.:sir Advertisements. Webb & Butterfield—New Goods. Agents Wanted—Sbaw & Clark: Circus and Menagerie—Dan Rice. Drugs, &c Burns , • New 31i;ferd Foundry—Tingley & Son. Agents Wanted—National 'Pub. Co. Insurance Office—Stroud 'b Brown. Erie Railway Time Table. $2OO Reward—Sileriff & Burgess. from Sr. Iffenagerit. Dan Rice—the original and only Dan be in town with his inimitable how on the Bth of June ; and says he is of afraid to let the people know ,before ,and that his is the best one that travels. ,ee his advertisement. . _ • arglary. . . The Store of Bosworth 1.6 Co:, at TA wisville, was entered on the night of the Isth inst., and the safe blown open with i )owder. The burglars entered by a back window. Fortunately . there. was but 4 Win. $3OO in the sate,' which W . as taken, ;601 a large number of notes. Sewing Machine. - We will sell an "Empire Shuttle Sew ine: Machine," direct from the factory, with maker's warranty, at $lO to *l5 less than the usual price. Three other ma for sale at bargains. Robbery in Montrose. A robbery took pace in town on Tues day night last; a brief statement, of which is about as fullua s : Thos. F. Dunn, Gregg 31ulvibiell and George Dennis were arrested and held on suspicion; and we give a brief of main facts and evidence brought out at a hear ing before C. As ery, Esq , yesterday. Alfred Carpenter, a stranger here, for some years and until last month an En ,:ineer on the Erie Railway, now residing in Deposit, arrived here on the stage at 4 o'clock ; spent the evening mostly at the id hard saloon, playing billiards and chrds, and drinking freely. At a late hour, when the saloon was closed, he went with 11;4 companions to Searle's and, after fur ther drinking, proposed to stay all night; but was told that they were full and he had better return to his room at Tarbells. lie started, and when in front of the meat rurket says he saw a person within arm's 130, in the act of striking. . remem ber, no more, except that on recovering 4,)inewbat, he was kicked in the mouth. It would appear that he was knocked down and beaten, as blood was left on the side walk, and a trail as if he was ,!ragged into Searle's barn yard, where ,erti was blood and evidence of some farther violent-. When he recovered, he was chilled, and not knowing where he was, crept into a coach, which stood un dvr the shed near him. In the morning, hearing a noise ho came out and was dis co\ aned by the hostlers. He bore evi •Luee of having been badly beaten about tho lica4l and face. lie , ayi he was robbed of about $290, immey, and a silver watch worth about 1 . , s a m e ninonut. John Murray left town next dav, and suspected of cotnplicity, a; will It: Aera from reward notice in an, Gregg', clothing hat marks of:blood, ao ihe II ont, a bill claimed to have a part o.lrpenter'S money. 1) inn's b ) , Its nerd slightly marked w,;.1 defence was entered upon at this t.:11 , 2; IYennii was discharged by consent; ~u ;eri held ; and at ten o'clock to day . I, ll;:clSiNeter will decide upon the ain't A Word to Democrats. It is now time that Democrat' every where, should begin the work of organi- Lng and getting ready for the coming c.onpaign. They should immediately form active working clubs in each election dis trict in the county and State. Let breth ren of the same political faith form a close union with each other; and actively en cace in the great contest-that mast be decided at the polls next October. What we want more than anything else is Or and.-unless we haVe .11, close,. rigorous, and:Bolm, tve.. cannot hope to succeed. We believe there is ; a Demo cratic majority in Peansylianim, but it cannot be made effective at.the polls with out a well organized , effort to bring it out. Ia no other manner can we counteract the powerful organization of the Union League, which spreads over the . country like a. great net work. The . . campaign will open in July, and before that time oar forces must be on hand to take an ac tive part in the contest. Organize then, everywhere, and that without delay. —The whole business portion of 'Hud son, Wisconsin, was destroyed by fire on Saturday, the loss being estimated at three hundred thousand dollars. —A New •Orleans paper of the 17th says " The corn is tasseling everywhere, and soon our markets will - , be flooded with delicious ears. Figs-are swelling finely under the influence of genial show ers, and cantelopee are • being gilded by the morning sun." •- -The National Intelligencer says that the editor of the Chronicle (Forney,) has set the social example of receiving De grees at his mansion, where he entertains them in the style of luxuriance usual to him. —Negro suffrage is now the ace9ted platform of the Radieabi.; _Geary is in favor of it. Every vote cast for biro will be a vote in favor of negro suffrage and negro equality. —On n Srday in trid of the old Harrisburg bri g dge tho atup per thieris• burg was destroyed by fire s , . _ Ertdoreement ofPiesidentlohiymn. An immense miss' meeting of the friends" Of President:Johnson was held in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, on Saturday 'evening 19th. Speeches Were made by Senators Cowan, Doolittle and Norton, and resolutions unanimously passed surtaining, the restoration policy of the President. The meeting was got ten up under the auspices of the " Na tional Union Johnson Club," of Philadel phia, no organization composed of men who have heretofore been Republicans of the straightest sect. The Sunday Titnesia Republican paper, says : up to this time, there has beeti any' doubt - touching the feeling of the solid men and,masses of Philadelphia for Piekdent, that doubt was offectu- Aly Silenced in the grand demonstration oldest (Saturday) evening at the Acade my of Music, when the friends of the President were found sufficient to crowd the great building, and include the very cream of our communityP Thus the ball keep rolling,---the dykes are breaking. We 9a - tract the -following planks from their platform : 3. dtesolved, That we indorse the reso lution Of Congress of July, 1861, declaring the object of the war ou our part to be the defense 'and maintenance of the su •prenusey of the Constitution and the pres creation of the Union, with the dignity, equality, and rights of the several States unimpaired. 5. Resolved, That under the Constitu tion of the United States is reserved to the several States the right to prescribe the qualification of electors therein ; and that it would be subversive of the princi ples of our government for Congress to force universal suffrage upon portion of the country in opposition to the known wishes of the citizens thereof. 7.qtesolved, That all the States of the Unien are entitled , by the Constitution of the United States to representation in the councils of the nation, and that all loyal members duly elected and teturned hav ing the requisite qualifications as pre scribed by law, should be admitted to their seats in Congress without unneces t.ary delay by the respective houses, each house being the judge of the election re turns and qualifications of its own mem bers. -The Easton Gengewart, the German organ of -the Republicans of .Northamp ton county, has hauler' down the Geary fliiglOr Governor. The editor can no longer support the negro suffrage dee trintts'cif-Thati:Stevens & Co. —General Meagher Secretary and Act in. Governor of Montana, says the Idaho World, appears to .have cut. himself loose from the Radical Republican element of that; Territory and is acting with the peo ple—that is with the Democratic party. — . Whether -he ever married her or not, it is notorious that Thad Stevens over thirty years ago, stole away the wife of a yellow barber residing in llarrisburg; and it is eqnally well known 4hat she after wards presenteditim with several pledg es of lierafrection, in the shape of thump ing babies, who, when they grew up were bountifully endowed with the beauty of their fattier.. —On the Hudson River Railroad, on Tuesday, aioconlotivo ran against a man near Poughkeepsie; picking him np and carryinghim ten-m es .before discovering the state of affairs. Some of his bones were broken, but he was perfectly con scious, and was not unlikely to - recover. —.Gen. Banks, Representative in the Rump from Massachusetts,' declared, the other ;lay, that it is the intention of the Republican party to _impose negro suf fragelnpen the whole canntry. He said the only reason the matter is deferred is because-the people are not sufficiently Republicanized yet. . —lt is now denied that Mrs. Jenkins, who. died recently in New York, had the cliolera,,and it iti also denied that she had beeu.engaged in ,the removal of filth be fore Veing taken' sick. ii is therefore not at all certain whether a 4 genuine case of cholera has yet been discovered in New Yoirk. : •:—The State- senate of Massachusetts has passel' to be engrossed a bill punish ing by a tine,of_ pp the exclusion of per sonsriff color' front places of amusement, public eonveyances, ,k - c. • _4+ Medical' Meeting. The Susquehanna County Medical Soci ety will held theirnext semi-annual meet at Phinney'allall, New Milford, on W t eOnesday, Jupe 6th, 1866. All rev larqir4titignere,are invited to attend. May 21, '6O. 2 • 'E. L. CTARDNrert, Sec'y. I:l3llBPrirt3. In Bridgewater, May 3d, 1860, Miss CI ozase L. , Titter,aged ; l9 years and 17 dap): , Administrator's Notice. ICISTATE of JOIIN MORAN. deceased. hits of JU.s Brlitewater r townehip,,Susq!a county. Pa. Letteis of administration' upon'tbe catateof the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to maim immediate paypient, and those .having claimeagalnst th 6 same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. re MCI/ MORAN, Adm'r. Montrose, May 8. 18&d. rojeCiitoi ' iltatioe. EUEAS. letters testamentary to the estate of JANE ROSE, late of Philadelphia, deceased, (widow oftbe late 11r.lt. S. Rose. of Oliver Ulm, Sus quehanna County. Pit . ..) have been granted to the sub scriber. all ILkersolis indebtedto the said.estate are re. quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the said dece dent will make known the same without delay to ANDREW W. GAYLEY, Executor, No. 1909 Pine Strett,PhiPa. Otto bis..Attorney,'W. Jesspli,,Eisq..XentrOsO, SurAPiehanna Collar, ' • • May 15, 1860. 6w* NEW GOODS, 41 cottiptuilir Ajriving at - aritrELNLElMMeeia teDesilinifts, Blindness and Catarrh— Treated with the utmost success ay Dr. J. ISAACS,' oc enlist and Aurist, (formerly of Leydeni Bollandj No. 519 Phie street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES Inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. [duly 110,1865. ly il'One Meg, One Destiny I—This is the mot to of our Government; and its champions 0 RANT AND SUERMAN are writing it in words of fire on the Batt'e Cloud. In the meant - hut. throughout the whole lend Crlstadoro's Bair Dye is winning Its silent victories, changing rebellions reds, grave and yellows into ,rich blacks and browns. and converting, in a moment on. sightliness into beauty. One Bair Dye Only will even Wally be recognized in the world of fashion, viz:, that manufactured by J. CRISTADORO. No. 6 Astor Nous-. New York. Sold by Druggisti. Applied by all Bair Dressers. [nay 15 Imp. tar Dr. Tobias , Venetian Liniment.—More Testimonyl This is to certify that for the butt five years I have used in my family Dr. Tobias' celebrated 'Venetian Liniment, and in every instance have found It fully equal to his recommendations. I have found it to give almost instantaneous relief In cases of toothache, croup, billions colic, sore throat, pain In the chest and back, and rheumatism. and I cheerfully recommend lie trial to every one afflicted with any of the above named diseases. JAMES 11. WARNER, Hartford, Conn.. Oct. IGO), 11361. Sold by all druggists. Office 50 Cortland St. New York. May 15 Snip !Irv* Cousamptives.—The advertiser having been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a se vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Consnmp tion—ls anxious to make known to his fellow-snfferers the means of cote. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the pre scription need (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure core for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Colds, Coughs. and all throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may proven blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, ,nits, by return mall, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. Dec. 26, 18G5.—lysmp rirThe Confessions and Experience of an Invalid, Published fur the benefit and as a caution to young men end others, who suffer from nervous debility, premature decay of manhood, etc. supplying at the same time the means of self-cure. By one who has cared him self after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclo sing a post paid addressed envelope, a single copy. free of chame may be had of the author. NATHANIEL, MAY FAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings co. N.Y. janal lysm p 7 fllfr Stretige. bet True.—Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something ve ry much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant. THOS. P. CHAPMAN, Dec. 26.—lyamp 831 Broadway, New York. Or - Errors of Month.—A gentleman who suf fered for years from nervous debility, premature decay, and nil the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hnmanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience. can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 13 Chambers street, New York. Dec. 26, 133.3. lysmp rmy- IM ANDII ET WS PILLS. INFLITEN.• DIPIITHEUIS. —ln inflammatory affec tion., when no bleeding is permitted, a free nee of these Pills soon modify the alarming symptoms. and perseverance, according to the direction., non lly quickly cores, and cvrtainly nnthlng la risked In using Brnudreth's Pills. For cold ,inilttemta, diphtheria. pains of the head. dizziness and apoplexy, no medicine can be compared to them. In erysipelas, fever Ind ague, small-pox, and in all the diseases of childhood, their tne in.ores a speedy recovery of health. They produce these results simply by tatting from the blood its im parities, leaving TflIS VITAL FLUID FREI?. to aid a weak "locality " to recover its proper and necessary " status " or health. Brandreth's 'Pills have affinity for the Subject Matter of Disease, and cause its certain expulsion from the body. • [maylbmp Mllomethlng New and Novel for Agents, Pedlars, Country stores, Druggists, and all seeking an honest and profitable business. Free by mail for 62 cts. Wholesale $9 per doz. Canvassers realize from $6 to $l2 per day profit. ABBOTT & DOWD, Manufacturers. May 22,4wirmp 196 Water street, New York. HEAD CENTRE! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF GOODS TO BE SOLD ♦T r_ac:ow 3E'laitairess STRAW GOODS. Ladles', Misses', and Children's Derbyr, Hamilton' Bea-tildes. San-Downs, etc.: also, Gents , ' and Youth's Hats and Caps of the latest style. 1 1C:0"t Gents', Boys'. Youths' and Children r si Salta, we made and will be mid cheap for cash. FURNISIMING Gioas. A complete Stools', consisting of Shirts, Drawers, 80. some, Collars, Neck Tics, Handkerchiefs, Socks ; de. BOOTS & SHOES. A fall a/ode:tent of Gents', Ladles', Boys', Misses and Children's Boots and Shoes. Call and examine the GOODS, 7/ YOU WlBll TO BUY AT GOLD PRICES. • L. C. ICEBLER.. No: , ES Public Avenue, 'Montrose, two dooiii above Searles Ws 8,18%d Head Quarters For S AL 3Eth. Gii• A. X IV' SI rl Oath Immensely Large Stock Each Department . Complete, *ad Prices : Away 110W31. Guttenberg, Rosenbaum Co• XIAVE *g*lti Ottedynn their liters. with-a -splendid D. lot of New Spring and bummer Goods, the must of Which were bought at auction sales, and at lower prices than they were for years, while we promise to sell at prices to suit the closest buyer. Our variety of Goods Is complete in every line. Wo mention a few DOMESTIC if COTTON GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, WHITE GOODS, Linen Goods, Woolen Goods, and Piece Goods, Parasols, Corsetts d• Skirts, Embroideries, Glov . es, Hos iery, and Notions. .T.ariV33l3EL'ir 131 , 000X:1151 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Wholesale & READY MADE CLOTHING And Gents' Furnishing Goods. Clothing made to or der in a superior style. We would request a call of every one to examine our stock. compare prices, ic., feeling confident that our varlets of la 'ode Is by far the largest, style and quality the heat, and prices the lowest of any other establish ment in these parts. 6uttenburg, koseubanin IL 8. DEMMER, Managing Partner. Montrose, May 15, 1850 DRY GOODS. NEW DRY GOODS STORE OPENED APRIL 10, 1866. ROONEY, O'DAY & CO., • No, 8i " Liafityete Mock," $3 'X XV Gi• MIC .9. WC 'V COM' , NEAR VIE CDENANGO BRIDGE. We have constantly on hand a toil 'sod well, select stock of 331zr Q•go;c)cle!/ CONSISTING OF Plain, Figured and Striped Poplins ' 'ALL 13110.143 -01-r Summer. Dre - si goods, DELAINES, PRINTS, Bleached and, Brown Muslim Cassimeres, , Cottonades, Denims, CLOAKS, AND CLOAKING'S, Mlisclaxa.c)z-ea.l.as, Parasols X LADIES AND GENTS FRENCH SATCHELS] A Full Assortment of Yankee Notions Gloves, Hosiery, White Goode, eke. eke. cEc All of which were bought.while goods were at p 4 : 4 1 1 S :VI o[ll , l l oll 111 4 telli: 4 And whiab will bo sold at prices that I Di COO I IN - and examine ,one re stock .before pu _rchasing elsewhere, and satiety yoerselyes'tbst No. 814Fayelte Block, le the planet° buy goods cheap. tieAs we are from Susquehanna County, we take the liberty of Inviting Susquehmum County people who come to Binghamton to trade, to' give uts call. ROONZT, O'DAY C 0. ,& Biamtioaton, May ss► WA. 6 GROCERIES &itROYISINSI CRANE, HOWELL & RE now receiving a large and well-selected stock of Alva. new goods, consisting in part °Moles & tioram'n FLOUR, SUGAR. SYRUP, MOLASSES, CHOICE TEAS, COFFEE SPICkS, FRUITS. NAILS, B PORK,MS. WOODENA SKET.S -WARE, RA LARD BROOMS. Fthn, ROPE, dce., and In fact &choice variety of all Undo of GROCERIES & PROVNONS which we are bound to sell wholesale or retell, cheap for cash or read/ pay. . Call and see before baying elsewhere, for we take pleasure in shciwine our goods, whether you buy Iv not. ALL KINDS 'lll l PRODUCE taken In exchange for Goods at the best market prices. or Shop in basement of Boyd's building next below Searle's Hotel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Fresh Meats and Fish of all kinds are kept for sale. 0. M. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. FEROEREON Montrose, May 1, 1&O. PP , -‘rdcl. it .1= ..viro lie u• 1 FOR MIS NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK OF THE REBELLION: Heroic Patriotic, Political, Romantic., Humorous, Tragic Splendidly Illustrated with over 300 tine Portraits and beautiful Engravings. 1111119 Work for genial humor, tender pathos, startling L interest, and attractive beauty, stands peerless and alone among all its competitors. The valiant and bravo hearted, the picturesque and draniatic, the witty and marvelous, the tender and pathetic. The roll of fame and story, camp, spy, picket, scout, bivouac, and siege; startling surprises, wonderful escapes, famous words and deeds of woman, and the whole Panoranusof War is here thrillingly and startlingly portrayed in a masterly manner, at once historical and roman , ic, rendering it the most ample. brilliant and readable book 'that the war bastalled forth. Disabled officers, soldiers. teachers, energetic man men. and all in want of profitable employment, will An this the best chance to make money ever yet offered. Write for our circulars and see our terms. 10111RAIJTY.—Auburn Gol den. Flaxen, and Silken 4 .. CURLS produced by the are : :i • t ir .:,.. ": o L f E P e ro n t EvE lizEtn A xtr ux x:s F O RIS te it S p R . ~. ~.. ~-•'...,, ,ost, : pliattion warranted to curl . ...7 : „., the most straight and stub- ', • born hair of either sex into. 4 wavy.ringlete or heavy massive curls, Ras been nsedby the fasbionables of Paris and London. with the most gratifying results. Doom° Mary to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and post paid. $l. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address B ERBER, SHUTTS ft, Co., Mein late No. 285 River street, Troy, N. Y. Only agents for tbeunited States. myl lycfspg .~t~ _J.,I:. After retiring for thirty days at " hard labor," have re- Bunted bualuesa at the old stand, under tb. IMMO and arm of nankin! for past patronage, we shall be happy to see and wait upon onr old and new customers. All Goods and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. B. N. MITCHELL. Montrose, April 10, 1866. Silks, Embroideries, DAIRY SALT, TABLE SALT, BBL SALT. • CANDLES, BRUMES, ac., &c. &c. THE PICTORIAL BOOK OF ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., m• No. 507 Minor street, Philadelphia.. Pa New Firm. Baldwin, Allen, & Mitchel AGAIN! DEALERS LN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Haw, Fisb; Smoked,Hal ibut, Candles, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, Suggr, Seed Wheat, Clover d• Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Brooms, Nails,. de, eke N'll.crexLete SEWING MACHINES Highest Premium, Fair of , the American Institute, 1865. (Gold Medal.) Rayons or Cosourritz or Awarats—ltrasoss. I. Its simplicity and GIVIZAT ItAIME of work. 9. Its makinfour different stitches, viz : - The Lock, Knot, Double Lock and Double Knot. 8. The Reversible. Feed motion—operated. by simply turning a thumb screw—enabling the ..opereter to run the work to the right or left, and ototar convenience of sew-fastening the ends of seams. 4. The perfect finish and substantial manner in,which the machine is made. S. The rapidity of its working andlho quality 0 the work done. - o Its self-adjusting tension. Exhibited by H. C. TYLER, apposite Whiolet. No. 1. $63. ,No. 2, STD.—With all the Fiitares. Montrose, April 8, 18613. 3m bk. * 0 1- 10 , AvarRiel 1 8[ 4 0 Z. FP , R.s.s-o .1 NEW GROCERIES. RIMER A 00ATS to inform the people of Montrone and vicini ty Mat they ha ve taken the Store ono door below CI, L. Stone. on Main street, and ark, now opening a ekoice stock of fdNlll GROCEMES, ROIN & PROVISIONS, Very Cheap for Cash. llaring boa ht onr Groceries for Out at the lowest prices, and soiling exclusively for cash, enables , to sell cheaper than other houves doing a credit business. WesWiataltbneshepa 3Presb. lattaals., and bya dom . , attention to badness hope to mad - t oar share ofpatronage. Clebash Nomad. for 1 • BUTTER AND GRAIN. 'Palle Ittratehed sad flatter shlppell to New Trak free of charge— C. B. MINER.. - • Nostrele, 110 THE BINGILAMTON STORE ItAS BEEN REMOVED TO THIRD DOOR ABOVE SEARL'S HOTEL, Audis now receiving • largo Stook of ,sfring summer 3:3x-s - 0042.g5 5 , c I . _; I. 1 . 1 11 j I b a I I Ij‘a.a.,..A OLD BEFORE THE WAR ! CLOTHS, OLSSINIERS, OICEAP. A Ant rate Cutter froa New York will be hare is a I. N. HINE & CO. Montrose, April Si, left DENTISTRY ! 7Z/3r. IV. 332-uutscla.igeo7so NEW DENTAL ROOMS, Over Webb & Butterfield's Store, S. the place to get your Teeth extracted without pain, I and replaced with beautiful artificial ones, 'rime XV4toqcs JED.tailtosa.t. Dr. S. *ODD'S Plastic Metallic Filling, an improved fusible metal for tilling teeth; for which I have the right, privilege and license, granted by him, to use for Dental . .wposes In my own practice ass Dentist. It is railed Cadmium Alloy, and is designed to take the place of Amalgams In metallic oxyds, etc., for filling. It doe not contain mercury, and hence an absence of the diffi- culties that in such a variety of ways occur, or are liable to occur with abet agent. . Pb 3.434415199 Cote Teeth,- Rubber as a base, from VS to $4O per sett. Also; . •.•. • CONTINUOUS GUM WORN; Pieties as abase, Teeth and Gums being ona.conlitious solid ma.sa„ for $lOO per sett. Or Please call at my office and examine specitainis.- Office boars from 0 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock, p. to. MonirctaC. Pa., blayS, 1896. leoctly BY virtue eta writ issued by the Court of Common PleaSofOnsquehanna ..County,,and to me directed, I will'expasb to sale, by public veudne, at the Carat' House, in Montrose, on safurday, June 2111, 186641 1 o'doch,p.m:, the following described piece or.pareel of land, to wit t • - All.that Wain piece or parcel °flood situate in the township of BrldgeWater, Sustitelianna county. bounded ;and .described as follows, to wit i• On the north by Tana bf Wflllam Chamberlin and lands late of Samuel Chamberlin, on the east by lands of Daniel Mc. Collum and lands formerly of Garvey Griffin, on the south by landenow or late of Richard Blay and• John Wood; and,on the west by lands ofJohnTramballi con— taining one hundred . and slaty acres (gland, be the same more or less, with the apphrtenances, one fam e d bonie r one carriage house, two barns one., shed; two orchard., and about one hundred and twenty five acres Improved. [Taken in e.secution at the suit of, David Morgan va. L. ' • Gardner.' • • • . " • DAVID SUMMERS. Sheriff, Sheriff's Gilles, Montrose. May 7.1866. IMPORTANTroFEMALES 4-2-% - isynxishw Aok.v 4 4t X 4 i (*sq , f': i '\ 1 t • °.›* 0 4 ' q PILLS)" Ir WILL immediately relieve, without paha, air dieter \ titincea of the periodie discharge, whether arising from relaxation or euppression. They act like &chars in removing the palm. that accompany Mannar im moderate menatruatlon, and are the only safe and reli able retandif for Flushes. Sick Hear ache, Panetta the Loins, Back and Sidea, Palpitation of the Heart, Ver vain Tremors, Hysterics. Spasms, Broken Sleep. and other unpleasant and dangeroue.eff lt eets of attunnatural condition of the sexual functions. in the wont cases of Fluor Albin or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. Dr. Clieeseman s Female rills Are the only medicine Oust married and :eines ladles have relied an for many years, or can rely upon now.— Immures or Istrarions , These form the finest preparation ever pnt,forward, withimmediate and per slstent success, DON'T HE DECEIVED. Tate this advertisement to your Drurglet, and tell him that you want the beet and moat reliable Female liledlclue the world, which is comprised in Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills! They have received, and are now receiving the sane• tion of the most emineutPhyalcians In Amertts. Explicit Dlrectionernrith each box—thil Price, One Dollar per hoz, ' containing from CO to CO Pille • PIN sent by midi,. promptly, by remitting the price to the Proprietcne, or any authorized agent, in canna funds. Sold by Druggists Generally. WITCUINCIS & HILLIER, Proprietors. $8 De, argot, New York. A moy Wholesale sad Betaillent foriontrose and vicinity. eet. E. • mall W. 8 C,o,AlcB FROM ITE Many of them at day or two SHERIFF'S SALE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers