The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 18, 1866, Image 3

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    corTl%Tp"sr .A.75131rAL1P11.19.
For Governor, Hieeter Clytnet.
For Congress, Charles Denison.
For Representatives, . C. M. Gore,
For Sheriff, C. S. Gil ert.
For Prothonotary, Gilead Picket.
Register & Recorder, T. L. Smith.
For Commissioner, 0. Lathrop.
For Auditor, G. M. Denison.
For Coroner, E. N. Smith.
For Associate Judges,
A. Curtis,
Democratic ffieetings.
Dernoeratic meetings.. have seen.called
n s hereunder, for particulars of which see
handbills in vicinity of eaeh meeting.—
speakers from Luzerne and Susquehanna
At Susq'a Depot, Tuesday evening,
Sept. 18th.
At Jackson Centre,. Wednesday eve
ning, Sept. 19th.
At Dundaff, Thursday evening, Sept.
, 1t Glenwood, Friday evening, Sept.2l
Mass Meeting and Pole Raising at Smi
ley Hollow on Tuesday afternoon, Sept
23t h.
Hass Meeting and Pole Raising at Her
rick Centre, on Wednesday afternoon,
Sept. 26th.
The people are respectfully invited to
The meeting Yesterday.
Notwithstanding the rainy day, our
meeting was a success, in numbers, beyond
the expectations of friends and enemies;
and all passed off satisfactorily. Blair
and Glymewere both present, and en
tertained the people with telling speeches.
Civmer's speech, although cut short by
the lateness of the hour and threatening
rain, was an unequalled effort of eloquence
and power, and completely demolished
the vile slanders of his would be defam
ers. As our paper went to press -while
the meeting was iu progress, we can
make room for no further remarks to-day.
Victory ! Victory !
Democratic prospects are brightening
everywhere, and victory is within our
:rasp. But idleness and indifference does
not hasten, but rather retards success.—
Every Democrat should be active and ex
erthis influence in every available manner.
The most effective agency is local organ
if..u.ion. A lub should be formed and
working in very town. 'Without this,
victory will ie less certain and decisive,
aid even made doubtful.
Fire in Montrose.
On Monday morning, about 1 o'clock,
the barn attached to the old Keeler lie
telstand, and one belonging to Jonas
Kul:, adjoining, were discovered to be
n fire, and soon burned down. Exer
tinus prevented further spread of the Ere,
ttitt origin of which is unknown to us.
- Ili ...
Henry Ward Beecher.
Ltention is directed to the letter from
11 Ilry Ward Beecher, on first page; al
to the comments upon it from a lead
ing Republican journal in another col
umn. Read and show it to church mem
bers of the radical .Beecher faith.
Church Dedication.
The Church of the Holy Family in St.
Josephs, Susq'a county, will be solemnly
dedicated on next Sunday, Sept, 23d, at
lu a. in. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Wood, Bish
op of Philadelphia, will officiate, sing
Pontificial Mass, and preach on the occas
ion. immediately after mass, the holy sa
crament of confinnatiou will be adminis
tered by the same prelate.
Solemn Pontificia' Vespers will be sung
at 5 p. in., followed by a sermon and Ben
ediction of the most Blessed Sacrament.
A Dumber of clergymen from this and
neighboring dioceSses will assist the Rt.
ilex. Bishop, and the ceremonies will be
of the most interesting and imposing
character. None should fail to attend.
Headley's History.
Me. Enrron.: Please give notice in
your paper that the - subscribers to Head
ley's History of the Great Rebellion will
be supplied with the 2d Vol. iu the course
of a week or two. The price of the 2d
Vol. to subscribers will le the same as the
first, though containing three hundred
more pages of reading matter, and more
eu t iravings, and now selling to new sub
scribers at an increased price. This Vol.
completes the work.
Curtis & Miller, Bankers at Susquehan
na Depot, Pa., do a general 'banking bus
wess and receive large or small sums of
money on deposit, for Which they will al
low interest upon the same principle as
the New York Savings Banks.
Sept. 11. 4w
Rush at the Fair.
It is anticipated that there will bea
great rush on the occasion of the Fair
this week ; and the fair ones in attend
ance will be no small part of the attrac
tion; but the greatest chance to make
fair bargains for goods of first quality at
low prices, will be found in upon
Dessauer, the obliging managing'
partner for the firm of Guttenberg,
enbaum, dr, Co. See new advertisement
in this paper.
Changing Color. -
The Great Bend Colored organ his this
."..Fort &mown:7-We hear it rumored
that Mr. C. S Gilbert, of our town, the
hero of a half dossen Democratic defeats,
received, the other day, the nomination
of his party for the office of Sheriff. We
wonder how long. the gentleman will con
sent to be defeated. He should learn
after a while that Susquehanna county has
no office for him unless he changes his
Gilbert is white, and could not change
color if he . But as he always has
been a good Democrat, opposed to " col
ored equality," he would not "change his
color" or advocate negro equality to grat
ify radicals or obtain all the offices in the
>A better man, however, cannot be
named for Sheriff, even if he does prefer
white to black.
—011 k- --
Ti cke ts , Tickets.
--We expect to have the election tickets
ready for delivery on the day of the Fair;
and it, will be the business of the Presi
dent and Secretary of each club to see
that the proper person calls at this office
on the forenoon of Friday, the setkond day
of the Fair, to receive a supply fur the
Are you Assessed?
Every voter most see that he is assess
ed, for a personal tax, at least ten days
before election, or lose his vote. Those
not assessed last year, cannot vote now
unless assessed.
Let every man see that himself and all
his friends and neighbors are on the as
sessor's list.
Officers of clubs, and all Democrats
who Call look after such matters, will please
not neglect this important duty.
Hundreds of votes will be lost in this
county, if the assessments are not attend
ed to.
Every voter must pay a State and Coun
ty tax, or lose his vote.
Soldiers who have returned from ser
vice must be assessed now• to secure their
Dinner at the Fair.
Ample provisions will be made on the
Fair Grounds, during the Fair, at Stand
No. 1, for judges, officers, superintendent
and all others that, wish to take dinner on
the Ground. Roast meats, tea and cot=
fee, with a variety of side dishes. Tickets
can be obtained of W. A. Crossmon, in
front of the Stand.
MISS KATE 1111.1.,
Editors Rewarded.
We are much gratified to see that the
Democracy of the old Keystone State, in
many counties, are recognizing the claims
of those who' stand the brunt and beat of
every political battle—=we mean the Edi
tors of their newspapers. As a proof of
this we notice that Lawrence Get; of the
Reading Gazette, is nominated for Con
gress, in Berks county ; Thomas Chalfant,
of the Danville Intelligeneer, is nominated
for the Assembly, in Montour and Colum
bia; B. F. Meyers, of the Bedford Ga
zelle, is nominated for State Senator, in
the Bedford district; H. C. Keyser. of
the Valley Spirit, is nominated for Pro
thonotary, in Franklin county. This is
as it should be—no set of men work hard
er for their party and get more abused
and less pay.
Clymer on Secession.
"I am here to-day to deny for myself,
and I believe for the great body of the
Democratic party of this State, that they
recognize anything like the right, of se
cession of any State. I deny, I say, the
right of any State to secede, and I go
further, I tell you that the Democracy of
this State, with one heart and feeling,
applaud the gallant Anderson for his (IC
fence of the property of the United States.
If he should go farther still and allow no
flag but the Stars and Stripes to float
withiktheranke of his guns I for one
would say amen to :his' deeds. There I
stand. I say, that South Carolina has no
cause for secession or. -rebalion, and, that
it shehl4 be gni down by the ,strong arm
of the Government.".—Jan:. f,t, 1862
See Record, page 74.
UNION - ME - Nl—Think of this! Gen. U.
S. Grant and Gen. W. .T. Sherman sup
port the President; awl oppose the Radi
cals. Gens. John A. Dix, Daniel E. Sic
kles' 11. W. Slocum, J. A. McClernand,
W. W. Averill, G: A. Custer, W. Crook,
A. C. Gillem, and a long list of their
brother generals have called a National
Union Convention of soldiers to sustain
the President. When all these heroes
oppose Radicalism, is it not time for all
good Union men to think of doing like
wise? Come, now, will -you follow the
lead of Grant, Sherman and Dix, or that
of Thad. Stevens, Charles Sumner and
Ben. Wade?
Premature Radical Boasting.
Rt•cently the alleged returns of the
California election were the subject of
immense rejoicing amongst the Radicals.
But, like " Wilmington," California sends
news to the country which is not much
calculated to till the breasts of the negro
suffragists with joy. Yesterday a tele
gram came over the wires making this
pleasing announcement for the Radicals :
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 10.—Out of the
nine counties heard from in the recent lo
cal elections, seven have gone in 'favor of
the Administration ticket.
gar Two members of the Election
Board in Snowshoe Township, Centre
County, Pennsylvania, have recently been
tried and convicted for refusing the vote
of an "alleged deserter." The presiding
judge is a Republican.
In pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled an actrelating
to the elections of the Commonwealth, approved the 2d
day of July, A. D. 1839, I, DAVID SUMMERS, High
Sheriff of Susquehanna county. in said commonwealth,
do hereby give notice to the Electors of the County
aforesaid, that a General Election will be held in said
county on the Ninth day of October, 1866, (being the 2d
Tuesday of said month), at which time the following
officers will be elected, to wit
One person to fill the office of Governor of the State
of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of Representative in Con
gress for the district composed of the counties of Sus
quehanna and Luzerne.
Two persons to till the office of members of tho House
of Representatives of Pennsylvania, for the district com
posed of the counties of Susquehanna and Wyoming.
One person to fill the office of Sheriff for said county.
One person to fill the office of Prothonotary fur said
One person to fill the office of Register and Recorder
for said county.
Two persons to fill the office of Associate Judges for
said count v.
One person to fill the office of Commissioner for said
One person to fill the office of Auditor for said county.
(one person to fill the office of Coroner for said county.
The elect ion for the district composed of the township
of Ararat will be held at the school house near the Pres
byterian church in said township.
Apolaenn at the house of Joseph Beebe.
Auburn at the house of James Lott.
Briogoratrr at the Court Rouse in Montrose.
Brooklyn at the house of James O. Bullard.
Choconut at the school house near Edward Clark's.
Clifford at the house late of John liewet son.
Dondaff at the Handed' Hotel.
Dlmock at the house of T. J. Babcock.
Forest Lake at the house of John S. Towne.
Franklin at the school house near Jacob Allard's
Friendsville at the school house.
Great Bend Boronesh at the house of David Thomas
_ . .
Great Bend township at the house of B. Barnum
Gibson at the Academy Minding.
Burford at the house Late of N. W. Waldron.
Harmony at the horse of Silas Winters.
Herrick in the hut Idtnr. otcapied by Juhn Miller
Jackson at the house of C. C. Payne.
Jessup at the house of Daniel Hoff.
Lenox at the house of Grow & Brothers.
Lathrop at the Hillsdale school house
Little Meadows at the school house.
ifsfidttletowu nt the honee of Otha Ro
Montrone at the court House.
New Milford Borough at the hoe o/ John Faurot
New Milford township at the house of P. Phtnney iu
the hero of New Milford.
Oakland at the hones of Thomas Munson
Rush at tlwhonse of N. D. Snyder.
Sprimnille. at the house of Silencer Tfirkoz
Silver Lake at the house of It. Ma-tern:les.
Susquehanna at the house lately occupied by W Smith
Thom.on at the house of Chester Stoddard.
1 also make known and give notice as In and by the
13111 section of the aforesaid act, I ant directed, that
every persfin except Justices of the Peace, who shall
hold any office or appointment of pmfit or trust under
the United States, or of this State, or of any Incorpora
ted district , whet her a commissioned officer or agent,
who is, or shall be, employed under the legislative, ju
diciary or executive department of this State or United
States, or any city or Incorporated district; and also
that every member of Congress, and of the State Legis
lature, arid of the select or common council of any city,
or commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law
incapable of holding or exercisiug at the same time, the
office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any
election of this commonwealth, and that no inspector
or jade or other officer of any such election, shall be
eligible to any office then to be voted for."
By the act of assembly of July 3, lft&i, it is also made
"the duty of every 'Mayor. Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Al
derman, 'Justice of the Peace, Constable pr Deputy Cott
stable, of every city, county, township ordlatrict with
in this Commonwealth, whenever called upon by an of
fleet of an election, or by three qualified electors there
of, to clear any n indow or avenue to the window of the
place of General Election which shall he obstructed in
such a way as to prevent voters from approaching
same ; and it shall be the dray of the respective Con
stable clench ward, district or township within this
Commonwealth, to be present in person or by deputy
at the place of holding elections in such ward, district
or township, for the pnrppse of preserving the peace
as aforesaid."
Also that in the 4th section of the act of Assembly,
entitled "an act relating to executions and for other
purposes," approved April 16, 1840, it is enacted that
the aforesaid lath section, "shall not be construed as to
prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serv
ing as Judge i inspector or Clerk at any general or spe
cial election n this Commonweakh."
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 26th sec
tion of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid
district shall respectively take charge of the certificate
or return of the election of their respective districts,
and produce them at a meeting of one Jud, ,, e from each
district, at the Court House In the boro of Montrose,on
the third day after the day of election, being the present
year on Friday the 12th day of October next, there to do
and perform the duties required of said unable to attend.
Also, that in the 61st Pec tion of Paid act, it Is enacted
that . 1 every general and special election shall be open
ed between eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall colt
tinue without Interruption or adjournment nntil 7 o -
clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed."
By an act of Assembly of March SOth, 1866, entitled an
act regulating the mode of voting at all elect lons, to the
several counties of this Commonwealth, it Is enacted as
follows :
" Scotus I. Be it enacted by the Senate and 'louse
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in General Assembly met, and ft is hereby enacted
by the authority of tho same, that the go: flitted voters
of the several counties of this Commonwealth, st all
general, township, borough and special elections, are
hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote, by
tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly
written. saverally classified as follows: One ticket
shall embrace the names of all Judges of courts voted
for, and to be labeled, outside, "Judiciary ;" one ticket
shall embrace the names of all state officers voted for,
and labeled, " state ;" one ticket shall embrace the
names of all county officers voted for, including the of
fice of Senator, member and members of assembly, if
voted for, and members or Congress, If voted for, and
be labeled " county •" one ticket shall embrace the
names of all township officers voted for, and be labeled
township ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of
all borough officers voted for, and be labeled "borough"
—and each class shall be deposited In separate ballot
By an act of assembly of June 4th, 18/36, entitled a fur
ther pupplement to the election laws of this Common
wealth, it is enacted as follows :
" Whereas, By the act, of Congress of the United
States, entitled, an act to amend the several acts here
tofore passed to provide for enrolling and calling out the
National forces, and for other purposes," and approved
March third one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five,
all persons who hare deserted the military or naval ser
vice of the United States,; and who have nut been dis
charged, or relieved from thepenalty or disability
therein provided, are deemed and taken to have volun
tarily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizen
ship, and their rights to become citizens, and are de
prived of exercising nny rights of citizens !hereof:
" And Whereas, Persons not citizens of the I' ailed
States, are not, under the Constitution and Laws of
Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Commonwealth:
"Section L Be it enacted by the Senate and house of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvan
ia in General Assembly met, audit is hereby enacted by
the same, That in elections hereafter to be held in this
Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for the judge or In
',nectars of any such election to receive any ballot or
ballots, from any person or persons, embraced in the
provisions and subject to the disability imposed by
said act of Congress, approved March third, one thous
and eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shall be nnlaw-
NI for any such person to otrer to vote any ballot, o
Section 2. That If any such judge and inspectors of
of election, or any one of them shall receive or consent
to receive any such unlawful hal lot, or ballots, from any
such disqualified person, he or they so offending shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there
of In any court of quarter sessions in this Common
wealth, he shall for each offence, be sentenced to pay a
fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to under
go an imprisonment in thejall of the proper county,for
not less than sixty days.
"Section 3. That if any person deprived of citizenship
and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any election here
after to he held in this Commonwealth, vote, or tender
to the officers thereof and offer to vote a ballot or ballots,
any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and on conviction thereof In any court ()-
quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall for each
offence be punished in like manner as is provided in
the preceding section of this act in the case of officers
of electionreceiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.
Section 4. That If any person shall hereafter per
suade or advise any person or persons deprived of citi
zenship and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot
or ballots to the officers of any election hereafter to be
held in thin Cammonwoult h. or shall persuade or advi re
any such officer to receive any ballot or ballots from any
person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as afore
said, each person so offending shall he , rulity of a mis
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof iu any court of
quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall he pun
ished in like manner as is provided In the second sec
tion of this act, in the case of officers of such election
receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots."
It is further directed that the meeting of the Return
Judges, at the Court House lu Moutrose, to make out
the general returns, shall be on the first Friday succeed
ing the General Election, which will be on the Mb day
of October, Md.
The Return Judges for the Twelfth Congressional
District. co m posed of the counties of iltinsquehalina and
Luzerne will meet at the Court House. in Wilkeabarre,
Luseme county, on Tuesday, October 16th, 186E1.
The Return Judges for the Representative District,
composed of tlec counties of Susquehanna and Wyom
ing, will meet at the Court House in Montrose, Susque
hanna County, on Tuesday, October 16th, 1866.
Given under my hand at my office in the borough of
Montrose, the sal day of Sept. anno donshii, 1868, and In
Me year of the Commonwealth e filith.
DASD th ) SUMMERS, Sheriff.
TRE best . in use for all kinds of Wagons, &c., for
sale In small boxes. by
Montrose, March 2 . 7, IMS. ABEL TrilitELL.
6 ' a:l*i 1, i ; :1: iii6D 4 ) . v,ilv.
Pionlon 9 4 "Night Blooming Ceram,'
Violent* "Night Blooming Cerensho,
Minion's "Night Blooming Germs.",
Minion's "Plight Blooming Comm.+,
Phalon•' .• Night Blooming Cerrious.”
A most exquisite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume,
4i s ti led from the rare and beautiful flower from
which it takes its name.
Manutuctured only by
PUALON lic BON, New Work.
flyli ly emp x n 29 ocw
r47 - To Consumptives.—The advertiser having
been restored to health lan few weeks by a very simple
remedy, after having suffered several years with a se
vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Consump
tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means plenty.
To all who desire it, he will send a cop) , of the pre
scription need (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
sure care for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds,
Coughs, and ail throat and lung affections. The only
object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to
benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he
conceives to be Invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer
will try ills remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, by return
mail, will please address
Witlinmsbarg, Rings Co., New York
Dec. 1865.—Iyemp
[s The Declalve Bottle h a been Fought
and won in every State and City in the Union, by Chris
tadoro's Hair ilye over all would-be rivals and the palm
of t ictory is awarded to it for depth and richness of
tint, durability, rapidity of action. softening Still lubri
cating properties. and entire freedom from every dele
terious or soiling ingredients. Manufactured by J.
Ctir.stadoro, No. ti Astor House. New York. Sold by
Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. Aug. 15, imp
Cam' - A Candid Statement.—You can pro
cure of any Drui , ,gist In this city and vicinity, Dr. To
bias' Venetian Liniment. It is a sure and speedy cure
for .sore throat, headache, toothache, chronic rhematism,
colic, crimps and pains In the limbs. We advise every
one to give it a trial. The expense is a mere trifle-10
cents—and we are confident no person will ever be with-
out IL Every family should have a bottle In the house
In MOW of sudden accidents, such as cuts, burns, scalds,
.te. Its pain•relieving qualities are miracnious. As
for croup, It has saved hnndreds ; we have the certifi
cates to prove it.
°Mee, 36 Cortland Street, New York. Sold by Drug
gists. mls.lmp
M — Alleockts Porous Pla .—A eels.
braced physician says. "he was amazed at the great
number of beneficial Indications produced by one of
these plasters. Ile affirms that nzenActia is cured by
one worn just below the breast-hone; that one placed
over the navel will cure the hysterics, as well as dysen
tery, and affections of the bowels."
Crry Pour?, Va., January 24, 18rZ
T. Actcoca. Co.—Seeing your notice In the Police
Gazette, I got four of your Porous Plasters and placed
them on the place where the pains were most severe,
and in less than twelve hours couldwalk as well as eves.
I could hardly believe It, I was so well pleased. I want
ed to see if the lameness would come back on me or
not, so I did more walking that day than I bad done In
a week. The next day I had some pain In my hip, but
I put on a plaster there and in two hours the pain was
all gone, nor have I felt it since. Certainly they are
the best application for the relief and cure of pains in
the joints and back, and for variscose or enlarged veins,
I have ever known, and I would not be without them
on any account. Yours, truly. JOSEPLI GATEIVOOD.
August. 15, Imp.
Mirrors of Youth.—A gentleman who suf
fered for years from nervous debility, premature decay,
and all the effects of youthibi indiscretion, will, for the
sake of suffering humanity. send free to all who need
it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem
edy by which he wag cured. Sufferers wishing to profit
by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing
No. 13 Chambers street, New York.
Dec. 40, 1865. lysmp
I:7'The Confessions and Experieneeof an
Invalid, Published for the benefit and as a caution to
young Men and others, who suffer from nervous debility,
Premature decay of manhood etc. supplying at the same
time the means of self - core . 13y one who has cured him
self after undergoing conaiderable quackery. By enclo
sing a post paid addressed envelope, a single copy, free
of charge may be had of the author. Nevnanuti, MAY.
rem. Esq., Brooklyn, Kings co. N. Y. Jana° lysinp7
VW - Strange, but True.—Every young lady and
gentleman iu the United States can hear something ve
ry much to their advantage by return mall (free of
charge.) by addressing the undersigned. Those having
fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing
this card. All others will please address their obedient
servant. THOS. F. CHAPMAN,
Dec. 26.—Iyamp 881 Broadway, New York.
CV — Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh—
Treated with the utmost success sy Dr. J. ISAACS, Oc
enlist and Auriet, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No.
519 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the
most reliable sources in the City and Country can be
aeon at his office. The medical faculty are invited to ac
company their patients, as be has no secrets in his
praCtice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.
No charge made for examination. [July 20, 180. ly
rtr Empire Shuttle Sewing Machines
are superior to all others for Family and Manufacturing
purposes Contain all the latest Improvements ; are
speedy ; noiseless ; durable; and easy to work. Illus
trated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal dis
count allowed. No consignments made.
Addrees EMPIRES. M. CO., 616 Broadway, Now York.
July 24-1 y
LABEL TV RIMEL L is continually receiving
new supplies °Mew:tine Drugs and Medicines, which
will be sold as low as at any other Store in Montrose.
Reported for the MotiTtiosr. Democuat, by Penton,
Fitzgerald &Tracy, strictly Produce Commission Mer
chants, as Whitehall Street, New York, (or the weak
ending Aug. 81, 1866.
Flour, per h. $6,00 (1 12,001P0rk,me55,b1.52,00 0‘ 33,00
Wheat, hash. 1,75 0 3,oMBeer, mess, bi 16,00 0 19,00
Rye, 80 0 ,901 Lard, per lb. 18 0 20
Corn, 80 4 *Tallow, 11 t 19
Oats, 50 0 • 60.F.=s, per doz. 211 ( 26
Butter, per lb. 45 6? 50 (di 65
Cheese, do. 14 (3 17,Feathers, live g. 75 @ 1.00
In New Milford, Sept. 4th, by Rev.
Wm. M. DeLong, Mr. JOHN L. BROWN,
of Great Bend, and Miss ELLEN M. WIL-
Linms, of Bridgewater.
On the same day, by the same, at the
residence of the bride's father, Mr. Wm.
ly daughter of Ira Foster, all of Bridge
On the 12th inst., at the house of the
bride's hither, in New Milford, by Rev.
R. Tower, of Lenox, Mr. H. J. MILLARD
and Miss M. E. BALDWIN, both of New
In Bridgewater, Sept. 12th, by Elder
A. L. Post, Mr. SAMUEL SMYTH and Miss
JENNIE McComrst, both of Bridgewater.
In Franklin, Sept. 11th, by Rev. J. W.
Smith, Mr. ARTHUR. J. WHITE, of Way
mart, and Miss LEOCADE A. „DEARBORN,
daughter of Peter D. Dearborn, of Frank
Or Notices of marriages and deaths published free
of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate
of fifty cents per hundred words.
In Franklin, Aug. 26th, 1866, Mr
JAMES WATSON, aged 47 years. •
At Lynn, on the 11th inst., Mr. Sum
ON G. GREEN, aged 78 years.
Y 1111 CY Yl3 Itl3,
made to order, and Merctututs supplied at the lowest
New York rates
The public are invited to ea% examine Goods, and
get the prices, 11" they don't the Goode.
Public Avenue, Montrose, Aug. 1, 1866
The Rouse Is open at all hours of the night for the
accommodation of Passengers.
RPM* DAVID THOMAS, Proprietor.
And is now reeelving a large Stock of
(sfriug it- ,summtr
rir3r GrCo Coda
Many of them at
A first rate Cutter from New York will be hero in a
day or two
I. N. HINE & CO.
Montrose, April 24, 1866
Pa. 'Lately kept by R. O.
JOHN FAUROT, .Pktrietor.
Mesa always ready. Time to eat. witliont being
berried, for perilous arriving on the suige,) wishing to
had ti
4D11.1.313E11X4001V :
. .. . . .
3=S ;My seri Geo. W. Lindsey,- bsvintileit
W i ttme wltbontiost dune, the public are estate*
ed neatest harboring or trusting Mm on my eoecnant. as
1 . h in pay lko debts of Ms ecratraettes after the Med
Atli 13411. '
Bush. sept. Mb, UM. Sw
DE,Amum /hut Valet Chemicals /In -
staffs, Mats, 0 s, V gams Bpich. mu
cy articles. Patent Medicines, Peeihmery Ar
tides. OP - Prescriptions carettilly comp q naded.
Public Avenue, above Searle's Hotel, Montrose, ?a.
A. B. Boars, - - Leos Mezzos+.
Sept. 11, 1860.
ATTQRNZY AT LAW, office over the Stott Of Z
Cobb, opposite Searle'e Hotel, Montrose, PC
May 1, 18121.
DE4l.BrtS In Flour, Salt, Pork, Fish, Laid, Grain,
Feed, Candles, Clover and Tittiothy seed, Also,
Oroceries_,_such as Sugars, Molasses, artful, Tea sae
Coffee. West side of Public Avenue.
Montrose, April 17,1860.
Da. E. P. HINES,
HAS permanently located at Prienderille for the por
pose of_ practicing medicine and surgery in all its
branches. He may be found at the Jackson Hotum.
Office hours from 8 a. m., to 9 p, in. JanHitt
Priendsville, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1868.
X..leco =mod .41...ssetiodae cm,
febl 64t1 Auburn 4 Corners, Pa.
ialciazused. ..A.l2.oticozieerr,,
ap7 cm Wrlondeville, Pa.
I.ticleoamiseci. ALaa.twel4Coatieleore
sep7 64t1 Great Bend, Pa.
sop 11 Y S lOLA N t BURGEON, respectfully tenders his
professional services to the citizen of Friends
ville and vicinity. [' Office in the officoof Dr. Lent.
Boards at J. llosford's. Jly3o
TNEALER in Drugs, Medicines Chemicals, Dye
ifiStutis, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Win
dowOlass, Grocer*, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perth
mery,A4— Arent for all the most popular PATENT
%I ,—Montrose, Pa.
QURGEON DENTlST,—Montrose, Pa.
Office In Lathrops' new building, over 6
the Bank. All Dental operations will be ' ,
6 11•• a•a
performed In good style and warranted.
L' one door west of fisarle's Hotel.
pr -All orders filled promptly. in flat-rate style. 11,
Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to fit l•
1...) of Main street, Montrose, Pa.
in Phoenix Block, over store of Read,, Watrons
&Foster. All work warranted as to fit and finish.
Cutting donebn short notice, in teat style. jan'tiO •
RESPECTFULLY announces that he Is nJw pre.
pared to cat all Binds of Garments In the mo't'
Paahlonable Style, and warranted to tit with elegance
and ease. Shop over I. N. Bollard's Store, Montrose.
Da BALER in Staple and Pan Goodir,lierr,
Hardware, iron. Stoves , hits,
Bootaand Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fars, Buffalo soiler,
Groceries, Provisions, c:e., New Milford', Pt.
BANICERS. Montrose, Pa. Successorsto Post... Cooper
ds Co. Office, Lathrop's new building, Turnplice-et.
1117111"11110 COOPER fl DIIINTRIL
A TTOTINEY AT LAW. Bounty,-Baelt Pay, Pension.
t. and lizeniption Claims attended to. fold
or Office first door below Boyd's Eittne,' Montroee,Pa
xidoerzussieet ALlaciticna.eoeres,'
mylO• Brooklyn, /b.
tmstnesa attended to promptly, on fair terms. Of
drat door north of " Montrose Hotel," weat'elde of
Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. [Jam 11.1866.
Ettmmtos &moon, - - Camas-Lb MOWN,
Boo2' & SHOEDnaler and Manufacturer Montrose,
Pa. Shop on Math street, one doorbelow the Post
Office. All kinds of work , wade to order, and repairing
done neatly. Jana rti
PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, has located at Brentlyni
Bruin's Co., Pa. wtn attend promptly to all call,
with which he may be favored. Office at L. M. 13aldi
(July 11-1 y
-1-:4 late of A polacon township, Snsq'a co., deceased.
Leiters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly authentli ,
cated for settlement.
M. NOL;AN, After
Frieodartlle, Sept. 10th, VOL 6w•
TEE, late of Harford, Susquehanna County. Pa..
Letters 9f administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undendyt
ed, all persors indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present themduly anthenti
osted for settlement.
New Milford, Aug. 21,1666.
deceased, late of errick township, Busquehanrua
county, Pa.
Letterset administration upon the estateof the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby sat.
lied to mike immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
Montrose, Sep. 4, 1866. C. L. BROWN, Adm"r.
of Choconnt township Busq'a county. Pa., dec'd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having beengranted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those haling
claims against the same to present them duly autlientni•
cated for settlement.
Mania MIER-VAN, Admirdstratris-
Choconnt, July 10th, 1866.
Executor's Notice.
IDSTATE of Michael Dillon, dec'd, fate of tabu
-1:41 ty township, Susquehanna county, Pa.
Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the underelgn.
ed, notice la hereby given to all persona Indebted to
said estateto make immediate payment, and those hav
ed for claims upon the same will present-them duly attes
Liberty, August 28, IE4II. 6w,
/VHS undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or
phna'a Court of dugout henna County to mike die.
tribution of the trust fund In the halide of 3. B. Carman
Esq., under the will of William Thomson, der-mined. for
the use of Jacob Underhill, will attend to the duties of
each appointment at the office of . Fraser as Caen,: In
Montrose, on Saturday. the 9 MAW of October, 1138 d, at
one o'clock to the afternoon, at which time and place all
persona interested In aaldfandurill presenttheir claims
or be forever barred from
A minim In upon_ fund.
Montrose, Sept. 5, nee. 411 FRA. *
B.M. Auditor .
4.4' Houses isd Lots for ode together, for cash, or
woubteantuaz,ge theta fors firm near tam. Be
of ,M.O. or. U. p. TYLmia.
Montrose, August 26, 18/A: 3W.
Auditor'i: Notice.