The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 22, 1864, Image 4

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    to i t oVa i nlynill . 4 - 140 e. I '
leadht Chiilef, whose -74 •st 'tape-
Bed, to seek for a - tabu explanation *O4
1 *belt , [Mg 1 0.W.VAIFit 4l e r - f t e 4 43llriea
in her hands, seeme d of oadini
Atbneent prod - need hylbe ,"")ifina*
t, ogfon Mrs..AiAer keight dtt
rie-reenierea' from
bumbler in tei-Whielf-libe.fell, she began .
exlbiatn.tee that *ra. Pattie! was an
friend of hors whom had renown .
tod to Id* Mellor as; ;1 fLt t t 9• . ,
charge of snare whit, 3tisnley ; as
that;lindiiifthittbilitifeili - determineid
not to seek that, yotllig - .4adee aequaio
mum, they had arras et] the toregoin#
Lance_, they
bring' tfietit =te*tifieWatifd; as It
Ifortanately "happene4With .Peefeot,
)4 I told' Belen,"saia - Areborelin•
conclusion ! ".tbati tre• must take care,
Damon did not know v orbe would, btooo ,
siderms it hiadaty to tetl rYttjas." .
What passed the library! cannot say;
batOne7llli7yy morningthe sun ihorugbright-'
ly on two happy weddings, and Heleuapd
I have paid many plangent visits to Char
ley sad his tsrife,,ao' Tbelireir."
Carious Facts about Outtivf Timber. •
Cut timber from September tO,Decein
ber; and You - cannot get a worth into it.;
Octobefaii - Vocousber -perhaps the
best.months, and sure touvotd moron.
" you,ont from March to tune, and,you
cannot save the timber from worms or
borers. May used to.hecalled "peeling
_time," in my boyhoOd and much was
then done in procuring bairfoi,Ao
aeries, when the sap is up in the' trunk
and all the pans are full of sap;:whereat
in the fall and earlY, winter these pores I
are all empty—teen is the time to cnt,and
there will be no worms,.
When yon see an o . a•bow with the bark
tight„thero are noWortiniftropowderposti
and you Cannot sefianktp it-frentl,thelvocid,
and what is true in one kind tridin
kinds of-timber, and every kind' has its
peculiar kind of.worm, The pine has, I
believe, the largest worms; and these
worm s years.- hive found
them ?alive and .at work white oak
spokes that I knew had-been in re,Tgayret
over tivelve years; and they we're - midi
larger than- at .6 rst- ; they do -not -atop in
the sap, bat continue-in the solid part. -I
doliot.think of buyingtimber unless rit4s
cat in the time above alluded to.
I have wondered that there has not
beenufori - said on this jubjeot,as,it isone
of great importsuce, even for firewood,
and especially forship-bnilding,
Boston Recorder.
Then cut timber at once.
Gravel for Fowls.
. .
' Reader, did you everdiesect the gizzard
of a hen, turkey, 'goose, 'or duck ? "The
gizzard anti gravel stones fit ititerve t h e
purpose ,of teeth, in reducing the fotatto
small particles, in order to facilitate diges
two, The feed is swallowed in chunks,
or the grain is received into the crop un
broken. Here all such substances are softd
'sued, •and parsed, little at a time, through
the gizzard, which is furroundoltrystrong
muscles, and when food is passed through
it it. dilates and contracts, similar •to the
motion of a beilous, and the feed, kernels
ofgrain, coming in contact with the grav
el, is separated and torn to piectli:` attot
this process is completed the food is di
gested. These little mill stones, as, it
were, do not remain long in the gizzard;
they are carried out with the feed, and a
new set is brought along from the 'crop,
to be thus ground.
Now, if fowls are confined, as they =-
Often, they cannot have access to all the
*harp gravel they need, their ..digestion
must be imperfect, and: they cannot do
esperatilly if d on whole gridn.—
rowls need sharp gravel within =their
reach to'swallow every day, and if they do
not have a range, gravel should be kept
brthem in their.inelosurese-.Boston Cul
tivator. _
Tbe Republicans delight in calling
the Democratic party the "t.?apperhead"
patty, but since the largo amount of cop.
per that has been stolen by the Republi the Philadelphia Navy Yardisome
are disposed to call this the copper thief
_ .
—The Louisville Democrat says that R.
Taszobs; the Lientenanv Governor of
Kentacicy, who was ordered sentaltiongh
to:_tiniiebel lines, was refused by there—
*Atlie'Objectiote that 'they did not in,
tend telit - Liecoln makes Rotany.Bay of.
the/Sontli:; Solt seems all thee, rebels are
enraged at... Jacobs forstioportiag General,
Iliallellaltbe and Jeff both-- *ishing
him,from their. doerninioas., Ile most there
for% be .a true, patriotic. Unionist. He is
said-to be in -the provinceolOblo;.:
—Let ea reverse 'or defeat' diithearten
or disconrig,e the -Daammy. Thepen.
pie, sooner or latei, must' 7 114idge:ti,',fri:0
tteir derision, and willglad - holl- them , :
storstioa iOttiwer of tbelletaberiittepar
After serenading Garefratrflehttalf bn
Trogarel WashltiglaNthacroird
proceeded to the Whitaionse, and called
fotitr * Lincolo who
,app eari d,,aad : spoke.
,1!' Fries&land fellowAitizenstl,belied
I shil ever be old eboigh tii)
cent rassment whenj - 410, - ***
141,411LanutL lire no good news
tell you, =idle t DO bad - aiiiii to t
Yft finv r estalks of ,eleetious: until
tWia 414 tiatiog In'OrqL6day about
The mostrintitiiitifig 110114443 flop - have
froilktilbfftWaWii all know where he
went in eg but cm% tell.where he will
dim cy,t2n,„4, 4 49441P4,841Pan5td
r0.'10"4 17104 , c: . • .
gr i ki . Pf
~... - :i rt. fl at. ,4
sraie t to!;e. . Pit, 4 10 1 .
1ii!*..40. 1 1..1rWar*4 4910 - o *** l '
es,ncatta ari • lisaaio, ~ ,d slasatsffid
hest lice
fq a Vklltartha
t , Itheisb. of permiachwaii9
domAntwevera measea.4
his hearers; ig4s h=rir Pluili°"
. • VXMAIs ii r 4 . 9 it'l WW I
I'4l ~ : Ail i litisittAS Wooly
v Vrl t i l l oW 4 440 1 4:*0 1 014 1 .:
14r Ji.jf9 . *ids poonwilis , bilaek.
. •' • 'ftd irilbe...a'4oo4o l 4, . geAttafpc
immintty,lgentlenens and - kindliest; -whit*
lreprofetwerttresteemiwreligierrite - doeS
not apply ta politica No
.such ecinspicaons example eatilisuiro - rded
.ItiV:wint or the
tcolitiosel - Rirty pran9her., Ng• men catEbe
loam who are less ulibuedwith tlutepirit
l'aChriet• There 1irf 3 .0.0 "#b ,do 4 1 1. 3
sacred cause of religion so much liarmo:—
They are a source of ever-HA I% 'scandal
tii - thii - ch - tireli - of Got=, ,
The principles oliii*ticat" Atheism lie
at tha bottom of political.;preaching: ,It
la ra fandiwutTor tind,listam. t 104 lied.
iniincidents Oittifriorld-4:;relia Jtor
1 its escitithentkita ligtsiclie tindiui etipyt
.ftenta v rather than aLcontemplatift of the
momsntous and awful subject, of a future
existence—cif a life beyond the grave.—
' The political preacher is vain staftworldlY
mituled., go turns away frOullie.krorsi
linissionAwNch r be heti wont to devote
himsel4 And 1;46i:el) , gives it a . passing
thonglit. - lie,9lP, be
Was beveiltabued withA propensense of
his profeashan f or harfallen frautrice.
• , :. ;).,-: , _ , •
Robbins! the ticivimusent.
Vite-bare -been struck-4kt) 'the silence
I the Republican - 01periftnaintain ayer the
recant:bear yrobberiell at, the , Naq Yard
Philadelphia, If an,* Wig of the kind
take . a place DO
under a mooratio,adminis
initton,,they are never lionexeliwtover
it, bu they entire*'iiblivicins•to'. the
rasoality - of their 'own fliendi: The re.
:cent Gate - the Yard is a flagrant
one It it tbetight:gorertitnint property
to The vidoe of a million-of do,lltna bas
been carried off by the employees of tale
yard. : They unloaded whole mulgoes of
copper before the vessele reached the
yard, and-,thatand other)4Prirticifl
*O4 hacledBWaiiiioo.verntherli carte:—
One man, of his share Of the pwieeeds boit
a fine farm in Slontgoniery con*, and
was erectinga hinise on it at an expense
0f , 840,000. said that severitl officials
are Replicated in these, rasadities. From
the effort conimetthetniltp.ind
ebbield them from puniahmenkit• brim.
possible, to arrive at the whole ,tenth. of
, A 1,
..we,caii,tke attention of the Republican
P 6 l l. exa , tcabelotbingseand ask- them to
4enolutel3 Whole Prn robber y. ,
l el
- 4. ' ,
... _,1rt..4,11i.
0. , _. I,;;siii.,,
1ti,,,i., 7
a 1111111EirVIIANIWAIL
. .iavz Ern* comragspwg ruatitlinvi.
. 4: 4,1 14.01. 1 dkittinfaiftittisti k
.04,11.04 k. ..p.mfirob, - -Auis. BEIM r AND
1012/03; *amain% m o.fteniely!,
pzerzp SAlrDß.AuLitAzile
, . lawnravasgirogift. ,, `?,, 71
Awl:A.:wow Itoco_iiiatvara.gliaort ,
w...-mipplokuke. a
cxecneß mn) mrifittutirAtimtck,
TMLIMIE 4- • •: - ,47.• !it :4 4 :
4:44...7.4.5bn r[
1 . -
, 1 .. •
naal : S. I I ti UM :1 4:" AMOS&
"1t 2166 # 426 ib 40 A8L_ it-d_
F a j la iNdTal, gr-Vagair t
ya IVY! I
Og itli f ";aV T l TYl* 0 144
f:Vf ,3,1 t. 112;1.- 1 J• t.
WAtfairlLP l WAMMßl ll . 4ll t i ff i b
1nUc 1 i?. 1184.1 " 4411 M .
• eireet " / 111.4d ';M e talitV
11 1X4 41 3036
" Pa • ' •
lir . . ileu m ' o rt sb i
Mt 3 !ter - 44 Z a A
. 7 s ;
*an bia#4thild tiled° l
One of the oldest saiSzl f rg i ableiresaten is IDS
Foagtts_i 1
Colai L lintutrig. h, Brow I1Ui; Dif.
• - 9 1 4701 1 ..4 1 Car l'
woman* 11:14LMANI of 40'11p11
-;&-gtoteral /am last:lW Lido Vaptedy become; ind
poyyfai'tattagiitctify i ti te untutoMarYlo',VVeotati
414itior, Arverki ipsatfitr ft. and jind - varmint:tin
the aburukuM and voluntary totazitony tiPeArtmanyirito
rttes-kry suffering and retard &mar have by ttr um
ban rtfOrter topristlne vigor pact Mat& ixmpro•
anamsciaiteditiaiat brproirqf etirits Mat
1, 4 4 797 AkRifoIgRIZEP.
rid Bet: s iOte:lieettleTs
WeD %mown and mach reepoeted among the German
population of this *Autry, makes the
f ollowfwg stew
mana Brretosbadpfiteetlisisißieted • •
." mit; le, UM:
tht-ittißrat•Litaviligresittegin'iny Wally important
%meta firttie -- ese ofyour valuable preparation—
Metal"' WBm of Wild Cherry—it affords me pietas*
to recommend-it tOttelOpublie; ‘l3crmir bigght Years rip
one of my daughters/teemed to beta &decline, and little
Itemiser ; her recovery mere entertained. I then pro.
eniedirlsottie °trait ereellearßablam, and befere she
had taken the whole otitis itontentrot the bottlethere
was a great Improvement in her health. I have. In my
Individual ease,-made frequent nre of yourvaluable
medicine ; and have airily" been benelitted
, ascot', szmusn.
From jesile Smiths Bag, President of the Monts
ty.Baulrs - MmviseoduatewJersey. t•
..-assitittod Wistar'ellaisant,OrsW.P4Ctiergcid
*bent fifteen 'yeart.'and , Wring. mum its hen
reanlielti nil Waft it &Berrie =opera pleasure to re
eottirronntit to the public as a valuable reined!
_in eases
of colds , et:rush% ste.; sold tembdy.Whith
I °bladder to be entirely Innocent; and tear be Wien in
perfeetufety by the most delicate in health.
Prom llon,Joho B. Badth..a-diatingekthed lawyer in
:. • Wastrobtsters- Md.
r nayleongerelatoeesslns :id Dr. W bases Balsam
of Wild Martyr°, colds, a d d al ye with decided bene
fit Llnitor ofnopripstratlep blame cfilmudoas W
More deserving of general uses
The Balsam has also been used with excellent effect
074. D. Elliott, ItememsdatalTe Crow Beads. Dd. '
Wistifiiiiiisaiiiet' Wild ellerY,
iriatiini masa 1. Arris.“ 0. the
Wr4"Fr ronIIALI 13T
J. P. Dnasmonitage. al Broadway., Weir York
S. W. FOWLSB CO.. Proprietors,l3oston.
• • And by All Divests;
Reddve'Russia; Salve,
tlas fay ertabllstied the omperibritiof
. .
—Oiler Clothes beeline " "
=its ill kinds of SOWS . arTS.ticALDILBUTiNe.
B T/E 3 ., Plus., CORNS. ORE . LIPS. SORB EYES.-
reindeLng the pain at onee...audtettnchsa , the
isms env" looking swelitnla anti Intimation as 1C by
ase& ONLY 45 C8M , 70 .. 4k BOY.; - •
J. P. DIMIMORE, No. et litetthiniii trier reek
8. W. FOWLS d CO„ - 2Io. iii,Treztont rt. Boston.
, 1 4 by 'ail Druggist:a:
Jade 2. Mt: , • - treew
Dit 3EI Vg: *CM.!
Tno inderedlesed basin entered , Ittto beaten, tte
. dor sbo owe ad style et •
beg lie 4 iti; R i
tidy ea EOw re
ceiving from reseTort a large and well selected stock
of Goods of eetaCdesddgitlon.. einialatlnterf We latest
Styles of Sprtes and §tuotace
, , •
P riots, shalliesi
c 3 ,Allsrlximerfigs.
atnizAg. "fCgoodiutiet4 of
( " t 411 Ware,
I . . . :
HATS & ‘uAPS •'
Toot ''':ournitj, Attie :1;',
Alio agood asiiortment of
-111 - IIDW, . ARE --
1;liovels, Spades, oas t ror A
gaittetinui, 441,1
dtd: •
cit tratz
amend see u!kt. We 'a 1 . 727.441 osi Palle
Amne. ' •
1 , 1 1 D. D. 81121 .
• 7 %.1M.,.,
0 0!..1!4.V f!,4*.;
0 4401
At w i timitiga r .,; , l i ti f uw aia,& i iil i i ii s.•,...i a .4
! — 7" - ---
~.. • .te.:11 , 11te.. , ro.s i itlCl a; 4 Liu, 0,1 tit • Cr
IMMIXOPI t Or di 4234E11.40372110,14
2. ti. •.....:2 - 1..1.1. • `_,......f.A. , .....• .:4? -.. t. .
4* " 1.41 . 1 t h r!: jV7.ll"AjartneWilli
J".• C:'23
. DISCI,IIi Ettlir 'iii ' 1 ' I I
I 1 I
11!•itiPitt•W - ' fit O. el , • !I 1 4: .. i
• . . . • , • .
: • ti ti o , , N. 1.140.„— N vt• .. , -: 1 1 ~...-7 , '"t4 i
' • 0 o i "... i 0-1
. -.--- 4
~ . PI , WR I . 9 ! . 1t”.4, 1e . iricriz i 1
Ji.: i . 4( , ../ 4 . ' , .. , f •',. orimmir ' . 1
0111;0474JOINP“OlArilaismuCai , ,
Writ pit niumed fr om Do 'Peat *Di seoliWot
~ oni t tie l r4 , 9reg . :',?( . 4T 1.,11,.. , r , 1D"
tallg a ii - attlitlittht,o
' f ' i •,,_: ..t ' 1
J , q , i ,: •'i • - • - 1, e li ' ~ i I • , '
The West sad most wry°. d;strot, i
r • :i .., , , 4 .. , i ~ ,I r. lig
.(34E4i0 4 2 '6,3311 : t0i1n
tir every Description. S'., , , 0
- • 1 '''3O III 3PI'IIIIO . ICT'3R.."
ofttle el":ntelnit". bitneii,ltiellit*hiiil '4?l=P?lle't
-.., ~ ~ ~ :1 ;, ...1 .mod} ''. . ".. .: . ' . :.
Fish. Diiiry ,S9,lti'lrette; VlOOB,
'' - Spiceigi ' Stiganf',i , itesee,
At very Lowpriges . for cAdltt :Vat Pair*O l its tot
.., , - , • • . •
Oak paittlbakaiiii,lintter. , ;lloo,itko'.
2,090.000 :di* Eggs *in►keit
tirit4o doors below 1141 b Webster's ,nortnnvin
the Store former!" accept , i N. I: Pont. - ,
• .0.1,4:13t0rnk , 1 ,'1 ' ' l . - • 1 .`
' . - "M.' t4!tign!).
Montrose. Orilla,. 1664:. tt .- ; : ~ . , . '
DRHOODS 'go loot;
- 9111 1 001824 4 aa
• 4) WI mk
: • 1'1: 'l7 0
Hats, aP4 Cape, 4s.
t - LitSS 4 V r Ai4E;
Liktiiißs xxxo ovliss,
gliC)MiEr •Tanitii.*4444, 14143.
Produce taken in Patchange.'
,f 1 .
Ilionirose.-Feb. '646 d. EL own?,
s Hog!
fr B. WE EKSA:OOi,
tic Arie just opened their .. niasTeet
/LA. itOt U.V 58
C71_40 er3IEE
consiming of '-
overything In Gonts'Algo of apparel. ,
' from Boots. td' Hat.
Wilts 'ln tl !piing lialinctrais and Gaitzra,
'Ken Fine and Coarse Wear, ,
cheaper than any other house this side of SeWl'ork.
Come and see for yourselmot. 7
'Boots & Shaft nude Warder -
Month:m*4lW 100. • F. B. WIZEI, ittt.
/I.A:lricr' LEY'S:. •
103 aniflll3oi IinIMNI olirBalittalind
yiWIS article le prepared Sikh theireateat Mire 'upon
scientific principles, and warranted not tir Contain
anything in the slightest degree deleterious to the
Teeth or Gams. Some of earning eitlistentDeaal Mei
Reyna have .gixen that' sanction to; and cheerfully re
commend tills'. prepahtion of eraPerior qualities for
clap:Mug, thitening and: vescretnx , the . Teeth: IX
elegant thei readily, rendering them beautifully isbisp
And peari,y, without the slightest injury to the enimel.
It Is baling
_lpAbe gumenrhare they ate nicerattittind
acre. 'Els 'atom' excellent dlelnfector for old and de,
cayed teeth, which are often exceedlngirtiffdtraite,
filTee a rich and creamy taste to the month: siatialting
th=ly, and imparting a delighthil frpgra i scelp
A. HAWLEY 44,,Q . 0 ~
N.W•cor.lot2l a Lomb hi.. t
• • ' AND MD BY At is DRUGCg r as. •
rates 88 CENTI. '
Its ramming opinion ot.Dr. Yirtdte, listerthe Mgt% er
go= to whim' he holds the Dental Cream, ulz:Mlng-
Went evidence of its value; to emete 'Other: Mal
akin deteil is Deedless, contenting.ourselves by simply
gylig the name. fad addreirolpersoni ' who speak Of
-Jo eff.4440 for the teeth.!
• reMapitlellls. Aprll 16th.t SAL
'Melt* artfully etioniped Ilawlers "Solidified
Deuptl*eam.' l l herebycheerttdly recommehdlt to the
public generally. It Is an ezeelleut, preparathm sat.
cleansing and preserring titer teeth,'ind - cau ' be lised b
aU persons frith the titutostconedence, as its properefli
are perfectly harmless. Besides presersjpg the teeth,
ft proMottas healthyactleA tb thegupisisordliipsrts a
pkaaantliagaAor t ili v wft *ieji i9iiirei; ;444..
Taos. lialuar..ia...D.; &mak, th 31. 4 at!
J. Balm,' 254.8t r ba_, • 4 1 425 , 1 ;,4, ; , -- .1
B.:instnizade Meis Is at..
C. A. ,TinettetiCtirr.Dentlst ,
0: MUUMUU, D. D. S., ISt Arch ei. ~
T. M. Dzsox, 8117 Areh
L 7 L. Doarattarr. taYt Idth at
L. Lotto. Dentist. 6211 N. lip rd..
;cms 11354.
W0, " 4303. --
*OA, J4O . . ••
-0• f, , , Gob ' o f
" • 'll
atm, Wientitd'
Iwo pp wool loto.gotb, ICtwombl.OreeMzkeee,
to say - There lon Uol wool wet' tbai CIO done
beton eat 'rotor:l , l4l4os Owed limit tdode
for to CO, ming. wisdom br eiu f:rivs!Mrk
of Mtn Moto Owed dtwp In en .
tbo Pr1.10 1 44t*01 1 , 1 111 .Ad 1 ,1 1464: 1 os
entintnon*li 104Zornecistliev9ygr
, ksethuirimd
famed ano th er yaw. We sball so usnalndjono
1140 elo9l tor
i-Cll 4p17.1y:,t 1
non io
Am a a Van Cob Mad te!.„ !! 1
; d Jo' •=••
t; IttaLlE !I 17-1
- -
.Pg 14 , „9
z ~$1:g1;140)
4111411011il at
c• •.;- ivi iit-t(1 11 ;
1114 1 VOTION
arms " f
`l fE;
M4F.4TfAWinitti% got /WO WIC IMQ VW 400 d
'lo6* „"Ailettat
Now Milford.
NOV.. 4460
..413* - ILTu - ARELL:
Falioifeeitdi taigest widiestieretaims
V •I , / ._)j
Ever offered in Ilusquehannaffounty, and probably com
prising allegniidentvarteripr mostdifferentartitintiof
anyl3toreitatheNorthenipareotrenneylviinia,and per
-1 the rellttrerritate. An anointment Is kept in
about thirty different braining int trade, and the sake
tit:WOK* madeininitabont ihrty nt the beet Bunsen in
Yorit, and pore chap . tilt" .ppater d i
'Were ant 'Of New York. a large proportion ot_the
-Goodaare Unimght dints (rota the mantifactinithr. as
insuring, geuitinearticics, Cpatorperegavnterlpg the
Stove inaatnot expedite rind everything In night, bat
!nearly everyartielewantediellibe produced byineuiry.
Some Idea of the Stock may be farmed by, the following
ifilintralcratlitie,'butenineendlon id iMpractleable,
Drag% and ;Medicines. , Matsui& Oile.Dye Malta,
Gremeries„Lignore, Zreettery, Glans , Ware, and
Goads, Minicallrietrumente. Brenham draericatiPocket
Knivfe, Table Catiery and Silver Plated Ware, Lampe . ,
Materials fortighli;illiiiterail; Bed Corde,Stone Ware ,
Dry Goods, Mirror., Window Mau. bithffigraelol4. l lar:
plebes. Bird Ca es. Spectitelie. `Whips, and Lashes,
pleemerßelec 4einenitron.l Tobaccoadedii
- Gilead Surgical no merits. Salt, Soap,Petaph. 11m
brellagliorcetainffeetli, inibort. early everything,to
restore the,nick., to pleme thg testa, o delight tingle,
tattatirk the fancy, and also to conduce tin the real and
eobetaadal comfartsoflifo.
,The aticAton 'gibe public. litespectfally invited to
ray stockef Goode, bought exclnsivelY for ea,* down,
nindrrill.beriniffon tbersiune'princlele (orient price*.
l'antiarY 1it,1863
At Montrose, Pa.- • •
Wm. E.- ELA.TCH, Proprietor.
lIIS new and commodious Hotel Ia siteatedim Tubllc
Avenue. nem the Court House, and 'nearly In Centre
of the pfudneall .partionoMontruse. • The Proprfetorie
cohfidentthirh i e *r er oared to entertain guest Ina 'is,
ouramarnisitaill MITIRZ SATISFACTION.
The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no expeneehas
been spired to reader It equal if not superior to spy in
thislartaf the State.' It le well with all recent
imprdsements and comfort., cud. obliging waiter, Till
alersyl be reedit° respond to the call of customers.
The Stableadoduected with thishonse are new end
ThdProprieter respectful— Ty Follette the' patronage of
bin oldfrientls, travellers, and the priblieerally. •
tf _ HATCH ,
CA V3IT ttmart.
For Ponsioriers,and Applicants
.lorTensitinal: 7 . 7 .
at Mice in Public. Mope, over the atom of • .1.;14-
ans 4 800.
ISOntinte Pa . lfll 46,1564. tf
IL O W4Pgp kuseeelation4 pan uidel phis, Pa. •
blames of the Nervous, Seminal. Urines, and imp
nalilystemii—neisvid reliable treitment=in" Nxtortir
Cs INWARD .&88oCIATIQN. Bent by ma ll in sealed
eater eti4elo es, free of charge, AddreseDr. J. Simi
Maisefution, N. 9 South Se Amt.`
Philadelphia, Pe. , • • i octla
Come odd see the ramous Bother,:
Pomade Barbet, late of Hayti.
Lotefor liaLtiLllow
Now air U. weeks Store Roorit,
Fintiame shaving and ohimpooftrg,
Pintlitne cutting hair to suityou,,;
Yield me ready at your serriEe..
AtVoar service, CIIA.IIIXII
Oronttose,Co. 15, 1853. • , ~„
Etiad 31Elekols. izaa,*•,
rrom unde+42IIOENSED AGEN 4 r or tbe GO-
A?. ERNMEN brorieg obtained the neceststrfortu
.64,. will giveprotapt Attention to all claltalt !totem.,
to Ms care. No charge unless suteetsfal.
• • " GEO. P. LITTLE.
IlOntrose. One 6th, )664.
risio of R4:4lmger.,Traina, 0 t. 12, 18.04
, I
um Ist
ea q
6.2 1
g i 4.10
11 .23 od e
i 1 Pb
l l't,
a 1..0540
- 1
4 1045,
' 1145
GoanMend •
New MINOrd,
Montrose, •
I Nicholson,
Clark Sum'it,
I stroudatosirg, I
br,tad t w ettonge
laws Plit!Pt9P. I
The Pessi3nger Train Werth, ".'
- te.eiveirsanotati cathearmtil
wnlnn lonroo,ffcwt)fork af„aws. at, on44,lonunkft
Chem balite 'Myst of fh Torthewlitch lam Mad.
IK. II 4 II O4BP;BatAnt As ifineeMan,
Mufti maces wont congeoppoo al Wrath' on the Laclo
swains & Bloomsbn,g , anff Defaware & Rubor) Roil.
rAft a kn&at arat mew sun ob Our
Ernitliffstiq. • 4%; , Thg I.'
_ : wilipmger-Train , Southi
I,A R AH I Apreamerogrwm ectifenor
ir i n ccni ettlpg at pion
Untile the Ciampi asz littogidibutn. lAMBI re
I l eid i rtr gna t 1 hi.i:nggree uli Cin u p l irtAnti t ni t
=4 4 % n 44 1 47;114, 11 411L '" r00
I -ftllnfelpithat42l:l, oh& taliliniabing at Me pmg.
'!' The Aceotiiimitiaile*Tii,#,Y,'
: , .thitirk&fitisiterioteidlidth , tiii ,
Es i t ,r s tavr a t i rmopmen.a.t.“,
4 -Bcontiforli lisivonflftat ear 'the' aittiiildruici,
P g rAfiritegMtittiiii
. • t Bend. WATTS COOBIi •
. .
VraP9olifidW toovitMEW,
frowirsill nnfli
at at .:vo tx.l !Iv:7
0' "I,=* 84 ' ',RN Mr.ll"
, :, ,: -. ~, , liiii_,...llll,, O VFMllllD, .1 ; . 1 .
Stattotte.' • Nail.; ' Now To*. *p
Diarthumbettaad • ‘ ‘tiim%
. ~
tt it y,00,,,. , .,... t v
, Fihkiiiibigg, • , I lam. 41 , - , • ! t.. ' : • ! . ~,
MM . , ' 11:110° . '4 liuk.b. ' 11904
%c. 0., .• : 7 42a , •1 •,r - I MOO " • ', A VII' SI •
!, 1! (.. ;,f ~ •,POTIC:i•INTWW,44O. ~ :• •
I=o • ~..! • Pifi l • -1 : W o. PIIL - Ail/Va l '
NP . 10•011. ' ''', . :30 Stilteri . OM • " . ';',-- •• - :
' . 68 lee.- - . • , pPIA:ri
A l4s & 'f l
h ,
R ianv et a, ' '- - 6.16 r'
Northuraberirne.9Br - 7 • ' • :-
, -,!....t.
Passengers taking thr trate anti! rhilltairk
Abe opreas Ulan itcnr‘ ortluittaterintl. ,grO tt E! ' Hap
rtabnrg gt. 1.110 a. mi. Ha mbre at 7.00 a, tn, an at la ,
Ittelptrra at I.ooa. in: The mill vain tfont; woo.
land- leavts Inintediattly atte n d be prtintlitt,'•;tha4z. ,
, prettiVrainitottt Harrisburg and lialtitabte. tang' Apt
palm:nat. leaving Eititadelphis, lit, 10.400.114 to
points on this road doting the nett forenoon. - . ..
New and elegant lilleoptngCars accompany %tTraiuleac4lil4c",a'lllblrnVl4rtv
dalpkla. H. A. ND, antet.
, 11.48111ENt.OF4,TAiB414,q.Olgi.
T ' 'subscriber wduld
cll inform
Yei Ws old trletidi'
eat ii&te
, tbe public generally, that ha big pat, Weructsi
and rarlocaotlier articles. such 'saws. aerdei
tut* Lail ttustAbey will be 'ecohl for ACJagalluit
price& Unit, eaxmot Onto tett. Plerunininleod essusitat.
Feb. 4,1861 1 . • r.441."14Wigh
Livertocitot Pauks. .
IrDEßSOFlS•wishing to ifildroit4eii trteide4l6
x - country. esti puribeseperenga tictetebrtbs Onto
line from the subscribers, ,
Oleo; Drafts orilrelind-for enure to roll:
11. CO:W=4 .00„ , '13saltere.
liOntruse, _
TT, tf
Da ).4kLECITMEM. ,-
.hat yAglashirl In uakd aidops. Pries Sixe f eittl'.:
LECTURE Oa the Nature, Treatment and . iiiileal
. 4S: Cure of Sgennattotrhota or SemlnalWeilrlifii.46..
voluntary Haitians, Sexual Debility. andAnipettikesta
to Morriage_generally. Nervonenear.Conennmit 6
-nosy, and Fite.; Mental and Phyelcal Ineapacity. to+
ealtlng from Hy Hoausr
D. annexe ar the .! lateen Booki"' ekt.
The World renowned author, In this adndrsllo44o
ttire.'eleariy ptoves tram ' ble,ovin - jape/lent . . Mar As
sertel coneequenees of selFeteme may be etieetimilyTh
moved without meillethe;end wllbout dementia magi
cal operationa, boggles. Inetram'entierings , bt euedhils,
pointing out a mode dem atonce certain and,
by , ohleh'eiery buffeter, 66 crattei vehat'llls C ronl
Mon may be. lazy cure hltatelf clieegly..prlvatedy.
radicaily.. This I..aturawillyrF6 &noon tbintaatuila
Ind thousands. • "
d gder OW. Many address. Ina
velope, on the reteipt, of Ilia
stamps, tryaddrevelng • •
CHAS. CO., • i
',fairy! Ir zi rnoivery- Y Pancake Do r s. "IC
rawcal2E."..M * WElLll2l 4 4tOili
Catatttowo, On Wyilvalng Creek, Rradfoidto. rt.
RO/18 Caided 'd Cloth
Carded: t
‘IPZ Mannfictnre Cloth for Customers Olt elbflPAg
gg ' atthe follOwhig tote' pet lard S Caisimere, De
floishOlnel 45 Mutts. Plan Cloth, best finial. erre. 4Stl.'
Gray and Mixed Casslateres. 40 eta,. T11'044 tYall-r,
Common Fullers Cloth, 40 eta. White Flannel. og eelats-
Madder Red Flannel, SS eta. Gray Flannel, IR eto. ' •
The Gray Flanhel made with taste, and , rery suitable
for Clothing.
We will, csrd,Rolla for persons from a distance to
take hollte tflthoutdelay. 'HARVEY INGHAM,
. • AMOS WRIttiC II .
* Camitown, May Ioth.lB64.—tt
SI MtPaftezigill tc Ct, • • •
„ ,
NO. Vkiiir ROW,./few YOrlt, and . 6 State Street.
13040p.sts auroras for the MordroseDanatdilii
taosevittep. artd us, auttunised to tap, idlVlOrmigillk
'pip ER11161001200? us st oniorregl. rads.
SOLDIgatS I -130VprIvr t :
- .. PgrigllON@4' • -
~ 1. ..•
And !- liock Pay- t' .
TEM AnderatilMtiagAnD OMIT' Os irasoernizt.
ti t iu mrgytv psezi t zenrikau f fjpicuoylt
t r ePurf.4 o4. a'6B. J. a. itkoutnt.
Hori ontl.cOmp . " Asri
/110..!7"G-.9R DUrr LOPE." 13il•Piti .01=1)
Qtyltal 80,01:0 iftude• $25 each. ; *
Jona Buie, Colorado. • Gsb. W. GaiiiinrdV f
F. H. JtnnOiew-Irork. Hyman; appal
11.13.eosinllewl'atk. R. Comm& wlit e l
N.W ItoSzt; Nocti•ork. if a =ant, apt:
s 9 Mow). Provldoce.p.l, • .
• President-400 Elvelleney JOHN &VAR* OtweilfOr*
of Colorado Territory. , • .
vic o maibten a for s . EC. MtoF),
Erecteq-.7l":Divzis, Wr°24
(a ' g V
datello. Cliff West, lgerw;Tdont. • "
6.16 0,
6.85 a
T. 05
Exatanilig StirgeOlit' -
RIME antnietibet bar been appointed by IttalOolp,
:IL otiminneent ren aotXM.WAL•MiIIi lt •
ingot, to examine an give cel:tel, to IfirtrAtO ,
rdnisielol4ll at& tb ill b 11001;13 t 0 tbo t,
Plelegetle lON at Montroso, • Wei it•O:SeM •
noire untel. , • / Fr•rAVe l igFrt , -
1 VbettioieJ April 44 Idett•—tt , . , •
13At i DWIN, &L.AI,IO,,"'MOVItif •
. 4 )1 .teft,l , ff 1147 ,
,AvzsrAtiDS:orptcuo avf;: '.
; :; • :.,1 ,Dgammiiint •., b'fr e
'tift*" . l% l " , ' l4lt,4l4l ',
IINi#11,0 1 100;...L* 1 041.- , CsiNsAga..*;”
.:1114106 ,
,poluti - vsse, , D.Aw;j s ,.. f plow
simiriv .. . , ,sc4socAlkit.!Buffikraii
.21 , 4,4aor,symsPieRS,BR 0 OJT
; Aft
NAIL.:', : • 1 • I
Ca1i4114:00040467, • •
4,;l4*pri r
14 7 2 t i; , IMPAlAtai r ia
All ,„.: •••
, ,V v t uti lW ay t
‘‘r 4 1 )41 ilvs Y n ,?:1N1k710144,11111W'