0-Owning's° .1/7 - • A Donation will-be given in the bate went of the Baptist church in Montrose for the benefit ofElder B. C. Morse, an F r iday afternoon and evening, March Bth, 1867. The friends and the publio gener al!. are invited to attend. Assistant Assessor. F. M. Williams, Esq., of Montrose, has been appointed assistant assessor, in place of Casper W. Tyler, Esq. Office with the assessor. As the assessor's commis sion expires on the 4th, and the law seems to place the dutjes upon the assistant, the contingency is:mnply provided for, until the Senate will'confirm apppointuaents or adjourn. —Since:going to press we learn that the Senate did not confirm the assessor on Sunday morning. Mr. Williams has al ready taken possession of the office. Postmaster Rejected. Among the Postmasters reported as rejected by the Senate, in Saturday's pa pers, appeared the name of Daniel Brews ter, P. M. at Montrose. Mr. B. has made an excellent , postmaster—the office has not been as well attended to for many years, as during his occupancy for the past three months. But as he is a Union man, he is rejected by the Senate in the hope that the President will appoint a disunionist or some one who will play sec ond fiddle to them in return for confirma tion., It is said4hat Wm. L. Post, once Pres ident of a Bank is likely to be appointed as the choice of the .radicals—special in fluences being used towards'that end. Fire in Thomson. Mr. Enrr•ln : Please insert in your vi per, for the information of friends. that on tie evening of the 20th inst.; the d 1 ing louse of Cyrus Hall, Esq, I.f Thompson, this county, was destroyed by fire with all i contents. The oriain of the fire is no. known,llie family being all away from. the house at the time. .MI the furniture and clothing except the every day wear ing apparel which they had on, together wish the office books, and papers of Esq., Hal were destroyed. Jackson, Feb: 1867. --efr.o. Internal Revenue Decisions. The following decisions of the Commis sioner of Internal Revenue are published for the benefit of all whom they may con cern : Su6acription Lists Contracts, Promissory When a subscription is for a purpose in .which there is a nointpunity of interest among the subscribers, the list should be F: awl,4 41 as a contract,or agreement,at the Ite of five cents for each sheet or piece of .I ,aper upon which it is written. tVlicn there is 'no community of inter- ria , l ti,e subscription is conditional, v•tc c s;4ner executes a separate contract, eviring its appropriate amount oistamp-; tilt amount depends upon the number of ~`sets or . pieces of paper upon which the k: ract is written. When each-of the subscribers contracts to pty a certain and definite sum of mon ey on demand, or at a time designated, the separate contract of each should-be stamped at the same rate as a promissory note. To Let. Two OrricEs :—One of them is a large and valuable office—size about 20 feet square—located over the new drug store; the other is of a somewhat greater extent and value, and at present located in the one first described. For the one, apply on the premises; for the other call upon the U. S. Senate, via the White House. Applicants who change their coats before reaching " the other end of the avenue," may find it to tbcir advan tage. Ex. March 4th—tf. Township Elections. We publish below a list of officers elec ted at, Township and Borough elections in Susquehanna county, on Friday, Febru ary 15th, 1867 : . A polacon —4.sse Lyous; Jus tice itfthe Peace, FatrizikWalch; supervi. sor, Diniel Cnnniiigharn;Constable, Mich ael • Sullivatn-Auditors. Patrick Walch, `& Wm. Hand. School - Directors; Charles I Utak. John Foster; Judge of election, Patrick Gary; Inspectors of election, Win. Craigh, D. C. Wood; Clerk, John Crina .•,., mins; Treasurer, Timothy Kane. Auburn—Assessor, G. NV. Stebbins; Supervisor, J. ,G Sterling; Constable, J. J. Manning; Auditor, J. M. Bushnell; School Directors, J. R. Lacey, J. D. Linne berry; Judge of election, C. W. Pierson; Inspectors, J. G. Taylor, Win. Dentin; Clerk. Ed. Dawson; Treasurer, Caldwell McMieken. .Ararat—Assessor, N. J. West, W. W. Stearns,tie; Supervisors, L. 0. Baldwin, Jas. E. Payne; Connstable, John IL Too ley; Auditor, W. W Stearns; School di rectors, W. Carpenter, N. J. est; Judge of election. John M. Lamont; Inspectors, Edward Bloaliam, Tompkins Walker; Clerk, Julius Tyler; Treasurer, Thomas Bowel!. Brooklyn—Assessor, Isaac Van Ankin; Justice of the Peace, G. 13. Rogers; Su pervisor A. G. Hollister; Constable, A. Titswort:h; Auditor, E. L. Blakeslee; School Directors, . A: Weston, J. S. Peckham; Judge of eleetion,'H. W. Kew; Inspectors, Ansel Sterling, M. Perrigo; Clerk, J. L. Adams;Treasurer, D. A.Tite.- worth. Bridgewater—Assessor, Milton Hun ter; Justice of the Peace, Apollos Stone; Supervisors,`M. S. Tyler,James Caiph; Constable, Wm. L. Beee; Auditor Jo t:mph Porter, School Directors, M. J. Ste phens, ham Terrell; Judge of eltsetion, A. O. Tyler; Inspeotore 4elections, H. H. Harrington, jabekOsborn; Clerk, Charles Brown; Treasurer, C. S. Bush: ' Choconut—Assessor, M. J. Golden; jus tice of the P eace, _ D. 0. Minkler; Super visor,,S. T. T.e;',Conitable, Michael Mtir-. ray; Auditor, Michael Hickey; School di rectors, James O'Keefe, Edward Burke; Judge of election, Christopher Byrne; In spectors James Purtell, Denqis ODes; Clerk, Mathew Bahilly; Treasurer, James Trodden. . Clifford Assessor, Wm. Meredith; Supervisor, J. G. Weatherby; Constable, E. S. Lewis; Auditor, John Tinker, jr., School Directors„ Hiram Stevens, John Irving, Richard D. Davis, jr.; Judge of election, Seward E. Miller; Inspectors, Thomas J. Wells, Hilan D. Peck; Clerk, Wm. P. Wilson; Treasurer, Alanson Hal stead. Dundaff—Assessor,: Wm. B. Slocum; constable, Abraham Banker; School Di j , rectors, Geo. Brownell, Nelson Coleman, 3 years; Judge of election, K. P. Wissuer; Inspectors, Joseph 13. Slocum, Charles C. Church. Dimock—AsSessor, IL C. Conklin; Jos tice'of the Peace, T. B. Williams; Super visor, J. A. Bunnell; Constable, Win. Babcock; Auditors, F. H, Hollister, Wm. C. Miles ,2 years; School directors, C. S. Gates, P. A. Stephens; Judge of election, H. 'Spafford; Inspector:, George Stevens, Andrew Calby; Clerk, P. J. Gates; Treas urer, Lyman Blukesfee.- T.; Forest Lake—:Assessor, F. H. South well; Poor Masters, 0. Mott, jr., Isaiah lieator; Supervisor, John Strange; con stable, W. G. Small; Auditor, Joel Tur rell; School Directors, A. B. Griffis, Isaac Strange; *Tease, of election, N. R. Cole; Inspectors, Henry Bulks, Salmon Brad shaw; Clerk, James M. Rice; Treasurer, Dexter Marshall. Franklin Assessor, Feederick A. Smith; Justice of the . peace, James Wat son; Supervisor. E! C. Park; emistable, J. 11. Deakin; .Auditory J. C.' Wheaton; School Directors, S. D. Terrell, P. Quig ley; Judge of election, H. L. Blowers; In spectors, E. J. Webb, James E. Towns end; Clerk, E. H, Merriinan; Treasurer, C. H. Follett.. Friendsville Assessor, Hugh Duffy; Burgess, Michael M'llllarrus; Supervisor, Norton Allen; Constahle, Michael Mari nap; Auditor, F. P. Ryan; School Direc tors Michael Dowe, D. W. Glidden, Thos. Hagan; judge of election, D. W. Glidden; Inspectors, John Carroll, Philip Millian; Town Council, James Mead, Robert Gil- B. C. Hatiriek, Daniel Lynch. Gibson—Asessor, A., P. Kinne; Super visor Wilbur Gardner, . W. Gillet]; con stable, Wm. Pickering; Auditor, Thomas Evans; .School Directors, Daniel Evans, G. G. Woodward; Judge orelection, Sim eon Manzer; Inspectors, F. P. Whitney, E. P. rope; Clerk, C. A. Kennedy; Treas urer, N. E. Kennedy. Great Bend Township—Assessor, Ga len Newman; Justice of the Peace, W. W. Sinirell; Supervisors, E. Barnum, Da vid Rosa; Constable, D.: B. McElwee; Auditor, Charles Simpson; School Direc tors, J, R. Johnson, Robert Roosa; judge of election, 7 C'iT. F. &well; Inspectors, Chas. Simpson, 0. Trowbridge; Clerk, A. 'Truesdell; Treasurer, E. Barnum. Great Bend Borough —Assessor, C. S. Gilbert; Justices of the Peace, Isaac Reck how, R. T. Stephens; constable, Lucien Buck; Auditor,ll. P. Doran; School di rectors, L. S. Lnheim, Freeborn Church ill; judge of elections, Isaacßeckhow; In spector of elections, Vincent Reekhow. Harford—Assessor, Stephen E. Carpen ter; Overseer of the Poor, Otis Green hill; Supervisors, J. G. Hotchkiss, I year, Freeman Tingley, 3 yeari ' • Constable, C. H. Miller; Auditor, Joseph Powers, jr.; School Directors, Austin Darrow, Gen. S. Whitney; Judge of election, J. C. Har ding; Inspectors, J. T. Tiffany, James D. Tingley; Clerk, Lyman Richardson; Treas urer, J. C. Ed wards. __ _ C. A. 11 Herrick—Assessor, H. H. Ellis; Super visor, C. A. Harding; Constable, Charles Coleman; Auditors, L. 11. Ellis, G.ll.Ly :ons; School Direct?rs, Frank Hayden, John F. Stewart; Judge ; of election, San ford Burnt . ; Inspectors, L. Manzer Da'rt, S. 0. -Chtirchill;,. Clerk, Philo Burritt, Treasurer, Israel Rounds. Harmony—Assessor, 0. D. Wicks; So pervisor, J. W. Austin.; Constable, • Da il.] Taylor, Auditors, P. L. Norton, J: L. Comfort; School Directors, Joel Chase, M. J. Taylor, J. W. Austin; Judge of eleetion - , 11. C. Bross; Inspectors, G. G. %Rune; D. B. Cook; Clerk, P. A. Lyons; Treasurer, S. A. Lyons. 'Jessup—Assessor, Ephraim P. Howe; Joslice of the Peace, Datil Hoff; Supervi sor, Frederick Dayton; Constable, I. E. i Bit-chard, Auditors, David Olmstead, Da- Yid Shay; School Directors, Sol. M c K ee . by, J. Rundle; Judge of Election, R. S. .13irchard; Inspectors. Harris Roberts, D. I S. Robertson; Clerk, E. W. Bolles; Treas urer, Lucius Smith. Jackson—Assessor, A. D. Corse; Jos lice of the Peace, Enos Bryant; Sopervi sors, Jos. Washburn, C. 0. Tingley; Cort i stable, E. , t t r.. French; Auditor, Chas. French; School Directors, A. D. Corse, A. 13. Larabee; judge of election, IL IL Strickland; Inspectors, S. S. French, A. A. M. Benson; Clerk, W. S. Gregory; Treasurer, James N. Potter. Lathrop—Assessor, Truman Bell; jus tice of the Tome, E. S. Brown; Supervi. sors, Lyman Saunders, Zopher Mackey; Constable,, H. B a r Wood; Auditor John Wood; School directors, A. Carpenter, 'G. W. Tiffany, Geo. Eastman, R. S. ! Squires; Judge of election, T. S. Robin son; Inspectors, G. W. Tiffliny, J. J. Lord; clerk, Alvin Brown; Treasurer, Lorenzo Sweet. Len ot —Assessor, Abram Churchill; Supervisor, G. 0. Lnnmis; Constable, Ly man Bell; Auditor, Peter W. Vannett.m. School directors, Abram Churchill. son d. Bewley; Jed 46 of election; Alaon• Tiffany) Inepeetorai Chapman Raraing, Sy'yams Titus;. Clerk, . L. : M. , ,Hardy; Treasurer, S. H. R. Grow. Liberty—Assessor, Jos. Bailey; Super visor, Sam)! Whited, — Constable, L. E. Stanford; Auditor T. L. Smith, School di rectors, It. S. Fish, Job. A. Knapp; judge of election, L. W. Howard; Inspectors, Solomon P. Allen, J. D. Wilbur; Clerk, Calvin SianfOrd; Treasurer, Com stock. Little Meadows—Assessor, Aniel Fox; Constable 'Rodhey Williams;'Auditor, Lewis W. Barton; School directors, How ard Kimball, Geo. W. Beach; judge of election, Geo. Palmer; luspectors, James Morrison, Darius Barney. Middletowri—Assessor, Nelson . Camp; Supervisors, Richard O'Donnell, Otis Ross, John Biglan'; constable, Saone! Dodge; Auditors, George S. Wells, Richard 0' Donnell; schtiol directors, John T. Bus- ton, Lawrence Curley, 2 years; judge of election, Perrin S. Ross; inspectors, New ell Keeler, Harmon Birdsall; Clerk, Fred erick Taggart; Treasurer, Otis Ross. Montrose—Assessor, M.. S. Wilson; di rector of poor for Montrose and Bridge. water, Perrin Wells, constable, Thomas K. Crane; Auditor, Joseph Cockayne; judge of election, S. U. Sayre; Inspectors of election; A. E. Ha wley,"Jos. Coekayne. New Milford Township—Assessor, Win. T. Iljoxley; Supervisor, Jefferson Ayres; constable, John Walwarth; Audi tor, E. N. Moore; school directors, Will iam MeKeeby, Norman Tingley; judge of election, R. J. Vailes; inspectors, Jo ' seph Rice, Julius E. Dean; clerk, J. W. Walker; Treasurer, E. P. Smith. New Milford Borough.—Assessor, Wm. C. Ward; constable, George D. Foot; au ditor, John Hayden, school directors, Geo McKenzie, Tiacy liayden; judge of election, Henry Dewitt; Inspectors, Tra cy Hayden, George B. McCollum. Oakland—Assessor, George T. Frazier; Supervisor, Charles M. Lamb; constable Wm. H. McCarmon; auditor, Harvey Holdridge; school directors, George A. Brush, 2 years, W.T. Lamb, D. N. Round, J. M. Tillman, 3 years; judge of election, E. A. Barton; inspectors, George A. Brush, Daniel Benedict, tie, F. E. Ives; clerk, John Creighton; Treasurer, T. T. Munson. Hush—Assessor, David Case; justice of the peace, S. H. Canfield, John W. Gran ger; Supervisor, A. W. Gray; constable, Chas. A. Carter; auditors, Jas. P. Devine, W. H. Wilcox; school directors, B. 0. Bertholf, W. H. Sherwood, James Logan, David Hillis; judge of..election John D. Pepper; inspectors, Reese Edwards, H. W. Terry; clerk, David Goodwin, Treasu rer, Irvin Wheelock. Springville—Assessor, S. D. Thomas; Supervisor, E. S. Cogswell; constable, A. P. Brown; auditors, Ira Strickland, S years, J. R. Hungerford, 2 years; school direc tors, Philander Strickland, L. S. Taylor; A. D. Woodhouse; judge of election, J.. B. Avery; inspectors, Landes Lyman, Wm. H. erriCson, Treasurer, N. E. Brush. Silver Lake—Assessor, Timothy Sulli van; Supervisor, T. H. Kane; now/Wile, C. F. Washburn; auditor, J. E. Murphy; school directors, Jeremiah Dow: judge of election, Mathew Kelly; inspectors, T. H.- Gage, T. 11. Foster; clerk, John D. Mur phy, Treasurer, Dennis Sullivan. Susg'a Depoc.—Assessor, A Gilbert; Constable, A. B. Lovelace; Auditor, G. A.Guernsey • School Directors, Washing. ton Shaeff, 11. A. Tingley; Judge of E. lection, IL A. Tingley; Inspector,H. K. Newell, A. W. Rowley. Thomson.—Assessor, E: M. Bryant; Justice of the Peace, Cyrus Hill; Snper visor, George A. Stoddard: constable W. 1 F. Hall; auditor, G. P. Blandin; school di rectors, S. King, P. S. Cargill; judge of election, E. E. Dow; inspectors, S. H. Lewis, W. W. Messenger; clerk, G. L. Lewis; Treasurer, E. A. Crosier. Oakland Independent school district— School directors, T. T. Munson, J. B. Kettle, llarvey Holdrjdge, Charles Bee be, Henry Sperl, George Leal. - NEW YORK MARKETS. Reported for-the liforrr.ess Driocota2. by Fenton, Fitzgerald & Tracy, strictly Produce Commission Mei , chants, as Whitehall Street, New York. for the week ending Jrch 2, 01867. Flour. per bbl. $lO.OO 0 14.00 Wheat, per bushel, 2,50 ( 8.00 Rye, . do - 1,10 qp 1.18 Corn, eo 1.00 etl, 1,08 Oats. do 60 0, TO Butter, per lb. 28 t 82 cheese. " 18 (0, 18 Pork, mere, per bbl Beef, mess. LArd, per lb. Tl.ll 10W, ItiggP, VOT dos. Wool. per lb. Dressed per lb 721.241L.1 2 1LFL1A1L GIE St . In New Milford, on the 29th of Feb., by Rev. A. Miller, Mr. ISAAC MELocisn, of Providence, and Miss EUNICE 0. COR wri, of New Milford. In Wilkesharre, Feb. 19th, by Rev. S. F. Brown, Lieut. ALEXANDER S. YouNosr and Mrs. SARAH W. COX, daughter of the late S. A. Brown, Esq., both of Wilkes. barre. 7:1138TX3E1E3. CV — Notices of marriages and deaths published free of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate of fifty cents per hundred words. In Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 20th, Mrs. Su sAlst Miatit ADAMS, wife of G. V. Adams, and daughter of Thomas and Judith Gar land, aged 45 years, 3 months and 2 days. She leaves a large circle of mourning rel atives and friends. THE subscriber having sold his farm q miles west from Montroso, will sell at G" on TIMRSDAY. MARCH 7th. between 10M end SK o. clock, 5 Cows. 5 two year olds, 5 Yearling's. to tihecp, Hay 141 raw. Dye, Dog power, Churn, (Igoe, pans, Ploughs, ate. te. T the months credit, with opposed li eu on interest, or 4 par am& *par cub. irszwirrvi. itaibese, lb. Ifl l l7. CLOSING OUT .a.nr cCOSISrr, Yeasts than. aosst CLOSE BUSINESS. , ENTIRE STOCK T2l 11. '`gir Gr C:00 01, AS BINGHAMTON 213retn.ola. ant rep POSITIVELY BE SOLD C C P _9 CLOSE BUSINESS BARGAINS I BARGAINS 1 Il grilitgo Latoly NaluxolLexasecip 20.00 (44 21 0 12,00 17,00 And ft is not probable they can bo any £0 WEB for the next low years, but oh the contrary, 12 'l3 11 CC) 12 25 G 20 50 01 55 8 e, 10 In consequence et the recently inercused dfaking it Advisable to Secure 33 AL I=l. 4G .11. I W a, ircoco Liate We would improve this opportunity to return our grateful acknowledgments to the people of Montrose and vicinity, for the very liberal manner they have patron. ized us during our brief stay here. I. N. HINE, C. B. PERity. Montrose, Feb. 12, 1887. • I > • AND AT THE WILL AND LESS ! IN ODDER TO IMMEDIATELY. most or our Goods aro 13161 - xer, TARIFF; BETeRZ IT IS Auditor's Notice ITIVE undersigned having been appointed an auditor 1 by the Orphans' Court Of Susquehanna County to distribute the fund in the hands of the administrator of the estate of Ben). C. Tourgle, deed, will attend to tho duties of said appointment at his office in Elonuose, on Friday the 2 d day of Match, 1867. at one o'clock p. in., at which timeand placeall persons having claims uponed. said fund will present them or be forever de barr - J. B..2l'COLLtlif 4.oditoi Montrose, Feb. 26,1107. Auditor's Notice. • min undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or. phan's Court of Seto' hanna County to make dis• tributlon of the fund in the hands of the adminia• trator of the estate of Amyl Devine, deed, will attend to the duties of such appointment -at the °tea of R. B. & G. P. Little. In the hororigh of Montrose. on Monday, the twenty-lifth day of March , 1867, at one o'cloc.kin the afternoon, at whlch time and place all persona interested in mild fund will present their claims or be forever barred from coming in upon sold fund: GBO. P. Lams. Annitor. Montilla, Feb. 19, MI 4w . - Auditor's Notico. MITE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by_ the Or- Jl pintas' court of Susquehanna county to distribeto the balance of the rand in the handset R.Lfarris and J.ll. Tyler, adm•rs,'llMOD4K the heirs , and," legal representa tives of the estate ot. W. K. Tyler. eceatied, will at. tend to the duties of his appointment at his °Mee in Montrose on Friday the 15th Vey of March, 1867, at one o'clock. p. m., at which Vine and place all persons aro required to present their claims or bo debarred from coming fn for a share of said estate. W. A. Lust, Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 12,1867. Auditor's Notice. underAluned, on auditor appotnted , by the Or d_ phans`Court of Strrupiehannn County to distribute the fund in the hands of rerederick Ta4gart, executor of Samuel Tagg,art.• deceased, among tho legatees under the will of raid decedent, will Attend to the duties of his said appointment at the oflico of Fraser& Cate, in Montrose. on Friday. the Bth day of March, 1867, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons _interested are required to present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in upon said fund. F. A. CASE, Auditor Montrose, Feb. LI, 18C7. Auditor's Notice. rriffi undersigned. nu auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the balance of the fuud in the hands of John Boyle, g,nardian of Charles .1. and Mary Thomas, minors , will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Montrose, on Monday. the 18th day of March, A. 0. 1867. at one o'clock, p. in.. at which time nod piney all persons are required to present their claims or be for ever debarred from coming in upon said fund. JAMES E. CAIIIIIALT, auditor. Montrose, Feb. 5, 1867. NEW MILFORD GRADED SCHOOL. Spring Term. TIM Spring Term of this School will commence on the first .Monday of March, 1887. and continue eleven weeks, under the same corps of experienced Teachers who have so successfully conducted the School daring the past Term. Prof. T. T. HUNTED., Principal. Sins lIELZN VAUGLIN, • Assistant. Sup% Model School. Pei " Nm.t.rg L. BELUDSLZE, mary and Intermediate. " MARTHA lIATDEN, - Distracter of " 6.J. BOYLE, - - Drawing and Painting. TUITION, FEB TEEN, In Advance. High School. Intermodiato Primary__ Languages Oil Paluting Water Colore Stntlents wishing board or rooms will apply to the Secretary of the Board, who will cheerfully respond, either personally or by letter. The Directors feel g, ateful for the patronage extend ed to this school. and it Is hoped that the 'satisfaction which the past term has given, will be a sufficient in ducement for the continuance of the same. F. W. BOYLE, Prete& School Board. JOAN FAUBOT, Sec'y. [Feb. 12.-4 w To all wishing Fruit & Ornamental Trees. THE andersig,ned having made arrangements with .l one of the large. Nursery firms of York State, will deliver Frntt and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Flowering limas and Shrubs at the growers lirrert. PRICE. All wishing to purchase will find it for their in terest to call ou or communicate with M. S. TUWNE. Forest Lake Centre, Feb. 5,186 T. , 2m Wew 3Pirma. Baldwin, Allen, & McCain AG 1N I After retiring for thirty days at "hard labor." have to Burned business at the old stand, under the name and firm of BALDWIII, ALLEN fig. fficCAIN, DEALERS IN Flour, Feerf, Salt, Pork, .Cheese, Dried Beef,' Mims, Fish, Smoked Hal ibut, Candles, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, • Seed Wheat, Clover & Timothy Seed, Flaxseed, Beans, Brooms, Nails, (LT. tfe. Thankful for past patronage, we shall be happy to tea and wait upon ner old and new cuatemers. All Goode and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. 3. 11. McCAIN. Montrose, Feb. 5,1557. 31::1 CP E 3 ELECTRIC SOAP Saves Time, Saves Money, Saves Labor, Saves Clothes, Saves Women, And all Grocers sell it. It is used by,cutting, Into small shavings and dlssolv int: In hot Water. then soak the clothes dye to ten min utes, and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours of machine rubbing would do. with ordinary soap and the most delicate rubric receive no injury.— We can refer to thousands of families who are using it, and who could not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTRIC. SOAP. rirSold by all leading Grocfrs throughout the State Manufactured only by Cl 31313 X E 3 L 041137, WHOLESALE OFFICE, 107 South Fifth Street, Philad'a. Nov. 13., 11366.—1y•a,t0 EMPORIUM Of NEVI STYLES! NEW GOODS. , A. Burritt gu n :n w pp r il ec e: f o rpg largo and c . (6 ) brig ( 2 Cti) 74 134 ) ).. "21 Embracing extra varieties of Fashionable Drers Goods in plain. striped and figured Delarins, lmperini Lustros, ?Mistimes, Pan:matins, Plaids and Prints; Cloths, Cassirneres, lehtanele. ',Brodie an ' Wool 'e Shawls, . • Balmoral and Duple& Hoop Skirts. La as' and Gents' Furs. Buffalo Tr. C )es . -4rPoling, Floor Oil Cloths. Wall Papers. Window Shades, Hat. and Caps, Roots. Shoes, and Clocks; including °Minas nanal a general assort. went of otber Dry Goods; Dress Trimming, and Yap. Yee Notions. Groceries. Crockery. Hardware, Iron, Nally. STOVES. Drugs. Oils. Paints, .Iho. ASIM wkidn ha will sell ott the mipst favorablo MIPS for CiaOrrup dues, or apmrod Oren& • • 7iroW 3/11 •ff eroiosber, NEW FIRM. MVSIC & JEWELRY. Tsubscriber twin formed a pertitetehip with J. A. STEVENS. wishes to Mate Melee% bows to his Old Customers, and info= them that the Merestitlie,Depsrtment of the business will Abenseiteir be carried on by 0..1). I3eman & Co. With Inettleed capital end facilities, a large stock of New Geode Wan departments, a store thoroughly refitted. and 3Prie, vtecstvicrepea., The Wateh•lliaking,Department Is retained by me, and will receive my peelonal Woo don. I have ecenred the services of BYE, a gentleman who has had twenty-Amp:ars la the best shops of Europe, and has no superior In the cots try. I shalt therefore be able to do all wort wltkla three days from the time it Islet. The Clock and Jewelry Repairing Will be owned by Mr. Stevens, who will do All week is that line promptly, atid in the best style. . Nov. 27, 18C0. 0. D. MAD. CIVUX4. will consist-of a fall assortment of the following hoed h nimble for this market, which will be sod es low sail many of them lowet. than by any ono else this skis el New York city. " • _ . Read the~ Catalogue. CLOCKS & 'WATCHES.;_ • WATCHES. A aterlcan,..9whs and Eagllalt, both gold sad dint SETH THOMAS CLOOHS, All styles, Including the! r celebrated Weeder Oaks. which tell the day of the month end week, WO the name of the month. making the .changes roe anti month correctly, with twain; bat to ell:with.= 0111)0 weeck. JEWELRY. Heavy, solid Gold Chains, Hooks and Keys. Vise sai• d sets of Jewelry—Plus, Bleovo Battens. knds, Zs/ t.lpgp, Se. Eke. WEDDING RINGS. SPECTACLES. Warranted to At ail kinds et eyes. SOLID GOLD ALBUMS. A neat little Charm holding eight small Photographs. GOLD PENS. A fine assortment, with tad without halm. Old ones repointed. SOLID SILVER WARE. made to order of pure Coin, Conalstingof Spoems Forks, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Napkin Bugs. 411111 Knives, Vest Chains, &c. PLATED WARE. Thebest In market—smgle, double, treble and quad ruple plate, and waitltAlSTED—from a full Tea Be/down. including Castors. Cuke and Card Baskets,. lee Pltehera, Walters„ - Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Caps, Tea Bills. &C. &C. &C. MUSIC. PIANOS. Manufactured by Decker Brothers. which, with their late improvements, surpass those of any other makers. Also, Bradbury'e New Scale Pianos—a splendid instru ment. Other Pianos from $350 to $6OO. CABINET ORGANS, From $llO to sl4.oo—warrar.ted for dire years. Th./ are the finest reed instrument in the world. and I lair* only to say that 1 have sold nearly $113.000 worth them in the last four years ; and they are all In good or der and have Weyer cost my customers - AV:Mt bargain. VIOLINS, GUITARS, &c. Violins from $3 to $5O, Flutes, Fifes, Clarioneta,Baa• Joe, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Timing Forks, Sc. BRASS BANDS • Supplied with Instruments of the best.Amerlain maw. nfacture, by the single instrument or fall set, at the tea keen prico—niso music for any number of Instruments. Instruction Books and Sheet kinstc on [mad, and new supplies received every week.. Plato Stools lkom $ to $l5. Perfect Setoirig Needles. We have the exclusive agency for Ft ,J. Roberts' Pa tent Parabola Needlea—the - best In the world. Try ens paper and If not satisfied the money will be rettuaded- F'ire Arms and Sporting Materials. Allen's, Spencer's, and Henry's Breech loading Bt flea, ;1 . 1 . ! Revolvers, Fowling Pieces, Shot Zeit; guns also S. and other Percussion Caps, 6 4 0er Cartridges, all styles and sizes. 0. D. lIEMA'S Montrose, 1i0v.27, 18e6 r, PER YEAR I We wait Agents every. $ 1.,p0k/ where to sell Oar INPROVAM Sew tug Ma blues. Three new kinds. _Under and upper feed. Bent on trial. Warranted five Years. Above sal ary or large commissions paid. The.only machines abld in the United States for less than $4O, which are fully licensed by Bowe, Wheeler & Grover G Bakst, Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are infringements, and the seller or neer are liable to arrest..fine and imprisonment. Illustrated chtedars sent free. Address, or can•ripon SHAW & CLARE, at fildde ford, Maine, or Chicago, JELL [may2ailye Dissolution. MAE firm of Crane, Howell as Fergersen has bass dissolved by mutual consent w - The notes and accounts of the late firm have been pieced in the bands of P. T. Pergerson, who is authorised to collect the same ; and all indebted aro notified to settle without delay 0. M. CRANE. JORN.ROWELT... P. T. PERGERSON. 2dOntrose, Tan. 8, ; Partnership Notice. . MIIE undersigned having entered Into a partnership I. under the firm name of Crane RoweiLmill eon• tints. nelnoes at the old stand where, thankful fer fro yore In the past, they will strive to merit the patron age of old and new customers. O. M. MANX JOHN HOWELi t h. Montrose, Jan. etb,lB6l. STOVES! STOVES ! A NEW and select stock of Cooking. Parlor & Glop .1011. STOVES, lust received and for sale oh the most favorable terms. BITHIIITT. New Milford, Dec. 11,1588. HEW frill & WINTER STOCK! STONE & WARNER; Have Jest received their trill assortment of Mete, BOOTS & SHOES. which wo propose to soil lower than any Arm In 118 County, for ready pay. Also, READY MADE CLOTHING, on hand, and made to measnro when desired. lIATS et: CAPS, GLOVES d MIT• TENS, NOTIONS, se. , day; 7 r +z. 1p 43-x• °aerie's away down below tho market, Blustiaititwe. Or imp dtt• or man. Call and ono end newly yearns/M. Farman' Produce received and shipped to rim York free of charge. G. L. STONE. • - Identrosc, Oct. 16,1666. PRNSIONS, BOUNit; AND BACK PAS. Tnaveolmexorm„.l373:l4 to MU clalme entrusted tzi hie care. Charjeelear 4 ;.tau tam. manna PREB. L. qr. pra • Montrose. Jan. 14, 1845. tt A , DIME SAVED IS WORTH TWO XI. earn Ttist's wtiat make, so wow _bop Oolt Voolo sod fibem of COMMIT TOIIWIWAIIL rre go. A largo, fialaaaottaisaL J. A. STEVENS. Z. S. WARR=
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