The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 25, 1866, Image 4
M=E=Ell!MMlM=== Tobacco thewers.- • ,Chewing,in theptirlor, pcpolfing the,street, 7',,DPAS4 3 gl 3 ve r Yla4y riaof yon'ehatioe to meet. F , Spitting au the pavement,. kid upon the Boor, NVltirtheye such, enslavement •,• - L'ver seen before. Fetid' breath forever, , Ssturated clothes; * - Cf`that we bad never toy. use for nose ; • See ladies with.long dresses . Corniog down the street, .- 'Sweeping up- the messes All &rotted their feet. Puddles to. the comers,. - Swelling into one ; :Terming „fakes and rivers, bry,ing in the tam. - 3 111iidens when you marry, ; ----- , - Tgbaceo worms don't,take, . . drink not Tom or Hatry-- Will quit it foi-your sake. Montrose, Deo. 3. • Chirme.d . by Serpenti That the serpent is endowed with the power to charm birds which they capture, and, the ability to facinate the larger tali nieisi. and even to influence the intellect of man, is an old and well established the oryA. marvelous incident of this character has just been brought to our notice. A little boy of four or five years of age, - of Irish parentage, in Bracken County, was in, the habit during the whole of last sum mer of going out in the woods near his home, to play with his "pretty things,." as he called them. After much persuasion, one day his mother was induced to fol-: low' bite to his play grounds to see what attracted him so mneh, when, to her tior-:, ror she discovered her little darling play ing with a -trio of line black snakes, wholly unconscious of peril. The 'boy was cordpietely fascinated, and would advanCe and repeat, and sport and daily with his hideous comrades, as if be were in.the charmed circle of his brotners and sis ters. The mother in terror ran to the house crying for help, when the father* the lad rushed to the rescue of his boy, and after some difficulty killed the snakes. Wonderful to relate—and we have this. information from a gentleman at:tequila tionable veracity—the little bey 80011 took to his bed, from 'Which hi 7 ittwer he pined away and died.tta early 'victim to the fascination of the serpent:. I:C=C3 • - Married by Ifilt ; Tl - nDetreit.:'Union of;,rt4nYtatiye.: " Last evening Edward Thayer and Miss Helen F. Jediman, attended by Mr: Am tiiillumphrey and Annie E. Crease, went to St. Paul's Church, the former to got married, and the latter-to act as grooms. man and bridesmaid. They all stood up befOre the altar, and the officiating cler gyman, the Rev. Mr. Dunn, supposing that both couples wore to be married, re quested the gentlemen to join bands with their respective ladies, which was done, and in,a , very short space of time the four were intide two. The situation being fel ls realized by the latter couple, they cue eluded to accept what they could not very wer help, and all adjourned to their boarding house quite well pleased -with' the , result of the preacher's mistake." —The language of the rose in June is, " Well I'm bloomed;" of the. asparagus in July, "cut and come again;" of peas in August,'" Shell out;" of the apple tree in September, " Go it, my pippins." —"Gentlemen of the jury," said a wes tern lawyer, " would you set a rat trap to catch a hear, tr make fools of yourselves by trying to spear-a buffalo with a knit -ting !locate ? I know you' would not. Then how can you be guilty of convicting my client of man slaughter for taking the life of a woman. The prisoner was sa l quitted. How ?,kcu CORN IN SiVEM: ithrNDS or Esns.—lt is customary for Western farmersto;sell their corn in the-ear. and theY — giv,e-meVeoty _pounds for -a bushet The'Prairle Farmer is authority for say ing alai seventy ponds of old corn on the cpl;ornake sixty five pounds and thir teen,ounces. Certainly this will more than :pay any farmer for shelling bii - ccmt at, home, , On any prairie farm- the colis alone will pay for shelling, as - they are worth nearly as much as coal, pound for pound. —Aft.i.steamer was proceeding from New York to Portsmouth, N. H. with a detaclittit.nt of marines, last Friday week. when about-twenty 'five miles from New pert, the engineer came on deck and no ticed one of the marines trembling vio lently. - He asked the man if he was but he made no,reply, put his hands on the rail, leaped overboard, and was seen no more. A Octov, Cow.—Daniel O'Connell once saved anow thief from hinging; though the fedow was condemned to transports, tion. He afterwards returned to Ireland and made himself known to O'Connell, and in 11 , qiiital for his services as counsel said :'be Would impart a valuable secret. "If your honor wan ts to steal a cow, go *dirk, sniuy night, and take a cow that stands:mit in the field, and sure you will get gdoilnue. The weakly ones, yer.lionor, always shelter under the hedge if the weather is bad," 17149 editor in lowa bee become p 9 bol low fiter - depending upon the prviddg bakrm alone for bread, that Fie NM:lose@ to Bell bimself for a - stoce-pipo;-$4 , three fOIC LA ' outitikatiVandir -The-followittg 7 tirTimitrAilte,4 fights of -"varienis - artidlea- of pii•dtee%rindAtte rates by. : 1 04 0 01-6 3' 1 4 9501 0e b° Pg bLand sold: - •T 1 A bilgle) Of Alined , citinAltrairilfii: . Of corn . en,thttiob, , s - eventy lbs. Of 17e, Stity_•eixlbs, - ._ Ofeatk- L thitts lbs.- 1 Of tiarley,forty-eighti lb"; Of potatoes, gists , lbs. Of beans, sixty' fba. Of bran, twenty lbs. Of clover seed, sixty lbs. Of timothy seed, forty' two .11& Of flax seed, fifty•six lbs. Of hemp•seed, forty-four lbs. Of buckWheapfotty ereiflbt? Of castor beans, forty-six lbs. Of dried peaches, thirty-three lbs. Of dried apples, twenty-two lbs. Of onions, :fifty-seven -lbs. - • ' pfsalt,ffq46, lbs. —Tho annual income_olQuten Victoria is $2,000,900,, and her living expenses $500,060. • . —The New York Daily News will here after be published as an evening paper: Tnn muniCital: elation 'int Boston on Monday last came near proving a disaster tothe-Radicals. They succeeded in elect ing their Mayor by a plurality ai?ou eight, hundred votes, against twenty-one hundied last year. —The Radicals arein favor of permit. ting black men to, yote, but are horrified at the proposition to confer the elective franchise upon while women. —The. Newport 111..1. ) Mercury has a list of 356 inhabitants of that citrwho have attained the age • of seventy years-being one in etery thirty-five of the population. —The " mysterious unknown" who was jugged for several.thontbsin Wash ington, because somebody . thought be might be John H. Surratt,4i now editing an Arkansas newspaper. - ' —Some men ,•Itiziep . Nell savage dogs around their honses, so that the hungry poor who stop to "get a bite" may get it outside the door. —Ungelfigh'and noble acts are the rnost radiant epochs in the..biography of souls. When wrought in earliest youth theylie in the memory of age like, the coral Is lands, green and sunny, amidst the mei audibly WaSto . of ocean. —Wbat.five-letters form a.-sentence of forgiveness? Ix qq a. —The newest Yankee' inv44tion is an umbrella with a gager round the edge and a spout at- one corner. —Old lady (to a hackman) : " Bat thew hacks are dangerous., You never know Who rides in them.' 'We Migheget the small Ooachy '"You're‘no cause to be afeared of my coach, mum, - for I've 'ad the hind wheels , waceinate, and it took beautiful." -Prentice says that if the bard times' continue nien's clothes. - may,is well be made wiAbout pockets. —" Oh aunty, make Freddy behave himself. Eery time I happen to bit him on the head with the inaiiet he bursts right ou6Tolying47, bstcerlva?.'kr4ntg, man shot immthenemg-theinttif-of he was advised not toenter the legal pro fession, for it'wasalreAdy;_trOwtre4. His reply was; i°There is room enough at th e top.' -•The questioo,.: of. what maluti!, the ocean salt has been discussed, and-many theories have, been iithraneed as to the re al cause. In the absence of any, -howev er, that may be pronounced infallible, the reason given recently by a Hula school boy appears to us to be novel, if not phi loshpical. When asked , the question, he replied that the saltness of the• ocean "came from the codfiehthat swims init.!! Fire, Life and Accidental GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. 21S4ozalgr clinic.. iPo. Itome r lnsurince Co. of N. Y„Capital and - Surplus, 0%000,000 kisuusooe Co. ofandSurplus, North America; •Ybirc. 1;700, • • Capital • 000 Internallenal Fire insurance Co. of N. Y. • - L Capttaland Surplus, 1,500,000 Girard Fire and lilurluci. Insuraora Co. of Phil's. Capital and - -10040/ Lytording County Mutual tn4eance Co.of- • -Maney,-Petti'a, Capital andlinfplasi- • '4 500 ,000 :Farmer's CapitaLandS Mutual urpl insuus, rance Co. York , Pa., • .• Itaterprise und Insurance Surplus Ccnapany, phil* - Capital, Insmance c.o. State of, Pennsylvallis, Phil. Cavite' l and Surplus, . . 700,000 Kensington' Fire and M. liistirinee Co., Phil's, Capital and Bnrplus, 800,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insltraneego. of__ Hartford; Vann., • paying Miser cent: - dividends to thesissnMti Capital, „e' 4%9 1 ,1 you! Amerimut - Litelnsuranen Philadet!- ph* Capital, , _ • , • Trorelers'lnsurance Holllartford s cran e" :. • tura:lag *squat all timid It =Went, ,•'• " Capital;::.- • 1. • -i...:4l l lhtitia. Hartfoid Tire "liiiiiranee """ ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, _ 11083,163 Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, . Capital, sso' 0,000 . Or All business entrusted to our acre will be attend ed to on air terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. 1372.011 D Et BROWN, Agents. ggp7Ofate &indoor north of" Montrose Hotel," west side of Public Avenue. Brussios &mono. enemas L. Mawr. Montrose, Jai. Ist. 1806. ly PUBII:LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. tiREFERRED by all practkial Waters t Try It, and you svfil have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITh, Wholeiale Drug, Paint-12d Glass Dealers, jazad ly LTI Itlorth &I street, Phllad'a. . , - . • g IarILDER'S erilh. Powder and Burglar TT ProcaLock—(Key worady ont)-4orsale by. • MENET C. TIMM - - Aleo-131182* FAMILY.SEWING NACHEITE 74 !rift 'Xiii44;l/24.**trnigs with Ravaaeiaii Fawn sa.faitWelidiOl (*a: coinplltated—perfectly altnple' to all; ercetot - 79tbot• agents. _Allf"Please call 'o el Store," 414 FlBSTOTlonsilert ' Bold 11,tAtanutietolifiread ,,, YY -, 116nuffeCzlienf.27, tus. if t 3.11 4" "k -111 aMilas Maangia ~ .~9 ._ " No* :York - - • Virginia, Nol'o=3'6's4, Vermont, : Wisconsin, :TOnnoesee, Penna)4vania, lowa,. , ..Alabama, Ohio, : . Itentneky, Oregon, Inikiann• Miagoorii. At the Fairs et lhe ' American Institute, Franklin Institute, Maryland In. 'titan, Massac.husetti 2ilichturlW Association, . rento.,Mechanica' Institute. St. Loos Agit:altars! and litictutialcs' u•Assosiatiriti, • '4a And akaaccerene Institute and 001113ty Vain, inoladlog ali.the _Aare et which. they were. exhibited the yam three yew", _.-- ' - Fret tirizes h ave alio'iteen aw arded these machines at the eabibitioia,of . . Loin 6i3; Parte; Dublin, Besanco'n Bayanne, St. PiziOt., Chalons, And theft bay. boon tarnished toropeetal command to Am Empress of France,, . r. 5 . Empress Aultria; Empress.of Russia, . Empress of Brazil, Queen of Spain, and ' Queen of Bavaria The Grover & Baker Elastic stitch Bowing Idaebirea Ira superior to all others for the following reasons: 1. They BOW dire@ (for Ityrspall,o4Arequire no re 'winding of thread: 9. The q ere more easily - tioaerstood mild need, am • emillabie to derangement thatt'apy other machtnee. 5- They are capable of executing perfectly, Without change of adjuettnentot much greater variety of work than other machines. 4. The stitch mode by these machines is much more firm, elastic and durable, especially upon:articles which require to be washed and ironed. than any other stitch: 5. This stitch, owing tothe ninon ertn' which the on. der thread!. inwrmight, is much the most plump, sad beautiful in live, and retains thie'pTummie.hs and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and ironed until they are worn out. 6. The otructuteet Mittman let Stich ihat. though it be cut or broken at interests of ortira few stitches, it• will neither open, run, unravel , butremaina drus tittd (bitable. _ . 7, Minket:Met , machines, these fasten- both ends of Maisons by their own operation. 8. With there mechinee, while silk is tiled Ono the righter fire tide of the Seam, ent , on may be used upon the other sideorithont lessening the strength or dem. bllityofthfr seam. This 'Can be done, on no other .nut. chine, and is a great saving upon ell article. stitched er made isp.with silk. 9. These machines, in -addition to their superior mer its as instrumentf: for sewing: icy a :chtuite of adjust ment,easity learned and practiced, execute Abe masa benutit* and ppimanept oßbroldet7 and oinuitkentat . wort. Oct. t31.+40m YtIRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD; - the whitest. the most durables, the most Cron ornisil Trylll illatmlbetured only by ZIP.OI.EII ei e bb4lll,- Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Deniers, Jareliff ly 137 North Bd street, Philad's. DELAWARE, LACKAWAN. WESTBR,IH.R. Winter A rrangemeh PASSENGER TRAINS-LEAN' R WESTWARD, EASTM Man Zito:Wigl M ail train. Lain. STATIONS. train. A. M. P. P 11 , ..r0 . 1 Ile ew cv 11; 12 18 • Manz:inks Chunk.... I 1,85 12 45 Delaware ....Dine... tan 5,36 11,43 ` cholvoli ' 8.35 0 o 5,53' .12,: s ropbottom. - 8,18 RN I 12,38 litantrose.... ...... • 7.55 n 8,41 • • New Milford .... . 34 • 1 'l,OO 2,18 al P.M. P. •PiScit of Liberipst. I iR. M CO The train'N Yorkedit at NNE Ti fro ONo7 4w W:irsv C a on ti n ti. nunlra Chunk with the trainleaving Philad's(Renstng ton depot) at 7,30 a. tn... and at Greatfand with throne' Erie Railway, with sleeping car at tachedi stopping at all thenrincipsi stations on that road. and urrfainrarThrifalo at 0.18 a.m. The lassetzgertrain. from - Scranton connects at Gal. Rand with thrormh trains going west and east on Erie Railway, arriving at Stablo atl, 2 d 4. pt., and at Sala manta at 12 m. • - 4 ;1) r. 1.1.17. • • • CONNSCTIONE"-EASTWARD: The Mail train from Great Jiend connecti these with the Cincinnati Expresikon the Erie Railway from the west ; at Mannuka Chunk with a train for Philatra and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at ti 3Dp m.; and at New Ramptonwfth a train for Eaton .13ethlehuto.AUcutown.Reading,altdAllirillktnOtti T .at fiarriatratg 8,80 ;••• •• Aeltrant6n:ttontlectiwat are aide Witlitralaikaitha • Lackawanna and Bloomsbn rg R.B. to and from Pittston •Kihgatnn, %Melbas:re" licrwlek.Rloomeburg,Dativille,' Northumberlawdiflarrisburg andintermediate stations, and with, trains,on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to and 'from Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. A. REFRY, _ J. BRISBIN. nov97 General Ticket Agent. President. RAlTMAY:—Otrard'aftOr Mon- A.. 4 day. November 19fb11868Anaint will leave Great Bend at. about ;lie following hours, viz.: GOING WEST. . Leers. ' Night iprese. Mondayir excepted, for B. cliester n ltuftio. Salamanca And Difialdrk, making di rect &intention with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western. Lake Shore and Grand Think Railways. for all points West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; at OwegoTor Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 8.45 a. in. Lightning Repress. Daily, for Rochester, Butslo. Snantanca, Dnnklik. and the Weal. Stops at Great Bend on 'Mondays only. 5.27 a. tp. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 11.21 a. In. Ittr'grant Train. Daily, for the West. 4.0 p.m, Day axpress, Sundays excepted, for cheater. Thaffislo. Salamanca,Dunklrk, and the West. Col:meets at Binghamton for Syracuse : at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmka ' for Canandaigua: at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western 'Kaftan - and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Tv:loc Rail wept, for ail pOints West and South. 7. 21 p. m. Express - YAM Sundays excepted, forauffto 10. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with train, for the West. - 1.00 P. m. WariPreight,lfundaye excepted. ' • • Aortm lust 1.04 a. m. Cincinnati t %press. ifendnyi excep ted, _ Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Grayoprt for NOW tarry and Warwick. 6.12 p. m. Accommodation .Train Daily. 163 p. m. Day Express, Sundays excepted. 910 , Nettv York and Baltimore Hail, Sundays capted. .3.43 a. m. Night Express, Daily, connecting at Gray. court for Warwick. • ._ Agent. --!1- Geall Sup, t . p H TE cti A deeel i bT f4l Lettere of adnifolatratifin ntion'the estite 011ie above named deceilent baiiog been granted to the =denial:l -edra)lNmaoos Indebted to v 014.0030 itro hereby u 0 41,-, dedle.adake,ltureedfate _payment. and Mom ferile,toyreyettAllem duly eulbetitli , • entedlosseltletrient: - - • - • GAYLORD CFRTIS Adna ' ' Sacra' Depot, Nov. 13, 1866. ' tiffitiq it Ilai r int *UM; e.hstatyjtAr Alai Star* ,; Now BUMP& Nov. IS. Iwo" - • .yr r " ' ~ , ,~..,~ 1!QM11311111E .• : :*" IVrtitttlirt7nit, . • . • HIGHEST PREMIUMS GROVEWit BASER 8. CO.. 493 Broadway. 'Nor Tort. 130 Vliebthat *treat, nil's. :"Tt.3,3 ~^ • k•41..1 ,-• A.* *33,0 estoire. of Gutteninug. Rosenbaum & Co. tumPook at ttwriseadvi - asaprisant of NEW GOODS, For Fall & Winter, " • ,• • • A Receiviti lids - weak' trea:Now Y. : S ______ STOCK OE - GOODS- IN TCYVVIV", And rites tolisfoeto►y ,to every otte Datils Goons, pLv , 4..0 , ,$ COTTON GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS,.FCHS,SrIRT'S Goons,' ` AND FANC Y too summons to mention (0102 1 1WIRe a And: Gents' Furnishing Goody. Any Quantity and Stile Oitittittritrg, lotitithfim - * ter: aas ; iltanatiing - Maztrose, Sept:4l'3l?-116. A And ,'Dee. Ed. G4t-E-A-3----M 1141 6,20 CID 4.05 SA& 3,05 2.40 PM - A ' 13AL 1 171-1 - G C?.23..1a ES, . F Z 3 R S , . Ci Ma CO FURNISHING' GOODS, - - , Li - "GLOVES- 4:ol:ittilk- ,i BOOTS & SHOES. FAACIE VCR S, wady% order, and Mereimin!s 'applied it the 'owes Row York Mail. The ginhlte *re Itertted to eall, 'exudes Goode, and get the pekes, if thy/goal the Geed*: • - U 6. *SLUM Public Mean*. Montrose. Aug. I, INC • • • • -FOR ALL Eli DS 01 *FRESH LOT OF JUST AIUMW TOR Talk I - $6171 . 1.11:1,41; .., 1 1C 1 1 . 45t;Cle, At WILSOS, GREWINI' . 4III - 1* :113R.411. . ' BA UT V Anbur ti OW AD den. Flaxen. and Silken • CURLS produced by the use' of Prof, DailnEnz's FILMED?. LE CH/MEAUX. One ap, • idleaticin warranted to curl aft • 4 ho.most straightiapd stub- • born hair of either sex Into wary oglets or heavymasolve curls. Bat been used by the fashionables of Paris and London. with the moat gratifying results. 'Does no inlury lotilehair. Pride by mail, sealed abd postpaid, 41.. • Descriptive circulars mailed freo. •Addrpea BERORR, BRUTTS & CO4Cherat late, No. 285 River street, - Troy,'N. Y. Only agents for thellalted States. .- • irtspq Excelsior': . Excelsior CBAJEITELLX.A.4I63RVIEV HAIR- EXTERMINATOR , , FOR RBMOVLNO WIIPERFLUOIIB rib the Ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory recornmends Itself as being an almostlndispettiable article to *male beauty. is easily applied; and does not burn orinjure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warruntedlo remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any partof the body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin Soft. smooth and natural. This is the only article used,by the French; and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price $1 per package, sent post paid to an address. on receipt of an order, by Banana, Buyers dr C 0.., Chemists. nut lyetipti 2Ssitiver street, Troy, N.Y. WHITE. LIQUID ENAMEL , OR Ltaprovin. and Beautifying the complexion. • FThe most vsluable and pertect preparation. in nee. for giving th e skin a beautiful pearhlike tint, that is only found in yonth. It quickly removes tan. freckles, pimples. blotches, moth patch. s, satiowners,eruptions andall impurities of the skin. kindly healing the same, leaving- the, skin white and clear as alabaster. Its use cannot beifetSeted the closeet !Cranny. and being a vegetaitio preparatiOn. perfectlyttarmless..' It is the only article of the kind need bj the trench. and is con !Metal:thy the 'Parisian as indispensable to &perfect toilet. ~Epwanis of 30,000 hoitles were Bold. daring the past year, a stigletent guarantee of its eglary. Price only ;beta: Maned, poetEi s tl. on receipt of an order by BERGER, S UTTS (XL, Chemists. myl 1 ycfcpq • River street, Troyi N. Y. IPHU TEAM 1 We want Agent* every _ p• , where to sell oar IMPROVe.D $2O Sew _%)o Machines. • Three new ' kinds. Under and upper . o feed. Sept on trial. Warranted Ave years. Above sal ary or lame commissions paid. The only machines sold in the I.l k nited Statewfor "less than $4O. which are fully licensed by Howe. Wheeler & Wilson. Grover & Baker. Sham' & Co.. and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are infrineemente. and the seller or neer are liable to arrest. line and imprisonment. Illnstreted eircnian , sent free. Address, or call upon SIIAW & CLARK. at Bidde ford. Maine, orChicago, Ili. (ma3r29lly• New 3E" Baldwin, Allen, & Mitchell. ACIAIIt I After retiring, foi thirty days at `• hard labor," have re sumed business at the old stand, tinder the name and Arm of • BAIDWIN u AIXEN , tr. MITCHELL, DE &LEM is: • Flour, Feed, Sal!, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal , alit, Candles, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, Susan, heati— - C/ovirr‘ 7Viiiath - y- 1 1Sied, ?lei-Yeti', Beans, 'ltivoinz, •It it;,'dc. etc. l i Titittru'llisdnist lttri r tim e .we 'hall be happy loses and Orals upon on? o d aud new customers. AlrOooda end Flo raraiianted. A. RALlmsr: -tri... AMEN. B. r'.llllTcfrELL.: Identroge„April 10,18 6 6. evil A stortn ! Agefite iranted for six ivntirely 'new articles. 3iisf - 6nf. Address 0. I'. 'OA tEY, City Building, Biddeford, Me. (rnnißily-• mlliw Err c::kxl.mi ocovw & COATS Post's bolidingi below Boyd's Corner, is the place to buy your FLOOR, GROCERIES, MD MOVISIONS, • CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP MINER St COATS WonMinton:a the•publie that they ere near opening New and Vimicelitdck of PAIIIt.r GROCERIES, Just received - NMI Neer-York.'which they will tell cheap for cash, or exckingit for allklude of Partners produce. We hayesnitde arrangements with one of the best Commisplon llonses in New York for shipping Rutter and - Produce, and will furnish Palls tree of charge, and make Liberal Adieuicemeats on consignments of Butter. Also, CABB paid for Bat ter, drain and Eggs. Aire , h supply et ‘O,PLUDEN VEGET 4.DLZS, by Ex press, always on band. 1-WThankfal for the liberal patronage already re ceived. we dealing honorably with our custom ers to still further extend our trade. C. 0. MINER; • . . W: R• COATS Montrose, JuneS. 1866. Em .41‘ae gem Ay; In these days Houeekreaking and Robbery, may House, Store, Bank and eke should have one of REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS. desirina thernseliiss of the late .tm• proyements In Pistols, and superior workmantglpand form, will ilndall containedin Ms now REMINGTON,AE:y9wF,4§„ Circulars, containing , cuts and description of oat . ' Arms,. seill , be 11:imbibed zon application. ar01) E. p.BIdII , NITON BONS, Won, 11. y. • .. . T'llt.bittlrufee4ectni" Informs theinblle Wit Blacksmith Shop' . o,4:llemons. near the Pthitidry of Sayratrotltere. Colston:tax - will do well to=. call., as they can get every. thing done** the Blackenalthlogllne neatly and prompt ly for coed,. - • , or dealer attention irtyen to Horne = ZDWASE/ P. Notheese, Dee. I*, 111111. tt 111) • al GROtililitt-PROYISIONSI CRANti HOWELL & CO., L BE now receiving *large itarvrelliselected stock st A. n e w goods, consis4ng in part °MOUS* cinktil. _ , FLOUR ••.VAMP- saw% r`' ,•• .sudARTABLE BALT STRIBP J . ' BBL BALI% HOLIiSSEN __,_, ~ CANDLES.: CHOICE } TEAS, BRUSHES '• i' N COPPER. • , a c. . ik ; . 11P/Ofr i ' 4 ... Iffilliti: - '. L s . •, - ~.. , - • ,-.. PORK. ' WOODEN-VARA • BANS. DA,Earrs wadi poke FAR. • . • ' ROPE, &e. and in fact *choice variety of an kinda of ,:. , GROCERIESVPINVISION width wo sachem:lllu eelliariaokasalo sus res i n, cheap for cash or resads pay. Call and see hefore 4u7lng elsewhere, for we taho pleasure is ahowirar ottr golids, whether you hay cruet.- ALL KiNDS Or PRODUCE taken In exchange for Otoodisatihe beet market prices. op — Shop In basement of Boyd's frialldiegnat Debi Searle's Hotel. . . A 150,,, Meat Market bljoining, Where Fresh Meata and Fish of all kinds are kept for sale. 0. N. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. PERGERSON. Montrose, May 1, 1866; • Maihood: How Lost, How Be: ,stored. TIIST publahed. a new edition of 'Dr. Culver. CelebratedEmaay on the radical cats (without medicine) of ISPanwavondwor.x, or Semis] Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, .Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments is Idar• rtage. etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy; and Pits, la. duced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. irf"Price, In a sealed envelope. only it cents. The celebrated anchor in this admirable essayeleirly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successfal i mnictlce, that the alarming consequences of se:f•abnie may bs radically cored without the dangerous use of interest medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out . mode of care at once 'sittiple. certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mattsr what his eon ditlort may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Per - This Lecture ehotild• be in-the bald/ of every youth and every man In the - land. Sent,under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post paid. on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE I CO.. 121 Bowery, New York, Poet Wheelie: 4,531, Merck W. 1966—lyamp. HUNT BROTHERS , ~cßartPo, mow., Wholesale a Retail Dealers In 21111210 - VA22a . I 3EL oar , STEEL, 'NAILS, sViiirikvas.; sortAtttis BUILDER'S 'HARDWARE. MINX BALL, COUR TERMINI?' -A 7' RAIL SPIESS RAILROAD A: HINING,SITPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRING& AXLE'S; SKEINS AND BOXES. DOLTS; 11717T8 and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS,,HALLEAHLS • IRONS. RUBS: SPOICES. FELLGES. SEAT SPINDLES. BOW'S. Sr. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES, ,BELLOIII HAMMERS. SLEDGES. - PILES. Re. te. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BRIM°. PACKIIIII TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARTS CEMENT: HAIRS all/NDSTONES.. FMINCI/ WODOW GLASS. LEATHER a MaIL4GI . . FAIRBANK'S SCALES. • Scranton. March ?A. IBPS. ' .17. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD W ILL do more guAl bead wrozk 9t a given root, du Mtionfa any ctared only other. At I • • . mi ziEatEn a rth. - y WI:011mM. Drug. Paint, And Oldie Dealers, lanai) ty . • 137 ! Norlb 4 street, Philedt. . . Laimas, ran ,osir tun s , „ . AT JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Established Fur Manufactory, No. TlB ARCH sTriikr, above PHILADELPHIA. ASE now In store ofiny own manufacture svd tiortationonneof theAltrgett and moot brentlibl selections ofJPANCY PITHS. for Ladies' and Cailarru'e wear in the City. Also, a film assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collars. --'-- I am enabled to dispose of my goods far/grump ble prices, and 1 would therefore s a call from my friends of Susqiirhanna countyand vicinity. Remember tins name, number and street. JOHN FAREIRA, N0..718 ARCH Bt. JO. 7th. south side, PRILAWA. VOrn have no Partner, nor connection with arty, oth er Store 1a Philadelphia. ' Oct. 16, 4rajw 11oWARD Assciellatlon,Phlladclpb l a.h Diseases of tbd Nerons, Seminal. trinsn andlier• Bala sterns - new and reliable trey tto ent—in Aqua's el 11 the OWARD ASSOCIATION. Fent by mail in scaled let:er enVelopes, free of ebarge. Address Dr. J. Santis Hocroasosr. Howard Association, o 2 Son think Stroll Philadelphia. Pa. , READY MADE CLOTHING juk,_ „ at the Fattdale Cheap Stara "THEFAMOUS BARBER." Cowie and tiee the ramous Ratter, Femme Baitter, late of Hayti. • Late of Hayti now at Weeks', Now at F. B. Weeks' Store Room, Find,M* shaving an d -shampooing, Find me dotting hair to snit you, 1 9 1nfl me ready at year service. At r ur service. CUARLET moms irontrote, ct 15, 1863. t 9 Ladkawatint & Bloomsburg B. R. ON and after November 27, 180, passenger tralto will run ae follows : , 80(7.1"11WARD— .. r IL A. N. a• Leave. Scranton. 5:50 10:50 4,30 .. " Kin piton. 6:55 11:15 LA 03 " Rupert. 9:15 eV ,• Danville. 9:50 10:11 Arrive at Northumberiaad, 10:30 NORTII WA RD. S:O5 Leave Northamberlrnd, • 8:00 tit Danville, • , 8:40 ..Rupert, 9:1 •• itingaton, t 3 55 • 4kB : 3 CH 1. 1:4413 Arifie atScranton. • 8:45 9 :5 5 110 1 Passengers taking train 'entith from Scranton lig a. in. via Nortbamberiand, reach Ifarrfsbnre milt."•ri m.; Baltimore 5:80 P. m.; 'Washington 10:00 p. r_i_ pert reach Philatielphfirat 00p.T to. Kingston, Nov. 25. -- • • B o 2 iim,BgPu NEW GOODS: & 'Brtit i tkin D -Aire poF ;ectivit9l It* 239 w Stock of rut; irSit 4or , cztveziato 9 ~v4101, sold eaeraci.e.:l=o "loam co.a.esx. ' , Summer, Vress ,Goa Silks, Grenadiosh Lawnel Mullins, Prints, Delaioes,' • •;Th!-Ppplistialitts44 ,l PaPg, sA. Groceries, Prockerhilerdwareoto• WEBB 4 BUTTERFIELD . ' Montrose, May 29, Itata.