CCrETZTTIir ik.Z•3PBIIFLEI Lathrop Democratic Club. We are requested to state that a Demo cratic Club meeting will be held at tho Hillsdale School House, in Lathrop town ship, on Saturday evening, May 12. The Head Centre ! During all the days of the great Fenian excitement, when it. was daily expected that England, Canada, and Fenian Bonds were to be taken by the initiates of the mystic circle, much curiosity was felt and expressed to learn whether the " Or der of the Green " existed in this quarter, and whether we had a real, live Head Centre in town or county. It, is now settled—and lenians and others are alike privileged to know the fact—that the Head Centre is really here in Montrose. If any doubt this, let them call upon L. C. he e'er, two doors below this office, and he will show them a splendid stock of .Straw Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, I 1 cots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c.— We have not space to note his various ,arsicles, but he seems to have a choice variety of everything in the line from shoe to hat or bonnet and upwards, for gent or ladies. His establishment is ueatlycfitted up and well stocked ; and the reader will do well to consult his adver tisement in this paper and call and look at his goods. Fire >La Lathrop. Flamm) Gm:nil - sox :—A fire has been raging to a'considerable extent in the S. E. portion of our town along the line of the It. R., clarify , the few dry and windy days past. Sunday last, it raged most fearfully. The hills around Glenwood Switch seemed all ablaze; railroad wood, balk, fences and timber, shared in the general conflagration. A barn belonging to Mrs. Cordelia Snyder, (a soldiei's wid7 ow.) was burned, and with it a yearling. heifer, tome hay, :.n I tier ereats. Abott twelve hundred cords of wood in one pile, belon g ing to the Railroad Co., was con sume. The timber land or 0. L. Hal stead, Esq., was bad) , d. lie esti mates his damage at two thou.and dol lars. The southwestern portion of our township has also suffered some. Jasper \Vil jams had a piece of winter grain, on new ground, burned over, and nearly all his fence consumed. Tuesday's rain de monstrated that " water will quench fire." Lathrop, May 3. E. at. T. Fatal Accident Some ten days ago, John Moran, while engaged in sawing wood in South Bridgewater, with a horse-power machine, attempted to walk over the pile of wood beside the platform, to relies e a horse which had fallen, when he fell upon the circular saw, had an arm badly injured and a leg nearly cut off. It was found necessary to amputate the leg, hut he died one day after the operation, which was on Monday. County Superintendent. Tne Convention of Direetnrs met on Tueiday and elected IV. \V. Watson, Yew Milford, as Superintendent for three 3elis. Two ballots were had as follows : W. W. Watson, 52 R 2 . Bs Thatcher, 21 24 E. A. Wcston, 113' withdrawn E. W. I: , ,gers, 113 " The salary 1NP..8 fixed at $9OO a year; fur past three .years it ha' been ( 4 600. - - Methodist Conference. The 'Wyoming Conference recently in session at Owego, made the following ap pointments for this county: Gibson—G. A. Severson. Ciiffurd—S. F. Wriaht. Susquehanna—G. FL B akeslee. Thomson—Jonas Underwood. Lanesboro—J. W. Hewitt. Great Bend—Stephen Elwe:l. Montrose—Luther Peek. Brooklyn—S. P. Brown. ,Leßaysville—G. R. Hair. Auburn—J. H. Weston. F .Wil bur. Fairdale—Wm. hush—to he supplied. Little Meadows—C. E. Taylor. 11. P. Browuscomb, Presiding Elder. 1111..41.- Dentistry in Brooklyn. At the solicitation of my friends in Brooklyn I h ‘ve -.olisented to bend Dr. J. S. Smith to their village for :he purpose of carrying the benefits of our profession to thck rery doors. Dr. Smith has been thirty-five years tc, the profeseion.aod during that whole period ha. con t.:led himself. exclusively ,to curative operatione, and Is eat only master of Dental Surgery but I might with pro riety say. Father of Dental Surgery. The Doctor may bC 4 ° 00 4 ou Tuesday the ißth Inst.. at Bollard's Hotel or at his operating room with Dr. Blakeslee. T. J. WHEATON. Binghamton, May 7, 2806.—1w0 Very Provoking. Moat newspaper readers may have been tricked by commencing to read an item which starts well enough, bat closes with an advertisement for somebody. Very provoking, this—but what I want to say Is, that Jour GROVES, Tailor, has rernov. ed to his old stand, first door west of Searle's Hotel, where he will be happy- to see his old friends and new ones, and take their measure for the new Spring Styles of Clothing. Particular attention given to cutting, and satisfaction guarantied. May I, 1866. 4w INT (Dor I ECM. OFFICE OF NW. it. COOPER & CO. iliewrans. MONTROSE, MAT titb, 1866. w f (AN and after Tuesday. Mav Ash. Pennsylvania, Nary land, and Neiv England State curecncy will not be received on deposit, except at a discount. WE. IL COOPER & CO. 1217 - De, as Well as marriaes. are published free Obituariesaths published at the rate g of Ally emits per band re t words, or five cents per line for poetry. Cush to be lest with the notice. • In Lathrop, May Ist, 1866, Asa STIIICII - after a long illness, aged about 70 ye3rt.. • At Meadville, Pa., on the 19th of April, 1886, Joni FaxstaaN T1103IAS ) youngest and only son of David and Jane A. Thom as, of Great Bend, aged 25 years. ' His remains were brought to Great Bend and interred in the Episcopal Cem etery ground on .Sunday morning (22d) in accordance with the service of the Epis copal Church and that of the Order of : Masons. The Rev. Dr. Lewis, of Bing hamton, N. Y., and Rev. Charles H. Can field, of Port Jervis, N. Y., conducted the services of the church, and Col. Page, Grand Master of the state of New York, I gave the 'Masonic address at the grave.— I A large - number of Masons from the 1 neighboring Lodges were in attendance to I testify their high regard for the deceased ' friend and brother. A large concourse of citizens also attended. Mr. Thomas was an upright man, and from his boyhood bore the highest char- I acter as to probity. As a citizen, he was v ;rtal ly respected wherever he resided.— As a son, dutiful, and as a husband,tender and affectionate. He leaves a wife, a fa- I ther, mother and three sisters to moult] his loss, besides a host of friends. In his life pure, in his death he left the I savor of a good name, and also the evi -1 dene that, death was gain to him. Firm -1 ly putting his trust in the Redeemer and land &Muer, he passed upward and on ward to the mansions of the just. The Lord be with the stricken mourn• erg, to comfort them in their sore bereave ment, and to enable them to say, " Fath er, not my will, but thine be done." HEAD CENTRE ! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF GOODS, TO DS SOLD ♦T r_. c) vvr _Filtigii.reis. STRAW GOODS. L1M0.% Ml6*es'. and Children's Derbys, Hamilton. Sea-Sides. Sun-Downs, etc.: also. Gents' and Youth's Hats and Canso( the latest style. Clothing. Gents', Boys'. Youth/4' and Children's Snits, well made and will be sold cheap for eat4h. E llli : ‘ 0 1:. I k re at Oil) GA A complete Stack, consisting of Starts, Drawers, Bo soms, Collars, Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, sucks, au. BOOTS & SHOES. A full asortrnent or Bente', Indies', Boys, 31Iaaes' and Children's Bouts and Shoes. Call and examine the GOODS, IP YOU WM, TO RUT AT GOLD PRICES. No 38 Pohllc Avenue, Montrose, tsro doors above Searle's Hotel. Nay 8, Mi. MORE NEWS PROM MAIN ST. BOOTS! BOOTS! BOOTS! MEN'S BOOTS, BOY'S BOOTS, YOUTH'S BOOTS, THICK BOOTS, KIP BOOTS, CALF BOOTS. AND BOOTS. MADE. TO ORDER. Also, a good assortment of Esszarcazuss, con.i.tin, l of Ladies' Kid, Lostring and Goat Daimon als and Gaiters, Men's Brogans, Boy'e Balmoral*, Youth's Congress Gaiters, Baby Shoos, etc: etc., all of which will be sold AT SMALL PROFITS! N. B.—Al kinds of work made to order, and repairing done neatly. C. O. rononAid. Montrose, May 8, 1866. tf DAYTON DOUSE, NEAR THE B. B. DEPOT, GREAT BEND, PA. N. B.—The Soma is open at au boars of the night for the accommodation of Passengers. DAVID THOUS, Proprietor. Mny P, IPU. tf 11 oosE . LOT FOR Sill! S TTTJATED to Lmitee from tr o id nf:o vra n,..., : ,,w w ..„ ll B a oad, of Land, A good New House and Barn, well of water and about 25 choice young Fruit Trees.— A dceirnble locution for a mechanic. For particulars inquire of the undersigned in West Bridgewater, near 11.11. Coon's. 11. J. STBP/IBNR. May 8, 2866. 2w DENTRIST.RY ! 3:3r. N. L. 132-o.3acia,ga'as NEW DENTAL ROOMS, • Over Webb & Butterfield's Store, IS the place to get your Teeth extracted without pain, and replaced with beautiful artificial ones. irb.42) Now PaLtont. Dr. D. WOOD'S Plastic Nietallic Fillin,g, an improved fusible metal for filling teeth, for which have the right, privilege and license, granted by him. to use for Dental purposes In my own practice as a Dentist. It is called Cadmium Alloy, and Is designed to take the place of Amalgam• in metallic oxyds, etc., for filling. It does not contain mercury, and hence an absence of the diffi culties that In such a variety of drays occur, or are liable to occur with shut agent. Plat©a car wlicieetla., Rubber as a 4:16C, from $23 to $4O per sett. Also, Platina se abase, Tectb and Gams being one continona solid mass, for $lOO per sett. Fir - Please call nt my office and examine speclmons. Office Ours from 9 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock, p. m. Montrosc. Pa., May 8, 18100. 10oct1y undersigned, an auditor appointed by; the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county to make distribution oft he fund now in the hands of the Sheriff of said county, arisinc from the sale of the real estate of Mlles ereegan, wilt attend to the duttesof said appoint. ment at the office of Fraser & Casein Montrose, on Sat urday the 9th day ofJuxe next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interest ed will present their claims or be forever burred from coming In upon said fund. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. Montrose, May 8, 1808. 4w C. 11. C GROCERIES & PROVISIONS! CRANE, Hovrtr.,L & co., 1U now reccivinf,,, , a large and well-selected stock of .131. 12 goods, concsting In part of choice /t cowmen FLOUR, DAIRY SALT, SUGAR. TABLE SALT, sTRYP, BBL S kI.T, MOLASSES, CANDLES, CUUICE TEAS, BRUSUES, COFIPEFI. &c., Sc. SPICES. &c. FRI:IIr.. NAILS, rottli., WOOD EN'-WA.RR, RAMS, BAt , KETS, LARD, BROOMS. FISH, ROPE, &c.. and In Inct &choice variety of all kinds of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS whieh we are bonnd to sell wholesale or retail, cheap for cash or ready pay. ('all and see before bnyinfr elsewhere, for we take pltmsure In sbowine our goods, whether you buy or not. ALL RINDS OF PRODUCE taken in exchange for Goods at the best market prices. Pr - Shop in basement of Lloyd's building next below Shark's Hotel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Fresh Meats and Fish of all klnda are kept for sale. O M. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. FEROERSON Montroac, May 1, DM. * 3 17 Ak . " AW= . 11 1 1114011 NEW GROCERIES. win! to Inform the people of Montrose and vicini ty tie they ha re taken the Store one door below O. L. Stone. on Main street, and ar: now opening a choice stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR Very Cheap for Cash. Having bought our Groceries (or Cash at the lowept prices, and sellinz exclusively (or cash, enables to cell cheaper than other houses doing a credit basiuess. We shalrat all times keep a Fresh Sitools., and by a close attention to business hope to merit our share of patronage. L. C. HEELER BUTTER AND GRAIN rfrFails Banished and Butter shipped to New York free of charge. C. S. MINER. . Montrose, May 1. 1866. 3m TRIER! FOR SALE! filllE subaeribers offer for sale at a bargain their Tan i_ ning Property, with all necessary Out Buildings, Tenant nooses, together with Store and Dwelling House, occupied by Wm. Tremnin. Said property Is in liar mony township, Susquehanna county. Penn'a. situated on the Starucea Creek, and near the Erie Railway, two miles from Susquehanna Depot. The capacity of Tan nery is from 10 to 12.000 .713.1.c10w per annum. A good WATER POWER on a never failing stream Ras the Patdnt Oven for burning Tan for heating purposes. The Tannery is In Good Working Order in every respect, and Is as convenient and well arrang• ed for doing work economically as any Tannery In the county. A good mercantile business is done in the Store. and might be Increased. if desired. Wli.hing to get out of the Tanning business is the reason for selling, Possession could be given as soon us present stock Is turned out. rail — ktor forther particulars Inquire of J. P. Tremain, hiontice 10, Sullivan Co. N. Y., or of Wm. Tremaln, on the premises WM. TREMAIN 1b CO Laacabarci March 13th, 18841. 2m nac. PHILADELPHIA 1860 "i757'.a.11 imat.x, ergs. HOWELL A BOURKE, Manufacturers of 3Pciaratax . 313rfaaa.a123,6.55. Window Shades, Corner Fourth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. IL—Alwaya In Store, a large Stock of LINEN and 0111 SHADES. :luck 01, IM6. e!n CONTINUOUS GL'lt WORK, Auditor's Notice. ..0... NT) MINER k COATS & PROVISIONS, Ces,gab. 3P a,1411. for DRUGS & MEDICINES. BURNS & NICHOLS NEW DRUG STORE, XS ISTC)VI7" 01 2 1E11W, And they are ready to furnish genuine articles of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Chemicals, Dye Stills, Pure TVines tk. Liquors, • Family Dye Colors, Perfumery,Hair Fancy Soaps, Tooth. Nall. Shaving and Hair Brushes, Combs, Flavoring Extracts, all the popular Patent Med icines of the dav, such as Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines, Ayres' Cherry 'Pectoral. Sat saparilla and Pills, Helm. bold's Extract Dacha, Hoolland's, Hostetter's, and Al vord's Bitters, Weaver's Syrup, Brown's Bronchial Tro ches. Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Dr. Ham's Invig orating Spirit. an excellent remedy for dyspepsia ; and in fact all al tides usually found in a first CIUB Drug Store. PHYSICIANS ate solicited to examine our Stock and Prices before purchasing. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. The Best Goods (and none other) at Lowest We have selected our Stock very carefully, and think we can furnish as PUBS articles to our line, and at as LOW PRICES as any other establishment in this vista• ity. We therefore solicit and shall endeavor to merit a liberal share of public patronage. rl7 — Don't forget to call and see cut. Building former ly occupied by J. Etheridge. A. B. DrILATS. - - • A.SIOS 'NICHOLS Itontrose, Pa., April Z 4. lea. f ‘fa o li rce 'l d S l E g ß r S o , w /d o t n S t T h e A . C m iir . ; . ~ thest face to from three to 5 .. . . t 4 weeks by using Dr. SEVIG- • , .... NE S S RESTAURATEUR - .7 - -- '' ! ": 4 `.; CAPILAIH.E, the most won-;-.. . • „. .' , . , .:.. i :',...: t derful discovery in modern t. -•.:,,' ' science, acting on the Berard -- •,,I.: - and Hair in an almost mirac ulous manner. Mutt , been used by the elite of London and Parte with the most flattering saccese. Names of all purchasers are registered, and If entire satisfaction is not given in every Instance, the money will be cheer fully refunded, Price by mall, scale 1 and postpaid, $l. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Ad dress BERGER, SHI'TTS .2 Co.. Chemists, No 285 Riv er street, Troy, N. Y. Only agents for the United State. myl ivcfapq Excelsior Excelsior rriEl7-OCaB.lR. ° 6l HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. TO the Ladles especially this invaluable depilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to female beauty, is easily applied, and does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on th. roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to- tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This le the only article used by the French, and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price SI per package, sent post paid to any address. on receipt of an order. by BERGER, Suurrs & Co . Chemists, myl lycfspq flis River street, Troy, N. Y. lk-vriE - 11 a jr IizAMVOAV-. 1 0 it %II =F -1 ron oun NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORE, TUB PICTORIAL BOOK OF ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OF THE REBA'LLION: Heroic Patriotic, Political, Romantic, Humorous, Tragic Splendidly Illustrated with over 300 Eno Portraits and beautiful Engravings. PHIS Work forgenial humor. tender pathos, startling Interest, and attractive beauty, stands peerless and alone among all its competitors The valiant and brave hearted, the picturesque and dramatic, the witty and marvelous, the tender and pathetic. The roll of fame and story, came, spy, picket, scout, bivouac, and siege: startling surprises, wonderful escapes, famous words and deeds of woman, and the whole Panorama of War is here tit and startl Ingl # portrayed in a masterly manner, at once historical and roman Ic, re idering it the most ample, brilliant and readable book that the war has cattail forth, Disabled otncers, soldiers, teachers, energetic young men. and all In want of profitable employment, will find this the beet chalice to make money ever yet offered. Write (or our circulars and see our terms. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., m• No. 507 Minor street, Philadelphia. Pa WHITE . LIQUID ENAMEL, FOR Imprevin7 and Beautifying the complexion. The most valuable and pertect preparation In use. for giving the skin a beautiful. pearl-like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes tan, freckles, pimples, blotches, moth patch, s, sallowness, eruptions and all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the slain white and clear as alabaster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation lv perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is con sidered by the Parisian se indispensable ton perfect toilet. L pw.rds of 30,000 bottles were sold daring the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cts. Mailed, post paid. on meipt of an order by BEROER, MUTTS & CO.. Chemists, myl lycfspq 3 River street, Troy, N. Y. -,,,, ~, Blt c :Va . v — en Anburn. Gni 4, I • and Silken 4, .11 . C i li e LS Hß ; E d A u u ce x d . hv o t n ire e :e t : ::),.. -..... '' ) f ; A 1 0 Prof. EflnautesFitlSEN -, r . , ! ... ~, . i. plication warranted to curl V.,.,.• ~'.: -.4..' .•.e7 ,% the most straight and stub- .', t 7 born heir of either sex into wnry ringlets or heavy massive curls. line been used by the favhionables of Paris and London. with the most gratifying results. Does no iniury to the hair. Price by mall • sealed and post paid. st. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address DEEMER. MUTTS At Co ,Chem ists. No. 285 River strati, Troy, N. Y. Only agents for the Cnited States. myl lycfspq Valuable Property 3r , ( lc) R. &D.A. 1., 301 TAE subscriber offera ( or sale her TANNERY, at tante in Bop Bottom, Susquehanna county, Pa. and • flue building lot of an acre, on which area choice Tari• ety of fruit trees. This property is invaluable as an in stment to any enterprising man with areall capital, who wishes to establish himself In the tanningbusiness, or for speculative purposes. it being within • quarter of a mile of the D. L. & W. It R. Depot. located in the centre of a large (aiming district commanding custom and a rise in value. MARGARET SLAWSON. Mop Bottom, April 24th, 1•86. 4tr W. R. COATS New Goods fbr Spring Sales. Fourth and Aieh Streets, Philadelphia, ARE OPENING FOR SIX"'XI.XI\7OI - NEW STUD; Novelties In DESSS GOODS. New Styles SPRING snAvms. New Travelling DRESS GOODS. Flue Stock of N GOS. IdagniAcent POITLARDS. Splendid BLACK SILKS, ae L. have their usual Assortment of STAPLE GOODS. Also, CLOUT*, cAssudeßzs, vssTINGs, dx. Ls. P. S.—Our prices are now arranged to meet the views et buyers April 9, iSfC. ttJ►t Canned & Dried Fruits, von SALE at the Old Stand of Baldwin a Allen, on Public Avenue. BALDWIN, ALLEN a MITCHELL. hfontro•e, April 10, 1880. 1 411 7Crtiaew MY Notes and Accounts will be In the hands of G. L Btono it Co., a short time for collection. UM Y. B. WEEKS. March 6, D. W. SEARLE, 4T1'011.1(Elr AT LAW. office over t o Otore of Z. i O ti Motel, Montrose, Pe. 1, im• Our Muttu will be Markel Prices EYRE & LANDELL. THE BINGLINfON STORE . UAS BEEN =MOVED TO Trig THIRD DOOR ABOVE SE4RLE'S HOTEL, And is non reeeiving a Dirge !Roe* of ,SFing & ,sumuter ror3r (31-Cit, cis, FROM THE GREAT AUCTION SALES Many of them at OLD PRICE'S. BEFORE THE WAR ! CLOTHS, OASSIMERS, kc., =BAP. A Arst nite Cutter from New York will he hers I. a day or two I. N. HINE & CO. Ilortirome, April 24, 1866. New Firma. Baldwin, Allen, & Mitchell. : .' W II III , 7J AGAIN! Alter retiring for thirty days at " hard labor," have re sumed business at the old stand, under the name and thin or BALDWIN, ALLEN & MITCHEL; DEALERS INS Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal ibut, Candles, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheat, Clover & Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Broome, Nails, &e. eft. Thankful for past patronage. we shall be happy to see and wait upon our old and new customers. All Goods and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. S. N. MITCBEELL. Montrose, April 10, 1866. P . 3.C:07e033.00 SEWING MACHINES. Highest Premium, Fair of the American Institute, 1965. (Gold Neural.) REPOITT or COUXIITEI or Aw*nns—RZ►soNß 1. Its simplicity and clumsy walrus of work. 2. Its making four di ff erent stitches, viz: The Lock, Knot, Double Lock and Doable Knot. S. The Reversib!e Feed motion—operated by simply turning a thumb screw—enabling the operator to run the work to the right or left, andonzar convenience of oats-fastening the ends of seams. 4. The perfect finish and substantial manner In which the machine Is made. 5. The rapidity of its working and the quality of the work done. 6. Its self-adjusting tension. Exhibited by H. C. TYLER. opposite Lathrop's. No. 1. $63. N 0.3, s7s.—With all the Fixtures. , Montrose, April 3. 1666. 3m Administrator's Notice. rISTATE of RACHEL. CHANDLER. dec'd, late of Herrick township, Susquehanna county, Pa. Letters of administration upon the estate o h the above named decedent having been granted tathe undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti• cited for settlement. ALVA CHANDLER, Adm`r, cam testament° 1112111110. Herrick, April 10, 1866. Executor's Notice. ESTATE of JEDEDIAII MED, late of West Win of. I Milf o r d, county. Connecticut, find formerly Now Susquetuinrus county, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed notice is hereby given to all persons indebted ye raid estate to make immediate payment, and those hay ing claims upon the same will prevent them duly attes ted for settlement. E. P. 'RRADVOIIII, Barterer. New Milford, March 27. 1868.441 t 30 figl [UMBER WAGONS FOR BALK at my Blacksmith Shop with notary Clemens. Montrose, April It Ms. EDW'D P. STAMP, NE WGOODS, Conttnaally Anlvlng at mit:rot:Pt imix_a_.vis. GLORIOUS NEWS ! To all tatarested to Sultas 3CEJEL'Ir GOODis. GREAT DECLINE VI PIUOREL, COOZ - Cl4st e5llarCilr11100•1 AT AUCTION iu.o ( Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co. aro now receiving part of their iSprixt.a Sertcoo3l3.. The senior partner of the arm, residing in New Terk, baying made large purchases at the late Auction Bala, we can ever great inducements to buyers. DON'T BUT YOUR DRY OXIDS Delay hash's aim as • call, and stisstal rsitessit et ear assertieas WS ARE NOW 111ILLU3G Good faat•eolored Prints, at • la, to 11 do per rt. American Sprague', Merri meek*, MI Best y'd wide Sbeeing, Atlantic A, Pacific 1,1111 " '• Medford, • • - • II " •• Fine Shirting, • - • 2$ " Best Spring Delaines—handsomepatternsill •• Dress Geode at half the former prices. 1. Lugo Steek of MDT MADE CUMIN, At Greatly Reduced Prices. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT ! 6uttenburg, ,Uostabanm k Co. Montrose, April 3d, IWO • JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, CHOICE FAMILY Ole 0 C 231/1122 _-!:! 9 BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, CPLCOCIIir..-IMI. ' 4 s"*, GLASS-WARE, IL &NIP oit,s, HARDWARE AND NAILS , Ø. Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. J. Ii.DeWITT. IMPORTANTroFEMALES 40*- 4- 494fe\tvc),' - C'e, (.( '4 o ' • 4 ;lc • (r PILL S ))1 Wlthicemmefdl:telyrrier wlt a bon e t g e n t . b a e ll Asstrr from relaxation o t h e pe ri o dic di ac d t ie lik e e m a t charst oths. in removing the pains that accompany moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reli able remedy for Flushes. Sick i• ea , ache. Paituitti the Loins, Back and Bides. Palpitation of the Start, ss?' vons Tremors, 'Hysteric*. Spasms. Broken elver. and other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an nnnste*l condition el the Whit e n fuctions. In speedy eases of Fluor Albus or sthey effect a am Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills* A re the only medicine that married and single ladies have relied on for mo , y years. orenn rely upon now, BLIVAItr ca , INITATIONIS Tho 2.! Pills form the finest preparation ever pnt thrums& with immediate sudper• sistent success. DON'T DE DECEIVED. Take thin advertisement ter your Dru-gist, And tell biro that you want the best and moat tel Female Meditin la the world, wtdcb. is comprised in Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills! They have received. and are now receiving the sage* tinn of the most eminent-Physiciens in /Merits, Explicit Directions with each box—the Price, 011/ Dollar per box, containing from 50 to 60 PM., Pills aentby mail, promptly, by remitting the'prise to the Proprietors, or any auihoriced agent, in comsat Sold by Druggists Generally, iturcniNos lIILLYER. Propittsters, ea Day street. New Tert; A IRE& TtIIHABLL, Vilmissais asd, Retail agent for Montrose and vicinity. Oct. SI. eomly Garden & Flower Seeds rot sw• iagg, fracnim, hreb in. Itat.