The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 25, 1866, Image 2
j, Indust g antral. A. .T. GERBITSON, • ,-; • . • i:,r:Editiir; TUESDAY, DE O. 25, 1866.:, What is a Congress ? As Congress is a body of fixed consti tutional anti limited powers, it is l impor. taut tieknow y what it'is,*accordititterthe Vre — Wilitet"tbeTirStiptiiie Law of the Land" anstrei e '• - - "The Rowe of Reprfisentattres , shall be,edmposed of memb ers chosen every second year by the people 'Of 'the several States"— . Statea.—(Ccitistit.nticm, Act "Representatives shall be apportioned among Abe several States according . to their, respective nnlnbers','—population, not voters.—Constitation,. Art. 1, Sec. 2. "The'Senate of the United States shall be composed of 'two Senators from' each State."—[Constitution, Art. 1, Sec. 3. '" No State,' without its consent,shall' ho deprived of its equal suffrage in the Semite' —not even by an amendment of the Constitution.—Constitution, Art. 5. It is then quite clear that all the Stales , are entitled to have each two Senators in the Senate, and members in the House in proportion to their population. This makes a Congress. The question must, eventu ally be raised, whether, under the present radical plan of exclusion, we have a Con gress, or only a band' of revolutionists, who usurp power and force practical dis union upon the country. .+, ,', "A Villain at.lleart I" it is often 'said that'"polities makes strange bed-fellows;" and of this we , find atriking illuitration in the annexed par r agraph,wherein J. W. Forney gives his opinions of Thad. Stevens. Read: both ex it:let& and compire them : , WASUINGTO34 D. C. Den , 13,1866. Mr DEAR Sin Since I wrote yen yes terday I have carefally considered the several suggestions,' ventured to make in regard to •the election of a Senator-to Can.`, gross from Pennsylvania-for sir years. from the 4th •of March, 1807; land every moment's additional reflection%strengthl cos my conviction that it is the ditty of t-very sincere member of the great Repub heats Union party to sink -all personal is piraT ions for the purpose of obtaining the pervices of a statesman who -will • tnost' l faishtnlly and fearlessly defend the Radi cal principles which, after the most, thorj , o ugh political canvass in our history,gave its so commanding a victory in this State on•tho 9th of October last. With no dis position. o tinderrate others, - I am:free to say , that - I think the election'of the Hon: Thaddeus Stevens, as the successor Of Mr. Cowan, would promote lasting harmony in our political household, and would un questionably secure to the State and the nation a champion of those great princi pits, of mat chleAs experience, integrity and courage. Wt.tild it not be a happy termination to an :Ansi Hotta life—never so illustrious as during the successful overthrow of that, dangerous institution (Free Masonry), whio more than half a century ago Thad dews Stevens eras among the first and' boldest to oppose—if Pennsylvania, thro' her Union Republican Legislature, volin tarily tendered to him the only high of fice She has in her immediate gift ? Im presied by these considerations, I feel that I mu ;lit.eharging a simple duty in editing you to withdraw my name, should it be presented in the Union caucus as a candidate for United States Senator. Thanking you most cordially for the expression of your . willingness tO.give me your vote for that high office I remain, Very truly, your grateful friend, J. W.. FolgacT. ri4n.,W. Worthington, WeseChester,Pa, The above portrait of Mr. Stevens is a recent sketch, and will no doubt occasion the object 'of it intense more, pernaps, than the following pen and ink.picture which appeared some years ago in the Lancaster Ifitelligencer,tben ed ited and published by John W. Forney Thitidens Stevens, we are glad to.say it,,is not, a . Pennsylvanian. His own Ne wry; proves that he came here a stranger to lier.people, and has continued,, at all Liras e . s, ,cowistently ad verse to her i n te r es i 5..,./ le ,haa, been since his unfortunate presences in the,Legislatare, Pennsylvan i:e* evil genie% and if she has degenera ted 41.4117-and the three past years of her life prove that elie bas—he planned the misfortune. We will not repeat here his utter destitution of :.reputation..-for his career is one of that kind which could on ly have been run by avi//stin at -,lteari.--4 Pennsylvania has three bletiehesH.upon her escutelleon : The anti-masonic) inquisi tions-the chartering of the United States 8tn..4 god the. present outrage - out ties of affairs. The first it, Is not requis-, &to Pay. lie Arigivated and completed.; The,seuniul is the fitting offspriug ;of his brain ; for. he,:read that infamous bill bd. : foroAhe Waterhouse ofßepresentatives.. The last .(tha Buckshot , war) is kis.ount by every Aiwtofright. He began-the anus-. cby+-it, is the Sad consequence of his own plact•i)aile 'dissolved -the gtwernment. HO* now urging the;Senateid.igobi.its patikof destruction.'. He emphatically "the- power behind the- throne." The Jest is a desperate end final plunge.: It will eithermake or. unmake him If Itis unsuccessful, he will be spurned 'sot only, from the halls of the LegislatureOsut trout the very State—ft the law peptide his es. cape. It will be observed that the estimate Placed uPoulhe " illcattious life" „ofort, said,'bylqr. Forney io 1886; 'does tot of tirely accord with hia previims notion up• Oft the same stibjeiat.+ l But,' Men change bjtth ftirtulie, Minnows change. with Tenet, with hooks, and principles with times." And Forney, having evidently become, like Vitt& a !'-Villain at heart," is quick to • t*f. eudorst` the Old man whose " villainy" has Ord7liaidaiiia — fitit - Si' hie` irhich' of South* Senthnent The PhartestonMeroury has an ante e on.tbe duty .of the white to the', colored, 'whictris •in such marked contrast with what theitadical press of the North rep resents to be' the feeling and temper of the Soathern people, that we transfer i t to our columns. ,The Mercury, iu speaking of the planter, says : Although without money, can he not exhibit the kindly will, and give the gen tle admonition and urge 'the grave admo nition, and help to - spread abroad, by his walk and conversation, that noble charity, which is the only bond of peace? Can he not countenance the efforts which are be ing Made to keep'the pure faith of Christ in the benne of these people, and to keep out foul error, or that " gospel of hate" which others aro strivieg to spread amongst them? Leave - them to them selVes; and you may leave thein a prey to deceptimr, malignity, and, perhaps, death —death to the soul 'and body. Leave them to the inflinnee,of others, and they may bectitrie organized enemies—net les s' A plague to you because a plague to'theni selves. The fntnre of the Siiiith rests; I for ita peace arid prosperity; upon the am icable relations between the two races in habitin,g it. This amity can .only be prd &tined by spreading abroad'tbe greatprin ciples and faith of the Prince of Peace. The, responsibility' for the future mink, rest; mainly on .the superior race. Power is responsibility; alrid neither the folly of weakness, nor the devices of wickedness, can justify us in using or not using it, ex cepting to primate' the good of man and the glory of God. 'We have had no °red ;it.-W'e will have no dredit=for anything ,we may do for the African itiOe. - All, the. 'good we have dein; for thein ht e l been tributed to avarice or fear. .All that we shall do for them in the future we must expect to be : .without, appreciation hy; those 'who have..:assumed,to centrel their destiny. Ft ut if a cap ofCOMWater net without its` reward, neither shall aorta to humanize and christianizethose whom eircenietanees heyond,ear control, have placed 'tinder our influence ,and :care be without their august recompense., If we are overruled in oar efforts to do, ear du ly, or ntir services ' will not; lie - r,eoe4ed, be it so. We 'will stand acquitted at Our greatiecount, and on where will fall all the responsibility. llaalmlliaa Issues a Proclamation. Naw ORLEANS, Dec. 18. TheinVowing proclamation was issued by Maximilian and ,proptulgateci in the city ofMexico on the-sth ot, December : , ORIZABA, Dee.. 4,1866. Circumstanses-of _great magnitude rela ting to the welfare of our country, and', which increase in strength by our domes tie -difficulties, have produced in our mind the conviction that we ought to reconsid er the power confided. Oar Council of Ministers, by us convok ed, has given as their opinion that the welfare of Mexico still requires our pres ence at the head of affairs, and we have considered it our. duty to accede to their request, annonneing at the -same time our intention to convoke a National Congress on the most ample and liberal basis, where all• political parties can participate, and this Congress shall decide whether the Erupire!shall :continue in - future, and • in case °Lassen; shall assist in framing the fundamental laws-to nunsolidatethe pub lic, institutions of the country.'' To obtain this result our counselors are at present engaged in devisingthe neces sary means, and at the same time arrange mattarain such-a manner that all parties may assist -in an arrangement. on that ba sis. 'ln the meantime; Mexicans, counting upon-all without excludin g• an y political class : we shill continue the work of re generation with oonra . ge and constancy; having been raved in' charge of your countrymen. - (Signed) • : 'Km YORK, Dec. 18. &special rMeaican correspondent, re ports that on the 2d -instant-Marshal Ba zaine issued &manifesto in reply to Maxi milian',i3 determination to remain, and stating that in future the French troops would remain perfectiy neutral, taking no part, inAtexican affairs., On the , 29th of,Noyember an attack ou San Luis Potosi was repulsed by Melia, with fieavY lois to the Liberals in men :and artillery. Bazaine.had sent a cordial .insitatios. to .Geueral visit .Mexico as his guest. ;Itwas claimed That Diaz had-given in .his .'adhesion to Maxi 'lniliaut.with 8000 -nieu. - , - ...htl:irpik.p . 'l":6): . tipittaid 1116 f, year4l isAli,Cin t ectipkign upon dip ic4-, menep ,Vi.TrO .4e ,O . : 4ciPrAt ,%, --Hubert Riddle who WM sentenced on the loth of:Noiember, 1665, te five years imprisontueut, atlahor, in the Schuylkill county. .jail, ,for the marder:of Deunis Haggerty. at Moot; Carbou.-,Schaylkill touutplaa twee -pardoned by Gov.,Curf :tie. • Jb. • lE;iQ Oongressional rotas In the House, on:tbe I7th, the "im peaclithent% idea received'a! tool reeep. tion'ras to shown by the following extract froth the Proceedings :- . • Pitr..Asbity'(Obio) moved to suspend the - rules to enable him to :-offer a resolu tion for the appointment.of select corn- , mitiee of seven to inquire whether any sots had been done by any officer of the government of the United- Statel"which, in the aonte,mplation of the-Constitution, are high' .6iitnea Mad misdentennors, and wbether-suoh acts 'were-designed-or cal culated to overthrow, subvert or corrupt - the government of the United States, or any.department thereof. 'Mr. Finck called for the yeas and nays on suipending the rules. Bingham suggested the modifica, tion of the resolution so as to specify the particular officer, referred to by As the reaolution stood, it would be notify. ing the world that there was a grand in quest being held on all-officiersof the Uni ted States who were liable to impeach ment. The resolution was not modified,. and the House rerused to suspend the rules— yeas, 88 . ; nays, 49 ; not a two-thirds vote. So the resolution was not received. Mr. McCullough declined service on the Select Committee on the New Orleans ri ot, and Mr. Denison was appointed in his place. In the Senate, on the 18th, Mr. Sauls bury presented the petition of foreigners resident in the District of Columbia, who have declared their intention to become citizens, asking that they be granted the right of suffrage , in the District, that they may thus be placed on an equality with the recently enfranchised negroes. Re ferred to the Cominittee on the District of Columbia. In the House, Mr. Denison was excused on account of illness , _ from service on the Cothmittee on the New Orleans riot, and Mr. Boyer was appointed in his place. 'The House bas passed the following bill : Section 1. That in addition to the pres ent regular times of.meeting of Congress, there shall be a meeting of the Fortieth CougreSs of the United States, and of each succeeding Congress thereafter, at twelve o'clock, meridian, on the fourth day of March, the day on, which the term begins for which the Congress is elected, except that when the farth of March comes on Sunday, then the meeting shall take, place at the same hour on the sue needing day. In the liontle, on the 19ih, the appro priation bill being under consideration, 'Ur. Benjatnin t inoved to add to thepara graph appropriating six, millions for cola lectors and ,assessors of internal revenue, a proviso that no , collector or assessor should be entitled to salary until confirm ed by the Senate. Mr: Bingham suggested a modificatt: a to the amendment, so as to except cases ,of commissions to fill vacancies tbaemay .have happened by death or reAgnation during the recess of the Senate. Adopted as modified. On the 20th, Mr. Williams, (Pa„) from the Contnitte on the Judiciary, read, a report in the ease of the arrest and (*en.' lion under civil process of Charles V.Cul ver, Representative from the Twentieth District, of Pennsylvania, proving by ref erence to parliamentary history and pre cedents that such arrest and detention was a breach of privilege, and closing with a resolution directing the Speaker to •• Issue his warrant to the Sergeant, at arms, commanding him to deliver forthwith the Hon. Charles V. Culver, detained in a civ il suit, from the custody of the Sheriff or jailors of Venango county, or any person or persons presuming to hold or detain him, and to make return to the House of such warrant, with the manner of its exe cution. The resolution was adopted. Congress adjourned until Jan. 3d, 1867. . Burning of the Ironsides. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 18. The once proud and gallant frigate new Ironside', which during the war of the rebellion performed such invaluable ser vice, is nowia mass of smouldering ruins. While moored last night at the.south side of League Island, fronting on the Dela ware river, she took fire and burnt to the water's edge.. The origin of the fire•is lost in mystery, and it is not known wheth er-it was the result of accident or design. The vessel has been laid up in ordinary for several months past, with only two men on board, as watchmen, who relieved each other at short intervals. Last, night when the watchman on duty was going his rounds ho found everything safe. The next boar, in performing this duty hd dis covered smoke ascending from the lower and after part of the ship, in which no fire has been used for any purpose since the vessel had been moored at the island. BRICK Pottonox ON THE CHICAGO Tinva.—Brick Pomeroy, writing from N. York, says : I have just returned from New England, where I learned, much to my sorrow,, of the Chicago' Times and its " reliability,'_' Why, oh, why is it that. men will desert their principles and their friends forgain? I could make a fortune 'at once to follow the example of the Times anti- , Boston Post; but, Charley, all the 'bonds. hold In New -Englatd are cot as dear to-melts one brave copy of the Dem., ocrat,'and all the hum ofmachinery in the' Puritan land would ,not, drown the voice 'l coot:wince if I sbotild desert my friends —the people, the Democracy 1 I do not -as yet i -Ito - ow ;.the price paid 'the Times, butt hope soon to learn. --A boy, eight years ofage was killed atliannibal, Mo., last week, The witness"- ing a garne"of base ball! Tbe ball, which woo made-o£ au Imlia rubber ear spring, 'struck Lam lo the pit of the istoroaeb. gnrnias of ihe Boweiy Theatre.' NEW Yong., Dec. 18.—The New Bow ery Theatre, and a number of adjoining buildings were destroyed by fire this eve ning. The flames .broke out about-four o'clock, under the stage, add at five o'- clock the roof fell in. Shortly afterward the rear walls toppled over, and the re-, rosining walls-soon followed with a tre mendous crash. The theatre 'now is s' heap of ruins. The theatre was owned by James R. Whiting, and was not lowed., The fire in the theatre caught in the ballet girls' - room,- under the shortly after burst out suddenly in the rear. So rapid was the progress of .the flames that those within the theatre es calied with ditlicuity. 'fit& building was full of light wood and - combustible material, the flaming fragments of which were scattered fur around' by the wind, and a *ober of the houses in the vicinity were.set on fire. The total loss will amount to $160,000. Whipping Black and White. The Radicals are in great distress be cause some of the freedmen of the South are punished with flogging by the courts. There is no end to their wailing and la mentaiion upon this point, and, in their eyes, to whip a human being, provided he Is 1)111(4, is the very height of brutality. White females, however, are fit, subjects for the lush in .Masiachusetts. In Cam bridge there lives a Puritan pedagogue who recently was severely disciplined for gross cruelty to his white sisters, and in order to express their approval of the ju dicious manner in which be laid the lash upon their juvenile backs, his admirers iu Boston lately presented bint with a.purse of three hundred and fifty dollars as a small testimonial of their affection and regard NVANT or CounAGE.—A great deal of talent is lost to the world for the want of a little courage. Every day sends to the grave a number of obscure men who have only remained in obscurity because their timidity has prevented' them making the first effort--and whO, if they could have been induced to begin, would, in all prob ability, have gone great leng,ths in the ca-' reer of fame. The fact' is, in order to db .anything in. this world that is worth doing we must not stand shivering on the brink and think of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble as we can. It will not do to be perpetually calculating risks and adjusting , nice chances. There is such little time for over. sqeamishness at. present, the opportunity so easily slips away, the very period of his life, at which man chooses to venture, if ever, is co con fined, th at it is no bad rule. to, preach up the necessity in much instances, of a little violence ,done to feelings, and ,of efforts made in defiance sf strict and sober .cal rculation. What'ever your bands , do, do with •all your might. PROGRESS OF ex l o roNgsr Boy.--The. Mi . ners' Journal, speaking, of two gradu ates et West Point belonging to Potts ville, Pa., says : " Fred. 11. Farquhar, of this borough, graduated with honor, and ranked No. 2 in his class at. WeA Point, last week. No. 1 graduate • was a poor Irish boy named Peter O'Rourke, who at the age of sixteen did not know his let ters. This lad saved the lives of several persons on Lake Erie, who, out of, grati tude, offered him a considerable sum of money, which he declined on condition, that they would secure him an education. They complied with his request, sent him to school, and afterwards secured him a position at West Point, where he has just. graduated with the highest honors. This poor, rough Irish .boy bears himself a per fect gent'ernan, and we feel confident that he will make his mark. It. is out of such stuff that the g eat men of this country are made." QtTEER WAY for SLIONVING CONTEMPT.-- At the recent New York election 117 vo ters of Ellenville, in ITlAter county, cast their votes for Edward Willie for Gover nor. Willis liVedin that place; murdered a woman under circa mstauees of atrocity . ; wee convicted and Pentenced to be hang ed, but Governor Fenton commuted ilia sentence to - imprisontnent for life. - This so angered the Elleuville people that they voted for Willis for Govet againit Fen- ton certainly a singular way of showing their opposition to his action, —The Brooklyn Eagle says: That . on Thursday 'evening, at the close of Fred. Douglass lecture at Plymouth Church, a white woman, in the exuberance of her admiration for the colored orator, forced upon him a high token of appreciation, in a chaste , Platonic kiss. The reporter dryly adds that the fortunate black man received the salutatiOn " without blush ing. —A lorge black eagle visited Milwau kee on Thursday, during fl storm— Ile alighted ou a cathedral spire, and remained there during the day, His station was near the great clock, but its striking did not disturb him. —A man named Hartman accidentally hung himself near pellevue, lowa, a few days, since, by being caught by' his "com forter" while deecendin from 'a tree. When taken down life was —On 'Thursday last ,weeki Caleb iyon, of Lyonsd ale,. New :fork, formerly, Goy, , ernor of,ldah_o, riportedcto,,the Pan. `Headquarters of Washington City, that he was _.robbed of. $47,006. •on Om, train which arrived from sew, York about 4i e o'clock that morning. He stated that hp had his money in his belt around his a aist but that it becoming uncomfortable,- be took it off and laid it wider bis , bead i at ter whieh he fell ;Weep. „Tile belt was found, by the loser, t empty, and near his seaLia,t,4ll.q.' - - - ishooh; this year Eire cost 8375,2704' 7 .--A large fielngation of the northwest ttibes oflnciikis are to be sent as a eogri biltk;nfiota' the IPrnit!trataOs tcfs..- ris Exposition. . . SICEELPF'S SALES. BY "Mutt) f ludo+ writs flinet-by — COtiit of Commor. PlwieLotSusquettanna Clinoty, and to Me directed, I will expose to sale, by public vendee, at the Court House, in Montrose, on Saturday, Jan. 12th. 1887,. I.o'clock.Lp.m.. the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : The following descrioed piece or pareeltiflitikaltXt_ ate In Now Milford township, Susquehanna county, boundeilantidese.ribed-ash-loilowas wiLtYlisitlitaisir at a stake standing - on the line between the:land form crly of Archimis Pariah and the tieirs - of Hairy Drink er, deceased; thence north 88X• east 169 porches to a stake and.atonesn: being Use noxtbeast norneraf./N 8, .; greeted Ur:Andrew Allen libellee" South - eibt 102 porches to astako=and atonent 01131011!intirftr west 141 perches tit Aube rticifor'd'ibild irile! thence north 16' west 105 8.10 pe . mbeol.ortbel a plice,Luf beginning— containing 93 acres &PIER perebes of lend, more or less, with the appnrtenanees , l framed - house; - Sr barns, one •cider trillion° corn house,onpahop,t Wrtnilinlottld ateinteighty iicres'lmprovedr. [Taken It exeetitto t the suit of.lleeryli. Lyona,ituudgned to : SS. As.Pratt;„ll6 Floyd Lyons. . o =, • ALSO-111 that 'Certain piece' or parcel of land situ ate in Lenox township, BtreqenluinnireountY4:llottnded and described as fullows,xo wit :,Cliktlnt nprth.ttllandW of Kintner,----Davidson and' J 1 Hartley •bn the east by lands of =7---,Gleinion imp thelsouth:4 lands of P. Smith and emit branch ofAutithaencick ,erect; , and on the west by latidirot riancle Shetidan find D. Kintner7-containlng bout 1;111 eget}, be the same more' or less, with the applirte'nantes, one dwelling house„ two barns, one flouring and=shingle milVited= about 00 acres improved. [Taken in. execution. at the-Jun .01 Shanley. Hopkins ARobins vs.'llitam Huck. ALSO—AII. that. certain piece or payeel of land situ- ate In Ararat township. Susquehanna county, hounded' and described as follows, to wit On - the n. rth by land of Ira llichola ; .on the east by lionlorAi IL Borden ; bn. the south by land of Robert Dunn ; andon the weal. by, land of .Widow Cudney—containing' about fifty two acres. be the same more or less„• with the appqrtenan ces, one log house, one framed barn, one orchard, and about thirty acres improved, ['taken in .execntlon ,at the snit of Thomas J. A reher lei thence of lielsedrot ter, va. , , , ' - • , ALSO-The following desc4lbed pi ere or . pnrcel of, land al tame n the township of Ne w Milford . slid 'teen. ty of Susquehanna, bounded as, follnisia,,lowit.,;;begins nine at the junction' of the eochecton arid Great Rend= turnpike rond with the raid leading' to Dennis lit'Kees' his, (or farm formerly Wined, by Dennis. ,M74eeter-) thence along the fast mentioned read - north' 8114' moo. 74 perches to line of lot conveyed to -Deitnitt Keeby: thence along hie line and line pf ipttsteJede, diah Bingharn's south StAX• weer 111 and die tentins' per , clips to a.corner; thence south ! • 614:, West littera; one teeth perches to corner in line 6r James Vencott's lend; thence Along his line:north WV !west' 'lBl3mid , bight' 'tenths perches to a corner; thence smith Apr west rr antlelght tenter pet lice to scorner; thence north 87),f,' west 109 perches to a corner in tttebee along the same north 2,4" east 59 a vetoer of a lot conveyed to John N; ..7,talie:lbence along south line of said lot 871 C east OW) , percent-to .thorinatinstst corner of said let: . therms along east line pr I ; ho.4llnu north 2U" east 7 and:eight tenths retches to the booth-' west corner of David ckey'slandithencerdonv:senth ilnedf thesame north 9;t3 east 226 perches tothe cen ter °tette-m=3ld turnpike' math; thlmeelalotiethe Sadie' south 1:3M7 east .85 and sixtentha perches; thence.stmth , 2634 east 15 and eight tenths *rches 'to the plare,of beginnlog. containing. wo.hundred acres. strietateas are. be the same more 9r less, being the same . /and.' which the executors of last will o f 8? Meyiert. deceAsed. were enapoyervi to sell In aertion three! (3) of said w ill. in the exception and reservation from said ggnrral poweis, being the last of the land included in sables- I ceptfon, the agmegate. of the Palm% qt, said, eacepted• property exceeding twelve thousand dollars, and the. I same premiseexthiCh Said excentoremnrtgaged folfee-: ry Drinker, . Montrnse, to seeciarca debt nc•two, thotuiand dollars, owing byes'ild S. Meytert hislife= •time to wild Drinker, (except intool - house . plot.) with the appurtenances. one dwelling house.. three barns. one wagon house,- tali otetiaidi and about - nee hundred and aft acres hovered. ; (Taken in execution. at the snit at If iltdm Colenfaii M'eall vs. Amos 317 - A SO-411 that. piece exparcel °Paull e)tnate in the Township oflinsh'. County of Susquehanna, bounded as fellows, to Wit : Be.timning at the mai rate effr. - D:. SnYtier'S saw mill adjoining Loving Liewine land; thence along said linen eith to'a State end stone in' llne'nfil: Heroines land thence east along line of raid 11CWiCr land twenty live ludo ton tenter feline .6 f M e ney•pirinlese, land,• thence south along the pf said Dri ker'sland and N.l)l'Snyder'sivt . ' raVe: thence along sa id= miU /PAr , lieitinsilne tbelplace of beginhing icoetaining twelve acre° be.;the same more or less. it being. the nnind ni eat Of fah d , Dnel wisp cost e yed to,l,nring Fierier thy deed "dated septo,,,m;b 4 ; .1864. ,Axib. - -AfT that certain, other . piece or ,parnel.n, land situate ; lb • the township arid= county atoresafa; bounded as follows, to. wit : Beginning of st, Post.atek stones eerier in . the north line of Ichabod Terrj's lot; theme° bY the fp - mope:lth eighty , eightand , a half 116:' greea, cast sixty five perches ton -beech corner pn the north side of the Main branch 'of the Wralnsing Creek; - thence by ire Duels lot north one and a!griser.l east forty four perchesand south eighty eight and; halt degrees. east ninety si>F porehes to a past and Stinnes corner; thence by let ho. 21 the estate lens of' Mary Rhoads, north one ands bait degrees. east V perches to a post and storms corner 1n the south line of No. 19; 'thence by said lot, and bylot ~no. 13, ,north 88j5' iltests 164 perches to a post end stone, comer In theline of Int No. 11: thence by said last:mentioned lai Ecutiftigt'west 'l3B and six tenths perches to the .1)1:tenor .beginning., containing 113 acres and 64 perehea more er' less; being lot No. la as marked on the men or plan of ire survey and sub division of Henry Drinker's body of ,Illeshop pen land in Rash tewnshipaforessld subject n4Verthe - less to =he contract between Lorin; Dewitt and prink . .Terry Elated the Vtirtlay of June 1..62, A tso...—All that part, of the teat t conveyed to' Loring Ifewto Rose. by deed dated ,Tnne 12th,1819, lying pwlhp nort h ,. side of the Wyslusitie creek' 'toad, 'ttapposed to - confabs about thirty acres of land be the same more or less, the above.destribed pieces lying contiguous tp each.othpr and nremsed as one farm, making In all about ' 55 titres and 64 perchea more or less with . the apputtenahres. , one framed house. one barn, one wagon hones, one orchard, and about one hundred acres ithproVed. Mal= ken in execution at the suit o f Loring Herrin, vs s Tttpm • ,as F. Dunn. , S, F, L'A Han, ShetitT Sherffre Office, Mo . ctl*P. Dec. ,17th, /804-, • . . • Winter Term commences Dee. 26, 1866, and continnesfousteen tveeke.:' , Principal ' Prof. B. 11. lIAWLP:r. High School .... .... I Miss MARY. CARED • 1 " ..M.C.OSTRANDBIL Dramtnat'SebboT.i'' • "; • - JII9SIBI3IISaBLL. Intermedut% , nANNA 'DRAM PritharY " B. A, 110141BFB11‘.- Titlitina, in . Advithets: • Teacher's Class • -. ' ' $4O , !••„•4•4tt.l 4.0.4,6011 ,Grammer Behool • 00 .... . .. ....... • '4-00 Primary' ........ ,111.001 . . . , , Board and rooms can be - obtained reasonable terms. Abatement on tuition Vll be made for tweeting itt sence oter'three weeks. We hare secured the services ozone bribe best Teich.' ere Ayer. In the Connty, for Principal, cod,: par, ather, Teachers will all be pentane eiperieneed theirtofci tendn, and no pains will be spared to make the School just what the wants of the compannity demand.• HEAD, Pres'enf Board: . Montrose, Dec. 11, i 8 0.. . 41y ".To all whom it may Concern:" . , ANDER'S Rohm' Iteliders Spellere,,' aim rteri's i 3 Grammars, have b'eln ; ado pt ed ' axui:ltro llnimoded: by a large majority of School D irectors of Susquehanna County as Standard - .WOrkefor the - Coanty. '•Thehboki be fund shed at thct following Ogee& at . 0 149011 t to ry rates:until the 15th day of.l.lttary, General Depositori, at ' " • . I .• GItO., IiAI:DEN'S, ,Nowtliffiford... I,ook tan. slim. to r bad of Bastorbrook & .Cinrk, Great Bend Deltas; lifontiosti Ungfelter & S'ocum. Dulninff ; 4Wco-Buttlim. Fr/audit - ISO' NZ .1 1 P.• Wlleox. Nicholson .• Sterling ot Antli 3 !FPhAPPeII j Jones, Babcock & Tadao; liarford: The_ followie_g; are - the introllitetdrj , latent fwbithilro abqut one hair the ordinary retail „ Sanders Vcilim sth Readers. , j i b') 'l, .34, , " • , •.J . 40; • 0 ~• • • • . 'l5 - .lt .• Primers. •: 1 .10' 0 • S pe llers . ;:., c' , .17 25 Herl e, Common School Granlnitay.. • A " 111 ••• Ist Leaskins, •• t- .t.' t• 10 ,k 11.11 '<v s • • • t N. 0.--hawho , wish. the profiV,of Intradnetoilenes will do welt tpßitroltasopeLF.ttif!calb,cfopr it ti;cm, 9 f January: • •-- • --• • '• L .' 1 1 'a : 711,14 1 11 41.141 MO . tri: 146i - 31PrOPij Dee• I:ibrAw 1 4:. • .60 .).! • = ; - 7 3LIC*C 1 92rio. , ` 9' Luhogriptio u_ paper to . two ,eilditional working 'capital tor 'the 3101iTR0811 GOLD bq =for the present in the Muds fl IH, il_Tylee or 4.14 - Mei. ( Conine. Beg., where ; those !visiting to take Mock with a hileehance of doubling their !homy hetteettnonthe gattC4ll anti ~ • • ?lir& rf•trA > w oa tropeoolfied.o= /101011114.-B•PtsAiAP.; st e FON IDITIAAYS ONLY. cric•c• zas (Th, r! 7r e, TY. • es 1. 1..". t. . ~ y : _, _ ej Ti T~i~I .11.• WHOLESALE-''PRIQES c> e, - '. Fr. ~ 't -.. BINGSAMTON era ..macall• Astor() ==iii . • , 1 1 91 :TPFIA I I9 I T.., • SECURE- BETTER BARGAINS Than will ever be otered to the peoplels thks' 4iciaity. . ; ? Arer? Shi C,liati Us BEAVER CLO;11118; FR EXCIE CAS SIMERES, ASD BE° A.DCL,O7IIB; sadd to eider t ttiecittisif failijiinsits Styles CUSTOM TgiAli t lNG DEPOLT/Mnl Under durSuperinteadenr.• of 1: • 34*."•=sivi-t* A Find else Cutter. Teoblyhy . niSSnirsijaded b Qs - well knows -4011 N. I AIST-ETMERi • t • - and others. - .• farCattin: don* to order: on atilt asues..jfi • g -) .11/1',6 1. 3 NATtig i g " o!ro 00. ;: * - 1• 1 . ;•0. .t 7 arabtroso,psh*.l*;:zscez - -- • .:•1‘•:, .1; L:•%1:: uff.g i•-/.111 • CheaP t:, bole gow siiitti time 1110 here: yoor Winter ClOtbing tiadinp teats lb .11 , pinehiug cold , weather mimes on. lam p na wood. to toko ttie mea.ure of my parlous:7= kind ot garmeut gre.yirVp ,W)! 1 / 1 " , 1 -„. TB E LATEST-STYLES .; arenlirays posted' crp lorfty,eActp; sodiatiersetton Oar antied, netted, bot,tl.ltvotyla andlotsh. - - Pekes moderate. ELI take especial mre to cutting and marking :V. mrata to be made ogiallicOrtlitt * * *Shop orjr Gliondliee Store, Potdie Avedet. • 1011 IN UROVSS, Tana. ; Treiv. g.'ls6B. Ito EN PIRIUMIUIIIIISIIOI NEW GOODS; 4 4.4. Is now receiving imp mai H. Burr : Lyle_ smiles of lgittaryft - ITri..lllll amtdo,wa Embracing extra varieties of Pasbionablit Dun Goods in plain, striped sad Norsd D e w, imperial Lustres,9 , l eilndes, Paramattas. ruins P•and Prints, Cloths, Cassimeres, -Flannels..Broths and •• Wool Bbawlw.L. Babiltrusil And Litiplex Hoop,ffoltirs. Ladies' sad Geste Furs, Buffalo Robes, Cornelia& SlootOil Cloths, YID Papers, Window Shades... Hat. and Copt. Boottlikros. and Clocks ; ineluding,fw as, usual a genersl two went of other Dry Gine% Dreos.:Trimmings. and Les'' kee Notions Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Am. Nalltry SWAM Drop, Vila, Paints, kn. ictillit h beVGIISCROtiIIts moat favorable terms for Cu b, rt.• dnee..milneuoved Credit. New Milford, Nolvember, T„,BEST BOdit3 IttiOnin inarket •;•• 3 ? . et, the Pairdele Cheats states 3F 11 490E.11436 1 1 (1 - oNTkl23n.:l3lB9;ore;, two miles welt a Yost roar,. for soloiciPP , Pe. l), '' Bity,wBTEL , lifoittritio; tfoi: is; IscO.: 1' DRY GOODS from N.T.-Iteetionci ,at the Pitrftle Cheap St on. • " • Fib • , ' STONE ,I ,( 4 t,„wABREL Intiojkatllee4weitheir amt of SU* ~,BOOTISI * B IIOESe , ounto aell loWet 1 than inky drai lath. - az 4- - 4.11 tygos ready pay.. Also: REAZY,ISAIUMOTEM G, on baltdwatidloilde Wampum stenidealred. ,- 114 OES jt/T4', 2170T1 4trig ,(1 g 140.. hrt. • - Weizical3PY) Giortootarioo away down below the inaitettiThigtuunton, $l l 7 Oth . er man, Call ander() and satisfy yourselves. Trahnere! Produce tecelved and shipped to New Talk free efertarde. 442 . . • 11,1%. STONE.• • • 11. B. WOOS. • J.III.IIOMiOft,IN • s .ii rifN~ta cbsit4ta!! I;M2=1119