cc,rrwrir Severe Storm. A thunder-storm passed over this. re- On on Sunday last. - But rain fell, but the wind was violent; doing much damage to trees, fences, buildings, in various parts of the county. vocal News. It may be proper for all who read the papers to know that a good stock of al •most everything in the line of boots and s hoes, may be found at the store of C. 0. Fordham, - on Main street, below the Post Office. See advertisement ansl give him s call if you want ready made or custom work at low prices. The Circus—a Crowd. The circus come off on• Saturday last ; and a crowd of customers daily find their way to the store of Guttenberg, Rosen baum & Co., to buy the new cheap goods advertised by them in this paper. la. ... Binghamton Advertisement We publish an advertisement for a firm in Binghamton, who are from this comi ty,' and who ask the attention of our cid z •ns to their enterprise. Religious Notice. The Sus'qnc,hanna Association of Uni• versaligts will hold a Conference in 14foilt - - rAtse, May 10th and 17th. All Are invited to attend.' Several elergvnien — from abroad are expected. Per. Order: s'" Montrose Post' Office. Arrival and departure of mqil Mail South and East via D.L.5,W.11.R. arrives at 8 P. 31., doses at ti A. M.— Bound West, leaves daily at 4 P. 31 ; ar rives at 10 A. M. Lawsville Centre and 'Binghamton leaves 31ondays, Wednesdays and Fri (bays, at A. M. ; arrives Tuesday's, Tharsdays and Saturdays , at 3 P. M. IVyalusing and Towanda Jeaves 116 . at 7 A. 31.; arrives at 6 P. M. Dimook, Springville and I.Visn leaves Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at.:l P. M.; arrives (same days) at 101 A. 31. 'D. EATIIROP, I'. 31. Montrose, May 1, 1866- 121111111=1 County Fair. The Twentieth Annual Fair of the Sus rehann Comity Agricultural Society will he held in Montrose, on Wednesdaytand Ti.umlay, September 19th and 20th, 1866. J. S. TARBELL, J. E. CARMtLT, Er. Com. A. BALDAIs, Very Provoking. Most newspaper readers may have been tricked by comtnencing to real an item which starts well enoug-h, hut closes with an advertisement for somebody. Very provokincr, this—but what I want to say k, that .Tony GuovE44, Tailor, has remov el to his -old stand, first door west of Searle's lintel, where he will be happy to r.oe his old friends and new ones, and take tl;"r• measure tOr the new Spring St% les ot Clothin! , . Particular attention given to riming, and satisfaction guarantied. Nay 1, 1866. 4w A Wilk= k Gibbs Sewing Eachine for sale, low, .412,. _ Circulate Democratic Newspap-ers. One of the mast vitally eosen:i il steps to secure dem 0...1-alit, MD-reef In the coming campaign is the circula io.s of Democratic newspapers among the people mid s th a vi. is ton omplit , h this much desired result.. o • • : up,ti the leading Democrats in the county to .ee , av every Democrat in the several townships if.ll;plieti s ith s Democratic newspaper. If any one appears to Sr unwilling to subscribe. convince lrim that it is a dn• he owes to himself, to hie family and the party to $136- t.,n its press. If he is unable to pay for it torn year tirgc him to take It for six months. We have no doubt that there are hundreds of voters In this comity who do not receive any local paper. anti some of them ii piper at all. If each one of them would get n good Democratic paper in his house it would have a grfUlt. in taence. It Is import* t. therefore. 'that °Very . Demo -ratic family should have agouti Democratic newspaper in his house The seeds of correct principles thus sown .:iently will be sure in the end to-spring.up and produce a ..7ood harvest. We submit these facts .to. our Dezna r.vir friends. Bayed -mocratic papers on your tables. and when your republican neighbors come to visit 3on t will pick them up and read them, and the troth will in this way he presented to many and produce convic t.on. whereas. otheawise they would through 'prejudice, eways stand In their own light nod never get their cleft open A ;rood democrat should fe - M like supporting county orzan. and thushelu tOtpread the troth. Man , . P , l'ont• do not think so tar. - Tsesides ff Winer" arc well tr. ;Toned. their pribiishers will he eitmoraged to make 1... n more Interesting and efficient, . • • ..• rrOne One Destiny I—Thitis the ma o 1 our C.UVC/11/1/CLII:, and its champions GRA NT AND F• Elt NI A N ore writing it in words of Areon the Hatt e In the m e a n time. ibentegboat the whole land cr,-tadnro's Hair Dye la winning its silent victories. hengin: rebellions reds grave nod yellows into rich blacks and browns. and converting. in a moment nn: Into beauty. One Hair Dye only will even he recognized in the t orld ..f fashion, viz: that rr“nu , actured be J. CRISTADORO. No. n As!nr it n.New York. Sold by Draggista. Applied by all hair Dressers. [tiny 1 lrup. MrDr. TobLax, Venetlati Lltiiment.—Morn re , timony I This is to certify that for the last ,rs I have need in my !amity Dr. Tobias' celebrated ~ .-neuan Liniment. anti in every instance have fonttd it fo ly equal to his recommendations. I have fontid it to re almost Instantaneous relief In cases of toothache. billi•ois colic, sore throat, pain in the chest and and rheumnt and I ehr.erfni , s recommend its h•Ltl to every one anlitatti with any of the &met:mimed diseases. d.I3IESIi.ARNEII,. Hartford, Conn.. Oct. lath. ISnl. Sold hy all druggists. °face 56 Cortland St. New York: !lay 15 imp tB'To COnSamptiVes.-- The a vertiser haring'. been restored tobeedthina rew weeks by a rery simple remedy, after having etiffervi several years with er ,,re lung affection, and that dread disease. Consetap ,,in —is a nxious to inakeksicnru to hie tellors , t.alrerere means of care. To all who desire It. he will send a copy of the pre. ' , motion us.ett (free or charge,) with the dircetionA for preparing and Luting the tame, which they will find a pare cure for Consumption. sthma. Bronchitis, r u nt, rougint. and ail throat and long affections. The, only obp-ct of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to l , ynett the afflicted, and spread informntton which he e,lyey to be invalnabre bores eNterY Stiffert4 will try hie remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing' the prescription, THES,, bfrettlit Mall, will please address Rev:EDWARD .A.; , " WILSON: alee. 20, 1865 Williamsburg, E.lngS*Co., Nets YO .—lyemp tiff -The Confessions and Experience of ma Pablirbed for the benefit nud or a caution to • 'tag men and others. who ender from nervous. debility.; ~ e taa• two sleety of manhood. etc. rupttlYing at the l ' ame tim e the means of self cure. Byoueleha has cured:hittiz s lf after underuolneconriderable quackery: By enelo •t. a post paid ad drafted envelop:l;a fclugle copy . camas may be had of the author. - NATlcatnn..,2sAY-.' ge cl , .Brooklyn, Kings co. N.Y. janZ) IyampT frfflrEitriingo, but.Tiruoi,—Every young lady, and gentleman in tne Unitrid Buitea'ean hcilr aordethlng ve ry much to their idvintage b retatu mall (free of chnrge.)by eddreseing the undersigned Those having team or being htntibtwed will oblige b y not noticing this card. AlLothera will please ad teas their Obedient servant. - TllOl3. P. 011APIXAN.-LL_ , Dec. 20.-I.yemp 831.iliroadWay, Noma-cot. rifErrois of Itotith.—A,gcntleman who' stir frred for years from nervous debility, preinatnre decay, and all the - effected youthful lndlecretion, will. for the rake of coffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the and directions for making the.simple rem edy by which he was cured. Stifferers Wishing to profit by the adeertiser'e experience, an do eo by addressing 10HST B. °ODER, No. 13 Chambers street, New York.. Dec. it, 1365. lyemp Orin/ ANDLIETWS PILLS. INFLUEN• DIPIFITHERI . —ln inflammatory affec tions, when no bleeding to permitted, a free use of these Pills soon modify the alarming symptoms, and perseverance,. according to: the directiotir, quickly chres, and Certainly nothing Is risked In rising firandreth'o Pills For cold. influenza, diphtheria. pains of the. head, dizziness and apoplexy, no medicine can he compared to them. In erysipelas, fever and ague, small-pox. and in all the diseases of childhood, their use in-urea a speedy recovery of health. They produce these results simply by taking from the blood its im purities. leaving THIS VITAL FLUID FREE to aid a weak " locality " to recover its proper and necessary status" or health. Brandreth's Pills have.afllnity.for the Subject Matter or Disease, and cause its cerialn expulsion-,from the body. . Imayismp In Jessup, April 30, 1860, by Rev.Wil liam;Sbelliv Mr. JOHN % CrinlETi.4, or Lem on, Wyoming' county, .and Miss ELIZA - BETE A. SIIELP, of Jessup. In Forest ;Lake, on the 25Th nit . Mr CALVIN L. LINCOLN and Mrs. IsaponE L. Sm A U., _bath of Forest'Lake.- In Silver Lake, on the Ist -inst., Mr ,INsEL HILL, aged Al years. Illy GO .1 NEW DRY GOODS STORE! ROONEY, O'DAY & CO., No. 8, " Lafayette Block," ]BY .AV G. .A!t.. TIGIc '11.;30 We have constantly ou bard a full and .scell selected to ci ot Plain Figured an& ,Striped Poplins, Summer Dress Goods, • DELAINES, PRINTS, Bleached and Brown Muslins, Cassimerea, Cottons4cs, Denims, &c., Shawls, at this office. CLOAKS, AND CLOAKINGS, 33 az lmcor l‘s, 3PieLz. tkgsco las LADLES -AND FRENC .. II SATCHEL:3I A Full Assortment of Yankee Notions, Gloves, THE viAyiincipT FIGURE, DEFY COMltTltio.l`‘i'.: r?f - Call and cannaine our WO: before purehnoing eleos here, and eatiety yournalveli that No. S I.4.Fayette Bloch is the place tu buy good cheap. C 77- - , 'As we are from Susquehanna County. wr take the libertv of inciting Susquehanna County people who come to lstnghamtun to trade, to gtve us a coll. ROONEY. O'DAY & CO • . Binghamton Max J 50866. tf, ' - , .. • : . • F MILIIIIERYI '111MM! MRS. B. Itl. TIFFANY, r SuccOspr ; 01 ; , Bixby ? • • —" Ull,lllNE_Arri To the building „itpo doora meat of. t Searle's Huirkon ocr v o,,, f treei, EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS ii.211 - C been mnftto the gtock, oral elide or wil be ~ To Please all who may Call. Ersalit WILL REMAIN WITH MRS. TIFFANY Montrose, May IG, 18G6..•'.- - Exteutor's °het); TnEREAs. letter s tet•tamentary to the estate of JANE ROSE. late ',of ddceaoed. (widow of the late Dr. R A. Rose. of Silver Lake. Sus- Pa..) have been granted r #eriber,AlL pen•onslutle.l3llAJO the eat ; es te?te- I ,fe r t Oneeteditt - nlohe innintlatepaytnent,and thoileorooB dwith t r o r Zeta:undo against itbe estate thd said - deco. dent will make known he Paine without delay to . .43 1 AYLEY,. , Extie- Wee,. -5' Pina‘Street'rbti s At Or to ,bia Attorney, W. U. dossup Esq. Muntrgoc.. ',SneqtteberAm Cottntv. ' May 15, MG. gwe EtWOMI MMEMIIMINI 7Z1MAL..T33C151. OPENED APRIL 10, 1866. NEAR TUE CAFNNNGO I D 3 r3r CO . NSIST/ NG OF ALL• STYLES OF Hosiery, Embro;derjes, . - dm. (kr All of whleh were bought - while goods were at An¢ 7r Viiiibe lieliiices CbaC REMOVED HER Head Quarters For .41. rt. sat- Ata. ra firß &As atoOing An Immensely Large Stock, Each Department Complete, And Prices Away Down. Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co. yr AVE a,Tnin fitted up their Store with a splendid Li lot of New Spring and Summer Goods, the most of which were bought at auction sales, and nt lower prices than they were for years, while we promise to sell at prices to suit thu closest buyer. Our vnrtety of Goods le complete In every line. We DOMESTIC & COTTON GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, . . CLQt GOODS, - . • • Linen Goods, - Wo and Goods; and Piece Goods, Parasols, Corsetts d Skirts, _Embroideries, Glot , et;, Hos • eery, and Notions. MILEXX.a Ma X IV' IEI ra. - m- 43r C:0 COTZI/3 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Wholesale & Retail, RE MADE CLOTHING, Anti Gents' Parni.hing Good.. Olothinginade to or der iu a superior We avnizlil reque.t a call of ievery one to examine our stock. compare price., t c.. fcvlifiL! confident that our variety of 0 od- lel he far the I rg.-st. F , t)le and quality the best. and prices the lowest of any other establish ment In these parts. 6attenbuti,,",iostabannt k Z. S. DESSAITER, Managing Partner Montrose, May hi, ISM DENTISTRY ! Tir. N. L. 3Etrxxxi.cla,ge.',ls NEW DENTAL .RoolllB,' .:,.• Over Webb & Butterfield's Store, S the place to get your Teeth extracted without pain, 1 and replaced with beautiful artificial ones. 'Pb.e. 'New Patent. Dr, D. WOOD'S Plastic Metallic an improved fa-iblc metal for ailing teeth. for which lave the right, privilege and license, granted by him, to use lot Dental par-poses in nal own practice-as a Dentist. it is called Cadmium Alloy. :and is designed to take the place of Amalgatris la metallic oxyds, etc., for It does not contain mercury, and hence an'abeence - of cultles that In such a variety of ways occur, or are liable to occur with shin agent. Ploitass calf Teeth., Rubber as a base, from $1.3 to $4O per sett. Also, CONTINUOUS GUM WORK, F'latina'aa abase. Teeth midi:Ulna beingerie continuos solid maseNTer slofit-per sett. VW - Please call at my office and examine specimens. Office hours from g o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock. p. ni. Montrose. Pa., May 8, 1860. Itloctly Silks, THE LAST MOVE! STONE & WARNER. SUCCESSORS TO TIDE OLD FIRM OF GEO. L. STO.N4. prii.VEremorcil their besinees. , to the Store formerly Cl owned *and occupied by,3l. C. Tyler.- one' door south of J. S. Tar bell's notel,7 where they arc receiving an entire new stock of ~, ~., Fari,ily.:Grocerio§, .t; ''v,- Ready Made Pothing, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS &SHOES Which we propose Lowell for, ver y email profits, -- FOR READY PAY. leniar attention paid to chipping Farm tee Produce, Batter, etc. to pie celfork, and prompt re Innis G. LSTCiIIE. : - - E. S. WARNER Montrose, May 8, 1866. SHERIFF'S SALE. • , • 1101110_y v I rtpc of a writ issued by the Court of Cogl i mort MO' Snequeluinuu Couuty,.und _to„iuu 'I will axpoi , o 1.0 tole, by punik.. rerititie -nt.the' Court House, Muntroffe, on batiitday, Anti! 241.1866,at-1 o'clock .p. rn., the following derrrlbed piece or pucel of land, to nit : .All that certain plece.or pawl of land. situate in the t o Winship of Bridgewater, Stiatinehanmt 4,,,eounty, b pmt 1,.d and neyerthed as, follows; td: Nit r...iOn the norttrty lands of William 4:handball's ainilandalste of Samna :lhambprlin, on the elmt by lands of Daniel MO; Cohan and Inn& formerly of Garrey 'Grifiln,on the !onto by )ands now or late of Illchani 13lay and John Wood, and on the west by lands 01 John Trumbull, con taining one hundred and sixty acres of land, be the cline more or less, wl tit dm appurwmanees,.obe mimed house, one carriage honre.two name one' idled. two orchards, and Ovit outißundredand twenty aveneres improved. [Taken in execution at the stilt of David Morgan vs. L. Gardner. - - - , • , Damn strsrsiEns, Sheriff Sheriff's °Mee', Miiniktroee. ILki 7, le.A. AdMillistratciei, Notice,. LSTATE, of JOIIN 'MORAN. deceased, • late of E Bridgefirater tourosfiip,tiesit'a comity, Pa, .; I 4 Letterset ndmlnistmtion upon theestate otthe shove vamiddecedentharing been prisitbd to the encletsleu , ed, all persons Indebted to said estate ere hereby mitt • tied to ; make,lromedlate:paYinknt, and those having claims agatnot the seine to present thethilnly.antkentr cated for settlement. , !At NICK MORAN, AdM'Y. Moritrore, MayB, 1866. mention a few BOISE & I.OT FOR SUE! I'IIS.ATEr:/ In Bridgewater, on New Milford Road, 3 miles trots Montrose; consisting of 1,1„i acres of Land, ' A good Now House and Barn, well of water and about ty choice young Fruit Tfees.— A desirable location fora mechanic. For particulars Inquire of the undersigned in West. Bridgewater, near DX. Coon's. 3I ay 8, 1866„ 2w r Cr e t GROCERIES & PROVISIONS! CRANE, HOWELL & CO., RE now receiving a large and well-selected stock of A new goods, consisting in part of choice I commli . . .. FLOUR, . ' 'DAIRY SALT, SUGAR, TABLE SALT, JYRITP, ~,„ BBL S ALT, . MOLASSES, - V CANDLES, . CHOICE TEAS, - BRUSHES, ' " COFFEE. &e., .ke SPICES, ize FRUITS. NAILS, PORK, WOODEN-WARE, HAMS, BASKETS, LARD, " BROOMS, FISH, ROPE, &c. and In fact a choice variety of all kinds of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS which we arebottud to sell 'wholesale or retail, cheap for cash or ready pay. Call and see before buying elsewhere, for wp take pleasure In showinc our goods, whether you buy ornot. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE taken In exchange for Goods at the beet market prices. of-Shnp In basement of Boyd's buildlng, next below Searle's hotel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Fresh Meats and Fish of all kinds are kept for sale. O M. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. FEROERSON Montrose, May 1, 1966. AvrAw,- - 10 ikaurzio NEW GROCERIES. ZINER St COATS AVISTI to Inform the people of Montrose and vicini tt they ha-ve taken the Store one door below G. L. Stone. on Stun street, and or: now upentng a choice stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, flOllll & PROVISIONS, Very Cheap for Cash. Having bought onr Groceries for Cash nt the lowest prices. and rellin exclusively for cash. enabler to cell cheaper than other doing a credit business. Wesbnll at all times keep a Freisla t Cil 0 0 U. 7 and by close sttentfon to business hope to Elertt our shwa cd patronage. Commix Laid for BUTTER AND GRAIN Pirrnila fuinlehed and Butter "lipped to New York free of charge. C. S. MINER, - . . W. It COATS Montrose. Mny I. 1566. 3m DRUGS & MEDICINES, BURNS dic, NICHOLS NEW DRUG STORE, x 9 I\7" CZO 1;717 OPEN, And they are ready to furnish genuine articles of Drugs, Medirin•s, Paints, Oils, Varni.,l,., Chemicals, Dye stnir,, Pare Witzes d• Liquors, Family Dye Colors, Perfumery,Hair Fancy Soaps, tooth. Nan. Shaving and Hair Brushes, Combs. Flavoring Extrays, all the popular Patent Med icines of the day, such as Dr. Jayne's Etunily Medici .es, Ayres' Cherry Pectoral. Sarsaparilla and Pills, Helm hold'sExtract Buchu. Hostetter's, and Al- Turd's Bitters. Weay. is Syrup. Brown's Bronchial Tro ches. Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Dr. Dam's Invig orating spirit. an excellent remedy for dyspepsia; and in fact all articles usually found In a first class. Drug Store PHYSICIANS ale solicited toe ins our Stock and Prices bef&e pit rdlidzlng. ' 10 R E§CAUPTIONs ACCURATELY CoMPOI.; 4 2iDED2 : - Our Motto will be The Ben Goods (and none other) at Lowest 11lorkel Prices We hare selected our Stock very carefully, and think we can famish as !PURKartieles itrorre h ne. and nt as LOW PIM ES us any other establishment to this skin• fly. We therefore solicit and ►hall elude-W/o( to merit a liberal share of pnIA ic Patronage. 09 — Don't forget to call and see ns. building former ly occupied by T.:Etheridge: • A. B. BURNS. - - AMOS NICHOLS Montrose, Pa., April 24, 196 G. Valuable Property , 3C., Tut; rubserlber offers for sale-her TANNERY, eittinte in flop Bottom. Sasmnehanua county, Pa, ,and a tine buildiug lotttarnicre . „'on woich areatholce vari ety of fruit trdel. • This Property Is, invaluable as all n v. stment to any enterprising than Avith small capftal, who wiohey It establish himself in the lannin„ . •• business. or for itpeculatlve beintrurithin Muirterof a mile of the B. L. W. It.ll. Acipvt, located in the centre of a large farthing dlstria commamit le: custom and a rise in vaine. IiIA n kIOARET SLAWMON: atop Bottom, April 24th, 1.6 G. Canned & Dried Fruits, L -..0n SALE nilll6 7 oid-sbino Oittal4l; , ll3 Jr, Allen, on r Public Avenue. BALDWIN, ALLEN IL lIIITCEELL. Dionteoie, April 10, 1800. • ra . Crtloo • Y Notes nad Accounts will be in the hands of G. 'kVA • Stone obork time for collection. March 6, intin,• F. B. WEEKS. • 566. PHILADELPHIA' 1866. "vcr.E31,3.1 i=s4sl,3porS. HOWELL I& BOURKE, Nnuoutcsarerpor raper. 3134Etaa.G - Liagesir Window Shades, Corner • Fourth tend = Market_-.Streets, ~.rumnpapuu. N. In Store,* large rAikk of LINEN and OIL SHADES. Starch 0,•1866. Bsl;fw ..a.caanwgzess mirAircririiiizi POR nrn NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS Of? THE REBELLION: Heroic Patriotic, Political, Romantic, Humorous, 'Tragic, Splendidly Illustrated with over SOO fine Portraits and beautiful Engravings. TH Work for gala' humor. tender pathos, startlion interest, and attricti ve beauty. stands peerless and alone among all its competitors The valiant and brave hearted, the picturesque and dramatic, the witty and marvelous, the tender and pathetic. The roll of fame and story. cams, spy, picket. arrant, bivouac, and siege; startling surprises, wonderful cscaPes, famous words and deeds of woman, and the whole Panoritnn of War is here th illingly and startlingl portrayed in a =utterly ,manner. at once historical and roman ic. ret,dering it the mo't ample, brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. 11. J. STEPIItNI3 Dieu , 'led officerp, aoldlrra, teacherP, energetic young men. and all in want orprodtable employment, will end thin the tret chance to make money ever yet offered, Write Per our cirenlare and Pee uur termp. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., m• No. 507 Minor street, Philadelphia. Pa e , _ den. Ho e l n - .t.... , B' ilk ..?' ' • ti t , CURLS prddithed bvihe lISC f , 'of Pia. DtBREILICS ' PRISER ' 3 i . 4-- ' .: I.P, CHEVEAUX. One up t:, ' -,,f . . plication warrtrn led to cnrl 4c,.1r. , •:::. 41 - - - 1-7 - the most straight and stub- ``. 1 . • 4,. .i , - v born hair of tither sex into wavy ringlets or heavy MIISPiVe curls. Has been need by the fashionable* of Paris and London. with •the most g,rat I tying results. Does no iniury to the hair. Price by mall, sealed and post paid. ."1. negcriptive circulars mailed free. Addres. BERGER. STlurrs .k . Co ,Chem. !sta. No. '283 Rivet street, Troy, N. Y. Only Intents fur the United States. 4 myl lycfspq _____. WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL FOR impreeln- and Beautifying the complexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use. for givin g the skin a beautiful. pearl-like tint, that Is only foun d In youth. It quickly removes tan. freckles, pimples. blotches, moth patch e. sallowness, eruptions and all Impurities o' the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the skin white and clear ad, alabaster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is perfectlybarrniess. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is con sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of mono bottles were sold daring the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its efficacy. Price only t 5 cts. Mailed. post paid. on receipt of nn order by BERGER, SHUTTS k. CO,. Chemists, myt lycfspq 2'G River street, Troy. N. Y. Excelsior 1 Excelsior AL 'PM Xa-T-9 ' HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. TO the Ladies especially, this invalnablo depilatory recommends Itself as being an almost Indispensable article to female beauty, Is easily applied, and does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remoris superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body _completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same,.learing the skin soft , smooth and natural. - This is the only article u.ed by the French. and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Prier E pt r package, sent poet paid to any address. on receipt of an order. by Btlgiga, Siturrs Co., Chemists, myl lycfspq 253 Ricer street, Trot, N.V. .:.---„ WHISKERS, MUSTACHES . la • forced to grow on the smote. ...... _ i 4: thest fire in from three to 6 . : weeks by nein.. Dr. SEVIG- . W i' , 1 . ,.:.-','•:-0 NE •S RES T ° A U 11. A TEL II '" •, 7 --... te„ , ;•- CA PILAIRE. the most won- _!,-,,--;. ftr;* 77 ,7 7 6,1r derful discovery in modern , , •,tV:-' • Fit: ''.4. 1 ..4" . ' science. acting on the Re'ard '7.64.1 and Bair in an almost mime- .. flouts manner. It has been used by the elite of London and Paris with the most flattering FTICCCHS. Numee of nil purchasers are registered, andif entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, the money will be cheer fully refunded. Price by mail. scale i and postpaid, 11. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Ad dress BERGER, SHI - TTS k Co.. Chemists, No 26-sRiy• er street,- Troy. N. Y. Only agents for the United State. tnyl lycfspq Baldwin, Allen, & Mitchell. After retiring for thirty days at hard labor," have re gamed busi rtes., at the old etand t under the name and arm of BALDWIN, ALLEN SE MITCHELL, DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Batter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal ' ibut, Candles, Tea, Cotree, Spires, Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheat,- Clover & Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Thankful for past patronage, we shall be happy' to see and wait upon our old and new customers. All Goods and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. S. N. MITCITELL. Montrose, April 10, 1816. SEWING MACHINES. Hiyhest Premium, Fair of the American Institute, 1865. (Gold Medal.) 1. Its simplicity and °tour naa - ms of work. 2. Its makiu2 four different stitches, viz: The lock, Snot, Double Lock and Double Knot. 3. The Reversible Feed motion—operated by simply turning a thumb screw—enabling, the operator to run the work to the rizht or left, and GREAT COllVallieliCe of smx-fhstening the ends of seams. 4. The perfect Cluieh and anbetantial manner in which the machine le made. 5. The rapidity of its working and the quality of the work done. 6. Its self-adjusting tension. Exhibited by H. C. TYLER, opposite Lathrop's. No. 1. s's 3. No. 2, s7s.—With all the Fixtures. Montrose, Aprll3. ISM. 3m ESTATE of RACHEL CHANDLER deed. late of ilereiea toonship,Susquehnnna county, Pa. . Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the andorslgn cd. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment and those basing claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated fur settlement. ' ALVA CHANDLER. Adm`r, coin testament° annex°. Herrick, Aprll 10, 1006. • STATgof JEDEDTAH REED, late of West Win . 1174 sted, Litchfield county, omm-client, and formerly of New Milford, Susquehanna county Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the, above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, notice 18 hereby given to all persons indebted , o raid estate to make immediate payment. and those hay ing claims noon the IMMO will present them duly attes ted for c.ettlemeut. .E. P. BRADFORD. Executor. New Milkird, Mareb VT. lEad.*fit TWO NEW UMW WAGONS FOR SALE tie my Blacksmith Shop• with Henri Clemon, Montrose, Aptil 17, 1666. • • EDR"D' P. STAMP. ' leitTrt.l:l:ElLZ-8 7 15;. THE PICTOBIAT, BOOK OB cfmr..a.evrflx.e.ica.e..xl. o o Wavy Firma. AG.A.IN I Broomg, Nails, ct c. elc Florence REPORT or COXMITTEE or AWAITDS—RLAPDXII Administrator's Notice. Executor's Notice. NEW r GOODS" ' • . Continually ArriAng ,at BINGIIBTON STORB HAS tiICEN 11E11011CD "IV 7113 THIRD DOOR AtoVg SEARLE'S HOTEL, And Is now rceelving a large Stock of summer 9' r, FROM THE GREAT AUCTION SALES IN IV3MIVIT Ircomact, Many of them at OLD PRICES. BEFORE THE WAR ! CLOTHS, CASSMERS, Etc., CHEAP. A drat rate Cutter frOm New York will be hers 1• • day or two I. N. HINE & CO. Montrose, Aprtl $4, 1866. JAMES R. DEWIT T 1 DEALER IN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, CHOICE FAMILY , COM V12,22122 a •a - e 4 I a -tAr ..:1 9 BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, cpi.<3o - mr,..3mor rt. "Sr, . GLASS-WARE, LIMPS ACID HARDWARE AND NAILS, ISPICOX.a33 1-a3ELELTISICIIII7FL, Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. L R. DeWITT. IMPORTANtroFEMALES v. .e • •-..4..7..14.- . 4 • .1...,:„, i• , N ; 4 ,.. , .W . r 4, ••'...„ WILL immediately relieve, wither: pain,lll Mtn . boners of the periodic discharge, Whet her arialac root relaxation or eupprt eeion. The) act 'lke Rebel= a removing thepains that error-Ten) dillicnitoglin toderate menstruation, and are the only rare aid sell• big remedy for Finches. Seek 1 en ache. Pains lu the "ins, Back mad Sides. Palpitation of the !Dori. /Imre ous Tremors, Ilyptericr, Speen P. lirt.hi p !Dor f tad thee nnplenennl rind de ngerone effretp of an unnatural ondltion of the PeXUCII functions. In the worst eases .1 Floor Athos or %1 have, , t ney eltect a speedy care. Dr. Cheesemans Female Pills ‘re the only medicine that `worried and single ladles hv rAnn i e ProM for m IO N y S ! yn T r b el ek o e e y l a il lefly rmn the teen oreplrp t Inn ever put forward, till h immediate and per. •istent encrypt , . 'DON'T BE OPCFIVRD. Take this tdvertieement to yonrDrn gist. and tell him that you mutt tee beet and most reljable 'Female 31 edidne Is he world, which is coppriced in nr. theeseron's Female Pills! They have received, and are now receiving the sane ion of the most eminent Physicians In Amerlt a. Explt blreetions with each box—tbs Pelee. One 'lunar per box, containing from 50 to 60 Pills , . Pills Fealty mail, promptly, by remitting the Woe o the Proprietors, or any authorized agent, in curtest 'nods. Sold, by Druggists Generally, TIUT,CIIINGS 4 lIILLYER, lProndefore, • 95 Der street, New Tort, A BEL TV WI 111116 L. Wholesale and Retail Age pt 'or tlontrdso and vic'nl tr. • Oa. U. corn' y warden & Flower Seeds For Sale by AIM. MUM= Vara 17,1866.