The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 02, 1864, Image 3

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Soldiers' Aid—Sapper. •
The Montrose Soldiers' Aid Society
will give tbeir•Supper on Friday tvening
of the present week, at the Keystone Hall,
i n place'of Kirby & Bacon's, on account
of more ample reception rooms.
Kerala an opportunity for every one to
do their part toward sending warmth and
comfort and good cheer to the poor sol
diers for the cominc , winter.
So come to the Supper. Don't fail to
come, and bring your friends, to the Sup
per. Mrs. H. C. TYLER, Sec'y.
Price of Wood.' •
Wood has been in demand at $2 a cord,
but the result of the election and the cer
tainty of what necessarily follows has put
the price up 'from 25 to 50 cts. We used
to get a cord and a half fur our paper one
year, and now we ought to have a cord.
We-hope, however, that men who sell a
load of wood for $2,50, won't think that
$2 is too much to pay for a newspaper.
Montrose Railroad.
'The examination of a route doWn the
Snake' Creek, heretofore referred to in this
paper, shows a possibility of building the
road—an ovens, greatly advantageous to
the land and business interests within tho
vicinity of the route.
Notice to Subscribers. •.
If the present, extortionate price of paper.
(28cts. a lb) continues, we shall be com
pelled to raise the subscription price of
the Gazette to 32,50 at least, if not $3,00
a year. .This course will be as disagree
able to us, as it will be unacceptable to
our readers, but, positive necessity drives
us to it, When we raised our terms to
$2 a rear, paper was held at 18 ets., and
we dui not dream that it could go high
er; as that was an advance of 125 per
cent. on the old price; but since then, it
has been steadily going up, until it has
reached 28 cents, or 250 per cent, higher
than it was in 1862 and a previous: At this
rate every number of the Gazette we issue
is a loss to us, which is more than we can
bear. We are willing to do without pro
fit while these times last, but we cannot,
if we would, work at a loss ; and we feel
certain that, our customers do not desire
us to do so.--Reading Gazette.
Salt River Trip. ,
Very little is sahrby shoddy about the
"copperheads" being sent. up Salt River;
and one may think this queer, for as "the
war will end in 'sixty days,'" the" trai
tors' should heThent away lest they keep
the war a going by " sympathizing with
therebels." But there is a powerful ob
jection with knowing shoddies against
sending off the "despicable traitors here
in our midst." They dread several more
"last drafts" for 300,000 more, and they
want somebody besides "loyal men" to
fill their quota.
Only One Dollar.
Our friends will please notice that the
price of the Montrose DEMOCRAT, (until
otherwise stated) will be reduced to the
very low rate of ONE DOLLAR per year in
advance, payable in gold, or silver coin, or
biUs of specie-paying banks. :Those who
prefer to pay in the common currency of
the day, will be charged " two dollars ; "
which are now worth about 45 cents, each,
in coin—and coin is worth only its former
This is an actual reduction of one-third
from our old rates ; and we presume no
one will ask us to lose more.
Terms positively invariable.
—The Southwark Bank, Philadelphia,
and the Pittsburgh Bank, are the only
ones in this State that now pay specie;
and all the banks in other States, like the
Government, have suspended specie pay
ment till after shoddy tumbles in pieces.
4151> 410 ,
Court Proceedings.
Commonwealth vs Edward Deans. In
dictment, assault and battery. H. C.
Conklin, prosecutor. Verdict, not guilty.
Corn. vs 6ilbert Roberts. Indictment,
felonious breaking into a house, with in
tent to commit larceny. Verdict, not
Com. vs A. L. Crissey. Indictment,as
sault and battery. Defendant pleads
guilty, and fined $2O and costs.
Com. vs Mary E. Vandermark. 'lndict
ment, larceny. Verdict, guilty. Sen
tenced to pay a fine of 5.50 and costa, and
imprisonment in the penitentiary for one
year and three months.
Coin. vs Benjamin and Mary Otis. In
dic tmen t, receiving stolen property. Ver
dict, not guilty, but defendants pay the
Com, vs A. B. Seamans. Indictment,
selling liquors to minors. Verdict, guil
ty: Fined $5 and costs.
Com. vs Cordelia Maynard. Indict
ment,-larceny. R. S. Baxter, prosecutor.
Guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of
$l5O and costs, and imprisonment in the
penitentiary for one year and six months.
Phillip Millign ys J. M. Donelly. Ver
dict for plaintiff for $lO2 90.
la. the Matter of -the sale of the estate
of AMbrose Disbrow, a lunatic: -Court di
rect a sale of the land by the Committee,
.and direct him tp give bonds, &c.
Julia Butterfield and C. L. Ward vs
Cyrus 1. Skinner and.E. T. Young: 'Ver;
Act for plaintiffs for the land described in
the writu .
'Ranwity,' wines Cregin.
di ot forplaintifr for lands described in the
writ -,4***, boweircii T io, be set- aside
and - ivetitct entered iiffaier of , tbe de
fendant, • alien the payinentAnto the Pro
thonotary's offym of 16921 SEI I
montbs—said money pot to be laken out
,of Court till the plaintiff shall have filed
an the prothonotary's office a good and
<valid deed efoonveYanbectenveyincsaid
iandato defendant and Lis heirs.
-tibecribe for the DIMOCWAI;
Il~Bth= of !atm PordhailL, .
_ We observe in the list of deceased • -
eral prisoners 'of war i published In the N.
Y. Times of Mondaylast, the name of 4.
Fordhant,Vo. D.'soch Penn'a Volunteers.
Mr. rtirdhain died , atAndersciiiville,Geb.,
June 26th, 1164. 1 He was taken prisoner
by the rebels while on detached duty, in
Tennessee, about a year ago, incarcerated
for - 6 AbOtrtitne at Libby prison, Rid,
mond, and afterwards.sent to Anderson
ville, where, like many other brave fel
lows, he perished in 'a miserable death.
The Soldier Vote.
As returned, the soldier vote for this
county foots- up, McClellan 1.04, Lincoln
357. 'rota! county Vote: McClellan 2,999,
Lincoln 4208. ' It is the largest Democrat
ic vote ever polled in the coupty r and the
abolition majority is over 700 less than in
—Among other means used to cheat
the soldiers, and increase Lincoln's vote,
was the circulation,
among Democratic
soldiers.of the Lincoln electoral with
McClellan's portrait at thek head. ,So
we learn from a soldier.
"Loyal" men may deem it honest to use
a "traitor's" portrait to catch the soldiers'
votes with..
Teachers' Association.
The,Susquebtinna County Teachers As•
sociatiou adjourned to meet at Montrose
on the last Monday in Dec. (26th) to con
tinue in session for one week.
Emitient educutors have agreed to be
present. Every teacher . who can;possi
hly attend, is strenuously urged to 'do so.
He or she can thus benefit himself or her
self, benefit others, and benefit the cause.
Those who desire Certificates now, or
next Spring, or any time hereafter, can
save time and make it advantageous to
come and work.
Particulars to bo published soon.
E. A. Wssrorr, Co. Sup't
Brooklyn, Nov. 21, 1804.
Beware of Croaking. ,
Mn. Enrroa: Some persons have been
disgusted at hearing it said that " there
never will be another presidential election
lin this country." The object, or at least
the effect of such talk, would tend toward
strengthening the shoddy party by indu
cing Demomits to abandon hope instead
of standing firm and preparing to win fu
ture victories at the polls; Isuspect that
any man who uses language like that quo
ted above, is either a shoddy-spy, a man
who talks without thinking, or, if preten
ding to be a Democrat, is not possessed of
that faith in the Union and moral courage
and perseverance, which are essential ele
ments in a ' DEMOCRAT.
P ---
Avoid the Drafts.
. Every ono : is .aware .4 - at seriee
of severe drafts must be endured be-
fore spring, and - etch farnily,woold like to
know how to escape than at , a small cost.
The best way Of drhich 'nth hear is . to call
on J. EL Hazleton, in Montrose,- and or
"Clay's Patent Weather Strip,"
which is warranted to exhhide the drafts
of cold air which come in around outside
doors. Many recommend the neat. little
invention very highly, as it also excludes
the rain. Cali on Mi." Hazleton and /601:
at it, and buy or not, justias you choose.
He charges nothing for an examination,
and an explanation of its merits, but in
vites all to come and see it.
One of these will save, perhaps' a cord
of wood this winter, and make your house
much more condonable.
Call at the Picture Gallery ip the Brick
New York Wholesale Prices,
Reported for the Montrose Democrat by
Jost's"' CARITNIER: Contniiasinn Merch
ant, 323 Washington st. New :fort:, to
whom shipments of produce may be made.
Two thirds of the market value will be
advanced on the iiceipt' .
of the goods if
desired, and a quick return made for the
balance. Full directions and a weekly
market report sent free cif charge by mail
to those makinr , shipments.
Prices for the weekending Nor. 26, '64.
Beans, white sound, per bu 4 210 260
Butter in tubs, per pound, 48 58
" firkins, " . 48 58
rolls, " • • 43 53
Cheese, choice, '"' ' 23 25
" common, " 12 14
Dried Apples .L 11 12
Eggs, fresh; per dozen, '4O 43
Flour, wheat, per barrel, 900 15 00
H. rye, -" 800 900
Feathers, live geese, per lb., 75 • 'BO
Beef Sides, - 6 ' ; 8 12
" ,
Mutton in. carcass, 9 13
Veal, • " 9 14
Pork, dressed, " 16 18
Wheat, per bushel, 225 246
Rye, 4., 156 162
Oats, " ' 97 99
Corn, 14 175 185
nide% dry, , perpound,, , 22j , ,, 24
" green, .= ' - 'l2 'l4
Lard, common to best; per lb., 22 t, 24
Beef, mess, per barrel,l9 00 24 00
" prime, • " 900 . 14 00
Pork, mess, ", 38 00 '' 39 00
" prime, " 36 50 38 00
Hams,. sulled, per ltv.,, 24 ,• 26
Shoulders. smoked, A 4 - 18 20
Timothy Seed, per bushel," 560 575
Tallow, per lb. , -17 18 .
Wool, washed,' " ' 115', 120
' ' 6 unwashed, " 85' 70
Apples, ' ,
_per :barrel, 3 ,50. 6 . 00
Zgiontz.—A frill reporeof the New York
Market can be:seen at the office of the
Noniron Democrat, corrected up to fast
Saturday. We have on file a wieldy'
Prjee Current Of ,Produce, Tor the use of
oar friends who rnateall to:examine It.
..In the ,above-list is-gtvin f thso,loWest and
highest` , prides ;Ithich •ara- geo4rned by
quality end'uoUditiciti,:'`Many artioleetha
aretoti mentioned above, eart I)6'l 4 lsood n ou
-the report in this oVace,
lino 'Middaugh, an esteemed citizen of
township, apparei:itly in usual
health, arose.on the morning of the Oth of
October, an. iittetided to Ills chores, ate
his hieiklatifttS - Osual, took his gun and
rakeiakd Went a short distance from'his
kottse•to a buikwheat field, apparetitly io
rake buckwheat, and as appeared by cir
cumstances, eat down, took the shoe and
etolkmg fromibiii- 'right foot, placed his
powder horn' his shoe, took the ramrod
from his gun, it exteeding a little beyond
the etiltii P,hkeed the , muzzle of the gun in
hiiiitouth anti tinned it off with his. toe;
it was loaded with shot, a part of which
passed on the outside of his cheek Oone
and came out, passing through the rim of
his hat,..the rest
.of the charge passed in
sideltillinghim instantly. - When discov
ered not long after, he lay extended on
the ground with Mervin lying on his bo
dy. Relived - in exemplary and christian
life for many years, and was much estee
med by, a larg e circle of friends upon
whom this sac OceUrrenee fell as a clap of
thunder from a clear sky. A jury was
called by Esq. Mort, and brought in a ver
dict of.tieath by. his own hands. He was
in tlfe .57th year of his age, and , leaves a
large family to mourn his sad eud;—Brad
ford Reporter.
Virh Card to the Suffertag„—Swallow two
or amen hugslmads of Bache," •• Toole Bittere," "Snr
espailUll," ' Nervous Antidotes," sc. dm, dc.„ nod after
you ari &Shafted with the result, use emu box of Old Dr,
Buchan's English Specific Pills—and be restored to
health and vigor in less than thirty days. 'they are pure
ly vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in
their effects on the broken down and shattered cue tit.u.
YOnng nttn:lake them With 'advantage.—
hooitea and sold In the United States only by
' No. 427 Broadway, New York.
Agent fur thu United States.
P. S.—A Boz of the Pills, securely packed, u 111 be
mailed to any address on receipt of price, which he ONE
DOLLAR, poabpaid.-money refunded by the watt( en-
UresatisfaCtion is notgiven. [Oct. 20, 1864. 3m
fairAyees Pillia.—Are you Pick, feeble and com
plaining 1 Are you opt of order with your system de
ranged and your feelingstincomfortablet These symp
toms are often the - prelude to serious inners. Some dt
of sickness is creOplug upon you, and should be averted
by a timely use of the right temedy. Take Ayer's Pills,
and cleanse out the disordered humors—purify the blood
and let the/bids move on unobstructed In health agai .
They stimulate the functions of the body thin vigorona
activity, and purify the system from the obstructions
which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the
body. and deranges Its natural functions. These, if not
relieved, react upon themeelveaaud the surrounding or
guns, producing general aggravation. ouffering . ano de
rangement. While in this condition. take Aver 's Pills,
and see how directly :hey restore the natural aeti on of
the oyetem,--and with it the buoyant feeling of health
agaCn. Wbat Is Erna and aoappasent in ibis trivial and
common complaint is also tram in many tattle deep-sea
ted and dangerous distempers. The same purgative ef
fect expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and
derAngembnts Ofthe natnnti functions oftbe body, they
are rapidly and many of them surely cared by the same
means,Nano:hallo know , the virtaeortheaelPilm will
negleetto employ them When suffering from the disor
ders they cure. such as headache. foul stomach. tysente
livffb4rt d era ngement e l e 4' t'il"7r.lie of the
er, tai vans, cotstpaonba-tbuen,rhearn
dropal, worms and suppression, when taken in large do.
Sea. •
They are sugar co.l4ed, so that the most sensitive ran
take them e4611y. and they-are surely the tog purgackra
Medicine yet discovered.
Pio — Ayer , . Agues Cure—
For, the rpetc*and certain cure of /rdvmilfent/rerer
or Chilli and Fever, Remillent Fever, C7ldd Fere", Dumb
Ague. Periodical Headache or Bilious headaelte, and Bel
ioadielreers,nlatteedyor ad waohtelnaewartflasewas meager
arbiotn bilker* derategemeed, caused by ad malaria of
miasmatic cotottrier.
This remedy has rarely. failed to care the severest ca
ses of chills and fever and It has this great advantage
over other heti° medicines, that it subdues the com
plaint without injury the .patient. it contains no
euinLue,or °Orr deleterious substance, nor does it pro
dnce'qulnism or any injurious erect whatever. Shaking
brothers-Al !tie army 4nel the went, try it and you mill
Prepared by J. C. AYER k Co.. Lowell. Mass.. and
sold by ABEL TrRRELL, Montrose, and all dealera in
medicine* everywhere. [Oct. 20. 2m
13117.-Editor of
.Democrat..—Drazt But: With
yhtirperpiltiskin Mub to say totir readers of your pa
rer That I will" Sind, by return m 1. to all wishing it
free), a *pc pe. with directions for making and clu
ng a 'thole Vegetable Balm. that will elreeittallv re
move In ten days, Plintiles. Blotches, Tan, Frealen,
and all.impuri ties of the Skin d tuaying. the same soft,
chum =oath aid beantlful.
• .
I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads. or
Bare 'Races, simple difeetines and information that will
enahle them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair,
Whiskers or a Moustache, in less than tLirty days
All applicationq answered by return mall without
charge. Respectfully yours.
THO 4. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist.
831 Broadway, New York.
Oct. 20.1864. 3m
rEF - Eye and Ear.—Professor J. ISAACS. M. D.,
Ocinsse and AVMs?, formerly of Leyden, Holland. is
now located at No. fill PINE Street, Philadelphia,
where persons afflicted with diseases of the EYE and
EAR will he scientifically treated and cured, if curable.
rtr'Art.thclal Eyes inserted without pain.
N. 11.—No charges made for Examination. The Med
ical faculty is limited, as he has co accrete in his mode
of weitment. jyrly tw
Ve - A Card to Invalids.—A Clergyman, while
residing in South America as a missionary, diseevered
a safe and simple remedy for the Cnre of Nertous
Weakness, Early Decay, of the trlnary and
Seminal Organs, and the f - hole train of disorders bro't
on by baneful and vicious habit 4. Great numbers have
been already cured by WI a ,hie remedy. Prompted by
a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortnnate, I will
send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine,
in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of
Please inclose a post•pald envelope, addressed to
yourself. Address
Station D, Bible House, New York City
Nov. 3,1864-43 m.
rir — lmporteant to.Fentatea—Dr•Cheese.
matespnis.-110 combination of ingredients
in these pills is the rerun of a long and extensive
practice" They are mild In them operation, cannot
do - harm to the meet delicate ;. b 0 trio in correcting
all irregularities, Painful Menstrattfolat. removing
all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, head
ache, pain lu the side, palpitation of the heart, whites.
all nervous atregtions, hysterics, fatigue, , pain in the
back and I Imtil4 Ae.:+l - lathrtred-eleeprlrtrich arise from
interruption of nature.
was the commencement of a new era in the treatment o
irregularities and obstructions which have consigned so
man to PREMATURE GRAVE. NO female RIM enjoy
health unless she la regular, and whenever an ob
etruition takes place the general health begins to de
cline. TaeschAill form tho flnentprojramtlon ever put
CESS. 7:lodet 1130 , 0 3131 1 0100.11A7 etcll.
Take ads advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him
that you want ae BERT and Mai RELIABLE Ponds
Mids.:ins in thp trorfd, which le comprised in these Pills.
have been a staridard Remedy for over thirty years, and
are the most effectual one ever known for all complaints
peculiar to Fempes. To all classes they are invaluable,
inducing, with 'dainty, periodical regularity. They
are known With usands, who have need them at different
periods, throughout the country, baying the Sanction of
some of the most, eminent Physicians in America.
EtrplicildirtkNotte t itatingithen they should nattke used.
with each Boi-khe price ell perbox or 6 boxes for V 5
containinpfromsOtoCdplils. Pills sentbymall prompt
ly, secure from observation, by remitting to the Propri
etors. Sold by.Prugglsts generally.
81 Cedar street. Now- okt.
'Sold in Idhntrose Ly Abel Terrell; in Tank.
hannock by .1. -in-6 t Bend by L.
Griffin, and T. Il...Estatabioolr.4 oct2l7nie
JS11""To Coviinimptittell.--Connmptlve sulterera
w 11 receive a-trainable prescription for the care of Con.
gumption, Mama. Bronehitis. and all throat and Lang
agaloas, (tree °Mom, sending their address to
WUliamsbarg, Si ., m co Now 'fork.
'Oct.lo, 1884.—am
tllrDo you wish lobe Cored I=4/r.Dttehan's
English Specific' Pills cure in ' less than 30 _days, the
worst cases of Nervousness, linpotepey, Premature De
cay, IteminalVcaltness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sex
ual and Nervous Affections, no matter from whet cause
'produced. Price, One Dollarper box. Sent. postpaid,
by mall, on receipt of the price. One box will perfect
the cumin Most-cases, 'Address; • r • •
General Agent. 427 Browiway, N .
ew York.
Oet. ZO, 1651. 3m.
In. Rush, Nov. 24th,
,180,4, by N, Gran
ger, Esq., JOSEPH S. Dna'atoilu and Af ABA7
J. EsTas, both of Ruab.
Auditor's Notice.
TEE undersigned, an andltor appointed by the Or
phial's Court of finsquehantut county to make die
tributiou of the Rands In the his of the administrator
of the °Otte of. GEORGE R. 000LEY, deed. will at
tend tot e duties of his appointraent at his °dice ;n
Mantra on Wednesday the 28th day of Deb, -next., at
o'clock. whoa all persons interested In said fund
will presia L t their claims or be forever debarred.
k'. B. STREETEIWAndItor.
Dec 1, leo4.
Auditor's Notice.
T" undersigned. an auditor appointed'by th e Or
Court of Susquehanna County to mike die.
tributlon of funds in tho hands of the Executor of the
estate of ELISIIA. MACK, deed, amoug the heirs. lega
tees will attend to the' duties of his appointment
at his °thee In the borough of Montrose, on Wednesday
the :Nth day of December next, at a o'clock. p. m.,
when all persons interested to said fund will present
their claims or be forever debarred.
Dec. 1, InfA. F. D. tiTEEETER, Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
TEE undersigned. an auditor appointed by the Or
ohne& Court of Susquehanna county to make dis
tribution in the matter of the estate of G.W. Crocker. de.
ceased. will attend to the duties of his appointment on
Thuneing the 29th day of December 1864 , at 1 o'clock. p.
m.. at his office in Montrose, at which time and place
all persona interested in the same will present their
claims, or be forever barred from coming in on said
fend. A. 0. WARREN, Auditor.
Nor. U 3, 1864.
Auditor's Notice.
Tundersigned having been appointed an auditor
by the Orphans' Court of Sucquehn^ na county in
the nutter of exceptions filed to the Administrator's
account to the estate of WM. VAN ROUSER, dec'd,
will attend to the duties of hisappointment et his °Bice
in Vontrose, on Wednesday the 4th of January. 1865.
at 1 o'clock, p. at.. at which time and place nil persons
Interested will give their attendance, and they shall be
Nor. 28, 1864. A. 0. WARREN, Auditor.
R E t, S a P reTt T o l c U u i t 'L L =a n n or ar thatm e n b w e U ti ' t
w e
Fashionable Style, and Warranted to tit with :elegance
and rase.
Isar LADIES' CLOAKS cut lultte latest 'Sew Task
1 ...ib0n over I. N. Bullard's Store.
Montrose, Nov. 241, 1884.
D 27 60013 D,,
EERY iliffiE%
6uttrnburg, "anstlib.auin
Tj'AVING received part of, and are.making daily ad
ditione to their new stock fur the coming fall and
winter season, do respectfully call the attention of the
public to it, rod would feel very happy to see their ntt:
merons friends and customers call and examine their
new goods, which for variety. style, and price, cannot
be excelle tin these parts. liuyers of goods, consulting
their purses, will flnd it touch to theiradvontage to Call
OD not first, he fore looking elsewhere, as we are prepared
to offer extra Inducements.
Oar Stock comprises
_ _
both foreign and domestic, such as
OD colors.) all wool and part cotton PLAIDS,
wool and part wool DELAINS. plain
aßipprinted DELAINS. etc.
0 7 .„ ota.:
Plain Black, Ribbed, Brocha, and fancy colored
Prints, Sheeting!. Stripes. Ticks. Denirris,
Flan aids and Collars, fancy Shirting and opera do.
40 1r-0 4 :2 0 1 : 163M9
of the latent and moat popnlar: . etylea and make. Also.
Beavers:" Broadcloth. Ladles Ca!4 , frnere, Waterproof
Cloth. Sc. for Cloakinvs. and a very large variety-0f
Cloak Trieminpi..and - Urnemente thereto.
A fall line, in Ribbons, Velvets, Blonds, &c. &c. ttstil
-17 kept.
Furs, 301.1.3r0.
A very Large absortarrit =id extra bargains.'
of the very het•t make. and superior to any other style
out—warranted to give rut Isfaction.
TiLaddt s this , our stock embraces an endlets varlet) of
..IPIELML4O37- .191.2"t1.01413119 too numerous to
For Gentlemen's Wear,
the largest and most complete stock of
Ready Made Clothing,
& Fumishing Goods;
ever introduced In this market, to which 4
e call partic
ula r attent ion. As we manufacture ev garment
sell, we are thereby enabled not only to I - them tench
CHEAPER than others wbabuy them of manufaCturera,
but can also more safely guarantee one .own" work, as
we know-odr Mettket, and are bound to have them give
satiefaction. Our stock In this line Is complete. We
have all Styles of . -
and fun 11111 llf to =tar, for Mtn, Youths ai Bart.
Fancy Flannel Shirts. Wrappers, Drawers, Ties,
Scarfs, lte. 4.4. e. A ane lot of
Casshaeres, Broadcloths, Beavers, Vest.
lags, &e.
tnreastoroJW,ork, towtxtelt breath we juorpattlctiler at•
Guttenberg, Rosenbaum*. Co,
MontromSept. Wth. 7884.
Administrator's Notice.
IVMM:it 111 hereby tritteri to all persona_lndebted to
II the estate of LEWIS L. BAKER,.Iate of Lenox
twomphlirs deceased, that immediate •paytneut must
be made to the andensigmed, peAsens baying
claims agalust wed estate will present peal duly attes
ted for iettlemont.
a Adrantptratax.
Rexford, Oct..l9tb, 1.11.64,41 w
SITUATED in the tom:whip of Middletown, thwetto.
at connty. Pa.. containing about, •
1 3033:11" 11:ores';
more or leas..
with a good
ritrriza, SEICCOWICI.
and other 'tonvenferices. Them is II
_good Apple OP
chard, and a a Large Ehop Imitable fork Mechanic on the
farm. About 2ilacreaare improved and Bof wood land.
00'1 0 0 fertherpartieniaii, applyto_
Oct. 2744 w• ...Et*, Sen.. C0.r44
Otor solo by ADEL
iv - er .a. x 3c)
ntottErrnE BLOOD.
TT is well known to the medical pfotesaleathat ntsni
la they/Lai principle or • lifeelement of -the bood.
This derived prinelpailY from the food We est; but if
the food is not properly digested, or if, trim . an y num
whatever, the nem:unary quantity of Iron is nottalten in
to tile cimehitzotk, or becomes reduced, the whono
temsufers. The bad blood will irritant the heart,sys .
d og np.the lugs, will stupefy the bralu, will obartin.
the liver. and will sand its disease producing elements
to all p ati B. of oc, pystem, and ecrry one „du la
witaterm•Organ may bepredisposed to disease. •
The great value of
Iron as a Medibine;
t. well 'mown and acknoWledged bj all medical men...-
The &faculty hua beau Wobtain inch nprepamtion of it
as will enter the circulation and assimilate nt once with
tan blood. This point. Bap; Dr. Hays. idataarbasetts
State Chemist, baskeen attained lu the Peruvian tlyrtip,
by combination in a way before unknown.
The Peruvian Syrup
Is a protected solution °film protorldo of Iron. A new
dlecovetTlo Med,elne that strikes; at the Root of DIP.
ease by stipplying the blood with its Vital Principle or
Life Element—lßON.
The Peruvian Syrup
Curti Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Drousv. Fever and
Ague, Loss of Energy, LowVpirits,
The Peruvian Syrup
Whim strength, vigor, and new life into the system,
• and builds up an " iron Constitution."
The Peruvian Syrup
Cures Chroixic Diarrhea, Scrofula, Bolls, lictirry. Lou
of Con.cittitional Vigor.
The Peruvian Syrup
Cures Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, end all
diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder.
The Peruvian Syrup
Is a epecifia for all diseases originating in a bad state of
the Blood, or accompanied by Debility ore low state of
the Spam,
Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recom•
mendations from some of the moot eminent Physicians,
Clergymen, and others. will be sent free to any addreos.
We select a few ofthe names to show the character of
the testimoulals.
President urine Metropolitan Rank. New Usk.
Late editerChristian Advocate and Journal.
Tditor New York Chronicle.
Rey. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnson. M. D.
Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell Kinney, M. D.
Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, S K. Kendall. M. D.
Rev. Qurdon Robbins, W. IL Chisholm, M. D.
Rev. Sylvantis Cobb, Francis Dana, M. D.
Rev, T. Starr King, Jeremiah Stone, M. D.
Rev. Ephraim Nute, Jr., Jose Antonio Senates M.D
Rev. Toseph IL Clinch, Abraham Wendell, M. D.
Rev. Henry Upham, A. A. Raves, M. D.
Rev. P. C. Headley. J. It. Chilton, M.D.
Rev. John W. Olmstead, I, 1 1. E. Kinney, M. D.
Prepared by N. L., CLARK St CO.. exclusively Tor
J. P. DINSMORE. No. 49l Broadway, New York.
Sold by all Druggists.
Redding's Russia Salve
Heels Old Sores
Redding's Russia Salve.
CareA Barns. Scaide. etas
Redding's Russia Salve
Cares Wounds, Bruises, Sprains.
Redding's Russia Salve
Cures Bolts, Ulcers, Cancers
Redding's Russia Salve
Cares Salt Moral, Piles, Erysipelas.
Redding's Russia Salve
Cures Ringworm. Corns, Sc. fie.
HT !ULF.. Br
J. P. DINSMORP, No. 491 Broadway, New York.
S. W. FOWLE CO.. No. 19 Tremont, St. Boston.
And b 7 all Druggists and Country Storekeepers.
June 9—eowly
11. S. 110 M.
The Secretary of the Trea3ury given notice Unit Bub.
ecriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes,
, •
payable tIISo years from dug 15,1SG1 ' ;with aemi•aunn
al interest at the rats of seven and three-tenths per
cent. pciannum,—prlnelpal and interest both to be paid
la wren:Loney
These notes will be convertible at the option of the
holde rat Mattirl V, Into eta percent. gold bearing bonds,
payable/DOC less than dye nor more than twenty veers
trout their date, as the Government may elect. l'hey
will he Issued In denominations of $5O, $lOO, poo, $l, •
ismand $5,030, nod all , subscriptions mast be for fi fty
dol Mr dome multiple of fitty.dollars.
The noteS.will be tfansmitted to the OiVners free of
trio sportatlOrichattesns soon after the receipt of the
certidcaties of Deposit as they can be prepared.
A, the noteadraw Interest from Aatlns/ / 5 ":PC1 .8 ."
making depo4te sttbsequent to that date must pay the
intere.t accrued from date of note to date of deposit.
Parties depnilting twenty.five thousand dollar! , nod
npsards for the, note, at any one time will be allowed
comm I ssi on of one quarter of one per cent.. which will
he paid by the Treasnry Department upon the receipt of
a bill for the amount. certified to by tll officer with
whom the deposit wee made. N. deduction& for cora
mibsions must be halide from the deposits.
Pt' gia.Nailohir. 'Sart:vox Bang, offering a higher
rate of interest than any other, and the best eceurity.—
Any Fart nrra bank which pays Its depositors in L. S.
Notes, considers that it isTayingin the beat circulating
medium of the country. and It cannot pay anything bet
ter. (or its own assets ate either in government securi
ties or in noten or bonds payable in government paper.
It is ecin;lly convenient as a temporary or permanent
invottnent. The notes can always bo sold for within
a fraction of their taco and accumulated interest. and
are the bMitehtntiiy with hada as ciallaterals for din.
counts. •
Convertible into a Six per cent. 5-20 Cold Bonds.
In addition to the very liberal Interest on the notes
for three years, this privilege of conversion is now:worth
about three per cent. per annum. for the current rite for
5-2 u Bonds is not leas than nine percent. premium,
and before the war the premium on six per cent. U. S.
stocki Was over twenty per cent. It will be aeon that
the actual profit on this loan, at the present market
rate, is not less Min ten percent. per annum.
Da Exemption born State. or Enaiiipal Taxation
But aside from all the advantages we have enumera
ted. a special actor C9NRCES exempts nil Bonds and
Treasury Notes from local tozation. On the average,
this exeiription Is worth ebent two per Cent. NM Ro
om, according to the rate of [oration to various parts
of the country.
It is believed that no securities offer so great induct ,
m ents to lender; as,those Issued by the government. In
all other forms of indebtednegs, the faith or ability of
private parties, or stock companies, or separate cam.
mile Dies, only, is pledgetifor payntent, while the whops
property of the country it hold to secure the discharge
of an the obligations of the United States.
While the government offers the most Liberal terms
fur itsioans, - ft believes that the very strongeet appeal
will be to the loyalty and patriotism of thapeople.
Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits.—
The party, depositing must endotso Upon the original
eertificatethe denomination of the Notes required, and
whether they are to be issued in blank or payable to or
der. .Wltence enderaed it musebe left vrithibe officer
receiving the deposit, Co be forwarded to tho ,TreAsury
Department. ,
Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the
united States, at Wathinerton, the 'leveret Assistant
Treastrers and designated Depoeltarieri, atid by the
.• . , TOWANDA. •
and by. all National Banks whtehara deposit:idea uypab.
Ile mouebAll4 .
an ttianghhnCttio
AFFOiDOWit t iaddarTT TO fitaiiierp.
Aug. 11.
D'S P_E '''S - ' -IA
41M)111)Z=022,13E1 (01116.0.Ettl
German .Bitters,
B -
Thu9ers Hay° Performed SioriCiroot
nava mall do giire Better Satisfaction!
kOlt Tll4ll
Than any other articlein
We defy Amy one to cOtithuntt this usestlon,
AND, WILL PAY 81,000
To and ono who will produce a Curtldeate published 117
Will care every case of
Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases 'et .
the Kidneys, and diseases arising
from a disordered stomach,
Resulting front Disorders of tiii\Digestive
constipation. Insrard Plies, 'Fullness of Blood to the
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn,
Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the
Stomach, Sonr Eructations, Sinking or Flat•
tering at the pit of the Stomach, Swim
ming of the Head, Hurried and dim.
colt breathing. Fluttering at the
- Heart, choking or Statue-s
-ting Sensations when In
a lying Poet ure. Dimness of
Vision:Dots or Webe before the
Sight, Fever and Dull Paiu in the
Head,Deficiency of Perspiration:Yellow
ness of the Skin and Eyea, Pain in the Side,
Back, Chest, Limbs, &c.. Sudden Flushes of
Heat, Burnie': In the Flesh. Constant Imag
inings of Evil, and great Depresaion of
AT cot.lLic:sco3a.collo,
uD Can't Blake prunkark I
From the Rey.,Leol 0. Bock, Pastor of the Baptist
Church, Pemberton, N. J.,funoer/y of the North Bap
tiOt Church, PAiladelphts -
• • • • • •
I !saw* knalra SooUMW. Garman . Bitters Cs.
vorably for a number of yuani. I have used them In my
own family. and have been so pleated with their effreta
that I was induced to recommend them to many others.
And Imo w that they have operated In a strikingly bene
ficial manner. 1 take great pleasure to thus 'publicly
proclaiming this fact, and callint the attention of those
adlicted with the dkeat es for which they are recommen
ded, to these Bitters, knowing from experience that my
recommendation will be tusuuned. I do this more
cheerfully us Boon:intro Bitters is Intended to helical
the aillicted. and is " not a rum drink."
From Re:. I. Now - tnn Brown. D. D., Editor of the Ra.
CICIOP/A1 of Iteligioue K.ueeledge, and Ctuistisa
kin, Plithdelphla.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent
Medici "nee in general, through distrust of their ingredi
ents and effects, I yet know of no stflicient reasons why
a men may not testify to the benetitspe believes himself
to have received from t uy simple preparation, in the
hope that tie may thus contribute to the benefit of oth
I do this the mina- readily in tea...ord to lloofiandli Get
man Bitters, prepared by 1)r. C..1 - aekson, of this city,be•
cause I wan prejudiced against them for many
der the imprettaion that they were chiefly an alcoholle
- mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema
ker Ilne. for the removal of this ptejudice by proper
tests. nod fur endocrogement to try them, when suffer.
log !rota great and long continued debility. The tine of
three bottles of the.e - bittern at the beginning of She
present ymr, was followed by evident relief and restora
tion to a degree of bodily and mentni vigor which I bad
not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired
of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend far
directing me to the rile of them.
J. NEWTON BROWN,.Pbflad'a.
From the Rev. Jos. IL Kennard, Pastor °Lela 10th Bap.
tlet Chcrch.
Dr. Joel:Boni—Dear Sin...l have been frequently re
duested to connect my name with commendations of
ifferent lands of medicines, but regarding the practice
as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases de
clined ; but with a clear proof In varione instances. and
particularly in my family. of the neefilnees of Dr. Hoof.
land's German Bitters. I depart for once from my usual
cony..., to express my full conviction that, for general
debility of the system and especially for Liver Com
plaint, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some ea
ses It may fail ; but ugnity, I doubt not, It will be vet;
beheadsl to those who gutter from the above
Tours, ray respectfully,
Eighth below Coated street, Ilitladelpbts„
From the Rey. Thomas Winter, Pastor of Rok.boroagb
Baptist Church.
Dr. Jacksen :—Dear Sir: —I feel It doe to year exert.
lent preparation, Dontland's German Bitters. to odd m y
testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I
bay( for years, at times, been troubled with great...disco.
der in my head and nervous system. I was advised by
Mend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. I did so,
and have experienced great and unexpected relief: my
health has been very materially benefltted, I confident
ly recommend the article whore I meet with axes almi.
ler to my r iverp, and have teen assured by many of Mob
good effects. Respectfully yours.
T. wow.% Pozborougb, Ps,
From th e R e v. J. 8 ., Dermal% of the GUM= BefoisSed
Church, Hut:town. Berke county, Pa.
Dr. C. 'D. Jackson:—Respected Sir :--1 Earn ken
troubled with Dyspepsia yearly twenty years, and hams
nerer used any medicine that did me as rtmeh'good as
Eroollsnd's Bitters. lam Tory mach improved Ip health ,
after having taken Ore bottles.
Yours, with respect. J. 8.
Large Size, (bolding nearly double quantity,)
$1 00 per Sortie —bair dos. 6S 00
Small alzo-75 eta per bottle—bait dozen, 4 00
See that the signal - are of" 0. is ea
the WRAPPER of each bottle.
Eihotad veer nearest dregglet not have the notele t do
not be put oft by a ny'of the Intoxicating ptrr4tutions
that maj be offered in Its pane. but rend top., and we
tvtlltervrard. accurate packed, by exprees.
. sind . Drinufactory
- No. 63 3 Alien EPP. .
• - 11111114010,11.'
iTc•tiegs 416 lErvituss e :
uckse '
0 6V
(iucccistalt , ?o* •D • •
• Proprieteirs'
a r fM r alge i r "
gg ists 4 v 44 "
41 '41T1 tawny
poet in . Ite'SNAt.Bc4a am&
na that is no: orarruus
In the World
Yours T ruly