CCI II 2V - PIZ' ..5.WP1.416-XMLB New Subscribers. Now is the dine' to take a' newepapir that advocates the restoration of the Un ion, and the rule of the white man. Come singly or in clubs. For every club of six, paid for, we will give one copy, free ! If Democrats want men to vote right, they must see tht, every one reads the White Union papers:, at once. - This is the only county paper that en dorses the President's restoration policy. Let every subscriber square his account to next January, and bring us at least one new subscriber. Get up clubs in every school district; a vigorous effort will soon enable us to en large the paper,. Send the money during April court. 410. Aliens, Take Notice. . The eleetiona. this year will in a meas ure decide whether the Union is to be re stored and ruled by white men, or divi ded and controlled by negroes. Every alien shoed take out his natural ization papers, and be prepared to vote. Let every man talk with his neighbors on this subject, and see that no one is overlooked. Soldiers who have been in the country one year can get full papers at once. April Court is the time to attend to this matter. Federal Office Holders. We are frequently asked : " Howstand the federal office holders in this county, towards the President." his not our du- ty to answer; those gentlemen must speak for themselves, and plainly, too. They can call him a traitor, or silently ac quiesce in permitting the noisy radicals to do so, and Andrew Johnson will under stand them ! If they endorse him at all, they will do so openly, boldly, energeti cally. There id no middle ground for them ; to stand quaking is to become "dead ducks." If they are with Andrew Johnson let them lead off for a mass meet ing at April court to unequivocally sus tain him and repudiate his euetnies. They will support Johnson or he must cease to support them. • About Postmasters. Some of our Postmasters, during a few' past years, have interfered in various ways with the circulation of newspapers which did not endorse all the acts of the President. We seldom complained, but waited patiently until complaints would be listened to. It is now time to begin to speak ! Some postmasters now ob struct the circulation of newspapers be cau.e they endorse the President! A rt. markable change, but a fact; and we es specially request our friends to report to us all eases of interference with or hostil ity shown towards papers or documents which approve Andrew Johnson's, resto ration po icy. No matter whether it be a I'. M., a deputy, or a clerk, report the wets. Public Document. W e are indebted, somewhat, to ion! J. D. Cameron, Representative from this county, for a copy of Governor Curtin's Message of January last,printed in Dutch. As this is our first reminder that the county has a member at Harrisburg, we think proper to respectfully acknowledge it, and say, " small favors thankfully re ceived, larger ones in proportion"—and hope that the next will be Andrew John sou 's veto message and speech, and that be will send the same to all his constitu ents. Advertisements Declined. As we cannot be hired to poison the public mind with falsehood and fanati cism, or aid in the robbery of unsuspect ing persons, we decline to advertise Gree ley's War History, and the bogus jewelry and mining companies, although they of fer to pay liberally, in recent offers. We' again advise our readers to not be cheated into wasting money upon these African prints, brass jewelry, and other plunderin e . ~ schemes of fanatics and swiud . lers. Buy your books and papers of those you know as advocates of . the Union and the white race; purchase jewelry of a home datier who will not sell you brass for gold or zinc for silver; and if you have money to lend, trust it to those you knew sad Who will give you good securi y. Sewing Ilachines. Any one wishing to buy a first rate -sewing machine, can, by inquiring of the editor of this paper, learn how to procure 'one so 63 to save $lO ; or two persons can .each buy one, and save $25. Several ma chines, now in use in this county, pro cured in this way, work as welt as any. Commercial Colleges. We can sell scholarships in several lead ing Commercial Colleges—Binghamton, Poughkeepsie, and others—at a handsome reduction from usual rates. Young men who wish to attend one, can save *5 or i6lO by this means.- . • Choice Deeds, Sr.c. - Superior Deeds and Mortgages, also, Administrator's, Executor's, Trustee's, and Guardian's Deeds—all of the most approved form anclistyle,, /Pis oflicei:at fair prices. Altici; a general'. aortizteut of other blanks. Accidents. A man by the,name of O'Donnell,living in Hyde Park, was found dead on the Y, near the Depot, on Thursday morning last. He was walking or standing on the track the night Previous and was itruek by a locomotive, and instantly killed, his head being severed from his body. —The Engine " Northumberland," on the L. & B. R. R. exploded her boiler, at Northumberland, on Saturday last, killing the Engineer and Fireman. —On Sunday morning last at about 8 o'clock, a Coal train coming north on the D. L. al W.R.R.'met with an accident at the Cut above the Rolling Mill, in this Borough. A large rock fell upon the track which threw the Engine off, and it rolled down the bank for some feet. The Engineer and Fireman escapiad unharm ed. Mr. Mathew Godshell, head Break man, who was asleep at the time on the Engine, was killed. —On Monday night, on the arrival of ono of one of the Northern bound trains at Scranton, a man's Cap was discovered on the front part of the Engine. On . searching, a mangled corpse was found very near the spot where Godshell was killed on Sunday last. The body was very much mutilated and has not yet been recognized. Internal Revenue Decision. The Commissioner of Internal Revalue in reply to a letter in relation to the stamp duty on a subscription paper where the subscribers each agreed to take stock in a railroad company, has decided that such subscription, unless the sum subscribed is paid when the list is signed. is held to create a promise to pay a definite and Certain sum of money, and therefore each person signing his name and not paying his subscription at the time should affix and cancel a stamp appropriate to a prom issory note of the. amount subscribed. If a person signs the list and pays the sub scription at the time his signing, the pa pt r would be a mere memorandum, and as such would not be subject to stamp du ty. If a subscription list is made in such a form as that the subscribers bind them selves to pay only in the event of a cer tain amount being raised, then each signa ture is held to form an agreement or con tract, and as such subject to a stamp du ty of five cents. But if each signer agrees to pay unconditionally, then each creates a new instrument subject to a stamp duty as a promissory note. A destructive fire occurred at Titus ville; Pa., on Wednesday evening, de stroying an entire block of fifteen houses The loss is estimated at $5100,000; insu ranee, $25,000. A call has been made at Montreal for 10,000. volunteers, to report within twenty four hours, preparatory to any emergency that may arise. —The Irish police continue to arrest suspicious Fenians, and troops continue to be sent to Ireland. The cattle plague is still increasing. The latest weekly re turns show 13,000 cases. —Well informed Republicans, from the Eastern States, claim that they will carry New Hampshire by a reduced majority, and consider Connecticut very doubtful. —The bill authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Navy to detail a sloop of war to accompany the Russian American Telegraph Expedition to lay the cable at Sebring's straits flaying been signed by the President, is now a law. —The Abolition press are howling at President Johnson like a pack of prairie wolves. They prospectively see the offi cial bones getting out of reach of their pack. Poor fellows ! They forget, per haps, that a little while ago they declared howling at the President was "treason." New York Wholesale Prices, Prices for the week ending Irch 10, 1866. Beans, white sound, per bu., 150 235 Butter in tubs, per pound, 45 55 " firkins, " 35 45 " rolls, 41 30 40 Cheese, choice, 44 18 22 " common, " 12 16 Dried Apples tl, 12 15 Dried Plume, per lb. 35 40 " Cherries, 40 , 50 " Raspberries, 40 50 .44 Blackberries, 30, 35 Eggs, fresh, per dozen, . 30 32 Flour, wheat, per barrel, 800 15 00 44 rye, " 500 550 Corn Meal, per hued.. 200 210 Buckwheat flour, per hand. 350 410 Flax, per lb. , 20 26 Feathers, live geese, per lb., 70 75 Beef Sides, " .. 12 l4 Mutton in carcass,. ' " 10 12 Veal, • 44 11 13 Pork, dressed, " 11 13 Wheat, : per bushel, 110 200 Rye, at - 66 70 Oats, 411 51 54 it Von', 75 78 Rides, dry, per pound, 30 35 ii ' green, "11 16 , Hops, prime, per lb: s, 50 70 Lard, common to best, per lb., 16 18 Beef, mess, per barrel,l7 00 24 00 " prime, , " ' ' .11 00 14 00 Pork , mess , ' "' ' 24 * OO 27 00 CI - prime, 2O 00 Hams, smoked, per lb. 18 Shoulders, smoked; • " 16 Bacon, ' " gtlB Honey, " 20 - " 18 Turkeys, u- • 21. Geese,_ • • 44 • • 8 Dueld; 22 Clover Seed, per lb.- - 0' Timothy Seed, , per bustle!, 3'60 Fax Seed, „ 2 00 Tallow, - pe r lb . 11- Wool,_ washed, - - "! • `-iiiiWasbed - 30 Apples; - 'par bariel, 6 00- _ . rff-. Alllstockva.rororts Pl,isitera.,-A Druggist Said ilk° other day, you have no need to advertise your rothns Plasters, for every one sold certainly caubes a dozen to be sold, anda dozen sells a gross, and so on.— Yon will not be able to supply the demand soon. But wo can supply a thousand yards a day. Affection of the Spine Cured. Ilarrrvonn„ Conn., Nov. 11th, 1861. Messrs. 'rhos: Alice& & Co.:—Please send w ith dis patch twelve dozen Allcock's Porous Plasters. Oar daily experience confirms their very superior excel lence. At this manumit of writing, a man applies for one, who by entanglement in the shaft of machinery. had both his legs broken, spine severely injured, and was for nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found relief very soon by the application of a plaster to his spine. lie was soon enabled to work, and now be la bors as well as ever. fie would cheerfully pay $5 for a single Plaster If they could not be had at a lower rate. lam surprised that surgeons do not make use of these perforated plasters, to the exclusion of all others, as their flexibility and adhesiveness are'greatly in ad vance of all other plasters with which lam acquainted; while the perforations peculiar to them rendered them greatly superior to all others for ordinary surgical uses. Knowing the Plasters to be so useful, I have no scru ples that my sentiments should be known. J. W. JOEINSON,Di. 11 Principal Agency, Brandreth Donee, New York. Sold by all Dealers in Mt dickies. Feb. 15, imp 1119 - Dr. Tobias' Venetian Horse Lint. went.—Pint Bottles at One Dollar, for the cure of lameness, cute, galls, colic, sprains, ete.. warranted cheaper than any other. It Is used by all the great horsemen on Long Island courses. It will not core ring bone nor epavin, as there is no liniment in existence that will. What it is stated to core it positively does. No owner of horses will be withon ft alter trying one bottle. One dose revives and often saves the life of an over-heated or driven horse, For colic and belly-ache it has never failed. Just as sore as the sun rises, Just so sure is this valuable Liniment to bo the Horse embro cation of the day. Sold by all druggists. Office 66 Cortland St. Now York Feb l 6 imp rift Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh— Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS, oe enlist and Anrist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 519 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources In the City and Country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. (July 20, 1555. ly VB. — Strange, but Trtio.—Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something ve ry much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by addressing the understgned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Dec. 36.—lysmp 831 Broadway, New York. tarTo Consumptlves.—The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a se vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Consump tion—is anxious to make known to hie fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription Used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, and ail throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser In sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; an i he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing,. Parties wishing the prescription, YEZE, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. Dec. 26, 18135.—lysmp Pr - Errors of Youth.—A trentleman who tat tered for years from nervous debility, premature decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering Immunity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edyby which he wan cured. Sufferer, wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience. can do eo by addressing 1011.1.1 B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers street, New York. Dec. 26, 1865. lyimp illr"The Confessions and erlenceof alf Invalid, Pnhlished for the benefit and as a caution to y •nng men and others, who suffer from nervous debility, premature decay of manhood. etc. supplying at the same time the means of self-care. Boone wha has cured him self after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclo sing a post paid addressed envelope, a single copy. free of charge may he had of the author NATITANIYI., DI AT rain. Esq., Brooklyn, Rings co. N. Y. jan3o WL4t!L.FL3FLX...AIL Grl3 El . On the 22d nit., by Rev. William Mc- Combs, Mr. EDWARD NOME, JR. and Miss PUEDE C. FREED, both of Port Car bon, Pa. In Jackson, on the sth inst., by Elder A. H. Fish, Mr. E. F. EASTMAN and Miss LCCINA FARRAR, both of Jackson. 3CI33.ALT3EICS. ra- Deaths, as well as marriages. are published free Obi tnaries published at the rate of fifty cents per hund red words. or five cents per fine for poetry. Cash to be sent with the notice. In Greenfield, Pa., Feb. 4th, Mrs. Sw ami F. BLACK, wife of D. G. Black, in the 30th year of her age. TANNERY FOR SE subscribers offer for sale at a bargain their Tan ning Property, with all necessary Out Buildings, Tenant Houses, acc., together with Store and Dwelling House, occupied by Wm. Tremain. Said property is in Har mony township, Susquehanna county, Yenn'a, situated on the Starucca Creek, and near the Erie Railway, two miles from Susquehanna Depot. The capacity of Tan nery is from 10 t 0 31.13.000 3131c1iessi per annum. Ag_ood WATER POWER on a never tailing stream. Has the Patent Oven for burning Tan for heating purposes. The Tannery is in Good Working Order in every respect., and is as convenient and well arrang ed for doing work economically as any Tannery in the county. A good mercantile business is done in the Store, and might be increased, if desired. Wishing to get out of the Tanning , business is the reason for selling. Possession could be given as soon as present stock is turned out. lIFTFor further particulars inquire of J. P. Tronaln, Dionticello, Sullivan Co. N. Y., or of Win. Truman, on the premises. WM. TREMAIN & CO. . Latioeboro` March lath, 1866. 2m $5OO REWARD! S T B O LlLN .y. fratllto3s e e tw o feeNn. the. Elitioyardesro,:lifngluanshd,Bo,4l in the evening, 1,400 311:304colletris consisting of Three One Hundred Dollar Bills, Biz Fif ty Dollar Bills, the rest 20's, and 10's, and 6's—mostly interest bearing bonds. N. D. SNYDER. Rash, larch 8,1666. 3w 35 1.4 01 R. 63.436.1...11M. QT. CHARLES HOTEL LEASE & FUEL. NITURE, For Sale. Possession given the Area of April. . W. BURGESS, Proprietor. SCRANTONvPa. Web 6, 1866. MILE Accoun is and Notes of the late firm of BOYD & WEBSTER aro in the hands of WM. 11. BOYD for eettlement, who is dnly authorized to receipt for the same. All persons knowing themselves indebted will do well attend to the settlement of their accounts very soon, as these books must be settled. March 6,1866. 3w WM. H. BOYD. A Farm of 133 Aores, And Good Improvements, . IA Britgettter, 0 miles bout Montrose, For Bak D.. DBa W BTEH3 'Brontroso, Mai& Sth, 1866. aw 1886. PHILADELPHIA 1868. Waal Papers. ROWELL lc BOUBEE, Manufacturers of • N'etzkez. ZElCexam.alzaffes, Window Shades' Corner Fourth and Market Street; PIIILADELYHIA. N. M.—Always In Store, a large Stock of LINEN and OIL SHADES. March 8, MG. Maths AUCTION ! WILL be sold at etdeti on on the premises late of W. 1 4 11 P. KENNARD, dec'd, in Bridgewater, on WED NESDAY, MARCH 14, 1866, commencing at 143 o'clock, A. M., the following named articles, to wit A working Mare, I two years old Colt, 3 Cotes. 22 Sheep 1 Shoat, about 20 tons Hay, Corn in the Crib, somebate, ono 2-horse Wagon, a two-horse Sleigh. a Cutter, a sett of heavy Harness, a eett of light Harness,a Hubbard Mower, a Horse Rake, some Pork, some Tim othy Seed and Clover Seed, a lot of Sole Leather and Dressed Calf-skins. some Lumber, Shingles, a quantity of Carpenter's Toole, two pairs of Scales, *Stoves, a Cheese Press, 60 bushels Potatoes, a breech-loading Rifle, a silver-mounted Pistol, a Sap Kettle, and a vari ety of Household Furniture, Farming Tools, etc. , too numerous to mention. TERMS.—Cash for all stuns less them dee dollars • Ave dollars or over,'" months credit with Interest an approved security. D. BREWSTER, Auctioneer. J. P. HARDING, t Hers S. L. KENNARD, East Bridgewater, March 6, 1868. rtrALSO, the Farm for sale, at private ludo. Dr. F. C. BROOKS, Vinsitian it . *urgenn HAVING located at DIMOCK, Susquehanna County, Pa.. will attend promptly to all calla with which he may be favored. Office at L. Blakeelee'a. N. 8.-=-Has been connected with Wills' Bye hospital in Philadelphia one year. Dimock, Feb. 27,1666. ADMINISTRATOR'S MEI THE midersigned will offer for salo at auction, a the house of John Sherman, in Lathrop, on Saturday, March 24th, IMO, at ten o'clock. A. M., the following described real estate, late the estate of Davie N. Phil lips, deceased, to wit: All that certain parcel of land situate in Lathrop township, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described AP follows : On the north by lands of S. G. Osborn, east by land, of Drew Lord, south by lands of J. M. Williams, and west by lands of John Fike--containing sixtythree acres, or thereabouts; with about twenty acres improved, together with the appurtenances, a small house, a barn, and some fruit trees. TERMS.—Twenty-fire dollars cash on day of sale, three hundred dollars on confirmation of sale, and the balance in installments payable at the end of one and two years. MPersons wishing to purchase can learn all the particulars by addressing the undersigned at Hopbot tom, ft. E, M. TEWKSBUBX, Adm'r Lathrop, Feb. 20,1866. Executors' Notice. ESTATE of WARREN P. KENIVARD, deed, late o Bridgewater township, Busqnehanna county, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. J. P. HARDING, t Ex . S. L. KENNARD, i re Bridgewater, Feb. 27, 1806. 6w Auditor's Notice. THS undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of Scuola( hanna County to make dis tribution of the funds in the hands of the administrator of the estate of GARWOOD MITCHEL, deccaeed, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office In Montrose, on Saturday the 24th day of March, 1866, at one o'clock, P.M., at which time and place all persons insterested in said fund will present their claims or bo forever debarred from coming In on said fund. J. B. M'COLLLUM, Auditor. Feb. 23d, 1866 Auditor's Notice. TE nndervigned. an auditor appointed by the Or plans' Court of Susquehanna County to dietributo the funds in the hands of Sewell Wilmarth, administra tor of the estate of Laban Russell, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office In Montrose, on Thursday, the 29th day of March, A. D. 1866, at 1 o'- clock, P.M., at which time and place all persons inter ested In said fund will present their claims or be forev er debarred from coming in on said fund. R. M. TURNER, Auditor. Feb. 27, 1866. 4w Auditor's Notice• TIIE undersigned, an auditor ap- ointed by the phan'e Court of Suequehanua County to distribute the funds in the hands of the administrator of the es tate of S. A. Woodruff, deceased, to and among the heirs and legal representatives of Mil decedent, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the °ince of Bentley, Fitch 4-, Bentley, in 'Mont rose, on Wednesday the 21st day of March, 1.265 at 2 o'clock - , P. M.. at which time and place all persons interested in said fund will present their claims or be forever debarred from com ing In on said fund. B. S. BENTLEY, Jr., Auditor Montrose, Feb. V), 1866. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Or phans' co art of Susquehanna county to distribute the funds in the hands of the administrator of estate of Joseph E. Webster, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Montrose on Tuesday the 18th day of March, 1868, at two o'clock, p. m., when persons interested in said innd will present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in upon said fond. feb6 4w W. D. LUSK, Auditor. Auditor's Notice- MBE undersigtied having been appointed an auditor by the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the fund in the bands of the administrator of the estate of Michael Gallaher, decd, will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office In Montrose, on Saturday the 10th day of • March 1868, at one o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons interested in said hind will present their claims or be forever debarr • ed from coming in on said ftmd. jan3o 4w I. H. BURNS, Auditor. Pic:r Male. subscriber Offers at private sale the following 1 described real estate, viz : A FARM containing 140 acres, well watered and wooded, and a good dwelling house, almost new, two barns and an orchard—only ,14( ors mile from Dlinoek Corners, on the Montrose road. Also-20 acres of valuable land contiguous lo the vil lage of Dimocir, containing I dwelling house, I barn, a good orchard, and the building known as WOODRUFF ACADEMY, which at a moderate cost could be easily converted Into a good dwelling house. All of which will be °rend together, or divided up and parceled out to suit purchasers. Also—a dwelling house and lot, directly upon one of the four corners, with!' horse barn, wagon shed, and a good store house, suitable for the Dry Goods or Gro cery trade. The above described Real Estate, together with a fatralty of personal property and live stock, will be of ered on terms favorable to the purchaser. L. IL woopuurr. Dlmoek, Susquehanna Co. Pa. Jan. 2, IN& If Iterl3.c33Taa.. THE SOLDIERS' AID. G. W. HEWITT & CO. WIL give good satisfaiti to their dritieliterk 14 ou do work 01111.!1 . 111 than at any other -" Boot .&. Shoe Sh.Op in this vicinity. Cali - and see - for ridiseives. Boots Half.soird. 130 Xlitrir tiu t T -T r l t t coral/ pp opposite. • Irkewant ;'• in Cusbinan a bid ding. Montrose, Jan. 28d, 1866, tt rortnw c;t:c•c•rols. NEW SPRING Goons, NEW SPRING ,GOODS; AT MC • Binghamton . 13ra,3a4:31i. iStore Binghamton xtrisi,llo33. sitare SIZELIVir GI-COCOTPIS art 0141. I=pric•ega, BEFORE THE WARS I. N. HINE & CO. IN THE STORE OF O. 1.. STONE 8 CO Montrose, Feb. 10, 1866. WE HAVE NAMED DOWN, WARM DOWN, PRICES ON ALL VENTER Dress Goods, Shawls, AND WOOLEN GOODS OF ALL SORTS, OVERCOATS; OVERCOATS, AND ALL HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING AND WILL EiBLL TIMM Moor the stoat, 00 73/43015, SIMLAMMAS op corr! CALL OD SEE US; Guttetibigg, Rosenbanin'. & Co It 8. inNsonnt. tsitiento pairni Monaca*, hat. Cith, test • ' ' — FEW' Life and Ateklental OENERAL INSURANCE MENU, asc,matz4muse-, ffome 'antra:tics Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000 insurance Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 1400,000 International Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, 1,600,000 Girard - Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Phil's, Capital and Surplus,, 500,000 Lyeoming County Mutual insurance Manny, Penn a, Capital and Surplus, , • 2,600,000 Security Lusarance Co. of N. Y. Capital and Salvias, L 600,000 Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus, Kensington Fire and M. Insurance Co., Phil'a, Capital and Surplus, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., paying 60 per cent dividends to the assured, Capital, 10,000.000 American Life Insurance Co., Philadel-. phis, Capital, 1,000,000 Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn.. • Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, 500,000 Or All business entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD & BROWN, Agents. PrOfflce over the Post Office, Foot of Public ATEIIOO. BILLING. STROUD, Cakswis L. 'Mown. Montrose, Jan. let. 1866. ly THE subscriber respectlttlly informs the public that he has leased the • Blacksmith Shop of H. C. Clemons, near the Foundry of Sayre Brothers. Customers will do well to call, as they can get every thing done in the Blacksmithing line neatly and prompt• ly for cash. Partienlar attention given to Rone Shoeing._ EDWARD P. STAMP. Montrose, Dec. 26, 1565. tf Co-Partnership Notice. LRE Co-partnerehlp of RUNT, BROS. & BLAIR, Wu terminated by the death of Mr. Milton L. . The business will be continued by the under signed tinder the firm name ofilllJNT BROT HE RS. T. F. RUNT. A. S. BUNT. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD NrL do more and better work at a given coat, than usy other. Try it ! Manufactured only by mount & 8111111, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Glass Dealers, Jana° 1y 137 North ad street, HEAD QUARTERS for BARGAINS ! XXB'ir=l33llV, NEW MILFORD, PA. DEALER IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, GROORJLIES, BOOTS Ss SIEIGgS, HATS & CAP'S, HEADY MAI= CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, And lota of tiooda too ntonerona to mention, at the very lowest market prices. Call and examine—no charge for showing Goods—or ery article warranted as represented, and will sell Cheaper than the Cheapest. GEO. HAYDEN. New Milford, Pa. embraces a complete routine of transactions in each im portant branch of business. A Store, Bank and Railroad Steamboat, Telegraph, Post-offices', are to full and successful operation, representine ins pleasing and sat isfactory manner, the daily routine of actual business 111 e, in which the student becomes in progression an ametenr NARKED DOWN Cloaks, IV l COtioela MT nail and Accounts wilt bo to the hands of 9, L. Stone Al Co, o abort time for collection. • • March 0.1868. Y. B: WELES. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Scranton, Feb. lat,lBoB. 4w THE REGULATOR! Great Inducements for 1866. YANKEE NOTIOn b, mArELESIGNEAGS, - 0 - WELfi D. W. LOWELL, Principal & Proprietor OF the above Institution, respectfully calls attention to the unsurpassed facilities of his course of Instraz• tion, and the important additions and improvements which have been made in and to the several departments ofhis College. The course of Instruction extended and perfected, presen ts to TOIING BIEN and LADLES The beet facilities for obtaining, a PRACTICAL, COMPREICERSIVE„ BITITINER3 EDUCATION. The thorough, novel and Interettir g course of ACTUAL PRACTICE CLERK, =RCM= AND EIMCn v - receiving, in each capacity, a practical & reliable knowl edge of burliness In Its multifarious formtrantipluises, PENMANSHIP. In this essential branch of business education no Cot tage ones better facilities to the learner. The Spence elan system will be taught in all its varieties bilks most skillful masters of the art. Specimeni of Writing from this Institution have received the highest encomiums from the press. For general information. terms, &c., address for dot. legs inonthly, which will be mailed free; for specimens ofl'enmanshlp, enclose two three-cent stamps, r decily Address D. W. LOWELL Printipal s _ Lowelre commercial College, Binghamton; IC I. IMPORTANTroFEMALES .. --- . 2 1, -- AkEESE34- ° . 41 ' s f i• ' (% f '+' )''. -* f - C7 '4 " t e ,:- : G. •\\ . .:. Z A '' g - V. )1 ~$ , 1 ta" I ((( PILLS 11 1 '''' WILL Immediately relieve, without pain, all dfaine- Dances of the periodic discharge, whether sirtelpt from relaxation or suppression. They act like abharM In removing the pains that accompany difficult Win- Moderate menstruation, and aro the only safe and tell- Able remedy for Flushes, y *Sick Headache, Pants In tho Loins, Back and Sides Palpitation of the Heart. No Tons Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms. Broken Sleep, end other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an Unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the wont clues Of Fluor Albin or Whites, they effect a spbedy cure, 'Dr. Cheegefilan s s Female .'ills Aretbeonly medicine that married aniA tingle ladle a haie relied on for many years, or can rely upon now.— Miran osi Darrxrioxis I These Pills form the finest preparation net put forward, with immediate and per. intent success. DON'T BE DECEIVED— Take this advertisement to your Dmeglst, and tell Win that you want the beet and most ,reliable Pantile Medicine in the *odd, which is comprised in r Dr. Cheesetnan's Female' Pills,! Titej dein received, antler° !ibis receiving the sane. tion of the most eminent Physicians Ili America. Explicit Dlrectione„,witir each box—the Price, One Dollar per box, coutallfing from a 9 . to GO Pills ' • • , Pills sentby mail, ,promptly by remitting the price tia the Praprittots, or any auth . orized agent, In current rands. _ „ , .. , 80/d by Druygista generally IDITCHINGS A niiLtER, Proprietor* . I ' . . IS Dey street, New York,' . AIIIIs Ttlitillfilrif t Wholesale and Retail Agent Mien role and vicinity. Data . . - ecitaly ! 0 65,