The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 06, 1866, Image 3
- p 0 I:TZT ir .•96.1m302.43.21E11.13 Local News, we wish our friends throughout the count_ wJuld furnish us with any items of local interest that occur in their re spective neighborhoods. We desire to give particular attention to our local col num., and trust our friends will assist us. - Choice Deeds, etc. s u perior Deeds anti Mortgages, also, Administrator's, Executor's, .Trustee's, and Guardian's Deeds—all of the most 3 pproved form and style, for sale at this Ace, at fair prices. Also, a general as sornnent of other blanks. Sewing Machines. Any one wishing to buy a first rate Fe Wing machine, can, by inquiring of the editor of this paper, learn how to procure one so as to save $lO ; or two persons can each buy one, and save p 25. Several ma chines, now in use in this county, pro cured in this way, work as well as any. Pianos, Melodeons, &c. Those wishing to purchase a first-rate Organ or Melodeon made by Geo. A. Prince & Co., or a Piano from either of Feveral popular manufacturers, can learn 1 1 ,-,w to precurean instrument of their own s(lt•ction, at the factory, with the makers' warranty, at a considerable less price than t!,or can otherwise purchase, by calling ,;ion or addressing the editor of the Montrose Democrat. _ - 440 - Congressional Globe. We wi,ll to procure, to complete our file, a copy of the Congressional Globe an , i Appendix for the First Session of the Thirty-sixth -Congress; and the Globe amt Appendix for the Third Session of the Thirty-eeventh Congress. Can any friend let us have them "for loN e or money ?" Commercial Colleges. We can sell scholarships in several lead ing Colleges—Binghamton, Bqi ,, l2keepsie, and others—ata handsome viii-tio:1 from usual rates. Young men o %%i-h to attend one, can save t",;,5 or La this means. Information Free. Ti e halr-dozen Republican organs pub- In this corner of the State, are res ).e,•tf:iiiy informed that Andrew Johnson nvie a speech on the 22d of Feb. about three days after the date of his first veto r.wisage ; and their readers ought to k:low what their President says. Something New We learn that 1.. C. Keeler will Apen a large stock of Boots & Shoes, Hate ct Caps, Furs, etc., in a few• days, in the store recently occupied by F. B. Week. , , two doors below this office. As his stock be extensive and varied, customers will do well to call and look at his goods. Township Elections. At the township elections held on Fri day, Feb. 10:11, the ( , flicers elect/•d were fol:., .—(we deferred publishing the ‘v. , ek to give place to a part of is P: - !etiCti speech, which was re k :: 3 late day): —.',.:sessor, G. W. Stebbins ; S•iperl E. L. Mains; Cnstable, J.J. , - '_.hool Directors, Benj. Pier- Jo :ci Batmen ; Jtidee, Treadway lienugg ; Itrspectots, W. 11. Christian,D. U. Cooler: Aran!!—Assessor, N.J.West ; Justices, B. 11. Dix, J. C. Bushnell ; Sniir, W. H. Dann ; Constable, J. H. Toal , ; Direct er Taber Lewis, Jos. Broxhatn, C. C. Worth ; Judge, Geo. H. Burman ; Inq's J. N. Sartell, T. F. Archer. -Ipolacon—Assessor, Peter Clifford ; Sn per'r, Patrick Regan ; Constable, H. H. lirow; Directors, D.C. Wood, W. Craig; Judge, John Lynch Insp'rs, Johnson Foster, John McCarty. Bridgewater.—Assessor, F.M.Williams ; Constable, Win. L. Beebe; Judge, Apol lo Stone ; Inspectors, Wm. McMillan, C. F. Watrous ' • Supervisor, G. S. Johnson ; Clerk, H. J. Stephens ; Treasurer, C. S. Bush; Auditor, James Turrell ; School Directors, H. P. Robins, C. J. Curtis. Brooklyn Assessor, I. Van Aukiu ; Jus tice, E. A. Weston ; Sup'r, N. C. Benja min ; Constable,Ahrred Titsworth ; Direc tors, C. Rogers, B. 0. Watrous ; Judge, A. G. Hollister: Insp'rs, Jas. Sterling, A. T, Tiffany. Chford—Assessor,W. Meredith ; Sup'r, Win. Hasbrouck ; Constable, E. S.Lewiiz.; Directors, J. R. Johnson, Ezra Coleman ; Judge,Benj, Smith ; Insp'rs, Hiram Stev ens, Sm. A2.llfiller. Chnconnt—Assesor, Tie ; Justices, Mi chael Hickey, Elijah Deuel ; Sup'r, Dugan; Constable, James Mangy; Direc tors, Jas Donley, Eugene Farley, Martin Golden; Judge, John Hickey; Insp'rs, Matthew M'lnerny, John S. Stanley. Dintogkr-Assessor, B. L. Brush ; Sup'r, J. L. S. Wallace; Constable, M. K. Ting ley : Auditor, G. M. Denison ; Judge, J. W. Allen ; Inspect'rs, Joel Compton, Francis Tingley ; Clerk, C. C. Mills; Treas'r, John E. Barnes. Dunde—Assessor, E. Vail ; Justice, Stardevant ; Constable, E. Vail; Ihrectors, K. P. Winner, Nelson Cole man, I year, E. Lamereaux; Judge, A. Mills; ltispirs, Henry Brownell, C. H. Slocum. Friends://He—Assessor, Philip Milian ; Burgess, E. L. Hiadrick ; Constable, G. W. Abbott; Directors, Hugh Duffy,C.B. Jackson, Michael Dow, 1 year; Judge, C. B. Jackson ; Insp'rs, Thos. ;Hogan, P. Million. Franklin—Assessor, J. L. Merriman Justice, Samuel Turrell; ,Sup'r,' Tingley ; Constable, John H. Deakin; And., T. G. Williams ; Directors, J. W Maryott, H. L. Hitchcock ; Judge, J. B Crane ; Insp'rs, Andrew Whalen, J. H Warner. Forest Lake—Assessor, L. M. 'Darrell ; Sup'r, Adelbert Warner ; Constable, tie; Directors, W. T. White, W. J. Terrell ; Judge, H. R. West ; Insp'rs, W.T.White, W. J. Gordon. Gibson—Assessor, C. W. Ressegui ; Su perv;sor, Wm. Thayre ; Constable, H.W. Stearns ; Directors, J. L. Gillett, W. H. Pope ; Judge, John Bennett, 2d ; Insp'rs J. M. Potter, T. J. Manzer. Great Bend—Assessor, Galen Newman Sup'rs, Elijah Barnum, Elias Lee ; Const. Albert Truesdell ; Directors, Wm. S. Barnes, Elias Lee; Judge, Reuben Ives; Insp'rs, Jas. Worden, Jas. M. Green. Great Bend boro—Assessor, C. S. Gil bert ; Constable, Lucien Buck ; Auditor, R. T. Stephens ; Directors, T. D. Easta brooks, Isaac Reckhow ; Judge, I. Reck- I how ; Insp'rs, G. -W. Brown, Richard Stone. Harmony—Assessor, Orrin D. Weeks ; Justices, S. H. Barnes, P. L. Norton ; Su pervisor, M. J. Taylor; Constable, David Taylor; Directors, Edgar Thomas, Win. Tremain, G. G. Mclione ; Judge, Luther Barnes ; Insp'rs, H. G. Hotchkiss, B. W. Root. Harford—Assessor, S. E. Carpenter ; Poor M., G. A. Lindsey; Sup'r, C. N. Forsyth ; Constable, N. S. Guile ; Aud'r, Geo Whitney ; Directors, D. L. Hine, J. Blanding, ; Judge, S. B. Guile ; Inap'rs, L. D. Witmarth, 0. Payne, jr. Herrick—Assessor, H. 11. Ellis ; Sup'r, %V. T. Dimmick ; Constable, Kob't West gate ; Directors, Truman Mills, Walter Lyon ; Judge, John Craft; lusp'rs, E. E. Lyons, H. K. Nichols. Jarkson—Assessor, Chauncey Lamb ; Justices, Sabin Barrett, L. D. Benson ; Sup'r, J. H. Miles; Constable, B. W. Barrett ; Directors, D. A. Lamb, M. J. Mulvey, E. Morley ; Judge, J. H. Scott ; Insp'rs, H. M. Benson, Lester Payne. Jessup—Assessor, Orlando Stone •, Jus tice, Daniel Pickett; Sup'r, H. S. Birch ard ; Constable, 1. E. Birchard ; Direers John Shay, NV. V. Bedell ; Judge, I. L. Camp • Insp'rs, L. S. Blaisdell, J. Moore. Lathrop—Assessor, IVtn. Z. Brown ; Justice, L. W. Kellnm ; Sup'r, David Hunter ; Constable, E. E. Thayer ; Direc tors, Chauncey Scott, 2 years, Sylvester Bacon, 2 years, John Bisbee, 3 years,P.S. Bronson 3 years ; Judge, Elisha Bell ; In spector , W. J. Baker, Alvin Brown. Liberty—Assessor, Sani'l Whited; Sup. H. H. Rce ; Constable, L. E. Stantbrd ; Directors, L. W. Alien, Wm. Barry ; Judge, Israel Luce; Insp'rs, W. W. Gon zales, V. P. Gonzales. Lenox—Assessor, Abraham Churchell ; Justice, W. H. Osterhout ; StlP'r, 0. C. Se% erance ; Constable, Lyman Bell ; Di rectors, J. P. Hartley, G. W..Mapes ; Judge, W. M. Tingley; Insp'rs, G. W. Mapes, Humphrey Marcy. Middletown—Assessor, Fred. Tagg art ; Justice, Newell Keeler ; Sup'r, Richard O'Donnell; Constable, L. W. Baiter; Directors, P. S. Ross, J. W. Sanderson ; Judge, ames Keenan ; Insp'rs, NelSon Camp, Francis Keenan. Alootrose.—Assessor, E. C. Ford ham ; Constable, 0. F. • Fargo; Judge, D. D. Warner; Inspectors, Fayette Avery, G. R. Lathrop ; Auditor, Gilbert Warner; Directors of Poor for Montrose and Bridgewater, Wm. IT. Boyd 1 year, Sam'l Bard 2 years, Spencer Watrous 3 years. New Ai - Word—Assessor, Dennis Shay ; Justice, A. B. Smith ' • Sup'r, Harvey Grin nell • Constable, D. W. Rice; Directors, Gilbert Williams, B. H. Foot • Judie, J. M. Tennant ; Insp'rs, C. S. Page, Benj. Sabina. New Milford bo.—Assessor, Joel Lamb; Burgess, E. A. Pratt ; Constable, " Hiram Hibbard ; Directors, R. C. Vail, F. W. Boyle ; Judge, Joel Lamb ; Insp'rs, J. S. Tingley, Harvey GrifFuig ; Overs'rs Poor, H. Griffing, R. C. Vail. Little Meadows—Assessor, L. W. Bar ton ; Constable, D. L. Hoyt ; Directors, Avery Beebe, Harry Barney; Judge, D. R. Garfield ; Insp'rs, Harry Barney, Ave ry Beebe. Oakland—Assessor, Calvin Brush; Jus tice, J. B. Kittle ; Sup'r, Charles Beebe ; Constable, Stanley Squires; Directors, T. T. Munson, S. H. Eastabrooke ; Judge, F. Ives ; Insp'rs, S. H. Eastabrooks, George Jameson. Rush—Assessor, L. C. Tupper ; Super visor, D. H. Devine; Constable, Rob't P. Carter; Directors, Bela GTfn, N. Gran ger ; Judge, John Baker; Insp'rs, C. A. Carter, Uriah Terry. Susq. Depot—Assessor, Augustus Gil bert ; Justice,Gaylad Curtis ; Overseers Poor, H. A. in ley, Washington Sbaeff; Constable, E. I Carr; Directors, EL P. Moody, J. H. ok; Judge, J. C. Cook ; Insp'rs, Benj. G egory, A. W. Rowley. Silver Lake—Assessor, Timothy Sulli van ; Justice, Philip Gage.; Suer, W. H. Constable, Trnnian Gage ; Directore,Cain Mahoney, C. F. Washburn, Bernard Ri ley ; Judge , Iram David ; Insp'rs, IL D. Decker, Matthew Hays. - Springville—Assessor, H. K. Sherman ; Justice, E. M. Phillips ; Supe'r, A. B. Sheldan • ' Constable, A. P. Brown ; Direc tore, G. W. Th mpson 3 years, H. 13. Ro gers 3 years, E . Noble 2 years; Judge Orin Fish ; losp 're, J. N. Vought, Sam'! Quick. ,c,--- Thomson—Sup'r, Henry Jenkins; Con stable, Frank Hall ; Directors, G. L.Lew is, Stephen Jenkins, James Ware • Judge Stephen Jenkins; Insp'rs , C. A. garrison, M. T. Whitney. = —A few days ago two negro girls were arrested by the police of Louisville for drunkenness and die - order, and taken be. fore the city court ,wbere they .were fined and bound over to behave themselves for three mbtitbs. The girls iomplained - to theFreedmen's Bureau 'whereupon .the policemen: - were arresuk by _negro" soli, diets and carried before the. ,Freedmen's. VirlDr. Tobias , Venetian Horne Lint. meat,—Pint Bottles at One Dollar, for the cure of lameness, cute, galls, colic, sprains, ete.. warranted cheaper than any other. It is used by_ all the great horsemen on Long Island courses. It will not cure ring bone nor spavin, as there is DO liniment in existence that will. What It is stated to cure it positivel , does. No owner of horses will be withou it alter t ryi ng one bottle. One dose revives and often saves the l ife of an over-heated or driven horse. For colic and belly-ache it has never failed. Just as sure as the sun rises, Just so sure is this valuable Liniment to be the Horse embro cation of the day. • - Sold by all druggists. Office 56 Cortland Bt. New Tork Feb 15 Imp pv - Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh— Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS, oe cullst and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Rolland,) No. 519 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. (July 20, 186 5 . ly Pr - Strange, but Truo.—Every young lady and gentleman in the 'United States can hear something ve ry much to their advantage by return mall (free of charge,) by addressing the undersined. Those having fears orbeing humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Dec. 26.—lysmp 831 Broadway, New York. VirTo Consiiimptlyes.—The advertiser having been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a se vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Consnmp tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow-eaffereni the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, and all throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser In sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he conceives to be invaluable ; an he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may pritire a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, sinms, by return mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Sings Co., New York. Dec. 26, 186.5.—lysmp (IF — Errors of Youth.—A gentleman who 'of fered for years from nervous debility, premature decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience. can do so by addressing 1011 N B. OGDEN. No. 13 Chambers street, New York. Dec. t 6, ISM Iysmp The Confession's and Experience of an Invalid, Published for the benefit and as a caution to y , ,ung men and others, who suffer from nervous debility, premature decay of manhood, etc. supplying at the same time the means of self-cure. Boone who has cored him self after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclo sing a post paid addressed envelope, a single copy. free of charge may be had of the author. N•TnAM IEL. M T rain. Esq., Brooklyn, Singe co. N.Y. jann lyempl In Franklin, by Rev. W. C. Tilden, Mr. J. H. STERLING, of Montrose, and Miss MARIETTE BROWN, of Franklin. Feb. 21st, at the Franklin Honse,Mont rose, by Rev. A. 0. Warren, Mr. C. B. ROSENGRANT, of Springville, and Miss URSULA L. GYLE, of Auburn. VW - Deaths, as wet; as marritges, are published free Obituaries published et the rate of fifty cents per hund red words. or five cents per line for poetry. Cash to be sent with the notice. In Bridgewater, Nov. 12, 1865, HARRI ET C., wife of Franklin Allen, and daught er of William and Maria Dutcher, aged 29 years, 1 month and 7 days. The Lord has called away, One from her husband dear; She's left her children and her Friends in sorrow, grief and tears. Then wc.op not for our sister dear; She's gone to realms above, Where brother and friends may sing Of Christ's redeeming love. In Brooklyn, Feb. 21, 1866, Ar.-N, wife of R. F. Ring, aged 63 years. $5OO REWARD! SN.T S O a LI d : n a N y. from the Igttouse betweenof D . Snyder, the houraifnlllllBhd on in the evening, 3. 5 ,A000 3:3)colausurstas consisting. of Three One Hundred Dollar Bills, Six Fif ty Dollar Bills, the rest ittfis, and 10's, and s's—mostly interest bearing bonds. N. D. SNYDER.. Rush, March 0,1868. 8w P i a JR. MALI—AM. T. CHARLES HOTEL LEASE & FIIR. NITURE, For Sale. Possession given the first of April. d. W. BURGESS, Proprietor. SCRANTON, Ps. Wen 6, 1668. reT•coticse. TE Accounts and Notes of the late firm of BOYD WEBSTER are in the hands of WM. H. BOYD for settlement, who is anlyi authorized to receipt for the same. Alipersons knowing themselves Indebted will do well to attend to the settlement of their accounts very soon, as these books must be settled. March 6, 1866. 2w WM. H. BOYD. A Farm of 133 Acres, And Good Improvements, In Bridgewater, 2 miles from Montrose, For Bale. D. BREWSTER. • Montrose, March sth, 1866. 3w INrc)itlcse. . . i tl Y Notes and Aceotuits will be in the hands of G. L MIL Stone A Co, a *bort time for collection. March 6, 1866. P. B. WEEKS. 1866. PHILADELPHIA 1866. Zs'tapeless'. HOWELL ft BOMA Manufacturers of Paper 321Camsgazisms, Window Undoe s Corner Fourth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always in Store, a large Stbk of - LINEN and OIL SHADES. March H. IPM. Zrojw I;t.emaLcvvw,l. THE SOLDIERS' AID. G. W. HEWITT lk CO. vffid gl o ve w gzdj i = th to sn al a l t t i l l i n e y ir o c t r a toneere, • Boot & Shoe Shop-; be this vicinity. Call and see for yourselves. IletAtil Ralteoled for p zess .coeziltai l ,—other work ac cordingly. hop ;opposite - B pposite theinghamton MB* in Clubman • building. Montrose, Jan.lad. 1966. t AUCTION ! V= be cold at auction on the premieea late of W. P. KIiNNARD, dec'd, in Bridgewater, on WM. IiESDAY, MARCH 14, WM, commencing at 10 o'clock. A. M., the tbilowingnamedArticlea, to wit : v •. A working Ma e;1 tWo years old Colt, 8 Coati, 29 Sheep l Shoat, aba ft 20 tone Hay, Corn in the Crlb, some bate, one 2horse WagOn, a two-horse:Sleigh. a Cutter, a sett of heavy Harness, • sett.oflightHatmess,a Hubbard Hower, n Horse Hake some Pork, some Tim othy Seed and Clover, Seed, a lot of Sole Leather and Dressed Calf-skins. same Lriniber,'Shingled, a quantity of Carpenter's Tools, two pairs of Scale., 2 Stoves, • Cheese Press, 50 bushels Potatoes, a breech-loading a silver-mounted Pistol, a Sap Kettle, and a vari ety of Household Furniture, Farming Tools, ac., too numerous to mention. TERMS.—Cash for all sums less than five dollars Eve dollars or over, 8 months credit with Interest and approved security. D. BREWSTER, Auctioneer. J. P. HARDING 1 8,%v. B. L. RENNA.4II., But Bridgewater, March 6, 1866. Or ALSO, the Farm for sale, at private sale. Dr. F. C. BROOKS,. 191 • • gßsxtxa c ~,,Sttrgeon, HANN Ict l "T 7fttTrY eha r a = t l:llla attend Thlyaswthwi may be s avored . O ffi ce Bla kealee's. N. B.—Has been connected with Wills' Eye Hospital in Philadelphia one year. Dimock, Feb. 1866. Imo lomillisTßAToal _ SALE! Hh.130 house of offeri i f o or li z eh e ro a p t " n o e l % m ai a th y . March 24th, 1866, at tee o'clock, A. M., the [allowing described real estate, late the estate of Davis N. Phil lips, deceased, to wit: All that certain parcel of land situate in Lathrop township, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described ae follows : On the north by lands of IC G. Osborn, east by lands of Drew Lord, south by lends of J. M. Williams, and west by lands of John Fike—containing sixty-three asses, or thereabouts; with about twenty acres improved, together with the appurtenances, a small house, a barn, and some fruit trees. Minn.—Twenty-five dollars cash on day of sale, three hundred dollars on confirmation of sale, and the balance In installments payable at the end of one and two years. or Persons wishing to purchase can learn all the particulars by addressing the enadoraigued at Ilopbot torn, Pa , E, M. TEWKSBURY, Adra'r Lathrop, Feb. 40,1868 Executors' Notice. ESTATE of WARREN P. KENNARD, dee'd, late of Bridgewater township, Susquehanna county, Pa. _ Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby. noti fied to make immediate payment. and tinise - having claims against the same to present them duly autheuti cated for settlement. J. P. HARDING, S. L. KENNARD, r . "'" .. " Bridgewater, Feb. 27,1666. 6w Auditor's Notice. MILE undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or '. phan s s Court of Susquehanna county to make dis tribution of the funds In the hands of the administrator of theestate of GARWOOD MITCHEL, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his °nice in Montrose, on Saturday the 94h day of March, 1866, at one o'clock, P. M. at which time and place an persons insterested in said rand will present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. Feb. 23d, 13M. J. D. M'COLLLUM, Auditor. 1' Auditor's Notice. MI RE undersigned, an auditor appointed b the Or a. phone' Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the funds In the hands of Sewell Wilmarth, administra tor of the estate of Labors Russell, deed, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his ogles in Montrose , on Ttittradsy, rnern-sheay .s.4r A. 4. Ism as n •. clock, P,31, at which time and place all persons inter ested in add fund will present their claims or be foray er debarred from coming in on said fund. E. M. TURNER, Auditor. Feb. V, 1866. 4w Auditor's Notice• MBE undersigned, an auditor aprtointed by ;the Or pban's Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the funds in the hands of the administrator of the es tate of S. A. Woodruff, deceased, to and among the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Bentley, Fitch & Bentley, in Montrose, on Wednesday the 21. at day of Idarcb,M at 9 o'clock, P. M., atlrhieh time and place all persons interested in said fund will present their claims or be forever debarred from com ing in on said tuna. B. 8. BENTLEY, Jr., Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 20, VOL Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, au auditor appointed by the Or phans' Conn of Susquehanna county to distribute the funds in the hands of the accountant of the estate of DAVID LAMB, dec'd„ will attend to the duties or his appointment at the office of Fraser &Case. in Mont rose, on Wednesday, March 7th, at one o'clock, P. M.. when all persons interested in said hind will present their claims or be forever debarred. F. AL CASE, Auditor.- Montrose, Feb. 12, 1866 Auditor's Notice. EM undersigned. an auditor appointed by the Or phonee Court of Susquehanna county upon excep tions to the account or the administrator of the eststecif JOHN CLIFFORD, dec'd, will hear the parties interes ted at the office of Fraser & Cue, fn:MontrosA, ein Bit tufty the 10th day of March next,-at one olciock, P.M. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 8,1866. 4w . Auditor's Notice. ryas undersigned, en auditor appointed by the Cr ."; phana' Court ofilusquehanna County to make dis tribution of the fonds in the hands of the administra tor of the estate of Samuel Carlin, dec'd, will attend to the duties of , his • appointment - at - his, ales in the borough of Montrose. Ou iEtativdayLttui 10th day of March, 1360, at 1 o'clock, p. m- at which time and place all pentane interested in laid fund Neill present their chtims or bo ;Greyer debarred knot coming in on said fel* 4w C. W. TYLER, Auditor. Auditor's Notice. /VHS undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Or- J plums' court of fidequebarma minty to distribute the funds in the hands of the administrator of estate of Joseph B. Webster, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office In Montrose on Tuesday the lath day of March,lB66, at two o'clock, p. m, when persons interested in said land will present their claims or be forever debarred from coming - in upon said fund. tette 4w W. D. LUSH, Auditor. Auditor's - Notice. THE onderstg.'ned having been• appointed an auditor by the OmMoe' Court of tituktnehantui County to distribute the fund lathe hands of the administrator of the estate of Michael Gallaher, deed, will attend to the duties of eftld appointment at Lis office In Montrose, on Saturday the 10th day of March 1866, at one o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons interested In said fend - will present their claims or be forever debarr ed from coming in on said fund. jar= 4w I. H. BURNS, Auditor. Wiclor Male. Tinbscilber offer" at private sale Qs; following THE described real estate; viz A FARM containing 140 acres, well watered and wooded, and good dwelling house, almost new, two barna and an orchard—only X of a mile from Dimock ,Corners; on the Montrose road. Also-20 acres of valuable land contiguous to the vil lage of Dimock, containing I dwelling house, I barn. a good orchard, and the building known as WOODRUFF ACADEMY, which at ' a moderaja.COSt:couldi be easily converted Into a good dwelling house. Alf of which will be offered together, ordivid-W up and parceled out to snit purchasern. Also--a dwelling house &Rd lot, directly.lVOß . One of the fonitorners, withaborse barn, wagon stied, and ' 4 te good sta _bonze, sulktblk . for the' Dry Goods or Grp ! wary trade. ' Mutates. described - Real Katats, together with a quantity of penanuttproperty and live stock, will be of: fend =two taxable to in• • • - -_• - -1,. H. wooI:MUFF: , - • - =mock, Susquehanna Co. Pa. 2sa. 2, _ tr- r'l% . SPRING GOODS, NEW !WRING GOODS, AT THE Binghathton 8ra,3a013. Eitcre. . Binghamton 13rEtriob. Eitcore. ihm.diammt arCOICOT/S3 ALt Old. rbricsen, BEFORE THE WAR ! 1. - N. HINE & CO. IN THE STORE OF G. L. STOIiE 4 00 Montrose, Fib. 90, 18itt. WE HAVE MK= DOWN, NARKED DOWN, MOSS ON ALL WINTE'R Dress Goods, Shawls, AND WOOLEN GOODS OP ALL SORTS. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, AND ALL NEAVT WINTER CLOTIDNG AND WILL BELL TIM War the 2a.est 00 73 veydr, nnimmisas or con! CALL -AND SEE US. Guttenberg. Rosenbaum & Co. IL IL DESSAVER; MAI 4issr. 14411Fosa t ha. - 144 ISO. THE subscriber reipeetfally informs the public that he has leased the Blacksmith Shop of H. C. Clemons, near the-Foundry of Sayre Brothers. Customers will do well to am, as they can get every thing done in the Blaclusmithing line neatly and prompt- ly for cash. far Particular attention given tWARD o Horse P. Shoeing._ ED STAMP. Montrose, Dec. 26, 1863. tf Co-Partnership Notice. MINE On-partnerehi of BUNT, BROS. d, KAM has terminated by the death of Mr. Milton L. Blair. The business will be confirmed by the uhdet , signed tinder the arm name of RUNT BROTNRRS. T. F. BUNT, A'. E. BUNT. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD 'WILL do more and better work at a given cost, than any other. Try it Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & WITH: Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Glass Dealers, JanBo 1y 137 North 3d street, Phtlasra. READ QUARTERS for BARGAINS ! C3l-3110. .1EE.A.12"3133311%T. NEW MILFOED, PA. DEALER IN STAPLE ds FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CA READY MADE CLOTHING, yAscVNaooles, And lots of Goods too numerous to mention, at the vim lowest marketprices. Call and examine—no charge for showing Goods—wr cry article warranted as represented, and will sell Cheaper than the Cheapest. GEO. HAYDEN. • New Milford, Pa. D. W. LOWELL, Principal & Proprietor kJF the above Institution, respectfully calls attention to the unsurpassed facilities of his course oflustruer tion, and the important additions and improvements which have been made in and to the several departments Obis College. The course of instruction extended and perfected,presenta to YOUNG MEW and LADIES The best facilities for obtaining a PRACTICAL, CONPRERENSIVE, =BUMS CLEM, 111333 CHANT AHD BABBM, receiving. in each capacity ,a practical & reliable knows edge of business in its multifarious forms and Outset PENMANSHIP. NARKED DOWN, Cloaks, IMPORTANNFEMALES -- 1 - 0 E SEliae _ m . s.: V 1 v i, - . 1-- ',. . . •:. : 1 ~.. 4 . 4, % A) p l y „ i , 1 :-.. :. %re p \- NO , . I> ‘ . -.• 4 , j r((' PILLS /)' • WILL Immediately relieve, without pain all 41100. bances of periodic ischarge, ril from relaxation the or suppressio d . Thney awhetheract like achar dnd so in removing the pains that accompany difticultor ha moderate menstrnation, and are the only safe and reli able remedy for Flushes. Sick Headache, Penni* the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of tho,Beart, Nov vons Tremors; Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Bleep, and other unpleasant and dangeronaeffeete of an unnatural condition of the sexual function.. 111 the wor s t cases of Fluor Album or Whites, they effects speedy cute. Dr. Cheeseulan's Female Pills Are the only medicine that married and single Wise' have relied on for many years, or can rely upon new.— Bzweitr. or Dirre'rross 1 These Pills form the finest preparation ever pot - forward, with immediate sndper. Orient success. DON'T BE DECEIVED. Take this advertisement to yourninagint,ltnd tell him that you want the beat and most reliable Female Medicine in' the world, which_ is comprised in Dr. Cheesemart's Female Pills 1 They have received, and are now receiving the saultd don of the most eminent Physicians in America,: - _ Explicit Directions with each box—the Price, Onii Dollar per box; containing from to to 60 Ms, .„ .. Pills sent by mail promptly, by remitting .the prism to the Proprietore, or any authorized' agent, in cumin& funds. Sold by Druggists ..Generally. : ~ ; f ,,.: ; utpitkiNGS & ItILLTER, Proprietelltyj -' ! ' ~ 18_,pey _street New Toni, ABEL TVBRELlLtwaolasaleanditstaussimit ibrXontross and vicinity. . • 00.51. ednify - - - . ' • NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Scranton, Feb. let,lSo3. 4nr THE REGULATOR! Great Inducements for 1866. YANKEE NOTIONS, TRUNKS, TEAVELING-BAGS, I i - w Et a * X X / / I . . • - e MI EDUCATION. The thorough, novel and intereetiL g course of ACTUAL PRACTICE embraces a complete routine of transactions in each ink portant branch of business. A Store, Bank and Railroad Steamboat, Telegraph, Post-offices, ~ are In full and successful operation, representine In a pleasing and sat isfactory manner, the daily routine of actual business Me, in which the student be , mea in progression an amateur In this essential branchof business education no Ce/. lege °Hes better facilities to the learner. The Spence Han system will be taught in all its varieties by the most skillful masters of the art. Specimens of Writing from this institution have received the highest encomiums from the press. For general information, terms, &c., address for Col lege monthly which will be mailed tree; for specimens of Penmansh ip. enclose two three-cent stamps. deciToly Address D. W. LOWELL Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, Binghamton, N. T. CHEAP CLOTHING. This day received our Fall and Winter Stock of READY MADE CLONING I OVERCOATS, UNDERCOATS, HATS AND CAPS, PANTS AND VESTS, ROY'S CLOTHING, FINE FLANNEL SHIRTS, UNDER CLOTHING. Look at Prices of a Few Articles : Overcoats, heavy and warm, as low es $8 60 All wool Business Suits, Coat, Pants •;t, Vest, la 00 Union Business Snits " " •, 9 00 Good Undershirts and Drawers, per pair, 160 And other Goods in proportion. Or Claimants made to onto:, and warranted to It. Flour and Groceries! Such as Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Saleratne, Soap, Spices, Salt, &c. itc., as usual. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing an. where. Wanted—Eggs, Chestnuts, and grafted Winter Ap. plea, for which t hehighest prices will be paid in cash. G. L. STONE d, CO. Montrose, Nov. 28, 1885. "THE FAMOUS BARBER." Come and see the famous Barber, Famous Barber, late of Hayti. Late of Hayti, now at Weeks', Now at P. B. Weeks' Store Room, Find me shaving and shampooing, Find me cutting hair to suit you, Find me ready at year service. At your service; CHARLEY NORMS Montrose,Oct.. 15, 1668, tt