EBBW Corruption in the wear York Custom DIF l R og thelat -Y4Ft,aar the; -Or mercial natifitertiser,! (Repol iVire court,glight ,whickshom as tberelms been 'tiugiit"MithertnonileirStUngiiiiii.reen the leading lights 'Or thb new Custom House, more paitiniderlyintlie Aptiraiser's Department l , , , halenienitiered tbit Ibbt!Airtr, work" which same ,to light ( last : Spring was fully exposed in one °Hie riorning journals of this • city, which acted like wormwsinitti upon theguUty patties, ae t h ey feared; lithe fact beca me known in WaShington, they would receive iiioefee from the exaeotetary, more be officer -of Wee," z The fame, howevii,'llid .anfonenately come uktbeesie oftbe ereoffieial, bet id some r,easons,at the FOAM time Unknown, 'have never been investigated.,ThechaTea which appeared hi print qwera rim* refut edirsini VI a emitter of course the public took itfor granted,' as they had a right to do, tbatlsearrfaciur have , :come , to light; involving prominent officeholders in a smaller,untetill more discreditable tran saUeuin; The 'Staid - Mg question of the day among the " knowingones"atthe Custom House, is " Roware , yea ; ham?" T4eeesu,S tion of this mysterious inquiry is simple en'Ongt It seems'tbst a number Orlin- porters residing in this city have, during the past year, imported from abroad a lath number of WeitpluilialiaMe, w,ltiett ik for delioapy of Savor, are decidedly pre ferable to those - cured in this, country, commanding at the present time tbe snug price of fifty cents per pound; One of the importers discovered, a few days ago, that the number of his hams did not cor• respond with the invoice, and an.they, had passed • through the Appraiser's; Depart mend, be felt in duty bound to 'solve the mystery. The fact was laid before Collector Barney ' who, it is alleged, had the matter worked up, which - resultedin - the finding of a number of ohoiekhamket two. gf the officials' houses in this city.., One of the 'geniletiten im'er:arliOnit he has. =power Vas: invited to call upon him, when be was politely informed that if he . did,, not re sign he would be ineontinetitly remOyed , from his position. Fearing the matter would leak out, he accepted the former preposition. The other official is entirely under the jurisdiction of the Aithorititis in Tashington. FLOUR ! FLOUR • fIHOICE FAMILY FLOtra.'bj. Icii,liarna, each 1... 4 or gonad, for sale at the lover; 6JS elute:pri b 2. B • BBTALLOW, EGGS; DRIED APPLES and mast kinds of. produce wauted 111. exchange for Goads at the Grocers and Valet; Store Of 2L TI. IfILLABD. HAWLEY'S SOLIDIFIED jaeri.taa.o rewrap CLZAHMO, WHIMESINGIts PRESIBMG 00:rnmiipoDifo:1 /IBIS article is prepared with the greatest care upon 1. edentate principles, and warranted not to contain anything in the slightest degree deleterious to the Teeth or Gums. Some of onrmost eminentDeetal Sur. genus have given their sanction to, and cheerhaly rb commend it as s preparation of superior qualities for devalue, whitening and preser vi ng the 'Teeth. It means them readily, rendering theln beautifully-white and pearly, without the 'slightest injury to the enamel. It >d healing to the gams where they are nleerstednnd sore. It is also an excellent disinfect= for 'old and de. cared teeth. which are often exceedingly offensive. U gives a rich and creamy taste to the month, cleansing is thoronghly, and imparting a delightful fragrant:a to the breath. PREPARED ONLY BY A. HAWLEY do CO.; •. R. eor.loth .4 Lombard sts., AND BOLD BY ALL DRITGOLSTiI PM= B 3 CENTEL %testis:nazilain'. The -following opinion of Dr. White, as tothe Ittgb tts. teem in whicq he holds the Dental Cream, most be suf ficient evidence of its value: to quote other testirsont slain detail is needless. contenting =Selves 1730 11 10.1 giving the names and address of persons who speak of its es , -.llimey for the teeth. Prnanmsuna.. April 101 h. Raving carefully examined A. Hawley's Solidified Dental Cream"! hereby cheerfully =commend it 10 Me public generally. It is en excellent preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth, and can be ased'bi all persons with the utmost contidence,as Its properties are perfectly harmless. Scaides preserving the teeth, tt promotes a healthy action to thegaina, and =warts a pleasantneta to the breath. Dr. W. R. WULT, 1203 Arch street. TOOL Laotian. n. D., Dentist. 491 N. Sth .T. Ittnarr, 254 S. Gth et. . , E. VArrimmici. Surgeon Derdirt.42S Arch lit C. A. Erraszczy, Dentist., 1119 War= at. S. D D. S" 194 Arch Ilt. F. P. AL Dixon. 827 Arch at. 'EDWARD Toirmenotr: Dentist. 522 N. eh et L. H. DONPECLXV, Dentist. 807 N. 10th it Loxes, Dentlet. 6281 q. 6th et June 11, 1864. 19 - 10.000 lbs. WOOL WANTED, Woolen Factory in Millvifie, On the Rock Bottom Dam, lIINGEAMTON, nowt coran, B. T.. TSB subscribers haring permanently lorstediii the place beg lesten toinform.the publ i c. that. had% the facilities and necessary tonchinery,theyurepe to rive' difO'Woolof customers to be scuiPilleciured into Flannels or Fulled Cloth, of any coloror style of finish, either by the yard or upon shares, and upon reasonable terms. Also Wool Cardittgaqd Cloth Dressing. We have two. ElotibltrOardirti4iAiies fitted up ex pressir for Custom Carding, With near imniaolbe..,and barb* buten actual experience of over thirty years In the business, we guarantee to all witopmay farorms with Moir patronage, that their Wool ebsll be carded It a workmanlike manner, with promptness, and at as real onablas,prica as Aug 4.6o.liiisbulgiti Lit Pie c9libf,7' Gentiany, 'stone bora Cletunee m Aki hasleeir , OO carded the same day, if requested. ..No resettle ta for customers - 01014114i etcoP. - • ..11 Weer.ls. iirtryou'enint to be me ofrood wort, gothelVool err Fitelorr at the foot of Canoll street. 00 the Sequa berme vet. 04 3 ii.p:41,15 FO, i wooL: s r pip alirrilOuitir ink 1164, 4iiitY: ,40P,ER & CO. .gin ThompsoB'allilack4taeline of tlo:i. - likolirpool Pa .IT. p i wgz s bugra for , fr iends trienlF4 Un i t V ""l =lcaliiii 'aci4C;;-: WK. a. coons a €9,lilinitetil. liestrate 41 / .11, 1K tf ~ V=MMAI PHIL&DELIOrtk. AT TSB ...rel., wa 411,ja • 4..1%, - R Oierin PRO NU 10X STORaI. Fostot '4O , ()Oise - opposite' CRANE &:FgiagßA . C . t WM Ptrilt=rZVue this k.l air "Vo_ 42, gi 7 [IIZE irbtehlheiiireseMaitheap h:Wieetly par CONFECTIONERY, of all sorts.itul of the best tariettoi.. Fresh thippliett constantly reea ,! CaeUtitdfoillfiat, 4. I:lo4oori:S*E4 0.1. s C RANE. P. T. FEReEnsor. +].V 3F° I. 3L71. 3:6!ic NEW G oops, R"i 111 nu eke city entered Into Wetness nn A. der the lIAIIIO and style of WEBBY & BUTTEIFIELD, , beg leailo Inform tie public that titer are to* re, celitigfrom , New York a large arid wall selected stock oftftas of ferez7 description, antedating of tho !stoic styles of Spring and Bummer • Prints, Shallies, ocvitcoxia,eg.es. 4;:bo. A LOT OP GROCERIES, &all kind& A goOd usortmsmt of Crockery, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware, HATSAPS; ;: i3OOAIS k . SIIOEs, TIES, GLOVES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BCA,RII3, COLLARS, aiLese. Alto a good anortment of HARDWARE, r- 1 • Cone Wing ' Shovels, 'Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Pruning-hooks, dec. Off-All kinds of rore:sea.l24oo taken In ex change. Call and see us at Webb's old stand on Mille Avenue. A. B. BUTTERFICLD. H. J. WEBB. 3lontrose, Avail 28, MI. NEW GROCERY VARIETY STORE ! BASEMENT OF J.S.TA imbecrlber -would Lamm his old Mends, and the public generally, that he bee Just returned from New York City with a well mOnctedassortment of FAMILY MIMES, and visions other articles. sanit as are needed In every family, and that they will be sold for Clemota at vices that:canna rail to salt Please cal and examine. A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Fah. 2, ISCS. DELAWARE LAM/M=l'A ft. --WESTERN RAIL-ROAD. Time of Pciiienger •Trains, June 2d, 1430.4 'WARD. 1 LZAII7/ 80 I Arcola- Parana- Pawn . I mod e - ger ger tton. train. 1 STATIONS. train.. P.1!1. P. M. i A. M. .2.00 6.40 Great Bend, 1 7.40 a 1.85 6.21 New Milford, 7.59 5 100 6.00 Montrose, 8.20 ,„,7 1.2. Z 5.88 Hopbottom, 8.48 1 , - 11.60 • ,416 f Nicholson, - 9.00 t o 11.20 4.66 If astolttille, 1 • 9.14 10.55 ' 4.40' - Abington, 9.48 1:f10.40 CM Clfrikffnailt, 9.40 10.10 . 4.10 !Scranton. 10.91 1.14' i Stroudsburg, f 11.54 „„ I 12.10 .. ManunkaChank [ 1.55 Philad‘a clangs i ItIL , •.,r r 111.20 Net/ I c.. 2.45: The Passenger Train North, Lama Ziew Hampton on the arrival of the Mail Trabv which leaves New-York at 810 a. m.. and Maar:mks ClutalcOnlhe arrival Mike Train which leaves Philad. Ciansinn Depotj at nations m. At Scranton. Ma andn loers close con with traltus on the Lackr ptwanla &Bloomsburg. and Delaware & Hudson Bail toady. and at Great Bend with the Dail Train on the pie So 4 Wel t, The Passenger Train South, Leaves Great Bend after the arrlval.of the Cincinnati "=faun tha West. connecting at Scranton with o 'a n MI) Larletwsw4,4, iSpomanting.andDelaware & Hudeon 'Raili'olid4l' at idannidot emir* .with the train for Philadelphia, and at New Hampton with trains SorPfear-Ymit tkeLehighVaDdy, Harzirdwwg, dm. 4iPa ras by' Ms train arriteln Neisi-X0LVat.6.60,101 elphla at 6.80, and In Darriehttig at 14. W p.m. The Aieomin - " - °dation' Train, oorthward, eonniiteat droTti Bend withthe Day Ei- Trees going Watthrterhith Ravagers arrive at Maas andAvracumthe atonality, I vouttrigaid,learrestirailMadiftesthoarenOVlLlmr Ite*Ariffkrapresegottraut..,,-1,• carAlLPasseager Train, on the ltris 'Want, utopia Great Bend. , tr, - 1: • • '.117&711143(10$11411%.3 .11; ajaanYvaeulltAgti t A 01,-; auto eta "El" ! , re. Say. IW. • webt4 ' 1 CLOTH D-RESSING. 'llllllntinderslgirod hayinglammed the possession of ' standin Rarroul. and thoroughly ;spoked Atm ms i elitZ% Is la t i rti p to teti care tlearilt e In. d wlll tgrrae ggood and workpuinllke manner. 11.A.10 - 14 flistordi 11.0 10th, 1861.-4m' CALVIN C. HALSEY, EIiMINING SORCEOII, For Pensioners, and Applicants for Pensions. I#oolce is Public MOWN, eves the Store of .7 W ane& Soft. *came% Pa.. May 48. Mt a NEW ARRANGEMENTS ! i NEW Jr; CHEAP .;, . I f t Air For CASH or Beady Pay. 4:3411Ci. L. issircorrzu co of,. n il i p tip M ec lged ft o o r the East with a new and gealy g - Ili aftgiotti lig The West and most approved Styles. CLOVIS AND CASSIMERS, Gritt.coc,mrtxma, Of every Description. C) - cr FL NI Ma Of the choicest brands, Includin g Dart's celebrated brand. Fish, Dairy Salt, Teas, Coffees. Spices,. Sugars, Molasses, . At very Low priers for CASA. V/T 'Call and see for yourself. ' Gash paid for Grain, Butter, Eggs, ho, 2,000,000 doz. Eggs wanted. InirTero doors below Boyd di Webster's corner, 10 the Store formerly occupied by N. I. Post.. G. D. STONE, B. L. WEEKS. Montrose, April let. Mt tf JAMES R. DE WITT, DRY GOODS ND NOTIONS C) CLESTIZZa • : 7 ?) 9 BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, C3EL CYJErb. 3E/ Pt. -sr, GLASS-WARE, ItikAlP% AND • 01LS, HEDWARE AND NAILS 1341:71XaM1 I.6I3B•r2EICEMEL, (Soo Produce taken in Exchange BELL'S HOTEL. Montrose, Feb. '64. S. R. DeViTIT 61111. FORMSIIIN STORE. F. B. WEEKS & CO. HAIT Just opened their SPRING STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Ci La CVE3E3C 3C1'407 ar, GENTS' FITRICISHMG GOODS consisting of everything in Gents' line of apparel, from Boots to Bat, Ladles' Fine Spring Salmon& and Gaiters, Men's Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper than any other house this side of New York, Come and see for yourselves. Boots & Shoes made to order Montrose, May 10th. F. B. WEEISS'k CO. , ITTIMAZD Acetrm moda tton. P. IT 4.20 2.45 . 1 11 8.0 8.50 4.55 73 , 5.15 ti 5.40 6.00 45.811 STUDY ECONOMY and buy your SPRING &SHER GOOD GEORGE HAYDEN HAS xitet reeeived a lana3 and splendid stocker ver NEW GOODS, consisting o : , , c ": • Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, iStrieb - vcr 431-cocorlis .Relay mode 0i.97711710 for E'en and Boys, TRUNKS; 'TFLAVELING43agei wrarinnuf coroya 8117478,, , x - MRS 611,14 , i_Drwers, .NEOR BOAR'S, Man, Otant..Hosim .• - - ganatordays, Umbras, cm I W. lot' anduacks of Goods, to snit Old &Vining, or.and dtPridespityo44P/dr ar!; e 9. -11einemberthe Phkati Id of Ise ocastdedlearadim Illothers. ONO. NIA WINN Pew My, Apt I, tell DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY BOOT, SHOE, WE REGULATOR!, clEA.IttEg 11M EL, S. Zro.l 4 seess, 3P0.13.13. AL.170211X. 1 2 , 9 ISCINCAMVX 6 CEIV, .IPlekrl33. 9 ibi, Aug. 8, 1881 ly NEW FIRM, BALDWIN ALLEN, AGAIN WEST STDE OF PUBLIC AVENUE, DEALERS 11 , 1 FLOUR, FEED, SALT,, Garden Seeds, Wheat, Mover, Timothy tt Flax Seed, Peas, Lard, Candles, Pat HAMS, DRIED BM, Fish, Smoked Halibut, Syrups, Molasses and Sugars; TEAS, COFFEE', SPICES, BROOMS AND NAILS. Oast} Paid fbr Butter. A. BALDWtR, WM. L. ALLEN. Montrose, April 14, 1864 HUNT BROS. & BLAIR 160Xt8NIVON, X 3 'es., WholeAale 4t Retail Dcmlera in 1/2DwAra3,, STEEL, NAILS, • fiPIRIEW6 I MIONIETutai, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK & 7' RAIL SPIKES. RAILROAD et. MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, Errs and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. EBBS, SPOKES, FELICE'S, SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, dc. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS, SLEDGES. PILES, &c. &c. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BSLTING, PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR St GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, LEATHERS FINDINGS. VAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton, March 24, ly .IPIIIIINISI CON Examining Surgeon ! pH& subscriber having been appointed by the Coto & missioner or Pensions. a meoracAL EXAMINER at large, to examine and give certificates to all entitled to Pensions, will attend to all applications that may be presented 'o him, at Montrose, Pa. Rooms at J. S. Tar heirs Hotel. E. PATRICK. Montrose. April 6, 1863.-0 SOLDIERS' BOUNTY , PENSIONS And Back Pay ! TlE,und,Zsn,,edepi;o l .7„7,Dt",.T. claims ted to his care. No charge unless anccearfol. Montrone. Aug. 20, '63. J. IL IbIeCOLLUM. SOP GOLD. COWART. MINES—" GbLD DIRT LODE," GILI'Di COUNTY • COLORADO. Capital 80,000 shares, It; each. I=l Jam Evaisra, Colorado. Gen. W. Griawi.rx, Baltrre F. H. .IrDD. New-York. lIELOLANN Stara, N. Y. H. S. Colic, New-York. R. Cons-ru. WIDTC, N. Y. liowtYork. R. C. „TYLER., Now-York. S. Q. ARNOLD, Providence, R. I. President—Mg treelieney JOITNEVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. Vice•PreaftlentA—Hon. S. G. ARNOLD, Dr. F. H. JETTM. Treasurer—W./4.ml E. Lavvoa. Isecrttary-4. P. llama. (ap7 ly.leaco.l2 Wilco No. 25 CHIT street, Novv•York. XIV C 31.31 & IMMt.3IIII97CIIEC Manufacsarers and Dealers In WOOLEN GOODS , Camptown, on Wyalnsing Creek, Bradford Co. Pa. Rolls 'Carded and Cloth Finished. WE Abunfacture Cloth for Customers on Shares, or at the following prices per yard : Camimere, boot Web, fine, 46 cents. Plain Cloth, beat finish, tine, 45c. Gray au/flitted Cassimeres. 40 etc. Tweeds, 32 cents. COClthOti Pulled Cloth. 40 Ms. Willie Flannel. 22 cent.. Madder Red Flannel, 32 cts. Gray Flannel. 25 cts. The Gray Flannel made with taste. and very imitable for Clothing. We will card Rolls for persons from a distance to talta home without. delay. . MAR V.EY DiOntai„ AMOS WIMNCII. • Camptown, May 10th, —tf ..a.cs-wavcilr COP frISEZI DUTCH EAST-INDIA COFFEE CO; la El r* VC : 168 Reade street, N. Y. riIME above Company are known all over the world as the owners of the Coffee Plantations of days and Batavia in the Dutch East Indira. and are the largest monopllzers or Coffee on the Globe. The undersigned (whole appointed their sole agent in the United Stales and In the 'British Colonies) will have format, tiveddlfferent kinds bf Coffeci whichi for rein. larity_of grade andsheapncas of Price, will defy cumpetl tfon. Our " SATAYIA COFFEE" , never before Inn troduced in this country, bat eztensively used in the ar mies and navies of Europe, and richly valued, will bo put up at prices to reach all consumers. and our Extras Java will be tbe Magnum &num Coffee of the age. We will hair°, for accommodation'of Grecera, Fami lies, and Government Contracture, sample. (dry and drawn) for testing. - Orders solicited. Ori receipt of cash, eigreo promptly forwarded as directed. • ,a. LIPPILiati s.„ 68 Street). No* York, gale Agent, ktitch CoreliCd l Eo lll 7 Jtilj 21. S. nye:4l4)4W Et Om I !IV O. 37 PARS ROW, New 'fork, and 6 State Street, L 1 Beetoit,artketr iqiente for the Montrose Democrat in thole/eines, and are authorized tO take advertleanietta and aabaaiptionstor us at oar lowest rata. "ABEL.Iftr.BELL INTOw otiose , for sale ono'qf this laripsaf,p.adpoetsopo of ....._ Eve r 'offefeliin Susinchatinadounty. end probably eoin prising tiler/Oaten varlet:rot most different artioles of any Store to the Northempart ol Pennsylvania, and per haps of the entire Rath. An assortment li. kept in about thirty different branches. of-trade, and the setae: (Wee are made from about. forty of the hest Ilouses in New York, and more than 'fifty • Dealers and .Aiitfafatr furore out of New York. A large pronJrtioti of the Gouda are hroug,llt direct from the manafactureft, thus insuring genuine articles. Customers on entering the store must - nor expect tonna everything In sight; but nearly every article wanted will bo pro laced by inquiry. .Borne idea of the Stock may be formed by the following general oatline, butennmeration le. Impracticable, , : Drugs and Medicines, Paints and Oils. Dye titttffi4 Groceries, Liquors, :Irockory, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Jewelry, BUver Ware,Perfamery, Eancy Goods,Musl cal Instruments 4 Brushes, American Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery and !Nicer Plated Mao, Lamps, Materials for Lights, Hanle/me, Bed Cords.fltone Were, Dry Ooods.Zirrore:Window Glass. Lithographs. Var cashes, Bird Cages; Spectacles. Whips, and Lashes, Brooms- (inns. Pistols, Ammunition, Tobacco, Modi ca! and Surgical Instruments, Salt, Soap, Potash 17m• brain", Porcelain Teeth, In short. nearly everything, to , restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye. to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial ecimforts of life, The attention of tho. public is respectfully invited to my stock of Goods, bought exclusively for cash down, and will b6-sold on the same principle for T ow prices. L . Montrose, January Ist, ISM. ABS MBZLL HWY a 00D42 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF fill & WIER HODS, M" JUST RECEIVED, .ga and will be sold AT A LARGE REDUCTION from April prices. 121Mafe Reduction will include the ENTIRE STOCK whleb will be found as large as usual, and will be sold on THE MOST Mil TERMS 3F I COr IC.ill.Miii ! ON TIME, or for PRODUCE a DIIIIIIITT, Nov, 180. New Milford. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At' Montrose, Pa. Tni. IL HATCH, Proprietor. Mills new and commodious Hotel is situated on Public Avenue, near the Court lipase, and nearly in centre of the bustnets portion of Montrone. The Proprletorie confident that he Is prepared to entertain guests inn way that cannot fail togive ENTIRE SATISFACTION. The Hotel and Furniture are now, and no expeneehas been spared to render it equal if not superior to any in this part of the State. It is well supplied with allvecent improvements and , comforts, and obliging waiters will always be ready to 'respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected With this house are new and convenient. The Proprietor respectildly solicits the Taitronageof bin old friends, travellers, and the public gimerally 11=68 tf WN. K. HATCH LACKAWANQ &BLOOMSBURG .7EIL-ASLXIariLCO.A.7:II. • and after April 20. 1563, Passenger Trains wIII O ran as follows : MOYU4G SOUTH. Passenger. Aecom. Leave Scranton, at 5.80 a. m. 11.00 a. m. •• Kingston, at 6.40 Arrive 12.30 p. m. " Rupert, at 8.55 •• Danville, at 9.24 a. m. Arrive at Northumberland, 9.55 MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland 4.30 p. in. Danville, 5.10 " Rupert, 5.45 Kingston, 8.05 1.46 p. m. Arrive at Scranton, 9.10 p.m. 3.30 p, m. A passenger train also leaves Kingston at 8.20 n. in. for Scranton to connect with train for New York. Return. leg, leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New York, at 4.20 p. m. Passengerstaking train South from Scranton at 5.30 a. m., via. Northumberland, reach Harrisburg 12.110 p.m. Baltimore 8.80 p. in.. Washington 10 p. m.. Via Enpert they reach Philadelphia at LWp. m. GEO. B. HUNT, Sniet. Kingston, AprillB, 1853. Manhood.: ;How Lost, How Restored. JUsT Published. new edition of Dr. oniveroeetts Celebrated Essay on the radical cure [without medicine.] of Srtnuterounnirs. or seminal weakness, involuntary genuine! losses, I xxcrrxxtrr, mental and physical incapacity , impediments to marriage, etc.; also, consamption, epilepsy, and tits, induced by self:- Indulgence or sexual extravagance. 'Price. inn sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates. from a thirty years successfal practice, that the alarming consequnces of self-abnse may be rad. I call y cnred without the dangerous use of internal med- icine or the application o' the knife—pointing out a mode of cure. at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be; may core himself cheaply, privately, and radically. a!r — This Lecture should be in the bands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under real, inn plain envelope, to any address pad-paid. on receipt of six cent, or two 'Toot stamps, Mldress thepuhilmbers. CHAS..T. C.RLDIE &CO., • Jen y] 127 Bowery, N. Y., Post office box, 45114. HOWARD Association., Ph Illudelphla 3 Ps. Dleeanea of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinal,. and-aex ual systems—new and reliable treatment—ln Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION• Sent by mail In sealed let ier envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. Slims tioroneon. Honoird Association, No. 2 South Rh street, Philadeleble, Pe. octlS '5B ERIE RAILWAY. ANGRof hours, commencing Monday, May 16th, N...) 1864. Trains wilileave Great Bend, Pa., at about the following hours, viz: WESTWARD 1101 , 3111. I EASTWARD BORED. 1, Day Express, 2at p.m 2, N.Y. Empress, 1:17 8, Night Express ::05 a.m It, Steamboat 8:10 p.m 5, Malt, at 2:20 p.m 8, Cincinnati 6:88a.m 27, Way Freight, 1:08 p.m 03, Way Freight, 10:00A.m 21, Emigrant, 9:13 a..al Train 21. runs every day. does not run Mondays. days and Mondays. CU "THE FAMOUS BARBER: I, Come and see the famons Barber, Famous Barber, late of Hayti. • Late of Hayti, bow at W coke . Now at F. B. Weeks' StetsßOOM', Find me shaving and Shampooing; Find me cutting hair to snit you, Find me ready at your service. .• Al your service, CHARLEY MORiu3 Montrose, Oct. 15, 11513. tf A. G. REYNOLDS, WOOL CARDING, 7,cosso ems trimsca. May 20,1065--d 11110011,LYN, Pa* SOLDIERS' ''I3OUNTY PENSIONS, arca 313etcok at?' WW2 undersigned; LICENSED /GMAT of the 'OCAr. 1 BlniMiniT, Wing obtained the necessary= ece.., will give_ prompt attention to an cialme to his care, No charge tiniest successitd. ORO. P. 16111111.111. Montrose, Jame OM 18c lATSINESS- CARDS-. ! • BILLINGS *TROMP. ) , . AND lIINSUBANCE eassrt. otko in rLathrop!. bn , east end or Brick Block• la kis absence, business , at iyotllcaVillbatrarnsattedly. 0. L. ago WN. , Montrose. ?ducal. 'oia•-,-4 y)' dip Staple and Fang Pry ClOOO, Clocker jJ ,Itardw¢r6, 'how, Stcrvco. Drags; Mb, and - Piling, ).tootatutliShoes,„.l3ats and Pipes:Euro. Baralo Raba% Grocerteo, provision's, etc., New 41Nord, Pa. April 7t. 1%1. PETER HAY, Xaieemuseci. Bitaptl.F.?miper, A. O. WARREN, . A TTOUNBY AT LAW. Bounty, Peek PaT,Panakn k . Jo& and ram Won Claims attended to. . hid "Office Bast door below Doyd's State; Xontatan, pi. M. C. SUTTON, LMENSILD AUCTIONZeR, rttendsvine,itugaoi; Penn's. Jen. '64. PllYslcrAN SURGEON; .revectfally told= Ws professional cervices to the citizens oLPriends ville and vicinity. Or Oftlee In theoilice Of Dr: Len. gorteen at J. liocford'a, [dui, 80, M. i DPALER In Flour, Feed, and Meal, Barren andriair7 Salt, Timothy and Clover Seed, Groceries, Provis ions, Fruit, Fish, Petroleum OD, Wooden and Stone Ware, Yankee Notions, &c. &c. Vff — Opposita Railroad Depot, New 311Iford, Pa. 31cli 24,1868.-Iy. ♦. LATpEOP, LATHROP, TYLER da RILEY, DHALED'S Ds Dry Goods., Groceries, Hardware, Body liadii Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Cape, Wood di Willow Ware, Iron, Haile, Sole Swat Leash. et, Ptah, Float and Salt, all of which they over er the very E1217 - Xacmcreest W a r/0004.40 Lathropa Brick Building, Montrose, Pe. April 6, 1883. y. m. lIITICTTING COOP S:3 WM. H. .C.OOI"..UR•4_,QN, ,1 B ANERRS.—Montrose, Pa. Bartessozsts PRO Cooper &Fo. Office, Lathropenewbailditg, El=l:3 McCOLLIIM & SEARLE, TTORNEYS and Conroelions at Laws--Montrese.Pa. tk. (Ake In pathrona' new building, over the Rank. bit. WM. SMITH, QtygGEoNlll3T,—Montrose, in Lathrop? new bufhpag, over the Bank. All Dental operatloni ulnae •44ta i , a performed In good style and warn:mated. P. LINES, ASTITONABLE, TAlLOR—lfontrose. P. lEfhop F in Phenix Block, 43ret store pf Read, Written& Foster. All work warranted, as to tit and finish. enttlne done on abort notice. in beat style. Jan 'MI JOHN GROWS, • lASMIONABLE TAlLOK—Mentrose,,Pa. Shop near the Baptist Meeting Beam, on Turnpike treet. All orders tilled promptly. In drat-rate style. Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to L. B. ISBELL, EPAIRS Clocks, Watcher, and Jewelry atjbe Kt shortest notice, and on reasimable term, - All work warranted. Shop Irk Chandler and Jessup's store, Moreno:lE, Pa 0c25 tt W3I. W. slim, rillirefST AND CHAIR MANUFACTURERS:4'Oot LI of Main street, Montrose, Pa. aug tf C. 0. ,FORDITAM IWANDBACTIMER of BOOTS. SHOES, Montrose, /11. Pa. Shop over Dewitt's store. All kinds of work made to order, and repairing done neatly. j 7 EALER in Drage, Medicines, Chemicals, •e ig gStaffs, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Vernieb, Win dow Glue, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perfu mery &e.—Agent for all the most popular PATES I' MEDICINES,-11