fp,,OhlritiVMr - -A 63I r I PAI-Itftigt •••• • ‘• .! Only oneljollar.....f• - y.t.":":,.eN.y:- . .. Ourfriendf ndtice that , the price the ;.XoOrpte, . (nail otherwise stated), be • reduced to the vary low rate of ONE Dom.art per year , in advance, payable in gold, or-silver coiri, , O# bills of specie-paling hanks: . ThoseViiii prefeKto pay in:the ecknairioe: curreneY,sif t he ady,trio which are now worth alAt 45 cents, ,each, in coins—and coin is worikonly its former valne.r: This is an actual redlOoh otowelhird from our old rates ; and• we: presume , no one will ask us to lose more: • ' • • • erms pointively invariable. Accident at Susq'a: On'Ttiesday niglit.'cif dila Week several of our young men Were • celebrating the victory Of the election, by firing salutes. Near' the end of the firing, the gun from not being properly swabbed out prema turelkilisch.iqed, •and 'Afe. Ray; from Orange county, N. Ir 4, who was•holding the ramrod in the gun while another was dEivjng,. the ,chie home with„.9,sledge 14mIler„watote oily; injuredi felt hand was so ba s atteied that it bad to be amputated 7. - -• .'liar Hoagland, who W ldinf over OF riren . hop}, holding 8 it s hp t*ittittboinb atid 1!..0r; WWI also injured, though not seriously.—Northern Resr e an• 4 ' i • ,•• 'll Teachers' Association. Thii:Suggue.liama docility:Teachers As sociation adjourned • to meerMontrose at on the ism, Mondavi: in - Dec: (20th) to con tinue itt w4.in fpoilte ' t'Bivalen ediii-itOis•'' hat-8 bFitied to be presen'k.,Every teacher Who can possi bly is strenuously urged to do so. ebe Can thus benefit himself or her self, benefit others, and benefit the cause. Thtiel who 'desire "Certificates' now, or nesegpntig, or - any - time 'bereafier, can save , time and- make, it ,advatitagooilti to come' mid work. Particulars to be pidalisbeil soon. E. A. WEStON, Co. Sup't. Brooklyn, Nov. 21, 1864. Montrose Soldier's Aid. The Society will, meet on Friday in stead of?-rlitirsaay afternoon of - the pees el 4. Week , • . , With the aavance of the season there is lOcreasiog demand for warmer clothing and supplies.. In order to replenish the fends of •the Society and meet these de mands, the Society will give a Supper at the room of Kirby Bacon, on Friday evening, Dec. 2. order of the Society. H. C. TTurn, Sec'y. Bridgewater Bonntg,Notas. The three Notes of $2OO each, given by citizens of Bridgewater for bounty -pur poses, are now in the bands of B. Thatch. et, in Montrose. Each of the signers is requested to call and pay his 'Share of the 0030,-1140.c.Fr Oar enbtricitirots. / • • 'At ivhi bh h&fcetir theMeielfiTi vbte in this county is jinn the same as McClef *? Kwll4V icagzerPq Cott Cuunties. • 3irelellan.- Linoltk; :Luzetne t , 9,541 11,849' ' Susquehanna, 2,895 • 30846 12,426 10,492 . . Nitii;Yerk Wholesal ePric.es, Repcked for the Montrose iieswerat by Josiah CampENTEn., Commission -merch ant, 323 Vi t istingiiiii : ist.. -- lirew 'York, to: whom-shipments of prodnee may be nude: TwO . thirds of.the' market value will lie advanced on the receipt of the goods if. desired„and_a..qpick .ratura,zuade for, the balince./:14111-Jarecaens eh& S weekly market report.sent free-A:of ebarget:by mail to those making ihipments; - - I:frieesfor,gi,e weekending Npv. 19, 464. Bealfs,'7white soun:d,per:bh., 210 :2 60_ Butter in tubs, per pound, , 48 58 " firkins, 48 T 59 " " . . 43 53 'Cheese, choice, " 20 23 " ..tcWt11:0141 - P r . 14 Dried Apples . 41 . . 12 Eggs, fresh, per dozen, 40 43 Flour, wheat, per barrel, 900 15 00 " rye, " - 800 900 Feattierrii, live geese, perlh., 4 30 Beef Sides, .••-8 • 12 Mutton cardass, ' , g 13' Teal,. " 9 - 14 ?OA, dressed, .4 . 16 wiffiat; Pe1 1 4 19 44, 220 • :250 ;Eye, - 64 156 162 'Oats * 97 99 'Corn, vs_ tir: - 4 - .75 180 , r ; 22 - " -- greet; - 14 Lard, common:to, lioesti per lb., 22 '24. Bier; mess, . , 'Sr biuT l l,l9:o 24 Do . 14'00 Pork-mees, - " 39 00 .43 ao " _prime, _ 38 59 39 00 smoked. r . 26 Shoulders &naked,lB 20 l'i4agtll,Mwd, ~1 k. bush. - 510fr, 6 7fl orsHifri , 4 to .fib; " Wool, washed, . . „lb _,l 10 " „- B's" 70 Apples, . 4 3, 1 50 f r r f f. 41, Ma_plet&tglir, ; 3 44 Ncerz.—AffallAlßoTPAtf,l4/pfNey York Market cali" - liii - ifeeb iCtlie - ofh - ce of th,e, Misthisittitorriecedf tip 13aturday tt ,Xe r httist r omil e a rs 3 seekly P ri 7 o 9o_. .Ttiß purr sear ytor tOloingtre - In the abliVe•fistle ieolthe' and higimvg.ffrr.jecls quality and conditlon Many eoielei Oaf ere not mentiatied, 6 0d; 4intelchnia on the report io - ' ' withAtt-s.kplair -- - _ VV:WHOMITAIAYItVIpt, ,;„....... ~,, 5 .,.. 1i r,,,..„...„.,_ 1 „,„„ ~ s Thanksgivieg Joke, by Father Abram. 'l9 %."413113.g. : 3e 4 .A. di DI: A • Cooacrißts for • t 4 pistrid, 4 T No . ,lati 1 cil . i i H E ll I 1 t 0 ''." I ' '.l 14 i i 4... e liege i . •trlyik lettintbf V . Wllll6ll. t ( IA 7 T.:o:thoilge HelP - : Henry Ford h, j, f i ! lip, * S Griggs 119.ery,Pkrr,ington • ~,:l'!iricpnl. Reekhow , anent - 4 . ‘"W&ley Osihrhodtt Thos Driscoll .• .-.,• JotnrShulock Jerry Hoelibortl 4 .4a:Deaniti.Gannelir-nr; . PAlttiCk.D3o B °9 ll - r l / 4 1 4rhltillk P4ttiik4Slp4eci,' L.ENQX -QUOTA 20 opt of 07. Samuel H g 'Grow' Thomas El'ante 3 4 4 - hi mi so d : 1 110 Mltiatafil:ei ' , l iT 4040 , I '44#:llli IPboro ' t:i Alonzo ell .- ' Xcarias a fir niels Noah Philligt•' 2 , j j'AtTfßOlrj.... Thomap - Maynard • John Ryimieratut . „ Dougjd S. - Miller ' Martin Ootitair " • Eraittqf Tr Oridait C.: Geoto:M Mapes Harlow, Quick • James Robinson, Abraham A Eaton. David Sprague Fsv nuti•oi+itcritagrit.'3B ~ ,otif of 08?, Ira s 'SPAklitt : i istiactleati 'Pat Maloney ' Jelin TtetWaelts Ofalpes'..poyte•, - = e Kirk hfilikrsoitatrz.) , 1NT.711 , ash John Donley 3 Peter:llllomm .War ; $ Curtis . Jebn MahOney John Ervin • Patrick Harpers Thoti'Finnegan Wrn. For4th J'N Jones Jos Brabley • Jos R Moore. , Merritt Frederick Wan. H. Smith , ,Ephram •ChamberAa Patrick Demdon Anthon Wm, Pangs John 'Rink John U. Findon Gilbert, Miller Jacob Buckle Jos Fetherstones ,Joseph Dow Jr Chas M. Epes' • Win. Prentiss John Obteit .T 4 03MON—cMOTA 18 . out of 11 James .Barman John Vanhona Henry 11. Hobart • Donnie M.. Galloway George P. Bla►idin J. M. Blandin Wm. H. Truax Charley A. Brieh, , Jacob .13isbop John Sumner • Preparation for Another Draft ALptNY I Nov , . , 21, ;84 Piovost itarsbai Gene)ai Fry / his •Nv ri t ten Governor Seymour, - expressing his de.sire -that, a- more: a ‘ refUl-examiruttimr,t thtieTd be made Mircittes ;:tver sons liable to. milititry duty, with the. v,t4i; ofreacbing the correct Aquoto for efuture• draft. Geiernor ~epmoiir bas issued a proclamation aticordingly, ' " State DUlltia to. be Enrolled. HsaD Quktrririts Pr. Mittrii, 'Harris burg, Nov. 12, 1864.-G . unirt Order No, 2. T he effort to raj:le by 'volunteering, that portion of the Pennsylvania State Gurrit 044reallo_ to yrviA Order' Nli:"1 - ,linving proved abortive, It is °Melt r, t • ;If • 1. 4i A tiiniediit gl ip t • and cla fot the Mifititi o ^ Com monwealth he made in pursuance th;oilihhigo the . -Aa of Mie r ilihiy, - *o'f 4th, and AugifsTa44l34. l, - • 2;•Tbut tbe Commissioners of the seiert: , al Cities and Counties, of the COmnl . o- wealth are hereby required - and airected to issue t s:fortliwithi their •pr,,Os . to tab As.sehrteris, of, their; respecitvotities and Counties, atitlirs,riziog• - 'and cbtrittianding them to make an immediate , enrolltuent• and classification of all able bodied'White t maleritizeos r within theirrespectivc.limits, liable to.iiirtillnfentlinklekheMilititi Laws of the CominalawealtV, 3. Brigadier General ;Lemuel Todd, State InspectOr,,General, is charged with the execution of this order.' : By- order of the Giienior. A. 'l,. ' , ~,,,Ajutao; 4entaral ? 4116,11 1 "frIte , - • N0v:40;0'43641 - - - Ma. 'Eotiton:---Thinking that' perhaPi some of your readers would be interested with gie.PArtieulan3of most outrageous fraud - perpetrated upon the - Deniberatie portion of the_soldiera in this.. Hospital, in regaatkrthe electiotir,lmilligive_theitt to ou the;dikixpriiv.tibeelo6 Lion. aqua!! riarnsd. BolerAteticrkyette county, a member ofthe 116th ,Pennsyl, vunia' Itegiment.'andt an inmate of this Hospital visited every ward 4011, ' for men who intended to- vote for Mc- Clellan, to Each one he gave a'AealE:d en velope stamped and 'endorsed "For .a -Union 'Soldier.r— These envelopes Contained a *speeckAe-- livered before the Allegheny Democratic . Chiba McClellan badge and tlirA or theee Lincoln ticketis each:. Thinkiurfrom - -the 1414 character of the'ettivelepeiti and bndg-. • and the -paraiatabble• loyalty, of the dkumenis that - the.tiekets-were as they sho - 6ld be, ihey were treated accordingly a n d niu.PYA o—L L-4e i# ev ening theman glen was disecn'el4w,eatinga essiiiiihation:et•bia:tieketaira cotrsquent '74 4 ..10 3 4 1 ..g friOd; The whole of thip i stateihen* iittitteialt , defg•Cdrifiadietlb6 Let-th. 9.0 - 106 , 01 ,14 0 , 1 000tig ifOreW , 1 1, 1046 i pnrity. of the;thidlOti•bovriti f r al*Ple - tile,Patt.944,Petiii:oastiii*,. I far ! ituitthistutd)reffect ..4.The tsar- 7 tYfl th eirroni; „,:._ imst: 4 aeglis.he eY I."„win p4A24...werdaisckeeravbelut. co ( oolionve - avivreb0140.0ws k p*pop' 5ta04 , 44 atreeity , svilLattipiatato! , 3*. ever !gtop„= 4 • Torre; - 1491n4T4Pri+1 ;t: sviavr-Nikir 'mar • • , _ .. __....._. _ _ . .._. ..._ . ._ rii-ia lw y k tivo vrrin l :- fi stiouo,r:ili; l or lb: e • ad . Dna , 1:! Ton 6..itterr, Bar. saparilla`,• • errairantidoted,” at. Bit. &a:: bad after] to rttinftlnairfAnde trtl i tri ) ,IT to di+ tix 4.4 thetoo% They I mi., A e, lasa3V ke e .,prompt morbid A their err aottgittbrpk t ii down wick abtittered constitn; lion. Old liad'4 - take.abana tritbiltdrantege.— Imported and sold En t e United States only by ~•-,:;"-•, ~ e - -,fjAMIER.,S. BR MR, ~.„.., 1 ~1 .$) r; :370. lißetatdaVrliaW Tor s ; ~. ~., l e , h il, ent,tor the II Led ski illltlaartaro on I tstial trf al p thrt i nalthg : LLAR, pustir ot —aappayrs4dlti kilt° agilit It en- tire sattklW•do . a, Mary) i-iyakaill, Iliti.:l Inn .412Mystith MiniaAhlrtatilar+ - 40 12 Calratt , ' FaVg n IMI Mae & n il ig e ngAt MR toms t omes often the prelude tb'strioni theLi . me t of sichnena Is 'Telt? upr m u g:4 ar t fe r averted i r lstgo t „,, . et ha Us ye fru 0 rutted d Nu. • They stimulate the functions or ttif body into vigorous activity, and purify Ate s,ystemtroat the , opatructlone which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the bodnattd degehgels I,thuattuildfuactions.l 1 Thefeillri rel Mae& reant upon therastlitnd thbankthrtne or p4,s. p ro d gc l u , cuarigAzgamthapAoffering apdde porsementa Ahile ipthliphil , roftihnhjaa Ayer a rip, aneseetiow - directly . h cy restore the natural action of the system and With it the buoynnt 'feeling of health again, thWitt ate.aud"oapparent•hosidatrivial and common coMplaintisalstiarne in mioy dlthe deep.s,a led and dangvrons mpers The same purgative of feet expels them Causedbyeimilar obstrnetiontr and derangements of the natural functions ofibe body, they stetdAdlltilltd apttipef them, surely cereo) thu game wedded leelbe : know the virtu(' of thes‘ Pills neglect . to =ploy, them vatenandping from .the disor ders they thre.ulairas headache% foul attatmela; dysente ry, 'Afton!' complaint:a, Indigestion. derangement of the 11% er, costiveness. constipation, heariburtotemamtism, drosy, I;:ognsatt b eksuptresston, ithetktidtett ILI large dat adv "•I th Dip n r i V is gfir . : ti oal zira 2r t g i m t nz p iga tl,e medicineyet discovered - farAyeeis Agp. Cure-- ForAta, opescAv and certain ears of infermWeor.Ferer Ogre of 'ChM end Fever Remittent Pryer, OM Peter, Dumb 4gue, Periodical Ifeadadite or Bilious headache, and RU ibusFerara, indeed for lAs whole does qc diseases origin. ci n,... 4ll.Arttritrirrteni lizard ky i Pai 'petiole IHM:t i n h a a afrtini t i'atte e feti c ad74 B l4C over other ague merinos. gn, sa dues the emu plaintwithout ininr to the patient It contains no dentine or other dele minus substance, nor dota i l l t i f ri, ri dada etit s : or LOY iniptibd , err** *1404 cr. s b ro eea. pro krmy•wipo OC, an It add Ton colorvitti ttairtiolit • ' 4 • t Prepared by .`C AYTtir "d, CO., Tailed'. and sold by Aitt.L TUIP,ELL. Montrose, rand all dialers In medicines evehywhare.• (Oct 40 ar, Editor o f Vemqatrat.-r-Droat r iTflth 7.9T7Oetthieeteh S ette . tt lex to the tete:lore of yohrrpl per URI 134.111Jitiod, Want Man, to-dB-wit laltolLit (Wee), a Recipe. with full directions for making and us kg • nimple V,egetable /)alma . that . will e ff ectually re move In ten das's.-Plmsfles. 13Iothes.Tan,cekles, and all itaperttlettof thdfftldm, leiv , ing the e soft, clear. smoothAndcheanigtiii: - .1 I willpisc4itaii;Dea tfft.Wse 1014 Italdiraids, or Bare Falk*. simple directions and Information that will enable,thein,to_ ;tart a All-gtow,tb 0t,./..oituclapt Rpir, Whk*hge rtallticreetnehe, to toes than thltt)tditts• 1111 dpiz atiohe i anstrored bra:Main : natal ktitimitt eliarte: 'Respectnilrryourc. Tiltn , . F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. •• • 8.31 , Broadway,Sawlplc. Oct.,2o , lffeilj-t `"Sm ; ISITEye and Enz.—Professor J. ISAACS. M. D., Occusr and /Must, formerly of Leyden, DoVend.ls Dc4Tit-lit 151)111 f 7IVIr Stre6t, 7111,1adelphia i dheTlY - persitraftfictild With - dishases 67110 - ETE and EAR will he scientifically treated and cured, if curable. IllTArtinchtl . Ryes inserted withnat pain: ‘ le. 13.—Iia Changes made Mr "Exitaiittationi The Med• lent facility Is invited, as he has no secrets in his mode of trzAtinens. c r •.< -r • •-, e:. ,-.1Y7 4' 110 ' 6 . .1...• A , ", ," r .4 At Card to Invalltds.—A Clergyman. while repitillig In Soutp America as • piesianuuTwAleloprprcit a reafe:34ldltdrople remedy for the 2Carti OF rft stone a' .4.1 . 10y IDeesy , totseeieelof theAttinutlf arid ming, ittilirs, and the whole trait:fa dlsorderabro4 on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been alreadFie44 this noble remedy. Prompted a I* lll El to tiart*l"), kll4.l:l;Dfcatinalet D.lO. Certain° rde tie (it preparing and using this medicine. In a sealed envelope, to any one yr hq needs It, Fry." of Charge,. r. f f, , , . .. r •9 2, „.:,; ..; )1, LIGI. .. Plftainelbtelf - pciat-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Address • T T I V I ' . C4statort s ), E ß P lble T lioVse i llelir' I L ori C;ti! :- Nov. 3, 1864-6 me griliziantsi6W. ni.. : Thr.csm IFit i o Fe ao cillaW ziatin o ;:f gre h d er e se. nt. In these pills Is thNfteir-of a loilind extensive ntill fiTtaFmtD it yl then ept. tUlltatlit f ol ta r t i h t t l i iii gel ,li t t e , ) ittaa ve tion i . n . r ev rxecti ov,i ng, ( ar6flit.liefi a. OA ittrirter cold `oVotheriiise.llieal- ache, pain in the side,palpltation of the heart, whites. all neqcfpffeet t ions...hssterico f tatlgne. t Afiloc)l2.coLics, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, ..It4 Can't Data prunharba I BVT IS THE BEST TONIC gram WllO BATS b • From the Rey. Levi G. Beck. Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J..fortnerly of the North Bap tier Church, Philadelphia: - - I have !mown Hootland's German Bitters fa vorably for a number of years. I has . ..ued them I* my own family, and have been so pleased with their tante that I was induced to recommend them to many others. and Imo ',Oat they have operated in a strikingly ben*. ncial manner. I. takii great Pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming thli fact, and calling Um attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommen ded, to these Bitters. knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully as Iloofland's Bitten. I. Intended to benefit the aftticord. and is "not a rum drink." sinus Truly, LEVI G. BECK. PretoDen. a . Newton Drown, D. D., Editor of the - . icl cyclopia of Rdelphia. eligions Knowledge, and S.:bristles Chron e, Phila Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredi ent a and effects, I.yet know of no etfaclinit reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits be believes Weasel! to halo received from any simple preparation. in use hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of °th ere. I do this the more readily in remlrd to Iloolland's tier man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. Jackson. of this elty.bot motel wart prejudiced against them for many years.un• der the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend. Robert Shoema ker Esq., for the remora] of this prejudice by proper e tests. and for encouragement to try them, when str. tog from greatand long continued debility. The use of three bottles of there hitters at the beglnninp of the ;present year. was followed byevtdent relief and rectors- Mon to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before. end had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my itiendlar directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Philadi. Prom the Rev. Joe. H. Kennard. Pastor of the 10th Sep- fist Church. Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir have been fregiently rs quested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice as oat of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases de clined but with a clear proof in various instance*. and partieularly in my family, of the usefulness of Dr. foot. land's German Bitters I depart for once from my usual course. to of my hill conviction that, for general debility, of tha system and especially for Liver Com plaint, it is &sate and valptable preparation. In mem ra ses it may fail ; but Usually, I doubt not, it will be eery beneficial to those whosufferfrom the above cause. Tatra, very respectitaly : J.KENNARD, Eighth belowEnittesotrect, kitiadelphla. From the Ray Thomas Winter, Pastor or ROtbosoilth Baptist Cburch. Dr. Jackson :L-Dear Sir:-1 feel Waite to yont excel* teat preparation, Hootland's:German Bitten. 10 add sty testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I haw for years.' it times, been troubled_ with 4 grest Meet. der la my head anff ;lemons system. was advisedby • friend to try Itbottle of your Gertrum Blum. did 90 , and have experienced great and unexpected Teller; my health haaboen very materially benefited . iontdent-' ly recommend OM artidie When I meet 'with cues Wail. lar t 6 ray own, and have been &strand by many of theft good effects. Itespectfallyours R, . T. WM' Ttoxberongh. Pa. From the Rev. J. S. Berman. of the Getman Reformed amyl. Batatowa;, Berke county, Pa. C. bf. Jackpon:—.Bewetcd Slr:—.2 hive hen troubled with Dyspepsia nearly Wren!, year*. titidNres never nseel any =Weigle that did me as mach good eie Roolland's Bitters. lam yery.much Itoproved In health after-haling taken Ate honks. • • yours, with respect,- . J. 15.111:11.Mill. ',..IPXFUteZIIII.,' 4 Large 81M!. (holdins nearfloilontgequikatt.A..: of CO Scull aizedVi tiiper to i ttlenir (111 BEWARE OF COUNTFXPEnTi e see Mail4iiitire . e.' es the WRAPPER of cacti bottle. • ' : Should your neareetdroilst not helms steels, do not be. rostotttry any et the Intaziestlon porpetsUmi thet , may be Sired In ttaslambnteetirto as, eco . ' sillltorarard, securely pecked, hi ewes"; . -• , , athillanufacioty -7110 - 6 - 1531, AUNIZESIK: 77. `' . .9llliiiletapida - . - • • likigristaaa. compass Cafoladtiotilico,y zi:r- 0 ` 7, : • r t. ' ' 111141/1"‘L" .0 0{ • 415111 /ZZ: 4111 W AL.: . „.. .1 • :•• ;1 " , • 'POR , FlllOl t Organs In the World