The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 28, 1866, Image 2
I Most 'moat • A. J. MIUMIONi - •,1 :.•, _.•ll;l4ter,. TUESDAY, AUG. 28, 1808; FOR GOVERNOR: HI:ESTER CLYMER, AMP - HERM COUNTY. drift; - Clymer, - Delflocirathi ate' for Governor, Will - speak totho. plopf Stmquehanna olimptY Sept. VON Other ape:desire Wifi he*.tand. ,PartiaiOars next, week. The National oohvaatkm. List weekiwpabliahad a report Of the PlOwle/PhleVen*Jetiee today We Pub' liih tliii'attdiesti, and' ask for it a careful OWe - were-unable to attend the Conven ties, but have eon Versed with strveralDem- Who,' were present ; lookers-on, 0 "t hey idl agree that tt was : what the 1 '4 0 4. ahcows it to have -beeor—a- perfect saamsniu all respects. iThero is no doubt of this fast vend the commencement of n moiement that Must sweep .the en etniesof .thn restoration of the 'Union out of existence ass party. Enough of the good work can be done this fall to ensure the , Detection of President in IB6B—an event' well worth two years labor from etery'Unlokman. In this the Democrats will, have the assistance, sooner or later, of every Union man in the late Republi can party. Let us all renew our ; efforts hi the cause joltrutb, ailli,victory ' 'awaits ns. We shall continie to quote from ex exchanges to show the confidence felt in the movement. Dodging - their own Issue. The question of amending the State Constitutions so as to allow suffrage to colored persons was last year submitted to - a vote of the people of the following States: Colorado, September 8; Con necticut, October 27; Wisconsin, Nov. ; Minnesota, Nov. 7. All these States decided against it by large majorities,and yet the Radicals used the whole influence of their party to carry each State for ne gro suffrage, and charged the people with "disloyalty" when they voted it down. Now, finding the people will not en dorse negro equality, they attempt a new game to put the negro on an equality, and refuse to let the Union be restored unless they cad get the following amendment in serted in the Coastitntion of the United States: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdic tion thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they re side. No State shall make or enforce any law•which shall abridge the priv il eges of citizens of the United States." Thin, if adopted, makes the negro a cit izen of the United States and of Pennsyl vania, , What is a citizen ? Webster, the great standard author, says : "citizen : 5. In the United States a person native or naturalized, who has the privilege of exercising the elective fran chise." It is clear enough; and it is by this fraud that the Republican leaders intend to FORCE negro equality upon the people of all the States. If they can get the above reconstruction amendment adopted by two4hirds of the States, they will then hold and maintain that the negro can . Wally sit on juries and vote in every State. Geary, and , every man on the " Repub lican" ticket films the amendment; and if that party carries the State this year, the); :will ratify the amendment, and , thus help, .to force negro suffrage upon Penn sylvania against the wishervof the people. Do not let them dodge the issue, by say ing that " negro suffrage is not now an issue.'" It, is stow an issue; therhave made it so, and intend by.this fraudulent maims to cheat the people, and force it up. on the State, without giving them a chic° io vote direct upon the subject. Remember, them, that every man who votes for Gary, votes to force negro-vo ting and negro jurors upon Pennsylvania and all the Stew. SErßefore the 'war the Radimtls said the43Outhern Statei amid - not be kicked out . , 4 the Union. During 'the first year of* , progress they declared. that they never ibould go out. Afterward they swore fervently they were net out. And noiV t : - their protest with equal shamelesE liesiltbat they are out and shall stay out. General J. W. Geary, the disunion candid datoifor Governor, recently made a speech at tlie tlochiel Iron Works, in which be , , , f!,V . hen -the , n of negro suffrage oozier, Op, -it 15111, probably in three or four, pare, AWL be .I:eady to meet it, an4,l yill nay I am not prepared to deny that,nght of :vo ting to the colored man." Oct. white . freemetk,of. PennaylvaDia the' ism" and they will lawn it 4* 01 1 90 9 Z OCk#ber next. .. - ...i'n 4... t.;) ..-:, ~--, • 6,1 3, ,•:•'1•• •• C,0TP,7,, • - WORK t • Never in the history of the State was there exhibited greeter enthusiasm among the Democrratie megrim- In every county the. • fricaids of Union, Restoration, and Copstitutional Liberty, are earnestly at work, marshalling 'their forces for the great - Contest. The skies were never brighter, and the prospects were never more flattering. One'thing only is neces sary to " make , assurance doubly sure."— That hi 'thorough and complete local or ganitHition. - This haibeen accomplished in`many sections in the most efficient man ner, and ':where )'t has not_ been done, it shoXid be promptly seen to. There , is no time for delay. Action should be. the watchword of the party. Let all fair and honenible means be .at once employed to secure the 'palling of every Democratic vote in the Commonwealth. We earnest. ly call attention to this important work of organization. By, energy and labor now, the whole Deinocratio (Amin 'can 'be wheeled into line, and a brilliant Demo cratip triumph will , crown our efforts.— Age- • • Soldiers' Friends. Forney bawls londiy for the nomina tion of soldiers by the Republicanparty, bit he has not yet brought forward p a sol dier for' the United States Senate. He proposes to take Vosition He thinks soldieri enough to fill the county offices , bat in all this great Corn monWealth, which sent from two to 'three hundred thousand men to the field, he has not yet found one soldier as well fitted for and as well ontitled to 'a seat in the Sen ate, as himielfl Modest man! Great friend of soldiers I Curtin' afflicted in the same way.— His friendship for the soldiers is unboun ded: There is nothing he would not givithem, except what he wants him self. He would give them the right to vote alongside of a negro ; to sit in the jury-box with " American citizens of Af rican descent," or to send their children to school with piccaninnies. He would even allow them to be elected to the Leg islature, if they would pledge themselves in advance to vote for him for the Senate. But out of the thousands of officers to whom be issued commissions during the war, and out of the hundreds of thous ands of privates whose names are enroll ed in the Adjutant General's office at Harrisburg, Curtin has not been able to find a single man whom he prefers to himself for Senator. Disinterested soul I With all his bad health, he is willing to take upon himself the labor of represent ing Pennsylvania in the 'United States Senate, rather than see the position im posed upon some poor soldier! If these Republican leaders were sin cere in their professions, would they not propose some soldier of distinction for the Senate, instead of struggling to secure their own election ? The New Bounty. We take the following article on this important matter to soldiers, from the Phil's Ledger of Friday : "There appears to be great trouble at Washington about the extra bounty re cently voted to the soldiers by Congress. The paymaster General reports that he receives fifteen hundred applications for this bounty per day, but is unable to do anything more than file them away for future reference, as there are not any funds in the Treasury not already appro printed, and the Special Commission hay ing the subect of payment. of the extra bounty an ger consideration, have not yet reported. It is the opinion of the Pay master General ' that these claims cannot be adjusted for some months." And this is the law passed by the party who call themselves the' soldiers' friends. ' It is a mere sham, and probably tie act will have to be referred to the next ses sion of Congress for interpretation - rind re vision. No much mistakes were made in the "Freedmen's Bureau" bill, in the "Civil Rights" bill, or the bill to increase the pay of members of Congress from $3,- 000 to $5,000. When they are working for the negro or themselves they make no mistakes, but when it comes to doing anything for the white soldier, they make at the last hour a law that cannot be exe cuted. The $3OO bounty to negroes is now being paid. White trash, stand back I A Proclamation. President Johnson, on the 17th inst., issued a proclamation, declaring the blockade of Matamoras and other cities in Mexico, established by order of Maximil ian, to be.unsupported by competent mili tary or naval force; to be in violation of the neutral rights of the United States, as defined by the law of nations as well as the treaties existing between the Uni ted States and Mexico; and that the de cree of Maximilian win be held null and void as against the government and citi zens of the United States, and that any attempt which shall be made to enforce the blockade against the same, will be disallowed. --An old ; woman was arrested at Mem phis on Sunday last, charged , with being vagrant. -.t:hb• searching her, $7,000 in gold was found on her person, and a gold frame locket set with diamonds and valued at $5,000- -On the 9th Ingalls, the village of ?lon roe, Ohio, was nearly destroyed , by a hurricane . . Some lives were lost and several persons injure& - The, storm is said to have ps.over a narrow belt of country, destroying buildings and fences, sad aprooting.trees in its way. -~,. :b The ~o~eot ' oi" the ~' q►sir; ~ea _-~eelaied by Congress, July, 1861. Itesoloal, Tbat this war is not waged on our part in any spirit of oppression, or for any purpose of conquest, or for interfer ing with the rights or established institu tions of these States but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Constitu tion, and to preserve the Union with all the dignity and rights of the several States unimpaired. The above resolution was introduced in the Senate by Andrew Johnson him- self, and adopted by both Senate and House. , Nowi Andrew Johnson is faithfully la boring to carry out the clear and unques tionable meaning of the above r i nd for so doing he is denounced as a " traitoi" by the party that furnished most of the votes to adopt the above. Address of the Democratic State Com- mittoe. DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE Rooms, 828 WAlanrr STRENr, PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 20, 1866. To the People of Pennsylvania : The issues of the canvass are made up. The restoration of the Union and the preservation of your form of government are the vital questions that now confront you. Secession is dead, but disunion still Jives. Slavery is extinct, but fanaticism survives. The rights of the white man are sub merged in efforts to elevate the negro, and the black man is sought to be made a controlling element in the politics of the Republic. Centralization seeks to rear its despot ic power upon the ruins of the Constitu tion, and foreshadows a war of races for its accomplishment. Proscription and disfranchisement usurp the places of magnanimity and clemency, and discord and hate combat Christian charity and national concord. Congress refuses to nourish the resour ces necessary for payment of the debt of the Republic, and loads with taxation the industrtal interests of the North. Con gressional extravagance is the rule ; econ omy in public affairs the exception. A Convention of representative men from each of the United States has met within the past week ; they have forecast the fature, agreed in sentiment and dis persed to their homes. Their work has passed into history; to the impartial mind that work is a perfect answer to the charge that the South is not ready for restoration. Composed of men of every section, holding every shade of political opinion, they have re-enunciated the eternal princi ples that lie at the balm of our institu tions, have renewed their vows of fealty and brotherhood, and have joined hands in an united effort to restore the Union preserve the government created by the Constitution. No man need err in this contest. Support Congress and you sustain dis union, attack your government, and ele vate the negro at the expense of your own race. Support the President and you restore the Union, preserve your government, and protect the white man. On the one side are Stevens, Sumner, agitation and disunion. On the other, the President, the Union, peace and order. By order of the Democratic State Com mittee. \VTLIJAM A. WALLACE, Chairman. Mester Clymer's Votes. The Republican papers are imposing upon their readers and making the latter appear frequently as falsifiers of facts, by asserting that Mr. Clymer voted against various proper propositions in the Senate. Upon reference to the Senate Journals it will be seen that in every one of these cases the proposition was not before the Senate, and that the question was simply will the Senate proceed to consider the resolution ? All the Democrats voted No, in every instance no matter what was proposed, because they insisted that no subject could be properly considered and none shoed be, until a Speaker was elected, according to the established us age. Whenever the vote stood 16 to 16 that was the cue. Let every man who desires to be correctly informed be on his guard. It is mean enough to lie under any cir cumstances, but to make involuntary liars of all who believe you and repeat your statement, is infernally mean. .We saw a respectable Republican the other day caught in that predicament—one who got his information from the Harrisbug Tele. graph—and who to make the best vindi cation of his character that he could, stamped the paper under his feet. He had lost a pair of boots by repeating the statement of the Telegraph. A paper that is fit to be read will not be guilty of such falsehood. Questions for General Geary. The Soldiers Convention held at Har risburg on the let of August, proposed the following questions to Gen. Geary, the Disunion candidate for Governor.— Will he answer them ? We shall see. Are you in favor of negro suffrage in the State of Pennsylvania ? Do you endorse the action of Congress in providing for negro suffrage in the District of Columbia? Are you in favor of the amendments to the Constitution which have been submit ted to the States forlatification Are you in fitvor of admitting to seats in Congress snob Representatives from the South' as are willing to take the prettaribed oath?. Legitimate Mining Fatiengise. Frequent mention was made in fornier editions of the Index relative to the Mont rose Gold Mining Company of Colorado. Our able correspondent, "Leander," gave a full description of the Mill and reduc tion utensils therewith. The Company started with what may be considered at other times a fair amount for working capital, but unforseen circumstances prove that, this amount was not adequate to the task. The following transaction and Res olutions will explain themselves, which go to show that the Superintendent is thor oughly convinced of the ultimate success after he shall have reached his paying veins in said mines. The Company are free from debt ; own a fine mill and require but a small am% of capital to further developments which they will readily raise when the follow ing facts will be understood: To TUB PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OF MoymosE Gou Co. : Gentlemen : On account of the many drawbacks from Indian troubles, loss of crops, which more than doubled the price of labor as well as food for man and beast in Colorado, and still having full confi dence in the final triumph over all difficul ties and complete success of the Mont rose Gold Co. I hereby tender to you for the good of the Company, to be sold as you deem best for its interest's good,nine thousand shares of the stock in said Com pany. _ Yours, Resp'y, T. G. MUTANT, Sup't. Resolved, That for the liberal donation by J. G. Mahany, Esq., Sup't of the Mont rose Gold Co., of nine thousand shares of his stock in said Company, to be need to further develop our property, he is enti tled to and we hereby tender him our hearty thanks. .Resolved, That for the purpose of rais ing *26,000, which we believe will be a sufficient sum to run a tunnel, sink shafts, and open up rich ores, and put our Com pany in a paying condition, we offer thir teen thousand shares of stock at a sum not less than $2 per share, which we think should be sufficient inducements to any one to invest. Mr. Mabany is personally known to us and we believe him to be fully capable of accomplishing the final result of making the several lodes and mines pay a hand some return to its share holders. Our correspondents all speak in the high est terms of the mines owned and worked by them. We trust that the Montrose Company will at once succed in obtain ing the necessary amount for further de velopments, as it is one of the most legit imate mining enterprises in the United States.—. American Mining Index. Thad Stevens on Foreigners. After having been nominated for Con gress Thad. Stevens made a speech from which the following is an extract : We have not yet done justice to the oppressed race. We have not gone as far as the Emperor of Russia, when he ordered the freedom of thousands of his oppressed people and endowed them with the right of citizenship. We have been too much governed by our prejudices.— Wo have listened too mnoh to those whose cry is "Negro Equality"•—" Nig ger"—" Nigger"—" Nigger !" We are influenced too much by those persons from foreign lands who, while in search of free dom, deny that blessed boon to them who are their equals. There is a plain manifestation of the real feeling of the Radicals toward the foreign population of this country. If they could they would deprive every adopted citizen of the right to vote, and confer that sacred franchise on the negro instead ; While some men are trying to deceive a few simple-hearted Irishmen that they are the friends of green Erin, "Old Thad." comes out at his home and speaks the honest sentiment of the Radi cal wing of the Republic an party. He boldly declares his preference for the ne gro over the foreign-born white citizen, and avows his belief that the negro is su perior to the Irish or the German races. Is that enough for naturalized citizens? Do they need more convincing proofs that the infernal spirit of Know-Noth ingism still exists in the hearts of Thad ens Stevens and his followers? If they do, let them vote for Geary, himself an original KnOw•Nothing, and they will re pent their folly when it shall be too late. No foreign-born citizen can vote for a radical candidate unless he is willing to be reduced to a condition below the ne gro. That is what Stevens and all the Radicals wish to see done. 129 We notice that a Grand National Convention of Soldiers who favor the pol icy of the President, has been called to meet at Chicago on the 17th of Septem ber. The call is headed by Gens. Stead man, Custer, Rousseau, Erwin, Hobart, &c. The Convention will be a rand af fair, and will prove another disastrous blow upon radical disunionism. We bear complaints all over the country of frauds perpetrated by a bogus gift concern at Detroit, Michigan. Beware of the aikindlers. . Special attention of merchants and others is invited to card of Howell & Bourke4th and Market ate.,Philadel phia, lanafitaturers of Paper Hangings, &o. We. At last the ocean telegraph wire is com pletely successful. Philadelphia and Lon don are in momentary communication. and messages can be transmitted to Liver pool as readily as to Washington. lar President Johnson and several members of, hie cabinet have started on an mamba to the west. 1860. MHILIDBLIPSIA 1860. WALL 'PAPERS, 7-scatemst Waal Styles. HOWELL4,BOURKE, • Mannfactriters of Paper •Rangings, ' . And Window Shades, Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Stn.,' PIDIAD'A. N. B.—Alwase In Store, a large Stock of Aug. 28-Bndw4 LINEN AND OIL SHADES. HOUSES .FORK SALE.—tour Small Monies and Lots for sale together, (or cash, or would exchange them for a farm near town. Enquire of M. C. or H. C. Montrose, August, MI, 1886. Bw. Exectitor's Notice. ESTATE of Michael Dillon, decd, late of Libel , ty township, Suagnehanna county, Pa. Letters testamentary Upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hav tug upon the same will present them duly attes ted for 'settlement, SAXES DOWNS, Ex'r. Liberty, August IS, 1866. 6w, [OUILIIITION Of BOUNTIES! OLDIERS : Congress has just passed an act to equal ire your Bounties l Those who have not already done so should make immediate application. Wid ows heirs or parents of Soldiers who have died in the service, are entitled to the same bounty the soldier, if living, would receive. Having already prepared over two hundred claims, those who have delayed making application will find It greatly to their advantage to give me a call. Invalids and widows entitled to an increase of pen sion under act approved June 6,1866, should also make application. Information free. GEO. P. LITTLE, Licensed Government Agent. Montrose, Aug. 7,1866. tt PENSIONS & BOUNTIES:: CONGRESS has recently passed a law increasing Pensions ,• also giving bounties of $lOO to three years men, and $5OlO two yearti men. Applications made by L. F. FITCH, Government Agent. Montrose, Aug. 7, MS. 8w MONTROSE GRADED SCHOOL Fall Term, 1866. Commences Tuesday, Sept. 41/i, and contin ues fourteen weeks. E. B. HAWLEY, • - - Principal, High School Mae L. LOUISE WELLS. " SUSAN TAYLOR. Grammar " JESSIE BISSELL. Intermediate " ANNA DEAN. Primary " ELIZA HOLLISTER. r 3 l iiitiCP2tt (In Advance) Teachers' Class $7 00 High School 6 00 Grammar 5 00 Primary and Intermediate, each 4 00 Board and rooms can be obtained on reasonable terms. Abatement on tmtlim Will be made for necessary ab sence over three weeks. Wo have secured the services of one of the /met teach ers ever In the county for Principal, and our other Teachers will all be persona experienced and able In their professions, and no pains will be spared to make the School just what the community demand. A TEACHERS' CLASS will be formed at the be-inning of the term, which. un der the direction of the Principal, and W. W. Watson, County Superindent, is intended to give those Joining It a Tuffizocrou DRILL not only In the branches taught, bat also in the THEORY and mimes of teaching. Persons intending to teach in the County the coming winter, will End it much to the'. advantage to join this class. C. F. READ, Prca't of the Board. Montrose, Ang.2l, 18(16. NEW MILFORD GRADED SCHOOL. Normal Worm. MELE School will open on the tint Monday of Septem bet, 1866, and continue for a term of eleven trucks, under a corps of able and experienced Teachers. 76•49..CrICTLIVIr. Pint T. T. HUNTER, Principal. Miss HELEN VAUGHN, Assistant Normal Dupl. Miss VIER= J. Gmranszr,Sup. Model t Primary, School, Interme'ato Mies ANNA M. STONE, Instrumental Music. " S. J. BOYLE, Drawing and Painting. TUITION PER TERN On advance.) Normal Department, Intermediate, Primary, Languages, Music, Painting and Drawing, The Teacher's Department will be under the supervis ion of Superintendent W. W. Watson, who will give a thorough drill in the branches to be taught in the Pub lic Schools, and instructions in the Theory and Practice of Teaching. While this School is designed for the purpose of pre paring Teachers for the Public Schools of Otis County, it swill be equally adapted for those who do not purpose to teach. We have put the rates of tuition as low as possible for the special advantage of Teachers. Good rooms can be had in private houses for those wishing to board themselves. Board will be furnished on reasonable terms. Students wishing board or rooms will call on the Secretary of the Board, who can be found by calling at the Union 'Betel. Students will have the advantage of Outline Maps, Chart., Globe and Electrical Apparatus. For further particulars write the Secretary of the Board. F. W. BOYLE, Prea't. JOHN FAHROT, Secretary. New MlMad, Pa„ Aug. 4,.1866. 5w PURE LIBERTY. WHITE LEAD,- the whitest, the most durable, the most economical. Try It I Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, JanBo ly 187 North 3d street, Pbllad'a. PURE LIBERTY .WHITE LEAD . ILL do more and better work at a given coat, th an Tany other. Try it Manufactured only by • ZIEGLER Zs SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint., and Glass Dealers, Jana° ly 187 North 8d street, Phtlad'a. NEW GOODS. WEBB & 13 ; Are now receiving their New Stock of pring it* summer Go Co 1D 63 7 which wilt be sold CLIECIELALER 3PCMER. OARS. Summer Dress Goods, Silks, Grenadines, Challies, Printed Cambrics, Lawns, - Paneling, sPrints, Delaines, Poplins, Hats* Caps, Groceries, Crookery, Hardware. &o. &o. , Montrose, May 29, :86,6 WE18 . 8 ,* 5 Binwr" , . . ESTATE Of' SAEPLIERD TER; lata of Ilarfosd; fineaititbstut Latta' sst administration upon the estate of theabova named decedent bavlng been grantol to tba tinderalgn• ed, all person indebted Weald estate are hereby matt; ded to nuke bUnedlato -payment, Auld thOoe ha v i n e claims against the same to present them duly authent cited for settlement. 7 7 ' • - • • , • • - ALDEICit, /16170 7 1. , NoW I I I I/01;14:2/, 181,X1* ~ • • , • . DENTISTRY ax .. L. NEW DENTAL ROME, Over Webb & Butterfield'e Store, s the place to get our y Teeth extracted without Ipals, and replaced with beautinal artificial ones. The X%Tervir 3Pertesa.t. Ih. B. WOOD'S Plastic Metallic mi hing. an improved fallible metal for Wing teeth, for which I have the right privilege and license, granted by him, to use for Dental purposes to my own practice as 11:Dentist. It is called Cadmium Ahoy. and Is designed to take the place at Amalgams in metallic oxyds, etc., for filling. It does not contain mercury, and hence an absence of the diffi. alines that in such a variety of ways occur, or trembl e to occur with shat agent. Plato® Ot, Rubber as a base, from , $25 to $4O per sett. AWN CONTINUODS GUM WORK, Matins as abase, Teeth and Gums being one continett solid mass, for $lOO peeveft, gar 'Please call at my office and examiner speefr aa a a , Office hours from 9 o'clock a. M. to if o'clock, Fr„ Montrose, Pa., May 8, 18E4 like* MORE NEWS FROM MAID St BOOTS! BOOTS! BOOTS! MEN'S BOOTS, BOY'S BOOTS, YOUTH'S BOOTS, TRICK BOOTS, KIP BOOTS, CALF BOOTS, AND BOOTS MADE TO ORDRR. Also, a good assortment of 18131EXCIE113, Consisting of Ladies' Kid, Lasting and Goat Balmer. ale and Gaiters, Men's Brogans, Boy's Balmoral:, Youth's Congress Gaiters, Baby Shoes, etc. etc., all of which will be sold AT SMALL PROFITS! N. B.—Al kinds of work made to order, and realnlng done neatly. C. 0. FORDHAN , identroae, May 8, 1868. tf _ w-otir V 14 - D. W. LOWELL, Principal & Proprietor OF the above Institution, respectfully calls attention to the unsurpassed facilities of his course oflnstrue Linn, and the important additions end improvements which have been made In and to the several departments of higVollege. The course of instruction extended and perfected, presents to YOUNG MEN And LADIES The best facilities for obtaining, a PRACTICAL, COMPEER:ERWIN', BUSINESS EDUCATION. The thorough, novel and Interertirg course of ACTUAL PRACTICE embraces a complete routine of transacticrne in each ha portant branch of business. A Store, Bank and itsibmsl Steamboat, Telegraph, Post-offices, A., are in full and succeisthl operation, representing in a pleasing and sat isfactory manner, the daily routine of actual business lite, in which the student becomes in progression an ametcnr CLERIC, MERCHANT AND BANKER, receiving, in eacb capacity, a practical & reliable knowl edge of business in its multifarious forms and phases, PENMANSHIP. In this essential branch of business education no C 431• lege ogee better facilities to the learner. The Spence- Tian system will be taught in all its varietias by the most skillful masters of the art. Specimens of Writing from this institution have received the highest encomiums from the press. For general information, terms, &c.. address for Col lege monthly which will be mailed free; for specimens of Penmanst ip, enclose two three-cent stamps. deel2sly Address D. W. LOWELL Principal. ' Lowell's Commercial College, Binghamton, N. Y. ESTATE OF JOHN KIERNAN, late of l'hoconut township Snsq'a county, Pa.. dec'd, Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persona Indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them daly antbenti= rated for settlement. Manta Krznstal& Administrant& Cheamot, duty 10th, 1866. TLIE L4ST MOVE! STONE & WARNER. SUCCESSORS TO TUE OLD Pm! OF GEO. HAVE removed their business to the Store formerly owned and occupied by M. C. Tyler, ono door south old. S. Tarbell's Hotel, where they are receiving an entire new stock of Family Groceries, Ready Made Clothing, $BOO 4 00 ..... ... 8 00 700 8 00 Extra. HITS, UPS, BOOTS &SPE Which we propose to sell for very small profits, FOR READY PAY. N. B.—Particular attention paid to shipping Plum er'a Produce, Butter, etc. to Now York, andpromptm tams made. G. L. STONE. - - • E. B. WARNER. Montrose, May 8, 1568. Fire, Life and Accidental GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 3Pek. Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $3,000,001 Insurance Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 1,100,011 International Fire Insurance Co. of N. T., Capital and Surplus, 1,090,011 Girard Fireand Marine Insurance Co. of Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 0107 30 Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Pean'it. Capital and Surplus, 1, 5 90. 000 Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, NOP Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil% Capital and Surplus, 313,00 Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus, Kensington Fire and M. Insurance Co., Phil's, Capital and Surplus.. 300,11$ Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., paying 60 per cent. dividends to the assured. Capital, ° 10.00. 0 American Life Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Capital, 1,0000 Travelers'lnsurance Co. Hartford, Conn.. Insuring againdull kinds of accidents apital, 600. 11 X 1 Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart. ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, $1,5834 55 Ca Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Radford, Ct., pital, $500.0)3 rirAll business entrusted to our rare will be attend. cd to on thir terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD & BROWN I Agents. s4ll'offce drat door north of" Montroso Hotel,nwert Side of Public Avenue. Brimusos Symms, Curia's L. Blow& Montrose, JIM Ist. 1806. ' 17 • LOTS FOR SALE. TIIB subscriber offers for sale a lbw choice Balla* Lots in Great Bend Village, in close proximltl to the extensive works of the D., L. is W i R. R. Co., ow ut In Pitzess. They are laid out in convenient shape sad good size, and may be purcbased at liberal rates and on easy tonna of payment. - = Great Bend. Deo. 7,1884.8. PATTUFL - "THE: 'FAMOUS. BARBER." . Come and see thefsmone Bather, Famous Barber, late of Hayti. ' Late of Hayti ,now AL Weeks', Now at F. B. Weeks' Store Room, - - Find me Shaving and shampooing, Find me cutting Bair to suit you, _ • Find me ready AL pm service Attroar sandes, littrnwto - 111133' itose,Oct .0,10112. . tt L. STONE & CO.,