A .1. - _144111.1114,11r If one of the &titan's daughters have attained the _agent _which Turkigh . girls are generally, married, the father seeks a husbaid:for,ter,attiong the_ 'tfoblii of his court, Ifasoupg man espccially , Fleas° 'her, he given the ranirof Lieut; •Gen.- eral, nothing lowerbeing ever selected. The chosOa.rian reeeli - es, In;, idition, a magnificent,- fully furnished palace, and *sty thousand piaster& titOPOLlsorliet money; and, in , addition, his father-in- Lsw himse-ireepinz ex en see. •If be be married be is obliged to get a diverce4 lie must never have a mistress .in additiOn to the prificessl and moreover •he is - regarded as the servant rather than the husband of his wife. Thb Sultan him. 801y1110068 to bini his impending good fortune, and it is bounden duty to bow reverentially ' kiss the Sultan's feet, and stammer a tew words about the high hon or, the unexpected happiness, d:c. He then proceeds with a - chamberlain, who bears the imperial Hart Humagon to the Sublime Porte. A military baud precedes himandooldiers are drawn up along the the road, who present arms. At the head ,of the stairs the bridegroom is . received Tiy'the Gi-ancl Vizier, conducted by him into a room where all the ministers are assembled, and the Had is read aloud.— The Oerealopy corresponds to the betroth- al. ' The marriage ceremony is much like that of ordinary Turkish nobles. If the bridegroom be t ich ho himself pays for the troeitu, but, as a general rule, the Sultan sends him money for it. The pres ents are placed in gold - or silver baskets, on whose lids flowers of billing doves are represented, and consist of diamonds, ru bies, pearls, diadems, bracelets, girdles, cups, and a thousand smaller articles in gold, furs, gold-embroidered dresses and sawls. The bridegroom receives from his father-in-law a splendid sabre, buttons and a watch and ehain, all naturally spark ling with diamonds, and trout his bride a rosary of fine pearls and linen of every de scription. The custom has been abolish ed of the ministers making presents The dowry of the Princess is most costly.— Madame Olympha saw a dress which cost about, fifteen thousands pounds. But lit tle of the fine texture was visible beneath theAmhroiderrand pearls. When the presents have been deliveied to the bridegroom, the bride proceeds on ;be next' mornino Thins house, in order to look at the arrangements. Otir anthoress was present when the Princess Fatime, the betrothed of Ali Ghalib Pasha, paid such a visit. Accompanied by a numer ous suit, ``the bride drove in a state car riage whichliad cost £4,500, through the densely, crowded streets. She wore a sky blue silk dress, covered with a mass of peaiis and diamonds, and-her head was completely veiled in a texture of gold thread. The bride-groom received her on the threshold of his house. He was a handsome young man, but naturally some what pale and excited, as he had never seen his future wife,', and on this occasion -could only notice her outline, as she was overladen with ornaments. When he had saluted her with a deep bow and led her into the house, be Would away again.— The first visit of thelbride is intended to enab.e - her to tor.i.ntine the internal of her future'home witleauti any obstacles or air-- prbance. The actual meeting of the new couple takes place on the ev,ening of this day.— At nine o'clock the (princess proceeds to the state room of the palace prepared for her, and seats herself on a throne. Two ladies of honor statilei themselves on ei iber ?ide of her. Aui the feet of the lady, who is splendidly dressed and covered arith a large veil, lies[a splendidly embroi dered carpet. The hUsband supped in his old residence with his relations and ' friends, and said his prayers in a mosque. Shortly after nine o'clock he proceeds to the princess, and is conducted' to her by two eunuchs, 'who ,are awaiting him at the door. The first thing be does is to kneel down on the carpet and -offer np a prayer. When this is .concluded he ap proaches his wife, infes her sillimissive ly, kisses her hand, and says a few words tint occur to him at the moment. The•lp files of.honor then removeber veil, and he sees whether be has wedded an ugly or a pretty woman., Whether she is pretty or the contrary,*a princess will always let her husband feel how much she stands a bove him. Re occupies a room neat to flew, and must await-her commands there et j ail hours. Whether he have friends :with him, or be alone, as soon as one of her eunuchs summon him to her presence het:mist rise at once, make a temena—that Is to-say, touch , the vound, and theft his forehead, witlihis raght hand, and pro- ceed to her apartment. There he is L" ex '-to 'Stand until she:requests him to seated: If he wishes to pay a visit to his family, or go on business, he must first ask her leave; and if remains away unAsaally late, and the cause. Hisfe never - lets him go out alone ; some o ther eunuchs accompany -him, and would in• form her of it if he were to do anything naughty. • In such marriages the couple do not take their meals together. His are served np to him in his room without ceremony, Isdaile.she eats like., a princess tome's handsome carpet -is spread- in her room, and a large •or small table placed upon tt, according to whetherl the lady dines slope or barinrited other ladies.— l'ool4llo a large silver, salver is bro't and - '4vered wilh tine muslin. • Beforethe meat beglthy, aJonng slave, who, has na itiferlautflmit her, , boldt.tY4l. in, and ,-polsitsorersu waterover her hands from a can t lirthirfOiiii - Ortiie Greek amphorm.— Akubtlutr,,,femee - alavefiands herAE- - =Pan 13riv'Ziiiiilk`goid fringe. The kitchen is toutaidilbe'hatim, and " all tbe'dishes are brbirsti l4 lit's basket lived with white zans ,/fge,2JaptkptlitueeledmiAlthalcitaY7 7 - T ; a lady ,in waiting examines the seals to see that they are unbroken. Alter dinner, during which female slaves perform mu sic, the princess washes her hands again, andtben - proccedsio anyther, room in or der "to fierfoiniffeidevotioni.,44Lffer this, the evenities amusements commence. Re •elinittg on a 'divan, she smokes a . pipe or "eiiiif t While slimes reed ' or sing to her. If she hes invited any lady friends,• there is a aoikaert and :ballet, or .a theatrical .per formanee, and during it rare fruits, pastry 'and coffee are banded round. If the primcess deiires to see gentlemen she give s her husband orders to send - out invitations to certain persOns. Such guests assemble in a room divided into two compartments by a gilt grating. On one side is the princess and her ladies, who hear and see without being secn ; on the other side are the gentlemen, who select an& topics of conversation as will please her imperial bighn4s. The husband has no way of es capingsthis serfdom. His princess can be separated from him at any moment,bnt he must stick to her. He has no consolation but thci - one that his existence costs him nothing, and that ho has such a share of the fsbulous luxury which his wife indul ges in as she allows him. These husbands of princesses Must be regarded as the scapegoat which the male sex offers np as a punishment for its contempt of wo men. At any rate, the prohibition for such husbands having a second and third wife iq a Turkish confession how dishon oring polygamy is. The Turks ought to derive from it the moral : " What you do not wish to happen to a princess, ought not to happen to another woman." Domestic Infelicity. Almost every case of domestic trouble arises from a want of philosophical knowl edge and charitable forbearance. There are no two minds on earth that can agree in all; matters that may be submitted to them. llt is an utter impossibility for two minds to, think alike always. There must necessarily be differences of opinion, and the great trouble is to know who should submitin an intimate relationship so close, so secret and go confidential as that es tablished by connubial ties.. It is difficult sometimes to discriminate as to whether the coarser or weaker sex should yield in questions where this difference of opinion arises, and yet when the province and du ty of each are taken into consideration, it is not so difficult to:determine. There is one rule that, if observed on all occasions, will go far to prevent domestic dissen sions, or to conciliate the parties. That rule is proper respect for each other and each other's opinions. Thisrespect should be sacredly observed at all times. Daily interurse is more apt to weaken than to strengthen the bond of union between members of a family, bence the necessity of daily circumspection In the observance of this, plain, social and religious obliga tion. MTA paper speaks of a man " who died without the aid of a physician."— Such instances of death are exceedingly rare. I jn7?Subscribe for the DEMOCRAT HUN'S' BROS. & BLAIR • - • TON, roca," Wholesale S Itetail Dealers is Ettial) V 422 2,9 7.IEL ® - 1%7, STEEL, NAILS, stkovvaLs, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. BLVE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK & 7' RAIL spaces. RAILROAD & JUNING SUPPLIES. atiere 6R SPRINOS. AXLES, SEEM AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUT and WASHERS, , PLATED BANDS. HALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, 'BELLOES, SEAT SPLNBLES, BOWS, cta L,VMS, VICES, STOCEB and DIES. BELLOWS, BARKERS, SLEDGES} FILES, &e. &- CIRCULAR AND MILLSAWS ? HOLTEN°, PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS lIAIR A OELNDSTONES. FRMCCIVIVETDOW GLASS, tEATErmata nerporcs. FAIRBANE'S SCALES Scanty?. Marell,ll4. I=l. ly G. W. i3EACH, roursimor asSd 517=0 1 / 4 . , Brooklyn, Pa. Ogee IL anti realdencei those form erly occupied by the late Dr. B. Indian:leo ]e91,110 ERIE RAILWAY . * rtHl,lloßof lute. comxpentit Mintilay; Oct. 811 L. 1...11955. 'Create illteavethltsttO -n . d.l'a.,athboattba foltosinghovira,lzt WEBTWARO MOTIVD. ' MABTWARD BOTYND. I, DayßOreai, I Ili Oa 1, N.T. Expeil, 1:48 pan 8, Mail, at .. 1 7:4Bp.ta _4, Steamboat •!' ' 4:88 p.m 8. Night tim a.. .eind.n.tit • lake= itiTtadZAN:: *'A p:au a.* . War Frcfght; : 9;0 a:10 nwarrymatlllesepan - -,. •-•- - -.-, • .Tssaimsoficair. - • dora.nOtafllcitidays. Ti &le aadMacilaya...- CD ...„ _ . eivetiONEEß,.soll:lolllA 1 . CO. WISTAR'S BALSAM cps. WILD -.. :CHERRY! . Clue of the oldest sad most reliable. remedies In the world to; Conglu Colds, whoopin g Cough, Bronchitis, Bit ty T hr oat , a g, Jkotbraa,.Hoarseness nortl b. and ovary eh) u OF THE THROAT, LUNGS & C T, INCI,I3DIXO seas CONsercraszt.Trca . • WISTAWS BALSAIII of WILD CAMBRY So general has Via use of this musty becorrO, and so popular erarytchertl. that It is wow:ears; r recount Its virtues. Its worts rpeakfor il, and find ut rams in the abundant and voluntary testimony of the hang who rota long offering and settled disease hats by its use been restorsd lo pristine rigor and health. in can pro duce a mass oferidenee in proofs! our assertions, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. Weil known and much respected among the German population of this country, makes the followt4 state ment for the benefit of the afflicted: Dear Sirs :—Having realized in my family Important benellts from the nee of your valuable preparation— Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago ono of m daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes o ther recovery were entertained. 1 then pro cured a bottle of your excellent Balsam. and before she bad taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement In her health. I have, in my Individual case. made frequent use of your vale:table medicine, and have always been hence t t ed SE It, JACOB SLCIILER. From Jessie Smith, Esq. President of the Morris Coun ty Bank, Morristown. New Jersey, "Having need Dr. Wlntar's Ilalnam of Wild Cherry for about fifteen ycare, and having realized its beneficial results in my family, it affords me great pleasure to re commend It to the public an a valuable remedy in canes of weak Izngs, adds, emu he. dee , and a remedy v, bleb I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken in perfect safety by the most delicate in health. From lion. Jobo E. Smith. n distingniebad lawyer in . , I hare on reveml occasion* used Tjr. Wistar's PliSllll7 of Wild Cherry [or cold*. and always with decided bene fit. I know of no preparation that is more efacaciens or more deserving, of general use. The B.slsam has also been need with excellent effect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hail's Cross Reads. Did. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. None genuine taller' Mond "I. BUTIS," on the wrapper. FOR SALE 131 J. P. DINSMORE. No. 491 Broadway. New Tort 8. W. TOWLE & CO., Proprietors, Boston. aka by all Deaggista. Redding's Russia Salve. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE llraa fay established the superiority of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE, . Overall other healing preparations. It cures all kinds or SORES. CUTB,ISCALDS.BURIVS, BOILS, ULCERS. SALT RL1E1.71.1. ERYSIPELAS. STIES, PILES, CORNS, SORE LIPS, SORE EYES, removing the pain at once, and reducing the most angry looking swellings and inflamation alif by magic ONLY 25 CENTS A• BOX. TOD BALE DT J. P. DDISMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. S. W. FOWLS .t CO., No. 18 Tremont et. Boston. And by all Druggists. June!. 1964. lycow NAT FI3EL, NEW GOODS. rims undersigned being entered into business no 1. der the name and style of WEBB & BUTTERFIELD,,, leave to inform the public that they are now re ceiving from New York a large and well selected stock of Goods of every description, consisting of the latest styles of Spring and Bummer Prints, Shallies, Delanes, CE&l9433Lriaeressi, ocottcriaastaets. cfbo. A LOT OF GROCERIES, Crockery, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS,NECH TIES, GLOVES, DRESS-= TRIMMINGS, swum, COLLARS, &c. &c. Alto a good assortment of Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Pruning-hooks, Etc. tar All kinds of 1 0, 24131.11.2.400 taken In ex change. Call and see na at We bb ' s old stand on Public Avenue. A. D. BUTTIMFIELD. Montrose, April $B, 1804. LADIES FANCY FURS. As lay Furs were all purchased when - Gold was at a machlower premium than atprescnt, I am_ enabled to dlOussotthein styelT _ xsasonallo prices. pa4.lwoutd therefore solicit a call from.my friends of Susquehanna Count and vicinity. l-ttemembottiteaugatAsualwamlitrett, I '7,L • - 84iuttiMpodsyl; :but b 7 does not ran on Son. • IS MINOT. Gen. Supt. 10121, PARE3II4; 718 ditCll:StreeiAbove 11K with able Sept. 8,1864. an raappmet. gar! Dave no er, noiconnealon any oth er fins ID • • MUIMULIit DlitigicOLOSS. with directions how APPSVP_WitS I :: - 1. 1 4 1 X 1 5.. , - - - The Rev. Jneob Seehler, I7►novan, Pa., Web. 16, MD EIMEEI2 -AND of all kinds. A good assortment 01 HARDWARE, Consisting of ESTABLISHED EallilfaCtOry, 8, ARCH WEER% wn 7th, PHTL'A. snow in store ofmy martial= endlifan ), one of the tst Beautiful= PTJRB,. , the city. Also, a fate Colbre. - HEW (ill MR Mull NEW da , Cdr I q-zs 9 For CASE or Ready Pay. C3FEC). Xi. ESTICOMoTiII db CCP. H'lsT=l"7 the East w" w"" " d elilk. gcattp-ii alit glottng The Latest and most approved Styles . CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS. CI 301:4..X.M5, Of every Descaption Of the choicest brands Including Hart's celebrated brand. Fish, Dairy Salt, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Molasses, At very Low prices fbr CASH [' Call and see for yourself Oash 'paid fbr Grain, Butter, Eggs, too. 2,000,000 doz. Eggs wanted. rvr 'Two doors below Boyd & Webster's center, to the Store foroorly occupied by N. I. Post O. L. STONE, E. L. WEEKS. Montrose. April tat. 1864. tf JAMES R. DE WITT, DRY GOODS NO NOTIONS CHOICE FAMILY Cii0C222124V 9 T a -pef BOOTS AND STIOVS, Hats and Cap's, cm. CP (0337.. Ei MIL "'Sr, GLASS-WARE, la AMP% AND 011,tgle HARDWARE AND. NAILS, XaMSATMICBI.II., Produce taken in Exchange Montrose, Feb. '64 BOOT, SHOE, GEFI FURNISHING STORE. F. B. WEEKS & CO. HAT"' GP"e ! their SPRING STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, OAPS, cr....cow - Jac ara4ar, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, . consisting of everything in Gents' line of apparel, from Roots to Bat, Ladies' Fine Spring Raimondo and Gaiters, Men's Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper thin any other house this side of New 'Fork Come and see for yourselves. Boots & Shoes made to order Montrose, May 10th. F. B. WEEKS & CO. HAWLEY'S SOLIDIFIED 11:1e_tel.140retana, FOE CLEANSING, WHITENING & PRESERVING THE TEETH: TIES article le prepared with the greatest cars upon scientific principles, and warranted not to. contain anything in the slightest degree deleterious, to the Teeth or Gums. Some of our most endnentDeatal Sur geons hard given their sanction to, and cheerlhlly re commend it as a preparation of superior qualities for cleansing, whitening dud preserving the Teeth. It cleans them readily, rendering, them beautifully white and pearly, without the slightest Injury to the enamel. It Is healing to the grams where they are ulcerotsd and sore. It Is also an excellent disinfector for old and de cayed teeth, which are often exceedingly offensive. It gives a rich and (ninny taste to the month. cleansing it thoroughly, and imparting a delightful fragrance to the breath. _ PREPARED ONLlinItY A. HAWLEY & CO.:, N. W. cor.loth & Linabard rte.. PIIILA.DELUIIIA. AND SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIATS. PRICE 38 CENTS. T0MM1Z12.03Z14%/alll. The following opinion of Dr. White, as to the high es. teem in wh len he holds the Dental Cream mutt be suf ficient evidence of Its value to quote other testimoni- Mein detail is needless, contenting ourselves by simply giving the names and address of persons who speak of its excellency for the teeth. PiItLADELPIIIA. Apt-1115th, 18621. /laving carefully examined A. Ilawley's "Solidified Dental Cream." I hereby cheerfully recommend if to the public generally. It ie an excellent preparation for cleansing and prefierving the teeth,- and can be used by all persons with the utmost confidence, as its properties are perfectly harmless. Besides preserving the teeth. It promotes a healthy action to the gums, and Imparts pleasantness to the breath. Dr. W. R. WHITE, 1203 Arch street. Took INGRAM. D. D. Dentist. 491 N. 4th st. J. Basest , 254 S. at, E. VAtininisucz. Sureon Dentist Wa ,425 Arch st. C. A. KINUSDURY, De n tist . 1119 litutet. S. DILLINGUAIR. D. D. S., Ta Arch et. F.M. Dixon. MI Arch et. EDWARD Tovrestxxs, Dentist , 520 N. 4thfit. L. 11. DonexiXii, Dentist, SN N. 10th at, M. L Lone. Dentist. GM N. fith st. June 2, 1854. ly B. J. WEBB FABEIRA 9 S Manufacture of Woolen GoOde. criac.axiorinn. a. t In answer to numerous IROlrleattito wtten.wa could make up wool Into cloth If brought hereafter,. we min t Wray : There Mall the wool taken la that cap bo dune Wetore next spring. As most persons malt theirgoods for the coming winter. we thought best to notify them of ttillitatt to Prevents dfrappla in the meantime we P do this season's work as satisfactorily as posilblo—ittui autioa_additiona to our machinery =dilatant. soaato hugietotdo aLthat Is offered another year.. We 04 as usual fol 4 color, and finish ckah for customers during the won= ailvancn. Holng7.lofoirr. auntown, t Bradford co. Hop. 16;1864. ; 'PLANTATION BITTI3III, Onuttitatlionitrater.Grat ,tPubstir, piettikt7 Veep. at TUBRZII,II. DEALER IN J. R. DeWITT. YfilEXr - vsfezugs A rIILL ASSORTMENT OP rui & WMTER GUN, Vr ‘ .11.38 . ,T RD:3EIM), and:if:ll be sold, AT , A LARGE REDUCTION train April Oleos tarrbis neduction win Itkelude the ENTIRE STOCK Which. 0111 be found u largo as usual, and will be told on THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS '!or 4C 46.45 X-X! ON TIME, or for PRODUCE EL DURRITT, ''Nov, 1863. 'New Milford. ABEL'CURRELL Nov otters for sale one of the largest andbestieleetlons Ever offered insgnehmula County, and probably corn thegreatest variety or most different articles of mai Steretn the Northern par t of Penneyivatip},and pe haps of the entire State. An assortment le kept in about thirty different branches 'of trade. and the melee lions are matte from about forty ,of the best' Hermes in New York, and more than tifty Dealers and Menefee tnrers out of New York. A large prophrtioreef the Goods are brought direct from the ratinufacturarg. thus insuring genhtne articles. Customers on mitering the Store triustnot expert to find everything In. sight, but nearly every article wanted will be prolueed by it/putty. Some idea of the Stock may be formed,hrthe following generalontl inc. but enumeration Is impracticable. Dregs and Medicines, Paints and Oils. Dyo sten, 4:recedes. Liquors, !Yeekery. Glass Ware. Wall and W indow Papery Jewelry. Silver Ware.Perfnmery.Eincy Goods, M usleal netrnmento. Brushes. American Pocket Knives. Table rhitlery and Slicer Plated Ware. Lamps, Materials for Lights, ilardwate, Bed Cords.9topeWed•e. Dry Goods. Mirrors. Window Class, tithogiaphs. Var nishes. Bird Capses, Spectacle, Whip*. and Lashes, Brooms. qiink , . Pistols. Ammunition. Teheran, edi cal and Surgical Instruments. Salt. Snap, Pot Ash. breibtz. Porcelain Teeth. In short. nearly everything • to restore the sick. to please the t este., o delight theoYe• to gratify the fancv; and also to conduce to the real and hatan tint comforts oSlifo.- The attention or the public Isrespeer fully invited to my stork of Good s. bOtlrh t r xeu.Alvety for cash demi. and will he sold pn the same principle for low prices. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose. Janr.ary KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Pa. Win. H. IATCI2, Proprietor. newand commodioua Hotel is e 'mated on Tnblir Avenue, neart he Court Rouse. and nearly In centre of the husinese phrtinn °Montrose. The Proprietori, confident the t ho is prepared to entertain get eStS in a way that cannot fall togive F.NTIRE SATISFACTION. The Hoteland Furniture are new, and no expeneehaa been spared to render Weil - nal if tot superior to anylla this part of the State. It Is well Pupplied with all recent Improvements and ernnforts, and obliging waiters will always be ready to respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this house are new and convenient. The Proprietor respectfully eolicits the patronageol his old friends, travellers, and the public gee erally. jan63 tf WM. K. HATCH CALVIN C. HALSEY, EXAMINING SURGEON, For Pensioners, and., Applicants for Pensions. tarirOMce In Mlle Avenue, over the Store of .1. L one & Son. Montrose. Po., Mey 2i, tf HOWARD Aosoelatlon.Ph ll adelphla, Pa. Mamma of the Nervous, Seminal. Urinary and ser nal ayatama--new and reliable treatment—ire itepoto of the IdOWARD ASSOCIATION. Sent by mail in aealed letter etirelo_pea , free of charge. Addrera Dr. J. Sun FIOUGHTON. Howard Aseociation.No. a South 9th street. Philadelphia. Pa. oetl R '53 "THE FAMOUS BARBER. " Come and see the rations Barber, Famous Barber. late of Hayti. Late of Hayti, now at Weeks', Now at F. B. Weeks' Storeltoorn, Find me shaving and shampooing, . Find me cutting hair to snit you, Find me ready at rear Service. At your aervice,. .-,CILARLST MORRIS. Montrose, Oet.'ls. 15113. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY , PENSIONS, . alma. to o Pia nntrE undetslgned. LICENSE)) AGENT of the GOY- J ESN:VENT, twain obtained the necessary forme, dm., %singles yitompt attention tó all claims Intrusted to Me care. ho charge =less successful.. GEO. P. LITTLE. Montrose. June 6th. 1664. gIaffEAINMM].gCM DELAWARE LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAIL-ROAD. Time of Passenger Trains, Oct. 12, 1864 ruwanD. I LISA Yl/ 80 Meilen- 1 . Palmeri ger ger train. STATIONS.] train. P. XI. , lin' .40' _great Bend, i .20 6.21 I New Milford, 7.49 6.00 ,Montrose, . . 8.10 1 5.38 Ilopbottom; 8.83 ' 5.16 r Nicholson, 8.50 4.54 I Feetoryvilte, 0.14 4.4) I Abington, SAO 4•3 2 I ClATsStiol . lt, • 9.38 4.10 I geranton, 10.35 1.22 I Stroudsburg. I I 12.48 12.10 1 MantinkaChunk k 1.50 1 Phllad'a change I 1i.23 New Hampton. ' 2.10 Ft 140 4 12.25 1 05 11.60 11.16 0 . 10.45 0 10.3 D 10.00 The Passengei.Tr - ain North,.. Leaves Noir, I.lamptqn on the arrival of the Mall Train which leavealied , YorWat 8.1)0 a. ra.. and Mannrika Chunk on thearrf val of the Train which leaves Pitilad. (Kensington Depot,) at 7.15 a. tn. At Scranton,. this train ,s ak es close connectrons with trulni on the Mak. nwldrna & IMirmsbnrg, and Delaware & Hadtrin roads, and at Great Bend with the Mail Train 6n the Me Railway &lag west. The Passenger Train South, , Leaves Great:Bend after ttie arilvii of the, CineMtinte Express from the Weal, cerincetini m at Skranthn,_,W l trams on the Lackawanna &Blooms ru 4 .an4DelstrA lindson '• Railroads ; at, "dant:lnks Chunk with the' train for Phtlinielphin, and a% New flataPtork witlafkins' for New-Yerit, the Lehigh Valle, flarrieberz . ,ke. ,, Yaei rangers 'kraal, train arrive In INca , ...Tork, rot 5.40; in Philadelphia at 5.50,, and liarriebu rg at 5.N1 The &ocOmmodatiop Traioc,. - Nortiiirarecenneete,siGrenttenaWitii the bay Es, press Oita Weet;by which passengem arrive at Ithaca and SYMetunt.the name day._ , .• ,- , 13611thdrard, laixes Great send.erthr,the Neer-York Expreae nixing Bast. ' "• - ' - • - Fir All Palpostger Trx!49l on th lido Gaines, et%) at ° r em-B e i& - • WATTG 000, Eqpt.' li. iwiIENET.. O,3O .Tkt Agh , • • • rI A OUTLI riplOtrit ' (11101Clf, leA1111,1(PLOM by the load, barrtd; lack v . ) F9,TS, /pr tao lowest oaajt iriunliuhc .1 . : "T7 l l • AltiMenaltilillt Oand after 18„ 1014, ; Pam= F ez TqUis , run aa followa : • , WYE rroirrawAßD:.• • sinuons. scrirlretk. , AncesCp. Nortlnniberlind Danville,. • .840' U • • • • nuporl.„ , la Bl"otnebtirg; 31 " Moreton, 1 2.14 p. m. t. 41. m gh PLtteton. '., 9.00 " 7.10 .t. &Tarlton, • '1.30 .. * 7.51 LATE SOUTHWARD. , . m. 7.10 a. m. , • 10.0 a. tn. 6.00 •• 7.30 " 11,10 6.3o . ettive. SAD "• • • • • 11.-% leave. . . 17j00. 'MI , isebntg, 14.90 p. m. Rupert, ' 0.10 " Notthambcrltind, 9.55 • • Scrantop. Pittatoo, Kingston, Passengers taking the mail train sonth r eonneet the express train from Northoniberland.:arelie beirLat rishurg at. 230 a. In,Haltirnoreat . 7 00 a. m,.oad de Iphfaa tl,t.PO a. In. Therrien train train Northeittiber lend lettesS . Immediately after ihe arrival et Abel ,E - press Triin from Harrisburg and Baltimore. allawlnyt passengers leaving Philadelphia at IDADp. m., Sd rti kla points or; this road during the next korelgkoll. New and elegant Sleeping 'cars accompany the Niat Trains eaeirway :between Nov humbSrland P.bllle delphie, 11. A. PQNDA,.SupI.., • Dus. PATRICK & GAR.D . NFA IDRYSICIANS .t SURGEONS. Montrose, Pa. rOlrea over Webb's Store. od Phblic Avenue. Jv64 NEW GROCERY VARIETY STORE BASEMENT OF J,S,TAIIBEWS MEL f 8188 sabmriber would inform hie old frifmda. and - 1 - the Public generally, that be kiwi just returned , (Mtn New York City with aweli selected a 'Merriment' of • RIM GROCERIES, and various othet articles. %nab as are.reedeftlil eve's.), family, and that,they erM be told for. Cligiehme prices that cannot fano snit. Please call and ex seiotote. A. N. 131:140.D.-• Montrose, Feb., 2, 1864 Vial. H. COOPS & CO. AGENTS FOIL Thompson's "Black Star" Line of Liverpool Packets. f lErsoNs wishint to send for their friends in the old country. can,purchate passage tickets by the shote line from the onbscrillers. Also, Drafts on Iceland for snie In stuns to multi • .I,VNI. 11. COOPER & CO., Rankers:. tfontrose.ltdy 11. ISra tf LECTURE firc, - -Lntru.23.4- rmr-em?,.. Just pubtlsited :in a pealed enrelape. Pria Aix cads. A — LE(ITRE on the Nature. Treatment and Radical I Care of Spermat torrlicea or m laid — Weakness, 3h onto tary Err.: tnions , Sexual Debility. and Impeillme_nts to Marriage generally. Nervousness,_Consnmptlon,Ett ilees.Yi And Pan e tient/xi and Physical lecanacityi: re nniting from self.abuse. &c. fly hostler a. cci.rzniret.‘ 1).• author of the Green Book." &c. The world renowned author. In this admirable Lec ture. clearly proven from his own ,es perience bat the awful consequenues of self-abuse roar he effectually rei. moved without medicine. ands ithatit dangerous ettrai cal operations, hbuzie.t. Instruments. ring* or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectu al. by which every sufferer, no matter what Ms condi hoe may-be. may core blinself.ebesply, prWately, and radically. This Lecture will prone a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal. to any address. in a plain, Breeden. ceinpe, nn the receipt of six ccriin, or two postage stamps, by addressing O:.KLINE & CO.. BowerY, N. Y.. J'Fist qffice Oox. nanufattorers and Dealers In WOOLEN GOODS Camptown, on rsCraltia In' Creel*, BradlprdCo.Tec. Rolls Carded and Cloth Finished: wa liannfactrtre Cloth for Customer* on Shares. Of at the folloWing prices per ynrd : Caasimern, beat apish., fine, 45 cents. Plato Cloth..best,Onish,Jlneolac. Gray and Mixed Cassimeres. 40 us. Tweeds. 32 cents. Common Follett Cloth.;4oCte.- White-Ann:mi. ,tau. Madder Red Flannel. :Nets. Gray Flannel. 25 els. Toe Gray Flannel wade with taste. and ~e ry suitable for Clothing .' will card Rolls for persons from r distance to take home without delay. HARVEY 17CCHAM, AMOS WRE.NCR. ampt own. May 10th, 1.201.-.-tf • N°. $7 PARS Rbw, e York - . and 6" State Street, Boston, ere oar agents Tor the Montrose,Demociorin thoseeities. and are 'authorized to take adverttsemelits and subscriptions Tor as at. our Lowest plea SOLDIERS' , BOUNTY . , , PFAIISION q- - . And . ' 6l. ack . , .ay ! ) .11atrAir,tli'd LICEICSEZ et drrr 07 TIM GOv_ s . alt- TIELST, will give prompcattenUoo to oli cialmo intrus ted to Ma care. 150 charge, cutlers succmini. . - lllmatrotte , Avg 40.'0.4. J. B. WCOLTArtiV. --- ..... • HOPE GOLD COMPANY MINES—"GOLD DIRT LODIL" GILDER' CDLINTT COLORADO. .• Capital mom obrircs,, tZttiett. • . Joint ErA.Nre. *Colorado. Gm W. GnArno. naltrr9 F. H. JUDD, No w•York. HtuxA.lV FUNirt, N. Y. IL S. Cony. New-York. R. Colts - ELL WIIITZ. Wm.. 'Mous S. e. G. Anroui,'Providente, New-York. M. C. TYLEII .R.,1. New-Yoik. IMO: A m cco o z I *ion. P,111: I 2.30 ti 3.10 3.35 4.15 5.16 I 5.50 6 6.15 0 6.85 1 7.05 President—lll! Excellency JOTIN EY.V.I2, DoTenor t Colorado Territory. vice-PresldentaL, -Dori. S. G. AtcsoLD, Dr. F. it. Ann). TreAsnrer—Witiad E. Lsarrosr. Stieretary--4.:D.lDarres. • (afftly reaco.l2 OftleiNo. 25 Cliff street. New-York. . . . . 3PII3I%7EIXOZT • , .. Exandbing ' Stirgeor, I.'. , m uß.rfbecriber baying been _gprlnted_ Ay the. Cont i mteelener Of Penalone,a II : , V) CAL ElAldrls'Eß et large, to examine end Met certdi tee to' alt entitled to P.ensions. wit) ettend to ell appticatione . that may be praented to bireoetlirontrore, Ps. Rooter pt r,.S. Ter bell'' , Ihdel, - •• : • ; . E.I.4tiTEICIL Moptrove. April 6, 1863.—tr . 1 2.41 i NkW BAUI-Wili ALLEt iGAIN t irtsr, 60 OF POOLIO ‘I)FA L ERS,DI FLOUIt, SAL'`;. Garden Seeds,' Wheat, Meier, Theothi , a; Fl 4 seed, • i'eas; 0 " 'PORX.. I O4 O, IdEtt:t -,(1 Nish, o_. Syntpit,; .Etelttlieee' sAgopg, rs:As,c'oPs,As; ' f :sprpt,E;;39,ao Casb..Paid ibr !kitten: • A. BALDWIN; 4nif. Montrose: - AgrritVl4s S. TI. Pettengill & Co., am=