Jak untrAst gitmornt. L CUIRRITSON,'. . - Editor. TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1866. FOR GOVERNOR: WESTER CLYMER, OF BERES COUNTY. Nominated by Animation. The Hon: Charles , Denison, as stated by us last week was nominated on the 28th by . scolamation„by , the Democratic Con- Vetitiol 'of this tounti. On MondaY last the 'Other' connty composing this district, likewise nominated him by acclamation. This tribute of the Democracy to one who iiiUrtilteady been elected. for two terms is one'of which Mr. Denison has just reason to feel proud. It is rare that an occasion like the present occurs in a district where a nomination is equivalent to an election. The reason of the remarkable unanimity in, thiainstance is, that Mr. Denison has been tried and not found wanting. He has made a record which receives the un qualified endorsement .of his constituents and ho will be re-elected by an over- Whelming majority. The name of Deni son in connection with that position has become a watchword, and the honest and intelligent voters delight to honor one who - has been so true to their interests.—Seras. ton Regiskr. :11 3 {4ill*EqPi'40 0- 11 Oar glorious candidate for Governor is vindicating the wisdom of the Conven tion that put him in nomination. He is making the most thorough and most bril liant canvas ever made in Pennsylvania. It is but two weeks since he opened the campaign at West Chester, and yet in this brief period his clarion voice has rang otit the battle-cry of the Constitution and the Union along the shores of the Dela ware, up the banks of the Susquehanna, on the top of the Alleghenies and in the valleys of the Youghiogheny and the Mon ongahela. On Monday he spoke at Som. eras', on Tuesday at...Uniontown, on Wednesday at Waynesburg, on Thurs day at Washington, yesterday at Beaver, en the bank of the Ohio, and to-day he *mks at Newcastle. in this one week's work we have a sam pte'of all the rest. When it is remember *that the points above mentioned are not connected , by railroad: ands that Mr Clymer has to travel from thirty to fifty miles every day by private conveyance, the magnitude of . his self-imposed task will be appreciated. It might with reason be feared that a candidate who undertook to do so much speaking and so much travelling, would break down before the end of the cam paign. Even those best acquainted with Clymer's mental and physical powers of endurance—those who best knew what he had courage to attempt and the ability to perform—were not without anxiety when they read over his unparalleled list of ap pointments. But the result thus far indi cates that Clymer's confidence in his own ability to perform this prodigious labor sras not misplaced. Our advice from the points he has spoken at represent him as going through his work triumphantly. . He is speaking with great power to large assemblages of his fellow citizens. His arguments as.inking deep in the public mjnd, and his eloquence is stirring up a degree of enthusiasm such as has not been witnessed for many years in Western Pennsylvania. - Go on, noble champion of the Right! War reward will be a great common- Wealth redeemed from the rule of the cor rupt and imbecile, and a glorious Union rescued from the deadliest peril—Lehrer-- kr intelligences. Geary for Negro Equality. General Geary the disunion candidate fir 'Governor of this State, was a dele gate to the negro-rights convention, which 'awl in Philadelphia, last week.. He and megni, Fred. Douglass, marched in the asmeiirociession, on Monday. He has ev iihntly changed his mind in reference to the time when " negro equality is to be settled," and has determined to show that he, is in favor of it:now. Republican Preference, r The Republican Mayor - and Councils refused - to welcome General Grant, Ad -1,51 tirall'arragut and others, in company with the President, when they ,-passed through Philadelphia; and even refrained Swes'ilkersonal attendance at the reception slim by the people. But when the No; .groDouglaus and the - white advocates of iwiero euffmie visited thOcity, those crffi . made fi rifs t o 'to jive public l''' , AYThas valise that the l'adicais heap in= t._ Gamma Alitult, and , fighting 64, iegroes sod smaigamationista. ' Our Mu Meetings. The Democracy and other Union men of this county should,bear in mind that Our, candidate for Governor—Hiester Cly mer—has not his superior in Pennsylvan ia as a public speaker, and . that every of which can be made to bring out a large attendance will be amply repaid. The reputation of Montgomery Blair is too well known to receive more than a notice from as ; and we doubt not that all who attend the meetings will go home satisfied that their ability and eloquence exceeds that of any speakers who have visited this part of the State for many years. Let the people come out in their strength and listen to a manly discussion of thegreat issues of the day, so as to be better prepared 'to vote understandingly in October. Arrangements should be made in every town, to give those a ride who wish to at tend. Democrats and Republicans—men of all shades of opinion--ought to attend and hear the speeches. The Radical Convention. The Convention of negroes and negro suffrageites, gotten up under the auspices of the Republican party, and attended by many of its leaders, has been in stormy session in Philadelphia during the past week. We have no space to devote to it to day; but its full endorsement of negro suffrage and• negro equality nails that is sue fully upon the Republican flag, and he who trains in that company and votes their ticket, votes direct for negro voters, negro jurors, add negro equality general ly. Republican Falsehood. The Montrose Republican says that the "copperheads"—as it calls the Democrats —never uttered a word in favor of Presi dent Johnson's restoration policy until af ter his , 22d of February (1866) speech.— We distinctly remember writing a reso lution endorsing said policy, which was adopted in the Democratic Convention held in Montrose in September, 1865, and published in the Democrat of Sept. 26th. Similar resolutions were adopted everywhere by the Democrats ; yet the Republican man denies what he knows to be a fact familiar to all. —That sheet also says: " President Johnson compels all his "reconstructed" friends to swear to be ab urtauutsus, ana ass himself aavocated negro suffrage. How can the democrats "sup- port" him and not:be abolitionists and sup. porters of negro suffrage ? Democrats will please explain." The Republican has uttered similar slanders before; cannot maintain its as sertion, and dare not attempt to. President Johnson is opposed to negro suffrage and opposes all efforts to force it upon the States. Appointments of . the Democratic Oan didate- for Govern= DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE 11003 IS, 828 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 20, 1868. Hon:-Hiester Clymer, Democratic can didate fora Governor, will speak as fol lows : At -Lock Haven,Wednesday, Sept. 12. Lewisburg, hursday, Sept. 13. ,Montrose, Monday, Sept. 17. Tnnkbannock, Tuesday, Sept. 18. Wilkesbarre, Wednesday, Sept. 19. Pittston, Wednesday evening Sept. 19. Scranton, Thursday, Sept. 20. Stroudsburg, Friday, Sept. 31. Sunbury, Saturday, Sept. 22. Democratic newspapers please insert. By order of Democratic State Commit tee. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Chairman. JACOB ZIEGLER, JOHN Mir.Lizu, Secretaries. Appointments of Hon. llontgomery Blair. Hon. Montgomery Blair will speak as follows : At Towanda (Bradford Co.) Thursday, Sept. 13. Athens (Bradford Co.) Friday, Sept. 14. • Great Bend (Susquehanna Co.) Satur day evening, Sept. 15. Montrose (Susquehanna Co.) Monday, September 17. - far There was a marriage at Deerfield, Connecticut, a few days since, of Henry W. Harley, of Montague, a sixty-four year-old white man, to Amanda Jigger, an eighteen-year-old negro girl. Such is modern Republican equality and frater nity! erHon. Ww. Elwell has been unani mously nominated for Congress by the Democrats and ConserVative men of the Thirteenth DistriCt of this &Ate. This is a gpod selection, and.tecures the district beyond a doubt. '. - Bradford, Wyoming, Sullivan; Columbia and Montour counties compose the district. • TEE editor of the Indianapolis Herald says that, after a careful survey of the whole ground, he ii satisfied that a Dem. °crude success in that &Lana the com ing election is one of the fixed facts: DEMOCR L'TIC MASS MEETING 4T MONTROSE, PA' . HON. MESTER CUM, Democratic Candidate for Governor, will address the people, at Montrose, on Monday, Sept. 17, 1866, at one o'clock in the afternoon ; and also at GREAT BEND on Saturday evening, Sept. 15th, if he can reach that point. HON. MONTGOMERY BUM, WILL SPEAK AT GREAT BEND, PA., ON SATURDAY EVENING, SEPT. 15, and also at Montrose on the 17th. Other able and eloquent speakers are expected at both meetings. The people are invited to attend, with out respect to party. Democrats and oth er Union men are especially invited to at tend. Beman's Comet Band Has been engaged to be present at the Montrose meeting, and enliven the occas ion with appropriate music. The Great Slanderer. One of the characteristics of a• brave soldier is magnanimity. It but, rarely happens that meanness is allied to cour age.. The history of warfare clearly shows that the true hero is always willing to ac cord to others the qualities he claims to possess himself. Not so, however, with "General" J. W. 'Geary, the disunion nominee for Governor. He seems to have reversed the rule, and has denied to his companions in arms the commonest vir tues of the profession to which they be longed. Among the gallant men from Pennsylvania who fought in defense of the Republic were thousands who now repudiate the Radical platform and can didate. In order to give proper express ion to their sentiments, they assembled in convention at Harrisburg. Some of the best and bravest soldiers of the war participated in that movement. We need not, enumerate them. Yet all these, with out except;‘•=4 h boon elmudered in the vilest manner by Geary. At a disunion meeting, held in Baiiingardnees woods, near York, he denounced them all as "shysters, cowards; skulkers, and hospital bummers," and added to the gross slander the flagitious statement that "he knew it, because he had driven them from the army himself." This uncalled-for and brutal as sault upon the brave men who periled their lives for the Union, has justly ex cited the most intense indignation, not only among the soldiers and sailors slan dered, but everywhere throughout the country. Hundreds of Republicans who intended to vote for Geary, now , announce their determination to oppose him. Uni versal disgust followed the publication of his infamous speech, and he us now rean ing the , harvest that is always gathered by those, who, through venom or stupidi ty, depart from the truth, which in -poli tics, as In everything else, is " the 'best policy." The Old Atlantic Cable. By telegraph from Hart's Content we have the pleasing intelligence that the Telegraphic feet have encceeded in find ing and raising the cable lost in 1865. The dispatch is as follows: Commsrr, Sept. 2, 1866. The cable of last year .was picked up this (Sunday,) morning at 4:40 o'clock, in latitude 51 degrees 52 minutes, longi tude 36 degrees 03 m. The splice was made and the cable lowered at 7 a. w. The Great Eastern is now 700 miles from here, paying out. Everything is going on well, and they expect to reach here on Saturday next. The insulation of the cable is as perfect as when it broke and disappeared from sight, over a year age. The Radish Candidate. Gen. Geary, in his speech in Perry coun ty a few days ago, went into a learned ex planation of the word Radical. After I tremendous labor, his brain brought forth the following..e said : "My friends, we are denounced as Rad icals. Now my friends, most of you are plain, unpretending farmers, and may not understand what the word radical means. My farmer friends, it, is derived from the Latin word radicus which means a root. My, friends, you all know, a radish is a root .therefore they might just as well call us. radishes as Radicals." How learned this was, and how apt the General was in defining himself! We take him at his word, and dub him the Rah* candidate for Governor. —The Disnnionists call the Johnson merk the "bread and butter brigade."— We suggest that they dub themselves the "wool and lip society," and instruct their Butter to "ply. his vocation." ' nff" Remember that it was the Repub lican Convention at Syracuse, which elect ed Fred. Douglass, a negro, as one of its delegates `to attend the radical amalga mation convention at Philadelphia. MORE NEGRO SUFFRAGE ROWDYISM.- We learn from the Reading Gazette, of last week, that the Geary Rowdies omitted no opportunity tojosult the Dem ocrats and gonservatives of Reading, at the Geary Meeting there last week. , One body of them attempted to destroy the furtilture of tlip, , Democratie Club Room, while another large party. of rioters at, tempted to tear down the American flag suspended at the Democratic and Conserv ative Soldiers' Club Room. These out ramie were only - prevented by the inter: position_ of the r police._ . • ilt. Glynier is met and welcomed hy immense crowds of citizens in. every town nf the State which be visits, and commands I,he greatest enthusiasm. Re• ports of the canvass from every quarter are most encouraging. -The report of , the harmonious as of the . great National . m Union Conven tion was , circulated All over Europe on Saturday succeeding the event. Thnre salt was. that in London 5.20's went up to 70+, and government bonds have hzd an upward tendency ever since. rff''' Among the men who are to be imported into this State to prop the fidl ing fortunes of General Geary, is John A. Logan, of Illinois. In a recent speech in that State, Mr. Logan said : "If they ask me, ' Are you in favor of making negroes citizens ?' I say, Yes, I am—l am in favor of all people born here, or naturalized, being citizens, and entitled to the rights and privileges citi zens, are entitled to." It can thus be seen by this extract that the prominent supporters of the Radical candidate for Governor in this State, are openly advocating negro suffrage. This is to be the issue for the peqple of Penn sylvania to decide. Mr. Logan is for ne gro suffrage, and be is selected to cham pion General Geary. This commits the Radicals in this State to negro suffrage and equality, and the white men must not lot tbem shrink the issue. Election News. —ldaho gives over 1000 majority to the Democratic candidate for Congress, instead of 000, as reported. —Vermont voted for radicalism, last week, as usual. • —Wilmington, which has for two.years given from 500 to 900 Republican major. ity, only gave that party a majority of from 150 to 220 at the recent election. —ln Colorado., the Governor has given the, certificate of election to Hunt, the Johnson candidate for Congress. Chili- Gott, the radical will contest. `STATE OF DENNIS CAUGHLIN, -1-4 late of e polacon township, Busq's co., decmuted. Lettere of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to .make immediate payment, and those having of IQ orsettle me nt. ll"S nto present them duly anthentt -31. NOLAN, After. Friendeville, Sept. loth, 1666. 6w* BURNS & NICROLS, RALEILS in Medicines, Chemicals, Dye stuffs,, Paints, 0 ls, Varnish, Liquors, tiplces. Fan cy articles, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar. ticles. ray - Prelcriptions carefully compounded. Public Avenue, above Searles Hotel, Montrose, Pa. A. B. Bus" • - - Amos Minnow. Sept. 11, 1866. FRUIT PRESE..VA SOLUTION. Qv PEAR'S PATENT MUTT PRESERVING SOLII -1„. nos, for the preservation of all kinds of Fruits, Vegetables, Jellies, Wines, Cider, .4.c.„ without Sugar, and without expensive sealing or air-tight Jars. One Bottle will preserte 128 lbs of 'Fruit, or 48 gallons of Wino or Older. This Solution is cheap effectual, and not injurious to health. Price, One Doliar_ per bottle. For sale by ABEL TIIREELL. Montrose, Sept. 10th, 1866. GLASS and STONE FRUIT JARS, and also Spear's Fruit Preserving Solution, for sale by Sept. lith, 1868. ABEL TURRELL. Auditor's Notice. MIRE undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of Susque henna County to make dis tribution of the trust fund in the hands of J. E. Carman Esq., under the will of William Thomson, deceased, for the'use of Jacob Underhill, will attend to the duties of such appointment at the office of Fraser it Case, in Montrose, on Saturday, the 20th day of October, 1868, at one o'clock In the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested in said fend will present their claims or be forever barred from comi in upon said fund. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. Montrose, Sept. 5, 1806. 4w r_scriciaar..! A subscription paper - to raise additional working capital for the hIONTROSE GOLD CO., will be for the present-In the hands of H. C. Tylep or J. B. Mc- Conlon, Esq., where those wishing to take stock with a fair chance of doubling their money In a few months can call and do so. M. C. TYLER. Pres% Montrose Gold CO. Montrose, Sept. 4, 1861:1. DR. E. L. GARDNER, Pand SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Gives 1 especial attention to diseases of the Heart and Lungs and all Surgical diseases. Office over the Post Office. Boards at Searle's Hotel. [Sept. 4. 1866. PURE LIBERTY 'WHITE LEAD,- the whitest, the most durable. the most economical. Try it, Martafactured only by ZIEGLER SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Ohms Dealers, JanBo ly 187 North Bd street, Philad'a. ABEL TURRELL Is continually receiving EAW GGODS, And keeps constantly on hand a full and desirable as . sortment of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Teas, Spices and other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa- per, Glassware, Lamps, Kerosene, Benzoic), Tanner's Oil. Lubricating Oil, Neatstoot OS, Refined Whale OIL Terabit. Whips, .Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead s Gun Caps, Musical Instruments, Toilet. Soaps, flair Oils, Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles., Silver Plated Spoous, Perks, and Ivo' Handled Knives, • Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, Etc. ALL THE Patent s Medicines • advertised in Montrose. and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY IdABEET. In short, nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify. c and also to conduce to the rail and substantiacomforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as It would All a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of I. • AIIiaiTURRELL, Montrose, Pa. viilliglE FIRM FOR SALE I ITUATED in the township or:salon, in the Bon S ti of fhlaquehafine,tontatOing • —' 2.00 , Acrre43,, with one hundred - midstity res Itnprbved; Date] litig House, good Bana t well watered—a first rate farm for Dairy purpOses—two Orchards. Said farm will be sold altogether,.er in parcels to snit purchaser*. Terms of payment made esisy. For further information call upon A. Chamberlin, BR 2 Montrose, or upon the subscriber. L. D. BENSON, Administrator of Hosea Benson, dec'd. Jackson, Sept. 4, 1866. .$121.11:r r i l1 11:71il l e . larn'MS, my son Geo. W. Lindsey, having left tilne without Just rause; the public are caution. ed against barbering or trusting him on my account. as I will pay no debts onto contractingafter the nth of Aug., WO. ; tINDSEY. llnsh. Sept. Oh, 1E166., " Sw following described piece Of land, late the es. ri bDIDISTRATOR'S `SALE., le of John - Moran; 'dec'd athlete In the township of. Bridgewater, bounded and described as follows, via: On the north by the Geo. Fessenden farm, on the east by lands of Mimes 8. Tyler, on- the south: by lands of Wm. Kelly, and on . the west by hinds of R. B. Little. containing sixty acres; more or less will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Montrose, on Thtuss• day, the 27th day of September, at 2 o'cloc P. MOR SN, Adm'r. Montrose, Sept. 4, 1866. 2w DR, GANSEVOORT. PRACTICAL AND CONSULTING I: 2 3E3E'Vt3ltOx.a..pc, Tor the Cure of all Diseases. Author of Lectures on the Treatment and Cure ofehronic Diseases. May be Consulted as follow& free of Charge.: WILHES-BARRE. Pa., Exchange Hotel, Tinuuday,Fri day. and Saturday, September 20, 21 and td. PITTSTON, Pa., Eagle Hotel, Sunday and Monday, September 23 and 24. SCRANTON, Pa., Forest House, Tuesday and Wednes day. September 25 and-2G. MONTROSE, Pa.. Seance Hotel. Friday.idaturday and Sunday, September 29, 22 and 30. • Will Visit Each Place Once in ThroM Months Regularly. TNVALIDS. afflicted with - chronic disease of every IL name and nature, will be convinced by consulting me that they will be fairly and honorably dealt with. They will not be persuaded to place themselves under my treatment unless there is a reasonable hope of cure. Da GANSEVOORT, can be consulted at his appoint. ed places; ho is a Practical and Scientific Physician, and treats all kinds of chronic (Usages,. which have been called incurable, by many of the so-called dietin. guiehed physicians of the ctinutry, Such as disease of the Spine Asthma . Consumption, Salt Rheum, Nerv ous Deb il ity, Epilepsy. St. Vitus Dance. Catarrh. Mel ancholly, Liver Domplaint, Ricketts. Bloody Urine, Headache. MI diseases`of Women and Children. Also, cases of Seminal Emissions, which Is sending thou sands of poor unfortunate victims to the grave yearly. The Doctor does not propose to heal all the diseases that afflict mankind. Some diseases aro curable others Incurable, while at certain stages all &ernes are amble, if treatment is commenced at the proper time. There fore, do not watt for ro-morrow. The present is for ar to improve, to-morrow we may never see. So beware of delays, they are always dangerous to your. interests. Invalids who reside at too great a distance to visit the Doctor at his places of appointme , .t. can commu nicate with him by letter, and have medicines sent to them by Express, to any part of the United States , and Cummins, without delay. All fitters of inquiry mast cantata a three centatamp to prepay reply. Principal Office and Labratory. Gra mercy Park, New York.. Address me at my present residence, Bath. N.Y. I. M. GANSEVOORT, 51. D. September 4,1968: ' 1868. PHILADELPHIA 1866. WALL PAPERS, Mars.teissre 38 4 a1.1. ' Styles. HOWELL & BOURSE, Manufacturers of Paper Hangings, And Window Shades, Corner of FOITETE and MARKET Sts.,' PUILAD'A. N. ft,—Always In Store, a large Stock of LINEN AND OIL SHADES,. Aug. 28-3 u 3w{ HOUSES FOR SALE.—Four Small Houses and Lots for wile together, for cash. or would exchange them for tt farm near town. Enquire of M. C. or H. C. TYLER Montrose, August 28. 1886. Bw. Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Michael Dillon, dec'd, late of Libor ty townehfp, Sneqnchanna county, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hay ing claims upon the same will present them duly attes ted for settlement. JAMES DOWNS. Bx'r. Liberty,Angust 28, 1868. EQUIIIITION OF BOUNTIES! SOLDIETIB: Congress has Just passed an act to equal . izeze your Bounties ! Those who have not already done so should make immediate application. Wid ows heirs or parents of Soldiers who have died in the service, are entitled to the same bounty the solder, if living, would receive'. Having already prepared over two hundred claims, those who have delayed making application will dud It greatly to their advantage to give me a call. Invalids and widows entitled to an increase of pen sion under act approved Juno 6,1866, should also make application. Information free. GEO. P. LITTLE, Licensed Government Adent. Montrose, Ang.7,1886. PENSIONS & BoIINTIEs. C0}r2,7,2. recently passed a of lair m i o nc t r o ea t tng ree years men, Ana sl9 o to g two fears men. Applications made by L. F. PITCH. Government Agent. Montrose, And. 7, / 866 - Ow PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD WILL do more and better wore at a given cost, th an any other. Try It ! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Wass Dealers, jan3o ly 137 North 8d street, Piffled's. NEW GOODS. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD Are now receiving their New Stock of Sfring Summer 'c.o®mss, which will be sold 0.113:1318ro ViCiol=l. C 1 .11.61.1131C. Summer Dress Goods, Silks, Grenadines, Challies, Printed Cambrics, Lawns, Muslins, Prints, Delaines, Poplins, Hats & Caps, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Five. dm. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD; Montrose, May 29, 1866. E STATE OF SHEPHERD CARPEN-, TOL late of Ilarford, Susquehanna County, Pa., Lettere of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign-, ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against the same to present them duly authentc cited for settlement. BLLIOT ALMUCII. Adm'r. Now NOtOrd. Aug ESTATE OF ALANSON , TILDEN', deceased, late of/lonia township, Susquehanna cOullIY, Pa. Lettersof administration upon the estateof the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons Indebted to vaid,estate arc hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and theta - having clams aSslnst Mantua to preseut them duly Gut/lentil Gated for settlement. Montrose, Sep.4, nit! -V. L. BROWN, Adm`r. DENTISTRY ! =IN L. .lEhrszasellaisoN BMW DENTAL ROONS, • Over Webb &Butterfield's Store, lye the idacei to get o t r Teeth extracted without • paiik, and maimed with tTantlls2.lartilicial ones. , n • The Wow' roa,,tesit. Dr. B. WOOD'S Plastic Metallic Fillinigiantlnnerres fusible metal for Ailing teeth, for which ve mat the privilege and license, granted by him, to for i purposes in my own practice as a Dentist. It is calla 'Cadmium Alloy, _ and le designed to take the pi Amalgams in Melanie ends, etc.i for s filibig. hd o ,, not-contain mercury, and hence an absence of theft cultlesthat In such a variety of ways occur, or enlist, to oecur with ghat agent. Or Meath, 'tubber - as itikie,‘froto . 05 to $4O knit Abe; CONTINUOUS OUT[ WORK, Matins ail abase Teeth and Gums being one centime' solid mass, (or $lOO per sett. glirTlease at my.oflce and examine speste m OfElcaliotirs from 9 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock, p. m. Montrose. Pa., May 8, 1866, 10octly BIOIE NEWS PROM MAIN OT BOOTS! WITS! BOOTI MEN'S BOOTS, BOY'S BOOTS YOUTH'S BOOTS, THICZ BOOTS,EIP BOOTS, CALF BOOTS. AND. BOOTS MADE TO ORDZI, Also, & good assortment of 83301319. Consisting of Wise' Bid, Lasting and Goat Wag& ale and Gaiters. Mules Brogans. Boys Youth's Congress Gaiters, Baby Shots, etc. et B eZ which will be sold • AT SMALL PROFITS! N. B.—A:l kinds of work - made to order. ind mob., done neatly. C. 0. BORDUaIf" Montrose, May 8, 1860. tf ~.._. 1 1 N.....„. 2 Alititi f iW t 1 ---__ ----. ......... D. W. LOWELL, Principal & P r roprielor OF the above Institntion, respeetfall y calls fittest, to the unsurpassed facilities of his course °time* Con, and the important additions and improve:rob which have been made in and to the several deparrm a y nth's College. The course of Instruction extendedvA perfected,present• to • YOUNG DIEN and LADIES The best facilities for °Midrange PRACTICAL, COMPEER/38M, BM= EDUCATION. , The tho ro ugh, novel and intereettt g maggot ACTUAL PRACTICE embraccstt complete routine of transactions in Mb In portant branch of business. A Store, Bank and Raul Steamboat, Telegraph, Post-offices, are in fin sod successful operation, representine tu a plumb:wit* isfactory manner, the daily routine of actual Wes lite. in which the student becomes In progression as ameteur CLERK, NESCHANT AND BANKER, receiving. In each capacity,a practical reliable heel. edge of business in its =Marione forms and plunk PENMANSHIP. In this essential branch of business education non* lege offesbetter facilities to the learner. The Span- Ilan slattern win be taught in all its varietbus bins MI skillful masters of the art. Specimens of Writing foto this institution haft. received the highest trocomists from the press. • For general information, terms, &c., address for Cot lege - monthly. which will be mailed free; for spechant of - Fen manse ip. enclose two three-cent stamps. decls•ly Address D. W. LOWELL Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, Binghamton, N.Y. VSTATE OF JOHN KIERNAN, late Az./ of Choconut township Susq•a county. Pa., dred. Letters of administration upon the estate of Meatiest named decedent having beeu granted to the endersip t ed, all persons indebted to said estate are. hereby sob tied to make Immediate payment, and those byte claims agatnst the same to present them duly seabed sated for settlement_ Choconnt,,Jn:y Aft°ll2lstmtlii THE LAST MOVE! STONE & WARNER. SUCCESSORS TO THE OLD FIRM OF GEO. L. STONE & CO., fAVE removed their business to the Store fame, owned and occupied by M. C. /Tyler. one door south ord. S. Tarim Ildtel, where they are raddikt an entire new stock of • Family Groceries, • Ready Made -Clothing NITS, CAPS, BOOTS &MU Which we propose to sell for Very small profit', • FOR READY PAY. N. B.—Partienlar attention paid to shipping bar er's Produce, Butter, etc. to Now York, and promPilt tnrns nude. G. L. STONE. • - - - B. 8. weak Montrose, May 8, 1866. Fire, Life 'and Accidental GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, riffcsaa.trossie pis. Home u Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Srplus, gag Insurance Co. of North America, Phira. Capital and Surplus 1,71:00 International Fire Insurance Co. ofN. Y.. Capital and Surplus, ' 1,50 1 Girard Fire and Marine Inenraace Co. of Phira, Capital and Surplus' 10,0 Lycoming County Mutual luminance Co.of Muncy, Penn'a, Capital and Surplus. Mo Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., 600. Capital and Surplus, Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil's, su p capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. State of Pmunsylvania, nil. vivo Capital and Surplus. Kensington Fire an4J. • Insurance Co.. so p Phil's, Capital anetSurplus, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn , paying 60 per cent. dividends tbtbassured, Capital, • 10.0 0 w'' American Lilo Insurance- Co., Pbiladel phis, Capital, 100 Travelers'lnsurance CO. Hartford, Conn.. Insuring against all kinds of accidents . Capital, • Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Bart - ..in ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, Putman Piro Inpurance Co., Hartfor d, Ct.,solo Capital, - 118/"All business entrusted to oar care till be anod ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly ad/ottd• . STROUD Et BROWN, Agents. iv...office Ant door north of" Montrone Had," Bide ofPublic Avenue. • Bniatos Eornotra, Maass L. WO Montrßso, JAII. Irit. 1868. 1y LOTS FOR :SALE. /PRE subscriber offers foe Sale a row choice WWI Lots in Great Bend Village, in close prosissitll • the extensive works of the D.. L. £ W.R. R. CO.. T' In progress. They am laid oat in convenient sho goodgood Size. and may be purchased at liberal rates sat $ also of eayment. Great Bend, Dec; 7.1861. • •IL Willa . . THE FAMOUS' BARBEL" • Come and eeethofamous Barber, , Pomona Barber. late of Hayti. Late of Hayti now at Weeks', Vim at F. B. Weeks' Store Boom. • Find me allaying and shampooing. • Find me cutting hair to suit you, Find me ready at your service._ Atymir service, _CHAR= HOW Nentroat,Oet p." 111363.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers