The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 01, 1867, Image 3

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    oO CZNTr
Local News .
We :would be thankful to . our friends
thionhoutsbe county for such local news
willbe of interest to our readers. Send
us the facts, and `.w , 19 will put then: in
proper shape for publication.
_ -
Toms Cash.
We wish it distinctly understood that
our terms for job printing, transient ad
vertisements., &c., are CASH.. It is too
much trouble to open a book account for
a trifling amount; and we hope no friend
wi l ask us to do so in future. The
üble, delay, and losses, in such trifliye
matters, oost more then the "patrosfhge"
is worth.-3 w. .
Donation. •
The friends of Bider Thos. F. Chiney
propose to make him a donation Isis at
the Baptist Church in Auburn, on 'Thurs
day evening, Jan. 3d, next; and invite
all to attend and participate in the enjoy
ment of a social lecture and musical enter
tainment, and contribution.
The frienda of ftov.J.F.Wilber will give
a donation at Lynn, on Thursday,
Jan. 10th, 1007, afternoon and evening.
All are invited.
Agricultural Notice.
The annual meeting of the Ilarford Ag
ricultural Society will be held in rlarford
Village, on .Monday evening, Jan. 14th,
1867, for the election of officers and the
transaction of busioo,s.
Nysterions Disappearance.--
Straney, for several years past
'a resident of Susquehanna DepOt, invete
rionslv disappeared about a month
Ile had" Leen illibsok with his son, at
Nicholson, for four weeks., and on the 28t h
day of November took the evening mail
train fur Susquehanna Depot ; since which
time his friends hue no tidings frouttitu.
N g Ile is an Illslincan, about 65 years of
age, of medium height, and heavy build,
ldae eyes, dark hair and whiskers turning
gray. Ile wore a grayish sack coat,black
pants, hat, and cravat ; and carried a bun
dle tied up in a red handkerchief with
white spots.
Yr. Any one having any knowledsre of 5 , 1 , 11
a person, will please give information, by
getter or otherwise, to his son, Jas. Strati
ey, at Nicholson, Wyoming co. Pa. • or
John Montgomery, at Susquehanna
1 ,,i, Susq'a co. Pa. if?
.changes pease copy.
-4> =0 s
Reflections for January.
God continually presides over Ills Cre
Not to acknowledge the greatness and
witqloin of God, in the lea%t. of His works
well as in great and extraordinary phe
nomena, betrays alike our ignoranca and
The formation of man displays the pow
era and wisolom of GA, as much as any
Ilis work'.
Oar individual experience is sntEctent
to convince us that n Supreme 1.34i.ig sus
pends the thread of our destiny.
We cannot ensure f. , r otirstives anoth
er moment's existence; a thousand tm
seen cause! may hasten the period of it:,
termination. What unknown evils may
not be impending to stop the vital cur
rent, and forbid tile pure air again to ren
ovate our blood ?
Every man may Fay, alas ! I feel my
helpless state. 1 have no powkr to re
move the infirmities that :Afflict me, nor
ability to avert the dangers that thrarten,
subject to a heavy train of bodily diseas
•es and mortal imbecility. I feel that with-
•.m. the support of• the Almi ,, hiy I NiJua'd
he miserable.
The wonderful connection between my
,oul and body, the continual pulsation tfri
my heart, the constant secretion and cir
culation of various fluids in my body, all
depending neither upon inc Rill uT pow
er, contribute to assure me t here is a great.
and powerful Being at whose command
these -functions proceed with order and
regularity, or stop, and my present exist
ence ceases.
If my breast still continues to heave, if
the ruddy stream still warms my heart, if
my muscles act with vigor, my senses re
main presetvod, it is from God alone I de
rive such choice blessings.
Why then do I so seldom think with
gratitude upon the ways of Providence?
Ought not the reflections now present
ed ever to be deeply graven on the tab
lets of memory ; and should it not he our
morning and evening care to muse upon,
to admire, and to hail with gratitude.the
blessings of our Creator ?—Stermie Re
State Pensions to Soldiers of 1812.
114.1111ISPURG, Dec. 28.
State Treasurer William 11. Kemble has
.directed to be prepared at once a list of
the soldiers of 1812 entitled to pensions
from the State of Pennsylvania. Separate
lists for each county will, as soon as they
are completed, be forwarded by Mr. Kern
ble to the Treasurers thereof, which of
ficers will pay the semi annual pensions
due on the lsti of January, 1867.
nr A fire broke out in Elmira on Sun
day morning, Dec. 23d, which destroyed
all the buildings on Lake sc., bevAen
Water and Carroll.
Loss 6500,000; insurance 8277,500
//gr Two recent decisions of the U. S.
Supreme court confirm the opinion that
the Southern States are members of the
Union. Thus the decisions of the highest
judicial tribunal of the land continue to
approve the Democratic view of national
affairs, and stamps the radicals as a party
of law defying disunionists.
' The y ;e ro Pelt aot aifSugar,'i
Under this caption 'the Corry Tele
graph, a radical organ, thus moralizes up
on the negro suffrage investment of its
party :
"One great. reason for the advocacy of
Negro suffrage urged by the Republican
party is, that they_will consider thee. Re
publicanstheir friends and vote for tbith.
We have always contended that negro
suffrage is only enlarging the area for po
litical manipulation and bribery. The re
cent city election in Boston proves this
opinion of ours, and shows the negro is
not to be relied upon. On Tuesday the
city election of Boston was held, and the
uegroes voted the Democratic ticket. The
loss to the Republicans is one thousand
!votes, as compared with last year ; while
on the Democratic side there is a gain of
nine hundred. NVe have enough of uned
ucated whites voting now, without, adding
still more ignorant n e gro voting."
Progressive Patriotism.
Patriotism in 1864—N0 power on earth
can or shall dissolve the Union.
Patriotism in 1866 —The Union is dis
solved, and all who deny it are copper
heads and traitors.
Treason in 1864--To speak disrespect
fully of the)Presideut and his policy.
Treason 'in 1866—T0 speak respectfully
of the President and his policy.
Francis Jordan, chairman of the
lam. Republican State Central Committee,
will be appointed as Secretary of the Com
monwealth under Gen. Geary, the Gov
ernor elect. Benjamin H. Brewater,Esq.,
of Philadelphia, will receive the appoint
ment of Attorney-General.
.Good Advice.
The Mt: Gi;ead Register says: "See
that every Democrat, Conservative, and
doubtful voter in your neighborhood
takes a Democratic paper."
More Indian Massacres.
The Indians are very troublesome, and
Clio tr,op. at F,rt Philip Kearney have
been id.n.o,t . n astata of-ieee,, for weeks.
On the '22.1 a number of Indians came
near the post, and Brevet Lieutenant Co
lnel, NV. J. Feltman, Captain J. IL
Brown and Lieutenant Glummontl, all of
the eighteenth infantry, gathered hastily
thiity nine men of company C. second
cavalry, and forty tive men of the eigh
teenth infantry, and went after the in
dtan4. The t roops wire gradually drawn
on until at a point four milt s front the fort,
when they were surrounded and slatigh
t, red. Not a man escaped to tell the
ry of disaster. The bodies were stripped
of every artie . e of clothing, scalped and
mutilated. Thirty bodies were found in
a spare not larger than a good sized room.
Nearly all the bodies were recovered end
buried in the fort.
—The li?climond Dispatch Fay si that
the owner of the farm known as Dutch
G3p, tindirg ilkt the Island made by the
cuttin7 of Butier's canal could not conve
niently be put to use without some means
of communication with the main land, is
fi ling up one end of the canal, in order to
create a causeway, and the canal will soon
he among the things that were.
hint that goes to law, nine things
are requiNite : First, a good deal of
mono'; second, a good deal of path , ' ce;
third, a can-o; fourik, a good attor
ney ; fifth a r 400,1 connt! ; sixth, a good
evidetice; seventh, a good jury; eighth, a
cool ninth. good luck. 1 , 2% en
all tliese, a wise man would hesitate be
fore going to law."'
—The largest tnrkeys ever brongt to market were those raised by Sheriff
Wilkinson, of Bucks County, in the pris
on yard of that place. They were bro't
to this city on Saturday last. One weigh
ed f.rty two pounds. another forty four
pounds, another fifty three pounds, and
another fifty five pounds, The last was
sent as a Christmas present to President
—Mrs. Franciii Harper, a colored rival
the fairer Divkinson, is lecturing in Cin
cinnatl" Her similes are unique, the last
is a comparison of Mr. Johnson to a mus
tard plaster.
—With four weights, of respectively
one pound, three pounds, nine and twenty
seven pounds, any number of pounds from
one to forty may be weighed.
: • :4.10 AI: DfAva Df ti) if
This medleina. invented by Dr. J. FLYZIIZIFOL., of
do'phia, is Interadast to dissolve the food mid msko it into
ohms, the first proms of digestion. BY cleerairld the
stomach with Sehreas Msadrake Pills, the Tonle soon
restores the appetite, end food that meld not be catei before
wing it will be easily dimmed.
Consumption cannot be curod by Sebeneles raiment°
Scrap unless the stomach and liver is made healthy and the
appatite restored, hence the Tools and Pills are repaired in
nearly every am of miumituptlon. A half dorm bottled of
the SEAWEED TONIC and three or tour boxes of the
krANDBAILE PILLS will care any ordinary case of dye-
Dr. &minas makes professional visite In New York, Bos
ton, and at his principal (Moe in Phlladelpbta every week.
See daily papers of each pima, or his pamphlet on consump
tion for his days for valitation.
Plasm observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses
of the Doctor, one when in the lest stage of Consumption,
and the other 11J he now la, In perfect health, are on the Gov
ernment stamp.
r1nE1.11.161E3 :
THE DAILY, —One copy. one year, $9.30: six mos..
$4.50: three months. $2.50; for any less period, at the
rate of ONE DOLLAR per month. Postage, thirty cents
per quarter, to be prepaid at the office of deli% ery.
THE WEEKLY.—One copy, one year, $2; five cop
lee, one year, $9; ten copies, one - year, $17.50 ; twenty
copies, one year, .1,13. To Clubs, where the papers aro
sent to one address, the following teduction will he
' Bride; Five copies, one year, ssso; ten copies, one
r2r - The Confessions and Experience of nn be
year, $16.50; twenty copies, one year, $3
furnished gratis for each club of ten or more to oneo. A copy will
Invalid, Published for the benefit and as a caution to
young men and others, who zuffer from nervous debility, Addreoe for use year. postage. llve cents per quarter ,
premature decay of manhood, etc. supplying at the sun e
time the meant of self-cure. By one who has cured him-
to be prepaid at the office of delivery.
The above terms will be rigidly adhered to. Sped
self after undeirtolngconsiderable quackery. By enclo- men copies of the Daily and Weekly sent gratis, on ap
sing a post paid addreeeed envelope, n single copy. free
plication at this office. Advertisements inserted at
or charge Difly be had of the author. NATH•NIEL. Dr AY• moderate rates.
run. Esq., Brooklyn. Kings co. K. Y: janllo lysmp7
Reid br all Drodgirds and Paean, price $1.50 pIT bottle, at
e 7.50 the ball dozen. All letters for advise aboald be ad
&oared to Dr. Seuescree Princkal Office, No. 1.6 North eith
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
General 'Wholesale Agents: Denim Donee Co., N. Y.
B. B. Mateo, Baltimore, Md.; John D. Parte, Cincinnati,
Ohio; Walter 4 Taylor, Chkago. 11/.; Collins Boot., Bit
Lon* He. - Clio w. es. mo. l ys.
ABEL TVIWELL is continually reeeivw
nmv plappliefi °Mr/Ratite Drugs and.Medlcines, whleg
will be sold as low se at any other Pte.(' In Montrose. Dot. 4
New State Officers.
HARRIsuunG, Dee. 26
arras & Co. are deeined by allegood judges to be the
Mama Thule of instruments of fbe kind.
We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a trout
cal instrument mcireperteetTftlthongit we - are slow to
admit t hat the lidtft nt Improvertnent can -vier be at
Berm's. they hod brought their Pianos to their pres
_Lott exc.-nonce, the/ had submitted them to competi
tion with inateutnenis'otthir belt =Vint o Gthih coun
try and Europe, and received the reward of merit, over
all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but jos
tic° to soy that the judgment thus pronounced has not
beert-ovrrrutrA by.gieuntalcal world. . . _
Still, by the improvements latelyyl-aptilled by diem to
their Pianos, it le admitted that a more perfect instru
ment has been made. They have accordingly achieved
the paradox of making excellence more excellent ; —
Surely, alter this, they are entitled to the motto, " Ex
celsior." ' - - Parreflit.-ly
M — Deafness, Blindness and' Catarrh
Treated with the utmost success by pr. J ISAAesi.
Oenlilt and 2ett riat::(formerly uf.Le,den t ilollaiid4No.
519 Pine Street, 'Philadelphia. Testimonials from the'
moat reliable sources in the City and ('ounlry can be
seen at his office. The medical faculty are incitedto
accompany their patients, as he has no secrets In hie
practice. ARTIFICIA, ICYES inserted without pain.
1.10 charge for ixamination.
Ithiladelphta, JialY 1, 18tI6. ly. • •
FE - A Cough, A Cold, or A Sore Throat,
It:quirts& rirtrzni writ Arra:mos,
Irritation of the Lungs,
A Permanent. Throat Diseasel
or Consumption
For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive
and Thfoat Diseases,
will *lnd Troches useful in clearing the voice when ta
ken before Singing or Speaking, aid relieving the
throat after an unusual exertion of. the vocal organs
The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Phy•
sicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men
throughout the country. Being an article of true merit,
and having proved their efficacy by a test of many yeare
each year finds them in new localities in various parts
of the world, and the Troches are universally pronoun
ced better than other articles.
On-rata ouly " BROWN'S BfioNeniat Tuocrtze," and
do mot take any of the Worthless linitations.that maybe
of erect. Sold everywhere. noe2l Gm ampl2
fir Empire Shuttle Sewing Machines
are superior to all otters for Family and Manufacturiiag
purposes Contain all the latest improvements., are
speedy ; noiseless : durable; and easy to work. Illus
trated Circulars tree. Agents wanted. Liberal dia
oo not allowed. No consignments made.
Address EMPIRES. M. CO., ea Broadway, New York.
July 24—ly
j\t the residence of the bride's father,
on Thursday evening, Nov. 29, 566, by
Rev. J. A. Jerome, Mr. GEo. B. M'CoL-
Lvm, of New Milford, and Miss LrCIA M.
GAllaterr, of the same place. No cards.
In Springville, on the 2Gth ult., by Rev.
of Brooklyn, and Miss JENNIE M. ROB
BINS, of Montrose.
Pr - Notices of marrinoes and deaths published free
of charge. Obituaries pablii•hed if paid fur at the rate
°flirty cents per hundred words.
In Jessup, December 24th, 1866,31ARr,
rife of I. E. Bin;hard, aged 45 years, 8
mo. and 20 days.
In Rosh, Dec. 20th, 1866, of consump
tion, Maas, wife of Horatio Green, aged
39 years, 8 mo. and 15 days.
Republican paper please copy.
Administrator's Sale, .
) I , valuable real estate, late the estate of Rev. Hugh
Monahan deceased. all the interest of eat(' dece
dent In fhe fo:lon in..: described property to tvit : all that
certain nit nr piece of land eltuate in Forc.t Lake fii4,
Ship, t ountv of Su-quehanua, joinis.ll.fts ofJud
eon Stone. tid, enntatning ono hundred and six acres.
and how ,grapicd by Peter Dunn.and formerly owned by
.lames Paid , Brest. will be sold at the Conn House in
Montrose 4111 M4mdny the 14th day of January, lan?, at
one lock P. M.
1867. GET UP YOUR CLUBS. Ise - 7
I .
44 . zij ,
23 t
A Democratic Morning
The Daily Age contains the latest news from all parts
of the world, with editorial articles on Government.
Politica, Trade, Finance and - Peneral Subjects. Local
News, Market Reports, Stock Quotations, Religions In •
telligence, Legal Summary, Foreign and Domestic Cor
respondence, Commercial Intelligence, Reports of Pub
lic Meetings, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Litera
ture, Prices Current, Literary Notices,
Information, Art, Music, &c. Besides Special Tele
grams, it has all the dispatches of the Associated Press
trout every part of the United States, and also the dis
patches received by the Atlantic Cable ; and the news
trout all parts of Europe brought by the steamers, is in
stantly telegraphed from whatever point the steamers
ftrat touch.
The Weekly Age will he a complete compendium of
the news of the week. and beattles the leading editori
al', from the Daily, will contain a large amount(( inter.
eating matter prepared expressly fur the weekly leauc.
It will be In all respects a drat-class family journal, par
ticularly adapted to the Politician, the Farmer, the Mer
chant, the Mechanic, the Family Circle and the General
Reader, having every characteristic of a live newspa
per. Each number will contain an intensely Interesting
Serial, by oneof the most popular and fascinating an•
those, and it ionise the intention to publish, from week
to week. In the course of the year, three or four of the
best and latest novels.
!IdIREFERRED by all practicalpainters ! Try It, and
Wgiiss •&BOSS, If you will haven') ether.
Manufactured only by ZIEGLER a SMITH,
4.10 CHESTNUT STREET. 1 yebe , leenTe Drng, Pala an.i Glare Dealers,
rEHLADELPFII 4. 1 pus° Ty 191 Worth ad etreet, Fhilad'a.
AVE-OPPATItIeK-DRISEOL .., - - pi:R.4_
deceased; Ott, - O. Saacela Depot ,
county, Pa, .- ' -- .4. --- ---`• .'as.,• , - i
Lettersof administration upon the estateofthe above M USIC& JEN
named decedent having been grouted to the undersign- .
ed, all perilous Indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make Immediate payment, and those havity MIIE stitiscrlber having. formed a par.pershlp vilai
claims - against tbesume tuprearnt them duly agthent • ji. MIL J. A. STEVE:NS, Witlhes to make. hie bent
cated for settlement. , !Tres to bin old Custumers, and inform them that the
nucal P. DORAN. Atlm'r. • Mere:tattle Department of thc basiness will herea.ter
El.liANOit DRISCOLL, Adiu'a, be ciiiTietron be U. ll . Demen ..t CO. with increased
Crest Bend, Der2,St.isal._ capital and.faclfitles, u large s oelt of New tioodaiti all
departments, a store tlforuni.thlY relitted, and '
, ,
•; MoriOadil ra.acSA.l.42•4oci.
The Watch-Making Department
Is retained mid wilfrectelve my personal atten
tion. I have seam/tithe services of Mit. C, 11. WoLD
BYE, a gentleman wit a Into had twenty-Ave yea, In tin:
bent shops ofEnrope, and has no i-ttperior in the coati •
try. 1 shall therefore be able t6O du all wank within
three days from the time it la left.
Auditor's Notice.
undersigned. en auditor appointed by the Or
'. ph a n's Court otSpequellauga county to distribute
the balance of tha fund - in the hands of Sally Ann Lang
ley. sdruindstratria, among the heirs and legal Tepte•
pontatives of the estate of Hertry Langley. deed, will
attend to the duties el his appointment at his ogles to
Montrose, 00 Thursday. the 17th day of January, A.D.
I,Sti7. at one o'clock, p. to., at which time nod place all
persdns are required to present their claims or be . for
ever debarred from commg - iu upon said fund.
,j,t, NI ES E. CARMALT, Auditor.
Montrose, Dec. 18, MG.
Auditor's Notice.
frill? undersigned an audtior appointed by the Mutt
L of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County to dis
tribute a fund in the hands of the Sheriff arising from
the sale of the real estate of George Pooler, taken In ex
ecution nt the suit of 11. J. Johnson. will attend to the
duties of his appointment at his oMce In Montrose, ou
Friday, Jan. 11th, 1587, at I o'clock p. tn., at which
timeand place nil persons interested to said fund may
present their-claims or be forever debarred from coca.
corning in on said fund.
D. W. SEARLE, Auditor.
Montrose, Dec. 11, IbBB
L late of Harford, Susquehanna County, Pa., deed.
Letters of admird‘tration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersig,n•
ed. all persors indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make Immediate payment, and those having
claims agaito-t the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
A. J. TIFFANY, Adm'r.
Brooklyn, Der. It. 1665.
Auditor's Notice.
undersitTned, an auditor appointed by the 0r
..1. plum's Court of Suerott henna County to make dis
tribution of the fund In the hands of the adminis
trator of the estate of Amos Crandall, deed, will attend
to the duties ut such appointment at hie office in
Montrose, on Friday, the 4th day of January, 1667, at
two o'clock in the afternoon. at which time and place all
persons interested In 'aid fund will present their claims
or be forever barred from coming In upon said fund.
A. 0. WARREN, Auoitor.
Montrose. Dec. 11,,e. 4w
Auditor's Notice.
fyillJ3 undersigned, an Auditor appointee by the Or
phans' court of Susquehanna county to distribute
the balance of the fond in the hand, of Philo Barritt,
administrator, among the heira and legal representa
tives of the estate of Samuel Burritt. deceased, will at
tend to the duties of his appointment at hie office in
Montrose on Monday the 7th day of January, ]S67. at
one o'clock. p. m., at which time and place all persons
are required to present their claims or be debarred from
coming in for a share of said estate.
W. D. LUSK, Auditor.
Montrose, Dec. 4,1864.
Auditor's Notice.
THE. undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court
of Common Pleas of Susq's county to distribute the
fund arising from the Sheritta sale of the real estate of
C. if . Loomis. will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at lira office in Montrose, on Tuesday, JanuaryBth
180, at one o'clock, p. m.. at whirli time and place all
persons interested will present their claims or be de
barred from coming in upon said fund.
W. 1). LL 7.9 E, Auditor.
Montrose, Dec. 4, M.
Auditor's Notice.
rpriE undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or
a phanecourt of Susquehanna County to mate dis
tribution amongst creditors of the fund In the hands of
the administrator of Jonathan Mlles. dec'd,vrill attend
to the duties of his appointment at the office of Fraser
St Case to Montrose, on Saturday. the sth day of Janu
ary, 1667, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at which time and place
all persons iniereAred are required to present their
claims or be forererdebarred from coming In upon said
Dec. 4, IPGII.
Auditor's Notice.
/WV. undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
1 Court of t_ommon Pleas of Susquehanna county to
di,tribute the fund in the hands of the Sheriff of said
county arising from the sale of the personal
property of Tinker & Hagar,will attend to the duties o'
his appointment at the °dice of Fraser & Case, in Mont.
rose, on Thursday, Jan. 3d. at ten o'clock, A. M..
when all persons interested in said fund will present
their claims or be forever debarred.
F. A. CASK, Auditor.
Montrose, Dec. 4, 1336.
Auditor's Nalco
MTIE findereigned having been appointed an auditor
hy the Orphan.' Court of Scinquehantri County to
audit exception. to the account of the administrator of
the es , tate of D. N. Phillip.. dec'd, will attend to the
ditties of said appointment at his office In Montrose, on
Thuredny the 10th day of January P 467. at one o'clock
p. at which time rind place all persons Interested in
said fund will be heard.
J. B. AI'COLLU3I, Auditor.
Idontroso, Dec. 4, MG.
of Liberty township, Spsq'a county. Pa., dec'd.
Letters of administration iipon the estate of the above
named decedent basing been granted to the undersign
ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby nott ,
Aed to make immediate payment. and those haring
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
-Liberty, Dec. 4th, 1566.•
s a chi S p el r Tthreeenmatiteensan I
ar d ez r a e n e te f Lin al S c ltre; town
Silver Lake. Dcc. 11, 186 .3w • Sec'y Board.
Agents Wanted,
For the tnost popular and best selling Sub
cription Books published.
WE are the most extensive publishers in the United
Statee, (having six houses,) and therefore can af
ford to sell books cheaper and pay agents a more lib
eral commission than any other company.
Our books do not pests through the hands of General
Agents, (as nearly all other subscription works do,)
therefore we are enabled to give our canvassers the ex
tra per cent. which Is usually allowed to General
Agents. Experienced canvassers will FCC the advan
tages of dealing directly with the publishers.
Our series embraces the most popular works on all ! PATENTED MAY 29. 1866.
subjects of Importance, and is selling rapidly both
North and South. mil IS is an article for washing without rubbing, ex-
Old agents. and all others, who want the best paying - 4 JL rapt in very dirty places, which will require a very
agencies, will please send for circulars and see our slight rub, a Unlike other preparations Mitered for a
terms, and compare them and the character of out ; purpoe 111 not rot the clothes. but will leave
works with those of other publishers. A- them much N Bar than ordinary methods, without the
Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO- Philadel 7, 'usual wear and tear.
phia, l'a.. Boston, Mass.. Cincinnati, Ohio, Chicago, I It removes grease spots as if by magi°, and softens
111.. St. Louis, filo., or Richmond, Va, the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will in ordinary ca-
Dec. U. 4w* see entirely remove it.
This powder Is prepared in accordance with chemical
science, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which is
secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use for more
than a year, and has proved itself an universal favorite
wherever it, has been used. Among the advantages
claimed are the following, viz:—
It saves all the expense of soap usually used on cot
ton and linen goods.
It eaves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear and
Also, for cleaning windows It is unsurpassed. With
one quarter the time and labor usually required It Im
parts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much superior to
any other mode. No water required except to moist
en the powder.
Directions with each package.
And can he r eddy appreciated by a single trial.
The cost of washing for a family of five or cli persons
will not exceed three cents.
The manufacturers of this powder are aware-that
many useless compounds have been introduced to the
public which have rotted the cloth, 01 failed in.remo
ving the dirt. but knowing the intrinsic excellence of
this. article, that confidently proclaim It as being adap
ted to meat a demand which has. long existed. and
which has heretofore remained unaupplfed. Manutue
tared by
i NEW and select stock of Cooking, Parlor ,t, Shop
Ll STOVES, Just received and for sale on the most
favorable terms
New Milford, gee. 11, 1868
a c• T-i7DIIMEt. !EV
1, r_time
nn_lKn d, LICENSED AGENT . of (1
EFINNIEN'P.wiII give prompt attention to all
claims entrusted to Ma care. Charges low, and tutor
' mation FREE. L. F. FITCH.
I Montrose-, .Mn. 14. 1665. tf
The Olock and Jewelry Repairing
Will be owned by Mr. Stevens. who will do all work In
that line promptly, and In the best style.
Nor. LI, 18tki. 0. D. BEMAN.
co - Er xx Eitgr 0313 C
will consist of arta' assortment of the following goods,
imitable /or this market, which will be so.d as low, and
many or thew lower, than by any one est, this side of
New York:
\Read the Catalogue.
American, Swiss and English, both gold and sliver
All styles, including their celebrated Calendar Clocka,
which toll the day et the month and week, also the
name of the mouth, making the changes for every
month correctly, with no cars but to wind them once
W ceek.
Heavy, solld Gold Chains, Hooks and Keys. Floe sol
id sets of Jewelry—Pins, Sleeve Buttons, hinds, Ear
Rings, &c. &c.
Warranted to At all kinds of eyes.
A neat little Charm holding eight small Photographs
A fine assortment, with sad without holders. Old
ones repointed.
Made to order of pore Coin, consisting of Spoons,
Forks, Thimbles, Batter Knives, Napkin Rings, Fruit
Knives, Vest Chains, &c.
The beet in market—single, double, trebls'and quad
ruple plate, and WAIWANTED — from a full Tea Set down,
including Castors. Cake and Card Baskets. ice Pitchers,
Walters, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Cups, Tea Bolls,
&c. &c. &c.
'Manufactured by Decker Brothers, which, with their
late improviments, surpass those of any other makers.
Also, Bradbury's New Scale Pianos—a splendid instru
ment. Other Pianos from $350 to $3OO.
From $llO to sllloo—warmtted for five. years. They
are the tineet reed Instrument in the world, and 1 have
only to say that I have sold nearly $15,000 worth of
them In the last four years ; and they are all In good or
der and Have never cost my customers a cent for repairs.
Violin• from $5 to $5O, Flutes, Fifes, Clarlonets,Ban-
Joe, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Tuning Forks, sc.
Supplied with instruments of the best American man
nfactoro, by the single instrument or full set, at the ma
ker's price—also music for any number of instrumeitts.
Instruction Books and Sheet Music on hand, and now
supplies received every week. Plano Stools from $6 to
Perfect Sew;ng Netdles.
We have the exclusive agency fur R. 4. Roberts' Pa.
tent Parabola Needles—the best In th• world. rifry one
paper and Una satisfied the money will be rehtiidivi.
P'ire Arrxs and Sporting Afaterials.
. Allen's, Spencer's, and Henry's Breech loading
all style. Revolters, Fowling Pieces. Shot Belts
and Powder Fl Asks, Cartridges for all the U. S. Army
guns ; 1160 8. and other Percussion Cape , Cooper
Cartridges, an styles and sizes.
Montrose, NOT.II, ISC6
J.W. Bradley's celebrated Patent
SE3 ME. X Mil. °X"
The wonderful flexibility, great comfort and pleas - Ors
to any lady wearing the Duplex Eliiptie Skirt will be
experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, Op
eras. carriages. railroad care. church pews, arm chairs.
for promenade and house the skirtcan he folded
when in nee to occupy a smell place as easily and Con
veniently as a silk or muslin dress, aP. invaluable qual
ity in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt.
A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, corn fort and great
convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring
skirt for a single day will never afterwarda
dispense with their use. For children, misses 1334
young ladles they are superior to all others.
They will not bond or break like the.sln^le Spring.
but wjll preserve their graceful and perfect Khapc when
three or four ordinary 'skirts will have been thrown
aside an useless. Tlie hoops are• covered with double
and twisted thrted, and the bottom are not only double
springs, but twice for double) covered; preventing
them from wearing out whim dragging down stoops,
stairs. Sec.
Thelieplei Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladles
and Is universally recommended by the Fashion Naga
zinc:, is the f.taudard Skirt of the fashionable world.
To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in
Crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture,
stylish shape and finish, flexibflity, durability, comfort
and economy, inquire for J. W. Bradley's Onplexl3lltp.
tic, or double spring BMA, and be auto you get the gen
uine article.
CAUTION.—To guard against imposition, be partic
ular to notice that skirts offered as • Dapple=" have the
red ink stamp, viz.: " J. W. Bradley's DuplexElliptie
Steel Springs" upon the waistband—none others are
genuine. Also notice' that every loop will admit apin
being passed' through the centre, thus revealing lbo
two (or double) springs braided together thereimwhich
Is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and is com
bination not to be foned in any other ekirt.
For sale in all stores i nhere first-eines Skirteare sold
throughout the United States and elsewhere.
Manufactured by the sole owners of the Patent,
97 Chambers, and 79 it 81 Resde streets, IC. T
Oct. 31,
260 Broadway. Boston. Ale.", 'Manufacturers of Family
live Colors. For sale by grocers and deßlers every.
übere. ootleNNlMArdpg
fl LASS and STONR FRUIT JARS. and also Spear's •
Nl' Trait ?reserving Sell:Mon, for tale by 'UV - EBY VARTFTT OF GOODS_ '
rept ABEL Tranzit. 3.4 a% the. Faires' Cbasp•Ster•::
. r r".
A large, dee assortment
.1. A. hTEVENS
I This preparstinv, long and favorably - 00*w, will
thoroughly rei olgora broTeen-dOwnialatrlowapfrited
hetrade;la) atteeltlteulng and cleauslag - the Moot la and
It Is a are yrrevAtt iae oral! difwasea Incident tcrialls.
animal, such as, Lung Fever, Oh: Alders., Yellow Wiles /
Resew , . Conga.... Ol.raloper, Fever,, Fonnder, Lo or
Appellee and Vitalllttetp, &c, Its ase Improres tilw
, wind, luareases the appeco.u.4i vas a smooth mid glostif
akin. ahd transfimni t tie Wearable ekeleton Into a Ile
(looking and epirlted
thin preptirial 012 Is tusnlnahle. it increases the quenU
ty and improve, Lim (inalits of cll., milk. It hits been
prat on by aPtnal erperl went to IGcresse ther ettentity
of intik and ctennt twenty per t tan, and winks the. bat
ter firm lined it s eet, In tatt , •to ng tattle, It _Oleg Mehl
in a petite. loosen, their hide, zow milker than [bees
much faster
.tich ft. Coughs. Clevr, In the Lungs, Liver, be.. thrig
article total., a - , pvclllc. IV putting from one beta
paper to a paper in a barrel of eai 11 the above dioceses
wl.l he erred euted or entirely preNeuted. If given in
time, a retrain proven t e and rare fur the fio.? Chole
ra.' Price 23 cant, per paper, or 5 Italians for $l. Pre- ,
pared by
S. A: rot:1 - z a; BRO., - •:.
.at their whole.4ale Brng and Medicine depot, Ito. IN
Franklin et., Baltimore, Nit. For vale by -Druggids.v
and otorekevere throughout the Uuttig.Statail.
rff Feir sale In 3lontreee by
novel ypql6 • ABEL TV =ELL
NEE ifin IN 5111
QITCATED In the township of Jackson, In the tuna
ty of Susquehanna, containing about
2.01.0 Across,
with one hundred and sixty acres fmrsroved, Duro/Bat
Nouse, good Barns, well watered—a drat rate farm for
Dairy purposes—two Orchards.
`Said farm will he eold altogether, or In parcels to salt
purchasers Terms of payment made espy. For farther
Information call upon A. Chamberlin, Esq., Montrose'.
or upon the subset iber.
Adin I nistratoroof Dopes Benson, deed.
Jackson, Sept. 4, 1804. t t
And lack
lIE uoderolped Lrci rata ralEll7 op Tux
XENT, will give prompt attention to all elatptatntrne•
ted to Ms care. No charge ouleou rocceaefnl. • -
Ntoutre.c. Aug. 'll3. A. B. IirCOLTXId.
CA BF 11 0 HTS.
Also, a Good assortment of
Coostadlng cif Ladies' liid. Lssiing sod Goat ltaltnor•
*ls and 'Gaits.* Men's Itrt flohnorals,
Yonth's Congress Gaiters, Baby Shoes, etc. eto., all of
which will ha sold
N. 13.—A I kinds of wor - k made to order. andrepairint
done neatly (2. 0. Foill'itAM'
Montrose, May 8, 1848.
tellkilliTlON Of BOHTIESI-
°LI/MRS : Congress Int^ jug patsed an act to equal-
Ike your Bounties I Those who have not already
dOOO PO, ahonid make immediate appl6ration. Wid
ows, heirs or parents of Soldkrs who have died in the
service, are untitled tO' the same booms the soldier, It
living. would receive... Moving &ready prepared over
two hundred claims. those wi. ha. e ()elated making
application will find it - uently 1., their lull attage to
give me a call.
Invalids and widows entitled in an Increase of pen
sion under act approved June . 6,lBCO, should eta., make
application. li.futmatlou free.
G1 4 :0. P. LITTLE.
Licensed 09Vcrnment Agent.
Ment rose, •ng. tIP6OI.
forced to grow on the en oe
theet fare In from three to 5
week% I .1)r. bEVIii•
CAPILAIItE. the most won
derfol d,kcdrery In modern
relence, ACt !IT on the Beard
and 'lair in an almost mirac-
aloes manner. It has been cited by the elite of London
and Paris with the most flattering sneedas. Nantes of
all purchasers are registered. aid if entire ontlefeetion
it not given in every Iratance the money will be cheer
.fully refunded. Price by mnil..aule epd postpaid, st.
De,criptiva circulars pad testimonial, mailed free. Ad
dress EtElEttir.R.Siii - TTS Chemiptf, isTo 4t3sltiv
er street, Ttuy, N. i , Only agents for the United
State, my' trawl
tintiaael- IStEttea:T.. I=INSIo3.1 =I NSIo3.
nnii E unarm:vied. I.LuENSED AOE-NT of the GOV
EIniMENT, havinz obtained the heceegary forwiti,
&c.. will give prompt attention to all claiulp Suirnotod
to his care. No charge culet, socre*sfol.
GEO. P. LITTIllig.
Montrose, June 6th, 1863,
Is continually receiving
And keeps constantly on hand a frill and deelrable
sortment of gennine,
Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals,
Liquors, Paints, Oils, Ike-ernes, Tems, Spites and
other Groceries, Stoneware. Wall and Window Pa
per; Glassware. Lamps, Kerosene, Benzole,
Tanner's 011 Lubricat tog thl, Nerdsloot 014
Relined Whale Oil, Varnish, Whips,
Grins, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder,
Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Musical
Instruments, Tot et Soaps,
Hair Otis, Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Silver
Plated Spoons, Fortze, and Ivory Handled Knives,
Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of
Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, W.
Patent Medicines
advertised in Montrose. and nearly every GOOD KIND
In short, nearly everything to restore the nick. to
please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy,
and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts
of life. Enumeration - is impracticable, as It would ell a
newspaper. Call At the Drug and Variety Store of
7a 1:3013333:1%1130
Saves Ti me , Sam Money, Saves Labor,
Saves Clothes, Saves Women,
And all Grocers sell it.
it Is need by cutting into small shavings and dissolv
ing In hot water, then soak the clothes dee to ton min
utes, and a little hand rubbing will make them as Olean
1 , 3 h a rm, of machine rubbing would do. 'With ordinary
soap And the most delicate fabric receive no injury.—
We ran refbr to thong:nub of families who are using it,
and whit could not be persuaded to do withotit
rff - Bold by nil loading Grouts throughout tb•
Manothqured only by
XV/1TAX69. 71 12.. OFPICE, C)
107 South Fifth Street, Philad'a.
Nov. 13. 1A6t1.-Iy*aac