. . . ~ w *- Wafture pociety. The Susquehanna County Arieultnral Society will meet in the Colin House on Monday evening, August 22d, 1864. Aug. 9,2 w C. L. Bnowsr, See. Democratic Committee meeting. The Democratic Standing Committee of Susquehanna County, will meet at the keystone Hotel in Montrose, ou Monday, August 22d,,at one o'clock, p. m. Full attendance --Important business. bfilitis Oita, Tne quota of this county on the "last call" for militia will be about 3781. Thp previous calla for 24,000 were directed at "loyal" citizens, and our quota of 303 therefore remains unfilled. Montrose Soldiers' Aid. Treasurer's report 'for month of July Balance on hand July 15t,886,01 From Mrs. Judge Read, 40 From Benj. Case, 5,00 Cash left of Central Fair, 2,00=873,41 Expenses of the month, 68,31 Cash on hand,. 5,10=873,41 Augs " - Treas. Ladleel The ladies of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will hold, a festival for the sale of fancy articles, ice-cream, etc., at the Academy building s (kindly tendered for the purpose by the school directors) on THURSDAY August 18th, afternoon and evening. The pnbtio are invited t 6 attend. Admission ten cents. augll 2t arDoors open at 4 o'clock, p. m. Bridgewater Bo'anty and Volunteers. Money wanted by loan for Bridgewater Township, in sums to suit lenders. Men liable to draft, come forward with funds. 'Apply to B. 0. THACHER, under lat'h's Hotel. ALso—a few men to fill the township's quota. Volunteers call on Mr. Thaeher, as above, or upon H.S. Searle, M. 3. Har ring,ton, Lewis Chamberlin. Naturalization Papein. Foreign born person's who have already declared their intention to become citi zens, are liable to draft, and should not fail to secnre their full papers at August court, so that they may vote at the Fall e r lections. They cannot increase their lia bility to draft by so doing, but can help to save themselves ,from an infinite series of drafts. Let every man who wants to save life and treasure, see to this matter it once. LOST ! On Saturday evening last, somewhere between Montrose and near Joseph Wat rous', in East Bridgewater, a bundle con taining coat trimmings, buttons, thread, Sze..; and a Deed for some 40 acres 0 land situated in Lathrop, and given by John Bisbee to Rate Bisbee. 'Whoever will return said package and contents to' the undersigned, in Lathrop, or to F. B. Chandler, in Montrose, will be liberally rewarded. ' Jon. AN EY. Aug. 8, 1864. 2w Vote on the Amendments. As in other counties, the vote on the amendments to the Constitution was very light in this county, scarce half the voters being out ; and in nearly half the dis tricts no votes, were cast against them. The result is as hereunder : For the first amendatent, 3,251 /A ' Against " 422 For the second amendment, 3,225 Against " t 4 344 For the third amendment, 3,211 Against " 346 Bridgewater Bounty Tax. To the Board of School Directors of, the Tou:t4hip of 'Bridgewater : ' The undorsigued, a Committee appoint ed by a meeting ofthe citizens ofthe town ship of Bridgewater, respectfully report.: Thatin pursuance of the Instructi on sof said meeting, they did on Tuesday the 2d day of August, 1864, prepare a Box and re ceive votes " For" and " Against" the levying of a Tax to pay Bounties to Vol unteers to fill the quota of said township on the coming draft, and that the vote stood as follows : For the tax, - - - 140 Against the tax, - . - 53 11 S. Sna.nrit, H. S; Lawn Com. L. A. TYLE4 Bridgewater, Aug. 2, 1864. ~ Zara Drafts Coming. Let no township be deluded with the idea that this 500,000 is to be the last - call for men; for so sure as Lincoln is gives the continued power, be will draft :until men are too scarce to even protest against anything he chooses, although it be to de clare i&nself emperor for life. A recent -decision announces that one-year men will count, Now, as much as three-years men ; but that on ruivnn cermet the one-year' men - ivilfonly'cciuntone-third, so that we would have to fill their places with new) (troops next year, and again the following.. :130 the towns that send the most men at Aids time—even to twice their quota, or more, will Pe least tormented in future; when bountes mill be thousands instead At hundreds of dollars. If any think that this going ahead onquotas, now, is not necessary, : they sr - ill end, when - too bite, that the worst is not yet bmen. • Dates.; Line*, widths fupve bngtiOns; LIM and the approailil of the next Spring' will be that of a terpetualpight of blood, and darkness, during.' which - no-man need hope to` remain a citizen, and few soldiers could hope to , ever return wimain . mid ik) their hOmesouid then but to findnO, retie of our longeherished American Liberties in existence, / ,7 7 •7,:T.44 Practice, via Precept Se*oral bkhe'situddy organs in this s re eon have recently claimed that prices were going dowa; but they now an nounce tbat, their prices have gone up to $2 in • adiitncil This' is good evidence that they. expect high prices to continue for a long time. We only blame them for having tried to deceive the people. 000 Call. Quotas on the 600, Apolacon. 5 Auburn 42 Ararat Biidgewater.. 34 Brookyn . 22 Clifford 27 Choconut.... bimock Dundaff.... Forest Lake .....18' Franklin 18 Friendsville 3 Gibson 31 Great Bend tp...19 Great Bend boro 141 Harford ....20 Harmony Jackson .... ...21 Jessup .... 19 Lathrop ..... .13 Little Meadows.. 1 'Lenox 22 'Liberty 22 Middletown *- 9 Montrose.... _4B New Milford tp.. 26 New Milford bo. 9 Oakland 14 Rush 24 Silver Lake 15 Springville 25 Susquehanna Dep.49 Th0m50n.......13 gamic:tithe towntihave credits 'against these figures ; others still- kave deficien cies Oil old calls. The draft will be made for twice the quota. Beauileti.of the Drat When drafting first began it was the delight of the• leaguers to place heavy quotas upon Democratic districts so as to 'clean. out the . copperheads." But the old - draft horse who doesn't want to be swapped off, is running his death-lottery so vigorously that the scamps will all get, into their own trap, and a wail of distress comes up from the cowardly loyalists. Let us quote from the Scranton shoddy organ : . •Concerning the fairness of the enroll ment for this district there can be but one opinion. In all of our mining districts, which are the most populous parts of the. Congressional district, at least one-third • of all the• men enrolled are exempted on account, of alienage. One-sixth of all will be exempted on account of unsuitableness of age. In the mining districts the men were enrolled, from the books of employ ers while in the mines, and all from 18 to 60 were enrolled ; and after deducting those. exempt.from non-age and alienage, the enrollment for our mining districts will not Contain over ono halt as many as were found upon the first enrollment. All our quotas so far have been based upon the first enrollment. There are quite a number of sub-districts in which every draftable man will not fill the quotas on the several calls previous to the last call for 500,000, if every drafted man should report and every citizen beheld toservice. , It is idle' to speak of the draft as a lottery when Owe are more men require.d. from ; stib-ifisfrietjthart there are men in it,and it is hardilLwerth while to go through the farce of drafting when all the draftable men in any sub-district are wanted: It is no reflection upon the loyalty of the citizens of Luzerne that they are dis satisfied with such a state of affairs, and wish a correction of the enrollment and a • fair apportionment of quotas. If the loyal men must supply deficiencies and fill the places of all who do not report, it is not justice to compel them to take the place of aliens upon whom the government nev ' er had any claim." —lf an equalization of the district quota should now be made, it would throw an additional burden upon Susq'a county. N. Y. Wholesale Prices of Produce, Reported for the Montrose Democrat by JOSIAH CARPENTER, Commission merch ant, No. 32 Jay street, New York, to whom shipments of produce may be made. Two thirds of the market value will be advanced on the receipt of the goods if desired, and a quick return made for the balance. Frill directions and a weekly market report sent free of charge by mail to those making shipments. Prices for the weekending Aug. 6, '64. Beans, white sound, per bu., 2.40 290 Butter in tubs, per pound, 40 49 " firkins, " 87 49 " tolls, .g 38 46 Cheese, choice, " 19 25 " common, " 14 18 Dried Apples " 10 12 ' Eggs, fresh, per dozen, 25 28 Flour, wheat, per barrel, 900 14 00 A& rye, " 10 00 14 00 Feathers, live geese, per lb., 84 87 Beef Sides, " 10 14 Mutton in carcass, ' " 9 16 Veal, " 7 12. Pork, dressed, " 14 16 Wheat, per bushel, 225 260 Rye, 66 200 .210 Oats,i gr. 100 103 Corn 46 159 164 Hides, dry, per pound, 25 30 0 green, r, 12 14 Lard, common to best, per lb., 20 21 Beef, mess, per barrel,l6 00 29 00 " Kliiti. l 4 - ...< ".." ' F'' 90924 00 Pork, ms5,..' " prime, ". 33 00 35 00 Hams, smoked, per lb. 19 22 Shoulders. smoked, " 18 20 Timothy Seed, per bushel, 480 480 Tallow, per lb. 19 20 Wool, washed, 66 95 120 ' " ' unwashed, " 60 70 . Apples, per-barrel, 600 IPO Maple Sugar, ' per pound,' 16 , 20. Nom—Afull report of the New York Market can be seen at the office of the lknir9s 4 Detncemt, corrected np .to last Saturday. , -We , bave 'on file a • weekly , Price Current . ' of ;Produce,for the use of our friends whip may call to esainioe it. •In]thesibcrve list is given the lowest and highest piiees "Mai are governed - I)Y' quality and condition. Many articles that are not mentioned above, can be found on the upon) hi this office. To Whom it Way Dom= Snob of our patrons as 'choose to pay all arrearagea, and also a year in advance, can do so at *1.50 per annum ; while all who neglect to do so till after the end of this month, will be held liable to the old advertised rate of *2,50 per year. We are now paying about three times the old rates for our white paper and many other articles, and would be justified in raising our terms to $4 per year in advance, for Greenbacks are not worth 40 cents on the so-called " dollar." List of Jurors, Drawn for.Angust Term, commencing Monday Aug. 15th. Ararat : Thos. Howell, Wm. Carpenter. Auburn : Thos. Newman. Bridgewater: T. C. Hiokos. Clifford : W. R. Coleman. Choconut : Samuel T. Lee. Dimock : William Graves, I. A. Main. Herrick : T. H. B. Lyon. Harford : Dalton P. Tiffany. Jackson : A. C. Norris, L. D. Benson. Jessup : John Blaisdell. Lenox: Chapman Harding. Lathrop ; Hiram Rockwell. Middletown : Egbert Sted well. New Milford ;J. Burlingame. Rush : Wm. W. Whiting. Susq'a Depot: C. 0. Vedder, Wm. R Greeley, M 'Anderson, Wm. Smith. Springville: Caleb Fish. Thomson : W. S. Pickering. Total• . • • ... ,033 TRAVERSE JURORS-FIRST VERS. Apolacon : Patrick Hickey. Auburn : J. W. Benscoter, A. Bunnell. Bridgewater : J. Ayres, C. M. Crandall. Brooklyn: E. Goodrich, R. F. Breed, Christopher Rodgers. Choconut ; Thos. O'Kief, H. Porter. Clifford : Lewis N. Beagle. Dimock : E. T. Wilbur, P. S. Babcock. Franklin : H. L. Blowers. Great Bend boro : Frederick Aldrich, Vincent Reckhow. Gibson : Wm. T. Case. Harford : Henry Tyler, Urbane Ting- ley, Ovid Follett. Herrick: Sandford Burns, Eugene Ly on, Barrio Burns. Harmony: Jacob Schlager. Liberty : Bela J. Cruser. Lenox : Jno. Hartley. Montrose : Jerome Bush, H. Sherman. Now Milford : James Van Cott, Wads worth Tyler, A. B. Smith. Oakland : L. E. Shuns. Rush : ,David Goodwin. Susq'a Depot : Thos. Ingstrum, Geo. Kirk. Silver Lake : John North. SECOND WEEK. Ararat : B. F. Slocum. Brooklyn : S. B. Eldredge. Bridgewater : Apollos Stone, Peter C. Guernsey, Wm. Baldwin. Choconut: Lewis I. Chamberlin. Clifford : Joel Stevens, Jr. Friendsville : Samuel Horton. Forest Lake : H. Birdsall, Eli Warner. Gibson : Seth Abel, Chester Bills, Oli ver Potter, Stephen Potter. Great Bend : 0. E. Chamberlin. Great Bend bore : John H. Dusenbnry, Henry McKinney. Harmony : Richard A. Webb, D. B. Conk, Harvey Bryant. Jackson : Win. Slocum. Lenox : Wm. 0. Miller. Liberty : Calvin Stanford. Middletown : C. Wells, I. C. Dodge. New Milford : Wm. C. Hendrick, Jno. Williams, 0. P. Tallman, John Leebody, John F. Adams. Oakland : Samuel Brush. Rush : Loren Hewen, Daniel Gare. Susquehanna Depot: Nicholas Hawks, Arthur Back. Silver Lake : Thomas Rogers, 2d. In Brooklyn, L. I. July 12th, 1864, by Rev. Dr. Manning. Mr. A. WAYNE SEF TON, of Chicago, 111., and Miss Nat= P. *HALL, of Binghamton, N. Y. In Prairie-du-Chien, Wis., July 18th, 1864, FANNY, wife of Thaddeus Fields, of Leßaysville, Pa., and daughter of Dea. Zebulon Deans, late of Bridgewater, Pa., in the 64th year of her age. While far away from her home, to vis it her daughter, death called, but the sum mons found her ready for her departure. In early youth she found her Saviour; in riper years she walked with Him ; in her last sickness she leaned upon Him ; and as death drew near her faith in Him imparted comfort to her soul. [Com. In Herrick, April 25th, THOMAS Bus- DICK, JR., aged 42 years. Register ' s Notice. m 017111,10 NOTICE is hereby given to all persons con cerned in the following Est ate, to wit: -Estate of ANDREW H. ROSE, deed, Wm. Jessup, one of the Executors; That the accountants have settled their accounts in the Register's Mice in and for the county of !Moque Winos, and that the same will be presented to the Judg es of the Orphan's Coqrt of said County on Wednesday, the 24th day of August next, for confirmation and al. lowsnee. J. H. McCAIN, Register. Register's Office, Montrose, July 20,1864. FARM FOR SALE. fIWE undersigned offers for sale We nn)! situated in JL the township of Liberty, near the Linden, Saw 1111. It contains Ati.orie•Es of land, 50 of which are improved, with a new Bone, good Barn, &c. It is well watered with living springs, and is well adapted for a o ggi, O i l G g l iN. ivelftuthabz-... br iequigsd dan, and the banana in yearlyth tent: - .Pbssculon gle am at so tiattO,inninding crops, AZ. PATRIOT RAM/ Liberty. Ain 21. ISM. Ewa GRAND JU ROBS ThCALWIL 7 ILT-A.C3-3315. rJELALTIZEIS. U. S. FR Int The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that 'sub scriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from Aug 15,11111, with semi-manu al interest at the rate of seven and thee-tenths per cent. per ananm,—principaland Interest both to be pald in lawful money. .. These notes walla consertible at the option of the holder at maturity. Into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less, than live nor more than twenty years from their date,astbe Government 0117 elect. • TheY will be Issued In denominations of ss'. $lOO $ , OW and 0,000, and all Subscriptions' must Os for aDY dollars orsome multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation Charges as soon afterthe receipt of the. original Certificates of Deposit as'ihey can be - prepared. As the notes draw interest froui. August M. persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note, to date of deposit. ' Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars sad upwards for these notes at any one titnewill be allowed a commission of one quarter done per cent..which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the °facer with whom the deposit was mado. No 'deductions fbi corn , milestone uanstbe made from the deposits. . . SPECtAI ADVANTAGES OF . . THIS 'LOAN. IT Is • N•ricatitr. Bavntos Bann, offering a higher rate of Interest than any other, and the best security.— Any savings bank which pays its depositors In 11. 8. Notes. considers that It is paying in the beat circniath3g medium of the country, and it cannot pay anything tar, fur its own assets are either In government securi ties or In notes or bonds payable In government paper. It is equally convenient ass temporary or permanent Investment. The notes can always be eold for within a fraction elf-their face and accumulated interett, and are the best security with banks es collatemla Jot di* COMB. Convertible into o Six per central) Gold Bozo* In addition to the very liberal Interest on the notes for three years, this privileged conversion 1n now worth about three per cent. pergola tun, for the cu r rent rate for, 5. Bondi, is not less than nine per cent. premium+. and beforothe war the premium on rrixper cent. L'. 8. Buick. was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent, per annum. Its Exemption from State: or Municipal Taxation But aside from alrthe advantages we have ennmers ted, a special act of Congress exempts all Bonds and Treasury Notes !rpm local taxation. Ou the average, this exemption la worth about !two per cent, per an num, according to the rate of taxation In various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great Induce ments toeaders as those issued by the govermnent. In. all other f orms of Indebtednessithe faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country in held to secure tha.discharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the government offers the most liberal terms for its loans It believes that the very strongest appeal will be to th ei loyalty. and patriotism of the people. Depilate certificates will be immix! for In deptesiter.— The party depositing melt endorse upon the original certificate the denomination of the Notes requited, and whether they are to be leaned In blank or payable tom , der. When so endorsed it must he left with the officer receiving the deposit, to ho forwarded to the Treasury Department. Subscriptions win be received by the Treasurer of the United States. at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, anti by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BINGIIIAIdTON, SCRANTON, TOWANDA, and by all National Banks which are depositaries of pub lic mossy, and . A , ALL AsiuravrAßLs.B4 , cits 8490:118* , throughout the country will give further infOnmatlon and - _ . AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS SHERIFFS SALES. Y virttle of sundry write fumed by the CourtofCom- KII mon Pleas of Susquehanna county, and tome di rected, I will expose to sale by public veudue at the Gond-house, tit Montrose, on Saturday..Ang. fhth,lB&t, at 1 nl/41tIle the (allotting described pieces or 'pastels o tind, to wit : Allthat certain piece or parcel of land ritual eln the township Of Lenox, county of Susquehanna, find state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as foliates, to wit: On the north by lands of A. L. 4effere, east by lands of Joseph Bennett, west by lands 'of W. M. Ting ley and G. W. Green, 'south by lands of BlishaBell: con taining about 75 acres, with the appurtenances, two dwelling-houses, one barn, one corn-house, two orch ards and about 60acres improved. [Suit of Grow Bros. vs. Hallo* quick. Also—All that certain piece or unreel of land sit uate in the township of Lenox, county and state afore said, bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the north by lands ofTreeman Tingley and Humphrey Mar cy. east by lands of Chauncey Oakley and H. Millard, south by Milford and Owego turnpike, and west by land of Humphrey Marcy : containing about 11 acres °Hand, more or less. , with the appurtenances, one flamed house, one barn, some fruit trees. and mostly Improved. [Suit of P. Carpenter vs. A. H. Adams. Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Brooklyn, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as follows. to wit : On the north by lands of Obadiah Bailey and Orlando Wright, east by lands of Orlando Wright, south by lands- of Orlando Wright. Merles Penny and Stephen Gavnt, andwest try. lands of F. Whipple: containing shout 67 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, some fruit treesomd about 45 acres Improved. [Salt of Orlando Wright vs. Francello Wright. itacc-All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Franklin, county and state aforesaid bounded and described as follows, to wit : on - the north by lands of J. P. Tingley. on the east by lamb of &sta tus Smith and Gould - Smith. on the south by lands of Hugh Dugan, on the north by lands formerly occupied by Howard Park; containing' about lon acres, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances. 1 framed dwelling house. I barn. t wagon house I blacksmith's shop, 1 orchard, and about 70 acres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of John F. Dunmore vs. Charles Warner. Ai so—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Great Bend borough, county and state aforesaid, bounded as follows, to wit r Beginning at a point on the nontterly side of the Great Bend and Chochecton turnpike that was, but now culled Main street in said borough. at the westerly eorn•-r of lot formerly conveyed to Harmon Guernaey, now occupied by Margeret ~Morri son, thence north Zr west along the northerly plde of said Main street 50 feet to the lot of Christopher Ham lin, thence north CZ' east along ate easterly line of said lot 120 feet, thence souther east iio feet to the northerly corner of said Morrison's lot, thence mouth 63' west'along the line of said DtelfrilSoll . 6 lot 120 feet to said Main street, the place of beginning with the appurtenances. 1 frame dwelling house, 1 barn, some fruit trees. and all improved. [Snit of C. S. Bennett vs. B. W. Beckwith. Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the tonmanip of Great Bend. county and state afore said, bounded and described an follows, to wit : begin— ning at a point on the northeasterly side of the Great. Bend and Cochecton turnpike at the corner of the lot of Isaac Reckhow, thence north 63' along the line of Isaac Reckhow's lot 105 feet ; thence north 27' west, 60 feet to Pine street ; one hundred and twenty feet to the line of said turnpike ; thence south, 27' along the line saidtarnplite sixty feet to the place of beginning, and is lot No, 5; with the appurtenancee, one buildingnsed as a !Ore, &c. Also a piece of land south of and adjoining the New York & Erie Railroad, purchased of Wm. Dayton, and containing about one and three-fourths acres (except so mach as has been told - to A. &L. Carpenter by said Thomas) and all improved--, - (Taken in 'execution at the mit of Charlea W. Sanford fauillenrydrather aseignees of nigh /S. Storrs, vs. David Thomas and Jane A. Tho. man, his wife. Nonce vo MICULASELUL—To prevent mieunderstand tnu, notice is hereby given that, purchasers at Sheriff's Sales will be -required to pay , the amount -bid. at the time the hind Was sold. It and come imperatively ne cessary to adopt this rule, it will be strictly ad hered to except where the purchaser la a lien creditor, and is entitled to the Mud no provided in the drat sec tion of the act of Assembly, approved April Alai°. DAVID StrIMME23, Sherif, Sheriff s Office, Montrose, July 18,1884. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE to hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of A.MARETTA HOLLENBACH, late of Auburn township. deceased, that Immediate payment must be made the undersigned, andall peesonstay. Jugend= against said estate will present them drily at. tested (Or settlement. .o.lowarr, Auburn. July !8,1664. 6W6 Admitditratriz's Nottoe: IN R te . is hereby giyen to all persona indebted to IN R. B. STAGE, late otDimocktownsbiP. &mud. to mire immediate payment, arida persons baring claims against said ftedent, will present the same to the anderidgned for settlement. ALMINg.g. AZLETON. Atirsfea• DirDoelk Jane 1 661.,,k1w Desda.—Very anperior Via: are raid at 00,4 3 f554, at, moderate prices. IPLitife.oo33 Ais, eft, ' - 9 06 IrAliG-iINS C2ll be had, 15 at 9 1 c;stais of GUTTENBERG, ROS BLUE 8 CO. T/VMS Firm have not been dlscouraßed . try th e ba c ad goods, trot tour aI,AB - ing,Atocz ot seasonable goods on band, and are receiving Way addi tions to the game.- • . We ere selling such FOB CASH at Exceedingly LOW Prices. We teioeiVellykestiesu who sue toehloicesti on - 4 , duet to tio'beZmall others, as we hare retolved On istog wait only Unseen statue, than fore mar trot prices accordingly low. We will certainly try to care a good many the Moulds and expenses ofleavingthe county and going a distance In order to hey cheap; ski we say again, evens a till and we will convince ion with the Atettkof our amnion. Oar aseortment In • 3)sr - „ - soossiz o sncL ifirinke GOODSO4 a I :ti c ,t)! -M04141145, LUSTEES, ALP_.:4*Cadi s, PLAIDS, DeLAINES, CHALLIES, ,-, LA KIVA', 4c., ea.,* large. CliOn DOM GOODS. Mail an eirltd and trui.lesched, light aid henry Wes, es d Ginghstos of thabastattikei Do- Cheeks, Stripes, Le. Fbumels. all colors and quilakes. ••- '- ; PIECE GOODS. Bra/44004v Gasslatcre,Ladleeploth, Cottonsdef, 6e. HOOP-Szurr s mums; the largest stock — and of super!or make and quality. MILLINERY GOODS. We keep generally a Ft= Lore of all goods used for millinery purposes, and oiler such at New•Yorkjoyhing READY MADE CLOTHING. Our assortment in this branch of trade can not be ex celled. and as our facilities are such that , welra wan. afacturing everyipirment we sell, we are certainly ea• &bled to sell them much cheaper than those who are not. We still continue to make up Garments to Order, and would ask all those who would like to have their clothing TASTY, and FAS)11011ABLY suadt. as well as to secure a perfect FIT, to try no as we are confident of being able togise so/Wootton to the most particular. The Notes and Books of the Firm, - formerly in the hands of Mr. Rosenbaum are now left with Mr. DlSSaarriur, one of the partners of titePirm. and who has Charge of said business. Re would resgettfullz request. ail those that are Indebted to the rlOt to rtali and settle hp as the Books must be eloised. Guttenberg, Rosenbaum &Co. Montrose, May 16th. 1864. , . WLSTAIt'S WILD CHERRY! Ooe of the oldest and most ges able, remedi the Lb Whooping Cone', Bronchitis, DU- C "l i c t ru s lvy%ltotthing,Astluno. Barb Throat, OriniP, Ind "MI 6,5406 " ) OF THE THROAT, LUNGS Be CHEST, INCLUDING STEN IiVISTAIDS BALSAM of WILD CHEIIRY Bo yancral has the use of this remedy become,. and so popular is U everywhere, that it it unnecuary to reipitnt Us virtues. Its work, sPeakihr U, anskfinslullerouserkin the abundant and voluntary . testimony of the many who from long sterairig and sealed' disease have by lb use been restored to pristine vigor and health. We C(1210. duce amass afesidence in proof of our assertions, CANNOT BE DISCREDITED The liev. Jacob Seekler, Well known and notch respected among the Germain population of thin country: makes the following state ment for the benefit of the afflicted : Rsleovra, Ps., Feb. 16, 1859 Dear Sirs :—lfaving realized In my family important R from tbe Wi l d your valuable preparation— Wistar's Balsam ofCherry—it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight-years ago one of my daughters seemed to be In a daline, and little hopes of , her recovery were entertained. ,I then pro cured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, attd before she bad taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great Improvement in her health. I have. in my individual case, made frequent ere of your valuable medicine, and have always been beyeetted II try It. JACOB SECLKIL From Jessie Smith, Esq. President of the Morris Coun ty Bank, Morristown, New Jersey. " Having used Dt. Wititar's Balsam of Wild &eery for about fifteen .years, and having realized its beneficial results in my trimily, it affords me great pleasure to re. commend it to the public as a valuable remedy in awes of weak longs, colds, combs, .ftc., and a remedy which I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken in perfect safety by the most delicate In health. From Hon. John B. Smith, a distinguished lawyer In Westminster, Md. I have on several occasions used Dr. Bristles Balsam of Wild Cherry ibr colds, and always with decided bene fit. I know of nopreparatton that is more efficacious or more deserving of general use. Th.:Menem been used with excellent etTect by d. B. Elliot Merchant, Mars Cross Roads, Md. • Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. None genuine unless signed "1. BETTS," ,on the wrapper. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINFOIORE, No. 491 Broadway. New York 8. W. FOWL/3 & CO., Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. Redding's Russia Salve. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENOE an telly eatablished the euperlority of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. Over all other healing preparatlone. It cares all kinds of SORES, CUT_ 13 SCALDS,BURNS. BOILS, CO R N S T ERYSIPELAS, STIES, PILES,, SORE I.IPS, SORE EYES, &e. removing the train at once, and reducing the moat c. O angry looking swellNLYin aIS nd I CENTS A BOXndamation . ulf by ' iron BALI BY J. P. DINSSIORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. B. W. FOWLS. & CO., No, 18 Tromous it. Boston. And by all Draggists. Jima 9, 1864. lyeow D. BREWSTER, AUCTIONEER FOR SUSQ'UA CO. Address►, moi*ut, pa. Dir., G. - W. 'MOIL rCIAN sad 1:11=CONe Wooll. Pa. Mee arlirestdlllehardson ernea, thasAtormsaocea bytbslste . B. Broo la t ii Cesta. he team WI/ to Cods. hareetSusquehmans solos irlthths Wm. • Pi l # l4°l"l-844.- . . 44/. --!---DYSP-E-PS-I-A-i ' DISEASES RESULTING FROM arm seousomna (inmate ABE CUBED BY HOOSLAND'S German Bitters, Tim OBSAT 13tRENVITEgair" Those plus Hato Performed More Cures ! Have, atiO dci, give, Better Satisfacilon r HAVE atom =lsom SAVE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE 9 VORS4". ' . •-,,j Than tin,pother.article in the market 1 .- w e ( L ei) , any one totantiaaet.ttilsatsettlea. AND WZI , V*4T, %AM-- To au cow whO Mance* Ce: tittßao Om' • cus that Lino etzayslts. , EILOOVIANWS GERMAN • BITTERS Will aire every WOOL Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of ' . the Ridneys,and diseases arising • , from a disordered stomach. 010311entTHE FOLLOWING SYMPTOM, irtan Disorders of Me Digestive Conatiptiton, Janard P il es, Fullness of mood to the Bead;Actility ofthe Stomach, Nausea, ilesstbknit. DlWne,for Foot. Fullness or Weight in the BWmach, Sourlirectstions, Sinking or Pint tering at the pit of the -Stomach. Swim. ming clam Hesd,,_ilurried and diffi cult breathing. Fluttering at the Dean, Choking or Saba ' Ling Sensations when in a lying Posture. Diemen of • Vision,ots or Webs before the • Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the ' Bad 'Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow flees • oethe Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Beck, Chest, Limbs, Mt.. Sudden Flushes of Beat, Burning iti -the Flesh, Constant Imag inings of Evil, and great Depression of Wts. RILITUCEIXWE333 III .VIL THAT THIS BITTERS ES T44:::rt..9.3.4363ac01ic5, Auk tan't wake prunklais BUT IS - 11'14E BEST 'TONIC BEAD WHO PAYS 80 : Prom Ilde Hery. , Letri G. Beck. Pastor of the Itaidtkat Church, Pemberton:, N. J., formerly of the North Bap tist Church, Philadelphia • - • • • • 4, BALSAM 1 barn' known GoOdantr• :Gm= Bitters fa vorably tot • number of years.' I have Used them 113 1217 - own family, end have been so pleased with their abets that rwaslndeced to recommend them to many otbsda. and kno a that they bee Operated in a strikingly Dena eels] manner. , I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this tact,snd calling the attention of tften inflicted with the diseases for which they are medium*. deli,dOihorseßitters,"knotringtromexperience that my recommendation will be sustained. - I do this more cheetfally is -Hoottand's Bitten is intended to bens& the afflicted, mils "not arum drink." YoursTrnly. LEVI G. BECK. From Rev. F. Newton Brown. D. D., Editor of the En eyelopis ofßelig.ions Knowledge, and Christian Chron icle, Philadelphia. Although not disposed to favor or recommend ?stmt. Medicines In general, through distrust of their ingredi ents and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a truth may not testify' to the benefits he believes himself to have received front any simple preparation, in tba hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of oth era. I do this the more readily in regard to Itoonand's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. Jackkon. of this city,bee cause I was prejudiced against them for many ye tin der the Impression that they were chiefly an alcOholie mixture. I sin indebted to my friend. Robert Shoema ker Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests &miter encouragement to try them, when sane/- log fiom great and long combatted debility. The use of three bottles of these hitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restore- Donut a degree of bodily and mental' vigor which I bad not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. J. therefore thank God and my 'timid for directing me to the nee of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Pliflad'a. From the Rev. Joe. H. Seaward, Pastor of the 10th Bap tied Chtireh Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir :—I have been frequently re qu_ested to connect my tome with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but re^arding the practice as out of ray appropriate sphere, I have in all cases dey clitiedi but with a clear proof in various Instances, and pirtlealitrly in my family, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoof fld's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my Intl conviction that, for general debility of the system and especially for Liver Com. plaint, it is a safe and valuable prepanttion. In some ea ses it may fail; but usually, I doubt not, It will be vary beneficial to those who suffer from the above cause. Yours, very respectfully, 3. 11. KENNARD,- Eighth below Coates street, Philadelphia. Prom the Rev. Thomas Winter, Pastor of Rozbarousb Deptlst March. Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir: —I feel it due to your excel lent preparation, Hoodand's German Bitters. to add my testimony tothe deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for years, at times, beet troubled with great disor der in my heed and nervous system. I Wag advised by a friend to try. bottle of your German Bitters. I did so. and hive-experienced great and unexpected rel 101; My health bas been very materially benefftted. I entdident ly recommend the article where I meet with tuna simi lar to my own, and have been assured by many of their good Mc,* Reepeettelly_yours. I'. Wlll'Mrat, llomborough, From the Rev. a. S. Herman, of the German Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berks county, Pa. Dr. 0. at. Jarkson:—Rapected Sir :-1 bare been troubled with Dyapenela nearly twentl years. and have never used any medicine that did me as mach good as Ifoodand`s Bit:tag. lam very much Improved in Width after baying taken five bottles. Tours, with rasped, J. S. HERMAN. Larse BlSoatosiding nearly double quasalty,) 111 00 per Soule—half dos. $5 OD Small afse.-15 eta Tor bottle—Ludt dos®. 4 00 BEWARE OP COMETRITO. tSee it tha APPEt the ß of each bottle. elgnatmeC. M. JACKSON," 'ls as W - r Should your nearest druggist not have the &tittle. do thatbe pot off by any of the istexicatlog wspitts may be offered In Its plate, but send to us, and vo wliqopeard. imorerls psehed, b express. PriAcdpat Waco and and.ffiawnfaetory No. 631 , 4114111 . 1112% Philadelphia. • - • 003:Lea 4 . 3Ell* . 6b1:1111. ( 66 :40 61 - c.ip..beiles acko . , 1017,4. „ Na l ho is prietais. vo7lo44 • DS nI *Vol • nod g asa,,,pliagudi* cf•rtr, J. Organs CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY In the World Z=M:MMI rD.raxcramas.