MTSMI thallat rof limp till, the silence Tife sicrigentshiiitteralirt fast closed. - ' 1 , 1.6 broad &writ; thht ante; stood wide, leading to the create hospitr. ble, tillabst whit:aka smile, are riealWiike the: l 4;l 3 f the der.d. feel nal did when stOdia . gtoefere the bolted doorof a tolph, on Georgetown Heights, bearing , a name forever thllen - ont of common apeeels: , Did ever lovelier landsFape' greet, tbi) 'aye from pctifina berm? - .The rolls of green Raab; wrap Into richest foliage, lays away. to the Potomac 'with its alter flotsc:. At, yotrialt, the old garden, thatlike desert , edEden lacks ;many hands to "lop the wanton' growth;" yet makes ttgorgeons ihocCt?fillowers. Your eye 'catch - ea:the tekgraphiviro. spun along . frem treeti', tree, and throttgh a crevicetn thowindow, a paralyzed nerve of the old headquarters Established her&-_, What tidings from the field - ha:ye' flashed - ,along that wire • what. syllible - rit triumph and defeat Before you lies._Washington i exactly in your front. lifts the. m' °aliment, a mighty mile stone`" Count the ages by." Straiglit out bet fitid,'the dome of the Capitol,:a splendidilmbble, as if an angel's breath hafiblaWd it. , .• ; ,kl 4, open'tife ieltictant 'door and eni ter the deserted hall ; the floors are eoverk ed with dust; the frescoes on the walla are dim with cobwebs; the archis are stained-and battered. A rusty chaitfdam. glee' from the ceilirig, suspending a frag ment of a lamp, its light put out forever.- The antlered beads of old Virgmialm,.. trophies of some forgotten field-day, to the merry music of the hounds and theditsb ing lef4 s Of the blooded hunters, .yetPetitig: to tha walls like sculptures. Paintings are here, too, that have goneinto history; , starq enough now, and as literal as a Scottlimaii i but yet time has done for , theist Nshittit'does+ for books and' friends: and wine. I open .a door and am in the dining room ;there stands the table yet, the cloth removed for its old host forever; the table with its lion's claws, leaving foot prints in.the dust as you move it, as if the mansienwere indeed a .haunt for the beasts of.the.wildexness. Here Lafayette fiat a guest ; here sparkled jest and wine ; here rosette song, died out so long ago in sighing here worahn's smiles shone arottod the board now faded out and dy ing. Ascarred sideboard of some ancient fashion ;against the wall ; not so did it look iii- the old days, flashing in the glory of cutglriss, ruby and amber. Do you mark, the-doors are doahle'opening here, and the narrow space between the walls ? Wine is a truth-teller, they say, and so no syllable over the third bottle could stray beyond thissoom to, ears intent. I catch myself in this dim and shutter ed place of brinquets—alas, ".funeral b - ed moats"' as they all seeitteow, trying to think how they lookedwho,thronged it,; who,sat here and there apd yonder, bat the picture is faded, and my hand cannot restore it. Igo from room to roota,--' Here bangs one of o!d Arro nan- keen-colored maps of North erica, with no northwest in it at all, but only a sym bolical bear and " 10, the poor Indian I" There is a leaf of Virginia story, a picture of Pocahantas- here a stray loiterer of velvet chair ; oldhureaus full of entperness ; a chest of drawers-with a " till" in the top. I bad not seen onefor twenty years, ' and lifted the lid, almost expecting to , see my oldfasbioned mother's gold beads, and thepencil of " the little boy that died," for those old mothers, you know, kept their bits of treasures in the " till." Gil ded picture frames and nothing in s them ; a high-post bedstead, big enough - for a mill a broken mirror witha spiderwatch ing at the fracture - fragmenta of marble mantels strewn aboisailtegoor ; the chambers carpetless, comfortless, and as cheerless as the cave of Macpelah ; the footfall &magas sharp . as the stroll) of a harntner. And so Igo. from room to room and think of Tfogarth y s pidture of the. end of all-things„ . and that it wants only this to complete it. This has been Federathead ctuateref I told you, and itiac - ea of the truth remain; oblong boxes-marked "Habanp," bott; es suspiciously labelled " Sillery," and ". Old _Tem, riding gloves; tarnished spars, "passes" out of date,rosters of ofregiments in the front or in heaven, such signs fin ,parlor doors and chainher doors as g Qiiiiiternmster," "'Adjutant," " No admittance," A strange jumble it, all is of xesterday and today. Retracing "my steps, I go out fremthe• heavy,, 4srhened , air of the silent; to the _glad. Sunlight where the trees tire w e ity4g'and the birds are singing, thisiweriliot Dead 11Litn'S.Land. Not ',far, from thfsiittfision is the God's` acre of the' family, tittrounded. by a wall, the gray. tables.,Winkisacti,old historic names us . Randolph, WiiiihingtiM,:and others that sometimes had wearers to illustrate and adorn them: Returning to the portico, Nyberg. the , birds so brave ; are bringing Lome-- tilt; AiniMP,Tfiiiii up, beside the door ; :andAlitly carving a lanret. t 4 .11 - 15w4 0 7 011 04 1 E old Lee will like the improvements r said be; " a fveitilmateimillegir on one, side,:a na tionar cemetery oil the "oth'ei,:aite his house, given, 11/ P i. t4l e c blidia, the b at , iir,4 . , Cosis iVErrzmuirikieSiav- EllY.—The• -New York Nereid estimates that ,ve *llion of ,degrdes have , been freed or killed 'by thlis war at .dP ekpense o f ssooolnd the life of one white_mau for. every dead tit-emancipated slave. 4r-aueP - 4.• Uforo th people, that Ahrs-_ , hank Libe*is opposed to any k . 't.le.g with the'SOutli&ti States unless it is hakekrip• an-ttnyTemanpipatiou. of all the slaves of -these Statesl - Who . will vote for such •'' Abe"baan't. bad a grini:ori bfg faon for , * month. --He ao da 114,40 etingibla base, but he knoWasbeit*np hope fortim anywhere. He lays tooth= ache would relieve him. r • WWI Eir -t '4 1.0 et It 1 r AM3I3 - - PROVISION . STORE . • 41. *;ost's . Cid Corner, opposite Bearle7B.lfoteL .CRANt FERGERSON' .0171 b reapeaitaity announce to the public that Iv: : they have OA hand• an arteoatvo af, . ak) - . 9 vitaim Igo .ffonfisior ; B lll 4_ 0 1 I : UN 11131 111112lil a , &CC, which they ar3, relltng,chcaplig ready Pad. dONTEC'I4IONERY''' 1:1:1 setts, and of the best varieties, Fresh SuPphes constantly reo'd. r:frtentember the place. Give us a call. Cash paid'for Veal & Deacon Skins. 0. ni. CRANE. P. 1 4 , EEREERsoN. Montrose, April 29: 1864. 3"VIT 3F° X WI. , NEW GOODS. THS underetved baying entered intolmeness der the name and etyle of - WOO & BUTTERFIELD, beg leave to Inform the public that they are now ne .ceirring.from New York a large and well solectedatock of Goons of eters , description, consisting of the latest styles Of Spring and Summer . Prints, Shallies, Delanes, • ocittdruacies. figlaamvas: arca. A LOT OF GROCERIES, Crookery, Glass Ware, ,„Wooden Ware, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS SHOES, ITEEBRELLASMARASOLS,NECK TIES; • OZOTES, Aims TB sod, smuirs, • cottAvc, &c. &o. Alto a good assortment of HARDWARE, Cons . lstlng of Shovel; Spade; Hoes, Forks, Seythes,:Priming-hoolts; &c• All ktitda,Of Phrcscilica.cue taken In ex change, CaWand See us at Webb's old stand on Public Avenue. • - A. D. BUTTEIIiMEMD. gabliose. Apra 25.:1863. NEW GROCERY VASTY 'STORE ! BASEMENT OFJ.S. TABBELL'S HOTEL. THE subscriber would infoim Ids old friends, and ' the public getierally, that he basing. returned from New York City with a wellsseirted assortment of r 4 Tbdtd is iniv t er a i t and iTar 1 5 o an n i s° Iul th"; t tb4timiCi"llfftbuee s as uch d Sre for prisostltutiot tall to stilt. Please an d examine. I'. N. • BITU;ARD' FLOVRi FLOUR ! patome , PANELize , vicnrsitythe load barrel; earl V or potmd, for indent the lowest cash-prices b A. N. B IDUTTEX' TAti'VT, EGGS. DMISD'APPLES and Jt„l. most kinds of prodeed-wattedfi mtehinv for GoOde at the Groeery and Vartetf 'Shorn Of ' A. N. BIILLW. WM, 11c COOPER CO. .4, AGENTS. FOR Thompiiiiree "-.l3.liiialkitiiitniino of . Liverpool Pitoketo.,',: . • inial9oN9 Iffeblng to eend for their friends Inlie old eountry . ,,can Orehnrypnisii,t) Retotiby the Above linefran the shbetribeisif.- , < ee . ' 5 1' VISO, &rats On Ireland for ale In stungto Ha. • • WM. H. COOPER & pinker': Montrose, .Itlrll,llBl3E. tf LAMAIVANRA BLOOMSBURG evintid !after Jan.lBi 1804, Passenger Trains:,wlll N....Vrinirds follows: 5 , LEAVE NOUTlnvem). E - Ardtons.: •*`: Nall. New York. ILanwo. Northumberl ,• and " • 'Rupert; . " Bloomshurgol , t 9 4 5 " • • Kingstbn, • 12.12 p 4 aLm• Pittston ~ 12,50 9.C4 Scranton, . rott, 4.201). Ea. - • 1;10 a. ta. 10.45 a. m. P ttetea. 5;00 :"" , 7.111X-f 4 ' 520 arrive: 'B2O . u i . , •.• 4 ... I ''' 5.65 leave. ' 12.00 m. Blonmsbn.l.t; &25 p. ta. -piped; - • Demvple, ' "-' 916'!‘ • • • Nortinimberland;Viii' kw • • ; piuMigeretaktnlithomail train einat 49/Ihvit Fel the expreea train item Northumberland. arrive a ar risburg at 2.20 141.00 a. m, and at MlA deloha atlas, to. „Timpoill trainitom Noithumtdr• ka i a:,,jokeea immddiately; airpr the-Oily/LI or- the Nx• Mai Tralnitem. ihnTlabOrii and IlitlcitnoreV4llloiiink inneengeiteleaving Thlhulelphist: at 10.40 p. mii44tre4e6l pointaion:thia 'rood durintthe fieztforenobn. - New and elegant SleepiniiiCars aaattopsny Ttattuteuth way betWeen:Notthmnberiand And Phila. 0411 31 414.: • B. A. FONDA, AWL _ . • I:IIANTATION NrYTEINI, OonstltutionNtiater Gra! =burg DThestaryllyrup, at MULL'/. .4.ANt- of all kinds. A good assortment of FUMY GROWS, LEAVE sorrawAink; .. _ . . _......... _ . NEW AIM. t MEN - I ti , .1 A Iff-CA I:- RIR. 200' 11l I r ::._,..... , ..; ~ . , .i..,.,..4m4r kik, 0. 7 ,..."...._ q :.„ 3,0 t ICASii:Or Ready ray:t..., CarIBICIP. ZAN fiprAl!pp7:44 cib„pc.. fievjoluissetierectr stock the East with anew and 11,ittig- 1, I abitttottiug. ... The Lateht and most approved Sires. CLOTHS AND ~C ASSIMERS. ' mir.T 2 l. CP CiIIiPLIEM Si, Of every Description. .• -), P ..ILialr.:l o 17-1 : 1:. ! ':: Of the choicest brands, Including Dart's celebrated. brand. Fish, Dairy ,Salt, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Molasses, At very Low prices for CASH larCall and see for Clash paid for Grain, Batter, Eggs, tc. 2,000,000 dos. Eggs waited. -the Store fo: Two 1 92 ° erlY be oll w Ed b' 17 f e ftit .n. corner, in O. L. STONE, , P YN. I. E. L. . WEEKS. Montrose, April Ist, Mi. tf JAMES R. DEWITT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS 1110 lOTIORS, CHOICE FAMILY OtLIOC62II - 12122,, 1 . 7, 40 2. r. evir :6:I 9 BOOTS AND mugs, Hats and'.'Caps GLIAS-VA_Rk; 1 ILICNIPS lAD oilus, HARDWARE, AND NABS, Xa MAL 7CIBrIMEL, Produce taken in Exchange. Manirose, Feb. '64. J. IL DeWit?. BOOT, SHOE, girl MINN STORE. F. B. WEEKS & CO. RIP just °pencil their SPRING STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, E. J. WEBB 41::$1...Clori*TA ITV „ GENTS' FiIIINISHING 000DS, consisting of everything in Gents' line of apparel, from Boots to Hat, Ladies' Fine Spring Belmont's and Gaiters, - Men's Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper than any other hence this side of New York. Como and see for yourselves. Boots h Shoes made to order Montrose, May 10th. F. B. WE:MBA CO. HAWL.F # Y'S 3:7 o 4sll:titia 4M 4 ream NM CLEANSING, IiiirEITENINGSt PRESERVISO • THE TEETH * . article is prepared with the tweateat care upon scientific principles,And warranted not to , contain, anything in the alighteat degree deletarioue to the, Teeth or Game. Setae of ourmost aminentliutal Fur aeons hare-given their sanction to, and cheerfully re, commend it as a preparation of- superior qualities for cleansing, whitening and preserving the Teeth It cleans them readily, rendering!, them beautifully white and pearly:. without the slightest Injury to the enamel. It is healing to the gums where they are ulcerattdand sore. It is also an excellent disinfector for ohl and de cayed teeth, which are often eiceedlngly offensive: It gives a rich and creamy taste to the mouth. Cleansing It thoroughly, and Imparting a delight,thl fragrance to the breath. PREPARED ONLY BY . . . - A. ilAw.Lry: (t. coa,;;;:' N. W. cot. 10tb k L44l4llllrd'ettl:, THTLADWAD.A. 41418 SOLD lir PB/8/3 25 CENTS. ,•,. • rrr • r r.. casziesass. The following opinion of Dr. White, as to the high es teemin wtileg lte,hrds,the Ileutal,crcam, Faust bo suf., Bd - eat - evidence tilkalllorltilluniti AIRY 'rlllollhl ale in detail is need cab, entifentlng otikhelVe Simply givilig the names and tuldressbf pereolar*hiS speak of Ins'ekeellency for tke teeth. •• Apri1151.141863.". 'Baying cdr'efaili 'examined A.' I la wley'a soldiped Dental Cream."l hereby cheerfully reoanunend It tolhe public generally. 'it is en excellent preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth, and can be need by all persons with the utmoslconlidenee, as its properties are perfectly harmless. Besides preserving the teeth, It promotes a herd ul t s iaction to the gums, and imparts a pleasantness to sitlL — , Dr.;B._ NVEUT.B, 120,1 Arch street. Igo Inaki , Ut. it., Dentist,4ol-.N. 4th ..1:111. - 0 254 B.6th Varrnensxrcs.:Bnrgeon Deritlat.42li Arch at. ' C. A. 14114 cent-try, Dentlat,lllo Walnut at. S. Dit.uxonen, D.,D. 784 Arch at. Pc M. AlxciNr,B27TArdirgt: - EtrwArtoTowirsismkD'efttfat.ms74.‘4tlfet.- • - • L. 11. Deanna - 7, Deptist, 607 N. 10th et. 114. - L. Loral, Dentist: 629.14.6,th - June 2, 1864. ly . . -6.15 p. al ;7.10 "- .7; 544 " tl , ,', .. - :Aliiiiiiiii3Htrato r ' it Noti4 fe. / ~ , Natteigh.weby. Pis'n to all tisane ind fed 0; the estate of AMAIISTTA 110 LENBAC , late or Auburn township, Toed, that Immediate ayvent. mustle made to the, nderstriedolad'alt : conNa 4 . gelatins against sal estate will present t e 7 aul7 at tested for si!trientewt:t, 1 , :41 v. •,..7,- '''''E..7 - : INO*Mcr; 4dm'r. kabtl..7. l2l TA /18041:--'8w° Exeputor'w. Noticra - OTIN r ot 11 4,7tfleiTif ~i ven that letters lrttn.c7CV contt township,' deceased, have been granted to the subteribeni, and 511 persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same, dulyattested, fo r settlement, and thine Indebted to same artilialtired to !mike immediate Dement. • • ••:) xtekl. nat. szr.ty, 'Enver Lake, • ' PATHICH deli 211, Grtli/FIN, rarest Lake, I _ .. _ . _n--~~::r- SOLIDIFIED • RriESAELOTEU 13.*** gels*, El Cre.49.2STWON,_ Qesaa *a SEW - FIRM.. BALDWIN. : it ALLEN, AGAIN! . WEST SIDE 011 PUBLIC Ammo; ' ' DEALERS' IN FLOITft, FEED, SALT, Gterdeti 'Seeds; *heat; 111064 V 117101144 Planfleed t 'Pea I s, lard, Candles, PA_ / 1M 115.Allit DEMYBEW,' Fishr Smoked'Halitint, Syrups; Molasses and .Sugars, TEAS,COFEEEpSPICES,BROOMS , L . , - ; -AND NAILS.' -, ! .C4911 Paid fbr Elnitter. A. DALDW/N, MIL L. ALLEN. Montiosa, AprEl4, 1864 HUNT BROS. & BLAIR, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in 3St. TV" , STEEL, - NAILS, BUILDERV HARDWARL AUBE RAJLIEIIVICZSI.- RAILROXII XININO SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINAS, AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLT'S, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE , IRONS. HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOEB, SEAT 'SPINDLES, BOWS, de. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS end DIES, BELLOWS, ' HAMMERS,. SLEDGES, FILES, &c. Ac. .CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BELTING, PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, LEATHEJLt, FM - DINGS. • FAIRBANK'S SCALES: Scranton, March 14, 18G3. I y PIESNIESTICON Examining Surgeon ! TnEgt,b.cfib"having been appointed b the Com missioner of Pensions, a MEDICAL at large, to examine and give cortitlattes to all entitled to Pensions., will attend to all applications that may be oresetiteCh.him, at Montrose, Pa, Rooms at J. E. Tai heirs lintel. - E. PATRICK. • Montrose. April 6, 113113.—tf - - I SOLDIETtS' $ BOUNTY, s.PIONSIONS, And - Back Pay ! TnE;grA g figrg-LiTZ 9 77' led to Me cord, it Teat& thil eu esp g4ccepata a na : n?' Mentroe4, ;M. I. a iiteoLlAnt. .sztOrt'aotD blf4a-•"GOLill DIM' . LOGS," GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. Capital 60,000 shares, $25 each donnr . Ga6:117- Glasyst.iwi'Wm- F. t. JVI,D.NOW-York. HEIMANN Fekkk. N- Y. flVEr:Cofetti , Ne*LYcirk: 'R. Onagiri.t Wywra, N. Y. . 3lotamn; New-YOrk. TYLER; New-York: 8:6. 'Aitsoutt, Piteriaettce, • - President—Ms Excellency JOHN EVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. Vice-Presidents—lion. S. G. AnnotA,Ds. V. H. JUDD. TITASOTer—WALTEII E. LAWTON. Scattarr-4. P. DAMP. 0157 ly Jaaco.l2 1.411fet,49.14-Cllgitriet, X 1 V1 1 41 2 0. 1 4 6 A VIMEZT.C4.I33IE 3 4 10 1 / s4 ( 4 ll r9r° * 1 44, Mgallr* VVOOUN GOODS, Camptoirn, on' Tyidt?3lll,T, Creek, 'Bradford Co. PM Rails Carded and Cloth Finished; WinMalefactorsCloth for Customers on Shares, or t the toHONOtno-prlcts pOit yard i Diasj,mr ern, best Web, fitfe,'lrektits. Plaid Creib, - beit litflsb,trne, 45c. Only And Mised.Ca ostmeres.;4o etc.' TweedS, SS avatar Common Fullec4Dloth,4otti., White;Flaunel, M cents.- Madder Rod Ftannel,..32 etc ,Dray Flannel,. 05 ete, ; The Gray Fkumelmade_orlthdaste, and very suitable tor Cloth' n g.:. card Rollmfor.- personsfrom a distance SA take homoldtho'ultdelay., HARVEY 114011Alttl AMOS WRENCH. Comptowo, May 10th, 1864.—tf Dirro AST-11401A, E *oidliri 168 Xtead6;,t7tteet, N. Y. , MO above . Company arc In:angst/A over the world as , the eutiteis'of the Coffee , Plantations of Jaya and Batavia In the Dutch East Indies. and , al* thOlargest onepellzers_of Coffee on the Globe. The undersigned (whole appointed their soleagent In ,the United Statesaud in the British Colonies) wUllutve lfor gale tb)ve„ different : l4l44qt CoSee,Wbleb. cos IVO 'Why orgnule andelfeapneek of price, wiii - defy cesppeu- , Mon. Our " BATAVIA COFFEE' , never before in •_,aced in country, Ind partenduely walla the arr inarwZnialthnigt EnfopCand Fichlyorahra.Atill pat up at prices to reach all constunets, and our Extris lava will bo the Magnum Barium Coffee of the age. We; wiflantve3 ipr , acts:tarippdatlyn of- %Teen ,DFatai lies; ::tnallUbvertiment.t ContrattOrk•eataida Wurrfind drawn) for teattni Orders 801191 0 On receipt of anth ccdrourtapilx tohluaLas. : o _ A. LIPPMAN, Sgreego NPF Y o *, Juy o Agent,ljacli Zast.bidliCeffie Company. " .1 f .. ii 7-414‘ EL Pettengill alio:, . .- ~-,- : t - p. 31 PAlticrOwoUr., , ,Nevelfork. sod 6 IllateStreet, NBoston, are our agethe for theAronfrove &moral W Mosecltles, and are anth...,, to take advortisanumu and subscript:to:mkt *eat oir.7„ wist rata.. A8E.14 .;_uut - pu• s of . e , • •Jr . ~•.. . Evii , 1; tri In BnegeehaiiitsCodnty and probalgietita .pricing thegrcatestmariety mestdifferenterg Olaf, 'lllTAtmetatite,Northornpart. otnenneylvenla,an per heps of theentire Stater Arriditment , Is kept'in , about thirtydlfferent branchoe Otredetend thoselco- Hone are made from about forty otthe nest Houses In New 'York, and More tthur any boilers and MenttlEc.: burrs auk .of NOW York.l M largo , proPmaion of the ; Goods are.bieught direct froni sAlanUfaCturer4 thus inswing gehnin* articles.. Chstionters on ointhring the Store most not expect.tohnci.e.vcrpliblE. Alet..bat nearly every article . werited wiltbe prolueed by gniry: Some idea otthe Stotkinayberformbd by the foilow.lng general outline, butenumeratlon Is impracticable - Dregs and Medicines:Po i nte and Oils. ../tltuffs, Grocerlet i l i tquors, ;Irockery..Clusi:Write.; allo Window er, Jeftelry, Ware,Perfamery,Eamcy Goods,Mus caltifstitimenle:Brushes, AmeritanPocicet Enices, Table .thitiery and SOcer,Plated Ware, Materials' for Lights, ilardwere, Bed Cords,StchieWere, ,Bry Gooda, Mirrors, Window , Giant. Lithographs.. Vat , Eddies., );Hrd Cages„ Spectacles, Whips, .and Lashes. Brooms, Go ne . 'Pistols; Ammun ition, Tobacco; Medi cal and Surgical Instruments. BOW Soap. Potash, 1,11* , , brans, Porcelain Teeth, in shorLmearly everything, to restore the sick, to please the teeth, to delight the eye, togritify the runcy, and.alsti tolcdridnce to the real and soristantial comforts of life The attention of the publ ic letespectfulty invited• to my stock of:Goods; bought delusively for midi: OW*. and will be sold on the same principle for low prices. ABEL WEHRLE. '- Montrose, January i5t,1863. Nl* -6,00'.40 A; $ l l7ll AMOY/ATMS !irT fill & ENTER GOODS, lir§r , JUST RECEIVED, jel and will bc sold AT A LARGE, ~,REDUCTION from .ftpril koricoo. . • arms Reduction wiltluelnde the ENTIRE STOCK ,• • , which will Impaled as large as pima), and will be 'Bold gp TIIt ROST 1.11111111 TERMS 3F I COX" 4 04.1SnEC • ON TIME, or for PRODUCE 8. BURRITT; — . Nov, 1863. New Milford, KEYSTONE, HOTEL, At Montrooe, Pa. Wm. TA . ruiron, Proprietor. THIS new and commodious otel Is situatedon fatale Avenue, near the Court House, and nearly In centre of the business portion of hjemarose. The PropriefOria, confident that he is prepared to entertain guests Inn Way, that cannot fail to give znigTIRSSATISFACTION, The Hotel and Furntinre are new, and no ezpensehas been snared to. render it 6'41511f not superior to any in. this part of the State. It Is well supplied with all recent improvements and comforts, and 0 - bilging waiters will always be ready toleepond to the call. of customers. The Stables connected with this house are new and convenient. . The Proprietor respeetftaliy Follette the patronage° hl a old. fri ends, travellera, and the public generally. Janda tf WM. H. HATCH • WOOL CARDING arcba • • CLOTH DRESSING.' HE undersigned having 140 m i -id the posiession of T hie old stand In BarfordUAnd thoroughly repaired the machinery, is now ready to receive work , and will warrant all iotrusted .10 hIU to to be done tn ft good and workmanlike manner. ~, lIAMVEY SIBLEY. -T‘ Hartord, May 10th, 1864.-41 m . CALVIN '.C: l '• • HALSEY ELI 11111111 For Peroiguairs, itzuWkjtStoants `poi Pensions. ihigrOthee in Patina !mime * over the Store or .7; 14- one it. Boa. Montrose, Pa., May 26, MM.... tf ; . . Elontood: How Loot, HOWIRO — sto . LUST Published, sow edittoll of Drs...CtilwerWell!lt CP Celebrated Essay on the radical cure [without medicine,] of Spettitaatilibtell..tdrhdlidnal weakness, Involuntary seminal lossea,AXPortztcT, mental and PkYslcal incapacity, impediments to otarrlap, ett.; aleo, oonannatothad, Ciollepay,7andAttylminCed bY ttalf indaMence or sexual ottrsvugasee. ' 7 r rE'Ptl Ise; In 'sia I ed . edfficips: on t ecnia. ' Thecelobtated tollwart Pdr4ltahlo wish clearly, demonstrates, from a thirty years sueceseltd prictlce„ that the alarming consequnces of self-abuse may beleqd-i leallycnre„d without, 11te dauvroms use of Anterrial pled [dile or theilppileatiot•o , +lke knit's—pointing' Oat mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual. by mean e of which every sufferer, no matter r what his co., dltiod maybe; may curet' hiMiellohoaplyeptivately;an rad atile tecturo dboal t d 1 id' Aiii,handS youth and decry mah lts Menai& t • ' ; Sent, under seal, In a plain enielope, to any address post‘paid, on receipt of six cant, or two post stamps, Addratuktholkubllahors— . Cllah jels y] 127 Bowery,iff4:,-Poarofficobox;lsBB. lorow4.plumisocia n,Jeh IlflpAla,. Pa. .1.1. Dlecazta Onto , teal, may god saleeez y_atedia=titer 03 tmett" In •Ite'poila of the pc:IWARD ASS9pIATION._ Sent by mall In sealed lettetehafella - ,frqe otchtiimea '.662l"eas - Dr."J. Exudate nti oowroar, °ward Aieocalloii;NO. 2 Shath'itthatifer," Philadelphia, Pa. , . . • . • oct3B '63 ERIE RAlLWAY.ii clic,e4'.9,l of h u r w rikrm v msneing Monday, May 16 th, following houbs,MA Fu t ilel/ 4 , . .1441, 1021 he WESTV Ir Anti - 0, . 4T % I %A '. 11 AAB l l ' AUP BEitirtijf• i 1, DIY ExEraeh !. tetp.rp,. .2tY.43itifer, I:lTpad 8, Night =press:, ..01141. n th, eamlmat • . fer.m .5, Mati v ut • ,7:2Clp4u, „11, clnnatl "., 13; LID 27 , War-Eroighc , i ,I;ps p.m, 1314, Way Freight, 10: a.m 21, Emigrant, 9:18 Lei • . . • . ~.4 TAM 21..rnns every day...NO. 8 rune Sundays, but does not run Mondays. 'Frain 7 does not run on Sun days and Mond4Le : l 0 rAClpit JIIINgToMen. Supt. - 1 - 17.;,_ a.,T. , • .41 ad I -, '.b. ' . '" ' "' -lilt fliMulit , ,BAßßEir'.. ,7, _t cite ittai ieettpitabie Barber." . u _llltmoakillic i io,' ,I,lAiriol TtaytL '• ' Late briali tr;tilitt.aecke% . .. ' err sty / W r bre Boom, - " • ' In lu er bite 0 1 i t h AO shaa t rotng, Ind met tA gURto BP ..Y9A1,,,; 1 ~,,.• . . Find me reedy et yeur'se ere. • • - Atur service, CHAIILET -11081118. - Moutrpse 9 T 00.115 1813, .tr. ~ A. G. REVINOLDS, WOOL' XARDING . mai 28,1864-0 QUO! Ellt;', tiouNr6;; 1-, .1 Aix Tus."...ndariumekt. tirato3o or the , heYtn claetned the necessary tprrne, 8=54 gly_elirempto I otA itlt•elebie intritew to htireare. 'sarcasm:o eette4, 4nrint. GEO. Pi' Mentrele, June OW 11184. lIMITIESEPMWEi.' XI aNts i n fp lo ,"' cmit Arth •Lithiovii uthut teir a tzingd . t . k Erg* . " 14 1 1bfitt,i ittipenp lo b ig ailleoo ttnwiria tt InstecirW. , diatom. .' ,, f" H.. 13URRITA , - 14Staple and Pang li t*Coade,;teorkery D BA Bardwareilron, Stall's. , Oils, and Pallas, Boots and Shoes, Bats and Cami earitnlialtttßob!ac, - ,2 l a/merles, Provisions, etc., ZteleAlstetd,Ph: April 21i 1E04;1 : c.; • .11 77.7 i as , - • 1-111 ;! ~ Zilb essao el Eliduicktioailoillbiro Atibierns rou bitornera, 111:;-• A4LO, ` • TTORNEY AT LAW.. , Back Pay Peaskoa. and Exempt.Soa Cialrat4=a4va,,T a w aroma) thltdoor beloVl3oydlt94loi , a; 'fttfah:ft- M. C. BUl.lO$, , MET°iron) daii.V ; . Wign9ivlll;4ll/sVP". ...DOPZ E. L Ittia4DßlClr i y:; ,- PHYSICIAN 81:1114110N, reapectroDiftspkgra hisp professional gervioei to the chisels of hinds stile audits:WM. WOPPOSIce :ire the ogles of Dr. Lest- Boards pR . J. yontFrdX. SO, 169. 1.7 ,g4MtA.TT, D . • • • DEALER IrG Row , Feed, and Meal,,Barrell Lad.l:l ydry Halt;Thdottlylad 13roVer Befd,Groeerleir, lons, Pridt,,letalt, Petroleaup •Olti Wood= Jona Altana Ware, Yankee Malone, *.e, :tar'oppoatooproad Depot, Now 11111f6rd;•Pr: .; ; !deb ?GOBI:SI.—v, A. LATIpi 9 P,i CeTTPFIII. ; • Jainr. tAtintpe, fra biy 6 41, orocerles,./israware.,Bso7 'LP Made -Matting, i3oots• lb Shos; Hat t' 4 CsM Wood%MO/ Ware 4 Sole di If boob. er,"Fleb, Molar an; Salt, all of which thy, .o es .114, the vary figirMacresrebet:3Pri.oollllsciffli athrypellrinkllallslo4k . lfo r Tif. April 6, 108. y. • Wlt: iIIAMISQII* , MST '• ' • Ntat , • dOonn Alt B VileftettPe n4rl""4ltTani"Ptir 31000LT 0 174 Abf Canmsellors at law,—XaMbleTs Cottleo In Lst4ropezew balls:Mg; offer the par*. DR.IVAL; SMITH, • SURGEON DWAIST.-,-Mantrose, Pa. • Wilco In Lathrops• new building, o'er i • . the Bank. • /kit Dental' opentions •will tds performed In gam! 'Aso /pd warranted: • - P., . • T.' •- - • LINES' .). ' • ' ._, _,._ ,y, ._, ... . VASHIONAI3LE'rAZO/C—nlontroile. P a. Inept r . in Plicenlzßlocr.4)*Ser store of Read, Watrona .t Poster. All ,worlt warranted, as to At end finish.. Cutting done on abort notice, Ira best style: 'WI* • ‘• JQHN 'GROVES, • • PAgtrioNABLE TALLOR,—Montroac, Pr. 'Mop near the Baptist Meethig Ranee; 'on Inenpikt) trees., ItrentPti/..httitetnteittshi • Cutting done on short notice, and warraptedsta L. B. ISBELL, itogrAlas o.o4oywAse,46.o4_7ewelry at the 1.1. Snorted notlet AT1C19121.47.2101111010t41'MA. All • • wacky:minted: MO in thatnat'and Jeseup's .tateOdqtrracsat, Pa. , 0415 tf • Wlilv W.; SMITH, rIALBRIZT MIME MANMPACTUREM—Feeifi 1../..olMslastreet, Mantras!), Pa. • C. 0. VORDRAII, I ' ' • wirAiIIiPACriPUIRVI 000173 413710104,111ostaosee. la Pa. Bbog oyez Dewitt:a okorp. Atlklndo of wadi. wade to'order, an repifilnedone nortTy. '3d ABEL TTrRRELL, . _ , • TVIALKII In Drags, Clbentleale,ll4 1i SWIM, %use Ware, Paints, Oils; Varnish, Win, dow Grooules, Fan'erGooda, iewah7 P. , •-• mem kr.,Aget4 for all the most.opitler PATarlp • IIEIiICVM, - --"Montrdse, Pa. - FIRE INSURANGE. THE INSURANCE CO. Of NORTH AMERICAS •,, AT PEIF I AMELPpik PA.. , , , ' Oldtaiinsgrance , Co. in-the Voices- CASH CAPITAL PAID M. ASSETS OVER,. ••••••-• o I. ; . •"n._,,:,,. . . . , , rim Mee are is !Oa' as those atgr a irgobd tOininaiy Its JLeNewirosk, nr•elbewhete.and its eetbrsase.onent the drat for honpr and Integrity. • asAtttslBl44l44.l3ee'i. ARTEIMITS. (1171411 1 1, Piet; Idoo twee, dnlyttS, '69. - ,8141.11 7 ati SPIQIID,-,Aet.•, i i„. attoreitzil INSIIRANK CASH CAPITAL,'TWOMIWON.:DOLLARS. lESSETTB•Iit 7axi:41164 1 , •'4111,23,2M117 . LIABZMODII, " ) I I I-161110UL: BnAtii, Beef. Ctisa7i.illarths,Prsifident4 Won Aet ••,,t i . A. tieeekinfia inutentignit lite emu% babe sttnkifforxit woe, r, Rol* h., ..PIPLINGis.MIOPZIe-4 • • r , rod go Ami:•t• . 1 AttornositandtaunsqlloriatLawt • ,sreciastroxibcoass".,ii/Posiatelok. e‘P,FICFS 3141 n Strivt, Pc4tcralFoOrfork to,Ckinvezanc.l . l4, ; RSA • 14C 01 1 4 131/ . 1-197'' argh, e C i bliernia es t , fitiebr MT:gat:4 or S Di: air4orNeeirtdeVryl=toNAM— dlC es reasonable; and adtcallsmtllbsttlEcibl* ly attended to. LU'ril.= clloconatiPterrlaiaPt• • • /1 11911, m• ArtttiLVDTte e wilifilfreetVyair co Use them ibr.sahl q: A 791 12312 • .43 1 Ilk `7') a ts Pl= l / 3 11114) IX* "1111±11SDAVE011 Waldll2:l4lC 4 • d f- '-iiirsquseAsNa! coikarti math AT PA' V l iB4lllot ellittitAls Miereilairciont i liotiiiatej,,ei isiika4o4 = otitis co lad will W ed, S swa MeV 700.2 VYA'IO27BXXZNIii sneerted. thais i t4ol; eac spare of thalweg Wr owe, std@2s , aetitaLtior'eaeii antimiquatt lneae u oat adver#PPlair FFugitiwilPlNJl l 4 4 94Kli „ . igatArkff t oreile awl plated to order. a :,`/P 1 "1# 1 ' dai 0 4' V"' OP PO 'l°*iiilne4* ~..' ' OgOti *32ll**. • ~ PVINNON;JUNTL ; : 6 IM ) I I .1. lac . ,„. 10 ,..).- Ar: ..1/.i.! 1 ratittaLne4,,Ll . siipith • di/14460i s=1; • _: „,, ,lo.4l „, Lmallittaitlera itit A claims Winston io ots eve. jilolr olon!.• , motion WWI= ..,' VI WirBIATS. '• szsetl/4144141,"iti:101&-. • • • • 451:0,00E • • •VADO,OOO_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers