The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 15, 1867, Image 3

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    Local News.
We would bG thankful to our friends
throughout the county for such loCal news
a s will be of intere3t to our readers. Send
us the facts, and we wi;l put. them in
proper shape for publication.
Domoreses Monthly. .
This really gorgeous Magazine has out
done itself for this month. As a mirror
of the Fashions, it has no.equ'ai 3 Ois side
0 0 Atlantic, and for beauty. of typogra
phy, engraving, and literary excellence,
no superior: $9.09 per year. W.
Jo:wings Demurest, Publisher, 479 Broad
way, New York.
Corporal Punishment.
The Law as to•corporal punishment—
parent and child.
The Law as to corporal ptplisbnit.nt--
teacher and pitpil.
The Law as to punishment for miscon
duct out of school.
The Law as to the proper instrument to
be used in punishing. •
The laws of all the Sates on the above
subjects are carefully compiled, arranged,
and explained in chaptets 4,5, 6 and 7,
of the new book entitled "The Lawyeriri
the School Room." This attractive, cu
rious, and instructive little volume is sent
by mail to any part of the United States
for $l.OO. Address the author,
M. MeN. WALsn,
No. 65 Nassau Street, New York.
The tradlesupplied on liberal terms.
The annual eneetsing of the Susquehan
na County Agricultural Society will be
neld at the •Conrt House, in Montrose,
'Tuesday ereuieg the second week of Jan.
Court, 1867. C. M. (ERE, Sec'y.
Montrose, Jan. 8, 186.7. td
Auction Sale.
A. B. Smith has gohi the Mitchell farm,
and will sell at auction, about the Ist of
February, twenty cowA, three two-years
old heifers, one pair two-years old steers,
seven yearling heifers, mie pair yearling
steers, one yearling r bull, tire ixigs, .one
sheep (a good churner),
thresl,ing machine, drag saw, circular
saw, eross.eut saw, Buckeye mowing ma
chine, horse rake, huld rakes fanning
mill, pocket grist mill, corn Sheller, two
carts, four wa - Ons, road, plows,
caltivator, drag, chains, hoes, forks,erow-
bars, shovels, blasting drii:s, carpenter's
work bench with iron ( scre w, iron vice,
soythes, grain cradles, rope, hay, grain,
I,vo hives bees, vinegar, potatoes, white
1.•‘.1, linseed oil, chronic 3 ellow, window
t v 1 ..4, putty, tar, candles, lard, tallow,
p nails (assorted), Nck, horse shoes,
pans, milk pails, swill pails,
rind atones , axes, iron wedges; ox-yokes,
bald roller, steelyards, steel traps, and a
1 cf other traps not too numerous to
I ( i,)5
D.te notice of the day of sale will be
given through the newspapers, and hand-
New Milford, Jan. 8, 1867
Robbery at Wilkesbarre,
The wagon of the Hope Express Com
pany was robbed between Wilkesbarre
and Kingston, at about half past six this
evening, by six men, who cat'ght the hor
ses and held loaded pistols at the heads of
the two messengers, and carried off the
axpress pouch, containing , ',4000 in 5-20
bonds, of the new issue, addressed to Ed
ward S. Loup, the Cashier of the Wyo
ming National Bank, \Vilkcsbarre, and
one package of $lOOO, and several smaller
The New Orleans Investigation.
In noticing the action of the committee
on the subject of the riots, a leading.jour
nal of New Orleans declared that they re
corded, as testimony to be submitted to
Congress, the evidence of men " notori
onsi; unworthy of belief, and who are
sli:tmeless imposters and pro enders."—
The evidence of these men would not be
taken in any court of justice in the coun
In a late number of the New Orleans
Times we find an article alluding to the
class of men sought out and examined by
the committee, which mentions the fact
that they are the outcasts of society, and
adds, to strengthen the position,. that a
distinguished Senator of the Unite Slat( s
was recentjy, cleceivedjui4 deluded into
the presentation,of u.petition iu favor of
reducing this'o Territory,-which
be declared was sign6d by. a number of
the most •influential citizens of New Or-
leans, wheti•some of the most prominent
r names signed to said petition consist, of
discharged policemen, with a sprinkling
.of criminals and ex-felons, who have serv
ed their time in some penal establishment,
while not" a single name is given which
the people . recognize as that of -a-well
known and-respected citizen."
This class of witnesses were examined
'by the eommitte, and hence, when the re
port is presented, the public will be able,
to determine-how much credit should be
.given to the testimony`reported.
The evidence of Mr. Jacob Barker, a
svell-known -and highly-respected Union
citizen of New Orleans, was forced - upon
slip committee, and be -declared that so
far from the people of that city being dis
loyal and desiring a continuance of strife
and contention between the sections, they
on the contrary"love peace and order;and
desire to fulfill faithfully the duties of
American citizens."
—A western farmer being asked if rail.
log hemp was a good business, answered,
" I can't_ sartin say; but it's surely bett,r
than being raised by it."
fir - -dtlitif of is lg . iieltway — al:
Sktwthitinia'nfip9; Pa.
The Western New York Advertiser of
Danville gives the following account of a
recent visit to that tons, which we` coil
for the informatinqi of our rdadern : •
While at Sasquelianna Depot the ether
day, we had the plessure'of vieiting the
celebrated car shops of the Erie Railway,
located at that plaiie, *Melt is nearly. the
centre of the tour divisions of the road.
We were shoWn through the works by
!f r. C. W. Tufts, the gentlemanly " En
glue Despatcher," to whom - wiiare under
many obligations..
The shops were located at .-Susquehan
na Depot in 1848, but - , the present com
modious structures were recently put up,
being: esimmeneel in -1863 and completed
in 185. They are built in modern style
of brick and stone, roofed,. with slate and
wolf ventilated, and 014 are the most ad
mirably adapted for the despatch of work
and for the•convenience and health - sof
workmerrof any public shops Ave have
ever examined, they cannot \ but prove dn
table. The company has spent at this
place a "million' and a half of dollars in
buildings' and-machinery. •
The main shop is 800 feet in length by
38 feet in width and has six wings; a car
penter shop 120x70 feet with pattern shop
in second story a paint shop 120x50 with
pattern storage above store room and
warehouse 18x50 with coppersmith shop
above; stationary engine and boiler rooms
80X25; wash room 80x25; boiler shop 100
x IGO. At, one end of the main shop is the
office of the master mechanic, a fine two
story brick building 60:00. In the same
building is a fine library and lecture room
for the benefit of the erriployees and such
of the citizens as desire to embrace the
advantage offered. There is a main foun
dry building 62x100 feet, with sand house
20x100; engine room 20x35; annealing
and cleaning room 30x35. The round
house is h right loyal stable accommoda
ting ferty - iron steeds, besides any one of
a hich even the giant: horse in Labour lsy's
fairy tale of Britaiuy siuks to insignifi
()live, although both alike breathe smoke
and tire front their no-tails. The iron
horses of to day I are found their Yvons
too, who make them gentle as lambs, and
do as the y pleaso with them. There is al
splendid y working stationary engine of
100 horse poWer at the shops which was
built by t lie Carlisle Steam Engine works
of I)l.o‘l,lunce, it. I. It drives with per
fect ease and in the most quiet manner,
the vast. twichinery, consistinvof 34 sha
ping and boring machines, 47 lathes, drills,
host cutters, and hundreds of other appli
ances which sate the woik of thousands
f mon. A gas house 25x30 feet supples
the entire works with gas made from
crude oil. The works and offices through
out are warmed by steam pipes, of which
there are about 250,000 feet.
Separate from the other buildings, but
near to them, is the office of Mr. C. \V.
Tufts, the engine depatcher. This
ding has just been completed, and is not
only convenient and comfortable, but re
ally elegant. It is 35x75 feet, two sto
ries. Besides the office mentioned it cm..
tains an engineers' bath and wash room
and rending room supplied with daily pa
pers, &c. The firemen have also reading
room, bath and wash room. What a lux
' urrior these faithful toilers coming from
tleir hard and dangerous toil at every
hour of the day and eight, to find a warm
bath ready for them, clean clothes to put
on and fresh papers to read. We would
suggest to other railroad companies that
money spent in this way is well invested.
Mr. 'Tufts has charge of the " live en
gines" Oft two divisions of -the road, num
bering 150 locomotives, with 120 ensi
veers, 130 firemen and 100 laborers. They
move - three hundred cars of'freight over
the road each way - daily, besides the
large quantities of 'coal going to N. Yvrk
from IlaWley Branch.
There are employed at the Susquehan
na shops about 360 men at present—a
b indb shop at Port. Jervis emp:oys about
130 more, and both shops are under charge
of J. 13. Gregg, Esq.,. a- Master Mechanic
whose-name is well knoun in all the lead
ing works of our country, and whose
name has extended . across the Atlantic.
Mr. T. Springsteen, the gentlemanly head
clerk, has occupied his present position in
the employ of the Erie Railway Co., for
the past sixteen years, and is , one of the'
most courteous,-obliging of men, as well as
the most efficient of clerks.
The Erie Railway including branches,
measures 758 The ,coroptifiy em
ploys-335 engineers, 350 firemen—about
7,000 employees in all.. They have 350
locomotives; the.most elegant- passenter
cars in the world, atout-7,0130 freight
cars'beiides_coal.ears. ' Within two years
the cars - end Onginei j1:4•0 been improved
to ;such go:extent that they-can safely -be
classed as the hest in this or any other
country. __The road bed and track haVe
also.heen greatly. improved. ,'As au evi
dence of - the'enterprise' of the managers
Of the road wo would state, that they have
adapted-the use Of steel rails exclusively
for their engioes, and have also concluded
to try_ and are said to outwear six set of
common rails. ; The Erie . Railway will
soon have down ten miles as a test. •:
•There are many other items of interest
which we should ire pleased to mention
concerning these shops at Susquehanna,
and the Erie Railway generally, but which_
we are obliged to defer stritil some other
time. This vast thoroughfare - s one of
the main arteries: which .with its 'mighty
unceasing thrObs, contributes materially
to the life of 'our great nation, and we
honor the great men, and the., common
workmen throughout its length who lAor
to inake„it success.
OrEliapDV Shuttle stearin debinee
are anterior to all others for Farallvah '> u Lecturing
purposes. Contain all the latest lrepro f is ; are
speedy; noiseless ;datable: and easy to Mau.
tested Citeuhrel Ree. I.gents wanted. Liberal
conajdlawed. • thieoneittinnentanuide.
Address SIIIIIIIIII. 4.V.ollllyeedwiti, No Wiry*,
Jatr •
.- - - .
Ilhifikfibitttllottriatofelgettittglitr t nftthnu
"The right of each State to order and The .friende of Rev. .vO l 3ll propose
control itti own domestic institutions ac- giving him a Donation at the lions§ of P. ,
cording to itilown — judgitieit - exclusively i Phinney, in New Milford, Tuesday eVe.l
is essential to the balance of power on ning, Jan; 22d. A cordial - in . yitation•ls
which theperfeetiortandeodurance of our extended to - all. - [Corti. -
political fabric depend." Lincoln's les
sage, 1861.
This_ was good doctrine; but_ low the
men who claim to be Lincolus friends—
par excellence-4:ly If those States do
not, want negra sulfrage, ,will cram it
down their throats'
List of jir(irf;
s' Drawn fot Januttry T. of Cohn - com•
mencing on Monday, Jan. l l4th. •
Abhilrn 2nane Howard, S. B. HoWard.
Ararat: John H. Tooley.
Apolanott :Matthew Quinn. E•
Bridgewater: S.C.Day, F.P.Hollister.
Clifford : 'Wm. W. Johnson, E. S. Lew
is,-.Tames B. JOhns\on, C) ril Peck.
Dimoek: Win. Graves.
Dundaff: Owen Phinney.
I - cranklin : N. T. Buck, Jarah Stephens.
Forest, Lake . ; Stanley l'iirreq, George
rat rick. - - • -
Friend I John Carroll.
-Benn,bttiO. Washburn.
'Great Be.nd: S. M. Monson,A Beech.
llarmony_:- I. L.-Comfort, ;P. Comfort:
Herrick : IL L. Corwin, U. E. Lyon.
Liberty : Job N. Knapp.
Lenox : Hortley.
Little Meadows : Ansel For.
New Milford boro : Josiah Moss.
Oakland : John-Parsons.
Hash : Abisha W. Gray.
Silver Lake: Wm. North.
Springville: •B. F.- RislOi; Gibson
S.isq'a Depot -Timothy-Boyle. . -
Thomson : A. T. Galloway.
Reported for the MowrnosE-11E - rsoctur: by Fenton,
Fitzgerald et, Tracy, strictly Produce Commission Mer
chants, 33 Whitehall Street, New 7i - or*, for the weak
Flour. per bbl.
Wheat, per bottle',
Rye, do ..
Corn, eo
Orate, do ..
Butter, per lb. 46 6 30
Cheese, " 19 CI, 9.0
Pork, mess., per bbl 10.(Y). 0 - 4 V) 0
Ilecf,lllCe.A, " 15,00 (j, 15,00
Lard, per lb.
Trdlow. - ••• • •
E;gl4, per doz.
V 4 col. per lb.
Dressed Hogs, per lb
L'grThe Confesedona and Experfenceoran
Invalid, Published fur the benefit and as n caution to
y-ting men and others. who sufterfrom mervotts debility,
preina , nre decay of um - 11104A. etc. supply log at the same
time the means of veil-cure. By one will has en him
self after nadergoini:connidcrablc quackery. By enclo
sinv, ti post paid addressed encelop, a single copy. frec
charge may be had of thcanthcr M ay-
VAtrc - Esq., Brooklyn, Kings co. N.Y. , lysrupi
T.]:2 great wed.cinc cured Dr... 1. U. Boaz:lca, the !rcpt.:-
tY. u, qf Pu:mo lazy Conmumly.ion, whoa It hod asiumsd ILI
to At fermidob:o and when sysoly dealt app.:ad to
be Isievitub ie. FUR physicians pronoun:al bine= lolarab'o,
when be commenced the woo of this simple but poorer:au
remedy. Hu health war restored to a very short time, and
iso return of the dirasso hoe beta approheodord, for al the
e.msp:oins quickly disappoaxed, and Ids prosout weight Lc
more than tyro hundred psunds.
fd.nce his recovery, he has devoted kits adoption malt
a:wily to the cure of Consumption, and the diseases ooh ch
are u.r.:-.llyeamp lathed with lt, and the auras eeicood by Ito
re,d; have been very namorhus end truly svondonu , .
Dr. Sou s nos makes profevtional visits to several of the larrcr
o lies weekly, where ho has a Large concour.e of pationts,
and It Is truly astonishing to poor consumpil vet the: hay°
to bo lifted out of their carr , oves, and In a ley mouths
hmtlth:, rsbust persons. Da. SCIIENCII'S Ph LIIONIC
are enterally ell relaired In curing Clutaumption. Fula
&melons waompany cueh, se that any ono etc te.Yethono
without instng• Dr. Soil cyan', but whcs it is conrenlo tt,
is hist to 3A33111113. He g:r01111.71C0 troy, bat fur e thorsu;h
with t. livptromme: his foo li throt .131,41-2.
1".013,3 oh-errs, when Cm'. the two
of the Doctor-one whoa fa Ilia lad amps of C3a33rtit.“3l3.
ald she other as he n..ter Is, to p3r:=l.—t - o on the
lioveraraeld taan,a.
, 1 by a.l Drlogisto andDZA:O:II. PrZeko $1.5.1,1r bottle,
or $7.:,0 the Leaf dozoo. Lottera for idyl= aboard aiwtro
ho directai to Dr. Seharteleo 0:lioa, No. 1.5 North
Stroot, PLColo plas, Pa.
Gerzeral Virtio'cr.ode A7onta: De oo Btroas Co., N.
S. B. Haze, Daithroarei John D. Park, Clnelnosti,
Ohio; NV-z—Ler a Taylor. Clucaza, Ill.; Collinl DroL, St.
LoaLi, M.J. cra coal yr.
rAr Nosier; tiful Piano Forte's Or Gitovz
svErs: & Co. are deemed by all good judges to be the
Ultima Thule of Instruments of the kind.
W e eau of suggesku hat Is waljt lug to make a musi
cal instrument moo perfect, although we are slow to
admit that the limit-of imprormenr - can ever be at
tained. -
. .
Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre*.
-rat excellence, the, had submitted them to competi.
lion with intittamerrte'Ortha 191fst miltertiof this Conn
"try and•Surope, and received the reward of metier OVOT
an others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but jut,
tice to say that the judgment thus pronounced has not
been overruled by the musical world.
StilUbfthiletwrovernenislately applied bvdhettli to
their Planos.'it la admitted that a more perfeeriatru
meat has been made. They have accordingly achieved
the paradox of making excellence more excellent.—
Surely, atter th:l4 they..are entitled to, the motto, " Ex-
Pane 19—ly
I" — Deafness, Blindness and' Catarrh
Treated with the utmost snecess by Dr. J. IBA ACS.
.Oculist-. and Iturist. (fortnertrof Leyden";lfdartrtl*No.
519 inc slTnals.P.hilaZielphia. , Testioninialrfrom the
most reliable sources in the City and Conolry can be
seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to
accompany their patients. as be has uo secrets in Ills
practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.
No charge for examination.
Pbiladelkhia, July 1, MG. Iy.
re - A Cough. A Cold, or A Sore Throat,
Irritation of the Lunge,
A Pennant nt Throat Disease,
For, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive
and Throat Diseases,
will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when ta
ken before Singing or Speaking, at.d relieving the
throat after an unusual exertion of the vocil organs
The Troches are recommended and prescribed birhy
sielans, and have had testimonials from eminent men
throughout the wintry.
.Deing PR article or erne merit,
and havingproted their efficacy by a test of many years
each year finds then) in new localities in various parts
of the world, and the Troches are universally pronoun.
cotibetter then other articles.
°arum only' "-Bitoniifs - EffiStittrian Tnottins," and
do mot take any of the WortVess ratilations.that may be
offered. Sold everraters. e ov`rf maPmpls
At the Barnum Bouso, on 'Thursday,
the 3d lust., by Rev. J. B. Mcerearv,Mr.
L. S. WoonwAnn, of Great Bend, and
Miss Sattmt . M..-BuTrs, orLiberty.
Brooklyn, at the house of the
by E. A. Weston c Esq., Jan. 10th,
1867,j1r. GEO. A. Anowx, of Noank,
New Loudon co. Coon. ) and Miss ADA
IIE.WILIT, of Brooklyn,
ar'Noticesvf.marrtagcs and deaths published free
of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate
of fifty cents per hundred words.
In Lathrop, Dee. 16th, 1866, Capt. DA
VID MORGAN, aged- 81 years.
Jan. .12, 13117.
.110.00 (Irr 14,00
... 2,50 4 3.33
1,2.1 6t. 1,23
... 1.10 1,25
Ga 70
.. 32 C 14
.. 12 e 18
40 CO
.. 00 e 0 5
.... 8 GL 9
or Consumption
IS OTTE% TUE 11Z!514.1.T
34/r.zk..ziLlß - . - .
'The name of Capt.-Morgan is identified
with the history and early Settlement of
Susquehanna county. Nearly sixty years
ago he cape from Litchfield county, Con,
neetient, to this county, and settled soon
after in what is now called
Here, by persevering industry and habits
of economy, he provided for a numerous
family; and acquired a competence amply
sufficient. for declining - years. A man of i
sterling integrity, unwavering fidelity to '
his word, a. friend and supporter of.public
schools, always taking a lively interest
in the moral character of the community.
For nearly 35 years ho had been ono of
the-main supporters of the Presbyterian
church of which he Was a member; and
until disabled by the inlirnities of the last
four years of his life, let the weather be
as it, might, the sabbath always found him
in the sanctuary, an attentive hearer.
As the closing years of his life circled
around him; his confidence in his Redeem
er was unwavering, and as his long and
somewhat eventful life receded from his
memory, and he was about to step into
death's chilly waters, joy anti hope light
ed up his pathway to that renewed,life
beyond the realms of time. seit*
In Reading, Pa., at the Convent of The
Immaculate Heart, on the 3d inst., of
consumption, Sister MARY CEPHAS, aged
31 years and 10 months, daughter of
John Boyle, of New Milford, Pa.
In Moloch, on the 1201 - ,. Mr. GE(.IIIGE
DENISON, aged 43. years.
deceased, lotto of Susq'a Depot, Susquehanna
county. Pa.
Let tersof atitninistration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been grauted to the undersign
ed. nil persons Indebted to said estate ore hereby noti
fied to matte immediate payment, and those having
claims against thosame to present them duly authenti
cated rot aettletuent.
RtrO44 P. HORAN. Attrer.
Great Bend, Dee.2s, 1806.
Auditor's Notice.
TIIE undersigned. an auditor appointed ay the Or
phar'ss Court of Susquehanna County to distribute
the balance of the fund in the hands of Sally Atm Lang
ley. ndm inistratrir., among the heirs and legal repre
sentatives of the estate of Henry Langley, dec'd, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in
Montrose, oh Thursday. the nth day of January, A.D.
ISM, at one o'clock, p. in.. at which time and place rill
persons arc required to present their claims or be for.
sync debarred from coming In upon said fund.
Montrose, Dec„.lS, 1.566. -
111 HE firm of Crane, Howell & Ferguson has been
1. dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and
accounts of the late firm have been pinned In the hands
of P. T. Fer;serson. who is authorized to collect the
same ; and nil Indebted are notified to settle without
0. M. CRANE,
liontrose, Jan. 8, 1887
Partnership Notice.
rgvHE undersigned having entered into a partnership
L ender the ltrin name crterane ,t Howell, will con
tinue business at the old stand, where, thankful for fa
vors in the past, they will since to merit the patron
age of old and new customers,
0. M. CRANE.
Alontrosa, Jan. 8tra,1867.
. • .
• E W and select stock of Cooking.. Parlor dt, Sitop
A. STOVES, Just received and for eale , on the most
favorable terms. •-
IL 10:1RITT.
New Milford, Dee.ll, 186 G. '
ERNISENT. will give prompt attention to all
claimafintrusted to hie care. Cbarges low. and Juror.
=flan FREE. L. F. FITCH.
Montroee, Jan. 14,
.180. tf
Lc,® DIFt.. 2
A subscription paper to raise
.ndditional working
/X capital for the 'MONTROSE GOLD CO., will be
for tife present in the Minds of 11. C. Tyler or J. D. Mc-
Cann', Esq., where those wishing to take stock with
a fair chance ofdonbling their money in a few months
can call wad do so.
Montrose, Sept. 4. 156 G
BOUT 2 wicks-2 , 4e, a pale red two years old Heifer
from the farm known as the 11,chmond Hill farm in
Silver Lakb totinebip. Any one giving information
whore it may be found, or returning it, ty,lll be suitably
re warded. . .
S. 11. SAYRE PROS at6ntroee,
litiintrose, Dec. 1, 1846. • 11'
PREFERRED by all practical patuteTe ! drry it, nud
yon will have no other..
Manufactured only by ZlEctum 4 . 2 5MM1,
W1104%410;lg, Point and Olatualeslers, •
Jan3u ty . North` &Damn; Phtlaira.
. - .
TTIE' subscriber respectfully informs the public that
he basi leased the
Blacksthith Shop
of H. C. Clemons; near the Foundry of Safre Brothers.
Customers will do weil to call, as they can get every
thing done in the Blacksmithing line neatly and prompt
ly for rash.
tlerParticular attcationgiven to Horse Shoeing.
11DwARD r. ST. t t)lT. •
Die. 4119. 116 of '
NEW F 11171117-
VP{ sUbscriber baring formed a par:seriblp with
MR. J. A. wrEvglss. %rushee to make hie best
bows to fle °id Custotaers. and inform them that Ihe
Mercantile Department of the business trill hereaster
be carried on by D. D. Delwin t Co. with increased
capital and facilities. a large sock of New Goede 19 all
department?, it store flwronghly refitted, and
3Prioets .11LoCi.111.0C3c:id
re retained by me, and will receive my personal atten
tion.. I have secured tbeservices of MIL 11. WOLD
BYE, a gentleman who has had twenty-five years in the
best shops ofEurope, and has no superior hi \the coon •
try. IL shall therefore be able to du all work within
three days from the time It !,s left.
The Olock and Jewelry Repairing
Will be ownidly Mr, Stevens, who will do all work to
that line iiromptlbahrl In, the best style.
Nov. in, 18643. 0. D. BEHAN.
will consist at a fall assartmnntiot the follorelnz glands,
suitable for this markot, tyhich ba so das law. and
many of.them lowcf, than by ant Otis also this side of
Nuiv Y4rk. city. • - 7
mcricnn, 3wiaa amd English, both gold and sorer
All styles, Including their celeimiated Calender Clocks,
which tell the da or the month and week, alsci the
name of the mouth. making the changes for every
month correctly, NV 1143 no care but to wind them once is
Heavy, solid (geld Ohshie, Honks and hem. Flne - ml-
Id sets of Jewelry—Pine, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ear
hinge, lee. &d.
A neat.. :m holding eight small Photographs.
GOLD 12. EN S,
A fine assortment, with and without holders. Old
once repainted
Made to order of- pare "Coln. consisting at Spoons,
Forks, Thimbles, Wailer Knives, Napkin Dings, Fruit
Knives, Vest Chains, &c.
The beet in market—dingle, double, treble and quad
ruple plate, and w•etutaaTeo—from a full Ten Bet down,
including Castors. Coke and Card Baskets, Ice Pitchers,
Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sugsr Bowls, Cups, Ted Bells,
&c. Ac. mac._ _
Manufactured by Decker Brother.. which, with their
late itnprorements, surpass those °Palsy other makers.
Also, Bradhary's New Scale, Pianos—a splendid instru
ment. Other Pianos from WO to $300...
From $llO to slloo—werratted for Ave years. They
are the finest reed instrument in the world. and I have
only to sey that I have sold nearly $15.000 North of
them in the last four years ; and they era ail in good or
der and have never cost my customers a cent for repairs.
VI - Mini from $5 to t... 55, Flutes, Piles, Clarloncte,Ban-
Jos, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Tuning Forks, Sc.
Supplied with instruments of the beet American man
ufacture, by the single instrument or full set, at the ma
ker's price—also music for any number of instruments.
Instruction Books and Sheet Music on Land, and new
supplies received every week. Piano Stools from $5 to
Perfect Sewing Needles. •
Wehave the exclusive agency for R. J. Roberts' Pa
tent Parabola Needles—thebest In the world. Try one
paper and if pot satisfied the money will be refunded_
Fire Arms and Sporting Materials.
Allen's, Spencer's, and Henry's Breechtoading Ri
des. all styles Revolvers. Fowling Pieces, Shot Belts
and Powder Flasks, Cartridges for all the C. S. Army
guns ; also 11. S. and other Percussion Caps, Cooper
Cartridges, all styles and sizes.
Pres't Montrose Gold Co
The Watelt-klating Depattment
oat tsp. co csmz-
Read the Cataloguci
' Warranted to tat all kinds of eyes
0. D. BE AN.
'Montrose, Nov.:':, 1966
J.W. Bradley's celebrated Patent
.I I S'. 11111
The wonderful flexibility, great comfort and pleasure
to any lady wearing the Duplex Eliiptic Skirt n ill be
experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, Op
eras, carriages, milroan cars, church yews, arm chairs,
for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded
when in use to occupy a small place as easily and con
veniently as a silk or muslin dress, an invaluable qual
ity in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt.
A lads having enjoyed the pier e, contort and great
convenience of wearing the duple,, elliptic steel spring
skirt fora single day will never afterwards willingly
dispense with their use. For. children, misses and
young ladles they alit, superior to all others.
. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring,
but will preserve their graceful and perfect s'hape when
three or fear ordinary ,skirts will have been thrown
aside as us'Sless. The hoops are covered with double
and twisted thread, and the bottom are not .only double
springs, but twice (or double) covered: preventing .
Mem from wearing out when dragging .down stoops„
stairs, &a.
The Driplex.Elliptic is a great favorite with an ladies,
and is universally recommended by the Fashion Maga
zines as the standard,Skirt of the fashionable world.
To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in
Crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture,
stylish shape and llnish, flexibility, durability, comfort
and economy, inquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Ellip
tic, or double Skirt; and be sure you get the gen
uine article. •
CAUTlON.—To!guard against Impesition, be partic
ular to notice that skirts offered as •` Duplex" have the
red tuk stamp, •• J. W. Bradley's IMplexElliptic
Steel Springs" upon the waistband—none others are
genuine. Also notice that every Hoop will admit a pin
behm passed - through the centre, thus revealing the
t wolor double) springs braided tofmtherthcreinortitch
is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a com
bination not to be found in any other skirt: -
For sale in all stores ,where first-class Skirtsaresold
throughout the United States and elsewhere.
Manafactured by the sole owners of tho Patent,
97 Chambers, and 79 81 Rode streets, N. T.
Oct. 31,1866-3 m
MOBS Is an article for washing without rubbing, cr.
capt 'livery dirty places, which Will require a very
slight rub, and unlike other prepaiations odered far
like purpose, will not rot the clothes, but will leave
them much whiter than ordinary methods, without the
usual wenn and tear. -
It removes grease spots nalf—by maglo, and softens
the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will In ordinary ca
ses entirely remove it. •
This powderla prepared in accordance with chemical
science, and neon a process peculiar to itself, which is
secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use for More
than a year. atrd has proved itself an universal favorite
wherever 1% has ,been used. Among the advantages
claimed are the following, viz:—
It saves all the expense of soap usually utred on cot
ton and linen goods.
It saves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear and
Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed. With
one quarter the time and labor usually requireditlm
parts a beaitiful glues tine lustre, much superior to
any otherre. No water required crppt to moist
en cr .
en the p.
Directin g with each package.
And can be r.•adily appreciated by a single trial.
The cost of washing for a family of Live or six persons
will not exceed threoCents.
The manufacturers of this powder are aware that
many useless componnds have been - introdked the
public which have rotted the , cloth, or failed in remo
ving the dirt. but knowing the intrinsic excellence of
this article, they confidently proclaimir as being adap
ted to meet a demand which has low. existed, and
which bee heretofore rezartined UnesiPplted. litanufac
lured by
260 TiroAdway. Boston. Also, Manufacturers , of Penally
Dye Colors. For sale by Grocers sod dealers every
where. eetle9rttemp9
CILASS soil STONE FRUIT JAS , and also sp e w s
N.. - Pelt Preserving Solution.
belts. 1111, len*
.J.',IYAINe L L •
ilitica:Pftt poglArre. HOR S. )
Thie`trepiehtion. lancAnctil2mortibly - krictwa,mlp
thorung ly reinvigorate brokiMewn dadicrii-spleitad
horse , ...hy strenthening , and cleansing the stomach and
Itid a ghee preVent Ire ofglidieeasesinetdtnt to this
animal, sack as Lnng Fever, Glanders, Yellow Water,
Beavet., CougaP. Distemper; Fevers, Founder, toes of
Appet;te •and Vital EnergA, Sc, Itensu improtea.tbs
wind, nicreaiesihe appetite. giVest smooth Sintilglttssy
akin. and transforms the miserable skeleton 11;47 a lee
looking and epiri led bum.
TO KEEP' RS OP. C0W5;,.....;
this preparation is invaluable. Were/tam thergnanti
ty and improved the quality Of the milk. It has been
proven,hy, acthal es2erltrent to-increase the -quantity
of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make thelat
ter firm and swot. Ip, fattening cattle, it sieei them
an a petite. luetens tacit hide, mid makes them thrive
mach faster
such as 'Cotmhs, Mere in the tongs, I.iier',4c..thio
article acts as a epeclile. fly potting from .one ,half a
paper to a paper in a barrel 01 swatbe above diseases
will be eradicated or_ entirel,y prevented. If given In
time, a certain preventive and curator the Iluu Chole
ra. Price 5.5 cents per paper, or papers tor- j 1.,. Pro
pared by
at their n holcsale Drag and Medicine depot. No. He
Fmnklib et., Baltimore, Md. For sale by Drinlaloto
and storekespers -throughout the United
Montrose'Norn Montrosoil • ---•••
n0v21.37110 tittELTl2l4u3l4••
• - ~ • . , ,
TJ n tit'
QITIJATED in this totfnFh p o saw a e Cosa
ty of Susgachanna, containing about
2. COO AL -4 5jrdeo.
with ono hundred and sixty acres tuiprdired,
House; good Bann, well watered—a nrat rate Farm tor
Dairy purposca—two Orchards.
'Said farm roll be eold.itltogether. of In percent° suit
lurchasers. Terms of payment made easy. Fortarther
nformation call upon A. Chamberlin, Esq., Montrose,
or npop the eubscriber.
A targe, flne assortment
pririsrioNvi .
And Back Pay_;!
T ll ,lr
z d w e i tilre e 3 pr Lt om mt
pt axn
atterVon to nxr o ttfl c iu %Ant
ted to hie aim No charge nukes enccefkrittl.
Montrone. Ang. YU, `C3. J. B. MetC9Lttlli.-
Administrator of,Bisnson, deed
Jackson, Sept. 4, 186 , 1. 0
Y 0 S
~ BOOTS, T 1144
21.150, ,‘
good noertment of •
7EIC CS E zei, ,
Consisting of Lid' ' kid. Lasting and float fialraor
ale and Gaiters, Men's Brogans. Boy's BaillanTaiN
Youth's Congress Claiters, Baby 'aliens, etc. etc., all of
which will be sold
AT '• SM A.1,T., Pll °FITS ! -.
N. B.—lt'lktnds of work run& to order. and reptdrltur
done neatly. I. 'l.), FORIIHAM .
Montrose, May, 8, !SSG. tf . ,_
QOLDTERS: Congress hav snet passed en aft fe, sepal
ize your Bounties!. Those whu have not illresidy
done so, aticiold make.. Itanamgate application.'Wl(l4
ows heirs or parents orSoldiers who have ditAin ,
service, are entitled to the same bounty the soldier, it
living. would receive.. tiering already prepared ovet
two hundred claims. those who have. delatird tnatiot
application will find it greatly to theiredvestare
give me n call: -
Invalids and widows entitled th lb inrremie'.rir pow
sion under art approved Juue shepld, also make
application. Information free. • • • '
Licensed CUltrntnclitlitetiti.
Montrose, tog. 7, tsen. tr„.
forced to grow on the
theit fko In ?tom three to b
weeks 14 ,.. u .1/. l 4s‘ E ' r 143'
CAPILAIItB, themOst wan= • .
dcrful ,diaeocery in fluffier'
science", acting on the Beard
and liaix in all almost tulrac«
alone manner. It dna been utLed_by thudlitc o r i mo d all
and Parla With the 11304 t tlatterltig sti&•ells. Nitties kit
all pritchaaere are reglatered, upd if entlre aatlafictiOti
is not given in every !affiance. the money will
be cheer
fully refunded. Price by mall, scale and portpald, $l.
Illeseriptive circulars sod tee(' monials moiled frtl...Ad•
dread BERGER, STIBTTS-..t. Co.. Cbernlata,No 2._lP
or street , Tray . 1 , 1. Only agents tot 114' 'United
State.. tuyl. lscrSpij•
, ,
. . . ,
algial.a. 33•49tP03&. - 1 :6 411.• 1 3 4. !'
MITE andareignet4 LICENSED .AG.MNT.ot
t he ! Glib'/I. EIIIsIMENT, baying obtained the. neeessati(Ow.
&a..vrill give promptuttentlotiter 'tilt e.tailuittuaW
to ok:cam
. :11 to charge ordeal; ,-- sacceaslbl. , • ' ~- ,:, ~.,/-1
• Montrose, June 6tb,1604.•
. _ ..._.
Is continually recei7lng .
And keeps coustaratil on band a full and desirable ea:
soul:dent of genuine, , , , ,
Drugs, rdediciucsi r ehetitiaile,
Liquors, Paints, Oils. Die-attiff , : 'Peal; Mteritn4
bther Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa- '
per. Glassware. Latupp, Kerosene, Ilenzole,
Tanner's 011. Lnbrieating Neateloot 011,
Relined Whale Oil. Tarnish. Whips,
— Onus, Pistols, Cartridges. Powder,
Shot; Lead. Gun Cap., idusical - •
Instruments, -Tol•et Sentis,
flair Oils, Drtashes, Pbeketl ves. - Spectacle`s Ellttf
Plated Spoons. Forks, andlvory Dandled Knives,
Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of
Fancy Goods, . Jewelry, Perfumery, km
Patent -Medicines
advertised in liontrose, and neativ every GOOD KIND
In short, nearly everythiqg to restore the siek.,to
please the taste, to delight the, eye. to gratify the tittM
and also to con duce to the real and substantial comfort*
of life. Enomenation isitnpracilcAlb/e• sot vould Mt a
newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety toro or ,
ABEL T11133E11, •Aronfrpo; Pft.,
• • 1 00.7E3ixt1areoh
Saves -Time, Saves- Money, - Saves' Labor,
. Sore§ Ciothe,!:" Savra'Wnyzenc;
And all.diorereseitir.
It Is used by cutting inh areal! shavlngshint
tea to botwater, then goat the clothes Ave to tett Mar
atre:and a little band rubbing wilt rmake.there at Ciotti
as hours of machlitO rebblog would do, with ordinary
snap:end the natist rielicate fabric receive Ito iniurY•—•
We can racy to thousands of &reifies who or using it,
arid whq co - did .- not bo persuaded to do without
tEr §ota by all Icadlng,•Groetrs throughout itut Btatio,
Manufactured -Onbr . by_ '
13033333;L%Tet .4119- Xi0:101111‘
107Sonth Fifth Stteet,
Nov. 13, 1863..—lynedrc , -
TPgSY rAunrri arFOOD ,
'vac ratvia*tiop elan,