Lionel government and in taking up armsi for its overthrow, they may _be held to, iridieldualsaiieftke title iribudalsl_ °tithe land, and! fot t that. cbd duct, as societies and organized commun.. hies, they have already paid the most, fearful penalties that can fall on offending' States in the losses, sufferings and humili ations of unsuccessful war. But whatev er may be the guile 6r the punishment of the conscious anthers of the insurrection, candor and common justice demands the concession that the great mass of those who became involved in the responsibili ty acted upon what they believed to be their rights, 0r... under a compul sion, . pJ!y ical sod AreeerlittWeir less to resist. Nor can it be amiss to re member that t terriblejte have been the bereavemerktsi.lmitbelbssoi of this war, they have fallen exclusively upon neither section and upon neither party; that thexbart - lailenatetegtr:_, Irak LaKrallter weTefirupon those with whom the war began ; that in the death of relatives and frjxlitprLii eispersitttf fatiapkiii ftiPtrineof social systems and social ties, the overthrow of governments, of law and of order,- theiokestruction etirpropirrty and of forma Lind iedes`ead' I±lBBiiir of indus try, the loss of political, commercial and moral, influence, in every ehape-apd• , fo rn whiefl ' great-MliltiMitl 4 B9 otut mintier; the States and people which engaged in the war against the government of the Uni ted States have suffered tenfold more than those who remained in allegiance to its constitution and laws. These considerations may not, as they certainly do not, justify the action of the people of the insurgent States; but no just or generous min will refuse to them very considerable weight in determiniit the line of conduct which the government of the United States Should pursue to wards them. They accept, -if not with alacrity, cer tainly without sullen resentment, the de feat and overthrow they have sustained. They acknot ledge and acquiesce in the results, to themselves and their country, that defeat involves. They no longer claim for any State the right to secede from the Union ; they no longer .assert for any State an allegiance paramount to that which is due to the general government. They have accepted the destruction of slavery, abolished it by their State Con stitutions, and concurred with the States and people of the whole Union in prohib iting its existence forever upon the soil or within the jurisdiction of the United States. They indicate and evince their purpose just so fast as may be possible and safe to adapt their domestic laws to the changed condition of their society, and to secure by the law and its tribunals equal and impartial justice to all classes of their inhabitants. They admit the invalidity of all acts of resistance to the national authority, and of all debts incurred in attempting its overthrow. They avow their willingness to share the burdens and discharge all the duties and responsibilities which rest upon them, in coninithi with other States and other sections of the Union; and they renew, through their representatives in this Convention, by all their public conduct in every way and by the most solemn acts by which States and societies can pledge their faith, their engagement to bear true faith mid allegiance, through all time to come, to the Constitution of the United States, and to all laws that may be made in pursuance thereof. Fellow countrymen, we call upon you, in full reliance upon your intelligence and your patriotism, to accept, with generous and ungrudging confidence, this full, sur render on the part of those in arms against your authority, and to share with them the honor and renown that await thoite who bring back peace and concord to jarring States. The war just closed, with all its sorrows and disasters, has opened a new career of ,gtory to the na tion it has saved. lilies swept away the hostilities of sentiment and, of' interest which were a standing menace to its peace. It ha% destroyed the institution of slavery, always a cause of sectional ag itation and strife, and has openedto our- country the way to' Unity ofinterest, of principle acid ar idiot theofigh all tine to come. It has develbtsid4n 'both tions a military capacity—an aptitude for achievements in war, both by sea and land, before unknown-even to ourselves, and destined to exercise hereafter, under unites] councils, an, important influence upon the character •and destiny of the continent and the world. • And while it has thus revealed, disci plined and , compacted our power, it has proved to us controversy or doubt,.by the course pursued toward both contending factions by foyeign powers, that we_ must be. the guardians of our own indeendence; ap,4 that theptiticiPlea of repub lican Vreedoin reptesCut Can find among the 631108 . 0 t thi - wilt. 60 friends or defendet:i bat ourselvek. We call upon yeti, therefore, by every consideration of your 'own ,dignity and safety; and in the name of liberty thro'- out the world, to complete -the work of restoration and peace which 'the ,Presl;.' derit of the United States has's° Well be gnu, aud which the adopted and the . principles asserted by, the Feeeok. Cohgress alone obstruct. The time-is 4,105 e at hand when members of a.,110*; Congress are kite 'elected. If that 4Pittn gress shall perpetuate thlspolizy, nisi; by excluding and people from representatick in lie.Halle, Shall continue the usurp'ation by ... Whjels the legislative powers of tkeitiv;ernineut are now, e:or!, cued,eormxion -- prudettio, - "toMpelentcto anticipate augtheuttatilliedutput,uullen withdrawal' bent:thofiduties-add obliga tions of the federal giVertitne94interniil dissension and a general colliiton sea , timents and prete4o/040 beii, in astirr wore.fearful sbtlpg i l4 it war from which We call upon you to interpose your pow er te,tplpvo4 the moorrense of ao.trans pli=ynti,s(qapaity:, - Wtrottlrupoiryoillii everrconireseloit al district of-every-State,— to secure the election mem bers itthers, who, whatever other ailkeViiheea' indr e 4teriFe =their i politi ealitiatan, shill iutii ih recognizing the right of every State of the Union to rep resentßt.ion 3 a,,CorigretuN and who , will ad mit Viseits in either branch - everYloyal representative from every State in allegi ance to the governinent, who may be found , by_ea* Hnttee,, in the_ exercise of 00fitilwer coriferied 'upon it by the Con stitution, to have been duly elected, re turned and gualified , tbr a seat therein. Whep„thts khan have been ,done the been restore' to its istegrity,. the Constitution the tin i ted- Ket7n.'' riestablia tied in itsaupremaey,, and the American Un ion willlatie become - what it was designed to be . by those who formed it, a, seereretti composed! of separate States, each like itself, moving in a dis tinct ttntkirOependent sphere,- exercising powititte - defidga - atieresery ed by a com mon Constitution, and resting upon the assent., the confidence and'co-operation of all *Ale States_ .and alt the people- subject taittairtheritY.'' Thus reorganized and restored to their Constitutional relations, the States and 'th i c=ral. government can enter in a fr with a common purpose and a common interest, upon whatever reforms, leektirity of personal rights, the enlargement of popular liberty, and theperfeation: of :our. republican institu tions may demand. To Cook a Husband. Many good husbands are spoiled in cook ing; some Tamen keep them in hot water constantly while others freeze them by conjugal coolness ; some smother them in hatred, c t ontention, and variance, and some keep them in a pickle all their lives. These women always serve them up•with tOegne - tattee. Now it cannot be suppos ed that husbands will be tender and good it managed in this way ; but, on the con trary, very delicious whenmanaged as fol lows : Get a large jar, called the jar of faithfulness, (all wives keep one on hand,) put your husband in it, and set him near the fire of conjugal love; let the fire be pretty hot, but especially let it be clear, and above all the rest, be constant; cover hint with affection, kindness, and subjec tion, garnished with modest, becoming familiarity, and spiced with pleasantry, and ifyou add kisses and other confec tinnaries, let them be acompanied with a sufficient portion of secrecy, mixed with prudence and moderation. We would advise all good wives to try this recipe, and realize what an admiraable dish a husband makes when properly cooked. OrAmong the amusing incidents on the night of the fire is one told us by a friend. A gentleman was endeavoring to save his books, and was hurrying along with an armful' of them, while an assist ant, also carrying a portion of them, pre ceding in advauce. .AS he went on at a more rapid rate than his employer could maintain, the latter called on him to slack en his pace. Not heeding his call, and proceeding rapidly out of sigh t,his employ er dropped his books upon the ground, run ing up, knocked him down ! He was determined to enforce discipline, if the town was burning.—Portland Transcript. _ btead Quarters For Mt .4. 3EL 4 ar _A, I IQ' LS la,r.g ir acids 4•_ Clotting An Immensely Large Stock, Each Department Complete, And Prices Away Down: Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co. VlCANAsgsiiti . fitted tip their Store with A splendid httof Ac Spring Sad. Summer eloodSkthe - meat of which were bought at auction sales, and at lower prices than they were for years, while we promise to sell at prices to suit the closed buyer. Gaz variety of Goode le complete in every line. Wo mention a few DOMESTIC ch, ,COTTON G_OODS, DRESS"GoODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, WHITE Go op., Linen Gooch, Woolen Goods, and Piece Goods, Parasol; Comas & Skirt; Embroideries, Gloves, Hos ieryt and r ,X4l-k&karAltdll.-mr-Cit=itoo3t)Ei OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Wholesale & Retail, READY MIDI CIOTIIIN, And Gents' Famishing Goods. Clothing made to or der in a superior style. Wit would request a call of every one to examine our "iitock, compare prices, ac., feeling confident that our variety of Goods is by far the largest, style and quality the best, and prices the lowest of any other establish ment iwttume - parte. .1 ,. i Agnitnburg-:ltstithaitm-i. 4e. K. /I. trtioAtigg )14046. partu - r. , . .• Seatlitsc•NrarlS, ais. BUSINESS CARDS. D. W. SEARLE, • Ik.TTORNIrir AT LAW. office over the Store of Z Cobb. opposite Squip's Hotel, Montrose. Pa. ay 1, 1866. BALDWIN, ALLEN, & MITCHELL, DSALEBS in Flour, Salt, Pork, Fish, Lard, Grain, Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such as Sugars, -Molasses, Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of PnbliaAvenue. • Montrose, April 17, 1866. DR. E. P. HINES, J 1 AS permanently located at Prlendsville for the nr- Cl of practicing medicine and surgery in all Its branches. He may be found at the Jackson House. Office hours from 8 a. in., to 0 p. m. Janl6tf Priendarille, Pa:, Jan. Iffiti, 1666. PETJR HAY, Xaloompseci feta 64tf Auburn 4 Corners, Pa. M. C. SUTTON, Lirigessesoci .611.3zaticezzoor, apl 65tt Prlendeville, Pa. C. S. GILBERT, r-sioarLiescocl. Ai.u.cpticb23.42,or. eep7 64tf Groat Band, Pa. DOCT. E. L. lIANDRICK; PHYSICIAN 8, SURGEON, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizen of Friends villa and vicinity. IHlr'Office Lathe office of Dr. beet. Boards at J. Hosford's. ily3o ABEL TURRELL, ri HALER In Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye , (/Stuffs, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Win- Low Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perin nem Lte—Azent for all the most popular PATENT o EDICINES,—Montrose, Pa. DR. WM. SMITH, QURGEON DENTlST,—Montrose, Pa. 0011 lee fn Lathrops' new building, over the Bank. All Dental operations u 111 be "Ifillejek performed in good style and warranted. JOHN GROVES, EIASHIONABLE TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Shop U one door west of Sbarle's Hotel. Mr All orders filled promptly. in first-rate style. Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to tit WM. W. SMITH, CABINET AND CHAIR MANUFACTURERS,—row of Main street, Montrose, Pa. t f P. LINES, VASHIONABLETAILCIR.—Montrose, Pa. Shop L.' in Phenix Block, over store of Read, Watrons • : Ss Poster. All work warranted as to tit and finish. .11ttIng done on short notice, In beet style. jan'6o lul JOHN SAUTTER, RESPECTFULLY announces tharbe Is now pre pared to cut all kinds of Garments In the most Fashionable Style, and warranted to lit with elegance and ease. Shop over 1. N. Bullard's Store, Montrose. H. BURRIIIr, DEALER In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drags. Oils. and Paints, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes, Groceries, Provisions, New Rilford, Pa. W.M. H. COOPER & CO., BANICERS, Montrose, Pa. Successors to Post,Cooper & Co. Office, Lathrop's new banding, Turnpike -et. HIINTTC(O COOFER, REMIT Alta. A. 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension, and Exemption Claims attended to. febl iff — Otlice first door below Boyd'e Store; Montrose, Pa ROGERS & ELY, 49..u.cAi.c.2seeriEs, my 10• Brooklyn, Pa. STROUD & BROWN, DIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. All r business attended to promptly, on fair terms. Of fice first door north of " Montrose Hotel." west side of Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. (.Tan. 1, ma. Bustvos &morn, - • CIIARLIN L. Bnowx. C. 0. FORDFIAM, BOOT SHOE Dealer and Manufacturer Montrose. Pa. Shop on Main street, one door below the Poet °Mee. All kinds or work ..,ade to order, and repairing done neatly. jani Da. E. L. BLAKESLEE, IDITYSICIAN SURGEON, has located at Brooklyn, Bueq'a co., Pa. Will attend promptly to all calls with which he may be favored. Office at L. M. Bald win's. [July 11-1 y SS Co Ma 30 I 3M PUS; PENSIONS, BOUNTY, AND BACK PAY. T EIR ;11n7ed w:i ldC. , 1,.. e SE I, D ro A m O p E t AGENT t o . f liTt i fl on E f t ) o n a t, i ' i claims entrusted to his care. Charges low. and infer. mation FREE. L. F. FITCU. Montrose, Jan. 14. 1865. If SLODIERS' BOUNTY , PENSIONS, . And. I- ack Pay ! THBNIITI 1 (.I w e i r ll i s ' v e e d pr L o t m cws p, Bzn attenAtiGznr as on to all clal z m G a?ntrn " ; ted to his care. No charge =less successful. Montrose, Aug. 20.'63. J. B. McCOLLUM. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, • 331,54,431:T.. 3pn,- 3 r, Tto, undersi ed. LICENSED AGENT of the GOY ERN having obtained the necessary forms, &,c.. will give prompt attention to all claims intrusted to his care. No charge unless successful. GEO. P. LITTLE. Montrose. June 60.1864. The Montrose Democrat Is PUBLISHED EVERT' TUESDAY MORNING, AT MONTROSE SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, PA., BY A. 3131 FL 'Et X S W, AT $2 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE—OR S2X AT END OP REAR Business advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 10 lines, three times, and 25cts for each additional week. Yearly advertisers, with mina] Challgefl, charged $lO for four squares, quarter column $l5, half column f. 30, one column $6O, and other amounts in exact proportion. BtraiilC9B cards of three lines, v.; or one dollar a line. rir Legal notices at the customary rates. Job Printing executed neatly and promptly at fair prices. Deed., Mortgages, Notes. Justices', Constables', School and other blanks for sale. e i s saI•XELS3I : (Oars's. 3Ocslairzi.. NEW MILFORD FOUNDRY! HEAD OF NAVIGATION. MBE undersigned having rebuilt hielFoundry, la pro pared to farni,h • PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, SAW MILL GEARING, MOWING MACHINE. GEARING, •d AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, each as farmers and others may require. Also, The Improved Iron. Chimneys. rp-p_otnadry opposite Elawiey's Store, next to Phin nera Hotel. J. S. TINGLEY & BOW New Wilford, May 20, 'Mo. si I:V : : WESTERN RAIL-ROAD. PM==it=N=MV Spring Arrangements for 1866. PASSENQER TRAMS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. Morning train. A. 1M STATIONS New York... ..... New Ilumpton Mannnkn Chunk.. Delaware Scranton Nleholsou ..... llophottom. Montrose._ ....... New Milford. Great Bend 1 I 191,03,0) ..., 12,15 W 12 45 t 4,30 6,36 5,66 6,20 6,41 7,00 P, \l. CONNECTIONS.—Westward. The Morning train from New York connects at Ma nunka Chunk with the train leaving Ph ilad'u(fic net ng ton depot) at 7,30 - m-, andat Great Bend v. ith through mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping, car at tached, stopping, at all the principal Pta [lona on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6,10 a. M. The Evening trair, from New York connects at Ma flunks:Chunk with the train leaving Philadelphia (Ken sington depot) at 3,50 p In.; at Qreat Bend with Night Express dm the Erie Railway west, arriving st Buffalo at 1,45 p. tn. Eastward. The Morning train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west; atManunka Chunk with a train for Philad'a and Intermediate stations, arriving In Philadelphia at 6.30 p. m.; and at New Hampton with a train for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, v at Harrisburg at 8.30 p. m. The Evening train trom Great TINA connects , there with the New York Express on the Erie Railway from the weet ; at '4 , llllllnm Chunk with a train which runs to Belvidere, where it line over until ti o'clock next morning ; and at New Hampton with an Express train for Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Rending and Har risburg. At Scranton, connect ions are made with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloom sbn re Bit. to and from Pittston Kingston, Wilkesbarre, Berwick. Bloom sburg,Danville, Northumberland. Barri:lmre and intermediate stations. and with trains on the Delaware and II nd4on Railroad nand from Carbondale and intermediate stations. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. R. A. FIrwRT. Gent Tkt At. jly4 tf rriZICXII INT 10. 'IC' C.) 11. 30 MINER & COATS Post's building„ below Boyd's Corner, is the place to buy your FLOUR, GROCERIES, AHD PROVISIONS, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! MINES & COATS Would Inform the public that they are now opening a New and Choice Stork of FAMILY GROCERIES, Just received front New York. n hich they will sell cheap (or cash, or exchange for all lads of Fartuer'r produce. We have made arrangement. , with one of the beet rommistilon flow , ea in New York for t•hipping Flutter and Produce, and will famish Pails free of charge, and make Liberal Advancements on coniduntnent• of Butter. Aloe. CASH paid for But ter, Grain tibd Egge. A fre,h supply of GARDEN VEGET ABLES, by Ex press, alway 6 on hand, tg/'Thankful for the liberal patronage already re ceived, we hope by dealing honorably with unr Lurturn era to still further extend our trade. C. G. MINER, - Montrose, June 5. 14:11 FOUTZ'S t:0) C IL I.O.ITED 11 gorse alli i c a m s p owi l sis. This prey aration, p t i long and I.,vorahly known, will thor Rousd oughly ratuvigorate (57 broken down and low -sniri tell horses, Oml • by strengthening and cleansing the rs: stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre remise of all dis -01 eases incident. to © TER, HEAVE. COUGHS, DI. IMF TEMPER, F' P 2 1 4• VEM, FOUNDI. l LOSS OF APE , TITE AND VIT, lEN ERG Y, &c. I yln use improves tl ~, wind, increast Ca. p the appetite—gisi a smooth at glossy skin—an, C a l — transforms t h (41 miserable skeet hors 4. To keepora y Cows this preparation Is Invaluable. 'yes the quality the milk. It has en proven by ac- Jai experiment to acrease the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per ^nt. and make the :ter 'Arm and reef. In fattening tle, it gives them appetite, loosens it hide, and :ea them thrive 0.. cid cti .... . In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in Per the Lungs, Liver, this article • sots as a wpecille. By putting from one-half apaper • toe paper inn barrel of swill the above diseases •srill be eradicated or entirely prevented. if given In time, a certain 1 preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for 81. PREPARED BY 41 1 S. A. VCITT9CZ Zir., 13110., AT TRITER WHOLESALE DIWG AND DTE'DICINE DEPOT, k mo No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Idd. For Sale by Druggists and Storakeepor* tbreugh• out the United States. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. MBE subscriber respectfully Informs the public that J. he has leased the Blacksmith Shop of R. C. Clemons, near the Foundry of Sayre Brothers. Customers Will do well to call, as they can get every thing done in the Illacksmithbag line neatly and prompt ly for cash. Particulgr attention given to 'Horse Shoeing. EDWARD P. STAMP. Montrose, Dec. 20, 1865. tf WHISRERS, MUSTACHES - • • forced to 'grow on the srnoo - yg thest face in from three to 5 weeks by using Dr- SEXIG- N E 'S RESTAURATEUR CAPJLA IRE, the most won- ' r h; • vlerful divcovery Modern ; if : prfri o , --- science, acting on the Beard ' " ' and Hair in an almost mirac- 7 " alone manner. It has been used by the elite of London and Paris with the most flattering success. Names of all purchasers are registered, and If entire satisfaction is notglven in every instance, the money will be cheer fully refunded, Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $l. Descriptive circulars and testimonials nut lied free, Ad dress MERGER. MUTTS & Chemisie. NO. 28S Riv er street. Troy. N. Si, Only agents for the United Bute, myl Ire&pq REYOIIIII6 HORSE RAKES, • Hand Rakes , Scythes, .Snaths, Extras for the °hid Moiver, 2E'Mtt. I[7X AS. XL p WillotiLtby's. and Grifin's Eureka, very eheap by the dozen.) •rning Evening rain. train. . P. 5,20 10,35 2,30 3.10 I . 1,39 7,251 1,80 7,20 9.45 4,10 9.35 3,02 I 8.18 2,47 7,56 2,20 4 7.341 2.07 7,15 1.50 I A, P Hardware, Paints and Oils Glass and Putty, Lamps, Nails and Screws, Lead Pipe. Montrouc, dull• 3, 1813;. tf A FRESH LOT OF JUST ARRIVED FOR TILE aa tSy:tat - 1.30t.,&- At WILSON, GRIFFIS & WARNER'S. r. t ..A.,F,,,.,_,..„Annt,,r,,,?,0e.....„.9.. c,..: CIAiLS produced by the use ~-.F. • Pi of Prof D ETingt•x's FRNER •4 , - 1 t'e. LE CREVEAUX. One lip- -;,?,.N. :' : A lineation warranted to curl , i;i:/,, • ‘1. 1 4?,-".', the most straight and stub- ~ • i, , ,- horn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Das been used by the fashionablf`P of Paris and London, with the most gratifying results. Does no inlury to the hair. Price by mall, seated and post paid. $l. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address BERGER, Slitrlft4 & Co , Chem isle. No. .285 River street, Troy, N. Y. Only agents for the United Statcs. myl lycfspq Excelsior Excelsior stoanomi Sr HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MO the Ladies eQpecially. this invaluable depilatory recommends it-.elf as being an almost indispunsable artich• to female beauty, Is ea,ily applied. and does not barn or injure the skin. but acts directly on the roots, ft is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low forehead.. or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same. leaving the skin soft. smooth and natural. Thin is the only article ns.d by the French, and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price $1 per package. sent poet paid tu any address on receipt of an order, by BERU:;11, SITFTT 4 ,t Co.. Chemists. myl lycfspq :1.15 River street, Troy, N.Y. IVIIITE LIQ1 1 11) ENAMEL, F f:/ r lt h n i i n p ,, rl Y v i a n i . , . 11 .0 m ( 1 , i e f i t; i (t g t t p h r e e p c . o ir m ari l o7 i i o i n i 'nee. fur :;d% log the skin a heantifol. pearl igke tint, that is only foui.d ill youth. It quickly remove+ tun. freckles, pimples. idotches. moth patch t. -allowness, eruptions and all impurities oi the skim kimily healing the same, leaving the skin white and clear no alabaster. Its non cnooot be detected by the closest srrillinr, and being a preparation is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind tri cl by the French, and it con sidered by the Pari.inn no indispensable to a perfect toilet. epP Ards of Roam bottles ri ere cold during the past year, a vonicient guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cts. Mailed. post to id. ,m receipt of an order by Mk:EWELL, tiSkiliTTS Chemltts, myl lycf , pq Hireestreet, Troy, N. T. r• p irc a YEAR We want Agents every . 9 , )1n cCriere to 11 our IMPROVc,O s'2o Sew. illg Machines. Three new kinds. Under and ripper feed. sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above sal ary or In ri2, crimmiss'on paid. The only machines sold in the United Suite— , for less than *4O, which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler C Wilson. Grover linker, Sinner & Co.. and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are in frinnements. nod the Yeller or user are liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. WTI: , rated circular- sent free. Address. Cr call upon A W X c I.AUK,at Bidde ford, Maine. or Chi cazo, iinargh y• . W. R. COATS 3m Baldwin, 11len, ez _ - ~- A ftor retirinz for thirty ,iay4 at "hard lahor." have re az the old under the null, aid tir:a of BALDWIFI, ALLEN Et MEN iIELL, DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef. Haw, Fish, Smoked Hal ibut, Cub , l/cs, Tr,:, o : free, Spires, Syrup, Molus. , es, Sugar, .Seed Wheat, d' Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Brooms, Nails, cfe. eft. Thankful for pact patronage, we shall be happy to see and wilit upon our old and new customers. All Good, and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. 1.. ALLEN. S. N. MITCHELL. Montrose. April 10, Istw, t , / ‘ () l‘J V e 1 ( 1 ! . w Just nut. anteddrTsr, City Building.. ' llicitlefird, Me. tvuntly• -WILL immediately relieve, withont pain, all distur bances of the peritabc dischnrge, whether arising from relit xati(lll or suppression. They net like acharm in Trance ng the pains ihnt accent pa ity difficult or im moderate menstruation, and are the only Snfe and reli able remedy for Flushes, Sick I ache, Pains in the Loins, Bach and tittles, Palpitation of the Heart, Nor voila Tremors, Hysterics, `pants. Broken Sleep, and other unpleasant nod dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual fnuctlODP. In the worst cases of Fluor Albns or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills Are the only medicine that married and single ladles have relied on for many ,years, or can rely upon now.— BEWACE OP I3IITATIONS 1 These Pills form the finest prepatat lon ever pet forward, with immediate and per sistent success, DON'T BE DECEIVED. Take this advertisement to your Drimgist, and tell him that you want the hest and most reliable Female Medicine in the world, which is comprised In Dr• Cheeseman's Female Fills ! They have received, and Pre now receiving the cane. non nithe meet eminent Amerha. Explicit Directions with each box—the Price, One Dollar per box', containing. from 50 to 00 Pills, Pills smithy mail, promptly, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorized agent, in current funds. - • Sold by Druggists Generally. rutrrctincos & ITILLYER, Proprietors!, 2 Dey street, IS en , York. A BEL TERRELL, Whulee ale and Eutall Agent for Montrose and vicinity. Oct. 31. comly $2OO O A YEAR made by any one with $l5. Stencil Tools. No experience necessary. The Presidents, cashiers and treasurers or S Banks endorse the circular. Forwarded free with samples. Address the American Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, Vermont. .431 iimksmp PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. PREFERRED by all practical pall:dere I Try it, and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZTEGLER BMITIT, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers,. Jan.") ly 131 North 3d street, Plillad'a. BOYD & convars RAVE FOR , BALE By the dozen of las. quantity. Also , C' X3...a. OS; •I'M Ma Ma ..a....rty 13 - INTow• r"l3ralcx. ; ,kiN' 1101 , _ . POR .siv. T. Aff t ,ToFEMALES iik.C.,ix-ux1.,. 5 .E 1 vfr . - vl . ,', 'r2v4l 4;414i ,(// AZio - L v;'tiv.., 4.\\ •4 ) C i • '''' N.:7,Z.:', - i ((,- - PJ LLS7 ' i AN; le -t; - - ~..., ‘.:,:) ! yj _ Ali . r=. • CRANE, HOWELL' :00;,' RE now receiving a large and vrell - selWedatrkOof new goods, consisting In part of choice Ze coinhen , .. . FLOUR.' i .--- DAIRY SALT, - SUGAR, TABLES ALT, • r - . SYRUP, BSI'S ALT, f. MOLASSES, . • . CANDLES. + ' ' ' CHOICE TEAS, , BRUSHES, COFFEE ' ' rbt, &A S pICkS, kt. FRUITS ' HALLS,' ' ,' • t PORk, WOODEN-W A RE, HAMS, BASKETS, LARD, . BROOMS; FISH,BOPS, . and in fact a choice vaTicty,of 411 kinds .ot GROCERIES & PROVISIONB which we are bound to sell wholesale or reitalti cheap for cash or ready pay: Call and see before .buying elsewhere for we Leis pleasure In Elb ovine our geode, whether jhu buy oriel, • ALL KINDS OF PR ODUCE taken in exchange for Goods atthe best market print% 11 — Shop in basement of Boyd's building neat below . Searte's lintel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Fresh Meats and Fish of all kinds are kept for rat'. 0. M. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. FERGERSON Aloutroee, May 1, 1866 Manhood: How Lost, How Re. stored. JUST pith lolled. a new edition of Dr. Craver. •P well's Celebrated Essay on the radical an, (without medicine) of ISPERNATMIRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to gm- Huge, etc.; also. Consumption, Epilepsy. and Fits, In. dared by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. 112 F r -Price. In a sealed envelope only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this arimirabte essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' succeesfhl practice, that the alarming consegnences of self-abuse may be radically cared without the dangerous nor of internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out :, mode ofenre at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con ditiou may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. CJ - This Lecture should he In the hands of every youth nnti every men In the land. Sent. under aeal, in a plain envelope, to any addreram poet paid, on receipt of 41x mute, or two post stamp,. Addreas the publishers. (1.1 AS. J. C. KLINE k, Id 7 Bowery, New York, Post OMeo box 4,588. March zO, Peace & Peace. Prices PEASE ESTAELISHED. Large Lines of Prices conquered & Reduced Mi. 33 1.1.1•1° t t le now reve_ir'ng, fur Sprine Supplies, new and largo Stocks of Dry Goods, Groceries , Crockery, Hardware, STOVES, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Pai Lamp and Linseed Oils, Ben zole, Curpeiings, Floor Oil Chas, Wall Paper, Window Shades, 11,th, & Copy, Brth( & Shoes, Clucks, Ineinding., PIP usual, full varieties of the most olt styles of LADIES' ESS ' G ODS. SHA WLS, It °AWE TS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, whieh he sill sell on the most favorable terms to CASH, PIIO4L - Cli, or to Prompt Time Buyers. Flour & Salt on .hand as uswiL NEW ILFORD, Jute, 1t,115. HUNT BROTHERS , X1_496-Dr4' C:2) ZIT Paa., Wholesale .t lktail Dealers In 1111,7 - pmvA 2,2 9 313.. STEEL, NAILS , snoveitAs. RIMER'S HARDWARE. MINE R. 4 IL. POIWTERSUNE cf- 7' RAIL SPINES RAILROAD d MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, SKEINS L'iD 80-ES, ROL rs NTTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRON'? HUBS. SPORES, FELL OE, SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS, de ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES. Re. Re. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. BOLTING, PACKING TAcKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER & FENDESIRS FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton. March 24, 180. I y Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. B. Oq and after November 27, 1865, passenger tralas will run as follows: • SOUTHWARD. A. X. A. X. T. g. Leave Scranton, 5:50 10:50 4io " Kingston, 6:55 11:15 110 " Rupert. . 9:15 Ec33 " Danville, 9:50 9:30 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:30 MI NORTHWARD. Leave Northemberirnd, 9:04 '-., 119 " Danville, 840 1 5:40 " lin pert . 9:15 A.M. k 4:11„ Kingston, 2:35 • 8:50 • 1 . 0 1 Arrive at Scranton, 9:45 9:35 3:10 PAseengt•ra talk Inc train south from Perattou at Ha m. via Northumberland, rea , h RarriAburg at 12:30 p. m.; Fmttlm.wrc 5:30 p. Washington 10:00p. m 4 rrllaa Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7:00 p. m. Kingston, Nov. 25. B. A. FONDA, Supt. 1011 - OWAIID Assoclatlon,Pb Lindelpbta, Ta Diseases of the Nervous, Senilval, Urinary and-set nal systems—new and reliable treatment—ln Reporlsot the fIOWARD ASSOCIATION. Pent by mall In sealed I etzur envelo_pes, free of charge. AddretsDr.J. Slnrxis 110170IITON, Howard Association, No 2 South 9th Mott Philadelphia, Pa. ERIE RAILWAY. lIANGE of hours, commencingMonday.thAY 9 4 4 : C 1866. ['rains will leave Great Bend, Pa.., at aboattbk following hours, viz : C; oiag liniroart. 8.05 a. m. Night Express, Mondays excOptcd, WED' chester, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk making di' rect co:inection with trains of the Atlantic andaus t Western, Dike Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points West ; also at Binghamton far HIM P g ' t at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canariegalaw 3,46 a. m. ' Lightning' 'Express, 'Daily, for Roche Buffalo. Salarnanca,..Dunknir, and the West,.;Stnio , at Great Bend on Mondays I !I , 5 , 27 a. m. Mail Train, Swig:till§ excepted, fin nniftic! and Dunkirk. 11.23 a. m. Emigrant Train, Dap, fOrthoWeeL 3.311 IL in. Day Express, Sundays ,exceptetl, for Eo- Chester. Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and tee West. Connects at Binghamtomfor, Synictis's at ;Owego to Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua, • Wigan° with the Atlantic and Great Wegtern i ttailWay, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk AO, ways, for all points West and South. 7. 52 p. m. express Mail. sandayeexcepted, for BMW •10, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connectin^irltk.o ol4 for the West. C1VC0133.6 Maalto 6.56 a. m. Cincitiniti ilxprelro, MondiVe sr Lackairaxen.for Hawley, and litOrtiycOurefOr burg and Warwick. . . 1 ,• ,- 1.48 p. m. Day Express, Bandays exespted„ 9.11 p. in. New 'York and DaltimoreAtaiLbutidir e ' . copied. 3.0 a. m. Night Expressi_Daily,:.connecting WO* court for Waritick. ". • " • 'li. RIDDLE. Gen't NM* To*. WM, R. BARR, Gen') Passenger Agent.