--Tgitin - treattittiftentyiK one % Rata koithoil'oistraaps! of this description. drhe -mess:arse thentiPleair.oo ll e'iliitrisit the following 'points in the poll. cY ofFettoi-itianent: :.'• - lat. - The e mployment or black troops Fait itfinsfaityi!both. 8181" e-end free. - 2d. The equality - of blank troops with white as,„to ponwensatinn.-nOisupplien. 9d. Thi3 'Co a toyE master Oa 090bt6 of ove j3tmtbed diglks when'the state is'draftha 1665114) or of aiham3ty not exceeding three hund red dollars when be volunteers. The practical reaps of this policy are, to abide-An inferibit,,finifftrof troops at atm: biltbeat rate. of. expense.; to .impose upon t e Tzwsug,thcs support of an en ormonts rinikwof-ignorant and undisci plined negroee, t- to recognize the princi ple.oC bnying negroes from their masters, whethe'r'theytiblic interests requite it or not i latia - to mcur the risk of breaking den diE i th wit? 'because 'fir the . ineflicien m o ,the limes employed in its prosecu 114.'"Ileaidge,,it is notorious that in pur sninits policy ,negro, women and chEildfeb"tbuct ' i great extent, be • thrown apoii't4 government for support pr be leak to. pens& ; Tait bPit {sever, been extensive objec tion to the emplyyment of negrues under "the act of 18112, in those war employments for which they are fitted as laborers and Wo3sters,xnd for camp services In the warm parts of the country, especially, they could be thus usefully employed, and and a reasonable nomber doubtless might blano.be employed for some , sorte of ser vice-iu the navy. But to employ an un ieldly number of them at...such prodig ious expense, is moat evident folly and wrong, and it will be well . if signal dis aster does not result from it.i- We know ino reason for this extravaggit, costly, and augerous policy, except alliesire of the majority in Congresi to Ailtablish (if in deed-theirenactments could abcomplish slit if 'object) the equality of the black and white races with each other.- But doubt less, the eTploym9rkt, of black in the war le to be inane the y pretext fonfitending to them the;right of suffrage also so cial position, and to be followed, pram *,l.ey tee organizatidn of a coneiderible body of them into a standing army: tSCREASE or SOLDIXR4! The immediate result of this, policy of negroism in the war has been to postpone ant ot, - last to limit . _ thOnerease of compensation to oul. citizen soldiers. Bills providing for such increase were permit tea to lie unacted on in Congress for more .han five months of the present ses sion, ant, •he bill finally adopted for that purpose was . .nadequate, and made to take effect only from L., let day of 'Stay. 1864. Ii increased the pay ciT privates frocithie teen-to Sixteen dollars per month, (with- GUI rrinmatron of color,) and the pay of officers in .somewhat similar proportion. But the smallness of this increase, as well as the delay in enacting it, was oecasiotred by the extravagant measures above mentioned. The treasury, strained by the payment of the enormous,sums to thene groes by reason of their employment in increased trinmbers and at increased rates of expense, could illy res . pondVe just in demands made upon it b of our citizen soldiers. Besides it is instructive to observe that in this legislation by Congrefs, while in creased pay to white troopsbegins on the first of May, an increase to colored troops dates from the first of January. And a provision contained in thetact of 15th of June authorizes the attorney general of' , the United States to inquire whether in creased pay under former laws cannot be allowed.to negroes employed in the pub lic-servialefore the beginning of the pre. sent year, who were freaon the 19th of ' April, 1801, and if be determines in favor of such allowance his decision shall be car ried into effect by orders'of the Wain De partment. The majority, in Congress in pursuing the 'phantom of negro equality, areas improvulyht as it* are impassion ed. The decision of the War Depart ment (in accordance with the opinion of ius.solicitor) as to the compensation of ne-i groes under former laws, is to be opened and subjected to, revieVO'by the, attorney general, in the hope that some additional meaning , may be' wrung out of the old statutes Justifying additional expenditure upon a 'favorite object. ' It ought to be manifest to every reas onable man that negroes in service should 64 paid less than wh4 troops, • that the-increase of their pay from ,to siirl 'teen - dollars per' monthowas a • essaryl anct-profligate. The market val r, of their labor is Itncy.wp to be less than tof cit- zens,. and it , is equally clear t their' ser-1 vices are mach less valuable the army. • ;We'have but • to•add un this head that, additional pay IA our c. "rii soldiers in service is but just.and reasonable; and of ht long lance tci - live beta] faviided. The great depreciation in valnetof the curfaacy in which they are ' iiald;sarit the increased rates of price in the country af fecting all their purchases and outlays, have demanded,-theitsatiwittnd considera tion of the government. It is upon their: exertions that -rlilinee must be placed for success in war; and even Air the pieserva- tion of the Treasury from ebayarrassment, , andahiVeßilitiy - 14biii'pd.buinary convul sion ; and whatever- differen:ties of opin ton- may exist as to measures of Goveriv XneAl-,policy,-their • merits sad sacri fi ces .ntd:itgnition and gratitodo llitrivhble masa their countrymen.- •' This gitaßticoc,t,Tne for the, employ : moinifWelfroßtro6ps•at full rated ofiz , pease is n OelettalliiMige Mfregards the proseemg t,lm-sind operates unjust ly as regale our aril= soldiery in ser viciejAlta-cabs 4t is dangerous, pitapa ana un But limited spacit t rgaquires us to forego further examinittl6n of particular points -f adiiiiniailiamn policy, (however in migitte 1106. 41 - i - 644W to some general onoidouttious which may k i "" re ' ll3 l l lr , Prie/teaf , And. these s gersiirselata 26 the dance which_ ;will threaten (as results of administration Pliny) dozing ,the war and afterwards. !? 4 . 4 .0 1 0, *... 6 4"/4 61 0" 1 W rO i *iiialtuAL rtnoeithhi hand may be atetitiormi the state* Oct' lITYLINCE3 AND F,IirrIiFINFT. • 'The name( - seasarl Waste of tie liublin re- Sources in the war i•the -enormous • sums expended Upton fillitleSS military expedi. (sometimes badly planned and some times ..badly executed and supported,)and the other enormous sums corruptly or an expended in obtaining supplies and materials of war, would, of themiel4e, have-been sufficient to deeply' injure'tbe publics credit, and to create fears of our fu ture ability to bear thepeconiary burdens created by the war. Aud what ought to sting the minds_ of reflecting men, iii:the consideration that the general political policy of the administration has been such that it has prolonged the war by depriv ing tis 'of allies and sympathy in the ene my's cotentir, and frittered away the pub lic energizporrnthercilijeota beside mili taryog ; ' - In /id tion to whi c h stan ds forth the fact, that this ocession'of war has been seized upon to establish a system olgov= ernment paper money, which has caused the.lmblic expenditure and the publicdebt to be one half greater than they •could otherwise have been, and introduced nu merous and s most serious dangurs'inte all thi channels or commercial and business life. The crash of this system, and the failstre'dfall' ttie delusive hopes and ar rangements based upon it, is not merely a possible but a probable event in the fay tare. The ruin and suffering which such an event would entail cannot be overata- tea, and to avert it or to mitigate its force is one of the main objects Which should be had in view in settling our future poli cy. — Vpon questions. of currency and fin ance, we must revert to the ideas of for mer times in which alone can safety be found. In speaking of financial prospects and future pecuniary conditions, we do not overlook the fact that opinions very dif ferent from ours are expressed by the friends of power. But the appearances of prosperity to which they refer us, are delusive. Production in the country is now de creased, for great numbers of laborers are employed in the war, and abstracted from industrial pursuits. Increased rates of value press hardly .pon persons of fixed incomes, and upon all who are disabled or • engaged „in un 4 profitableemplokments. The *re does not create wealth• but consumes it, and •-onsumes also the laborers by which it is proc""---I It devours the redacts of past and present nxustr7, tin d roNska the growth a population upon which fu ture prosperity depends. And the inevitable evils of a state of oar--the injury and destruction of mate rial interests, the -waste, spoliation and improvidence that characterize it—are ag gravated by profase issues of governmex penditure, public and private, and dis guise for the time the fearful consumption of wealth and'the sure approach of a day of suffering and retribution. This expenditure and the accumulation of debts, public and private, cannot go on indefinitely or for any consid4Eble time. The day of payment, which will be also the day of trouble, will surely come.— Great suffering will fall upon the people. Those who suppose themselves indepen dent, of the frowns of fortune, will realize the retribution which always follows up on success, and even those wholly inno cent of any complicity with financial mis management or other evil feature of pub lic policy, will be smitten equally with the guilty.• The cast debt, created in great part by profligacy and mismanagement, is a source of profund anxiety to the people, who must pay it, and to the capitalists who hold it. Its obligation rests upon the se cnrity of the national ability and honor. But to prevent its' growth beyond the point where bankruptcy threatens it with destruction, the folly and corruption which now waste and detour the wealth of thepeoplq must meet With speedy and condign overthrow. POSH:MN IN Another danger to be apprehended un der our present rulers ; one which has been speculated upon often since the war be gan, and which is possible hereafter, is the intervention of some foreign nation in the pending struggle. There is an example of such intervention in our history, which deserves contemplation by those who would justly judge our present situation, 1 and make provision against future dangers. Our fathers revolted' and were sorely chastised therefor by their monarch. The sword smote them in aU their costa-; their wealth- was dried up, their cities occupied by their foes, their land ravaged. - They were pushed to the extremity ofendurance; • - they became spent and exhausted by the conflict. But in their hour of extremes t peril; France, at.the instance of a Penn sylvania diplomatist, extended them her powerful. ; assn . /ranee, and they emerged from the struggle triumphant and indep endent. Is this war to be mismanaged and perverted and,protractedi walla for eign power ma be iddaceirto assist our autapaiiitt, *France assistedthateirolt- W 00100100 of the , third Geroge . 4. un qucetionehlp. the feeble,changdil, edam ry , and unwise policy of the Adinim—stra tion, begets this . danger of:intervention, and Will produce it if itrover take , place.. - Oiliisits.diPlomacy abroad • been ea . . ~.. 'to avert the evil consequences of: ita action at-home. That Aplomaciyhis not Weii.'l.;:riii% judiCious and_ wanly, but fultik.. -- fieteatwic - in - - -aiwimic It should , therefore' be sOne of the ' leading °ldeas Ihs . .electing all administration for the nettlmr years, to avoid this' danger of intervention by the selection of rulers who will not provoke it, and whose policy commandrespeclt at home and abroad. . „ 1410140 IipTOND TIM WAR. But other 4angesumenace US under Re- Pnhrictin rule, even if success in the war be'sieuied. And as these, in a still great er degree than those already mentioued, deserve careful and earnest attention, we proceed to state them distinctly. (Conclusion next week.] , WOOL .CARDING • .440-30 CLOTH DRESSING. TYF noft.l.ll: rtionfdregirloth.7 l ,4rtreueiri' l el the m ach inery is now ready 'to receive w ork , _a r warrant all int:rated .10 tile care to be done :an od and workmanlike mender. TIAIIVSSIBLE4 ' . n.rford, May 10th, 160,4.-8 m ' : ' CALVIN C. HALSEY, Ulllllllll6 For Pensioners, and Applicants for Pensions. mezr-OtHeo in Public Avenue, over the Store of J. Ly• one &Mon. Montrose, Pa., May 26, MI. tf NEW ARRANGEMENTS! NEW CID: FOR ZOO, 0001 NEW Cep For CASH or Beady Pay. C3-113:10. TAN t3PC.2\773 eft co. H AVj li ftg l tater ected :fed ho tock rn the East with a new and gtair g -S giotting The Latest and most approved Styles. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEBS. COIELCOCIMPLIZEIES, Of every Description. 39 11 -ILA 400 MT PL Of the ebobseat brands. Including Hart's celebrated brand. Fish, Dairy Salt, Teas, coffees. Spices, Sugars; Molasses, At very , Low prices for CASH Ifllf Call and see for Yourself. Cash paid fbr Grain, Butter, Eggs, W. 2,000,000 doz. Eggs wanted. Fer Two doors below Boyd it Webster's !fools to . the Store formerly occupied by B. I. Post. Q. L. STONE, E. L. WEEKS. JAMES R. DEWITT, DEALER IN DIANN 1110 NOTIONS CHOICE FAMILY 920 (01.8142 .1 ;19 _ 9 BOOTS AND SHOES, gaits ,and Caps, cpti.cocpL.mit - s-, GLOS-WARE, 'AMP% XXVI 011 LAS, HARDWARE AND NAILS, 807-a331 1.433420r33:1311., dbo. Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. J. R. MUTT. BOOT, SHOE, EFL RESER STORE. F. B. WEEKS & CO. H A jn d opened their SPRING STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, 40X-01C0T 4 -IEIE XIV ar, GENTS' ITIBEISHEIG GOODS, consisting of everything in Gents' line of apparel, from Boots to au, Ladles' Fine Spring Bsimorals and Gaiters. Men's Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper than any other house this side of New York. Come and see for yourselves. Boots & Shoes nude to order Montrose, May 10th. F. B. WEEKS & 00. WM. N. COOPER & CO. MINIM won ThOMFIOIO9 " Black Star" Liao of LiverpootPaoketa. roZtrllB wish i ng to send for their Mends In the old the y.ean purchase passage ticket. by the shore from setaeribers. • Also, Drafts an Ireland tbr sale In (tuns to nit. I nslL 11. COOP= & CO.. Banker& Montrose. July 7. PM FLOUR i FLOUR ! rawicz ?Aka VLOTTB, bydab banal, tack 07 PJUSId. kraal! la tba boor 'prices b B TALLOW, NOW, MED "1 E° and „11, moat Wads of predate wante d In orb 1.01 Goods at, pia Omar, act Varney BIM or , 4. If• Butum, STMITVEIVPIIYTEL; vstr Au-v*o 4 1 4 411 r" - 1. 3Pcnaimil .41:VOXIMPetr.n IatC r X I .4"P I TN I AZPWI OI2 P .322I.I A 3VI ‘ . Aug. 6, 1863. ly - BALDWIN)&;. b N, AGAIN ! • . WEST BIDE OF FF:itx.ic AVENUE, , ME Pir4P B . 11 4 FIIQVRI . P,. SALT, Garden Seeds, ;. Wheat, Clover, Timothy ft Plaii Sea& Peas, Lard, Candles, ; PORK, HAMS, DRIED REM, gish,Smok?34 Kalibut, Syrups,. Molasses and' Angara, TEAS, CQFEEE, SP! 0-ES, BROOMS AND NAIDS. I Cash Paid fbr tter. A. BALDWIN, WM. L. ALLEN. MottrOso, , Aool4, 18M 1T AIR 'CON, Per., AS) Wholesale a Retail Dealers In ItambVtaiLS., I 3FL CI. PZ , STEEL, NAILS, 13PIILV1SI I tikIBLOVIEIL BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MUM RAIL; COCIB2SRSDRIC Ai T RALLOPIKES. RAILROAD ,E XINING BITPPLINB. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, WINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS, MALLEABLE IRONS, LTB3, SPORES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS, Sc. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS, SLEDGES. FILES, de 44 CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BRLTING. PACELNG, _ TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS , a cmiaZZICMCVATCA FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, LEATHER& FINDINGS. FAIRBANK'S SCALES Scranton, March 24,186 a. ly x.xiiveixcoisr Examining Surgeon ! muil subscriber baring been appointed by the Com l. missioner of Pensions. a MEDICAL EXAMINER at large to examine and give certificates to all entitled to Pensions, will attend to all applications that may be presented :o him, at Montrose, Pa. ROOM, at J. 8. 'par bell's Hotel. E. PATRICK. Montrose, April 6, 1863.—tf SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, And Back . Pay ! rE undersigned tIC6NI4ED AGENT or tar GOPEEN. t mrr, will give prompt attenticm total claims Intrtus. ted to his care. No enrage unless successful. Montrose. Ang. '63. J. B. 31eCOLU1;M. HOPE GOLD COMPANY. MINES-" GOLD DIRT LODE," GILPP.I COUr4i' i. COLORADO. Capital 80,000 ehar , $25 each TRUSTEES: Jon EVANS, Colorado. GEO. W. 0817711 AN. Baltllo. F. R. Juno, New. York. Brumaire Prrerrz, N. Y. R. 8. Conti, New-York. R. C.OIINELL WHIMS, N. Y. Tiloixer.. New-York. M. C. TYLER, Now-York. 8. 0. ANNOLD, Providence, R. I. Preeldent—His Excellency JOHN EVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. - Viee-Piesidents---Hon. S. O. Atorato,Dr. F.. . JUDO. Treasarer--WAvren E. LAWTON, SeCTOtara—J. P. Dime. (apriy scocp.l2 ace 1 , :o. 25 Cliff street, New-York... sivck-swber & 104714.31MTC:friC WOOLEN GOODS , Camptown, on Wyalnsing Creek, Bradford Co . . Pa. Rolls Carded and Cloth Finished. WeManntactare Cloth for Customers' on Shares, or t the following pricey per yard : Cassimere, best inish, tine. 45 cents. Plain Cloth, best finish, due, 45c. Gray and Mixed Cassimeres. 40 eta. Tweeds, a cents. Common Fallen Cloth. 40 ets. White Flannel, IN cents.. Madder Red Flannel, a cis. Gray Flannel, eta. The Gray Flannel made with taste, and very enitable for Clothing. • - •— . We will card Rolle for persona from a distance to take home without delay. HAOS RVEY WRILN INGCH.HAM, AM Camptown, May 10th, 1864.—tf 'ALCA-3211247Crit COW or.101:331 DUTCH EAST-INDIA COFFEE CO. 3:11 ZI .1P Clo T' I 168 Reade street, N. Y TITS above Company are known all over the world u the owners of the Coffee Plantattons of Java and Batavia In the Ddteh East Indies. and are the largest monopolizers of Coffee on the Globe. The undersigned (who is appointed their sole agent In the United States and in the British Colonies) will have for sale three different kindeof Cake, width, larity of grade andeheapness of price, will defy [ competi tion. Our 64 IIIATAVLII COFFEEn never before in troduced in this country, but extensively used in the ar mies and navies of Europe; and tidily valued, will be put up at twines to ratchet! consumers, and our Extra, Java will be the .Ifagnuas Boom Coffee of the age. We will have, for accommodation of °recess, andi GoVernment. Contractors, samples (dry and draarn) for ferithlg. Orders seilicit.U. On receipt of ash, Cane promptly forwarded midirected. A. urractiv, les Read. Street, Wel, 11004 Bole agent, Dutch EautAidit Coffee Colyauy. July 111. S. IL Pettgagf 00., ivo.. ristE Row. !tow Yoit t and 8 State treet, s oiton , are oar agent; for the ottentroes Demon* tu thOdeettles, sad ant altborized to take sevatteemass and eutiocrlpttope for peel per lowest rites. - - et P • 9 f, ' I = • Now offers for sale one of the limit endbesatitnerne of . • I Tit . -4 • ► . ( sr l •,- • ahaa l • EViabffeaed in S aqu iiaßottnty.htid COM - PrilltAile44lltistett nrilitY'Vf qelit diferantartider of any artotettabe Northampart dißcillnYo4. olll . 4 n4Pw haps of dkeventird.Ste.A• 410'.abseatMent la 'kept In about thirtydlarent , braneSea 14 trade, and the selec tions are , made frotabliont forty ofihe best Hoagies in pew Yeadri sada:ore-Wm: dity Dealers and Manufac turers out of New York. A • large pro_postion Goode are bropght difeet (rot:6We mannUcthrers, etas irtifainh'•fianinineaddclen.,,Cteilamerson ventoring the Store musEttot expect fo end everything, jp,slgid, but nearly every article wanted will be pro Breed byfrfqdlry. Some idea of the Stock spay.he formed by the following general outline, brit eitarderatton telm aracticald pivaga altedietnesAPniptrY9lo Groterlesltiqttora; Clrackdry. Glass Ware Walt an frittdOs!_rapet..fetraliy, SilverWsra,Perftnieryr Bakery Good', ilnalcalinetnintents.Bnishce. AfacriclA POWS [Baits, Table Cutlery and Silver Planed Wire, UMW. Materlfi kW Lights, ilardwara;-Bed Cords,State Ware, Dry oods Mlrro i c,Win . dow Tarts.. I.4thograpke.; Var. 'Ashes,' Bi rd ' Ca s;.'Elpiliselea, • Whlps• — and tallbrs. Brooms. Gans, P gaols, Ammunitsin,/ Tobacco: Meal cal and Surgical Instruments, Salt, Soap, Potash, Um prelim!, Porcelain Teeth An , shertiti early everything. to restore the rick. to please the taste, to delight the eye. togrptlfy the fancy. 'wards° in eofidnea to the reel and PLstaallal whentletalonVie ptblit, , 'ln vite% to my sleek pfpooda.beaght exelnaively rok cdals•ddwn, audwUlbi sold Otitbarvipe Drincipl for4.A i prices. ABEL napirotilt. Ji!Rmlcyls6ll36B:, . A FULL ASSORTMENT OF flit '& AINfA COODS, gar JUST RECEIVED, end will be Bold • • AT A LARGE REDUCTION tram April prices itarThia Reduction will include the ENTIRE STOCK which will be found ae large rut usual, and Alba sold on THE MOST LEM TERMS WC:3 , l* ! ON TIME, or for PRODUCE EL EVERITT, Nov, 1863. New Milford. KEYSTONE HOTEL , At Montrose, Pa. Wm. K. HATCH, Proprietor. Tina new and commodious Rote is situated on Public Avenue, near the Court House, and nearly In centre 01 the business portion of Montrose. The Proprietoris confident that he is prepared to entertain encl.!, Ina way that cannot fall to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no expenstbas been spared to render It equal If not superior to any in tale parterrtbe..Btate. It In well supplied with aliretent Improvements and comforts, and obliging ; waiters will• always he ready to respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this house are new and convenient. The Proprietor respeetfully Polkla the patronage of his old friends, travellers, ,utd the public generally. JanG3 tf WM. R. tIATC.II LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG WILIVXMOMIL C3O4g4M. Traina Will MOVING SOUTH. Pasnenger. A ceom. Leave Scranton, at 5.30 A.M. 11.00 a. m. •• Kingnton, at 6.4(1 Arrive 12.30 p. m. •• Rupert. at .., . 8.50 Danville, at 9.24 a. m. ArtlTo4iNotlhumberland, 9.55 MOIING 2011. YR. Leave lqortbarnberunia 4.30 p. m. •• Danville, 5.10 " Rupert. 945 • IC inmiton, • 805 1.45 p. m. Arrive at Sernnt lil. 9.10 p. m. 3.30 p. m. A paasenger train also leaves Kimpton at 8.20 a. m. for Scranton to connect 'With train for - New York. Return ing. leaven Scranton on arrival of train from New York, at 4.20 p. in. . - Pasaengera taking train south froin Scranton at 5.30 a. Et., via. Northumberblnd, reach Barriabarg 12.30 Baltimore 8,30 p._m., Washington 10 p. Via Rupert, they reach Philadelphia at 1.00 p. m. GBO. B. HUNT, Sapl. Kingston, Aimil 18, 1862 Manhood : How Lost,. How Restored. UST Pnblished, new edition of Dr. Culvert:vent Celebrated Essay on the radical cure [without medicine.) of SreaNAVOXIMice.4. orseminal weakness, involuntary seminal leases, liiivereser, mental and phyetCal Incapacity.t Impediments to marriage, etc.; also. consumptlon, elallepsy. and fits, Induced by self indulzoneu or sexual. extralagance. r-Price, in• it pealed envelope, only 6 cents. T h e telebratedimth or in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty_ years successful crractlce, that the itlikrming . coneequ.nees of self-abnse may be red. Ically eared Wittulat thedaneerottense Of Internal med. icine naitte application to the knife-00inch* out a mode 6Tcure, at onee emote, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mattes what his-con dition may be, may cure himself ctiesplyiprlvately.azd radatilly. gaie"This Lecture should be in.,tha hands Of every youth and every man In the land. Sent, under seal, In.a platy envelope, to any address poet-paid, en receipt of six cant. or two . post stamps, Address the ymbi Ishera. CHAS. J. C:HLDTE it CO., • Jelliaj t 127 BeiVery. N.. li"..,Post office bok, 4556. HCIPITAIR,D A aeoelation Ph iladel phis, Pa. Diseases of the Nervosa, Seminal. Utinsuand nal systerns—nesd end reliable treatment—tn Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Dent by mail in sealed letier envelopes, free of charge.. Address Dr. ]. San.Lui HOUGHTO7I, Howard Assodletlon, No. Borah 9th street, Philadelphia. • . ohtla 'Ga ERIE LWAY. cil....A"t,h.r.rm=gsdatfierTY:Y;il 3 pigult 6 ttile following hones, viz: " ' • WESTWARD BO7ND. I EASTWARD SOtrND• 1, Day EXpress, 541 p.m J 2, N.Y. Express, 1:12p.m 8, Night Express,tos a.m 6. Steamboat 8:10 p.m 5, Rail, at 2:20 p.m Cincinnati `• ' 6:83 ei.m 27. Way Freight, 1:06 p.m 26, Way-Fttight. 1010 21, Emigrant, 9:13 a,m Train 41, rune every day. does not ran Mondays- I , days and Mondays. • • CB "THE FAMOU'rHARBER. PP Come and see the famonißarber, Famous Barber, late of 801. Late of Ha, um' , at Wreke' 'Novr &SP. lk yti Weeks' t3toro-leotrin, • Find menbaying and shampooing, Find me cutting hair to suit you, Fled nveureudy as year service: At your Berfrice, CILLIILL7 MOWUE MectrOse.oa. 15, IBM tf A. G. REYNOLDS WOOL CARDING' a'oao Arbii `"Crialseaa. • May 20,18E4—tf BROOKLYN, Pn. SOLDJERS' BOUNTY , PENSIONS, pa a cti 4 E,.;.3Pistv: m ug inidendgned, LICENSED r AGENTpf the ' (342i': jiHNlMllTehaving obtained the necessary fent ,s le., wig give prompt, attention leelatTa intrusted. to hit aire. :WO chair unless saccesshd. , • • d BO. identretal . Jane Inn, - 11.. LITT". BILLINGS .EVEROUD I A r lILVVID-14WEINIPMLiaoca AglßST,,f i ce Latbrop's cast end 'tria . Alas • • tt, r _bitti it !! * di me (Mee will be ttd by' C. L. Bitovis. 3 ,„ j limpßose..liarekult r u , . . B — trlt4m , , . , a T0 mze..1 4 ,,, ~,, land Fang Dry, OptoAl cmckriy, 11 ifirdnlargr,lfort;ntovnit, Drug.s: 011 P ., and Paling, Book and Skives, Hats and•CaPlL.,ftni., Br:drain 80b,., Grocerien, Proirictionav,gt o ,. PiM,Ol-Prd , ga!, 18154.' PETER: HAY, laticboxiscoc9l....l2Lstatrticoineeer, AsdiurnAlTour corners; Pay' . , A.. 0. WARREN,. - AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay. X' aZi A alan - AL T alliff r aption Claims attended to. ( - eV .011rattlea And door below 136yd's Store; MontraseiTa. .•.-, M. d. surroN, _ICENSED AUC'I . LIO n N , ri t y, ; gopdisTpooiinoip, Penrea. . E' HANt..gicg, •• o nys x wzA ByEgrom q rddactkaly.tendere 1. automation!' sedeld to the Milieus of Friend". vilio•titta - Actitgfilti Writ:Mk° to itto mince of Dr. Lem. .Boards Dopfctrd'e. 1. uty 40, Mil ly 04‘itTi4T 1 1 1 1 iii - F1107r., 144. and fileal, Barren and Dairy Salt, Timothy and Clover Seed 0-roterles, Proofs ions, Fruit, Fish, Petroleum Oil, Wooden and Stone Ware, Yankee Notionei-alm*or liffrOpposite Railroad De toj 4 l a f;lt . , A./dal:4K, • ' .C. rrPrrit, .J.F. W.:lrnAy. LAIVROP TYLI 4 RILEY, D.r . y Goads, Graearleis il lisrdwerc, Ready !Ribes, flats & Caps, Woodffr i ffirDOW %rata, Iron: hails, Sole 24111iper Leath er, Fish, Flour and Salt, all of which they offm the very , SlaraLictwoest Lathrops Brick Btaki4ng,,llontrose, Pa. April 11,1*". y. wx. lIQYITIYO COOPLII... WM. 11.COOP_ER AL- CO., BAN SI ERS.—Montroso. PA; BAcetvots to Poet Cooper t Co. Office, L4throps'nevr bnlldlng, Turnpike -et. EIXECEEZI MCCOLLrAi SABLE, diTTORNEYS and Conneehoce qt Law.-Idozdrose, Pa. Mike In Lathrope'new handbn g. over the Bank. DR. W- I; SMITH, URGEON DENTlST.—_,3lontrono, P. r 4 , 7 -- 00111 ex In Lathrop new '`building, over ~ho Bank. MI Dental operation', willbe ocrform l tthin goodetylo and 'warranted. P. LINES, LIASITIONIRLE TAlLOR.—Montrope, Pa. Sh op r In Phrgniv. Block, over stoic of Read. Watrotta t Foster. All wort: warranted,, as to flt and finlph. .'uttiug done on short nißiee; In best style. Jan 'GO , • • - —JOll.l' 41t - s - iATES; r i IAsIIIONABLE TAlLOR,—Montrose, Pa. Shop L. near th(1.1140.4et Alecting aonee. 0 4 1 . 1 naidta tree. All nrderefilled ptotnpfly. - in ftret-ta style. 'acting done on abort notice, and warranted id as; . . . . . . std • , L. 8 . . ISBELL,. , 4 ; ,E 1, .: REPAIRS Clocks., Watches, and Jewelry at the .. shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. All •,.."—,, work warldu;Ud. Shop in Chandler and Jeerof s 4 t. 4oret.ldonrotore,Pa.' ..I.'.:_ '_ - ' ' ' t _olaStr.' ' • ' WILSM-1:111 „, , ot rya;mkt ANTE MATH. ANUFAFTIiITITE% tf Main ptreet; bkoncrose, ' • C. 0. FOR.DU' alli f ... lirA)II:7PAISMXII.Be sO t s4 " 6l4°r ' g ' : A.T. Pa- Shop over 11.41 tee store. Ail kinds of work made to order, and o.Palring done neatly. Jed y - ABEL TITRRELL, it Stnffe , Ghee Were, ege&uctAringrz,Zel 'low Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Pierre n cry, &c.—' genitor all the most popular PATL"IT VELICINF-9,—Montrose, Pa. aug tr THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA Has Established anAgency in Eloittrose. CASE CAPITAL PAID IN ASSETS -OVEII, /WE rates are allow as those of any good company hi .1 New York, or elsowhgere, and its Directors are among the flrst for honor and integrity. Citimazt PLATT, Seey. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, P. Slontroso.July IS, '62. BILLINGS STEM:TB, Agl. NUANCE COMPANY, ASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS. ABBE= lit Jan. 1864. 63, 25 e= 0 . 27 . 75,803.32. 1. Milton Rini th.Beio`y. Chu, .1. Martin, President John 11eGeq, An't • " A. P. W:llmarth. Vice " Policies lashed and reneged, by the andersigag- 4 Ma office, in the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. nov29 y BILLING 1 . 111 _STIIIO7- R. IL:* GEO. :P. LITTLE) Attorneys and &mussnors atLaw, ascozwrx=l- I =PB7a. W'exk-u'zi c,IPFICS on Motu litreot. Parttc , zpv d aZ i ntn. t iV t v d en CY to Conveyancing. I'aCI.9CIIC:SIC 3 I lIE st i bs a lberfareby respectfolly givahnotlee that The him ken Licenee to auctioneer in the County of Simpers, an o ff ers his earvice4 to the pahh a - vrr ola reasonable (And all calls wth he prompt ly attend to, LUTILER ELDRED. Cboconnt, MarehEVIEED, , - tf nillLy DYE ICOLOM I / 2 :with direction', how tkao them, for sale by At= TtIRBELL. 8 Tuns Sundays, but in Tiloen not run on Bun. A• 8 MIN9T, Gen. Supt. . . outrose. gitmotrat, PUBLISHED ON THURSDAYS, AT MONTROSE, BUSQITERANNA COUNTY, PA., BY AL. orprk*%-vriscasr, AT 111,50 PE:E4IMM STRICTLY. IN ADVANCE. Where payment is not Made in advance. ta, Andrei accounts Collected, will be at the rate of 42.50 a year. ADVER TISEMEN TS Inserted at the rato of each Aquino of ten.llnes or loss, eelldopaco , three t ea t ,r and 25 cents-1M oath sntstegnent • insertion, Tool, advertisers allowed usual, change 6,. aft4llllo4 clumet. BLANKS kept for sale and printed:Jo JOB PRINTEM toile fn' 'vied, style on short notice. FIRE INSURANCE. AT PHILADELPHIA, PA., The Oldest Insurance Co. in the Union 314 PEI Ot wcvcr--srazaz.. .10,00-3C.AS3OIarCSAt ' lINSIONS .., BotiN p vAN o,. 11, - 'BACK - PAY: T 1 mtaIrELIA;ISI4SEDAWINVOF TES GO,. , win, dye prompt. AttentjAo 10 AL claims entrasted• to.hts ease,:—Charg- is low, 1 d Idor7 matio4 irwracs. , • .: 4 • L. v.joircail. - Montrope Jah 14 14.64 ' • GITEBLNOMANB.I IOBIII,fos resign LL• g a resig n plot sale by ABM. l'U RRa E ~t ecn.16•~~;~...,:! O.OOC $1,200,000