0017 . _ . . 7 •14 0 .. The.peuipp ~/ a na,,zol.9T,e ndgof Li£o6'3.ltwoLtl#3,l ) .6pl4 144 n, : iva'Atiee in thedifNreetken#4:ton Saturdn'tmett ing neit r -tO- prepare for attending- the mass meeting excithe :17th. See report Tim -Keystone, Flag. We are authorized to state that iba legatien "We Keystoniillicer-FlUg"; which was run oViiiiheinot :Aiti the nomiu atiouitaceilalli3f-Jua not,taken:illown: on hearin,g,4hat,,curtroopa occupied At lanta'r The - Republican editor lies about it; that's "oo6dtifb dlie.ihatter!M , a '7 • • s D.O II 4CirAUR .00thity Conventibn; The - Democratic „conventiou met at the old Court-house on the Bth; and organized wittiriftleare'ai"follows : President, An beret Carpenter; Vice do., Th. Johnson and Gayforit letritis; Sec's J. L. Merri man and Daniel Brewster. ',Clio Villniving is :a list of delegates: ApoLseon : Geo. Rice, Wm. Regan: Auburn:- Jonas-Carter, 1 - Ararat : - 13:11.1?ix, If. ".1 7z W. eat:" 7Briilgewatert Vaohnson, I. E.lldebe: Choconut: J. Rhnble, E: Chalker. .. 'Dimoak : I. A.lifiltr, C. J. Lathrop. --Ftiendsville: D. Embler, M. C. Sutton, 'Ffi-An§';,J. L, .4errittutu,,N. T..131/4. Foie-hi:aka': .Y. l BMA's*, li. Birdsall, 'Oilmen': flhrrj: Dix, A. C. Sweet. '• -Gil Timid; O. - Trowbridge, W. Barns. . BM-13: C. S. Gilbert, F. Churchill. Hamsonr•- -- 11 - N — orbn„ ' -'-' - Hatfordf'A-Xarpenter, W. B. Guile. • Jessup: John Smith, I. E. Birehao. P en ox ieltriatl r` i A:l2 .Iffbri 'A. Ellywort:Ah,.-St 'Cf/. H. Perry. Ls 'lltus, '''LitlitV: G. W. - TtlfutrN 101 in Blibee. I titierty: P. P: Ifutts,' D.O. Turrell. Middlatoivn: P.S. Hoss, i ll. Reeler. Montrodel 1 B: MuCbiltim, D. Brewster s'N.-Milftird; I. D. Foot, J. P. Hardin t „o..! "14 Borri:' J. S. Tingley, A. dick. - ' Oakland: 1111Shutta, J. M. Tillman. Ausix,;Tames Logan, Ellsha oAborn. ' egvisfXrare: J. IfeCorrniek, M. HayS. Springville: W.H.Grerrittion, H.P.Scott Susq'a: G. Curtis •A, W. RowlCy. Thpnson: Terry Whitney, , . r ,`"-,Ott-motion of J. B. McCollum, Hon. ClitaxxsPexasoN was nominated for re eVeTiou to Congress; by acclamation. A county ticket was then selected, as nigivate at head of this paper. g.:ll.l!deCollutn, 'Viorrn. B. Hendrick, & Amherst Carpenter 'were chosen as the Congressional Conferees.' G.,,T: Lathrop, Thomas Johnson and R.' koli.foo ! jr.,' Representative Conferees. ',IX. 31errimau, C. _S. Gilbert, A. W. Rowley, C. J. Lathrop; and/A. L. Jeffers, were thosoratoieport, resolutions; and in their-absence the convention was addres sed by R. a:Little; IDA: .' ••t -The,enmarittee 'recommended the adop-, den' of the r Chicago Platform, • (whiCh is printed in another column,) and also the fullowing: •- - 1 ' • ' ' • - ,liewtordi That, :as in tbe pait, we are unequivocally attached to the maintenance of-the Constitution and the preserimtion oldie 'Union, and that we most earnestly desirFrait early restoration o 5 peace;) bitr mony, and prosperity, throughout our ccuttgolli ou42tel!evingi, as • weldo l that these ends will lic„frest.,..*omphshed by the election'nftheltilfrevier:ently selected at ChilangS, Yew_ pledgh ix duelmilted :iind earnest support i and we respectfully invite all.irrelpeckveofformer partylaffiliatiWts, to join us in a common effort to save our country from impendiugfruin: • • - . - - Resolved, That we, hail the nomination of Mal-Gen. QEORGE B. McCt.mLaw .for , theoffice-of President of the United Statery with turfeigued-pleasure, believing him to belrOv'tinly fully competent and worthy, but that beis_the.,first e phoice_ofthe great majority of ibe•Dernocratio party, and of a le e trtaxittictolOf those„tertnerry ecru, '. q tfd Ari . iip irthiati tjartiett; rand th at We t wt centr , i .ute - o.fir utmoirt,efforkoptiarda his trio .. . ,ife eleatla,_ --> . 2,:firaifsid,'..Thirt' ;tire Allefeat, • 14- the Hi: publimurtnajority in Osatgreitt, of the prop °ski-err-ranted by Hen. Charlea - Dkni•mn, the•Represatntive of this district, in favor of a libetallncrease of the soldiers' pay, each asshaeldbe comarensurate with the necessary iderease'Of . :pay- tol laborers in• thiciffiffir.7(cation z orlife, was unjust toiony.faliow-citizegs wbo..bave imperilled. thtirlib&uperit elis battle-6eld "at the mil of tlitited6titirri4 au& Iliat Tit - is:farther eeidenca-'-tEirdingr-'"-t&.c:puYtr.tt.t-ihw..••xl.tM b"y",pocr'fsy, of the 'claim pat , fottlt by' fife, Republican leaders that they ar,e exclu sively thrre - fs °ldlers! Ftioodo'.4 4 r . Remised, That to the ticket ibis :day, noud: 4 "Hi',Wil pledge our elFoest aud.l undivided o rs. sto • •. ~ , . • ,I .1..... ! ." The rep ort . watt adopted unanimously: 1 • Oo•ill__"° 11- 0__/1 it WA Ld eic i tefir_.tb_at:P l e.P_resel l t• county•axou•townsurp cOromutees contuitfa their duties, as such, until the third Mon-• 1 day kr fiti yw nextrand,tfitt: tbfa•ferm of the county committee thiedily repelled exteud - none rearfrourethg. date. :,12,: . Thervotaspitteedos oat year,will be iummitOfbk .itr_9 - rikeT! , 44;: e . t,' WAS juincitto ced gait umer n was preparN.tor `We delegates stvitatriCi3-etofie tioteL- - 140,ivaltegolvad That2a)!ileCiellan ,taifi 7 aiaeithigliaAtilit at. Montraiat- t ~ ; SVJ resolved thetW:4o6l ti WDs t ; ibeir iisaal. places_ of hofaiott the Prigeri P*44,4 o o 33 akeillzaget Onts for rfflatetitig.:—theae • ga ta"tblifietif*SattWay rteeing 14 4 1 , 1 ete0140fririVA r 34 9 1. nave 4 .3 iv ~efetotreteed,upoo. A. a.. _rr*.g.igittb, J. B. *PO:4MT 494,134. ...114e*Ii 3 APPROk, s,:t"*tt!!c?9l l 4peakers'af4Seneral With three" elleemibi-MeOletiatiolte •dt'ifPlfaAiePAFLLVKffliOgf4***:xt's•,t, Cheers fbr left,Dayis./ The'fiienda of McClellan Called upon Dr: Hakes ofliMernei for a- , brief speech n ,thturrival•otthe gimping train. at Gt. i:Xtedd,on.:'Fridit last.l After the close .of tlle!i r iPiech illeculeeting'adjoUrt!ed 'Mk*h, three cheers for, McClellan. As the etio'efi subsitleika voiini -was heard calling for " three cheers fiaeff Davis ;" but as it Appeare4 ,that - there was only one Lincoln' man present, Jeff Davis got no cheers.--' WO baiM. the nau;ie of the Lincoln-Davie chap,lnt doubt Aultether he is entitled to the notoriety of a - mention of it in the pa pers. Let each hurrah for his candidate. • , . For the Oampake. 'O% *Hi send the I)m:oons:radii after the Neyember election, to single subscri bers for 30 cents; and where four or more are ordered by one person, 25 cents each. No paper Sent till paidfor. —The rebel auctfederal pickets go in swimming together, Both armies are tir: ed-ofitlio war amid the politicians who . prohing N. Y. Wholesale Prices of Produce, ItePpried'for; r tbn a Voitro.4' . Derocrat . )l, lostitt CAliPiNtin,'Commission mereh ant, N o. ,s 2 Jay., street,, New Toy , k, to Whotri Shipments ot'pkiducemay be made. Two thirds of , the .market ; value will, be, advanced end the receipt; _of thel_gondi if desirecVertd•ts quick return; made fcir4he balance. Full flireetions and a weekly Market report sent free of charge by mail to those making shipments. f'AieWe;r4lbe ending Sept. 3,'64: Beans, white sound, per be., 2 50 Butter in ion tubs, per pound, 60 " firkins, , - 40 rolls, " 3B 'Cheese, choice, ' • 24 " common, " 14 Drie4'Apples p,." -- i• - :, 11 Eggs, fresh, per dbseni •. 2,2 Flout; 'Wheat, - por barrel; 9 00' " , :rye, • - ---• `.:• - B_oo Feathers,' live geese, per lb.; 87 Beef Sides, ' 44 10 Mutton. in. carcass, " 8 Veal, -- " 10 Pork, dressed, " 14 Wheat,..;.._ _ per bushel, ,2.30 Rye, - 1 1 - 1 —" .- ' -- '1 80 , Oats, 46 97 Corp, Ridei, - ary, per round, - -- 22 - " green, ,„‘,,i, , 14 Lard, common to best,- per lb., 22 Beef, mess, pe,t barrel,l3 00 MI .....= - prime, 800 12 00 Pork, mess, 87 00 40 00 " prime , 26 00 95 00 Hams, smoked, per lb. 25 27 Shoulders. smoked, " 19 20 Timothy Seed, - per bushel, 575 650 Tallow, per lb. 19 20 Wool, washed, - 95, ..1 20 " nii*astied; -- 60 • 70 Apples, pik - ai - artel, 200 400 perippund,‘ 15 20 repiirt of th; New York - Market can be : seep ,at the office of the_ Afentrose Democrat,.. corrected up to last Saturday. We have. on file a weekly Price Current of ..Praduce, for the use of • Our-friends who may r c4il to examine it. In the - 4bove list is' given the , lowest and higheSt' prices 'which' 'are ~governed by quality end coodition. . Many articles that are notitientione.d `libetr . :Ui - daq be found on the report itithiiiiacu. • : t= • , 2MIUILItIL.ZdGgLahIFiEt. At Elmira, on the 28th ult., by Rev, Mr. L. Rosenbloth, Mr. M. S. DES 4utut, of Montrose!, Ta., Mid Miss B:.a• rrot_P4iii3jpruierly ofthesaTeil4ce, butlfite eify. ' - 73294b..w3m05. In Brooklyn, Aug.! , 280, 1864, of dip thetia; Flurry., ofily4on of Ammi and Em ily L. Ely, aged -11:.years, 1 mo. and 2 4 0* • ,thS - wive so lonel'itre'ire laid thee to rest ; , SICeP thou loved one,,thy spirit is blest. °w l 09°Iin,g,4w4y 40 !be regions of love, o dwell wall illy Saviour forever aboie. Nom, .434 4 ) i,:egalyed according to Act of Conircen. ,Adajetie, ',7 l - 7 FOrotLt fra Adinittistrattr's Notice. . . N 4 M CB 414r6br4iTtela all haTiD2 claim) against the eatale.l9 ittsATII, late Of Choc°. nut towaistip; deap i vrmseet. Theta, duty attested, rot 68fliatoent, and alr Noirebted to same are requiv: ed toacooltome te33apperot.,l6 the underafgned: 4 "'- ' • ' Alice 8E6.T11, Ja., Adm'r. ' ;Chocon6t, Sept. 8,1864. '''Sw • ..*• l '"' :"?rattiOutokiii'Notiodw -- ' - - . AxOTICE Is tteieby given that fetters testamentary /1 npo_ RI _VA% oftrATl/IP/4114kIt a htte of Silver Isityt OA denV,lnttre . £X to to the sabserlber,in AI parentF i sing els ma amtlno raid estate are requeatetran,O t the BOMA' daly'Attested, for settlement, and thole nikbted to antne etel required to make imm#4o,6qpetz• • •, VSFII E aLID, t E e m • ? Silver Lake,', : fiipt44,V3f; ) fi.Yr. •,', Admlnistratrbe r fAia of teal Es• lqi Is hereilyglygnAltnplinrasneSok an:ot. Vett, the Orphan e go _firumuchunita enantl. tO direettS&l'wHt-erpote valeta Ow Conrt-honse In MontrosberLZhntgay,l693,24StkProfftt- D. 1864,4 ope 01t,,p,..p.. - the fonowt og - Seal Estate irfUSWldtkleh dept to wAt : . sbaSopttato lol.ot lan4t tri t i med ite pi the towtteldp_of Oreat Bend,inthet county ot oeunns, 15tite of PetnisylVaida, bounded and *MM.% +As : On the tiorthrby - lot .owned tistahrOkinnet on the west - 111ot owned WI. WO glen trott the tooth by lot owned by Joseph Bolles' arnd on thr east by the gref Bendonl.ch pth on turnpike, onetaining 8,180 feel er . lurtalte, tOtedheilitallersppnetensnees: -XERMEL-450 on 'Owen" of sale; one half the balance 'Akan] konArmattan; the rpiiiinder he 010 PerCAlta 1.4{44 1 nere 14 41 : 4 ;' • POOPCOF. I *. . • • • ' • GONE ,To,ll , • AR. AI have concluded to enlist In Uncle Bam - tervicii, I take this method of informing my friends and Eatoa. is INllShaVW.aolil my entire Stock tblar.cbarles notes, 'w ho o be my successor, and whom I can cheeriblly r ecommend, as being tally qualified to do ,all kinds of Mitch - and Cluck Repairing it the best pos sible mriulner.v. - • ••••• • I would return my sincere thanks for the libeial pat ronage beatowed upon me, and .would solicit the same for my successor, confident that he by fair dealing and good work will merit the lame. Try nim. L. B.ISBELL. liloatroscothg r. 16th, , • The abaersigteil alit' still continue to'iariy — on the business in all Its branches such as Watch, Clock, Pr. Jewelry Repairing. Particular pains. takgn, with dna Watches; such as Okronomaters,Tinplox and .Ungliab Levers. ' All work warranted. A fins lot of New Watches and Clocks - oh hand, for sale, Warranted to keep good Unto for one year or the money rehinded. - M.TIIIIbid. CASH AND NO -CREDIT. ***non on east side arPuttileAvesnie„ta P. B . o w n, tiler's store. 8w„. . CHARLES HOLES. LADIES FANCY FURS: AT 10113 t FAUEMArS 'OLD ESTABLISLIED Fur ETEumfitct,ory, 10. 718, Aiwa irriturr above 7th, PIGL'A. .e now in store ofmy v Importation and Men tors, Que. of the Largest id most Beautiful selee- Mos of - . FANCY FURS, for Ladle,' end - ohildreies wear lathe city. , Also, a fine assortment of Gmits FM Gloves and rollara.' As my Furs were ail tiurchased wheiirtaold was at a ranch lower premiumlthan at present„tam. SOsided to dispose of them at very reasona. , le prises, midi would therefore solicltatall from my friends of Susquehanna County. and: vicinity. farßetheitrber the muse, number and street I JOHN FA REIRA. 'HS ARCH Street, above 7th. month side Sept. 8,1864. 5m • PHILADELPIdA. ,er firm Etrt hive no partner, is nor connection with any oth • byhtlidelph. 2 85 69 58 49 26 FARM.FOR SALE! rrqIIE stibialbarCdrers for tale hisTABIL, situated In JL NortliJaektain, on the Lenox and 'Harmony Turn pike five tulles from Suequebaraur Depot, formerly LMOWII as thoWbeafon farm. t3ab3.larm contab's 3.31.0 .AL.a.rees . about 80 acres under impruremelit. - There are two dwelling houses on said farm. The barna are very large and saw • . The Fruit is of the Oral quality. This farm is well watered with living springs—running we ter at the house and barns. Ten Cowls,. tpshetv and other Stock, together with all necessary Farruing . Tools, Dairy Utensils, &c., will be sold with the place, if wanted. - One third of the purchase mo. ey will be required down. and the balanceln yearly instalments, to sultthe purchaser. W 1 6tA Brepsiu,. Jackson. Aug. 25,1661 ±47,Otidee. PATNICS ,80142iD., } In the Susquehanna Cora. . "I Pleas, No. 'U. Ang. T. WM ChSP L OMNE McD4l4l:EL.Ejectment for 59 acres and 115 perches cifland' In Cliffordameashlp—Beg_innlng at the southwest corner Of lot No. tor the M. Meylert al lotment of Med. of Samuel Meredith's •estate. thence along the south line of said lot west M 7 9.10 perches, thence, south 314-10 perches ; thence east 262 X perches to the centre of *said turnpike ; thence along the same northerly to the beginning—being the north half of lot No. O. of theallotment aforesaid. . . _ . On motion of plaintiff's counsel, the said Conrt did, on the 24th Noyettiber, 181.e3, grant a role upon the deft to appear in the said action and plead by the first day of the then nest term, which Role has been duly conti nue t until November term neat, to wit, the ant aay of Nov. term, 1864. G. I:I,ELDRED, Prottey. Aug. 23, 1864. Sw PUBLIC SALE! TE subscriber will offer for sale at auction at his residence in East Bridgewater. on Thursday, Sept. Bth, ISG4. the follosrtug demibed property, via: Ons pairsoting Horses, one old Pone, one 3 year old Colt. one ycliol4 Colt, two Cows, four Yearlings, one Double naruess. and other articles not mentioned. . _ . . . TEEMS.—Cash down on all sums under $10; $lO and over, six months credit with interest and approved se curity. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P.M. • HENRY M. WIT T VMS. Ifridgcwat t er, Ang. 15. 1854. Bw• _ • CATITION! • Ni v ro.,,,!7, l „ za .. 3 , a' au 4 ylr e tCa b tr i tre i g. p left TnytttoNin, and public are befeby'auatloncdsgulust . harboriog pr trust vg her on my savant, as I pay no debts of hereon tracting after this date. _ . HENRY C: 1105. E.: iotroWAng; 44 1864. "21! . A AW ID:MESA LE- MA. JlOUSE,....wisheit to „poke ar rangeynenta With an energutlebtullnesti tasalosell T HAS in Delaware county. A good assortment of emit.- p lee will be tarnished. aria a liberal- eommisetnn given. Address Box 2,4 EA, Post Office, NOW York City. Sept. 1, 1564. 4w • Adminiitratrix's Notice. NoncE Is hereby 'given to all persons . indebted to . THOMAS Boutirczfr.,littrof Herrick township.deed, to make immediate. payment, and all , persons having claims against said decedent, will present the same to the tinders ivied for settlement. SARAH M. BURDICK, Adraltex. Derrick, AND 25th, 1934.—1iw tif 'the Wrldmewa• terfirtie residence °rata, reiehseheet the Gal inalettal. &tea COW, about Orycario:d:,mattlarhtte bag aa I- etuatgled'henia, Whoever din give information where aim may be (gond, will be liberally rewarded. WyAxT BOUGLITLN. •liridgewy.ter, Aeg.l6, 1664. 3w • - . . Eiecutor's Notice. '..- N. Ol' is hereby Oren that letters testamentaryup on the estate ofJOSEPH JACKSON, hue of Brook 19n township, deceased. bhve been granted to the sub + scriber, and nit persons haring claims against eald es• tatesare requested to present the same. duly attested, awl these Indebtedto same are regtdeEd tomake Mime. dhatt payment. E. A. WESTON, Ex'r. Brooklyn, Sept. 1, 1866. E Xoo' tit ox.' 'Notice. • 4.21 that letters testi= thia on tSestate ofpfOrvillead, late of New M ilford township. deceatetirl~b'een granted to the Wiser'- beicarnd Wipers-ens fig* Nt-flaAnS age•jiind *aid _taste .aselropkted tppreitti6aMei daWatteitet4 ffireetn U entent. and those Indebted lathe rune are requited to tongefitunediate-fitiPtenai cr i Ex ecntor:l Milford, Sept 1. 1864 . 1 amt;: Waftib t leireddg • `4,1".".1 r At ItiNGSTOII, Luiernii County; Pa, A FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL OF TRADE. Esistirmo i tor a CZRC7 ` i LA i. Aikk PrinciPak DR. D. A—LATHROP. 0 117 /CE , Polio d'ailitt 9 .4 Co i f hot House.— Surge!) , in particular'. sirsdev-Ke. leanez pirtediee,c Boards &OA. ifeystirsow -:Noatror, ltsy, Zak • ' • ,rt - •' - orST-IEPIIT'A,' ', DLS XeM33 , RESULTING, FROM DISORDERS. OF THE LIVER AULD WZIOLEICitEI7III madam .6.8 E CUBED BY RooLA;irvs German Bitters, TlM''flitEAT" STREiTOTAZINING • 13 • These Bitten Rave Performed sore Cures ! Have and do give Better Satisfaction.! RAVE MORE TESTIMONY ! HAVE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO YOUC3 , FOR THEM ; ; Than ,any other article in the market I We defy day one to contradict this assertion, AND WILL PAY .$l.OOO To gni ono who will prodaTtitertillento published by us that is not GICKIJME HOOPLAND 9 S GEUMAN 1311 MUS Will are every CM of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a disordered stomach,' OBSERVE TITE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive _ Organs: - Constipation Inward Files, Fullness of Blood to the Head. Acid ity Of the Stomach, 'Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food. Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Bnictations, Sinking or Flut tering at the pit of the Stomach. Swim ming of the Head, Hurried and diffi cult breathing. Fluttering at the gear', Chaining or Suffocto • ting Sensations when tn • • . a lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before.tho • Sight, Fever and Doll Pain in the Ilead,Deticiencyol Perspiration. neee of the Skidand Byes, Pain to the Side, - H B k BuCrnng L n m b he d ` t P . e S h u , d d Co n te hesof- Wings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits 1:1411316T3E7TME33211R. THAT THIS BITTERS IS INTC,t/Lle.colacolles, CONTAINS HO RUM OR WHISKEY, Ant( ain't nke prunitalirs BUT IS THE BEST TONIC In the World. t arREAD V7llO BAYS From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. .7., formerly of the North Bap tist Chareti„Ptdlartelpitta2; . ••••••• • • • • • • I bare. known floolland'a German Bittern., fa vorably kir a timber of years. 'naive used them fit my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects that Lwae inducedao _recommend them to many others, and kno-e that they bare operated In a strikingly belie flcialamanner. 1 take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they ore Tecomm en ded, to these Bitters, knowing from experience that my recommendation will tw,auetalned. I do this more cheerfully as Hoolland'ori3hters is intended to benefit the alltleteCoarti Is not rum drink." • Roars Indy. ' LEVI G. BECK. . ' ;'• : -• From Rev, J. Newton Brown, D. 13., Editor of the En cyclonia of Religions Knowledge, and Christian Chron tele, Philadelphia. . . Although nZ di =posed to'faror or recommend Patent Medicineain general, through distrust of their ingredi ents and effects, I yet know of no seflicient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have receiveti from my simple preparation, in the bops that he maythlas contribute to thejtetteilt , of Wh ere. I do this the more readily 'Br regardto4loofland'efter man Bltterscpreparodbylir. C. lacbson,of thlsetty,be. cance,l was preindiced against them formally yearsoan• der the Impression that they Were chiefly an alcolicilln mixture. Tam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker Esq., for the removal of this. prejudice by proper tests. and for encouragement, to try them, when softer. lag from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these bluer. , at the beginning of the present year. was followed by evident relief end restom tion to a demve of bodily and mental vigor which I bad not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank Ood and my !riend for directinguie to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Ptillaefa. Prom the Rev. Jos. H. Seto:Mid, PaatorOrthe 10th Bap Hat Church_ Dr,-Jacksont—Dear 131r;a-I have-been frequently Te quested co Connect my name with commendations of different kinds of me:dictum - but regarding the practice as oat of my appropriate sphere, I have In all cases de clined ; but with A clear proof ln variouninstances, and particularly In my fhtrillv.nfthe aselblness of Dr. Hoof land's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual, course, to expression fall conviction that, for general debility of the optima and especially for 'Liver Com plaist, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In Come ea ies may. tail; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very baronets! to those who suffer from the above cause. Yours, very respectfally4 J. IL KENNARD. • Eighth below Coates street, Philadelphia. Prop thetas. Thomas Winter, Pastor of toxborough Baptist Church. De Jackson :-Dear Sir: -I feel it doe to your excel lent preparation, Hootland's German Bitters. to add my testimony to the deserved reputation It has obtained. I bavt !or year*, at tittles, heentroubled with great disor der le mytelidaltd nervous ilysfem. was advised by a [dent to try a Pottle of your German. Bitters. 'did so, and Tuve experienced great-and unexpected relief: my healtl has been very materially benelitted. !confident ly remmmend the article Where I meet with cases simi lar tom y own, and have been-assured by many of their good effects. Respectfully your?, cTrWENTEETROxIiirough, I's, .--.• • ' • PiOin the Ear. 7. S. Dernittii, Peale German g-eforuiFd .Charcit.„.Atitstown;lturks tautly; Pa. Dr. C. L sTickison - :-Respected.Sin-I have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years. andbavet lever used any medicine ,that did me as much good as Boollandli Bitten'. lam very much improved in health ster having 'taken five bottles. Yours, with respect, ; J. 8. Dirlatithl. 1= 1 141=4:7120. . • Large Size. (holdingsearlydosble quantity," el 00 per Bottle—half disS, 60 0 0 Small else — YS eta per bottle—tall doses, - • • 4.00 _ , . . BEWARE OF ,OOTINERFEITIL. Seothat the elgnAtnre of C. %t. JACiSON," le On the VIIAPPER of each bottle. Shedd typm. Dears. at druggist not haveitmerticle , do not beoutai ff by.any of the intoxicating preparation" - that nue( be offered in its plate, but mend ua, and wi imiforto r t enrol/ pacztxt. Di! expreal; Pripcipal Office;an4..ffieunfactory No., O r li ARON ST. Philadelphia. •FO es & Evans. Uraceassor to C.ll..lraeksont Co.) • Proprietors. iirlorsate by iinsal its and Dealers Inners , townie the United States. „. neve Iy9 T ./Ungio' iratiZZA.• , Ag.O. . , • =MI neloyetastollh9.Treasnii,gives .1101111 A seflitiOns whiVe i`ecelced for coupon TrensM-111ofda, Payable three years from Aug 15;1685, ° semi-anna nl interesi'irt the rattgif seven and Atiree-tentl4 - 60 kept. per annem ,— :Prillo4lllllll4 Inthrastmvi to be paid . hi lawful money. Tkesq..qates,otillbe,convertlble at the Optlen of the holder akihatertvAntcral; per cerlt.cold bonds, 1 playable not less than Ave nor more than twenty years .from their date, as the Government may - elect. They• will be leaned in denominations of , 1504100.,4300. 41,e coo audit-5,000, and all subscriptions must be for arty dollars or sonic multiple of fifty dollars. The notes trill be; transmitted to the owners free of transportation thwres as soon after the. receipt Of the original Certificates ofpgiposit as they cad be prepared. As the hates draw Interest from Anitast 15 :Persons' making deposits sribsequeol-to that duetmost pay ,the Interest ae4rnedfrenli dates* note tads* Of deposit, f„,:. PartiesdePoidtinglwedektive thousand 'dollars and upwards fat these note& at tiny one amnesia be allowed a commission of one quarter ofone per cent.. which will be paid by t h e: Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount.'•certltled - te by the officer with whom thQ"dopoaf t en N,6 deduction! for tom cabsions must be made frodrtlre deposits. " SPECIAL-ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. . LT 10 A z.ATIoNAL SAVINGS MANX, offering a higher 'rate of interest than any other, end the best sectuity.— any savings bank which pays its depositors in V. S. Notes, eonedam that it to paying in the-beat circulating medium of the country, and It cannot pay anything.bet ter, for its own - assets ore either In government securi ties or in notes or oonds payable in government paper. It is equally totrienieut lan temporary or-permanent investment- Tlip notes can always be sold for within a fmetion of their face and • accumulated interest, and are - the best security with banka as. collaterals for dle• counts. Convertible into a Six per cent. 6.20 Cobilknuis, fo the very libgnal intere4t on tee notes for three years, this privilel, , Mlconadirsion is now worth about three per cent. per annum , foithe current rate for 5-2 U Bonds Is not less than n ine percent. premium, and before thetwar the premium on six per cent. U. Si. `stocks was °ter twenty pet epic: It will be seem that,' the actual.,pega on Ahls,loatkat the precept market rate, to not less than ten per cent, per annum. Its Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. Bat aside from all the advantages we have. cnnmers. 'tad, a special act of Congress exempts all Bonds and Treasury '4cithlr frorditiCal 'taxation. onthe average, this exeviptfoa• is. worthabout two per 'cent. per an num, according to the rate of taxation In various parte • of tub country. . . .. .. It is believed thatmo securities offer so - great Induce ments to lenders a* those bunted by thegovernment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stoat companies, or separate cont. manatee, PrltY;lti pledgal for payment. while the whols• prope ,of the country le held to scent° the discharge of all the obligations of tbe totted Stateil. • While the government offers he most liberal terms for Its loans. it belleves that .the very strongest appeal will be.to the lovaltyand ;patriotism of the people. • Duplicate certificates will tie limed for an deposits.— The party depositin ,, must endorse upon the o c rilinal certificate tile demtiinatinb,of ftfe retfolfveguir Mad, whether they are to beissuedlii - bTa or payable o or: der. -When strepdorsed it must tta left ,with the officer reosfidtig.the dePosit, - ito be lommidedlo-the. Treasury Department. Subscriptiourwiirberecei,Ved birtap 'Treasurer of dm. United States: 11 Villthinetdfr," the - several Assistant - Treasurers Ataddrliguated Depoldtaties, and by the . , FIRST Wk,..11 - nvit.l:4lol OF BMGIIADITON, „ ) 11 •4 .. 2 :..,. 4 . io 1 ; _.. .: 4 4 4 ' SCHANTOI4,' ;., .4 \, TOWANDA; • and by all . tional Banks which are depotdtariesof pub- I lie money, end , - . ALL rtzsrEcrADLE,BAEs AN!.:• 11AlcilE611.5: throughout the country will give further Information and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO - SUBSCRIBERS. Aug. 11. YOU CAN'. FIND • AELIZI THE .REGULATOR NEW ramixgw-Fik:, A Stock of CoiCididaSesikehhint tia`cheapest. 12 cases Klp and Stoga Boots-2 easel tine Calf Boots 4 cases YontiVs. and Box's, Boars-50 pairs ,Men's heavy BrOgatia-100 pairs Men's tatlf Shoat-40 pairs Boy's calf Shoes- , 75 pairs Yoathkstalf . Shoes--50 pairis Boy,'scoarse.Bhoes--201 pairs Ladies' Lasting Conpess (351- , 1er5 7 , 406 ; pain 44129 4 7.14 s ting , BalmorarGafters-11102 ptSchild rea's attocA of. ,it ! a-9.(14) - Ladles' Colf- SHo•SO MO pairs Ladies' 'and SilsseeKid lend goroceo Shoes; - 4. dnd Gents' Rubbers. , 100 " " and Gents Slippers.. Look Out for -Bargains. -1,009 , Hats Capp-, -, 4 igrga-atitck. of , • ' Par iit;r4 Beiys. 9 TRUNKS, & TRAVELING -Bags, Gloves, laqslery„Neek. Ties, Spins,.colJs.e.s,. &aspen dens, Esoderettlefs; v ery cheap the-timeh: • . 1 - •.• ' • • 1 . • . GEO. HAYDEN. New Milfary., Aug, !Mt Das. PATRICK & GARDNER, DRYS /Ciiil4 litattOse.ro. , Office A. over wow, ffbste,i, , Pub is Avccibe,' - lap; • • • a .I.i. ; D.- BREWS'TEX , • AUCTIONEER FOR SUSQ'U A CO. Address ; Mo*rose, Efrimporeatit .to. , Kremales:4-Dr;.:Cheese- - maw. combination.of: ingrediente in these Pills .lii the result of a long and extensive practice They arc mild in their operation, and cannot do harin to the mostdelle9to pnertain lo eotrect tag all Irregularities. Painful blenstralfeaa, "leg all obstruction,;_ whether frond eold'Or .otherwki • ',headache, pain lathe: plde,. qpilpttation.ortheleart, w lice. all 'nervoti affet lions. .hyaferler. hitlgue, pain in the back and Bathe, ,tc..dieturbed sleep, whlpkaslae frpictlnler r. ription of nature. =; _At; • " .t:DRSCHEEENAWB HILL' was the commencement , Of troewhroln the treatment of Irrqnlaritjes awl Ostrom lona Witch have consigned sti many-ton -Ourlartma annattaiSo imago , Can enjoy. good health unless she. l nor*, and whenever an ob struction takelsplace the &MUM health !begins to de cline,e.Tnese Pdls form the •finest;proparatlor over,put forward with 'IMMEDIATE, and :.FEEdidTiair EXC..; ,CESS. 7:ll4tis23't 1:1043 vo - Make thiandvertisement to your run s`. andte him that yottunant Ms RE,STand mate T ABLE Amato Medicine in the ltbr/d, which is comprised in thesePilht. haVo Met; AltAtel tteirkl;dy fOr tv thirty years; and are the mosretre Lai one ever to wtr for at complaints peculiar m. to Fennetles, log the areinvaluable, inducing, teft/rderialliTii, tw - mroggritariiy. They are known t/3 thousands:as' °hove nsed them eta/regent; periods, throughout the country, having the sanction /of some of the most eminent Physicians la Americo. Erigicudireclkma;statiiilhelitheyshould not be used, with tach Box=the price - $1 per box or 6- boxes for $3, .containla from 50 to 60 pills. Pills sent by ttiati prompt.; ' l 3, secure from observation. by remitting to thoPropri.* eters. sold by Druggists generally. ilvrepprps A UlLLYER,Proprletimi.• irthtfotte• ; • Cedurstreet, New:York; old In sfautroiti by Abel Tarrell ; in Tunkhan:' flock by-5. W. Lymnr; in Great Bend•by L. Ortftln,and T. D. &stabroot-&.Cov 1-r• I'4- • • • mbBlly IDEMEI • . . Gentlest:mai:cured • ot.Nervous Debility.; Incompetency, Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, - actuated by a desire to benefit others, will bo'happyto Tarnish all who need It, Mead charge.) the rec i pe an d directions ha making the simple.reinedy tiaeMtialla case. Theme wishing to profit by bhp experience, 014 possess a Valuable Remedy, , willte,eelketba.b/PRPM rctara mall, (carefully 'lesiva), by addressing tlaglr"' JOHN B: OGDEN; No. GO Nassatbet, Dr: irj f hirr " 7 11 rifla.7 4 -11 0 epos d, ISAACS - M. D., irelamas and Atnizel; fornierkpt ;Leiden, nolland. now located , Ptargrpteprt, • Eldindelphia, where persona adlicte:d - wltt disease , grebe 'EYE and EAU wJlthe eel entidally treated and cored , it eurahle: rir•Artikehli Eyes inserted without pain., • A.—rici themes made forttantlnation"The Idert. teal Lacblfy is invited. as he has. no feasts in idemblei of traits:meat. CHEESERAWP PILLS tr ! 017 . `.. 11 1 1 23:1111,Wo. =OP tod, It; at the Oro of GIITTIBMItifiti AOSENBAIM • have !niot - : ham aiscolltaged I:k.the Lite; I Advance in goods, but pave a LARGE 4TOOX 01. ,enaonable goods on band; and are retelving'dally addl. • t191111.1* . 116410, • 1 ::• . " • ; o -4% We are neolng ouch 808.- CAJEEI Exceedingly LOW Erieqe• We respectfully request all who pre making cub par etiusei to try no' before all otbefs, •as we heed resolved -+ onaelliag goods pief-waa onlyhereVer, and bare tbiru fore marked our prices accordingly low. WO willeertainly try to sate a good many thettenbio ' and expenses offeavina th e cdanty and golinf a OMR , in order to buy 'CIAO ; so we day again. Irtv.ells dtroul and wd wi ll coeslnce you wlththa fatted-our a s • ; . Our assortment ln, Dar 6001ben'''" „. . imat as DRESS GOODS, In , MOHAIRS, LUSTPA'S; AL I ''.ACCAS, . PLAIDS, DeLAINES, arAums, • LAWNS, cte., is large. , CHOU DOMESTIC GOODS, Maeline: , Bleached. and Unbleached, light sad heavy grades, Calicoes and Clinghams of the best make, De- Lam nes, Ticks, Checks, Strliree, &c. Fianna', all colors and qualities. PIECE: . ' GOODS. Broldcloth, almalmercs, Ladles' Cloth, gottxondos, La. HOOP-SKIRTS and CORSETS, the laria ' si eteek, aid or attperkre make and qnsltti. „ . MittiNERY We keep' generally a Fuzz Liu of all goods used ter millinery purposes, am; O'er cacti at New•Xorkjobbing „ prices. , . . , READY ilikilll.ALOTlllllG.- . Oar assortment In this branch' of trade can not be ex celled. and as our in , are such that we are man ufacturing every garment we sell_, n'e are certainly en abled to null them mach cheaper than those who are not. We still continue to Make up Garments to Order, and would ask all those who Wonld_ like to have their clothing TASTYand'FASITIONABLY made; as well ea t e secure a perfect FIT, to try ns as we are confident of being able topics satieaction to the most partfenlar. The Notes and Books of the Firm, formerly In the hands of Mr.;Rosenhaom are now left 'with Mr. Dassaran, one of the partners of the Firm, and who has eharge'of said boldness. He world rerpeetthlly request all those Must ere indebted to thee:into call and settleup ,as the Books most s)e , closed. Cottonton"' Rosenbaum Sc Co. 'Montrose, May.16,thi.14364.. TO ALL . , 11V. "The 30.61 , • IRON 111 THE BLOOD. • tr., • tT is well know td the mediae' protessfon that T12021f" Is the vital principle or life element of the hloodn-, • Thlsis derived principally teem the food we eat; but ft the food is not proPerly digested, or if, from any estate whatetrir K the necessary q tom tli y of iron Isnot takenis tb the circolat four* becomes reduced, the whole sys tem atifers. \ The!bed blood ,will irritate the heart; WO clog up.the 'stupefy the brain, will obit:net . the liver, and tiiit send its dl.,ease 'producing elelneuts to all parts of tee system. sod every one will Miter la whatever ors_ n maybe predisposed to disease. The great value :" . Irpn as Ek Medicine, is kloWn . aild ackuottiedged b, all medical men.— The dlinaillty has been to obtalzauch A preparation of it as will eater the clrcnLittott pod aril intiste at once with the blood. This point, says lir. jraye. Massachatretta State Chemist, has beed attained to the Penni= Syrup. by combination in a way before unknown. The Peruvian Syrup i..proieeted solution of the protoxide of Iron.- Anew diecovery in Medicine that @tare at the Beet of Dia cage by eupplylng the - blood, with Its Vital PrineJple'tut Lite,Element—lßON. - , The - Peruvian Syrup Ctren DyspepeisLieer 'eetnplaint, Droinre, Ferrer sad . • • 4=11).?. Logs 01 4uq1Z5 Lowle , Pirits• The Peruvian - S T - r uP xnftialeisitren g th. vigoroend new life into the systems. 1 Y , and bninie np an," yen Conspinticdi.7 . The Peruvian Syrup:: Cares Chronic Dlarrbcca, Scrorala, Bolls, Seism. IRtls or,Cissaitutional , 1 - The • Peruvian. Syrup. Cares terroue Affectiann. 'Female Complainfe r diem:meat *bele and Iliadner. , The Peruvian -Syrup • Ts a. sPedna Lir all diresseft original:lin hi a bad Oda of the Blood, or accompaaled by Debility or a low' state : the idystma. • pamphlets containing certificates of earl and Teems mendatlene from'some of the mOst emi nePhyafelifda, Cletynicoi. and others:will be sent frac to anyaddinwa , Wo select a tow of the contica to oboW 4to Chpraeter Of th~ttghnonlals. I : JODN E. WILLIA11113,; ~i, •• predient of tbe.iltropoliten nente r New Her. ABEL- STEATINS, ' Lao editof Christian CH and Jomrd. j , .• Rev. P. UR ca C te H; 'Editor New 'fork :Chronicle.. ::4 , 7 Rani Zebu Plerpont, ; Lewis Johnson, . • BM% Warred Button, ' Ritmo:4ll.lV Rani Ailbea , lllPoller, *S. tE4Reada4Al.lP Rev ; Ga rden Robbina. W. E. Chisholm, AL . D.." . Rev.'Sylvands Cobb, ' • Prancle Datra,4l...D.:: Recs,T. Sta rrR :Jet:Minh Stove, D._ , Rev. Robinita Nose, dosPAnlohlo Bantle, W.fit Rev: Joseph H. Clinch; q' AbrahaenMendell,lL D. . Rev.Renrylctobam,.. ~, A. A. Dayes,ll.. D. I, Rev. P. C. Headley : . ' • Chianti; Y.D." ' • Bic John' W. Oimatkad; ' D.E. PZloney: . 7da)., : Prerrad)DlNA. cLAWK. A co...exugasvaiy for .. o ! tt. Duiti2doßE. No . - Broadway, New York.' Soldbr all Drignads: • •. • 1j .4 • •' R edfiLDg'S •4•i• o4lvu wait old Eilaree4. !r ;,!, - Redding's Rttesia "Salve Cnree Bnific-kaide, dap'. • ••• Redd*,o Rutile': Salve? • tierldingv Cures Bolls.-lllters,Canears., Redding's , Russia- Salve?! 4 ' ; Cures Salt Iltieuni; Fifes, ZnilpelasT---- Redding's , Russia • Salve, *e. &e. ; NVtiSifilt 8110111 a irrnotrr rr. OltLt 15 MEI. .A.BOXrb, . ,aT Eli* HT , r P..DlNSitcitt; Nix 44 Iliad *v.' FM* Tort. .B. W. EQVILE &CO.. No.lB TreMont ad by All DrAggt.3.4nd couptry Bt9relicepai. " " h • • Dit. G. W. BEA : PIITSICIAN and suitazoN, B*00141 1 ) and residence, th ose formai: occuptime by tint: We B. Iticriardron. • Jerilltt Iravlng located permanently at rtnnearl Centel'. to fittipeettallytendere Ills professional eosTACell u tbp • t 6 P etirirs. C EPOtitir: 7, , li i .. El=
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