BUSINESS CARDS. OrZritlek, otioiasor. rip? tittf Gres; Bend, Pa. ROGERS it ELY, Maicteou.sseoci. .42.A.1CiticroZi.CPCMIES, mylO _ BrooklYnt . PETER HAY, rdoemissie•cill AthAzotic)22.oor, fobl flatt Auburn 4 Corners, Pa. , . C. SUTTON, Saitocrasiseatl. Bmaolticsaaraer, ap76.stf Prlendsville, Pa. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, CRANTON, Lonnie co.. Penn'a—VENN AVENTIP S aug6 at J. W. BURGESS, Proprietor. . . . C.O. FOR.DHA3f, 13 002' as 8110EDenter and Manufacturer Montrose, -Ps. Shop on Main street, one door below the Post oMce. AU kinds of work •oade to order, and repairing donarusatiy.. Pull 65 STROUD It BROWN, "PIMP AND Wit INSURANCE AGENTS. Office isreittui Post" co,Eldli Montrose, Pa. All business attended to promptif, on fair terms. [Jan. 1,1866. BtLLFROII STROUT!, CHAIR .R 8 L. BROWN. LAMBERTON dc MERRIMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 204 Market street, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Will practice in the several Coasts of Luzerne and Susquehanna Counties. C. L. LAILIIIJITON. L. L. Mrsunstax. Dec. 4, 1865. Ms. E. L. BLAKESLEE, 11TBICIAN & SURGEON, has located at Brooklyn, P thieq'a co., Pa. Will attend promptly to all calls with yrhich he may be favored. Office at I. M. Bald [July DR. E. L. GARDNER, 13HY8IOTAN and SURGEON Montrose, Pa. °Mee over Webb & Suttee:M{l % s ;fore. Boards. at Searle's Hotel. mytis tf G Z. DIMOCK, "Dffreacux and Surgeon, Montrose, Pa. Office 1 'over' the Port °Mee. Boards at Searle's Hotel. DR. D. A. LATHROP, xi-Ay Mfound at the Keystone Kota—Room No (Montrose, Jan. Ist, 1865. IL BURRITT, DEALER in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drugs, Oils, and Paints, Boottand Shoos, Hats and Caps, Pins, Buffalo Robes, Oreeeelea, Provisions, etc., New Milford, Pa. WM. H. COOPER it CO., BAIMLERS, Montrose, Pa. Successors to Poet, Cooper I Co. Office, Lathrop's new building, Turnpike-st. W. tIVNTITSG coop= HIM= DIIINIIEB. McCOLLITM & SEARLE, a. TTOILNEYS rind Counsellors at Law, Montrose, Pa. - Office hiLathroVe new building. over the Bank. J. 11. 11.00L1 A. 0. WARREN, TTORNET AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension, XL and Exemption Claims attended to. fcbl orOince first door below Boyd's Store; Montrose, Pa DOCT. E. L. HAN DRICK, IDOSIETSICIAN & SURGEON, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizen of Friends ville and vicinity. or-Office In the ofliee of Dr. Lect. Boards at J. Elmsford's. Dyad Gatf . ABEL TIIERELL, rt CAL= to Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye I.ll6tairs, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Win thosrGlass., Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perth meriater-Attent for all the most popular PATENT MEDICINES,—Montrose, Pa. DR. WM. SMITH, • QIIRGEON DENTlST,—Montrose, Pa. i7Offiee in Lathrops• new banding, over ttie Bank. MI Dental operations will be ' 4 114. a a erforated in good style and warranted. JOHN GROVES, VASMONAIILE TAI/012, Montrose, Pa. Shop IL' over Chandler's Store, on the Public Avenue. • Wir Allender, filled promptly, in first-rate style.ll/ Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to it WM. W. SMITH, CAimarr AND CHAIR MANUFACTURERS,—Foot of Main street, Montrose, Pe. t( P. LINES, ASMONABLRTAILOR.—!Montrose, Pa. Shop F Phoenix Block, over store of Read, Watrons • it Foster_All work warranted as to fit and finish. lb Cutting done on short notice, in best style. jan'6o V JOHN SA'UTTER„ RESPECTFULLY announces that ho 1s ZIJW pro pared to cat all kinds of Garments in the most Fashionable Style, and warranted to lit with elegance and ease. Shop over LN. Bollard's Store, Montrose. ' CO I— a raiMIFS..I9 7 p ENsioNgl BOUNTY , AND BACK PAY. TQE undersigned. LICENSED AGENT of THE GOV ERNMENT,, will eve ptoinpt attention to all claims adjusted to hie care. Charger low. and Infor mation FREE. L. F. FITCH. Montrose, Jan. 14, 1885. tr SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, And Back Pay ! T. und ersign edolll gitipront . text " Cni to opresr a rna clatinGsfig"* tai to hilt care. Notbarge coxless otxessitil. ILobtOtote,Arig..2o.'ClS. J. B. IicCOLLUM. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY , P • ENSIONS, iskiftift MI &tools. Pa m . TFIB undersigned, LICENSED AGENT of the GOV ERNMENT.. having obtained the necessary fonns, wlltgive prompt attention to all claims intrusted tolds care. No charge 'miens successful. GEO. P. LITTLE. lfouirose. June 6th. 1864. CALVIN C. HALSEY, lIIMINING SURGEON, For Pensioners, and Applicants for Pensions. 111rOthee to Public Avenue, orer the Store of J. Ly ons .-Son. Montrose, Pa.. May 26. 1864. tf The Montrose Demobrat It POIILMIXD EVERY TUESDAY MOUNDIU, AY MONSEDSB, 13:84carnpuse, COUNTY, I'l, BY AIL J.. 421- Mil. Zit X ES C:i AT, ar $l - Ess Azinis LB ArvAllez—on UM AT EXD or vx.n. . • 841,114111 wivertisements Inserted at per square of lirifnes, three times, and 25da for eachadditional week. Yeariy asivertisers. with usual change ,e charged $lO tallow squapse, quarter COloomllsi h alf column osecoliuna $6O. andother am ou nts Ines:set pro u. . Business lards of three lines, $3; or one dollar a x i . rirLegill notices at the customary rates. • Job Printing executed. neatly and proms* at fair prices, sti ttZ 4 SZTlCattell. e. Justict*, Constables', . Term. a CE44111133, IZOOVinti. NO, FR THE RUM! THE mown= tb}ing Pactitit, WITH REVERSIBLE. PEED. TEE BEST MACHINE IN USE! MAKING 'FOUR DISTINCT STTTCIIES. Buy crag, Scrr your li7l7lSco. A Written Warranty Given if Required READ ITS VIRTUES : We claim for the noturscs the following advantages over any and all other Sewing Machines : rent makes four different stitches—the lock, knot, double lock, and double knot, on one and the of vame ma chine. Each stitch being alike on both sides f the fab ric. rlirEvery machine has the reversible feed motion, which enables the operator, by simply turning a thumb screw, to haVe the work run either to the right or left, to stay any part of the seam, or fasten the ends of seams without turning the fabric. Viir The only machine having a self-adinsting shuttle tension—the amount of tension always being in exact proportion to the size of the bobbin. Changing the length of stneh, and from one kind of stitch to another, can readily be done while the ma chine is In motion. rlir - Tho needle is easily adjusted. Wit is almost noiseless, and can be used where qui et is necft4ary, taints motions are all positive • there are no'springs to get out of order, and its simplicity enables the most Inexperienced to operate it. ars lt does not require finer thread on the ander than for the upper side, and will sew across the heaviest seams, or from ono to more thicknesses of cloth, with out change of needle. tension, or breaking t bread. 'The Hemmer is cosily adjusted and will turn any width of hem desired. Verlio other qutchine will do so great a range ot work as the Florence. pirlt will hem, fell. bind, gather, braid, quilt„and gather and sew on n ruffle at the same time. The taking ntlif the slack thread is not performed by the irregular contraction of a wire coil or uncertain op eration of wire levers. The precision and accuracy with which the Florence draws the thread into the cloth is unapproached in any Sewing 'Machine hitherto utrered in the market. We furpish each machine with "Barnum's Self-Sew er„"which guides the work itself, and is of incalculable value. especially to inexperienced operators. Phisi fully protected and licensed by E'las Bowe, Jr., and assoevites, and our Letters Patent, While possessing the above, and many other advan tages, the Florence Is soldnt corresponding prices with other first class Machines, and a careful examination will fully substantiate all that we have claimed for it. and _load., the assertion we now make, that it is the best Sewing Machine in the world. We warrant eveiyliaehine tobeitif that we claim for it and will give a written waranty if required. 'Liberal arrangements made with those who buy to Bell again. Inaba' reference may be had by addressing ThdCa amt qc. is co , Pa., AGENT FOR SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY Dec. 19, 1865. 3m New Skirt for 1866. The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX (double) ELLIPTIC SPRING SR/RT. Invention consists of Duplex for two] Elliptic Pure Penned Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the tougbest,most flexible, elastic and durable spring ever used. They seldom breakor bend, like the single spring and consequently preserve their perfoet and beautiful shape More than twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. . _ . . The wonderful flexibility, great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies. Op eras, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs. for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and con veniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady ha ring enjoyed the pleasnre, comfort and great aonvenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt.for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses end young ladies thly are superior to all others. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long As the single yarn covering which is used on atl *lngle steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are also double steel. end twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, etc., etc., which they are constantly subject to a hen fn use. All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the beet quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and Are unquestionably the lightest moat desirable, comfortable anc economical skirt ever made. WESTS, BRADLEY Zb CARY, Proprietors of the Invention, and sole manufacturers, Di Chambers, and 79 & 81 Resde streets, N. Y. For sale in nil tirstclass stores in this city, and thro - - out the United States and Canada, Havana de Cnim, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. Dlnquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. jan3o PURE LIBERTY WRITE LEAD,- the whitest, the most durable, the most economical. - Try It I Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SNIVEL Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, janSo ly 1= North 3d street, Philad'a. DELAWARE LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAIL-ROAD. Pww=xmvolgoo Summer Arrangements for 1865. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD , 11, ataing Evening Morning itveal train. !train. 1 STATIONS. I train. tral N A. N. P. M. P. XL P. 11 ” I I 9,00 4,00 New York. 5,%) 10,80 1 I 11,25 7,05 New Hampton 2,85 8.27 ..., I 12,10 7,55 Manuaka Chunk.... 1,50 '7,45 FI 12 301 8,20 Delaware...-. . ..... 1,42 7,40 'a, I 4,20 I 11.45 Scranton 10,15 4,30 C I 5,20 12,51 Nicholson ,• 8,50 8,12 u 5,48 1,13 Hopbottom 8,83 2,57 A 6,10 1,35 Montrose 8,10 2,38 . ....„ 0,31 1 I i I 1.50 New Milford '7.49 2,17 a' 6,50 2,15 I Great Bend 7,30 2.00 a. P. M A . M A.M P M CONNECTIONS.—Westward. The Morning train from New York connects at Ma minks Chunk with the train leaving PhilatPa(sensing. ton depot) at 'LAO a. ii:4„ and at Greatßend with through mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car at tached, stoppin at all the principal stations on that road, and arrivin g g at Buffalo at 6.10 a. in. The Evening Limit: from New York connects at Ida minks Chunk with the train leaving Philadelphia (Ken sington depot) at 3, al p. m.; at Great Bend with Night. Express on the Erie Hallway weet, arriving at Buffalo at 1,45 p. Ert. Eastward. The ldoming train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west ; at Itianunka Chunk with a tram for Philad'a and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 6,30 p. m.; and at New Hampton with strain for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arriy at Harrisburg at 8,80 p. m. The Evening train from Great Bend colneets there with the New York Express on the Erie Railway from the west ; at Elenenka Chunk with a train which runs to Belvidere. where it Iles over until 6 o'clock next raornin,l; and at-New Hampton withan Express train for !Califon, Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Har risburg, At Scranton, conned ions are made with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.R. to and from Pittston Kingston, Wilkesbarre, Berwick. Bloomsburg,Danyille, Northumberland, Harrisburg and intermediate stations, and with trains on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad nand from Carbondale and Intermediate stations. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. B. A. HENRY, Gen! Tkt Ao Jly4tf THE MASON & HAMLIN o.4i.mixivnir iumtc3-dsavg3, FOIITY different styles, adapted to sacred and semi. tar music, for PO to $6OO each. Fifty-one gold or silver medals, or other first premiums awarded them.— Illustrated Catalogues free. Address__, MASON & HAM LPN, Boston. or MASON BROTHERS, New York. 8 ept.2,1.865--lystrip . , Lot OTS, --FOR SALE. T "g l. b. 4 e a ribe t y sen - otren a .. sli o je sale i a n fe dL c e ho p t ro ce xr= fi g 4.l2e,ostonylve woitsof W.R..R. now in. program., , They aro laid oat in convenfentotutpo and goodalse.and may he pbxthaaed stliberallatatrand on easy terms of payment. Grunt Leud , Det. 7, lof.l. 6. PATRI('E. . ABEL TURRELL:. Ia continually receiving • NEW And keeps constantly on band a hill and desirable as sortment of genuine, Drugs, medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye-attars, Teas. Spices and other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa per, Glassware, Lamps, Kerosene, Belizele, Tanner's Oil. Lubricating Oil, Ncatstoot Oil, Refined Whale OS, Varnish, Whips, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Musical ° Instruments, Tol'et Soaps, Hair Oils, Brushes. Pocket Knives, Spectacles Sliver Plated Spoons. Forks, and Ivory llandied Knives, Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perflunery, gm. ALL THE Patent Medicines advertised in Montrose, and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY MARKET. In short, nearly everything to restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as it would OD a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa. IL MYR I GRocmis & PROVISION! J. N. DEANS , Jr., Is now receiving a large and tvell-selected stock of new goods, consisting in part of choice and cutanen FLOUR, DAIRY SALT, SUGAR. TABLE SALT, b TRUP, BBL SALT, MOLASSES, CANDLES, CHOICE TEAS, BRUSHES, COFFEE, Sc., &c. SPICES, &c. FRUITS'. NAILS, PORK, WOODEN-WARE, HAMS, BASKETS LARD, BROOMS, FISH, ROPE, ac., and in fact a choice Tarlety of ail kinds of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS which we are bound to sell wholesale or retail, cheap for cash or ready pay. Call and see before buying elsewhere, for we take pleasure in showing our goods, whether you buy or not. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods at the hest market prices. Store on Posts' Old Corner. J. N. DEANS, Jr. Montrose, June let,lslls. NEW GOODS. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD Are now receiving their ring &fr ,sitrintr C> C. 30 1:› . PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. DRESS GOODS, consisting of GRENADINES, POPLINS. CIIALLIES. DELAINES LE.NOES, 1 ° AAA MATTA% . • MERINOES, BRILLIANTS, JACONETTE PRINTS, and a good assortment of all kinds of Goods in our line. Montmse, May 11, 18M. JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS , CHOICE FAMILY 0MV222:1142,, „ P :•:!. 9 BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats anti Caps, Io 4:31 312EAMEI. GLASS-WARE, 0 -Hu HARDWARE AND NAILS, ERZ> ZaMil X.aiII.A.IMELIEWIL, di . Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. 3. R. DeWITT, TO BOOT & SHOE WEIRERS OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY B. WEEKS ,k. CO. haring aold their Stock of • Bats, Cape and Ready Bade Clothing, to Joshua Boyd, r. B. WEEKS will continue the BOOT & SHQE BUSINESS, in its various branches My Stack is- now comploto— having a large arrival of all litiD *ring *ties, Ladies Glore•Kfd, Lasting.. Goat, and Calf Bal morals arid Gaiters. Misses' Lasting,Rld and Calf Balmorals. A large assortment of Infants' Shoes. Men's Calf, Kid and Lasting Balmorals and. Gaiters. Men's Boys' , and Youth's Calf, Kip and Stoga Boots / am prepared to sell CHEAPER FOR :CASH on READY PAT, tban any other lthuse thin aide of New York. . - - Dealers auppLied at New York jobbing pricer. Store wen 'aide of Public Avenue, second door above Searle's Hotel. p, B. WEEKS. Montrose, May SR, IEC. A . FRESH LOT - OF NEW - RtOODS, JEST ARRIVED 'OE Tififf , SitO*l;;l3.* : 11 1 1 :1 16 "112,16, At GRIFFIS' & WARNER'S. CONSUMERS oF TEA. IMERICH TEA COMM, 3 5 & 3 7 Vesoy Stmiet, New York, • Aro now putting up an excellent article of Dlsck Tea with Green Tea flavor that will meet the wants of lovers of Tea. The trade mark of this tea is TlinONG ARM OOP. It Is put up in neat pound papers, GO pounds In a box. It is rapidly becoming a favorite Tea with the comma oily. From present appearances It is destined not only to become a great favorita, but standard Tea, in conse quence of Its fineness and sweetness of flavor and great strength—which makes it The e Most Economical Tea in Use. We have long made it a study to furnish a Tea which would'eult all varieties of testes, but never until the pro duction of our LONG Attu Cuor have We felt that we had attained that much desired and long sought for object, The Long Arm Chop is a Black Tea with Green Tea fla vor. nnd can be relied upon for its uniform purity and healthy eflecte. This Tea is composed of the choicest leaves, nod cured without coloring matter of any kind, and in precisely the same mariner as if prepared for Ela tire consumption. It is consequently more 'wholesome and delicate in flavor than the artificially colored Teas. Natives of Tea countries never color teas artificially nor sort them into Gunpowders, Imperials, Ilysons, Twan keys, ,te., for their own consumption ; they do so only when preparingthcm for other markets. It will be per ceived. therefore, that the Long Arm Chop combines the virtues of all the varieties of original and natural Teas. I• is the aim orThe Great American Tea Company in introducing this Tea to the public Wl:wake it mutually ad van t.t eons to them and ourselves, I'V - TTho Company warrant this tea to all tea dealers, and the dealers extend the guaranty to consumer., that if the tea is not perfectly satisfactory it can be returned and the money refunded. TEA DEJiLERS, GROCERS, AND DRUGGISTS Throughout the Country. Retail Price, $1,25 per Pound. The Great American Tea Company, 35 k 37 Vesey Street, deol2 New York. Dr. N. L. Brundage, SURGEON DENTIST, 10rAR permanently located in Montrose. Oflice over Ala Webb Batted:!mid's. People of this vicinity, especially those toothless ones wantine beautiful plates of Teeth, would do well to give him a call. All work warranted to give satisfaction. 'XI MICOIEZ 1%.11E3W PAL'I'ENT. Dr. B. Wood's Plastic Metallic Filling,• an improved fusible metal for Filling Teeth, for which I have the right, privilege and license, granted by him to use for Dental purposes in my own practice as a Dentist. It is called Cadmium Ailoy, and is designed to take the place of amalgams, tiu, metallic oxides, .&c. for tilling. It does not contain mercury, andlience an absence oftbe difficulties that In such a variety of ways occurs, or are liable to occur n ith the agent. Its Qualities and Advantages. Thin filling Is desi,ned for maltingperfcct and durable pings, as a subst it Inc for gold Na hen. economy Is an ob ject ; and for inferior material where the Teeth can be saved, and not for temporarily stopping those which arc diseased and worthless. Assuming then that It he skillfully need, the Plastic Metallic Filling possesses advantages above every other material but gold for tilling Teeth. while it can be em ploYed in tarot) , ye see where gold cannot. It can be ll trodnced with facility and accurately secured. Tt molds closely to the walls of the cavity without recession or shrinkage, forming a perfcct plug. solid throughout, thus excluding air and moisture. Montrose, Oct. 10, 1805. LIBERTY WHITE LEAD„ Liberty While Lead. Liberty White Lead. Liberty While Lead. Liberty White Lead. TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! WARRANTED to Cover more surrace, for same weight, than any other. Buy the best, it is the cheapest. Liberty Lead is whiter than any other. Liberty Lead covers better than any other. Liberty Lead wears longer than any other. Liberty Lead is more economical then any other. Liberty Lead is more free from impurities, and is WARUANTED /0 do more and beller work al a Oren cant, than any other. tlny - Able-. HEST, -the CHEAPEST. l'ilannfactn'ced arid warinnied by MMXiariaEFl. WllO LESALE DRUG, PAINT k GLASS DEALERS, 137 NORTH .THIRD STREET, Jo 29-Iy* ERIE RAILWAY. CIIANGTof hours, commencing, Monday, Nov 15th, t 50.5. Trains will leave Great Bend, Pa., at about the following hours, viz: • 1 7ifoisrevivet,z-cl SOussci. - Train 1. Buffalo Exprees. at 3.20, p.m 3, Lightning Exprese for Dunkirk.. 3.31, a.m 6, Mail, 7.52, p.m 7, Night Ex. for Dunkirk and Buffalo, 3.00, n.m 0, Mail for Buffhlo and Dunkirk 5.27, n.m 21, Emigrant 11.13, n.m 27, Way Freight 1.02, p.nt - 33,191,40Viziur Et"' ci. 3134cruamcil. Train 2, New York Empress at 1.42 ' p.m 4, Night Express 4.13, n.m 6, Steamboat Express 8.38, p.m 8, Cincinnati Express 7.10, a.m 12, Night, Express.. ..... ... -......."..... 3.12, n.m 28, Wny Freight 10.35, n.m Trains 3 & 21 run daily. Train 7 runs daily except Sun day* and Mondays. Train 8 runs daily except Mondays. Train 3 stops at Great Bend Sundays and Mondays only. Train 12 stops Mondays only. All oth ers run daily except Sundays. , -.11 UtDDLE,. Gorki Snpl, New Yiddi.• W. R. BARR, Gen'l Passenger Agent. lOWARD Associatlon,Phlladelphloi Pa. Disenees of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and sex nal systems—new and reliable tree tment—in Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Sent by mil In sealed letZer endelopes,free urchin*. AddressDr.J. SKu.UN Hotroterini. Howard A osoulat ion, isro 2 South Oth street, Philadelphia, Pa. FRESH GROUND CAYUGA - - PLASTER, FOR SALE AT St‘rlingville,'Wyo. :Co. A very cuperlor, One ground article, will be Fold .AelL cheap for CASH or Ready Pay, Grain, dm Call at the old and well known MilirtiOlft r 1 . 37 4 5 " Mill. H. J. MOWRY. Sterllngville, Feb. 10, Ma. Iy' cgs ES IVEIrI'MX, nation is improves the quality Op" of the milk. It has been proven by ae teal experiment to" Increase tli gusto- isis, tity of milk and ‘le cream twenty per bid cent, and make the • batter firm and 00 3 sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive mg In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, nom in CID the Leto, Liver, t " ,Sea, th is article ):40, . • • ' lor w Rats as a sine: By putting , from•• ono-half a paper to i paper fa a ' ;.- 'barrel of swill the - above disease"' 4 : will bweradicated or entirely prevented. If given fa time, a fertile' - . i ,' preventive and cure for-the llog-Cholera. - Price 25 Cents fier Pam or 4 Papers for $l. ,t ' PREMIUM . zrr S.. A. rou'rz 13110., 4 1 itROLESIAR DRUG AND REDHRRR DRUM No: 118 Tranklhi StflAltiinfire. Did 1~1 - For Sale tity Druggist/ =4-Storekeepers through. , out the Malted Stites. WE. NEWS MOM THE SOUTH TIMER Q. FO T CAPTURED 11111.13 time, and the good people of Wilmington and J. other places are said to be much TERRY tied •, but the good people of Mpntrose and vicinity need not be alarmed in the lomat, as nearly all kinds of goods are'obleg down, and have been going down Onto Vas Storoof Me subscriber) almost army day for a long time past, and all wishing good Goods had better eall and examine qualities and prices before buying, as it is my purpose to sell goods strictly upon the principle of /ire aim let tire. In the Franklin Hotel building. Montrose, Jan. 24. A. N. BULLARD. Fs~ur GROCERIES, TEAS.—Choice Tea', good at 10s, better at 1.25, and ben; at 15 and 16e per lb. sugars, Syrups and Molasses that are street, and Vinegar that le some sour. Tobacco, (the "filthy creed") from 93 to 120 ets. per lb. and some in the Rlmpo of snuff. Yankee Notions, Books and Stationery, Pocket Diaries for 18474 Candies, Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, cider and domestic:Wines, Batter, Lard, Potatoes, Onions, Fresh Oranges, Lemons and lots of other Good things quite 100 numerous to mention, for sale by Montrose, Jan. 1805. A. N. BULLARD. Peace Sr,. Peace Prices. PEACE ISTABLISHED. Large Lines of-Prices Conquered L Reduced H. Migiurritt Is now receiving, for Spring Supplies, new and large Stocks of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, STOVES, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Paints, Ltimp and Linseed Oils, Ben zoic, Curpetings, Floor Oil Cloas, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Huts d: Caps, Boots & Shoes, Clocks, &c. Including, as usual, full varieties of the most popular styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. SRAIIIB, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, 67c., which he will sell on the most favorable terms far CASH, PRODUCE, or to Prompt Time Buyers. Flour & Salt on hand as usual. NEW MILFORD, Jime, 4E) cCst rk. COOKING APPARATUS! F'a S rt il i E cl P et t o en . ,t d N l i t r ol r e y t:ll, l , C . l . C 4.‘ o?k , i o ntt. o Lamp—three PISFIE'S Patent Keryszene Mae Pot. Glue kept hot all day for three cents. ,t 1 to sti.. FISHES Patent,Shade Supporter and Attachment to support a shade or for boiling water. Price, SO cts. t, I LUNGS' Patent Union Kerosene Oil Stove-1, 4, and 10 Burners. Cost., f , 5, and $ll.l. err Circulart Free. Address, Kerosene Lamp Heater Co., 206 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. July 11, ISCS. tf P ULMONA RV AND NEU VOL'S DISEASES A CT with promptness and certainty in every stage of la.. CONSUMPTION, and with invariable efficiency In NERVOUS PROSTRATION, General Debility, Dyspep sia. Asthma, Bronchitis. Female Weaknesses. Loss of Flesh or Strength, and all derangements of the Blood.. They increase the nervous or vital energy. relieve Cough, check Night Sweats, diminish Empectoration, improve tho Appetite, arrest Diarrlven, promote re freshing sleep, and create new and healthy blood, Let no ~ u fferer fail to try this remedy, Circulars Free. Puteas:—ln i oz. and 16 oz. bottles. $l.OO and $2.00 each. 6 small or large bottles for $6.00, by express.— Sold by all respectable dragists. and at the sole general depot, wholesale and reta il: by • J. WINCHESTER, 56 John St., N. Y. March 16, 1665-Iyeow• HUNTBROS. & BLAIR El CIiILALNTICON, Pa., Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Lt - m , Prs. C. 20 , STEEL, NAILS , 1114.1,9 i, MI ON , BUILDER'S HARDWARE. II /NE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK & T RAIL SPIKES. RAILROAD & MININO SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXAS, BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES': ROWS, &e. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS, SLEDGES. FILES, &c. Sc, CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BELTING, PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT., HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHERS FINDINGS. FAIRBANKS SCALES. Scranton, March 24, ISO. ly FOUTZ'S )11 limo and Nilo Purgers. TER, MEAT E. COEGIIS, DI; TEMPER, Fl YERS, FOCNDE LOSS OF APPI TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ike. It U3O Improve Mu wind, Increases the appetite—give' a smooth az glossy skln—am transforms t h miserable tkelet horse. In at Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in `Meta or 7/01.11.5, from eaksfreer cases orqpinahirty, a. 4 no matter of haul long Oa nefin. It is pleasant la its taste and odor, 11131:DIATE in action, and more rtrengtkeniag than any of the preparations of Bert or Iron. Those mamba: trona Broken Down or Delicate Coast& talons, procure ne Remedy at ones. The tteader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases. It b certain t 2 affect Ids Rodily 11w1t.4 , ..11;m1of Powers and //app:nela. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or lasatiar ensue. This preparation, at long and favorably 01. known, will thor oughly reinvigorate pint broken-down and As low-spirited horses, v." by strengthening and cleansing the 1101 • stomach and intes tines. It isa sure pre ventive of all dis eases incident to o:rti FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAIRL4 : $ Di FM I:101113g 14 fill Ila • : 4*; AID) ;(11 Pon Non-TlCtentien or Incontinence of Orttleilhel Coa or Ulceration of the ):ladder or Indocra, Diseases of the Prostrate Glaa.l, Ciravol, Mick Host Deposits, Dropel, of Svotllaes , Orzanle Weakness, 'DeWitt, Funk Com. plow; /m. lIEIZIX3OLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AID Improved "lose Wash Rill radlcaßy exterrnluate from the system Diseases alb , Ina from flab(tact Dlsslpatlns, al UKlo eaTente, Meta or mangeno e dici, no inconvenience or rop000ro; completely supersodlng those unp/eacant and &wows rernedioc, Copubia and ...Weroury, In nurlos those &Gana. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTBACT 13UCHtt All the above diseases require the ald ors eturage— H HEL BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretic. EIDEJLMEI3CAI-J3'S mama 00ICICITILLTED Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, removing all dhoases arida: from exams and imprudence In Ilfo, chronic; constltattonal edw• eases arising from an laapuro state of the blooS aa4 only Tellable and annual known remedy for die cart of fierofeds, Scald Bead, Balt Rheum, Palms and Swelling of the Bones, lacerations of the Throat and lap, timing; rimples on the Face, Totter, tryalpelas, and all scaly erup tions of the bidet, and bitauttfying the toxrumos. NOT JL B'ENIT Of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arts* Treat the cormaptlon that accunuslates In the Blood. Of all Ike db. CIOTeTII.3 that have been made to purge It mil % none eta equal In effect firimßozzios COXPOCY D rxrrACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates Ike Blood, Instillitilso vigor of health Into the system, as! purges out the humors which make disease. It stimalatra the healthy funetlaria of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the Blood. Such a remedy, to •1 could be relied on, hat long been sought for, and now, r., the first time, the public have ono on which they can do. peed. Our spies here does npt admit of setticatti to Show Its effects, bet the trial of a singlo bottle wri Awe so the sick that It has virtual surpassing anything trey aver taken. Tiro tablespoonatul ot the Extract of gursapartils, wide/ to o pint of water, Is equal to the Lisbon Diet brie!, sad one bottle Is equal to a gallon of theSyrnp of Earsapell'ai or the decoction as usually made. The above Extracts are prepared en purely orisatifte pricteiples—la raono—and embody the tell strength el the ingredients entering Into their composition. A reedy and consbalve test will be a comparison et their prole* des with Bose sat forth in the V Dispensatory. now TO USE THE llElvirOlZ3; In Dlamtaes of tho Mood. Eamon on tha Talmo! - and ers l 7 Part of the body, roe Extract Sarsaparilla. sr plying to Pimples and all external Unman or Ermittaair the Improved Ease Wash. Use the Extract Hoehn for all diseases midribs ea it of a Mired; eseept those of the titinamOrvins, sash es Oonentsna and (Haat ; In theist use the tetrad lad* and inject with the Impreve4 Bose Wash. iller TIME l'ariuors HATE DEW, ADMITS/ TO USII IN THE UNITED mum UM", and alas are In very general U.S In an the STAY: HOSPITALS AtD PUBLIC HIS u LIONS throuatont the land. as veil es in private practice, and are coestnered as teralealle remedies. MEDICINE DELIV7=D TO ANY ADDREZ& Direct letters to— 11£4.111^OLD'S DRUG A onx3trexr, manarorszt • 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hetet, 01 TO UEL3IUOLD'S MEDICAL DM?. 104 South Tenth St., Assembly'-Build's, Phi's, Describe Symptoms in au Cbtanausiecition• MID ST ALL DRVGGISTS EVERYWHERE. 131 Cr Iterfelts HELMBOLD* ~ 2, I:1 1; I