The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 03, 1866, Image 3

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    corriv - Pir
"cc r ll , 33te
, •
Ist. WO of the Money , due us; which
is mostly m sums of $2. to $5, &c.
2d. 1000 new subscribers to this paper,
kith t' , e pay in advance.
3d. That Democrats should send their
job printing and advertising (such as legal
notices, sales, &o.) to this office, and not
allow their lawyers or neighbors to send
bath matters elsewVere.
4th. An enlargement of the Montrose
DSMOCRAT, at an early day.
Supply the first three necessary wants,
and we will attend to the fourth, at once.
CLUB together, friends, PAY up and then
T orst.s up your subscriptions. For each
biz new subscriptions, paid for, we send
one copy, free; and we want to give away
150 copies iu a short time.
Report at April Court;
Fatal Occurrence.
On Thursday last, the steam saw mill
o f IValmmo Jo Gay, in Meshoppen, burst
its boiler, killing the fireman, Mr. Woml
ruff. The engine was thrown about 20
r ods ; and , a piece of the bent r, weighing
a bout, 1,500 lbs. was thrown some 60 rods.
Scranton Business College.
Some mouths since we advertised a pro
rosod college as above, and wondered
Ora we had no notice of its being opened.
We now learn that the enterprise failed
en neconnt of the senior of the firm aban
doning it ; and the junior, unable to go
on with it alone, has become connected
with a College at New Haven, Coun.
Postmasters Resigned.
In Connecticut,the Post master at Hart
ford, who supports the Democratic tick
et, offered his resignation on that account,
but the Piendent did not accept ; the
Posttnaster at Norwich, who supports e
rt-i.u!dican ticket, offered his resignation
1 r that reason, and the President accer
ed it ; the Postmaster at Forestville, who
,it,ports the Republican ticket, did not
vier Ilis resignation, but the President,
when requested, removed him.
In this State there are several Post
masters and others who support Geary,
and are afraid to try the resignation ex
periment ; so they await their removal,
is only a question of time.
Advertisement Withdrawn.
The Reno Oil and Land Company was
. a.. 7 4ertised in this paper last week, but is
lac) WTI cut this week. We had been in
duced to suppose it to be " all right," and consented to publish for it, although
I.cretofore rejecting all others. The Treas
l.rer of the Company has failed, and the
s:ock may be worthless or good iu future;
we not pretend to predict in relation to
-that point, but only for the present recall
dl we allowed the Co. to state in our col-
::mnv, le:tvloz them to gatisly the people
future in reference to their reliability.
Bank Suspensions.
The notes of the following named Penn
banki are not received by Coop
,r A: Co., Bankers, in Montrose.
Crate ford county.
County Bank.
Ban:. of Lawrence county.
4 :lty Bank.
co. Mull:, at Franklin
Petruietuu li.iuk, at Titusville.
Several other banks said to be connect.
t , l with Culver, Penn 8: Co., are under
sil:picion, and song 'days may elapse be
tore their isassured. The above
rimed ftr.r, are extensive New York
Bankers, and Culver is Treasurer of the
Reno Oil and Land Company, of which
G. A. Grow is President. - Culver having
or suspended, the banks connected
him in the - oil business, are affected.
W e copy from the Titusville Henyht:•
"The banks in which the .New . roi - k
'house are commonly reported to he inter
eted, and which, if so, are most. likely to
r,e ingloriously affected by the failure, are
follows: Petroleum Bank, Titusville;
Venango County Bank, Franklin ; First
National Bank, Corry ; Bank of Lawrence
County, N r ewcastl,e ; Crawford County
Bank, Meadville; Oil City Bank, Oil C.t ;
First National Bank, Plummer ; A. D.
Cotton A - ; Co., Petroleum Centre. There
were other banks in various parts of the
country—doe at Bucyrus, Ohio, one or
more in Indiana—in short-a total of thir
teen, all of which; wti believe made their
deposits with Culver, Penn & Co:, New
List of Jurors
Drawn for the Term of Court tommen on Monday, April 2d, 18613 :
A oburn,Cbatles Fidler Nathan Green,
John R. Licej,"John W. Smith, - N. 4:
tob.ens. +s•
Arlacon--Jamec Hickey.
Arirat—W. F. Hathaway.
Bridgewater—J. Baldwin.
Choccmut—Henry DeneL
Dimock—Wm. F. Lathrop, Urbane
Forest Lake--Mahlon Griffig, Jas E.
Patch, Isaac Strange, W. J. Turrell.
Friendsville—D. 4F. Glidden.
Great Bead Borough—W. Paintin.
Harford—T. Carpenter.
Jackson—Wallace Barrett, J. Foster,
L L. Leonard, Franklin Bryant.
Jessup—Thos. J. Depue, Lucius Smith.
Montrose-4.'Cockayne: " •
Oakland—M. Middaugh, Thorn Ander
Rush—Jackson Baker, N. Hillis.
Susq. Depot—F. R. Drake.
Silver Lake—B.T. Gage, Mathew Hays,
i SPriotvMS—E'lt. Seotir t .Tolm
/Ur The editor of the Montrose Demo.
crat hangs out his flag in celebration of
the President's veto of the Civil Rights
bill. Re needs no urging now, as he did
when the returned soldiers persuaded him
to celebrate Union victories over rebels in
arms in a similar manner.—Montrose Rep.
Guess the veto gives our neighbor the
choln; se bad that he can't tell the truth,
for his insinuation that our action in any
such matter was ever controlled by any
one, is untrue; and whether he bases his
statement upon idle rumor or manufac
tUres it, we know not, but it is utterly
ilgir Senator Foot, of Vermont, died
in Washington, on the 28th, at nine
Our Terms.
One copy of the Democrat one year, $2
IN ADVANCE. For $l2 we send seven
copies fur one year to NEW subscribers.
Organize for the Campaign.
The first duty of the Democracy of
Pennsylvania at the present time says the
Lancaster Intelligencer, is organization.
Victory will not come for the asking.
We must labor for it, we must write for
it, we must organize for it. It will perch
upon our banners at the end of the pres
ent contest, if we use vigorously and per
severingly the means within our reach.
Teachers' Institute.
The services of Prof. Clark, of Parma,
N. Y., have been secured to conduct an
Institute at some point on the rail-road,
(probably New Milford,) about the mid
dle of April. This will afford Teachers
who may need certificates a good oppor
tunity to make application.
Al. who take an interest in the welfare
of our Schools are earnestly invited to at
tend. Particulars hereafter.
Sup't Susq'a Co
Aliens, Attention !
Every alien who does not wish to be
governed by negro votes, should take out.
his naturalization papers at April Court.
Two witnesses must be present, to prove
residence. Soldiers can get, full papers at
on c e, upo n one year's residence. Let ev
ery case be attended to by the parties
and their friends. Those rho• " declare
their intentions" now, can be prepared to
vote for President in 1808.
No witness is needed in filing "inten
Aliens resident five years in the coun
try, three . years of which were before
they were 21 years of age, can get full pa
pers on first application with proof of the
New York Wholesale Prices,
Reported for the Afontrose Democrat by
Jost Alt CARPIZSTRE, Commission merch
ant, 323 Washington et. New York, to
whom shipments of produce may be made.
Two thirds of the market value will„ be
advanced on the receipt of the goods if
desired, and a quick return made for the
balance. Full directions and a weekly
market report sent free of charge by mail
to those making_ shipments.
Prices for Me weekending Arch 31, 1863.
Beans, white sound, per ba., 140 225
Butter in tubs, per pound, 45 55
" firkins, ~ 35 45
‘, rolls, LI 30 40
Cheese, choice, " 18 22
44 common, " 12 16
Dried Apples ill 12 15
Dried Plums, per lb. 35 40
" Cherries, 40 50
" Raspberries, 40 50
" Blackberries, 30 35
Eggs, fresh, per dozen, 24 25
Flour, wheat, per barrel, 800 15 00
" rye, It 500 550
Corn Meal, per lined. 200 210
Buckwheat tiour, per hued. 350 410
Flax, per lb. 40 26
Feathers, rlive geese, per lb., 70 .. 75
Beef Sides, " 10 12
Matton in carcass, " 10 12
Veal, " 11 13
Pork, dressed, _ At 11 13
Wheat; per bushel, , 170 200
Rye, II i 68 75
Oats, 1,4 '
. 48 54
Corn, ti 73 75
Hides, dry, per pound, 30 35
" green, 41, /1 16
Hops, prime, per lb. _ 50 70
Lard, common to best, per lb., 16 18
Beet; mess, per barrel,l7 00 24 00
-" prime, . • 64 11 00 14 00
POrk, mess, CI 24 00 26 50
n -
prime, St 20 00 21 00
Hams, smoked, per lb. 18 23
ShOulders. smoked, " 16 18
Bacon, - .• " 18 20
Honey, cg 20 30
Cidekens, - . CI 18 22
Turkeys, " 21 23
Geese, 44 8 12
Ducks, SI 22 25
Clover Seed, per Ib. - 9 11
TiMothy Seed, per bushel, 350 375
Flax Seed, " " '2 40 270
Tallow, per lb. 11 12
Wool, washed, " ' 50 70
" unwashed, " . 30 .35
Apples, per barrel, 400 - 6 00
- - -
lair Knowledge. often saves Ltre.—Every
living bring built his system - .
When these Are within their natural limits. oar health
is good ; but when they are in excees.paina colds. rheu
matism. goutolsbility costiveness. dfarrtte.s.:disentery,
etTsioclus=. 'Mitt as,- What we have to do to re
cover CU! is to take out from the Bowels and the
eirculatimithe excess of impurities. This doneJlesith
follows of necessity.
are the only medicine that can do this with entire safety
to all the organs of the body. Bendreds of thowan&
arejlowliving who have adopted Brandreth's Pills u
their only remedy for periods of from = thirty to fifty
yearsi, and whore average health is excellent. They
bare always awed themselves whim sick by using these
lignocent-ond Infallible -Pith.
Prindisal ArsuT. Bresdretb Roue, Now Tork: Bold
by allAllaslerias Mtdklsai our. IS, Imp
igiir'Dr. —Tobias , Venetian Liniment.—
Died of Croup What a pretty and interesting child haw
last week—but now, alas ! it is no more! Ituchwas the
conversation of two gentlemen riding down town In the
cars. Died of crony)! how strange, when Dr. Tobias'
Venetian Liniment is a certain cure. If taken in time.—
Now, mothers, we appeal to you. It le not for the pal
try gain and profit we make. but forthe sake ofionrin
fant child that now lice playing at your feet. Crougle
a dangerous disease ; but use Dr. Tobias' Venetian Lin
iment in time, and it is robbed of Its terrors. Always
keep It In the house ; you may not want it to-night, or
to-morrow, no telling When—but armed with this Lini
ment you are prepared, let it coma when it will. Price
only 40 cents a bottle.
Sold by all druggists. Office 56 Cortland St. New York
mar 15 Imp
IgrTo Dia In a Bad Canso as those who fall
in the a clic! ranks undoubtedly do, la foolish. But o.a
the other band,
Dyeing for int Good Cuuse,
it those who are wise and prudent enough to remedy
the defects of nature with
are doing every dav, in every city of the Union, Is em
inently praiseworthy. This peaceful revolution is go
ing on throughout the whole land, and thus beauty and
harmony supplant homeliness and incongruity.
Iltanulactured by J. CRISTADORO, No. 6 Astor
Flour.. New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all
flair Dressers. [mar. 15 imp.
VT - Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh—
Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS, oc ,
cull st and Midst, (formerly of Leyden, Holland) No.
619 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the
most reliable sources tu the City and Country can be
Feel] at his office. The medical faculty are Invited to se
company their patient., 128 he has no secrete in his
practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES Inserted without pain.
No charge made for examination. [July 20, 1566. ly
7t7 - Strian,ge. but True.—Every yonng lady and
gentleman in the United States can hear something ve
ry much to their advantage by return mail (free of
charge.r by addressing. the undersigned. Those having
fears of being humbufr,zed will oblige by not noticing
this card. All others will please address their obedient
servant. THOS. F. CHAPMAN,
Dec. 2G —lysmp 831 Broadway, New York.
Vg"Errorn of Youth.—A gentleman who sof
f,red for yearn from nervous debility, premature decay,
and all the effects of yonthful indiscretion, will, for the
sake of suffering humanity. Fend free to all who need
it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rem
edy by which he %UPI cored. Sufferers wishing to profit
by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing
No. 13 Chambers street, New York.
Dec.l:6, 1565. lysmp
CV — The Confessions and Experience of an
Invalid, Published fur the benefit and as a cant ion to
y .ung men and others, who snffer from nervous debility,
premature decay of manhood. etc. supplying at the same
time the means of self-cure. l3v one who has cured him
self after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclo
sing a post paid addressed envelope, a single copy. free
of charge may be had of the author NATSIANTICL. MAY
rain, Esq., Brooklyn. Kings co. N. Y. janZO lyemp7
Irir"ro Coasumptives.—The advertiser having
been restored to health inn few weeks by a very simple
remedy, after having suffered several years with s se
vere lung affection, and that dread diReASC. Consump
tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre
scription need (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing and using the same. which they will find a
sure cure for Consnmption, :Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds,
Cow:he, and ail throat and lung affections. The only
°Wert of the advertiser in sending the preemption is to
benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he
conceives to ha invaluable ; ani he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blesei ng
P 7 artie. wirhin•r the prescription, mat, by return
mail, will please atitire.s
Willisnisbur,g, Kiug Co., New York.
Dec. 26, 13r5.-ITsmp
Mr - Deatha, as well a., marrincea. ore pnblisbed free
OhituarieplmhliNhed at the rote of fifty cents per hund
red words. or five yenta per line for poetry. Cash to be
'cut With the notice.
In Forest Lake, March 23d, ISG6, Mt
rtrAELTlNtortnr, son of Michael tt- Cathar
ina Marinan, aged 11 mo. and 23 days.
Non/0E TO BuiLDERs!
b tved by t either of f
buildingd under
PrtgrasiA„ln'n, - th"el b l
f e t e c di c i
a School House in the village of atarford. at. by 48 feet,
and two stories high. for a b laded School. according to
a Plan and dpecitications in the bands of H. M. Jones,
Seery of School Board.
D. L. HINE. President.
Harford, Ap. 1566. H. H. JONES. Seery.
M -5 1cor4exicc ,
Highest Premium, Fair of Me American
Institute, 1865. (Gold Medal.)
I. Its simplicity wadi:l2AT /LANGE of work.
2. Its making four different stitches, viz: The Lock,
Knot, Double Lock and Double Knot.
3. The Reversible Feed motion—operated by simply
turning a thumb screw--enabling, the operator to run
the work to the• right or kit, and ousar couyenience of
15E1.2-fastening the ends of reams.
4. The perfect finish and substantial manner in which
the machine is made.
5. The rapidity of its working and tho quality of
the work done.
6. Its sell-adjusting tension.
Exhibited by R. C. TYLER, opposite Lathrop's.
No. 1. $6B. No. 2 CM.—With all the Fixtures.
Montrose, Apri13.1.666. 3m
New Goods for Spring Saler.
Fourth and Arela Streets, Philadelphia,
1 23 '1=1.X.TV ar /SBT-IMB,
Novelties in DRESS GOODS.
New Travelling DRESS GOODS.
Fine Stock of NEW GOODS.
Magnificent FOULARDS.
Splendid BLACK SILKS, &c
& L. hive their usual assortment of STAPLE
&c. &C.
P. B.—Onr prices are now arranged to meet the views
of buyers !
April a, 1366. 6tjw
Executor's Notice.
ESTATE of JEDEDLAR REED, late of West Win
sted, Litchfield county. Connecticut, and formerly
of New Milford, Susquehanna county, Pa.
Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above
named decedent hiving been granted to the undersign
ed, nottcals hereby given to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and those bay
ing claims upon the Lame will present them duly attes
ted for settlement.
E. P. BRADFORD, Executor
Niw Milford, March 21.1866.,6t
RESPECTFULLY announces that he Is 12.3 W pre
pared to cut all lands of Garments in the molt
Fashionable Style, and warranted to tat with elegance
and ease. Shop over I. N. Bollard's Store, Montrose.
Garden & Flower Seeds
For Sale by
March 27, 1866. ABEL TUREELL
Coatis:asslly Arriving at
Td all Interested In' Buying
31C011: e ii" sQr CS , CO 3a .
Guest SEPa,orillaeken
Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co-
are now receiving part of their
/EP 8 t CO 431:T5..
The senior partner of the firm, residing In New York,
having nude large purchases at the late Auction !Sales,
we cisn offer great inducements to buyers.
Before having given us a call, and minified yourself of
oar assertions
Good fast-colored Prints, at
American Sprague's, - - - 18 "
Merrimacks, lo
Beet fd wide Sheeing, Atlantic A, Pacific X, 23 "
Idedford, - 23 "
Fine Shirting, - 25 "
Best Spring Delaines—handsomepatterna23 '•
Dress Goods at half the former prices.
A Large Stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
.Uostubanin k. g.r,o.
llontrose, April 3d, 1866
1130 DY. r having, an unsettled account with i entbrop, Tyler ,t Riley, will please call at the
office of H. C. TYLER, (opposite A. Lathrop's) and
EEE7I D X . r.a.EI
the same without DELAY or FARTHER NOTICE.
March 20, 1866. 8w
MITE subscribers offer for tale at a bargain their ran.
J_ nine Property, with all necessary Out Buildings,
Tenant Houses, he, together with
St,ore and Dwelling Home,
occupied by V . m. Tremain. Said property Is in Har
mony township, Stusqueltanns county, Penn's, sitnated
onthe Starnes Creek,. and near the Erie Banally, ews
miles from Susquehanna Depot. The capacity of Tan ,
nery i• (rum
10 to 1.121.4,00 313.1.e10e5i
per annum. A good MATER POWER on a never
failitig stream. Has the Patent Oven `.for Darning Tan
for heating purposes. The Tannery is in
Good Working Order
In every respect. and le as convenient and well arrang,-
ed for doing work economically as any Tannery In the
county. A good zotreantilo business i• done In . the
Store. and might be Increased, If desired.
Wishing to get out of the Tanning business is the
reason for selling. Possession could be given u' soon
as present stock is turned out.
OrFor fnrther particulars inquire of J. P. Tremain,
Monticello, Sullivan Co. N. Y., or of Wm. Trematn, on
the premien.
Lanoeboro' March 13th, 1866. 2m
Executors' Notice.
VSTATE of WARREN P. KENNARD. dec'd, late of
EA Bridgewater township, Sum:wham:La county, Pa.
Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed. all person. Indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
S. L. KENNARD, r' x
Bridgewater, Feb. 27,1666. 6w
TILL do more and better work at a given cost, than
any other. Try it !
Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITU,
Wholesale Drag, Paint, and Glass Dealers,
Jan3o ly lin Mirth Ed street, Pl:Wad's.
Executrix' Notice.
STATE of L. C. DAY. decd, late of Forest
Lake township, Susquehanna County, Pa.
Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above
named decedent baying been granted to the undersigned,
'ail persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified
,to make immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them dulyanthenticated for
TIANNAH DAY, Irsecatrix
Forest Lake, March 2), 1866. 6t•
The Montrose Democrat
Ls Possum= MOTT TUESDAY MODEM, AT Blosmsoms,
'Suntirtaisista. COUWYT, 1....'nx
-411... a. GI-2EI3M Pt "Zop CO AT,
Business advertisements Inserted at $1 per square of.
10 lines, three times, and 25cta for eachadditional week.
Yearly advertisers, with usual chartZeo: charged $ lO
for four squares, quarter column $l5. half column
one column $5O, and other amounts In exact proport on.
Btudness cards of three ilnes„s3; or one dollar aline.
far Lefrol notices at the customary rates.
Sob Printing =crated bratty and promptly at
fair prices.
Deeds, Mort ga Notes. Asthma% Coustablee' s
Scbool sad other - lUab for sale.
eral"1:13.11111 Oash 1:1/01:10=11.
. Fire, Lih - and Accidental
Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and
Surplus, $3,000,660
Insurance Co: of North America, Phil's,
Capital and Surplus, 1,700,000
International Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y.,
Capitatand.Surpina, 3,500,0410
Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of
Phil'a, Capitaliand Surplus, . 300,000
Lycvping County Mutual Ins , Cr
silty Mutual Insurance Co.of
Muncv, Penn a, Capital and Surplus, 9,500,000
Insurance CO. of N.Y. Capital and Surplus, 1,500,000
Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa.,
Capital and Surplus, 500,000
Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil's,
Capital and Surplus, 375,000
Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil.
Capital and S urplus, 700,000
Kensington Fire and M. Insurance Co.,
Phil'a, Capitals - ad Surplus, 800,000
Connecticut 51utual Life Insurance Co. of
Hartford, Conn., paying 60 per cent.
dividends to theassured, Capital. 10,000,000
American Life Insurance Co., Philadel
phia, Capital, 1,000,000
Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn.,
Insuring against all kinds of accidents
Capital, 500,000
Ea'All business entrusted to our care will be attend,
ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly- adjusted.
STROI7I) fit BROWN, Agents.
9EirOttice over the Post Mice, Foot of Public Aveave.
BILLING! STROUD, Crunr-na L. .finowx.
Montrose, Jan. Ist, 13.43. ly
Ora highly respectable citizen, well known to the Mer
cnntile community, by
Dt J . 11. SCHENCS—Dear Sir :—For over fifteen years
I have been troubled with a severe cough, and usually
two or three times a year with more or leas hemor
rhage, which together, for the last few years, has kept
me thin hi flesh and too weak to do business of any
kind without suffering. In August last I dada very se
vere hemorrhage. and according to the jndgmentof a
good New Yorkphysician ^ l.,waa classed as beyond the
reach,of medicine, and was advised to be prepared, so
fares property matters were concerned, to leave this
world at short notice. The physician (and my good
friends) said that the fir:set:old I took mast prove fatal.
EaritinJanneryltook. a severe enEd. And fortunately
was occupying ,rooms . at No. St Bond street, directly
over your °Mee. I think about tha 16th of January I
procured a bottle of your pulmonic Syrup. and com
menced taking it freely. My feet and limbs were very
mach, swollen, and all the symptoms of a speedy death
seemed to aLcompany my cold. faint for my former
physician and stared to him that I was taking your
medicines, and after showing them to him, and having
tasted of them, he replied " You can take them
if you like, they will do you no harm." Ile said : "You
know whatllold you last.amunmer.andlaay the COMM
now, if you have any business to close up, do not put It
oft." lie said to other friends that he could see no
hope for me, anti my friends and relations concluded
my time had come. At this time:l was taking freely of
your medicine, but had not yet seen you. The doctor
called a few times, And found me (much to his surprise,
he said.) improving, and he could not understand why.
My faith was increasing in your medicines. and I had a
wish to have ran examine my case, and see what you
had to say. Wheu you first came to my room and made
the examination, you gave me bat little encourage
ment, but on the contrary, expressed sad doubts of my
ever being helped out of my then seeming difficulties.
The second time that you called, finding me still gain
ing, you gave me encouragement, saying, " Your gym
toms are improving ; the l'nlmonlc Syrup. Sea-Weed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills had acted like a chem." My
circulation, my cough, my appetite, all bman to Im
prove, and I conld walk about my room a little. You
visited me nearly every Tuesday, and found me improv
ing, and told me not to go out of my room until the first
day of May. I look no cold while under your treat
ment, tug appetite became first rate, and you told me to
eat everything I wished of a nutritious nature, and to
exercise about the roJna as much impossible. I follow
ed your advice, and to the surprise of my old physician
and friends, I seem much better than I have been for
several years, and breathe better than I have ever ex
pected a person conk. with one lung, the left being corn
pletelydried up. I feel very grateful to you, and con
sider your advice and medicines Invaluable.
Yours, Truly, •
Is, to 15 cts per y'd
Dn.. Scuwsecx—Dear Sir :—About two years ago I was
taken with a very troublesome cough and a pain in my
breast; seven Or eight months passed away without my
doing anything for myself. Then I applied to a physi
cian, who attended me for about three months without
rendering me any service. I also °Mottled the advice
and treatment of a pnysician in one of our hospitals,
and also had the advice and treatment of twoother phy
sicians hut all to no pinjmse. During this long space
of dm , - I was nearly dead; several times my friends
came to see ate and witness my exit into the apitit
world. I was confined to my bed two months at one
time. My breathing was exceedingly short. I gave
up several times all hope of getting better: and as re
garded getting better; and ae regarded getting well, that
was entirely oat of the question. And to think thii
day lam well and hearty ! I was advised by some of
my friends to try Dr. Schenck's Medicines. I secor
dinzly bought bottle after bottle, until I reached the
ninth: then I found a decided change in my cough for
the better. I suffered severely from palpitation of the
heart, and two weeks after I commenced taking your
medicine this difficulty ceased.
When I first went to Dr. Sehenrk's office it was with
difficulty ;Mal could get up into his reception room, I
was so weak and so swelled; my skin was as sallow as
thongh I had the ittundice; I felt dull, heavy and sleep
less.. Dr. Schenck after examining me. saidbotlarny
lungs were affected, and rave me brit little hope; but
his medicines. in about two wee k '
s, took right hold of
me; it seemed to go right through my wbole sYstem.
The Polmonic Syrup. Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake
Pills, all took right bold in the right place. The Pills
brought away great quantities of bile , and slime; the
Syrup loosened the matter in my lungs, which c ime oil
very free; the-Sea Weed Tonic gave me an appetite, and
everything seemed to taste good.
To sho w what great power the medicines have in
purifying my system, and to show bow had was dis
eased, beside all the bile that passed my bowels, and
the great quantities of phlegm and matter I expecto
rated, T broke out all over in large boils, that would
continue to gather and run for about six weeks, and I
had at one time over twenty five boils. I have nothing
of the kind now, and feel like another person altogeth
er. l can safely say that I have not enjoyed such health
for five yea as as I do ,now, and cannot praise you and
your medicines enough. May God abundantly bless
and preserve yon ! is the sincere desire of one who has
teen so wonderfully relieved through your agency: and
it any one desires to know with regard to the truthful
ness of this report, if they will call upon any of my
friends, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place, near thorny,
son street. below .:!adwalader. Philadelphia. they will
be perfec!ly, satisfied with the validity of the case.
- ' Yours, with mach respect.
The above case, as described, la perfectly correct. I
know it to be true. Yours, 'T. B. MILLER,
mchfi Pastor of Ilancock, ALE. Church.
Dr. Schenck will he professionally at his principal of ,
flee No. 15 North Sixth street. corner of Commerce,
Philadelphia, every Sat urday.from 9 a. in. until 4 p. m.,
N 0.5 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday. from 9
to No. SS Snmm4r street Boston. Mass., every Wed
nesday. from 9 toil, and every otheeFrlday at 108 Balti
more street Baltimore. Md. AU ndvice free, but for.n
thorough examitniffon of the lungs with his Respirome
ter. the charge is .Nree dollars.
Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each
91 50 per bottle, or ST 60 per half dozen. Mandrake
Pills 25 centsper box. jant lyjw
Iroigale by all Druggists and dealers.
ii SEY ,
For Pensioners, and 'Applicant?
- for Pensions.—
rer Office in Public Avenue, over the Store of J. Ly.
one S Son.
Montrone, Pa., May 28, 1664. tf
Um whiteet, thommst dnrable. the most economical.
Tey It t linnutammed only tIy"_ZISGLI3It &SMITH,
Inolesale Druz, Palutnnd Glass Dettloff'.
jan801y•• 1187 North 3d street, mind's.
1866. . _ PHILADELPHIA ' 1860.
121i7E0.1 3Pa,poiess.'
Manufacturers of •
i!EIP4IIIZ - EiC4ra.l344ZlLaally
Window` Shades,
Corwr ~.Fourth , and Market Strata,
N. B.—Always la Store, s large Stock of
PATEN and On 311,4DE5.
maretiferisr itior •
No. ee Nassau St. New York, June 1, laS.
DRS''Cal- CO CZ01,151
ID 0 '4717 IV;
'Tea 0142. 3Flrickesg3,
131 vista:Lola Stored
I. N. HrNE & CO.
Are now receiving a Large Stock of the Latest and
Best Stiles ofl
I. ;b
Many of them at
Please look through our Stock before parekestsg
Montrose, March 77, IMM
THE g'isecalWirPectfttn." informs vabß that
Blacksmith Shop
of H. C. Clemons, near the Foundry of Sayre Brothers.
Customers will do well to call. as They can get eTery.
thing done in the Blaekamithing line neatly and prompt
ly for cash.
rErParticular attention given to If orse Shoeing.
Montrose, Dee. W„, 1565. tf
Great Inducements for 1866.
131-.IEIO. M1C8,Z11:133.N.
NUIA , lin.roito, PA.
BOOTS k stioEci,
And lots of Goods too numerous to metrtift, at the *dry
lowest market price..
Call end examine—no charge for showing Ooofs•-dre
ery article warranted as represented, and will dell
Cheaper than the Cheapentl
New Milford, Pa.
Strength to the Weak
Youth to the Aged !
This preparation is unequalled as a Rejuvenator and
Restorer awaited or inert functions.
The aged should be certain to make the Biolrene a
household god, tnatainch as It will render them youth
ful in feeling and In strength, and enaole them to live
over again the days adieu. pristine joy. It not only es
hilerates but strengthens, and is really en Invaluable
Messing especially to those who hate u en reduced to
a condition of servility, self-abase, misfortune, or ordi
nary sickness. No matter what the tatLFCI of the tm
tency of any human organ, this superb pre OR
will remove the effect at once and forever.
cures incompetency, general debility. nervous Marl.
ty, dyspepsia , depression, lose of appetite, low sp rite,
weaknessof the organs of generation, imbecility, men
tal indolence, emaciation,,ennui. It has a most delight
ful, desirable and novel effect upon the nervous eye
tem -, and all whose. in any way prostrated by sienna,
disability are earnestly advised to seek a ma" in this
most excellent and unequalled preparation.
Persona who, by imptudenot, have lost their natural
vigor, will find a permanent and speedy cure in the.
33XCOEC I kLiaWali•
The feeble, the languid. the desr.alling and the old
should give this valuable discovery a trial; it will be
found totally different from all , other articles lb, the
same 13017011C11.
.TO FEMALEI3.—Tbis prevention is intalttable in
nervous weaknesses of all kinds, as it Will resters the
wasted strength with trondeittil perdistence.
It is also s d tonic, and will give relief% DI-swop
ars the drat dose. A btief trersistenee to ifs use will
"no, °ate th e GU:Misch o degteb of poled heel* ead
Murree Dispepsis Itiretet.
One Bo iler peg Bottle, tit slit %Attlee frit , Sold 14
Druggists generally. ,
Sent by express sure here, agederessing.
HIIfieMiOS & MIXER. Proprieterw •
28 Dar 817=7, wt.
Sold 6y Zurrek Montrose. .
Dee, I, i(ls.eotoli
AXLE 01131341642
r i t l t at lattret i e kb " . ° i .97 !g °16 -; , 1 :q
t entices, MUM 17, ISM. 11/U TURBILL.