The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 22, 1864, Image 2

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    :ii3 ißtros,l7 , : t Ppurcpt.
I MURSI±,AYi4ECEOTER ‘ , 22 , 104.
tarVe ateltatified - tcilexto4ho
President very judiciously disapproved
the clnier often.; Dix, to .pursue. falba
intoSsoa4 St;Rh Sets Would hareslone,
to no einiicei blitudghtliiiiifirectifitetted
s foreigd:s4r, and given.the *ugh Inds;
pendenee. It , was disgusting, so see this - endorse Olt.' There ars
legitimate modes bfraardink ngiiinst peti.
ty; herder . raids, Ant .Dies wtfuld
hay s e„sanied the rebels tg PlanAllesty :of,
them for their benefit. Wo are surprised'
41(the sTmeible disapproval of Mr. Lineolii;
stud if he would follow it pp by rerbitior,
titeinsane policy and orders relating tcr
the war; the Union cause would. be Muth
more hopeful.
Star Hon. Thad Stevens, doing debate;
itrCoadress on ilia 15th,
•It is the duty of tha.Housetoviadicate
the dignity of the country, and to elevate
it frOm the low depth to which it is sunk,
But the House dated not do its. plain
duty, and by a small majority sunk itself
to a still lower depth of de'gradation at
the footstetlf br despotic
Winter Davis, another leading shoddy,
on the same occasion said :
The Secretary of State had, in, the:face
of all Europe: slapped the House of Rep
thentatives'in the face, in his ebrreapon-'
deuce with the French Government, and
he asked the House whether it would not
to-day assert its own dignity?
The House conkl not assert its dimity
because a majority of the rnepijnia-think
less.ot their manhood than of the patron
agerof a corrupt administration. •
Lincoln's Foreign Policy.
The publics journals comment s good
deal upon the fact that, in reference to
foreign affairg, the President'e message—
while it avoids any allusion to the leading
nations of the world, inhabited by White
people, with whom our relations, especial,
ly in time of war, are`to be held of vast
importance,—devotes considerable space
to trifling details about numerous negro,
mulatto, and other miecegenated powers;
aid much fault is found on that account.
This is all wrong; and while most
of the newspaper Criticisms I upon
the message are well-timed and fay
deserved, on this point ,
our. cotemporar
iee, in our view, are not justified in soot&
ing old Abe. They should not forget•that
this admioistratiors has lent its main ener
gies toward, working out colored inter
estriand has met with a quasi endorsement
of that policy at the polls ; how, then, can
we expect it to acknowledge, right after
the election, any " relationship" to the
cotintries • inhabited by white trash? It
naturally looks, as en administration,
.anspng the colored tribes for its foreign
Will Lincoln itotract Nothing',
Mr. Lincoln, in his latest message to
Congress, proclaims to the world that he
will retract nothing that he has heretofore
said on the subject of slavery.
Well, "heretofore," that is tosay on the
4th day of March, 1861, Mr. Lincoln did
say, on the eastern portico of the Capitol
of the United States, to assembled thons
and; these words:
I deelarethat I have no porpose, Drltzar-
LY on mornEcrLY, to interfere with the in
stitution of slavery in the States where it
exitits. I believe I have no Liwrtri.nintrr
to do go, and I have No mact.purios to do
The smut of each State to order and
control its own domestic institution?. ao.
cording to its.own' udgment szcz.traivve
Lr, IS XSSZIFITAL to the balance of power
on which the perfection and igamrsasca of
our political fabric depend.
Ile has since violated all that, and who
can trust him again ?
Retemittionef the Seven-ThirtyNotati
Secretary Fessenden gives 'notice of'the
readiness of the Treasta Department to
redeem on presentation, by . payment in
lawful money, or by conversion into bonds
as authorized by law, the three-ears
treasury notes bearing interest at a rate of
seven -sod threeienths per cectum, issued '
tinder the act of July 17,186 i. Interest
will cease on - all 'such Treasury notes not
so presented• after three months frobi this'
date, at which time under the law, the
right of conversion ceases. Holders 'will
therefore gotrern themselves accordingly.
rarGovernor Pierpont, who—is the
Lincoln Executive of some portions of
Virginia not very clearly defined, deliver
ed his annual message to Alexandria On
Tnealayof last week. Butler, he any.,
has overthrown the republic= civil gov
ernment Of Virg.mia, and in its ste l a °rep.
te d a military - despotism, and, innate+
ted *reign of terrorana , torture,
•. ine,,poutet.
The . .liip of state is Se; 'Ward
And s gsubsur of need;
1 4 1 1!Vi.P.06 1 4.0110Aquiesiolkau4.:
Ana nisi - was witiapeti:
• • .
=a- v v
' 4 ? 6iiitat It*
liee.l6-4hermali }tau: passed iouthq
OavtatthlOind`mi Ail* Mil
, ian
antler flatcar, HOrraid; catrirto*te;tlie 4tlantio
the* near Wolairsonlid, atirge harbor
tiventy.thiles a nnthwest%eftha mantle
"rroo'lis b.
ththarannicatedli* onrfieet off the gonna
'thid-Itistmkent art offieial despatch to
Ad m i r ni, Dahlgrmt 513 UPnaing;bill:prpk.
ffierthrietiat. — Selliergreltlfr
has been *dyedt y ttte arihral Stiertnaii
on the ,Atlautici;,'Tricritio,t,rlß . lpply. iris
armriiitb rood and amtumntithi . ,:- . and se
cure these reinfareetaints `whic h be
greitYneedel; - The rimers' Or the cap=
tare ofSai-anneWatelnifiinded, ht them
bits - beeline %fill& thele'bi hold it and;
both lines of railroad to Virginia. *.
Dtc. 17:-: 7 4.relierpaper - sayi Official
intelligence arms iecetved..yestyegfiti l 4,
the enemy, oti Wednesdiiy, car#El,,F.Orl, .
McAllister by storm. T.he garrison.qf the
forteopsisted 00 . 50 mon !
Mouth Of, thlil
Savatputhriier; en the Gerirgia eoaat,there
are ;wo WhOjaw smind ts about.
fifteen miles ifelonr the : rtier, an Ossabaw;
Senna 'alma "thirty Miles distant. The •
Ogeechee river tills .into Oasa*3w sound,
and FoitMailliiteriTtliePapuyeptfwjgc...h,'
by. Geo. Sheythan, -announced our
Saturday merningi WOO the Ogeechee, fit-.
teen - mires southwesti Of Savannah. Sher;
Man by this capture has opened the sound, -
and is Ow stak e , cet,nmetnicatian.
With - theffect, and can drair
Sherman has establisbo his beadquatters '
at, Fort • MCAllister, ,i?nd on Wednesday
lathed mr,interiiety there with General
Foster, who came ashore froth the fleet. .
Tha railroad between Charleston and
Savannah, though not cut, is atlength con
trolled,hy the Federal troops.
Near Coosa watehie therederal troops, * :
though unahte to Out the railroad, or. reach
14 have Planted.batterms, which prevent
vales from turning.
An official despatch f r om gh . orman
reports his merit) across- Georgia, from
Atlanta, pa 331.etes that a larg e amount
oC,:CorolaussarY - atere4, sail: many mules,
horses and negraea were secured. Sher
man's army, on Tuesday,last, extended
across the peninsula between the Savannah
anti the Ogeechee , rivers ; the northern
flabir Veihg on the Saiantiah river, three
miles above the city, luld the southern,
near Fort'lloAliieter, on the Ogee. I
eche°. Savannah waa itt prpceas. of in.
vestment on the southern Side„,g9t.e/1
country north Fpf the Savannah . river wan
still open.
. „ . .
Sberinar esumAted the gamma „of J
Saiannah at'fifleenthousand, cemmanded
by 'Hardee, 11,0.8413 ting pear, the city is
The War in Tennessee.,,
Dec. 16—We-have some important de4l
tails of affairs about Nashville. The fed-
era) works, form a semi-circle aboutktowir,
in no part over two miles .from it,!and ex
tetefling about. five miles -from the river a-
bole to -the river below; the t'dwn.' , .
interval ofirom_ono to two miles in width
outside Of the line is .n entail ground, and
beyond it are the rebel works. There is
very,little woods anywhere near Nashville
all the ground being Cleared. There are
four federal gunboats at Nashville, but
communication by the river is cut off and
no ,ethers can come up.
Dee. 17—For several days past Hood
has been, gradually . drawing nearer. to
Nashville with his siege. parallels. Close
proximity at length compelled Gen. Thom
as to make an . attack, and on Thursday
morning at daylight, it was begun. The
rebel of works round Nashville
on the south aide, extending from Cumber
land river above the town, around to the
river again, below it, was attacked at all
points. The four gunboats assisted in the
attack, and they soon succeeded in driving
the western rebel flank away from the riv
er bank. The, land forces penetrated the
opening', and forced the flank further back,
the rebels continuing their retreat until
they were five, miles from the river. In
the centre they were also driven back a
distance-of from one to three miles. Their •
eastern flank maintained its position. Gn.
Thomas, in the day's-battle, captured' 16
cannon, near Ohousand prisoners and 20;
wagons. Qa Thursday night the armies
rested on their arms,- : prepared to renew
the conflict in the, morning.
' Dec. 19--Daring-Thursday ' night they
withdrew their eastern flank from Cam.
berlanctrirer, above Nashville, to a posi-
I tion on a line. With theireentre..
On Friday. Morning Thomas renewed
the attack. After three ensueeessful ea
irtanits liTretteceeded in drivingthe rebels
fro:lithe new !Maiden-they: had 'taken at
night. - They retreatedqo a range of hills
one of Which, on the Franklin turnpike, is
called Brentwood Hill o,Various attempts
were mate to drivethem from this position
bat all were unsneeessful, :and on Friday
night they still held it. General Thomas
reports-having lost 8,000 men in the fig&L'
The rebels are said to have lost 41 •gums
-4,600 prisoners,' with three generals.!A •
On Sam - 4y morning Gen Themes had
everything prepared to attack the rebela,
but during the night they had tetreated.
The federal, at once followeal the cavalry
ahead. "iNumerone skirmishes.' were haa
tvith,:their rear guard,:and afternoon they
passed throughFranklid. and' made the
lolarpeth.riiier their line 'of defenoe; They
held!thistut i short time amt . :again '
('treated. I dist before.dark :ti - severe Ali.-
mishiwas ifought six•intles south,tif Frank
rig nt4thelinnies testect -there- frit the
night;( • •
_ , The'
_War bill!_
I.ltaw ia.--AirC have leeeived' definite
intelligenoeathe expedition Aitliiehliert.
Om Wanes mum& the
force, ;iici consists of two divisions of
:Wgrrps'SAiffs, one of UntilplifirS ‘ , - arid
regg'scavilry. The expedition igarcti
cld soothidoisgthe.Jertisaliiii-rrkOross
insgAtitiltoes inn, and on-Tues yyjiight . _
ttti Nottaway river, mghtoif
linileffroul-Reterabnrg. Thui i rediti tes
Orossekon 4 O pontoon, which, 4iii - t;dek,
Woken lip - Zat a great num fa
on the northern bank, where they, were
conkoin)lan - io_
Vlfe,ro,byougbt.lroktnAtie -carripatoPetOr:
Gen. warren, after crossing the NOttawny
' river, : turned. southwest, and .on :Wanes.
day. night, reached. Ole „Weldon raltropd v
soittpfStony creek, ,Wboyi,4llealriarnoed
seat Atlng ttoiestroyinolialoadas they
! advanee,4l, clef Thursday, „moraine: they!
were, AingetAatation, thirty-two In
south oft'eteiBhurg-T Oa Thursday, after,
noon tlnytyfrn.roortedatistill advancing,
Od 'were saol :to ibeoneargiol.,fortloforty,
seven miles. south, -of Oetersburg..•
fkil . on, 14f. , 0019;7404r, :and. bere
some oppdsitiou was expeeted„itis about
eighteen.mileafram , North' Carolina
nogtto( Weldoo.—,
Gran;t!elt:eNtiedio o o-iii fl)zooAtrAftfeavthous
and strong, ?Ind 16 doubtless Ateni3ed to
capture Weldor,and destroy the railroads
ientering there,. , .
D.54,:.14 , 4be. , expedition which left.
dien..'Orant's camp .on Tuesday of 'last
week. to go to IV,eltior, has- returned.—
OieriotaiWarren,ita. commander, found
sykien, he . approached Rieksford, twenty,
two Miles „north of Weldon, that the Con
fiderates_were,strongly. intrenched on the
soutirn btu* of Mebervin river. He tried
to drive them .oft but failed: He ,then
discovered that
,G,eneral.Lee- wan sending
large bodies ..,troops . aouth • along 'the
WeldOn ,TallroaC to interupt him. So
Warren ,detertnind, to retreat. He tarn' ,
ed leaving . t)je 'Weldon railroad and
making a longprotit overcoasting roads. ,
The enemy . a ttacked his. rear, but did him
but little . clamage r and under the protec
tion ofa diirisioo of the Ninth ; cops that
aralksent.nnt to,rneet bim s .be med i c his
bat v •nair*. —Net did-:tint
little` damage., having burned ~only a. few
depots:Oa : the railroad. lie reached camp
ou.Banday. • • . •
Items of the War.
—The Departme . nt of Sasopiehanna is to
be hereafter known as the Department of
Pennsylvania; beaclquniters Philadel- ,
phid:' • ' ' ' •
a • I. • '
--tile b., Olt a_ e'-. =met.. _1 a,
mipia, ) was' the Unit ed States
gun-boai . !;z on
.the iostant. The
Etta etityavOriag ta,Opter,the,h4rbot
oflVititiipston. ' ber'iariety to escape ,
frOM the'EMMerAbe inn .agroand on a bar
neat' SIM tt+i talkod.'
—lnformation ,bas reached .the ..Navy
Department that the I,Tnitell-liates.gun
beim Otsego, Coriittiandet . Arnold.,waft
sunk,.it4e*dgys by agg, a rebel torpedo.
in' the RO'diioke river, above Ply
mouth, Nbrth'Caroliria
-It bas beeh'foinially announced that
the' etebange Of prisoners has beep trans
ferred from Savannah to Charleston, and;
in ae'cordance with un agreement between
the dotarnissioners of exchange, the Feder
al bombatdment of Charleston ceased on.
last Sunday week.
---A, large ge t of transports, 'accom
panied by severa liron-clads, and gunboats,
and containing nearly all the vessels of
war lately at anchor . at Fortress Mouroe, ,
sailed last week Tuesday. , The destination
of the fleet is the Georgia coast, where it
will co-operate with Sherman.
—One of tha parties recently arrested
by general Dix on the charge offarnisbing
supplies to the Rebels is 13yron Sprague,
of Providence, a brother of triAtO States
Senator Sprague, of Rhode Island.
epedition sent frotn, Roanoke
island to Pitch Landing, on the Roanoke
river, on the 3d instant, under command
of Colonel Clark, met , with ,complete suc
cess'. ' Nearly a million dollars worth of
.rebel commissary stores were destroyed,
and ; eighty-three bales 'Of cotton and
nocriber of 'pFispners, tnules, and army
'wagons weresaptured. ' '
The gutiboat,,Otsego, , when aboye,
Jameitown, ran into a torpedo, by which
she, was blown Up,' and, totally destroyed.,
I Me pie'ket boat „Basly, NO. 5, met , with.
the same fate. Only two lives, however,
were lost. ; tr
--Secrettuy Stanton" re p orts a contest
at It ingsPert, in tast Tennessee, between
idurbridge and a detachiwnt of Ilreckin
ridge'a coraniand,""uncler i Generfil, I:3Asil,
Duke, in .which the,
deg:4.o4*th' f a loss ' ofope buildrtitt nod'
Sity wen: Some wagons were cap
tured.. .
'•:•The expedition 'whiet from
Fortress Monroe some days,since, carried ]
with' it Gen, *am,' destination
_to - be Casaba* , sonnd, join
Sherman and aid in attacking ,avan nab.
There are reports, boiever, that an attack
on WiltningtOn la intendO.
Lee reiorte that.Wtirren7s recent
expedition, 'destro led abpn
,milce of
the PetersliturandVi,reidop railroad. The
Confederate loss"wns slight mad but few
Federal pi `WereCappred. •
—A bpd 'oteetifederateti, on Thurgau,*
last, appeared on the Korth pf
Memphis.Kforci4 of 'oho kindred and
fifty, nearneCwasient - to dfiVeittem off.—
The'negr4ii went‘nifrein;4lemph is 'on 'ff,
I steadier and, ianideA: 4 ' The Confederates,
ran . 01,, ie4ioes fter ?Wed. Boon„
however t : . a„ Oak Was tinebed„.
ytherei large : force irof CoefedeAtea, i#4B
afl 'then' . uji6n
negrois tpalakkia them to :tire , rjoir
Zan . ): wore Pita and iniut ag:ltand iva b ii
.alisk,ed 14-0 thettirer were durkpel,
kas f 1 4 1 4, 0. 1 4 16 ats
laded that they WE do - Ihriedhitlief id
_ .._ .
fhb eases of the St. Alban's rebel raiders i
flint therprlsoners Were ill RWOII4I - front
afrk i _t •ind nyn nG again atilargn.
~...-4 1 47he goti.rneient is oftiolallyinformed
:thin ftti)di *Air antebtrytt;i,been *lied for
the nOreheitaion of the St. Albnits raid:
era ftihb wan recnittli Illschargell pursti.i..
tuit4o *.dechtion Ora Cnithdian court, awl'
that the police in 16dt:quaker are making
every-vilortto.prevent-theitorsapet.-- - -- 1
___.. —r,fien. Dix has issued a proclamation
VtClifgertice tbfliturtiftifOtntifelAqpi
which says tliat;if Inither raids are at.
teMPter.thetllnited:Stateat , commamleiv
arn.; . , allot, dPwn ttie.„KrPptrntorn, if
liti 3 .liinier w Hein thji, ConinAtmlan of their
crimps, nk - k it,le, necessary,,.witba :view .
, to their yespt s ure l to cross- Onlfflutplary be
tween the 'United States and Canada ;
said ,COrnicandgrkare,liereby
.direuted ',to
pursue, them wherever they i niay..take re:.
,captured ; they.are ,undpr no
cirenmstances tt? be surrendered." ,
--The:President ha,tling disupproved. of
.tbatpottionef order, which.instructs, mil.,
itary cutinnanders on me 'frontier to cross
the boundary line . between, the Voiced.
SAAtea and Canada, aticl directs pursuit in-,
to neutral territory, .the said,iustrucaino is
revoked.... " • .
corittassibwAL Raocimrcii).
Dec: 12.—1 n the Senate, Mr. Wilson
presented 4 petition from 470 officers ask
ing an increase orpay mid ration allowan
Mr. Doolittle a resolution favoring
means to increase the revenue; by a tax
on the sales of property. . .
Mr, Davis a long series of • resolutions
for peace and onion.
.The Speaker,luid:before the House the
resignation of ddr.•Fenton, the Governor
elect of New York: • • •
The bankrupt, bill, postponed from• last I
session s was ;taken up •and passed in the
House by.amote•of-79 to 56.
the Senate, Mr.. Sherman ,
reported a bill appropriating one million
dollars for building revenue cutters for
service on the lakes. Passed. • •
Mr. Wilson offered a•bill in relation to
freeing negro women and children.. • •
•'rho House resumed the consideration
of the bill to establish a navy yard for
iron-clads at New• London. An amend.
meat was eared proposing a committee
of seven to seleet a site for a navy yard.
After .debate, the whole subject was tai
bled—SO to 53.
A resolution was. adopted, 85 to 51,•
setting forth that the working of the re
ciprocity treaty •witb Great Britain is not
sattsfactory, , ao ,fares relates; to , Canada;
and' aski i ng, thrr kresident. to give notice of
its tgrmination.. •
Dgc.4_l4.—Senator Chandler offered a
resolution in, favor of raising an army
corps to watch raiders from Canada; and
one.proposing that,a. bill, be presented to
Great Britain for damages done to our
shipping by 'vessels fitted out in British
porta, and that payment of: them ba' de
manded, • .0 " -
the,,Roose,, a bill was passed allow
ing.nliens who bare been honorably dis
charged from the service to,be naturalized,
without , •. previous notiteqf and upon
years residence., • ••
A bill. wan passed. , providing. for d rop
piog : Genes.Als from the army rolls :who
are not in service for three continua:my
months; to go into effect after February
Senate bill for constructing six revenue
puttersfor lake service was passed.
Mr. Brooks, of New 'York, reviewed
the message in a speech of great force ;
particularly condemning the doctrines
that there should be nos attempt to nego.
tiate for peace and union, and that the
war should be for abolition. Mr. Brooks
advocated adherence to the Union under
all circumstances.; and was. met with the
,usual abolition slang about " sympathy
with treason.", =-
DEc. lb.—Senator Lane, of, Kansas of
fered a resolution instructing the commit
.tee on the conduct of the war to inquire
whetherdisloyal menz were not employed'
in the pavy yards, dr,ta of the country. He
alleged that • several ! thousand • disloyal
men were , employed-in the Philadelphia
navy yard. Atitzpted. • •
Tim to sell a gunboat to Li
beria on ten years' credit, was passed—s 3
to. 0.,
A resolatioa Was adopted inettncting
the cornmitteeon the conduct of the war
to inquire into the facts connected. with
the assault
,on Petersburg on 'the 13th of
July last—the great mine explosion.
Iu the House, Mr.: Mallory of Kentuc
ky, asked leave to offer.a resolution ask
We i President why :the Lieutenant-
Governor, of that State, and col. Wool
ford, a Presidential Elector, had been ar.:
rested, and where they are confined.—
tame not granted.:
Mr. Donelly- introduced a bill requiring
a test oath of all persons whO may apply' ;
for the benefits of the prearnption andi
Henry Winter Davis Rep. of Md.) of),
fered a resolutiondeclaring that Congress
bas a, constitutional right tO voice in
Shaping the foreign policy of ,the gtiern•
mom. Tabled--69 to 69 ; whereupon he
tendered, his resignation as chairman- of
,committee on foreign relations,
net acce.pted. • Considerable debate ,fol
low9d; ,durieg which the despotic and in
salting course o the administration • to-, •
Wards Congress was ..emphatically de.
pounced 'by leading members of both par.,
24. Ashley. inyeduced n:biAtorcorgaiw
,iie Btetes lolebsilion. , ,h is similar to one,
passed iast Bailout "Oil* tincolo rethsesik l
to fqgii t b eeausq , it • would, prevent him
.from counting electoral votes for himself
frbm4ebel VFLtes— •'"
Tliq Rouse;utissed thin pcnOcut.bill,' ruld
itjotrtl*lutton,constrtupg tito ac.t, vela.
/ 4 ?8 , 0 0 0 t? l !• ( 4 l Pacitan 4 l eigArse
. !46i013a for the Otpaz.
News Items, „ .
. ~I• The, nettepapera at;, ilkes-Barre,
ft:Odin& ChtinkberiOnrg, l Tyhtnitown and
Ihiewhere, l*plittcl tOOr 4erina at s2i
and $3 p e r ye . r ini#46;tim. I,
4 41
' d -seventy- fifth
"Vie foni•imiAtedv: li
day,' r Wibe Otto ta ' rniraph in the
Ch este'? -papers -of- etober 27th, an
netwgiorAnsesultd_otopt botallardAtent
of thli city on Ifilit-aity:
- —Dr. Mary E. Walker hprkrzeOvrtilltt i
appointment of noting surgaiiijitittherer
.m3s4md:lnwniitime4Attiritt-Ten ITetnritr
the rempittarrtgiary; is
—The itrgwlriii.k .E . ireas says : "The
upward turn in gold' to:day shove the
etreet - of - the Pretildent'illeasi o 7e' mid' the
Report of the Secretary 'd Ti'iisqiio
upon trtde and businei,tio:'. When 'Me,'
eltimmo Comte:died' nentitiated', Qdneral
Modelled : gold - 40W at 185, to-dak . itiltak
'mild at above Mika 'difference 61 58 dente,
in the value.,'
—The Philadelphia `Lecfor'•riige.§
price, after losing onehumfred" thousand,
dollars in the attempt till realiiirthat Xt.
Lincoln's paper'. is equal' tcf 'United es
coin, as Thad. Stevens w
,atiti eptigtess to
that it is. ' ' 1
—Recently' 'While the Anierleans at
Honoluln,Sanditich Islands, wereanxiMiii•
Iv looking wit for 'news frtim the Milted,
States,. a large clipper arrived"frOM
Francisco, am! on being boarded' by the
news hont,' the sinly re'Ply of - the' captain
was, "That' there was a devil . ortr roW in
the United States', bat he didn't learn the
particulars." " • ".
—A man in Fairfield, Ohiai' stele $45,
in greenbacks. By statute - th' it' Stitte;
the stealing - of $35 corrAthtites' grand lar-'
ceny, which is a penitentiary offence'.T66,
lawyer who defended - him, e l 4 : 4 ,1 0 that
the statute Confemplatea $35
. v . alue, and
that as the mites were worth leas than' the
sum itt'grild,'Llie prisoner Was only . potty
of petit larcelny. ' The court sustained' the
plea,' and the Togne - escatied the!'Prison.
PrA richjoke on General_ Sutler is,
current in army 1t seems that the•
reguln i+offieers ha s• e littlefiith ia . r‘he Dutch
Gap Canal, arid, at a recent, court-martial.
iti 114 Ahny or ibe James, . a soldier Was
senteneen to two years hard ialior on lapid
canal The report adds that put,ler. was
disgasted, rind dissolved the 'court imme
diately upon leariling, the finding. and sen
tence of the 'court.
sannirrs SALES.
13• Y thine oVeundry write Issued* the 6)nrt ofCoto-
otrmop Pleu su toute I:lint - tear trotll
esbe to thTe; by public vendee. At the Cebtt ifool!
btootroao, oo Sotordoy, Jan. 14th; 18/33.1Wenel &clods,
p. m„ full?eing described pieces 9 5 ogees ni Wad
ALL that certain piece or pareel of land Situate in the
Boron& of. Montrose; CCM Op , of Susquehanna arid Stitt
of Penn eylvaula. bounded as follossa : Ongbe , north by.
la Oda Stephen Dorsey. on the west Of the Milford and
Owego Turnpike, on the south by Lund of,.aohn Mont;
and on the east by' etreet metal:sing about:4( a( an
scissor and, be the dame ward or less with the appurte
nances, ono house, one barn some flmlaignell.wgidilll
improved. (Taken in execution at the spit of IL U.
Littiestothe are F. Dunmore, vs. Rabbi" flobar.:
Auto....s.issbirAgiveltteeneltitkiiisfor 011-
.11ipe to awl In tact tertitingot pieces* parcel land
esthete lying and tieing in the Borough of Great fend,
bounded and deacribedna to wit: *ginning 'at
this south-Cast corner of Lowric Green's. lot roxitthe de
pot of the New Ydrk and Erie ltdiway Company, thence
along the line of waid,Lowrie Green's land. nearly east
to the Great Bend and Cocherxon turnpihes thence along ,
maid turnpike in a eotitherly direction •abestit einht per
ches to lands owned and occupied by the raid 'Erie Rath
way Co., and thence along the lln'e of Mode of said Erie .
Railway Co. to the place of beginning. eentatning cme
acre of land or thereabout beide manta more or leas.
with all the, appurtenant e , one hones known All the
N:ttitund Hotel with barnivand sheds theretioto belong
ing nd all improved. [Taken in execution at the quit
of J. W. Marily,wesignetto Bentley it. Fitch, vs. Smith
(Magpie. •
ALSO—AII that certain piccolo, parcel atland situate
in the to cvnetwiper Forest Lake, county of susqtathanna
and Stale of Penosylvanii, bounded is followa, to wit:
Beginning at scorner. of the old Owego turnpike and
Choconut roads. retell:l'g theses, werterly to John
Brown's tine, thence along John Brown's Rite ' Req.
' Wright's lot, thence easterly to the. old Chosconnt road,
and thence eontherly with said road to the plats of be
ginning, coutnitting ebnat font B ereS b° the dame ' 116 "
I. o r less, with the appurtenances one framed hews°, one
barn, sate orchard and all Unpaved. rFaken'in, execn
lion attnefultet John hiprth.44 David
ALSO—AII that tuneful:llCM orpateePolland.stttutto
In Jackson totynsblp. county or Susenehanoal abd elate
of Pemnsylsants. bounded es •Iblibarrl air On the
north by lauds of .7. P. Miller.on'the east hy the hitihwaYs
on the south by 'lends °M. P. - Miller,, and on 'the meat
by lands or Siirmel Wash.:containing abiiet 60 octet.. ho
the same morn nr less, with the *purl enanem hon e .
one , orchard. and 'about E 0 acres Imprnse4. [Taken In
execution at the suit °Lite:Wel. A Pitch. re. J - as. Earn,:
. •
Alodij—All lina certain Piece of ear n ed Orland aittrati
In thp borough of Susqnehanna, .Conntroflinsqueban
na, and State-of Penneylv:gold. bounded - dud de s cribed
11l follows , th . wit : Iltlpflaing al the ' corner
of John Canavan's Hotel lot, thence by lands of,the Pie
Dalltruy Company,. north 1' 15' east'lothet to a' post':
thence by binds of ,E, ,N. Smith sontliSfei4di intsaby a:
line running 21 feet Troth the northwest corner of Jlote,l
building, 71 feet own. ppm :thence inidlit• M. Wert* ,
feet to apes' in the north line of Ala liotalqg :•rittd
thence by stridliotel lot line north fir 48' west 77 feet
1 0 010 . 0 nm of, beginning,: tmtntaltitny 793 feet 'offend; 1
strict mpasnre, be the -,ame more or less. and all ifill
prorod. • Alio, the 'fodbwirig described piece of lend.
.eituate In tbe4ponship of Oakland. bounded aefollowa 1
to wit : da,gtoning eta corner post In the centre of the,
old Great Rend and Dermany road; the'nee north 2%'• 1
welt aiperches to a post; chance south ES' cast 39 yin.. 1
ches and .2 finks to a stone, corker; thence south tx •
mot Operates and 8 links tio a•corner In the Centre of
the aforethid roa . ; thence. by raid road south 641 weal-1
24 percher and 5 ranks to tile place of beglonhaohntelp.
log *acres of land hp .tbe samemore or less, and being
the 141=0 parcel of land deeded by Fallll V Spado,toEd• I
ward Carlisle. dated the WI &yet Slay; A.D. Issll, and ill
improved. ' A Isoo ad of thOse carts In Islands sitnately ,
Inc and being in the north blanch of the Susquehanna
River in the County and state aforeartid, dretribett'sa' I
follows, Iris : The said threelsbiodsbeiWOOre applied,
for on the loth day of J rop
.A. D, 1818 by gar A. Da
ton. of Bloomsbury. in thcoCoanty ot Ctilutptda and
State of Pennsylvania by application In. writing in RI;
.weeder, hien act of rnmembly &e., sniffer-which ditan i
a warrant wo k e .IPIMed to Said elliell.oll rho '22d der ,
A pri1.1827. and in puethance thereof a pierce was ulna.
according Pilaw. The laritesk of said Islitridtbeteg the
ohs fryer which the .F.rie Railway, asings: rthonc throat,
fourths of a mile twitow the'aillage of Sow:penmen* D epot . ,
In tnoccointy of' Sksquehutthat albreisld nifoir'tire tal
aides& raid river, and omoalte, th e, lands, cornett? In.
possiiiinn Of ir. 1i."14 to I - containing dives and 191
perches. be thepapte tome mr Lets, , Thesecond instal.
containing 2 acres nod 119 perthes is sftentej nit screw*,
the main chnottel of ,aid river, above and within rortr
'embetinf.ll.l49 ono befaiktirss deteribed. And 'opposite/
lends ofJamen Van Antwerp, The third in Meet of wild
three talon& containing one dere of land, iifiltrbiteny , ,
:the Impanel& atiaidgfrer. pest below and .viliblit 0115,1
, fourth Mile Of itthonelleit atiore mentionbd.sndimpo.
- ode lands' formerly Ittlposs elision cd7:l:Allatnillifolre..
said. .(Taken In naccntion at theauttof ,!lt , :4pratb.7l6 ,
nonage eatta , nter,
~... . '
'' r ' 1 • • , A ' . '
. ALSus-1 thafreitaln tot tit piece' of le Weddell(
.i tte wyrn a t i o ut u phy coonq of BnanpehmanttnndBCata
of Pennayl tarifa, designated ea Int 14q.82. upon i mirth
or draft of iddiureeyand . snb t dfvfelon triadety-nenj.-':•
Cate,Posq“ of the TnomMIT., ,c'tine•trect of ,htnt4 in.aistol
CAnntv. described' butted end bounded asfolpwa,to,
wit: 'itiOttifts:l it a ketch tree: thdlurderiesterdoce
Weekend nentnetor iota Zin• di.dtandfil.and extend. 1
Any thence lit m perches And siir‘tentha or hitetet
th 4 neat :the southwest corner ) homeland laconic, ofl
Sots 14 0 ,01, O s and 99. thenceemet 4 2 .perchas in a, pool,
the ibuttiesitcorner hereof I,i'the dividing ilueetweept
ilots 82 and im , o96eft.Yreftatojta the loot,mpqtisioedllneh,
to the place of beginning, the aforesaid nutneefeofeald
'tots behamill itatellng to 'said 'drift: (for fithard#ttee
ded dcamiption .f se Deed ppok.??6, 31s, pigs ,74.) ton,
gainingaboat SS ithrei andihree.tenthirof atatterts, bit the
tam:Mort of Ittw, With; thia I purfehatietie,' 1' hoofed'
house, 1, bern, , l sticit, 1 °tette ,
t s
mined iteem.Ontio al the ein lb( Ater lAtbrop vs. 'C,
i 'Picket. , iand.Alb rtl TRU tidnahatatratoraitAbL
* " - It dAett ea t, ,, ; . dsr - DititehitihmtdOkft . %.". 1
ilbedra Mkt. Mastro% /Doe. it ISS4. ..
7:Tht.ntioimatn,isymbritliftight for
ret(tuitsiOr tlnoo 4 l !l ee r se rVeelas been
6*(tb/ et
.lk e Si,ilvta i rl or W4t at 'live feet
inat d fiVe_etlitee in *s, as bare.
tofor bli
. : d. -- 1 , i . .1
in ttictereetiiinade 011arrisburg
ofki eitOre povocit,lfarshi4 Board and
Rev allabstiitite broterp, I divelopmenta
have been made implicating several persona
fr A.
.fIIII3CM greAnt
telelaitdob•C.ltilll,..t.Zorkligtate. utbck
•:jilt its wad an infant in its mothers arms
•Ht t matantfy,alitTet;r itiTiegrgiVe
;rnotbei'filiti likaintilifoo6l464:
corrcpondence is now going on
between ibe,iidjotnut-Generahrof ',Vera!
States', iaok 0% 4 , d• lib'iskte;
of 1 . tiobl4 elintainMg ti
. tist of 'every 044
enliitga•tirovir the -81/04 4 4 - : linazaily- remarks
sts.J•nlill l 9.o l fierkiekvititkih.dis.elkareti;AY
desertion as may be within their know! ,
edge. •
er , i7oei&'Atery.frectsikaLe. .J
For Ma rapid curs qr Coughs, Colds, Ingueserit,Hoarre
,lgKOMN.-000.41147.21544 WIPIPSIANA I 4...
for lb relief V Consumptive Patients in advances
stages q t: direare. • ' • • / • .
ectivide Is the-field of usefulness and eo numerous sit
the caseit4iflte,do reef that almost every vodka otko
try abounds in-persons publicly known, who have -been
reetored from alurmlnn and,ortm; deems, ee.tiStlian of
the Itinws by fie wet Whet mice; Riga, ityiskiperiority
lover other exiowtorsnt Is too apparent to creeper ohn
d e
„ug, akil nature itelrillital . kre kbqkb4lllloollKitit
longer besiteteelthai antidote to etliplOyaorthelletri
ing and dangerous affections of the pulmopurff preens
that arainkidenild Oat-climate. Wile.gdahr Inferior
remedies thrust upon the communities have tilled end
been discarded, ibis has gsined Needs bg every trial,
conferred beneAtseit.the afflicted ibby tali never forget,
and produced cures tpo stuncrous arid too
toile forgotten, - - • •`' I
We csn'only assure tinipublle net itlgnelity,isha.
fully kept np to !be best it ever has been ; end that Wadi,
be veiled on to do for their relief i that it bah
ever done. ; • ; .- • ; ;
event uumbeis of eleriyinen physitlape., Rtateig i t
nod eminentperientsgerr, hive l ens their DOI'S .
fy theunparalleledtisendnesir of onrretheilieN r
hel e will not permit theiritniertion.” ThettnePtStXt,
named famish' grails ourn in
Aninesw nsxs'e Inc co ,
they *re given ; vitt:also full descrtpttothrof-thccotli
plaint, they cure. •; •
Those who require an alterative midielne to purify the
blood will dud Annxis Cox?, .Itxr, SAscsArawato-Z
relict', to use. Try It duce, aniline wilrkno !AIM'S*
. 7repaired_by &nu .& 04 : Lowell, *IA
(did by'ADEL,T =mg.; 2,lolit.rote 'OA Al &Went ja,,
medicines everywhere.
Tbe_Confeaatoq •.and—Expertea , F.sof
an Invalid, pnbliebed Nettie' Innedt„ and a{ a. nation
.to yonnt,toca obtlitherbiiistdstiftcriltsai szetvAcii
bllitp, premature decay of manhood, de., aopplylim,
the view the deans of selltplivl. - ..87 Irbbrwarmic
Cannel( Inter ' undersell:on v.obotaeruble, lantsttl: ,_,
enclosing tivoit-p#ld addre,nd eitilope.; title? Copllrs
may bet had of th e °Unveil'. • 4 -4
Dec,l4.llnl, l '- 1 ttrciolidyri,'Kingr bah. t.
Intrinfollo;Rion Free S To rieivotia Sat
ferers_.—itztatlengui, cured of Nervousdettilithumum
patent? premature decay, and youthful error , actuated
bya desire ttaidnodlt otheril, will be hlippyllo liwniab to
all woo need it, (free of charge, the teeing and dine
formatting , ttre alroriteeemedy milli) lilt ease. ,
ferers uitibingtaprolli bribe advertise: o o bad ?f
-ence, and possess a rurc - ami valuable remedy, sae do
co byaddresefnp him at once at his place of basitibsi.—
The recipe amt Cull, tuformatiou—of vitia,t,ittalpdrtance—
will be eheerfallywett by return mail.
~ hddreas . "101iNj), tiODETT,. • : a
: • , • alblaadan street , NevN Wet
P.S.—Nervona aormera of both sexes .will And
Information valuable, , , (dec. B—am
anti),COlialiiiPptiVelle — rn , r4mPUY44l4 o l 2 2.
win receive eindeteeprintenpnali 70T the'eare enc.
Gumption. funtima,Broetbinsainit en Oman ten Lung
affectione, (free of charge, bir wending their address-to--
,Wit o .SON,
Williamaleenr, Xing) lex{ 'New Tork.
Q 7. ,irubo Ceitettl4fnre
5e..441% t
-eltht emu, tray aeeTeezep. the
word cares or NireouitieasJuipoteney, Premature De
cay. Sentinel Weatuele, Insanity..aed all Denary. Sex
nal and cons, Affections. no matter .frotp w lt ir tat ulnae
pr6duted.' ' ro Prtee:OneDellartier box.' Sett,
by mall, on receipt of the price. One box I perfect
the eure - 10 meat ease! Marcos
'Deneral Agent. 427 Broadway, Neer "fork.
Oct. 20, 1884.
. . .
414a—X/1" ckt&A-ba '
- manf t 3Tlll. 2 Tti o e e P om bine elan of fa . greorlchti
in these pills is thajcsult, of a, long and extensive
practice. They are Wild !tithe* oprratiod, cannot
do hot m tot be - most delidifel eerttiln In correcting
allirrcgolarrties, Painful Alenstrnations, nmito t
all abstractions, whether from cold or otherwise. bead• /
ache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites:
allmenroul affections: hysterias, &tiro. pain' in the'
back and limbs, &c., disturbed Bleep, which &rise from
interruption of -nature.
DR. rBitBsMiat'S:Pltl.B
was the commencement ofa now era In the trealinedrial
lemularitles and dtwtractinns whiehhave consigned sot
Many to a rnanamann ennui. lin female cam enjoy
.good health unless alto Is regular, and whenever an ob
struetion takes place - the• gmmtal health begins to de
dine. These Pills tom' the 'finest preparellon ever pm
forward wt:lh IMMEDIATE and PERSISTENT SDO-;
GSS.S. - -,73002. 1 't be XjoicoolgtraBr- •
Takettfils adverthernent to your Dregol Ft. and tell him
thatMwantAeißEST and most RELIAI3I4" "hob
Med is SW World, which 19 Comprise:lin thettPilla.' ,
have been . ;a ecaptindl gpint4 kr river thirty yfiti and
I aro the 'mast edbctaal oneever known coral MO lets
penile? to Females.- To alldassys they arelevalnable,
inducipm via • certainly., merkmtkol regvl9rilyo ;
I are known tothiatiaanda, whit have dead-hem t different '
Periods, throat:heat, the ternary, hav,lng the sanction of
Iceome or the nun t eminent Physicians In A Merles.
stating ter ,,i4 n Mg , eiSoutelopf
witheach' Brix..erbe Virlettin Voi es
I con tal n in" from 50 to GO pills. Ills sent by mall prompt
ly, secure from obaetratlon by remitting to the . rropp.
tents. Sold by ormlpytgenerally.
! lIIITCUINGS RILLTER, Proprletaro . : ‘
ft Cedar street, Neq nck p
tgraCillian Metstrevo by Abel Tureen t -il>puma
,bannock try 3. W. Lyman in Great Bead •tkr L.' *
mo,bri and T. D. Eamahrook & Co. ten DO
thr.ll,Card-to• the ‘fialtroring.-4iwidlow "twelo
or throe 11(4,41,441*hr." ,•• Tonic Bit bets." Pi 1
Nervous Antidotal. " fee. Ae. ttew and biter
you areaatiented with the Veldt: nee one box ot..oll:krieu a
Buchan , . English specific _Yids—and be mitered tre.:t
health' and rigor in lese than thirtydays. 'They nrcpnro.
ly yegetabte, ptoseant to tolti,,prorapt and saleitarfin
their effect. on the bltkeh'down Ithd•shatterid constitu
tion. Old and yonng ran tale them with advantage,—
Imported andeold in therUnited Suttee any
, • JAMBS 8, 111711$8,
• ' -leo. 427 Broadway, Nevi Yorlt„-A-,
t.- %gent for the Vatted SLOW -
P. B.—A Boa of the Pills, securely peeled. wilt - bir
mailed to any address on recelprof nitre, which is ORR
DOLLAR, poet-pa Id—monfiy eight Sea by th e agent if en
tire satAsiantlah Mant Orem -(011. YO,
rir ate* or 1141 k
yonettermisslon_ I vilsk to say Witte readers et your pa..
I)et that I will send., by min= mail.. to, all, wishing It
free), a Recipe. with tlill'diedellanelor Making and as
- Dig a "imPlul vgielablO , Balre • that. wilt efeetwalty re. • ;
morel rteo,days„-Pimples.•Pltninher. Tan. Irreales,
and att,limputitiesotthe Skia,i,learlarthe same soft.
ootb at i At rp tgoiie hiring 'Bald or
Paces. simple direciinns and information that will
enahle them to start r 1 rowfb hi liuttiliant Hatt,
;Whiskers on a -14opstaelleein.losa tkaathirty days.
AB skilicationizs a werid .I*.reMra mall •witAottt
charge. wens • -
• gos. CEIRP3tAg. Chemist,
- 841-Broadway, New York.
Ott, Rt),llSßt. 8
girnyeliaalput: - ..:. - pparens si ISAACS.
'Omuta. and Amuse; termerly cchlmdto. , Vona&
rlor Joested-at -No.-414- FINE-Street, Phileilepliastr -
1; where persons sitinStAft.Watn.dis
_ems ofeks .NYA 01 4
1, Vat ho Scientifically treated and candi enteble,.
rerArtinelpl Ayes Inserted .srittorit,peln. c 2L
14.13."I'lettenntfUlektforAtipkinsgoP, /s"_te•
1. seal tilinltyTs invireo;.4 P,n,tlc.nennall 1nP1q.4., •
of treatment. ' • 74.1)17,/,
tTPW - Card tarlzrvidead.---=.l Etttrite WMW
Welding 103000 ultitalicry aft4l 001140PYridbt 0 rlid
eLeafe and alb 'r r hteed7 ref th e Care of Nervous
'Weitketers, ntegly,4loo,Nl,o"wrgtV'ther, Urtesttr dr , d
aemCn f i ii e rride, add Oa Oa,
C e b n y i r d And v1et0434 4 ts. r e ci, hu r r y to
b .-
Sliesire re t a o ?ectfr4t viitivtfc. 4 l w t
*end the rectp ipirePd tiglnditeittg tribm fetus,
lAfaded ynveleptrlo infj!lM:wllenee - 11 1 7,1t0, P ref, or '
x .
come itreara:ll' pd#l,ld. dinidbps, tiddlsolVe
yodrolt, Aana, • , . e
I t1.13,C42. Valllallt T. MAN.. t1.17Zb1,..1
Elation IN 1010 SmiIIiNIIMIWORPV
-1001.4.946—d0• - •