o ckblii4*.inr The New Year, All our , subsoriber,s who are indebted to us for theltontrose Deinocrat are res pectfully requested to settle up during January Court. Those who at the same time pay a year in advance, will be charg ed only at the present advance rates for the past year or two of arrearages. Choice Deeds, &c. Superior, Deeds and Mortgages, also, Administrator's, Executor's, Trustee's, and Guardian's Deeds—all of the most approved form and style, for sale at this office, at fair prices. Also, a general :as sortment of other blanks. - Guttenberg, Rosenbaum Ix Co. Have on hand a large and choice stock of goods which they have marked down to the lowest prices; for particulars of which see:new advertisement in to-day's paper. • This is one of the most enterpris ing firms in or ont ofthe county, and pop ular opinion ensures them a fair share of trade against all competitors. Give them a call. Cold Weather. _ YesterditY Was one of the coldest days on record. On Sunday the cold increased to about 14 ° below zero, and on Monday morning the mercury stood at 22 ° below; an extremity of cold almost if not entire ly unparalleled in this town. In 183t1, the mercury sunk to 21 ° . below ; and if any oldest citizen" has a colder record than yesterday, let him publish the fact. I. N. Hine Et Co., Of 13in!-hamton, will open a branch store in town to-morrow, to which they i nv i te attention in an advertisement in this paper. The firm is well known to many of our people, and we doubt not their promises will be well fulfilled. An examination of their goods and prices will be the natural and proper test of merit. Robbery at Hollisterville. We lettety-from the 'Wayne Co. Herald, that on the 10th tilt., a package contain ing five watches a diamond ring, and cash, to the aggregate value of $1,013 15, were stolen from the Pxpress agent at the above place, while halting on the stage route from Moscow to Honesdale. List of Jurors For January Term commencing Jan 1.51.13, 1866. GRAND =ORS. lmrn—Geo. Brotzman, E. Laoey. Bridgewater—C. S. Bush. Brooklyn—Nehemiah B. Ashley. Clifford—Ezra Finn, Chas. D. Wilson. Franklin—J. E. Townsend. Great Bend—B. B. Tuttle. Great Bend boro—Evans Griggs. Ilarford—Geo. M. Carpenter. llerrick—W. T. Diminick, W. t`. Lyon. Jessup—William Sherer. Lenox--Stephen Bell. Liberty—J. C. Ives, Samuel Whited. Lathrop—Quick Stoddard. Montro..e—E. W. Roce. Nt: W Milford boro —Win. C. Ward. New Millord-11.. Vancott, M. Westfall oiklamri—Hiram Pooler. Ilver Like—Thomas H. Rain. ille—Sainuel Quick. T (AVERSE JUSOBS-FIRST WEER. Anhiirn : Lewis Swisher, C. S. Low. Brooklyn : 0. A. , l..:l4ridge, C. R. Palmer. Bridgewater: 1). D. Hinds, M. S. Tyler, J. A. Vaug,hn. Clifford : E.ijah Carpenter. Choconut : T. H. Donelly, Wm. Hurley. Forest Lake—G. B. Johnson, E.Griffis,jr. Friendsville—C. B. Jackson. Great Bend : Richard , Gillespie. Great Bend boro : Henry McKinney, John Maynard. Gibson :.Lewis Brainard. Harmony : Benj. Comfort, Richard Mar tin, David Taylor. Herrick: George H. Lyons. .lessup : Silas Baldwin. Liberty : Isaac Comstock, jr., 11. Knight, Calvin Stanford. Lenox : D. Oakley, S. B. Maxon, Wm. D. Miller. Middletown : John Bergen, M. Curley. New Milford : William Harrison, J. H. Green, A. B. Smith. New Milford boro : Amos M. Brant, Ja son Dickerman, jr., P. McCollum. Oakland : Wadley Beebe, Joseph Mc- Kune, jr. Susgia Depot : Wm. R. Greeley, Augus tus Gilbert, Robert Nicol, Wm. Skinner, Tames Sweeney. Silver Lake : John North. Springville : Henry B. Rogers, E. G. D. Risley, Ira Scott, Elisha Strickland. TRAVERSE JURORS-SECOND WEEK. Bridgewat e r : E. B. Warner, N. 0. Pass more. Clifford : M. S. Alworth, John Halsteid, PLC. Stewart. Cliocontie . : Patrick Byrne, Jas. Forari. Di mock : 'Samuel Sherer. Forest Lake: Seth. Wrignt,J.S.Erircbard. Franklin : Charles Follett Great. Bend : Amssa•Chase, Chas. Mayo. Great Bend boro : W. N. Decker. Gibson: John Williams, jr. Harford: F. F. Barnard, Austin'Darrow, L. R. Peck. Harmony : Wm. Tremolo, Jacob Taylor. Herrick : C. A. Harding, W.W. Thomas. Jessup: R. S. Birchard. Lenox IChapmap Harding, .11, $. Cole man. Y. ka Liberty : James Kenyon, Win. H. Ives: Middletown : John Condon. Oakland : Charles Beebe. Rash : C. A. Atwater, Wm. B.' Kirkuff, Charles B. Perrigo. 04 0 1;4l7l.oo. P. 31.ar1.e. IS A LICENSED At CTIONEETI for Suequehannaand all other Connties to the United States. or New Jur aey...,•• See at Veaduee. CB — Address P. Reynolds. Montrose. Pa.. or call in person at my Tailor Shop, over Chandler's Store, in Mootroee, where T shall he when not otherwise en gaged. [Dec. 2d, 186.5. CHEAP CLOTHING. This dny received our Fall and Winter Stocker MI MOE CIOTMGI 0 V ERCOATS, U ND EECOATS, HATS AND CAPS, BOY S cLunuNG, FINE FLANNEL SHIRTS, ENDED CLOTHING Look at Prices o( a Feur Articles Over,:oats, Leavy and warm, as low es $8 50 An wool Business Suits, Coat, Pauts & Vest, i 5 00 Union Business Sults " " •• 0 00 Good Undershirts and Drawers, per.pair c - 160 And other Goods in proportion. tlErGarments made to ordit: and warrantpd to At Flour and Groceries! Such as TCU9. Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Salem:us, Soap, Spices, Salt, Sc. &e., al usual. Call and examine 0. , r Stock before purchasing she where. ‘Vanted—Eggs, Chestnuts, and grafted Winter .5.p -pies, for which the highest prlce3 will be paid in caph„ G.:.. szoNi: & Cu. liontrose, Nov. 29, 1865 THE MASON & HAMLIN a.a.33xlvEix. ORCx Nei, - DORTY different styles. adapted to sacred and seen - r far music, for ;AO to SAM eat h. Fifty-one gold or Pitser.medals, or other flrbtpretniams trwardepbern.— Mastratixi etaltilogues free—Address. RASO.), .t ELAN LIN. Boston.. or m..A..§AN EROl:ll2$5, Nov York. Sept.!,lS—lysinp ' "- THE' FAMOUS BAOUER:' Come and seethe hullo:ilia 'Barber, Famous Surber, late of Barth Late of flaytf,-now a t-W eels'. NOW at F. B. 'Weeks,' Store Room, Find me shaving and shampooing, Find me cutting hair to suit you, Find me ready at your service. . . Atjaur service„.. CIJA.F.L.Fa.KOSRIB Montrose,Oct. 1863.• It • ' • '• Bridge Notice. C EALED proposals will be received by ilia County 0 Commissioners until the first Monday of February 1868. for the building or a Bridge • aeris* the , Martin Creek, In Lathrop township, near the Mophottom De pot. similar In construction to the one recently built over the Wyalusing creek, near the house of N. D. Sny der, in Rush township. Plan and S pecifi ca tions of the proposed Bridge, can be seen at the Commissioners' Of- Ace, the second week ofJannary Court. By order of the Commissioner's. W. A. CROSSMON. Clerk Commtesioners' Office, Moutrose, Dec. 1E65. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a certain writ issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County. and to me directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue, et the Court-house, in Montrose,on Friday. Jan. likh. 1566. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described piece or parcel of land, to wit: All that curtain piece or parcel of land situate in Dan daft, Susquehanna County, State of Pennaylvania,boun ded and described as followe, to wit : On the north by landsofJ. 11. Phelps. on the eaet by lands of Church b Phinney, on the south by Milford & Owego turnpike, and on the west by lands of J. C. Olmstead, containing about one-half acre, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances,one house, one barn, ono wood house, and all improved. (Taken in execution at tho snit of Church & Phinney vs. William 11111. DAVID sunnEßs, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Dec. i 5, 180. To Whom it May Concern. 'MOMS, is hereby given. that the undersigned have appliedao the Court of Common Pleas of Susque hanna County for an order to dismiss the assignment made to them by the firm of S. 11. Sayro tb Bros. All persons are therefore hereby notified to come into Court at the first day of January Term next. and above cause if any they have why said assignment should nos , bis raised, and the assignees dismissed from their trust. • A. LATHROP, G. V. BENTLEY, .Assimeces of S. H. Sayre Bros. Montrose, Dee. 19, 1865. 4w _ Executor's Notice. EtBTATE of PAULOWNA, SCIISTT. - dec'd, late of La throp township, Snsquebanna County, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. A. 0. WARREN, Executor Montrose, Dec. 19, 1865 Court Proclamation- AXTHEREAS the Hon: F, B. STREETER, President VT Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terreiner, and General Jail Delivery; Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court in the Thirteenth Judicial District Composed of the Counties of Susque henna. and Bradford, andthe:Rons. C. F. Read and Isaac P. Baker, Associate Judges in' snequehanna , County, have issued their precept, to me directed, for holding a Co urto t Oyer and !Terra and General ; Jail Delivery, in the: Borough of Montrose end County Of Stneptehlin. no, on the lid Mondayoyantp,t7, 'V101.11404 Ibth da , 1 •• 0 , Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peacei and,Constables of said County of Stistluetialialti diet they be there in their proper p.rsons, at n o'clock in the.afteruonunfeald day, with their records, Sons, and other remembrances, to de 'those things which to thetr off3ces appertain to be done.. And those who are boned by reco7nizances against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of said County of Roscoe henna are to be then there, to prosecute agatnat .them as will be just. , Dated at Montrose the R2d of December in the year . Of our Lord one thcirounid.etght hundred and sixty:Ave. DAYLDVIMItiBERi ateriB4 . „ " 1 ----,Adukblistratot's_,Nptioes ,,, ESTATE of PATRICE COLTER, deedjnie of Silver Laht.tournqhlp, §_risvettanzut County, Pa. Utters +StallmtediCaticnroPoilleiriiiit t eotitiiitioti ;,s- ' -'; stated decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, 'all per:sots' Indebted to said esugeare hereby notc. • fled to !Ineke...l rurhepktn „payment,. and Mowharteig, - claims against. the same to present them duly antbanu - -.. cited for settleite4t. ' • + ' ..ALBMT DIITCII.Iat, Ada*. Silver Lake, Dec. 26, 1.865.• . , Administratoes Notice. vt• - risTATE pvcsocrign e, de03,100-.9feridat 1 11 4- 4 witte7.. _township, Susiluellannu county, Pa. • -Lettere oriaintritat.ration'otion• eatatt atue atm" narroid-docedenit tialting.betti zranwd to Itic tuadereign ed. all persona lllriebtedld id" efilato ere herebznit4 ee 4 / I /3 In ll6l.ll btatditt , ‘ paynick -and %tau' claims agelnat tlwitatur,...to preaesq. thennAutrostolt rated for aeulonetd• ' ' " ' • t_ • .1- hhlr!tt/ill Nrims. AthatinatriOr , ZieW 31,1110pLpee 19 ISQ. • - - rvuE undeNigtKA: tin - auditor arrpolrited by Dia Of= .. ' pliaublletruit Scr.qur•uattna Cinnatit to caake,tthri ttitintion of the funds in the bands of 'ate admfnlstrat tor or the estee of Stephen hl cad, deed, Willattendlo - ., the duties of hie oppolutruent et , -the• taco of .hedge Streeter, in the borough onfontrhee. ou• Salurday, the 13th day of.laniiary next; at 9 o'clock, p. tn., at whltir,. time and place all persona ,interested In Itild feud will present tilt ir claims or bb forOree debarred frotncothinz In on-eald fund ' 74 ontroso, Doe, 180-1.965. • Auditor's Notico— • undersigned hnvimg been appointed an anditor 'IL by the Orpnan"S Court of Susynehanna. CoMity tn• dintrititne-itia - fund in the hands of the admipletraior cAL . thmestate of Hiram Scott. deed, attend to tbeciti• ties of said appointment at hie office In -Montrone. on Wednesday [LC dOth tiay °Canonry next, at ona o'cicck. p. rn., at n bleb time and place alt persons interested fix said fund will present their claim:. or be forevirrneban-!' en from coming in on.eniii (Mad. • R. IL TURNER, Anditive:' Dec. 18, 1886. MITE undersigned. an auditor appal - mod by the Or. .1. phans' Court of Susquehanna county to distribute the funds to the hands of the II secutor of the estate of 7.EWIS BARTON, acceded, will attend to the duties Of the appointment at his office in diontrose. on Thursday , the 11th day Mien. lotla, at one o'clock. p. m., when ail persons interested In 'aid fluid will I resent their &anis or be forever debarred.front coming in on said land. deci: 4w A. 0. WARREN, Auditor. MEM undersigned, an Auditor-appointed by the Or phans' court of Suse,nehannaJtouuts to distribute the funds in the hands nt the administrator of estate of ' VANIIOOSEN. dec'd, will attend to the duties of . his appointment at hie ofilce in Montrose ou Tuesday the 9th day of January, 19191. at one o'clock. p. m., when persons interested to said fund will present their claims or be forever debarred from comity.", !n upon said rand. Been , A. 0. WARREN, Auditor., PANTS A.NI) VESTS, It having come to our knowledge that imitations, of the American Watch have been put upon the marketla great number, calculated by their otter worthlessness to injure the reputation of our genuine proc acts, tp protect oar own ir.terests and tie public froin impost= tton, we'azaln publish' the trade marks by • which 9ctr. Watches may lavarlably he known. . . We manufacture four ,t3:es of Watches. -- • The Finer ha's thti nam • " AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waltham, Mass.," sh-• graved on the instde place, The SECOND hasthe name , • "APPLETON, TRACT St CO., Waltham, Mas., "en, grayed on the inW.e pinta. The Tutren has the name, " P. S. 13..1.1fTLETT, Waltham, Mass," encraved on' the inside plate. . All the above styles have the name American Watch Co. painted on the dial, and aro warranted in evtry erect, The FOL - P.TII has the name • WM. ELLERY, Boston. Mass.," engraved on thu inside plate, and is not named on tke All of the above described Watches are made ot Tart , ous sizes, and are Euld in gold or silver cases us may' b• required. -, it is hardly possible for ns to nectiratelv de . serfbe the numerous itnitations to which we have alluded. They are usually Inscribed with names to nearly approaching our own as to escape the observation 'of the unaecns tonaed buyer. Some aro represented as made. by. tl " Union Watch Co. of Boston, 3fass."—no such compa ny existing. Some are named the "Soldier's Watch, ' to be sold as our Fourth or Wm. Ellery style, peepjly known as the Soldier's Watch." Others are varneif the Appleton Watch Cu;" others the "P.*. E4rttmx." instead of our —P. S. Bartlett ;" besides many varieties named in snob a manner tn. to convey the idea that thbi , are the veritable productions of the American Watch Company. VVe also caution the pub; le. and partienlarlyeaJdierw, against purchasing cents injtrticlee cattEtt \Vetches, so frocly udve7ti , ed in illustrafed papers its "'Army Watche+." —Officers' Watches.' ••31Arzie Time,Ohsers ers,r Areana Watches," Sc., the.prlces of which are said to be frdm seven to sixteen dollars. A zood Watch In these times cannot be afforded for any such money,. A ittlo attention on the part of buyers will protect them from gross impositior. BOBBrisiS APPLETON. Peace & Peace Prices, Large Lines of Prices Conquered ik Reduced. Is now receiving, tor Spring Supplies, new and,. Luz, Dry Goods, 'Groceries; Crockery, Hardware, STOVES, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, zole, Carpeting. 4, Floor Oil Cloths, 'Y Wall Paper, Window Shades, Hats t Caps, Koots it! Shoes, Clocki,lps. Including, 2.s%usual, full varieties of the most popular styies of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. SFIAIELB,, BONNETS; RIBBONS, FLOWERS, etc., which tie sell on the most favorable terms tfe CASH, PRODUCE, or to Prompt The Bayern, Flour :A:Salt on hand as. usual. IMPORTANTTOFEMALES = t. t l EsEl f _,- . P_.... I C 9 'cl.) • ,i. fi:ill k , ,, aPe74iAl. ' ~ - :16 . I, '' 1:-. - - 49 ,\• • •; - . • 4 UTILL Immediately relieve, without pain. alLdiatur -1 Y banes of the periodic discharge, whether ririsps m fro relaxation or, suppression. They art like itebarM in removing th 6 pains that accompany difficult 'peat moderate menstruation, and are the only safe anii.ren. able remedy for Flushes, Sick tlea , ache, Paine In the Loins. Back and-iiides. Palpitation of the fleart. Tier. vans Tremors Hysterics. Spalng. Broken fllecp, ap d other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an rmnatafal condMpaol,the - sexual limed One. In the worst cites of Pluotltbes or Whitest, they effects apeedroare: Dr. Cheeseme,n's Female, Pills , , Ar y p eic lb r g i oh i l n for yiin e diciaqtbat rn arried and, ilitglet ladies hrt many years, or can rely npontow.— ritivAsa or IstrratioNel • These - Piga form the finest preparation ever put forward, with immediate and per. siatent enecesa. DON'T DE DECEIVED. Take - this advertisement to yoneDetroirt. and - telt him that - Tott thethe beet and roost reliable Female Xeditattelis the World, which' is comprised fit '` - ._ ' •-'. ; Dr..7•Cliessematt.'s , Female :14111'11. :i7liei , tiOre iiieiviid, mid ele noir ieeelying thieitiii. Lion ofitto mo4t emt:nkrbyeiciens in America. ' - Expilejj Di ctfo o with *ltch box—th i l Price. One Dollaipes betz, con eking Item ZO foileCt 115. 4'. '• Pulp rentby melte promptly, by remitting the Mee to the Iloptlistora, erithy itatherized ascot, i n gurent tnad! ; .SoPt'fii..Ditiggistst -Grnerany•s ' - ' , -.11, ' ' ,'" -., mrfoirtzdas kHlLLYEßeProjortetelipos ~, • • , , 23 De v streeta Neit'Yefir4 , • *, • AVii`l*Y/14/111.11MoteezieettdUettilAmini lormentii!, sltd'vidnitr. ' s: • ' ' , • L.+ 4 - • - . 4 7 15. -- • -01•41.,.. , i. , , Aseroly : '., ;+- ' , • ...•...1.7-4:, ,, ,,- 74 , -Vr . ,!o-!!:..-_41,0". ,44" - L , ".) . '4;01'..i.Z.........-t, ~'..aa irk. AuditOes:Notice• C. TYLER, Auditor's Notice. Auditor's Notice. CAIITION FRONI TIIE American Watch Co - - Agents for the American Watch Cornwall.. ' 182 Broadway, tiow Vork. !q0y.1.3-2rup PEACE ESTABLISHED. 33 - vorritt Stocks of NEW MILFORD, Juno. 1565