The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 06, 1864, Image 3
E1er4154Y1, 7 ,1, *ltitlk-; A imp allof4 of WM*: c : 7 ang — ltiPe4 l :llo44o# toilq4/118 eleetipn, we,inuy l ligileituted 11 4 1Wv 0 will illecehl dIA7I 4 ' I " ONE Vote often. changes the result. AArotlitnay dtfuo Vveoln l , ' `oNtt - v64 they eteet 111WIellan - and" -- ONE VotOay tinnt save 'the Union. ONE Vote ;it is tents 1 cast it ! Do ot } lalk~ but WQrk ., : Never atop to. talk polities on electigxl day._ 'See to the votes and voters.' While' brieWniglyiK antlther;.s‘ll l &mt . king outf.nt ;Nuke. ", L I.; - Don `talk`, but - wo rk. ' 7 - 7 SpxmoYiratiliiighainteit. - §dithour is expected to iip6ak 'at Bioblisili by Ivittfin_ti short:time ; and the people. Arthis county should be sure / to attend-- irho northern towns should send over Itt4ellet a thousand men in procession. triiik-alvirtior is' a FIBST-CLASi: speaker, quad' none should fail to hear him. -- leok,,ou,t, for tbe Handbilla. -" llldeputEvary Veto, .the - glectidii for member a Congress and Cottaty officers, will come off 4:ln Tuta,dayi Gabber lltb.• X.,et our friends have a Committee in eurii-school district tOlUtilig out the voters. Attend ' to, this at , -onee.•;•. A vote for. - ibe .Democratic tioLetia Obtoberis'ay.ota forGENERAL GEORGE B. McCLELLAN in •liovem ber. let this be remembered W:every friend Of Lititz MAC. Insomuch as will . it wi be impossible for the Democratic canvass, ers,to go into every townsliip, priortAu, the October election, We. earnestly.cai upon the people to attend to this matter in their own way. Have a list of all the 3.l'CleUan voters; mark each name as ho votes ; and ifany neglect to come out, send for them. Sc. tba every vote is cast for Denison, &c. Installation, The Presbytery of Montrose will meet, in the Presbyterian Church in Montrose,' 04 Thurs - aftY, 4)etober lath, at 9 eelock, m. The installation of Rev. J. G. Miller will take place (D. V.) at 10 o'clock. 'Sermon by Rev. Charles 8. buncrinifiif Honesdale. A Soldier's Letter. Mu. Eurron.: 4 My attention has been called to a speech recently deliveredat Gt. Bend by a Mr. Crook of that place ; in which he enjoins upon his Republican friends to raise money to procure substi tutes in case they should be drafted; and alsO stating that, as of late they have got If.9r p al the " Scallawags,"' andt-Ihe rest being good . Republicans ) , should stay at home and do all in their pow er towards-the reelection: 'Or Abraham Lincolui • .L • • .lOurr 'aSk Mr. Crook 'and hie — party if Tuts iathe " loyalty" that,' he, gad Ahoy have been boasting of so, mtieli-? Li the principle that they maintain one which will slander and insult those who laaveal reldy gone forward at the call of their country without a murmur, while such as he, still terrain at. home, working' gainst the,Gowntnent he makes so strong pre tensions to uphold ? If the•men that left there for the army are, ds he says, th'e " scallawags" of the place, they have at least proved themselves to be by far more willing to do their duty to their country, than he is. At the call for troops they made no effort to raise subscriptions to buy a representatiie of themselves in the army, but concluded that. it *is 'Only just and right, and that they were equally bound to lend a hand towards crushing this gigantic rebellion. If our country was tilled with such people, who would only make attempts to screen themselves when a call is made by their . ." beloved PreSident,"' our 'army *cobra - lon g since have dwindled down to nothing, while a ravishing enemy would ere this have had possession - of our capital and, overturned the Government. They thirst for the re, election of Abrahant Unbolt); 'Perhaps it is because they think so little of 'the sold iers that they 4111 not , give them their support for tear of their being scallawags. Let them consider for a moment, who itis at the present time that is saving their heads and bones from destrtiction by a rebellions enemy; and let therti j 'also una gine themselves sallying forth Arab a knap sack on tbeis backs and a gnu upon their shoulders, instead of staying at home to insult find ttpbraicltbose who in patriotism are their superiors. SOLDIER. Fort Ward) Va., Sept. 22d. • The presses -of the government printing office at Washington are kept at work night and day; printing political tracts for circulation in the army. The mos taricfaced lies- - -sotne of-which they. dime pot print in the plpero- 7 --diel told ; they' are given paymasteri3, chaplains, and officcra- seeking promotipn r -for circu lation among-;the men. They are. also gyp' to finders who use them for wrap- ProgrldPd,'ina : the declines to receive the lying slanders from his caiitain 9r chaplain; Laenie:to have it lolim.nround his. tobacco, jtc. Maf-addifto' the l'enermity -of- the" se Aimitud 'sfleideia is the fact that it is dbbe at the public expense, while Democratic ,papers anik - dognnients are almost totally .excluded from the army, by military 'ord. . ers and robbery of the mails. , Shoddy is troubled sorely Witt its of rfiee.-tioldep. •Teii elarkillveN*Oar.g_ed in one day at W6Einiton, - fronv•neolLice; bemuse it , was ,tho tight, t hey T would vote farktah. I ttite'asked ibe-ettale of 11113 re .ttio),al aud,was.ol4 that be was.ebalged wiWieadineldeth'eatiltithttre 'bfliacePt= Ance.lol4everitivf Ads fellow dab. 4FT -7 . --- ' --- • ..IEITI''.7 creu ntiVJOMMixiikMOIMM* :-;!p i•r'r -; :7 - r 'f 1 :mtcoptioegiviqb,h . .::,s , • t u rSE.k n 't: §AVAIVAVINTIGIitiq "I.lrn', • •••.-7 anc' .7:517eg At tlielCiayetoneflLs,ll. ,a7cl2..rre u,.- 1..(1‘. „ "c ' - LA` A...BEEtiE, ESQ., m:.(1 OF ,OVV I OCI!,", - JrAS WITTED TO .ADDRESS THE' CLUB. Tcp,R a +THE. BAL,Irr kiti&ELltill. I-- - W'See Handbills-for other meetings. ilarTurn,,nator Iticearta.sur and the UNION.A. 4 ` ~,:?''''''''.''', : :.i, ei . . , ,i- .41. , ~ Lincoln*ting and ItlioliCs ? „\ t ::7:,,, Th • Rieetitig upon whigilliiiigdy spent so m o'Ci'litiOr t thite.-PA.mantiy, went off Sat it ay , + itecoMpatilect+l'vith a , Artinken bra I,;andTreti fight aintnig the aboddies. Gr efforts were made to add' to.:: their proCitissioriiand,arlerranitiCking the region for italiiiivi - Onad.i , olnnteer, or be lured to it ‘ oirling - i . efiet r e sorted to by' placing wagonp,acrossthe.'*4l4o.'different, pla ces, some miles otiteftoir.aud coinpell ing travel erit to stop and wait to'''' follow in ,the kocessiont---614,...perinitting,t.hose to pass who could remain without troubrellilitiy..tAyo-borso teams contained only two persons, natubers of four-horse teams had one 'citiaitikrien and some women and. ch ildren, it - bile most of the lightly loaded` wag Ons bad more hor ses than voters. All were detained until titetiastown„O'.okit'hotnia by getft - thYth ..ilione line, 4.o°4lllst:ince-apart, a great effort was made- brdriving- twice round as slow aqesstble j - to preient the appear ance a ant ` . ,timartense" i 'gathering- , But when the slim lines, dinlVn out a /a shoddy, forined In a hollow square, ii-appifalid to be a ineeting scarcely as large (and many shy not so laii'O )° as , the IfeCLEttlix meet ing two weeks before—with this itilpet taut difference: That gathering was one of voters almost entirely, while this parade was mostly women and children, with a great show of horses and half -empty wag ous,.with some voters and darkies; for a respectable delethation.of !` fiii.En & EQuar." Lincoln men and. women of African de scent mixed in, and gave strength and col or to the demonstration. To be consis tent with twii)ieeks ago, the shoddy pa per will number this - affair at "1,000, and mostly'-' niggers . Some rails were drawn : about on a linigan,: innt some - men pounded _theuros-,lt %yap. said, to get thens i ,.iiolpfn-• out - di to - fence-a s- shoddy grave-yar - driiiiild 0 Abe. Songs orfrni sung 'in - baniif, r inT Old John Brown, the 'first traitor who fired on the flag 'ind . reurdored white and black in trying to free the latter. Knox opened the meeting' (and knocks closed - 107TO the usual re , taatr of slang. *olll3hff Dichinson, tried - to'be l'utinyJnit , provedtici be in his dotage. ' His veracity ' may bre judkedlirthe fact that int print -0114;dr he says _there tves`a fight . in the Chicago Conveniintra most wicked and shameful falsehood. George Laudon who was Charged by his Own party with selling his Senatorial vote to the Railroad ring, proclaimed r that red whiskers isnlicated a smart man, butinehis -egotistic+ lissertion bad +no evidence to sustain it; the people laughed at the red-kvhiSkered folly, and' concluded he could'fit'ketc/ilim 'with that nonsense. Simple appeals to sustain Abe Lincoln—for the benefit of his thieving contractors, &e. --with -no , arguments for the Constitution, the Union and laws, and .familiar slang, could not, bold the people, and they soon left, some, for home 'while others returned to the nearest rum-shop, and after several more r'oiinds' of shoddy fire-water bad been imbibed, the .partici *Pik- epicieved theirdeVotrodi..6 the - Araby volunteering- for stfree wool-pulling fight among•then v elves in'the street,- 7 -ptilliug +and' slashing' at anywho passed or were mingled •in - the- crowd. The finale was 'tbaysundrp"loyert . chaps wanted to go home on both sides of the road, and wore flattened noses a9d various fancy mulatto colored badges about their eyes. Some of the sp . ectatora 'suppose that is a new fea lure in. imprintiog. Lincoln stamps and leather medals. So the knocks that' eloped the affair made the most marked and - tin rable impresliiotis ; upon the faithful. The timely interference of the Sheriff and his posse, brokeal : And dispersed the drunken riot, and , prevented; that civil+ +war from ' etiding in "thelast, man" going- to' dm ditch to dream main of the old ” end:.43f the . war." ?,lAct , ,ery largelnita . ber of Irettelian . tn' en attendenit-pee_ifehoddy had any,defer t mefor.jta bladders aid quips, but hearing none, went home' more firraly conihmed'ofthiliieeeisittof a change. Some off - the baimers, speaking, and oth er features of the_meeting, showed -that the depths of scurrility and•blackguardiiitli had been reached - in diagristing efforts to scare weak men into voting for shoddy— but if sucteltdibitii Vele't - repeated daily, ihn;Phoddy dynisty - irould come.lo gtiO, even, in its abolition stronghold. ,--- r The effect was gond,,44he Mcciti.i.tAN_ CLUB met that evening andradded . mutrtY thirty new members, including sOrue eel ilierarte its numbers. -. , , - —.l —'.-Tliti. - PottsvilleiAbnerielournal,-one of . Shaddy'n orgatisitrgels:PAFClellarNdefeat because.:it says tie, aogunation 'red:rice4 price . of 041'00,16 two dollarwa , •just• so ,era lug election. will diunagn 'all tipeculatois by reducing prices tolhetr proper standard, and restore peace snit priisperitY !With theUbibri.l' 1.- ; 'IIICLELIANITNION*.+PEAC • A • ••:. ~~ ~_ ~:..t.,A, - • ' ' - unt; eratfittkiptem i f 11M:A 116 P :, -,!,.: 5 .. 1 1klittliVatk. , 48*IV28.:, - ...1 :n ii John Goir:...", r.. - - 27: . :', HojsZ l arffes John H4lpin 'Wm a n Cornilius I. .- i. aligthae • Ines :Patlt ttya .. • Pt:WO il oksniik A tO ( x Q - ''. Amilt.tit-11 2 -ibitt ofig? -'4--- - F Samuel d Tao*: ::s- :Chi A; AEttlkeff W:mz - Eratbtewrae_ - _Ebearie RitoE - - , George :Spar , , . Joisep, , if ~ :,!, :,, Jones W Walker - Daniel:oomi `:,-t I 4ffersin Simcps . ,,,Andrew ArcOer ----/-- '4ll43,ltWaliont j 1 i Tgeodbte Atp!tcr it - konEsr LexE-Ziel oui'oft-100. "."-* Henry:Jenberk - 'Eltiirge Fisk - FO4O tf.44etf, ; ) Tporbas Cabin 1 i Richitid:R4rl, ,_ _ 3 . 4.40 atiatme ~- _ Dinie - 14ialiew ":;-L-Uwiall:talTolit-__.:. Wm Booth a' ': ''' Stepben4 Marston Elmer A.S.WCT q_ThoLlJ:McNtiry Abrant,Bontih ~.Tolomon Biidshaw Charles Baldwin -E.M Fairbrother litimint.tisc , r ,:' T tirti. F LeouFfin Davil44l.eeker 4SEO n 5, :,,,, , .iar GREAT BEND rioii - 0424 out 003: , ~, John }Twat. Alonzo Arnold Nkriti t Viiali' .'-'-'.. 1 1- Viailei4tititiiii d?`:: Rukeettitiewtap-- '_:: ThcmSAXIIPITI Michael Gilbert, lieq4en,Arnplit-; 2 ,2. George W Brotrit - Michael Carrick-. '-, Wm A'COlsion Wm Mailii:otti' - James Campbell John Colomiin John , Co_ i x - • 3 . 1 i 'VITT H.Straqiere l Low's 4 1.nlioart Gebrgeogrigrj i 1 John shi e lds , Douglas Simmons' R Snow ' . John Campbell Lucius Buck••• Jarces-:Beebe - • , 1 . • il4O ii±rrtx,filts•- 1 2'ciut of • "3.:, fiailat 'OlioNya :'§ineon L Dimock LEl4O7k -L-3 I oat ) a 102. • Jackso Elisha Halsted , Byrod.:Hbles Imo Deoltg..;: Cyrus Mullard Stephen Bell Patrick }Ostia Philip Wade:nen F. T PoWere. ; ; John W Sweeney D Pir;,_Wgr.tatni 'II NV' Hartley` AlftodMaroy Amos C Tanner (moo tie Ntten D S. Robinson DI 'Robinson 'Larry Doran Fayette Stephens, F Sheridan A „RObineOn •. John Chat') tplin Osear Roberts 'Loge Harding A,A,Payan _ Jogn F-Snyder- - - - Washington Brown James Clatksop Simon Marcy • • Moses Cox . , LIBERTY.--.200ut Of , , tsaac Comstock jr Albert 'Bailey James W Banker; Roe Smith E P Stanford James Hill - Ji lins B Knapp JohiaV Hiechman Wilmot Bartle _ Samuel White head h HJ - John Mcked-, . Zopher Knapp, Jus' ti lovely " iStephen'MaYoley' RA-Lyme„ Pbineas Barley lotibibaif 'Ross Andrew Warner Jared Polhamus, Wm - H A True S.W Ziba Lindsley , ; - _ - , --- rnkimarn Davis jr gScritnesrsa DrtoT--18.011t John Denly Thos Fitigerahr Pat Harrigan • -Glias Bawler John - Q‘Bdineir -- Robert Wallace Plit, flap:oi( 7 . ‘ S Vail Jo Layton Thos H Burke Mirit sargwell , Sobii Calvin • Swiih_. • fohii Gallagher ` A .A3.-Sin , Wititter aloha .0 1 Gonner , , 'Jobe Merritt, d • Dennis Lynch Henry C Hill William Dowd' John B Yeomans Pat Gibbons • Pat Blake Michael Doyle - Edson Norton Jonathan C Davis W McMahon N Newton' ' Charles Bravo Charles Sterling., -Hosenkrans Jas B Salmon ' Sanduet 'Wallace ' John Satterle . ? W Ontnaton _ lifftQley - 'John W-Oationi---- ;TritirK Moorit- _ Isaac licgers D Alfred Cnairin 11 A Tingley A K Perrin Charles Caffrey E W Rogers - Charles Tiffany T 0 Rourke Hugh McDonnell John Duffy Chas A Juri3h Nath Kimber James - Mullen Thos J Wheaton . John Griswold John Norton Michael Hogan jr A T Thompson Jas McDonald Chas Morgan ' Roger Holloran Wm McCarty M Dunn • ' Jofin `4 2 copliii Martin W6gner • Chas Salmon l'fartln_Ashbor, John Ba rry John Smith Joha'Donovan Geo Starkweather Thos Harley John Hare.el4 L ActwlirdAk-Taylor 11102.12:0/7-26 out;of 41. , SainnelVanhorn D R Stone Francis' Messenger- •William Jenkins John Dalton , , John Gates Jolla - O'Brien Ambrose Lamb Samuel W.PiOteringJ X Wrighter ,Jos:44.:ff4rlcE F Dow Samuel Hubbard Collins Gelatt Nathan Tenborn -Wm 11 Crozier E M -Spence • • George Crozier , Geo L Kirenaugh Jas Cleaveland E D Cleavelaod " Lewis Giles Pat Fairell Fades:Rogers Jas W Sampson A wNessengeT Not the Last "'raft. -- isy. not be ,Ainiktgresting as a„sab fbitroh Which te- ' liv.46e Adminis tration has officilillYTtiformed Governor t3ey fNe Yo k, tlifictliF (Rufus voluntpgrAs-0,144 State.willbe- credited op, ifaft-Arik ,414 . 4 pm qeiteTber. verywhere 'Men ariilieit% urged th'ehlist for three s ,yegrx and , a Tenter from the Secretary directs ` thet all °Moore bd beSeetOrtit , mustered for tbretr - leagre. If there are thosieefflelentlk :tali to be nlieve.that the war is near. its Ask, under the present , AbontiOn polieg;•-they' are welcome te' what einnfort thelosiy tlerive •frogtiktyibloigish bellift ; 1 • en ; 014 41f rOi 40:4 r By pursuing thetioljtical amide nava always advised, i'taieqessible to• bring a V a rr in A n b i t'rt t iteWLOrlhe' Ifni Onion - I let hi &eighth & 'both se : olds& ealliihrlalieleiaa,Titnd by whieh'UOtkparties-shall •iresfirvte , -Abeir self r 6 Pecte .0761/eclbz -x4 1 91/: opplifftlitO iiii3floo4;pflliiion,2tnless npon i thikbasiti eACitire.,aban . doptaent of slav,ry: galleprohn. distinctly an . uneed that,l with-147i AkthelTnion was .the: 01113 .Therfrieride of the - Union. .vote for Lineoln-4 their sheice !a r kyst' b e the " Viotor r of An• tibia i - SIN) VAN r4OGV I art r a_ , Wendell Phillips-made US 0: of the follow in I ha:iii)itici r red fdr itzwi t4Peai4 dig Dicroot), and titatix Ih it i 6 r. . 111,1 now an 9thailinatio7awrt i e,tr . i# 614 ? .and 4 - 04 - arat4 OfttXo-, 1414-, denim. • -4 •:, perEya and Ear.. 7 ProfeatoraLlSAACS; M, D., °muss and Manse, !armed of Leyden, Ho ll and, is now locatett- IV N 0.411 .1' E Street, EhtladelphM, wheievereetteiltiwith . seatteivf the 'EYB an d wilt sill hOMn ir y treated suet= red, If =PIO. IlaMitetltletalilye rtedl4lthottetain .... .-,...... N. B.—No ellatEMlNend‘tja Ziamlnatlon. The Med. teal faculty la inetteem betetamo secrete in Ws mode of ttllallgexts c'n r) '; ~.-.- 'N'Tr - r -, ran ~: E . YA,F, X liit_NREL,l 4 4th Ar 6 '94.04. S. , PHILADELPHIA, rime on the beetramindff" I '7 #4 l N 3 A 4 kit treptioa toLailatm mil, it Vely.oite .. I I ! 1 3 - 3P4LXIEIL 7331343.,X...tiViCk .- r 7 AND • . • . . 4100 D 60008 1 r Beat lierlapes Paglicimblek 511ke.,N6611111 Plaids, Pim's PoliDapi r Mk ?oiddidapTirdOd Morita* Plaid SliawisMwd-Dlaikate, ete.r-. 7: ...- - :D e.? P. 9. We follow GOLD - down, as dose gerwe follow it op: Now le o good time for 11Lerctutzda rind cuoimm era to cornett. - Pet, 8.186 V Dii ' • - . Auditor's Notice. EDI thrtletalgit 3 an andifot Illobete4_l7' the 01.- I.phans' CM= of as an to to niadit the accounts ofR. D. rkevand lttifY leCtnelten'fttiminis• tratore of Geo. W. Crocker de'd, will attend to the du ,ties of his appointment at his often In Montrose, on Fri day tlie'4lll day of November next. lin'eloßk,P , when all petsonsinterested wij/Utthebee. F. B. STItEETER, Auditor. Sept 27, 1664 Aulifor'i3 WOt e. THE undersigned, an andltor.appointed by the Or plues Pours of flipmietutntunolutrto4 make dis tribution of the funds in the hands of . the admtnistrator of !MI eititte Eferbeit Stindevadt: dant, c# lll tend to the duties of btu appointment at his olden. Io Montrose, on Friday the 4th day of November next, at o'clock, p, mAwhen all persons interested In said fund will ptescntetheir claims or be romver-debamOd: ST.USETEB, Andttoti." Sept. ST, i 864. . Auditor's. Notice. TlllidetSlgned, an dor apianted •b 7 t Court o f of Sninnna enmity to malGs dls trib-ution In the matter of the estate ofJustus Smith, de ceased, will Wend to the duties of his appointment on Tuesday the let day of November, 1864, at 1 o'clock,p. m., ethic of fi ce Montrose, at which time and phyla *ll persons Interested In the same will-present their claims. or, be forayer barred from como 3 ln pn said fund. rf.-1884: . A. 0. Oct. •• SREIUPP'S SALES. BY virtue of trundeorriti leaned b the Court °More mon Pleas of Susquehanna county, and to me di rected, I. sraex_possr to sale-by public veadne.aor.the Coutt.hodlie, InMontrtaid, on Sattledirject. 1864, at I o'clock:, thelbllowii% described 'plea" or parcels of land, to wit : All that ce i rt4th a w i re ..4 .EFLor 6 . I t cOnd situate In the township of channa,and state, of Pennaylvanla, bounridMr des cribed as follows: On' the north by lands of GeoMayk and J. P. Tifly. on the east Salida to giet_otat-04 • Park, catlhe soiithli Tan s o vid are and obis T„..Buck, sod otitbewest...bx the-public toad—contain ligiabotitotia traistirciacrag mote in , lesseevith the ap purtenances, one house, onelarn, abeds, one orchard, and about atglityaoses kektrdnitliMa... Merri man & Sdn;lo tbe tele dT TV. Dialimbrd Va.-lrehdird &b./Nit:kis 7i I 5 ~, 7 AMC:P.-All that certain *coot llama 00144 sltalite the'bdrough MottlroseanddownshiP tat itristitreotifity,tbdfided and described all Tol o s On the northwest by lands of Joseph Shipman, on the southweitby lands of John IS. Tarbell, on the southeast by lands of N. I Post and Wm. Foster, andpo the north 'Dll .Va kY tOL ,3l4i and llerd acidiraiWm cg o:c 4l 9 l!l-I L 4ll 7 ll4 helr* purtenances. one framed house, one bag% come fruit tzees, and aillulPTOtfa. AkiNg . qfriditaarrs Post et al. executors maid. rost.,-etsreasso,tb the use of Mary L.R. Isbell, vs. Benjamin Morrison and John Short. ALSO—AII that mud. or 1;114 jof ,land titate tie township of Lenox, In sett unty-, - botinded and de scribed as follows : Beater:lug at a stake and stones, Corner Ofielot sold to'llezdaMfn Tatgee 10 a line of RD, los D. Clark's lot, titmice Ninth SW` mist GO perches to *Stake andstoneacorner ; thence souttin3c.caat, tit 10 perches to a stake and stones Comer oh.thanorth aide of the Clark road ; thencnsontk,SElN. west, GO perches to a stake and stones corner Climate along Bald Clark's land north 6lriast, - 53 CIO peit - hes to the plach of be , ginning—mintainiar, - 20;c:crea trod - Cperches of land, more or less. being - the tame piece eland that James Wright and wife by their attorney. ID fact, C.S o rd, conveyed to Bartle* Clark by deed bearing date th day of January , A. DAMS—with the apporte 0, I house, one barn, one orchard, (Name Trait trees around the bonseasprimordly improved. r [Saito( F. P. L. FIR. Grow vs..Usfritt-and Bit fus p. Clark. bAVID SOMMERS, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Montrone, Sept. 49,1864. .1 4 - C3Ottir,s6 , C= into etieneliostweekithe SubserlberioAbe 14th lint, a 898.1ty,LAtatr, with a white strip° on her face,end lame hrboth Mild kg's:" The owner s reques ted to prove piropeity'.'pay. awes, and take her away. 8431,V=4,.14.24D5Er. 7Athrop; 840. 17111, kW. • • ' Executors' Notice. ir r hileeby'Avgn letters iceislinMirr A upon. the estate' of PATRICK NVIIALEN, littsof Sliver Lake tow, 'd, have been granted to the subscriber, and a ll nshi pe p dec ßPlßEChseing claims against said estate are requested to present the same, duly attested, for setfletli#Ardr,th9se idde 7 v t i ln i e l ar ! Pm/lured to =aka , to phymen i t,__,_ JosEssi AHD, D. P. PHELAN, f Silver Lake, Sept. 8, 1861. Ow tqd 6ti dtice. • • WanCE is hetatoystact that letters testamentary up. IN °lathe estate ondibbard late of New .1111fOrd tomtlohl.P. Oedeoled.have beep granted to the sulascri. bee, and all persons baying claims againat said estate are regueeted to proem tberoalt .13rattAlehaa. for set. tiement,and those indebted to eataaase regains:lto make hamodtata pastaatat; , ' _L `` { . Etztap kumaCti f Executor. newlttlrord. Sept. a t 1884, EI N OE '" - EfEECtitClit' '&1 1 1 ltfOilelt is hereby given that lettirs testaments?, op .ll on the estate oI..EDWAND UOLPORD, lite of Clttrertl-t75 1 . &Mud, Weheettilel a tl a T the stibberlhes, edd Wantons Itutvantei s said eatateub Pelg tettotpresenethe dein duly a tested, for settlement, and thoeo indChted tf? setae are, reflelied to slake immediate peyntent. , • Sept:JOSEPH Ctfddr. tieeito.. l ley co ;, S 29, 1884. 4: 71 diappoluted by the Or. 'OntWelff lititifineVate bend= rrertititeltt : of the estetesst Itairl4l7. Rotatt,wis, - ;.ffli attend to the dettep Wee epooldtatebt ai ItteWbe to Montrose, eh BeterleN the hth ay or OesoberkiB64; &LI °Wake p. m., when eadwhere ett persons Interested in said ftd—orill present their Jor be forever eemed. - • • it' l3 A natol. g klkstfosel'43spti.lif t • . a 10e: :ItIAEAMT4 " RPULTING HISORDERRAIF THE LIVER amp tritigitittlitivto COSAVIC 7_ .• 1 .'" -.- .46termatr2-11 itters • ,• .1. ^ ' , t •• '' • " . Tire GREAT STIGINGTMitiIiCG • ' • ,:!' .Tp.,rt ro , ig Theli jOta ri .WTS::VOtrAl l 7Prrit7lirea Have afid.:de gii , 4 Benet Batlfaction aVtlitottistrigittir r i - Revs *eagi'a . gepacmoLa PEOPLE ° • ' 'kat' THEM I artyptheral4ielpinthe in ark 4-1.. trideiy any ona tc ccintilltot thresiie j rtiOn; AND Sati c- i*At $l,OOO To sn ou(* - 40 wiII A — ii . "4 - #41p1:418 - iuu4s4edp, . us that iii not Ottruzils.. . 9 154 Riiii/441;irOICRIIRSLAN BITTERS =MEI Cbroaixitor ITertr.cma Debility; Diseases, of diseatewarising ' , ~.I f rri a disordered stomach, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Reatittinfrpom Disorders of the Digestive cp la g t t lej A. Nee, Fullness of Blood to the 11 "Aaiun - Tot me. stomach, Nausaf-Heartburn, Disgust for Sot4,rulinesa or Weight In the Sumnleir, Sour Britctations, Siphing_or Flat tering at the Mt Huntt'S •• - mlng-of thoMea,dind l cult breathini i Fluttering L at the - ebb ng or Soffoca." Ling Sensa tions • Lying Posture, Dlinneas .of • Vision, Dots or Webs before thd Sight, -.Fever and Doll Pain in the • Hmd,Deacieneyot Perspiration,Yellow. ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chew Limbs, dm., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning im 'the Flesh, Constant w tnings Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. rqc01t":4,4403a.c).1.143, Antr fake prultharbfi litrT IS',TI-11E-BEST"TONIC gar READ Wilo BAII3 b From the Bev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of thd Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly Mlle North Bap tist Church, Philadelphia • • • • • • I have known Hoolland's German Bitters fa. vorably for a number of years. Ilion, used them to my own family; and have been so pleased with their effects that I was Induced to recommend them to many others, and know that they havo operated in a strikinglybene• tidal manner. I take great r pleasnro. In thus publicly' proeTalmtniCts tactotratia ll ing theattentfon of those immsteil i zi a Ult - diseases for Flitch they arerecommen nn MEM, iroin ezperience flat iffy recommen flon *lll — be Sustain - ad: Tdo this mote uz ch e = a il ii. oo . . Lia ng o li tt al ar tertr arthic hr , to benefit Yonne Imiy, 'LEVI Q. BECK. From Rev. S. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En. eyelop% of Religicaus Knowledge, and ChristianChron tele, Philadelphia. Although nbt ditposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their Ingredi , entaand effects, I yet know of no enffloiept macula WIT a min May not wormy to the benetta t}e believes himself 'to have recePred from say eimple preparation, in the topO that he May thus eontributa to the benefit of ot.l/. -ers. ' I do this the more readily in regard to lloolland's Ger- man Slitters, prepared by Dt. C. Jackson,of this city,be causel was prejudiced against them for Many yeara,ute. der the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic, mixture. lam 'lndebted to my friend, Robert shoe i ng.: *iter Esq., for the removal of 'tkls prejudice by proper. tests, and teruneouragement to try them, when suffer log from gredtand long_ continued debility. The nee of lhreo bottles of these bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt fltdfuix months liefore, and bad almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directtog me to the mfe of Diehl. 3. NEWTON BROWN, Philad'a. Prom the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pastor of the 10th Bap• th3t Church.. Dr. Jackson:—bear Sir have been frequently re quested to connect my name with commendations of different kitids p 1 medicines, butregardingthe practice as but of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases de clined • but with a clear proof in various instances. and partimilarlyin my family of the usefulness of Dr. Hoof ad's German Bitten, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that, for general debility of the syitem and especially for Liver Com plaint, it lik safe and valuable preparation. In soma ca ses it may fail; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficialto those who suffer from the above cause. Xoure,ircier yespectfally, . . +- J. B..IOITINATID, Brom the Rev. Thomas Winter, Palter of Roxborough Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson :-.-Dear feeiedue Co your excel lent preparation, Rooftand's Germ n Bitters. toini testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtA have for years. at times, been troubled with great disor der in my head and nervous system. I was advised by frilituttotrldi bottle of youreermstrßitters; - 1 did so, and have etperieweet great-and unexpected tenet; my I:Witches been-very materially bepW.. ted., /confident ly recommendthn article:where I meet with cases simi ;ler to my o and Dave been asent ed by =any of their good e ff ectL -vrd, Resvetfo wi llm a. iurs, • RoXbolvnißb;'Pa. Prom the Rev. J. B. derrnsU, A of ttieGerman Reformed Chock llntrtown, Berks evintitY, Pa. Dr. c. IL Jackson :—Respectcd Sir :—I have been tionbkiod,with Dyspepsia neatly twenty re•arktifid have tidier hied any tied that did me as muchhea l th Hoot:land'. Bluets. T e am very much lmptoved after having taken five bottles. Tout', velthtempOW ' J. S. BARMAN. • - !To 01zet,poldLog nearly doublequantl . ty ) • • $1 00 per Bettie — bel l doz. $5 00 Small else- - t 8 eta per bottle— belt dozen, 400 BEWARE ,OF courrrEßTErrs. See that the eignataie of" 11. JACEACON," Es on tho WRAPPER of each bottle. • - ihionld Ins iii;llthe at tlelOf do not be put off by any of t o intoxicating preparations Abet ineyboodered titttikPllllit. Mid WWI .W we WIAMTNIMS. ileaPtely puha& bysexprOs. l infila l 9 l fkeo tflA,Ma!lnfictoq 32.3178Wir , prz.Nc!" — St - • ~oe Weir:Leo de; idly/Art.l4, 7_1 41 9 4 ,,, / "..1, 12 r u 5:1 11,°P - 4,c0 • • • . 13 t9Siet°,1; 041Mr*Itslitsi Ina Patent itt ergy . lavi Nutted elluo• tt.4 AVM , 7407WZZAP. El2l!Er=ll9 will cure evert. case of Organs TEAT ' THIS BITTEU IS Commurs x 6 Ru 7 016911ISEEY .pa the World ->, . z I:=M!',M=MI =i2SM== 3PILXCPI3ES. , . ; . _ II: - t,F,:: - ^ - , ..." ~ j: j .11..., 111',dr 1 i iii t giretiritedtoti‘sesarY lives 'notice that with. airgr o ptfohs WDI be'reiele fgr Coup:4l'l'63'l'l:lBooW payithie wyeara fruntLig ie6r Nith fil - ifitsres4t ttie`, l rabija..seit . 'o4eidlii - 1- G4 l 4}e!lT 2 Pmc - liziF-ISTI - ititureattioui to nepauf Inliw<ahrleY ji r. • Theionotes eonyertible at the; me holderatmaratitri toile 'percent. gold bearing Mids. Paretde net Sept adflvesoemote than ; twezt7 7..M4 out their Gam, aalhe Goeeriunent maKt. They *ill be Istuodln dentuntnatlons of IPSO. .500:14 000 Auld 47,000,1ditt all subscriptions Must e for dollars °Teem" multiple 01'11V-dollars. . The notes will be unolunitted to the owners flee dr transportation charges as soon after the receipt otttie original Certilleates of Deposit as they tan be prepared:. - As the notes dm,. interest from Mutest 15; persona tnahingdeposits subsequent to that date must pay thot itteredreeerued hoes d a te of bote to date of deta i alt. Pahlavi deppelting twonty-thte.thonsand doi and upwards for these notes at' any one time will bell r owed a comMissioniofone quarter atone per cent., which will be paid by the Tresemylkepartmett upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with wham the deposit was made: No deductions for cow. missimis must be undo from the depoeits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN, Ill ' A.NiTiON ' Ai SAVINGS Banc offering a hlghei rate of interpet than any other, and the-best security Any savings batik which papa its depositors in U. S. Notts, considers that it is paying in the beat circulating medium of the country, and it cg auythlngbet ter, /or its own assets are either in government semi titaor in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient wi a temporary or permanent investment. Thenotel can always be sold for within • aft-action of their lface and alimmulated interest, and are he bestsecurlty with banks akcollaterals for at* co ts. ddiZtiortible'intiVl3ll per cent:B.2o tlold Bomix ID addition to thb Val liberal interest on the notes for IhrooYeall, tMd privilege orcotwettion is now worth about three percent. per annum, teethe current ram for 5-20 ,I3onills is not less than nine per cent. premium, and twilit* the war the premium on leiglier cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate; is not less than ten per cent. per annum. Ito Plcomption from State. or linnicdpal Taxation. But asiat;ltions the advantages We have enumera ted, a special act of Congress exempts all Bonds and Treasury Notes , MAI local taxation. Qv the average. 414 , exemption Is worth about twopp cent. per an num, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so peat induce• ments to lenders as those issued by the government. Is all other forum of indebtedness, the faith or ability - of private parties, of stock companies, or separate com munities, only, in plbdgedfor payment, while the whole property of rho country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the govemment offers the most liberal terms for Its loan*, it believe* that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits.— The party depositing must endorss upon the original certificate the denomination of the Notes required, and whether they are tube issued to blank or payable to or dee. When-so endow& It must be left with the officer reserving the deposit, to bo forwarded to the Trelamry Department.. • • • Subscriptions will be received by Inc Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated.Dopositaries, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANS OF BINGHAMTON, „ - SCRANTON, 16 ' TOWANDA, and by all Entiorud Banks which are depositaries ofpab- Se money, and • • ALL' RESPECTABLE BANES AND BANKERS throughout tho country aillgive further information and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO Brßsciar4Tts Aug. 11. WISTAR'S BALSAM • WILD CHERRY! Otte of the oldest aad molt reliable remedlea la the world for Coughs, Co l% Whooping Cough, Brouthitia. acuity of Breathing, Asthma, Hoarseness,. tore Throat, Croup, awl every affection . OF THE THROAT, LUNGS 10 CHEST. CICONE3I:72ItriPTIOIST. FM7M!‘. Bo general has] the use of this remedy. becalm:, and so ocular a 4 nowhere, that it is waiecssary to recount "a virtues. Its tomb speak Ibr . U, and fi nd utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony a the many who front' tong ftfpring and settled disease have by MI use been restored! to-pristine vigor and hatitA.. fl canyro• dues a mau accidence In profit of our assertions, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED The Bev. Jacob Sethler, Wallknown and much reapecied among the Gummi populatton of tide connht, makes the tbileteteg alto. meta for the bandit of the afflicted : Ilasovirn, Pa., Feb. 16, ISSO. Dear Sirs :—llaving realized in my Almily important benefits from the use of your valuable preparation— Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—it affords me pleasure to recommend It to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I' then pro. Cured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and befere she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual ease, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have always been benefitted by It.- JACOB SECHLER. Prom Jessie Smith, Esq. President of the Morris Coun ty rank, Morristown. New Jersey. " Raring need Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for about fifteen 'yeirs, and having !raised its beneficial results In my family, It affords me great pleasure to ro comuland it to the public as a valudble remedy In cases of weak tangs, colds, coat ha, fie-, and a remedy whlck consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken • effect rarely by the moat delicate in health. From Hon. John E. Smith, a distinguished lawyer in Westminster, I.ld, I have on several occasions need Dr. Wistar's Daum of Wild Cluirry for colds, and always with decided ben*. fit. I know elan prepamtion that is more efficacious or more deserving of general use. The Balsam has aleo been need with excellent erect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Reads, Md. Wistar's Balsam , of Wild Cherry. None genuine - =lees 'signed " I. BMA:" an the wrapper. FOB BALE BY P:.Dtiffitortz, No: 491 Broadway, New Tat. 8. W. FOWLS & CO., Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. _ Redding's Russia Salve. FORTY i'FARS' EXPERIENCE Hu Ihtly established the supetioiity of REDDING'S RUSSIA:. SALVE, ' Over ell other healing preparations. It =resell kinds of SORBS, GUl' s _,_ SCALDS.BDBDS, Bona r LIILCERS, SALT RIIEID4, ERYSIPELAS, STIES, ; PILES..CORNS, SORB Ll2O, SORB =BS. &e. An., removing the pan at once, and reducinie Sh• .most angry looking swellings rind indsiustiOn 'es - Lf by tug * , „ ONLTM CENTRA. BOX. d. Toll ' BALI 211' P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, Beit\Tork. 0. W. FOWLB by Druggmts. No: 18 ; Mont it. Boston. And Txaose 2,140 t:. Iyeovs, - r - • , Adnitnistrator's ISTOTICIOI herrtiy glPen toed persona Wino claim Agoiner‘beestato °MAL BEATS; 124. c. or Moto. nuttrattPl(4red, triVresont ihrroornly atteated4 for eat. et aid 'all PCIBOOI indebted to same Illie r rc eerie pzi o ar t tirAtritir • ettbrinink:Sept, 8, VV. ew - i tc m i t; W EGOS, DR= Amu' Goofis it the Greeerfeitrl -AV; Y•::"Z`k‘ !,,o