the State in all their truth and power. We are not, disposed to strardliim so much honor as to gietitim the benefit of having created this dissatisfaction biraself. On the contrary, we' know he has not the Ability to do It has been brought about by the knaves and demagogues who have had the management of him. The party has allowed these men to de -- naive and swindle it, to-barter it ofFfor a mess of pottage which has oot - the Inuit 'ofbeing either palatable. or digestible, and it at once gives the Democracy the advantage of the sympathy of the dissat isfied, and an opportunity of regaining pewitr by offering men whom ,the - people are willing to accept. on account of real merit. The conclusion is, that the Re publican party in Pennsylvania must ei - then be washed and regenerated, or con clude to hereafter suffer defeat: • Pontrost onitrat. atintanison, - • • - Editor. TUESDAY, FEB. 12, 1887. iffir President Johnson!. theittage ve toing the Nebraska bill is short but md.t convtnaing and ;xMclesive in its argu ments. The °ldeatione recited are so plainly stated and do true that no reason able man can read the message without coinciding with the President and con demning the action of the fragmentary Congress. See first page. Oongressional Proceedings. Feb. 3—ln the Senate the Clerk of the Rouse arrived and announced the pro ceedings of the House on the death of Philip Johnson, Representative from the eleventh . Pennsylvania District. Mr. Buckslew, of Pennsylvania, delivered an address on the life and character of the deceased, of whom be spoke in terms of sincerc . regard - and' high respeot. The enstomarlbresolutions of condolence and regret were pasied, and the Senate, at 9:415, adjourned. In the Honse," . Mr. Ancona, announced ~th e death of bui colleague, Eon. Philip Johnson, last Thursday evening, and after soine remarks in eulogy of thelife and character of the deceased, offered the cias• ternary resolutions of' sympathy and re spect. Renfasha in eulogy of the dates* ed were further made by Messrs. Moor head, Boyer, and Strouse, after which the resolutions were unanimously agreed to. The speaker announced the committee of arrangements to superintend the funeral of the deceased, and the house adjourned. Feb. s—ln the Senate the bankrupt bill vu lost, 20 to 22. Feb. 6—The Senate that at noon. A communication from the President was presented, transmitting the letter of Mo- Oricken, which drew forth the Motley correspondence recently published. Mr. Buckalew introduced a bill fixing the time for choosing electors of Presi dent and 17tce President, altering the date of election to the second Tuesday of Oc tober. The tenure of office bill was called up. The p2nding motion was to concur in the House amendment including Cabinet Ministers among those who may not. be removed without the consent of the Sen ate. The vote was finally taken upon the ailendment, and resulted—yeas 17, nays 22; so the Senate refused to 'concur in the House amendment, and the subject must go to a committee of conference. Mr. Dixon, of Connecticut offered - as an amendment to Mr. Wade's pending con stitutional amendment, the plan ofrestor ation, in the shape of, amendments to the Constitutioo,.os !wing been proposed by the conference ofSoithern Govtintore as sembled at Wallington,, cud sped of by the:President.' Feb: 7=40 the Seogte;the oomitattee on Coultueri3e reported in favor of concur• ring in tbalionse amendments to the act smendatettilf the acts to prevent smug gling. ti-c. The amendments were con curred in and the bill goes to the Presi dent. Feb. B—ln the Senate the Nebraska bill was called np the question being, shall - "the bill pass, the President's objections notwithstanding ? Without debate the vote.*** taken and resulted—yeas 31, najkilK:- So the bill was passed over the President's veto, and goes to the house. Legislative Reform. Under the above caption, the Chambers. burg Repository, a leading radical organ, referring to Cameron, Geary it Co., who now control the Republican party, says: The peop'e can no longer close their eyes to the fact that the hideous cancer of legislative corruption hasepread its loath some-pollution over the entire body poli tic in Pennsylvania; and indifference must henceforth be criminal. For years venal ity has been entrenching itself in the cita del of delegated power, steadily growing aid widening its ramifications, until its`, monstrous sweep has drawn a legislature into its seething whirlpool, upon the very threshold of as official labors, and bartered thechoicest gift.—(ll S. SeavaTort„) and the most responsible trust the loyal , pea ple have to confer. Nozin Shia crowning wrong (Cameron's election) alone do the appliances and fruits of legitdative degradation appear. A roun d it, in it, through all - its channels of pow s;-sad _all its tributaries, the nusn i i te t nits enthroned supreme. So clamorous were its shenteless votaries, for plunder, skat .the. in:portent committees of the pop War bran* which control vital profitsbie interests, iiad divided and sutulivi• 404;:andeveti :then 'Alia • aninbir • almost Ater tOsttellthe & woes for gotten .pto kiridativitiinbardiustiA :11 : 4 slim branches have been increased. to glut in satiate appetites until they number within oneiburtb of the whole legislature. Sons, fathers and other relatives of legislators crowd around it in idleness, and profliga cy and venality rule while the people have treachery and taxation as their reward. The Latest Fashions. Since*the invention and successful intro; &nion of the celebrated Duplex elliptio [or doubler Spring Hoop skirt, by. r. J. W. Bradley, of New York, the ladies throughout the country have given up the idea of discarding the fashion of-wear. ing hoop skirts on account of the peculiar and graceful manner in which the Duplex Skirts adapt themselves to every exigen cy and emergency. So generally -accep table have these Skirts become that the ladies regard them as a special favorite, in view of the superior Flexibility, Lightness and durability combined in their manu facture. They also consider them a far more economical and comfortable Hoop Skirt tVan ever has or can be made for all crow ad assemblies, for the Promenade or House Dress. Any lady after wear ing one of these skirts will never after wards willingly dispense with their use. Long experience in the manufacture of Hoop skirts, has proven to the proprie tors of this invention, that single springs will p 1 ways . retain that stiff, unyielding and bunglingly style which has ever char acterised them, whereas the Double spring hoop or the Duplex Elliptic, will be found free from these objections. Notwithstan ding the ability of the manufacturers, Messrs. Welts, Bradley and Cary, to turn out over six thousand Skirts per day from their Large Manufactories in New York, they feel obliged to request all merchants ordering the Duplex elliptic - e,kirts, to send their orders a few days before they are wanted', if possible, as they are most con stantly oversold some days ahead. Dastardly Outrage. The Miners (Pottsville) Journal of last Saturday says: We are informed that on Monday evening of last week a sleighing party numbering ten—five young men and five young women — left St. Clair to gq Lo Mahanoy city. On the mountain between the two places they were stopp ed by nine men armed with revolvers. It may seem incredible, but it is positive ly stated that the robbers stripped the oc cupants of the sleigh of their clothing, lebVing nothing but the underclothing of the women, and the buffalo robes that were in the sleigh. The robbers compell ed them then to turn back and return to St. Clair. This is, without exception, the 'most dastardly outrage we were ever called upon to record in connection with crime in this county. —Depue S. Miller, late President of the Stroudsburg Bank, whose indictment for embezzlement, we noticed in our publish ed court proceedings, was brought to town on Monday last, on requisition from Gov. Curtin on the Governor of Kansas. He was taken before Judge De Young, where ho entered into recognizance by himself and others in the sum of $lO,OOO for his appearance at the Feb. term of court. The charge of embezzlement has connection with the missing money of the bank.—Jeffersonian. —The vagrant darkies of Philadelphia have an ingenious -way of getting their lodging. They enter a street car of an evening and refuse to vacate. The con• sequence is that the conductor (not being allowed by the radical local courts to eject them without being subjected to a fine) runs the car off the track and allows it to stand until the "smokes" see fit to leave. —The lower house of the Kansas Legis lature-cm the alst passed a joint revolu tion for the amendment of the State Con- stitution bystriking oat the word "white" hu_vOte of 68 yeas to 15 nays. The radicals all voted aye, ana the Democrats and conservatives voted no. • —Hon. Garrett Davis was re-elected to the United States Senate from Kentucky, on the 30th, by the Democrats and Con servatives. The vote stood Davis 78 • I vote:4;Bristow 41. . 1 ,;.„ A Goon Joss oxr THE Docros.—A physicau passing a stone mason's *hop called out: "Good morning Mr. D—; bard at work I see. Yon finish your grave stones as far as, 'ln menory of,' and then wait, I suppose, to see who wants a mon ument next ?" "Why, yes, " replied the old man, "unless somebody's sick, and you are' doctoring him, then I keep on." —The wool clip of 1866 sold for about $50,000,000, and the golids made of it for $200,040,000. The " Soldiers' Friends." The Rump Senate has rejected the ap pointment as collectors of revenue of two New York soldiers who served the coun t.. faithfully, viz : Gen. Calvin E. Pratt Gen. Egan. The latter served thro'- out the whole war; was wounded and re ceived complimentary letters Pram Presi dent Lincoln, Gen. Grant, Gee. Sedgwick, and others. Not being radical politicians, howeier, these meritorious soldiers are not considered Worthy to serve their coun try as revenue collectors.' they were good enough material to 'offer themselves on the battlefield but not good enough to fill clill,positiont where the pay is good and life sot &mt. —The Washington correspondent of a radical paper says there has been no testi mony yet taken by the Rump Committee Jus4fyijit the hopeachment. Of course not:. No sane pens ever supposed there would. be. • • •• Annual Statement • Of thelieeeipts and Espendlittre* of Has. quehanna County for 1866. Made and published in Om:mines deb ass Of A sian _ hip of the 16th of Aprft, 1834) • Susquehanna Countl., Balance of Collectors' dic!punts fat 188TH. townships. Daprtes. Am% led. Exbon's. pr cimt. ~.......,., ,--....—„ ~.—•••••••••, Ap t :dual, li6 61 MEI 48 400 14 13 Ararat, 157.80 148 Tr 'l7l 888 Auburu, . , 839 91 782 It 9 04. ' 41 16 :Brifterraler, 1,1144 MI 1.173 51 ' 1L•64 61.78 amour, 600 57 669 10 1 4SI ' - 29 95 Ciffkrwl, 691 87 • . 688 IM 12 , 62 • 88 60 Choconnt, 343 88 MS 63 1-04' •17 71 Himont, 701 74 • MI 0 8.41. IM 93 Mandan, _ 119 45 . 110 811 1 86: 517 Forest Lake, 612 45 592 09 120 ' 81 16 Franklin, 433.67 402 91 .166' 21 10 FriendsTille, 126 81 119 54 98 . 6.29. Gibson,_.6s4 84 619 51 1 73 811 - $O . Gt. Bendwp, 645 61 /308 56 . 15 MS 26.50 Gt. Bend boro, 180 00 213 TS 497 11'45 Harford, IMO 41 502 0 627 81 71 Harmony, . , 415 41 888 MS •• • 810 20 31 Herrick, 151 611 • 834 . 16 108 ' 1718, Jackson, 566 43 516 11 2 f 4 17 68 Jessup. 414 11 889 57 415 TO 50 Lathrop. 313 10 304 60 1 4T 16 08 Little Meadows 75 67 71 91 . 376 Lens=, 5.51 17 OM 67 1,8 38 45 Liberty. 403 72 631 06. 1 . 411 •'X 03 Middletown. 48 11 484 03 4 61 SA 87 Montrose, 163 03 720 94 6 15 31 94' N. Milford Tp. ego 57 798 SO '.14 It ' 42 04 • bore, 197 03 183 48 183 976 Oakland, 242 10 11642 11 45 11 53 Rub. 580 72 546 63 592. 23 77 Silver Lake, 58 88 493 46 193 23 97 Springville, 564 49 615 07 023 27 10 Snares Depot. ' 8 9 8 8 7 8 99 . 8 6 18 91 11 88 Thomson. _ 257 48 10113 188 / 8 78 $18,113 94 $15119 93 SIN 82_ $796 70 Recapitulation. Total amount of Duplicates, $lB,llB 94 " paid by Collectors, $15,110 92 " exhon's to " 107 89 " percentage " 706 70-18.113 IM 0. B. DODGE,- Tteasnrer. • Treasurer's 0111ce, Montrose, Dec. 81,1866. Expenses of Susquehanna County for 1866. Dr. $1,014 57 804 75 To Commonwealth costa, - Road Viewers, Road Damage, - • . John B. Wireo, tato Commirsioner, DOM Wakelee, Commissioner. • • 206 00 J. T. Rills, " • - - $6.10 B. B. Gage. .40 00 . Constables, • • - - . • 00076 Township and General Elections, • 714 11 Assessors, • • • -- - - - 4118 Justices of the Peace - • • V 0 Grand and Traverse Jurors, • •• OISS IS 0. B. Eldred. Prothonotary and Clerk Q. B. 43188 Court House, Jill, Fuel and Lightal r B. Stroud. Insurance,• • . Court Rouse - • -s• • • William A. Cro_istnon, CointabsionalgOk.• .1 • F. G. Warner, Joßer. • • t • !tinting. lnternalßewencw Stamps, - • • B. Crossmon, Court Crier - 4 Station Wyalusing erit Bridge •at ~ - - D. Bummers, Sheriff. Lunatic Hospital, - . • Jatl,- • • • • • Rastein Penitentiary. • - Wild 'Cat Bounties, • • • • Treasurer's percentago. • - cultural Bodstr, J. - Etheridge, Town CIoCX • •• • Cohn ty Bonds redeemed, and interest, New Jail, Samuel Sloan. • • Twelve Refunding Orders. John P. Deans, Auditor, L. M. hirrall. • f Contra, By Count y Orders redeemed No. 1 10545, iric.sls,2lo 26 19 Refandlng Orders, ' . 145 43 Amount paid County Auditors, 12 00 Treasurer's percentage, . &"062 Susquehanna Oeusty. Balance of Collectore Accounts for 1806 Toyama's, 1 Dnpll i Am pd. I exoneratla 1 per et. entre I ,--.........„ —,-......—.... ,---.......6Z ~.....--, Apolacon. 316 51 15 63 06 62 Ararat, 15 91 14 08 1 09 74 Auburn, 53 34 49 08 168 258 Bridgewater, 68 12 98 56 1 MI 3 84' Brooklyn, 41 05 4 573 02 Clifford, 44 59 89 17 10 a i l Y. 69 Choconnt, 42 34 89 68 208 Blalock. 52 19 47 94 1 79 2 62 Dundaff, 4O 10 05 62 52 Forest Lake, 54 81 49 26 146 259 Franklin, 88 84 86 01 94 189 Frlendsville, 11 48 10 113 50 54 0 Maori, '54 88 51 18 J5l 2 69 Gt. Bend Till., 59 03 48 61 787 255 Or, Bend Burn. 50 73 47 04 1 23 947 Harlon& 53 81 50 IS 92 964 Harmony, 85 05 30 15 2 48 1 62 Herrick, 24 44 29 66 64 1 20 Jackson, 56 81 53 WI . XI 2 Jump. 47 65 43 28 .8 12 - 2 : 4 1 athrop, 25 92 SI 19 46 1 2 Little Meadows, 10 41 9 89 , 6* Lenox, 58 45 52 76 . .92 277 Liberty, 29 00 27 09.., 'T r 1&49 • Middletown, 37 58- 114 94 - ° law Montrose. Montrose. 97 46 90 44 1 • ' ' 78 H So f ro Milford Tp.' . 81 88.58114 44 j ,. .71i 30 30 2831 03 - ' 96 .. 'Oakland, 30 87 24 37 t72 • 28 Husk, 48 67 43 16 144 27 Silver Lake, 40 61 87 03- 464 .• ' 94 Springville. 61687 6818 -,8 99 '. 90 - , , Sosq's Depot , 71 44 '5B St 1112 ,99 Thomson. 19 21 11112 ' -. -,;02 •, i 95 $1.475 61151.837 49 . gnat) .41028 -Recapitulation. Total amount of Rtylleatls, paid bycolinT. $1,13119 exonerate - 41 --- Treasurers" p rceentage e to . do 23-41,475 60 Once, Montro December 81.1666. I C. B. DODGE, Trees Susquehanna County—BaL of Collec tors' act's for Dog Tax 1866. Tolman.. I Copmarrow. I Dap Am Er Pr. ets I pd I on: I.: et. Apolacon, R. H. Grow, ZI 00 19 95 100 1 (2. Ararat, J. H. Tooley, 15 00 13 713 55 71 Auburn, J. J. Manning, 58 00 6320 200 280 Bridgewater, M. Mott, 64 00 4799 - 3150. 252 Brooltlyn, Tltsworth, 4400 41 60 ' 220 Clifford, E. S. Lewis, 62 00 - 15653- 2 Be'2 in Choconut, J. 'Haney, 37 00 83 25. 280.' 175 Ditnock. M. H. Tingley, 52 60 4560 461);240 Dunelaff. - ZS.G.Sturtevant, 11 50 950 150 50 Forest Lake W. G. Small, 40 50 3810 250 190 Franklin, E. B. Smith ! :2 00 2898 i;tie 52 - Friendsville, G. W. Abbot, 9 900 713 60 37' Gibson, C. Fermenta', 56 IM 51 78 f5O 272 Gt. Bend Tp. E. Gill, 30 50 26 60 2 50_ 140 Gt. B. Bor. Richard Stone, 11 00 9 09 1.50 47 Harford, P. Carpertcr, 5300 47 93 250 952 Harmony. D. Taylor. 16 00 13 30 Mr 70 Herrick, R. Westgate, 8060 24 20 450 160 Jackson, D. A. Lamb. 41 00 88 00 100 900 Jessup, 1. IC' Birebard, 83 00 26 60 500 1 40- Lathrop, E, E. Thar e, 1860 1863 100 67 L. Meadows, D. L. Hoyt. 300 285 15 Lenox, M. W. Rood, 53 501 47 50 350 950 Liberty, E. L. Sanford, 21 60 29 93 . 157 Montrose, G. Warner, 51 50 14 25 60 75 New Milford, D. W. Rice,6B 59 WM • 950 g 92 Middletovrp, Sj W. Baxtr, 63 60 6188 100 112 N. 21 - Bor. H. Hibbard, 5150 523 27 Oakland, 13.0.1tasterbrook,25 5D 91 85 250 115 Rash, R. P. Carter, 6700 4370 11 00 280 Silver Lake, D. P. Phelan, 53 00 4750 800 260 Springville, A. P. Brown, 4900 • 42 75 400 225 S. Depot.. K. J. Carr, 28 00 21 118 50 112 Thomson, P. Mil, 16 00 14 70 60 77 Recapitulation. Loral *mount ofDopbestes for A. 141101 $l,lBl eta " psfd Ox collcogro 414,017p8. " ettineraloili " • 8140 " ParrAntage. " taln 1866. Treq,Stitinfieipit Mig,To. Charles 11 . Dnbge riestirem, hroe:wlthiloirToi. To amount of duplicates for 1850, • : • $1,18100• &count reectred from late Tsusanr- • -.27 elk 1666. • • Contra.— - - Bilertinßy szonfmtlea• to Collo:ten; • `',* BY °Rai V Wegneltg. re., . Woe& from so. Ito/q.lisclsitio,vrs Ot By trout**. on tee. $1.017 011 at 1 pr. east. 209 i By time eon. as mom. -972 63 it 2 Or. et. 19 4501.14740 _.-- El ge ---- 4209 55 Alumna in 'Treuarer's bands. .Tiritsurer of Btug. County in Account Cur. 1866. rent with said County, Dr. To ain't IC Treasurers' banns as per last Auditor? re. p, $ B . 08 c " addtt o io rt nal county taxes, - - ' 828 69 88 •• amount received from unseated lands, 860 19 ' returned land taxes, 18'18 " • Sisson and Dayton's note, 20 86 .. " D. D. Warner, 60 . u_ . . " tsn State tax duplicate 1861, 100 00 " .A= l l Corn. fees vs. Woodruff and Hoagland. 860 .' "To irx's reed of 11:13ochmers 81011, for lines "and ha Oses, ates , •,... , 111f 18 02 am't of Duplic for 1866, 16,1 IM P 1,71366 Contra, Cr. By amnia paid Connty auditors, 11 00 By exoneration, to collectors. 1666 $197 es By porcentfte to collectors, IEO6, 796 70—$ 994 03 Python's W. boding orders, 145 48 By co. ord. re'dm. from no. 1 t. 543 inelnsivs, 16,310 96 By comm'n on receipts, 49143 By " on expenditures,' 40914—$ 63063 To amount in treasurer's hands, Leek 80 $11,713 63 _ _ Treasurer's Otnee„ Montrose, December 31,1188. j C. B. DODGE, Tress Trrasurer in account with Commonwealth of 1866. Pennsylvania. Dr. To aggregate amount tit State Taseslevied and assessed for the ascot the Commonwealth for theyear 1868, as per statement of Coun ty Commissioners, filed with said Treas erer, 11,413 60 To amount received from unseated lands, 361 84 Q 7 tiro per cent. sabwed to Collectors, intoner:scions " Statement of Sheriff's Account for the year - 1866. Dr. To amount of fines and Jnry fees. fte per certifi cate of the clerk of the Court of Q. s. $OO9 00 1866. Contra. Cr. - By am't paid Treasurer, and charged In his ac't,s7lB 92 8 per cent. retained on•sT36Jor collecting. 92 08 amount uncollectable, 166 00 Statement of Treasurer's Account in rela. Lion to Rota and School Taxes on Un• - seated Hands for 1864 and 1865. 1866. First, Road Taxes. Dr. To amount of Warrants for Road Taxes for the years 1864 and 1865, $1,193 58 1886. Contra. Cr. By amount paid toornehips, Mao 81 Treasurer's percentage at 5 per cent. 59 77 ". • 20 00 134 00 • 10.P31 000. • 1.121 , 20 , 221 . 30 • 90 23 • 830 62 100 00 • uOO 650$ • .V3O 40 145 411 10 00 1866. Second, School Taxes. Dr. To ain't of Wont Warrants for years 1866,1555, $Bl5 81 •1866. Contra. Cr. By amount paid townships. $774 47 .By Treasurer's per =maga at 5 per matt 40 76 St7,ite in Cr. 1866. Third. Bounty Taxes, To anal of Bounty taxes levied on unseated lands, $2,220 08 1868. Contra. Cr. ty amount patd townships, $2,109 08 y Treasarer's percentage at apex cent. 111 00 oirTgiii I - 848. Fourth. Poor Tons. To amount of Poor Taxes Levied, 1866. Contra. By amount pateutownehipa, By Treasurer's percentage at 5 per cent Statement of Susg'a County Treasury, Jan. 711,, 1867. To available funds in the Treasury, $1.821 So To unearrent money of previous years, 600 00 To several amounts of Notes. Bonds, Judgments, as per last Auditors' Report, SOO 00 We meta the foregoing to be a correct statement. DAVID WAKELEE, ) J. T. ELLIS, ` Co. Com's B. M. GAGE, .Attest—W. A. CROBBIION, Clerk. Com'rs °dice, Montrose, /an. 0, 1867. Eiventhraunia Carrierv, as. We, the undersigned. Auditors of and for sold Coun ty, met in purenanest of our duties at the Court House in Montrose, on Monday. the 7th day of January. A. D. 1867, cud did audit, settle, and adjust the several we counts of the Commissioners and Treasurer of said County, all of which, upon thorough examination. we found to be correct. We drid in the hands of Charles D. Dodge, Treasurer of Bald County, Of County Fund $8,621 • State tale Pond • 1,68884 Dog Tax Fund 61 95 J. '1", DEANs, L. M. Tuausu., Auditors. ELI BARNES, Auditors' °Mee, Montrose, Jan. 8, 1867. 0,4150 TBB Commissioners of Susquehanna Count will A. receive staled proposals until tha 4th of 'next, for the erection of a new Jail In said County. The plans and sp ccideatione are at the office of said Commissioners, and will at all times be accessible for the examination of such as desire to bid fois the *rec. Sion thereof, by calling .on Wm. A. Crossmon, Com missioners' Clerk. The Commissioners do not bled themselves to at , cept the lowest offer that may be made, but reserve the right to accept of such proposal as will secure the erec tion qg the building In the moat durable and workman like manner. THE Commissioners of Susquehanna County have flied upon the following days and dates respec tively for hearingappeals from the assessment for the year PM at the Commissioners' in Montrose, to wit: Franklin. Liberty and Silver Lake. Thursday, Feb.2l. Auburn, Jessup and Bush, Friday. Feb. 22. Dimock, Lathrop and Springville, Saturday, Feb. 23. Great Bend township and borough, and New Milford township and born, Monday, 25. Harmony, Oakland, Susquehanna Dom, Ararat, Jack son and Thomson, Taesday, 28. Montrose, Bridgewater and Brooklyn, Wednesday, Feb. 27. $llBl 15051017,093580500398 •• Letters or administration upon Mb estate of the above named decedent hasten been granted to the undersign. ed. MI persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to mire Immediate psYlnent, and those. Latin for settl g (Zahn against the assTr pmenttrusin duly authanti- Alreitement. • • fro.ltriLßD: Nor X * 1 Kr $1,1109 SS I - -Cr. Contra Tressurer'aper dent. on 51 .679 83, at I per et. 16 99 balance In Travers hands leas his percent., 1,833 34 $1,837 44 C. B. DODGE, Treasurer. Treasurer's °glee, Mont rare, Dee. 81,1866. $902 00 DAVID SU3IMERS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Dec . 31, 1868. 4 talitors' Repori P441133 1 4:77 Qr.ELIT-s. By order of the Comadeeloners., W. A. CROSEIMON, Clerk Commlealoners'Ofece, Montrose, Jan. 22, 1867. Courts of Appeal. MNiigailM=l Forest Lake, Friendeville and Middletown, Wednes day, Feb. 20. Clifford, Dundaff, Lenox, Gibson, Harford and Her rick, Thursday, Feb. 28. By order of the Coinroissioners. WM. A. trauniseloners• CR°39I4ON, Mork. se, Jan. 22 d. 2867. PSTATE . OF ORSON PERRY, late of New Milford, Suuq's county. Pa., dec'd. CLOSING OUT Loses tXuslirL lost • 10 ti 67 SS ENTIRE STOCK DRY ar Co Co 1:1 155 Elretiac3h. gi3tckrie, 81,195 68 T IA\ cp , $2,1t0 oa Dr. 5220 Cr.. $209 BARGAINS I IMAM And It la not Probable 'ttle7 . be any LOREN for AR -EL N" gE; We wouitlirnprore this opportunity to return our grateful iseknowiedginents to the people of Montrose and vicinity, for the very liberal manner they have patron. ized us during our brief stay here. I. N. NINE, C. B. PERRY. Montrose, Feb. 12, 18117. VENNI .AT • CICPEST, CLOSE. BUSINESS. AT TEE BINGHAMTON WILL POSITIVELY BE SOLD AND LESS ! IN OIiDER TO CLOSE BUSINESS IMMEDIATELY Moat of oar Goods Sr. lERT7 .7L121:0i, Lately 3Psirahsaareelp the neat few years, bin on the coatnny, • 33[1.633.0.1", In coniequenee et the recently Increstod TARIFF; Making it Advisable to Sehre BEFORE IT IS T'coca IlLsate 2 1 .• • BUSINESS CARDS. . M. C. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insane. Agent, •v 7 6W griondsitUs, JAMES. E. CARMALT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OfSee over Stone & Wanly. Montrose, Dee. 18,18611. tf WAI. D. LUSK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Stentiose, 7d. ,0111te otipoitte tke rreeklin hotel, near the coartElenue. • nevlrt NTSICIAN and SURGEON. Montrose r ,Ps. Giese P especial attention to diseases. Of the 'Mart sad Lungs and an Sarrical diseases. Ofidee over the Pest Once. Boards at Searle'. Rotel. [Sept. 4, 10611. BALD WIN, ALLEN, Jo MITCHELL, DBALERS in Flour. Salt , Ptok,; 'pub, Lod, G ra t a , Feed, Candles, Clover and Tinsotl4 Seed. A 1,., Viroceries, sub as Sugars, Molasses, Spays, Tea ail Coffee. West side or Pnblie Avirons. Montrose, April :1,1!66. BURNS & NICHOLS, DEALERS In Dram Medicines, Chemicals, n 7,. stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Unison. Spices. P. ey articles. Patent Medicines. Perftunery and Toilet As. Metes. or Prespipticres carefully_comminded. Public Avenue, above hearis'e Hotel, Montrose, ti. A. B. Bonne. - - - Axes Ntezets, Sept. 11, 1866. D. W. SEARLE, • AuTTOIOTET AT tAW, °Mee over tie Stott of I Cobb, opposite Setale's Motel, Montrose, Pa. y lA% D. E. P. HINES, illi' ' A'permanently located at Prlendsvllle for put , Ma pose of practicing medicine and surgery In all tta branches. Be may be found at the Jackson Howe. Office bows from 8 a. m.. to 9 p. m. janlett griendaville, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1b66. ROGERS do ELY, Xalcieruseficil .Altomotleasserievres, m7lo* Brooklyn, rti.. PETER HAY, Laioessaeci .alomaticommee'r, 64tf Auburn 4 Corners, Ps. C. S. GILBERT, X-olcie#22.socrci. AL-iiertilaisecor. oftpT 64:f Great. Bend, Pa. S'fROUD & BROWN, vIRB AND ' LIFE ' INSURANCE AGENTS. Ail business attended to promptly, on fete terms. Of fice first door north of " Hobttose Hotel," 'west side of Ptlblie Avenue, -Montrose, Pa. ' • • Van. 1.180. 1311.1.1N0111 STROM>, - - ClIARCL1:11 L. 13E011, C 0,, FOIIDILAM,- oor& 8110 7 g Dealer snd Monntsetnret Montros., B Pa. Shop on Main street, *nodes)? WOW th e Post Mee. All kinds of work -ado to order, and-repalrins dons neatly. jint ea Dn. E. L. BLAKESLEE, dt SURGEON. has located at Braman, P Sasq'a co., Pa. Will attend promptly to alt calls with which he may be favored. °tree at L. Si. Bald win's. RESPECTFULLY announces that be I. DJV pre. pared to cut all kinds of Garments in .the mart Fashionable Style. and warranted to fit with elegance and ems*. Shop over I. N. Bullard's Stariii.Montross. DOCT. E. L. lIANDRICK, PII SICI A N k SURGEON, respectfully tender" hill professional services to the citizen of lorlends villa and vicinity. PEr Office inthe ()incept Dr. Leet. Boards at J. liosford's. jig° 6.1t1 ABV I L. . . . • . ri HALER In Dnigs, hiedieines, Chemical% Dys I /Stun, Glass Ware, Paints, 011 s, Varnish, Win lowelass, Groteries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perth nery, lc—Agent for all the most popuIaATENT EbiCniES,—Mantrose, Pa. DR. WM. SMITH, R G EON D E NTTST, —Montrose; Pc °Office In Lathrop's' new building. over s the Bank. All Dental operations artil be erformed lu good style and warranted. JOHN GROVES, IASIIIONABLE TAU OR. Montrose, Pa. fßop one door west of Searles Hotel. Or All orders tilled promptly. in first-rate style. Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to fit WM. W. SMITH, CABINKT AND CHAIR MANDFACTIMERS,—ToO of Main went, Montrone, Pa. tf P. LINES, FASIIIONABLBTAILOR—Montrose, Pa. /hop in Phcenlx Block, over store of Read, Watrone lt Poster. All work warrantedas to et and ULM.. Lotting done on short claim, In beststile t iss4 lo • - DHALER In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drugs, Oils, and }Wets, Booteand Shoes, Hats and Caps. Fun, Buffalo Robes, Groceries, Provisions, New Milford, Pa. DANICERS. Montrone, Pa. fineorseorsto.Post.Coeper UP % Co. Office, 'Lathrop , new 'banding, Tarnpike•st. WM. lIIINTTINO COOPER REACT Datenna. A. 0. WARREN, , •- A TTORNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Mick Pay, Pension, .111., and Exemption Claims attended to. kid rffrOffice first door below Boyd'a Store; Montrose, Ps :UNION- HOTEL,• NEW MILFORD, Ps. Lately kept bylt t C. Vail. , FAITROT 2 -Proprietor.' Meal. alum, a ready. Time to eat; without' twin hurried, for pardons arriving on the awe., wiabing to take them': ' lend D AYTON HOUSE, GREAT BEND, PA. NEAR THE RAILROAD DEPOT._. The Howe Is open at all hours lot the alleilifeir the accommodation of Passengers. on , DAVID THOMAS. Proprietor. HATS & CAPS for MEN & BOYS. , at the Falrdale Cheap Store T li. BEST BOOTS snoEs in market et the.Fairdala Cheap Store DRY GOODS from N. Y. Anatolia. at the Fairdale Cheap •ton. KEW fill MITER STOCK! Have Just received their tall assortmeat of Matey BOOTS & SHOES; whisb we propose to sell leap than any gra fa ay County, for ready pay. Also; • • • BEADY' MADE ClATllltra: •. 02 h 221. and made to measure when. desired. " HATS & CAPS, GLOVES. NI 7 . - TEATS, NOTIONS, Air. • 2PaxicLUI P Civraaerless sway down below tharl o r ts et, Blailsamtel.ll, elk er man. Call and see tisfY yourselves. Farmers' Farmers' Produce vet aiN Mapped to NeWl'ink free of sharp. . -; • t a. N. s Wrap x•suoi• - :oot: lg. flee s • r~-.. .. DR: E. L. G-AfiDN4ll., JOIIN SA UTTER. 11. ButtnrrT, WM. H. COOPER & CO., STONE & WARNER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers