The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 22, 1866, Image 1

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    •IMMIMIM••••••= 1 . ,11 • 1
• f f .rt Tril rM °
A. J :' ` C r ,
FOR iiEmbatter.
ot . the Gieni-000ict between .
• Demooracy and-Abolitieniine t
ending in au War apon'4 ,
Andfeiv'36linedn. '
• .
~ • .
In Oct ober, 1665, ;Johe,lN. .Forney,
one of the foremost leadecu of the.R,epub!,
h e an party wrote as follows;
",The decision of a majority of the pets
pie of Connecticut against, negro suffl•agee
is : a newt evf4ence that President John•
son'*fixample. , and counsel on this, and
the entire question of reconstruction, can
net:kg .1,00-Artleatly:eustained , by_-thet , Ust•
ion party. We cannot force this great
innovation npon the South by Congres
sional in;eiferefidei' ir( t vitius 6.004
that deep seate&prejudice
conferring the right of suffrage, even up
on the intelligent of the colored race, and
while I believe itr the-mission of the Un
ion party to labor to remove that preju
dice, there are other duties more import
ant to the , freeelinen theitiielvis, which
c annot be postponed by the effort to die
sipate, ,a feeling t hat ;hal eiitt d ft?r ) lett!
turietk' '
"The Convention that nominated Mr.
Lincoln and Mr. Johnson, refused to make
a national teseof the question, and noth-
ing but disaster has befallen our friends,
whenever th,ey b ye epar t-ed4l:),, it II
the States:* Letr'ifs dad attempting to
force upon the Southern States what we
are now once more taught we cannot, ev
en with our better - tifOrmed colored peo
ple, do ourselves at our oct n homes. A
part from tye clear, itulitsrtittie proof
that Cotritrttseh'as'no right to legislate up
on the subject, is the proof that lite man-,
emitted millions - of the South are totally
unprepared for this'gretit TrancLise. - It is
fur the good as well as for the interests
of the whole country, that the Union par
ty should stand &tally by -President John
son in his policy of reconstruction."
Such were the counsels of le-Yorney
to the 13411441.1ati ftarty:rSde3i--4ere his
confessions of the injustice, the wrong
fuhtessoire utieenstitutiOnaiity of the at
tempt of The North to force negro suf
frage on the South. " Congress has no
right to legislate upon the subject." No
right according to the Constitution ; no
legal, lawful right to meddle with the
subject. Then what is the following
c um-3.401n th4r.colkiieLcif.
three months after the above admissions,
Forney rays ,; •
Tile passage of Judge Kelly's bill,
striking out the word white from all laws
!•-re•ieribint7 the qualifieationq of voters in
the Distrie• ,of Columbia, devolves a sol
emn duty upori every loyal citizen. I do
not know a better time to meet thi.: issue
than theept:eserit:ally to
suppose that we could stave it off. He
was a. otat4nait who. supposed that the
great Union party voulthibt be'cAlled at
last to meet the question of conferring
civil rights upon the four million of slaves
Te.seued by the rebellitart from their for
mer masters. Are you ready for the is
sue, my countrymen
lie {Q 4 9 1 , 111 Thlittk stares:min 'the'
face that John W. Forney, as wt 11 as ev
ery other man who gives p the same coun
sel, is teachiri,g 'the people'of the North
that it is their solemn duty to uphold
inemkterso) , Perigress„-bi conpmitthrg-per
jury. dlbiela meArTher &eke§ idl diith
that he will obey the Constitution of his
eouilfry,'and Mr. Forney declares that
" tit elittnif IS'ereat 'ard indisPutable ( - hat
C u i;gress has no right to legislate ;trial
the subject of negro suffrage." That "we
cannot force this great innovation upon
the South by Congressionaliuterfercrigq.",
n 1 y' '<nettle St °rill' ate warupon the
South= but to coal t peoplp Vitty,
obey thelesilistitution tt*Ote lavas: r Oki
I.76ite9'WaWs? Aifd *- Wiltd,vel.Vey Veen
called traitor bittofor reftising Obedience.
to the Constitution? And ya - the great
" Union party" ignore the,yery Constitu
tion which they Lave shiArivers of blood
under the pretense of m,nintainingl,
Mr. Forney says, in October :„ " The
Union party should- stand firmly by the
President. in his policy of reconstruction.
We cannotTorce negro suffrage upOa.the
Seuth." A few weeksyass away, And
this great ]eider' oT his party, 'after telling
the Northern people how calmly and care 7
fully the Southern States were prepring
to come back to the Union, by Conform'.
tug to, all the requirements imposed, by
the Adtnittistration, turns around ;and
'" The Whole - plan Of President John
son has 761.ww , n - Itself to be a al~mal ;tail=
tire; Con eess 'bas laid down- a substan
tial basis for reconstruction. The South
ern States must, see how vain it is to con
tinue a fatal disaffection and will submit
to what"
...will ,ineviiike, ;and /give up
the arrogant claim to control the destin
ies of those who are their 'equals before
God and man ; "rho dowtifalba the re
bellion dechizenizing the traitors- sandhi
they are fit to resume theirdutia; 'anti el - '
evating the negroes to ,civil and' lineal;
rights, confers: upitia the Xepublicans
almost holy mission. Who scretatripptvrit'
to care .-fdr and citizenize the.negrOes las ;
they ? All who attempt - to - aet - upen 'toy
other elan, whether it beit ten' thousand'
dines Preside*, or '.i;l7 other men or par-,
ty, will ton't ;
The holy mission,of the Republican
party disfranythise- the people
of the South and give them into the hands
of the negrees, who are to be ,invested
with political eoWei to rale Over them:—
The holy mission of this "great party of
progress ' is to redlibe their whke'brotii
ers and sisters in 'Abu:Smith to . a slate df
slavery, and place'thni Under 'the geir
ernment of their'-fernier; idaves.' That:
their conditiod WoUld be that,9f slavery
is "ackhowleilired by Thaddeus SteVena.—
He says: • '
„ .
" When men take no voice to malting
the laws and choosing the rulers by whom,
bey are governed, wheyein does this dif-, 1
fee slaverY, eicept in name?"
This he applied tothe negroes who are
net perniitted to choose their rulers, and
this is the condition to which the yecon-,
struction committee in Ctiagress propose
to 'reduce the white people of the South.
They are Made to change, places with
their negro slaves by , the Abolitionists of
the North, wile hdve proclaimed the sin
fu'nees 'of slavery for thirty-five years.—
And John W. Forney and his followers
think " the Sc•uthertt people Must see how
;min it is to; resist, and will tamely sub
mit, to.what will be inevitable:" • Submit
to eee " the negroes•elevated to civil 'arid
political rights"--.and- their 'own civil and
political rights takeh away by' arbitrary
and unceustitutionar power: A party
.claiming to have %holy commission to
deprive their white brothers of rights
which they tell.theregroes' 'they have a
holy commission to ightibt, uritirevery •
man is exterminated who deprives them
of this; . right. - •Have• not white' men as,
good-aright to fight foittivil and' politi;
oal priiiieges as black men.• And 'do these
Republimos'believe their white brothers
more abject...than their black brothers,
that they *odd tainely submit 'to be de
prived of the rights which their English
ancestors bequeathed them,. and see thein
bestotted•••en their •Airinan- servatits?.;--
Wisely 'and : , prophetically , the President
declares.that Weise Abolitionism will pro
duce a war of races. They are for ping
slavery liven their white brothers, idle,
in turn; will 'be forced to fight for - their
freedom., , - • '
This scheme of the Republicans 18 but
the , colusittation of -the conspiracy erg n-'
ized in the days of Andrew Jackson by
the anti-slavery" society mideethe lead of
1V m. Lloyd Garrison. The ' , rebellion has
nothipg to do with it except to give an
opportunity, under the..color a punish- .
went. of 'treason, to accomplish - their
scheme. The same laws made to pet tic
grow% .over ,white men were enacted in
Massachusett two years .. .before the South
seceded, and it was bca - use she gain the'
whole schema of the conspiratbrs, find. her
fate foreshadow 4 -that ;she was driven
into secusioo. and rebellion, the Vale
hope of.,gaining -ber independence' of the
Abolitionists, and escaping the doom' of
negro equality which they. Were 'prepar
ing for ha. •
In April, 1859, Mr. Forney, editor of
the Pccse i days :
I' was "last win Ar law passe in Mas
sachnsetbd,, subniitting to the. popular
vote a'Constitutiohaf siiieildment, which
pro •c
vide that no adopted citizen can vote
in. that State , antiFtWo yearil after his nab
; tiralization.. if this amehditient shonld'he
I adopted, a , seve6 years residence, and the
ability, to read-and Write the - English Jan:
gnagoi Will , be retinired ss indispensfhle
conditions for the exercise of the'right of
suire4feloy adopted citizeni, While t fuii•
! live slaves are 'allegied 10" exercise the
jsamo privilege tifter a re'sidence or one
year in the `Seite. A" distinctiori of so
i.odious a cbaracter"iiaterally excites pinch
feeliiitin the breaStsor•thenutuer:Ous.,oer
mao rnerriF i erie'irif the - B,:eptibliCap - Party .
thrbithofit"the Union. Many of the, hest,
most patriiilic, 'useful andluteliident,
zens that•have - evei Pennaylvan
is would not•have i'cited it the absuid
Massachusetts 16;tv 'pad Peen, enforced
_ .
Mr. Foimei says further : fi Massachu
setts -ha's long been under the &introl of
politicians thoroughly opposed to the
Democratic party, and Democrats are in
abbui as hopeless a- minority in that State
as the Abolitionist's are in Virginia."
Efere is a plain exposition of the great
coiiflict between. Democracy and Aboli-,
Democratstionism. DeoCrats 'believe ,the white
rade as, good as the n'egr . o race.. Abol
itionists make an,'" odious 'distinction" be
tween thein,.giving, supremacy to the ne
grons. They, have passed a law. in Con
gress that the white people of the South
shall make no discrptunation on accotuit
'of raCe nr;coier, hut shitllgiiethetrgroes
equal rights befOrp the law," 1,0)p:a these
very . Massachtiantis",Abolitienifte Fake a
law in their. own Stated dtscrimmating he
tWeen the renes:—littl,discriaattated.m , far...
vor of the negro : rice.,o
- A runaway nfrgre froth the P9Pik*as
alloweffthOyriviltge of ticsikog six years,
before a White Mai:a:rout:across the qe,eah
was allowed the 1 44 18
Foipey 'decLarnd;_makifig„tadious,3l.lnc
tio:ns between, the' negfonif`,aull,wlo?
'tnen— . - placiOfi he white men beneath the,
, negoo. Ntr,,hat da
w het' placed iterkeith i negrcieti is paltti*
privileges? +Hearing the ilaixie of Atbra
TUEgDA:V, , MAY 22 i 1866,
hain Lincoln spoken in relation to t
next Presidency., Iliey , end their friends
wrote to him to ascertain whether he wiA
in favor of elevating negroes above white
men. tip replied to ono of. thesp letters
as follows
SPRINCIFIELb, ILL, May 1?, 1859.
Dr. Tirsononi Cittistus': •• Dear Sir:
Your •letter, in 'RIBA you inquire; on
your own •neeouilyand in 'tiehait of
th cer-,
taro outer German citizens; whether ap
prove or oppese the Constittitional •pro
vision in relation to-ntituitiliked citizens,
which was lately enacted in Massachu
settti, has been' received.
" Massachusetts is a sovereign and in
dependent State, and' I have no right to
advise her in her policy. Yet if any one
is desirous to draw a .conelpsion as to
what she has done, I may speak without
impropriety. I say then, that So far as I
understand the Massachusetts provision,
I am against its adoption, not only in Il
linois, but in every other place in which I
have a right to oppose it. As I under
stand-the spirit of our•institutions; it is
designed-to proniote the elevation of man;
I am therefore hostile to anything that
tends to their debaSement. It' is well
known that Ideplore-the oppressed con
dition of the blacks, and it would there
fore be very inconsistent for me to look
with approval upon any measure that in
fringes upon the inalienable rights ofinetf,
whether or not- they ate born in another
land, or speak a different lanknaage from
my own." ;
Abraham Lincoln hors distinctly advo
cates State rights.; declares that he, and
of course no other man, .or set of men,
have . VI TO to, advise - a sovereign and,. in
dependent State its her policy ; but in his
own State be haa , a right to : oppose 'such
rueasiirea as *ere, Adopted in, Massachu
setts. He interprets the laws as oppres
sive of the white race, -contrary ,to the
spirit of Our institntions, which were de
signed to promote their elevation,
dares his hostility to the provision of the
Massachusetts,; Legislature, because, it
tended to the debasement of white men.
While deploring the' Condition of the
,he• Convicts the Alkolitionlits of
Massachusetts of infringing Jupon the in
alienable rights of 'white ,111.a.n: What
would - he say then to the attempti OfCon
gre4S to debase and degr.lnie the white
race orate South below theirformer negro
slaves ? He Said in 1559:
"I am not, nor ever have been in favor
of bringing about in any way the social
and political, equality of the white and
black races,.. I am not, nor ever have
beminfavor of making voters or jurors
of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold
office, nor to intermarry with white peo
pie; and 1 will say in addition to thisi
that there iaa physivaldifference between
the two races, which .1 believe will forever
forbid them living together on terms of
equality, and inasmuch as they cannot so
live, whilerlhey dozen - lain together, there
must, r be„the position of superior and in
ferjor, and I, as much as any. other man,
am ill - favor ,of having 4he superior posi
flit assigned to the white :race. I will
add; tiot4l'never i•aw„to my knowledge,
a meri t Taman or chdd, who ; was in favor •
of perfect equality, social and political,be
tween.negrues and whites. I will add•one
word :further which ,is this : That I do
not nede:rstand :that there is any place
'where an.ateration of the and po
litical, relations of the negro and the
white man canhe made except in the
State Legislature. Not in the Congress of
the United States :"
I. Here is President Lincoln'i veto on the
' schemesnf the AbOlitioniata in Congress,
six years in advance of that: of President
Johnson:. Ile therefore , * conviets hat, of
treason and usurpation l and would join
, with President Johnson in declaring them
traitors to their country. He says, "no
.alteration in'the social'and . political rela
tions of the negro and the white min can
be made in the Congress of the United
States." •
. ,
Let those who profess to revere the
memory of. Abraham Lincoln, show their
reverence for his opinions of the Consti
tution and the Laws, by refusing to tram
ple them under their feet with a revolu
tionary congress !
ta - The Rump Senate has rdected the
President's nomination, of General Frank
P. Blair,for Collector of Internal Reven
ue, at St.. Louis, Missouri. The self-elec
ted " soldier's friends" are cooling off
amazingly. A man can no longer estab
lish his loyalty by the fact of having
fought bravely for the Union. All that
goes.for nothing, if he refuses to worship
the negro.. .
llar Josh. Billings says': " !could nev
er find the Meaning of the word collide'
in Worcester or' Webster; bat riding the
other day on the' New York .Pen t Rail
'saw it .ali. It is the attempt of
two trains to pass each other on a single
track: If I remember correctly, it was a
signal' failure."
WA:tuari who bad beep fined several
Wete ea:cession for getting drunk ?
jot:prink "Forted to the Judge thitt, be
gibOdd take b by U 1474104 iixedlicod.
e,Vapent Seals in Congress.
On the Bth of February, 1869, Presi
dent Lincoln authorized Secretary Sew
ard to• make the following important
avowal, among other things, in rely to an
offer of mediation between the United
States and the Confederate States made
by the French Government :
," We have here; in the political sense,
no North and South, no' Northern 'and
Senthern States. * * The COngress of
the United States tarnishes a Constitu
tional forum for debate between' aliena
ted parties.' Senators and Representa
tives front the loyal portion of the people
are there already, freely empdwered to
confer ' - and seats-are also vacant, and in
viting Senators and Representatives of
this disconteuted party, who may be Con
stitutionally sent there from the States in
volved in the insurrection."
Throughout the whole war the admin-,
istratlon of kr. Lincoln embraced, every
opportunity of declaring to the country,
and assuring foreign nations, that the va
cant seats of Southern members of Con
grees Were waiting for, them. Yet, now
that` tliey are willing and desirous to re
turn, these seats are denied to them !
Andrew Johnson, who was, elected with
Abraham Lincoln, wishes to carry out in
good faith. the professed intentions of the
Republican patty
. as declared through
him three years ago; and for this he is
denounced by the whole Radical element
as a "traitor !" •
Nobility of Labor.
The noblest mien I know on earth
Are , men men whose hands aro brown
with toil ; .
Who backed by no ancestral graves,
Hew down the woods and till the soil,
And thereby win a prouder fame
Thanallows king or warrior's name.
The workingmen I whate'er the task,
To carve the atone, or bear the hod ;
They ,wear upon their honest brows
The royal stamp and seal of God !
And brighter are the drops of sweat,
Than, diamonds in a coronet.
God bless the noble working men,
Who rear the cities on , the plain ;.
Who dig the mines and build the ship,
And drive the commetee of the main.
God bless them ! for their swarthy bands
Have wrought, the glory otall lands !
Secretary Stanton's Position.
The Roditals are much, perplexed in
regard to the opinioni of the Secretary of
War, and still express dopbts as to,his
advocacy of i h 3 restoration policy of the
President. For their comfort we extract
the following frorn a special despatch to
a New York paper :
".I learn from a source entitled to en
tire credit, that when Mr, Johnson re-
ceived the report of the Reconstruction
Committee and expressed his own views,
Mr. Stanton was the first to break the si
lence, and said lie thanked the President
for bringing thc . inatter before-the Cabin
_that he heartily indorsed.:his
which was the policy of Mr. Lincoln, and
his whole. Cabinet, and that he should
stand bihim to the very end. He fur •
tbier said that the party which dared to
stand in the way, of an absolute and im
mediate Pnion, in all its integrity, would
be ground to powder.",
0:::"La Crosse, Wisconsin, which has
for years given a strong. Republican ma
jority, has just elected the entirnDemo
ocratio ticket by nearly three hundred
majority. . Brick: Pornercy".must , have
been jolly when .the returns came in.
ilggrA colored firan - ati ein6innati snetl
the judge at an electiOn fob 'refining 'hig
vow He'elaimed ten thousiend dolldrit
damages, and the jury gave him one cent.
14 Poor" Ben Butler.
General Butler, in his recent speech. be
fore the LegiAature at Harrisburg, utter.
ed the following declaration :
". We had conquered the South--con
quered them of ad their rights, except
one—the right to be -hanged. He had
impoverished himself, and shed the blood
of a brother and son in defence of the
great principles for which they had
fought, and he for one would never yield
unless some of the leaders in the rebelliOn
were hung."
Butler's brother entered the service re
puted poor. He speculated, under.the di
rection of the. Brute, at New Orleans, and
died, it , was, generally supposed; a natural
death, reported to be,worth two millions
of dollars, and leaving Ben. his ekecutor..l
Instaneesfare nail" df men being put
out of the way, after writing their wills.
Was it to get hold of his money that Bnt,-,
ler " shed the blood fof his brother ?" But
why he should shed the blood , of his Ben, '
is a mystery. If he is now " impoverish ,
ed" it may be' accounted .for, in a meas
ure, from his baying to refundfan immedse
.amount of gold which he stole from a pri. ,
vale banker in New Orleans, together
with interest and. costs. Then , there may
be other suits threatening which , Ben. may
4;lesire to &tavola , by his. speibt) *s+ f
An Important Decision.
A most important case 'has jtiet, been
decided in our County-Court; now itises
sion in. , this borough. Previous to the
State electiOn last October, it having-been'
announced in the Re publican papers that ,
Boards of Election throughout , the Cow
mon wealth.would reject the votes of all
persons who, bad., failed ~to respoud-to
respond to dratts 'during the war, theAs*,
tricti Atte:pay of this ,county. prepared,a f
paper, in response to inquiries addressed
hun on the , subject in which be set forth
•the duties of . Election: boards as clearly
defined by the laws of PetinsylVania, and
gave due notice that all. violations ,of said'
laws would be' prosecuted. This paper
was forwarded to the several election dis
tricts of the county, but it appears failed
to reach some of the more remote town
ships. In Manchester and Sterling the
votes of "so called" deserters were rejec
ted by the Boards of Election, and the
parties thus deprived of their rights insti=
tuted suite against the' offending officials.
The cases were brought before the Grand'
Jury at December sessions, but I did not
reach trial hefqe i the present term. .1
The evideuce. having been taken, •and
the arguments of the counsel on both
side's concluded, .Itidge Barrett charged,
the jpry in the most emphatic and untnis
takable language as to the, law .bearing
upon the point at issue. He pronounced
the act of Congress disfranchising so call
ed deserters null and void, and distinctly
gaVe it ea his opinion, that the
designated were att inueli entitled; to a
vote as the judge and . Inspectors of elec-.
thins theniselves,,, . This he declared toile
the lasi of the land, he gave notice that
any violations , of it hereafter would be,re
garded as willful' misdemeanor and pun
ished accordingly.
The case haying been submitted to the
jury,. the only qnestion being upon' the"
intention-of the Election Boards to com
mit an offence against the lawi, that' body,
was unable to agree—ten ,standing for con:
viction and two for acquittal,—all 'agree
ing,. however, at, to -the unconstitutional-"
ity of the act of Congress, under 'which
the defendants professed to have acted,
and consequently to have acted, and con
sequently as to the right of the prosecutors
to participate in the election. The costs
were pat upon the county.— Wayne Co.
Heralt4 Honesthite Po. .
The'Columbus Statesman hits t 4 the
Moses question, as (dews :
The - Radical press have fallen into the
habit Of speaking of President Johnson„
by way of derision as Moses. There is
more pertinence in• this-designation than
most people, at•first glance wilt 'imagine.
After . .Moses had delivered the Children
of Israel from the clutches of the Egyp
tians, under the guidance of God," they
become' dissatisfied with him—thought
him a slow coach--Lfalse
,te his pledges
and promises—thereupon ", the people
gathered themselves unto Aaron, anil said
unto him, " Up, make us Gods which l
shall:go before us as for this Mosel,
the man that bro't us out of Egypt, We'
wot not what become'of ;hi& '
Aaron , took , their jewelry and 'Made'
them a molten Calf, whieh they fell "to
worshipping. Thu Almighty becaineLsii'
sorely displeased with- tilts conduct that
He would : havg,visited.- &Ulu destiictiou
upon the whole of them had it not been
for th j einiercesSion of Moses; and he ery,
countered 'great; dittillty, in unlucing the
petiple to return to the worship of the.
true God. I';ike,bSosee, Presldent John
son, in 'the '
estimation of the Radicals,
was a slow coach,
,as false, to , profes
sions and promises, and they, turned to
Stevens and caged: to 'blip I ‘.,l;p 2 titati,ita,
gods Wlitch
. 'shall`', hvifrct, ,Us." X4e;
Aaron, tie Intati,,taile ; diem, F9olterh,ol,4:
which they; re !lOW, ; wnrshippin ,, ,inStead
of the COtistittitin. Joses lifik,Presi
detit'JohnSon ,the people,
to abaadon' this falde Con;
stittition; lest they ' shall tie , vibited, as a,
punisbnient With'•politieal death, ag,the
Children of Israer'wotild bays ; been
ted with — 'phygleal and 'moral cleath, had
they persisted in the,worship or the mid,
ten calf that Aaron had' made fer.them,
Among the flock .who " sit under" the
reverend and bleed thirsty.Checver in N.
York, it is record that. there
were many who Would not endure a dec.
laration which he made recently from. the
pulpit, but, left the church as soon as it
passed his lips. Speaking .of .'President
Johnson the gowned blasphemer said
'You have power with God that may sweep'
him from the place of power.' -If Booth
lived to day and proposed another Presi'
dentin' Assassination .clerical benediotiona
on the work of.bloo d would not beilack'
Or The Tribune chargee, the ,
Evening Post With " conacionell
working,toward alliance with and, alto
spate absorptiim into theformideble Party;
Which lives by empty .professiOns of De
neocraoy/1 • • • ,
Ah, Horace I your own bedfellope yew
volt.againtit letting too many •niggers in.,
t h e b e d. do. they..? And .that:;!'
Aqrpgal.ta,Abe Democratic; party is ota
44 formidable,," is it P •
, 1 The Free Railroad 'Que.atiqm -
aTittl 'R&M MR. bLYMER.
The following letter was addressed by,
Mr. Clymer to a committee 4 it,izet?s,
appoluted by a meeting held in Sharon,
piercer county.. It is so distinct' thatit
eannOt' be misinterpreted — or misimdei;
stood. It lain striking contrast to Gan
Geary% quibbling; and evasive reply tar
the inquiries of the people ..of Alleglopy,
county, on the same subject. ,
itEADING, April 12, 1663.
GENTLEMEN :-I havejust received your
letter, of the 9th inst., asking
. tlie
tion a whether I am or am not in favorlof
making a general railroad law bythe Legi
islature of this Commonwealth, somewhat
similar to that existing in the neighbor;
ing State of Ohio ?"
If after' the repeated • and persistent if;
forts made , by me during a long• servied
in the Senate, the, passage ofa
general railroad law, my position on that,
question is pot, understood, . r fear tlitt
nothing I may now say will more telly de.,
, monstrate it. '
I have been 4 am now, and WilVeontions
tube in favor of a general, free,“railroad.
system for this State, F!ituilar „to, tba,t of
the State of Ohio and - New bellev-,
ing that ba pi ta I should ever'be permittea;
under proper restraints fur the proteetion'
of private •property and the Tights ofirt-+
dividaals, to develop, any and every sea;
Lion of this State willoutlet or hindrance.
UntiLthe pFcgolo of this Commenty . ealth
establiShcihis system, many 'of therichest
and fairest portions thereof; will,ifor half
a century to come, be deprived of those
means of development. and inter cornmuf•
nication to which at all times the,y are,ea
titled, and without which 'their store's of"
iron; bf ee l s!, of lurnbr, and of bit, will be'
useless and unprofitable, not atone totheir
owners, but as-well also to the. whole peal
ple who are, ougaestlonably most deeply ,
interested in their prompt developmiTt i ,
and Production.
Very respectfully '`and tnily' yours,
A' work has just:been given to the pub. .
lie by tbe•librtujan of i the now York, WV:
torical Society,
,proving, from exibti,ng :
doe,ntnetyli that lilltssacliu•letts wa,
origmatoi. and mbst strdntibris • delenaer •
of American slaviry, • l• •
That Massachusetts was.tbe originatan
and defender 'of American flaveLy its.* di
vine institution was well known. Zii4.
has never before. been so plainas nowthit
havtng established sla,very 1))' sta,tuteJawd
before any Other 4mxricau
upheld it , even after her coustii : ttt&on . of,,
1780, and the. strange, truth is : ppy.m t k,
diSpntably by Mr. Alogre f .tliat stavgy„was
never abitlfshed by, law in that . ,
only ceased by the dying eft, one by one,„
of the old slaves i. the ft,titure.of the peop)e
to supply their places, {probably fOf
nomie reaaon 4,)- and' the' consetpient,• vi• 1
tiuntion of the institution. • • ! •
The Somerset Ampigamation
last.wealuwe,odtieed dexter fatperthel
elopement of a white girl, nameitGriti'tb,,
ofS:trenict county ; with, a ,
who hadlieeii" emPloyed her - iiither,,,„.
We stated' that' he had said' that tie
rather that,:his daiighter iittruidotrUiri'fit'"
negrothan s: copperhead: The. ;name , of!
the father • Griffith, bet gts:there,,,
'ere four Billy Gri ffi ths, ,we beg. 1e0,919., 1
'state that it ti ant 'trick 'lleuse. nor
'Tove•Heed Isreo • Yeitrd .- Billi,
'biit-Baptist BMA' as he • i& ealledt 'dlitt•fore
a ,crasy, and,, Wall; a :grati
'friend .ofj.:ineele, anal is ,a great oppopeuti r t
lot President Johnson. He called ; his 11/0,
ch Rd Pe he' beine'6ritib'ilegeollifiiilj- -1
'said, but as a preacher came arbh4tiBonn
I-after wards 4. 2m,9 toifSea, name
'for said proldhet'i l lind
name itsis. in membry l -of the buck 'tii
ger, leaving the last name Griffith: to rtpy'r'
resent himself, : The wbOle .panle-is CO"
dren,POPis.Ociffith? alittinordinate,lomet
for the nigger had '4' : is-the elope--10
meet it?(.4l „daughter. . • . 4 , 1) .
8 That their attaclimek and love for each
other was intense we have no doubt ,'lii
the nikget . with' whtmi ; Phillips stopifttil
'when in. town'',• told one ot 'our pollee tfl"'
ficers that he ought`to'be ashanied Ofhitri;_"'
•fielf to part-this couple, that their'
hearts twined round caul' other' alike the
tendrils of a vine, that "'She loved - him
- and
he lovedlitir;lind thatiiihtit :•J"litiitord
'had jived togedder man -, Ashotildl . not, pad
'asunder." , From a letter o leritten brit. :n1
'gentlemen. at Jeuner X.Roadal.,toia!gen.r.r
tlemanin this place,• werunderstand that ,
the.whole . community up , there , : blame•
Baptist Billy. with: the committed , bt
his daughter., zsit'Arss :bit" cteichinge that -,
led her to, the' desperate , sot: ' 3 We are al. l . '
so informedithat hothr.the.girl and thi}nlg
ger-declare that they will yet be marriett , it
'and lea&a:blessed- Lltredded life , - ia) , kslose.)•}.i
'amalgamation 0.-Johnsio urn Pa.; Democrat ,
I I ar
" -6ltiapeeita teleirank tliePrOst
the following harrowing ''angoatt&inienti ` 4 (
A. .''v t
It is generall , belietteC lir A e that
, them is,Rhottly to •bo-a Jorge ilenapi tatitin,
pingtmmtilrii NllO.lllOl .10iminal
Prog4Pat'a,P2 ll oY. .YetarStateowiltitait
zero dais.
11'.tatigiachnsetls and Slave Ty.