• ;.; Lvi c titoi n g. ' •; • ,editor of the :Examiner CAronick 'Ara :xtiq loner I lire, the more I feel ille`miportanee of adhering to the follow ing tplesp which I have laid down for my. self m relation to such matters : 1. To hear as little as possible *hat is to the prejudice of others. 2. To belie% nothing of the kind until I au absolutely forced to. 3. Never to drink in the spirit' of one • who circulates an ill report. 4. Always to moderate, as far as I oan, the unkindness which is expressed 'to ward others. " 5. Always to believe that if the other side were heard, very different acconnti would be given of the matter. • The Typo and the Dein. be lawyer-editor of a count* , paper :. , whO , rwrote a very "blind hand," was -fre quently annoyed llpotnpnsitors inquiries ecuicerning words which - 'they could not decipher. One day a compositor, as little aequaintcutiwitb the disposition of the ed itor elf 1143'w - dB with.tbe band-writitit, en , • en tered- r and, holding the copy before his -eyes, inqu ired what a certain crooked Mark stoo dfor. The editor did not Wish at that time to be interrupted, mid exclaimed, "Go to the devil." The compositor retired, not to. his Sa t:olio majesty, but to thecomposing room, When the editor read his proofs he had he pleasure to see a line in his leading editorial read: *' He [Mr. Webster] will, in all proba bilii y, go to the devil. " The copy was produced and the crooked mark was, "be nominated." —When Gov. Andrew sent the Massa ch u set ts girls to the Pacific coast to supply the want, of femininity in that region, he paid they need not marry immediately, but, could find plenty to do in teaching the little children. Anna Dickinson, [the Fly puss,) "can't see it." She says : "where the children are to come from out of a poptilatibn of ten thousand men was more than she could imagine; but, she thought that probably Governor Andrew, being a man, might be able to do so. She had the Governor there. Fire, Life and ~ Accidental GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. 31.2c:mitirckage, HOMO Insurance CO. of N. Y., Capital and_Surpi ns, $ 3,00b,000 Instrance Co. of North America; PUPA, uapital and Surplus, 1.700,000 International Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, 1,800,000 Girard The and Marine Insurance Co. of Phil'a, Capital and Surplus, Lyeoming County. utualananratice S o.of Mancy„ Petet; Capital and Surplus, Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, • Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil'a, Capital and Surplus. I neural:leo Co. dtate of Pannsyliania, Phil. Capital and Surplus, Kensington Fire-and H. Insurance Co., tatpital and Surplus, 100,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. 01 Hartford, Cant., paying 60 per cent. dividends to the asemred. Capital. American 1.1f6 betimes Co., Philadel phia. Capital,* Traselers'lnstgance Co. Hartford, Conn., lusnringapinst all kinds ofauddents Capital, 600,053 Hartford Fire Inn:luxe Company. Hart ford. Conn., Capital and lurplus. $1,883,163 Putnam Firs Insurance CO., Hartford, Ct. Capital, $.500400 iKff . All business entrusted to our care will be attend td to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted, _ _ _ ' . STROUD St. BROWN, Agents. 1124r0f1Seen.rott dem' north of" Montrose- Hotel "west side ofPublio'Arratte. ihnirgos Ssnorto. - OstAzino L. Broroa. lioareaso, Jan. Ist. SBEB. 17 POUTZ'S , CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATCH POWDERS. This preparation,-.long and taforably known. will thoroughly reiutigotate broken-down and low-apirhad . horaes,lpy titre/Übe:dug and clowning thoatururtah and intestines. - Dia a sure preventive ot incident to this animal. auchas Lung Fever, Glanders, Yellow Water. Heaves. Congas. Distemper, Fevers, Founder, Leis of Appetite and Titannergy, de, Its nse improves the wind, increases the appetite. gicee a smooth and glossy skin, and trinsforins the Miserable ak.eleton into aline looking and spirited horse. 'TO KEEPERS OF . COWS, this preparation frinralnable. It increaser the qnanti ty and improves the qtatlit;y_of the milk. It has been proven by actual expert eat ici.increase the quantity or milk and cream twenty per cent. and• make the but ter firm and street. In fattening cattle, it gives them an a petite:looons their hide, and Makes them thrive much faster' ALVDISEASES OF SWINE,' sucirss.Cniagba47lcers in the Lungs, Liver, Etc.. thiS article acteas n specific. By putting from one half* paper to • paper in a barrel of the above diseases alll he eradicated or entirely prevented. If given is time, a csitidn preventive and cure for the Bog Chole ra. Price 45 cents per paper, or 5 papers for 'sl. Pre pared by S. A. FOTJTZ & BRO., at their whole ale Drag and Med!eine depot. if o.IIIS, Franklin st.. Baltimore. Md. For sale by Druggists , and rtorekespers throughout the United States. lar'For sale In Montrose by nov2llpqlB ABEL TUBRELL. Mt . fillff FOR7SAIII SITUATED in the township of Jackson, in the Conn tyAilittagudedina, containing about '0043 Alt.oress, eltb one buidred and sixty acres Improyek Dvrei:4 ll = House. good Barna, well watered. 4, first_ rate farmlor Dairr purpoeee—two Orchards. Said farm will .ba soldnitogether t or in parcels to putt purchasers Terme Of payment made" etiFy. For further infJruniti adrapon Montrose, ur upon the subscriber.' - • L. D. BENSON, .s.fltnintstratoi of Hoses Benson, deed. Jackson, Sept. 41.1866. ti SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, A-rid Back Pay! TllZ4uiderslgiapi lacrono *GENT or =a Govroaa mum, *lll give prompt attention to all elaimittittrut. ted CM.. No ctuirge unless enccessfal. MO - tarok. Ang:'2o.l3. S. B. McCOLLIIM. EO!;11111.11HO011ig1 OLDIERS :Songroge ha. just palmed enact to equai ize four - BotaitFes I Tho•e uto have not already donewrahotd, rinalfe ltrotedtatif 'Wld ooa;:heins or parentWfloldiera who hare died In--the service, are entitled to. fame_ bounty th ettoltlier , if living. wouldlreceve.l , Saving already -pretharA.d over two bandred'alaimai th ose vino- have delayed tasking application wllLind It greatly to, their advantage to Vire too alta/L, „ : invillldatimdloidowa x Inereinutifpet eon =lee act a roved JIM° 6,113 Gd, itkidldttlito make agpiiGitittn pet: - • •- • • , Moilria:24.t2llll6. tf 6 .) “COS TAR''S” VERMIN IMBRIUM! " id rears established In N. Y. eq . ." Only infallible remedies known. " Free from all poisons." " Not dangerous to the lineman Famll7.•l " Rats coma out of their holes to die. "Costar's" Rat, Etoachito. Extermin's lo a parte—need for fiats, Mice, Rouse., Black and Red Ants. Sc, ke. " Costar's" Bed• Bug Exterminator Is aliquldoryatib:r4ased fa'sliattOr. and also as a preventive tar sad•Baga, " Ooetar's" Electric Powder fbrlnseots 'fifer Moths. Moiquitoes, Pleas. Bed-Bugs. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. .—; •:;:. TONI' I lithwass 1t r oral! worthless itattatiorts: ' tl Flask ,be elf ..- COSTAII . II buy " ! IMO on each Box;lNit- e and fore you . 'Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, 4E4 Broadway, N. T. Sold in Montrose. Pa.. by ABEL TVBRELL—and all Dragristi and Retailers ever/where. "COSTARS" BUCKTHORN SALVE, for Cats, Burns. Bruises, Wounds. Boils, Cancers. Bro ken Breafts. Soro Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Painfte Piles Putrid and conditioned Sores ; Ulcer*, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneous af fectona, Ringworm, Itch, Corns. Bunions. Chilblains. &c. ; Chapped Hands. Lips, 40.; Bites of Spiders in. Beets, Animals, ac. larßozes, 25 cis., Sects., and $1 sizes. (R4P - Sold . ; by all Druggists everywhere. larAndtiy essrar R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broad tgEr And by ABEL TIMBIBLL, Montrose, Pa. • • "COSiAR'S" VIIITZSIAL CORN SOLVENT, Poi Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. OP — Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. Eir Sold by an Drantists ererywber4- garßy Henry R. Costar, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y orAnd by Abel Turrcll, Montrose, Pa. B •CW 3,800,000 10,000,000 1.000,000 • • • I - • • " COSTAR'S " esfrittartou or :SITTER SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS rote. usworrtorruo SAL cowrzezrote. tired to eoftenami beautify the akin, remove Freck les. Pimples, Eruptions: Au. Ladies are now using 1t in preference to all others. Virßottles. 61.• Or - Sold I;ty all Draagiats everpx bre. ligirTy Henry R. Costar. Depot 484 Broadway. N. F. 137"' And by Abel Towel], Montrose, Pa. • • • • " • ."C013 1 1 1 811 1 13" COUGH REMEDY, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Hoarse ness, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma. Consump lion, Bronchial Affections, and alltilseases ankle throat 6and lu gs. • • ff".Bt ,l tiles;M cent., 50 cents. and $1 sizes. 'Sold by all Drumest, everywhere. s2l7 — By Henry Costar. Depot 484 Broadway, N. T. And by Abel 'Farrell, Montrose, Pa. • 600ire.a989P ISLLoP 'PILLS, - ' • ,mis•VOlSFime PU4 Ziinerrou and tfick 11c•diebe, 004016 e. lion, Dysoepslis;'Billfoutnele.. Constipation, Distrtin. colic, Chins Pavers, Ind genero denligebleili or the Dlsiestive (brain,- 01 " 0 " 11 /VePO. , 00c6ist''Antt.istios• . Mir • —•- 8 9 1 :07: Go.ifevairlykerit. sokaE 4 4;V v ir contot tai i reldvai. N.T. , t flout*, ' . maw ' • I.IA A , , Tiri t'l .7oßovtalmlawils 5141814111 Z WU *WARD= MI HIGHEST PREMIUMS At the State Fairs of New York, lillinois, Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, lowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, Missouri, California. At the Fairs of the American Institute, Franklin Institute, Maryland In stitute, Massachusetts Mechanics' Association, Penn. Mechanics• Institute, St. Leafs Agricaltntal and Mee/males' Association, And at ntonerong Institnte and County Fairs, Inelvding all the Fairs at which they wore exhibited the past three years. Fret prizes have also been awarded these machines at the exhibitions of London, - Paris, Dublin, Lit; Besancon, Bayonne, St. Dizier, Chalons, And they hate bean tarnished by special command to the Empress of Prance, Empress of A ustria, Empress of Russia, Empress of Brazil, Queen of Spain; and Queen of Bavaria The Grover 40s Baker Eleatic Stitch Sevin? Machines are superior to all others for the following reasons : I. They sew direct from the spools, end require no re winding of thread. 2. They are more easily understood and need, and less liable to derangement than any other machines. 3. They are capable of execntin,7 perfectly, without change of adjustment, a much greater variety, of work than other machines. - 4. The/stitch made by these machines is much more arm, elastic and durable, especially upon articles which require to be washed and Ironed, than any other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the nu der thread is inwrought, is much the most plump and beautiful in nso. and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and ironed until they are worn ont. 6. The structure of the seam is such that, though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it will neither open, run, or ravel, but remains firm and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation. 8. With these machines, While silk is used upon the right or face side of the seam, cotton may be used upon theother side without lessening the strength or dura bility of the seam. This can be done on no other ma chine, and is a great saving upon all articles stitched or made np with silk. r' a. These machines, in addition to their superior mer its as instruments for sewing, by a change of adjust ment. raptly learned and practiced. execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. GROVER dt BARER S. M. CO., 435 Broadway, New Tork Oct. 29.-10 a 730 Chestnut street, rhll'a 'PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,- the whitest. the most datable. the most economical. Try It! Mannfactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, jan3o ly 137 North Ed street, Philad•a. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA and WESTERN 1. R. Winter Arrangement, Dec. 34. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE ' WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. Mail Evening Mail Evening train. train. I STATIONS . I train. train. d. ft. P.M. P.M. P.M. 9,00 New York•.... ..... 6,20 i 1 118° 18 I New Hampton 2,80 2 ... O , Manunka Chunk.... 1,85 ; 2 1245 I Delaware .... Dine... 1,80 a. i t 4,30 I 10.10 Scranton ' 9.45 6.20 . 5'351 11,43 , Nicholson 6,35 1 4.80 1 .y o 5,59 12,091 Honbottom 8.18 4.05 1 . ? 8 .2 0 12,80 Montrose 7,55 3.35 a. °641 1 Mr New Milford 7.34 1 8,06 • 1 T.AO 1.23 I I Great Bend 7,15 2.40 al P.M. P.M - *root of Liherty- at. A. MP M . CONNECTIONS—WESTWARD. The Mail train from New York connects at Ma nunka Ceank with the train leaving Philad'a(Eenstng ton depot) at 7,80 a. m.. and at Greatßend with through mailtrain on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car at tached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6.18 a. m. The I assenger trait from Scranton connects at Get Bend with through trains going west and east on Eric * Eallway..arriving at Buffalo at 1,28 a. ta., and at Sala manca at 12 m. CONNECTIONS—EASTWARD. The Mail train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Ezpress on the Eric Railway from the west ; at Manunka Chunk with a train for Philad'a and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 0.30 p. m.; anti at New Hampton with a train for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arri v at Harrisburg at 8.30 p. m. At Scranton. connections are made with trains On the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.R. to and froth Pittston Kingston, Wilkelharre, Berwick,BloomsburgiDanville, Northumberland, ILirrisburg, and intermediate stations, and with trains on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. A. HENRY. J. BRISBIN, nov27 General Ticket Agent. President. RAILWAY.—On and after Mon -IL 4 day, November 19th, 1866. trains will leave Great Bend at about the following hours, viz.: GOING WEST • • !,. 3.0011. in. Night Express, Mondays excepted, for Ro chester, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk making di rect connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Think Railways. for all points West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego for Ithaca, and At Elmira for Canandaigua -3.45i1. in, Lightning ,Express. Daily, for Rochester, Salattianca. • Dunk!, k. and the test. Stops at Great Bend on Mondays only. , 517 a. m. Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 1121 a. in. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. 4.03 p. in. Day Express, Sundays excepted. for Ro chester. Baffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and al Buffalo with-the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail ways, for all points West and South. T. 21 p. m. Express Mall, Sundays excepted, for Buffs lo. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West.. • 1.00 p. in. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. GOING EAST T. 04 a. in. Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, at Lackagrazen for Hawley, and at Grayconrt for New burg and Warwick. 11.19 p. m. Accommodation Train Daily. 1.53 p. m. Day Express. Sundays excepted. 310 p. in. New York and Baltimore Mail, Su - adapt ex cepted. 3.43 a. in. Night ilzpreu, Daily, connecting at Gray court for Warwick. WM- IL BARB. H. BIDDLE. nov27 Genl Passenger Agent. Gen' i Brip.t. ad's dime MO have your Winter Clothing ;rustle tip 'before the J. pinching told 'weather comes on. • lam prepared, as anial, to take the Measure of my patrons, fermi kind ofgarment they may wish. THE LATEST STYLES aro always posted op In my shop, and satisfaction guar antied, both 111 style and daueb. ?vices moderate. Or/ take especial earein elm* Sad marking gar -0114.40 t'y TAP av fßtoggill *PP!. . . . •Ofthap ant 9iaaditealltatitMilbncliAlva not. 3010 OBOVIM. Tailor . ][tiros., ?rev.L'llt Ita •Zs 24. t. the stitCpre Ot Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co• Attd look at the eetensige asscelment of NEW GOODS, W-or Fair& Winter, YtiAiTecl ado wook from Now Took. TIEC LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS XN . TC)3717-AT, And priers satisfactory to [very one DRESS GOODS, COTTON GOODS, SITAWLS, CLOAKS,FGAVS,SKIRTS AND FANCY - GOODS, teo owneninis to mention IV 105 9 E209 ~ And Gents' Furnishing Goods, Any Quantity and Style 6uttenburg, ft ostubattm f)o. N. S. DEBUT:ER, *snaring Partner Montrose, Sept. 18, 1888 GREAT DEPOT -FOR 1E3.411.T, C.t3.3P SI, FURS, CLOTHING, FURNISHING - GOODS, GLOVES & MITTENS. BOOTS & SHOES. ALL KLNISS OP V LACY IFI3 ROI, made to order, and Merchants supplied at the lowest New York rates The pabitd are invited to tall, examine Ooods, and get the pikes, if they don't the Goods. L. C. MUM Public kreane, Itoutrose, Aug. 1,1!60. ''A RESA • LOT P• - . , NEW_ 1' 7 ' • " Miztorlaaa 'Wm§ - At WlLffo:4. GBJ/FlB & WARNER'S! BBro.llJTT.—Anburn Got den. Plasm and Mikes' CURLS produced by the nee of Prof. DtßnEux's PRIBBB LE CHBVBAUX. Otte 'DV plication warranted : to curl, the most straight and stab barn halt Of either sex Into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashionables of Paris and London, with the most gratifying results. Domino inlury to the hair. Price by mall, sealed and pbst paid. $l. Descriptive circular. mailed free. Addretia BEHGEIL.Sti WITS it Co., Chem ists. N0.._20.5 River etreet e -Troy,:N. Y, Only agents for tho United States, • aryl lycfapq Excelsior / Excelsior . _ C733C.A.15103131-s.l.a.a..WiEd HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. O the Ladies especlalli, this invaluable depilatory T recommends itself roaming an almost indispensable article to female beauty, is easily applied, and does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfinous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating• the.same, leaving the skin soft. smooth and natural. This Is the only article used by the French.• and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price St 'per package, sent post paid to any address, on receipt of an order. by Benatn, &niers & Co., Chemists, myl lycfspq 2 2,95 River street, Troy, N. Y. CaEILitI..SSITEI.AM•ELPIL v E 3 WHITE LIQUID. ENAMEL, FOR Improvin^ and Beautifying the complexion. The most valuable and pertect preparation in ear. for giving the skin a beautiful. pearl-like tint, that is only fognd In youth._ It quicklyyemoves tan. freckles, blotches, moth patch- s, sallowness, eruptions and all Impurities oCthe akin, kindly healing the sume, leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny. and being a vegetable prep . :ll-M.lm is perfectly harmless -It is the only article of the kind used by ,the French. and Is con sidered lty the Parisian no Indispensable to a perfect toilet. upwords of 80,10) hot! les were sold during the post year, a snflicient guarantee of Its efficacy. Price ollij t 5 cis. /finned. post paid.on receipt of an order by BERG R, MUTTS &CO.. chemlata,_ myt lycfspq 24:t River street, Troy, N. T. t„ta 1 ni t PER YEAR !We want Agents every where to sell ourIMPUOVe,I3I $2O Sew ing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted flve.yeara, Above sal ary or large commissions paid. The only machines sold hi the Cilited Slates for less than $.lO. which are fully license(' by llciwc, Wheeler & Wilson. Grover at, Baker, Singer A: Co.. and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are infringements. and the seller or neer are liable to arrest. fine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars Pent free. Address, or call upon Sl' AW ttt CLARK, at Bidde ford, Maine, or Chicago. 111. (m9y2911y• IVew _ P°l3rrea. Baldwin, Allen, & Mitchell. i - r_.lF2.vz=;•TwTwTvi - 2rmn AGAIN! After retiring for thirty days at " hard labor," hart• re sumed businesi at the old stand, under the name and Arm of BALDWIN, ALLEN at MITCHELL, DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef. Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal -ibul, Cuadles, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Whea Clover cf. Tentothy Seed, Flor-seed, Deons, Brooms, Nails, dc. do Thankful for part patronuce , we ohalibe happy to see and wait upon out old and new enatomers. All Goode and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L ALLBX., 8. N. BUTCEIEL.L Montrose, April 18,1868. ft A MONTH ! Agents warded lor six entirely 5.4.. 14 9‘./ new articles, just oat. Address 0. T. OA ST, City Building, Biddeford, Mc. Ltua29lly• aik/VrAF-- -- 11/1 %real TOW nil MINER & COATS Poet's building, below Itoyd'er Corner, Is the pisee to ' boy your FLOUR, GROCERS, 1110 PROVISIONS, CHEAP ! • CHEAP ! CHEAP s MINER tr. COATS Would inform the public that they are now opening e New and Choice Stock of. FAMILY GROCERIES, Just received from New York, which they will acli chehp.for cash, or exchange for all kinds of Farmer's produce; We have made arrangements with oneof.the best Commission Menses. in New York Or shipping Butter and Produce, and will furnish Paila free ofcharge, and make Liberal Advancements on consignments of Butter. Also, CASE paid for Dot ter, Grain and Eggs.. A fresh supply of GARDEN VEGETABLES, by Ex press, always on hand. rirThankful for the liberal patronage already re ceived, we hoperby dealing honorably with our custom ers to still further extend our trade. - C. G. MINER. - . . W. R. COATS. Montrose, Juneb. ISf,6. 3m lEAIINGTON. d, SON, rpgnufactureta of ItEVOLVEitti. Rutzs. NUOICETB and CAll. DINTS for the IT Service: Also Pocket &Dell Revel. Ter% Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolving Rides, rifle and shat gun barrels and gun materials sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these days of Haug breaking and Robbery, etari/ House, Store, Bank and eat should hats one of REMINGTONS! REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late hn provements in - Pistols, and enperior workman .111 p and form, will find all contained In the now REMINGTON REVOLVERS. • Circulars, containing , eats and description :of 0131. Arms, will be furnished inkon application. ap10•y) N. REattliGTON & SONS, Ilion, N. Ir. F'.11.11. C, C ° E. A 74l l3 Ca fi gig' t wo y =llea we" of 31 P at- D. BREWSTER- Montrose, lov. Ml, MO. It Btsfial9 Flue. A choice lot, rot male et tow ligutes,bl i. ~ • D ITT. New 11111foril4 Nov. 3E, 3866.- P.M LIBERTY WHAM LEAD. P 1)5 : 0 praCtleil painters , ) Try it, and, yott will, bus no other. _ Minnfactarad only by .ZlEliPlatt SMITi. • - Wboiliordir brig, gribatild'Olaia Daalan, Jabal 17 137 Nor* ad greet, Plillad's. • a 4 ....: . ......,__ : p : • .) ' -' ' .) ti .A 1 ..1.• ..,.. ;;, -- —... J,.; • • • ••• ;;;j • . 0 . ..., il CRANE; 110W ,, ELL" CO.;' AA TIE now receiving a large fad "to* of . new goode, eonaletlng id vitt of &du 1 itaam'a IPLOIIII,- , 'STRIIP, • " , HOLAssES, - . . CHOICE TEAS, COPPER, " SPICES. FRUITS. . • NAILS, PORE. ' WOODEN•WARI, HAMS. BASKETS, . . LARD, BROOMS, Pl5ll, ROPE, be - and in facts choke variety of all kinds of - GROCERIES & PROVISIONS which we are bound to sell wholesale or retail, cheap for cash or ready pay.. tall and ace before ling elsewhere, for we take pleasure In abotirfne oar oods, whether yen bay or not. ALL KINDS OF PRODITCE , - taken in efehange for Goods at the beat market prices. (Shop in basement of Boyd's building next below Beluga's Hotel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Fres h Meats and. Fis i b . of all kinds are kept for sa 0. M. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. l'. T. FERGERSON. Montrose, May 1, Ma. Manhood: How Lost, How- Re- stored. "(UST publabed, ut new edition of Dr. Calvet , . •JP Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPEEMASOIMUOIA, or Seminal Veakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency , 'Mental and Physical incapacity. Impedimenta to.. Star• Tinge, etc.; also, Coneamption. Epiley.y. and Fits, In duced by self indulgence or *even' extravagance. SF - Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cent.. The celebrated anchor io this admirable **say clearly demonstrates, from -thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequence* of .elf-abuse marls radically cured without the tiongeron* use jif internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out mode nrcure at once simple, certain and ...recite), by means of which every sufferer, nn matter what his con ditinn ma, be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. V27 - This Lecture should be In thy bands of every youth and every man in the land. Stmt. tinder seal. In a plain envelope, to any address post pal d. on receipt of six cent, or two port stamps Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE B CO, 127 Bowery. New York, Poet Mice b0x ° 4,581. Hsieh 20, 11036-Iyemp. HUNT BROTHERS , EiC/N1.49.2iTTC:11•7, Wholesale & Retail Dealeraln 11112107A74121,2, 9 IRO STEEL, NAILS , srIKIRS, F4novlacs,. BUILDER'S HARDWARE MINE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK T RAIL SPINES RAILROAD .74 MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE. SPRINGS. AXLES, SATINS ANA BOXES, BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATER BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. NURS.SPOKES. FELLOES. SEA 7' SPINDLES. Bt/IF.C..ste. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS • and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES FILES itc. &r. - CIRCULAR AND M . ILL SAWS, DFLTIN G. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PATHS CEMENT. HAIR .t GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER & FINDINGS FAIRBANICS SCALES. Scranton, starch 54. 1563. ly PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD wILL do more nad_better work at a given cost, than any other. Try It ! llitnornetnred only hy. ZiEGLF7II ot. SMITE', Wholesale Drug. Paint. and Glatt Dealers, • . - janflO iy IST North street. LADIES' FANCY runs, AT JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Established Fur Illaxulartory, No. 71S ARCH STREET. above.7t t;. PHILADELPHIA. la AVE now In store of rny own manufacture and portation.onc Of the lamest and most beautiful selections of FANCY FUItS„ rut... Ladies! and Children's wear In the City. Also, a fine assortment of ,Gsnts , Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at Teryressons• hlO prices, and I would thureforer Ileit ern from say friends of Suequehsnua county and vicinity. Retnenahe'r the name, number and street JOHN F..-IlitrßA . N.o. 718 ARCH Si. 'ab. 1111, sinth side. 1111LAWA Irtrl hare no Pnrtner, nor ennheetion with any oth er Store in Philadelphia.. t Oct. 16, 4tßivr • .1 • OW ARD A./mocha slots ;Plliltridelpb la Pa Diseases of the Nervous. Seminal. Urinary and sex ual systems—new and reliable treatment—in Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Cent hyrnallfn scaled letZer envelopes. free of charge. A ddreer•Dr. SEtt.r_ot HorotrrUst, Howard Association:No 2 South 9th street Philadelphia. Pa. READY MADE CLOT111:sTO at the Falrdale Cheap Stare • iti - ' • • - THE. FAMOUS, B A RBE D: ' • : • • Come and see the famous Barber. , yamons Barber, late of Hayti. Late of Hard, now at'Wee,ks`;'' • . • Now at F. B. Reeks' store Room, • • ' . Findise shaving and shampooing, Find Me cutting halr to snit you, - ...,; -;•'' Find me ready at your service, • ; ~, •Atyourtervice, CHARLEY 110BRill! -' Montrose,Oet 15, 1863. tf ; : „ ';:' . '• : • Lackawanna &Bloom's/nag 9N and after November s 7, 1865, passenger trains will ran as follows SOUTIIWATtD A. Y. , A. M.. P.411r. Leave Scranton. 5:50 10:50 " Kingston, GM 11:15 ' ' 6:20 ' Rupert. 9:15 • ; - , &Si " Danville. ' 0:50 9:30 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:30 10:15 . I „ NORTHWARD. . . Leave Kart humberirnd, 8:00 ,1 . 1h..05 , Danville, 340 -- 3:40, Rupert. 9:15 A. tr, 4:15 ~. " Kingston, 2:35 8:30 , 8:55 ArriVe at Scranton, • 3:45 , 0:35 ' 5:10 ' Passengers ta, king.train south from Scranton at 5:50 a. m. via Northumberland. reach Harrisburg at 12;30 p. in.; Baltimore 5:30 p. to.• Washington W:OOp . m.l via" Anpert reach:Philadelphia at 7:00 p. m. • Kingston, Nov: 25. H. A. FONDA. Sept. NEW GOODS,. `WEBB & BUTTERTIELD, Are now receiving their New - Stock of ' Rpring & ,s umintr, which will be cold Cirtni.a..T 4 l titan. .414:4103t. Summer Dress Goods i 'Silks, Gid,nadines, Challies, Printed Cambries, Laelee,.; Muslims, Prints,',Velaines t Poplins, Rats •!5 tapi,. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, ic::;Se: , eeirnuistittp, ...oft, Wray 2S, lee& atm ?MVP, TABLE SALT BBL SAO, CANDLES. BRUSHES. tr..,'