The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 22, 1864, Image 3

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    ac3 ,=:wwlr .4kAPIPiIIIPUS•
Poi thi Campaign,
We will Rend the DstpcsAf until after
the November election to subefiti,
here for SO centst antki_Where four or more
fi re ordered by one pe00n,25 cents each.
Sower eenc till: paid for.
How Soldiers Vote..
Op first page will be found a synopsis
of the - law under which soldiers are to
vote. Cut this out and send it to your
friends in the army ; and also At few cop.
is oc the McClellan county ticket, to be
had at this office after ioinorrow. Write
or call for them, at once.
Ontdde - P age..
See abstract of soldiers' voting law an
first page of this paper. Read it over
carefully, and send votes to the soldiers,
in letters, it once, and - again in a week or
two, lest they do not get the first. Sol
diers,ate Already, asking for them.
McClellan Clnb meeting.
The McClellan Club of Rush will meet
attbelonse of N. IX Snyder, on
day evening, Sept . 24, 1864, at 7 o'clock.
Rally, meal Now is the time.
Octebei Ilkection Tickets,
Ittets foi- the October election will be
ready for delivery at this office on the last
day of the Fair. Call and get a few to
send to riot *friends in the army. Also
send them the abstract of the act regula
ting the soldiers' vote in camp, dm. Cut
it out ofthis paper (see outside) and send
it to the soldiers. Alan all your friends
in the army a sheet or two of votes'•irr A
=ma, at once, tor some of them must
send their votes home in an envelope be
fore election day.
Congressional Conference.
The Conferees of the 12th Congression
al District., composed of the counties of
Susquehanna and Lucerne, met at. the St.
Charles Hotel, Scranton, on Wednesday
the 14th of September, 1864.
Amherst Carpenter, of Susquehanna,
was unanimously elected Chairman, and
Dr. E. B. Miner, of Luzerne, Secretary,
Hon. Charles Denison, of Lucerne, was
re-nominated by acclamation for Congress.
Conferees to meet at Scranton hereaf
ter until further notice.
E. B. Mum, Secretary.
Legislative Conference.
The Conferees of the (new) legislative
district composed pf Susquehanna and
Wyoming counties, met at Montrose on
the 17th and nominated E. E. Guild of
tiasq'a, and John Jackson of Wyoming,
Is Democratic candidates for the legisla
ture. No official report received.
&Megan Stock Itiot4.
Shoddy organ - falsely.eays, "McClellan
stock is falling rapidly in this vicinity."
The well-known 'truth is that shoddy is
falling to pieces, and McCucti.As is gain
ing votes, here, arid 'everywhere else.
Preaching Politics.
The Lincoln mouth-piecesare urging the
clergy to enlist in the political campaign.
If any minister attempts to use professional
influence for any candidate, he should get
no further suOporti'from any citizen. Cut
off their fodder as soon as they dabble in
politics. Politics in the churches did very
much to introduce sectionaVdisputes and
~cause this "war. Therefore support no
roan who continues the mischief.
Township meetings.
A consultation will beheld at the Mc-
Clellan Club Room (Keystone Hotel) in
Montane- on Thursday, Sept. 22d, at 2
o'clock, to " arrange meetings for neit
week. Towns desiring meetings should
be represented.
The Draft.
The draft is to be made this week ; and
commences fur this district on Thursday
New Goods.- d. .•
Guttenberg, Rosenbaum b Co. are now
receiving a supply of new and choice
Goods, and the people are invited to call
and' examine before buying. i filr Adver
tisement next week. .
Elmira Commercial College.
We are satisfied from what we! have
eeen that this Institntion is destined to be
come one of the most thorougb and valua
ble Of its kind in the State. Its ()aurae of
commercial 'studies' cannot be exCelled in
extent and thoroughness—embracing - ill
the branches of a commercial education
necessary to make a finished, practical
businessman. Located in the center of a
city preeminentfor its beauty, healthful
ness and accessibility, and whose general
attractions are unrivalled; established on
a permanent has* aid possessed of all the,
inaucements any institution can present,
it now invites the, young engaged it, all
departments off employment to, devote a
few months within its walls in laying a
foundation to a practical business educe-
The managers have a lame r , experience
in their profession, and their graduates
are mattered through the country, filling
positions Of hamar - and usefulness—loome
mandifiCtlia heilitaour first class 430 M.
mei . cial'collegaaj others are employed "aa
,acoountintiv sffesinen shipping clerks,
profesaarli;teicliers,',B;c., situations which
they wereasacaieii to twin graduating.
Any ypang man, familiar _with the-com
mon English biancheti,`:exaTit himself for'
the counting-robin in twooribreamonths
at this College; and to command'a salary;
Path as, Would:require , 401/i4 of: gdgery
is inferior positionsia our large commore,
ial houses.--Elmint Press. I
For particulariaddniaMeisr" s.
Sadth; ' '
(ma ves arnkriosa ansoeser4 • " -
Rexford' 'Agricultural 130elety.
As tiOime 41PPPhef t A i,i , -
nuallairs thrOugout the•courti, ee - n
it due ton:writ and.enterurise,- to.refer to
those held in HarfortL' 'Having had the
pleastirr of being:4 BReetalorilt:t4 exhi...
_bitionlield there " in - the fall derso, rean
truly say.that 'I :was gresilf pie - ailed and
interestcal i -nud .. , tiumf.,,ithe..,:Krfinfldfr 4 ''•,.
buildingii; ' the stock, the Atodithts of A e
soil, the britmetittil inil:fificy;attians, in
cluditigAbe intiefut. and Areantifnl, gmpre
ducts of,Neellpismantl e ert l littexhibiuon,
and the maitutrifftirf peapfit'.tbat were,
Were - from lei andite - afr;Wrixceenteir r
far my highest anticipations.. ':' • .P.t.'. • t :
I havh neither time nor,ability to even
Lint at AU great vii*ty . SofA,beiriecpssary,
useful abl — ti nianiettath&aeleti tfae were
there setead 'Ott to feast 'tfiteye stud
challenge admiration. Suffice to Say; that
the necessary expense, an4-latkocof.gek.
tine tip.such an'exhiliition.tdionr'ifliberatk
ity and spirit ofnaterpriseand energy on
behalf of the ci tizens of Hatford and vi
cinity, worthy °fall' fillse. and,commen
dation.Thn ladies' deparuilent exhibited
so inany products of refined:teat' indus
try, skill And handiworli t . , thar - no one
could,,look at theta wit Itsitt feeling a pride
that the makers slid contributors- were
the ,daufiters of "out own dear native
land."'"' ,e Halls in which - ,these pro
ductsme so lavishly apiend out; utti-act
ed Mich'ettention ?. . anal -ailervelifi id.—
While tht Wage exhibition showed ;the
zeal, thtek'ergy, -and the liimitlity,of the
contritiattors i the multitudes that' threnged
the gionnas showed by
. their presence
and their s loeits that Iherappreciated the
efforts that had been made - to antereit and
benefit them. ruericEbutedd r thatif you
doubt the truth of my statqfpenti t no and
see for yourselves. But while 4. fill state
the truth,' I would not stftine word in
disparagement'of-Ourerintity'SCßet} and
'its Fairs. 'Their merit and usefulness is
undoubted: They - should be generopsly
PatrandzeUutt 'sustained,. TheEecie,ties
should not, be held as rivals, but as aids
and helps tto• each 'other'. --The Harfurd
Society atarnitnodates thinly* ft-hii, from
distance, are out of reach 'of 'the County
Society. No jealeusies, should exist 7 be
tween the two. They have one common
object, and:'.one'commori result.- 4 would
say to all'i'ditend both if yon can. Learn
from each what you can. 'Help each oth
er as you can, Each Society should emu
late the other in the promotion and de
velopement of the Agricultural interests
,of the county to the largestpossible ex
We - have a County cif which we
may all feFI justly proud for its intelli
'gence and increasing beauty and produe,
uveness. And I will close by saying, let
us all-attend"' the Fairs of both Societies
so far as we can'. Hoiv drni we find a bpi
iday that. pays better, costa no little, and
affurds mow pleasure sachoofit, than
those on -whielt. our Fairs are held. -...,-Xye
see each other and mingle our ttieelliigs.
We are. pleased and 'bettefitted by what'
we see and hear. We have one platform
on which we may all staid, with no am
bition but a laudable one, and no reward
but of merit.
, The citizeny- Afr Harford - and-- vicinity
are certainly 'entitled to- -'gredt credit - for
the degree strengtkand perfti4un to
which they hate raised tlfeir Sticiety. Let
the coonty Society
,einulate thery.4n their
zeal , and liberality,;and edit succesi will
attend the effort, 2.. 12.- 2.•
N. V. Wholesale ?deals otProduoe, .
Reported for the Montrose Dernocrat by
Josteu VVlPArtett, Cofiterch
apt,. Sro. 32 1 ; Jay street,,,New ,York, -to
whom shipmentslof produce may he made.
Two thirds of.the market value will be
advanced on the receipt of the goods if
desired, and A qtlick return, m.idelbi the
balance. Full directions and Alvenkly
market report sent free of,e.bdrge by - mail
to those making shipments.
Priers for thi j iireek encling Sead. 17, •••
Beans, whitesoupd, per ba n 240 290
Butter in tut per pound, 4a • - 155
" firki 40 55
Cheeses. ouglOlK 27
" • , c9MinOth 't 4 iNd
Dried Apples ; ; ,'; . k 10: 1172
Eggs, fresh, ..,per dozen, •28 , 3,0
Flour, wheato,er barrel, 900 4, PQ
4, 12 Old
Feathers;:: Hyp geete, per lb., 87 110
Beef Sides, —:•1" 11 i 5
Mattonin carcass,' " " It 14
Veal, " 12 18
:Pork dressed 41 /,., • !,' 14
pertnubel, 4 '2 - 42 , 200
ISO '2lO
Rye, •
Oats, _ " go - ' 'l4
Coin,, '
f ".• y.l
.45p lel
, p e r po und, „ 20
green;. , 6 l2.
Lan% common to best; . per lb., 23 '24
Beef, mess,; per barrel,ls 00 . 26.00
,f 1 , 10 00 lo
Pdric, mom'' 39 0,9 42'01
" prinfei 4 "' - 80 7 00 39 00
Banta, - smiled; -= 'Per 1 b.: ; , :25 rlgj
Shoulders. spo l'
ked% (1 4 4 s ; :20 23
Timothy Seed; =per buehek,
o 0 so . , 43:9cr
Tallow, I per lb.- . , 1 . 9
Wool, washed, " 4 4 : 90 31:t i
" nu waShed, IdT
Apples, per barrel,l' 2 00 2:g . QO .
3 1) 16 Sugari poßnOt 15 10
NOTE.—A full report, 011ie New York ,
Market can be seen r at gie o ffieettrit4
Montrose Democrat, coriected up . t 9 last,
Saturday. We have" on/ file a Weekly;
Price Current of Produce, for s,he
our friends who may call to exam i ne it:
In the above lid Welter) the "loiraiii , and
highest prim •Zofetiled - ':hr
quality and condition: litany artiehnithat
are not leeetieWabnybican tie - forthd da•
;the report id this Wine. • • :C.ll'i3O•'".
'rbO:Cbloto;Tel4raph; s radicatOW,
oiso Freniont-paper , nonas ;
don of
mAiskisio T brelf-I,lan --fitf9 0 8vst ?Ma
the Dembdits'ocinla n
'ind Abe la.
Sittlifk4ereated - br 1
' 1 4 . V4;
Titrigizrisosz it BIithaEWATML
Mettelittit eitibV
• . '4 I r
I • ' , ,•/ ••,
„ irr
• • 111 • •!
At the Keystone -Hall.
In Factoryville, on the Ist inst., by the
Rev. N. Doolittle, Mr. HENRY .t. STET.
BAsEr.Vwroms A. lizsnu f
: , „ :•. 1
.;,-,i s . 1 . - 1 a.'i . ,'li . b . 7 -
i‘t , irr,, t vt act a varking,,pn 1 0 4 040%
at tie P ile
Heilroad' / Aiiiiiiit I MI,
Sergi. J mid Fj Hilda* Co. H.l4th U. S.
r .
In try, f i g d 25, years, and Et, months,
. tine friepd 'atter (Heed departs: ' Who
hitt nailb§t^a friend? ' '--- '''''
Honesdale-papers please copy.
-N , '
inta the enclosure of the subseriber,on the 14th
a...4,1n1L4 *SORREL MAIM, With a white stripe otfhet
fafe,pMilatne in bpth hind legs. The vownerlart*tnet•
till to prove PrOperty, pay - charges," and take her away:
Lathrop,Septt nth, 1014 : '
• •-•
.Executtirer Notice.
‘Tini.CE„.la.kereky_givext that lettere. testamettag
101 .mion_lheicatati:ot-PATRIGX VighLElMato of Silver Lake township, deed, have been granted "toile
enhscri her. end up perrone haying claims against said
estate are revitmtexi to preunt the samo, duty attested,
for settlement add those indebted to same ate required
to make immediate payment.
*t . 4 1C 1r n j" D :41
Silver Lake, Sept. 8, 1864. 6w
xeouior's SA
• ,04.1 g
IN accordance with the Will of the late Joseph Jack
'. con, deceased, the undersigned will sell at public
aixthrtt. 0p."11414Ay...8e,0-71. aseglicatagaulaedock
a. m.) upon the premises of said decedent, in Brooklyn,
the following property, ris : .
OntrPtdi•of :Olen. 3. Howe, 1 Yearling, 51-43talwas, 7
Sheep, 2 Hogs. I Horse, Farming Tools, Household
Futmiture„ Grain, Potatoes, Bay, Straw, Sheeplielts,
&e. „
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold to the
highest biddezi
lately owned by eald dieedMii,iiltnate In Brooklyn, and
borradedorf the tairttlr lands tot IL W. Gera; cdf tbq
easslemrdtof C„Wy Relloav o oath. month byrlauta
Olt . ' 3Cdt or, 04 ti t i 4,
gti" 'kith g 44„, ),11,;gti?xliipf 9. F.
TERMS favorable, and made known at sale.
Bronbcy-b a 7 11 1 .Et,ii:=.1,414 A T R . . t B;..,WES‘TON,-.1,11'r.
Sale of Real Rip
' tate: , .",
*COM% to titiribiVven 0186;iittritnantiot title
ili i yahAggP4R 4A4tott-at-SnaqoptanttaFonotY.
to ttstlL airmen s ttiltaltsat the Courtaiattee
In arose, on Thursday, the Wth day of Sept. A. D.
DotArine - p'clitejr.,;r4 vvr thrtotelng Rent 'plata
All that certain lot of land 'haste In the towushlp of
Great Bend, in the county of Susquebanna;and State of
Pennsylvania, hounded and described Of follows, viz:
On the North by. lot owned .by Sarah Skinner;
on the west by lot owned by J. B. Ogden: on the south
by tot owned by - Joseph' Bolles and on She 'wain - brttier.
Great Bend and Chochecton turnpike, containing 5,130
feet more or less, together with the appurtenances.
TERM g. , —*So onthe day of sale ; otie hi& the biLlnee
on anal confirmation, and the remainder In one year
thereafter r i tififftrreilti j :7 •
-hi ALLY .AlibiliANGLß‘J'Adm*.e.
Great Bend, Sept. 6,1804.
ASI have emceinded toenlist in Uncle Sam's servja,
• I take.tha "thrigtol. infonnlng. aylfriends and
patrons. but I have sold my entire stock toldr.Clewley,
Holed who is to be my successor, and whom I cab
cheerfully recommend as being hilly qualided to do.
all kinds of Watcheind,Ptock Repairing in the beitpot
ethic manna, , , .
wouldatuat'Oy eincere thanks - for the;IWO Pak;
renege bestoWed upon me, and would solleat liana
((km" soccerser, confident that he by fair g tut&
good work. srilt merit the time. Try him.
L. 11. DRIELL.
lifotatroie:Aeg:l6th, 1804.
• .
:The indereigned will still continue to Carry on. the
ousiness In al its branches inch*
Wath, Clock, & ,Jevzolrir .Ib3pahing.
Pant mini/pains takenyelth Nirat4lies, each as
Chrononieters, Duplex and Rifasb Levers. Ali work
vaininle.LltAlne lot of New Watches and: Clockti
hand. for ale. ail trusranted.tokeest good time for one
,year or the money refaudeai.... .
•,'Shop on east side of Public Avenue. to F. B. Chan
dler's store....its, CE&EPiti. HOLES.
mlfß tabtaber effete fertile hie TARN, situated. to
.11. North Jackson, on the Lenox and 'Harmony Tani ,
ntilestfromAinsquehanna Depot, formerly
iurtheigheatta farm. Said fate eantainte rt.;
'11431 "creel,
ah . cnt ionera.under improventint. There are two
dwelllnchouees on said farm..-. The barns are: say,
w w, at Th ered with lie Fruit blot thy Sat quality. This,
;farm is well ving 'rin
ter at the house and harm., w gs—running ww•
Ten Cowa.lO Sheep and other Stock, together with
all necessary Farming Tools, Dairy Utensils. de., will
be sold with the
. piate. Wanted.
Onc third . of the purchase toormy.wlll be required
down. and the balsocaic yearly Istatahtutlin,
Jackson. Ang. - 25,.1864. ew • :- •
EAepu.t.oes Notice..
ATOTt•M*Ab. y ven Tr hp
tral eerrite of Ibbierl need, hate of New mg/
iointeAtg, detiriped, have been gritted eo the it 94
. bet, hpo petiole ,herrrng opintt'esid. aids
a rireztarted to gtet!tr. tithe clime . duly Wetted, rot etti
tlifnen t, and thosejterebted to thin:iv" reigibrltO.
m6tcdI!FT4Iat"IPITAIOT 14.144MEtomitot
i New Milford ffpt. WS& ../
uditOr'b Notice
ritxtif cndeniyatd si ga tipgitormolotottrxthi Or.
j phony/Court or umoseountitto Mike die.
0114:Won awe fa:l l 4 toiodo of the adialplitiator,
'of ilitiostrito or an; Alite, will (i Vi
othle two WetthrofilcoltitlOnuose,t
ealigurthkt.theacir deka octoher.leok evl 'o'clock,
L e.10.„ - erneo, , olll where MI `persons'intem!ed tkoste
imad—wLlpreseat - thaircLtma or be Ibtrilebetnek
J. „B. XeCOLLV3I,' taeUtor. `
Akhe — Hot,ltkles4..
. 4 % ff. •
r 4
7 f_l 7 - PIT P ; 131"4-
eirri - • •• •
titit staiiicaTilitratib
Titlio,l3ltofi liereCtiras t •
Have and do - give' Hatter satidaction
.7: ' , ziasitoatiniatoint ! n ,
mtvgligcleig,4EspAcT. 4 l o .6 - 1 1 ;onts UrVopcn
\ • , - rba :ratan -- -
nip AlymAller artielp intim market 1,
an ,to
AND WILiPAY $1:660
. as that hruat estirtrors.-
tiioorit.srripsniAri strums
•'" t %ilififire every spoof
IfeiiiiiirDebiliff,'Disaliti of
Iridneys.pad disuses aciaiag
frovia ditibrciereV;t:amao,l4:
Resuitinsqsrms ,Dis?riirrt latlkc -IXgestinr
1 _
Organs :
trotivitiattliii4wailllglclAia nelii tea IncioiPtfillie
Head. Acidlty)4VHomaph Nausea, Heartburn,
Disgust for,
_glineeilkitalfailtht In the
Stomach, Mar ctations, Inking or Flat
tering at the pit of the Stomach, Swim.
Wing* tie gendOre4 amt.dlA-
; ; tarreatiting.,_ari tteringat4ll
' out; cnotin or 'Sonde
ling Sensations when in • -! e
slyinPostore. Dimness of
Vision. Dote or Webs befiare the
10, .Feverand-Dtill Pain in the
,lelenti otiPerspiratlon,TeDow.
ness attic Skin and. Eresilnin in the 814 e,
Back, •Cbest, Limbs. ac.,!l;aladege,flushecof
Heat Horning in - the Flesh. 'VceillPtant linag
114ngs of. ETU. and-great Deprcasina of Splyfts.
DrrrEss zs
1%7 co t
o:tr.APiti EC ° POI 9-tulattg.;,
2 4 ,b (fillet °Bahr pruttaits
• - ' • I :lll'thet z World: " " "
From the Rev. Levi G. Reek, Pastor of the Baptist
Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Bak
tht Church, Philadelphia:
i t ; •:= 4! • • •
r 1%1'40 - Italian * treolc&e . : Gcrinal
itfenf fa
vorably for a number of . yeate,Ahave used them in my
own tangly, and have beeneffipTensed with their effects
that I was Induced to,secotomend them to many Where:
and Imo v that they have operated toe strikingly bene
ficial manner. I take great pleasure In thus publicly
proclaisrdilttbis Esmtwndwtling the attention of those
ded, to these Biers. now ng from experience that my
reeommendation• will be sustained. /. do this more
cheerfully as Hoofland's Bitters is intended to benefit
the afflicted. and La not a-rum drink."
Yours Truly, LEVI G. BECK.
From Bev. J. *lepton btagrn, D. Dt ,lite tra
Although not disposed to favor orrueommend Patent
Medicines in genheas,4oo%gb A 141114,0 their ingredi
ents and effecto,! y'ettrarr ofito Itttlietent reasons why
a man may not testify to the benefits he believeo bitpult
to have recatatationtruty, attapth ttnikentop,7iq the
hope that Itti tEtarthiretbntrttnitetcrtlte - lthithalit .6Th
jothulictiziFfefeamillijtON . ad's Ger
man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. Jackson. of thie eity,be
cause I was rat= against hbeinto_sranny irehrtAtin
der the arthey•Srerli'cltlefirattatenEtntfe
mlate, r l . :am, Intleptedlo mylriend, Ithle4rt Sfioema
k 1110101novil of USN prejudice bytpro.per
tee ,Otkrortoom-fgenient. to 4rytthem,,f *bag seem ,
logifoM grelitanttlbag etintinued debillity4 .Tha age of
three bottler, of these bitters at the beginning of the
present year. was followed by evident rellefand restora
tion to a degree of bodily arid Mental vigor which I had
not felt for sla rube beroma_lll,l3had,nrirtlett,irt4
git7tNl E lto l th b rile ar o r i &m il ! 61 . 141
.97J; •
From the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pastor of the PIA Dip!
list Church. 0 " 'j . ' )__ ,- 0 ;0 , ,F ,
Dr. Jackson :—Delir airt—ttnve b`cdn freqiientlY ie•
quilted to tweet my naiigeorp commendations of
diftep4k) oflinedlqinnic lit glirdipdtbe practice
idi ant or my roprfate sphere, have in all cases de
sfalfatillist w • eke r,proatin !melees instencea,and ,
ly lii sr.tamily, of the irfskieriewf•Dealhof:
011 . 7 . ; (Inman Bitters. I depart, fqr once frumpy . usual
course4p =matte my , fall ContietiOn that, fair teneral
.debility of the system and esir i ti itr adl for Liver Com
plaint, it tri 6tafe And Wilda - 14p foe.- Jos b e ea.
Fes it maYtall ; lint ciatialty:T ddn I not; lewill be very
beneficial to those wjiwegffekftwte the *lnn cause.
Yours, vetorrespeetfn ;.r. A ' '-- ' '
J., . KENNARD. ..,,
Eighth below Coates street, Philadelphia.
'.l (i t — ll --'1 i 1 1_ 4 1: Ll]
From tbeitiivi Thobias Wintee, ratter of •itertkorongb
Baptist Church. ,
Dr. Jackson :—Dear Din. —I feel it due to your excel
lent, preptiration„ licellfnd's.64imattBlttesa,4o add inf
telliniottjto the deemed reputation( t has obtain ed.
Mel tordpors.dWitriee.boon tronbted wltb Out ditor
der in'tnyitead lard-rerun:v. atitem.'r waira - delied by a
frtend tuArlobagtstoottr,Demmul:Ditters. 111.
andikaire experienced. great mid Onexpected_mlferc my
health has bemi very materially benefitted. I confident.
ly recommend the article whero,l meetwitkatpes, rind
•hrte too own, Othd have been 'stinted' by many or they
good effects. Itespectfully_yonnv. . ,- • , • ••
T. WINTER,-Rozborcmrb„ - Pa,
f t r i a: ov i i 6 VIM" F 1 .1.; w '
__,,," 4 --
PM= Am J. ectugni of tqe Gernbs Dpi ffrriP4
Chureb; , Berk. county, Pa.
Dr. C. M. Jackson ..../1110 Si r :- ! have been
'troubled with Dye shi tiearlytwenty years. and have
never ..dau la je o lgr "Prultichrdias
Hoodandlt BID I very hlllytorr k.ltitk
after.hayipalt . , Dies L . •
Yours, wtth respect, J. S. HE RMAN.
I " 11 / I :" I I 'l' lll -'-r-' -':' f, 'lli l'i.N ,3 ;ii
I. 4 I .• .: :., •/1
-ti114F.5: 7 •1845. '.... :: • .r 1
tr rirfry I . r t
Large !!!.. 40/614.. to tdoeblequan o otrie—ha. 1
Small shorgaokiwyque4f it doz. , 0. OO
1 1 ' . 7 1 i !• 7.1..7. VAlii
BEWARE' OF ' Cant /12113. -
_SermithetlignaHtutieof'. O. M JACKS "
'Um RAPPER ot.exchliottle "'''
atr..tllx •
Should your nearest drumlin ridt_lbei!e the artlele c
notbe-put-01l by any of the Intoxicating preparations
net roy 9fietentlnitTjticet banded prucrilnd we
wlllfamidomhteft4aUlthd bralPteir-- -
Pipi9lol9ffice an -Wanda°
No. 631. ABCs 8.
one 4
iggA t eige4tt4q•V i nhtillWito
• `. PrOprietOM
In ••-'4l7,Nz'TintikAr, 0* Allot, •
- 1. S. 110-1011.
•• ; ' , • . •
ite Sissetssit or the Tsesessy gives oath* - that nab.
sorlitioris will he ralclw.c:l)L fOr Coupon Timmy , Notes,
pelotas Wee posts bliss Aug fO, Uhl, with setni•anna•
interest at , the rate of seven and Wee -tenths per
ceittlperampttr,—prioclia Sad Lowest both tobepold
3 9 1 5 4I FFPg ar7 '' • •
Thtie notes will be eonvertJble et the option; of the
hOldttrattaattirity;lnto six per cent. gold bearingbonds,
Oyablenotitesethantlee nor more than twenty w ily rs
from their date, as the Government may . elect.
will beliened lb denominations of eiso. snoops*, $l,-'
u p an d gthopmind all aubectiptions must be LOT any
dollars or some multiple of fifty
The notes will betrintimitted-to the owners free of
transportation charter as , , soon after the receipt of the
oFiginal Certificates of Deposit as they Can baprepared.
QCs the smug draw' Interest from August M. persona
m#lng,deposita,subsequent to that date must pay the
totem% accrued from date of note to date of deposit.
• Parties dephalting twenty4re thousand donors and
upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed
• commission of one quarter ofone per cent., which will
be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of
• bill for the amount, certified to by the °filter with
whom the denoslt wits made. No deductions for coa i .
missions must be Made from the deposits.
IT IS A NATIONAL Saircana Bans, offering a briber
nab* of interest than any other, and the best seenrity.—
Any saving'', bank which pay. Its depositor* In L. N.
Notes, considers that It lapaying In the beat circulating
medium of the country, and it cannot pay anything bet.
lar d for its own, aareta arc either In government neuri
tic,* or In notes or bonds payable In government paper.
.I%tarually lonTeolent ass tempsyary or permanent
Investment. The notes can always .ffe cold for within
tractlod of their face and accumnlated Interest, and
are the beat 'acuity with banks aa collateral* fur dbr
Conyertible into a Six per emit. 6-20 Cold Bonds.
In addition to the very liberal Interest on the notes
forthreeyears. thisprivilege of conversion is now worth
about, three per cent. per annum, for tin/current rate for
5-20 Bonds is not les* the nine percept. premium,
and before the war the premium on elk per cent. U. B.
stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be Seen that
the - actual profit on this loan, at the present market
rate. to not Uswihan ten per cent. pee annum. •
Ito Et emption from State or Knnicipal Tazaticm.
But aside frcini all the advantages we have enumera
ted, a special act of Congress exempts ail Bonds and
Treasury Notes from local taxation. On the average,
this exemption is ' w ortivabout two per tent. per an
nam,laceording to the rate of taxation In various parts
of the cogntry.
It is 'Uttered that no securities °Beg ao great leduce•
ments to lenders as those issued by the government. in
alt other forMs of indebtedness, the faith or - ability of
private parties, or stock companies,, oreeparate com
munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole
property of the country is 'held to smare the discharge
of all the obligations of the Unikd States.
While the government offerahe most liberal terms
for lea loans, It believes that the very strongest appeal
win be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people.
Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits.—
_party depositing must endorse upon - the original
certificate the denomination or the Notes required, and
whether they are to be issued in blank or payable to or
der. When so endorsed it must be left, with the officer
receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury
Subseriptigna will be received by the Treasurer of the
United Stateli; at Washington, the several Assistant
Treasurers and designated'Depositaries, and by the
" -- t . —TOWANPA.
and Sy nil .Natitionl Banks wbtobbrO desosltiriels ofpizb
Ift money; and
- • :
th nd roughout tho country will give further Information
Aug. 11.
most kinds of produce wanted In exchange for
Goods at the Grocery and Variety Store of
AT '
Fur Manufactory,
718, ARearrnErr,
above Tth, PIiIL A.
have now In store ofmy
n Importation and ]lan=
tore, one of the Largest
I most Sestitlhal seen.
xs Of
in the city. Also, a fine
assortment of Gents For Gloria and Collars.
As my Furs Were all purchased. when Gold was at a
mach lower pretnitim than at present. lam enabled to
dispose of theft at very reasonahle prime, and I would
therefore solicit a call from niy i trieniis of Susquehanna
County. and viein
fgrßemeiober the name,.nimhiir and streeti
" stiniNIAPET • A,
Ap,cir, Strect,Ooye.7th. 'ninth aide,
Sept. 8,11304. Im . PHILADELPHIA.
rffirl Imo no partner, nor connection alp any oth
er Arm in Philadelphia;.
Montrose, Pa.
larloap i setant to Fontales.—Dr. Cheote.
inon 9 o lo.—Ttid Combination of ingredients In
theme Pills is the result of a long and' extensive practice
They are mild In their operation, and cannot do harm to
the moatdelleate ;eertain In correcting allinegularines
Palate ' remelting all - obstructions,
whether tram cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the
side, palpitation of the heart, whites. all nervous affee-
Mons. hysterics, fatigue, pa lb in the hack, and limbs,
die.. disturbed 'sleep, which arlse from interruption ot
. .
wad the contrcienCement of A new era In the treatment of
irregnlaritiga and obstructions which htiV6' consigned 60
many to a PEEXATIMIC °Turn. No female can enjoy
good health unless she le replier:and whenever SA nb
strpCtion-tAkeA•plice thn .gen Aral btaltn, begins ; to de
cline. Ttiese Pills form the finest propitiation ever put
CESS. 7:l(=s3:oE be) 23elized:ve)el,—
Takothts.a4vcalteenicuttwour Drum/Ist. and tell hito
that yon wallet/Pa-NMI , won RELIABLE Prniab
Medians in the World, which Is comprised in thcsoPills.
r Dr: . :p - MlPSidiparS PILLS •
hew; teens standard Ileriieifor over thirty Years, ' r ind
are the most effectual one ever known for ail compleints
peculiar to Yereak*: classes they erclusolnahle
DiffweifirlettA dental/. ittriedleaf regtaarlty:. The;
are known to thousands, who have need them at different
periods, theougtroqie the country, having the sanettonof
come orthe most eminent Phyetetene In America.
Expileitdirections, etaUng Wien theyskould nottm used,
with , tab prlecp - perborotetoxes for $5,
contidninf -PUtioentbyvnall prompt
orf froMiuttisn.Ntwremittlnit to tho Proprk
etas • cold Dv eta kenerally.• . • , ,
, 4313&IIILLYM,.Peoprietors,"
t uthlt buts t St Cedaestreet; Now•Yorit.
Or Sold tt( i itrope. 4 by Abel Turret' laTunktutn
.nock by J. W r aL an l / 4 in Gnat Vend by) Driffin,and
T.D. Enstabrbo L. t.S totally
iitiii:t:4lYOicOelftS4Cl3. H. D.,'
oCoMer and .Ataturr;! fonnetly_pf: ydeo. Holland. Is
bow, /mite, at., No, 'Mt PINE met, Ph4hla,
tittle pertain, etteted with diseases or tbe and
EAR will ho setenthleallwtreated and eared; ble.
Arilticlallgietiterted without pain.
N. 11 . — NIT 1 nteAe rot , Examination. The Med•
Ical faculty's' Inlr • Nal'hO tile EU Fends in Ph Mode
of treatment.- 1 IY
Alln*tstr)zpix,'s Nptice•
onc+Faiirelpiei tds Perini indebted to
tr Aite of Ile:sick tottothlpdeedi
to intko httatediat eat, and an personsiairing
ettknormatost Bald ecedent, present :the same to
Abe andersleed,ettlement,j.
ASittAti - M. DU/604 kindle'.
nertic4.-.Ang• - .
xeattiter Notiee.
en.tturestateWOSEPHJAENSON. late ellareoX.
Sesclashill. deceased. have been muted to the lob
ratiboti sod all pomp, Wins tetalosamotast Add ow.
Woo" rogqeste4 to presenttoo roome,..doly attested;
and tbosolodebtotto tamo we requited to make Imam
.4thli*PEM4fOlt• ::74:44 131 4 1) ./ 1 . v
I:2l o 9 Mnts:Mr" 3 6 t4? ' - • "
l a ltein .WDZIALCM
where tent
as ha haLla at the ittPre of
RUM Film - WM Mk been Wm:raged by_tlto hew
J. advance Inioods, but have *LAROL fiTORIc at
seasonable goo& 011 hand, and are revolving daily addi
tions to the made:
We are selling' such VOA CALMI es
itxcecoklngly LOW Pecos..
We revectially request en who are making cash pa
eans to try ne before all others, as we have resolved
onaellingsoodsthat war oalphoreqfter, and have thano
fonMild one prices accordingly log,
We will certainly try to ease a good Many the tionble
and expenses *riesling the county and going a distance
in order to bay cheap; co wa say again,.give as atria
and we will convince you with the facts arenraasertion
- Oar aseortment. In
• sub is DBES'S GOODS, in
• 7ef''
a I
LAWNS, &c., tic., Aix., is large.
Bleached and Unbleached, light and holey
mdea, Calicoes and Oinghams of the best make, Do-
Lathes, Ticks, Checks, Stripes, &c. Flannels, all colors
and qualities.
Broadcloth, Cass!snores, Ladlea'Cloth, Cottonadea, 414 t..
the largest stock and of superior make and quality.
We keep generally a Fula, I;ms of all goods used for
millinery purposes, and offer such at New-York Jobbing
Our assortment In this branch of trade can not be ex
celled, and as our facilities are stab that we are man
ufacturing everygarment we sell, we are certainly dis
abled to sell them much cheaper than those oho ars net.
We still continue to
Blake up Garments to Order,
and would ask all those Wbo would like to have their
clothing TASTY and FASHIONABLY made, as well as
to secure a perfect FIT, to try us as we are confident of
being able to pits soliefaclion to the must particular.
The Notes and Books of the Firm,
formerly in the hands of Mr. Rosenbaum are now left
with Mr. Dassstram one of the partnersof the Firm, and
who has charge of said business. Ile would respemfally
request all those that are indebted to theft:tato call and
settle up iv the Books must be closed.
Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co.
)1 ontrose, May 16th, 1664.
One of the oldest and most reliable remedies la Um
world for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitia, Dif
ficulty of Breathing, Asthma, lloeness.
Bore Tbxoat, Ciaup, and every affection
izy .A1:11:11 :TA lisfl4k: "'Tall II :I:4 : :4
Ho genera: has the use of this remedy become, and so
popular Istt everywhere, that it is uhneessary to recount
its virtues. Its worts speak for it, and find 'utterance in
the ahandant and voluntary testimony of the massy Woo
from long suffering and stilled disease have by its use
bah restored to pristine rigor and health. We can pro
duce amass ofevidenee in proof of our assertions, that
'The Rev. Jacob Sender,
Well Known, and much respected among the German
population f this country, makes the following state
ment for the benefit of the afflicted :
Benny= Pa., Feb. le, 1889.
Dear Sire :—llaving realized in my family important
benefits from the use of your valuable preparation—
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—it affords me pleasure
to recommend it to the public. Some eight yearsago
one °tiny daughters seemed to be in a decline. and little
hopes of her recovery were entertained. 1 then pro
cured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and befere the
had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there
was a great Improvement her health. I have, in my
individual case, made frequent use of your valuabl•
medicine, andhave alwaysibeenbenefitted by it.
From dente Smith, Esq. PrMildent of the Morrie Coun
ty Bank, Morristown. New Jersey.
" Raving used Dr. Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Chatry foe
about fifteen year* and 'having realized its ben •
results In my family, It affords me great pleasure to re
commend It to the public as a valuable remedi, in cases
of weak large, colds, couihs, &c., and a remedy which
I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken in
perfect safety by the' moat delicate in health.
- From lion. John B. Smith. a distinguished lawyer ha
Westminster, Md.
I have on several occasions used Dr. Wiabfr's Balsa*
of Wild Cherry for colds, and always with decided bensKl
fit. I know of no preparation that lemon eMcacioua or]
more deserving of general use.
The Balsam.bas *leo been need with excellent awl
by J. H. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, Md.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry..
None genuine unless signed "1. BUTTS," on the
J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 BtoadwaNew Yodt,
S. W. FOWLS 1b CO., Pm_ orient% Boston.
And by al/ BrOgghts.
Reading'p ;Russia Salve.
flu fallyostabliehed the euperfority of
Over all other healing preparations
cures all kinds of SORES, CUTS,SCALDS.SORML.
du.: Se.. removing the pain at once, and reducing tha
most angry looking swelling! and indamatton as ithy
magic. • , ONW 125 CENTS A BOX,
SALE sr •
.1, P..DINSMOBB, N lo o. ll.
491 Broadway. New ia im wt, u ,
S. W.' TOWLE C 0.,& Ro.lB Tremont at.
• 1,- , And by All Amanita.
June 2 8t,
lyeow. .
' -' Administrator , Notio3.
NoncE I. hereby given to all venoms havlan &has
against the rotate of HEAL, 11lCA,T11. toe of Chow•
nut township. deed. to,present them, duly attested, fop
settlement, And all passonn indebted to same stemalr•
ed to Toeke letntedlete
Amps %Amam BATSadent.--
atocoant. SeptlB;7t3B4. - It. • • '
A Wnol.4araLi'TEA 1i01783 wt es sake
A rt.
‘aangameatawlth an en.rltetletromen man tOma
TAMS in ISasuebsana to. A cood assartgant of
ple. o&
will batatolabedlf colataisalo,-
NrarSolllCl ••• :
&M. . •:" .01: ... .