The Montrose Democrat Di levaiiisio raw TOMMY Yom, Itarraeat. - vestegoisonra 00131 Mr. PA., as AL; ar. C 3.3111111. WI XIV ES CI N o ay pm Atoms 1 Armaamix-ron 62% AT Slnt as man. liminess advertiseinents inserted at $1 per square of 10 lines, three amen, and ?Sets for each additional week'. Yearly advertisers, with usual chinos, charged $lO ibrfour squares, quarter column $l5, -half column . 'ans.:ol=n $6O. andother amounts in exact pro. Business cards of three lines, $3; or one dollar a line. I notices at the cnetomary ratess,—itbout 50 per - Beni addition to business rates. • Job Printing executed neatly and prompilvat ktr prices. - , ~, eeds, Mortgges, Notes. Justices', Constables'. & D boo! and otheiblanke for sale. •! TenviXtis I C7abes.72 73 coVcrzi. BUSINESS CARDS. M. •C. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, 14)7631 Vrlendsville, Pa. JAMES E. CARMALT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Once over Stone m Warner. Montrose. D • 18,1886. tt 17 WM. D. LUSK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Miles opposite the Ptitadln Hotel, near tho Court House. noir27 '65 DR. E. L. GARDNER, IHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Montrose. Pa. Ghree esiteclal attention to diseases of tha Heart and Lungs and all Surtical diseases. Office over the Post (Mica. Boards at Searle's Hotel. (Sept. 4. 16611. BALDWIN, ALLEN, & MITCHELL, INSALERS In Flour, Bait, Pork, Fish, Lard, Grain , A/ Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea an 6 Coffee. West side of Public Avenue. Montrose, April rf, 1866. . BURNS & NICHOLS, DE/LERS in Drugs, Medicines , Chemicals, Die. stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnish. Liquors, Spices. 140). Of articles. Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Az , tides. Prescriptiont carefully compounded. Public Avenue, above boarle' • s HoteLLimne otross, Pa. Bum , • • Ifteaccia. Sept 11, 1880. D. W. SEARLE, Al TTORSIZT AT LAW, office over the Stote of Z 11l Cobb. opposite Searle's Hotel, Montrose, Pa. May 1, 1888. Du. E. P. NINES, riyAS permanently located at Friendsville for therm?. EX pose of practicing medicine and surger y in all its branches. He may be found at the Jackson House. Wee hours from 8 a. m., to 9 p. m. janlGtf Priendsville, Pa., Jan. 15tb, 1868. ROGERS & ELY, Licoiszameci. atiLvLaticeszuseral, - Brooklyn, Pa. PETER HAY, Xiaciertsca42. ..14.4.10t10ati803r, NA MI Auburn 4 Cornets% Pa. C. S. GILBERT, Zalcieruseel AtuazatilicazLeer. imtp7 6611 Great. Bend, Pa. STROUD & BROWN, 1 4 1 111 0 111 AND LIFE H.7BI7HANCE AGENTS. All tri : t i business a n t o tge o epo m p o r n o t ig a t a l y. on o fair terms. Of floeH tel," west si de of Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. Van. 1,1888. Elusaim• ernacra, - - Caws:6= L. Totowa. C. 0. FORDELAII, ID 00? & SHOE Dealer and Manufacturer. Montrose, d. 71 Pa. Shop on Main street, onedoor below the Post Office. All kinds of work , undo to order, and repairing dons neatly. pint ea Ds. E..L. BLAKESLEE, IORYBICIAN & SURGEON, has located at Broonlys, filmscea co., Pa. Will attendpromptly to all calls with which he may be favored. Office at L. M. Bald win's. [July 11-1 y JOHN SAUTTER, RESPECTFULLY announces that lie is naw pre pared to Cut all kinds of Garments in the most Fashionable Style, and warranted to fit with elegance and ease. Shop over I. N. Bullard's Store, Montrose. DOCT. E. L. HANDRICK, Oaysicuaq & stritozoN, respectfully tenders Ms professional services to the citizen of Primula. ville and vicinity. Flrollica bathe Mama! Dr. Leet. Boards at J. Hosford'a. .111110 68t1 ABEL TITRRELt... I - 11UL= U 2 Drags, Waltham Cliemleals,Ast /Stuffs, Glass Ware , Paints, o hs, Varrdsb, door Glan, Grocertes,Fancy Goods, Jayalry P - usery,dte—Astea for all the most popular PATENT lsl sttClNEB,—ldontroso, Pa. DR. Wit. SMITH, MORON DENTlST,—Kontrose, 10015ce in Lathrop' now building, over Vie Bank. All Dental operations will be " "1161111111 performed in good style and warranted. JOHN GROVES, t'"wo3/1111,13 TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Oho ono door west of Ssarle's Hotel. iiirrAllortieratilled promptly, in got-rate style. jl, Muting done on short notice, and warranted to fit WM. W. SMITH, ; t-lesursT ANT, CHAIR MANIIPACTUEERS.4Ioot Li of Main street, Montrose, Pa. P. LINES, uaAT,.O:4ABLE TAlLOlL—Mcrntrose, Pa. Shop Ii in etionsiz Mock, over store of Read, Watson s. Poster. All work warranted as to tit sad finish. Cutting dune on short notice, in best style. jazolso IN; H. BURRITT, rk SALER In Staple and 'Esau Dry Goods, Crockery .15 Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drags, Oils, and Paints Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ceps. Furs, Buffalo Robes Groceries, Provisions, ewMilford, Pa. W.M. a COOPER & CO., BARECEMS. Montrose, Pa. Baer' essors Post,Cooper Co. Office, Lathrop's new balding, l'arsrptkwat. K. HUNTII3IIO COOP= A. 0. WARREN, TTOnNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay. Pension, and Exemption Claims attended to. febi ("Office Ira door belowßo7d's Store,' Montrose,Pa UNION HOTEL, NEW MILFORD, Pa. Lately kept by IL C. Vail. JOHN FAUROT, Proprietor. Ideals always ready. Time a 'eat, without being harried, for persons arriving on the stage, wishing to take the ann. jai tf AVON HOUSE, GREAT BEND, Pk. NEAR THE RAILROAD DEPOT. The House- is open at all hours of the night for Nu! , Seeotamodatioa of Passel:gm. a we DAnD THOMAS, Proprietor. MBE BEST BOOTS lb SHOES in market at tbe ratitele Cheap Store, T ' ET feliiriVrninctlcrie. ' ' JLF • • • •af Chas' p Stont. RobeiAtLadies' Fnre; cliacis lot, tar silk atlow Apra, Z. Nevi Ittihad, l'iev. ill, 1* "COSTAR'S" HRH! EITERMINTORS I years establishedlo R. Y. City." " Only infallible remedies knows." " Free from all poisons." " Not dangerous to the Roman Family." " Rats come out of their holes to die. Costar's" Rat,Bl , ikc. Externiin's La paste—used far lists, Mice, Roaches, 131aelt and Red Ants, 4e, &C. " Cantor's" Red-Rig Exterminator . Is illy:Mar wash—nied to destroy. and also as 4 preventive for Bed-Bugs, be. " Oostar'alkpeotrio, Powder for Insects Ia taiNoths.ltasqpitoes. Pleas, Bed-Bogs, Insects on Platiti, Fowls, Animals, de. Flirt !!Thrtraas ! ifotall worthless !natati'. Or Bea that " Cotran'e"Ulama !a on each B ox, tle and Pink, Watt yea talk Fir Address. 311:811111kInt. COSTAE, ldroadway, N. T. id all flai la 6 Ittram. Pa.,. ABEL ate BataanMl • "CO STABS" . . 011SIIIIATICD BUCKTHORN SALVE, for Cats, Burns. Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers. Bro ken Breasts. Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Painfu Piles'; Scrofulous. Putrid and ill conditioncd sores Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneous of fectons, Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains. Ac. ; Chapped Rands. Lips, Ac.; Bites of Spiders in sees, Animals', &c. Au. Prßozes, 25 eta., Wets., and $1 sizes. 'Sold by all Druggists everywhere. IgirAnd by RENRY IL COSTAR, Depot 4111 Broad way, N.Y. gr'And by ABEL TIIRRELL, Montrose, Pa. "COSTAR'S" CORN SOLVENT, For Corns, Bunions, Warts, ,te. gairßoxes, ZS cents, 58 cents, and $1 sizes. orficold by all Drawsts everywhere. farßy Henry R. Costar. Depot 484 Broadway, 2f. T larlnd by Abil Tartan, Montrose, Pa. "COSTAR'S" ramissarto, BITTER-.SWEET &ARANGE BLOSSOMS 1071 31411721771110 COICKSTION. Bred to soften and beautify the Skin, remove Freck les, Pimples, Eruptions, de. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. Bottles, 11. gair Sold by all Druggists everywhre. Or By Henry R. Coitar. Depot 484 Broadway, N. T. orAnd by Abel 'Farrell, Montrose, Pa. • "OOSTA11 , 11" COUGH REMEDY, For Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Hoarse ness, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma. Consump• Bon, Bronchjal Affections, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. gar Bowes. 15 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. "Sold by all Druggists everywhere. pH — By Henry R. Cos — tar, Depot 484 Broadway, N. I'. Andby AbelTurrell. Montrose, Pa. aciOBTAIVii" _ , iossuai22. BISHOP PILLS, -3 virmus. man TILL, Painervotts, and sick liesdaehe, Coitivezess,indiges• tion, Dyspepsta, Billionsness, constipation, Marches, engt4ltsver,s, generaldesangstuent of the )3 tithe zwiclaessitit eitessitsfit t Os". • • T. anal Ft. 11. MN+ Tassoll, Mostrome, A. an. ; ale G VER dig BAKER'S ISlMalin IMASIELMU arm ...SDI, UM HIGHEST PREMIUMS 411 Oa Maio Mrs ot New York, Illinois, Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, lowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, 'Pilaus, Missouri, California. At the Fairs of the American Institute, Franklin Institute. Mu7lm l 4 In stitnts, MassachnseUs Mechanics' Association, Pun. Mechardes' Institute, Bt. Louis Agricultural and Mechanics' Association. And at numerous Institute and County Tam including all the Fairs at which they were szhibitW the past three yews. Fret prizes have also been awarded these marlines at tie exhibitions of London, Paris, Dublin, Litz, Besancon, Bayonne, St. Disler, Chalons, Empres4 , ol Francs, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, Empress of Brazil, •- Queen of Spain, and Queen of Bavaria The Grover Baker Elastic Stitch Sewing Machines are superior to all others for the following reasons : 1. They sew direct from the spools, and require no re winding of thread. t They are more easily understood at - kneed, and less liable to derangement than any other machines. S. They are capable of executing perfectly, itrithont change of adjustment, a much greater variety of ' , work than other machines. 4. The stitch made by these machines is much morib, firm, elastic and durable, especially upon articles which require to be washed and ironed, than any other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the tin der thread is inwrought, is much the most plump and beautiful in use, and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and ironed until they are worn out. • 6. The structure of the seam is such that, though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it will neither open, run, or ravel, but remains firm and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation. 8. With these machines, while silk is used upon the right or face side of the seam, cotton may be need upon the other side without lessening the strength or dura bility of the seam. This can be done on no other ma chine, and is a great saving upon all articles stitched or made up with silk. 9. These machines, to addition to their superior mer its as instruments for sewing. by a change of adjust ment, easily learned and practiced, execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. GROVER & BAKER 8. 31. CO., 495 Broadway, New York, 730 Chestnut street, Ittra. Oct. 23.—tom PURE LIBERTY WRITE LEAD, the whitest, tho most durable, the most economical Try It t Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITE, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, Jan3o ly 197 North Sd street, Philad's. f)EL A WARE, LACKAWANi A- , WESTERN R. IL Winter Arrangemen PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. . • I EASTNS Mall Evening 3lall train. I train. STATIONS. train. A. N. P. Mt. P. 111. 9.ooNew Fork • ..... 5,20 I 11,30 New Hampton 2,20 12,18 Manunka Chunk.... 1,85 12 43 Delaware —.Dina 1,30 a , 4,30 10,10 Scranton 9,45 5,36 11,43 Nicholson ~ 8,35 tf o 5,58 12,09 Honbottom 8,18 31 8,20 12 ,38 Montrose 7,55 /3 841 1 1.08 New Milford 7.84 . 7,00 1,35 I Great Bend I 7,15 a, I.M. P. M *Foot of Liberty-et. A. M CONNECTIONS—WESTWARD. The Mall train from New York connect, at Ma. mink& Chunk with the train leaving Philad'a(gensing ton depot) at 7,80 a. m., and at Grentßend with through mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car at tached, stopping at all the principal stations. on that road. and arrivingat Buffalo at 8,18 a. m.. - The 1 assengertrain from Scranton connects at Gr't Bend with through trains going west and east on Erie Railway, arriving at Buffalo at 1,08 a. in., and at Sala• manta at 12 in. CONNECTIONS—EASTWARD. The Mail train from Great Bend connects there the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from 1 t ; at Manunka Chunk with a train for Ph ilad'a and ediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at COO ; and at New Hampton with a train for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arri at Harrisburg at 8,80 p. in. At Scranton. connections are made with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.R. to and from Pittston Kingston, Wilkesbarre, Berwick, Bloomsburg,Danville, Northumberland, Harrisburg and intermediate stations, and with trains on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. A. HENRY, .1. BRIBI3TN, nov2l General Ticket Agent. President. 'PATE RAILWAY—On and after Mon 1-4 day, November 19th, 1666, trains will leave area Bend at about the following hours, viz.: GOING WEST 3.00 a. m. Night Express, Mondays excepted, for Ro chester, Dutralo, Salamanca and Dunkirk making di rect connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railtrays. for all points West; also at Binghamton for Syracuse ; at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 8.88 a. m. Night Express, Daily, for Rochester, Buffalo, Salamanca, Dankitk, and the West. Stop. at Great Bend on Mondays only. 511 a. m. Mail Tmin, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dnnkirk, connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. 4.03 p. in. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Bo cheater. Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse : at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua ; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Hallway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore an rand Trunk Rail ways, for ill points West and South. T. 51 p. m. Express Mall. Sundays excepted, for Bun „lo,Salamanca, and Dankirk, connecting with trains for the West ; also at Elmira for Canandaigua. 1.00 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. GOING EAST. 3.43 a. m. Night Express, Daily. connecting at Oro eoart for Warwick ; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. RAM a. in. Cincinnati Express. Monday' excepted, at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Graycourt for New burg_ and Warwick. 1.68 p. m. Day Express, Sundays excepted. ' 6.12 p. in. Accommodation Train ted. Daily. IPIO p. m. New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays ex cep 10.20 a. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. WM.II. BARR, H. RIDDLE. fib IV Gang PaasengerAgent. Heal Sap't. SOLDIERS'. BOUNTY, PENSIONS, (taxa. Metals. Part y. TELE andere4ned, LICENBRI) A.G*liiT of tbs IffiMT, having obtained the meets= wiiigiesprompt attestkv o itil claims to Car .. ..o charge unless wistful. GI .1". LITTLIL Nostrou, Jess OW 1861. 411.11 tam" ilenarrlD of Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Oo• And leek at the at:Malys aaportmast d NEW GOODS, For Fall & Winter, tectelved vest 611111 Ars Teri* a - I:[ 4: STOCK OF GOODS 3C2V IDCOVITZT, Ind prices satisfactory to every one. mass Goons, AXXX.AX-NINZIELIr GirCPCO3ZI39I COTTON GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS,FURS)SKIRTS AND FANCY GOODS, too numerous to mention (alb 441117 'C And Gents' kurnishing Goods, Any ilturatitiirakd fouttenburg, lasenttanin, IL I. tozastimi., Banging Partairw, Montrose, Sept. 11, 1844. 'A and , Dee. M. 6,20 4,30 4,05 9,35 3,05 2,40 P II GREAT DEPOT HATS, FURS, CI-.OOTI3CINar., FURNISHING GOODS CLOVES & MITTENS, BOOTS & SHOES. FANCY Vl3 RS, mode to order, sad X othants supplied at the lower The public are invited to sail. assails' Goods, 5114 gut tn. Pries*. !Mel ft. 05.45. - 1.. c. Pat!** Tette, liesOrtose. Aug. 1. liQ. -FOR ALL lUNDS OP New York ratio. A PESO LOT OF NEW GOODS, JUST imam FOR TKO 16103prizig; Wiretcle, £$ WILSOI, GRIFFIS WARNER BE LllTY.—Anburn Gel den, Flaxen, and Silken CURLS produced by tho use of Prof. Daßazo Vs FEWER LE CHEVEAUX. One ap plication warranted to curl the most straight and stub• born hair of either set into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Has been need by the fashionables of Paris and London. with the most gratifying results. Does no iniury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and post paid. $l. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address BERGER, SHUTTS St Co., Chem -Ist*. No. 285 River street, Troy, N. Y. Only agents for the United States. myl lycfspq Excelsior Excelsior CILICA6SEITEILLALMIL'EiI HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. O the Ladles especially, this invaluable depilatory T recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to female beauty, is easily applied; and does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly ou tan roots. It is warranted to remove enpertinons hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft. smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French. and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price $t per package, sent post paid to any address, on reNipt of an order. by Batman, Suurrs & Co., Chemists. aryl lycfepq 255 River street, Tray, N. Y:= C/3SCALISTEIXaMaBPL 7 IE3 LIQUID WHITE FON Improvin- and Beautifying the complexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use. for giving the akin a beautiful. pearl-like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes tan. freckles, pimples, blotches, moth patches, sallowness!, eruptions and all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the akin white and clear as alabaster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is con sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30.000 betties were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its' efficacy. Price only 73 cta. Mailed. post paid. on receipt of an order by RERGER, SIIUTTS .CO.. Chemista, myl lycfspq VS River street, Troy, N. Y. 1 1'333E1 3F.aiN7i7 aarico I=l. MINER & COATS Post's building, below Boyd's Corner, is the place to buy you r• RIR GROCERIES, END PROVISIONS, CHEAP! CHEAP CHEAP! lUNER & COATS Would Inform the public that they are now opening a New and Choice Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, just received from New York. which they will sell cheap for sh, or exchange for all kinds of Farmer's produce. %ye have made arrangements with one of the beet Commission Houses in New York for shipping Butter and Ptodnce, and will famish Pails free of charge, and make Liberal Advancements on.eonsignments of Butter. Also, CASH paid for But ter, Grain and Eggs. A froi , h supply of GARDEN VEGET &BLEB, by Ex press, always on hand. nkfal for the liberal patronage already re , corri7hv:hope by dealing honorably with our custom. en to still further extend our trade. C. G. xtxsx, - Montrose, June S. 1E65. 3m lEMINGTON SON, manufactnrero of REVOLVERS, RULES, MUSKETS and CAR BIM for the U S Service. Also Pocket & Belt Revol vers, Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes. Revolving Rifles, rifle and shot gun barrels and gun materials sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these day. of Ifousebreakino and Robbery, every Howe, Store, Bank and eke should hare one of REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late Im provements to Pistold, and superior workmanship and form, will find all comnincd in the new REMINGTON REVOLVERS. Circulars. containing cuts and description of our Arms, will be furnished upon application. &pies.") E. REaIINUTOII k SONS, Ilion, N. Y. PURE. LIBERTY WEITFE LEAD. REFERRED by all practical patntera I Try it, and P you nil/tare no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER 4 SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Obis Dater., jan3o 1y 137 North Sd street, Platted's. ABEL TURRELL Is continually receiving NEW GOODS,G® And keeps constantly on hand a fall and desirable as sortment of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, 0115, Dye-stiffs, Teas, Spices and other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa per, Glassware, Lamps, Kerosene, Benzoic, Tanner's 011. Lubricating Oil, Neatstoot 011, -- Relined Whale Oil, Varnish, Whips, Gans Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Musical Instruments, Tact Soaps, Bair Oils, Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Silver Plated Spoons, Forks, and Ivory Handled Knives, Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, &Lc'. ALL THE Patent Medicines advertised in Idontrose, and nearly every GOOD KIND N IN AY MARKET. In ghost, nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste, to delight the eye, terigrattfy the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and SubStantial comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as it would fill a newspaper. Call atthe Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa. [OIIIIITION OF BOUNTIES! OLDISH/3 : Congress has just passed an act to equal ize your Bounties I Those who have not already done so, should make immediate application. Wid ows heirs or parents of Soldiers who hate. died in the service, are entitled to the same bounty the soldier, it living would receive. Having already prepared over two hundred claims, those who have delayed making application will And it greatly to their advantage to give me a call. Invalids and widows entitled to an increase of pen sion under act approved June 6,1868, should also make application. Information free. GEO. P. LITTLE. Licensed Government Agent. Montrose, Aug. 7,1866. tt TF- -YOU 'WANT TO -SAVE: FROM JL'loli 15 per sest‘ en' a *rot ItoNj u lat i ll 10 (Wrti yow ea x.) 4 7L0 t ' 7 k) GROCERIES & PROISIONI CRANE, HOWELL & CO A RE riow'raeolatag a large and wen-selected stock of IS. new goods, eonalstlag in part of choice cosaa's FLOUR, SUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES amid TEAS, COFFEE SPIdS. FRUTTIL NAILS, PORK. , WOODEN-WARE. HAMS. BASKETS LARD, . igtooiL t VIM ROPB, &s. and In fact a tholes variety of all kinds of GROCERIES 81, PROVISIONS which we ere bound to sell wholesale Or retail, cheap for cash or ready pay. Call and see before buying elsewhere, for we take pleasure in showine our goods, whether you boy erect. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE taken In exchange !or Goode at the beet market prices. fa'Shop to basement of Boyd'. building next below Searle's Hotel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Fresh Meats and Fish of all kinds are kept for sale. 0. M. CRADLE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. FERGERSON. Montrose, May 1, 1866. Manhood : How Lost, How Re- stored. JUST publehed, a new edition of Dr. Culver. well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPEIIMATORIIIICIZA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Mar riage. etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, in duced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. I;l7 — Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable sway clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abase may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointin,„. out s mode of cure at once simple. certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition maybe. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. CAT This Lecture should he in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal. in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two poet stamps. Address the publishers, CIIA S. J. C. KLINE 8. CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Mike box 4,536. March 20, 1866—ly'amp. ENAMEL, HUNT BROTHERS , M= l "., Whokeale & Retail Denlora la mraDviiam,, ) STEEL, NAILS.' E0P1N:24%, %novELs . , BUILDER'S HARDWARE. RISE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK & T RAIL SPIESS RAILROAD . MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE • IRONS. HUBS, SPOKES. YELLOES, SEAT SPEMLES. BOWS. Sc. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS HAMMERS, SLEDGES. FILES, Be. &c. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. BFLTING, PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR ct GRINDSTONES. FRENCB WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER & FINDINGS FAIRBANKS SCALES: Scranton, March 24, 18113. 17 _ PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD \ AT ILL do more and better work at a given cost, !Sas any other. Try it 7 , lanafactured only by ZIEGLER SMITH, Wholesale Drng, Paint, and Glass Dealers, Jan3o ly 137 North 3d street, Phtlad's. LADIES' FANCY rIIRS, AT JOHN FARE IRA' S Old Established Fur Manufactory, 10. HS ARCH STREET, above Ttb, PHILADELPHIA. • W. R. COATS HAVE now in store of my own manufacture and tri portatlon. one of the largest and most brantifnl selections of FANCY FURS. for Ladles` and Children's wear in the City. Also, a lino assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to difpose of my goods at very reasons. bin prices, and I would therefore a Melia call from my friends of Susqurhanna county and Vicinity. Remember the name, number and street JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH St. ab. 7th,, south side, PIIMAIYA 1 1 17 - 1 have no Partner, nor connection with any oth er Store in Philadelphia. Oct. 16, 4mjw HOWAfID Ps Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal. Urinary and sex. nal systems—new and reliable trer tmenti—in Report el the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Sent by mail in scaled letZer envelopcs,free of charge. Address Dr. J.Stinxas IlotronTos, Howard Association, Hp 2 South 9th street Philadelphia. Pa. THE FAMOUS BARBER." • and nee the famous Barber, Famous Barber,late of Hayti. Late of Hayti,ncnr at Weeks', 2;.' ow. at F. B. Weeks!: Store Roow, Find me shaving and shampooing, Find me cutting hair Lb stilt you, Find me ready at year service. Atyottr service CHARLEY NORRIS liontroae,Oct 15, 1883. tf - . Lackawanna & Bloomsbnrg B. B. ON and after November 27, 1865, passenger trains wlll run as follows: A. M. A. M. P. 11. Leave Scranton, 5:50 10:50 4:50 " Kingston, 6:55 11:15 0:20 " Rnpert. 9:15 R 53 " Danville, 9:150 9:30 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:30 10:10 NORTHWARD. Leave Northemberlrad, 8:00 " Danville, 8:40 " Rupert, 0:15 A. le " Kingston, 2:35 8:30 0:55 Arrive at Scranton, 3:45 9:35 0:10 Passengers taking train south from Scranton at 5:50 a. m. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburg at12:50 p. m.; Baltimore 5:80 p. m.; Washington 10:00 p. Cl.; via 'Rupert reach Philadelphia at '4:00 p. m. Kingston, Nov. 25. B.A. FONDA. Supt. NEW GOODS. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD, Are now receiving their New Stock of .spring Lt. %mum o alr C: 0 Ci) Si which will be sold caEria.a.N. poz 041.112133. Summer Dress Goods, Silks; Grenadines, Challies, Printed Cambrics, Lawns, Mnslins, Prints, Delaines, Poplins, Hats & Cape, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, d.o. ttce mum avmrrrlinvieux *arose, May 0, 31156. R E"T 1"11. liae - PYb4ak Map INN.' DAIRY SALT, TABLE SALT, BBL SALT. BABBLES, BUSHEL 44.. is to• SOUTHWARD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers