The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 23, 1866, Image 3

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Township ,Electiolul.,
wehard just Printeda fresh' supply of
Blank Notices for Township and Borough
elections. Orders' by mail carefully at
tended to ; 25 cents enclosed will pay for
the necessary number, and return post
age. _ . _
Ladies' Supper.
The Ladies ott,,Fatil's Churph, Xont
rnse, will 'give riSlioper in the 'root& or
Messrs. Kirby & Bacon, on Friday, Jan.
26, 1866. The public are respectfully in
vited to attend.
Supper ready at 6 P. M. Tickets, 75
cents. Oysters, extra.
Soldiers' Aid. •
By regnegt, tho Tlva - submits the
followingsti Lunt ary Report of Montrose
Solaiers' Aid,from its commencement, in
July, ISO, to the close, in October, 1805:
Total receipts, in cash, 82,505 22
Mrs. 11. J. W EBB, Treas'r.
Cheap Publications.
Beadle &Co., New York, have sent us
Vent. Gen.' Grant's Report complete,
which is in pocket Rim and very com
plete. Also, the Year Book and Alman
ac for 1866. Price 10 cents each.
Spotted 'Fever. •
The spotted fever has again made its
appearance in this borough. Several
deaths have occurred from it, and we
bear of others suffering from its effects.—
Scranton Republican.
Water Company.
A Lit has been offered in the Legisla
ture to incorporate the "Montrose Wa
ter Company." We hear that the design
is to convey water to town from Jones'
0 0
Fire in Binghamton.
Another fire occurred in Binghamton
on Sunday morning, the 14th. It was
first discovered in the liquor .tore ot John
McNamara. Before the filmes were
checked, the entire building, in which
were three stores, was totally destroyed.
The building, was owned by Cyrus Strong
Esq., whose loss is $3,000, insured. The
whole loss probably will reac h about t12,-
000. Insured about 66,000. The Bing
hamtOn Brass Band, had a loom in the
building and lost all their instrnments, no
insurance. The fire is supposed to be the
work of an incendiary.
An Explosion.
January 12th, as Dr. liessler, a Hones
dale dentist, Wa4 envaged in enanufnettir
int! rubber plate for artificial teeth, the
boiler of his. vulcanizer, (which had been
played iii the sure to generate steam,)
*exploded, throwing fragments of the
stove through the walls of the house, and
iojwring.the dentist and another person in
the room.
Sad Casualty.
On the 30th Mr. Lester Tooker, a resi
dent of Wisconsin, who was viNiiing in
Ilonw4dale, went ont gunning in Mt.
l'A,a,:ant township, and not returning,
x , -arch was made next day, and following
his tracks it way found he had walked into
an air hole in Torrey's tamd, and was
&owned. His body was found, but not
1h t• gun
/grinßural St:lde*,
The Susquehanna County Agricultural
Society met at the Court House Jan. 16,
1866, l'or their annual meeting. lion. 13.
Parke being absent, A. Baldwin was call
ed to the chair.
Ou 'no ion the following named per
sons were elected officers for the ensuing
President, J. C. Morris ; Vice Presi
dents, M. L. Clifirt, 11. 11. Harrington ;
Treasurer, A. Lathrop;
Sec'ry, C. M.
Gerel Cor. Seery, C. W. Tyler ;
Com., A. Baldwin.
The following is the Treasurer's Re
port, which on motion wits adopted. '
C. N. GER.E, See'y.
A. Lerunor, in account with Suacinehanna County Ag
ricultural t•ociety.
lats. Jan. 17. To balance up audited, " $757 AO
Sept. To cash of It. R. Lyons, 10 00
Oct. " . Rey. E. Mulford. 10 00
" coubpetnor. S. rule of tictets,l,lf4 0 , )
" " County appropriation. 103 00
•• " Grocery stuuds, 24 25
" Interest on Carinalt Legacy, 24 00
1865.3 Accerwr Cearrna.
Mart 23. By cash paid L. Searle. $2.0 75
April 11.. " y Wm. Jessup's hill. $ (10
p - ,- - Lathrop. Tyler .t Riley.. 45 71
,-, gill. , I.: 1 " .4 . ' " 14. Shoemaker & Tartell, 48 00
5... , ~.. i ~: - Baldwin & %lien's order, 07 14
Lzecutise Committee, 2.:.V. 21
.. 1 17. " Daniel Brewster, 677
~,' I' %.1:: •'O. D !Seeman. 55 00
Cu . " Yenne.ylranlan bill. • 5 00
\ • " 11. H. Frazier's bill, 114 75
l'remiums, 974 00
recurrent farads, - ' 18 00
Balance nn hand Jan. 1856, 1.019 79
lata. Jan. ii. Ma balance on hand, $1,019.70. $2,0.32
We, the undersigned, members of the
Executive Committee of the Susquehan
na County • Agricultural Society, have
examined the accounts of A. Lathrop,
Treasuvr, and do certify the same to be
correct as above stated.
Ex. Corn.
Montrose Jan. 11, 1866.
The Past and the Present.
Many of our friends who believe in the
mnatterable decrees of Jehovah, allege
that the Lott/ ;.crept thedate: urar on us as
a punishment for our national sins. Now,
this is perfectly absurd and outrageous.
'The Lord never ordered - this war. He
permitted wicked men and devils to get
it up, and there are hundreds of men and
devil& who .are sorry it is as near dolled.
as it the Lord' ad ordered this .war
punishment for our sins, He is cer-
tan - lidefeatedlii'llis` own deSigns,_ for
there hati, never been any twenty years
since, ;Christopher Columbus discovered
theAtnericau-continent that there has so
much crime, ,in every
. shape,*en com
mitted; as 'daring the four years of this
rebellion. No honest, sensible man can
charge the war to the Almighty. He
never ordered it.
What be done with Jeff Davis.
Some think if Mr. Lincoln had lived he
would have . pardoned him. If he ought,
not to he banged no man ought to.—
What'ure you going to do with him, An
drew ! Unison ? Y ou have pardoned hun
dreds ought to be hanged as much
as Jeff Davis. We are impatient to hear
his doom. J. K.
HORSE MlEVES.—Wednesday night
two horses were stolen ml Kirkwood.
pe from the Atable of J. I. Colier and
'another from Edward Mills. A reward
of 00 is offered for the recovery if each
, horse, and $5O more will bo paid for the
conviction . of the thief.
SAD ACCIDENT.—On Monday last, as
M. 'Wells, of Jackson, accompanied by
his wife, were riding up Main St., they
were run into by a colored person, and
both dashed to the ground ou their laces.
Both were very seriously cut and bruised
and badly injured every way, but. it is
h )ped they will speedily recuver.—Pen'an,
Susq'a Depot, Pa.
Choice Deeds, &c..
Stiperior Deeds and Mortgages. also,
Administrator's, Executor's, Trustee's,
and Guardian's Deeds—all of the most
approved form and style, for sale at this
<Alice, 'at fair prices.: Also, a general as
sortment, of other blanks.
New York Wholesale Prices,
Reported fOr the 411Ontrose Democrat by
JostAu CAuPENTER, Commission merch
ant, 323 NVashington st. New York, to
whom shipments of produce may be made.
Two thirds of the market value will be
advanced on the receipt of the goods if
desired, and a quick return made for the
balance. Full directions and a weekly
market report sent free of charge by mail
to dense making shipments,
Pricesfifr ace reerk end inp Joni. 20, 1866.
Beans, white sound, per ba., 200 295
Butter in tubs, per pound, 38 45
" . firkins, ~ " 30 40
" rolis, 44 28 35
Cheese, choice, " 16 17
44 common, " 10 13
Dried Apples t, 10 13
Dried Plums., per lb. 35 4O
" . Cherries, 40 50
" 1 inspherries, 40 45
" Blackberries, 30 35
Ergs, fresh, per dozen, 36
Flour, wheat, per barrel, S. 00
" rye, 550
Corn Meal, per bred. 2 00
Buckwheat flour, per hand. 4 00
Flax, per lb. 23
Feathers, live geese, per lb., 90
Reef Sides, " 10
Mutton iu carcass, ,a 10
Veal, 44 14
Pork, dressed, 44 1 2
.per bushel, 175
Rye, 44 1
Oats, "
Corn, , a 88
Rides, dry, per pound, 18
green, 44 10
Hops, prime, per lb. 40
Lard, common to best, per lb., 14
Beet; mess, per barrel,l4 00
" prime, 64 11 00
Pork, mess, ll - 28 00
" prime , 44 22 00
Hams, smoked," per lb. 18
Shoulders, smoked, " 16
Bacon, 44 16
Honey, VI 20
Chickens, 44 18
Turkeys, 44 , 18
Geese, ~ 14
Ducks, 46 18
Clover Seed, per lb. - 12
Timothy Seed, per bushel, 375
Flax Seed, " 2 90
Tallow, per lb. 13
Wool, washed, " 50
" unwashed, " -35
per barrel, 350
1:17 - Eirandrethqs , PlThi, j , Whose timely use, un
der-I;*rovideoce. hae often *ay. d life.
These cetehrated Vegetable Pilla are no new, untried
remedy : they have beam used and tested fa the United
States fur thirty years. and are relied upon by hundreds
of thousands of families as almost their sole medicine
when 'tick:. No care or expense is spared in their pre
paration. and it is certainly tree when I assert that no
King eau have a medicine safer or surer than Bran
dreth'fl Pllll.l.
v2.crsz 15
,Ins.doce good iffert upon disease almost imme
diately they are taken. By some wonderful power. per
haps electric or nervous taftrtence, the proureee of die
caned actioa . le acreetwi ; where vratetifulnees and pain
have been. presnt. the eywtem becomes quieter, and
the patient soon obtains refreshing sleep.
Th. ge. nine BRANDBETII PILL. BOX has upon tt a
UnitetrtqateaGor , rnment stamp with B Brandreth iu
s bite letters In the came. [
tV - Whisliers: Whiskers!—Do yon want
Whiskers or Moustaches ? tour Grecian Compound will
foice th ,m to grow on the smoothest face or chin. or
haifon 'halt] beads, in six weeks. Price $l.OO. Sent
bylnall. any whore.closely sealed, on recstpt of.price.
Address, WARNER 4; CO, Box 188, Brooklya, N. T.
Fob. 16. 160. ly amp
.W - Ci•sulner - Early the tendency to resyneeitti
promptly est...eking that great enemy to personal beau
ty;wlth the meat pop,lar article of the day.
erblch, ilk. etiarman'l4 Legion,
as fall." 'tads!. its application
• • ,
trillianilr; find the browns, Of every thud, appeal.
k 3iankietatred by J. Crletadoro, I%To. R ,Astor ,Hotiee,
Neiv York. Sold - by DramTirta—Applied by all Hair
Dreeecre Van.
Clorlieaftegss, Blindness and Clatarrh-•
Treated with the utmost seectsus by Dr. J. ISAACS. Oc•
culla and Arafat, formerly or Leyden, Holland) No.
619 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the
most reliable sources in the City and Country can be
seen= The medieal facility are invited to ac
conapany:theif •Darterits, as he has no secrete -in •liis
practice. AUTIFICIAL EYES leserted without pain.
No charge made Lai examination. [July M. 1865. ly
Eiresrange. but.Trne.—Every'young ley And
gentleman in tne United 'States can trimr something ire=
ry mach to their advantage by return mail (free ot
caargualiy addressing the undersigned. 'Those having
team ot being humbugged will oblige by not noticing
this card. All others will please addrvas their obedient
eerrAnt... - , ,TUOS. P. CHAPMAN,
Dee. et.-17stni , 831 Broadway, New Tot%
"knows no midi word
tar Tor. Tobtati 2 Venetian Horse Lin'.
inent 4l -4'lnt Bottles at One Planar, for the cure of
lameness, see:itches; wind galls, sprains. bruises.
Splints, cuts, colic. slipping stifle, overheating. lore
throat, nail in the foot. etc. It is warranted cheaper
and better than any other article ever offered to the,
public. Thousands of animals have been cured of the.
colic and :overheat ing by this .I,lnirnent 4 end-bond
trsis that were irip pled :Ott lame have bee& restored to,
their tormet Figot. his used by;-all the :fist bets:Pr . :len
threaighont the States. Orders are eeristaiWy recelted
(routine racitut stables of Soglarid for - fresh oppl les of
this - iniminable article, Over 9,W0 testimonials have
been received. Remember. one dollar laid out in time
may save the life of your horse.
Sold by all druggists. Office LG Cortland St. Now Turk.
Jan It imp
been:restored to heslt h in a rev/ weeks :hya very simple
rented); after having au:tiered several years Milt n se
vere lung affection, and that dread discese. Cousnmp
tion—is anxions to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means orate.
To all Who desire it. he will sends. copy of the pre
scription need (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing, and using the same, which they will find 4
sure cure for Consumption, stlinin, Bronchitis, Colds,
Coughs and ail throat and tong affections. -The only
object of the mivertiser in sending the prescription is to
benefit the nffiicted, and spread information which be
conceives to be invaluable r an t he hopes every sufferer,
will try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the Prescription, FILET, by return
mail, will please address
Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York.
Dee. 26, nal —lymp
tier Errors of Youth.—A zentleman who suf
fered for years front nervo't dehtttty, premature decay,
and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will. for the
sake or suffering humanity, send free to all who need
it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rem
edy lw which he wn• cured. Sufferers wi-hing to profit
by the advertiser's experience. can do ra by addressing
1011:1 B. OGDEN.
Na. 13 Chambers street, New York.
Dec. :C. Iscs. lyamp
At Milord, on the 15th inst., by Rev.
Lyrnan.Riehardson, Mr. CH RLSTOPHER C.
Ntettot..ks, of Ditnoek, and Miss Crno-
LINE S. WIL&F.a, of Brooklyn.
In Montrose', on Thursday, Jan. 13, by
Rev. B. C. Morse, Mr. Lt:THER L. FERRY
and Miss' Jume. A.,' both of
rirDeaths. as well as mtrrlazeon. are published free
Obituaries published at the rate of fifty emits per hund
red words. or lire teats per line for poetry. Cash to be
sent with the not ice.
In Lathrop, Jan. 9th, 1566, after an ill
ness of seven months, SERGEANT W.
TRwKsat - RY, Esq., id the*3sol year of his
[Obituary next week.]
. -
G. W. Hewitt and J. B. Sterling
%prim. give good i•ati+Lrtion to.nll their customers,
VT end do work CH VEIC than ,ny other
Boot & Shoe Shop
In thls vicinity. Call and 50., for yourselves. Boots
7.6 04:313.t154—0t1i0r work sc
c.rdil-lql • ,11,p thv Bank.
Atoutru,e, Jat.;trztl. l,oi.
Put Money in thy Ptnie."
5.000 and fonude, and of all ntles, are want
ed to canc.lea every City, Town, VIIIBO. Hamlet, Work
ahnp and nittury throughout the entire world, for. the
sale-of our
o ,
15 00
6 00
2 10
4 50
Wuleheg, Jewelry, Silver- Ware, Musical
Boxes, Albums, and other Articles.
Energetic persons of good habits and fair business tact
mn clear oeur $l5 per a - e••k in the country, and much
larger antonit in thickly settled localities.
Samples of our Articles to the amount of $3, will be
sent by mail for inspection, and if not perfectly satis
factory no char_•e.
Sena your address, If von are of an Industrious turn
of mind and In quest of immediate wealth! Direct to
PARKINSON & CO., Importers.
Jan. VI :Una 209 Broadway, New-York.
Demorest's Monthly magazine.
Combines and presents the most interesting. useful,
and a tractive array of popular features ever offered in a
magazine, including
Larger more Coßtly Engravings,
than are farnitlieci in any.nther.
- Aurnort.s.
Neu, and Valuable Music,
By the most popular composers.
A rc h l t ec i are nud Model Collages,
with diacrams.
rtgl: POIMITAITB 07 KEW. ENT P=3olo.
The Fashions,
In every department of Ladies' and Children's Dress,
splendidly illustrated with unrivalled and model Fash
ion Plates. and our usual
Full Kized Pattervx, Braid and Embroidery.
Alvo, Household Matters and Receipts. with Jennie
June's Talks on Woman's Topics ; Paris Correspon
dence. etc. etc , together with a constant succession of
Brilliant Novelties, all to be finely and artistically illus.
trated,and the Magazine to he printed on the finest pa
per, and in a style for binding Into a handsome volume
fur the center-table ut the close of the year.
4 CO
3 10
' Tear. 0.00, with a get of Two beautiful Parlor Steel
F.ngravinv. or a Packnea. containing Two Dollars
Worth of Extra fa 1-iiize Patterns, as a Premium to eiith
rubseriber. Each additional suboeriber. when Pent In
cluiw. $2.50; Three Cooke for $7.60: Fire Copies for
012 Via Copies for $.22; with the Premium to each
Addreea '
473 Broadway, Diew.,York.
SitieleCopies mailed free an receipt Of 'prlce. Back
nazi:a:la, ne specirdexm, JO cents.
Splendid Premium, are offered for Clubs, consisting
of Gold Pena. Albums. yearly Puberriptions to the beat
.31acnzine.. ebstere Lame Dictionary. Clothes
Wrincers.;Musie Boaee. tithideono, "Sewing Machines,
Pianos. etc. etc. Anybody can easily secure one otthe
above Premiums. [Jan. M. 1w
Man Cm of LATHROP ; TYLER &RILEY to this
I day dissolved by Its own limitation. Thoseindebtr.
ed to said firm will please call at the old stand immedi
ately and settle.
Montrose, Jan. 1, 166G.-7v4. J. P. W, RILEY.
al` the late residence of I. N. PALMER, deceased,
ln Brooklyn, on
Satutdo;O c Feb.'3d, 1866, at 10'ildck. a: 'a.;
A number of Wngone—a set of New Wagon. Wheels
Handcart Wheels—gnod sagar•maktag Utemdle—a set
of Cooper's Tool s—Wat , lo (iew)—flay. Oats , Corn,
and a great variety of other articles for sale.
TERMS.—Snms of ¢5,410 and more, six months credit
with interestand • goud Aecurity: ,
'E. A. vvisTOiF; Adm•r.
liirooklyniJau. 2w• t
Administratrix' 'Notice.
USTATE O,F THObliiS G., FINNI+I deftrited.. f if Prfendsvllle burp; ssu!.than..l4,Pt."'
Letters of adminisTratinii union the cohere of the above
named decedent having been granted to the Undersign.
ed. all persona indebted to said estate are hereby noel.
fled to make immediate payment. and those'
_at the setae to ptesent,thste, 4,41 . 1 an
wed for settlement.
EMILY M. FLYNN. Admiuistratrii,
Friendsvillio; Jun. 23. 1556.4
press Goods,
42(1) WILL six!. Taint
3Pcsat• the :zest DC) =sive.
. 3 . •
• : .;
' •
Guttenburg, Ro . senbaum & Co•
f ',
Montrose, Jaz. 9th, ISG6
x. N. 23:=57111 elb Co.
Win oyez the lirgest sad but asserted stick of
PrR finks & Deigns
erefoffered to the People in this vicinity, en Wadies.
day, Jan. lOth, 1866, in the store of
G. L. STONY 3 CO.,
Main street.
Silks. Poplins. Empress Cloths, Merinos, rumens,
Alpacas, Plaid Good. in great variety. Delsins
Calicos, Ginghsms, Sheeting. of all
kinds, Denims, Ticks, Stripes,
Linen Goods, Whits
Goods. Gloves a
Cloths and Cassimers, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts,
Funnels, ae. lc. at. at
Wehiolll4* proved 48'01 .*
Who will favor so with a
- 1 ,-,- ON. 4--
* %, ' '-- .."' r ' •
~,''- li.) Z . .j f' r. - ,'. ' , ••••• ,- ' ‘ .„-'.;
. ; '.1,. .:,;', ii' -,,'"""-"'"*".„ :: :
~,,' ', if ' %, Vi; I.'
Jr 7.11, FAQ: illt ba 111,40*W:we tst "AK,
trOolehli old 'Mei& and eastorken. - 'o.--v-,
Seei;tixisi:Pa.:Jati, 9:184
DR; E: P;'.IfINES,
HAS permanently located afPriendavilie for the pnr
pose etpraccicing medicine and surgery in al its
branches. He may be Gated at the Jackson House.
()Mee hours from Ba. trt.. to 9P. m * _ imaett
Friendsville; Pa., Jan. 15th, Ude.
,~ „
m ug subscriber respeettally Info?Ms the public that
he haaleased the'
Blacksmith •ShOp:
of 11. C. Clemons, near the FOundry of Sayre Brothers.
Customers, will do well to call, ay they can" go*mtery.
thing done in the Blackstelthing line neatly andprompt,
ly for cash:
iffrPacticnlar attention given to Horse Sboeinp.
Montrose, Dec. !lE. 1565. tf
'.l 4l lTltiee •
ALL persons owing me by note or
book account are requested to call and settle t he same
Montrose, Jan. 9,1E.16 -$m
FARM slllin!
IN Monona township,. contathing.aboat
113 .41..0r05e,
about 150 improved, and well watered ; on which le
two Dwelling HOUSCA, two large Berne, and other smal
ler bail d Inge, and two Orchards. It lea good location.
Grist-mill and Saw•mUll.hrmiles distant.
For terms, Inquire of the anteicriber on the premises.
Chow:int, Jan, 9th, 186d.° JOHN DUNN.
Administrator's Notice.
ESTATE of SYLVANtftt decea.ed. late
of New 3Lllford - townshfp, Srt.q . a t Dimly, Pa.
Letterset administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed. all persons indebted to geld estate are hereby noti
fled to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the enure to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
New Milford, Jan. 16, ISO.
To - the Brine 'Solders ' o.Stumea Co.:
TT is coatetinditeti•
- by" the' lThion Claim Agency nt
L. Washingtort to Milt of COnM.eas.nt its next session,
the passage of a law authorizing the payment—
To all Soldiers the bounties promised to them,no
matter for what reason or reasons they may have been
discharged. provided such discharges were not for disa
bilities existing prior to enlistment, or were not or
dered as punishment.
2d, To three months' men one-eighth of :100—$12 00.
Ed. To agixmOnths'inett ofie quarter Of sloo — s 2s .
at h. To 'nine% months° men three-eighths or 5100—
$37 50. .
sth. To one years' men WOO bounty,.as promised.
oth. To all men discharged within two years by rea
son of disabilities contracted while in rho service (not
alone on account of %minus received In action.) the full
bounty to be given them by the act of Congress under
, which they were enlisted.
17th. To all men discharged by reason of promotion, a
Oro rate bounty nccording to the act under which they
enlisted for the time they served as enlisted men.
Bth. Of 8100 bounty to all Soldiers of the re g ular army
Who enlisted, in 1859.1'00, or-'6l, (prior a theitt of.fuly
11151aind who served their lull term of live yearsi or
who vvere.discharged: after, two years, Thom the begin
ning of the wit:, or who were dischaged by reason of dis
abilities contracted in the war aincedone pin.lS6o.
9th: Otsloo bbuttv to lilf deserters who rejoined tneir
regiments and serve d two years exclusive of the time
they were absent without leave.
10th. Of three months pay proper to all of who
hare been discharged by reason of di sabilities contract
ed in the service, by reason of expiration of term of
service, or by becoming anpernumerarien on account cf
consolidation of regiments.
12th. Also a grant of 160 acres of land to all enlisted
men who only received the FIOO U S. bounty, and a
similar gra..t to officers in proportion to their pay pro
The shove are the different bounties. grantsor allow
ances which we propose to hare embraced in the law
above referred to. Our great aim is to secure justice to
the soldiers. We believe that they are entitled, by the
plainest rules of the sternest justice, to all we shall ask.
In order to secure this, all those coming within any of
the above-named classes. should make application im
mediately to our Agent, who will prepare and tome d
the necessary papers.
Ca- 03 . =Little,
Sole Agent In Susq.conntv for the Union ClaimAgcney.
Montrose, Sept'. sth, 1865.—tf
This day received our Fall and W inter Stock of
Look at Prices of a Few Articles :
Overcoats, heavy and warm, as low as $8 50
All wool Business Suits, Coat, Pants k Vest, 15 00
Union Business Snits " " " 900
(moot Undershirts and Drawers, per pair, 1 50
And other Goods in proportion.
lir Garments made to order, and warranted to fit
Flour and Groceries !
Such u Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses. S.lleratus, Soap,
Spices, Salt, &c. ace., as usual.
, Call and examine o"r Stock before purchasing else
Wanted—kgma, Chestnuts, and grafted Wipter Ap
ples. for which the highest prices will be 'paid in cash.
Montrose, Nov. 28, 1665. -
Three Miles North of Montrose,
CONTAINING about 125 acres, about SO acres Im
proved-and well watered, on which ie a good Or
chard of grafted fruit. and very good buildings. It is
situated In North Rridgewater. about three miles from
Montrose. There is bark and timber enough on the
place to pay for it twice.
For terms enquire of editor of Democrat, or of the
subscriber on the premises
Nov. 7, ISSs.—tf
Bridge Notice.
SBALED protiossis will be received - by, Chi County
Commissioners until the first Monday of February
1866. for the building of a Bridge across the Martin
Creek, in Lathrop township, near the flopbottom De
pot, similar to construction to the one recently built
over ths Wyalusing creek, near the house of N. D. Soy
der, in Rush t iwnship. Plan and specifications of the
proposed Bridge. can be seen at the Commissioners' Of
fice, the second week orJanuaryCourt.
By order of the Commissioners.
W. A. CROSSMON. Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, Montrose, Dec. 73,1865.
Exectitor's Notice.
ESTATE of PAULOWNA SCOTT, dec'lLlate of La
throp township, Susquehanna County, Pa.
Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above
sameddecedent having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons Indebted to said estate are .hereby noti fi ed
to make immediate payment. and those having claims
against the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. .
A. 0. VirARREM. Executor.
Montrose, Dec. 18, 1865.
Administrator's Notice.
ESTATE of PATRICK covrzn,dee'd,lste of Silver
Like township, Susquehanna County, Pa.
Letters of admlnl-tration upon the estatecof the above
named decedent having been granted to the underalgn
ed, all persors indebted tosald estate are hereby nod
ded to make Immediate payment, and those having
Claims against the same to present them duly authentl
cated for settlement-
ALBERT - Di:MC .III M Ada'r.
Lake t Dec.16,,,1f365.! 7 r I —, 2 ,i
nI IRE subscriber ofers'fiir sale ei five' 'choice thilidaii
1 Lots In Great Bend Village, in clime proximity
the extensive works of the D., L. & W. IT,now'
is progresp. Th epee laid oat in convenient fbnpr
goal else, end may be mirehaised 4t Ilbratreteirati4s ,
easy terms of payment: - • -
Great Bead. Dec. 7, taali - • ' 1". PATItItirP
MITE subscriber offers at private sal° the follositir
1 described real estate, viz
A FARM containing 140 acres, well, watered and
wooded, and a good-dwelling, house. almost new. two
barns and an orchard —only h' of a mile ,from Diruock,
Corners, on the Montrose road... . i
Also-20 Acres of valuable land contigtinni In the vil
lage of Dimock, contaiulng 1 dwelling house. 1. barn, a
good orchard, And the building known all WOODRUFF
AVADEMY, which at a moderate cost could be easily
converted into a good dwelling. house.. All. of ,which
will he offered together, or divided-up •andiaircelad oat
to suit purchasers. ~
Also—a dxvelling.hcrase and lot, directly upon' °null'
the four corners, with it Purse horn. wagon 911ked,iiipi a
good stone: benne, suitable fur the Uri ' oda Orf,Deo
cery trade.' t•A' , -
. , .
The above.. described ROA FeAtata. 0 ogeh cr ,sViti'l
qns.ntitrofpersonal property and live Stock,. will belt'
fered on terms favorable to the purchaser. ~
L. IL WOoDIIUFF. - • ,
Dialect, Susquehanna a. P.
Jan. 1, ]&R. a
• Is coutttatt•tll7 reCuivirg
NEW G t *S;
And keeps constantly on Mod a full and deqirible as
sortment of genuine, 4
Drugs, rdedicines, Chemicals.
Liquors, Paints. 011 s; •Dye-stuffs. Teas: Spaces *fa
other Groceries. Stoneware, Wall and Window ••Pa
per, Glassurnre. Lamps. Kerosene, r C 112.0
Tanner's Olk Lnbricattne OH, Neatstotst OIL;
Relined Whale Oil. 'Varnish. Whips
• II
Guns, Pistols, Cartridges. Powder,
• Shot. Lead. Gun Caps. Mnsictl •
Instruments, Toi et Soaps,
flair Oil.. Brushes. Pocket Knives. Spectacles. 411 9 .1.
Plated Spoons, Perks, and Ivory Handled Knives',
Dentist's Articles, a general assortmcnt of ,
, ,
Fancy Goods, Jewelry,Rerfamery,cr.Q.
• '
Patent Medicines_ „,;
advertbsedln Montrose. and net netrir every GIVOD• KIND
In short, nearly everything to restore the slck.
please the taste, to delight iho eye, to gratify ,the,frairr.
and also to conduce to the real and silbptantiakomforiP
of life. Enumeretion is I mprart icohle. as It would IEI a
newspaper. Call at the Drug, anti Variety Stole of
ABEL TIIRE,ELL, Montrose, Pa. .
ILI B. WERICS k CO. havinz sold their Siocirret
• Rata, Caps and Ready .Isde Clothing tO7ushns
will continue the
In Its rarfons branches My Stock Is now coniplule—
having a large arrivai of all
litin *ring igits.
Ladies Glose-rid. Lasting. Cont. And chxymii
morals and Gait..r.. end
Calf Balmoral*. A large AP`ort m'it of
Infanta' Shoes . Men's calf. Sid • •, •
and Last:n;7. VA:1110rAld
nn^ klaiters.
Men's Boys' and Youth's Calf, Kip and Stoga Bowl
I am iJrepared to sell
OR READY PAY,' , - •
than any other home thin ►hte of .New York.
VIT - Dealera Pupplied at :New Yorlt4ohhlnq
Store wet t Aide of Public Avenue, ta•CtITICt 'rn
Scarleg Hotel. F. B. W.I*.F.RS.
liontroae, May IS, IFC.I.
For Pensioners, and Applicarits
for Pensions. , •
rlTOfftee in Public Avenue, over the Store of J' L.
013.1 A; Son.
31ontrose, Pa., May 211, 1854. tf
Peace & Peace Prices.
Large Lines of Prices Congue,ed<C:Jicflaertl
3211-1-ra a itt •
Is now receiving, for Spring supplies, new and biro
Stocks of, • •
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Hardtrare,.
Paint; Law) and Linseed Oil)", Pen
sole, Carpetings, Floor Oil Cloths,
Wall Paper & Window Shades; . .
• Hats cf: Caps, Boots et! Shoes, Clocks, de.
Including, as nstml, fall varieties or the most popular
which he will sell on the most favorable terms, for
CaSII, PRODUCE, or to Prompt Tithe Buyers. •
Flour & Salt on hand as'
Ntw miLiorm, June, 1865.
. 1
- - 1 •
4‘. .
1 4 e 4 . ) \ V
(JZtv .:','
((, i::: k
i i .... 4 , \ ~
*II .
~„ '- h 0 a: C .
y . .i...a0.' .0.
- (((
WILL Immediately relieve. without pain. all (lister.
bances of the periodic dlscharge,'w heater arising
from relaxation or suppression. They act like a chitm
In removing the pains that accompany diMenit oNtn
moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and fell
able remedy for Flushes, Sick I cat ache, Palustattuthe
Loins. Back and Skies. Palpitation of the Heart, lier
volts Tremors. Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep. sr d
other unpleasant and dangerous effects of tar,unnaturs I
condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases
of Flufr Albuteor Whites, they effect a speedtenre.
Dr. Cheeseman's Female' MTh'
Are the only medicine that "married and single lilies
have relied on , (or ma,,y years, or can rely upon•now,
BEW6IIII .7 INLITATIoNS I These Pills form the finest
preparation ever put forward. with Immediate and per
sistent success. DON'T BE OECEIV,ED. Take this
advertisement to ymnr Drn-eist. and tell hiin that you
want the beet and moat reliable Female Medicine in
the world, which is comprised In , • ,
Dr. Cheeeeman's Female Pills , !
They have reeelved. and are now receiving the tent
tritm of the mosreminkt Physicians in America..,
Explicit Directions with each bnx—the Prim One
Dollar per box. containing from CA to 60 Pills, 't
Pills sent by mall, promptly. by remitting ttr price
to the Proprietorsor any authorized. agent, in etweat
fonds : I
Sold by Druggisli Genethlly.
:'lirrennlas,t'lliLLYEE. ProprteforG ,
In llev street. bete TerV. "
ABEL TUB uipm,,Wholoesale" and Retail Agent
forMontrose and vicinity. ..,
Oct, 31. comfy
- Administrate eO, •-•
STATE of CHANCY FOOT. ded. late of Clidke•
townahip,Srniquehanna county, Pa.
Lettemot administration upon the ebtete of the shove
named decedent having been muted to the undenlkn
ed. ail persons Indebted to said Mate are hereby no*
,fled to rnalreAmmedlate — parnent. 'shit these ba4less
clams wino. he unto to present then duly authentt.,
:natal fortettlerestt.
ABIII4A.T. C. ATEItB. , At:W . llo4race. -
4. Nes/Milford. Dee. 18, 1868. sy•