The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 17, 1866, Image 2

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A. 3. GEBRITSON, - - Editor.
TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1866.
or egnss cotrrriT.
Hon. Charles Denison,
(Subject to hle approval. and the concurrence of the
Democratic Conventions.]
The President and Secretaries Sew
ard and Welles, in response to an invita
tion from the Tammany (Democratic) So
eiety of New York, to attend their cele
bration of the 4tb, wrote very pleasant
letters, thanking the Society for the invi
tation, and endorsing the spirit of the in
vitation and the objects of the Society,
but regretting that public duties prevent
ed them from being present. Mr. Welles
closed his very friendly letter with the
following sentiment :
" The UNION of the States: Only to be
maintained by a faithful observance of
the RtGurs of the States."
The Cabinet
The needed renovation of the Cabinet
has at length commenced—Postmaster
General Dennison having sent in his re
signation to the President in writing. Of
course it. will be gratefully accepted. A.
W. Randall, First Assistant, will succeed
Dennison, for the present, at least. It is
rumored (and hoped) that Speed and Har
lan will soon follow—and even Stanton,
too—before they are removed perempto
rily. They must know that the President
is patiently giving them time—a long
time—to resign as men of honor should.
/far Forney, a leading writer in the ne
gro party, boasts that within ten years
every negro in the country will have a
vote. Of course, if the so-called Repub
lican party should rule, the negro will be
the " leading man ;" but the white folks
have yet to be consulted before the ne
gro equality business becomes a flied
fact. And the white men propose to com
mence the discussion of and voting upon
the subject this year, and to continue it
until it is settled beyond disturbance by
fanatical agitators, that this government
was formed by white men for the benefit
of themselves and their race, and not for
the special use of the blacks. So let eve
ry white man prepare for the issue.
ilar 'The Democracy insist that they
support the President and his policy. If
this be so, why do they oppose what they
call " nigger suffrage." Andrew John
son is as clearly committed to negro suf
frage as Wendell Philips. We insist,
therefore, that the Democracy must sup
port the President in his entire policy.—
Moutrose Reputlican.
Anybody who sees the Republican
knows that the above is false; for if it
were true, that paper would worship the
President—negro suffrage being its pres
ent test of" loyalty."
Troubles in Congress.
The disunionista, who constitute a large
majority in Congress, are sorely perplex
ed about the matter of adjournment. The
summer solstice and the dog days have
come, and yet they still linger at the Cap
ital. Thee fear to adjourn and go home,
lest the President may inaugurate a
sweeping system of removals from office
without any check or hindrance. They
fear to remain, lest their prospects for
nomination and reelection back to the pla
ces they have disgraced may be damaged
in the districts from which they bail.
The people would be glad to see them
• go home; for so long as they stay there
they will do little but legislate for the ne.
gm. They have neglected to pass any
bill to equalize bounties for warn: sol
diers; they have postponed the tariff ques
tion until liecember; so having nothing
they are willing to do but guard negroes
and office holders, and plunder„the treas
ury, they had better adjourn or follow
Jim Lane's example.
ems' The plan for the ~Philadelphia
National Union Convention, is " that
there be sent from each State four dele
gates at large and two from each Con
gressional District, who favor...the princi
ples set forth in the call, to be taken from
the supporters of Lincoln and Johnson in
1804, and a like number from their oppe
neat's. Also, four delegates from each
Territory, and four from the District of
Columbia. In those States whereof - a
portion of the people were lately in re
bellion, a corresponding number of dele.-
gates may be chosen by the people gen
erally who accept , the principles stated
in the call."
—An association .of Negroes In New
Jersey, urged on by the abolitionists, 'ire
raising money to employ coonselfitnd
institute proceedings, for the imniediate
enforcement of negro suffrrge. "Benjamin
F. Butler is one of the comae! employed.
Jiro Deserten liisfrancbised
Some inquiry has been made as to the
effect of the decision of the Supreme
Court upon the question of - the 'rigbt'of
an election, board to reject the vote of a
citizen who is charged with desertion.—
The opinions of the judges have not yet
been published in full ; but enough has
been made public to fully settle the only
material question involved, viz: Can an
election board reject the vote of a deser
ter ? The decision clearly is that it can
not. Therefore the act of Assembly, act
of Congress, and Lincoln's proclamation
relating to that subject, are utterly void
and of no effect whatever.
The only way in which deserters could
now be called to account would be eatab-
lish a system of courts-martial all over the
country, to try such as are charged with
the offence—which of course will never
be done.
An election board has now no more
right or excuse for inquiring into or lis
tening to the challenge of a voter for be
ing a deserter than it would on the
ground that be was charged with being
a liar, a thief or a drunkard.
The only tests of the right of suffrage
are as heretofore, and may be found in
the old election laws of the State ; and a
judge or inspector who hereafter rejects
the ballot of a voter because he is a de
serter, wilfully violates his oath of office,
and may be fined or imprisoned accord
ing to law, and may also be compelled to
ply damages and costs on a civil suit--
Such is the LAW.
The National Union Convention.
The Republican friends of President
Johnson met at Sansom Street Hall, Phil
adelphia, on the 3d inst. to give expres
sion td their views.
Robert L. Martin, of Delaware, was se
lected as temporary chairman.
The' permanent organization consisted
of Hon. Henry W. Tracy, of Bradford,
President ; Hon. Charles R. Williams, of
Delaware ; R. H. Foster, Centre ; Josi
ah Hetrick, of Northampton ; Archibald
Robinson, of Beaver; Henry Simons, of
Philadelphia ; W. M. Allison, of Juniata ;
P. R. Johnson, of Luzern° ; Thos. C. Mc-
Dowell, of Dauphin ; Hon. James Lowry
of Allegheny ; D. P. Harper, of Bucks ;
1). R. Davidson, of Fayette; C. Collum,
of Crawford ; and A. F. Swann, of Erie,
Vice Presidents ; S. S. Leidy, of Philadel
phia; N. P. Sawyer, of Allegheny ; Mr.
Schloch, of Monroe; Col. Tully, of Ches
ter; P. M. Huckenber, of Snyder; and
B. R. Bradford, of Beaver, Secretaries.
Resolutions were adopted reaffirming
the Baltimore Platform of 1864 ; declar
ing that " the war was prosecuted for the
purpose of preventing the dissolution of
the Union ;" that loyal men are entitled
to seats in Congress; that there can be
no settlement of existing difficulties un
til representation is accorded to the States
of the South ; that home labors and in
terests—agricultural, mining, manufactu
ring and commercial—should be protect
ed ; that the country owes a debt of grat
to the soldiers and sailors, and that
their widows and orphans should be pro
tected by the government, &o.
The foPowing gentlemen were then se
lected as delegates for the State at large
to attend the National Union Convention
which is to meet in Philadelphia on the
14th of Aug_ust
Hon W. F. Johnston, J. R. Flanigan,
Hon. H. W. Tracy, Hon. Edgar Cowan.
The alternates are, B. R. Bradford of
Beaver, Hon. W. A. Blair of Centre,Hon.
C. R. Williamson of Delaware, and N. P.
Sawyer of Allegheny.
Mr. J. R. Flanigan was then elected
Chairman of the State Central Commit
tee, and the Convention adjourned.
The National Union Convention•
The response of the people and of the
press of the country to the call for a Na
tional Union Convention is genera), and
the gathering will be the largest and most
important that the country has seen since
the war began.
Southern papers exhibit a very general
disposition on the part of the people to
respond to the cal), and State and dis
trict Conventions are being called thro'-
out the South to nominate delegates.
Governor Orr has issued an address to
the people of South Carolina, in which be
heartily approves of the objects of the
Philadelphia Convention, and urges upon
them the duty of immediately: electing
delegates to the State Convention which
meets at Columbia on •the Ist of August
to appoint delegates to the National n
rion. The Governor says :
"There is not one principle of this ad
dress to which the State cannot, subscribe
in honor and - with sincerity."
The radicals 'may rage as they please in
regard to this Convention. Many of the
'best men of the Republican party will ;lie
there, the whole country will be repro
senteil, and in all resPects it 1;411 be one
of the most important political gatherings
the country has avet,seen.
—At Evansville,lnd., on the 4th, an in
toxicated man-Was celebrating by shoot
ing a pistol loaded with paper wads. in
drunken sport - he fired his pistol a
girl. The wad happened tofie a hanJ
one and killed her.
—The contested eleaion case of Fuller
vs. Dawson; was brought ta a gloat, in the
House, by the adoption
reported by the' majori_ty of the election
Committee, declaring Mr,.:Dawsou-ePti
tied to retain his seat. The case of
KOODIi 411. Col Froth 'will aolgur
probably on 'Monday oPlbeidiki•-.:'
Johnson, Clymer, - tliz the
OW State Convention of hon
orably discharged Officers, Sol
diers and Seamen, of
The Soldiers' Convention which met in
Pittsburg on the sth. of June last, and
which pledged their comrades in this
State to:the support of tbo. radical M i ms=
urea of Congress, in opposition to the '
and Constitutional measures of President
Johnson, and which promised their votes
to John W. Gealy, the radical candidate
for Governor, misrepresented the senti
ments of the great mass of the officers
and soldiers of Pennsylvania. In order
that a true expression of opinion might
be bad from the late defenders of the
government in the field, and to counter
act the injury attempted to be done to
the cause of the Union, it was deemed ad
visable by the late officers and soldiers of
the Federal army in this State to hold an
other Convention.
A preliminary meeting of returned of
ficers and soldiers, with this object in
view, was holden on Thursday, the 28th
of June, when it was resolved to hold
proximo, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to be com
posed of such honorably discharged offi
cers, soldiers and seamen of Pennsylvan
ia, as subscribe to the following doctrine,
1. Who are in favor of carrying out in
good faith, the joint resolution of Con
gress, adopted July 22d, 1861, which de
clared that "This war is not prosecuted
on our part in any spirit of oppression,
nor for any purpose of conquest or subju
gation, but to defend and maintain the
supremacy of the Constitution and to pre
serve the Union, with all the dignity,
equality, and rights of the several States
unimpaired." These were the conditions
of the bond the soldiers signed and sealed
in blood with the government, and a re
fusal now to carry them out is a gross vi
olation of a solemn agreement ;
2. Who are in favor of restoring the
States lately in rebellion to all their Con
stitutional relations with the Federal Un
ion as they stood before the war bioke
out, according to the humane and Consti
tutional policy laid down by President
Johnson ;
3. Who are in favor of` representatives
from therSouth, loyal to the Constitution
and the laws, being immediately received
by Congress;
4. Who approve President Johnson's
vetoes of the Freedman's Buresu and
Civil Rights bills ;
5. Who are opposed to any interfe
rence, by Congress, with the rights of the
' States reserved by tbp'Constitution, and
who are opposed to the right of suffrage
being conferred upon the negro ; -
8. And who are in favor of the -elec
tion of Hiester Clymer, Democratic can
didate for Governor of Pennsylvania, the
representative of the constitutional and
conservative doctrine stated above.
Each county will be entitled to send
seven delegates to the Convention; and
where a county bus more than one mem
ber in the House of Representatives,such
county will be entitled to seven delegates
for each additional member. The dele
gates are to be selected by the honorably
discharged officers, soldiers and seamen
of the counties respectively.
In addition to the delegates selected,all
other honorably discharged officers, sol
diers and seamen, who sympathize with
the object in view, are invited to meet at
Harrisburg on that occasion
[Over three hundred soldiers' names
are appended to the above call, including
officers of different grades. We have on
ly room today to append a few of the
names, as hereunder]:
W. W. H. Davis, Colonel 104th P; V.
Owen Jones, Colonel Ist Pa. Cavalry.
John P. Linton, Lieut. Col. 54th P. V.
J. Wesley Awl, Lieut. Col. 201st P. V.
R. P. McWilliams, Capt. 126th P. V.
C. B. Brockway, Capt. Ist Pa. Art.
Peter Lyle, Col. 90th P. V. and brevet
Brig. General.
William McCandless, Col. 2d P. R. C.
James F. Weaver, Col. 148th P. V.
Simon Harper, Major 3d V. R. C.
I. C. Golden, Major Bth Pa. Cavalry.
Levi Maisb, Colonel 130th P. V.
J. A. Mathewii, 13rev. Brig. Gen. Vol.
F.B.McLenaban, brev. Maj. 205th P.V.
Edward L. Dana, late Col. 143 d, and
brevet Brig. Gen.
Geo.N.Reiohard, Lieut. Col. 143 d P.V.
Charles M. Conyngham, Maj.l43d P.V.
C. C. Plot; Captain 143 d P. V.
E. W. Wandelt, 14341 P. V.
P. DeLacey, Lieut. 143 d P. V.
C. B. Hughes, Xajor 143 d P. V.
R. P. Crockett, Lieut. 143 d P. V.
C. IL Campbell, Adj. 143 d P. V.
Max Buskark, Lieut, 143 d P. V.
Robert Anderson, Col. 9th Reserves., .
Jacob B. Sweitzer, late Col. 82d P. V.
and brevet Brig. Gen.
S. C. Simonton Maj. 57th P. V.
B. /doDermit, Lieut. Col. 54th P. V.
Robert E. Taylor, Maj. 51st P. V.
Isaac T. Branco?, Col. 48th P. V.
John M.Wetbenll, Lieut. Col. 82d P.V.
Levi Huber,Major 98th P.V. ,
James Ellis Mjor b3J P. V.
Joseph Jack, Colonel, 188th P. V.
H. S. Benner, Major-101st P. V.
1, IL White, Adjutant 185th j. V.
W. H. Ent, Colonel Bth P.R.Y.C.
W. W.Varbet, Colonel 105th
A. B. McCalinont, Brig. Geneiak
McCalinont, Col. 10th Pa Res. -
Robert J. Phipps, brev. Col.-4th Cay.
S. T. Hemiedy. Major 18th Pa. Cay.
J. B.McAlliater, Col. 14th Pa. Car.,
~^~Sab'crribe for~the D~ocesr;
Whenever the Radicals have the con
trol of affairs, whether in local, state or
national affairs, they ignore eve r rytbing
and everybody that cannot be made to
aid in the dissetnination:rof radical doe
trines. Ono of the Mosteoncluiliveproofs
of this declaration is to_be found in 4the
following article from the Philadelphia
Age of last week.
" Much surprise has been expressed
that the Hon. Hiester Clymer, who (in
1881,) offered the' resolution it) the;Sen
ate of Pennsylvania, originating the flag
ceremonies io Independence Square on the
Fourth of July, was not an invited guest
on that interesting occasion, while his
competitor, Geary, was given the post of
honor. Having been made acquainted
with the facts of the case, we briefly lay
them before our readers as a sample of the
shabbiest conduct on the part of political
managers that ever came within our no
The facts are simply these, and it is no
more than right that the people of all par
ties, who must help to pay the expenses
of the recent celebration, should know in
what manner and for what purpose their
money was spent by the Radicals, who
tried to make the 4th of July a day of
honor for the disunion candidate for Gov
ernor. The Committee of arrangements
requested General Hancock to make out a
list of generals, from which were Lobe se
lected those to command the respective
divisions of the procession. This list was
carefully prepared by him, and, we under
stand, the name of General Geary was
not included in it., simply because he was
a candidate for a political office. The ac
tion of General Hancock in this matter
was occasioned by his earnest and very
proper desire to do nothing that would
give the ceremony the slightest partisan
aspect. In spite of this, decent and sen
sible course however, the committee
forced Geary Upon General Hancock, and
in opposition to his sound judgment.,
placed him in command of the division
that bore the colors which were not car
ried with their own regiments. was
intended to be the post of honor, and it
was supposed by the political tricksters
who manipulated the affair that all the
cheers which would be given to the tat
tered and war worn flags would be repor
ted to the credit of the great hero and
statesman of Now Cumberland ! When
General Hancock learned this we are in
formed he at once requested that Mr. Cly
mer should be invited, as the originator
of the whole affair. Will it be believed
that the committee absolutely refused to
accede to this request, and positively de
clined to invite Mr. Clymer ? Yet this
they did, and thus indicated their willing
ness to prostitute the anniversary of the
birthday of American Independence to
partisan purposes, and meanly sought to
make capital for Geary out of the festal
day and its ceremonies. This fully ac
counts for the absence of Mr. Clymer from
participating in the ceremonies. The
public., as a judge of good manners, will
not fail to pronounce this shabby conduct
of a shabby committee an act of great
discourtesy. In their overwhelming anx
iety to make political out of a great his
toric occasion, they unfortunately lost
sight of common. politeness. But what,
better could have been expected from
the Radical members of that committee,
who were in a majority and of course en
tirely controlled its action, after they tried
to have the Broad atreet League invited
as guests on this occasion, and also wan
ted negro troops sand witched among the
whites ? Their discreditable efforts to
turn this patriotic occasion to political
account miserably failed. The appear
ance of tbo Radical disunion " hero" with
his hat in hand, as if begging for votes
from the crowd that lined the foot paths,
and with ordinate vanity appropriating to
himself the hearty cheers that were given
to the old battle flags, created in some
instances, immoderate laughter, in others
intense disgust, and clearly showed the
unmistakable purpose that filled the weak
head of Geary—to endeavor to make cap
ital for himself oqt of the celebration'tbat
was intended to be without distinction of
Terri* fire in the Oil Regi on.
A terrible fire occurred on Bennehofr
Run, in the Pennsylvania Oil region, on
Saturday night last. During a thunder
storm the lightning struck the gas pipe in
the Western Union Telegraph well. The
fire quickly communicated to the tank,
which exploded, and the oil ran down the
fun, causing the flames to communicate
with several other tanks, which in turn
exploded, and caused one of the heaviest
conflagrations ever . experienced in the oil
regions. •
Between eighteen and . . twenty large
producing wells were burned up, inclu
ding two or three large flowing wells,
among which were the Sheridan and wes
'tern Union Telegraph wells, both of them
j large flowing wells. The Sheridan bad
eight or nine tanks filled with oil, all of
which *ere destroyed. As far as ascer
tained some 20,000 barrels of oil were de
stroyed, and some.estimate the number at
a much larger figure. The, oil was a foot
deeP as it ran down Bennehoff Run to
Oil creek, where also between , twenty
and thirty derricks, were destroyed, the
wells of which were in various stages of
—The .Philadelphia, Age. Or the - 13th
" are called 'upon this warning
to chicnicle the destruction by fire, of one
of theiargeat industrial establishments in
the Uni,ted 8 44°, 11 1.. The Iremises
. stiOiediveraknown as the Tawny
viorki-=:-sitnate in Frankford e in the south
eastein portion of that, sulmr,b,jtst above
Frankford creek)', There were twelve
buildings . occupying acres of 'and.
- Thelon 10 about 412009000, calm in
-ail-141440m. -,
Love for the Soldiers.
The Boston Post pertinently remarks
that the men who " braved the battle and
the breeze: ) , who in thelattwar sacrificed
their private , busine# and ofQ.Zd them.
Belies and
, all they: posiessed defind
the Iroion are being daily rejected by
the !United States Senat9 for pOsitionii to
whiCh therare nominated by the Presi
dent. Brig. Gen. Carman, who was nom
inated for Assessor of the Fifth New Jer
sey district, and Captain Goldsmith, a pet
of Gen. Phil. Kearney's, who was hcfrui
nated for Postmaster of Caniden, N. J.,
have . both been rejected by - the Senate.
Party tools must keep the places, the sol
diers are of no account now in the eyes
of the Radicals of the Senate.
The War in Europe.
The accounts of the into battles in Bo
hemia, brought by the Persia, are of the
most contrary and conflicting character.
Both sides claim the victory. The Prus
sians declare they were victors at Nac
hod, Skalitz, Munchengratz and Pranke
nau, driving the Austrians and capturing
men and guns. Dispatches from Vienna
turn all these contests in Austrian suc
cesses, and plainly assert that the Prus
aian defeat was total at all points.
Battle Between the Paraguayans and
the Allies.
A great battle occurred on the 24th
between the allied forces and the Para
guayans, with heavy losses on both sides.
The result was indecisive, both sides
claiming the victory. Hostilities. were
proceeding. The Paraguayins commenc
ed the attack with 13,000 infantry and
8,000 cavalry, with desperate fury, but
were repulsed and retired. Their loss is
estimated at 5,000 killed and a large num
ber wounded left on the field. The
brunt of the battle on the side of the al
lies was borne by the Brazilians, who lost
about 4,000 men killed and wounded.
Argentines lost 400, and the Uruguayans
also suffered severely. The Paraguayans
had retired to their camp. No material
advantage has accrued to the allies from
the above engagement.
Tows Potrnea.—The Conservative Re
pnblimms held their State Convention at
Des Moines on the 27th, Gen. Thomas H.
Benton presiding. The 7 nominated a
State ticket throughout, in oppoNii ion to
the Radicals, and intend to run it, thor
oughly. Their resolutions are ,very em
phatic for the whole policy of President
The DIM= Child Whipping Case.
A recent telegram announced that Mr.
Lindelev, who whipped his child, three
years old, to death in Medina, N. Y., be
cause he would not say his prayer', was re.
teased on bail. It now appears that he
is once more in jail. Fearing violence at
the hands of an indignant people, he went
to the house of his brother-m-law to stay;
but the latter fearing that his house
would be torn down by the infuriated
crowd, refused to shelter him. With no
place to go where be could be safe in his
freedom, he voluntarily returned to jail
at Albion to escape the summary punish
ment threaiened him.
When the corpse of the Child was ta
ken from the coffin a scene was pre,entrd
which made the stoutest shed tears The
hands, arms, hips, thighs, legs and feet
were lacerated and bruised almost be
yond description. The people are very
much incensed, and threaten to inflict
summary punishment on Lind.-ley.
The Rochester_Union of last Saturday
says : The Reverend Lindsley, who whipt
his child to death in Medina, Orleans
county, has fled to Canada to save his life,
which he did not deem safe in the neigh
borhood where•he resided. Af er giving
bail in the sum of 810,000, he went to his
father's house, and not feeling himself
safe he returned to Albion and offered his
living body to the Sheriff for safe keep
ing, but the Sheriff refused to accept him,
and Lindsley took the first train to Cana
da. These are the facts in the case.
ONLY A Win - rd Gim..—As there is no
opportunity now a days to shed tears of
sympathetic sorrow over the sufferings of
the scourged slave," even, in unrecon
structed Texas, we the at
tention of the easy moved to tears wo
men and men of Massachusetts the recent
case of a youg lady, sixteen years of age,
who was soundly flogged in the Allston
Grammar School, of Cambridge, Massa
chusetts within sight and sound of Sum
ner's Alma Mater,
,Harvard, and almost
under the shadoti of that cradle of Libor
ty, Panienl Hall. The evidence shows
that the yoimg 'ady, for a " somewhat"
impudent answer when reprimanded for
whispering, was ordered into a recitation
room, where twenty, blows with a strap
were administered by the lady assistant,
while another held her band over her
month to stop her , screams. During the
punishment the master came in and assis
ted' in holding her, and a piano was, play
ing to droWn the 'noise. But. the most
stngular clicarnstanceconnected with this
Outrage is the vote 9f the school commit
tee that the'Whipping of a young girl six
teen years of age, is in accordance with
the rules for the government of the Pub
lio schools of Cambridge." Therefore,
the committee declined to take notice of
this case. bdt it promises to be brought
before the grand jury. 'Meanwhile, bad
this"punishrneat beep toqieted, 409, r t im
Wog,* old datkey 43 Mississippi, the whole
State of Massachusetts, *Gehl have Been
horrified add indignant.,
• --7,The Gurerumegi journals in • Cuba
desiy . the,reporteci,reyolt,- pr, outbreak, in
that island, an4 , L represent the wbule af
fair as a sensation story started for eireot
in south America. , • •
Sir The President has nominated Cap.
tain' 1). H, Winfield, of Patterson, New
Jesey, for the Internal Revenue Collec
torship of the fourth District of that
State; in place of Eugene Ayres, removed.
Captain Winfield was a soldier during the
late war, and served honorably for over
four years. Similar appointments are
constantly being made, but are rejected,
generally, by the negro Senate.
—lt is reported that Ben. Butler is to
stump this State for Geary. Ought there
not a proclamation to be issued, advising
people to secrete their silver ware ?
—Governor Curtin has appointed Sam
nel P. Bates, LL. to the position of
State historian, n accordance with the
act of Assembly of 1865,
.authorizing the
appointment, and appropriating five thou
sand dollars to the work of collecting and
writing a complete history of the Per m .
sylvanta regiments i n the service of the
United States during the rebellion.
—ln reply to a letter, numeronaly ei
ed by dtizens of Erie county, inespecure
of party, requesting Dan Rice to become
a candidate for Congress, Dan says he will
do 60 with the understanding that he is
not to be the nominee of any party, bat
simply the people's candidate.
—The New York World yesterday
published the following:
The New York Herald and the Chic:.
go Tribune., every week or two, write the
obituary of the Democratic party. That
has been done several thousand times du.
ring the last half century. Yet the demo.
cretin party still lives, and will live in its
principles, its organization, and its name,
so long as the United States themselves
More truth and wisdom were never b.
fore contained in an equal number of
—The publication of the long list of
honorably discharged soldiers and seamen
who unite in a call for a Johnson and Cly.
mer Convention, has somewhat startled
the Radical disnnionists. Among the
names are some of the best and bravest of
the Republic's defenders. These are "the
boys" who were denounced by Geary as
`• Hessians and cowards," because they
refuse to support him for Governor !
—Another veto is expected from the
President—the Freedmen's Bureau Bill.
It is evidently a bad bill, and should not
—Within a few months Gen. Grant has
been twice arrested and fined for fast dri.
ving in Wa..hington city. Some day be
will run over and break the back of some
luckless little contraband, and then there
will be a row, and one candidate less fur
the Pre,idency.
71Plbetten4 "Nitta YilNslskt Cfnmoss.*
Pbalonhe Night Itlooming Cerise."
Pt'slouts •. Night Wooslag ferres.,^
Pimlouts •• Night Blooming Viere*Lfs'
Phu'loafs •• .fight Elledruslog ems's.*
A most exquisite. delicate, and Fragrant Pertare,
di la led from the rare and beautffid sown tram
re4ich It takes its name.
Mann ha-lured wily by
PIIALLON S.* SON. New I-ork.
lIRCITARE OF cotarreurzrris.
WIT ly milk z. n oew
rel — Storming the Strongholds or pride.
dice and misapprehension. and ,srtying all before ft
4:ristadoro'i Ilan Dye pursues Its march of sanest
Like those of the Union, lie colors are the cynosures
of every e. its victories leave no stain. It tans
thousands of beads, and charms Innumerable beim.
Containing no caustic element, it 1213110 t injure ths
hair or blemish the skin, Nanbfactured by J. I.ltrins
doro, Mo. 8. Astor donee, New York. bold bib/I/-
gists, Applied by all Hair Dressers, 7/10,031,
or Dr. Tobias , Venotllass Aurae Lk&
mcnt. Iµ pint bottled. price one dollar. Dr. Tobias:
Dear Sir—l have been in thd livery briefness fur the
last twenty years, endd during that .time have need ill
the various liniments and lotions of the day, but newt
have found an article equal to your Venetian Horse
Liniment, I have fniriy tested Ii on my bones 10 dls
iemper, sprain/Leafs, mike; swellings of the glands.
&c.. as also for rheumatism on myself, and hats sisrap an.invaluable remedy,.
DID Main St.'Hartford Conn. Hapeetfullt,ronts..
Sold by all Druggists. Mice, 16 Cortland% street)
York. tyldlinp.
Orßrandrettes Pill• Costfveness
arrhea. They are taken up by the absorbents, and cu
rled Into the circuital° n, through which medium they
are conveyed to every par of the body.
If the pain affects the Joints, • single dose produces
remarkable benefit. And the same rule applies to toe•
tiveness, &Labe' and dysentery; though with the tut
named they may be required night end morning 151
some ears before decided relief is obtained. In afftv
lionised the lunge, throat, head end pleurisy, the rend
is certain; the excretory organs throw off with ease lite
phlegm, and the breathing becomes freer. Syssmodic
asthma is often cured bp a single dose. iflslmlo.
[PTO consnmpuveti.—The advertiser blob:
bceih restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple
remedy, after having suffered several years with a li
ver* lung affection, and that dread disease, Connor
tion—le anxious to make known to his fellow-onfenn
the means of mire.
To all who desire it, he will send a sop) of the Pro*
scription need (free of charge,) with the directions fat
preparing and using the same, which they will Ind s
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis reltit ,
Coughs, and ail throat and lung a ff ections. The only
object of the advertiser in Bending the prescription tote
benefit the afflicted. and WMI4 information which is
conceives to be invaluable ; 'and be hopes oval indent
will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a bleseing.
Parties wishing the prescription, rani. by rode"
mail, will please address
Williamsburg, Kings Co., New Yott.
Dec. 20,1866.—hemp
lir Errors of lioultilt.-41. gentleman who stif
fered for years from nervous debility, premature o ' 27 '
and all the effects of youttithil indiscretion, will, for
sake of suffering 'humanity, send free to all who teed
it, the recipe and directions ler making the simple resfr
edy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to rem
by the advertiser's experience. can dove by_addir.ssitt
1011 N B. OtiIDEM
No. 18 Chambers street, New Tork.
Dec. 26, 2865. lyamp, . •
11"1"ftlegly • Ellinduse. and Catarrh ,—
Treated with the utmost success 47 Dr. J. ISAAC% Coc'
enlist and Anrtar. (formerly of Leyden, Rolland.)
519 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from tile
moat reliable sources in the City and Country can la
seen at his office. The medical faculty are Invited msg.
company their patients, as he has no secrets In
practice. ARTIFICIAL NYES inserted without psis•
Noeharge made for examination. (.1nlyI), 11368. ly
. .
Ird"The Confession, and Experience of a
invalid. Published for the bcnellt and u $ unties to
young pen and other, wlto,uffer tram nervous dsbllltl.
p_rentantre decay of manhood etc. supplying at the tsar
time the mune of. self-cum btows w h o h a s sa nd bb'
self after undergolngconsldera le quackery. BY en—d c '
slag a poet paid addressed envelope a single col d . r"
of charge may be had of the author. Namomusa., Wit
run. Brooklyn . Wags co. N.Y. jinn) lynor
- .
Strange, but True .-Isreyy yens
'gentlemane in the Vatted State; Can hear something ft
•ry numb to their. advantage by return sun l -
charm) try addressing tito andermineL Those del
fears 'of being. humbugged . will oblige by not aunrirS
this card. MI etbore.Wiliniease isKnea their °bodice&
servaut. 'MOB. F. CHABBAN.
Dec. - 28.—tystrip BSI Broadway, Now To"'