The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 01, 1864, Image 3

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    4erzsAlAn:l 4 -
The Fair.
Grocery stands upon the Fair Gronnds
will be sold nt anetion'to the highest
ddr on Saturday, Sept.,B, at 2 p.
In:, at J. S. Ttirbell's Hotel.
By order otExecntive Committee.
Volunteers Wanted. .
'Minty - volunteers wanted to fill the
quota of Brooklyn township. Tlie high
est bounties will be paid, and young men
wiihirig to volfinteer and thus escape the,
disk trill find it, to,their•intereatt to wall
upon• &bet, member. of the recruiting:
committee : P. H. Tiffany, E. P. Mack,!
H. L. Bailey. tf
Bridgewater Bounty and Volunteers.
Money wanted by loan for Bridgewater
Townsbip, in sums to suit lenders. Idea
liable to draft, come forward with funds. B. 0. TRACHER,,under
na,tcli!s. Hotel.
Atim---a few men to fill the township'S
qdrita. , Volunteers call on Mr. Thacher,
as shove, or upon H.S. Searle, 111, J. Har.
rington, Lewis Chamberlin. --
To.illioin it Clay Concern.
. finch of our patrons as choose to pay
all arrearages, and also a year in advance,
can do so at $1,50 per annum ; while all
who neglect to do sd till after the end of
this - month, will be held liable to the old
advertised rate of $2,50 per year. Nef
are .now paying about, three times the old
rates for .our-white pape.r,and many other'
articles; and would be justified in -raising
our terop to $4 per year in advance, fel-
Greenbicks are not worth 40 cents on the
so-called dollar." •
Agricultural Meeting.
' • Monday evening, Aug. 22, 1864:
Acameting , of the Susquehanna Conn
t 5 Agricultural So iety convened 'at the
Coact - house, in M ' 4Pose, in pursuance of
notice. Present— Hon./ • Bmei. NMI;
President.; A. Lathrop, Treasurer; C. L..
EsM7ll,43,ec'y ; I. S. Tarbell .and A. Bald
witri-ofT x. Committee, and others, mem
Minutes of the last meeting were read
.Zkbeing announced that since the last
riieniing, the late,President of this Socie
ty, Samuel F. Carmnit, Esq., has deceased,
oixgpotion of . A. Lathrop, the President
appointed a Committee, consisting of A.
Lathrop, Henry Drinker, and :3. S. Tor
ben, to draft resolutions expressive of the
sense.of the Society on the death of their
late Riesident, and report to ibis meet
ing-*""j ' '
A communication from the State Agri
cultural College, . Centre county , notify - in _
this Society that an 'election of Trustees
of said College would' take.plaes on Sept.
7,,1864. •
Whereupon, on motion, A. Lathrop;D
Brewiter and I. S. Tarbell were appoint
ed Representativei to intend said clec
tioa on' behairof this Society, with pow.;
er tii.appoinfsabstitutes in case they 'can
not attend.
The committee on the death of the late
Presidlit4:l3: F. Carmalf, iepoit, as fo)-
Whereas, The community at large ? , and
more especially this Society, bas.sustain
ed a great loss in the death of its fate Pres
ident, Salnntl F. Garnish; therefore'be lb
,Resstoed, That our County in him has lost
one of its best. and most useful. citizens ; an
active, intelligent, and energetic' business
man, a faithful officer, and one who had
done much promotive of the agricaltural"
interests of this County, in which be had
always felt a deep interest.
Resdred, That these resolutions be'en
tared Ipt _the journal of .the Society, and
that a copy be transmitted by the Secre
tary to the faguily - ofthelleeewd; and al.
so publy: thecl_lnAbe newspapers. of the
maim aiel it copy be traiismite4 to the
State Agricultural Society, where be wits'
a life-member. -
Latkrop,TreaSurer, stated that Four
Hundred •-Dollars -161-been paid into bt
bands'from.lberel;tate•Of Caleb Carnialt,
late of friierideville, dec'd, .being the
vise' by his- Will for -the improvement of
the Fair Grounds iif the Society, and that
the said sum was lying idle, and that be
(A. Lathrop) ~would pay
_interest on tile
four hitnated - 'dollaria, - froiri this date,
while i4.14y-iclie in his hands runmedrby
the Socieo, being desinecfbett'to'rle-,
fer thelms thereof during- the Present in.t'
tatted ouststir e ea - tin - rihti*),;-
aequeut high priCe of labor and Millais L
On its being stated that a Mr. Smith, of
Franklin, arantaimi . % • !Uteri:limn award
ed to him in 1862, and thata
By-Law-of the Society prevents him from
paying such premium, It was moved by
Ai L. Catlin that , said premium bepaid tq.
Mr. Smith, which, after full discussion;
was unanimously negadved. - ' • •
On motion, - voted that the Secretary
muse Co be published 1000 copies of the
Charter' and Conagtutint Of. this iSoCiet,i:.
Adjourned to meet at the Fair Ground
is September. • • U.; Moira See:
Court . 7..—,r+.
Coill:Sii: - thatty Davit Larceny.- D
pleinkitigty.T Fined $lOO. 'and to be lin
pneonedi Ilear and 9 months in the peen.:
totitiati:- '.
_..':" 7 f....: . . ' ..
Co&J:aia:-.4lblib:Cnalk slid Patrick Car
ley. Assault ant batti.i.y.• Ve - rdipg.;sW
sy. 'Jibed s29Viiiid to - be iiiiiiiiioned one
yeai iii - A piter - ' ' . .. .....
c o
of laid e Att .., ",. 1 : rt - P' t r ; r ,
OW fa. ' West: Oil 0 1 - 4 ; et'.
DeElfeidag gym - heteofda , insiiht:
went, ands eftepoell i rto PeVapie *ts tä
overeeere Otte', , f,O i
13inncraosaship t
t0pay.14:7406p 4 ;:#26foithilkiiiiiiiicilli
_we 4epttritz• in the sum of $4OOlO
the Guam of the Poor ofthellogo•
oath of Montrose - to perfctrznthe - oelttrof
- , '4 • , 1 . - .Z., !....,
the, Court, for the maintenance of the
:Cori. vs. Nancy Garrigle. Assault and
battery. Dixon Barnard, prosecutor. Def.
pleads guilty. Fined $5 and costs.
Coin. vs. Thos. O'Brien. Assault and
battery. Philip Brady; prosecutor. Guil
ty. Fined $2O and costs.
Coin. vs. Win. Comb. Larceny. Def.
pleads guilty. Fined $2O, and to be im
prisoned one year in penitentiary.
Edward Jackson vs. D. R. Pope. Ver
dict for plaintiff for $l2l 83.
Anna Maria Vansiokle vs. J. IL Rosen
crane. Judgment for plaintiff for $5OO
and costs.
J. Truesdell to the use.of B. W. Bailey
vs..l. Ingraham. Verdict for plaintiff for
8137 42, and costs.
Com. vs. Lewis Todd. Larceny. Def.:
pleads guilty as to the coat, and not guil
ty as to the, other clothing. Fined $2O,
and to be imprisoned one year in peniten
4: o li:4 l VnlaNbiti:.; l o/aIIIFMVAI:
SO - Pt:2lo & 22d, j. 864.
Rules and Regulations.
.-The Committee and Secretary have an
office on the Fair Grounds, where the
Judges are requested to meet at 10 o'clock
of the second day, when their names will
be Calledland vacancies filled ; and they
will enter' upon their duties and be ready
to report in writing at 2 o'clock of the
same day. - It is hoped that all persons
appointed on Awarding Committees, will
be: preaentt at that hour. The Judges can
resort fax:instructions and to make out re
ports to theoffice.
Exhibitors wishing 'to compete for pre
miums, musthave theiranimals orarticles
entered on'the Secretary's Book, the first
day of the r Fair, if possible ' and a Card,
which will be received from the Secretary,
C. L BroWn;. must be placed on the
animal or article to be exhibited. They
must be all on the ground for.exhibition
by '1 a. m.; of the second day, or
'they Cannot receive a premium. No animal
or article can be removed before the close
of the exhibition except by permission of
One of the Executive Committee.
It is very desirable that all vehicles en
tering the enclosed grounds should keep
in motion.
No animal is to receive an award in
Ore than une class, except studs and
Superintendents of the different depart
ments will' Itive..all animals and articles
systematically arranged. The officers of
the society , and superintendents will be
_known by their - official badges.
A sufficient 'Police force will be in at
tendance, day and night, to protect the
property of exhibitors. ,
Arrangements are made for all stock
over night. There will be a Committee
at the entrance of the Fair Grounds, to
direct all persons driving in stock over
Stock can be entered ten days previous
Ito the ,Fair,„by calling' on C. L. Brown,
Secretary. Office at F. B. Chandler's
Colts and Mules must be exhibited in
stalls, during the exhibition.
No provision will be made for stalling
stock over two years old.
No premium will, he awarded to any
liersons exhibiting articles or animals not
entered in the name of - tta fide own
ers of the same.
Premiums not called for within six
months will be considered donated to the
Those driving in stock can be accom
modated with pasture, as follows ; Those
coming from the North and New Milford,
at H. S. Searles; from Brooklyn, at Wm.
Jessup's ; from Springville and the Wyal
using, at F. B. Coon's ; from the West
:and Owego Turnpike, at J. S. Tarbell's
farm, formerly Peckins's.
Daily Order of Arrangements.
The gates will be opeß from 7 o'clock,
a. in., until 6 p.,m., each day.
Wsmimmtv, SEPr. 21st--Firat Day.—
At 12 o'clock, in., the track will be open
for promiscuous driving until 2, p..m.
At 2. p. m. , all horses in kr
nem, ent r erid for premiums, are expected
to be"pi.esent and take their places; as
called !by the finperintwidents, for exhibi
tion and inspection.
At t: o'clock; p. in., lady-and gentleman
riditigi , a6d at s p. in., volunteer lady and
gentleman driving, until S p. m.
r TiliTasost; SEPT. 22d —Second Day.—
At o,o'cloelt, n in., a grand cavalcade of
hor4,:eitteredi forlfremiums, will take
place on the track:
At 11} o'clock, ja. m., at the call.of the
Superintendeiit,.class first will assemble
in front of the - Judge!' stand, for exhibi
tion and final inspection.
At 12 o'cluClot!.; Single' and matched
irborses. ; . •
At l :4lk m., colts.'' -
At 1, p. m., mules.
Ati2;p. M., the addrei4. 3 .,---.
At 4,14 W. * itononneembot of iiiellward
of T -P o T reurtuie (
raFl4424trtntdriXaMPlT l •i
," • mv i siox 'i—notetts: •
Ow 1 : ;Stallion: gares..43est
fludlipn and one of his - colts Diplomti and
;111tbalf ; Xtthelitai3 - irbestintroa
i 45
!tta asitacit !2d best 444. • • • -
JPOSo. 44 '.oKl4tbrcip, pPiliqativie;
Reit; •
....forr - r; A - •VA
Class 2 : Single and Matched Horses.--
Best single gelding, over 4 years old, raie;
ed in the county, $8; 2d best, $2; best
single mare raised. in the county, $3; 2d
best, $2; best pair of matched horses,
over 3 yeari old, raised in the county, 85 ;
2d best, $2 ; best pair matched mares, o
ver 3 years old, raised in the county, $5 ;
2d best, $2 - ; best pair matched horses
owned but not raised in the county, $3.
Judges—Wm. C. Ward, J. C. Moths,
R. W. 114 wood.
Class 3: Colts and Mules.—Best pair
3 year old colts, $3; best pair 2 year old
colts, $2 ; best pair yearling colts, $2 ; best
8 year old colt, $2 ; best 2 year old colt,
$2 ; best yearling colt, 21 ; best pair of
mules, 83 ; 2d best, $2; best jack, $2; 2d
best, $l.
Judges—Edwin Bliss, Isaac Vanauken,
James How.
Class 1 : Devons.—Best devon bull 2
yeats old and upwards, $5 ; 2d best, $4 ;
best devon bull between 1 and 2 years old
$3 ; 2d best, 82 ; best devou cow 3 years
old and upwards, $4 ; 2d best, 83 ; best
devon heifer between 2 and 3 years old,
$3 ; 2d best, $2 ; best devon heifer be
tween 1 and 2 years old, 82 ; 2d best, 81;
best devon heifer calf, 82 ; 2d best, $1;
best bull calf, 82 ; 2d best., $l. '
Judges—Charles Wilson, Daniel Stu
art, James Casson.
Class 2: Darhams.—Best durham bull
2 years old and upwards, 85; 2d best,s4;
best durham bttll between 1 and 2 years
old, $3 ; 2d beat, 82 ; best &Alm crow
years old or upwards, 84 ; 2d best, $3 ;
best heifer between 2 and 3 years 01d,83 ;
2d best, $2 ; best heifer between 1 and 2
years old, $2 ; 2d best, 81 ; best bull calf,
82 ; 2d best, $1; best heifer calf, $2 ; 2d
best, 81.
Judges-4. S. Hawley, H. Brown, R
Class 3 : Grade Devona.—Best bu 11,83;
2d best, 2 ; best cow over 3 years old, 3 ;
2d best, 2; Vest - 'heifer between 2 and 3
years old, 3.; 2d best, 2 ; best 4 yearlings
3 ; 2d best, 2 ; best 5 calves, 3 ; 2d best,
J udges—Davi4W4icelee, Arthur South
worth, John TeWlisbUry.
Class 4: Grade Durhaws.—Best bull,
63 ; 2d beat, 2 ; best. cow over 3 years
old, 3 ; 2d best, 5 ; best heifer between 2
and 3 years old, 3; 2d best, i; best four
yearlings, 31.24 best, 2 ; best 5 calves,,3;
2d best, 2. ' . .
Judgee---H. 1 / a lSn, Daniel Seeley, R
S. Birebnid. *
Class 5 Natives.—Best bull, 83; 2d
best, 2 ; best cow, over 3 years old, 3 ;
2d best, 2 ; best heifer between 2 and 3
years old, 3; 2d best., 2 ; Vest 4 yearlings,
3 ; 2d beat, 2 ; best
,5 calves, 3 ; 2d best,
Judges—Alfred MeHeeby, P. S. Rab
cock, Horace Tiffany.
Class 6 : Oxen and Steers.—. Best pair
working oxen, over 4 years old, raised in
the county, 85 ; 2d best, 4;' ben pair of
steers between 3 and '4 years old, raised
in the county, 3 ; 2d best, 2 ; best. pair of
steers between 2 and 3 years old raised :n
the county, 3; 2d best, 2 ; . Test pair fat
cattle, 5 ; 2d best, 3 ; best single steer or
cow, 4 ; 2d best, 2.
Judges—Levi Smith, Manning Perigo,
H. M. Gage.
Swine.—Best boar, $4 ; 2d best, 3; best
Best breeding sow, 4; 2d best, 3; best . 4
spring pigs, 2 ; 2d best, 1; best 4 pigs,
less than 10 weeks old, 2; 2d best, 1.
Judges—Charles Risley, E. G. Babcock,
Asahel Grave.
Sheep.—Best fine wooled buck, $3; 2d
best, 2 ; best three fine wooled ewes, 3 ;
2d best, 2 ; best'3 fine wooled lambs, 2 ;
best coarse wooled buck, 3 ;. 2d best, 2 ;
best 3 coarse wooled - ewes;, 3;'. 2d best, - 2;
best 3 coarse wool lambs, I ;
.pest middle
wooled buck, 3 ; 2d best, 2; best 3 mid
dle wooled ewes, 3; 2d best, 2 ; best 3
middle wooled lambs, 1 ; best buck lamb
of each, 2.
Liecesters, 13akewells, &c., are classed
as coarse wooled ; Saxony, Merinos, &c.,
as fine wooled ; and South Downs, &c.,
middle wooled.
Judges—E. M. Turner, Henry Hand
rick, H. C. Motley. ,
Paul try - ..-t—Besv pair turkeys,' cock 'and
ben, *2 ; 2d best., 1 ; best 6 fowls, over 1
year old, 2; 2d best, 1 ; best sprint
chickens, 2 ; tiist, 1 ; - best 6 ducks, 2 ;
2d best, 1.
Judges--4. Lr Webster, J.. T. Lang
don, Frediriak Coon.
Butter and Cheese.—Best firkin or tub
of batter made in June, $4 ; 2d best, 3 ;
best September butter, firkin or tnb, 4 ;
2d best, 8; best 10 lbs. butter made by
girls under 18 years, 2 ; best cheese, not
less than 'l3 lbs. 3 ; 2d best, 2.
J adgee-_-Stewext Kent, J. P. W. Riley,
A. B; Smith.
Wines, Canned - Fruit, and"-Jellies.—
Best cape wine, best currant wile, beet
blackberry wine, best, elderberry' wine,
best.Oberry wine, best,Canned fruit, best
currant jelly, best apple jelly, best grape
jelly, best crabapple jolly, each 50 cents.
Judge - a—B:8: Bentley, J. 0. Ballard;
John W.:Cnbb,Xis. &Unita Bard, lira
Henry We1 31 , 2 %*ra. - :44 , A1 1 40-: ;
" ''1 0 mV 4 19 1 ! : vni•
Fruit and Vegetnblei. , --Perit,fall.applesi
not less thati.une.donen ' and:at least 3 va
rieties,' $2; zar-bestilr lest winter ,ap
same quantity, 24 2d best, 1 ; best'
'pears, notj,94,4innA peek, 1 - ;''best quirt;
ces, 1,;:-t,and.greatest• varietrof vege-
Judges — John Blatkaing,L.W..Barton,
'4 l biirt Botr4PieS.'
Vinegr, liculey sad Sifgiii;--Best (Mei
vinegar, not less than . one mdlopyil ; 2d
best, BO (as.; best inaplisugar, 2 ;
2d beat , 1; best 10'lbs. boner, 2 ; 2d best
Judger--Eri Gregory, Reuben Harris,
David Quick.
Cabinet Work and Carriages.—Best
bureau,- $3; best extension table; 3; best
chamber sett, 3 ; best double carriage, 5;
best single carriage, a; best single sleigh,
Judges wm. P. Conklin, L. b. Bea
son, Emery Culver.
.I:wrist ow
Fatal ImpleentS and Blacksinithing.
—Best plow, $3 ; best cultivator, 2 ; best
corn Sheller, 2 ; best RAW cutter, 2 ; best
power for churning, 2; best three firkins,
2; best horse rake, 2; best lot of fi horse
shoes, 2 ; 2d best, 1 ;. best 3-white oak
baskets, 1; 2d best, 5c ets.
Judges—Daniel Tewksbury, ItAn W
Granger, C. Stark.
Seeds.—Best bushel of coot. in the ear,
best half bushel of white winter wheat,
best half bushel of red winter wheat, best .
half bushel bushel spring wheat, best half
bushel of rye, best quarter bushel'of clo
ver seed, best half bushel of timptlty seed,
best half bushel of flax-seed, each 81,
Judges—Thomas Phinney, Warren M.
Tingley, S. S. Ingalls.
Leather, &c.—Best 3 sides harness,
leather, €2•; 2d best, 1.; best T 3 sides sole:
leather, 2; 2d best, 1 ; best 3 sides upper
leather, 2 ; 2d best, 1 ; best carriage har
ness, 2; 2d best, 1; best two-horse har
ness, 2 ; 2d best, 1; best pair fine boots,,
2 ; best pair coarse boots, 1.
Judges—F.l 3 . Hollister, Tracy Haydn,
W. Breed.
tirvlsioN rm.
Domestic Manufactures.—Best flannel;
10 yards, $2 ; 2d best, 1 ; best fulled
cloth, 5 yards, 2; 2d best, l; best woolen
carpet, 15 yards, 3 ; 2d best, 2 ; best
carpet, 15 yards, 3 ; 2d best,'2 ; beat half
dozen pairs woolen socks, 2 ; 2d best, 1 ;
best two pairs woolen mittens, 1 ; 2d befit
50 eta.; best piece linen cloth, 10 yards,
2; best piece cassimere, 15 yards,
Judges—G. B. Eldred, Mrs. C. Stark,
Mrs. Geo. - .l4mson, Mrs. Daniel Wade.
- - -
Find. Arts, Ornamentar Needlework,
&c.—Best dental work, 82 ; .2d best, 1 ;
best specimen' of ambrotypes, 2cl best,
I ; beat patch- work quilt, 3 ; .best, 2 ,i
3d best, 1 ; best cpiilt of any other kind,
3 ; 2d ; best, 2 ; ad beet, t ;-best!bed - vreaci.
'2 ; 2d'best, 1 ; best winter bonnet, ; 1
best, 50 ets.; best tidy cirii• covei, 50c:
Judges—Mr. and 3.11,3,. W...1j. Jessup,
Mrs. FL F. 'TdrielL Mrs: D. R. Lathrop.
Hera of Cattle.—Best herd of cattle,
notqessAban ip,saised and exhibited by
one man, 85 ; 2d best, 3.
Judges—He/41r. 1 Drinker, F. M. Wil
liams, Geo.!Waltkii.` -
DIVr.443N ,
Jud g es —M. qjiler, W. J, Turrell,
W. Ali Crossnitm,. Mrs. 44.' V. Bentley,
Mrs. Tracy Hayden, Mrs. J. Hosford.
' nivriacai
Plowing-Atatch.—The Plowing Match
will take place - on Masi:lAl - , SEPT. 13th,
at 2 o'clotk, p..ttiWon the 'farnf of
Tarbektiear Montrose. ' - Mi. 'ra'rbell 441 f
furnish dinner and feed teams tii'2l ,
Best pl6r t's7; - 2d bi ‘d best:
.nest plowing; . _ Jeit, 4; 3. :st,
3; 4th best, 2.i 6th best, L
Judges—Thomas Johnson, Robert.W.
Gere, D. D. Warner.
General Superintendent—W. H. Jessup.
Assistant pat igl Sayre,
Superintendent of Cattle—Avery Frink.
Sheep r and.-sunEu4 7 ,-.:AL J..,Hatrinston:
Fartnimpleoleists= - :Elijah 11fott.
MeChanits and Dairy 17011.-S. Crossmon.
Fruit Hall—N, Shoisninker.
Vegetable Hall—N. Mitchell.
Ladies' Holl—Mr. G. V. Bentley, Mr. H.
C. Jessnp, Mrs. J. B. McCollum. Mrs.
W. A. Crossmon, Miss Mary E. Lyons,
Miss Priscilla C. Bentley.
Uninumerated Articles—Mr. and Mrs. M.
C. Tyler, W. J. Turrell, W. A. Cross
mon, Mrs. G. V. Bentley, Mrs. T. Hay
.: den, Mrs. J.Hosford.
The Society is now put of debt, and the
legacy left by Mr. Carmalt is in the
hands of the Treasurer, but the amount
for fitting tip. she ; gxamids apii srecting
suitable buildingsis not one-Thalf what the
society need for that purpose, and as the'
annual 'meeting of the Fair is the best
place and time to see and welcome our:
friends, we again hope to see a large at
tendance, that the receiptiftday . he several
hundred dollars over the premiums offer
ed, to add to the atiimuit.on hand, which
will soon be expended upon the grounds.
The Committee will
. endeavor to make
the coming fair' as interesting as.possible
with music and other entertainmentd.--
Come one, and all.
We anticipate a large- exhibition .; of
hock, and that all other departtnents will
be well filled. As fruit is abundant; wet
shall expect to see the ball filled ; also the ,
ladies' ball. •
• " - n (aim!) f 2,.
• Bndgeof Ilienibership, which will admit ,
ell articles, ,- ootapoting,ibtrriamus:ivitb,
family who tirplymples pad minor maid
children"' COO: &dire., of Membership ' ,
admit-faisily ;emboss withoßt
competing forkritduts,
ion 14:an415, 50 centee: Biagio admission ,
15 centa. All olergyniettra, fatailine
'admitted free.
F. H. HorusTErt; i ', , ..
A. BALT.ivnic : r, r* ,
, your.
.1. B..TAstizti,;.,
where 'WU
can be bad, le at the store of
THIS Flynt have not beep. tlisconraged by the late
advance In goods, but have a LARGE' BrOCK of
seasonable goods on bankana are intntytnirti a ity a ddi.
hone to, °to flame.
We are selling enea FOR CASEi 'LC
' Exceedingly' LOW Pikes;
We respectfially requett all who arotnalcinkibirli par ,
chases to try ne before all others-
as we have. resolved
on selling goods Mal was oniyhereciftsr, and have theta
fors barked borpricei 'accordingly low.
We will certainly try toame a good many the trouble
and erpenses ofiessing the county and going,a distance
In order ',obey cheap: so we say agatd, Rive as a trial
and we will convince you with the facts crone assertion.
' Out tasortnietit In •
nthan DRESS d001:18.In .
a . I ,et ti v,- 3 rf,z,
Mirs ) lirat, ir.4;bletr6fetil : lfght l ailliertrY
grades, Calicoes and Gingko= the beet make, De.
Lalnes, Ticks, Checks, Stripes, &c. Flarat?ls, all colors ,
and 94k4t 1 9 1 .1iS : t C:
Pl.yFk , : - -GOODS•
Badcloth;._ simeres, Leaks' Cloth, Cottonadee, &c.
HOOP d : - .1 00/tat i rS,
the largest stock and of superior make add quality,
We keep ixenerally tt Elm. Lacs oLaligop:l3B need for
milliner; purposes, ufutOfferzuch as:Neir-lork,J6opinu
Our assortment in_this branch allege can tin!, be ex
celled, and fa nut facilities aft 1140t:that.*ente'Man
tenanting eeetyglement we seirtos.etin berthhily_ en
sbled to sell th em anal a/n*9OIMM tWatearhoarCenot
We still continue ju, .
Eb}lw- np•,Germentq Ordor,
:and would ask all those who would like to have, their
'clothing TASTY and FASITIONABLY made', as well as
to seeare Pedett
tonge 45 pa.e ,crunlokutoid
beitig We to Ora vaiectel thePthftph4tcalisi.- -
The riotee eltd`Books'efileiFirm
formerly 444 iere - tiovt
'with McepPleutWai UPe of the partneraathllEtna.dgd.
whO has charge of said business. He would respectfully
request all those that are Indebted to thoffrta to call end
settle tip_ se the DoCiala await be closed.
3fOntrirse - ,'lny ieth, i
_ .
poi of theotagltlifita vioit 4ablieiemkkgesn the
world for
Co hi Colds, Whoopleg Cough, Ilivaehitia, Cif
acuity of ItreathLog, Asthma, Hoarseness,
Bore Throat, C:oni), and every affection
wisTmrs a4,II,I9A,gI.AtiIICIIERRY
So general has the use of MU remedy become, and sn_
popular belt , e r4MWD .P 36 4l 3e.kf r4 dalobilta 3 re iii sn it
its.virtues. its works 'peat for it, and flnd utterance in
the revcria9 4 , 13 -4 (l3:lliSonv who
ftom long suffering and settled disease hate by its pee
,ten restored ogietrie otgraiiicaipro:
duce amass °reddened to proof or otcr assertion', this
t'Uttbit DlscahfilPED. ;.`
Hew. .iat;ob Seiitier, p ' -
*ell t known and much respected among the German
population of this want, y, makes the' !Wicking state-
ment for the benefit of the aflllicted :
Dear - Sqra - 1 . —/It avinirg i"°4* lll6l my P3 ll; tl ' 'l4'4l4 banritirprfrta . n .
benefits from the usejat:lour valuable pcupapillon—
Wistar's italsanroirrWild,wfterry.v, s ot t r p,,pleasure
to recommend' ft' ttrtile ff e t years ago
one am) , dant ters reemedki be hid i e ne,And,
hopes of her recovery wisfb:eute net, I,theti WO
cured a bottle of your excellent Dais , null betels ihti
had taliet r ahe wimluorth m kontengsfehe i Vle there
was a fmnfolimstent heir hen 4 e, In my
indivi date,' made aunt its Of yo alnable
%ediFintion.dluyvanayatiumithunefittpdbylt, „
.; 1 sv d :lAMB ".UCHL73-
From Jessiu 6ralth,Esq. PreAripat-ot r ake Morria.Coun
" Saving tlastd-DF t Wiattifs Balasippt SildChem for
about fifteen, Icamtindilluivingr Wallatid
,geniis In my family It affolds maßatplptspre to re
bommend it to thetijgg4a T 44 rtuudon cases
of weak lungs, co s, cougha, &c., an a remedy which
I consider to be entirely innocent:mid may - be taken to
perfect safety4tlni t
dejr r
I ,4t h evh
From Hori.d . It.IS h. 1 lea + In
• Wes set?, NI&
hal ve on several occasions nandi)r.Niristar's Balsam
of Wild Cherry for colds, end - always with decided bene
fit. Lkayte.,OnopyspettaAlon that,ltinVilleplatopoe
more deserving orgerfereirkse.f
The Haistm.haa afiststatniM, Or ffitiltrgalent efrqck
by J. B. Slllent;hlCfftint, 11,1ild.'-
Wietar's Balsantot (1, Cherry.
None, veknlne unless signed "I. BUTTS:' , ot. t 4
J. P. DTRSIIORR,Ro. 491 Broadwat, 'New Yor k
S. Wficillll/3 - &-C9.‘Propeletors, , Roeten.
And mvllprwists?
f qi 11 I 'll :1
Redding's Russia Salve.
nottallytestabllebed tbelisape*rlty or
oveie - rf li t r aw
It cures all katica 8,8 Intr.
STIES,.KLES, POTtNB, 130 RF. xtrjoitwut ,Natz . s,
am.,Aappyluts,tharain atatip l / 4 ,. - rri f t i r
twist AtirrlPOWAßtwellinn_ pug1.1085 1 90_,...
tank- ¢:t! OMY CENTI 4 A m."‘•
• von KALI DT ,• • •
J. P. DENSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York.
8. W. PplttEilar 7lB Te s e i rfps ;011 . 42:7.7
Jane ' tyecav „ 4 --
'f7 cl%. BAR
Addressif , Zontrode, Pa.
111 . - , 1
.. - Ili CI efiatEr; ,:?; g ' i 4 1 1
FlRCargtl4ll‘l7:3*" Iq t' icr a ci ltr . " Ce
, Raving located , . o witrnmidmi r , he
•aappetaltilly d tafeablolall PielCat.
time 41 as. otintzi__cit term* tetelj.,nstral,..2 4 '
with the 17 , 4 ' 4 4500011i4UPP1.7::-.;':,
A. : fit i vivic ;„
e " l t rarg DrlastiiiitrrdN at 4= l VS, •
DY-KP FrPiU.ti
MOOS Oki .
satuminkteriErsias atectiasta-
troorr,Artp.s -
German B i tters'
- 11 1 0 r,
?hue Bitters Rave Performed Noreen:ea.:
Rave and do •give Better Satiefactiotr•!
. , .
FOR Tlißll I
Than any other artieleio the markot !
We defy any one to contradict this assertion,.
AND WILL PAY 2.1,000
To any one who will produce a Certificate publithed by.
us that to not GEsurric
Will cure every case of
Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of
the Kidneys, and diseases arising
from a disordered stomach,
TU FOLLOWLNG sYlipTo3lll, ,
RisuWag from Disorders of Mu Digestive
Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to hi
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn,
-Disgust for Food, Ft itness or Weighs In the
. Stomach, Soar -Eructations, Sinking or Flat
tering at the pit of the Stomach, Swim- •
ming of the ileaddlarried an d SIM.
- cult breattirriF,Yitiliering at '
Heart; Choting,or Sultoca- .
tine Stirsatioas when in
a lying Posture Dimness of
Vision, Dots or Us before the
• Sight, Fever and I Pain • in the
ilead,Deticiency of Perspiration, Yellow
) nese of the Skin 'and Byes, Pain in the Side,
Back, Chest, Limbs, Sudden Flushes .of
Heat, Burning in the 'Flesh, Constant Imag
inings of Evil, and great Depression oi Sphita
Z1L3313541:3311y . p13331‘.
N cot .4961:ec011a.c>1.10,
AO Can't: 310 u runhatirs .1
t - 1
La de -World
From the Rev. Levi G. Berk, Pastor of the Bard.ies
Church,, pembertort,N. J., formerly of the North Bap
that Church, Philadelphia -
• • • •'' r •
I baVe known Hooffand's German 'Bitters fa
vorably-for a number of years. Itrese tweiftbeta" in lay
owd nanny, 'endiuive bean go pleased with their riYeets
that teas Induced to recommend them to many others,
and kne. w that they have operated in a mrikingly bone.
Halal Idantief...' I take great Tare -in Out 'publicly
proehliceink this fact, and call the attention of those
afflicted with the diseases forw ch they are recotaxnen.
ded, to these ?ratters. knowing from experience that my
recommendation will be snetained. I do this _More
cheertidly ae ifootland's Bitters is intended to benefit
the afflicted. and is - not a rum drink.-
Tout Truly
From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D.-D., Editor or the kg,
eyelopia of ReligionsXnowledge, and Chriatlin Chron
- tele, Philadelphia. . ,
Although not disposed to favor or recommend l'atettg
liedicfmw in general, throtigh distrust of their ingredl
' enls and effects, Iyet know Of/30 entileient rewne w
7 .ri
matt may not testify to the benefits he belieelm
to have- nicolted frorritny simple preparation,' in the
hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of oth
I do this the more readily In regard to Boo Mined Oar
man Bitters, prepared by Dr- C. duckodd• dr this etribe
muse I Wastrejndiced against them for many yeare,nn
der the impresalen that they were chiefly an alcoholic
mixture. lam 'indebted to my friend, Robert Shomna
.er for the removal of this. prejudite by proper
tests, wafer encouragement to try them, when fintlrau
lbg from great and long condoned debility. The use of
three bottles of these bitters at the beginning of the
present year, was followed by evident relief and - restem-'
Hon to a degree of bodily and mental vigor whichlhad
not (flitter Ma months before; and had almost despaired
of regaining. I therefore thank Clod and my friend fOr
directingme tb the use of them.
J. NEWTON BROWN, Philad'a.
ProMatitieS.l l oa. xcllerniar'd, Butter of the 10th Bap•
• -
Dr. Jackson :-.-f.DearStr hate been frequently '
quested to - connect my rime with • commendations iok:
different kinds of medicines; bat regarding the pmedee
as oat of my sppropriate sphere, 1 have in all •ftSee de- '
Mined; but with aclear proof in varied" Instances, and.
partietilarly In my Wally, of the tawdriness of.Dr.lford
lan d'u,dermturaittecs, I depart foconrc from mp usual
coarse; to. express my fall conviction that / for genera
debility of the system and etepeelaffi for Li ver *Com
plaint, Dis a safe and valuSblextreparatlon.: In soma es- •
eeslt May fall ; but nasally, I doubt riot, It will be Teri,
beriedgal to Dross who sufferfrern the abort:eunite.% •
Yours, very reipeetfal.
. .
From Me „ llott Tbomss 'Winter, Pastor of Roxborongb
Baptist Church.
• Dr. teUtkeon4:—Deur Sir:-,-I feel It due; ID your exeel-q
lent preparation, lloodand's German Bitters. to add am
testimony i otbo deserved 'reputation it hat obtained. T
lave for year% at times, been troubled with great
der Di my head and nervous systemi I was suivisod bra
friend to try:a bottle of your German Dittere. I did so.
eyed have experienced great andunexPeeted relief' !
-health bag been very materially benedtted. I eoutdent
lx recommend the article where I meet with eases simi.
ire Wray own s and have beenaasumd by many of their
good effecter, Respectnft yonrs.
T. ..NTER, Ilaxborough, Pe;
From the Rev. J. S. Kerwin, of the German Reformed
Muth; Kutztown, Berke Younty, Pa. . .
Dr. , C. , /6. ;Jaclisoo :—limpeeted sir have tieed'
Affnbled with Dyspepsia npnrly andpatp
7:llkVegt , tisall any medicine that did me at. mum grpod,aa
'llootlazed'i Bitten. I amvery ainehlmyroted riectli •
altar baling taken five bpttlea,.. • . .
Tann, with respectd. 8. H t EntiN.
T •
iscr alz,o/°l4lll"7ll4sotig.igtutr"ad.g.
Bauillatval-T5 eta poi bottle—half dozen. 400 X8,00 , ;
• .1
seetidthe,eigeetemet. C. 31 4 atiatiliti." , is :es
tho WitAPPNEV of oach ,
ont lioncost dri;Eglet.not My, theartlclot
not beim off by any of the intoxlcatin_gpropitslions
thavr he offeyett itoThtee, bationallo or, • ied Ire
J / Ftn rd • ! e c urel Y, Paqk!! 4 t l 7, e? , Preiti;•,c,
axiom ac, 101715i32.111: •
i‘,l•7 `
Cr • Tro#rietars • • -
inaggigill"l4o3oTl faitTrir ttrimalsr
~n v .
0.017 r 1711tRItaftloti-igat'