NE. Trle.cy I. (-Ili., 4. N. atktr 1.1 . 1.111, (...i.Ls.u.cr On. p. lc :1: L Ou en{ -tetezta, 1:: I'. F. J”./..ut PI 1-1 MINEIMSI MEC= I , UNI)AFF \v. J. Slucl:ra • • - Nr,a yr. p t rto bent, 14 ,>7llllrl Ltcuj. Ayrus,jr J. L. M,:riivari S '-on, FonEsT M. L. &. 1. 14 FIZI I:NDSVI Lir ‘f. NUM 311116 Si CO. 4111 1-; Carl , ll . 11t4.01, I NEW N111.1'0:111. It.uberl Wili,,,lv, .14 R L Sutphin , C. p m. 4, 11 Junes E. Ftligaald, 11 11... „1,., , i ..,,,,, tt, 11 'GREAT ItENII. I.F. tlicirrtn.in, 1.1 ..1..D.r.u44 , 10 - 03 .t c u . 1.'.111. I htt . r..u. .v... :on, 12 A loot 4.11:11), 1.; U. C. Ail,v, p.m. 4,1::. Richard 'I. I. 1 ,,, Gco. 11:,;,ricn, 1 . 2 Henry Mclilitiu,T. 1 , i Mt.:, ..t. Is itut,p. 14 L. W. 111.c1t,,,,..r, 1 I 11. I;urra P. 1. m. 4, 73 A. f;. Tr. ttin. 13 ii,o. 11 .11,. (' 'At . m, 11 Eelabruu' , .. l .: tint:4, ,/, :, , 11, “. , -,. 14 ~ va. ith Cava, 11 ./. 11 110 Y . 1 .3; 1.:: , , 14 L. 9. L.4.lteitn, It, 111. - Sll. \..':11. A ‘,..4,tun, / 1 Wheelock .1: Hl.)rmaker 11 I.c,r. ".•.teNatuara, 11 Vr . lll It. Si:CIAN ~, , d .s. ,v. 1.:. 11-I'. porloa. Ili Walter I'm ii.iin, 14 , I,I . I:INGVILLE. C. 'La, T. F. dt a ion3 l 3,, 14'.T11 , 1 us 1161.0 k, 11 W. S. Wolcott, 14 ..1./,nut 1.(31cy, 1:1 17. C. Broniten t 141.litt.un Stunt,. 11 S. 11. D) ton. 11 Ilnup,yr,” el istos. & co. )1 NlE4titnell ..t, Martin, 13;E. 5: 11. w trick. 11 U. F. 1.1..tre.61ev . , 1 : 1 ' .I.*St.Y A. pzror. GIIISo:st. I). A. I.yonr, 15.! C. IT. 4t3 11. I). Bennett, la .1. Allen, ' 14 J. litmard .1.1 Co. 12 .I,tio,rs J w een ey , 73 E 11r.gite, 141; bhertdau, It H. Jl. buatley .t Co. iW. liatill. 14 v ra. 4th ''.:••• P. I>. 1. , ~ne, 13 ICenn eel! .4; 51,1:. 12 1 .P.i0t a Fulkerthiiry, 1-.: S. S. I n ~,,,,,, p, m. 4111 to ,Thowito 2,/cUutarlu, 11 1 i'ierc,,7l:llC. , ll S. - . Co. ll'. It 'll,a)vr, ] I p. rt. 4th, 11;11enry Lea. p. rn. 4, 13 J. C. J .; ..I . H. Cook, 12 11AliNIONY. ! do do It Brandt.: 5ch:.,,,;,...r, / 3 '.lamer Beth 12 do (1.3 11 • . ~t,,,t..n,, . ..r4. 1Z0,.. ,t; co, 9 S. A. Lyons t tt on, , J,1,,,, to Fre..ta.,n, 31 111:1:1:1C - ,:.1E. lady, 14 Morsc.Nlolulx ,C.. Ca. V.ti" . .•L. r 'Luber. 11 W.A. NVuodwar..!, 13 1 S. Donut. 13 11 11A 111 , 1/I{3. , f0: - rir 3ly re, 14 Guile kEtllOl3. /I iChnrit. , Ilules, 14 Vory ..t. Czrr, 13, \\,. A. Host, 14 Oilvur Paine jr. 14'n F. s.: t'. It Smith, i:1 J C. Etiv.arcle. 14: C: 0. Vcdtler 4 cu. 10 Jone+. 1.1.:0cu, k 5 . ... ':nn- .W. 11. _IL Ad, 13 utt . r.p. m. 4th, 4 2 1 , lour ,S: -11.1CI:CY, I i E. T. Tiffany, 11, rhoma F Frt.culau. 14 E. S. lliuce ,N: Co. 14.1: N. 1-mllll. p.m. 4, 11 JACKSON, !I la: hoi way & .1/,..r3ercau.ll Deo 0n,31: nzeraTc..clzerllll.'.'.l.4^.''' 14 JESSUP. 71 IV MIN Ins Pipe S. co. 11 J. W, Thruckmortur, 11 1 li.o. L. '1 'taw'. 14 .1. E...14.0..:e.uct, 1, I Iti:os ('rec).:an. 11 R. W", Drake, 1:!WI;Ilam Burger, 13 .-- LIIIERTY. p). T. :911 , A:1. 14 lit K. NeWvll, 14 R. lien) u.l, :,... 1'..1 , A. A. }kern:tn. HI SRN El: LAKE. J,....e.pn Webeter, 14 Charli-e , .11i.rvl, 14 I.ATIIIIoI'. . MI e.. Elicit l'lltlan. 14 John Shetman, 14 ll' Sullivan, 14 E. U. ilveker, 14 Jubnptim ..t.. Rem 11! Oyu. Ruwuuta, 14. TIIOIISON. R. 'riff:lly S Co. 3.2 Geo. 1.. Lamunt W. c. Richmond. ill Classification of Venders of Merchan- dise. Sales less than $5.009, t.:i.0:10, and less than $10.0t.0, •' / 0 OA .• 5.000. loot), 21.010, " •• 30.050, " 4 005, 40,000, 50 000, And the Judge* cattle Court of Commas P:cat of said Count t' Ilihnld Court of Appeal at ilic Conrr !louse In Montrose. in and for sald edantyt, k in Wednesday, April 11th, ISO;, at one o' clock. p. m.. tit wl.leh time and place any of tbe merchant • deveribe,v. defined land clapped as itforersi,,,,,A or 'heir agents r attorneys may appear and appeal from said assessment if they think proper PiIIi.LIPS, itereaotilo Appraiser. Lynn; 4 lfarch 5, 180. Ow Dissolution. 1112 ao-partnershlp hasty fore ex I iting betirean the badmidaod la t tha Ssitadajt• business is - this day RS by taninal pnstait. 'NMI CR crinaim - ftidiwatz, ..ithsCiiirr-m Tau. Qmemsf. 'Court Proclamation. THEIIOII[IIIIICIIIIIICO'S vinglntsritroillyclerualti :ZIT: Rd. S roe Del I very. Court Of gnartee Sessions of the Yams. sod SEWING mAcHINES Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court. in the nth Judicial District, Composed of CV:miles of Sn•quo- Winne nod Ihradford,and the Huns. !LT. Ashley and A. • Baldwin); A.,nociate Judges in Stisqueltatout County, 699 BROADWAY, their precept. to me directed, for holding a Court Oyer nod Terniineyand General Jail Delivery, NEw YORK. I lb the nor/Pugh /4M /petrol°. and County of tonsonettan -1 Up. on the 'AI Monday of April. 1,47. It being the Mid/Iy. ' Volk, is hereby giver. to the comner, Justices of the Puare 3100 Constables of the said County : of twill:ta b:inn/I. 1100 they be there In their proper persons at 2 clock lit the afternoon of said day, with their records, Itlitutsibinto, and other remembrances, to do those things Width to their °dices tippet Min to be done. And rho-0 who aro bound by recognizance*. against tho pyi..oueri who are or shall be intbit.Jail of said County ormi.qu..honun. are to be then and there, 10 prosecute .1:;11113il thrill its.rtll be just.. Dated at untro..o in. 11th diy of March. In tho year Wont Lord out thousand night hundred and slily-say- FOR FURIES & MINUFACTURERS, THESE WORLD RENOWNED SEWING M ACH I N-ES Were aiplided the highest Premium 01 the Wurld's Fair in London, and six fiist premiums at the New Yurk State Fair of 1806, alai are. Coltbrated for doing the beet work. obing much ornallorne.odiu for the game threat trtaa any other ma elnue.attLi by thu ivtroduetion n ,„ O , apprus . vd .ma !livery. e c aro note able to supply the very it.ot ma clttnets iu tho world. A. N. BL'LLAILD C: Ale 1.3.1n1re5 .1; Thom!, MITE Lica:Able° . 311D1)LETUWN". Volta White, 14 lieugh LENox urow a. I;rt.iher. F. AI. Itubf li xUinui ditkt DIONTIZI)SE Wm. 11. 80l ‘.l ,t ~o. 12 C. N. 1. - .100,1.1rd, 11 1.1.... m. 0, ..t 1:0. 13 K. C. 14 , r,11,00, 1. m ILL r a. cwt., 12 kv ~,.. . bll.lllll, 11 IS,I r 1,..r..t., 11„: cm', V'. . . .).letil/1411, 1I E , •. - 010t, 14 1. N. Bull.o - 0, 13 C. U i'valk.un, 14 1 W. 11 1),..,,,, 11 ,I ,i,,,,A . ,;. , th, 1 Warrli-r 9 lAL,I ful run, p. la. 4111 13 C. r' 11.,....1 ..t. C.,. p u.l 4, 11) u,,t..1,10 ',up:. Nomt u• bu,.10. a. co. 10 %.1,410r0p, 11 .1. 1: ocv. I It. 1.1 L,1••• S. L:1::;:(11711. ; @to ca. 13 g..tasce;- 171 1. I..xuus, 14 .i Hnlford. 70 .510ne dr., • Ai Her. 73 • 1 11 re Croy. 11 aura- N :,..rn.4. 1).A1., u S Alt. t..a.;...9 1.. C. liorL, r, CI :lite 14 I.Y 11.1ne S Llo. Clues 14 These marhioes arc made at our new and spacious Fociary ut Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate'saperrision of the Prebident of the Company, • Elias Howe, Jr., the ORIGINAL INVENTon 01P THE SM% ENG SIA They are adapted 10101 kinds orFamily Amin?, and to the ueu Of •rnuutrcreca, dreow makers tailor*, man nlnetnrera of iiihirrs, collnra. bkirt.a, cloak•. mantilla..., loan hat., cap., eor..e.ttt, hoot•. shoe., haroess.had (ilea Uorn goods. umbrellas. par:l.°k, Ite They work equal'y o, 11 upon silk. I toot. woolen a nil cotton goods w an ion or linen tnre..d. they n ill seam, gtnlr.;other, lull. cord. 'o.tid.bli,d. and perform every otter,. of swing. making n bratlllful a nd perfect riot h, ailkt: on both ridcz of the artieleb re Tic Stit,-h t. (Lb!' Howc,and made an thi, Machine, is the most 7opular and durnlile, a»d Scro;ny Ma , chines are ~ n lj:et to the prin ciple invent d SE.VI) F'/I2 .1 (711iCUL.11? Th© Howe Macbino Company, 0 , 1 Er.0.17)11 7 .ri, Cor ivorth St N. Y. re'J. Lilo and Accidental GENERAL IMSOFIAN::;E AGENCY, 10.:c)=.trc:).so, 2E''n.. nom., Insurance Co. of N. V., Capital and Insurattne Co. of North America, Phil'a, pital anti ,torplittt. Laßquational Fire 11,arance Co. of N. V., Sl.l ••.11-, L)c•1111111F: el. 1111?% MtUr..lllnt,trtme, co.L,r !ditto. S. ca; t!..: 1.11:•tut oho , . met'. Vt. :1,..1 la.,.ntic. cc , .:wL. t ft., tjmnita: and Eutt-t.;.11..t• only, ity, 1 cat, It:tiny:O. Inruranc •co t l'unns)ivanin, 1 . .;, I.lft• t I onn . In ,)1, %It I. I,a nivri) for 11.1 r ih,• Drier Id 'Pr pt,llllll,lvr ally . n-1411ii , 0. 1,0 ill a o be po%l ,n Ind, and t :Le Itotes , menu np. 1,,p12/.1. Aorner..•.o I.IIc IneulALce T1AY19,14./11-.111,111te Co If, fora, ennn., 1 r,-:r 1?..; ..,;a;u.t. al: 4 1 fr, rrun - rirrrrr . e unwrrnniy. 'Tart -1..n1 Colin . aild $1.5:33.10 Putnint Co., IlJrtiord, Ct ULII - I , rd Lire `ire'. 'I V I 1,11.• Voo C I hell t... 1111 I corn idly 1 e.LI/ t•tr: — .l" . +ll.irl(2•<,nt - 1 4 10(Itn onr ;sir, tt 3:t ed to ou lair rvrin4.:lll(l n(11te(1. STROUD St BROWN, ALrt•tits. firet door north of" Montru, , e Hotel," Ivc,d • oe aPLI:•hc Art2..nc. I#l. 13C 1 - 1 a1717:5 . CELEURATED AND C.ITTLE PUNVDEI:S. p cepa rat i r. long !At nr,thly krnwr. tvr.l rrntt ignra c and low --pi• it, d s: tout Iteu.n; and Lk-111,1.g utnath all 1.1/r0 prernn•i. e or An 4110,:1et . 1.1 , 1,14 111 t o this 8•111,11, POCII.I. I.rrl Ft21,•7, t;:-.1Ait Wrd.• r. 1 . 1.11Nr., COIL!DI.Or111,1er. Fes er.. Founder. of .1 pp., and Ili,: Env.r.:y..S. , . It. , t 0..., unpro. out :11111( • ( rsa ,t1:00t h skin. al..' t raud'oruto tire mirerable rkektou into a fine Inul.ing and ~ioirittul 'l'o liT,EITIZS O-F CO o,;..pec r etent ion i 111 , 1 :113 . . N . . It illerra,e ty and impro. e-tltr ott.ti it y of the mirk.; 1... , n pi,V ell by act 3.11 ex:e,iir cot tu•it, ecn.e tot:flatly or !11l 114 and crentu ttVt tolv prr. t• 112 31 (.1 tai :;,e t..,0 hot ter firm r.ud nwort. in flttenin2 , rattle. it r. ire. t Item nu 3 petite. 'Quentin their Wile, mud •tonlier. them filet% o witch funter IN ALL DISEASES QF SWI E, Pitch a. Cnuglo. ricers in the Iliac, liver. .te.thi• article acta. a sperltic. 8y 11tittbpz from one heltn : per to a paper in It barikti 01 Pwl 11 the dbowu digtattes Nk 1 1 1 be eradicated or entirety prevented. It given in I Ilar. a ceonin preventive and cure fur the 110•• (Male- Pr;ce cunte pet• pJper, or 5 papery lur $l. I're• :m: - ed by S. A. FOUTZ. & BRO, nt thvir whole.nle Drtv. atol !‘tetltelne ttep(tt.Nn 116 Fraltk:m 13:tbitn , tte. :Wt. For ,41t. by Druggtele a ud hrotiLthout the Unitcd Or Kt:e In lotitrt.t.,e by utn . 2lyptil6 itDEL TURItELL. Assistant Assessor. vpr, ortm+ Is hereby vett that nn Assistant Assesoor II of Culled State' , Internal Revenue hal been ap point, d a- hereunder xtntcd : F. M. NVll.t.ta.)l4, Montrose. DlN•Flons One nntl Two, rompriAi og the boron Fit of Sion troAe, the town thin+ of Prld...ater.. Fr toltha. Silver Lake. t'ttoconat, Ap,,i,,eott. Mi. tilt loo'll. Fore,t Like. sext•tli). Itt-11. Au burn. lionrk, sprin;vi•ln. nod Lathrop, and the hor ut,„;',.. of Friend,‘l:le and Little )leadow:s. All per•ono resitlinz wlibln the above described dl 1010115.114 V inc. any Inintneso to tratimaet tvt:h an apal6t ant ao,e.aor,lllll call upon or report to the aforesaid ar6l,:ant. . - . A. J. GEIIIIITSON, Aoet...sor. Tw, lan bi,triet of l'enuryhauia )100 rose, March I.t. 15.7. .I‘v SHERIFF'S SALES. Dy vie ad of a writaa•ued by the Court of Cora l-, tno^ Pleas of Snsquehanna C"ai ty. an d i n inn directed. I Wilt exp,-e to sole. by Public vendor, at the enurt lionw, in Montr.,•c. on Saturday. MAIN 11:10th, 1t , 67, at I o'clock, p. tn.. I Ito following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : The fellowing described piece or parcel of land. eitu• ate In tilleten townsl in, Su-qui-bonito county. Lounded and dercrihed ap follewp to wit : Beginning at the cent cC of the Copherton and tireat itend '1 erupi ke road at a corner of S S. In wino- lint;; thence along the line of the eaer.. south one and one half de e recs. it CA , fourteen and one tenth rods to V line of ti. liorr OW'S land: thence along the line of the cath , ..lllllth pcventy and a half degrees went revert and thirteen twentieth:+ perches: thence he the same, north one and a half degree+ emit fen and One!teritha perches to the centre of ' , old Turnpike road; thence along the centre of the ea e. north eighty and a hklnlegrere east se , en and two tenths rods to the plet6ent hrginning, cent ain ingehout ninety right rode of land. be the .same more or lien, whit the appurtenant:et , . one dwelling. bons() tlmretin. 'tying the sane permitter. Kota by U. Burrow , ' to It C Vail. atal-brcoutrant44o-. W-01.1.1esple. [Ta ken t execution at the cult of - S. S: Tngelte, r 4. J. W. H. V. .', Sheriff. sherfirs Office, Montrose, March 4, pm ot-w - taft e-f-aoR - ORFICKYN Jijulli! tit, • . 0 2:vik,01.9 aovi los n nur Etolup (You 9.?, et • SHERIFF'S SALES. 10Y virtue of certain writs imrtted by the tend of 131 Common Nese of auettu.•bautm County, and to me cltrecicd, I will exp o se to sale by public trendue.ill the Conrt•hou.e. In Nlonirotto. on Saturday, April 0.1E6'7, t.t. 1 o'clock, P. 24.. the rollontln cletcribt.d itivcce or par. cubs oil tad, to wit : The following described piece or parcel or land situ ate nit oakiat d tout 6.). cito, gttaeoonty.lma. a ed and described as follow', to wit : Inv t iliPt by land of C.tivis !Isn't!. on the south by public Ligia• way..n the %Vest. by Lands ofThoa Reardon, and on tha nuttlt bl lands of J. B. Kettle. CoUtalinhg uLOUL 720 Icel. of laud. be the same more or with the >inner. ten. l ne, s . Ironed 110:1,C :111d all improved. (lcken in execution at Om suit of P. 11i:titling re. Ana Keating. All that certain plecc UT parcel of land situate iu Ruth town.Ltpp. Susquebant a et/1110y. bountlad and em•e ed as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of J. C. Kenn. on the cast by land. of Peter anyder. on Ma t.otith by land. , of David Cat.e, and on lite wert b) lands of JohnC. Graham. containing about Ill; acre.. he that same more or 'ere. about six acres unproved. with the appurtenances. 01n• 1 , 01'0161g house 21144 p kw pritalt at!, Oct rect., [ Token 1n czcentiou at the suit of J. / . ‘,/ 1:11ey vs. Joint t. , tl:ll).itt and lints Fura. All that r.-rtn in ricc," nr p2reel arland.f , ileate In Oak land 1,,x1;,i11p, comity, bou tided and de bt`ribed 11.1 f•.: it/ •, to Suit ; On the !tomb by the old Triln;te root Icwiltt„: e from orcut Rend to %Virulent% e.r6 i':f I t ode of 1.. P. Illnd•, and north and evert by lett& of M. p or t. coutt,iblw,... ttbout our acres!! laud be the rattle more or h•to. nud all impend d. TKe other piece le hounded bort h by :'n.rp,ct t•trect, on the e.vt by Walnut e;r , rt. on 11u small by lot of S. AI Aiunron, a ud went Ity laud.. of Win. NI, Post, bring eel fret by 100 f •ct .quire, and known and w rtgnulud en bui:dit.g let No. St , , w.th tl.c apt? in on - in . tre, ono ft imud hours and ail improve d raken in czecui ton at tho unit of K. A. Kamm. 1., the nr.. "(toe Hirt National Raul: cot .)a.olicbartua llopot, tr. K. Barton. A:: tl•.r.t ert.tin pirre or parr,l of land eltuate in the foul...hip of itriogrs , titer. county or su•yu,•LLnu:., 1,0,10.00 ,1101 d rem brd (011111.* to Wit : 11.1.711116;1 a: a a Ti.,a iI vi et/11111:11W ft. a- Hoe ut laid nor, or lat.. .1. Ii Wall .cr, Ern . to•iitt: 0.1.0 a corner of y. rd !.•r I:.lintinn:-.tolut.titru.re north 114 4-10 lo•rchce to trirrh rr.• . tl..•t,acr,•uih rt 144 1U lit 11- r•.i to n nerniock tr. onry h Ste 80 min. 1,11.1 Ft 10 prrcin - to the 1 , 1 ,, cr of ta.V:lntlit..g. rwatilining tl,l ncrrr 111,0 fdi prr. to;:t-ttirr witti the milivurtriAnce.., 11.1, barn. Ti 4.ofClatTil. and tn 0,417 ini pr o , ...t.CULIkon tilt . rut( of Jilllerf or ..nrriving Ex. of 141.11 I.4l:iber, u0..‘1,1“, I'.b.urzt•r 111 L:pplt Jr. V.,at ~ rt Ain picce or parcel or Inndslina: e l c"anty.bwitriecl kact d. ~„ f o lk, w a . sva. ; Ua Lb- ...rill by 1411,1,,, of D i wit t •r, and J. liar. I or, on tin: ,•a,t. ldt•art.ta. Oft Ole 040.111111 by land- of t• 1 1 ; .• ‘• ~/ 41 . . i ;4 of Ttlokllanoork.er.,l,,,,i) , l iy i Fr.& or is Nll4l idan 4.0:11 IP. 11i1 . 1.4 14cr. 4,4•.t411 , 4:4. 4 ; al" nt 1::4 a, the ovine "tore ttr I.•a-, Willi 14.: .41.! att 114.144, e C holiatt, 00 ;tam, ; g;ti•r ;gild 441141 at Itti XI) at ft 11:1, 0 iT..'.4 a 1.4 es. u.llOl. VlC:atilt I.• , • 1 . 4 tiala ll*i.L. $1 Crf O,CGO 1 '4)0,03 1 Z,...3.h...0 r. coo AU ZIA! certain piore or I.:.rcv! of land pitrlnte in Opt • ~,"p. j,„ooy ono Ty. Low.4tod aid ii. - re,111.11,. 1,1 Mit Ihr north „; err Atitll.l I• 111 I toe titer ‘ll'si: r. I “e ;141. 111 u o ....rth hr I,lml ..1 on 111 C I.y a I. Ur f , r. d 'ley r..t.:l%vii he ribidCotlftuti. Kith )1 PVC, Hl jail.. 114,.‘ 11, ,. 1 , 4 . 1.. f le rode end hold .It.) it;.; fe.l, trttle on the bark rod. nod G reft hok. (p.n, 1:. , ..1 rent'. 11ladiJi112 I: rens •.(13nd 10 000 Nbl, ,! 0.- -8111 t: I+,l, S•r wi• 11,e. 11.11..0, alr ft ail v.. • I C,Y),LKA —.‘l.lU -11 fc ,artrtorrnirl piece or pare,' of land •II nate in the Baru ugb of Snetinvhninnt Jienot. I•lts.q.ut•hanne ecciff.f y . hicIllf(101 and d.•prril , . d ,% : lh4llll.ic :0 Ihe o.•-r ..r tho a•lFytenan clonr b. et 1...1 C. Icc r Jcilltcp t rt-,.;.•a0 lot ; Inv in lth • n.•-, 21 ; I •••.r.n r :Is Ihr r sc•l ro ail flit fat l'o•iri c.ccrf p.r.lld lit.k•. ....r :1 1..' e.lll ~n 4- to a c. , 1111 r ..0 c.i...• I.llr. ...40". : 1 3 I cc'', cc! cc 'cit. , . C. al c.•nwr o, !ill Ic;ar ,1 !LC •amc $7OO 100 l:l :ft • cut 1.• :t:lcll , l• 4111 ‘1..,1 9 t. ~ f c•sosinit e 9 Deg 1.11.11. I/0 the .ame 111i11.1.7 i.r it a i wii i !wilding in:nid.iitid a. a ottdr.s.s. ,hvo lurz and sit inipmrt•d. [Take'. in ex• ctut.un tle eutt t.ibtack.k. lin. Jas. C. nickey. CnAra.r.s L. linowN All that ce rtn' n pt, ca. or Ia) rt.l of land. r• lir. li• teway. , ll.l, 01 IT 11 el: y ril bu. e.1:11 all .1 6 1 a••• 14,1 alit! c e. d .lB loilt.st Fa. I. IIL 1,4 Ow, 1.; tt elit,aat Inc in tho an , tit lii,c al bud.- now not cri Thi,taa+ nat.. nail that.tt• aboii: hi. north lii en uc chala% 1,111.4 to a,..141. a, d nen, t 1,0 , ,, norlh t!'.! ant:37, liLhe !:rnd of fl tfar I• 1 i ii• hail- rad 110 liak• to 1.1A1,,r , . nt d 111, 1/1 ell, i* t•iirr tai , hams rind ZS hi 1P 1. a pta-I and .tour-; thence plinth .1 • i n-r. 18 rtire!na .:,k- to •I bete 11 eLlf.tilei. it , . roc be the Kelder I.lt. lad I, tit C,r . 1 . 1c :ea.:0111h 11111111,1 IS) 11111, t.+ i••,t; I.i etiatt II chimp rr '212 io ,4 • it•—rt.:: Caen( • •••aij• tte 10 11, 27 chain. n 11.1 !;:, •I 0 ,`ll-1 c,rni r: thi net nt It/ latt-I: I huh , eP. nth • 12 ClOlllllll il . 01411 It, laird: Tlllll , t . 1 r tl and 1,, .11 inc"l . 1:11d ne,t tr, t haln. a i rl 15 1 .10, t., • t 1 t•;:tt.1 , 11 1 v. 1 1. 1A:111 . 1 1 g nt r IL) dr. d ~••• ,if be 111 e 111110 . 11 me let , . It bet allll II; ItT 1 Latin,., Of fn. TOOll iOl fr. 11,1 1 ,111,111. `MAI! 1/1111..111.0/ 11 n+ oat it II Y C. r. 111. " prtlv, d ' l '. l:"n 111 carp Idit.n :at 1 1. - I.uke ir ,1 ,r:. it yid 31C 2.1 w acd B T. All 11111 cerFnln piece nr pnrcel of lard oltnatc in the township of.i larkon v. and the count! , ea' Sttstrehanna. hounded and described as f,, , 1,0e5, '0 . 0% I:WU) lilt i lif.: .AI. a stone corner in the orlf;,inel line llern eon the J. , . , I h \L.-nn and the lliwrev Wentz.. t.ntete; thence to, said ?tea ...nth 4114• ..art 155 perches to an oritf inn! beta h curter, I hence nil rll.l FOlOl nal line hero - ere illy .Terre tone n n ft lle , , , ser Wentz trncto.midlat .4,11.i* west 1113 perches lon ' , torn , s corner in ttre hhtittlpert eta v.k.; it. , nee alour. Fnla creek in its row-seas follows: north' 2P3;'its est a I er .. hes nollt. Ft 'IF-gine,- west 19 percher, n.411115' east la perches. north Ill's' east .10:nerehes north MN ... 11W 14 perches mil, 11' went 19 perches. north .t 9 degrees west 11 perches n..rt:l 4 24 ,14.. , rf••••• , west 15 per. two end four linko to a stone corner: thence .(nth 47X' west 4 per to a i•lnill I I einleck corner: thence north 42,4• wc.t Flo perches ton stone corner: thence north 4734• ea.! 10 rock to the pine.. of beginntna. conta Inc 45 acres. he th.• sane inure or less. being part of a tract In the noe v. n tee name or Rorer M'..ntr—also all that • titer nitro or parcel F.f k , d oilloininr, the ahoy° t met. hounded and des• ritual as AolF , n .: lleginpin:: at the corner of Wentz and ftet,rge 'thrice traets. nnd bring ol , w, the earner of Ge.,.,,. ~ . W. 1 l i.• I.ilinl: throe- by sold (3 o, W. White` ‘t . nee. to net IVarna eollotY tae rood lioe. altl. 41; 1 4 derwees cost to the Middle of u' rood I , ,tdln from the Slocum toad by the hott..e. of said (t e n, W. WI, line; thence along said lilleollth -n degrees west 15 cads to the SlO- .'lllll rtrtd: thence along the same, no It winds nrd Inrilp to the 11150 of niowe described land: thence along be said illin n. rtit 40,', east to the Wore of be g inoinc. con tainit g inn acre, of land he the some mete I r 1 .. 5 . mnk no in nll 17 tirrilif mere or less, with the 111111 1 rle" comer... Ono linll,l liti , ll4nll/11. it dwelling house, one horn I one orchard. and altont .90 nereo ImProved, rTolten In execotidn nt the cult of. David Taylor, V!. J. D. Finn. and Melinda Flynn, TIMOTHY SEED. & SEED WHEA.T 9 1 - 01: SALE BY sTANLEY rune LL. Fume Lake, Jan. 22, 1807.1n2* SOLDIERS' BOUNTY PENSIONS, And Back Pay rilL 4 Tna,:grretri,=37:•_..7l 3l l cr0z.17.1.1: ted to blot rare. Noehargeuriless i iinereryfut licoutrotg.q..l3. , )IeCOLLVII-• sttg.ctirto • Itt the Pibiretalb Ines* Mots. S. F. LANE. SticriLL -ALSO —.a LNO— -: v . I.SO —kLso— -AL•u -AI SO R. P. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, iontrose :March It, 16ff7. 7,;•!•Irrl I. .4:.•n 1n,y,...cn• I.Varlitt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers