The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 25, 1866, Image 3

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Governor, 'nester Clymer
Congress, Charles Denison.
Representatives, C Gere,
John Jackson.
Sheriff, C S Gilbert.
Prothonotary, Gilead Picket.
Register & Recorder, T L Smith.
Commissioner, Oliver Lathrop.
Auditor, G o bi Denison.
Coroner, E N Smith.
Associate /
Gaylord Curtis,
Judges, Azur Lathrop
The Ticket
We place at the head of our column,
;he D e mocratic ticket, completed. It will
be noted that we now vote but three
ballots; one headed on outside, "State,"
and containing, inside, the words: "Gov
ernor, Iliester Clymer."
Another ballot is headed "County,"
and ct , ntains inside, the officers from Con
gress to Coroner.
The third ballot has for its caption "Ju
diciary," and encloses candidates for As
sociate Judges.
John Jackson, Esq.
it will be noticed that John Jacksor,
E l ., has been selected by the Democrats
o f IN - yarning, as the candidate from that
county for Representative. Mr. J. was
-)11 our ticket two years ago; is well
known as a staunch, reliable Democrat,
:,11,1 a citizen of excellent reputation ; and nomination will therefore prove highly
greeptable to all who prefer to elect
honest men who will legislate for the in of the people and the restoration of
the Union.
Are you Assessed?
Every voter must see that he is assess
ed, for a personal tax, at least ten days
before election, or lose his vote. Those
assessed last year, cannot vote now
unless assessed.
Let every man see that himself and all friends and neighbors are on the as
sessor's list.
Officers of clubs, and all Democrats
who can look after such matters, will please
not neglect this important duty.
Hundreds of votes will be lost in this
runty, if the assessments are not attend
ed tn.
Every voter must pay a State or Coun
ty tax, or lose his vote.
Soldiers who have returned from ser-
Vie,: must be assessed now to secure their
Our sass meeting.
The Clymer Mass Meeting of which we
mil I give but a brief notice last week,
IV3S organized by the selection of the fol
iowmg., officers :
President, R. B. Little, Esq.; Vice
Presidents, G. L. Swisher, J. 0. Bullard,
(I S. Beebe, A. Calby, Z. Smith, E. Grif
fis. S. J. Griffis, D. Wilmartb, J. L. Mer
riman, F. W. Boyle, N. Tingley, D. C.
Roberts, H. White, D. McMillan, C. L'3er,
N. Camp, I. Reckbow, N. D. Snyder, 0.
Secretaries, J. Blanding, A. J. Gerrit
The attendance was large—and for a
rainy day, much larger than would be ex
Hon. Montgomery Blair, late of Mr.
Lincoln's Cabinet, was the first speaker,
and from bis Republican stand-point,
made many effective arguments showing
that the President is right and the radi
cals wrong upon the question of recon
Hon. Hiester Clymer, our gallant candi
date for Governor, followed with one of
his thrillingly eloquent and powerful
speeches upon the issues of the day. He
clearly refuted the vile slanders of the rad
ical press and speakers in reference to his
legislative record, and left, no chance f r
their future repetition. The person who
has been instrumental in circulating them
in this county was present and• heard his
slanders most, fully demolished; anti if
any newspaper attempts to charge Hiester
'Clymer, as a Senator, with having voted
against the amendment to allow soldiers
to vote, it will do so knowing such state
ment to be a deliberate falsehood. He
voted for the bill, which was first adopted
by a Democratic Legislature.
We would like to publish a full report
of these speeches; and will take occasion
to publish further facts upon the subject.
Our people were highly pleased with
our candidate, and will labor with renew
ed zeal for his triumphant election.
Lying in Advance.
Last week's Montrose Republican had
an article which spoke a the Clymer
meeting as a "small crowd." As that
article was written the week previous to
our meeting, was put in type, printed and
sent out in the morning before the meet
?ng assembled, the utter want of truthful
intent is apparent.
But the "crowd" proved to be a large
one, and the false intent of the writer will
be more fully exposed if he to-day does
not retract his falsehood, uttered in ad
Hopbottom, Monday, October Ist.
New Milford, Monday, October Ist.
Rush, Snyder's, Tuesday, Oct. 2d.
Springville, Tuesday, October 2d.
Silver Lake, Wednesday, October 3d
Auburn Center, Wednesday, Oct. 3d
Friendsville, Thursday, October 4th.
Dimock, Thursday, October 4th.
Fairdale, Friday, October sth.
Lathrop, Hillsdale, Friday, Oct. sth.
Will be held at Lawsville Center, on
Saturday, October 6th, at which the
Other Meetings will be called, and for
particulars, with speakers' names, see
posters in each locality.
Hon. Steuben Jenkins and J. B. Adams,
Esq., of Luzerne ; R. B. Little and J. B.
McCollum, Esqs., of Susquehanna, and
other good speakers will be in attendance
and address the people. Friends in each
locality will see that all needed arrange
ments are made for the meetings.
For the Union ! Clymer ! Denison ! and
the whole White Man's Ticket.
The Right of Deserters to Vote.
The Act of Congress of March 3, 1865,
declared that deserters from the military
or naval service of the U. S., forfeited
their rights of citizenship.
The Pennsylvania Legislature, by act
of June 4th, 1866, prohibited the Judge
or Inspectors of any election from receiv
ing the ballot of any person embraced in
the said act of Congress.
The Supreme Court of this State have,
however, since decided, in the case of
" Huber vs. Reilly," that an election board
is not competent to try and convict a cit
izen of the crime of desertion—that his
citizen-rights are not lost, until he is con
victed and sentenced for that crime, by
some judicial tribunal, having jurisdiction
in the case. The rights of the electors
are thus placed upon grounds which pre
clude hesitation or mistake.
According to the Supreme Conrt,there
fore, an election board cannot lawfully re
fuse the ballot of any man upon the alle-
Lration of desertion, whether that allega
tion be true or untrue.
R. B. Lima,
J. B. McComx3t.
Montrose, Sept. 24, 1866.
The Last Week.
Remember that all who are not assess
ed on or before Saturday of this week,
(Sept. 29th,) cannot vote.
Get assessed this week, and you can
pay the tax on or before election day—
October 9th.
Representative Conference.
At a meeting of the conferees of this
Representative district, held at Tunkban
nock, Sept. 18, 1866, there were present
H. J. Webb and A. Lathrop from Susque
hanna county, and Thos. Osterhout and
Ziba Billings, of Wyoming co.
On motion, Thos. Osterhout was chos
en Chairman, and A. Lathrop Sec'y.
On motion, C. M. Gere, of Susquehan
na county, and John Jackson; of Wyo
ming, were unanimously nominated as
candidates for Representatives.
Tuos. OsTEßliOrr,
The celebrated humorist and Lecturer,
Mr. Henry W. Shaw, alias Josh Billings,
of Poughkeepsie, 'will give one of his
characteristic Lectures at the new Court
House, Montrose, Pa., on Putty and Var
nish, or Ponton Philosophy, Tuesday eve
ning, Sept. 25th. Let the people turn out
and hear one of the greatest wits of the
age. Admission 40 cents.
Be Assessed.
Be sure that you are assessed! Don't
take it for granted, but see to it in per
son ! We lose votes every year by care
lessness in this matter. The election
comes on Tuesday, October 9th. See to
it that every Democratic voter is assessed
at least ten days before that time. Do
not wait until the last day. Attend to
this important matter at once. This is
the last week in which assessments can
be made.
Headley's History.'
MR. EDITOR. : Please give notice in
your paper that the subscribers to Head
ley's History of the Great Rebellion will
be supplied with the 2d Vol. in the course
of a week or two. The price of the 2d
Vol. to subscribers will be the same as the
first, though containing three hundred
more pages of reading matter, and more
engravings, and now selling to new sub
scribers at an increased price. This Vol.
completes the work.
W AMON Gm, Agent.
Slippery Instructions. •
At the recent Republican convention
in Montrose, a resolution was adopted
puffing Curtin as the "soldiers' friend,"
and instructing the candidates for Rep
resentatives to support him for United
States Senator.
At the conference, the same men were
instructed to support Grow I
This is a shat ieless fraud upon the
masses of that party. The " soldiers'
friend" resolution was a fine thing to
tickle the fancy and catch votes, but af
terwards all that was set aside for the
benefit of a played-out politician who is
mostly remarkable now as the man who
was whipped out of Congress by the peo
ple with 1,767 majority, in a district
made for his especial benefit; and whose
latest performance was under the title of
President of the Reno Oil Co., one of the
greatest humbugs of the day.
But the last instructions will do as little
good as the first; for the people will see
that Grow does not slip into the Senate
upon worthless oil stock.
~ •~
Wednesday & Thursday, October 10th
and 11th, 1866.
The Annual Address will be delivered
at 2 o'clock, p. m. on the second day.
The Judges as originally appointed, and
other officers are respectfully requested to
be in attendance. The only premiums
paid during the present season will be
those awarded at the adjourned Fair,
October 10 and 11.
The only alterations that will be made
in the programme, are as follows :
There will be no exhibition of walking
horses on the first day of the Fair.
The Judges on Stallions and Mares
will award the following premiums :
Best pair draught horses tested
by drawing loaded stoneboats, $5 2d $3
Best pair draught mules, 5 LE 3
Et `•
oxen, 5 44 3
There will be a grand Mule Race at 3
o'clock, p. m. of the first day.
The - Judges on Colts and Mules will
make the awards under the following cir
cumstances :
No owner can assign a rider for his
own mule, but can ride his neighbors'.—
In cases of dispute, the Judges can sub
stitute riders. The race consists in going
three times around the track. The mule
coming out last takes the first premium of
$lO. Next last, 2d premium, $5. Third
last, 3d premium, *2.
Twenty are expected to start for this
race. Entries can be made at any time
previous to the race by calling on C. M.
Gere, Secretary of the Society.
Is adjourned to be held in Montrose,
The Fair Grounds will be closed until
next Fair.
A premium of 82 will be awarded to
the best 3-year old heifer in each class of
J. C. MORRIS, Pres't.
C. M. GER; Sec'y.
Teachers' Examinations.
Teachers' Examinations will be held as
Clifford & Dundaff, City S. H., Oct. 19
Brooklyn, Centre 44 " 20
Bridgewater, Montrose " " 2 9
Franklin, Merriman's
Liberty, Bailey
Silver Lake, Brackney
Choconnt, Clark
Apolacon, Little Meadows,
Middletown, Centre
Forest Lake, Wright's
Jessup, Bolles'
Rush, Granger's
Auburn, Centre
Springville, Hollow
Dimock, Corners
Lathrop, Sherman
Lenox, Glenwood
Herrick, Lyon
Ararat, Church
Thomson, Centre
Susq'a Depot, No. 1
Jackson, Savory-Town 64
Gibson, Smiley
Harford, Village
New Milford, Borough "
' Great Bend 64
W. W. WATSON, CO. Sup't
In Middletown, on the 19th inst., by
Eld. W. C. Tilden, Mr. Jour E. STRANGE,
of Forest Lake, and Miss ERIKA M. BALD
WIN, of Middletown.
In Forest Lake, on the 20th inst., by
Eld. W. C. Tilden, Mr. GEO. W. WHIP
PLE, of Cattarangus co. N. Y., and Miss
MARY S. GAGE, of Silver Lake.
In Franklin, on the 20th inst., by Eld.
W. C. Tilden, Mr. GEORGE A. &mu, of
Hammonton, N. J., and Mrs. ALICE M.
HUBBARD, daughter of Mr. A. Spencer, of
4100 SS !.
ON or near Glenwood Fair Ground, a package of four
pieces of Worsted Embroidery. The finder will be
suitably rewarded by returning it to
Brooklyn, Fa.
Sept. 22. 2w
To All Whom it May Concern.
ALT, persons having unsettled accounts with the nn
dersigned for Blacksmthing, are requested to call
and settle up immediately, as my lease of A. J. Brews
ter's shop has ezp red.
Those who attend promptly to this call will Me
MunUote, Eept. 2.5, 1668. fmr•
In pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the
Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an act relating
to the elections of the Commonwealth, approved the
day of July, A. D. 1839, I, DAVID SUMMERS, High
Sheriff of Susquehanna county in said commonwealth,
do hereby give notice to the Electors of the county
aforesaid, that a General Election will be held in said
county on the Ninth day of October, 1866, (being the 2d
Tuesday of said month), at which time the following
officers will bo elected, to wit :
Oue person to fill the °Moe of Governor of the State
of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of Representative in Con
gress for the district composed of the counties of Sus
quehanna and Luzerne.
Two persons to fill the office of members of the House
of Representatives of Pennsylvania, for the district com
posed of the counties of Susquehanna and Wyoming.
One person to fill the office of Sheriff for said count.
One person to 611 the office of Prothonotary fur sa id
One person to fill the office of Register and Recorder
for said county.
Two persons to fill the office of Associate Judges for
said county.
One person to all the office of Commissioner for said
Oue person to ell the office of Auditor for said county.
One person to fill the office of Coroner for said county.
The election for the district composed of the township
of Ararat will be held at the school house near the Pres
byterian church In said township.
Apolacon at the house of Joseph Beebe.
Auburn at the house of James Lott.
Bridgewater at the Court House in Montrose.
Brooklyn at the house of James 0. Bullard.
Choconut at the school house near Edward Clark's.
Clifford at the house late of John Hewetson. s
Dundaff at the Dundaff Hotel.
Dimocit at the house of T. J. Babcock.
Forest Lake at the house of John 8. Towne.
Franklin at the school house near Jacob Allard's.
Friendsville at the schoolhouse.
Great Bend Borough at the house of David Thomas.
Great Bend township at the house or E. Barnum.
Gibson at the Academy building.
liarford at the house late of N. W. Waldron.
Harmony at the house of Silas Winters.
Herrick in the building occupied by John Miller.
Jackson at the house of C. C. Payne.
Jessup at the house of Daniel Hoff.
Lenox at the house of Grow It Brothers.
Liberty at the house of Bela Jones.
Lathrop at the Hillsdale school house.
Little Meadows at the school house.
Middletown at the house of Otis Ross.
Montrose at the court House.
New Milford Borough at the house of'iohn Faarot.
New Milford township at the house of .P. Pbinney in
the horo of New Milford.
Oakland at the house of Thomas Munson.
Rush at the house of N. D. Snyder.
Springville, at the house of Spencer Hickoz.
Silver Laken the house of R. McGerigles.
Susquehanna at the house lately occupied by W Smith
Thomson at the house of Chester Stoddard.
I also make known and give notice as In and by the
13th section of the aforesaid act, I am directed, " that
every pertain except Justices of the Peace. who shall
hold any office or appointment of profit or trust ender
the United States, or of this State, or of any incorpora
ted district, whether a commissioned officer or agent,
who is. or shall be, employed under the legislative ju
diciary or executive department of this State or United
States, or any city or incorporated district; and also
that every member of Congress, and of the State Legis
lature, and of the select or common council of any city,
or commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law
incapable of holding or e zerci si..g at the same time, the
office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any
election of this commonwealth, and that no inspector
or judge or other officer of any such election, shall be
eligible to any office then to be voted for."
By the act of assembly of July 3, 1839, it is also made
"the duty of every Mayor, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Al
derman. Justice of the Peace, Constable or Deputy Con
stable, of every city, county, township or district with
in this Commonwealth. whenever called upon by an of
ficer of an election. or by three qualified electors there
of, to clear any window or avenue to the window of the
place of General Election which shall be obstructed in
such a way as to prevent voters from approaching the
same ; and It shall be the duty of the respective Con
stable of such ward, district or township within this
Commonwealth, to be present in person or by deputy
at the place of holding elections in such ward, district
or township, for the purpose of preserving the peace
as aforesaid."
Also that in the 4th section of the act of Assembly,
entitled "an act relating to executions and for other
purposes," approved April 16. 1840, it is enacted that
the aforesaid lath section, "shall not be construed as to
prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serv
ing as Judge, Inspector or Clerk at any general or ape
chit election In this Commonwealth."
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 76th sec
tion of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid
district shall respectively take charge of the certificate
or return of the election of their respective districts,
and produce theta at a meeting of one Judge from each
district, at the Court House In the boro of Montrose,on
the third day after the day of election, being the present
year on Friday the 12th day of October next, there to do
and perform the duties required of said unable to attend.
Also, that in the 61st section of said act, It is enacted
that " every general and special election shall be open
ed between eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall con
tinue without Interruption or adjournment until 7 o'-
clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed."
By an act of Assembly of March 30th, 1866, entitled an
act regulating the mode of voting at all elections, In the
several counties of this Commonwealth, it is enacted as
follows :
Srevirost 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia to General Assembly met, and It Is hereby enacted
by the authority of tho same, that the qualified voters
of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all
general. township, borough and special elections, are
hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote, by
tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly
written, severally classified as follows: One ticket
shall embrace the names of aflludges of courts voted
for, and to be labeled, outside, •• judiciary;" one ticket
shall embrace the names of all state officers voted for,
and labeled, " state ;" one ticket shall embrace tha
names of all county officers voted for, including the of
lice of senator. member and members of assembly, If
voted for, and members of Cong, ress , if voted for, and
be labeled '• county ;" one ticket shall embrace the
names of all township officers voted for, and be labeled
township ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of
all borough officers voted for, and he labeled "borough"
—and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot
By an act of assembly of mime 4th, 1866, entitled a fur
ther supplement to the election laws of this Common
wealth, it is enacted as follows :
Whereas, By the act of Congress of the United
States, entitled, " an act to amend the several acts here
tofore passed to provide for enrolling and ealling out the
National forces, and for other purposes," and approved
March third one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five,
all persons who have deserted the military or naval ser
vice of the United States,. and who have not been dis
charged, or relieved from the penalty or disability
therein provided, are deemed and taken to have volun
tarily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizen
ship, and their rights to become citizens, and are de
prived of exercisin.a any rights of citizens !hereof:
And Whereas, Persons not citizens of the United
I States, are not, under the Constitution and Laws of
Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Commonwealth:
"Section 1. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of
Bepresentotives of the Commonwealth of Ponnsylvan
ta in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
the same. That In elections hereafter to be held in this
Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for the judge or in
spectors of any such election to receive any ballot or
ballots, from any person or persons, embraced In the
provisions and subject to the disability imposed by
said act of Congress, approved March third. one thous
and eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shall be unlaw
ful for any such person to offer to vote any ballot, or
" Section 2. That if any such judge and inspectors of
of election, or any one of them shall receive or consent
to receive any such unlawful ballot, or ballots, from an
such disqualified person, he or they so offending shal l
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there
of In any court of quarter sessions in this Common
wealth, he shall for each offence, be sentenced to pay a
fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to ander
go an imprisonment in the jail of the proper connty,for
not less than sixty days.
"Section 3. That If any person deprived of citizenship
and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any election here
after to be held in this Commonwealth, vote, or tender
Lathe officers thereof and offer to vote a ballot or ballots,
any person so offending shaft be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court o
quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall for each
offence be punished in like manner as is provided in
the preceding section of this act in the case of officers
of electionreceiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.
" Section 4. That if any person shall hereafter per
suade or advise any person or persons deprived of citi
zenship and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot
or ballots to the officers of any election hereafter to be
held in this Commonwealth. or shall persuade or advise
any such officer to receive any ballot or ballots from any
person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as afore
said, such person so offending shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any _court of
quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall be pun
ished in like manner as is provided in the second see
tien of this act, in the case of officers of such election
receiving such unlawful ballot orhallots."
It is further directed that the meeting of the Return
Judges, at the Court House in Montrose, to.make out
the general returns, shall be on the first Friday succeed
' ing the General Election, which will be on the 12th day
I' of October, 1866.
The Return Judges for the Twelfth Congressional
District, composed of the counties of (Susquehanna and
Luzerne will meet at the Court House, in Wilkeabarfe.
Luzerno county, on Tuesday, October 18th, 1866.
The Return Judges for the Representative District,
composed of the counties of Susquehanna and Wyom
ing, will meet at the Court Bonne in Montrose. Susque
hanna County, on Tuesday, October 16th , 1886.
Given under my hand at my office in the borough of
Montrose, the Bth day of Sept. anno domini, 1866, and in
the year of the Commonwealth the 89th.
44 " 23
44 " 24.
44 " 25
44 " 26
44 •` 27
44 " 29
44 " 30
" 31
" Nov. 1
44 " 2
64 44 3
44 it, 5
" 6
U " 10
il 6 " 12
" 1:3.
et " 14.
44 15.
44 16.
" 17,
" 19.
" 20
" 21
TRE beet in use for all kinds of Wagons, &c., for
sale in small boxes, by
Montrose, Marsh 27,1855. ABM. TVII.BIIIiL.
made to order, and Merchants supplied at the lowest
New York rates
The public are invited to call, examine Goods, and
get the prices, If they don't the Goods.
Public Avenue, liontroee, Aug. 1, 1866
The House is open at all hours of the night for the
accommodation of Passengers.
apB7* DAVID THOMAS, Proprietor.
And to now receiving a large Stock of
*ring & csnnurter
Dry C3l-0 Odle
Many of them at
CLOTHS, CAssnimas, U., CHEAP
A first rate Cutter from New York will be here to a,
day or two
I. N. HINE & CO.
Montrose, April $4, 1888.
ft. Lately kept by R. C. Vail.
JOHN FAUROT, Proprietor.
Meals always ready. Time to eat, without being
hurried, for persons arriving on the stage, wishing to
take the cars. le% tt
TE subscriber offers for sato a few choice Building
Lots in Great Bend Village, in close proximity to
the extensive works of the D..L. co n ve ni ent R . Co., new
in proeress. They are laid out in shape and
easy s i ze , =army be purchased &inherit rates slid=
easy terms of payment.
Most Read. V. 1,1h14 K PATRICK.
irt SAMS in Draft, Medicine's Chemicals, Dye-
LP stuffs, Paints, 0 is, Varnish, Medicine',
Spices. Fan
cy articles, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar
ticles. Ficr'Prescuiptlons carefully compounded.
Public Avenue, above bearle's Hotel, Montrose, Ps.
A. B. Beans. Amos Nicnota.
Sept. 11, 1866.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office over the Store of Z
Cobb, opposite Seatie's Hotel, Montrose, Pa.
May 1, 1868.
DSALERS In Flour, Balt, Pork, Fish, Lard, Gratu,
Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also,
Groceries such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea an d
C o ffee. West side of Public Avenue.
Montrose, April 14 , 1866.
Da. E. P. HINES,
AS permanently located at Friendsville for the par
posee of practicing medicine and surgery in all its
branches. He may be found at the Jackson House.
Office hours from 8 a. m., to 9p. m. janlatf
Priendaville, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1866.
Lictozasseoci 41Lascrticivammocoa-,
febl 64tf Auburn 4 Corners, Pa.
Lioßneaci 413..12.aticari.e.eor,
ap7 65tf Friendevllle, Pa.
Liooaonad ALl.aciticstx.ool'.
sera 641 f Great Bend, Pa.
PHYSICIAN & BURGEON, respectlhlly tenders his
professional services to the citizen of Friends
vine and vicinity. rfir Office in the office of Dr. Leet.
Boards at J. rlosford's. Py3o Gar
rIEALER in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye
IliStuffs, Glass Wire Paints, OW, Varnish, Win
lowOlass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perth
meryAc—Agent for all the most popular PATENT
F.I'ICTNEB,--liontrose, Pa. •
URGEON DENTlST,—Montrose, Pa.
001116. e In Laihrops' new building, over
the Bank. All Dental operations will be +llajs aa
performed in good style and warranted.
FAsnioNA_BLE TAI/OR, Montrose, Pa. Shop
one door west of Starle's Hotel.
orAll orders filled promptly, in first-rate style.
Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to fit
of Main street, Montrose, Pa. tf
in Phoenix Block, over store of Read, Watrone
36 Foster. All work warranted as to lit and finish.
("titling done on short notice, In best style. jan'no
RESPECTFULLY annonnces that he t• pre.
pared to cat all kinds of Garments In the most
Fashionable Style, and warranted to fit with elegance
and ease. Shop over I. N. Iln!lard's Store, Montrose.
DBALER In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery,
Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drugs, Oils, and Paints,
Boots and Shoes, Hata and Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes,
Groceries, Provisions, c:e., New Milford, Pa.
A.NICERS, Montrose, Pa. &Incessant° Post. Cooper
ILA & Co. Office, Lathrop's new building. Turnpike-st.
kTTORNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension,
and Exemption Claims attended to. feta
Eiro ll ice first door below Boyd's Store,' Montrose, Pa
ROGERS & ELY, .ds.l2.cticas:Le , orgs,
mylo* Brooklyn, /a.
business attended to promptly, on fair terms. Of
fice first door north of " Montrose hotel," west aide of
Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. (Jan. 1.1866.
Bna.mos STRotrn, • - enemas L. Bnowm.
BOOT h 8730 E Dealer and Manufacturer Montros-.
Pa. Shop on Main street, one door below the Poet
Office. All kinds of work .uade to order, and repairing.
done neatly. janl 6
PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, has located at Brooslyn,
Snsq'a co., Pa. Will attend promptly to all calls
with which he may be favored. Office at L. M. Bald.
win's. Ednly li—ly
late of A polacon township, Snsq'a co., deceased.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persona indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment., and those having
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement
31. NOLAN, Adm•r.
Frfoodsville, Sept. 10th, 1864. Ow*
A:4 TER, late of Hariord, Susquehanna County, Pa.,
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persore indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
New Milford, Aug. 21, 1868.
deceased, late of Herrick township, Susquehanna
county, Pa.
Lettersof administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlethent.
Montrose, Sep. 4, 1866. C. L. BROWN, Juim'r.
E STATE of Michael Dillon, dec'd, late of Liborty township, Susquehanna county, Pa.
Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the nndersign
ed notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to
said estate to make Immediate payment, and three hav
ing claims upon the same will present them duty- attes
ted for settlement.
Liberty, August 28, 1886. 6w.
Auditor's Notice.
mug 'undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or ,
phan's Court of Susquehanna County to make dig
tribntion of the trust fund in the hands of J. & Carnsalt
Esq.. tinder the will of William
Thomson,Sette.ased. for
tits see of Jacob Underhill, will attend to the duties of
such appointment at the office of Fraser & Case, in
Montrose, on Saturday. the 23th day of October,lBBl, at
one o'clock in the afternoon. at which time and place all
p ha
interestad in said fand will present their claims
or ha forever barred from coming In upon said fund.
Montrose, Sept. 5, 1866. 4w
C1.".331NM330 ORCk.gNI9,
FORTY di ff erent styles, adapted to sacred and semi •
lar music, for $l3O to 'ROO each. Filly-one gold or
silver medals, or ..ther first premiums awarded them.—
Illustrated Cataloanes free. Address, MASON &
LIN, Boston. or MASON BROTHERS, New York.
Sept.. 2, 188S—lysmp
r_ H C,C;I O 3Erk. 1
A subscription paper to raise additional working
bla. capital for the MONTROSE 001 D CO. will be
for the present in the hands of H. C. Tyler or J. R. Mc-
Collum, Esq., where those wishing to take stock with
a fair and
of doubling their money in a few months
CAD Call and do BO
Montrose, Bept. 4, 1866.
Executor's Notice.
Pres't Montrone Gold Co