1==!!! 0 Fs VIE • irlusEsaniG -FRO M 010ERS OF-IHE 111 ER Wet insanity:a lausarto AattURM,BY ,EOOPLAND'S Gelman Bitters, THZ GREAT BTRILNOTHESING 1 1 0 MI g Mae litters Rave Performed More Cures Have and do give Better Satisfaction - Ran ion union: AAA AIM RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO Touch POE TEEM? Than . any other article in the market We defy any one to eontratlier this assertion, AND WILL PAY $l.OOO To any ona who will produces Certificate published by as that Is not Garotte TIOOTIANIPS GERMAN BITTERS will care every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the.Kitineys, and diseases arising from a disordered stomach, OBSERVE TICE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Constipation __, Inward Piles, Fu ll ness of. Blood to the Hesd Aeidity of the Stomach, Napes, Heartburn, • .Diegua for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stomach,Sonr Eructations, SinkingorPlute tering at the pit of the Stoma* Swim- - ming of the Head,Hurried and dim- Hbreathing, Fluttering at the art, Choking or Soa ting Sensations when in a lying Pasture, Dimness of Vision, - Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain .in the Head,Deacieneyot Perspiration,Yellow ness of the Skin and Hies, Pain in the Side, 'Back, Cheat, Limbs, drc... Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning In the Flesh, Constant imag• hangs of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. 21-1:2110:11MMIE1.111111.1‘ THAT THIS SITTERS is .^Tot.ALlocaacollo, CONTAKCS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AO Can't akt prunkarbs 1 IS THE BEST TONIC In the World. garitem) WHO SAYS 5 Prom the Hey, LeM G. Beek, Pastor of the Haptiet Church. Pemberton, N. J.,formerly of the North Bap. tier Church, Philadelphia: I have known Eloo German Bitters fa vorably for a number of years. Ibavo need them in my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects that I was Induced to recommend them to many Others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beim. Axial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with he diseases for which they ererecommen ded, to these Bitters, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully as ttoofistare Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted. and " not a rum drink." Tours Truly, Lllll G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown. D. D., Editor of the En IM2iMMMEii Although not db , posed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines itigeneral, through distrust of their Ingredi ents and streets, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits be believes himself to have received from sny simple preparation, in the hope that he may Mut? contribute to the benefit of oth er/. I do this the more readily In regard to Rooßand's Ger- MU Bitters, prepared by Dr . C. Jackson, of this clty,be. cause I was prejudiced rig:dolt them for many yearsam• des the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Sharma ker Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by tests. and for encouragement to try them, when suffer. ingfruat great and loug continued debility. The nee of three bottles of these bitters at the beginning of the prose= year. was-followed by evident relief and restont. tient° a degree Of bodily and mental vigor which I bad notlelt for six months before, and bad a lm ost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for dim:Una= to the cum of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Philad'a. From the Rev. Joe. R. Kennard, Pastor of the 30th Bap tist Clawed. Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir :—I have been frequently re• quested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the, practice S. oat of my appropriate sphere, I have In all cases de clined bat with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in my family, of tbeeesefolneu of. Dr. Boof land's German Bitters, I depart for once from myna al course, to express my full conviction that, for g,e.neinal debility of the sync= and especially for Liver Com ylaint It is a safe and valuable preparation: In soma ea ses It may fail; but tonally, I doubt not, it will be very benellehtl to those who suffer from the above cause. Tours, very respectfully, J. E. =WARD. Eighth below Coates street. Philadelphia. Prom the Rev. Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roxborough &OM Church. Dr. Jackson :—Drar Sir:—l feel it due to your excel lent preparation, Hoofland's German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for Tetrn at times, been troubled with great disor der In my head and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. I &deo. and have experienced great and unexpected relief • my Beath has been very materially benefltted. I conilden.t ly recommend the article where 1 meet with mime eimi• lar to my own, and bate been assured by many of their goodeffacts. liesp r eeVull a milzs. It borough, Pa, From the Rev. J. R. Herman, of the German Iteiorthed .Church, Kutztown, Berke county, Pa. 'Dr. V. X. Jackson L.-11mitrected hsvei been troubled with Dye pmsti nearly twenty years. and bare never 'used any Medicine that did me as moth good as Rovdtand's Bitters.. ism very much improved In health after ltaelngtaketi die bottles. -Um, respect, J.S.LIKR:3IkI 'XIML.XCEIES. lingeStr.e, atolang =Ay double trisztlty,) $1 00 per itottle—balf doz. $5 00 4130411efsa—Z5 cis per bottle 7 talf 0=414, 400 BEWARE or cotrirrzapErro. deetbattbe signature of" C. X. JACKSON," is 4' the WRAPPER of cub bottle. Should your nearestdra t rist not have th e article, do not be pat ofr an of e intoxicating preparations takitins., be M=red S hits, la Ab e semi to us, and we Iturroterard, swart •• press piinelp#Office and Mannfactory, Mo. 431 AB= "6 4;1 .pm" &EiTroacus, - , c 4? ‘ , 4 --0 9 P ne R. 0 !•:. _ 2:4ll. T. 3 Mgzi °llllll EMI lyq to it 4321 TIMM Mk* hoot. Jot t tiff fir;• Ifoods: i/ '• , , • viax24Apvion. 11. In snote ininterouila t S u si iitei when could 'tub, up intonate cloth If ht hentettet, iwe have to sayst Thereof/tall the wool in that be done before heat gyring. , rant DelsOns Want thelrgoods for the coining winter, we thouhtlest to potgr them stit thlefletto pretzel:a dletp_miltameelt. *- • , I A th e meantime we shall do this season's,Woric da satisfactorily uposslble,r and mane additions to our machinery and finning. so as to be able to do all that Is offered another year. We shall as usual full, color, and Apish cloth for customer! , dtittpg tho fall. , LIGEIA3d 6 Wltntlf. Howe Pacrowr. Camptown, Brsdfo • co. Sen. 15,1664. LADIES FANCY FURS. 'ANCY FURS, assorim — intoldenlaia — r Olovelanre ci olL. '&!g. a As my 'Furs wore all parchastd when Gold Wu at a much lowst premium than attiresent, .1 urn enabled to dispose of them at very reasonable prices, and y would therefore solicit a millirem my friends of Sasonehantm County, and vicinity. Besatiztber the name, Mimi* andatreet I JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH. Oticet, above 7th, south elde, Sept. 8,1861. Sm PHILADELPIILa. Etrl have oppartner. nor connection With any oth er Arm in Philadelphia, `,J oncost Rtmotrat, PUBLISHED ON TI3I4SIDAYB i , AT MONTItOSE, • SIISQUINIA.NNA. COUNTY, PA., BY .etke aT. Ch•aniecia.x9risicow, AT 11,50 PER ARNIM STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Where payment is not made in advance, $2, and all accounts colieeted, will be at the !steer $2,00a year. A D VER TISEMENTS inserted at the rate of r for each /cmma( tertlines °fleas, wild apace, threetimes, and 2.5 cents for each subsequent insertion. Yearly advertisers allowed mai changes, at $4O for &column. BLAIIr/IS kept for sale and printed to order. JOB PRINTING done In good atyloorrahartnotice DELAWARE LACKAW4WI'A & WESTERN BAIL-ROAD. Time of _Passenger Trains, Oct. 12, 1861 awAnzo. i LLA VT, so COMM A m cc o org: Pase ge e n• lion. train. STATIONS. P. M. P. M. .6.10 6.40 Great Bend ,, • 1.40 6.21 New htlifolt. 1.05 6.00 Montrose, 1 1 12.25 6.88 Molihotto2ll, L. 11.50 6.16 i Nicholson "" 11.15 I 4.56 Factoryvide, 10.45 4.4oAbinzton. Q 10.80 4.82 Clarklinrolt, 10.00 4.10 Seienten, N.... 1.52 1 Soontiatnirg, I L .... 11.10 . 2ffanonasettnnk / Philad'a change 3 , .. . . i 11.26 New Hampton. The Passenger Train North, Leaves New Hampton on the arrival of the Mall Train which leaves New-York at 8.00 a. m.. and Manunka Chunk on the arrival of the Trate which leaves Philad. (Kensington Depot,) at 7.15 a. m. At 'Scriddon, this train makes elm connections with trains on the Lack awanna A. Bloomsburg, and Delaware & Hudson Rail roads, and at Great Bend with the Mall Traik on the Erie Railway going west.: • • The Passenger Train South, Leaves Great Bend alter the arrival of the Cincinnati Fahress from the fired, connecting at Scranton with on the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg.andDelaware & Hudson Esilrescle ; at Manunits Chunk with the train for Philadelphia, and at New Hampton with teal" for New York, the Lehigh Valley, Harrisburg, &c. Pie sengßere by thlettin arrive in New-York at 5.40, in PhiladelphlaatiL a , and hi Harrisburg at 8.90 p.m. The Accommodation Train, Northward. commits at Great Bend with the Day Ex press going West, by which passengers arrive at Ithaca and Syracose.the same day. Southward, leaves Great Bend after the arrival of the New• York Express going Rut. lar Ail Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway stopar, Gres t Bend. _ WATTS COO E, Supt. IL A. lIENRY, Gen. Tkt Agt. 58C0.1C.701.E3E115 7 PENSIONS, BOUNTY, AND BACK PAY. ed 'VFL'' AGI P Ov :r f prompt attention oat claims entreated toWs earn. Charges low, and Infor mation orPREZ. L. F. FILCH. Montrose, Jan. 14, 1861. am : • :- s. ... : 1 01 ssart.s.reercow, WhOesalea ktctall Denim - glitabWAYl xlmcom, STEEL, NAILS, %PULES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. JUST NAM ClOrgi27l4'sl7B7rifY 8AUJ10.47) galltp BrAtturt. CARRIAGE. 8PRL986,• AXLES, emsplit AND BOXES, BOLTS;' RIM and 'WASEIMA PLATED RANDE.,IGIILEAEDE ERONR, RCM, &VERA ' 'ELDORA BEAT BPINDLEWNOWE, 424. ANVILS, VICES. STINKS sad -DIES BELLOWS, gawps, slaw& SILS9 , a se. cponAß AND =Lama, sena% PACKIN P . MCI= =OM; I PLASTEIt WADI • • - t,* GIONTO,NII23: , wninowoutsksorizatthati .=r". • iiiiielo4 4 l6lAAFA - . . Santo*. Marcol,lo33. irc" • . ,••• TO ALL DaT NT ALLA X X) I IRON IN TREE BLOOD. IT la well known to the medical profession that IBON to the vital principle or life element of the blood.— This is derived principally from the food we eat; bat If the food Is not propefly digested, evil; from any cause whatever, the necessary ettantltyof hen Isnot taken tn to the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole sys tem suffers. The bad blood 'Will Irritate the heart, will clog np the lona', will stupefy brain; will obstruct [heaver, sad will send Its disease producing_ elements wall parts of the system, and everyone wastrel is whatenmorgan may be predisposed to disease. The great value of Iron as a Medicine, Is well known and acknowledged its all medieamen._ The difficulty has been to obtain such a preparation of it as will enter the circulation and assimilate at once with the blood. This point. says Dr. Hays, Massachusetts State Chemist, has been attained In the Peruvian Syrup, by combination in a way before unknown. FtIII3IIZA , I9 ESTABLISHED Manufkotory, eacar,pxr. The Peruvian Syrup I.e protected solution of the protoxids of Iron. A new discovery in, Medicine that strikes etthe Root of Dis ease by supplying the blood with its Vital Principle or Lite Dicanent—MlON. e7M,PHTIVA :now In stain, otmy , IPortation aud Man :, one of the largest mat Beautiful selee- The Peruvian Syrup Cures Dyspepsia; Liver Complaint, Wetter, Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy, Lowppirits. The Peruvian Syrup Infuses strength, vigor, and new life into the system, and ballets up an " Iron Comititatioa." The Peruvian Syrup Cures ChronleDlarrtres,. Saoltds. now. ticorry, Lou of Constitutional Vlgot. The Peruvian Syrup Cues Nerwons Affections, f emale Complaints. and all 'diseases ol the liidws and Bladder. The Peruvian Syrup In a epeelflo for all diseases originating in a tad state of theßlood, or accompanied by Debility era Icw state of the , Systan. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recom mendations from some of the moat eminent Physicians, Clergymen, and others, will he sent free to goy address, We select a few of tbe names to show the character of the testimonials. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, .ES Q., ; president of the Metropolitan Bank, Nail' York. Rev. ABEL STEVENS, . Late editor Christian Advocate and Journal. Rev. P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Rey. John Pierpont, Lewis /Johnson, M. D. Rev. Warren Burton, Roswen Kinney, M. D. Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, S. K. Kendall, N. D. Rer. Gordon Robbins, W. R. Chisholm, M. D. Rev Sylvantia Cobb, Francis Dana, M. D. Rey T. Starr King, Jeremiah Stone, M. D. Rev:Ephraim Note, Jr., Jose Antonio benches M.D. Hen Joseph H. Clinch, Abraham Wendell, M. D. Rev. Henry Upham, A. A. Hayes, M. D, Rev'. P. C. Headley, J. R. Chilton, M. D. Rev, John W. Olmstead, H.B. Kinney, IL D. Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., exclusively for d. P. DINSMORE, No. al Broadway, New York. Sold by all Druggists. 071t1rArt0 Aceom moan- tion. P. M. W aco 2, 845 g 4.15 2 5.18 06 450 tz 6.15 c 6.55 7.05 Redding's Russia Salve Redding's nasals Salve Redding's Russia Salve Redding's Russia Salve t .... Redding's Russia Salve Cures Salt Rheum, Plies, Erysipelas Redding's Russia -Salve Cures Ringworm. Corns, de. &c. NO FAMILY SHOULD'S/I WITHOUT IT ONLY 93 CTS. A 808. IT BALE BY S. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York B. W. FOWLS 'd CO., No. 18 Tremont St. Boston And by all Druggists and Country Storekeepers. :Vane 9--eowly Z 441" MINA:7' MI X .IFL Ma , NEW GOODS. THE undersigned baring entered Into business nn der the name and style or _ WEBB & BUTTERFIELD, beg leave to inform the public that they are now re ceiving from New York a large and well selected stock of Goods of every description, consisting of the latest styles of Spring and Summer Prints, Shallies, Delanes, Cass:sip:Ler es, ocAtcona,cfles. =l:ta,wls. •dbo. A LOT OP GROCERIES, or all 'dads. A good usortment of Crockery, Glass Ware, Wpoden. Ware, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, 'UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS,NECK TIES, ' GLOVES, DRESS ntIIERINGS, scAtTs; . COLLARS, &c, &c. Also a good assortment of HARDWARE, Cowl Wu of Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, PkunLug-hooks, &A. rgern kinds of N.racigle taken Inez change. Call and see us at Webb's o ld stand on Public Menne. A. D. EIITTZEnBLD. • IL J. WEBB. .Montrose, April 48.1864. FLOUR ! FLOUR! MOIL% FA.11:11X FLOM by the load. sack %I or pound. tor Meat the lowest cutsvrtees A. N. CrtiIIaLIMPS.A.IIIEIROSIAL, for T Hres!crt n rafor szlerby - ABEL L DIVE COLORS, - with- directions how Mid lU them. tor *as toll ABEL Tuninaz,:, TIVTTWEI. TALLOW, EGGS, DRIED • • and most. lOntto of re natal In 'MUM, for Ocigas tho VsnesyStore or rgirtureozif:.::DßArrs..,rArss. IMPORTANT Heals Old Sores. Cares Barns. Scalds, Cuts Cures Woneds. Bruises, Spmtns Coxes Both, Ulcers, Cancers. -AND NEW-ARRANGEMENTS! .NEW itko- CLU MP . G .4 . For CASH or Ready pay. omm:b. L. arrowiti gib co. HAVE ret 7:t e o d Ck e 7 the East with a new and tab -J, at,Otioting The Latest and most approved Styles. CLOTHS AND CASSIHERS. iarrt, C.IEJELIMIS, Of every Description. 3F . tr Of the choicest brands, including Hart's celebrated brand. • Fish, Dairy Salt, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Molasiles, At very Low prices for CASH, If:47 — Call and see for yourself. Cash paid for Grain, Butter, Eggs, to. 2,000,000 doz. Eggs wanted. lIMP'Two doors below Bo /a Webster ' s corner, in yd the Store formerly occupied by AN, I. Post. O. L. STONE, E. L. WEEKS. Montrose, April Ist, 1664. tf JAMES. R. DE WITT, DEALER IN 111,600DS AID NOTIONS , CHOICE FAMILY (0 , 2 © 4'22222 9 4, 49 BOOTS AND, SHOES, Hats and Caps, Ci C) 40 ME. M :IFIL -sr, GLASS-WARE, LAMP% 011.11A9 1 HARDWARE AND NAILS, SOLE XaeZ1.A.703:131113R., dbc, . Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. J. R. DAM% BOOT, SHOE, GEN't FURNISHING STORE. F. B. WEEKS & CO. HAY' opened ti'elt SPRING STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CII_JC)TIEIC X 147 CA-, GENTS' nRORSHIIIG GOODS, consisting of everything, in Gents' line of apparel, . from Boots to Bat, Ladies' Fine Spring Balmorals and Gaiters, Men's Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper than any other house this side of New York Come and - see for yourselves Boots & Shoes mode to order Montrose, 21ay 10th HAWLEY'S SOLIDIFIED Dental Cream, FOR CLEANSING, WHITENING & PRESERVING THE TEETH. TMS article is prepared with the greatest cars upon scientific principles, and warranted not to contain anything in the slightest degree deleterious to the Teeth or Gams. Some of our most eminent Dental Sur geons have given their sanction to, and cheerfully re commend it as a preparation of superior qualities for cleansing, whitening and preserving the Teeth. It cleans them readily, rendering them beautifully white and pearly, without the slightest injury to the enamel. It is healing to the gums Where theY are ulcerated and sore. It is also an excellent disinfector for old and de cayed teeth, which are often exceedingly offensive. It gives a rich and creamy taste to the mouth, cleansing it thoroughly, and imparting a delightful fragrance to the breath. PREPARED ONLY BY A. HAWLEY it CO., N. W. cor.loth & Lombard sta., AND SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS PRICE SS DENTS: 'T'eattima.coaala,L. The following opinion of Dr. Mite, as to the high es teem In whim; he holds the Dental Cream, meet be snf dcient evidence of its value ; to quote other testimoni als in detail is needless, contenting ourselves by simply giving the names and address of persons Who speak of Its excellency fortbe teeth. PICELADZIMILL. April 15th, 18r4. Raving carepally examined A. Hawley'a " Solidified ?ax, Dental Crm.. m. 'I hereby el:meth:al mmend it to the public generally. It is an exile I "preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth d can be used by all persons with the utmost confide ,filifts.properties are perfectly harmless. Besides preserving thAteeth, it promotes 'healthy action to the gumirKand imparts a pleasantness to the breath. Dr. W. R. WHITE, 1203 Arch street. Taos. bonsai, N. ix, Dentist. 491 N. 4t¢ at. .. J. Bram, 254 8. Bth at. FL VAI9I)ERSLICE. Surgeon Dentist, 425 Arch st. C. A. lugoeuturrv, Dentist, 1119 Walnut at. 8. DILLINGBAZ, D. D. S., 734 Areb it. F. M. Dixog, 827 Arch at. RrtwAtto Towreasgo, Dentist, 826 N. 4th et. L. 8. Donrmat, Dentist. 201 N. 10th at. M. 7,. Logo, Dentist. or) N. 6th et. June 2, 18241. ly ST. CHARLES HOTEL, .1131ir J. W. 33uirdess, M. 022.21. .41.17eximics, ISCrit-AMINCPIV, 3Pcb*utea,. Aug, E, 1888. Ds. G. W. BEACH, P 1 and and SURGEON Dropkl ; Pa. Office Pand mildew:e t theme formerly od bv the late Dr. B..Rte har , , . ' e mu •Raring immeatieutly at Brooklyn Center, be foeaa respeethdly teaderi hte_prefeuloaal makes to the att. of Sweviehaana Coautz, ork teritur cinema:reunite wit the DPW Rt 001 6 31 1, Jana CU, 1064.--3 at eDDYH6 ~1~~. N niill9t ~7 ' Qßl~,L'6~ NEW FIRM. - BALDWIN ALLEN, /BAIN ! WWI? SIDE OF PUBLIC AVENUE, DRAMS DI FLOUR, FEED, SALT, Garden Seeds, Wheat, Glover, Timothy tr, Flax Seed, Peas, Lard, Candles, PORK, HAMS, DRIED BEEF, Fish, Smoked Halibut, Syrups, Molasses and Sugag, TEAS, COFEEE, SPICES,BROOMS AND NAILS. Cash Paid fbr Butter. A. BALDWTN, WM. L. ALLEN. • Montrose, Aprll 14, 1864 .I= O 332VI9ICVAT Examining Surgeon ! THE subscriber haring been appointed by the Com missioner or Penal ons, a MEDICAL EXAMINER at large, to examine and give certificates to all entitled to Pensions, will attend to all applications that may be presented to him, at Montrose, Pa. Roome at J. 8. Tar bell's Hotel. E. PATRICK. Montrose, April 6, 1883.—tf SOLDIERS' BOUNTY , PENSIONS, And Back Pay • THE .z.. —, , d w e ril l ev e'll ep t ro i mpt s attelcawan l'on rn to solrclaini T na °scinanE rat tad to hie care. No ctutrge unless successful. Montrose, Aug. V),'63. J. B. McCOLLITM. HOPE GOLD COMPANY. NDIES-"GOLD DIRT LODE," 6ILPLN COUNTY JOHN EVANS, Colorado. Giro. W. GRAPVLIN, Baltrre F. H. Juno, Now-York. Fignite.rra Palma, N. Y. H. S. Conn, New-York. R. CORNELL. Warm N. Y. Idou.sn, New-York. IL C. TYLER, New-York. 8. G. AI HOLD, Providence, R. I. President—llls Excellency J 0112.1 EVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. Vice-Presidents—Eon. S. G. ARNOLD, Dr. F. H. JUDD. Treasurer—WALTEß E. LAWTON. Secretary . ma._ Office NO I3 2.S v CILIS street, NeVo i r Y k j . cgc"a X1NTar.113.41.1161 a IaTZLEIVO.IEIC WOOLEN GOODS, Camptown, on Wyelasing Creek, Bradford Co. Pa. Rolls Carded and Cloth Finished. WE Manufacture Cloth for Customers on Shares, or at the following prices per yard: Caselmere, best finish, doe, 45 rents. Plain Cloth, best finish, fine, 45c. Gray and Mixed C'assimeres. 40 etc Tweeds, 32 cents. Common Fulled Cloth, 40 cts. White Flannel. cents. Madder Red Flannel, 32 cts. Gray Flannel, 25 etc. The Gray Flannel made with taste, and very Fultable for Clothing. We will card Rolls for persons from a distance to take home without delay. HARVEY INGHAM, AMOS WIL&NCLI. Camptown, May 10th, 1864.—tf No. 37 PARK ROW Now York. and 6 State Street, Boston, are our agents far the Montrose Democratic" thosecicie.. and are authorized to take advertisements and a abseriptlon e for no at oar lowest rates. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG ON and after Jan. 18, 1864 , Passenger Trains nil run as follows: LEAVE NORTHWARD. Stations. Mall. New York. Acom'n. Northumberland Danville, 9.40 " Rupert, 9.22 •• Bloomsburg, 9.35 .• Klugeton, 14.12 p. m. 8.50 a. tn. 8.15 p. m. Pittston, 9.00 •• 7.10 " Scranton, 1.30 " 10.00 " 7.24 " LEAVE SOUTHWARD. Scranton, 4.50 p. m. 7.10 a. m. 10.45 a. m. Pittston. 5.00 •• '7.30 " 11.1 U " 1111128 ton, 5.30 arrive. 8.30 " 5.55 leave. 12.00 m. Bloomsburg, 9.15 p. in. Rupert, Danville. 9.15 •• Northumberland, 9.55 " Passengers taking the mail train south connect with the express train from Northumberland, arrive at Har risburg at 2.30 a. in. Baltimore at 7.00 a. in. and at Phila. dolphin at 7.00 a. m. The mail train from Northumber land leaves immediately after the arrival of the Ex press Train from Harrisburg and Baltimore, allowing passengers leaving Philadelphia at 10.40 p, in., to reach points on this road during the next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping Can accompany the Night Trains each way between Northumberland and Phila delphia. H. A. FONDA, Stip't. 03:32EM1M Dns. PATRICK ,11 GARDNER, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Montrose, Pa. Once over Webb's Store, on Public Avenue, Jet 34 NEW GROCERY VARIETY STORE! BASEMENT OF J.S.TABBELL'S HOTEL. THE subscriber would inform his old friends, and the public generally, that he has just returned from New York City with a well selected assortment of PHILADELHIIIA and various other articles, such as are needed in every family, and that they will be sold for Cfcaesh at prices that cannot fall to suit. Please call and examine. A. N. BOLLARD. Montrose, Feb. 2, 1864 WM. H. COOPER & CO. AGENTS POE Thompson's "Black Star" Line of Liverpool Packets. , PPERSONS wishing to send for their friends in the old country, can purchase passage tickets by the above line from the subscribers. Also, Drafts on Ireland for sale in sums to suit. WM. 71. COOPER & CO., Bankers. Montrose, July 17, 1868. tf A LECTURE •••• To Ircruuo.6 Cosa. .ThstpublLiked in a sealed envelope. Price Six cents. AALECTURE on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cursor Spermattorrhcea or Seminal Weakness, In- voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage_generally. 'Nervousness, Consumption, Ep ilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity; re sulting from self-abuse, dd. By Borland. ClAxtrawvax-, M. D., author of the "Breen Book," dc. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lee tne dearly proves from his own experience that the awful conaequenaes of melt abuse may be effectually re, moved without medicine, and without dangerous 'mg', cal operations, boggles, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode °faze at once certain and effecter al, by Which every sufferer, no matter what Ms condli , bon maybe, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boot to thousands and thousands.. . .. . . Sent under seal, to any address, In a plain, sealed en. Tolope, on, the .teeetO t , of ex carte, or 4v9 Poatairo i stamps. byaddreeafog , . -. CHAS. I. O. KLINE A V 0, ,, IR Bowery, New York , Yoet-001te DOI, 100 a. COLORADO. Capital 80,000 shares, r.,11 each I=2l Manufacturers and Dealers in S. M. Pettengill & Co., FAMILY iROCERIES, MEW et 1) A P LL ABSORTBIZTO OF Fill s . LY T IIITER GOODS, and will be sold AT A LARGE REDUCTION from April prime. liarThie Reduction will include the ENTIRE STOCK widen will be found u large as usual, and wM be sold on THE MOST LIMAL TERMS For 4C ALIEI33 ON TIME, or for PRODUCE 73. BIIIIIIITT, New Milford Nov, 1863 ABEL 'TURRELL Now offers for sale one of the largest and bee teelectlons of • R 4 I I Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and probably com prising the greatest variety or most different articles o f any Store in the Northern part otPennsylvania, and per - haps of the entire State. An assortment is kept in about thirty different branches of trade, and the selec tionsaremade from about forty attic best Douses in New York, and more than fifty Dealers and Manufac turers out of New York. A large proportion of the Goods are brought direct from the manufacturers, thu 6 insuring genuine articles. Customers on entering the Store must not expect to find everything in sight, but nearly every article wanted will be produced by Inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the following general outline, butonumeration le impracticable, Drugs and 3i edicines, Paints and Oils, Dye Stuffs, Groceries. Liquors, Crockery, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Jeweiry,_Bilver Ware,Perfnmery,Eancy Goods, Musical Instrumenis, Brushes, American Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware, Lamps, Materials for Lights, Hardware, Bed Cords,Stone Were, Dry Goods. Mirrors, Window Glass. Lithographs, Var nishes. Bird Cages, Spectacles. Whips, and lashes, Brooms. Onus. Pistols, Ammunition. Tobacco, Medi - cal and Surgical Instruments, Salt, Soap, Potash, Pm • breilas. Porcelain Teeth, in shon..nearly everything. t o restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye. to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real sad substantial comforts of life. The attention of the public Is reapeetfolly invited to my atonic of Goode, hcanrht exclusively for carh down, and will be sold on the same principle for low pricer. ABEL TURRELL. 3lontroPe, January 1et,1883 KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose,, Pa. Wm. IL HATCH, 'Proprietor. THIS new and commodious Hotel is situated on Table Avenue, near the Court House, and nearly in centre of the business portion of Montrose. The Proprietors confident that he is prepared to entertain ~, m ests Ina way that cannot fall to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no expense has been spared to render It equal If net superior to any In this part of the State. It Is well supplied with all recce improvements and comforts, and obliging, waiters will always he ready to respond to the gall of customers. The Stables connected with Ode house are new and convenient. The Proprietor respectfally solicits the patronage of his old friends, travellers, and the public generally, jan63 if WM.B. HATCH CALVIN C. HA.LSEY, EIIMIRS SOII6EOII I For Pensioners, and Applicants for Pensions. mor-Oflice in Public Avenue, over the Story of J. Ly ons &. Son. Montrose, Pa., May 59, 1864. If Manhood : How Lost, How Restored. TrST Published, new edition of Dr. Culvercrelte Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine,] of lirsastarottnutea, or seminal weakness, Involuntary seminal losses, Inrorsacv• mental and physical incapacity, Impediments to marriage, etc.; also, consumption, epilepsy, and Ste, Induced by pelf indalgence or sexual extravagance. OrPrice. in a sealed envelope, only f cents. The celebrated anther in this admirable essay. clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consegunces of self-abuse may be rad. lordly cured without the dangerous use of Internal med• leine or the application or the knife—pointing oat a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual. by means of which every sufferer. no matter what his COD - dltlon maybe, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and tvntf irt ix4ll is Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal. in a plain envelope, to any address post-paid, on receipt of six cant, or two post stamps, Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLDIE & CO., • 3e15 y] lig Bowery, N. Y., Post offlce box, 4586. HOWARD Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinaryandsex nal systems—new and reliable treatment—lt Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Sent by mall in sealed letier envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. Sarum Horarrrou, Howard Association, No. 9 South 9th street, Philadelphia, Pa. oetlB ERIE RAILWAY. CtIANGE of hours. commencing Monday, May 1 61 5, Mt Tralos willies:ye Great Bend,Pa., at about the following boon, viz: WESTWARD BOVRIL EASTWARD BOUND. 1, Day Express. 2:81 p.m 2, N.Y. Express, 1:17 p.m 8, Night Express,2•Bsa.m 8, Steamboat" MO p.m 5, Ran, at 7:20 p.m 8, Cincinnati 8:83 a.m 27, Way Freight, I:of4p.m 28, Way Freight, a.m 21, Emigrant, 9:18 a.m Train 91, runs every day. does not run Mondays. Ti days and Mondays. C 7 No. 8 runs Sundays, but In 7 does not run on Sun .'B MINOT, Gen. Supt. "THE FAMOUS BARBEL ?, come and see the famous Barber, Famous Barber, late of Hayti. Late of Hayti. now at Weeks', Now at F. B. Weeks' Store Room, Find me shaving and shampooing, Find me cutting hair to suit you, Find me ready at yeur d nervlce. At your service _C Montrose, MORRIS Montrose,Oct.lls, 1863. tt A. G. REYNOLDS, WOOL CARDING Doan as I:Tssual. May 46,1664—U BROOKLYN, PS. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY. PENSIONS, eurk.a. 1.451,Nr-, TAR undersigned, LICENSED AGENT of the GOV% ERNMENT, basing obtained the necessary forms, will giveprompt attention to all claims Intrtiste(U to his are. No charge MOM aleedi ghl. ago. P. LITTLE t Montrose, June 6th, 1864. Virmiy q.,wmg‘ka'aig4‘4,,/, At lalirgSTONl Luau gouty, Fed A FIRST'CLASS WOOL OF TRADE. OE2WD for A 02E 11,017.14,41.1 t. . .6WISMITTELIMIgh* Ma, ts% eou