.. ~ .. Reding at Friendsville. X 1M ctiellan 31.1iia.Meting,tyiji he held at fVrientbviLle 'rh,nraday, afternoon, Nov.' , ;0i ,1 - 84 t. OFie#;.; otb4ricgto - , to iiip al e4t.i ,lr r et iu thatqnurt.r.attend. Denison Elected.. . SitiMttic tiny after ;the ,election it has been positively known thitilon.Charles Denison was reelected to Congress; yet .1 few leading 'Shoddies have continually relkated: t4fat'Ketcham , was elected ;• al thenkgirkhef• knew sneli Stories werafalse and groundless. Even one newspaper was ansaa r Angligb to,pript the lie. The object no4W); w* qty, affect ` the next electtoo. .Ke . t‘iliatif 11 . 1.i404'*Ope:ii,' to the lowest depths of meanness to make votes fOr .acid when defeated no wonder the worst of them are ashamed' to'tell the truth. The Army Vote. The return judges met on I'riday and cOunted the reported soldier vote. Only Zss• are reported for ;Ketcham , and , 39 for. Denison. County ticket something less. This rote is far less .than some expected, and.kmnst be remembered that most of thdie:::who.s . eraisted a:,-,e - deatkand a hqavy vote could not well be returned. Sloddy had its agents and other facilities for pro curing votes and of course polled all they could; but as Democratic documents and tickets have been generally excluded from the army, and no agent allowed us, it is iu wonder we got so few. We know that there are hundreds of McClellan men in the service from this county, blt,,..ttyranny and fraud may again cheat tint' many, of tl.eir votes, Still, we are assured they will d 6 better fur President. Some 500 votes are returned toLuzerne conuty, but they do not change the result. A Book for the Times. An excellent work for the times, enti tled WASHINGTON, OITE EXAMPLE," by Mr.. L. C. Searle, of this village, has just been issued... The work manifests much ability and skill in the 'writer, as well as a !boron:4li acquaintance with the history the country, and of the . causes T.irairitea our civil *sr. I:eviewing the early history-of abolitionism, that fanati c:l spir;l is shown to.have been the pri -1711-r-provocative orifrin rtf our troubles, —and the arguments are amply sustained by quotations from Washington, Jackson, Webster and Clay. It is one of the best .corky o: the kiwi in print, and ought to lw purchased, read and preserved by ev ery family that cherishes a respect for the rather of his Country, It closes with an and appropriate reference to n. McClellan as the counterpart of Gen. Washirrton ; and for this reason it is re _Fejted_thait the book_was delayed in its . , - Webb Butter'fiehl have the work for 'Can and hay a , copy at ones. Farmett-' Attention ! - The Lincoln I_;cmgress passed an act, Ipril 5, 15F4, laying a direct tax upon with, th,l buildings and improve • utt. , a:1 rig , rt-zate , )i -570,000,000 ! :: tiwy 1, , 4,1; care lo postpone the levy and e,,lieming of the tax till after the :'residential -election of 1864. On the nrst.tday of April, 1865, this law MI6 force, and only then will far r, and land-holdcfs begin to fgel the hurdens of the taxes made necessary and :!...rative by the present blundering ad- Etsad and Remember. C. Keeler has !Tut the right thing in ;iie right place. lie is now prepared to 7.7,•iir and iron all kinds of Hats, making i!.‘-ni look as good as when new; also, to repair and wake over any article in the 'r ur line. If yon don't happen to have the ,l ones, call and he will sell you a new Hat, Soft or, Cap, of the latest. •tvle, a new sett of Furs, manufactured Lt; himself, and warranted to be what they are represented. Buffalo Robes di rect from the Indian country. Genuine Buck Gloves and Mittens. A nice fitting Buotc'or...6llo6 i . or ‘Sboe Findings" 'He has all ut` the above Mentioned artieles on hand, and will sell them at very low fig ures. Ile keep, no poor- goods on his dreg. All kinds of rate Furs bought at the 'highest market price. [not=. '3. 2 Somewhere between Hopbottom .and Montrose, a Satchel containin g a Silk Dress, six pairs, of woolen Soeks, 2 pairs .1 mittens; and some other articles. Any one leaving the same at E. & T. Bell's ore in Hopbottom, or at Dr. Thayer's in Montrose, - will be liberally regarded. tf Watch. Found, • Found, at the great McClellan Meeting Bingharato r n, &WATCH. The owner n laza; -it by eallingai this-office, proving prope . lls- itqd:lpqi9g for this notice. TeaphOO:Eitaiiti4ations. Eacii applicant ;ill please write before -1,a24 the4clsirOs", -- ,edrici!tiiikal works7'eo, and numher,of terms taught. Examina tions to beg; t at, ' Each certi ficate will resaire a stamp. l " • Gibson, ITlOnlFlrSolio'ol Hon - se, 4; Di/flock, Coinds., • do " y, Sprinqille, HolloW . , • do (.6 • g„ t Ambarn; Centrh. ; , do " 10. Rush, Granger i do " 11. Jessup, Centre do ' " 12. Brooklyn, Centre do . • ...‘ 14. Lathrop, Hillsdale do " 15 . Bela gewfiter'an& t Montroie Kt" - 16. Montrose, •'' ~.. F... ;A,l .W.azolf., County:B4p; Brooklyn, Sept. 26, 1864. . .....:.: LINCOLN=DBAFTB-TAXES. From OomOotiont; 1 ". Enuort„: :Sir 'Ste are cow in the midst of , ritzealonotind energetic politiCal campaign, and thinking it would not be uninteresting to your readers to 'hear a cheering word. frolkilie Nutmeg State, I take 'tine uppoitunitY inform you of the enthusiasm r end, coufidenee,of the Democ racy of NeWlTaVen Of' - certain success in the eomidg election:, ' • - There are large McClellan clubs in each ward of otd-citi, 'and last' 'evening the students of` 'Yale College formed them selves low &large 4 ' YalelleClellan Club." The.l)emocracy of this "augliq ttti" Will not be behind in lending then' iniThence• :and votes to the cause of the lJnion and Constitution; against disunion, subjugation,and 4 . xterpaination, The Democracy have had several large and entinisiaStic meetings in this city.— ' There was a McClellan torchlight proces sion aboutlwo weeks ago, which was the largest : procession of the kind ever held in I this City. ' _ Thd Republicans last Wednesday made one grand effort to make a show, and al though they were obliged to get delega tions from New York city, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Hartford, and other places, to make any kind of an assembly, - it was mainly a failure, consisting principally of the weaker sex,(like the party.) Last Tharsay evening - therc • was a Democratic meeting . at -Music Hall, the largest ball in the city, which was filled to overflowing. We were ably addressed by the Hon. A. Oakey Hall, District At torney of New York City, and Hon. Jas. Brooks, Democratic candidate for Con gressin Yew York, who was welcomed upon the stage by the audience springing to their feet and giving three rousing cheers. The City of Elms is sure for a good round majority- fur the hero of .Antietam ; and the Democracy of the State expect to gain a victory, with a majority of from six to ten thousand. I congratulate Pennsylvania, which bids fair to be the Keystone state, of this con test, on her large Democratic gain in the last election, and trust she will greatly augment it on the Bth of November. Very Respectfully, E. S. B. New Iluym, Oct. '22, 18G4. ' THE ECONiIk:ISE PI BRIDGE'WATER licetalau Club ! MEETS NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT, At . the Court House. McClellan Clubs', and citizens of other towns are invited to attend. Several good speakers wilt_ by present. . ' New York Wholesale Prices, • . Reported tbr the Jloetroee liernewrat by Josi.A.v, CARPENTER, Commission merch ant, No. 32 .lay street - , New York, to whom shipments of producemay be made. Two thirds of the market value will be advanced on the . receipt of the goods if desired, and a . quick return made for the balance. Full directions and a weekly market report sent free of charge by mail to those making shipments. Prices for the weekending Oct. 29, '64. Beans, white sound, per bu., 2(0 250 Butter in tubs, per pound, 54 58 " firkins, " 5u 55 " rolls, 14 40 50 Cheese, choice, " 18 22 " common, " 12 14 Dried Apples L, 10 12 Eggs, fresh, per dozen, • • 38 40 Flour, Wheat, per barrel, .9 00 15 00 (4 rye, 44 • 'BOO 900 Feathers, live geese, per 1b.,. 75 80 Beef Sides,. 64 . 8 09 Ll Mutton in carcass, 9 13 Veal,. 44 9 14 Pork, dressed, ! 44 15 17 Wheat, . per bushel, 220 233 Rye, ' . i 163 1 65 Oats, ' 5, 90 1 32 Corn, iii 160 164 Hides, dry, , per .pound, 20 ' 22 green,. , f` ; 12 . 14 Lard, common to best., per 14., 20 22 Beef, mess, — per bar - rebl9 00 24 00 " prime, , " 9OQ 14 00 Pock, mess, " 09.00 43 . 00 44 prime,' 88 00 39 00 Hams, smoed, per lb.. 24 •26 •Shouldeis.' smoked; 18 20 Timothy Seed, per bushel, 475 500 Tallow, per lb. 16 15 Wool, washed, ' " ' 80 90 trvasbed, ", •-60 70 Apples,!, • c ;. per barrel, 300 400 Maple Sugar, ' per pound, 15 ' 20 )io•rz.•,-- 7 A fall 'report of the New York Market can be seen -at the office of the .AfontrOse Deinocrat, corrected up to last Saturday. We have on file a weekly Price Cnirent of Prance, for* use of our friends who may call to examine it. In the above lisp is given the lowest-and highest prie'esl,-Wkich are governed by quality autredddition, Many iiticlesthat are not mpntioneil above, can be found di the report in this office., —" The widow-maker's" organs try to make the people believe, that the war is nearly over. Sherman dotiVihink so,.for : be says that "there,may be many yeari; of military operations from Atlanta as a base." The truth is, ob.. Lincoln's policy the war is unending. If .'re:elecied, he will call for 5004)00 more men in thirty days. giind saturnalia of the Shoddyites of Pittsburg in that city, on Thursday last. We take the following from the report of the procession as pub lished in the Dispatch, a Lincoln paper. A.'wagon drawnby nine horses and filled 'with colored , lnen• •brought up the rear. The procession passed. ,z3long the routw published,' and,`,.baltnd on:the West Commonr." . ,••• , The !Ititet;=l:4444lloolmelit. !4f the Xamr. „ • • 14 74 0 ct . ,; ; t; 41' GTO 2y ¢. 1 , 4 understood here that 'the'reptort of the Secretary' te:War .t6' Congress will embrace the substance of a very, important communication upon the subject of Atic , consCription act ; which: has her addresik ad to - Mr. Stanton by PrcivoSt-Marstral Fry. It is stated that., this} document claims that the; ,Conscription_aw is . not Only , thilighi 144 of men, but a monstrous expense not'oftly to the government, but to individupls, cities; couritieSi and township. : l urges tbat Abe' law should be' tetrlended, not allowing substitutes, and compelling the perSonal services of every, man no Matter what bis'situation, as Soinj if'3 is drafted. It is- found that the last call. for five . hundred thohsand men lias'prolifibly not added to our armies more than one hundred thousand.. The Claisifeeruited are, hi a great degree, jailbirds, foreign e rs, and vagabonds, who desert whenever they can, and a very large number have found their way into the rebel ranks. It ' is supposed that the cost to individuals and localities of the late draft, will amount I to not less than one hiindred and 'fifty millions of dollars, while , the.meu recruit ed at OAS enormous cost are worth . little or nothing to our army. It is understood that the Secretary of War will recom mend to Congress the abolition of the right to procure substitutes, and the f.ty day notice, so that hereafter, the pen drawn will be promptly put' into 1110 ranks. Three hundred thousand more men will he-needed for the prosecution c of.the campaign, if it is deemed advisable to keep up our armies to their present,.. standard, for the reason that at least one hundred and fifty-thousand veteran troops will leave the service before next. May, : It is found that as our arniyhi pushed into.the southern territory a greater number of men are needed to cover the enormous ex tent of our lines. Hence it is almost cer tain, should Mr. Lincoln be re-elected, and there be no prospect of peace, as they will bb none in the event of his re-eldetiob, peremptory draft for three hiindreclthabi and men will be made as early as the first of January: Congress -will be. wilting to ariiipt the recommendations of the Secre tary of War, as there will be no import ante election. for two yearia. kilt be remembered that the 31ilitary Committee of both the Senate and House ',strongly urged the striking out of the substitute clause do the last 'Congress: also the earnest wish ofthe War. Department anditliv Provost MarshhlPeutt4l'. • The pending electi9ti, howeVer; eompellf0:1.114 . lepulilican congressmen to insert the provisions allowing fifty days. ,recrotin,g before the enfcrcement of` - the drift and permitting the use of substitutes., , , Voting for Drafts. Every mat) who votes-for Lincoln, votes for heavy' Ui•afi9 and Titxes. Elect Old Abe and the last and wiH be drafted and forced into the army, but the rnibit • Wal ill !De lust—Lincoln .cannot and . rpt twit restore it, but bring.on despotism, anarchy and ruin. • But'eleet McClellan, and Jell Davis will be overthrown by the Government, aided by the Southern people. Elect McClellan and the South will be divided, the truieri sentiment wilt be revived, and tbe.tnion req.ored. Try it. . , :--Thirteen of the Rebels -who robbitd i St. Albans, Vt., are in jail at St. John's, Canada. Th'ey are mostly young men, and claim that they are in the Confederate service. They are confident they will t)e released. Two of them claim to have cap tains' commissions. A small quanity of Confederate money wak.fpand ou them. Eye and ilgai.--Yrofeu,o,r Ocurtsrrand Anatol, formerly of Leiden, nominaJß now - located at No. 511 PINE 1 4 treet; where parsouri allileted with diseases gat the - EYE oad EAR will h, scientinmily treated and rnred - ,,it curable. al — Artillcial.Eyesbnierted without pain. N. B.—Nu charges made ( or Examination. The Med ical faculty Is invited, as be has co secrets in bia mode of treatment. Jy7ly ow VITA Card to Invalids. —A Clergyman, while residing In South America 65 a missionary. discovered a Fate and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brol on by baneful and NiClOllO habits. Great numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the alTlicied and unfortunate,/ will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. Ina sealed envaldpe, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge Pkare inclose a poet-paid envelope, addreeged to yourtelf. Address • • • dOsSTH T. IN.IIAN.' Station D. Bible Haase, New York City. :Nov. 8,1884-6 m• . re — Do you usleb lobe Cured r—Dr.Buelme's English Specific Pills cure in lees than 30 days, the worst cases of Nervousness. Impotency. Premature De cay. Seminal ireaknessansanity, atuiall Ornery, Sex ual and Nerxwas Afrectkros, no matter from what cause produced. Price. One Dollarper box. Sent, post-pald, 135 mail, on receipt ot the price. One box will perfect the cure In most cries. Address JAMES 8. urrun, General Agent. el Broadway, New York. Oct. iS. 1E44. Itn. rlinportitiat to Fentale r s—Dr.ebeeso. mates Ptila.—The combination of ingredients In these pill* le the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild !n their operation. cannot do harm to the most delicate ; certain in correcting all irregnlanties, Painful Menstrnation*, removing all obStructions. whether froracold or otherwise, head ache. Pain in the aide, palpitation of the ; heart. whites, all nervous affections, byatertcol , fatigoc, pain in the back and II robs, &c., disturbed eletp, otiich,mila from interruption of nature. . . . . DR. CIIEDSHAWS ;Dalai was the commencement of 11.4ew °rain the treats ent° irregularities and obstructions whletihave consigned so many to a rmerairaunn onarS. NO female ,Pen enjoy good health unless she issregodar, and. whenever an a. struction taker place the general health 'begins 'lO de cline. Tnese Pills form the finest preparation ever pot forward with, VSIIIEDIT and ,PFASATXNT ACC-, cE15. , 33023.vt e Z7tecerweiait.-a, Take thiradvertisernent o,yt4tir Druggist, and tell 'him that von want the BERVanittriost RELIABLE Female Makirusialha.,lrorld,whichtpcomprhiwittrigtesePtilp . ~ ' . _. ' • - ilf.' CHEtfrninli FILLS' ' • ' have been ti stag lard 4.3.entelltforoyie - t4irtYlears, and are the most effectual one,evey kplawydoLalipqmpJajots tievatlidrto Somalis. lro aktrltist4stherareliakitintible, inducing, with certaintp, periodical regularity. ,They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods. throughout the Apiary, haying the sanction of some of the mad tiniisient Phyilcis ID Aknertea. Erplictt dirvaions,sfating when theYahrinelda used with Vaal' llas.-4ba - Oct. $1 Tier box boxes fat containing room hetet:4'ons.. Pills Seat by mail prom% Iy:intent/from observation, by remitting - to the PORI% ) etors. liold bytirtlgisty generally, ' • ' . • /lATCHiIiCISAIIIIbriIR; Prp_prlelari, • _, .. ' _._. ' 81 Cedir street, New-York: rir SOld la Yoniiviae by Abel Tamil; la Tar*: hanntiek byJ. W. hynuna ; in o.rtilV e r-L L . (4f Grifea n a p a l' l7 .kk , .f . : . ;, , ••PT 1 2 0 1.0 VatIOR is the one condition of peace, with Gen. — s e• - . But Mr. Lincoln says he will not listen to t r,zdir favpriyg,guiotkandppace:,withrit ffrat — rieemrApgtli l iffe944l7-4, „ , NigGllo. f~Ayor?l , Pliltt•—Attlol pick, teeihle and com plaining r Yon Oat tirostrackvrith your *Main ffue ranged and your feelings uncomfortable These csYmp toms are oilen,the prelude to serious liners. Some dt pf eicknessis creeping aped you, and ehoald be averted timely, use attics tight, remedy. Take liyers Pills, cleanse.sad ut tho diaordered humu s—p tifythe blood and let the fluids move on unobstrqe r te u d iohealthisgain. They stimalatethe functions of the body into rigorous activity, ;and yttritytthe ( +patent tunid, the PlllFreictilms which make liiseave. Cold settles tonewnere - in the body,and deranges ita natural flinctiona. Thetki , t not relieved, react upon themselves and the surroun ngor guns, producing generniaggravattoil. suffering a o de rangement, While' In thls condition, take Ayer's] Pills, and scehcrw directly :hay restore.the Mantel action of the system. and with It _the buoyant feeling ot health again. What is true audsoopp_atept in thistrivial and common edinidolat is film tette Many of illableep-sea ted and dangerous. distempers, The name purgative et thct, expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the native! fttnitlons tonna *id:. they are rapidly and many of them surely cured by the came means. None who know the virtue oflhecte'Pille will neglect toeutploPthera .telieu isuffettlag froparitbe dleor ders that Cute Path as headache, find atomsch, dysente ry, bilious coaftlaints, indigestion. derangement of the liver. coati vanes; cop stipothati,,hearthurn,rheum sm, dropsy, worms a nal suppression, whpFc taken.iniarge They are s'n„Aar coated, ao that the most sensitive Can take thew enally, and they arc surely the beat pargatite medicine yet disecorcred. 0? ) A PR, ,to ,Cuia.r I 'lt For the rpm and - etttlin care qt intermumnt.Ferrer or Chills end Pruett Remittel t ;hoer; Chill Fair, lima Ague, Perindieutifsadarile or Bilious headache, and Bit ions leery.); *Kind /et fiksigligje clans qf diecares origin ating em 41/140, cialidantradacctarea.fry Lll'vialaria qJ MICLAIMIM countries, This relict' has rarely' failed to cure the severest ca ses of chill and' fever, and it has thisgretit advantage over other ogee medicines, asst if subchnict.the ema- I plaint Went injury , Co 3 thiPpattent. St.eontains no quinine other deleterious substance, nor &wait pro duce ante em or any injurious effect whatever. Shaking brother, n f the army and the west, try It and you will eneorsc these assertions. . Prepardd by J. C, AYER Co., Lowell, lis sa..„,and Bold by AT,EL TURRELL, Montrose, And all dealers in medicines everywhere. [Oct. :XL ins r 7 A Card to the Sofferlog.—Swallow two or three lotatheadatil " Bucha," "Tonic Bitters," "Sar saparilla.' NervimaAutidoteaj" ac. te. dkc„ and after you are &misted with the result, use one box of Old Dr. hurhan's English Specific: Ptlla—and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are pure ly vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salatary In thr ce abets on the broken down and shattered con st I tti- I ion. Old and young; can take them with advantage.- , - Imparted and stildla the United States only by JAMS S. BUTLER. • No. 4Y7 Broadway, New York, • Agent for the United States. P. .9:—A Hetet the Pills. securely packed, twill be nu i led to ttuy address on receipt of price, which le ONE DOLL AB, pus t.palcl—mnoo ey reftaided by the agent it en tire sat IsfaCtlon le not even. [Oct. te), 1884. 8m MrTo Consugoptives,—Consumptive. sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Coo -I,ninp t ion. Asthma. Bronchitis. And AR throat and Lung atf,•ctione, i free of charge. by sending their addra.s to Rev. ErAtAR7) A. WILSON, Will inmsbarg, Kings co., New York_ Oct. 20, INCA. 3in -M7ll4d,fileii orcilectwiltat.lPplett• Rts With your persidtrei I rove*W y-to therltandert'of 'par pa per that I will send. by retain naalL to all wishing it free). a licripti, with full dirgctiops fus, making litid ate ing a vAppNelfoloioitaoti. thgt feet/411y re move In ten days, Piriiples. Blotches Tan. 'Freckled. and all Impttrititi of the Skin, leavink the same soft, clear. smoot,l4 god begarit.4l,ll r f, iji I wilial--.111441-tto.tlictse having Said Betide, or Bare Faces, simple directions amiluforcruition that will enable ther to start, a fall growth of I.ninriattt, Hair, Whisker; r;ti lotrstoclrettn)e , tribriElthlrtiSi diP• All &VIM entbtiniransweved •by'retnrn' mittt tiithout charge. Respectfhlly yours. • Cliendst. .l!Pa Broadivity . ..Notat York. Oct. fiO, 1 Oti; Zrn In Beverly Hospital, New. Jersey, Oct. 22(1, H ENRY SWEET, aged 71 wars. Ho was a . member of CO. A, 570 P. V. V. FARM FOR SALE t ;ITCATED in the township of Middletown, Bnequn 1,7 yuchaanacounty, containing about . more or Icm. with a gro4 . Farm Sous©, Sara, and other ;vorrenlencee. r iThere 'gt(pdrrAliple Or chard. and faitne.t - koPttuttallle tor rg Merino:4 oft the Earth Ablat M.teret..ate impttived and 8 ofotood hind. PAYMENTS MADE EASY. Wt — For further partlcalare. apply to 11.0,BERT REYNOLDS. T 1 Oct.:"-4w• Rush, Sung. Oo..ra•C , . . . - EIASRIM:ABLE TAILOR, Montrose., Pa. Shop over J.' I. N. Bullard's Store. Cutting done et ehort no tice. (Ott. 27,1864. if SHERIFF'S SAVES • • • 11CLIX . Xtittne Ofliutd, lrarifti Mimed Ittj t .. gottYt'ofCoin- JJFmtell'AftiS'lMl.Astme anna errah ,8.1111 to mexii recti.d. I will expose to sale by public vendue at the court-honoe, In Mon [rose, OD /rifla sr; 4 ,18 ov. 18th, 1864, at 1 o'clock. p. N., 'Me Mldttli described pieces or parcels of Land, to fill':" - ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate ladle t own ohip 9171=14.11nASIttnt described as (ollowu, to wit: on the east by the Abl on ton,:k Waterford tarapike,nouth bylegdb of A. Barnes and- Pierson,. aticilninti landetanknown 'containing about 118 acres, beA° same more pr Ices, about 8 screrlmpriered. .1 3 Suit of ratlirop,'T'Ylcrr va. 7. R. Snow. f ' ~, 1. DAVID prqdllll76ll3,oberiff,:. Shealt3olllce,i brintse, Octll 184 • ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ‘7"; FiN7i7% .-- ,3l3tirg6img, 3Pe.zi : inc .46,v7e,39.11#1; EiC I IIEA.24 ,I I I 4FiAt, .lEbazzia lor. Aug, 6, 1863.• In,„ 4 , Y . ' j ! 4 .7 4 S r 31C G,',N\-r"4,'ACtif; XEfICSICIAN and ISURG,,EinI, It(riolcim Pa. Ofßcq told VihsplokaterWqtaintietl, by Dr: 11:121adrdiOn. jcia attf Flovict`d pecnifitialitlYat , ,Btooklyirr enter, tie respectriltYtenders hlntrofesalanit servtdd to the cit izens of Singtietiktnutt , Cotintyrpil Wpm cultUtren.tirate with the Canes: 18a1.--am 2iiidiior's, Nolice . ... T HE tindFredliavinrfp trobranondi r bb the Ills&Coltr o 'Nue doh paic4unty t distribute t e di Arbil ona sa of Choreal es- , tate of Ezra Newton,4ec'd, herchygives notice that he will attend to the duties Or his appointment 'at the 0f 0f,4„ McCohnprontzosp. Wedneaday„Nem, tßdilftailai one wet biie ; p. ikbetttill petidtui tateteiv ted io said fund, will _presontAgirelallpe or,he(ofpyer deheadtroin:caniinein }:•.! •,i—Sgt4LE.,Atigtor. do; T . 1864 . c) , -. N. J 1 . *.A. • • ' • Auditor's Notice., 11111.13andersigned, an andlinr eptinitted by the edirt of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county to distri bute sheftmiu - inttte jar r , ,Sholfre, ntisr ltrialugliopa the sale c‘f eatdte L.:rsyluessintatuemito the duties able appointment at ids olupt, i t Xontrok t e on Thotediar,-thelDth day of troie.:•4llk , 'eldelg: vtie ail peraptie intimated in said land Will prciletiti at It clef trs'otobil , forevivdebarred from coming. in on said fund. _ A. 0. WARREN, Auditor. _ Montt s*, 0ct..111, /1084()::21 if. e'av 1.111 .1 1 . • •Auf1itt0X:11,74400.9..1.., r Tli.Utders%fled, an nualtotappObsted•byAbe tl p li tuur's Court of Susquehanna county to make die• tributi on of the funds in the bands of the administrator of the OTT Berrb_Prt ,13,Puirdepec? . will tend OW titles or hio , eib.p"ointm'e at 04 it Ifentroir;' YridilltuyitliplaYof o)ieratbUttortil.3 o'clock, pow.: Nr.ben personstaterested ftt'seibtforla will preterit theft cialms orbs-foram. &Aimed, t r t' i.:74-4,171!10r5TAV"4/467 zber o F.140` - / 1 4 1 1 4; MILLINERY GOODS, FURS, PIECE GOODS. & REAR.. MAIL.CtOTIII I %, 6utlatrurg, Pstitbaum k Co. OF THIS PLACE, AVINO received part of, and are making daily ad dlUotur.to tbeir-new stock for the coming fall and Mute; season, do ireapettfelly cull die attention e( the public to It, and would feel very happy to see their nu merous friends and customers call and examine their newsoo4s, which for variety. etyle, and Price, cannot 4n/excelled in'thesetustri. Buyers or goods, consulting their purses, will find It much to theiradvaatage to call od nstlrist, before looking elsewhere air mare prepared to offer extra inducements. One titeek conitiristl • • ~• DRESS GOODS, both foreign and domestic, such as FRENCH MERINOS, PARMATTAS & ALPACCAS colorej wool and pait eotton PLAIDS, 110 HAIRS, LUSTRES, VALENCIAS, EM PRESS and LEVINNAII CLOTHS, all wool and part wool DELAINS. plain and printed DELAINS, etc. 8I 7, SI Plain Black, Ribbed, Broctur, and fancy colored DOMESTIC GOODS. Prints, Sheetin, Stripes, Ticks, 'Denims, &c. &C.— Flitattels'andeoßars, fancy Shirting and opera do. LINEN GOODS, SHAWLS & *CT-aC).A.33.151, of the lakstand most poprilar stylea and make. Also, Beavers. Boradcloth, Ladies' Cassimere, Waterproof Cloth, ,P.e. for Cloakings and a very large variety of CloslEntngnitiru anaßlituamelat ilameta• • • M . ILLENE'RY GOODS. A fall line, in Ribbona, Velvets, Blonds, etc. Re. usual. ly kept. Furs, PRitaLrE3. A very large assortment and extra bargains. HOOP-SHIRTS and CORSETS. of the very beet make, and superior to any other style out—warranted to give malefaction. Reticles this, oar stock embraces an endless variety of ir l iteZkanyr agitort.i.43.l.oB too numerous ta wenthat. . • For Gentlemen's Wear, the laigestaid most complete stock of Ready Made Clothing, & Furnishing Goods, over IntrOduced in this market, to whith we call partlc ularattention. As we manufacture every garment we sell; webre thereby enabled not only to sell them mach CHEAPER than others who bnythem of manutscturers, hut am also more safely guarantee our own work, as we know our market., and are bound to have them give Satisfaction. Our stock In this line is compete. - We have all styles of BUSINESS, & OVERCOATS, and full suits to match, for Men, Youths & 80911. • FURNISHING GOODS. Elmer Flannel _Shirts. Wrappers, Drawers, Ties, s • t., mac. &c. A Ana lot of ►. aluteßeg./ . " icwailelottra, Boa'Vers ► Vest. Ines, &e. for Oustota Work, to whlch branch we pa: particular at ditto,* Guttenberg, Rosenbaum et Co. Montrose, Sept. 29th, 1864. SITCREIET'S SALES. iori-dittie•cif siindry - ssilts issued trtt' tbeOurt itif Com -11 mon Pleas of Soso's county, to me directed, I will exposeto sale, by public vendee, settle Conn Flonee.in Montrose, On Saturday, Nov. 12th, 18&t, at one o'clock, p. m., the following described pieces or parcels of laud to wit: ALL that certain piece or pareel of land situate in the. townitdp of Liberty, Susen'a co. Pa., bounded and described as follows: On the north and east by lands onlosttph E. Webster, deceased, op the south by lands OfJoseph Bailey. and on the west by lands of Jonathan Ross, entraining about sixty acres, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, one framed house, one barn, some fruit trees, and about twenty a cres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Jo seph E. Webster. assigned to Ansel Watrous, vs. Jona than B. Ingraham, ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel nf r iarid, situate in the township of Franklin. State and County aforesaid hounded and described as follows.: On the north by public high way.on the-out and south by Jandslormerly owned - by Wrn_Powle:y..4lecsasediand on. tile west by laadspfJ. P. Tingley containing about, tour acres,. be the same more trless, with the appurtenances, one or. (*lard. mad all hatiyoted., ITaken in extol:1210n at the dB Of johnF.;Danthore, vs:. Charles Warner. ALSO—AII the (ollnwing described pleveor parcel of land, situate.in the township, of &lel:son:Blare and co. afo resai d..bo ended and desc.zibed as follows :-.Begi uning atop rush.tree, an original corner of the (amen Norton Jr, warrantee, thence south 4.5' east perches a stone heap : thence south 45* west. 132 p to a cor ner ;.thence.north. 45" West 114 perches to a corner; thenteltritie brig: real line of thu warrantee, north 45' east 132pertes to a corner, the place - Of beginningcontaining 95 acres be the name more or less,(part C lf tbA4mep Ycirfoli Warrantee) With the appu rtenances, one rained-bonne, three (nutted barns, one shed, one orchard, some fruit trees around the house, and about forty acres im proved.Vgalien In - execution at the suit of D. A. Lyons, tqAttantio of llaylord'Cartis, vs. C. K (Al Bryant, and of lard Cartis, , ra.9.l3. Bryant. Also—Defeftdaiit'a interest In all that certaldpiece or parcel of 'septa in the township Of Ilraoklyn,coun ty of Susqu and State of Penusylvolli, bounded and &serif, DlDows, to wit : Orrthe north by land of Obedialeflalley and Orlando Wfliht. OD the south by lands eV:Orlando Wright, ChartesTenny and Stephen Gault, *Cott the west by wagon% Whipple,,contain tne abOttittizty-seven acres, be the same more or less. with the, - appurtenances,. soma frni t trees, and about for ty-fly/Ivrea Improved.—Also, 11/1 that other piece or par cel oflatid eirdate the.townsbip of Lathrop, bounded and described a s•followei to wit On the north and west way.ana of B.:and T. Bel l i 'on , the east by the public high and on the sonthly4.l,Mer.till.containing about Devediterell. be Mourne mclre or less; with the appal , tenon ces.ona framed house and barn And all improved. (Suit OFO. W. Bread & Co. va.Trancello Wright. • trokfill•that certain pleOtiorpareel of•land situate in the tasterishly of Clifford;', county of Susquehanna and state ofThinnsalvan la, bounded and described as follows to wit: Wry thetiorth lyinad leading from Clifford Corners tralenton, on Mel:sett b'snds of A.Merriman, on the soutlkbY land of li: c o n gt Wells. and on the east by land of Peter Berniett, lilting about twenty-two acres, with the aflpurtOPlUKelto:Onafriamer house, one tailor . 11 . D. one wugablilldre.sorrlCDPit trees, and about twenty acres improve , late tilfeestatd of W. Johnson. (Stilt of Theodore F. AClllnsoplif. 11. W. Johnson. DAVID Stilafiltf tS, Sheriff. • Sheriff's 9face, lidlintrese,Po Oet. woo* . Ad iris rat r Notice. Jahercayge3 • tokall persons jidebtest to aestatADGJAWMG:JDA,KEW,Iatet Loma tOtsnsh , deceased, that immediate payment Mllfit he made^te the detteringued; and: est persona having claims agatneusaittestatewill present them duly attes ted for tattkanynt. j li/B AVgili)Adtidnistiator. liaclord,'OetYlOttu 0364.--41W4 4 . 4 4- .f ,4 4pr.o Notice,„„., rpEtE naideralinediAto auditor iispisinted by the Or 1., Courrof Cinsquetomos County, to and){ the accounts of it. D. Bucker undllary ,A. Crocker, udminls. trauma at Geo, W. Crocker,sde'd; . will wend to the do ths 'of hit appointment at hisNrellectilz Montrose; MINA. day the 4thday of Aotrethheit keit, ot.. I o'clock, p. m., when all przotte latfreeted wilt he heard,_ P.B. SUMTER. Auditor. Sept. 71, ISM. • " "".' 6,4 " " NOTlCetatlpe B=V o rtnal=mi nfe h ilms nut townshipoleato:prpseptArigi. dtliritge tbr optOgrprit 1011)Ortne indetteil4o same *W. to make Immf4 -• • . • as(gr, 174, J 4 1.. Choconut, Bait. 5 VIOL • • ' • • YOU-kili o .N.,;-14ND :.% • TELLREervi t Altiß p •t3oodar4asper • day 110. 6111210,10 12 cases Kip and tStorgagooto—S•ptses gm Call Boots -4 caaes You i t i l's and Boil .. Boots-50 pairs idea's heavy Pro tof=clOfipa IlfioslirShoce , -00 pat. - 8. 7 chlTaboe pal& Voeth's call Shoes—GJO pairs Boy's coarse Slicer-204 ; • !deli 411ouee LastlVCorenal!l e ltit fer 1 1. 4205 'pairs LadiMe • Balmoral Gaiters-1009 pre chil lerreAboe.A.olail kind*,-200 r Ladles' Calf Shuss-ISO Vi and es' Cais -300 pairs Ladies' d MiasCe lfifit Kid ' de and Morocco Shoes. 100 "naa GeiihfStillgt " . ' " 441°11 " " • LOok Out for Bargains. 'Mtge stock of • RUT MADE MS, .INF B9r. A tip-kop 844 of TRUNKS; • TRAVELINIVitags, Gloves, Hosiery, Neck 'Ties, Shirts. Collars, thasperk• ders, Handerchlefs, Umbrellas, de. de., very cheap for the times. • GEO. EL&YDEN. New Milford. Aug. 1864. Executors' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that lettere .testamentary upon the estate of PATICICH WITALEIq, late of Silver Late township, dee'd, have been grimed to tha subsexibtr, and all persona havtn deltas against said estate am requested to present the same, duly attested, for settlement, and those indebted toaame are required to make immediate payment. JOSEPH WNW), lg x • rs. D. I'. PIIELAN, Silver Lake, Sept. 8. 1884. y 6w Execut,or's ancE !whereby given that lettere testamentary up onn the estate ofilibbarci Mead. late of .New 3111tonl townehip, deceased, hare been granted to the subscri ber, and all pereone haring claims agalnet said estate are requested to pi6cht the *sine, duly attested, for set tlement, and those Indebted to the eame are required to make immediate payment. EbLIOT A.LDRICIII, Executor. New Milford, Sept. 1, 1884. EXEctrirows NOTICE. NoricE hi hereby given thatletters testamentary op• on the estate of EDWARD LIOLFORD, late of Clifford township. deceased, have been grnnted to thu subscriber, nod all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the sa me. duly attested for settlement. and aloft. indebted to same are required to make lunirdtote . ytnent. •• • JOSETTr CE.A.SE, Executor. Benton, Luz. co., E0pt..29, Yea • • • Atiditoirg Notice. ." • - THE undersigned , an auditor appointed by the, Or phans' Court of Suennelianue county to make dis tribution in the mutter of,thaostste ofJustus Smith, de ceased. will attengto the'dnties of hie appointment, on Tnesdaytho let day of NOvember,lriA, • at 1 o'Clock, p. in., at his office in Montrose, at which time and place all persons interested lb the same will present their claims, or be forever bayred from coming In on said (Fid. - . wAIIRE.7, o cuilltpr.• ••fiet. t. 104: 4 • EYRE 'LAN DELL, 4th & Arch Sts., PHILADELPHIA, CATER for the hest Trade, and offer no BAITS or de eeptlon to Induce Cfietont:bat rely oil . F.AxR I:O3EELX_EXIVOIr. A-ND • GOOD GOODS I Beat Iferinona_, Fashionable Silks, Nobility Plaids, Pima Poplins. Dark Poqlards.VigureCileriuoes, Plaid Shawls, Good Blankets, etc. P. S. Wu follow GOLD down, as ewe as we follow it up. Now is a good Mae for Merchants and Consult ors to come in. [Oct. 8,1564. 2m U. S. 7-30 LON. The Secretary of the Treasury gives ztottco that sub• scriptious will be received for Coupon Treasury Note', payable three year, from !lug 15,18tll; with semi-anima al interest at the rate of seven and three.tentha per cent. per annum,—:princi Pal and in terret both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five one more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may cleat. They will be issued in denominations of tile. $lOO. (MOB, el; 000 and 155,000., and all subscriptions most belor Wry dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be plepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15. persons making deposits subsequent to that date most pay the Interest Imbrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for there notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter ofone per rent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit. was made. No deductious for coin mllBll=ls =lst be made from Use deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. Ir is A tqATICNAL %ISM - 4 Deist. offering a higher rate of interest than any lather, and the best security.— Any savln7 *bank which pays Its deporifoos in B. Nets*, con dart that 1t 10 paying in the best circulating medium o the country, Ind ft cannot pay anythlngbet. ter, for Re own assets tire either in government smut ting or to notes or uonds•payable In government paper. It Is equally (onyenient uen temporni7 or perrasnent Investment. Thenotes can always be cold for within a fraCtion of thelr• face and accumulated interest, and are the best:security with bunks as colinterals fur dho counts. Convertible into a Six per cent. &SO Gold Bonds. In addition to the very liberal interest on the note. for threeyears, this privilege of conversion is new worth about three per cent. perannum, for the.ctirtent rate (or cite Bonds- is not less than nine per cent. premium and before the war the premium on six per crht. U. S. stoclot was over twenty per cunt. IL will be semi that the actual profit on thin lean. at the present market rate, is not lees than ten percent. per annum. Its Exemption from State orlAnnicipal Taxation. . But aside from all the advantages we have enumera ted, a special act of congress exempts all Bonds and Treasury Nettle tic= local taxation. On the lineage, this exemption is ' , morn' &heart wo per cent. par an num, aceinviteg totho rate of taxation In various parts of. he country. • • • It le believed that no Mel:trifles utter to great Induce ments to tendons as thrum issued by the goverxtusent. bs all other forme of indebtedness, the feat' or hbilityor priVedeparties, ot.stock companies. or. geparate? Tom munition, only, Is pledged for payment, while' the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligation. of the United States. While the government Wrens the most liberal terms for its loans, It belts,ves shot ,tho very . 'strongest appeal will be to the loysify an'el. patio - flint ar the people. Duplicate certld.cates will be Issued for all kposits.-, The party. depositlna Faust endore.i upon the original certificate the denbminetion of the Nags required, and whether they are to be 'issued In blank or paritda tone. der. When so endorsed It must be left with awl:dicer receivingthedepnelt, itt be forw r arded to the Treasury tienartteent.:: ' •- Subscriptioni'wllfbe teethed ti'y theTtesettret df`tha United States,. at Washlngten, the several Assistant Treasurer's and designated Depositartes,and !Olin - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP BINOTIANTON, .4 •.4 •• .• +.. .SORANWA A. NDTON, • . • TO end by all'Netional *kb gLi'e derialto :1000 4 10i " , tic money, and Ag•kARSPEC I PK B : / *. ; . " R . t HeP AN F: I YN tfiroughotAgg cPllO2q VIVA yq Winn Ittiormatlen end • .• •••• , Ars9P-PMTATtypiLITIr TO stiBBC6BERS. Aug. if. - • y. , ol 3 f i t tormegit: AUCTIONEiL.FOII.BOSO I I4IO,., tituartA*V.4..P