The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 08, 1866, Image 2

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TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1806
The Civil . Rights . BM:
Leading Repnblicans—Congressmen
and others—elaim that the civil rights bill,
in declaring negroes citizens of the Uni
ted States, confers upon them full politi
cal equality, including the right to vote in
all the states, to hold office and sit On ju
ries. We always believed that it was the
intention of the radicals to covertly force
negro' suffrage and negro equality upon
all the States under their construction of
of this and other acts.
Special Attention
II called to articles on fourth page this
The article on free railroads is from a
leading radical journal ; and we regret
that while most of the Democrats in last
legislature were favorable to such an act,
nearly all the Republicans were hostile to
it, and favored the corrupt, vote-buying
monopoly. Our Senator and Members
opposed the public interest, and voted to
give the monopoly arbitrary • power to
cripple the people's privileges. Why they
did so, we hope they will Busher.
The article on. Congress and-President,
shows the feelings of such Republicans as
are fur the Union. We hope the rabids,
before they call the writer a "traitor,"
will show wherein he is wrong—remem
bering that ho is one of their party, and
now writes, as fur four years as a soldier,
he fought—FOß TirE UNION.
The Philadelphia Age.
We ask favorable attention to the ad
vertisement of the Age, in this paper. It
is an excellent journal—soundly Demo
cratic, and a good newspaper. Published
in our State, it keeps its readers:posted in
matters relating to our interests in Penn
sylvania ; and is therefore preferable to
the New York journals, which not only
ignore our state matters, but are organs
of cliques and factions.
Cabinet Meeting on Reconstruction.
We copy the following dispatch to the
Associated Press, Of May 2d. We are
surprise& at Stautou's conversion to the
right side ; but ask seems to be confirmed
by later 'reports, we do not now qUestion
it. Radicalism is not only backing down,
but breaking• down, and- ,Grtary will go
lit iii emderstood that at the meeting to
day the Presiclierss invitee/ an expression
of opinion from the lirails of DPpartments
respecting the propositions reported on
Monday last by the Congressional Com
mittee on Reconstruction. An interest
ing and animated discussion is said to
have ensued,"in the course of which, if
rumor be true, Secretary Seward declared
himself' in very decided and emphatic
terms against the plan of the committee
and in favor of the immediate admission
of loyal representatives from the lately
disloyal States.
Secretary McCulloch was as positive as
the Secretary of State in his opposition to
the plan recommended by the committee,
and expressed himself strongly in favor of
au immediate consummation of the Presi
dent's restoration policy, by the admission
into Congress of loyal men from the
Southern States.
Secretary Stanton was equally decided,
in his opposition to the committee's pro'
positions, and was for adhering to the
policy which had been agreed upon and
consistently pursued by the Administra
tion. He was gratified that the President
had brought the subject to the constdera
don of the Cabinet.
Secretary Welter} was unequivocally
against the committee's scheme, and was
earnest in his support of the President's
policy, comprehending the instant adrnis
sign iutoCongress of loyal Representatives
from the States lately in rebellion.
Secretary Harlan was rather reticent,
and expressed no opinion.
Postmastev-General Dennison was in
favor of carrying out the restoration
policy of the President, but expressed his
doubts as to the precise time at which
loyal Representatives from the Southern
States should be admitted to seats- in
, •
Attorney - General Speed was riot pres
cot at the meeting, being on a. viskt to hisi
home in Kentucky.
The President was earnest in his oppc‘
'lion to the report of the committee, and
declared himself against all conditions .
precedent to the admission of loyal repre
sentatives from the Southern States in the
shape of amendments to the Constitutiqu
or the passage of laws. Re insisted that
under the C7)1313t1E1/11i011 no State could be
deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate,
and that Senators and Representatives
ought to be at once admitted into their
respective Houses, as prescribed by law
and the Constitution. lie was for a rigid
adherence to the Constitution, • as' it, is,
and remarked that basing snstained-oPr
selves underlie during a terrible rebellion,
• ---- -
he thought , that the fiovernment could
be restored without a. resort to amend. t
m ents. He remarked; in general terms,
that if the orgatie law is to be changed
at all, it should be at a time when the
States.aud all the people can participate
in the alteration.
- Editor.
More Reconstruction.
On May Ist, Mr.-Bnutwell, of Massa
chusetts, one of the (radical) members of
the Joint Committee of fifteen, introduced
s, substitute for the Committee's restora
tion bill, which promises that after Ten
nessee or Arkansas shall have ratified the
constitutional amendirients reported by
the Committee and adopted a uniform .
system of suffrage for all males within
their limits above the ale of twenty one
their Senators and Representatives if
found duly qualified, shall be admitted to
seats in Congress upon taking the oath
required by law. This contemp'ates com
pulsory negro suffrage on these States be
fore they are allowed representation in
Congress, and looks a little like opposi
tion to the majority plan
,of the commit
Mr. Bingham, (radical,) of Ohio, also
introduced - an amendment to Mr. Stevens'
bill, which he gave notice he would offer
at the proper time. It strikes out the
second section of the bill, which allows
the Southern States ten years to pay their
portion of the direct tax levied by act of
Congress in 1861.
It seems from these two propositions
that the Radicals on the committee have
not yet'agreed on any particular plan.
May 2d, Mr. Williams, of Oregon, of
fered an amendment to the bill reported
by the Committee of fifteen for the admis
sion of the Southern States. It provides
flint, the States shall be admitted after the
4th of March, 1867, with, the exception
of Tennessee and Arkansas, which shall
be admitted immediately on the ratifica
tion .of the proposed amendment.
Mr. Dixon, (Rep.) of Connecticut,zave
notice of his intention to offer an amend
ment to the Ulla and resolutions reported
by the Joint Committee on Reeenstrue•
tion, and as a substitute therefor, as fol
lows :
Resolved, tte., That, the interest of
peace : and the interests of the Union re
quire the admission of every State to its
share in pablic legislation whenever it
presents itself, not only in an attitude of
loyalty and harmony, but in the persons
of representatives whose loyalty cannot
,be questioned under any constitutional or
legal test.
(So from day to day the radical recon
struction theory crumbles in pieces.)
The Reconstruction Plan as Seen Thro'
the Eyes of an Honest Republican.
The Philadelphia Daily. News, a consistent Republican
newspaper, but one which cannot be induced to endorse
all the Infamous schemes of the Radical Disunionista,
tans speaks of the plan of reconstrattlon proposed by
Thad. Stevens' Committee of. Fifteen. la says:
•• lifter five months of severe labor the revolutionary
faction in Congress has at last brought forth what is
called by theirjounials a plan of reconstruction," the
main part of which in a 'proposed amendment to the
Constitution, which, when stripped of verbiage, is as
Section' 1. Negroes shall be mode citizens.
Sac. 2. States which do not - give negroes the privilege
of voting shall nut count them as population in the ap
portionment of representatives.
Site. 3. Only negroes and white men who opposed the
be,lion shall vote at the next presidential' election.
Sec. 4. Slave owners shall not be paid for the loss of
their Slaves by emancipation, end neither State. nor
the Federal goventirient shall pay the rebel debt.
SEC. fr Congress _shall have power to pass any law it
may see fit to pass, without regard to the conati•ntional
rights of the people and of the States, and without fear
of an executive veto.
It will be seen. that the first two sections give
equality sun franchise to negroes. whether they , have
been loyal or disloyal; and the third one deprives a
large number of white men. who have not been con
victed of any crime.. of the rights of eitizena. This is
something more than negro equality,and it will require
more than ordinary acuteness a vision to enable any
one to. see the justice of instating that States shall give
the right of citizenship to•uagsoes who have given - •att,
and comfort " to' the rebels, atutdeprive wince men of
It "
- - -
While we did not expect that tire de
liberations of a council notorious?) , under
the control of Thaddeus Stevens would
result in any,good, we confess. the report
of the Committee on Reconstruction, sub
mitted to Congress on yesterday, took us
by surprise. Statesmanship, magnanimi
ty common justice, were not to be looked
for at such hands, but the enemy of the
Radicals who respects their wisdom least,
never imputed to them ignorance of the
demands of the people and of their tem
per so gross as that betrayed by the prop
ositions which they have spent. five weary
months in perfecting. If we should re
gard their work from a partisan stand
point, and consider it only with reference
~o the bearing it will have on the coming
elections; we could cheerfully cry out
" well done," and cordially thank them
for it in behalf of she. Democracy. But.
we do not choose to so consider it. Meas
ures upon which depend the peace of
these States, the perpittuity of the Union,
and the exemption of posterity from the
woes which have fallen so heavily upon
our generation, are of too grave consider
ation to be fought or favored with any
reference to the number of votes that they
may win for one 'party or lose for another
at. this year's election: or the next. Hence, /
although we sincerely believe that, theue-.
lion of the. Committee on Reconstruction
will insure and probably hasten the ulti
mate down-fall of. the vast and corrupt
party against which .we have battled ever
since it-lad'amarne, we cannot forget that
it will.also postponelherestoration of We.'
Union,. which is at this moment the object
nearest to the hearts of the people and of
highest consequence to their welfare.
The constitutionafamendment reported
by the committee eontains five sections
which we will consider in their proper
order. The first is simply iv re-enactment
of the Civil. Rights bill o intended to save
that onions measure from thedoom which
awaits it at the hands A* judiciary. The
second excludes .from the basis of repre
sentation all citizens over the age of
twenty-one years who are denied the
eleetivelranchise under the laws of any
State, "except-for participation in rebel
lion or other crime." Commenting on
-0A A1w...---
this section, a Radical jonmat of this city
remarks with shameless frankness: "The
provision reaches the North as well as the
South, but the effect upon the nave States
will be to leave them with greatly abbre-
viated power until they give suffrage to
all their people."
In other words, we must give up our
own rights as the price of trampling on
those of our neighbors. We must endure
negro suffrage in Pennsylvania, that the
Raicals may secure permanent control of
the South through the agency of the
blacks. But although the avowal which
we haVe quoted is bold enotvzh to be
startling, it, by no means expresses the
full effect of the section under considera-
tion, which, while it takes care that the
Degrees in the South shall get votes be
yond peradventure ► is quite as careful to
provide for the disfranchisement of the
white people. " Participation in the ro
hellion " is made a lawful ground for de-
priving men of votes, and those who are
thus denied the ballot are nut to be ex-
eluded from the basis of representation.
As the Radical theory is that all the ne
groes in the South were loyal through the
war, and that all the white people were
rebels, it will be seen at a glance that,
under this section, while the whites can-
not disfranchise the blacks, except under
the penalty of a vast sacrifice of repro•
sentation, the blacks can disfranchise the
whites without any sacrifice at all. And
this from the party of eqnal rights and
moral ideas !
The next section provides that " until
the 4th day of July, 1870, all persons who
voluntarilyadhertdto the late insurrection,
giving it aid and comfort, shall be exclu•
ded from the right to vote for members
of Congress and for electors for President
and Vice-President of the United States."
Although so worded as to appear to
refer only to a class, this section practi
cally disfranchises the whole white popu
lation of the Southern States for the next
four years. Mr. Thaddeus Stevens has
declared more than once that there were
not any loyal white people in the South
during the rebellion, and 'his interpreta
tion of the section would undoubtedly
regulate the agents of his party who
would be intrusted with the care of the
ballot-box, if the amendment should be
The next section provides that neither
the United States nor the States engaged
in rebellion shall ever pay the rebel war
debt or claims for compensation for
emancipated alaves. Considering that
excessive zeal to pay debts which there is
no legal method of recovering, is not, one
of the infirmities of man, and especially
not one o4' the vireo of this age and coun
try, we must regard this provision as sini
ply and ridiculonsly superfluous The fifth
and last section provides that Qpngress
shall have power to enforce the previous
ones by " appropriate legislation."
The "legislation " which the committee
regarded as " appropriate," is embodied
iu two bills which they submitted to Con
gress with . their report. One of these
provides that everybody in the South
shall be ineligible to office who was
thought worthy to hold it under the gen
eral government before the war, or in the
Confederate States during the rebellion,
or who had merit enough to rise above
the rank of colonel in the army or master
in the navy of those States. The other,
which prescribes the conditions upon which
the commonwealths of the South shall be
granted representation, completes the in
famy of this "plan," and makes manifest
the hypocti , y of the demagogues who
conceived it. One of. these conditions,
under the guise of a premium for the ac
ceptance of the amendment, allows those
States ten years within which to pay the
national taxes which have been charged
against them since 1861. But it is in an
other that, we find the lurking serpent.—
It is in these words:
Be award, That whenever the above
recited amendment, shall have become a
part, of the Constitution, and any State
lately in insurrection shall have ratified
the same, and shall have modified its Con
stitution and laws in conformity there
with, the Senators and Representatives
from such State, if found duly elected
and qualified, may, after having taken the
required oaths of office, be admitted into
Congress as such.
It will be seen that even if the South
ern States should, every one of them, ac
cept the abominable and unrighteous con
ditions sought to be imposed upon them,
they may still be excluded from repre
sentation for an indefinite period. Their
status cannot be re-established without
the help of enough Northern Statei to
make a three-fourths vote, because the
fruition of their hopes and the restoration
of their rights is postponed until the
amendment "shall have become a part of
the Constitution." There is craft in this
—base, devilish craft. The great conser
vative masses of the North who would
give to the States of the South their equal
rights without a moment's delay s. are com
pelled either to leave them unrepresented
for an indefinite period, or to purchase
their admission by yielding assent to ne
gro suffrage. Equality for the blacks in
the North, and absolute dominion for
them in the South, are now openly de
manded by the Radicals as the price of
representation for the whites. Can any
one be credulous enough to believe that
the men who make this atrocious demand
have any object in view.other than that of
perpetuating their party power? Can the
Union ever be restored on such a basis as
this ? And if it should be: restored on
such a basis, *Mild it b 6 worth having or
'keeping ? Let the people ponder these
questions,and sound a thundering answer
to them in the ears of the demagogues
who are seeking to pervert tbe Constitu
tion of their fathers into an engine for the
destruction of their liberties.—. Age, Afay 1,
—A young man; who was at work on the dam, at To
wanda, fell Into the river and was drowned. one day last
Clymer and Geary. ' •
The Philadelphia Age of the 23 in a leading article
on the Gubernatorial canvass, draws the following stri
king and truthful comparison between the candidates of
the respective parties
Mr. Clymer stands modestly In the gaze of the people
of Pennsylvania, and appealing to the pure record of his
private and his public life, asks their suffrages. Shall
that appeal be vain 1 We feel Confident that It will not
be, and that long before Oitober Cornea, there will be
developed, within this really Democraticcommonvvealth
that sort of feeling. a mingled anxiety and trustfulness
in honest men, which will - make a large majority cling
to such a one as 111 ester Clymer, pure, untainted. incot
rept, when all or most around him are stained with
corruption, and place him at the helm of local govern
ment in the rure faith that he u 111 guide the ship of
state safely.
Mr-Clymer haa a distinction in tiles, dreary times of
mica which is ntidisputed, That a cloud of darkr,ltapi
don rests dpon the local legislatures of the Sorth, and
thattutineuces other than pare have from time to time
been operative, will hardly be denied, The conscious
ness of it la the great element of the despondency with
which thoughtful men look into the Mare of our popu
lar institutions. But for each men as Mester Clymer
and a few others like him, this despondency might be
come despair. But let tut hopefully and proudly remem
ber that ?dr. Clymer is conceded to be a Man private
and public life, of Unhlemleherl Integrity. and that the
records of both may be searched in vain for even the
slightest inculpation of him. Ile is no jobber, no cor
poration pensioner. no veteran Incumbent of small office
like Geary, and ifelected Governor wilt be Governor In
every sense. It will be like going back to good old
fashioned times—to what may he described as the prc-
Po Hock era of Pennsylvania. That he will be elected
triumphantly, we do not permit ourselves to doubt.
Every element Is In his favor. The Democratic organi
zation is etTectire and well directed. The abolition par
ty Is rent In twain, and the great army of office holders,
once so compact. la quite likely to become the great ar
my of martyrs. Geary awakens no enthusiasm, and has
no friends. There is nothing -either sterling or attrac-
I five about him. Ills military fame is pinchbeck. It
don't shine brightly, and won't bear handling. In short
everything, to course dependent on activity aid zeal. is
In our favor. Let that activity and zeal not be wanting.
Circulate Democratic Newspapers.
One of the most vitally essential steps to secure dem
ocratic Success in the coming campaign is the circula
tion of Democratic newspapers among the people and
with a vii w toaceumplieb this much desired result, we
call upon the leading Democrats In the county to see
that every Democrat in the several townships Is supplied
with a Democratic newspaper. irony one appears to
be unwilling to subecribe, convince him that It le a du
ty he owes to himself, to his family and the party tom-ta
t:tin ite.preset. Übe is unable to pay for it fora year
urge him to take it for six months. We have no doubt
but that there are hundreds of voters in this county
who do not receive any local paper, and some of them
no paper at all. If each one of them would get a good
Democratic paper in his house it would have a great in
fluence. It sl Impnrtatit, therefore, that every Demo
cratic family should have a good Democratic newspaper
In his booed. The seeds of correct principles thus sown
silently will be sum In the end to spring up and produce
and harvest. We submit these facts to our Iferno
cratgoic friends. Hared. mocratic papers on your bibles.
and when your republican neighbors come to visit you
they will pick them up and read them, and the troth will
t this way be presented to many and produce convic
t bn, whereas. otherwise they would through prejudice.
a Ways stand in their own light and never get their eyes
open. A good democrat should feel like supporting a
county organ, and thus help to spread the truth. Maw ,
persons do not think so far. Besides if papers are well
supported, their publishers will be encouraged to make
them more interesting and efficient.
Causes of Crime.
Dr. Blanchard Fosgate, for many yearn physician to
the State Prism nt Auburn. and one of the most emi
nent medical men of New York. has recently Issued a
pamphlet entitled Crime and Punishment," which is
worthy of a good, dent more attention than It in likely to
get. Dr. Fusgate, who has made the causes of crime a
study. has found that besides rum and ignorance there
are others quite as potent and prevalent. Many honest
people will be startled to find abolition preaching. test
ont*s. and Maine liquor laws, classed along with ardent
spirits and obscene books, as causes of crime. Bat it
does not tetract from the value of the truths stated by
Dr. Fosgatr that a great part of his fellow-citizens arc
yet in ignorance of them.
An Important Bounty Bill.
An Important bill equalizing the local bounties of this
State, passed the Legislature. It provider not all vete
ran volunteers who have not received any local bounty,
nor given their credit to localities outside the State,
shall be paid $3 by such city. county, ward or borongh
as received credit for their re-enlistment. School Direc
tors. or other proper officers, are required to levy taxes
fortho payment of these bounties. It the veteran has
vino died. his legal representatives are entitled to col
lect the money.
Semite bill for the admission of Colorado came up in
the House quite unexpectedly this afternoon, and was
pressed to a final ♦ute, which resulted in its passage by
yeas to lir) nays. All the Democrats. and about bittern
or twenty Republicans, voted against it. Mr. Wash
burne's provisos that the bill should not tato effect un-
UI the constimlion of Colorado shall have been
amended by striking out the word white "as a quali
fication Inc voters, was lost.
FRAIMDLAIII.—The reason Achy General Frnnk
Blair was rejected by the Senate ■n COneetOr f Inter
nal Bayonne for the bi,trict of St. 1,0116, has not trans
pired. Much tgirprire is expressed at the result, and
among others by Lieutenant-General Grant, who says
that to him the country is indebted more than to any
other man that Missouri was prevented from seceding.
He spoke with earnestness of the important milizary
services of General, then Colonel Blair at that time and
has since tendered the country.
In Montana. It el re hundred and forty-two votes were
polled In Chuuteng county, where therp are not over
one hundred and filly voters all told. Major Gad. ,E.
Upson, a brother of Representative Upson of Michigan,
and the Republican candidate for congress front that
Territory, received eleven hundred and ei,, ,, hty-nine 01
these votes ! Acting Governor Meagher, however, or
dered this vote to be rejected, as an infamous attempt
to defraud dm people of Montana out of a Representa
tive of their choice.
PlT'The Bradford Itiporter, a disunion sheet, has an
artiere which opens by saying that - it has became a uell
settled conviction, that an uncomprumisit g and irre
concilable political difference, now exisis between
President Johnson and the Republican Party as ex
pressed through Its representatives in Congress."
['The venerable Rev. Dr. Breckinridge, of Ken.
tacky, who was President of the Convention In 1864, ,
which nominated Abraham Lincoln and Andrew John•
sou for President and Vice President, has written a
strong letter in support of President Johnson's vetoes
and his general policy for a speedy restoration of the
—Governor Curtin has expressed hie approval of the
sentence of the Court in the case of Probst. the murderer
or the Dearing family, and will unhesitatingly sign the
death warrant.
—Twenty-two out of the forty-six Repnplican papers
in California support the President's policy, as do all
the Democratic papers.
—By reeenttadvices It appears that Austria, notwith
standing, the warning given by our minister not to dis
patch troops to Mexico, has embarked the first install
ment to that country.
—General Thomas states that the people of Louisiana
accept the Vituation,mrc anxious (or the restoration of
the Union. and disposed to treat the blacks well.
—The total loss by the recent 'great kerosene Are in
Detroit Mover $1,000,000. The loss of Ilfo Is lessened s
little. although several.persons a e still missing.
—This is the latest Prenticiuna " Sir, did ion ever
see a dead duck 1" " Yes, an • Occasional' one."
—Gen John A. Dlx has written n strong letter In ta•
tor of President Johnson's policy for an immediate and
full restoration of the Southern States by admitting at
once their Representatives and Senators to their mita
in Congress.
—Ths rules of matrimony in Michigan are not exactly
as they ought to be. A broken-down play actor recently
was permitted to marry a child of eleven years, at De
twit. In another town, two men recently exchanged
wives, and at another place a fellow sold his wife for
live pounds of maple sugar. No wonder they let negroes
vote in dist State.
—Parson lirownlow says, "f am not afraid to Indorse
Sumner and Stevens on my dung hill." A dung bill is
the only place where they should be Indorsed,
—The Southern Methodist Conference at New Orleans
has voted to change the name of the Church from
Methodist Episcopal Church to simply the Methodist
--A criminal; confined in the jail at Ravenna. Ohio,
recently becoming, unmanageable, was effectually
quieted by the injection Into his cell of two pounds of
—A simple minded Republican office-seeker from
Connecticut closed a recentlapplitation tothn Primident
with the Inquiry whether the breach between the Pres'.
dent and Congress could be repaired. The President,
on the spur of the moment, replied by mail 'bat ho was
not now repairing breeches b 0 much as ho was.
—The Convention called to consider the propriety of
organizing a separate State government for East Ten
nessee, met at Knoxville on Thnrsday.
—Among the jnrymen of the Supremo Court, of Rhode
Island, impannelled on Monday, wits a negro.
—A. case of cholera. resulting in death, has occurred
ID the city of New York.
—A young man died suddenly in Albany on Tnesday
afternoon of what is supposed to be cholera. Ile was
well up to a late hoer Monday evening, when he was
suddenly attacked with diarrhea, followed bY th Proud'
sent symptoms of cholera.
—The Secretary of War announces. in general court.
martial orders; that the sentence of death In the case of
one hundred and sevent}three Santee Sioux Indian
prisoners has been remitted by the President.
New Licensi raw.
The following Act relative to the licensing of notels,
Inns, Taverns sod Iteetsuranut, in thief:tutu, Was passed
by the Legislature ut Its late session, and is now a law.
is more restrictive in its provisions than the former
license laws :
•AN ACT further to regulate the licensing of Hotels.
In is, Taverns and hating Houses, lu this Common-
wealth :
Sec. I. Belt enacted by the Senate and Uprise of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In kicurral Assemnly suet, and It Is hereby enacted by
tho authority of the same, That It shall be btraW for the
several courts of quarter sessions of this Commonwealt h.
to hear petitions in addition to that of the appli
cant, lu favor of and remonstrances against the ap-
. .
plicatlon of any person applyh.g to either of 'nem for
licenre to keep a hotel, tun, tavern, eating house or
restaurant. and also to examine In court or by &pool-
Don under oath. the eittnere or any of them, to the peti
t.on of the applicant for any such license or other per
sons, and if any such court shall be satisfied that such
hotel, tun or tavern, or restaurant, as the case may be.
Is an unlit or Improper pereou to rt ceive the same, then
raid court may ranee to grant such &license. And the
pre,- section of the act of fourteenth of April, Anno
Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, Is
hereby repealed: Provided. That persons produced in
court for examination as provided by this act, shall be
entitled to the sank fees as are now allowed wltnesses
attending upon the courts of this Commonwealth, to be
poi i d by the petitioner or remonstrauts, or some of them,
as the court may direct.
Sec, 2, That hereafter licenses to restaurant,- and
eating-hi:testa., shall not be gmnted.bytlhe county trea
surer of any county, but such !terrine, If granted, shall
be issued from the court of quarter sessions of the
several conutit 5. on the same terms and under the same
restrictions and regulations as are applied to Inns and
taverns, and all acts or pans of acts it.consistent with
this section, are Lereby repealed: Provided, That this
act shall not apply to the city of Philadelphia.
Tuts AXE.—The removal of the Postmasters at Aar.
risburg. Pittsburgh and Allegheny thy In this State Is
annoanceff —radicals, to be succeeded by republicans
that sutiport the administration. We had hoped that
the President would continue to sct upon thouttspel
injunction "Love your enemies, bless them that Mime
you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and
prosecute y ou ." Carbondale .4 draftee.
Put the President can Love, bless and pray for those
who curse him n Mout giving them an office.
—Confl,eatlon proceedings In the United States Dis
trict Coutt nt Florida, have been stopped
by au order from President Johnson, Stud all the property
now in poesessioa of the government authorities will
be immediately-restored.
The Bombardment of Valparaiso.
The days when Drake roved the waters
and ravaged the coasts of the Southern
portion of this continent seem to have re
turned. The bombardment of Valparai
so on the 31st of March by the Spanish
fleet Ander Admiral Nunez, is an act wor
thy of the darkest period of the world's
history. There is not one feature to re
deem it from the execration of the civiliz
ed world. It will stand, as do the sack
ing and plundering of towns by the for
e aof those ruffians who lived in open
outlawry with all mankind, a deed not to
be excused, much less defended or just i ,
fied. No good could arise from this in
famous act of wanton barbarity. Spain
commenced hostilities against Chili on :l
pretext which is not received its sufficient
by a single Christian power. In this war
she has been overmatched by the bravery
and patriotism of the Chilians and their
allies. The old spirit which animated the
people of the South American provinces
when they threw off the bated yoke of
Spain, and assumed a separate and inde
pendent nationality, reanimated the sons
of those who fought in the war of inde
pendence, and they made good the decla
ration that Spain should not insult or
trample npon the South American repub
lics without receiving blow for blow.
Baffled in her design to crush Chili and
her allies, Spain resolved upon an exhibi
tion of vengeance upon the defenseless
city of Valparaiso. The Chi ian govern- i
rent having no fleet to a ithstaed that t I
Spain, there was nothing-in the wax of a
WI and entire execution of the imperial
order, and on the 31st if larch the show
er of shot and shell cot Menced upon the
Boon e I city, ai.d con inued for ne irly
three hours. The larger Spanish vessels
were anchored son e distance from the
town, but the small,r ones ran close in
and directed their tire upon "dwering
houses," in order to destroy life as well as
property. During the bombardment,
men, women and children, who had escap
ed front the city, crowded the wirroun
ding hills, and gazed upon the Conflagra
tions which were raging in many pars of
the town. The cry was vengeance upon
Valparaiso, and the tiring continued un
til the Admiral signaled a cessation of the
bombardment. The destruct ion of prop
erty is estimated at twet.ty millions of
dollars. The loss of life is not given, but
it, must have been considerable, as a por
tion of the fleet directed its fire especially
against " d welling houst s," . and all the
inhabitants of the doomed portions of the
city could not have escaped before the fir
ing began. As large quantities of proper
ty belonging to neutrals were iri the Cus
tom House, and therefore destroyed by
the action of the Spanish fleet, the Span
ish government may have to account to
other nations for work performed on the
31st of March.
Unless some action is taken by other
nations, it is expected that Caldera, Co
quimbo, and other ports on the Pacific
will share the fate of Valparaiso. What,
Spain cannot subdue she will destroy.
Nor will she be careful that her blows fall
only upon the property of enemies. They
did not at Valparaiso, and what ()mum d
at the bombardment of that town will be
repeated, unless prevented by remon
strance or through more potential agrn
The Joint Committee of Fifteen.
The -almost unanimous opposition of
the Cabinet to the report of the Joint
Committee of fifteen rather surprised the
Radicals at the Capitol to day. It seems
to be conceded that Stanton has worked
himself over to the support of the Presi
dent's policy, although heretofore regar
ded as its bitter opponent. ?Jr. Harlan,
the Secretary of the Interior, is lett solita
ry, and alone, as the only anti-adrninistra
-1 ion man in he Cabinet, unless Speed, the
Attorney General, may be classed iu the
same category.
Our Ex-Governors.
All but one of the living ex-Governors
of the State—Democrats, Whigs, and Re
publicans—namely, Govs. Porter, Bigler,
Packer, Johnson and Ritner, nre also in
favor of Mr. Johnson's policy and against
` - the revolutionary course of the radical
Disunionists of the Romp Congress.
Banks are . Pitilini,
But the people should not fail to see
the new adv. of Stone da Warner, and
call on them at Judge Tyler's old stand.
Religions Notice.
The Susquehanna Association of UM
versalists will hold a Conference in Mont
-rose, May leth and 17th. All aro invited
to attend. Several clergymen from
abroad are expected. Per Order.
Mg AVE removed their business to the Store formerly
rl owned and occnpled by M. C. Tyler. one door
south of J. S. Terhetre Hotel, where they arc reccirin:
en entire new stock of
Family Groceries,
Washington May 2.
Ready Made CloUling,
Which we propose to sell for very smaiLproilts.
N. S.—Particular attention paid to slatpplag /arm.
et's Produce, Sutter, etc. to New York, arm prompt rt..
twits made.
0. L. STONE. - -
Montrose, May 8, 1886.
BY virtue ors writ teemed by the Court of Common
ilia Pleas of Susquehanna County, and to me directed,
1 will expooe to sale, by public vendue, at the Court
Mouse, in Montrose. on Saturday. June dd. I
o'clocL.p.m., the following described piece or parcel of
laud, to wit :
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the
township of Bridgewater, Susquehanna county,
tmanded and described as follows, to wit: ta r
north by lands of William Chamberlin and lands late of
Samuel :Thamberiln, on the east by lands of Daniel hit-
Cidlum and lands formerly of Harvey Gritin.on the
south by lands now or late of Ilichard Slay and John
Wood. and on the west by lauds of John Trumbull, con.
coining one hundred and slaty acres of land, be the same
more or less, withthe appurtenances, one framed house,
one carriage house, two name one stied, two orchards,
and about one hundred and twenty event:reit improved.
(Taken in execution at the suit of David Morgan rs.
Sheila's Mee, Montrose, May 7,. Wilk
Administrator's Notice.
L' STATE of JOKY MORAN. deceased , late et
Bridgewatertownship. SoN's county, Pa.
Letters of administration upon the estntcof the shore
named decedent busin beau g ranted to tbe undersign.
ed, all persons Indebte d to said estate ere hereby non
fled to matte Immediate payment, and those tiring
claims against the same to present them duly suthenti.
cacti fur settlement.
MontroPc, May 8, 1846.
Ifi=IEGOI u*N. Ira' 4=ll
NM . e 0 irtb. 13r Sae,
Great Improvements and Great Inducements
—The best Family Joarsl9i in the
. Stole.
The Pahliabera of `TILE WEEKLY AGE - will plefent
their Sione on Saturday. May 4. /SO. Ina bandstm• and
Improved form. it will be In all respects
adapted to the Politician. the Farmer, the
Merchant. the Afechanic. the Family Circle awl tas
General Reader, hawing, In fact, every chaiacternitie ol
At an early day will be begun
by one of the moat popular and taselnatlny, anthors, and
It is also the Intention to publish, from week to week,
in the canine of the year, three or tour of the
In order to place this Journal within the reach of sit
it will be furnished until the drat Saturday after the So
-1 bernatorial election, at. the eV-wooly low price of
75 Cents for a. Single Copy.
The following scale of prises has been adopted for Oh
regular weekly issue :
One copy, one year, $O,OO
Five copies, 11,00
Ten copses, 17.50
Twenty copies, =Di
In all cases where the papers are rent to one adderr .
the following deduction will be made ;
Ten copies, ono year, $16,511
Twenty copies, 30,03
One copy will be furnished gratis for getting up a
club often, to one addresis fur one year.
The'anove terms will be rigidly adhered to, and no
notice will be taken of n subscription until paid in sd
• .oire.
The Postage for " TUE WIEELT AGE," If prepaitlrls
flee cents per quarter, 'far twenty cents per annum.
4.3 u Übe •tnot
Philadelphts, Pa.
liar The Greatest Victory Vol.—Colon
struck in five minutes. The abuse heading of a recent
bulletin from the Scat of War la josh reepects applica
ble to the results of
when bronght* In contact with hair of any ohninlous
tint. Nice minutes removes the undestrahle,eolbr. re
placing It with the richest black or brown, Nestsln le
loft on the scalp, no damage Is done to the hair by this
fine emollient vegetable <lye.
Manufactured by J. CRISTADOIIO, No. 6 Miler
llousr. Now York. Sold by Dragr,ists. Applied !Vail
Hair Dresser's. [Apr. 15 Imp.
IV - Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh -
Treated with the utmost success by be. J. ISAACS, Coe
enlist and Armlet, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No.
MU Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from ids
most reliable sources in the City and Country clack
seen at his office. The medical faculty are Incited test
company their opatlents„ as be has no secrets in his
practice. ARTIFIcrAL EYES Inserted without psis.
No charge made for examination. : [July XI, 1865. ly
VW — Errors of ontb.—A gentleman who elf.
n•red for years from nervous debility, premature decay,
and all the effectsof youthful indiscretion, will. Ix the
sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who seed
it, the" recipe arid directions for making the simple real
edy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to molt
by the advertiser's eaperience. N
can do en lAy_adetteesbit
10111 B, Ot3DDNk .
- - No. 13 Chambord street, New Tort.
Dec. 26, 1843.- lyamp -
larDr. Tobtast Vlsuothin • Ltallicient. —
A certain cure for pains la limbs bud back, mire throes
crbnmbesmatlem, cottc. At. A poilect dumb" mai
dee, end never-fails. Read!' Bead ! t Remit t !
Lreorm Wayne Co. Michlgin, June l& 1859 •
Thus to to certify that my tette was taken with gale
sey Sore Throat; it commenced to swell, and Was I °'
sore that she could not swallow. snd coughed violent
ly_ I used-your Liniment, and made a perfect cure in
one week. I firmly believe pat bat _for the Liniment
she 'worthd have lost her Me, - JOHN H. HARLAN.
Price 40 and 60 cents.
Sold by all druggists. Oftlce 56 Cordova St. Now York
apr. 15 Imp N •
larlro Conatimptivea.—The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks bg,si very simple
remedy , after having suffered several years with a se.
vete lung affbction, and that dread disease. Consular
tint —fs anxious to make known to hie fellow-eufferers
the means of care.
TO nil who desire it. he will Benda copy pt the pre
sesintion used (lees uf Cbarge,l with, the Wreetlons for
preparing and using the eame„ which they will .And
sure cure for Consumption, slim*. Bronchitis. Colds.;
Coughs. and ail thmat and tang affections. The only
object of the advertiser in sending the prescription Is to
benefit the afflicted, and spread , information which be
conceive* to bo Invaluable ant he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy. as it will Coat them nothing, and
may proves blessing. ,
' Parties wishing the iireiscriptims, rims, byretsra
mail, will please address
Williamsburg, lilags o, New Task.
Dec. .%, 11%5.—lysaip