country to.hold and.: . von as e best may; and if we fill in • e war, a rival and hostile power will: be eetablished :Wide as. The Administration ..-hapfi: instru ment for hational-redetnptionexceptlphy sled force, (which it has shown itself hitherto incompetent to wield;) and wheth- er it succeed or fail, the future is encom passed with dangers. Representing radi cal and 'violent elements of population among us, its party interests reqmro Of it an uncompromising and hostile attitude not only towards the confederate govern ment but to the whole Southern people.— In fact, the President virtually announces to us in his bogus State proclamation; that he can trust no men in the South except under most stringent oaths of approval of . his policy and within the direct military influence of the army. Under the present administration, therefore, each party to the war strives for a clean victory or an utter defeat, and no agreement between except one of disunion is proposed or is possible. We submit to our countrymen that this statement of fact pronounces the utter condemnation of the Administra tion and establishes solidly the argument for its removal from power, and this, too, independent of the other considerations which we have presented. Impotent in war, incapable of securing a just and speedy peace, competent only to waste the blood and resources of the people, it stands as fully condemned in itst•policy against the enemy as it does in its measures of internal administration. And we are justified in concluding upon , the whole case, that if the Union is to be restored; liberty preserved, and - prosperity renew ed in this country, those results must fol low the defeat and rejection of the Ad ministration by the American people. THE DEFEAT OF MR. LINCOLN REMOVES TILE MAIN OBSTACLE fo REUNION AND RE. STORES AT ONCE THE/1M BULB OF TEE CON trarrnorr OVER THE ADHERINd STATER. CONCLVECION. There are but two classes of men in this country who may rejoice in existing conditions ; Phut • Those who make money out of the war, and •secontl, those who desire to achieve emancipation by it. As to the lbrmer, their thirst for sudden wealth is gratified and it is not in their natnre to regret deeply those 'calamities which fall u p on their fellow-countrymen but from which they are exempted. And as to the radical abolitionist, his cup of enjoyment is almost full. He believes that emancipation will take place or the Union remain broken forever. Either re sult satisfies him profoundly and wholly, and no possible event daring his existence can compete with either of these in merit and excellence. But has not the country borne all it can reasonably bear, J in fact much more than it can reasonably/ bear, for the gratifica tion of these-two classes of men, and shall not the Administration of the Government under favor of which they nestle in power and gratify their unholy greed and their detestable passions, ba thrown . outli of power, thus relieving the country from this nightmare of corruption and fanatic ism which is pressing oat its very exis tence ? Short-sighted and passionate men rush on to accimplish an immediate object, un able to perceive the consequences which lie beyond the present moment, and un willing to believe that new obstacles in their path of passion and vengeance will succeed to the existing ones. They vain ly think that if slavery be struck down by force, regardless of law or civil obligation, and negro equality be established in its stead, no subject of difficulty, no cause of national peril, no " stone of stumbling" will remain - in the path of our national progress. Vain delusion 1 Such expecta tions are proved to be false by a thouw and examples in history. The source of danger is in the wild passions let lepee in the land which will not regard civil and which-in their headlong friry tread under foot both public law and in dividual right. We do not decry theory, but we assert that statesmanship is con cerned mainly in the domain of the prac tical, and tluttin the present imperfect condition of human affairs it is obliged to modify general ideas and adapt- them to existing conditions, which are infinitely diverse in different iountries and at differ ent times. And, , , as all political powers are conventionaciliat is, established by express or implied consent; the validity of any . political act Edust rest Upon 'the ground that it is anthoriZed. Some dis tinct authority for it must be shown, or we must determine againlit ita existence. And to the existence of afree government, and to the harmony and prosperity Ma country wherein it is established, there must be a profound and constant respect by rulers lintr7by people for all those things which. have, been agreed upon or ingatutett ip, affAira . of':governriaent, and there mast be a careful repression of all the destructive-forces by which, the bind's-of society are loosened and license or abuse introduced into public outs:wild action.— 'Of destructive forces constituting capital causes of danger,' coritipficiinind fanatic ism (before mentionedyniust be'ranked as chief.; and tie they'votOciw - both inexis tence, and conspicuous beyond any former example in these United - Mates? Are. they not- predominifirilmtaiteiiities Of the party which 'achieved emcees* in ,1880,. s end has since held and now bolds 'essess ion Of,p94tical power? Arid,can themb4 hope otthe future so long-as these . - d*. tractive principles run their eifreOiiiiie.: bilked, and unenrhed ?, ,The squad-- *le menislif socijety _ „inpsl bionght to : the surface, thilhay politic be -purgofofits unhealthy* -Ifto*.isind in places of pub lic trust, just and bread7ininded,ore and tolerantinen tErsialist and corraptionista.; laws be bel4.4,dien free individnal 114011 be permitted and'permissibla ; crime only will-- • onyriall*Mik fal eel:n*B.3o widely' .)* asedprompitity, I=lll I sedeba - 'too - bloodshed, and and debisuoh'ment of the nation fdlifo:f T ? • " • ignetby all theDeinocratio Members I t ll3 greNi.) (Virsanniremoir July 2, 1884.) • plairThe result of the Syracuse Peace Convention settles the question that there will ino Winton in thd Chicago Conven tion utilisturb its hormony. So careful were they at Syracuse to secure concord at the National Convention, that they re fused even to send advisory delegates for fear trouble might be created. We give elsewhere, from our special reporter's notes,. Mr. VAllandigham , s speeches in full .• an abstract of only one of them ap peared' in the city papers of yesterday.— Some prejudic§ . has been created against this geatlemad" because it was supposed he woild_be willing to see the country divided ;.but certainly there is nothing in the speeches we give to warrant any such idea.— World. v ! ...!;,p,tc i gßy:, PROV7igOlkt STORE ! AT - Poet's Old Corner, Opposite Searfris CRANE & FERGERSON . W ° Y.TI.,i re. ecuull 'l2:74n"' ;v.r.0 .- tr - i!„ GROCERIES, BOVINONS, 11IONa sitea which they are selling cheap far ready Pay CONFECTIONERY, of all Oda, and of the beet varieties. Fresh Supplies constantly rad. Eirliesormiberthe . Give ni • call. Cash paid for Veal, de Deacon Skins. O. N. CRATE. P. T. FINEIGIIIISON. Montrose, April 88. ISEA. rams vv . 3e x re, ME; -AND NEW GOODS. MBE undersigned havingsmtemd Into tmstneas nn der the name and style of WEBS' &- BUTTERFIELD, beg leave to inform the public that they are now re cefirlng from New York a large and well selected atock of Gocids of every desaiption, anntlattmg of the latest Myhre of Spring and Bummer _ • Prints, Shuffles . a. , Delanes, • C'Eususixia.earess, toottcoixemaess. 1933.eoparlis. ace. A LOT ON GROCERIES, ,of all Muds. A good assortment of Crockery, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS,NECTI TIES, GLOVES, DRESS - 4S, SURFS, onramts, &A Also a good assortment of HARDWARE, • r • Consisting of - Shovels, Spades, ROW Fakes Seyth9s, Fru:dug-hooka, &a.. IltrAll kinds - Of rceatuatee taken tn ex change; Gaud see teal Wabb'snld stand ott AVCDIIO. A. M. BL7TTBSPIBLD. B. J. VIM Montrose, April 68, MIL NEW GROCERY VARIETY STORE ! IiSEVINT,cIf,;,„S.,..T I MIBELL . 'S 110,T,E1l imbseriber would •inform Ids old..friends, and the public general)). that be has Just returned from. New Ye* Ctty ',Ruh a Petaled ssso it me hl of GR o tiliEt .. and mrhini seat irtieles, tad's* are needed lei every amity.. 'and tbat they will be Gold for Ciles,olu at prices' mat cannot out,* cult. Please eel and eassatne. • A. N. BULLARD. C., Montrose, Feb. 11, 1864. FLOUR-1,- ,FLOUR I :,. .. , ~ puma:lux= 'LOVA, by the load. barrel.. sack e.. or Dora. for seleatthe tweet, cash rites b 1 ,. :. ' ''' . 1 . ' 4 P. -i'1!4`, 2 1-, • - • . : 313TTItil. TALIA)W,EOO34 , II I / 1 1W11$13 tEtti# sotto IclattirotigOatee tratifed bel =WO zar Mods at the gtocesy sett Variety Store of ~ i ~ : - ,7 i El*o I'l A. IL atrumul I WM. N. COOPEII &.CO. thorn,,,,- , • , , plion's ligiack Starnl4ir At 4 -P•! 1 1 : ' a i d .- ig,sea penthaemodige lute the Owe u•• tbe eiaten u n toriatin 44„ i ' 41 """IVX. a. • Q . Pie& lklbtrotiriiif Et, :en. it "• NEW 11111AN6EMENTS 1 Yi A Mew cALE 100 . 200,01101 NEW & CHEAP . • For CASH or Ready Pay. • cialo.3r.a. siirCIMTEI te CO. HAVZlr iec etred from tock the East itith a now and Xtatig-.1, 1 1 a e gioting The Weft and most approved Styles. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEES. air3SLCIOCJ3MR..X.Ir.sEi I , Of every Description. ME mr Of the choicest brands, including hart's celebrated brand. Fish, Dairy Salt, Teas, Coffees. Spices, Sugars, Molasses, At very Low prices tot CASH, areal and see for yourself. Cash paid for Grain, Butter, Eggs, km 2,000,000 doz. Eggs wanted. formerly dears below Boyd poster's corner, in the Store formerly occupied. by M.L. t. O. L. STONE, Z. L. WEEKS. Montrose, April let, 1854. tf JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, '-' CHOICE FAMILY Old C 12211122 ,9 -- 9 BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, 033 M" 3Ft, 'Sr, GLASSWARE, idATl,rs . AND 011. s, HARDWARE AND NAILS, SESCPIAZI MaZIAMIECEINIL, idea. Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. J. R. DeWITT. BOOT, SHOE, 6011. FURNISHING STORE. F. B. WEEKS &CO. 117 in" opened eir SPRING STOCK BOOTS,, SHOES, HATS, CAPS; CT-.ol:7>ainEt GENTS' FURNISHING GOOD% consistilig everything in Gents' line Of apparel, from Boots to Hat, Ladles' Fine' Spring Belmontls and Gaiters, Men's Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper than any other house this side of New York Come and nen for yonrselves. Boots & Shoes made to order Montrose, May lath. F. B. WEEKS & CO. HAWLEY'S 7Coerkital 4C ream, FOR CLEANEOBI3,.. FIRRERVING THE TEETH. mints article is prepared with the greatest care upon .1 scientific principles, and warranted not to contain anything in the slightest. degree deleterious to the Teeth or Gums. Some of onrmost eminent De.dal Sur geons have given their sanction to, and cheereully re commend it as a preparation of superior. qualities for cleansing, whitening and preserving the Teeth. It cleans them readily, rendering them beaetilbily whit andpearly, without the slightest injury to the enamel. It is healing to the gums Where they are ulcerated and sore. Ills alsoan excelihnt disinfector for old adtide cayed teeth. which are often exceedingly offensive,. Ii gives a rich and creamy taste to the mouth. cleansing it thoroughly, and Imparting a delightful' fragrance to .the breath. PREPARED ONLY BY A. HA W LE - Y dr, C 0 N. W. cox .10th Lombard ota., PRILADELDDIA AND SOLD By ALL DRUGGISTS PRICE 25 CENTS. Wess•tU:zio3tain,les. Theft!lowing opinion of Dr:White, as to the high es. teem in whicqte holds the Dental Cream, must be cut , heient evideneeof lie value ;' to quote other testhnoni ale In detail is needless, contenting ounschees by simply hiving the names and addreen of persons who speak of • its excellent? for the teeth. • Pml.strztawra. April 10th,1833. Having carefully examined A. ilawley46 0 Solidified -Dental crn.d. hereby Cheerfully recommend ft to the 'public generally.' It la an excellent_preparatiaa for cleansing and preseryi iv the teeth, and can be used by all persons with the utmost Confidence, as it* properties ate perfectly harmless. Besides preserving the -teeth. !-1t promotes a healthy action to the game, and imparts a pleasantness to the breath: , • , -pr. W. a. WHITE, 1203 Arch street.. • Taos. Twonitt, W. D., Dentist, 491 N. dth et. J. Dozer AM. 8. Pith st. B. Vawneasuca. Surgeon Dentist,42s Arch it. C. A. linroentarc, Dentist, 1119 Walnut it. 8. Desuwenser. D. D. 8.,734 Arch at.' Y. If. Dixele, 821 Arch et 'Esweetit Tweets** Dentist. Me N. 4th L. H. Doartuarc E itentist. 807• N; 10th at. M. L. Lbw°, Dentist. 629 N. Bth at. - - Jane tt, usu. .1y•• • • • ' Adininietratorie Notice. NOTICE is hereby gtvmsla let persona indebted to nip estate of A.M4,IIOLE,RNBACII., late of, Auburn township . deceived,•tbatinunadlite !payment , nutst be ;mule to the undersigned, and lit persons bay . , Idgelebde gigabit satd estate *lli preaM th eta - drily at teatedlur Settlesten ,., _ t• 1,, 8. J 34wiwo Atbl4l2; Jul y 12, tam ' lam • • xeCuitortl,, . NMON If . h e 'given that lattlif tistareentiry .upon theeatata at /MOS. MOIMIKET,Mte of Cho. genet tow aid 'deceased, have been granted:to the anbseriben, an all persons having claims against said - estate are vetidelliedtu present the same, day attested, Ins settlement, and thole Indebted to same Ire required tasamtnintedlitevaym i s, MATTHEW It, Siker Lake, I PATRICK EDI N, %tan Lake, 7nly IS, 1864. SW' • ST. CIiARLESi HOTEL, issir J. ACT. 313xxissessis, roezia .A.sreacatie, IBEMELALIVerCPIN7',, Eicozo.22.Pez. Aug. 6; 1883. ly NEW FIRM. BALDWIN &, ALLEN, AGAIN ! WEST SIDE OF PUBLIC AVENUE, DEALERS IN FLOUR, FEED, SALT, Garden Seeds, Wheat, Mover, Timothy Et Flax Seed, Peas, Lard, Candles, PORK, 'HAMS, DRIED. BM, Fish, Smoked Halibut, Syrup% Molasses and Sugars, TEAS, COFEEE, SPICES, BROOMS AND NAILS. Cash Paid for Butter. A. BALDWIN. WM. L. ALLEN. Montrose, April 14, 1864 me m 0 o m .% • &• A • MEI W O. EiC7PILALMTPI•Cb2V, Ps., Wholesale & Retail Dealers in TIMILIDWIeItraik 3E-Et.c,i NT, STEEL, NAILS, sinnvis, anovuLs, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. NINE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK.* T RAIL SPIKES. RAILROAD 4 MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRErGS, AXLES, SKEINS AND ' Bb.firg, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED•BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, PELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, 4e. ANVILS, VICES. STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS. SLEDGES, FILES, /Cc. /Cc. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, lISLITNG. PACKING, • TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT; HAIR GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, LEATHER FINDINGS. FAIRBANKS SCALES. Scranton, March 1,1,-1863. 1y P'72OII\I79ICOMT Examining Surgeon ! THE subscriber having V ilen appointed by the Com. missioner a - Pensions:a MEDICAL EXAMINER at . lame. to examine and give certificates to all entitled to Pensions, will attend to all applications that may be 'presented lo him, at Montrose, Pa. Rooms at J. B. Tar bell's Hotel. E. PATRICK, MontrOse„ April 6, 1863.7—tf SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, And Back Pay I • Tum nntlersigned Limas= AGENT Or THE Govanto UN?, will give prompt attention to 111 claims Barns• ted to his care. No charge unless successful. Montrose, Aug. 20.'69. J. B. McCOLLITM. HOPE GOLD COMPANY. !SINES--"GOLD ,DIRT LODE," GLLYM coudr COLORADO. Capital 80,000 ehares, $25 each TUCIMES: Joii EVANS, Colorado. Geo. W. ONATVLIN. F. 11, Juno, New-York. liznareomn Frfinz, N. Y. B.,Comzlgew•York. R. CormELL Wimp', N. Y. Wit. Roman. New-York. M. C. TYLER. New-York. E.G. Anrioi.n, Providence, R. I. President—ills Excellency JOHN EVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. . Vice-Preafilenta--HOn. S. Q., Dr. F. Q. Juno. Treasurer—WAlLTEU E:LAWTOS. . Secretary—J. P. DAVILA. (fipily imico.l2 Office No. Z Cliff, street, New,York. .12171ECIEINCItEIC itrawitimeturers and Den Jeri In WOOLEN GOODS, Camptown, on Wyalucing Creek, Bradford Co. Pa. Rolls Carded • and 'Cloth Finished. WEManufacture Cloth for Cnetomere on Shares, or at the following origami per yak Cassimere, beet finish, fine, 45 cents. Plain Cloth; beet finish, flne,lsc. Gray and Mixed Cassimems. 411 Ms. TWeede, 22 cents. Common Pulled Cloth, Miele. White Flannel, 22 cents. Madder Red Flannel, 52 cis. Gray Flannel, 25 eta. The Gray Flannel made with taste, and very Imitable for Clothing. We will card Roils for persons from a distance to take home without delay. BARNEY GIGHAII, AMOS - WRENCH. Camptown, May 10th, 1864.—tf • •' - ..a..ct-zawcnr cira PE= DUTCH EAST-INDIA COFFEE CO. ICI MI Clt s 168 Reade street, N. Y. WBE above Company are known all over the worlds' the owners of the Oored,Plantatfone of "lava and tarkt in the Dutch Ea* Indies. and are the latest monopolizers of Coffey on }be Globe.. The ,• The andersigned (who is apjfoidted thelt 'side agent Gm Grated Eistes and the British robanies ) mint/ivy for sale three differeni kinds Capp, which, for rem Witter grade andeheapnesso prickewill defy eoMfoeti. lion. r ' Oar 64 nArksiut COPFEIe” neskr ,afore In troduced in this country, Old eVeneivelppsed in the ar mies and navies of Europe. and richly valued, will be put apatipricea to reach all consumers. and our SUSS JIMA be titeMagnwn Bomrm Coffee of tbo age. Wertz Where, for todoMhuidation' of timers, Famt. Iles, r Ckiyarnment„coutractom , sample" ffiry.and ,drawn for testing. , Ord ni,sblicited. On receiptoteitib, Coffee promptly forwarded as directed. , , ' • • igs Bead° IStredt,tNe*lferk,' • Sole Agent, Dutch East-India Coffee Conipstny • •1 • •, S. Z. Pettengill & Co.; • p• 57 PATUK ROWelifbverolk,'Siid 6 State Street, Bgatop,ara 4 r&garde to, i{te Mrmirear.DanoprOlu, thoseeltler; sad are aattimado to take advertlieraents and sabieriptioas for as at our lowest rates. AtELTUREELS Now offorsfor sate ono of the lines! andifeltael of r ,• : t • tc G ~1, . 71.) I Ever offered in Susquehanna Connty,and probably cona prising the greatest variety of most different articles' of any Store to the Northern part olPettrusylvairia,and per baps of the entire State. An assortment is kept, in &boat thirty different branches *tirade, and the selee tions are made from about forty of the beat Houses in New York, and more than fifty Dealers and Manufac turers out of New York. A 'large proportion of the Goode are brought direct from the manufacturers, than insuring genuine articles. Customers on entering the Store must not expect wand everything in died, but nearly every article wanted will be pro Incedby inquiry, Some Idea of the Stock may be formed by the following general outline, but enumeration is Impracticable, • M Drugs and edicines, Paints and Oils. Dye Stuffs, Groceries, Licjaors, lliotkdry, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Jewelry, Silver Ware,Perfumery.flancy Goods, if uslati Instruments, Brushes, American Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware( Lamps, Materials fpr Lights r liartivvaro, Bed Cords,Stone Ware, Dry Goody, ilirrors,Wlndow Glass. Lithographs. Var nishes, Bird Cages, Spectacles, Whips, and Luttes, Brooms. Guns, Pistols, 'Ammunition. Tobacco, Medi cal and Surgical instruments, Salt, Soap, Potash Um brellas. Porcelain Teeth, in short.nearly everything.** restore the nick, to please the taste, to delight the eye, to ;malty the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life. . . The attention of the public IP respectfully Invited to my stock of Goode, bought exclusively tot cut down; and Milt e sal d'ed the same prinetpte tot to*'priees. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, January Ist, :; 02V DOOM A PILL ASSORTMENT OP YON, ear JE6 ' lt RECEIVED, .M 1 • sad wll,l be sold - AT A LARGE REDUCTION .from April prices glif Thin Iteduellon wilt include the ENTIRE STOCK which will be (mind as largo as usual, and will be sold on THE MOST LEM TERMS For C'AUELIEIC ON TIME, or for PRODUCE FL DIIBEITT,• Nov, 1863. New Milford. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Pa. Wet IL 8.11. 1 PC11 1 Proprietor. TIRS new and commodious Hotel's situated on Fablic Avenue. near the Court House, and nearly In centre of the business portion ofliontrose. The Proprietoris confident that be is prepared to entertain g. nests Inc way that cannot fall to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. The Hotel and furniture are new, and no expensehaa been spared to render It coo* truce superior to any in ,been parrot' the State. It is well supplied with all recent improveutents.turdcomforts, and obliging wafters will always be ready to respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this house are new and eonvenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patrpnageof his old friends, travellers, and the publit generally ' Jan 63 tf WICK. HATCH WOOL CARDING ALIVX:IO CLOTH DRESSING: undersignedrn" resumed: hl 7 Be" T his old lod, and rro%.ty aired the machinery, is now ready to receive work, and will warrant all Intrusted to hie care to be done in a good and workmanlike manner. HARVEY SLUM. llarford, May 10th, 1304.-3 m CALVIN C. HALSEY, For Pensioners, and Applicants for Pensions. mar Oak° in Public Avenue, overihe Store of J. Ly ons & Son. Montrose, Pa., May 26, 1684. 11 manhood :. How Lost, Bow Restored. 1 - UST Published, new edition of Dr. Colverwens 0 Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without metliciriej or SPISIIXATOIUMCPA, or seminal WCOLIICBIS, involuntary seminal losses, iIIPVTLICT, mental and. physical incapacity, Impediments to marriage, etc.; also, consumption, epilepsy, and fits, induced by self- Indulgence or sexual extravagance. larPrice, In a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated anthorin this admirable essay, dearly demonstrates .from a thirty years succesaftd practice, that the alarm ing consort nc es of self-abuse maybe ta& Icaily cured * ithcrut the dangerous nee of internal med. 'eine or the application of the knife-Apt:doting o rat a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by meanisof which every sufferer, no matter what •hlartm idition, may cure himself cheaply,privately, and kw:tear PerThlfi t teetnre should be, ht .tha hands of every youth and o'er) , Mad in the Jana, Sent, under seal. in a plain envelo pe, to any address post-paid. on receipt of six cent, or two 'post stamps. Address the pnblistiers. , &CO" , • jals y] 127 flowery, Nt Y., Post race box, 45864- HOWA HD Aitoelhitlon,Philadetphis. Pa: Diseases of the Nerrdus, Seminal. Urinary znoream. pal erstems 7 -new and reliable treatment—in Reports of. the IIOWARD ASSOCIATION.' Sent by matt In nettled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Thr. J. Szru.rx lloomrron, Reward Assoclation,No, 2 South Oth street, Phliadelphlsc: Pa, ' oeng 't33 ERIE RAILWAY. cila.GET.ocb. 6 „nziLlmegzuvita.3:43rattyonlt6ttlbte following hours, viz: wzarwAnD DOUND. ,RASTWARD 130IIXD. 1, Day Expiese, •• 2:31 p.m 2, 'MN; Itzpresi, I:I 7 PP 8, Night Expreim;tos sin 6. Steamboat 8:10 p.m 5, Mail, at 1:20 p.m • 8, Cincinnati 6:83a.m 21, Way Freiht, 1:08 p.m 29, Way Syerg* ! lo:oo 1.131, 21, Emigran t, 9:18 - • • ' ! runs (Snail", bUt in 7 does oot ran on Son-. XINOT, Can. Supt.' • Than 21, rant' nsertr 41 1 1 , '; does not run Mondays. T days and 'Mondays. OA "THE. FAMOUS -BARBER:' . , v9t 1 3 6 And Bet tho famous Barbar,, . i -", - ~, Famous Barber; Totem: Hayti. , Late of Hay W i,__now at Weeka',• • • I;1 ' .t • ,1 •.&i ad writ P. ceks' Stocalicomq.,.. , P 'me it aciing'and ithamo6ing, ' ' . . Find too cutting hair to suit you, Plod mo ready at your aerate°. At your service, CVAILEY MOIERIB: .Montroso,Oct. 15, 1863. 4. : , f : :, A. ,G REArNoi,DO;;f 7 :. WOOL ,CARDIN.G, noao 1., : : May WI, 1864—tt ‘IIII4IOIICIGYPIN Pa. ,`;SOLDfERV --1 130i)tITY''''' r-PENSIONS • ' aaaeizEsexcas..l=Kai3r. WIZ undorsett ticatiesiouatirr tai.oow BR2 4, ha *ng ,obtaltted 11001, 4 1 7 SWIM &e., ere prompt to tO all clot= inttussou to his ogre. r o chargo unless sancemdltl.: GEO. P. LITTLE Montrose, June 6th, :1:N St CARD:. • BILLINGS ErfROEFB,: fofAND LITE INSURANCE Mee at z brov. wind of Brit k Rica. Itt hie abeenteLbtal nets Ct. theinCee will rams eteer 1, 7 c . L. BROWN. fßioatroset. Weal, ?Mc—i • H. HUHRITT, • DEALER infitaple and Fana,Day Good,. Creams hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drno;olls.. and Palatal Boots and Shoes. Mats and Caps. Fors, BaCalo Itabg a : Groteriod, Prosislons, ate., hew ' April 21. 1864. • PETER RAY, • Xalloozaisocll, Auburn Four Corners, P.. A. 0. WARREN, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Penile', AA. and Exemption Claims attended to. feta ENTOInco fintdoor below Bold'' Store,' M. C. SUTTON, • LICENSED'AUCTIONBER,- 141 endsville, Bakes to Penn's. J. DOLT. E. L. HANDRICK, PHYSICIAN Jr. BURGEON, respectfully tendril Ms professional services to the citizens of Frien4 villa and vicinity. [$ 'Office In the office of Dr. Lest. Boards at J. Bosford's. tJuly AO, MM. ly GARRATT, DDEALER in Flour, Feed, end Meal, Ewell aye, Da Salt, Timothy and Clover geed, Grocerist, Prost,. lone, Fruit, Fish, Petroleum OH, Wooden and Stone Ware, Yankee Notions, du. ac. VEr Opposite Railroad Depot, Now MUford, Pa. , Meb Y4,IWAL—Iy. Z. a.IRLIM, A. LATIUCOP. LATHROP, TYLER & RILEY, DEALERS In Dri , Goods; Groceries , Hardware, Ready Mode Clothing, Boota & Shoes, , Hata & Cam Wood t Willow Ware, Iron - , Nana, Soled TWer Lath es, rah. Flour and Salt, all of which the/ offer at the very flarlrAcmgeolot Whrictes._a73 Lathropa Brick Building, Montrose, Pa. April 6,186 a. 7-' . WU. Ut7NTITSO COOTiIL .. WM. H. COOPER it CO., BAPHlD:W.—Montrose, PIE lihneeresors to Post. Cocos r 8s Co. Office, Lathropeum nU4lng, Tzp:o 0, 6 4 .• J. B. 'Vaduz , * tr.stiarta. XdCOLLUitt & SEAR:T.N,, 4 TrOANIIT and Commallan at Law,--Blaattaaa, Pa. Ofdee Lattiroye new Wilding. over Thu Hank. DR. WM. SMITH, oI7RGEON DE 11137 ,— Montrose, Pa. ..,„.- oflice fn Latbrops' new building, over „ the Rank. All Dental operations WM be .iam aa performed In good style and warranted. • , P. LINES, LASAIONABLE TAlLOR—Montrose, Pa. Shop in Phenix Block, over store of Reid. WW I & Foster. All work warranted, as to lit and h. •'t Cutting done on short notice, in hest stile: Jan • JOIIN GR. V'Ek LIASMONABLE TAlLOR,—.Montrose, Ps. PUT IL.' near the• Baptist Meeting Mouse, nn Tut:mike' treet. All orders filled promptly, in first-rate sWe. Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to At. L. B. ISBELL, REPAIRSCIocks. Watches, and Jewelry at the shortest notice. =Acre reasonable trues. All. work wartanted. Shirp In Chandler and Jessap'e +tore, Moarruosz. Pa. «25 U WM. W. ROM, riABINET AND MAID n►A Vof Mainsuret, 2491:40.m.Pa. U - C.. 0. FORDHAM, ~IifANUFACTTIRER of BOOTS ea SHOES, Montrose, Pa. Shop over Dewitt's atom, All kfrule et work made to order, and repairing done neatly. id ABEL TURRELL, DEAL= in Drugs, Medicines Cbettlimll.l Stuffs, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Vandsl=l dow Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jeweby mery, &e.—Agent for an th e most popular PATENT lIELICINES,—Montrose, Pa, ang t.f FIRE INSURANCE THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA AT PHILADELPHIA, PA., gas Established an Agency in Montrose. The Oldest Insurance Co. in ehe_Union CASH CAPITAL IX ASSETS OVER, PAID THS rates are as low as those of any good company In New York, or elsewhere, and It. IHrectors are amen ggLiest for honor and Integrity. ' as PLATT, Secy. ARTHUR G. COMM. Pres. Montrose, Julyls, '64. BILLINGS STROUD, Ag't. NERANCE COMPANY, eZlr Nesxrwircosit. ASH, CAPITAL, TWO,MILLION: COLLARS. ABICEMTS lit Jar. 1864, 63,888,870.27. LIABIL4I3IB, " " • - 78,110825. F. Milton Smith, Seep. Chas./. Martin: Pttsidinit John Motile°, " A. F. Wilowtholles '! Poltdelassnedand renewed, by the •cndenllaed it his office, in the Drink Block, Montrose, Pa t .. nov29 y HILIIJNGB 811110P3h dire. R.-B.: &GEC). P. LITTLE, Atto' xne' goi and.Coimellons at Law, reacciwir" 4 = o o;l, -.l"ektiaiva" eltiTicz OD MOO, Street. Partleptr ettentlemem to CaoeYancinrr. dee.lo 'Cl•crtit Nr41:309[ 1 1C7.10:1! • TffE ntricifbei herebi.rtirpeetiblljetes notice that be bap Warn Meuse to eneticmeer to the Ceenti of Snagnehanpa, sod offers his *entice, to the publle.— Vireha d iel tenfoneble ; end ell eels will bop attea to. *MIER MM. Cbotonn , I£o4. MURKILY DYE COLORS. with •dinxtforas bow fs: to use them, for isle by AIVIL . . 1 4e,;3.1 Ontrosvgitmotrat PPELl,,Eiy*P__,_s*.TnlnviD.47-8, 4T MONTB O33 I BIISQUEILINIIA C 9,17„ AL. gr. C343II3EtELX:I7#I4WATir Atsl, Pl 4 4 VP l i ng .F3 / 47#1,P 41 k ir A la ' • • whero paypico to pot made, le 'dream 11,044 'laments coltetted; will he the rate of $2.50 I Mir. AD:risanazwrztaserted at thetate tot§l each square of tea lines or leas, solid roam tame wm" , anells cent% (or each entempen} Ineertlon. advertisers alloyed aukaleWges, ilarlIC011111:11. nit4WEPOtOillale:44oo4l4o:lo order.- "4 1, 1ei f fa*F9:49fr Ift:Pcrii!!o°,oß.ll44oPO4es* EIGRIADMEI33FILIEP , at , • „ : a it • Si ND ~BAg• . " .A f pr r ' will stir • prom at, tl 10 41, :04thqutatiotVI"thr„ 44t0; Chircatieil Eir ,4044 116 41011 *ontrose, , All:l4, 2944. , ',1"." SratticiliAiniitoiu in init i al' , AIL Tv --sum comm. .. 41500,01 X $1,1100,000.