on= 1010,11,0fg--Ehmuner in the Reaxt. DT WILLIAM ROSS WALLACE. Let grim Winter Vow his . trumpet ' - On the tnountsin's snowy steep ; Let•the Ocean's savage anthems On the trembling beaches sweep, And the demons of the Northland From their icy caverns leap ! We may laugh at all the terror, Loving still the clouded clime; Feeling that the clouds are only • For a very little time— "'Stormy trumpet, savage anthem, Lt their awfulness sublime: fv• Vaviug on the poor compassion ; \.;; l l l urning no one front the door; ThOPPing nurture in their thin plm.t !That implore a little store, Till the Winter-wail of Nature --pie's; in light, along the shore. So we may take every revel In the storms that round us dart, Full of God's great crowded glory On the mountain, in the mart, While in spite of roseloss Winter, Summer blooms within the heart ! The Doctor. Everybody knows the doctor; a very important person he is to us all. What could we do without him ? He brings us into this world, and tries to keep us as long in it as ho can, and as long as our - bodies can hold together; and he is with ns'at that strange and last hour, which will come to us all, when we must leave this world' and go into the next. When we are Well, we perhaps think little about the doctor, or, we have our small joke at 'him and his drugs;_ but let anything go wrongvith our.body, that wonderful tab ernacle in which out soul dwells—let any of its wheels go wrong—glen off we fly to him. If the in to her husband or chill dying, how she runs to him and urges hint with her tears! bow shewatch. es his face, and follows his searching eye as ho examines the dear sufferer; how he wonders what be thinks what would she give to know what he knows.? bow she wearies for his visit! how a cheerful word from him makes her heart -leap with joy, .and gives her spirit and strength to watch over the bed of distress? Her whole soul goes out to him in unspeakable gratitude when he brings back to her from the power of the grave her husband or dar ling child. The doctori, knows tnany'Of our secrets, of our sorrows, which no one else knows; some of our Ains, perhaps, which the great God alone else knows; how nvtny lives and hearts he carries in his heart and in his hands ? So you ,sce he is a very invortant person, the doctor, and we should do our best to make the: most of him, and lo do our duty to him and to ourselves. =CI ligrA Totmg men in St. Louis recently wrote,to Horace Greeley to use his influ ence in obtaining a situation for him. He received the following reply : New York is just ..entering upon the interesting process of starving out 200,- 000 people whom war and irredeemable paper have driven hither. It is impossi ble to receive and employ more till these are gone." —The following duly signed, vas lately contained in a Western paper:—"Where as,-at particular times I may importune my friends and others to let me have li quor, whithis hurtful to me and detrimen tal to society; this is, therefore, to forbid any perso'n selling me liquor, or letting me have it, on any account, for if they do I nr.El positively prosecute them; notwith standing any promise I may make to the contrary at the time they may let me haVe it: 6 " - • , ; —Punch says annuities are subject te! a peculiar malady known as the long liver complaint. --Mankind should learn temperance fi;ott the moon—the fuller bile gets, the shatter her borne become. Artemas Ward says : "Let na be happy, Ind live within our means, even if ws - have to borrow money to do it with." 'rile Mon •• ose Democrat PMLIIIIEDrvram TtrzsDAT Monzrom, AT 'Mormon, • SusqurzianzA.?oturrY, PA., :DT AL - ' TT. Cr mip.x sr c:b AT $2 1141 A,I7X7M IC AWANCB-. , 01t $2% AT 07 Mat. Misfiles& adrertiscments Inserted at $1 per squire of 10 lines, three flmes, toad 25cts for each additional week. Tharly advertisers; utfthentmal changes. charged $lO for four squares. 'quarter column $l5. half column $3O, onecoluum SW. andiather amounts in exact proportion. /limbless cards of three lines, $3 ; or ouedullar a line. . rir c,ega notlies tit the customary rates. Job 'Printing executed neatly and. prOmptly at DI: prices. Deeds, EiCittgazea, Votits . , Juitlceic, Constables', liichucd snd other blacksfor sale. r i a errEZDl: Cfratsla rierocrza. ite (ante tuive your Winter Clothipc made up, lieforp the ' . .pinthint,told weather comes on. lam preperef, Ia tatullf. to • take the , measure or my perm's, Al any fr!Atipmeizt,il4e7inay 491 Rb. THE LATEST STYLES' - ...flys,' posted pp in my thoptpridestiscaction guar antied; born to stare andlinish. Prices moderate. Ekrl lake meelateare in euttitig Mad marking gar monts to be m r up vote the ahoy. • efrilaTprepAtuasUer's Store, Public krenue. - • JOHN GROVES, Tailor. ktontroee, ZiPt ip!'". 2m AL 3Pmelit.ll.3ll/C, , fIONTAINING ISM Acre', twi aitilcli srai. 91,,*(4t N./ imp ro.r.igplitV,Mlß4r " ~ - , ••• r!ft • 3 "-- ' - a D. BIIIIWEITrt. Noittlosi, Nov. Is, mi. et BUS IN CARDS. _TAMES E. C4RMALT, ATTORNEY EN AT LAW. Office over Stono & Warner. Montrosp;'lloci. IS, M. if NATM. D.' LUSK, ATTORNEY AT mentrote, Pa. Office opposite tho Frunklin Hotel, near the Court House. no. S't'd; DR. E. L. GATtDNER, PTSICIAN and BURGEON, Montrose , Pa. Give% especial attention to diseases of the Heart and Lunge and all Surgical diseases. Oface over tho Poet Office. Boards at ticarle's Hotel. [Sept. 4.-1806. BALDWIN, ALLEN, & .MITCIIELL, IraCALMIS In Flcittr, Salt,Pork, Fie!, Lard, Grain, XI Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such as Sugars. 3lolasses, Syrups, Va. and Coffee. West side orrublinivenua. Montrose, Apr1111;1966.' EVENS & NICHOLS, DEALERS in Drugs, Mediclnce. Chemicals, Dye stuffs; Paints; 01 le, Varnish, Liquors, Spices, Fan cy tirtlcleß: Patent Medicines. Perfumery and Toilet Ar titles. I;g7" Prestriptions carefully compounded. Public Avenue, above Searle's Hotel, 'Montrose, Pa. A. B. BM WS, Amos neurone. Sept. 11, IEVI. . D. W. SE LE, A TTORNEI AT LAW. office over" the Store of Z .4111 Cobb. opposite Searle's Rotel, Montrose, Pa. Mat 1. 1866. DR. E. P. NINES, TAS permanently located at Frlondsville for theptc. EL pose ofiracticing medicine and surgery in nil its branches, Sae may be found at the Jackson }louse. Office hours from Ba. in. to 0-p. in. janl6tf niendsville, Pa., Jaw. lgth, 1866. ROGERS (f.:; ELY, 3Lebotazussea Ati.u.otil4camoorlll3, mylo* Igrooklyn, Pa. PETER HAY, Licleme.gesaci .41.12.Ctic0x3.4r5 Or. febl-61tf Auburn 4 Corners. Pa. C. SUTTON, Maimneerusioci. ..a.u.oticoact.oetar, ap7 Gstf Frlendsvllle, Pa. C. S. GILBERT, • 4 00 sod .A.azotilcoime , 4374-. ger 13-1(1 Great. Bend, Pa. STROUD BROWN, WIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. All business attended to promptly. on fair terms. Of fice first door north of " Montrose 110621," west side of Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. [Jan. 1,1866. DILLLNGS Sinovn, - Cn.kum.ns L. BnowN. C. 0. FO DRAM, WT 00 T C STOE Dealer and Martufact nrer Montrose, 11,_? Pa. Shop on Main street, one door below the Post °Mee. MI kinds of Work +.ade to orders and repairing done neatly. I=l ari Da. E. L. BLAKESLEE, DECYSICIAN KURGEON. has located at Brontlyn, Suil'a co., Pa. Will attend promptly to all ciths with which he may be favored. Office at L. M. 1141d win's. [July 11-1 y JOHN S, UTTER, RE:SPECTIFULLV announces that be is raw pre pared to cut ail kinds or Garments in the most Fashionable Style, and 'warranted to fit with elegance and ease, Shop.over I. N. Bullard's Store, Montrose. DOCT.. E. L. HANDRICE, DITY SICIA?.. SURGEON, respeetrnlly tenders hie proressionarsercices to the citizen or Friends rill° and vicinity. Orace inthe °faecal' Dr. Legit. Boards at J. Liosfortrs. ily3o titstf M3EL TIIR.RELL, 1- I FALEFt in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye /Stairs, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Win- vr.i. ilaNt Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goode, Jewelry Perin- itT: 4-ry,&,c—Agentfor all the most papaLar PAVENT EDlclNES,—Montrose, • DR. W2l. SMITH, I URGEON DENTlST,—Montrose, Pa -o:lice in Lattrropa' new building, over - 161-4. t ':e Bank. All Dental operat!ous will be ezformod in good sfyle and warranted. JOHN GROVES, ASMONABLE TAILOR, Montrose, l'a. Shop IC one door west of Skarle's Rotel. 1113 — All orders filled promptly, In first-rate style. jutting done on 'llion, notice, and warranted to fit WM. W. SMITH, OABINET AM) MUIR nANTravaatrorts,—ru,,i of Main street, Montrose, Pa. t tr. P. LINES, 151.tsrfrprABLETAmor:...—Montrose, Pa. Shop 12 in Ph.rnix. Mock, over store of 'Read, Watroue Poster. All work warranted as to fit and dnish. ',:tatir.g done on sport notice, in best style. jan'6o 11. BURRITT, DMAUR In Staple and Fancy Dry Goode, Crockery, Ilardwarc, Iron, Stoves, Drum Oils. and Paiute, Boots avid Shoat, Irate and Cape. Furs, Buffalo Robes, Groceries, Provisiona, Nay - Milford, Ps. VP -11. S.COOPER C 0. ,, DAMES, Montrose-Pa . Euereascrrato Post,Cooper L.) Co. Office, Lathrop's 71eL4 building, Turnpike-et. utrurictik coon= irennT nanturn. A. 0. WARREN, A WORN= AT LAW. Bonnty, Back - Pay, Pension, Jo& and Eiemption Claims Attended to. tebl (Office drat door below Boyd's Store,' Montrose, PA UNlONLately HOTEL, NEW MILFORD, l'a. kept by R. C. Vail. TORN FAUROT, Proprietot. Meals lamp) ready. Time to eat, without being hurried, fur persona arriving, on the etage, vdching, to take thectra. tt TIAYTON HOUSE, GREAT BEND, PA. NEAR TILE RAILROAD DEPOT. The Rola° la open at all hours of the tight for the accommodation of Passengers. apbi• DAVID THOMAS, Proprietor. Fire, Life and Accidental GENERALINSURANCE AGENCY, Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus. $3 000 000 , I Insurance Co. of worth America, Phil's, qCapital and Surplus, 1,7:10,000 International Fire Insurance Co. ofN. Capital and Surplus, 1,100,000 Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Phil . % capital and - Surplus, 200,000 tycoming'Countv Mutual Insurance Co.of Manny, Penn'a, Capital and Surplus, 2,01:10,000 Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Fa., Capita) and Snrplus. 800,000 Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 075,000 Insurance Codh.tate of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital MTH - Surplus - 100,000 neneineton Fire and M. Insurance Co., Capital and Surplus, 800,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Cann., paying, 60 per cent ,dividends to thcassured, Capital, ".; 10, 0 00,0 0 0 American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Oapitai, _ 1.000,000 Trisvelers'lnsurince Co. Hartford, Conn.. insuring aganst all .khads of accidents Capital; 100.000 Hartford Fire Insuranee,Company, Hart ford. (Nine.. Capital and Surplus, $ 1 , 5 C3, 1 63 Putnam Fire InsuraneeCo., thirtford. Capital, Vioo,ooo 120 - 4/1 lA:minces entrusted to our care will be attend. ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD t. BROWN Agents. - tir•oftlea Ire(dont north of" Montrose I/WA" '44 nide offtblie Avavie. • HrtaxstSiSttonsi, Crtairials L. Bnbtrx. Montrose. aSI4I hat. LBG9. ly I;ZI=EiIEI !GROVES *BAKER'S Wahirin alatmurian VS= d W.LIIDED ffIGITEST PREMIUMS At tho State Fairs of New York, Pili t uois, Virginia, ... New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, lowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, Indiana l Missouri, California. • At the Fairs of the American Institute, Franklin Institute, Maryland In atitute, Massachusetts Mechanics' Association, Penn. Mechanics' Institute, St:Lonis ' Agricultural and Media/ Ace Association, And at nunteron' Institute and County Fairs, including all the Fairs at which they ware exhibited the put three years. FM prizes have also been *warded these machines at the exhibitions of London, Paris, Dublin, Litz, Beiancon, Bayonne, St. Dizier, ,Chalons, And they have been tarnished by special comsnand to tha Empress of France, Engwess of Austria, Empress of Russia, Empress of Brazil, Queen of Spain, and Queen of Bavaria. The Grover at Baker Elastic stitch Sewing Machines are'superior to all others for the following reasons : 1. They sow direct front the spools, and require no re winding of thread. 9. They are more easily understood and need. rani less liable to derangement than any other machines. 3. 'They are cppable of executing perfectly, without change of adjustment, a much greater variety of Work than other .machines. 4. The stitch made hy these machines is much more firm, elastic and durable. especially upon articles whkeli require to be wat,hed and ironed, than any other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the un dor thread is inwrought, is much the most plump and beautiful in WO, and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and Ironed until they are worn out. 6. The structure of the seam is such that, though It he cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it ueltht:r open, rnn, or ravel, but remains firm and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both end's of the seam by their own operation. 8. With these machines, while silk is used upon the right or race side of thescam, cotion may be used upon the other side without lessening the strength or dura bility of the scam. This can be done on no other ma chine, and is a groat saving upon all articles stitched or made up with silk. 9. Thegm machines, in addition to their superior Mer its as instruments for sewinc. by a change of adjust ment, easily learued and practiced, execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. GROVES. & BAKER S. 31. CO., 495 Broadway, New York, 7213 Chestnut street, Fhil'a. Oct. 21.-10 a f3LTRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,- I he whitth , t, the most dorublo, the most economical. Tr' it' Manufactured only by ZIEGLER Whole ale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, Jan3o ly 187 North 3d Street, Phllad'a. )ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA and WESTERN R. R. Whacr-irrangemett, Dec. 2d. PASSENGER TRAINS L E .174 WESTWARD. I EASTIVAND. ...Madl Evening Mail Everting train. train. STATIONS. train. train. .4'...1:3. P. 111. P. N. P. M. ". ; ti.k3u;New York•.... ..... 540 ; I ; 11.03 1 N, w 11..linnton I 2,L0 I 9:: I 12,14 Mancini:a C1innk.....1 1,2 Z) I 111 I 45 , Delaware... Dine... ; 1.00 1 c., ...-., 4,80 j 10,10 Scranton.... ..... .... 1 0.43 I G. 20 • •;_) 05,33 11.43 Nicholson 1 i ; ' , a', 4.301 .., 5,5 S 12,0 d 1 rtopbottom 8,13 4;0. ati G,20 12,93 j Montrone 7,55 .1,213 1. 5 :". n4l I 01.4 New Milford ~.. ~ , ~ 1. 7.24 3,05 ; .3 1 ,„1,0 1,2. j Great 13end... 1 7,15 2.40 jb , ",,. I P.M. l". 111 *Foot of Liberty -et. f A.M. PM. : CON S'ECTION'S- WESTWA The ?stall train from New York connects et Ma wanka Cniink with the train leavi nit Philo Will Erasing ton depot i at 7,30 a. m.. and at Greatilend with through mail train on the Erie Railway, with eleepinz car at tached. stopping at all the principal stationa on that road. and arriving at Buffalo at 6.1-Ba. m. The 1. a slienger trait: from Scranton connects at G 't Fiend with through trains going treat and cart on Erie Railway, :wiring at Buffalo at 1,23 a. and it Sala manca at 1:2 m. CONNECTIONS-EASTWARD. The Mull train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west; at Manunka Chunk with a tram for Philad'a and inteamediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 6.3 t) p. m.; and at New Hampton with a train for E.aston Bethlehem. Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arri v at Harrisburg at 6,30 p. m. At Scranton. connect ions are made with tmins on the Lackawanna andßloatusbnrg R.R. to and from Pittston Kingston, Wilkesbarre, Berwick, Bloom sburg,Danville, Northumberland, Harrisburg and intermediate stations, and with trains on the Delaware and Hodson Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. A. HENRY, J. BM BM, n 0127 General Ticket Agent. President, T'RIE RAILWAY.—On and after Mon day, November 19tb, 1E66. trains 'will leave Great Bend at about the following hours, viz.: GOING WEST. 8.00 a. m. 'Night Exptess, Mondays excepted, for Ro chester, Buffalo, Ballanaanca and bunkirk snaking di rect cpanection with trains of the Atlantic and Great 'Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; fit Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 8.45 a. in. Lightning Express, Daily, for Rochester, Buffalo, Salamanca, Donkli It. and the West. Stops at Great Bend on DiondaYa only, 5-27 a. m. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. p. m. Day Express, ,Sundays excepted, for Ro (lnstal'. Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West, Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail- ways, for all points West and South. 7, 21 p. m. Express Mail, Sundays excepted, for Buffs. 10. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the Wert. 1.120 p. in. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. GOING EAST. 'LW a. m. 'Cincinnati Express, Mondays excepted, ar Lackawaxon for Ilawley , and at Graycourt for 'New burg and Warwick, 6.12 p. at. Accommodation Train Daily. 1.53 p. in. Day Express, Sundays excepted. 2.10 p. in. New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays ex cepted. 8.43 a. m. Night Express, Daily, connecting at Gray court for Warwick. WM. R. Watil.. 11. RIDDLE. " notli ''w 'Gaul Passenger Agent. • Gen'l Supt. SAIIMMIDER SAFES, "WILDER'S riATENT; with rattler imtt Y 1 Proof Lock—they won't fly out)—for sale by HENRY C. TYLER. - Also--BEST FAMILY fiEWIIsTO mAcurn IN THE WORLD. MgMICE Nita CEILICIIN 033, With RETEIISLBLU FLED, to fasten enis of seams. Rot complicated—perfectly simple 'to all, except—other agents..Wir TlOsso, eAlV A ppoofte 4 i A. Eathrop's Store," and REEldryomftelf. Eold at IdannSpessu*plorlese.. t. C. TYLER. If entroao, Nor. t?. TEM If 40 .A. MS MO AtiLt t 32.4) SEltcrre of Gutten.burg. Rosenbaum & Co• And look at au) ostensive naaortinent of NEW GOODS, For Fall & Winter,. Received kite week from New It ork STOCK OF GOODS 3N ri'CirVliTZT, And prices soti.efaelory to ever one DRESS GOODS, tOPZZArIi .C. M . a../ A COTTON GOODS, SiIdWLS, CLOANS,FURS,SZIRTS AND FANCY GOODS, too ti amorous to inentfoo COI ti wartmitt9 And Gents' Furnishing Goods, Any Quantity and Style 6uttniburg, riustabanin M. S. DESSAITER, Managing Partner 3iontrose, Sept, 18, 1868, GREAT DEPOT -FOR 13C.E!L90 1 .51, 401dUP.%, FURS, CLC:PriaIEXNGr, FURNISHING GOODS, CLOVES MITTEN, BOOTS & SHOES. ALL UIIIDS OR V A.Zi CIE Via RS., made to order, and ItcrchaAta auppllooklt the lowest -z,.. zc%w York rate+. Tbevablie are Invited to east, examine 'Goods. and get the prices; if they toa't thelltoodi. L. C. IDEELZIL Public Av 2 8 41MPIP•olailit 28611. A FRESH I.OT AF , NEW GOO S • JUST ARRIVED FOR VIE OrYi e liag r 4n , a e, At WILSON, GRIFFIS SI •WARNRR'S. wavy ringlets or heavy maestro earls. Ilse been ssed by tho fashionsbice of Parts and London. with the most gratifying results. Does no In{ ury to the hair. *leo by mail, sealed and poet paid. $l. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address DELMER, SIIIITTS aL Co., Chem lata, No. 285 Inver strict, Troy, N. T. Only agents far the United States.. • myl fycfspg Excelsior Ex - celsior 40.221C-ZLIEMIV.X.RX.a.A.III,IEi HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOE P.II3IOVILNG SCPERFLUOUS LIAM To the Ladies especially,. this invaluable depilatory recommends Itself as being an almost indisp.insabl o article to female beauty, is easily applied, and does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body. completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft. smooth and natural. This la the only article 'used by the French. and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price SI per package, sent post paid to any address. on receipt of an order. by Br..ar.sa, Sums & Co., Chemists, ' myl ly - efspa 2.'35 River street, Troy, N.Y. Lt.Pr.R YEAR ! We want Agents even'. I Oki lf where to sell our IMPROVr.i) ;?:.N1 tni ing 11.. chines. Three new litn&. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five ) ears. Above ~ .11 ttry or lame core tni ssions paid. The only machines sold in the United *rates fur less than s.ld, which are fully licensed by Howe. Wheeler Wilson, Grover a Baker. Singer Co.. and Baehelder. All other cheap machines are infringements, and the scPer or user are liable to arrest, fine and Imprisonment. Ilbrstrnted ei renter= s•-nt free. Address. or call upon Sad% W RN.. at Bidde ford. Maine, or Chicago. 111. Lei r2ti Iy• PROVISIONS, CHEAP ! CHEAP ! CIIEAP ! Would Inform the public that they aro now opening a New and Choice Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. just received from New York.. which they will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for silk:lads of Farmer's produce. We have made arrangements 'with quo of the beet Commission Houses in New York for shipping Butter and Produce, and will furnish Pails free of charge, and make . Liberal Advancements • on consignments of Butter. Also , C.BlOl, paid for Ent ter, Grain and Eggs. .' A fresh supply of GARDEN VEGETABLES, - by Ex press, always on' hand. ••M'Thankfni for the liberal patronage already re. Ceived, we hope by dealing honorably with oar custom ers to still further extend our trade. • C. O. MINER," - - . . It. 'COATS. Montrose; June Si 1866. am p EMINGTON it SON, manufacttirers of REVOLVERS, arms, MUSKETS and CAR. Repeat the 1.3 S Serv(ce. Als Canes caet Reo vers; ing Pistols, Rifle Revolvind Rides, rifle and shot gun barrels and gun materiels sold. by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these day; of 11 - WA , breaking and Robbery, trery Moose, More, Sank and office ehotzld Aare one of REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the Into im provements in Pistols, and superior workmanthip and form, will find all comMued in the new REAIINGTON REVOLVERS. Circular,, containing cuts and description of our Arras, will be furnished noon application. ILPIO•Y) E. REaI.PaiTON , & SONS, Ilion, N, Y. NOTICE TO. THE PUBLIC. T"hlemnalleclltetelrtlie"Peethally,info i tts the public that Blacksmiths - Shop of Ti. C. Clemons, near tho Faundry of Sayre Brothers. Customers will de hell to call, as they can get .every , thing done in the Blacksmithing line neatly and prompt ly for cash. - ige'Partionlar attention given to Barre Sheets '2 • EDWARD P. STAW. Montrose, Mee.%. 18115. • tt tiffalo . ,Robee4 tradie - V - Pura, reloico)ot, tor lee attoli Agarcl, bv . 11. BORRITT. Now Milk* Nov.lll. 1866. !!1==31•1 RAllT.Y.—Anburn (:ol den,l) Flaxen. and sivica CURLS pioduccel bythe asp of Prof. baßanux's PRISM?: LE ("Hula:aux. tine ap plication warranted to curl the moat etraight and stab burn hair of either ac: Into C ME1C.13.23 °I'M i.a Xa.4%.11EL ' .V, WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, FOR Improv in - and Beautifying, the complexion. The most valuable nod perfect preparation in rise. for giving the skin a beautiful. penridike tint, that is only fonnd in youth. It quickly removes tan, freckles, pimples, blotches. moth patch• a, sallowness, eruptions and all impurit les or the skin. kindly heating the name, leaving the skin white and clear as . alabaster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny. and heing a vegetable preparation h, perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is con sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 3t),000 bottles were sold dining the past year. a sufficient trunrantee of its efficacy. Price tatty 77.1....ta. ?Jailed. post paid. on receipt of an order by BERGER, SIIt'TTi .CO.. Chemists. myl lycfspq 2-C; River street, Troy, 11. T. Pi - a 2-7 - xl4 . Baldwin, Allen, & 33 ALM/ 31:1rNiX7 =INT ob X..a= INT AGAIN! After re.j,.. 6 for thirty day. at " hard labor: . hayc re sumed bitaine.se.t the old etand, unocr the name. and firm of BALDWIN, ALLEN Ex DIITC3ELL, .DALEIZS IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked bral. ibut, Candles, Tea, Cope, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, 4.:ugar, Seed Wheat, Clover d Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beaus, Brooms, Nails, cf:e. 'Di:tankful for past patronatte, wesball ba happy to see and wait upon our old and new customers. All Goods and Flonr warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. S. N. MITCHELL. Montrose, Oprll ID. ]566. ( 4 , 0 n A m 3 l. l O n .r`,:t .j k iii.i nt :ni an A i d d dr iu ce r l 6l (f Y u ifk! ItEY. City Building, Biddeford, Me. [lniauil zum-tru MINER & COATS Puot:a building, below Tioyd'a Corner, is the plate to Cu; your FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND MINER Et COATS ier4 5 GROCERIES & USE! CRANE HOWELL & ' . I .. . CO ., i RE now receiving, a large and wellosaleeted stock et .L 3.. no* goods, consisting In part °rebate° & coma'n FLOUR., DAIRY SALT. SUGAR, TABLE SALT. bYIaTTP, BBL SA LT, „MOLASSES. CANDLES, ' •CIIOIOR TEAS, BRUSIIES. • COFFEE. de., .t.e. SPICES. ac. FRUITS. NAILS, POUR, woommrats. ziAms, . BASKETS, LARD. BROOMS. FMB, ROPE, be. and In fact a allele° Tel - 14713f all Wilde of GROCERIES PROVISIONS which we arc bound to sell, wholesale or retail, cheap Wiens& or ready pax. Call'and see before buying, elsewhere , for we take pleasure in showing our goods, whether ion buy octet. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE taken in (=hinge for Goods at heat market prices. larShop in basement of Boyd'a building neat below Searle's Hotel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Whcrc Fresh Mesta and Fish of all kinds aro kept for bale. 0. M. CHANT!. JOHN HOWELL, P. T. I , 4ROEILSON. Montrose, 'May 1, 1860. Manhood: How Lost, How Re stored. TusTritiblehed, a new edition of Dr. Culver .) well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cur• (without medicine, of brCEISIATOORIIOEA, or Sennnsl Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Manta/ and Physical Incapacity, hapedintenta to Mal. rlage. etc. ; also, Consumption:Epilepsy,. and Fits, lu• duced by self•indulgence or sexual extravneauce. P - J - Price, In a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of sMymbu t .o um) p. radically cared without the dangerous use of liilterind medicine or the application of the knife—pointing cut mode orcurc at once simple, certain and effectual, by ',l.:ails of which every sufferer, no um tOtr what his cou union may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radkaliy. Lecture l=hould be in the bands of every youth and every man In the land. Sent. under seal. in a plain envelope, to any address post paid. on receipt of sli-cents, or two post stamps Address the publishers. CU S. J. C. K1.,.;1NE k. CO., 14; Ttowesy, New York,"Post (Mice box 4,550. March 20, I FAA-1) - 9ra p. FrUNT BROTHERS ) M 21 41a.., whene , aie S Retail Dealers In ' V c ( 0214 9 "..Eq • S r "F N 4 ILS, 1, • spza sp, $11) Tat fa 4 , iIiLDERT MARDWARE. 1112VE BAIL. co mir JtR,Cl72Vii or. 7i 1 - 1,1 17, sPIEEs miNiNG B7%pP7lFs. • CABE I A riE sPR r.vcs • it ILES, SKEEt's A.\ ) DOSES, IIf,LTS, 3778 and WAsIIEPS, PLATED BANDS_ MALLEABLE 11:0,73. HUBS. SPciEL:S. Eh:LI:OEM. SEAT SPINDLES, Rob's. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS anal DIES, lILLLOWS RLED6F.S. F!LES..t.c. CiRCITLAR AND MILL SAWS. Pt:LTING. PACItING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTIR PARIS CEMENT. BAIR G (MINI/STONES. DThENCII WINDOW GLASS. LEATIIEKIFINDINGS FA MBANK'S bCALr.s. Scranton, March t:1, y PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD C''7l LL da more aml . bel ter work at a given cot , t, titan 17 oth,r. Try It ! Manufltcturol 01,1 i iry ZIEGLFR SMITH Wholesole Drug, l'aDat. and class DGnieni. jan:3o i 17: North 2,cli.treet,ltlintr a LADIES' '2 1 .8..D3C1f A 2 1 ,JOHY F.,IRE S 01,1 E , ,b71:11e1,, , (1 Fur Alarorfortory, No. ARCU STREET, above itb, FIIILADELPILIA. ITAVE now In store of my own manufacture nod Ira . portation. one of the largest and most berutifui eleclione o! FANCY FURS. for Ladies' and Chlldrre'l wear in the City. Aix°, a line asaortment of (lento' For Gloves and Collars. 1 am enabled to di rpose of toy goods nt very reasona ble priced, awl 1 would tilt:refute sAclt a call trout ray friends of Susquehanna county and' vicanity. Remember tbe name, number aucl errect ,T 0 lIN FA R EIR \o. 718 ARCIT. St. ab. 7th, south side, PIIILAD'A ri2rl have no i!,avtuer, nor connection with any oth er Store in Philadelphia. Oct. 16, 4nijw "EtrOAVAlAMA.ssociation.PhaindelPbto • Pci 11 Diseases of the Nervous. Seminal. tri ty anifsel• ual systems—new and reliable trcrtmeet—in Helton, id the 110WAIID ASSOCIATION. cent by Twill in sealed letter enveloes:Tree of charge. Address Pr. J. SIMIAN nOVOEITON. 't p oward Association, No 2 South Uth street Philadelphia. l'a. READY MADE CLoyursr: at the Fairdele Cheap Store "TUE FAMOUS BARBER." Come and see the famous Barber. Famons Barber, late of Hayti. Late of Hayti, now at Weeks', Now at -F.ll. Weeks' Store ifootn; Find me shaving and shampooing, -Find me cutting hair to El:Myatt, Find me ready at year service. Atyonr service . CHARTITZ IdOWIS MontrOSo,oCt IStd. tf liackaivanna & Bloomsbur . tR. It. 0 and after 2,7, imisenger trair4 will run as follows: ' SO UT.RWARD. A. it. A. It. P.A. Leave, Scranton. 5:50 • 10:50 4:80 " Kingston, G:55 11:15 6:20 " Rupert. 9:15 S:SI " , Danville, 9dlo .. , . 010 Arrive at Northumberland, , 10:90, , , ,... , 10:15 NORTHWARD.. Leave .Northrtnberlrn4 8.00 ' • 9195 ~.. Danville, 8;40 , 3;40 '" ', Rupert;' • ' 9:15 i. it. 4:15 " . ;Kingston, . .2:85 ' 8:80 6:55 Arrive nt Scranton, ~ 8:45 0:85 . 8:10 Passengers taking finin south from Scranton nt 5:50 N a. m. via ortlannaberland. reach Ilarrlsburjat 12;80 p. m.; Baltimore:s:3o p. m.; Washington-10:00p. m.; vin, Auport'reaCh Phllndelphla at 7:CO p. in. Kingston, Nov. 25. 11. 4470NDA, Supt. NEW GOODS. WEBB & aIITTERFIELD Aro now recolvingthoir Ilevi'StOek'ot • ~„. , . _ which 3 / 4 011 do Bold ' CMECIMI.A.3P 3E I CIFIL,' , `-C,23,.1933C.• 'Summer Dress Goods, Silks, Grenadines, ChaHies, Printed-egiibrics, Lawns, . ~' Musli,n!,' rriii,ts ' ,-,Delaipeq, : ' * , .rPaiiljqs,'Haticit Caps,' `.',-.: _, Groceries, Crockery. gaidivare l Al; Or t o;. , • wsiti 0 istrrrEansz.D. atrose, VAT It VIA