The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 06, 1864, Image 2
ontro.:s;Anctitt: A. J. GERRITSON, - • - Editor. THURSDAY, Ourtnim - e, 1864 • , z - For Precidput GEO.' MoOLELLAii, - OF NSW MINIM • • For Vice Presidenii 7 -n• 22 GEO. PE*IDLETON For Congresi ~OH A RVE S . :DIE NISO N I LuzEimic COUNTY RAprekkntative, • EVERIT E. GUILD. 'JOHN JACKSON, Wyomingo MRISTOPHER C. 111,LLS: „ b4Won'6r, DANIEL A. LATHROP. Auditor, ISRAEL E. BIRCHARD. 1 . ; Lincoln is the rebel candidata.= The. Richmond Enquirer declares its Ire- ference for bhm, -or The leading Lincoln elector in New York State ia an original secessionist and clisn - iiipnisi, as will bo seen from his OW TI writings on first page of this piper. tirHon. Emerson Etheridge - of Ten ncsiee, the noted Border-State Unionist, late the iltep üblicain Clerk of, Congress, (when Mr. Grow was Speaker) is making speeches for far The difference between General McClellan and Abraham Lincoln, in one re spect, is this : McCleilan is for the Union unconditionally, while Lincoln is for 1.4 Union conditionally. far The abolition party which is DOW supporting Lincoln, is in favor of mixing or amalgamating.the white and black races. So says a member of Abe's Cabinet. See fourth page. Or Since the nomination of M'Clellan gold has come down to 81,9 6. As Mc- Clellan stock goes up gold comes down.— The day after Lincoln's nomination gold pitched up to about $2,80, and staid up till after the Chicago Convention assem bled. Significant isn't it P. gar Wm. Lloyd Garrison, now.a loud mouthed Lincoln man, is the author of the following abolition sentiment: " The Constitution of the United Stater is a league with death and a covenant with hell." Of coarse all such leiigners support old Abe Lincoln. .Every voter who is-in favor of the restoration of the Union under the Con stitution as out fathers made it, will vote for George B. McClellan. 'Those who want a " new Union," with the negfo as -the peer of the white man, having the right of suffrage, "an anti-slavery Bible and en anti-slavery God" will vote for Abraham Lincoln. gar For some weeks the shoddy org ans have been boasting about gains in the Vermont and Maine elections. The truth is that thero is a Republican loss and a Democratic gain in both States. If boast of their'` gains indicated 'their triumph in November, do. not their losses just as certainly infcate their defeat in Novem ber ? Will shoddy deny this? fgr'The Montrose shoddy organ says; "The Chicago platform declares, that •'the war must immediately cease—that "the troops of the Federal Government "must at once lay down their arms—that "the territory wrested from the insurgents "must be given up—" arc. As there is nothing of the kind in the Chicago platform, the man who penned the quotation uttered a most WILFUL am) Daumlnezz uz. Nothing uew for him. drifDr. Brownson, who two years ago ran as the Administration candidate for Congress in the fourth district of N. J., has changed his views concerning the administration, of which ho was then the champion, as will be seen by , the fol lowing exiradt from the last number of his Review : " In our deliberate judgment no worse thing can halal 1 this nation than the re election of A. Lincoln. In oar judgment, the re-election of A. Lincoln renders in evitable the independence •of the Southern Confederacy." SIGNINWANT.—LincoIn recently offered Gas. iticCIELLAN an important command with General Grant, on condition that the should withdraw as a candidate for Presi dent. Blair, Lincoln's Postmaster Gen'', stated . this fact in a speeeb in NeW,Y*l4 )ast r :weeli. The 'Hero of Antietam was readyfor the battle-field, but could not in t.aking command, agree how he` - would mote; Or ask others to vote. So Liocolo arithdreir the order of service, for he now imins;ges the-war so: as to help electlitn -self—a fact of which ibisattempted bribe -is Conclusive pro. T VaCelell o p* aft..vinnot",_' O- P*Ptit .. r POD co uld have Cu NE.l—”Mlactelpkia Pren,—Abolition. a t when rebellion is way zAutits kuit4egalAnd Pribeti about to be ; pnt down. That is just befdre LineOln papers now swear that it is so, and they would v t:::: for tenty year's td ccome. They-- _ go uponi...thwprineiple 014 foola are not all dead yet." They think they eau always ciateb 'gulls in that trap. Demontuto..o9Pteit4k.A.M -storation ofgto,cr!iony, ; tl/p . ,Reptiblicans for the einaneipetion of „the negeops.„lt is for the people Ao decide by • tflok.holtoth which they prefer—Union, Peace and yhe salvation of the ,reountry,; or, a perpgwal war in a vain, effort to Emancipate Soathi ern negroes. ' • ' i tar Those of the men who voted.f far , Efr, Lincoln in' 1860, in whom, actor) all; deyotion 'to tOTTnion is tilipiirktific'• are: deserting iitnh . :all, over . 60, i 9. 5 0):1 — ,7, Every papal among our exchangez cop2es ! . to us with scare fresh 'announcement ,of such ilesegtioPlof a,PTOMigen4 man, from the LincOln.kititeafoelellairranks4 . Thei - Last Working West-, This, is the lastweet beforellmOntbber . electipn.'Are otir' friends i4dY fofititi contest? Are'• all thir:-Voteli4l home able apd i 44 : turn .ontl See to it f and bring them with. you. See , that, dot one:Democrat thbughtlessli stage away.' 'than sone hundred foteili ' county generally stay at how because each thinks his vote cap maiol no ithaPge j but suchlearekissness may defeat us. See thlit,; ever y man votes a full ticket. $3OO fOr:l7 BarrServide, We clip the'foildwirig pertinent reMar4v from the North primal DempcMt ". The late "extra. session of the Xegiala- Lure lasted for 17 -days. The abolition majority voted themselves the snug little sum of $3OO each for their services. Mr. Wells, of Susquehanna, now the abolition candidate—in this and that county- r -of course did, not oppose this nice little arrangement, but, as we are in formed, -voted for it. At. least, be pocket ed the 8300—about 818 pet day—for his seventeen days' arduous labors, He now asks the tax payers of this district to send him back again! We think this 9ther too expensive for a man to sit in a richly cushioned cbeir for three or four hours a day. John Jackson anilE. E. Guild would do the same amompi, of service for j a far less sow. At least they). would ,havexor tecl-with the Democratic members :who tried to reduce the compensation to $100: The tax-payers of ,the district, whu cop : cur with us in. this „opinion, withoot t re,s 7 pect to party, should vote for Jackson and Guild. When a man, like Represen tative Wells, gets so " steals lik4 an old member"—a new one should be put in his place. What say you, taxpayers.? . The " steslings" for. this 430.0 pay a mountsto over 880,000: The law' allowed the members for Stich services 83 - bet div or and a mileage . hat would pay a meinber from this county over 8125 ; or over 87 per day. The regular and " stolen 9 pay for Mr. Wells, and milage, amounted to 8375; or over 822 a day. „ Sueb is , the price, pocketed contrary to law, by the shoddy • party, which toted down a bill to pay soldiers $1 per day I Republican Journals Abandoning Abe Lincoln and Supporting ladHellen, • Among the nunitei of influential news papers t'hat. have repudiated Lincoln, and now support Ilicasuesr, we notice : ' The National Intelligencer, the old and dignified Whig organ, has given its vigor ous and influential support to Mac. • ,• The Louisville Journal runs up the cmi didates of our party for the first time. The Somerset Herald takes down Line. and puts up Mao. - • •The New London Chronicle has taken down Lincoln, and advocates Mac. • The Westchester Monitor leaves shoddy and supports McClellan. The Ann Arbor Journal • swaps horsds, and-trots out Mac. • ;, Oinainnati Vollmfreund, (German) tiides Fremont for Mao. • ; The. St. Louis Anzieger, (German) puts up Macin place of Lincoln, and says that " thoassnds of Republicans will desert the incapable, corrupt, and perjured Lincoln administration; and gather under the ban ner of McClellan to save the Republic." The Wood County Independent swaps horses—Link for Mac, of course. ' The Suffolk. Herald goes for Mao after taking Shoddy from its masthead. The Highland Bote takes down Frem ont and advocates McClellan.;. The lowa Banner (German Republican) has joined the. Mao Pen. standards The Chicago Telegraph (late rremont) now supPorta McCle lla n. War jACUSON Senx—The following words, uttered by Andrew Jackson, are worth, reproducing at this time when the party which he so truly described has be come, throtigh the ,fatiblessuess of the ad ministration, the ruling poNier,at, Wash ington: • ...The Abolition party is a disloyal +, or ganization. Its pretended love forfree •dom means nothing_ more or lese: thaneivil war,and a dissolution of the . Union. - Honest men of all parties shoulof unite - . to ixpose their,intentions,and ,arrest progress." EC — Goads 604 a Fair Ptioeit'at tho Dry Goode House of Eyre& Lindell 4th & Arch dreg% Philadelphia. Read adv, iiitopmtrz LINCOLN Mit • NAVE Dzowinf , opsr rizeounma t3hoddy,hl dying ! Everyid y fresli:evidenpe of Shoddy los s and Defla '4loratfe . gaine: The corropti s-arid inca paeity Qttbe dpiainaptiFty are driving all the ociiiiiiiriativic "tile Union men to,the standav,d gf lollowih)parela .M• tliest Aka 4 left the foul party and havd joined heart atunittaliftfilVdiaNrlrdlii - - the gallazdtc.illitUr Allen U) position w filcb_P r lP.. l 934L s eße.k;. 4 . , Eigrresiaent tea ffm o,9 o Vgbig,kulgor sritli,(ieueraki*. ; lor, iir;rB4l3)-184c0t1Youpporting .41p. Clikhm, _arid Menillet,ou, ; )95 CT ,Opy.- . 4mtigprrkz, mt. Xeßtucky.,Al9, roa , weptea try . „ ftlp4kicalth - 1 4s 0 X, i°.rNl I YitOti*Red • - 1 1 , AsiPC44% ‘ 1 ,10.4134 Ai(atipportiag Rnd , Rllailljlls9,• ~, T Postmaster, Hera, Ana. 0144 e most) op dentia,upraiiters of_XcP,lellax4 apd; endle , ton. Hon, Hemordy- karylaaa, *enator, mljui v ,ais *4O to his preson4o . sitiNr by tliqg.emlblisall c,onik? .o 4 fiqUare iva *et4ei, for hinClet4m. -Se says siaincoln Hem, j ean. ai hquorible roan,. heligyg 114 innOn'llanhafi sea signally failed fatal most four entire,years,,carrlbe, successful if another, foux mars be granted him." Hon. Edgar, I ORWASI S tates San? ator. /rpm !lu t e, State, and ,otn3 ,of the few, gOcid , lnan in the ilts_ROtinna party), is -PPt posed to. Abraham ,Lincoln and favorblo to Gen. McClellan., Es• Gov. Wasin4ton 'dant, of New York, formerly, Whig, enppor,4s lan and Pendleton: . , ; Hon, 0. . H. *owning, .late United States Senator from Illinois, and always a steadfast Hepublican, has come out. for . Hon. Robert . C. Winthrop, of. Massa,. chusetts,. formally Wbig Speaker of ,Che House of Hepresentatives, aild heretoforc not with the Democracy, is out strongly forrlgcClqicm.-i Si r • T T . -• James T:Bra4l 4 "s ,q.,` the `difitinguish ed'lkTeW 'York lawyer, who has zealously. supported Mr. Lincoln, is stutniiingThfow York forMcClellan. • • • - Gen. Le‘slici Coombs, of Kentucky, and , Hon. M. Underwood, of the same State, are' now'strong supporters of Little Mac. George 5: Hilliard, of Mass:, the' essay-' ist op; historian, who has heretofore Op!. tidtidd DeenoorncyJs - now entlinsia.stio hi favor of McClellan afid Pendliittin, to save the country. John Van Buren, Esq., who sometbirig more than a year ago went over to lin coin's support -and cook an netiVe f pari i against the Democracy last fall,' s -BO gtvirig M _ pll his energieSio the electitha"df • : Little,ap. -JameSS:llMyer, the. most etoqUent ritbr of 'New York - ,.arid Oats the'bouitii fridnd' and political' partizan' of " Henry Clay, has turned in as la - enthtraistiftic sup= porter of the'Democratio George D. Prentice, for many yeaTs the len_druig • opponent- of ther Dem ocracy Itentucky, is out strong• in support of MOClellan. C. Seaman, Republican SOril- Uri. from Michigan, 'hag iymitnenced a-vig orous campaign fOrLittlBMuc. • • Joteph B. Mori's, seven years editor of the-Boston Traveller • and for many yeara editor of the Newtru; . yport Herald; in op. position to the Democracy, is now in the rabbi of the- gallant McClellan. ' Hon.-Wm. B. Ogden; Republican Sena tor of Illinois, is suppoiting "MCClellan and Pendleton. President Osborn, of the Illinois Central Railroad, whose influence was so poten tial in the election of Mr. Lincoln, basde elareti tie idtfntion of voting for General McClellan. 'lllinois was certain for the Chicago nominees before, but this makes 'assurance doubly sure. Hon. Brittuss.T. :Cray, of the old Ken tucky Whig stock, has taken the stump for Little Mae. Nelson Fratiklin, 'a foriner'Republican Senator. of Ohio, it out for McClellan. Col. A., W. Brewster,.of Mass., has joined the ranks with hia:old commander --Little Mac. Col. Wm. H. Irwin, for twa years cora wander of the gallant 40th P. V. i .and a bitter opponent of the Democracy, is now making speeches for McClellan... .15i9. General McClernand, of Illinois, is for Little Mac. GenAjObert Anderson, of Fort Sum ter fame, is for Little Mae: Colonel .George W. ,McCook, of the fighting McCook family , .is Stumping for Little Mac. • Gen. A. M'D.. M'Cook, of the same stock, is with his brother in the good cause ofitbe Union and Little Mac. General Edward Bull; of Zanesville, 0., who is an ex-member of Congress, a. Lin coin eleetornia.lB6o, and a'member of the State Convention which sent delegates to the Baltimore Convention i , is a recent convertitof Deilderatie • pritiOpkific: • Hon , James Loomis, who,,Ailts•topen claimed, as. a *publican' by ,the Lincoln ,preases, presided at a mass meeting Of the D'emocraoy held pt „Bridgeport cg yho 21st, which was addressed froan, differont stands. • ~ • • :-• three yearsA.l.. Moon; wbq n bas: BOMA threA ikthe ,War„ Jiileyi the Present cotaptrollek p' the .0. tate,pfEGtuo, y, who was elected - )a Abe , Reptthiinans e . and 1110 P.. John _W.7.444r414004f...04en=1004, Chits : have recently, rep'agliate4 14mepin?•' • Abner Thomas, 'Fahomas 'chairman. of the Reptiblicatir county, temnaitteit of Mif ilia' Go, Pa.; 'presided . at, • Detnoemtie =elating in thateounty last week.",: , .. i One Of the tpenkere . Who M]dresiedi thb great , ' `McClellawdemonstradoniine Phila. was Mr. D. C. Gillespie, -a members of the Rep State Central Committee of p- 'L , pay ran , :e , .. - ciq, , OS" , ,ni -,, :IT Old co ~. ",r sq - lyt fo ~,cS' el 1 ~ . 1.. a. 4 .4 : :.:::iffoti:D. It Wocidinti 'Jed of the Piro) i - diciOistifet olinoi d who e t hasAti ' befciie saFipor a D cratiq Attnitine - balop Iqt/de ed hi , Went of cClellan. -41on1-B,Barairaddressed- large-meet, ini at Mans6eld,Dhio, Sept. loth. Mr. plifiTaNT. 1141provi ~ t upyt*ffsiln . thimiti zen s tfßiellaiid' 'Cott , t.s>; lanld - ritl4 . fof 13eV• -erf. l 4. -.3 41 4F&Pa 8 4-2_ : ....' _ -. .2_ : •'-'• r . " ' :. cans. . - - - ---- liori;tidatoie`altilne;lfai- writ ten a3o4.ltitiffipitillifigl4rili6itilte.illons for advocating leicnetian in preference to 4}FA 1 .,.,,. , voi9i ,I ..-•,!:, 1:-. , V ) 41 s4nong!wirtee,st lm pamenl,, Aep Allen !4 " i gbio, wic;'.. - bavis r,cpudiat f ed o Liii' 41 ' 4 , Stierii4,J. idßhe -;0116c1414,'5.t. 1 ritn .40 '. :„ m efi 3. 4 %' A r l i " B 9 . 9;'''9XPV9' ;:ril e x .4 " - -rf".f'ti:•.?4 e5 5.!1,:77 , -.i.;- 1 .1.... r . •..! _,..:- Tharanadabilil7 APIXTAPAaMona fir; -Jr !!!funishingthe , lViailtetHtnizei , i. • , " • The: etarahraiiidrrappropriatiOnsvrttade hy tlie prehelit atid-thdpreceding 06 n greia for '.futtlishino the h reeuti,Ve ineasion 'have. litt,rlicted' touch-01%1in- (mention; in con= tiOtroglivithilletstnall 4.eittitaeneettailigly atcettiplleNd"blf tilt;se -91irge' disburse. tnehtts.!!!lnhi'fun'dt, . for refitting the-tPre. , sideto96-behee; iti.distninied mtult. thanlati? 6tileiltillptitipriatiolt!!!tinder thef trf-the ekedlithiei and' he isnlwaytoheld. spotted . - ble for tbei!fieilestyl'ofthrileipenditttre,--:" The %MS - and' accounta,:• to' be -sure igo thitmgh '- the- 'routine of tioditing . by , Vie treitstlertititeau ; but, slbile the; disburse: meats' areas klirectfy and , peculituilyiniade by ' the .President; , o I' : 0114 nf big domoinio fatbily, the roc 4 ork!orthe 'auditors haw heed one of mete fora.. !WOOL so happened; in the'early part °air. Linhoin's adininis , tratien, that a bill TwaSpresented at Wash ington' for payment! bY ! Messrsj E.1 , V , / Ilatighwont . tla C4c4'ofthisci!,y,forlathind dinnhr Berrien, .ihrnislieff .hy 'order of Mrs/ Lincoln:for the exectrilve•quitnsion. '7lle amonnrof the , bill as ' tendered , 4TIFY soma twenty-three hundred dollars. I i There was delay itili hyment: Messrs: !Haugh wnut, &- Co.-, sent one of elieir•prineiphi 'mnn , iti the White 4.louse to push! tticrliill -th tone) and 'get ;*the'smoney. • There wie' ill difficul flea ih the Way; thenature:Of which fords long'tinte'edald nor be ,eertainta: At last 'Rive§ found!thatiotheelerki!who bad to pass upon the bill, delayed it be: ettusecot the very unheard of rite chilir ed for-an A triericatr service of china. At length a ddaYer..from Philadelphia was sent for to examine the chitia and esti mate its value, and the appraiser returned eight hunditclidollats taltos , full vatueiiti; stead of twenty thee° htintire& The case, at last, came agairt bllfOrd . - the , -President * and' 'the , representative-4 blessrig Haiiiill wont ifs: Co:, was called etilatitt coufroni= ed -with the Pbiladeldbin ruination.' •He prorninly: answered, in isubstance : "-Why, Mr. President, my firra'ne4er 'pretended that the' china was really worth more than eight hundred'dollars. !We had reason to sappOie • yon knal. !Thedifferentife tie tWeen ' the , price-of the china acid,`--the amount ofthe hill is for - articles- 'ordered for your privateihmily use, but • , inVoiced as 'china foir.the White- House." • o-Hon. , est" Abe was cornered and caught. Like *thither verynnfortunate tban - v dishonest in' another , - scandalous transaction .iii which he was • caught, he had- "nova word to-gay." Mr. Lincoln at'last paid the difference' out of his•own' pocketc - lant Messrs. Hanghwoat iitv Co., 'got • their money.—[World, • , , The Mcelella n',doetzlidrie, • • 'The trzii6n at all hazard The Lincoln doctrine-is, jz 4bolitifin , 4; all bafaide TM LATEST WE NEWS! Oct. I.—We have very ; little news of the progress, of . General Grant's new move. meet against Richmond.. Our intelligence is to three o'clock yesterday afternoon. It appears that Ilirney and 7 Ord- halted-.on Chapin!s' Bluff, just above Cinch Gap, end .thatoresterday; the Con. dero.tea Kende; a„fierce attack , Ivan the position. Secretary Stanton soya they were rePelsedi..rnnt his despatch is: very unsatisfactory. Gen. Warren,. •on , the Weldon R,ailroad 4 ; has made an attack ep bn the Confederates, and has advanced to Poplar Grave Chureb,:a half mita north west of his , foriocr position. There has been no very severe fighting, and neither the movement pa. the south (hank of the James nor the one on the Weldon Rail road is.yet completed. Our intelligence stops in- the middle of them and leaves us in suspense. . „The invasion 'of Missouri has assumed alarming proportions. Nothing has been done to check it.j, Business is suspended in St. Louis, and.. the people are ;arming for home. defense. : . -Serne ,regimeatto: of hundred days' Men have been sent from Illinois. ;The Federal. .force- which was at,D,e.Spto, watching, the progress of the invading army, bas abandoned that place sand,rataraed 4,tiorfb word. along the Now% towffrois RAJ ;Lotkis. • They hava hitit ed on the north bank of the. Maratueo River, twelve mites -south of St, ',mils, and given up all r the,equatry oonth:of it tp the enemy. ••, T I ' : We have Southern intelligence from At ,Poo. week ugo Rood's ; army ; was tiltem miles&nib west= acAtlitata, with its northern hank rOstingsai the, ;Oftt, , tahooeb eft : , ~ ••t j , • There is nothing new from the Sh.eniulh .oah-74110,To,.;liematiwy- Stanton, eay,9 he feePO. heard ifg944•Aaridas sinee ; Slun4sy •Ilightraft the griertilliKintpmptcall.pows. or ei-Genad'Ohlllameaye the Union:hahe ,onlyfiaMdition !jar Peace. 1 Mr. Liacolit says the freedom of the negrcrit:the only condition of peace. :1 ~_ ..11 ~-. :I.NED. ".Vil , i'• ~. se ••• tu4 l ,ve fo mg transla ... fry, the tifemosicti iff motique, of DOOrro f it il . golit 4: , 18(W) ' ,1 7 .l i' ; alt ilk ertstin. th h it tho,fl i ernment at Washington will rceOgnize e Mexican emplia, EtitPllr.fLinci:kiii, fearing that those who are opposed to bm in politics rOtty-litiFtifvF- -— eeogoitioo-ugainst- - -him in the election, has manifested an intention 40t to accredit a minister froisitely- Ced States to the Emperor of Mexico until jhq ., gsyzoritif Diplomatique is, comi , ider-, ell ohs `6FIIN est Europeateligitidriiio' in allqiiiitkell.4 Of; internatatid atilibetu and is %%6.Y '6O,tfoue as to its stateitidiitit This, therofoli;Vretlfo l :itiderstanding, toong thii' diphi"liito . "'cOrlis'tis to 'Wild' giiesidelA Lincoln, intends to do, apd his r'OasoZtfor not'd6ip„..o it, immediately: ',. ;) t:t• .:' L - 2 w,._,...Jis ••••••• :•• ..,...___•____ .1(1 •••!: 1 • i 1 rirGedrge'lil • Adleton, the Doinol cratiOsOdllidlite'lfti ''VlifOrPfesident, is i t • gent Mina iiA'''ddcidfd aliility, • libet'ar lic ctnirements iip4r:niestiiiied inivatvettpiatei trom=2rit , 'Yok - TritAne. eirThe- Republican papers , speak ul t ingly,ef Verimbiltrs firingtheifirst: gun iii the catartligait.tgeilifile fired the first :irtJufferiien-Af, Jaason, Van Barbra, PolkifFierbe,46l Buchandru v.Thcise - she fifes against ttreAwity s electefivo • 4,44614, in. the House — of ILOivseingutit , a,rithifeivuteixtber of Coli/ gress, sahlia-sSfititrelir: v. I ' • ..Abylitlipteir!arry4lierh,-iseing inclined and littvhigithe , fower,rhaVi'the , right;:lo rise stii an :shake off the existing Govein- Meni; and' from anew one thlit suits them better. Ittx- IR this right confined to cases Wthere , thc . 3-peciple (Win 'existing iGrOvern iitentryi ehociser to , exerciwiit.i.#' Any portion of stiOli pepple that cart ''May . re 4olufioitize; Inlttine down a minority in termingled with or near about them, who may PPposP theta- . . : # ' L -In` e t scli .Selnator Hale presented txi , e petitiotliffr46M Nett'-Englatod,- -4 praying than Stine means-bey devised; for the' dis- Soluiioh of the 'American Hnion.i' These Petitions received three votes in the Uni ted States' Senate, John' P: Hale, Salmon Chasc, , and WiHiamlj. Seward. These entlemen ate all ardedt•'supportera of Abrabani Lincoln ! mm s 5. ;of isconsm, not tong ago uttered the following " loyal" sentiment:." I. have no doubt the free and slave States ought to, syparute . ... The Union itA ?pt. iwprth supporting;to : con nection; . vgo4hol South., . i .4.fter i the avowal gf the above ,beanifrespeCiruen of Abolitionn's loyalty," Mr. Lincoln appoint e4 Mr. PikQ...Minhitr to Holland ! ri • . . DIRT 80 ODA, TAUT, trg MILbINERY , GOODS, FURS, PIECE GOODS: I R DY MDR CLOTHING. . : 6lftenbitrg, *frstnliztuut it. Co. ' •O 1 THIS PLACE, reeeioed.patt of; and arra making iihdly ad , JUL tittlone to their new to for the coming tall, and *inter season , respeetfritly call the attention cfr the taiblid to it, and Weald feel very haPpy to Imo their nal. nacroua Mende +and cnstmiters call and examine their new goods' glitch' for variety, style, and price, buccal lite.excelledi lathcemparta. Buyers of ccmealtiek their midges, will find 0 mach to their advantage to call on II first •ticifirre looking elfrewhere, an we are prepared to after eatrilpdaretdetati. • , Oar Stodt comprieen . D ESS': , ; GOO DS;S both kareigh andAloacetic, each as hltatibioB, L'ADMATTAS ALPACCAS ' (all colbis,) nil arm] add part cotton PLAIDS, .11011A1R4, , LUSTRES, VALENCIAS, EM. • an'd LEVINNAH CLOTHS, all . 'weal inerparmooliDELAlNS. plain' • • ; and prinfect DMAINS, etc. 7 3:1.1t . : 1 , 1 7zi t y- 7- 01 ; •Q) Man Bl*ck Bfflica4l3reekut, , isitillancy colored. ' - DOIC GO DS: rrintit, "aneetiags, • Stripes, _Ticks . , Denims,' Flan sel ls and Consai; fanerSEdifitir and opera do. FN •• of the latest endmost, popnlaisfyleVand . make. Ai°, Beavers: Itioddclosho Ladteg: Cassfrnere, Waterproof Cloth, 44. foD , Clo4kblge, 4X1% NOT: large .vartew, of Cloak Trinunfries. Ornate' to thbrvto. •1111:11.1.:ENERY GOODS. A fall Itnek.trefillsbons,Nretreta,:Blonflaj Ae. Rc. usual. kept.' : . „ • P3E!largil; 3011.1.1•19. A eery AIMAIMCIIt Slid eitravbatgainA • 11001'4011RTS CORSETS, o the my est make, aiitt superior to any other style wt- mfamintidln givetaistaetioli. ' ourotoch ein4racesao endicee.voriety. o f f e r fo t! , o3 , -, nomerous to For'Gbutlemen's - Weq l , the largestAnlintlitcoinplete t st , Ready , -Made • Olothitig, - 4 , A :1' • - i 00 1 4,4 1 'IA AZOOLLS* , erer IntroaneetliM tbla market, to which Mar attention . . 40 vmminuflittine. every garmeot we veil we erie thezieby ermlled not only tb'roll them tench RR than:othms.who buythent ofnumufacturen, but eaegleo more egaly gparentee co own work; as •We k4oW mit market: ab d are betted to hate them work,; Ootetocklit- thla 'tee complete. W 0 Hti#4, l 4). O S 3IO andtWS qt . • .•• , - :,.:13UIPtE13416i nitc.44p;m9,x 9 kini.dmpx... GtIODS. ?Maid Bbitte, .*raiTt4•l; Yiiwete ,scar 6, - itc...tte. A labiot btu • - l A , • . tesupdautresi ;Ibrittirdoiciltbs, Heaven s •Vart. t tngN aFer, for.Coatom Work, - yr I bibli bran& pitipiillot ientlon. j. • I •,.; .71; Guttenberg; Sestulbatunin(b• Itglitroee, Sept. StPtb, ISO.. - 1" Mr ' " riik.llll. - - hi-T4-0 li. i f i lii , ~ . $14 I CIR Ni will I N C g. troillatr:/tlntLtir, :attend b a l iaoc r t t re b ! lilting athe electiOniVihit_Clhatoonairealthl= the ad yOf IY. AP. 11u.R..,. I. DILI 8u High 8 rite Busgtiebanne County, aid comm., 4 , wed I, do by gite notieo to the l ectors of the con afo d, thata General El on will be held Ins • on tbilieconrt Tette October next, it being the 11th day of said month, at which time th e following Officers are to be elected, to wit: One person to dli - the office of REPRE9ENTA77VE IN CONGRESS for the 12th Congressional District, I) ol3 l4 , efitt ___ t aoffiardento and Susquehanna. 111 gig ° An Et u- 12 I O 'AfrOnfEpilVi,riliE for the district cort,aposed of the counties of Susquehar, One person to Ad : the Mace of COMMf-r for IMIONER held county. 2.. t. _ Olversort ,to ill the office of iiiiiiTOß for mild Oie porton to fp the erne, of FORONER for said hhT ,Aia .1 d 6 he mitki4known and. gitonollea e itlitig 'the place for bedding the General" Elpctbandin th'e Eat! - Mal Wards) horoughightidtcramaielpe'wlthln the COUnty' of Sosquelmona rapes follosir, to wit :. The said Eiectimin will be held theong,hrint the Conn , ty, mato/lawny ,:..; ~i il The election fqr the district .compw , ecl, of the flair - 11-1 1 ship of - Apolaeon Will beheld at the hinise Or &faqir': Beebe in said tqprothip., The election for the distrietecoriposed of die township' dfAthmt win be hold nt , fh 0 schoOldionto MLR the Pres.' byterian church in. sal d township. The election for the district composed °Alfa Ritetishire of Auburn will : ,lie. held at, thottouse l of : @mei Lott in said township. They elestiOn Earths district composed of this todpabik of Bridgewater will he held at the Cond i -hi/use,' in the beroeglidiflitintritasni , The election for the district sdinposed of. the taWl3- ship of Brooklyn will beheld-at the - beetle of lames o.' Ballard in saidltiwnshif." The election for the ittrlct compOecd of the term ship of Choconnt will be held at BehooWitiusetther Edward Clark's in said township. The election for the district composed el' the loitnr snip of Clifford will be held sitiiho tinhee late of 'Joins; Bewetsow in said township, . . .i. , I _.,rl , . The election far the dirt ri et Coil Poled - f the borolagii of Dander will be held at the DtUldatrhotekbx sahib:Cr. ° Vr i e.election forthi 4 district composed iiiitiViensiship of Dimock will oe held at the honsOf T. sialabtlicluifi said township. The election for the district composed otthe township of Forest Lake will be held at the house. of John 0. Towneld said townsidp... • . ~ . , ..:: Ili .1v .2 .I- „I The election for the districbcomposed,Of the,lellrn ship of Franklin will be held a t the ,sehdtd.housenear Jacob Allard's in Bald tovrilithipt ' . . • `-' , :i Tit e election for the district composed of the hotting. of Friendsville will be held at the ethool bunco inlmid borough. The election. for the district composed of the borough of Great Bend will be held at the house Oceuntedby Da yid Thomas in said township. ; , • , • ~. The election for thedistriet Composed of the folit sitip.of (Rent Bend will be held at the lions° occupied jr E. Barnum. . The eteetiOn for the district composed of the township of Gibson; ill be held in the Academy-building in-said township. , The eleClion for their Strict composed of treetownship of Ilarford will be held at the house late of N. W. Wal dron In said township. The. election for the district composed of the township of Harmony vigil beheld at the house Of S. Winters In said township. ' . • - The election for the district composed of the townshi p of Herrick will bo held in a building occupied -by John Miller in said township. . - The election for the district composed of the township of Jackson will lo held at the house ore. C. payee in said township. The election for the district tomposedorthe township of Jesse p will be held at the house of Daniel Hoff In Pahl township. The election for the district composed of the town ship of Lenox will be held at the house of Grow Jr Bro thers in said township. The election for the district composed of the township of Liberty will be held at the house of Bela Jones in said township. . The election for the district composediff the township of Lithrdp will be held at the house of Blithe Lord In sold township. . . Thb election for the i tatriet composed of the tiorough Of Little 31eadows will tio held at the school-horistoin saidborough. - The election for the district composed of the township . of Middletown will be held St the house of Otis Rosa in said township. . .. The election for the district composed of the borough • of Montrose will be held at the Court-house in said bor ough. The election fer thetlistriet composed of the borough . df Now Milford Wily be held at the house of If. C. Vail In saldborOugh. . I i .._' •, . .. The election:or them - strict composed of the tornelelp • of New Iffillbrd will be held at the house of Philander Mammy in the hotorigh of New:Miller& , • - The election 'for the district composed of the township of Oakland will be held at the house of Robert Nita in the borough of Susquehanna.. . ' - , I • The election for th e' district coMposed Of the town ship of Rash will be held at the hda re of N. D. - Snyder in sold township. The election for the district core posed of the township of Springville will be held at the honse of Spencer DR. ker. in said township. The election for the district composed of the townithlp of Sliver Lake will be held at the house ofli. McGerigle in raid township. The election fur the district cemptaged ..,f thohorongh of Susquehanna Depot will be held anhe hOtist 01 1 11 P 0 .! Canavan In said borough. The election fur the district composed of the town- ship of Thomson will he held At The house of Chester Stoddard in said township. - ; 1 • I also make ltnown and give notice as IT and by the lath section of said act.l am dittoed, th it every per eon. except Justlece of the Peace, who snag hold any office or appointment of profit or trust unchir the United States, or of this State. or °ratty city or itroorporated district, whether a commissioned °facer or agcnt. w4O Is; bd, employe , under thelegblattve. judiciary or executive department of this butte or. tho• United States, or any city or Incorporated eittrict; and alto that etery member ofCongress, zed of the State !Agfa leture, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law Incapable of .holding or exercising at the same time • the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of any election of this Commontvealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or other officer of any each elec tion, shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for. ' By the act of Assembly of July 6. 1830, It is also made " the duty of every Ilavor, rheriff, Deputy Sheriff. Al derman. Justice of the Peace. Constable or Deputy-Con stable, of every city, county. township or district With in this Common wealth, whenever called ripen by an o Hee, of an -election, or by three qualified electors there of, to clearany window or avenue to the window of the place of Generaftleetion which shall' be obstructed in ?incite way as to prevent voters from approaching the tame; and it shall be the duty of the respectiVe Consta bles of such warti,distriet or township a 'thin this Com monwealth, to be precept by person or by deputy, at the place of -holding. elections, in such ward: district or township, for tbo.purpose of preserving the pew? as aforesaid." Also that DL the 4th section of the act of Asurribly. eft titled "an act relating to executions and for other par poses," approved-April 76th, 1640.1 t le enacted that the aforesaid lath section, "shall not be conetrued .as ,to prevent any militia or borough officer froni 'serving as judge, Inspector, or Clerk, at : , ;my general - oesliscial election in thisCommonwealth.' Pursuant to theprovisions contained in the 76th tionof the act.aforesaid, r tbe Judges of the aforesaid dis trict shallrespect vely take charge oft be cettifleatedr I return of the election - of their respective district's, and I produce them at a meetingrof one Judge from each dia -1 Wet, at the Court Donee, 10 the Borough of - Montrose, on the third, da alter the day of election being the pre - sent rear on Friday, the 14th day of October nett. there I to do andperibrurthe duties reqtdred by law of said Judges, Also that where a Judge by sickliest* pl una 'Voidable accident la unable to attend said meetlrg of Judges, then the certificate or return aibrelnild - Isbell be taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clutha of the electitm Of said 'district. who shall do surd "perfOrth the duties requited of said Judge unable to attend. Also, that In therlst section of said act,it Is enacted that- "every general and special election shall beeped between-Eight:and Tin In the forenoon, and than too thine without interruption or adjournment uhtileven o'cloelt in the evening, when the polls shall be bland,' fl y sectlons 19th and lath of the act of Assembly ap proved the:2sth day 'Of Augnst, 1664, to reeolate the elections by seldiets is actual military servicd. Meet acted that, "The- return Judges of the several even ties,. shall adJOurri to meet at the places, now directed by law, on the third Friday after any general or. presid ential election, fwbieb for the general electito of this Year will be onithe 118th day of October.) for the purpose of coutiUng thcsobliers• vote ; and when two.or more eomillea are cornected in the election, the Meeting of thejadgensfromearth county shall balrestpened, On sash ease,Xintil tharriday•fpllowing: The return JudgcsAo - met. shalltnelude•fft theirenumeration, the votes eo returned, and thereuiron shall proceed In fall , respects, in the like mu nexus la provided by law, in eases vr here ill the Votes shall have been given at the usW• Veva of election,. . d • f: ' - •1 The retuniJudges for rho Twelfth Congressional Dig eompoaed,of the counties of Susenehasialand Lll - will meet at the Court House In IVilkes•Darre.;in the county of interne, on Friday, the 4th rat allover:I -her next; - • _ The return judges ,for -the Representative cl tomiXosed of thee counties Of Susquehanna and W vtliji meet 64 the Court Bousein Mirrit.fotte,, ddS, :the 4th Of•Nqvember next.. - • 12111'feet-her directed that u esat th Court House thne • `Mmeoc n t t lti o g so f- -the. aoitt h ogut J h dg generstre e urns shall be hefrrtFeidomukeeed loathe General Election, athlete will be on the 14th day Octeber 2800. Given hand, at my Grim In the, oiro imflifdlitttisc, the 19th day cif Anno •Dominl;l landbm.tho year of the Commonwealth rho alto,. ; DAVID that Ann, Lori ' • • Sheliff's W6ce:miattrose.• Sept. 19th. NCO. . , Off'Subscribe for Oo Damocoo.