ntrost ginuntrat. it. 1. GERRITSON, • • - Editor. TUESDAY, MARCII 5, 1867 Congressional Proceedings. The old Congress adjourned yesterday at 00011 according to constitutional limit, and the new one immediately assembled, so as to remain in continuous session, and prevent further removals of radical office holders. Wo continue our abstract of the imp.qtant acts of the late body. On tbe 24th in the Senate the bill repu diAting debts' incurred by the govern- moot prior to the 13th of April, 1861, due to any person who was not known to he opposed to the rebellion or distinctly in fiver of its suppression, was taken up and passed. A resolution was passed instructing the Secretary of State to obtain authority from Colombia for the United States to make a survey for an interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Darien.- Tire bill to establish land districts and appoint land surveyors in the Territories of Montana, Arizona, Idaho, and Utah was passed. Tne Indian appropriation was again called up, and after a long dis cussion passed. On the 25th the Senate passed the Montana territorial bill. Oa the 26th the Senate proceeded to the election of a government printer, un der the act recently passed. John D. De frees, of Indiana, was elected. Tile Senate concurred in the house amendments to the bill giving 20 per cent. extra compensation to the civil employes of the government at Washington. The army appropriation bill was then proceed. ed with. The bill, with an amendment disbanding the militia in the Southern States, was passed . in the House, in compliance with the demand made upon him by the resolution passed the day before, Mr. Wentworth made a report from the Presidential com promise investigation committee. The report confesses the inability of the coal- Alittee to discover anything improper. / On the 28th the senate concurred in the House amendments to the bill to tempo rily increase the pay of army officers. The sitnnibus appropriation bi l then came up, the qncsiion being upon the amendment providing for the payment of assistant as sess-rs in the Southern States, which finally passed. 3iarch I , ;t, tl:e bill to admit Colorado was taken up, the question being,shall it pass, the objections of the President not- i,e lii ern, revenue .1 was to and wi.hout further amendment was passed. The proceedings of Saturday and Mon day ha,l not reached us at the hour of go ing 10 press. Much time has been spent in disagreements between the two HOU- SeS, and several committees of conference have been raised. -.Three vetoes aro expected from the Pre.ideut. s Sound Resolutions. In ae State Senate, on Tuesday last, Hon. Wm. A. Wallace offered the follow ing resolutions Resolved, First, That the Constitntion, and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof, are the supreme law of the land, and extend over and bind ev ery c'tizen of the Republic in every por tionthereof. Second, That the privelege of the writ of habeas corpus ought not to be suspen de& when the courts are open and civil taw in full force. Third, That no person shall be held to answer for a crime unless on a present. ment or indictment of a grand jury, nor be deprived,c,f life, liberty or property without due 'process of law. Fourth, That peace exists; that the right of trial by jury should remain inviolate in every part of the Republic, and the mili tary power should now, in all cases, be in strict subordinatiort to the civil power. Ten years ado , these resolutions would have been passed unanimously in both branch( s of our Legislature, but on Tues day last they were "shelved" by being reNrred to the Committee on Federal re• lations, the republicans voting to refer them and the Democrats voting against a reference. Mr Geary has pardoned Mark Keeney and E. S. Thompson, two election officers of Wyoming county, who bad been sen tenced by the court to pay a fine of $5O and costs, each. Did he, in this case, fol low the rules he lately, laid down for his government in the consideration of par done ?—Ex. ' Is.To; be only laid down his rules to hum bug and deceive the people; while his in tendon and practice is to pardon political friends in advance. The Hon. Andrew Hunter, elected United States Senator from Arkansas,'ile elineaon the ground that he cannot ac , sep . t without injury to the church of which he as a member. Aye wri- not to iufer from this that it would di/grace or ivjure a Church for one o f i ts mem b ers to enter the present Con gress ? —On the second Tuesday of March the political campaign of 1867 opens in New Usmpshire:, - The contest is for ciorer vor, ConnC2l, Legislature, mad: the4;other facers necessary for the; adtidnistion of the government oftbat COM 010tIliesItit. Rejected by the Senate. As we go to press we learn that Col. A. J. Fulton, of this county, recently ap pointed by'President Johnson U. S. As sessor of this District, and Capt. W. Penn Lloyd of Cumberland, also appointed Collector, have both been rejected by the Senate. This action of the party in power only shows how utterly insincere and hypocrit• ical are the professions they make of being the " s&diers' friends." Both gentle men -we have mentioned, were faithful soldiers in the late war, but refusing to acknowledge that all the sacrifices of our people were in -vain, by recognizing the theory of Stevens and his associates, that notwithstanding the Unjon is• destroyed, they are stricken down by the radical revolutionists. We expected little else after similar treatment of other distin guished officers by those having the pow er of endorsing the action or President Johnson. The people of all parties will, however, see the radicals in their true light, and hereafter when they loudly proclaim their friendship for the soldier to get his vote, will point to their disgraceful record.— York, Pa., Gazette. A COMPLMENT.—The Erie Dispatch, the loyal organ of that county, in closing a pathetic appeal in reference to the elec tion of Senator, and warning the loyal members of the Senate and House against voting for Cameron, said : Give us a fool, like Geary, but for God's sake do not give us a knave." How the man is going to get the knave off his hands, is not for us to advise; but we shall see. We would not be surprised if he would do like For ney—take the knave to his bosom. AN LIIPOBTAYT LAWSCIL—The State of Texas, by their Attorneys, Geo. Taylor, R. J. Brent, and R. S. Merrick, has corn menced a suit in the U.S. Supreme Court to recover $lOO,OOO worth of Texas in demnity bonds, alleged to be still the property of the Commonwealth, but im properly obtained by parties in the North from a Military Board in that State during the rebellion. This will bring the ques tion : Has Texas the existence and pow era of a State? Before the Court, and its decision will be naturally looked for with great' interest. THE SIZE or CISTERNS.-A cistern 5 feet in diameter will hold a fraction over five barrels for each foot in depth; 6 feet, akaction over 7 barrels per foot; 7 feet, 9 blrrels per foot; S feet 11 barrels per foot; 9 feet, 15 barrels per foot; 10 feet, 18 barrels per foot. The last named fig ure is quite a large size for a family cis• tern, and 19 feet in depth is as much as we ofterand, the contents of such a one, amoral!) to estimate, would be 10x1S— b •• • • • arrer - srzn -- - • —The Boston Commonwealth, a Radi cal negro organ, calls for a "lieutenant general who will be governed by a higher law than the orders of his superior." The Nation replies by saying that " this form of public nuisance is found in perfection only in Spain and Mexico, where each general has a 'higher law' of his own, and we know the result." —Thera are 700 persons in Indilanapo lis, Indiana, who cannot read or write. It is a place where Radicalism flourishes —on ignorance, of course. It is the same place where the procession in honor or President Johnson was mobbed last fall and an attempt made to assassinate the executive. --A few radicals having voted' with the Democrats of the Maine Legislature, the bill repealing the law against the inter marriage of whites, blacks, mulattoes and Indians was defeated. For " the good time coming," therefore, the radical Mai. neacs will have to "wait a little longer:, —The Allentown Democrat says Gea ry' has already violated his pardon rules by pardoning one Dr, Hummel, confined in Lehigh county, without public notice, or any others of the formalities required. *—A Connecticut paper commenting upon Barnum's nomination for Congress by the radicals, says that sewing a mon key's head and a fish's tail together to make a mermaid may make a man notori one, but it qnestions its being a states manlike performance. —The wife of a New York negro min strel has $75,000 worth of diamonds Bunt cork fetched 'em. —A shoemaker in Richmond finished a pair of boots seventeen and a halfinches long and five inches and a half wide, fora negro man. He will have to go to the furks of a road to find a boot-jack. BABEL TERRELL is continually receiving new supplies of Genuine Drugs anti Medicines. which will be sold as low as at any other fitc-e in Montrose. or Deafness, Blindness and" Catarrh Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACs, Oculist and Aarist. (formerly of Le) den, Holland.) No. SI9 Pine Street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patients. as he has no secrete in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. Ile charge for examination. Philadelphia, July 1,.1856. ly. Notlee.—The beautiful Piano Fortes of Gnove- STEWS dt Co. are deemed by all good judges to be the Mama Thule of instruments of the kind. We cauaot suggest what is wanting to make a 132116 - Cal instrument more perfect, although we are slow to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be at tained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pres ent excellence, the, had submitted them to competi tion with instruments of the best makers of this coun try and Europe, and received the reward of merit, over all others. at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but Jus tice to any ttiatthejudgment thus pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. by the improvements lately applied by them to °w it alma, it &Wiled that a pedoet instm ; meat hasbecnithulo. MT, mom am•l'dMly schisms] 'the Paradox 0; mating tiSMlsises more It Str *la ay, ic's, last this, they ate soittlesito Uri motto, 1" *." . Limo *-27 NEW Mak= FOU THE lILNDSERCHIEF. Plinio:Ps ••:fight Bloomldg egtveguNgs Phalan's ••?itgbi Blooming cerans.” ribalonto " Night Blooming C0re125.9 Phalazes •' right Blooming Corms." l'bußOU'S "Mobs 111001131113 ff Gerona.„ A mod exquistle, delicate. and Fragrant Terfnme, &on led from the rare arid bountiful flower from vvllleh it tate. its name. blaneactured only by PIIALON & NON, New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS• ARE FOR PHALON'S—TAKE NO OTHER. ly imp x 0.9 ocw SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONTO. This niedloino. Invented b 7 Dr. J. H. C3nnerox, of Phila delphia, is intended to dissolve tho food and wake it Into elssitui, the first precast of disestlon. B 7 cleansinS the stomach with Setioncles ddandrako Pll3, the Tonle soon restores the &mettle: ll llnd food that amid not be eaten before Using It will bo costly digested. Consumption cannot ba enrol by Sshenet's Pulmonle Syrup unless the otomerb and liver to male healthy sad the eppsilta restored, hence the Tonic and Pills are required In nearly every ease of consumption. A half dozen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and three or four tam of the 111.111:111A.Kr. PILLS will core any ordinary teen of dys- Mal& Dr. Sous:vox makes profosslonal visits In New York. Bat ton, and et his prinepel OXsoo In Philo 1131phill ever! weak. Sao daily papers of each place, or his pamphlet on Co.nsump• Ilan for his days for visitation. Vests° obsorvo, when p Ire:easing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when iu the last stage of Consumv.lon, Gov and the other 03 ho now Ls, Lr. poriont health, ;peon the Gov ernment stamp. Geld by all Druggists and Dealers, price $1.50 pap bottle, or $7.50 the halt dorm. All letters for advice should be ad dressmd to Dr. fisaroicteo Principal o.llco, No. 15 North r.ll &Mai, Phl'aielp'ais. Ps. Geseral Wholes:l'o Accnts: Demss Barnes & Co" N. Y.: P. S. Banco. Baltimore, 51d.; John D. Parka, Dinolnuetl , Ohio; Waiker & Tailor, Chicago, • Collins lkos, Pt m (lot Louis, Ble. w. ee.malyr. WA Cough, A Cold, or A Soro Throat, RIQIIMES INNEDIATD ATTENTIOS, Irritation of tho Lungs, ♦ Pernsanint Throat Disease, BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES u•rtno • DIZECT INTLVENCZ TO TILE PAIITS, GIVE 1/131ZDIATE nraara, For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases, TROCHES LEH USED WITII ALWATS GOOD SUCCESS. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trochee useful in clearing the voice when ta ken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Phy sicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of tree merit, a nd having prayed their eticacy by a test of many years each year finds them in new localipes in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronoun ced better than other articles. Orrrem only " Brintne 3 Ilamictrial. Tnocirzs," and rirEmpire Shuttle sewing Machines are superior to all others for Family and Maim fact tiring purposes Contain all the latest improvements are speedy noiseless: durable: and easy to ‘vorit. Illus trated Circulars tree. Agents wanted. Liberal dis count nijowe.l. No consignments made. Address EMPIRES. M. CO., 616 Broadway,New York.. July 24-1 y 3fAu `Ahtrtistmtuts. EAR M FOE. SALE! subscriber offers for sale his farm In Bridrcwa -2.. ter, two miles north of Montrose, cont.sining ONE R UNDRED ACRES of land, having thereon a good Uonsc, Barn and Or chard. A good Grain & Dairy Farm. About slxty-five acres improved. Terms made known by calling upon the subscriber on the premise". Bridgewater, March 5, 1857. 51' THOMAS ,CASEY. • BLACKSMITHING. fIIHE undersigned have this day formed a co-partner.- ..IL ship, tinder the firm name of Stamp k Moran. for !the purpose of carrying on Riacksmithing In all its • rain ches. Strict attention will be given to Horse-shoeing. All work will be done neatly and promptly. The pub lic are invited to call. E. P. STAMP. Montrose, March 4th, ISG7. tf P. T. MORAN. Assistant Assessor. WICITICE Is hereby given that an Assistant Assessor 11 of United States Internal Revenue has been ap pointed as hereunder stated : F. M. WILLIAMS, :Montrose. Divisions One and Two, comprising the borough of Montrose, the town ships of Bridgewater, Franklin, Silver Lake, Choconut, Apo'aeon, Middletown. Forest Lake. tossup, Rush, Au burn. Dimock. Springville, and Lathrop, and the bor oughs of Friendeville and Little Meadows. All persons residiAltbin the above described di. visions. having any to ess to transact with an assist ant assessor, will call upon or report to the aforesaid assistant. A. J. GERRITSO:7, Assessor, Twelfth District of Pennsylvania Montrose, March Ist, 1/347, PORIC SALE! MBE subectiber having cold his Farm. (formerly the Crnser farm,nenr Moit's factory In Bridgewater) will sell to the highest bidder, on Monday March 18th. at 10 o'clock a. in.. the following property : 1 span 6 years old Mires. 6 Cows, 3 t.wl year old Heifers, 1 two years old Bull, Yearlings. 12 Sheep. 4 Shouts. 1 lum ber Wagon. 1 lumber Sleigh: 1 sett double "farness, 2 sett Wbtflletrece. 1 grain Cradle, 1 narrow, 1 stone Sled, Crowbar, Log-chain. half barrel Churn, cooking and parlor Stoves And Pipe, 2 hives BCCP, Vinegar. Milk Pane, a qunntity of line. &c. Alsoi 2 light Wagons, a lot of potatoes. and 3 plows. TERVI..-ISnme nuder $lO. cash ; $lO and over, nine menthe approved notes with interest. D. BnEwsrcn, Hawker. Mot trose, march 5 , 1657 { `STATE OF SAMUEL CARTER, 11-4 deceased, late of Auburn township, Susquehanna county, Pa. Letterset adminiAratlon upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. R. 3. CARTER, L ifters. R. S. DAVIS, Antfun...Much 4th, 1507.• Good Pens Given Away. SAMPLES of " Adams & Co's celebrated Golden pair will be sent PUB on receipt of stamp for Destago. _Mayes ADAill it Co., 21 Bromfield etrollfi. Boa , ton, MIL !mirth, ten Ims SEAR YE ! HEAR YE! GROCERIES 4 PROVISIONS will call at the Store of goodo Stock ofhe enbacriber, where they will dod Ch Co ff ee' our, and Tea, SHa ars, Sy ru Fish, ms (sugarps and cured), ug Molasses, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, etc. etc. AND 61:1017LD DE CIIECEED IT ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, or Consumption IS OTT= MIS ItESULT J. E. HARRISON :w All persons who wish to El Evire M.Ork.ewe IR 'ME PURCHASE OF Also—A good Stock of -sr .A.N53393E1 N . C. T X 40>NES, School and Blank- Books, and a few mis cellaneons Buok,, Writing Papers and Enni lopes of superior qual ities and perfumed, Gents' and Ladies' Paper Collars, Canned and Dried Fruitg, Oranges d Lemons, C'ondense , l Milk, a choice article, people County din ct almovt everthing needed b all good ople of Snilnehanna who get hungry the and dry, and by purchaAng them of A. re, BULLARD, first Pub FtPre south of the Court House and east side of the lic n enc, you can save trent 10 to 20 per ceut. Montrose, March sth, 1607. Clover & Timothy Seed For Sale Cheap, by Montroae, March sth, 1567 MERCANTILE APPRAISEMEIT. EAEALERS in merchandise de. In Susquehanna /...1 County, take notice : That in pursuance of the several acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth' to pro vide revenue to meet the demands upon the Treasury. n d AI other purposes. the undersigned. Appiaiser of ?it ereantile Taxes for said County, has prepared n of merchants trading in said county. and placed each merchant In th•it Class which to him appears inst and right, according to the acts of Assembly, to wit • AUBURN. Adams & Allen, 13 William Wnile, 14 C. Swisher, 14 William 11. Baker, 1. James A. Lacey, 1 APOLACON C. Donel ly & Brother, 13 BItoOKLY N. Rogers & Foot, 13 William Craven.- 12 D.A...t A. Titsworth, Har r m. class 4, 10 L. B. Wads, 14 CII °CON UT M. Rickey. R. Clork, CLIFFORD. T. F. Johnston, T. N, Baker, Hull, Gardner &Co. p. m. 4 class. 131 Owens S. Leishem, 13 T. F. Johnson, 14 DIMoCK , William 11. Thayer, 14 ~...ttana sacdsce, 14 DUNDAFF. W. J. Slocum, 11 S.G.Weaver, p. m. 41.11 14 E. P. Chamber., 14 A. Richardson, 131 Daniel Brownell, 141 Benj. Ayres, J r. 12' FRANKLIN. J. L. Merriman & Son, 12 FOREST LAKE. M. L. Bail, 14 FRI EN DAVI LLE. M. McManus & Co. 14 Wm. Butrum. p. in. 4th 13 Carroll & Hagan, 14 Robert Winters, 14 James E. Fitzgerald, 14 GREAT BEND. J. D. !Sessions & Co. 13 Albert Knapp, 14 Richard Stack, 13 Henry McKinney, 14 L. W. Chichester, 14 1 A. G. Preston, Estabroolz & Clark, p. m. 4th crass, 11 L. S. Lenheim, 10 Wm. A. Colston, 14 Geo. McNamara, 13 11. P. Doran, 14 Walter Paintin, 14 C. H. & T. F. Shipman, 14; W. S. Wolcott, 14; D. C. Bronson, 141 S. 11. Dayton, 12 Mclntosh & Mersa, 13 11. F. Beardsley, 13 GIBSON. C. H. & 11. D. Bennett, 10 J. Howard & Co. 12, B. Hughes, 141 D. M. Smiley & Co. p. m. 4th 9 Kennedy & Son, 12 S. S. Ingalls, p. in. 4th ' 9 Pierce, Rendell & Co. p, m. 4th, 11 DARMONY. Brandt &Sehlager, 13 do do 141 8. A. Lyons & Son. 13 DERRICK. Morse.Nlchols & Co. 12' W. A. Woodward, 13 RAEFORD. Guile Eaton, 11 Vet rq & Curr. Oliver Paine ir J C. Edwards, . - Jones. Babcock .0. Tan ner. p. in. 4th, 0 E. T. TiCany, 12 E. S. Hines it Co. 14 JACKSON. Ben•on,Mf nzer&Tnekerl2 JESSUP. J. W, Throckmortor, 1: J. E. Jackson, It H. W, Drake, 14 LIBERTY. R. Kenyon, Jr. 12 A. A. Beeman„ 14 Joseph NVeheter; • 14 • LATHROP. John Sherman, 14 Johnston Lt. Rem 11 Deo. Bowman. 14 , E. M. Tiffany Ez, CO. 12 W. C. Richmond Classification of Venders of Dierchan- Sales less than $5,000, $5.000, and leas than $lO.OOO, 10.000, " " " 15,000, " " 20,000, mow, " " mow, " 30,000, " " 41,000, " 40,000, " 50 000, And the Judaea of the Conti of Common Pleas of said County will hold Court 01 Appeal at the Court House In Montrose in and for said county, on %Veda c, , day, April 11th, im at one o' elocit, p. m., at which time and place any of the merchants described, defined and classed as aforesaid, or their agents or attorneys may appear and appeal from said assessment if they think proper, E. if. PHILLIPS, Mercantile Appraiser. Lynn, March 6, 1887. 8w Dissolution. T" e°.partnership heretofore eliding between the understened In the farming business is this day atomised by mutual consent. PAM Cit QUIGLEY, ?redidln; 3reh 2, Meet TEMA 9,1710L/If. Administrator's Sale. WILL be sold at public sale on the premises former- U ly of Hoses BCIIBOII, de'cd. in Jackson township, on 'Thursday the 19th day of March, tem. the following property. to wit : 6 cows,ll steers, 12 yearlings, 1 two year old bulls, I two year old colt, 4 two year old heif ers,l7 tiheep. 2 mowing machines, 1 lumber wagon, one horse carriage, 1 clock, bureau, I table, I stand, stoves and pipe. 1 cutter, 2 churns, 2 plows, 1 county a I loom andfixtgres, I horse pitch fork, kegs. bar- m sets, p, casks, cross cut and drag saw,barn shovels, hand and buck saws, and any quantity of adieus not men tioned. Tanya or Sein.—All sums of $l6 or less,cash; over $lO six months credit with in,terest and approved vcen rity. GILBERT I3U CK Auctioneers. L. D. BESSON, Adm'r, Jackson, March 4th. 1887 NOTICE is hereby given that all the lands and tene ments late of Samuel Taggart, deceased, lying and being In the township of Middletown, County of Sns quebanna, and State of Pennsylv3ula, containing about one hundred and sixty one acres more or less, being in two separate tracts el land, together with the im provements, will be sold at public vendee on the 23d day of March, ISST, to the highest bidder. Terme of sale made known on the day of such eale. Sale to open at one o'clock on said day, at the Mansion house on said premises. March 4th, 186 T BY virtue of a writ issued by the Court of Com. mott Plena of Susquehanna County, and to me directed. I will expose to Pale, by public vendor. at the Court House, in Montrose, on Saturday, Mar, h 1861, at 1 o'clock. p. m., the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : The following described piece or parcel of land. situ ate in Gibson townerip, Susquehanna county. bounded and described as follows to wit : Beginning at the center of the Coshocton and Great Bend 'turnpike road nt a corner of S. S. Ingalls _land; thence along the line of the came south one and one half de. crece, west fourteen and one tenth rode to u line of U. Borrow's land: thence along the line of the Fame, north seventy and a half degrees west seven and thirteen twentieths perchse: thence by the same, north one nod a ball decrees east fen and nine tenths perches to the centre of said Turnpike road; thence alone the centre of the same. north eighty and a half degrees east seven and two tenths rode to tile place of beginning, contain ing about ninety eight rods of land, be the same more or lees, with the aopurtenances. one dwelling house thereon. being the same premise.' sold by U. Burrows toll. C. Vail. and he contract to J. W. Gillespie. [Ta ken In exeontlon at the snit of S. S: Ingalls, vs. J. W She . G'llispie, LAN .1, Sheriff. riff's 01Iice, Mot Arose, March 4, 18E7. A. N. DULLARD Squires & Thomas, 14 LITTLE MEADOWS. Bear&lee it Moe, 13- MIDDLETOWN. %thick. White, 14 IMichael Keogh, 14 LEN OX. Grow & Brothers, 13 Osterhout& Rightnayer, 12 F. M. Robinson, 14 William Miller, 12 MONTROSE. Wm. H. Boyd & Co. 12 C. N. Stoddard, 14 Beman & Co. 13 E. C. Fortiham, 14 Miner. Coate, 12 Wm. W. Smith, 14 Kirby & Bacon, 13 C. "Joshmon, 14 ' U. E. craw., 14 I. N. Ballard, 13 C.O Fordham, 14 ' W. B. Deane, 13 ' Wilsou,thitlis &Warner, 9 Abel Tnrrell, p. m. 4th. 12 C. F. Read & ca. p.m. 4, 10 ' at'llak 7 AqifY: "^— 11 J. R. Dew itt, 13 Cobb & Deane, 13 ' S. Langdon. 14 " B R. Lyons Jr co. 13 ' 1 Webb A Butterfield, 14 l i F. B. Chandler, 13 .J. Lyons, 14 ' W. J Mulford, 10 Stone & .% artier, 13 ! A. N. Bullard, 14 S. H. Sayre & Broe. 14 Burnw s Nichol,!, p.rnA, 12 ' Baldwin,Allen & Mc Cain,9 L. C. Keeler, 12 Crane .t Howell, 14 I.N. thee & co. 9 NEW MILFORD. R L.Sutphin a c0.p.m.4,11 Hawley & Follett, 11 J. Dickerman, 10 H. Garratt & SOn, 15 D. C. Alney, p. en. 4, 12 (leo. Hayden, 12 More & Knapp, 14 H. Barran , p. m. 4, 12 IGeo. B. McCollum, 13 W. & I'. Hayden. 14 Joh i Ilay,en & Bro, 14 RUSH. Wheelock & Shoemaker.l3 Wm.ll. Sherwood & co. 13 spiasoviux. ! Jaen!' Hickok, 14 lifinot Riley, 12 IJustrts Smith, 14 Hungerford Bros. & co. 12 B. S. Randrick, 11 SITSQ'A. DEPOT. D. A. Lyons. - 12 J. Allen 14 James Sweeney, 13 IS. Sheridan, 14 W._liaull, 14 - - IF. D. Lyons, 18 Foot & Falkenbury, 12 Thomas McDonald, 11 F. 43. Thayer, 14 Henry Lea, p. m. 4, 13 1.1. C. &J. H. Cook, 12 do do 14 James Bell, 12 iGnttenburg„ TEO& & CO. 0 Lew is Freeman, 14 E. Cady, 1$ Walter Barber, 11 S. Bryant, 13 IC. A. Miller, 14 Morris ityrre, 14 Charles Holes, 14 W. A. Iloyt, 14 A. F. LtC. It. Smith, 'l3 C. 0. Vedder & co. 10 W. B. Mead, 13 ,Jones & Mackey, 11 'Thomas Freeman, 14 EL N. Smith, p.m. 4, 14 Hathaway & Aferserean, 13 L. S. Page. 14 William Skinner, 14 Williams Pope & co. 11 ..;eo. L. Tiffany, 14 Miles Creegan, 14 William Burger, 13 0. T. Smith. 14 IL K. Newell, 14 SILVER LAKE. Charles Mend, 14 Mrs. Ellen Phelan. 14 T. Sullivan. 14 E. O. Meeker, 14 THOMSON. • Geo. R. Lamont, Class 14 13 Public Sale of Real Estate. SHERIFF'S SALES AUCTION S liL T n r Tea::: 11,ySII v i r l ff i e w r ,Availuenaotwainnco.tiduen;carti Fdt articles viz: Six Con-s, 3 yearling Heifers, I yearling Steer, pair matched yeerllng Steers, yearling Bull, 9Calves, and a quantity of Hay by the ow. TErrus.—For the stock, one year's credit: for the flay, 0 tnenths, each q Ith interret and approved acCu• rite. Saleon Men W da STER, v. March Auct 1 t at r lh. 10 o'clock, a. m. T D. BREio . THOMAS HARTNETT. silver Lake. Feb. 2G, 15417. TAE HOE MUM CO'S SEWING MACHINES, 699 BROADWAY , NEW YORK FOR FAMILIES Sh MINUFACTUR THESE WORLD RENOWNED SEWING MACHINES Ti are awarded the rgn a lici i ni /41 premiums al the Sew York State Fair of 1666, and are Celebrated for doing the Bret work. rising IL Minh timelier needle for the same thread than any other ma chine.. and by the introduction of the most approved raa , hinery. we arc now able to supply the ‘cry.h.st In chines in the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Elias Howe, Jr., the ORIGINAL INVENTOR OF TUE SEWING 11A They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to the 1190 of ebninstresses. dress milkers. tailors, man ufacturers of Shirts, collars. skirts, cloaks, mantillas. clothing. bats, caps, corsets. boots, shoes, harness.Sad ales. linen goods. umbrellas, parasols, etc They work eqnally well upon silk. linen, woolen and cotton g,uods with silk, cotton or linen-thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, fell, cord, braid. bind. and perform every species of sewing. making a beautiful and perfect stit h, alike on both bides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. Ilowe,and made on this Machine, is the most popular and durable, and all Sewing Ma chines are subject to the prin ciple invented by him. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company, 699 BROADWAY, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y Feb. 26, 1667 Fire, Life and Accidental GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Macositrcosso, Pia.. Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus Insurance Co. of North America, Phil'a, Capital and Surplus, International Fire insurance Co. of N. T.. Capital and Surplus, 1.500,000 Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Phil'a. Capital and Surplus, Lycomtng County Mutual Insurance Co.of Muncy. Penn'a, Capital and Surplus, Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, Enterprise insurance Company, Mara, Capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus, 700,000 Kensington Fire and M. Insurance Co., Phil's. capital and Stu - plugs& Connecticut Mutual Life Insuraffte Co. of Hartford, Conn.. paying CO per cent. dividends to theassured. The notes given for half the premium Is never to be paid under any circumstances. ho .policy will always be paid In tall, and the notes given np. Capital, 70,000,000 American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel phia. Capital, Travelers'lnsurttnce Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, 500,000 Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hart ford. Conn.. Capital and Surplus. $1,583,163 Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct., Capital, $500,000 Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. -Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock, • against theft and death irom any cause. Capital, $500,000 frif'Ail business entrusted to on;care will he attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD Et BROWN, Agents. • 'Office ftrstdoor north of" Montrose Hotel," west side of Public Avenue. Brit-mos 89notts, Chaos na L. Daniell, Montrose, Jan. let. 1567. 17 IF YOU WANT tO SAVE FROM io to IS per mt, ea a pals of Boots PO oy ROVA'S. noes N , re to ( Ir•ll you eon.) . ASSISTANTPASSESSORS. IVOTICE is hereby given that assistant autumn et 11 United States Internal Revenue have been amis. ted as hereunder. Turmas J. WALSH, Scranton. Division 6, Compri*. lug the old borough of Scranton, that part of ;the old township of Providence east of the Lackawannallivar, and the townships of Madison and Jefferson. Bona Dust's, Hyde Park. Division 7, comprising,. the old boroughs of Hyde Park and Providence. that— taractuoafwtahnen m ei River,d tow n ship tG o f hips Pr ovidence /L e s g t t Abington and Benton, and the beret:ghat Waverly. Anv Pervon having holiness to transact with assist- ant aaveveora within above described divislonewtlleall upon or report to the assistant named in his division. A. 3. OBRItITSON, Assessor Twelfth District of Pennsylvania. Montrose, rob. 1801,1867. 4w Latest Fashions Demand 3. W. BRADLEY'S Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT, F. TAGGART. Er: The wonderful flexibility and great comfort pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly all crowded Assemaeeful others. shape when blies, Operas. carriages, railroad cars, church pews. arm chairs. for promenade and house dress, as the skim. can he folded when in use to occupy it small place as easily or eonveniently as aallk or muslin dress, en In valuable quality in crinoline , not found in any stagla spring•eskirt. A lady flaying enjtyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of %veering. the Duplex Elliptic steel spring Skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense . with their use. For childien, misses, and young ladies they are ~apericr to al 'I hey will not bend or break like the single spring, hut will prrserve their perfect and air three or tour ordinary skirts would have been thrown away as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, nod the bottom rods are .not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered. prevent. log them from wearing out when dragging down stoops stairs. &C. 'Fhe Duplex Elliptic Is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommeeded bv'the Fashion Maga zines as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantage in crinoline, viz : snrserior quality, perfect manafacture, stylish shape and finish, fixibility, durability, comfort and economy. inquire fur J. W. Bnicilm's Duplex El. liptie, or Double spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. cAuTioN.—Topuird against imposition be particu lar to notice that skirts offered as Duplex" have the red Ink stamp. viz: •• J. W. Bradley's Duplex Steel Springs' upon the waistband—none others are gene inc. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin be ing pasewd through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a cum. bleat ion not to be found in any other skirt. For sate In all stores where first class Skirts arc sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Mai ufactured by the solo owners of the Patent. Worts, Brodlry k Otrey, OT Chambers and 'l"9 & St Betide eta., New York. Feb. 1, $8,000,000 1,7Q0,000 2,500,000 1,000,000 VSTATE OF ORSON PERRY, law YJ of New Milford, Susq'it county. Pa., deed. Letters of ad m I nlstrat lon npon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the underslp• ed. all persons Indebted to said estate arc hereby noti fied to matte Immediate payment, and those havit: claims against the same to present them duly nuthentt• eated for settlement. W.H. C. WARD, Adra't. New Nillford. Jan. 2%1667 VOITTZ'S CELEBRATED lIORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. This preparati-n, long and favorably knows, vitt thorongliiy reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited horses, by st rentheni mg and cleansing the stomach std intestines. It is a sure preventive of all diseases Incident to this animal, such as Lung Fever, Glanders. Yellow Water, Ilvaves, Cougns. Distemper, Fevers, Founder. Loss of Appetite and V i Energy, &c. Its use improves the wind. increases the appetite. gives a smooth and gles.y skin, and transforms the miserable skeleton into ► fine looking and spirited horse. TO KEEPERS OF COWS, this prepararion is Tryvmunnle - .11 increases the titisntl• ty and improves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by amen] experiment to Increase the quantl!, of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the ter firm :int' sweet. In futtening•cattle, It gives them an n petite. loosens their hide, and makes them thrlls much faster IN ALL- DISEASES OF SWINE, each as Conghs, ricers in the Longs, Liver. Se .thi• article acts 14 a!speettic. By prating from one Italia piper to a paper in a barrel 01 Foill the above diseases will bo eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventtie and cure for the IlEs• Chole• ra. Price 25 cents per paper, or 5 papers [or $l. Pre pared by S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., at their wholesnle Drug sod Medicine depot, 710.11 i Franklin et., Ba'timore. Mct. For sale by Druggists and I•torekeqoers throughout the United States. -rs.3 - "For sale in Montrose by nov2l ypqlti ABEL TERRELL. MORE NEWS FROM MAIN ST. BOOTS! BOON BOOS! MEN'S BOOTS, BOY'S BOOTS, YOUTH'S LOOTS, TRICK BOOTS, gip BOOTS, CALF BOOTS,• AND BOOTS MADE T 6 ORDER. Also. a good assortment of ESN:KOMI M. Consisting of Ladles' Kid. Lasting and Goat Bahasa. Ms and Gaiters, Mon's Brogans, Boy's Balmotalo. Youth's Coneress Gaiters, Baby Shoes, etc. etc., all of which will ha sold AT SMALL PROFIT'S! N. B.—Al kinds of work made to order, and repaints done neatly. C. 0. FOLMAR' Itonyose, May 8, 1366. tf • winsxr,ns, MUSTACHES forced, to grow on the smoo thest fate to from three to 5 weeks by using Dr. SEVIO. NB'S RESTAURATEVB CAPILAIHE, the mus.t won derful discovery in modem science. acting op the Beard and Hair in an 'almost tnirne- Wens manner. it has been used by the elite of Lola and Paris With the most flattering 'access. Barnes of ell purchasers are registered, and if entire sattsfseties is not given In every Instance, the mainly will betimes . fully refunded. Price by mall. scale I and postpaid, *l. Desert pttre circulars nod testimonials melltti free. dress BERGER, Sit lITTS & Co.. Chemists, No 2E3 Mr er street, Troy. N. Y. Only agents for the Pnitrd State. my I trams TIMOTHY SEED,. SEED WHEAT, FOR SALE BY STANLEY Forest Lake, Jun. 22, 1867.m2* I F YOU WANT THAT OLD BOOT' repaired up as good as Dor. do to CHARLEY FORDHAM, (You can bet.) SOLDIERS' BOUNTY PENSIONS, And Back Pay T H . E .s i T n lv e.r i v r e e d ro la ni elit pt B attentl gi on to :r1 entra Ge l l utrat.. led to his rare. v Ntieharge unless toteeeStitta. 6 Montrose, Aug. 20.'03. d.ll. McCOLLIM. A MONTH t Agents wanted for six entirety $9 1, 1 new articles. jnot out. Address 0. T. GA BBY, Car Building, Biddeford, Me. (=Vile TF YOU WANT A PAIR OF BOOTS made to order, go down to MARLEY FORMAN. (You get a good pair.) HEAVY 1181E1117111 at Ss adoisks 111110•11 . Ohm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers